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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "National characteristics, American – Drama"


Yan, Ping. "Research on the Application of the US Cornerstone Assessment Model proposed by National Core Art Curriculum Standards in 2014 in the Performance Evaluation of Music Literacy". Journal of Education and Educational Research 5, n.º 3 (1 de outubro de 2023): 163–65.

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The United States issued the latest National Core Art Curriculum Standards in 2014, which address the issues of the overall design and planning of the five art courses of music, dance, drama, and media art. Compared to the 1994 edition of the National Standards for Art Education in the United States, it provides a new content for art courses. Essentially, it proposed cornerstone evaluation model. The American art curriculum has the following characteristics: focusing on artistic literacy and developing students' academic abilities, enabling students to achieve artistic success and achievement through creative practice, and a reverse curriculum design. These have certain enlightening effects on further improving the courses of music in China. This paper mainly discusses the implication of Cornerstone Assessment Model and its application in music teaching and evaluation process.
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Vysotska, Natalia. "Playing Upon Biographical Myths: William Shakespeare and Lesia Ukrainka as Characters in Contemporary Drama". Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, n.º 8 (24 de dezembro de 2021): 103–19.

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The article sets out to explore two plays by contemporary playwrights, one American (Don Nigro, Loves Labours Wonne), the other Ukrainian (Neda Nezhdana, And Still I will Betray You), focusing on William Shakespeare and Lesia Ukrainka, respectively, within the framework of “the author as character” subgenre of fictional (imaginative) biography. Accordingly, the article considers the correlation between the factual and the fi ctional as one of its foci of attention. Drawing upon a variety of theoretical approaches (Paul Franssen, Ton Hoenselaars, Ira Nadel, Aleid Fokkema, Michael MacKeon, Ina Shabert and others), the article summarizes the principal characteristics of “the author as character” subgenre and proceeds to discuss how they operate in the dramas under scrutiny. The analysis makes it abundantly clear that in Nigro’s and Nezhdana’s plays the balance between fact and fi ction is defi nitively tipped in favor of the latter. By centering their (quasi) biographical plays on highly mythologized artists of national standing, both dramatists aimed at demythologizing these cult fi gures, inevitably placing them, however, within new mythical plots combining a Neo-Romantic vision of the artist as demiurge, with a Neo-Baroque as well as fin de siècle apology of death and a postmodern denial of one objective reality.
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O.V., Halchuk. "MYTHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF THE BOXER PROTAGINIST ROCKY BALBOA". South archive (philological sciences), n.º 84 (23 de dezembro de 2020): 152–57.

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The purpose of this study is to characterize the image of the protagonist of the saga of the boxer Rocky through the prism of mythopoetics as a type of new cultural hero in the field of sports. Research methods are historical and cultural, mythopoetic, and comparative. Its application allows to outline the genetic connection of the image of the hero-boxer with the literary tradition; identify its main parameters as a mythohero; allocate the points of intersection of the author's myth with the myth of the American dream; consider the acquisition of the mytheme of Rocky the beginnings of the ideologeme.Results of the research: The genesis of the image goes back to the traditions of neo-romantic literature. The active appeal to a ritual and a myth, and a new wave of interest in sports as an embodiment of the principle of agony and, therefore, the popularity of sports drama, resulted in the mythologization of the boxer character in the culture of the 20th century. The distinct feature of the movie is a genre syncretism; it is a combination of sports drama, film-biography, action, and melodrama with typical for mytho-scenario archetypic situations. This determines the mass audience and the range of interpretation of Rocky’s story, formed as a mythological scenario. Rocky’s biography interweaves the facts of life of the real prototypes (boxers Rocky Marciano, Rocky Graziano), fictional characters (heroes of Hollywood sports movies), and autobiographical (Sylvester Stallone). The connection with sports as a ritual gives the film a mythological connotation. Simultaneously, it highlights the utilitarian aspect, inherent in the American tradition of Enlightenment and focused on the practical application of the context. The stories of Rocky’s boxing matches, and the stories of his relationships we perceive as “steps” of his initiation to a new cultural hero or a hero of mass culture. This occurs in a chronotope with characteristics of large (Philadelphia) and small (boxing ring) topos as places of professional and personal recognition. Rocky IV stands out among the films of the franchise; the protagonist embodies the athlete-defender of the national way of life that fights against a boxer from the “empire of evil”; and from the cult hero from of mass culture he turns into a mytho-ideology.Conclusions. The popular character of world cinema Rocky Balboa realizes the typical for the 20th century need for the new cultural heroes. Belonging to the two entertainment spheres – cinema and sports – the character created by Stallone gained immense popularity and a long screen “life”. Whereas Rocky’s assertion to the mytheme, and then ideologeme, led to a “fantastic” origin as a character, that is, a combination of biographies of real and fictional prototypes; connection of life scenario with rituals; correlation of moral and ethical beliefs of the hero with the ideas of the national myth of the American dream; his life trials as stages of initiation in the sacred chronotope.Key words: Rocky, mythohero, ritual, sports drama, chronotope, mytho-ideology. Мета цієї студії – схарактеризувати образ протагоніста кіносаги про боксера Роккі крізь призму міфопоетики як тип нового культурного героя із царини спорту. Методами дослідження є історико-культурний, міфопоетичний і порівняльний. Їх застосування дає можливість окреслити генетичний зв’язок образу героя-боксера з літературною традицією; визначити його основні параметри як міфогероя; вказати на точки перетину авторського міфу з міфом американської мрії; розглянути набуття міфологемою Роккі обрисів ідеологеми.Результати дослідження: з’ясовано, що ґенеза образу персонажа-спортсмена сягає неоромантичної традиції. Тоді як міфологізація кіногероя-боксера в культурі ХХ ст. зумовлена активним зверненням до ритуалу і міфу; новою хвилею інтересу до спортивних змагань як втіленням принципу агонічності; популярністю жанру спортивної кінодрами. Разом із тим масову глядацьку аудиторію і потужний інтерпретаційний потенціал персонажа Роккі забезпечував і жанровий синкретизм фільмів про нього: поєднання елементів спортивної драми, фільму-біографії, бойовика, мелодрами з типовими для міфосценарію архетипними ситуаціями. Визначено, що в екранній історії Роккі переплітаються факти з життя боксерів Р. Марчіано, Р. Граціано, героїв спортивних кінодрам і факти біографії самого С. Сталлоне. Зв’язок зі спортом як ритуалом надає фільмам про Роккі міфологічного підтексту і водночас окреслює його «утилітарний» аспект, притаманний американській просвітницькій традиції і орієнтований на практичне застосування переглянутого. Історії боксерських поєдинків кіногероя разом з історіями взаємин із «ближнім колом» сприймаються етапами ініціації на шляху до нового культурного героя у хронотопі, де великий (Філадельфія) і малий (ринг) топоси стають місцями здобуття ним професійного і особистісного визнання. Наголошено, що серед фільмів франшизи виокремлюється четвертий епізод, де Роккі втілює спортсмена-захисника національного способу життя, виступаючи проти боксера з «імперії зла». У такий спосіб герой масової свідомості переходить у міфоідеологему.Висновки. У культовому персонажеві світового кінематографу Роккі Бальбоа зреалізована характерна для людини маси ХХ ст. потреба в нових культурних героях. Завдяки приналежності до двох видовищних сфер – кіно і спорт – персонаж, створений С. Сталлоне, здобув величезну популярність і тривале екранне «життя». Тоді як утвердження Роккі у статусі пев-ної міфологеми, а потім й ідеологеми, зумовило «чудесне» походження як персонажа, тобто поєднання біографій реальних і фікційних прототипів; зв’язок життєвого сценарію з ритуалами; кореляцію морально-етичних переконань героя з ідеями національного міфу американської мрії; його життєві випробування як етапи ініціації в сакральному хронотопі.Ключові слова: фільм «Роккі», міфогерой, ритуал, спортивна драма, хронотоп, ідеологема.
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Vo, Nhon Van. "TRANSLATED LITERATURE IN COCHINCHINA IN THE LATE 19th CENTURY AND IN THE EARLY 20th CENTURY". Science and Technology Development Journal 13, n.º 1 (30 de março de 2010): 5–12.

