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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Mr 2200"


Suszter, Tamás. "A helyi polgárőrség szerepe a rendezvények biztonságának szavatolásában". Magyar Rendészet 24, n.º 1 (22 de julho de 2024): 117–36.

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Napjainkra a rendészet mint állami monopólium paradigma megtörésével a rendfenntartás szükségszerű pluralizálódását, a magánbiztonság és a polgári rendfenntartás előtérbe kerülését, az állami rendészet egyeduralmának megtörését figyelhetjük meg.Hazánk 64 000 fős polgárőrsége 2200 szervezetbe tömörülve, a rendőrség stratégiai partnereként a helyi önkormányzatokkal együttműködve végzi bűnmegelőzési tevékenységét, amelynek egyik szembetűnő megvalósulása a hazai fesztiválturizmus biztonságának, azaz a rendezvénybiztosítások rendészettudományi aspektusainak elemzésével jeleníthető meg.Tanulmányomban a polgárőrség megalakulásának történeti fejlődését, alaptevékenységét, illetve a rendezvények és fesztiválok biztosításában betöltött szerepét vizsgáltam. A szakirodalom feldolgozása mellett kérdőíves kutatásom eredményeit felhasználva próbáltam rámutatni a helyi polgárőrség komplex, komplementer rendészeti szerepére a közbiztonság garantálásban, ezen belül is nagyobb hangsúlyt fektetve a rendezvénybiztosítási szektorban nyújtott kiemelkedő tevékenységére.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Melis, Eszter. "Átmenet a felnőttkorba: A gyermekek helyzete a középső bronzkorban Magyarország nyugati területein". Magyar Régészet 12, n.º 3 (2023): 14–26.

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Az utóbbi néhány évtizedben került előtérbe a gyermekek helyzetének és szerepének vizsgálata a különböző történelmi és történelem előtti korokban. A sajnálatos módon gyermekkorukban elhunytak sírjai az egyik leggazdagabb és legfontosabb forrásanyagot jelentik a téma őskori kutatásához, amely a modern természettudományos vizsgálatoknak köszönhetően nemcsak a fiatalon elhunytak betegségeiről vagy neméről, hanem életmódjáról (pl. táplálkozásáról) is információval szolgálhat. Nem szabad azonban elfeledkeznünk arról, hogy a gyermekek eltemetésének módja, mellékleteik elsősorban a felnőttek közösségének a legfiatalabbakhoz, valamint elvesztésükhöz és a gyászhoz való viszonyát tárja fel. A Kr. e. 2200/2100–1600/1500 közötti periódus Magyarországon a kora bronzkor vége és a középső bronzkor időszaka. Ebben az időben a nyugatmagyarországi régióban húzódott a csontvázasan temetkező közép-európai Aunjetitz- és a rokon kultúrák (pl. Gáta–Wieselburg), valamint a hamvasztásos rítusú Kárpát-medencei csoportok (Kisapostag és Mészbetétes kerámia kultúrája) határterülete. A feltárt temetkezéseik 30–40%-ában gyermekek nyugodtak; a maradványok régészeti elemzése – bár korlátozottan – adhat arra választ, milyen lehetett a bronzkorban gyermeknek lenni, egyben a 3500–4000 évvel ezelőtti társadalmi szerveződés fontos aspektusait tárhatja fel előttünk.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kirkness, E. F., e A. J. Turner. "The γ-aminobutyrate/benzodiazepine receptor from pig brain. Purification and characterization of the receptor complex from cerebral cortex and cerebellum". Biochemical Journal 233, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1986): 265–70.

