Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "Migrations – Guinée"
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Barry, Idrissa. "Migrations, organisations de la société civile et développement en Guinée". Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0153.
Texto completo da fonteDougouno, Mohamed. "Les enjeux de la migration de retour en Guinée : les expériences non-retour et de retour de migrants via les programmes de retour « volontaire »". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024EHES0004.
Texto completo da fonteGuinea has a long tradition of migration. During the colonial period and in the aftermath of independence, it supplied seasonal workers to Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire. Decades later, these mobility dynamics continue. In 2015, the United Nations counted 426,941 Guinean migrants worldwide. While these flows are mainly directed towards West African countries (74%), they tend to espouse other destinations. The routes to Europe via the Sahel and North Africa are recruiting more and more candidates. According to Frontex data cited by Petit and Baldé (2017), the number of Guineans entering Europe "irregularly" rose from 47 in 2009 to 14,708 in 2016. By 2021, Guinean nationals would be among the top asylum seekers in Europe (fifth in France and 15th in the whole of Europe). These departures are coupled with significant return flows. Between January 2017 and September 2022, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) facilitated the return of 29,410 Guineans, making Guinea the leading country of return in sub-Saharan Africa. The importance of Guinean migration contrasts with the low level of interest in the subject among researchers. In other words, the mobility of Guinean nationals remains poorly documented to date. This thesis aims to help fill this gap. It seeks to understand the basis of these migrants' decisions. At this regard, it examines different moments in their experiences: emigration, the journey in transit countries, immigration to Europe, return and reintegration in Guinea. A qualitative methodology was used to address these research issues. Semi-structured interviews were used as the main data collection tool. Individual interviews were conducted with "irregular" migrants in Europe (France and Belgium), returnees in Guinea and informants from the returnee communities. In addition to the interviews, the comparative approach was used to track the evolution of migration dynamics in Africa, by putting Guinean migration to Senegal and Burkina Faso migration to Côte d'Ivoire into perspective. The comparative approach also enabled us to understand the reintegration approaches proposed to returning migrants. Theoretically, an analytical framework built around neoclassical theory (micro approach) and Boudon's theory of rational choice was used to interpret Guineans' decisions in different migration contexts
Simon-Loriere, Hélène. "Conditions de vie et projets migratoires des réfugiés libériens à Conakry (Guinée) et Accra (Ghana)". Phd thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00959961.
Texto completo da fonteReveyrand-Coulon, Odile. "Strategies individuelles ou contraintes collectives. Approche psychologique et anthropologique de la migration des bassari (senegal oriental) a dakar". Toulouse 2, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989TOU20009.
Texto completo da fonteThis study deals with the bassari who migrate from a traditional and village oriented society (organized according the following structures: animis, self subsistence economy, clans, masks, age-grades, acephalous system of authority) to dakar (synonymn of urbanization, ethnic pluralism, islamization, westernization). This analysis is based on participating observation, interviews, rorschach projective tests, and investigates the psychological modes of adaptation of the bassari's person in the context of migration. This research reveals the form of acculturation and the means which are a priori at the disposal of the person in this situation, or are generated by it. This work rises the problem of the future of personal and cultural identity of the migrant. It analyses the specific way in which operates the psychology of individuals who move from a collective oriented culture to a more individualistic one. The dissertation looks at the ethnic representations and the system of interrelationships which are at stake in the group of migrants (family maintained, failure of association). On the whole it appears that anybody among the bassari don't migrate, and migration is an attempt to solve personal conflicts
Có, João Ribeiro Butiam. "A Mobilidade Internacional dos Quadros Africanos : Diáspora Qualificada, Profissionais da Área de Saúde e Redes Transnacionais de Desenvolvimento na Guiné-Bissau". Doctoral thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/4649.