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Being colonized by France, Cocochina (the South of Vietnam) was the region where Western literature was introduced into earlier than the North. Truong Minh Ky was considered the first translator of Western literature in Vietnam. His earliest works of translation appeared in 1884. By the early 20th century, introduced to Vietnamese readers were Western literary works not only of French origin but also of British, American and Russian origins; not only poetry, prose but also drama. In the late 19th century, many writers such as Truong Vinh Ky, Huynh Tinh Cua were interested in Chinese literature. In the first decade of the 20th century, a wide variety of Chinese novels were translated into Vietnamese, forming a strong movement of translating "truyen Tau” (Chinese fictions). The remarkable characteristics of the translation of Western literature in Cochinchina were as follows - The newspapers and magazines in “Quoc Ngu” (Vietnamese language written in Latin characters) where the first works of translation were published played very important role. - The translators were greatly diverse, coming from different social and cultural backgrounds. - More translation was made on prose. Novels of martial arts, historical stories, novels of heroic deeds attracted the attention of the translators and the publishers. Therefore, they were translated much more than romance novels were, because of their compatibility with popular audience. - By translating the works of Western literature, the writers tried to express new concepts of humanism, such as women rights, or gender issues. Translated literature in Cocochina in the late 19th and early 20th centuries reflects a paradox: Western influences started to leave their marks but the Chinese influence was still strongly engraved. However, this was a remarkable step in the journey of modernization of national literature. Through these early translated works, new literary genres were introduced and Vietnamese readers gradually became familiar with them. Translation experiences were the first steps for Cocochina writers to achieve thorough understanding, to learn Western writing techniques and styles, which helped them become the pioneers of new literature in Vietnam.
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Guo, Ziyan. "On the Application of Regional Features in Contemporary Dance Drama". Journal of Education and Educational Research 4, n.º 1 (26 de junho de 2023): 62–64.

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Regional characteristics are widely used in Chinese contemporary dance dramas. Different regional cultures create different regional characteristics. Integrating regional characteristics into Chinese contemporary dance dramas can make Chinese regional characteristics shine. This article analyzes the regional characteristics of the dance drama "Shawan Past" and explores the spiritual connotations expressed by the application of regional characteristics in contemporary dance dramas. The dance drama "The Past of Shawan" is a rare masterpiece in contemporary dance drama creation. Through stories, characters, music and props full of regional characteristics, the drama deeply reflects the unremitting efforts of Guangdong musicians in inheriting and developing national music and the spirit of persistent pursuit, as well as the national spirit of the Chinese nation, which is fearless, indomitable, unswerving and self-improvement. At the same time, it vividly portrays the personality traits of Lingnan people, such as their unwillingness to succumb and yearning for freedom to drift with the tide, their brave, tenacious, united national spirit, and strong patriotism
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Liu, Juan. "The Rebellion Origins and Spiritual Symbols of American Experimental Drama". Yixin Publisher 2, n.º 2 (30 de abril de 2024): 17–23.

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In the 1950s and 1960s, American theater gradually diversified. Following the impact of the Absurdist theater on American realism and expressionism, American theater also moved from modern theater to exploration of postmodern theater. The experimental theater on Broadway and Broadway posed a challenge to traditional American theater. Experimental drama begins to weaken the story and script in terms of content, and instead invests a large amount of artistic creativity in formal expression. By weakening the script, it emphasizes the relationship between observation and performance, sensory perception, and spiritual state in the field, which distinguishes it from the traditional theatrical stage. This article will start from the cultural trends in the United States and explore the spiritual origins of American experimental drama’s rebellion against tradition; Taking representative figures and their works in American experimental drama as examples, analyze the specific characteristics and trends in content and form of American experimental drama, and understand the postmodern spiritual symbols conveyed in American experimental drama; Deeply understand the essence of the spirit of American experimental drama and the philosophical discussions conveyed by the concept of experimental drama.
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Shen, Bingyan, e Kyunghoi Kim. "Cultural Characteristics and Social Values of Mongolian Folk Dance: Focusing on the Dance Drama “The Cavalry”". Korean Society of Culture and Convergence 45, n.º 11 (30 de novembro de 2023): 465–73.

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This study focused on the Mongolian national dance drama 'Cavalry' to trace the roots of Mongolian national culture and to examine its historical background. It analyzed the ethnic elements of the dance drama 'Cavalry' and reviewed the diversity of Mongolian culture as depicted in the drama. Finally, the study examined the value of Mongolian national dance culture as depicted in 'Cavalry' and its impact on society. The results revealed that Mongolian national dance goes beyond just being a form of dance, playing a significant role in the derived cultural values, contributing to the transmission and development of national culture. This research is expected to contribute to existing studies on the transmission and development of Mongolian national dance culture.
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Meer, Sarah. "Foreign Constellations in a National Drama: Becoming American in Boucicault's Belle Lamar". Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 39, n.º 2 (novembro de 2012): 19–38.