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The gamma-aminobutyrate/benzodiazepine-receptor complex has been purified from a Triton X-100 extract of crude synaptic membranes from pig cerebral cortex and cerebellum by a combination of affinity and ion-exchange chromatography. [3H]Flunitrazepam binding activity was purified 2200-fold from cortex with an overall yield of 2%. The dissociation constants for the binding of [3H]muscimol and [3H]flunitrazepam to the receptor complex were 14 +/- 3 nM and 14 +/- 2 nM respectively. The ratio of [3H]muscimol to [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites was in the range 2.2-2.8. There appeared to be no selective inactivation of either binding site during the purification procedure. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis revealed two major polypeptides of Mr 49 000 and 55 000 from both cortex and cerebellum. When the receptor from cortex was photoaffinity labelled with [3H]flunitrazepam, radioactivity was incorporated predominantly into the Mr-49 000 polypeptide, although some radioactivity was detectable in the Mr-55 000 band. The cerebellar receptor was photoaffinity labelled on the 49 000-Mr polypeptide but not on the polypeptide of Mr 55 000. In addition, some radioactivity was detected in a minor polypeptide of Mr 43 000. When purified in the presence of 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propanesulphonate the same major polypeptide components (Mr 49 000 and 55 000) were isolated, but the receptor now retained its ability to be modulated by secobarbital and by the anaesthetic propanidid.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mattsson, Cecilia, Rebecca M. Reynolds, Kotryna Simonyte, Tommy Olsson e Brian R. Walker. "Combined Receptor Antagonist Stimulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Test Identifies Impaired Negative Feedback Sensitivity to Cortisol in Obese Men". Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 94, n.º 4 (1 de abril de 2009): 1347–52.

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Abstract Context: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation may underlie disorders including obesity, depression, cognitive decline, and the metabolic syndrome. Conventional tests of HPA axis negative feedback rely on glucocorticoid receptor (GR) agonists such as dexamethasone but do not test feedback by endogenous cortisol, potentially mediated by both GR and mineralocorticoid receptors (MR). Objective: The objective of the study was to use a combination of GR (RU38486, mifepristone) and MR (spironolactone) antagonists to explore the poorly understood activation of the HPA axis that occurs in obesity. Design: This was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover study. Setting: The study was conducted at a clinical research facility. Participants: Participants included 15 lean (body mass index 22.0 ± 1.6 kg/m2) and 16 overweight/obese (body mass index 30.1 ± 3.5 kg/m2) men. Intervention: Subjects attended on four occasions for blood and saliva sampling every 30 min between 1800 and 2200 h. At 1100 and 1600 h before visits, subjects took 200 mg spironolactone, 400 mg RU38486, 200 mg spironolactone + 400 mg RU38486, or placebo orally. Main Outcome Measures: Serum cortisol levels after drug or placebo were measured. Results: Cortisol levels did not differ between lean and obese after placebo. Spironolactone and RU38486 alone had modest effects, increasing cortisol by less than 50% in both groups. However, combined spironolactone plus RU38486 elevated cortisol concentrations substantially, more so in lean than obese men [2.9- (0.3) vs. 2.2 (0.3)-fold elevation, P = 0.002]. Conclusions: Combined receptor antagonist stimulation of the HPA axis reveals redundancy of MR and GR in negative feedback in humans. Obese men have impaired responses to combined receptor antagonist stimulation, suggesting impaired negative feedback by endogenous cortisol. Such an approach may be useful to dissect abnormal HPA axis control in neuropsychiatric and other disorders.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Choy, Francis Y. M., e Mary Woo. "Purification and the effect of peptide N-glycosidase F on lysosomal membrane-bound glucocerebrosidase from human cultured fibroblasts". Biochemistry and Cell Biology 69, n.º 8 (1 de agosto de 1991): 551–56.

