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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Multi instrument testing"


Hamza, Veton, Bojan Stopar, Tomaž Ambrožič, Goran Turk e Oskar Sterle. "Testing Multi-Frequency Low-Cost GNSS Receivers for Geodetic Monitoring Purposes". Sensors 20, n.º 16 (5 de agosto de 2020): 4375.

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Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology is widely used for geodetic monitoring purposes. However, in cases where a higher risk of receiver damage is expected, geodetic GNSS receivers may be considered too expensive to be used. As an alternative, low-cost GNSS receivers that are cheap, light, and prove to be of adequate quality over short baselines, are considered. The main goal of this research is to evaluate the positional precision of a multi-frequency low-cost instrument, namely, ZED-F9P with u-blox ANN-MB-00 antenna, and to investigate its potential for displacement detection. We determined the positional precision within static survey, and the displacement detection within dynamic survey. In both cases, two baselines were set, with the same rover point equipped with a low-cost GNSS instrument. The base point of the first baseline was observed with a geodetic GNSS instrument, whereas the second baseline was observed with a low-cost GNSS instrument. The results from static survey for both baselines showed comparable results for horizontal components; the precision was on a level of 2 mm or better. For the height component, the results show a better performance of low-cost instruments. This may be a consequence of unknown antenna calibration parameters for low-cost GNSS antenna, while statistically significant coordinates of rover points were obtained from both baselines. The difference was again more significant in the height component. For the displacement detection, a device was used that imposes controlled movements with sub-millimeter accuracy. Results, obtained on a basis of 30-min sessions, show that low-cost GNSS instruments can detect displacements from 10 mm upwards with a high level of reliability. On the other hand, low-cost instruments performed slightly worse as far as accuracy is concerned.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chen, Zemeng, Xinliang Cao, Xianglin Li, Boan Pan, Pengbo Wang e Ting Li. "A Novel Approach to Evaluating Crosstalk for Near-Infrared Spectrometers". Sensors 24, n.º 3 (3 de fevereiro de 2024): 990.

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Multi-channel and multi-parameter near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has gradually become a new research direction and hot spot due to its ability to provide real-time, continuous, comprehensive indicators of multiple parameters. However, multi-channel and multi-parameter detection may lead to crosstalk between signals. There is still a lack of benchmarks for the evaluation of the reliability, sensitivity, stability and response consistency of the NIRS instruments. In this study, a set of test methods (a human blood model test, ink drop test, multi-channel crosstalk test and multi-parameter crosstalk test) for analyzing crosstalk and verifying the reliability of NIRS was conducted to test experimental verification on a multi-channel (8-channel), multi-parameter (4-parameter) NIRS instrument independently developed by our team. Results show that these tests can be used to analyze the signal crosstalk and verify the reliability, sensitivity, stability and response consistency of the NIRS instrument. This study contributes to the establishment of benchmarks for the NIRS instrument crosstalk and reliability testing. These novel tests have the potential to become the benchmark for NIRS instrument reliability testing.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Semenov, Alexey, e Dmitry Slesarev. "Electromagnetic testing of multi‐strand stay cables: novel technique and instrumentation". ce/papers 6, n.º 5 (setembro de 2023): 1373–76.

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AbstractSteel stay cables are widely applied in various civil constructions. In recent decades, the so‐called multi‐strand stay cables have become widely used, particularly in the construction of cable‐stayed bridges. Conventional method of stay‐cable diagnostics utilizes magnetic rope testing instruments. However, because of the large diameter of multi‐strand stay cables, the appropriate magnetic instrument should have an inappropriate high mass and create a significant force of attraction between the magnetic head and the stay cable, which likely would cause damage to the cable's outer protective shell. Alternatively, the eddy current method can be used for testing of stay cables. The special probe was developed that provides equal sensitivity to surface and subsurface breaks of the strands and reduces a disturbance of irregularity of magnetic properties along the cable. On the basis of this probe, a specific electromagnetic instrument was designed for nondestructive testing of multi‐strand stay cables. The instrument was tested on a multi‐strand mock‐up and applied for inspection of the stay cables of bridges. Results of this are discussed in the article.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ma, Guo Sheng, e Xiao Bo Xia. "The Design and Implementation of Multi-User Data Sharing Platform for Remote Monitoring System Based on Virtual Instruments". Applied Mechanics and Materials 686 (outubro de 2014): 220–25.