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Lacko, Ivan. "National Drama, Theatre or Performance? Ruin, Revision and Reform in American Theatre". Scientia et Eruditio 3, n.º 3 (2019): 76–83.

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McMurtry, Leslie. "Sounds Like Murder: Early 1980s Gothic on North American Radio". Gothic Studies 24, n.º 2 (julho de 2022): 151–66.

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Horror and the Gothic have long been staple genres of radio drama, including the radio drama revival series of the late 1970s–early 1980s , CBS Radio Mystery Theater (1974–82). During the same time period, the Canadian government, recognising an emergent national-identity crisis in relation to its southern neighbour, invested heavily in original programming on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). This resulted in the popular horror series Nightfall (1980–3), which Danielle Hancock argues presented ‘murder as a Canadian national narrative’ (2018). While CBSRMT occasionally adapted existing stories from other media, the majority of the output for both series were original, written-for-the-air dramas. Embodying Gothic returns of the past upon the present and the effects of transgressive conduct in society, murder is examined as a Gothic trait in episodes of Nightfall and CBSRMT. Radio’s ambiguities and intimacies provoke listeners of these programmes to confront disjunction. The differing worldviews – American masculine nationalism and neoconservatism subverted; Canadian polite and tolerant masculinity turned upside down by a nihilistic rejection of these values – focus Gothic spotlights on each country’s anxieties.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "National characteristics, American – Drama"


Ross, Jason. "The Declaration of Independence and the crisis of American identity". Connect to Electronic Thesis (CONTENTdm), 2008.

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Zhang, Chuanjie. "National image and foreign policy preferences between the United States and China /". online access from Digital Dissertation Consortium, 2008.

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Wirshing, Irene. "National trauma in postdictatorship Latin American literature Chile and Argentina /". Diss., Online access via UMI:, 2006.

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Goodyear, Frank Henry. "Constructing a national landscape : photography and tourism in nineteenth-century America /". Digital version accessible at:, 1998.

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Stice, Ralph W. "Towards a strategy for increasing missionary vision, with special relation to Africa". Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1988.

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Peschka-Daskalos, Patricia Jean. "An Intercultural Analysis of Differences in Appropriateness Ratings of Facial Expressions Between Japanese and American Subjects". PDXScholar, 1993.

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In 1971 Paul Ekman posited his Neuro-Cultural Theory of Emotion which stated that expressions of emotion are universal but controlled by cultural display rules. This thesis tests the Neuro-Cultural Theory by having subjects from two cultures, Japan and the United States, judge the perceived appropriateness facial expressions in social situations. Preliminary procedures resulted in a set of scenarios in which socially appropriate responses were deemed to be either "Happy", "Angry" or "Surprised". Data in the experimental phase of the study were collected using a questionnaire format. Through the use of a 5-point Likert scale, each subject rated the appropriateness of happy, anger and surprise expressions in positive, negative and ambiguous social situations. Additionally, the subjects were asked to label each expression in each situation. The responses were analyzed statistically using Analysis of Variance procedures. Label percentages were also calculated for: the second task in the study. No support was found for two of the three research hypotheses, and only partial support was found for a third research hypothesis. These results were discussed in terms of the need for greater theoretical and methodological refinements.
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Munn, Meredith. "Welfare reform and abstinence-only sex education : the discursive production of American ideal citizenship /". Connect to online version, 2009.

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Johnson, Jeffrey K. "Selling ourselves transnationalistic myths and symbols in Polish-American advertising, 1990-2005 /". Diss., Connect to online resource - MSU authorized users, 2008.

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Basson, Lauren L. "Defining Americans : nation, state, and the politics of racial mixture, 1885-1905 /". Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2002.

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Hofstetter, Vanessa J. "America's diamond mind :". See restrictions on access, 2002.

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Livros sobre o assunto "National characteristics, American – Drama"


Walter Kerr Theatre (Organization : New York, N.Y.), ed. Angels in America: Millennium approaches. New York, NY: Playbill Incorporated, 1993.

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Gothic plays and American society, 1794-1830. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co., Publishers, 2008.

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Angels in America: A gay fantasia on national themes. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1993.

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Spalding Gray's America. New York: Limelight Editions, 2008.

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Eduardo, Arellano Jorge, e Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura, eds. El Güegüense: Coloquio-debate : memoria : Managua, Universidad Americana (UAM), 10 de mayo, 2008. Managua: Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura, 2008.

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1969-, Wetmore Kevin J., ed. Portrayals of Americans on the world stage: Critical essays. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland, 2009.

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Kushner, Tony. Angels in America: A gay fantasia on national themes. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1996.

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Kushner, Tony. Angels in America: A gay fantasia on national themes. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1993.

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1952-, Mason Jeffrey D., e Gainor J. Ellen, eds. Performing America: Cultural nationalism in American theater. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999.

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Neil Simon Theatre (New York, N.Y.), ed. Angels in America: A gay fantasia on national themes : part 1: Millennium approaches ; part 2: Perestroika. New York, NY: Playbill Incorporated, 2018.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "National characteristics, American – Drama"


Weissmann, Elke. "National Fantasies of ‘American Quality Drama’". In Transnational Television Drama, 164–85. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.

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Thifault, Paul. "Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes (1993–94) by Tony Kushner". In The Routledge Introduction to American Drama, 148–58. New York: Routledge, 2022.