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Glucocerebrosidase was purified from human cultured dermal fibroblasts more than 2200-fold to apparent homogeneity using high performance Alkyl-Superose HR 5/5 hydrophobic interaction and Bio-Sil TSK-250 gel permeation column chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulfate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and protein staining of the catalytically active and concentrated enzyme fractions from the gel permeation columns revealed the presence of one band of Mr 64 000. The glucocerebrosidase preparation purified to homogeneity was digested with peptide N-glycosidase F that cleaves N-linked oligosaccharide structures from glycoproteins. The molecular weight of glucocerebrosidase after digestion with peptide N-glycosidase F was reduced to Mr 57 000, suggesting that the mature enzyme is a glycoprotein and that N-linked oligosaccharide constitutes a minimum of about 10% of the total molecular weight of the polypeptide. These findings are compatible with the hypothesis that glucocerebrosidase was initially synthesized as a precursor polypeptide which was subsequently glycosylated to become the mature enzyme.Key words: glucocerebrosidase, purification, deglycosylation, N-glycosidase F, fibroblasts.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yang, Yi, Xianfu Luo, Fuhua Yan, Zheng Jiang, Yong Li, Chen Fang e Junkang Shen. "Effect of zoledronic acid on vertebral marrow adiposity in postmenopausal osteoporosis assessed by MR spectroscopy". Skeletal Radiology 44, n.º 10 (1 de julho de 2015): 1499–505.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Nemcsik-Bencze, Zsófia, Szabolcs Várbíró, Gábor Rudas e János Nemcsik. "Az izolált septum pellucidum hiány praenatalis diagnosztikája ultrahang- és mágneses rezonancia képalkotó vizsgálattal". Orvosi Hetilap 161, n.º 52 (27 de dezembro de 2020): 2195–200.

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Összefoglaló. A septoopticus dysplasia, vagy más néven De Morsier-szindróma egy ritka, az agy középvonali képleteit érintő rendellenesség, mely a septum pellucidum hiányával, hypophysis-diszfunkcióval, látóideg-hypoplasiával és mentális visszamaradottsággal jár együtt. A septum pellucidum hiánya önmagában is előfordulhat izolált formában, de ennek septoopticus dysplasiától való praenatalis elkülönítése jelentős diagnosztikai kihívást jelent. Az izolált septum pellucidum hiány a kevés, rendelkezésünkre álló irodalmi adat alapján ártalmatlan anatómiai variáció. Esetbemutatásunkban a magas mágneses térerővel végzett magzati mágneses rezonancia (MR) képalkotó vizsgálat segítette az izolált septum pellucidum hiány septoopticus dysplasiától való elkülönítését azáltal, hogy lehetővé tette a látóidegek és a chiasma pontosabb megítélését, valamint az esetleges egyéb agyi rendellenességek kizárását. A szülés utáni kétéves követési periódus alatt a gyermek normális szomatomentális fejlődést mutatott mindennemű hormonális és vizuális eltérés nélkül. Esetbemutatásunk megerősíti, hogy a septum pellucidum izolált hiánya önmagában lehet egy tünetmentes anatómiai variáció, melynek praenatalis diagnosztikai algoritmusában a vizuális traktus és az agyszerkezet pontosabb megítélése kapcsán a magas mágneses térerővel végzett magzati MR-vizsgálat kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszik, és lehetőséget biztosíthat a septoopticus dysplasia praenatalis kizárására. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(52): 2195–2200. Summary. Septo-optic dysplasia is characterized as a midline anomaly with agenesis of the septum pellucidum, optic nerve hypoplasia and pituitary dysfunction. The septal agenesis can occur in isolated form, but its prenatal differentiation from septo-optic dysplasia can be challenging. The isolated agenesis of septum pellucidum is an asymptomatic anatomical variation, based on the few literature data available. We report a case where prenatally performed high magnetic field magnetic resonance imaging helped the differential diagnosis by visualizing and assessing thickness of the optic nerves and chiasma. The development of the infant was followed for 24 months and showed no abnormalities. Our case report confirms that isolated agenesis of the septum pellucidum is probably an asymptomatic variation and the visualization of the optic nerves with high magnetic field fetal MRI could be a crucial point of the differential diagnosis and provide possibility to exclude septo-optic dysplasia in utero. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(52): 2195–2200.
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Smal, J., J. Closset, G. Hennen e P. de Meyts. "Receptor-binding and down-regulatory properties of 22000-Mr human growth hormone and its natural 20000-Mr variant on IM-9 human lymphocytes". Biochemical Journal 225, n.º 2 (15 de janeiro de 1985): 283–89.