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Remote data monitoring system which adopts virtual instrument usually applies data sharing, acquisition and remote transmission technology via internet. It is able to finish concurrent data acquisition and processing for multi-user and multi-task and also build a personalized virtual testing environment for more people but with fewer instruments. In this paper, we’ll elaborate on the design and implementation of information sharing platform through a typical example of how to build multi-user concurrent virtual testing environment based on the virtual software LabVIEW.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bernieri, Andrea, Giovanni Betta, Luigi Ferrigno e Marco Laracca. "Multi-frequency Eddy Current Testing using a GMR based instrument". International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 39, n.º 1-4 (5 de setembro de 2012): 355–62.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Paige, Samantha R., Michael Stellefson, Janice L. Krieger, M. David Miller, Jeewon Cheong e Charkarra Anderson-Lewis. "Transactional eHealth Literacy: Developing and Testing a Multi-Dimensional Instrument". Journal of Health Communication 24, n.º 10 (3 de outubro de 2019): 737–48.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yin, W., S. J. Dickinson e A. J. Peyton. "A multi-frequency impedance analysing instrument for eddy current testing". Measurement Science and Technology 17, n.º 2 (19 de janeiro de 2006): 393–402.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Liu, Ying Ji, Feng Tian Cai, Wei Zhou, Xue Li Zhang e Tian Xia Zhang. "An Engine Dynamic Signal Testing System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology". Applied Mechanics and Materials 16-19 (outubro de 2009): 193–98.

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Aimed at the requirements of engine experimental research,a test system of engine dynamic signal was developed based on virtual instrument technology. The integral structure design of the system was given, the hardware is composed of sensors, signal conditioning module, high-speed data acquisition card and portable computer; the host computer software was developed with DASYLab, a virtual instrumentation tool. Its essential is to make good use of computer to achieve and extend functions of traditional instruments, by comprehensively using technologies of computer, digital signal processing, standard bus and software engineering method, functions of continuous multi channel sampling and multi type signal acquisition, and processing analysis were realized. The field test shows the system works reliably, development and application of this system can provide detailed experiment data and a new way in the field of engine power detection.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Xing, Z. X., X. C. Liu e C. F. He. "Design of A Multifunctional Micro-Magnetic Testing Instrument". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2198, n.º 1 (1 de maio de 2022): 012032.

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Abstract Micro-magnetic testing technology is capable of non-destructively evaluating the mechanical properties and residual stress in ferromagnetic components. In the applications of micro-magnetic testing technology, several types of magnetic signals, such as magnetic Barkhausen noise, incremental permeability, tangential magnetic field and eddy current, etc., are used to characterize the target properties (mechanical properties and residual stress). In this paper, a unique framework for multifunctional micro-magnetic sensor design is proposed. Accordingly, a multifunctional micro-magnetic instrument is developed. Intermittently superimposed magnetic fields of high (several kHz) and low frequencies (several Hz) are used for material magnetization. Combined magnetic sensors are employed to measure a total of five types of signals, including the magnetic Barkhausen noise, incremental permeability, eddy currents, tangential magnetic field and main flux. Especially, twisted-pair wiring was used for winding two identical sensing coils. One of the sensing coils is used for eddy current or incremental permeability detection and the rest one acts as a compensatory coil to suppress the strong mutual induction voltage in detection coil. The entire instrument is composed of a multi-channel signal generator, a power amplifier, signal processing circuits embedded into the multifunctional sensor and a four-channel signal acquisition device. The multi-channel signal generator is constructed based on FPGA and high speed D/A converters. The direct digital synthesizer and state machine are programed in FPGA to enable the excitation of intermittently superimposed signals of high and low frequencies. Carefully experiments were performed to test the performances of the developed instrument. The results obtained from different types of steels proved that the developed instrument can acquire five types of magnetic signals with high SNR. The features of the five types of magnetic signals can used to distinguish the material and its mechanical properties such as surface hardness.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yang, H. Z., Y. J. Chen, S. H. Leong, C. W. An, K. D. Ye, M. J. Yin e J. F. Hu. "A multi-functional testing instrument for heat assisted magnetic recording media". Journal of Applied Physics 115, n.º 17 (7 de maio de 2014): 17B726.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Multi instrument testing"


Caron, Eddy. "Mesures stéréoscopiques à l’échelle de la microstructure : application aux phénomènes hors plan dans un polycristal métallique". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Centrale Lille Institut, 2024.