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Donohue, Christopher. "“A Mountain of Nonsense”? Czech and Slovenian Receptions of Materialism and Vitalism from c. 1860s to the First World War". In History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, 67–84. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractIn general, historians of science and historians of ideas do not focus on critical appraisals of scientific ideas such as vitalism and materialism from Catholic intellectuals in eastern and southeastern Europe, nor is there much comparative work available on how significant European ideas in the life sciences such as materialism and vitalism were understood and received outside of France, Germany, Italy and the UK. Insofar as such treatments are available, they focus on the contributions of nineteenth century vitalism and materialism to later twentieth ideologies, as well as trace the interactions of vitalism and various intersections with the development of genetics and evolutionary biology see Mosse (The culture of Western Europe: the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Westview Press, Boulder, 1988, Toward the final solution: a history of European racism. Howard Fertig Publisher, New York, 1978; Turda et al., Crafting humans: from genesis to eugenics and beyond. V&R Unipress, Goettingen, 2013). English and American eugenicists (such as William Caleb Saleeby), and scores of others underscored the importance of vitalism to the future science of “eugenics” (Saleeby, The progress of eugenics. Cassell, New York, 1914). Little has been written on materialism qua materialism or vitalism qua vitalism in eastern Europe.The Czech and Slovene cases are interesting for comparison insofar as both had national awakenings in the middle of the nineteenth century which were linguistic and scientific, while also being religious in nature (on the Czech case see David, Realism, tolerance, and liberalism in the Czech National awakening: legacies of the Bohemian reformation. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2010; on the Slovene case see Kann and David, Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, 1526-1918. University of Washington Press, Washington, 2010). In the case of many Catholic writers writing in Moravia, there are not only slight noticeable differences in word-choice and construction but a greater influence of scholastic Latin, all the more so in the works of nineteenth century Czech priests and bishops.In this case, German, Latin and literary Czech coexisted in the same texts. Thus, the presence of these three languages throws caution on the work on the work of Michael Gordin, who argues that scientific language went from Latin to German to vernacular. In Czech, Slovenian and Croatian cases, all three coexisted quite happily until the First World War, with the decades from the 1840s to the 1880s being particularly suited to linguistic flexibility, where oftentimes writers would put in parentheses a Latin or German word to make the meaning clear to the audience. Note however that these multiple paraphrases were often polemical in the case of discussions of materialism and vitalism.In Slovenia Čas (Time or The Times) ran from 1907 to 1942, running under the muscular editorship of Fr. Aleš Ušeničnik (1868–1952) devoted hundreds of pages often penned by Ušeničnik himself or his close collaborators to wide-ranging discussions of vitalism, materialism and its implied social and societal consequences. Like their Czech counterparts Fr. Matěj Procházka (1811–1889) and Fr. Antonín LenzMaterialismMechanismDynamism (1829–1901), materialism was often conjoined with "pantheism" and immorality. In both the Czech and the Slovene cases, materialism was viewed as a deep theological problem, as it made the Catholic account of the transformation of the Eucharistic sacrifice into the real presence untenable. In the Czech case, materialism was often conjoined with “bestiality” (bestialnost) and radical politics, especially agrarianism, while in the case of Ušeničnik and Slovene writers, materialism was conjoined with “parliamentarianism” and “democracy.” There is too an unexamined dialogue on vitalism, materialism and pan-Slavism which needs to be explored.Writing in 1914 in a review of O bistvu življenja (Concerning the essence of life) by the controversial Croatian biologist Boris Zarnik) Ušeničnik underscored that vitalism was an speculative outlook because it left the field of positive science and entered the speculative realm of philosophy. Ušeničnik writes that it was “Too bad” that Zarnik “tackles” the question of vitalism, as his zoological opinions are interesting but his philosophy was not “successful”. Ušeničnik concluded that vitalism was a rather old idea, which belonged more to the realm of philosophy and Thomistic theology then biology. It nonetheless seemed to provide a solution for the particular characteristics of life, especially its individuality. It was certainly preferable to all the dangers that materialism presented. Likewise in the Czech case, Emmanuel Radl (1873–1942) spent much of his life extolling the virtues of vitalism, up until his death in home confinement during the Nazi Protectorate. Vitalism too became bound up in the late nineteenth century rediscovery of early modern philosophy, which became an essential part of the development of new scientific consciousness and linguistic awareness right before the First World War in the Czech lands. Thus, by comparing the reception of these ideas together in two countries separated by ‘nationality’ but bounded by religion and active engagement with French and German ideas (especially Driesch), we can reconstruct not only receptions of vitalism and materialism, but articulate their political and theological valances.
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Jenner, Mareike. "Transnationalising Genre: Netflix, Teen Drama and Textual Dimensions in Netflix Transnationalism". In Binge-Watching and Contemporary Television Studies, 183–200. Edinburgh University Press, 2021.

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This chapter uses textual analysis and genre studies to conceptualize Netflix original productions as transnational television. Using the British series Sex Education and the German How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) as examples, the article analyses the teen series produced for a transnational market. In this, the article especially considers how the series relate to established genre conventions established in the teen series' American iteration. The article uses this analysis to develop the idea of genre as characteristic of a so-called 'grammar of transnationalism'. This is particularly relevant in regards to Netflix and its business model, which addresses its content to a transnational audience and in this context highlights the national while de-emphasising the local.
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"Tales of the Philadelphia Theatre: Ormond, national performance, and supranational identity". In Drama, Theatre, and Identity in the American New Republic, 241–58. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

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Ward, Sam. "Branding Bridges". In Transatlantic Television Drama, 87–102. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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In 2011 the United Kingdom’s leading pay TV provider launched a new channel, Sky Atlantic. Central to the channel’s promotional appeal was the sourcing of “quality” American drama, primarily via a £150 million deal with HBO that secured exclusive rights to its past and future productions. Building on ideas of importation as a process of assimilation with the national market, this chapter considers how, for Sky Atlantic, interaction between transnational and national industrial spheres has not simply served as a means of acquiring content, but has itself formed a key brand narrative. Through close reading of promotional texts surrounding the channel’s launch, as well as industrial data and press reception, the chapter demonstrates that recent commercial and technological developments in British television are leading not to a dissolution of national borders, but to the intense monetization of control over the flows that take place across them.
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Rixon, Paul. "Contextualizing “Quality” US Television Programs for the United Kingdom". In Transatlantic Television Drama, 239–56. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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American programs have been a significant part of British television culture since the 1950s. Helping their mediation into British culture have been press critics who, in the past, have often been dismissive of such programs. However, as new forms of quality American programs have appeared, and online media have weakened the role of professional cultural intermediaries, a more supportive discourse has appeared. This chapter explores how contemporary American quality programs are being mediated into UK public debate. It will look at the website of one of the most important national UK newspapers, the Guardian, which has developed its online coverage of TV, often in ways more akin to fan sites, while encouraging public participation. The chapter will reflect on how the Guardian’s online strategy has served a niche UK readership interested in American programs, and how it has helped to reinforce and consecrate this group’s cultural dispositions in relation to US television.
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Katzburg-Yungman, Mira. "The American Foundations". In Hadassah, 93–116. Liverpool University Press, 2011.

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This chapter discusses Hadassah's American foundations. American zionist ideology had much in common with core American values and the American ethos. Hadassah's ideology is no exception to this rule, echoing American national ideals and characteristics fundamental to American culture. In the absence of a national common denominator, such as country of origin or heritage, the American national consciousness was largely formed on the basis of ideological identification with and commitment to a set of universal values. An individual's American identity is based on a system of ideas that has penetrated the daily life of American society and constitutes a living faith for most Americans.
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Song, Geng. "Cosmopolitanism with Chinese Characteristics". In The Cosmopolitan Dream, 27–39. Hong Kong University Press, 2018.