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Our earlier binding studies of the 22000- and 20000-Mr variants of human growth hormone (somatotropin) to pregnant-rabbit liver and mammary receptors [Closset, Smal, Gomez & Hennen (1983) Biochem. J. 214, 885-892] suggested that the 20000-Mr variant was a lower-affinity analogue of the 22000-Mr molecule. Since the receptor population in these tissues is not fully characterized, we have now investigated the binding of both variants to the well-characterized and highly specific human-growth-hormone receptor of the human lymphocyte IM-9 cell line. The maximum bindability of radioiodinated 22000- and 22000-Mr to IM-9 cells was 60 and 45% respectively. Both hormone variants have essentially the same binding characteristics: slow association (equilibrium reached in 8-10h at 30 degrees C), poor reversibility (‘tight binding’), linear Scatchard plot, same specificity as shown by lack of competition by bovine, porcine or equine growth hormones or human growth hormone-(32-46)-(missing in the 20000-Mr variant),-(1-134)- and -(141-191)-peptides. Both unlabelled hormones inhibit binding of both tracers completely, with the 20000-Mr variant being only half as potent as the 22000-Mr one. The apparent affinity is 2.8 × 10(9)M-1 for the 22000-Mr variant and 1.6 × 10(9)M-1 for the 20000-Mr variant. This decreased affinity of the 20000-Mr variant appears to be due to a lower association rate constant. Concentrations (5 ng/ml) of the two variants that occupy about 15% of the total sites induce a marked down-regulation of the receptors after 18h incubation, but the 20000-Mr variant (50% decrease) has a smaller effect than the 22000-Mr variant (75% decrease). Thus the only consequence of the residues-32-46 deletion in the 20000-Mr variant is a lower association rate and affinity for the IM-9 lymphocyte human-growth-hormone receptor. The close binding characteristics of the two forms suggest that the known differences in their insulin-like effects cannot be explained by differences in the nature of their interaction with the human-growth-hormone receptor.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gerçek, Muhammed, Anca A. Irimie, Mustafa Gerçek, Henrik Fox, Vera Fortmeier, Tanja K. Rudolph, Volker Rudolph e Kai P. Friedrichs. "Dynamics of Cognitive Function in Patients with Heart Failure Following Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair". Journal of Clinical Medicine 11, n.º 14 (9 de julho de 2022): 3990.

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Aims: Interventional transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair (TMVR) is an established treatment option for patients with severe mitral regurgitation (MR) and high operative risk. Cognitive impairment is one of the most common conditions among often extensive comorbidities in these patients. The specific patterns of cognitive decline and particularly the effect of TMVR are not well described. Thus, this study aimed to investigate into the impact of TMVR on cognitive impairment, exercise capacity, and quality of life. Methods: Cognitive function (executive, naming, memory, attention, language, abstraction, and orientation) was assessed with the standardized Montreal Cognitive Assessment test (MoCA; range between 0 and 30 points) before and 3 months after TMVR in 72 consecutive patients alongside echocardiographic examination and assessment of exercise capacity (six-minute walk test) as well as quality-of-life questionnaires (Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire, MLHF-Q). Results: Patients’ median age was 81 [76.0; 84.5] years, 39.7% were female with a median EuroScore II of 4.4% [2.9; 7.7]. The assessment of cognitive function showed a significant improvement of the cumulative MoCA-Test result (from 22.0 [19.0; 24.5] to 24 [22.0; 26.0]; p < 0.001) with significant changes in the subcategories executive (p < 0.001), attention (p < 0.001), abstraction (p < 0.001), and memory (p < 0.001). In addition, quality of life (from 47.5 [25.0; 69.3] to 24.0 [12.0; 40.0]; p < 0.001) and exercise capacity (from 220.0 m [160.0; 320.0] to 280.0 m [200.0; 380.0]; p = 0.003) increased significantly 3 months after the TMVR procedure. Conclusions: TMVR leads to a significant improvement of cognitive function, exercise capacity, and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure in 3 months follow up and again highlights the benefit of the evermore established TMVR procedure for patients with high operative risk.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Manjón, José V., Pierrick Coupé, Luis Martí-Bonmatí, D. Louis Collins e Montserrat Robles. "Adaptive non-local means denoising of MR images with spatially varying noise levels". Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31, n.º 1 (20 de dezembro de 2009): 192–203.