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La compréhension des mécanismes de plasticité et d’endommagement des matériaux re-présente une ressource précieuse pour le développement qualitatif de l’industrie. Cette connaissance permet de réduire les coûts, d’améliorer la sécurité et d’anticiper les comportements des matériaux à court et long terme. En s’appuyant sur des modèles comportementaux, il devient possible de réaliser des simulations numériques capables de prédire l’évolution des matériaux. Aujourd’hui, ces simulations sont indispensables pour le dimensionnement des systèmes mécaniques, quel que soit leur domaine d’application. Bien que le dialogue entre les résultats expérimentaux et les prédictions numérique permet d’affiner ces modèles, il persiste des comportements singuliers, notamment au niveau local, que ces modèles n’arrivent pas à prédire. Des outils de mesures de champs cinématiques ont été développé pour descendre à des échelles fines et comprendre les mécanismes au sein même de la microstructure,en particulier avec les développement de la Corrélation d’Images Numériques (CIN). Cette technologie permet de mesurer des champs à l’échelle du pixel mais ne prend pas en compte les déplacements« hors-plan » situés dans l’axe de la caméra. Pourtant, ces déplacements semblent jouer un rôle crucial sur la manifestation des mécanismes de plasticité. Le développement d’une technique de mesures téréoscopique incluant la CIN est donc nécessaire à toute exploration complémentaire. Cette étude porte sur la mise en place d’outils expérimentaux multi-instrumentés. En particulier, elle se concentre sur le développement d’un logiciel de mesure de champs de déformation stéréoscopique sans contact,permettant d’évaluer les mouvements "hors-plan". Le logiciel nommé PyCaSo a ainsi vu le jour et a été évalué dans une première partie. Dans une seconde partie, d’autres techniques de mesure, telles que la profilométrie, l’EBSD (diffraction des électrons rétrodiffusés) ou encore la microscopie, ont été utilisées pour réaliser des essais expérimentaux monotones et cycliques sur un acier de référence, l’acier austénitique inoxydable 316L
Understanding the mechanisms of plasticity and damage in materials represents a va-luable resource for the qualitative development of industry. This knowledge makes it possible to reducecosts, improve safety and anticipate short- and long-term material behavior. Based on behavioralmodels, it becomes possible to carry out numerical simulations capable of predicting the evolutionof materials. Today, these simulations are indispensable for the dimensioning of mechanical systems,whatever their field of application. Although the dialogue between experimental results and numericalpredictions makes it possible to refine these models, there are still singular behaviors, particularly atthe local level, which these models are unable to predict. Tools for measuring kinematic fields have beendeveloped to go down to fine scales and understand the mechanisms at the very heart of the micro-structure, in particular with the development of Digital Image Correlation (DIC). This technology canmeasure fields at pixel level, but does not take into account “out-of-plane” displacements in the cameraaxis. Yet these displacements appear to play a crucial role in the manifestation of plasticity mecha-nisms. The development of a stereoscopic measurement technique including DIC is therefore necessaryfor any further exploration. This study focuses on the development of multi-instrument experimentaltools. In particular, it focuses on the development of non-contact stereoscopic deformation field measu-rement software, enabling the assessment of “out-of-plane” movements. The software, named PyCaSo,was developed and evaluated in the first part of the project. In the second part, other measurementtechniques, such as profilometry, EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) and microscopy, were used tocarry out monotonic and cyclic experimental tests on a reference steel, austenitic stainless steel 316L
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Martins, Alan. "Analysis of damage mechanisms in composite structures reinforced by tufting". Thesis, Compiègne, 2018.

