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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Nexø"


Yde, Henrik. "Novellisten Nexø". Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek 26, n.º 3 (27 de abril de 2013): 38–40.

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Michelsen, William. "Hvad er det Grundtvigske? Refleksioner over en Nexø-disputats". Grundtvig-Studier 44, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1993): 244–52.

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Gruythuysen, R. J. M. "Cariëslaesie 54: tussen Nexø en NRC". Tandartspraktijk 32, n.º 6 (junho de 2011): 6–11.

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Sajó, Zalán. "„Szívvel és lélekkel kell írni…”". Initium 5, n.º 1 (14 de dezembro de 2023): 267–80.

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Martin Andersen Nexø, az akkor már idős dán író neve hirtelen vált ismertté Magyarországon a második világháború után. Nexø régóta baráti viszonyt ápolt kelet-európai kommunista politikusokkal, köztük Rákosi Mátyással. Számos utazást tett a Szovjetunióban, ill. az NDK-ban is, ahol végül letelepedett. Egy ízben Budapestre is ellátogatott, amiről a magyar sajtó részletesen beszámolt. Művei közül többet is lefordítottak magyarra. Leghíresebb regényének, a Ditte Menneskebarnnak tizenhárom magyar nyelvű kiadása jelent meg, az utolsó már a rendszerváltozás után.
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Østergaaard, Claus Bratt. "Offentlighedens implosion. Swift og satiren". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 33, n.º 99 (2 de maio de 2005): 152–58.

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Østergaaard, Claus Bratt. "Offentlighedens implosion. Swift og satiren". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 33, n.º 99 (2 de maio de 2005): 152–58.

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Skiveren, Tobias. "Den sociale vending = velfærdsskepsis?" K&K - Kultur og Klasse 45, n.º 124 (31 de dezembro de 2017): 325–34.

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Kjærgård, Jonas Ross. "Den uengagerede litteraturs fødsel". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 42, n.º 118 (30 de dezembro de 2014): 295–98.

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Ladegaard, Jakob. "(H)vide verden". K&K - Kultur og Klasse 42, n.º 118 (30 de dezembro de 2014): 281–84.

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Torm, Helge. "Bogafbrændingen af Andersen Nexø-værker i Sorø i 1939". Bibliotekshistorie 10, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2012): 48–106.

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I disse år er det forkastelige fænomen bogbrænding blevet mere og mere praktiseret, dog ikke i Danmark.... Selv om der trods alt næppe i dag er nogen dansker, der i en eller anden given situation vil slå til lyd for, at man kaster bøger på bålet, så er bogbrænding dog historisk set ikke et ukendt fænomen herhjemme,men det ligger for de ældste tilfældes vedkommende langt tilbage i tiden - men der er altså også forekommet nogle fa i nyere tid. De var godt nok på mange måder beskedne, men det gør dem ikke principielt mindre interessante. Jeg tænker her på den række af bogbrændinger, der fandt sted sidst i 1939, med en bogbrænding i Sorø som den i samtiden mest omtalte og derfor i eftertiden også som det bedst kendte eksempel på denne danmarkshistoriens seneste bølge af flammende bogdestruktion.Det er bogbrændingen, som udspillede sig i Sorø, og som var den første i en række, som denne artikel vil tage op til nøjere behandling.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Nexø"


Yde, Henrik. "Det grundtvigske i Martin Andersen Nexøs liv". [S.l.] : Vindrosen, 1991.

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Zimmermann, Nina von. "Geschichten aus der Jazz-Zeit : die "verlorene Generation" in der dänischen Literatur". Wien Praesens-Verl, 2006.̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.

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Rogers, Phil. "Next steps Christian spirituality and discipleship for the next generation /". Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2007.

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Podeschi, Mario. "What comes next /". View online, 2008.

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Sánchez, Valdez Carlos Eduardo, Rivasplata Sergio Alvaro Mavila e Chira Alonso Prado. "Caso Nexo Lubricantes". Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018.