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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Mr 2200"


Zerm, Pablo Michael. "Umrisse eines normativen Autokratiebegriffs als systemtheoretische Skizze". Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2019.

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Die Arbeit macht sich auf die Suche nach den Umrissen eines normativ fundierten Autokratiebegriffs. Begründet ist dieses Unterfangen mit der Beobachtung eines immanenten demokratischen Imperativs in den aktuellen Herrschaftskonzeptionen und Regimetypologien. Als Denkraum dient Niklas Luhmanns Theorie-Architektur der soziologischen Systemtheorie. Die Annahme ist, dass sich mit einer solchen Perspektive der Blick auf die Grundelemente des politischen Systems öffnen, die dann zu einer funktionalen Vernunft-Quelle führen um Autokratie neu zu definieren.
Based on the observation of an immanent democratic imperative in contemporary regime typologies and concepts, this work is in search for contours of a normative definition of autocracy. Niklas Luhmann's theoretical foundations serves as epistemological means to explore functional sources of Vernunft and to overcome metaphysical or natural justifications of order. The assumption is that such a perspective exposes fundamental elements of political systems and their systemic functions for a reformulation of autocracy.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Vargas, Ruiz Pedro. "Mr. Roboto". Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2011.

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Esta investigación se logró gracias a que poseo una tarjeta CMR Falabella para estudiantes, por lo tanto, no se encontró apoyo alguno en el Fondart, ni de parte del magíster en artes mediales como de la Universidad de Chile. Se me ha dificultado mi investigación por la falta de apoyo de los profesores como de la misma institución. Algo insólito si pensamos que es la primera investigación en arte y telerobótica en Chile. Es importante que lo escribiera estos hechos en mi tesis, si bien han sido una pincelada de los obstáculos encontrados en el transcurso de esta investigación. Como las dificultades de encontrar tecnología a bajo costo que sólo se encuentra en país del primer mundo. Cada vez que hacía un pedido tenía que esperar un mes y medio. Mi interés ha sido investigar un área poca desarrollada en Chile que es el Arte y la robótica. Si ustedes, se interesan en indagar en esta área acerca del arte/robótica les dejo mi correo para que se contacten conmigo estaré encantado en ayudarlos en la medida que pueda.
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Toro, Villavicencio José Luis. "The concept of the american dream in Paul Auster’s “Mr. Vertigo”". Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2005.

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Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa.
“People everywhere have hopes, but America is the only nation to claim its own collective dream. Politicians have invoked The American Dream ever since historian James Truslow Adams first coined the phrase in 1931. In his best-selling book, “the epic of America”, he described the dream as the average American’s “star in the west which led him search of a home where toil would reap a sure reward, and no dead hands of custom or exaction would push him back into ´his place`”. The phrase caught on like wildfire and endures still, though its meaning is often vague. To some the “sure reward” is a luxury car. To others it’s a college degree, a steady job that pays the bills, or a house in the suburbs and a family of four `a la Ozzie and Harriet. But the dream is above all America’s own brand of optimism, which was brought over by the first settlers and which presumes no limits to what anyone can have or achieve.”
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Arroyo, S. Paula, A. Eduardo Köhnenkamp, C. Daniela Muñoz, C. Daniela Rodríguez e G. Dafnne Sepúlveda. "Adaptación al español de Chile de la prueba audiológica MR. POTATO HEAD TASK en preescolares". Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2015.