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Cette étude portait sur l’évaluation des performances mécaniques et des mécanismes de défaillance des composites cousus dans différentes conditions de chargement. Des plaques stratifiées et des raidisseurs renforcés par tufting ont été fabriqués avec différents paramètres de couture afin d'évaluer leur effet sur les propriétés des composites. L'investigation a été assistée par une caractérisation multi-instrumentée pendant les tests. Les plaques cousues soumises à des tests de cisaillement à poutre courte sont utilisées dans l'analyse du comportement de la densité et de l'angle de couture dans des conditions de chargement en mode II, tandis que des tests d'impact et de compression après impact (CAI) sur la tolérance aux dommages. Des tests de fatigue en éprouvettes trouées ont également été réalisés afin d’évaluer la réponse des coutures, en particulier leur position par rapport au trou central, à la concentration de déformation générée par le trou. La suite de ce travail a consisté en des tests mécaniques sur panneau raidi oméga renforcé par tufting. La procédure a optimisé les paramètres de touffetage utilisés pour renforcer les structures du lot précédent d'échantillons jusqu'à atteindre un point optimal où les propriétés principales, principalement trouvées dans les tests d'arrachement, sont égales ou supérieures à celles des échantillons témoins. Cette amélioration tenait également compte des modifications de la forme des raidisseurs. En outre, une nouvelle approche basée sur l’effet piézorésistif des coutures en fibres de carbone lors du chargement des éprouvettes composites est réalisée. Cela peut faciliter la surveillance de l’état de santé des fils cousus et donc du composite en raison de la nature structurelle des coutures. Les résultats ont montré que les renforts par tufting sont capables d'augmenter considérablement la ténacité entre les composites et la tolérance aux endommagements des composites, principalement en raison de leurs phénomènes de pontage des fissures. Les paramètres de tufting sont des facteurs décisifs pour obtenir les meilleures propriétés mécaniques. Cependant, ces travaux ont montré que les fils de coutures sont également responsables de la création de fissures dues à la concentration de contrainte et aux défauts causés par leur insertion et, par conséquent, à la diminution de la résistance des composites. L'enquête conclut que l'insertion aléatoire des touffes n'est pas idéale pour la performance du matériau et doit donc être évitée. Le développement de l'insertion des coutures dans les raidisseurs oméga a été soutenu par la caractérisation multi-instrumentée qui a permis d'optimiser le renforcement de la structure. Bien que l’étude ait permis d’obtenir des propriétés mécaniques nettement supérieures à celles des panneaux oméga renforcés par touffetage, il est évident que la procédure employée n’est pas optimale. Le présent travail propose également un modèle préliminaire d'éléments finis pour surmonter le coût et la perte de temps des tests expérimentaux. Il vise principalement à optimiser les paramètres de tufting dans la structure. Le modèle développé était capable de prédire les mêmes endommagements que ceux observés expérimentalement, mais encore éloignés des prévisions quantitatives des résultats. Le contrôle de l’état structurel des stratifiés composites cousus par les fils de carbone semble prometteur et pourrait aider à l’avenir à fournir des informations sur l’état de santé des coutures sous chargement qui ne sont pas atteintes par les méthodes de caractérisation classiques utilisées dans ce travail
This study focused mainly on the assessment of the mechanical performance and the failure mechanisms of tufted composites under divers loading conditions. Laminated plates and stiffened panels reinforced by tufting was manufactured with different tufting parameters to evaluate their effect in the properties of the composites. Multi-instrumented characterization carried out during the tests assisted the investigation. The tufted plates subjected to short-beam shear tests aided especially in the behavior analysis of tufting density and angle in mode Il loading condition, while impact and compression after impact (CAI) tests on the damage tolerance. Open-hole fatigue tests were also performed to evaluate the tufts response, especially regarding their position to the center hole, to the strain concentration factor generated by the hole. The following part of this work consisted of the mechanical tests on omega stiffened panel reinforced by tufting. The procedure optimized the tufting parameters employed for reinforcing the structures from the previous batch of specimens until reaching an optimal point that the main properties, primarily found in pull-off tests, are equal or superior to those of the control specimens. This improvement also considered the modifications in the shape of the stiffeners. Furthermore, a novel approach based on the piezoresistive effect of carbon tufts under loading of the composite specimens is performed. This may support the monitoring of the health status on the tufted threads and therefore of the composite because of the structural nature of the tufts. The results showed that tufting reinforcements are capable of increasing the interlaminar fracture toughness and damage tolerance of the composites considerably owing mainly to their crack bridging phenomena. The tufting parameters are decisive factors for achieving the best mechanical properties. However, this work reported that tuft threads are also responsible for generating cracks due to the strain concentration and defects caused by their insertion and consequently, can decrease the strength of the composites. The investigation concludes that the random insertion of the tufts is not ideal for the performance of the material and thus must be avoided. The development of the tufting insertion in the omega stiffeners was supported by the multi-instrumented characterization that led to optimizing reinforcement in the structure. Although the study achieved the goal of obtaining mechanical properties significantly superior to the omega panels reinforced by tufting, it is noticeable that the procedure employed is not optimal. The present work also proposes a preliminary finite element model to overcome the costly and time consuming of the experimental tests. It intends primarily optimizing the tufting parameters in the structure. The model developed was capable of predicting the same damage events as observed experimentally, but it still distant from the quantitative predictions of the results. The structural health monitoring of the tufted composite laminates by the carbon threads seems promising and could help in the future for supplying data about the tufts health status under loading that are not achieved by the conventional characterization methods employed in this work
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chahal, Jaskarndip. "The Multi-Ligament Quality of Life Questionnaire (ML-QOL): Development and Preliminary Testing of Measurement Properties in Patients with Multi-Ligament Knee Injuries". Thesis, 2013.