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El caso Nexo Lubricantes describe el problema que enfrentaba la empresa desde la perspectiva de Carlos, el “nuevo” Gerente General, en el contexto de lo que fue su primer año de gestión. Nexo Lubricantes (Nexo) era una empresa subsidiaria de Primax (Grupo Romero) creada en 2011 para ser el macrodistribuidor de lubricantes Shell en el Perú. La marca Shell decidió cerrar sus operaciones comerciales directas de lubricantes en el Perú en 2010 y delegar esta responsabilidad en Nexo como su macrodistribuidor. La marca Shell era la marca de Lubricantes número uno en el mundo en base a su liderazgo tecnológico derivado de una gran inversión en investigación y desarrollo, trabajo en conjunto con los principales fabricantes de equipos originales y una importante e inversión en marketing. Este liderazgo global tenía una larga tradición en el Perú en donde la marca había logrado ser la marca líder con más de 30% de participación de mercado; era una marca reconocida por los consumidores y clientes industriales con un posicionamiento Premium. Tenía distribución a nivel nacional, un equipo comercial profesional con procesos bien estructurados, inversión en marketing consistente en el tiempo, principalmente concentrada en el canal, y un servicio técnico completo; en estas condiciones recibió Nexo el compromiso de representar la marca en el país. Por su parte, el Grupo Romero ofrecía solidez financiera, capacidad de inversión, conocimiento del país y una red de estaciones de servicio que era un canal interesante para los lubricantes. Los resultados para Nexo fueron preocupantes, del 2011 al 2016, todos los años, el volumen de ventas había caído consistentemente, perdiendo participación de mercado; y en el último año, reduciendo su margen. Esta situación no podía continuar pues el directorio de Nexo y Shell, esperaban crecimiento sostenible y mantener el liderazgo en el mercado. Carlos creía que la pérdida de competitividad se debía principalmente a los altos precios, derivados de una sucesión de incrementos de costos que Shell había trasladado a Nexo. También reconocía que los procesos comerciales y la disciplina de ventas habían decaído en la medida que pasaba el tiempo y el equipo rotaba. El mercado crecía moderadamente pues los lubricantes eran una industria madura; el crecimiento era impulsado por el incremento del parque automotor y sectores de la economía como la minería, pesca y construcción. El contexto competitivo era intenso; en el B2B, Mobil era el competidor más importante de Shell y se mantenía operando en el país de forma directa, con planta de producción local, lo que le daba una cadena de valor más corta y eficiente y esto lo reflejaba en el mercado con una oferta agresiva en precios y un nivel de servicios técnico completo. Castrol era la otra carca competidora clásica de Shell, enfocada en el mercado B2C; esta marca también estaba en modelo indirecto y había perdido participación de mercado por sus altos precios. Para competir en el mercado B2C, habían ingresado un grupo de marcas nuevas conocidas como “nuevos entrantes”, estas marcas estaban creciendo significativamente en base a precios agresivos, buen margen para el canal y un portafolio de productos de calidad similar a las marcas premium. ¿Cómo recuperar la competitividad perdida? Este caso puede aplicarse en cursos de estrategia y liderazgo de postgrado. El objetivo del mismo es introducir a los alumnos a un dilema real por resolver, analizando los factores clave internos y externos que determinan los resultados del negocio y de este análisis, identificar oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades. A continuación los alumnos pueden proponer estrategias comerciales para resolver el problema.
Nexo Lubricantes case describes the problem faced by the company from the perspective of Carlos, the "new" General Manager, in the context of his first year. Nexo Lubricantes (Nexo) was a subsidiary of Primax (Grupo Romero) created in 2011 to be Shell's lubricant macro-distributor in Peru. The Shell brand decided to close its direct lubricant business operations in Peru in 2010 and delegate this responsibility to Nexo. The Shell brand was the number one lubricants brand in the world based on its technological leadership derived from a large investment in research and development, working together with the main OEMs and an important investment in marketing. This global leadership had a long tradition in Peru where the brand had managed to be the leading brand with over 30% market share; It was a brand recognized by consumers and industrial customers with a Premium positioning. It had national distribution, a professional commercial team with well structured processes, consistent investment in marketing over time, mainly concentrated in the channel, and a complete technical service. Under these conditions, Nexo received the duty to represent the brand in the country. For its part, the Romero Group offered financial strength, investment capacity, knowledge of the country and a network of service stations that was an interesting channel to sell lubricants. The results for Nexo were worrying, from 2011 to 2016, every year, sales volume had fallen consistently, losing market share; and in the last year, reducing its margin. This situation could not continue because the board of Nexo and Shell, expected sustainable growth and maintain the leadership in the market. Carlos believed that the loss of competitiveness was mainly due to high prices, derived from a succession of cost increases that Shell had transferred to Nexo. He also recognized that business processes and sales discipline had declined as time passed and the team rotated. The market grew moderately as lubricants were a mature industry; Growth was driven by the increase in the automotive park and sectors of the economy such as mining, fishing and construction. The competitive context was intense; In the B2B, Mobil was the most important competitor of Shell and it kept operating in the country directly, with a local production plant, which gave it a shorter and more efficient value chain and this was reflected in the market with a aggressive offer in prices and a full-level technical service. Castrol brand was the other classic competitor of Shell, focused on the B2C market; this brand was also in an indirect model and had lost market share due to its high prices. To compete in the B2C market, they had entered a group of new brands known as "new entrants", these brands were growing significantly based on aggressive prices, good margin for the channel and a portfolio of quality products similar to premium brands. How to recover the lost competitiveness? This case can be applied in postgraduate leadership and strategy courses. The objective is to introduce students to a real dilemma to solve, analyzing the internal and external key factors that determine the results of the business and through this analysis, identify opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. Then the students can propose commercial strategies to solve the problem.
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Andersson, Elin. "Next Stop: Nature". Thesis, KTH, Arkitektur, 2019.