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Actualmente, en Chile, no existen muchas pruebas de comportamiento auditivo que permitan la evaluación de habilidades auditivas en un contexto lúdico y apropiado para niños preescolares. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar al español de Chile la prueba audiológica Mr. Potato Head Task para su uso en niños chilenos preescolares de 3 a 5,11 años de edad de la Región Metropolitana, instrumento diseñado originalmente en Estados Unidos por Amy McConkey Robbins (1994). Este instrumento evalúa la habilidad auditiva de reconocimiento, puntuando independientemente instrucciones de armado del muñeco Mr. Potato Head y palabras claves que guían la ejecución de la instrucción. La adaptación de la prueba se realizó en dos etapas: una etapa de traducción del instrumento y una segunda etapa de aplicación en una población de 34 niños preescolares con desarrollo típico que cumplieran los criterios de inclusión. El análisis realizado sugiere que la prueba podría ser aplicable en la población estudiada, mostrando un porcentaje de logro mayor al 90% tanto para las instrucciones como las palabras claves en los tres grupos etarios analizados: 3-3,11 años, 4-4,11 años y 5-5,11 años. La prueba cumple con las características establecidas por Robbins & Kirk (1996) para el diseño de un instrumento de evaluación para preescolares. Sin embargo, se vieron algunas dificultades en el acceso de los materiales necesarios a utilizar durante la aplicación del instrumento.
Currently, in Chile, there are not many audiological tests which allows audiological skills assessment in a playful and appropriate environment for preschool children. The aim of this study was adapt to chilean spanish the audiological test “Mr. Potato Head Task” to be used in chilean preschool children from 3 to 5.11 years old from Región Metropolitana, instrument originally designed in United States by Amy McConkey Robbins (1994). This instrument scores independently set-up instructions of Mr. Potato Head and keywords referred to objects to be chosen to perform the instruction. The adaptation was executed in two stages: a stage of instrument translation and a second stage of running the test in a 34 preschool children population with typical development matching inclusive criteria. Analysis performed suggest this test is likely to be applied in the studied population, showing an achievement over 90% for instructions and keywords in the three age-grouped analysis: 3-3,11 years, 4-4,11 years and 5- 5,11 years. Full 100% achievement wasn't reached because one instructions shows difficulties in performing task, most likely because of a shy personality of some preschool. Difficulties in access to necessary equipment to be used during the test was also noticed. Nevertheless, this test accomplish specific features established by Robbins & Kirk (1996) related to designing an assessment instrument for preschool children.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Livros sobre o assunto "Mr 2200"


An introduction to survival analysis using stata. Texas: Stata Corporation, 2002.

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Constructing Grounded Theory. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2014.

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Constructing Grounded Theory. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2024.

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Constructing Grounded Theory. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2024.

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Constructing grounded theory. SAGE Publications, 2014.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Mr 2200"


Pan, G., Z. Lu e A. Al-Jibouri. "Spin-Filter Specular Spin Valves with Higher MR Ratio and Thinner Free Layers". In Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and their Applications, 79–89. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2004.

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Sostman, H. D. "MR Imaging in Venous Thromboembolism". In Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine — A.P.I.C.E., 271–78. Milano: Springer Milan, 1996.

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Behera, N. K. S., M. K. Sahoo e H. S. Behera. "HOG Based Radial Basis Function Network for Brain MR Image Classification". In Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 1, 45–56. New Delhi: Springer India, 2014.

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Bali, Paul, Tara Finn e Luke Gibbon. "Mr O'Keeffe (Prague) to Mr Hurd, 30 December, 12.30 p.m. 1". In Britain and the Revolutions in Eastern Europe, 1989, editado por Richard Smith, 391–93. Routledge, 2019.

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Guan, X., Y. Huang, H. Li e J. Ou. "Adaptive MR damper based control system". In Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability, 1534–41. CRC Press, 2012.