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Despite the existence of numerous knee-joint specific patient-reported outcome measures, the content contained within such instruments does not completely capture the spectrum of injury and impairments experienced by multi-ligament knee injured patients. Based on this shortcoming, the overall objective of the current study was to develop, and to test the reliability and validity of a novel disease-specific quality of life instrument for patients with multi-ligament knee injuries. The World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health was used to guide content development. Using a mixed methods approach (surveys, patient focus groups, expert interviews), the final Multi-ligament Quality of Life (MLQOL) instrument was comprised of 52 items distributed over 4 domains. This instrument demonstrated excellent content validity, test-retest reliability, and construct validity. Future work will evaluate the responsiveness of the MLQOL and will implement its use in randomized trials.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Multi instrument testing"


Zheng, Dong, e Xingru Wang. "Research on On-Line Monitoring System of Strength of Tripod of Mining Belt Conveyor". In Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, 2022.

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Aiming at the reliability of the tripod under the operating conditions of the mining belt conveyor, an on-line monitoring system for the strength of the tripod of the mining belt conveyor was designed. The system mainly includes welding strain gauges, multi-channel static stress and strain testing instruments, 4G wireless routers and analysis platform software. The static stress and strain testing instrument transmits the collected data to the monitoring computer through the 4G wireless router, and the software analysis platform on the computer performs the corresponding data processing, presents the stress value of each position of the tripod, and realizes the real-time observation and reading of the data. The online monitoring system is simple in operation, low in cost and high in accuracy, and can perfectly realize real-time monitoring and early warning of the strength of the tripod, providing corresponding guarantees for the stable operation of the mining belt conveyor.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Li, Haoran, Yuming Zhang, Shunyao Wu, Bin Gao, Guiyun Tian, Yang Yang e Yongjie Yu. "Instrumental Configuration of Electromagnetic Thermography and Optical Thermography". In Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. IOS Press, 2020.

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Electromagnetic thermography and optical thermography are both important non-destructive testing (NDT) methods that have been widely used in the fields of modern aerospace, renewable energy, nuclear industry, etc. The excitation modes are crucial whose performances have a decisive effect on the detection results. Previous studies mainly focused on the physics mechanism, applications, and signal processing algorithms. However, the instrument configuration is rarely presented. This paper is to introduces the recently designed excitation sources of electromagnetic thermography and optical thermography detection systems, respectively. These instruments involved L-shaped and Shuttle-shaped sensor structures for electromagnetic thermography and multi-modes excitation for optical thermography. Besides, the topologies and operating principles are shown in detail. Experimental results are carried out to verify the practicability and reliability of the proposed systems.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Vincenti, Marco. "Multi-analyte Methods and High-resolution Mass Spectrometry for Hair Analysis". In Perspectives and Challenges of Hair Analysis, 147–69. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023.