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WHAT My project deal with Kymlinge station, the nature and the activities in the area. It is a site-specific project with the unusual situation of an abandoned station in the middle of the greenery. The purpose of the thesis is to study the specific site of Kymlinge and contribute with an idea of how to improve the area. WHY Kymlinge is situated in a weak part of the green wedge called Järvafältet that is risking fragmentation due to urbanisation. By creating possibilities for more people to enjoy Kymlinge and spend time here, it will both improve their health and make people realise the importance of having nature close by, which in turn secures the continuous existence of the green area. HOW By finalising and opening up the station more people will be be able to access and enjoy Kymlinge. New additions and improvements in the green area will make it more attractive at the same time as its existing qualities is being enhanced and protected.
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Berni, Simone. "Dragonfly: next generation sandbox". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.

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An endless battle between malwares and malware analysts is fought every day. Many techniques of analysis are deployed, allowing the study of targets in a clean environment. Isolation is commonly provided by sandboxes, but it is not the only way: a new paradigm is emerging, emulation, that allows the study of targets without having to fear that its own infrastructure can be infected. Malwares are detected and categorized using rules, simple regex queries that describe their behaviours and are matched against the static sample, but thanks to the emulation we can move this process a step further: Dragonfly allows deeper and more precise rules that are matched during the emulation of the target, allowing even the execution of custom user functions when a rule is matched to bring the analysis to its next step
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Strelle, Torsten. "Next Generation Network (NGN)". Ilmenau Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2010.

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Helgegren, Lars, e Caroline Adolfsson. "Next Generation Weather Station". Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET), 2009.

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This project was about develop a concept for next generation weather station and was

assigned by Bushnell, Kansas U.S. The project was appropriate for the students since it

would involve product development with both visual design and engineering. For the

reason that the initiator was located in another country, the students got an offer of being

positioned at the consultant firm; Epsilon in Gothenburg.

This project is about developing an innovative product as the next step of their evolution;

a portable Wi-Fi household appliance that keeps the user up-dated with weather forecasts

as well as news and other desirable info. This next generation weather station shall be

transboundary by offering more than traditional weather forecasts. Through its direct

connection to Internet it shall display and capture customizable data such as news, traffic,

sports (scores, news and highlights), photo and video content to name a few. The user

shall be able to get “data at-a-glance” in a fun user-friendly, low maintenance approach

while keeping the simplicity of the older products.

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Jordan, Dirk. "Mathcad „The Next Generation“". Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2010.

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In diesem Vortrag wird die Weiterentwicklung von Mathcad gezeigt. Einmal als Update auf Mathcad 15 und dann die ganz neue Generation Mathcad Prime, mit neuer Benutzeroberfläche und neuem "look and feel". Sowie die neuen Funktionen und Möglichkeiten in Mathcad Prime.
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Livros sobre o assunto "Nexø"


Nexø, Martin Andersen. Martin Andersen Nexø og Bornholm. Rønne: Birgers Bøger, 1997.

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Mørk, Margit. Kender du Martin Andersen Nexø. København: Grafisk, 1987.

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Jonsson, Bibi. Från Nexø till Alakoski: Aspekter på nordisk arbetarlitteratur. Lund: Språk- och litteraturcentrum i Lund, Litteraturvetenskap, 2011.

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Houmann, Børge. Martin Andersen Nexø og hans samtid, 1933-1954. [Copenhagen]: Gyldendal, 1988.

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Nexø, Martin Andersen. Nexø in Andalucía: Selections from Days in the sun. Afonwen, Clwyd: Gwasg Gwenffrwd, 1995.