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Symson, Joseph. "[220] To: Mr. Robert Pitman, in Basinghall Street, merchant in London; Kendal, 13 December, 1711". In Records of Social and Economic History: New Series, Vol. 34: ‘An Exact and Industrious Tradesman’: The Letter Book of Joseph Symson of Kendal, 1711–1720, editado por S. D. Smith, 68. British Academy, 2002.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Mr 2200"


Malpede, Sabrina, Donald MacVicar, Francesco Nasato e Paolo Semeraro. "Fully Integrated Fluid-structural Analysis for the Design and Performance Optimization of Fiber Reinforced Sails". In SNAME 22nd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium. SNAME, 2016.

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This paper presents an advanced and accurate integrated system for the design and performance optimization of fiber reinforced sails -commonly named string sails- developed by SMAR Azure Ltd. This integrated design system allows sail designers not only to design sail-shapes and the reinforcing fiber paths, but also to validate the performance of the flying sail-shape and have accurate production details including the overall sail weight, material used, which means costs, and length of the fiber paths, which means production time. The SMAR Azure design and analysis method includes a validated and computationally efficient structural analysis method coupled with a modified vortex lattice method, with wake relaxation, to enable a proper aero-elastic simulation of sails in upwind conditions. The structural analysis method takes into account the geometric non-linearity and wrinkling behavior of membrane structures –such as sails-, the fiber layout, the influence of battens, trimming loads and interaction with rigging elements, e.g. luff sag calculation on a headstay, in a timely manner. This method has been extensively validated and used to optimize several racing and super-yachts sailing plans. Specifically, this paper presents a validated optimization of a real fiber reinforce membrane sail plan of 140’, 240 ton aluminium Super Yacht, carried out in collaboration with Paolo Semeraro (from Banks Sails Europe), who designs and produces the MEMBRANE™ and BFAST™ string sails, the latter with Marco Semeraro. Both BFAST and Bank Sails have been using the SMAR Azure technology for almost a decade and notwithstanding the long experience of Mr. Semeraro in using the technology, given the sailplan-size and detailed customer requirements, among which improved durability, strength and reliability and smooth use of in-boom furling, this project was carried out incooperation with the SMAR Azure technical team. A total of 1000 sqm of upwind sailing area was analyzed and optimized. A combination of Dyneema TM Sk 90 and black Twaron 2200 was chosen for the fibers and a triple step lamination under hi-pressure plus laminated patches utilizing the same fibers where added to prevent local deformation of the corners. A long term vacuumed post-curing period sealed the production phases. The final sail plan is -as anticipated by the analysis results- holds the desired shape and is stronger. The final fiber layout shows a reduction in maximum stress by 22% compared to the initial design; this was achieved with only 11% (4kg) gain in fiber weight.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Aihara, M., S. Morimoto, Y. Sawada, A. Kimura, Y. Chiba e Y. Yoshida. "A ROLE OF PLATELET MEMBRANE COMPONENTS IN THE INTERACTION OF PLATELET-COLLAGEN-VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR". In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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To determine a role of platelet membrane components on the interaction of platelet-collagen-von Willebrand factor(vWF), several experimental approaches were used. The adhesion of human fixed washed platelets(FWP) to collagen was decreased after the treatment with Serratia marcescens protease(100 ug/ml), but the collagen cofactor activity(COo) of vWF that enhances the adhesion of FWP to collagen was still present after the digestion. Although the platelet adhesion in the absence of normal plasma was not changed by the addition of monoclonal antibody(M-ab) against platelet membrane glycoprotein(GP) IIb/lIIa(1 0E5, BS Coller), the adhesion was decreased by 30-50% after the treatment of the platelets with 10-100 ug/ml anti-GPIb(6D1, BS Coller). The adhesion of FWP to collagen was