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This chapter examines the mass-spectrometric instrumentation most commonly used in hair analysis, together with its evolution following both technological advancements and new analytical challenges that involve hair testing. Parallel progress of hair testing queries’ complexity and the performance of mass-spectrometric instrumentation is observed. In turn, these analytical performances are strictly connected with technological innovations and original devices concerning mass spectrometers. These two aspects are preliminary discussed in this chapter, with reference to the latest studies only. Then, an overview of the main application fields of hair testing is presented and the recent inherent literature is examined with specific consideration of the instrumental approach and procedures utilized therein. Most of these applications concern the area of forensic toxicology and in particular the detection of old and new drugs of abuse, but a relatively new topic that collects increasing interest is that of metabolomics, which is surveyed in detail.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Basile C., Saxena D. e Saxena A. "Value engineering optimizes foundation design and construction in Karst terrain – A case history". In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. IOS Press, 2009.

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A case history of design, prediction, instrumented static load tests, installation monitoring, and integrity testing of production piles for a power plant is presented. Vibration-free installation, site specific restraints, and owner specified production time frame justified selection of ACIP piles as the most economical and effective foundation approach. Site-specific concerns were raised about the porous nature of the fragmented and decomposed limestone strata at the site which could lead to high grout intake and interconnecting of piles during construction which could lead to increased foundation costs. A multi-phase ACIP pile evaluation program consisting of instrumented compression and tension pile load tests, single hole ultrasonic pile integrity testing, as well as full time production pile installation monitoring was specified. Implementation of this testing and evaluation program resulted in grout usage within an acceptable range and the compression load tests yielded data that allowed use of higher capacity piles than the original design. A total of four hundred (400) production piles were monitored with recorded rate of insertion/extraction of the auger, grout pump strokes and pressure, total grout volume, and grout factors as well as quality and strength of grout. Additionally, 5% of the production piles were tested for integrity and continuity using Pile Echo Method (PEM) and Single Hole Sonic Logging (SSL) test methods. This engineered, monitored, and tested program provided an affordable foundation solution that resulted in cost savings over the other foundation alternatives for the owner.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Multi instrument testing"


Zhang, Yong, GuangBin Feng e Yong Li. "Automatic testing device of multi-optical axis collimating". In International Conference of Optical Instrument and Technology, editado por Shenghua Ye, Guangjun Zhang e Jun Ni. SPIE, 2008.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

GlaB, Martin, e Faouzi Derbel. "Model-Based Testing of Instrument Transformers Utilizing Impulse Response Measurements". In 2024 21st International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD). IEEE, 2024.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Willey, Ronald R. "Fabrication Challenges of Multi-focal-length Superachromatic Telescopes". In Optical Fabrication and Testing. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1992.

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There are many challenges associated with the design and construction of telescopes to have diffraction limited performance over the range from 400 to 900nm. The general applications of the system described are for television, film, and visual observation of objects from 300 meters to infinity with a 300mm aperture and focal lengths of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000mm. The systems are designed to perform well at temperatures from -20 to 40 degrees Celsius and maintain high boresight stability when used as a tracking telescope. A sealed and purged instrument is essential for long term durability of the perforamnce. The figure shows the optical schematic of the system.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Shirokov, S. I., A. A. Raikov, Y. V. Baryshev, V. V. Sokolov e V. V. Vlasyuk. "Gamma-ray bursts as an instrument for testing cosmological models". In The multi-messenger astronomy: gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves. Sneg, 2019.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Savvopoulos, P., A. Kotsopoulos, M. Varsamou, N. Papandreou e Th Antonakopoulos. "A software-based instrument for testing and monitoring multi-processing communications devices". In 2009 IEEE Intrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). IEEE, 2009.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fritzsche, W. A., e A. E. Haque. "Low cost testing of multi-GBit device pins with ATE assisted loopback instrument". In 2008 IEEE International Test Conference. IEEE, 2008.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Qiu Yafeng, Shi Feng, Qian Yunsheng e Benkang Chang. "Research and development of multi-parameter testing instrument of image intensifier fluorescence screen". In 8th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference and Nanocarbon (2010 IVESC). IEEE, 2010.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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Due to major developments in the molecular understanding of the hemostatic system, many newer tests to evaluate bleeding and clotting disorders have been developed. These newer tests are based on clotting, enzymatic and immunologic techniques. Since routine coagulation laboratories are not equipped with instruments capable of enzymatic or immunologic measurements, adaptation of these newer tests to the clinical laboratory has been rather limited. As these tests have a significant impact on the basic diagnostics of hemostatic disorders and the monitoring of antithrombotic therapy, the need for instruments capable of performing each of these tests is evident. We have evaluated a new multiprobe instrument, the FP-910 Coagulation Analyzer (Lab-Systems, Helsinki, Finland), for numerous clot-based, immunologic and amidolytic assays. This instrument has a programmable microprocessor controlled analyzer, mixer and incubator in a semi-automated system capable of hight throughput due to multiple processing. A unique vertical light path system allows quantification of even particulate reactions. It is compatible with most commercially available reagents for clot-based synthetic substrate and ELISA methodologies. Individual methods are preprogrammed in the instrument and additional methods can be programmed for all detection modes. For the clot-based assays (P.T, APTT, Heptest®) , excellent correlations were obtained with the BBL Fibrometer and General Diagnostics Coagamate X2 (n=50, r>0.95). The chromogenic assay kits from various suppliers (AT III, heparin, plasminogen, a-antiplasmin) also correlar-ted well (n=50, r>0.95). Similarly the ELISA based protein C assay also correlated well with the Dynatech® system (n=50, r>0.98). The instrument is easy to operate, has a high throughput in all modes (50-100/hr.), high reproducibility and is economically feasible for routine laboratories involved in multi-parametric testing of hemostasis.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Zhang, Lei, Peter Mudge, Paul Jackson e Ian Daniel. "FPGA Embedded System Design of Multi-Channel Guided Waves Ultrasonic Testing Instrument for Pipeline Inspection". In International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2012.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Han, Hongbiao, Jishun Li, Bing Wang, Dandan Liu e Yonggang Liu. "Movable Instantaneous Impact Pressure Testing Device". In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009.