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Through close readings of male images in a recent TV drama Love Me, If You Dare, the chapter examines how these transnational male images exhibit hybridity and negotiation between global and local discourses of masculinity and how national identity is constructed through negotiation of the meaning of gender. Images like white-collar professionals and returnees from overseas show a conspicuous desire to represent Chinese men in a cosmopolitan fashion and to link masculinity with modernity. In representations of this “transnational business masculinity,” Western lifestyle is represented as a middle-class status symbol and an indicator of knowledge of the world and modernity. The chapter argues that the cosmopolitan masculinity squares with the state’s agenda of building a modern and cosmopolitan image of the country and, in particular, its educated younger elite. Male images in China’s recent television programs display increasing transnationality and a paradoxical coterminosity between cosmopolitan fantasy and nationalist pride, which indicates the fault lines of the confidence and anxiety when China faces the world.
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Bignell, Jonathan. "Metacommentary and Mythology". In Transatlantic Television Drama, 163–80. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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The chapter focuses on the comedy drama Episodes (2011–2018), made by the British production company Hat Trick for the BBC and Showtime. A British husband and wife duo of screenwriters work on a US network adaptation of their hit UK comedy show, which is “Americanized,” and they fight for their creative authority and their marriage. Episodes has a hybrid identity in terms of form, format, and genre, expressed in decisions including setting, casting, and performance style. Each of these can be read as a commentary on the similarities and differences between American and British television cultures, alongside the narrative’s thematization of cultural and national differences. Episodes talks about transatlantic television and self-consciously performs it, asking whether a program or a person can be transatlantic by making a joke of it. The chapter argues that Episodes is a metacommentary on deeply embedded myths about the TV of each nation.
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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "National characteristics, American – Drama"


DOSPINESCU, Liviu. "Present-Day Trends in the Research and Creation of Living Arts in the Academia: A North American Model". In The International Conference of Doctoral Schools “George Enescu” National University of Arts Iaşi, Romania. Artes Publishing House UNAGE Iasi, 2023.

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This paper tackles several aspects of the ‟opening towards the Other” that has marked an emancipation trend in the arts of the stage for more than a century; I will name them living arts because, of all the arts, they are distinctly characterized by this essential quality. It also finds its meaning in the institutional decompartmentalization and the opening of disciplinary practices towards the others. Under the sign of the inherent human living presence, the living arts refer to experiences in the whole spectre of the stage arts, coming under a polymorphous subject of research as early as the former half of the 20th century. It includes the most diverse disciplinary aspects, which are no longer just those of the drama, dance and choreography, performance or music, because the disciplinary practices of the other field and also practices from more remote fields like the visual arts, the cinema or those of the languages of new technologies connected, for instance, with the complex projections on the stage or its augmentation through Virtual Reality etc. can be added to it any time. Thus, we can notice how, in an intermedial process, in the meeting of drama and film, drama, as an art of the unmediated and of the living presence, tends to leave a mark (i.e. of the living) on the spectre of the delayed presence of the film in an inter- or even transdiciplinary relation. Therefore, the paper explores phenomena around the meeting of distinct entities under the interdisciplinary and intercultural aspects that mark the strong current interest in alterity and hybridity in the stage act but also in the new modes of perception in which the spectator is invited to engage or in the new interpretation grids demanded of the researcher. I will enrich this perspective by offering a few present-day reserach and creation trends in the living arts in the academia. They are extracted from my experience of both research-creation and doctoral project coordination. I share this experience in order to reveal a distinctiveness of research and creation at University of Laval, Québec and, at a larger scale, a trend or maybe even a model for the North American space. Apart from its descriptive aspects, my paper aims at raising new questions, inspire new possibilities and reinforcing new contributions in the research and creation of living arts.
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O'Callaghan, M., F. Helly, L. A. Brown, M. P. Keane e C. Mccarthy. "A National Rare Lung Disease Clinic: Patient Characteristics and Lessons Learned". In American Thoracic Society 2022 International Conference, May 13-18, 2022 - San Francisco, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2022.

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Ermann, D. A., V. V. Noble, J. D. Parekh, V. Kapoor, A. Latif e P. T. Silberstein. "Primary Cardiac Lymphoma: Characteristics, Treatment, and Survival Utilizing the National Cancer Database (NCDB)". In American Thoracic Society 2019 International Conference, May 17-22, 2019 - Dallas, TX. American Thoracic Society, 2019.

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Miller, Melissa A., Sarah L. Krein, Jeremy M. Kahn, Sanjay Saint e Theodore J. Iwashyna. "Organizational Characteristics Associated With Use Of Daily Interruption Of Sedation: A National Study". In American Thoracic Society 2011 International Conference, May 13-18, 2011 • Denver Colorado. American Thoracic Society, 2011.

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O'Brien, Geraldine, Catherine O'Connor, Tomás P. Carroll, Shane O'Neill e Noel G. McElvaney. "Characteristics Of Zz Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Patients On The Irish National Registry". In American Thoracic Society 2011 International Conference, May 13-18, 2011 • Denver Colorado. American Thoracic Society, 2011.

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O'Brien, Geraldine, Catherine O'Connor, Tomas P. Carroll e Noel G. McElvaney. "Characteristics Of ZZ Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Patients On The Irish National Registry". In American Thoracic Society 2012 International Conference, May 18-23, 2012 • San Francisco, California. American Thoracic Society, 2012.

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Nunes, H., Z. Carton, V. Cottin, D. Israel-Biet, M. Brauner, M. Kambouchner, J. Cadranel et al. "A French National Prospective Cohort of Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): Demographic Characteristics." In American Thoracic Society 2009 International Conference, May 15-20, 2009 • San Diego, California. American Thoracic Society, 2009.

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Reddel, H., R. Ampon, L. Poulos, B. Toelle, G. B. Marks, L. Guo e S. Davis. "Characteristics of People with Difficult to Treat Asthma in a Large National Population Survey". In American Thoracic Society 2022 International Conference, May 13-18, 2022 - San Francisco, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2022.

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Garvey, C. M., S. P. Bhatt, J. Corn, A. Kizziar, R. Kaye e M. Moy. "Characteristics of Virtual Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs in the US: Results From a National Electronic Survey". In American Thoracic Society 2024 International Conference, May 17-22, 2024 - San Diego, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2024.

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Little, Andrew S., Michael Karsy, James Evans, Won Kim, Paul Gardner, Donato Pacione, Albert Kim et al. "Founding of a National Surgical Research Consortium for Pituitary Disorders: Description of Cushing’s Disease Cohort, Surgeon Characteristics, and Report of Outcomes". In 33rd Annual Meeting North American Skull Base Society. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2024.