inhibited by lectins;the adhesion was 58-75% in the presence of 100-400 ug/ml L. culinaris lectin or weat germ agglutinin and the adhesion was nil in the presence of 100 ug/ml Ricinus communis agglutinin I or 200 ug/ml concanavalin A. By the crossed aff ino-immunoelectrophoresis, the binding of GP Ilb/lIIa in Triton-solubilized platelet supernatant to the collagen spacer gel was observed. When CHAPSO solubilized platelet was applied to the collagen column and the fractions containing adhesion inhibitor were eluated by 0.3M NaCl, Mr of 240K, 220K, 21 OK, 116K, 61K, 54K, 50K and 45K proteins were identified besides the proteins which correspond to thrombospondin, GPIb, GP lib or Ilia by SDS-PAGE(7.5% gel, silver stain). GOo in normal plasma was not changed by anti-GPIIb/lIIa but was decreased to 32-38%by anti-GPIb. M-ab against vWF, CLB-RAg 35(van Mourik), that inhibits the binding of vWF to platelet by ristocetin decreased COo in normal plasma by 70% and CLB-RAg 201 (van Mourik) that inhibits the binding of vWF to collagen did completely inhibit the COo in normal plasma. In conclusion, our data suggest that (1) GPIb is partly involved in the platelet adhesion to collagen; (2) the binding of vWF to collagen is required for the expression of CCo; (3) CCo of vWF is partly mediated though GPIb; and (4) several platelet membrane protein(s) besides GPIb or GPIIb/lIIa may be also involved in both the adhesion of platelets to collagen and CCo of vWF.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Takahashi, Y., M. Kalafatis, J. P. Girma e D. Meyer. "ABNORMALITY OF THE N-TERMINAL PORTION OF VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR (FRAGMENT Sp III ) IN TYPE IIA AND IIC VON WILLEBRAND DISEASE". In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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A new analytical method was established, allowing the characterization of von Willebrand Factor (vWF) degradation fragments from minute amounts of plasma without the need for immunopurification of vWF. Ten ul of citrated plasma in 20 ul of 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.8, 0.1 M NaCl, 10 mM EDTA buffer were treated with S. aureus V-8 protease for 15 min to 3 h at 22°C. Following addition of 1 mM DFP, the cleaved fragments were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide or SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis and identified by 125 I-labeled polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to vWF andautoradiography. Quantification of each fragmentwas estimated by counting radioactivity in slices of the dry gel. In normal plasma, S. aureus V-8 protease produced two dimeric fragments of vWF, with identical electrophoretic and antigeniccharacteristics to those produced from highly purified vWF, ie a C-terminal fragment of 220 kd (Spll) and a series of N-terminal fragments (Spill) with a major species of Mr 320 kd (SpIIIa) and two minor ones of 265 kd (SpIIIb) and 215 kd (SpIIIc). The method was applied to further characterize the molecular abnormalities of vWF in 15 patient plasmas with variant (type II) von Willebrand disease (vWD). In all cases with type IIA, IIB, IIC and IID tested, fragment Spll had the same mobility as in normal plasma. In 7 patients with type IIA, the amount and distribution ofthe three Spill species were clearly abnormal, with a marked decrease or absence of SpIIIa and an increase of SpIIIb and SpIIIc. Results slightly varied between patients but were consistent within one family. In 4 patients with type IIC, the band SpIIIb was lacking. In 2 patients with type IIB and 2 patients with type IID, there was no significant modification of Spill. In all cases the pattern of Spill was similar whether using polyclonal antibodies to vWF or MAbs to Spill.The pattern of normal or abnormal Spill remainedthe same in fresh or frozen plasma and was not modified by the presence of 5 mM EDTA at the timeof blood collection. Furthermore, the abnormaldistribution of Spill in type IIA or IIC vWD wasalready present after the shortest digestion time(15 min) indicating that the fragment Spill was produced from an abnormal vWF during the primary digestion with S. aureus V-8 protease. In conclusion, the molecular abnormality of vWF in type IIA and IIC vWD appears to reside in Spill, the N-terminal portion of the subunit (residues 1 to 1,365).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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