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Ipsen, Karl Ejner. Hele verdens vogterdreng: En bog om Martin Andersen Nexø. København: IKIB, 1992.

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litteraturselskab, Danske sprog og, ed. Fra Nexø til Saxo: En snes essays af gode læsere udgivet ved det Danske sprog- og litteraturselskabs 75-års jubilæum 29. april 1986. København: C.A. Reitzel, 1986.

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Yde, Henrik. Et venskab: Venskabet mellem Martin Andersen Nexø og Johan Borup : belyst gennem samtidige dokumenter, udgivet i anledning af Borups højskoles 100 års jubilæum 1991. Copenhagen Valby: Vindrose, 1991.

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The NeXT book. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1989.

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Shebanek, Michael B. The complete guide to the NEXTSTEP user environment. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Nexø"


Hoff, Karin, e Lutz Rühling. "Martin Andersen Nexø". In Kindler kompakt: skandinavische literatur 20. jahrhundert, 49–50. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2017.

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Detering, Heinrich. "Andersen Nexø, Martin". In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Svendstrup-Lund, Charlotte. "Andersen Nexø, Martin: Pelle Erobreren". In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Svendstrup-Lund, Charlotte. "Andersen Nexø, Martin: Ditte Menneskebarn". In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Lane, Pia. "Nexus analysis". In Handbook of Pragmatics, 1029–40. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2022.

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Trotman, Andrew, e Börkur Sigurbjörnsson. "NEXI, Now and Next". In Advances in XML Information Retrieval, 41–53. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

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Davis, James P. "Next Steps, Next Practice". In How to Become an Entrepreneurial Teacher, 125–28. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Home, Robert. "Where Next?" In Land Issues for Urban Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa, 355–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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George, Nigel. "Next Steps". In Beginning django CMS, 167–71. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2015.

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Cabrera, James. "What’s Next?" In Modular Design Frameworks, 67–70. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Nexø"


Martinez, Gonzalo. "NEXT". In Neutrino Oscillation Workshop. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2017.

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Varanda da Silva, Júlia, e Débora Christina Muchaluat-Saade. "NEXT". In the 18th Brazilian symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.

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Paulo de Mattos, Douglas, Júlia Varanda da Silva e Débora Christina Muchaluat-Saade. "NEXT". In the 11th european conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013.

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Marquard, Peter. "NRQCD matching coefficient at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order". In 36th International Conference on High Energy Physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2013.

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Bista, Sanat Kumar, Nathalie Colineau, Surya Nepal e Cécile Paris. "Next step". In the 2013 conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013.

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Shen, Edward Yu-Te, Henry Lieberman e Glorianna Davenport. "What's next?" In the SIGCHI Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2009.

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Tan, Kian-Lee. "What's NExT?" In the Seventh International Workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Arya, Ali, Susan Gold, Matthew Farber e Kevin Miklasz. "GGJ-Next". In ICGJ 2019: International Conference on Game Jams Hackathons and Game Creation Events 2019. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.

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Catalano, E., R. Yasui-Schöffel, K. Dahm, N. Binder e A. Keller. "GI next". In SIGGRAPH '16: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.

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Bendersky, Michael, Lluis Garcia-Pueyo, Jeremiah Harmsen, Vanja Josifovski e Dima Lepikhin. "Up next". In KDD '14: The 20th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2014.

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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Nexø"


Luceadams, Matthew. Next Steps. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), outubro de 2020.

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Ross, Sr, e Michael D. AEF Next: What is Next for Security Forces. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, março de 2012.

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Zhao, Zilai, e Charles Gough. Next Generation Inverter. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), abril de 2016.

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Kramer, Mitch. Next IT ActiveAgent. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, novembro de 2012.

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Kramer, Mitch. Next IT Alme. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, dezembro de 2013.

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Seybold, Patricia. Amazon's Next Moves. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, janeiro de 2013.

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Wilson, Ronald B., e Roger F. Sies. Next generation documents. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1992.

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Libicki, Martin C. The Next Enemy. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, julho de 1995.

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Miller, M., L. Bird, J. Cochran, M. Milligan, M. Bazilian, E. Denny, J. Dillon, J. Bialek, M. O'Malley e K. Neuhoff. RES-E-NEXT: Next Generation of RES-E Policy Instruments. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), julho de 2013.

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Peczeli, A., M. Cordone, H. Gilchrist e E. Sanderson. The Next U.S. Strategic Posture - And The Posture After Next. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), fevereiro de 2021.

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