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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "National characteristics, American – Drama"


Mejía-Guerra, José Antonio, Christian Schuster, Magdalena Rojas Wettig, Kim Sass Mikkelsen e Jan Meyer-Sahling. Managing National Statistical Offices Better: Evidence from a Survey of 13,300 National Statistical Office (NSO) Employees in 14 Latin American and Caribbean Countries. Inter-American Development Bank, novembro de 2023.

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High-quality official statistics--from inflation to poverty rates--are essential for effective policymaking. Yet, little is known about the statistics officials who produce this statistical data. How competent are they at statistics? How motivated and ethical are they when producing statistics? And do National Statistical Offices (NSOs) manage them effectively? The answers are central to improving statistical capacity. Nonetheless, NSOs have not developed systematic measurement instruments to identify them. This pioneering publication addresses this gap. It presents the results of a survey of 13,300 NSO Employees in 14 Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Findings show that statistics officials and their characteristics matter. For instance, greater competence of statistics officials correlates with greater statistical performance of an NSO. Findings also show that most statistics officials are motivated in their jobs and committed to their NSO yet many struggle with basic statistical competencies and are not satisfied with their remunerations. Beneath the surface of average findings, however, lies a landscape of substantial variation among NSOs and within different departments inside the same NSO. These disparities are driven in part by differences in human resources management practices. Certain practices, for instance related to merit recruitment, adequate pay and performance feedback, are associated with greater staff motivation, integrity and competence. The report thus provides a data-informed roadmap to manage NSOs better and a survey instrument to help NSOs around the world measure their own management and staff.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Strambo, Claudia, Patricio Calles Almeida e Elisa Arond. Energy transition ambitions of four national oil and gas companies in South America. Stockholm Environment Institute, novembro de 2023.

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This report explores what (if any) diversification strategies national oil and gas companies (NOGCs) are employing to engage in an energy transition, with a focus on four South American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador.The authors identify how four South American NOGCs are preparing to transform in the face of climate change and the energy transition. They do so by looking at these companies’ publicly stated ambitions regarding diversification: they focus in particular on whether and how these companies are leaving fossil fuels behind, as a sign of transforming their core business and moving towards a more structural transformation overall in society. The four South American NOGCs are Ecopetrol (Colombia), Petrobras (Brazil), Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF, Argentina) and EP Petroecuador (Ecuador). While all four companies are controlled by their national governments, three are also public companies that are traded on domestic and international stock markets. This report can serve as a resource for comparative analysis and to inform transition strategies in oil and gas–producing countries, for energy and finance researchers, professionals working within NOGCs, and policymakers shaping NOGCs’ missions, strategies and investments. Key messages National oil and gas companies, or NOGCs, must transform to survive and fit into a new global dynamic for mitigating the impacts of climate change. While navigating their roles in generating public revenue and domestic employment, enabling public services, and other characteristics, they will also have to overcome institutional barriers in order to accelerate their diversification into non-fossil fuel businesses. Diversification to new low-carbon businesses is a part of but not the priority for decarbonization for four of South America’s NOGCs. These four South American NOGCs have limited capacity to expand into new low-carbon businesses. More research is needed to assess and strengthen South American NOGCs’ preparedness for a transition to a low-carbon future, including factors such as financial, technical and managerial capabilities, and their role in national and global political economies.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Crespi, Gustavo, Charlotte Guillard, Mónica Salazar e Fernando Vargas. Open configuration options Harmonized Latin American Innovation Surveys Database (LAIS): Firm-Level Microdata for the Study of Innovation. Inter-American Development Bank, março de 2022.

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This paper provides the methods through which the first version of the harmonized Latin American Innovation Surveys database (LAIS) was built. LAIS, which is made freely available through the Inter-American Development Bank, contains nearly 690 variables and 119,900 observations at the firm level from 30 national innovation surveys conducted between 2007 and 2017 in 10 Latin American countries, increasing the number of countries of the region with publicly available microdata. This paper describes how, starting from significantly different survey methods and questionnaires between countries, criteria were applied to identify and select variables from different surveys measuring the same underlying concept. It also discusses and guides how differences in survey methodologies may affect comparisons even after the harmonization of variables. LAIS includes data on innovation activities expenditures, sources of information and collaborations for innovation, innovation obstacles, outputs and effects, protection of innovation results, and general firm characteristics. Since LAIS significantly decreases the cost of making data comparisons between countries, it will allow more scholars to research innovation in Latin American firms and to tackle long-standing unanswered questions about the importance of framework conditions in LAC for innovation decisions in firms.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Whitt, Christine, Katherine Lacy e Katherine Lim. America's farms and ranches at a glance. [Washington, D.C.]: United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, dezembro de 2023.

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American farms represent a diverse set of business operations and farm operators. This annual report describes characteristics of U.S. farms and ranches with the most recent data from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), an annual survey conducted by USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS). Statistics are presented using a farm classification developed by USDA, ERS to categorize farms into groups with some common characteristics. The classifications used are mainly based on each farm's annual revenue, the main occupation of the farm's principal operator, and ownership (family versus nonfamily). Additionally, the report explores the differences in farm operations in 2022 by race and ethnicity of the operators
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Natera, José Miguel, Nadia Albis, Diana Suárez, Rodrigo Magaldi e Florencia Fiorentin. Enabling Factors for the Accumulation of Technological Capabilities in Innovative Firms: A Micro-Macro Approach in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, julho de 2024.

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Enhancing the technological capability accumulation process (TCAP) in firms is essential for Latin America's economic development. Yet, the dynamics between firms' characteristics and contextual factors that can help improve TCAP remain underexplored in the region. This study assesses the effects on TCAP of firm-level factors and national innovation systems (NISs)the network of institutions, policies, and relationships governing innovation within a country. Using data from the harmonized Latin American Innovation Surveys Database (LAIS) and a dataset to measure capabilities at the country level, we undertake a multilevel analysis for 20062016 to estimate the effects of NISs and firms structural characteristics on TCAP. Our results reveal that firm size, R&D capabilities, qualified personnel, and macro factors like national R&D investment and scientific output significantly drive TCAP. Conversely, factors such as corruption perception emerge as significant obstacles. These findings underline the complex interplay between innovation policies and firm capabilities, offering nuanced insights for policymakers to foster innovation in Latin America.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Henderson, Tim, Vincent Santucci, Tim Connors e Justin Tweet. National Park Service geologic type section inventory: Klamath Inventory & Monitoring Network. National Park Service, julho de 2021.