Texto completo da fonte
A movable instantaneous impact pressure test device is designed and achieved, according to the characteristic of instantaneous impact wave such as acutely variation and large range of pressure, adverse conditions on the spot. A piezoresistive transducer of high-frequency an high pressure is selected and used. MEMS technology is adopted to design and manufacture the sensor that is flush packaged. In addition multi-channel analogue amplified circuit and DSP control core circuit are studied. So the multilevel multiple pressure analogue signals can be achieved. The circuit can take charge of high speed sampling, processing and storing of analogue signal too. Software modifying mode, process parameter and data transmission is also developed. The device has the function of scheduling of timing sample, automatic gain of magnification, automatic detection of the beginning of impact pressure, parameterization of working mode and process etc. It is a practical instrument with battery as power supply, the low power consumption of power supply control mode and the solid mental shell for testing explosion shock wave. Pressure test results indicated accurate pressure waves of instantaneous impact can be got with the instrument.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Multi instrument testing"


Kelner, E., Darren George, Marybeth Nored e Russell C. Burkey. NMCQ4YK Development of a Low Cost Inferential Natural Gas Energy Flow Rate Prototype Retrofit Module. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), janeiro de 2008.

Texto completo da fonte
In 1998, a multi-year project to develop a working prototype instrument module for natural gas energy measurement was initiated. The module will be used to retrofit a natural gas custody transfer flow meter for energy measurement, at a cost an order of magnitude lower than a gas chromatograph. Development and evaluation of the prototype energy meter in 2002-2003 included: (1) refinement of the algorithm used to infer properties of the natural gas stream, such as heating value; (2) evaluation of potential sensing technologies for nitrogen content, improvements in carbon dioxide measurements, and improvements in ultrasonic measurement technology and signal processing for improved speed of sound measurements; (3) design, fabrication and testing of a new prototype energy meter module incorporating these algorithm and sensor refinements; and (4) laboratory and field performance tests of the original and modified energy meter modules.Field tests of the original energy meter module have provided results in close agreement with an onsite gas chromatograph. The original algorithm has also been tested at a field site as a stand-alone application using measurements from in situ instruments, and has demonstrated its usefulness as a diagnostic tool. The algorithm has been revised to use measurement technologies existing in the module to measure the gas stream at multiple states and infer nitrogen content. The instrumentation module has also been modified to incorporate recent improvements in CO2 and sound speed sensing technology. Laboratory testing of the upgraded module has identified additional testing needed to attain the target accuracy in sound speed measurements and heating value.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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