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A fundamental responsibility of the National Park Service (NPS) is to ensure that park resources are preserved, protected, and managed in consideration of the resources themselves and for the benefit and enjoyment by the public. Through the inventory, monitoring, and study of park resources, we gain a greater understanding of the scope, significance, distribution, and management issues associated with these resources and their use. This baseline of natural resource information is available to inform park managers, scientists, stakeholders, and the public about the conditions of these resources and the factors or activities which may threaten or influence their stability. There are several different categories of geologic or stratigraphic units (supergroup, group, formation, member, bed) which represent a hierarchical system of classification. The mapping of stratigraphic units involves the evaluation of lithologies, bedding properties, thickness, geographic distribution, and other factors. If a new mappable geologic unit is identified, it may be described and named through a rigorously defined process that is standardized and codified by the professional geologic community (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature 2005). In most instances when a new geologic unit such as a formation is described and named in the scientific literature, a specific and well-exposed section of the unit is designated as the type section or type locality (see Definitions). The type section is an important reference section for a named geologic unit which presents a relatively complete and representative profile. The type or reference section is important both historically and scientifically, and should be protected and conserved for researchers to study and evaluate in the future. Therefore, this inventory of geologic type sections in NPS areas is an important effort in documenting these locations in order that NPS staff recognize and protect these areas for future studies. The documentation of all geologic type sections throughout the 423 units of the NPS is an ambitious undertaking. The strategy for this project is to select a subset of parks to begin research for the occurrence of geologic type sections within particular parks. The focus adopted for completing the baseline inventories throughout the NPS was centered on the 32 inventory and monitoring networks (I&M) established during the late 1990s. The I&M networks are clusters of parks within a defined geographic area based on the ecoregions of North America (Fenneman 1946; Bailey 1976; Omernik 1987). These networks share similar physical resources (geology, hydrology, climate), biological resources (flora, fauna), and ecological characteristics. Specialists familiar with the resources and ecological parameters of the network, and associated parks, work with park staff to support network level activities (inventory, monitoring, research, data management). Adopting a network-based approach to inventories worked well when the NPS undertook paleontological resource inventories for the 32 I&M networks. The network approach is also being applied to the inventory for the geologic type sections in the NPS. The planning team from the NPS Geologic Resources Division who proposed and designed this inventory selected the Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network (GRYN) as the pilot network for initiating this project. Through the research undertaken to identify the geologic type sections within the parks of the GRYN methodologies for data mining and reporting on these resources were established. Methodologies and reporting adopted for the GRYN have been used in the development of this type section inventory for the Klamath Inventory & Monitoring Network. The goal of this project is to consolidate information pertaining to geologic type sections which occur within NPS-administered areas, in order that this information is available throughout the NPS to inform park managers...
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Svynarenko, Radion, Theresa L. Profant e Lisa C. Lindley. Effectiveness of concurrent care to improve pediatric and family outcomes at the end of life: An analytic codebook. Pediatric End-of-Life (PedEOL) Care Research Group, College of Nursing, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2022.

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Implementation of the section 2302 of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) enabled children enrolled in Medicaid/Children's Health Insurance Program with a prognosis of 6 months to live to use hospice care while continuing treatment for their terminal illness. Although concurrent hospice care became available more than a decade ago, little is known about the socio-demographic and health characteristics of children who received concurrent care; health care services they received while enrolled in concurrent care, their continuity, management, intensity, fragmentation; and the costs of care. The purpose of this study was to answer these questions using national data from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which covered the first three years of ACA – from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2013.The database included records of 18,152 children younger than the age of 20, who were enrolled in Medicaid hospice care in the sampling time frame. Children in the database also had a total number of 42,764 hospice episodes. Observations were excluded if the date of birth or death was missing or participants were older than 21 years. To create this database CMS data were merged with three other complementary databases: the National Death Index (NDI) that provided information on death certificates of children; the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey that provided information on characteristics of communities where children resided; CMS Hospice Provider of Services files and CMS Hospice Utilization and Payment files were used for data on hospice providers, and with a database of rural areas created by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). In total, 130 variables were created, measuring demographics and health characteristics of children, characteristics of health providers, community characteristics, clinical characteristics, costs of care, and other variables.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Henderson, Tim, Mincent Santucci, Tim Connors e Justin Tweet. National Park Service geologic type section inventory: Chihuahuan Desert Inventory & Monitoring Network. National Park Service, abril de 2021.

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A fundamental responsibility of the National Park Service is to ensure that park resources are preserved, protected, and managed in consideration of the resources themselves and for the benefit and enjoyment by the public. Through the inventory, monitoring, and study of park resources, we gain a greater understanding of the scope, significance, distribution, and management issues associated with these resources and their use. This baseline of natural resource information is available to inform park managers, scientists, stakeholders, and the public about the conditions of these resources and the factors or activities which may threaten or influence their stability. There are several different categories of geologic or stratigraphic units (supergroup, group, formation, member, bed) which represent a hierarchical system of classification. The mapping of stratigraphic units involves the evaluation of lithologies, bedding properties, thickness, geographic distribution, and other factors. If a new mappable geologic unit is identified, it may be described and named through a rigorously defined process that is standardized and codified by the professional geologic community (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature 2005). In most instances when a new geologic unit such as a formation is described and named in the scientific literature, a specific and well-exposed section of the unit is designated as the type section or type locality (see Definitions). The type section is an important reference section for a named geologic unit which presents a relatively complete and representative profile for this unit. The type or reference section is important both historically and scientifically, and should be recorded such that other researchers may evaluate it in the future. Therefore, this inventory of geologic type sections in NPS areas is an important effort in documenting these locations in order that NPS staff recognize and protect these areas for future studies. The documentation of all geologic type sections throughout the 423 units of the NPS is an ambitious undertaking. The strategy for this project is to select a subset of parks to begin research for the occurrence of geologic type sections within particular parks. The focus adopted for completing the baseline inventories throughout the NPS was centered on the 32 inventory and monitoring networks (I&M) established during the late 1990s. The I&M networks are clusters of parks within a defined geographic area based on the ecoregions of North America (Fenneman 1946; Bailey 1976; Omernik 1987). These networks share similar physical resources (geology, hydrology, climate), biological resources (flora, fauna), and ecological characteristics. Specialists familiar with the resources and ecological parameters of the network, and associated parks, work with park staff to support network level activities (inventory, monitoring, research, data management). Adopting a network-based approach to inventories worked well when the NPS undertook paleontological resource inventories for the 32 I&M networks. The network approach is also being applied to the inventory for the geologic type sections in the NPS. The planning team from the NPS Geologic Resources Division who proposed and designed this inventory selected the Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network (GRYN) as the pilot network for initiating this project. Through the research undertaken to identify the geologic type sections within the parks of the GRYN, methodologies for data mining and reporting on these resources was established. Methodologies and reporting adopted for the GRYN have been used in the development of this type section inventory for the Chihuahuan Desert Inventory & Monitoring Network. The goal of this project is to consolidate information pertaining to geologic type sections which occur within NPS-administered areas, in order that this information is available throughout the NPS...
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Henderson, Tim, Vincent Santucci, Tim Connors e Justin Tweet. National Park Service geologic type section inventory: Mojave Desert Inventory & Monitoring Network. National Park Service, dezembro de 2021.

Texto completo da fonte
A fundamental responsibility of the National Park Service (NPS) is to ensure that park resources are preserved, protected, and managed in consideration of the resources themselves and for the benefit and enjoyment by the public. Through the inventory, monitoring, and study of park resources, we gain a greater understanding of the scope, significance, distribution, and management issues associated with these resources and their use. This baseline of natural resource information is available to inform park managers, scientists, stakeholders, and the public about the conditions of these resources and the factors or activities that may threaten or influence their stability and preservation. There are several different categories of geologic or stratigraphic units (supergroup, group, formation, member, bed) that represent a hierarchical system of classification. The mapping of stratigraphic units involves the evaluation of lithologies, bedding properties, thickness, geographic distribution, and other factors. Mappable geologic units may be described and named through a rigorously defined process that is standardized and codified by the professional geologic community (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature 2005). In most instances when a new geologic unit such as a formation is described and named in the scientific literature, a specific and well-exposed section or exposure area of the unit is designated as the type section or other category of stratotype (see “Definitions” below). The type section is an important reference exposure for a named geologic unit which presents a relatively complete and representative example for this unit. Geologic stratotypes are important both historically and scientifically, and should be available for other researchers to evaluate in the future.. The inventory of all geologic stratotypes throughout the 423 units of the NPS is an important effort in documenting these locations in order that NPS staff recognize and protect these areas for future studies. The focus adopted for completing the baseline inventories throughout the NPS was centered on the 32 inventory and monitoring networks (I&M) established during the late 1990s. The I&M networks are clusters of parks within a defined geographic area based on the ecoregions of North America (Fenneman 1946; Bailey 1976; Omernik 1987). These networks share similar physical resources (e.g., geology, hydrology, climate), biological resources (e.g., flora, fauna), and ecological characteristics. Specialists familiar with the resources and ecological parameters of the network, and associated parks, work with park staff to support network-level activities such as inventory, monitoring, research, and data management. Adopting a network-based approach to inventories worked well when the NPS undertook paleontological resource inventories for the 32 I&M networks. The planning team from the NPS Geologic Resources Division who proposed and designed this inventory selected the Greater Yellowstone Inventory & Monitoring Network (GRYN) as the pilot network for initiating this project. Through the research undertaken to identify the geologic stratotypes within the parks of the GRYN methodologies for data mining and reporting on these resources were established. Methodologies and reporting adopted for the GRYN have been used in the development of this report for the Mojave Desert Inventory & Monitoring Network (MOJN). The goal of this project is to consolidate information pertaining to geologic type sections that occur within NPS-administered areas, in order that this information is available throughout the NPS to inform park managers and to promote the preservation and protection of these important geologic landmarks and geologic heritage resources. The review of stratotype occurrences for the MOJN shows there are currently no designated stratotypes for Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR) or Manzanar National Historic Site (MANZ); Death Valley...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Henderson, Tim, Vincent Santucci, Tim Connors e Justin Tweet. National Park Service geologic type section inventory: Central Alaska Inventory & Monitoring Network. National Park Service, maio de 2022.

Texto completo da fonte
A fundamental responsibility of the National Park Service (NPS) is to ensure that park resources are preserved, protected, and managed in consideration of the resources themselves and for the benefit and enjoyment by the public. Through the inventory, monitoring, and study of park resources, we gain a greater understanding of the scope, significance, distribution, and management issues associated with these resources and their use. This baseline of natural resource information is available to inform park managers, scientists, stakeholders, and the public about the conditions of these resources and the factors or activities which may threaten or influence their stability and preservation. There are several different categories of geologic or stratigraphic units (supergroup, group, formation, member, bed) that form a hierarchical system of classification. The mapping of stratigraphic units involves the evaluation of lithologies (rock types), bedding properties, thickness, geographic distribution, and other factors. Mappable geologic units may be described and named through a rigorously defined process that is standardized and codified by the professional geologic community (North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature 2021). In most instances when a new geologic unit such as a formation is described and named in the scientific literature, a specific and well-exposed section or exposure area of the unit is designated as the stratotype (see “Definitions” below). The type section is an important reference exposure for a named geologic unit that presents a relatively complete and representative example for this unit. Geologic stratotypes are important both historically and scientifically, and should be available for other researchers to evaluate in the future. The inventory of all geologic stratotypes throughout the 423 units of the NPS is an important effort in documenting these locations in order that NPS staff recognize and protect these areas for future studies. The focus adopted for completing the baseline inventories throughout the NPS is centered on the 32 inventory and monitoring networks (I&M) established during the late 1990s. The I&M networks are clusters of parks within a defined geographic area based on the ecoregions of North America (Fenneman 1946; Bailey 1976; Omernik 1987). These networks share similar physical resources (geology, hydrology, climate), biological resources (flora, fauna), and ecological characteristics. Specialists familiar with the resources and ecological parameters of the network, and associated parks, work with park staff to support network level activities (inventory, monitoring, research, data management). Adopting a network-based approach to inventories worked well when the NPS undertook paleontological resource inventories for the 32 I&M networks. The planning team from the NPS Geologic Resources Division who proposed and designed this inventory selected the Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network (GRYN) as the pilot network for initiating this project (Henderson et al. 2020). Through the research undertaken to identify the geologic stratotypes within the parks of the GRYN methodologies for data mining and reporting on these resources were established. Methodologies and reporting adopted for the GRYN have been used in the development of this report for the Arctic Inventory & Monitoring Network (ARCN). The goal of this project is to consolidate information pertaining to geologic type sections that occur within NPS-administered areas, in order that this information is available throughout the NPS to inform park managers and to promote the preservation and protection of these important geologic landmarks and geologic heritage resources. The review of stratotype occurrences for the ARCN shows there are currently no designated stratotypes for Cape Krusenstern National Monument (CAKR) and Kobuk Valley National Park (KOVA)...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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