Texto completo da fonteAs migrações, através das dinâmicas de incorporação e transnacionalismo das suas redes, têm tido um contributo assinalável nas civilizações humanas, bem como no desenvolvimento social, económico e político global. A dinâmica da mobilidade humana é hoje um fenómeno muito presente nos estudos das ciências sociais e humanas, em específico da sociologia económica. O trabalho aqui apresentado visa analisar a mobilidade internacional dos quadros, em particular dos profissionais da área de saúde, e o papel das redes transnacionais no desenvolvimento da Guiné-Bissau, tendo como elementos explicativos os determinantes socioculturais implícitos na organização e acções da diáspora guineense qualificada. O crescimento do volume da diáspora guineense qualificada tem sido acompanhado pelas redes (de incorporação e transnacionais) deste grupo migrante. Estas redes têm conhecido algumas dificuldades no cumprimento dos seus objectivos, relativos à implementação de programas e políticas de migração e desenvolvimento. Isto acontece, por um lado, devido à instabilidade política, social e institucional do país de origem. Por outro, devido a determinantes de natureza sociocultural, como é o caso do capital social e organizativo das redes associativas e dos habitus culturels dos seus membros. Por consequência, a Guiné-Bissau faz parte dos países africanos que menos beneficia das oportunidades dos programas de inversão da fuga dos cérebros. Não obstante, possui, depois de Moçambique, a maior taxa de emigração relativa de médicos emigrados nos países da OCDE - sendo que a maior parte reside em Portugal estimada em 150% dos que trabalham actualmente no serviço nacional de saúde da Guiné-Bissau. Durante a nossa pesquisa, a maior parte dos médicos inquiridos em Portugal expressou a vontade de colaborar no desenvolvimento do sector da saúde guineense, através de programas que lhes permitam manter as suas residências e carteiras profissionais no país de acolhimento. Devido a perdas cada vez maiores de profissionais da área de saúde, em particular de médicos, na Guiné-Bissau, estima-se uma necessidade de formação local, nos próximos cinco anos, de pelo menos 51 médicos especializados. Dadas as más condições do sistema nacional de saúde na Guiné-Bissau - um dos principais factores de repulsão de profissionais médicos -, torna-se indispensável que o Estado guineense estabeleça mecanismos de reconhecimento e de ligação institucional com as redes da diáspora guineense qualificada, em particular dos profissionais da saúde, de modo a permitir uma participação e operacionalização de projectos de apoio ao desenvolvimento da Guiné-Bissau, em específico na área da saúde.
International migration is having a profound impact on human civilizations, as well as on global social, economic and political development, as a consequence of the dynamics of incorporation and transnationalism of migrant networks. Human mobility is today a theme deserving widespread research in human and social sciences, particularly in economic sociology. The current work aims to study the international mobility of highly skilled workers, particularly in the health sector, as well as the role of transnational networks on the development of Guinea-Bissau. The main explanatory factors under analysis are the social and cultural determinants underlying the organization and actions of the skilled diaspora. The increase of the skilled diaspora from Guinea-Bissau has been accompanied by the reinforcement of networks (of incorporation and transnational) from this migrant group. These networks have faced significant obstacles in the pursuing of their objectives, regarding the accomplishment of migration and development programs and policies. The main reasons for this are, on the one hand, the political, social and institutional instability of the origin country. On the other hand, they consist of social and cultural determinants, such as the social and organizational capital of the immigrants' associations and the habitus culturels of their members. An outcome is the fact that Guinea-Bissau is one of the African countries which benefits the least from programs of reverse brain drain. However, the country possesses, after Mozambique, the highest relative emigration rate of medical doctors to OECD countries - the majority of whom live in Portugal. That rate is estimated at 150% of the total number of medical doctors currently employed in Guinea-Bissau's national health service. In our own fieldwork, the majority of the medical doctors surveyed in Portugal expressed a will to collaborate with the development of Guinea-Bissau's health sector, supported by programs allowing them to maintain their residence and professional license in Portugal. Given the recurrent lost of health sector professionals, particularly medical doctors, from Guinea-Bissau, a local need for the training of at least 51 specialized doctors is forecast for the next five years. Taking into account the adverse conditions of the health national system in the country - one of the factors explaining the departure of professionals -, there is a need for the state to develop recognition mechanisms and institutional connections with the skilled diaspora's networks. This appears a crucial condition for allowing stronger participation and operationalization of development projects in Guinea-Bissau, particularly in the health sector.
Les migrations humaines contribuent depuis toujours au développement de l'humanité. Les diffusions culturelles et techniques qui les accompagnent enrichissent les civilisations et les communautés humaines d'accueil. Grâce aux moyens de communications d'aujourd'hui les processus d'intégration se combinent au déploiement de réseaux multinationaux toujours plus importants. C'est pourquoi les dynamiques de mobilité humaine sont aujourd'hui étudiées par les sciences sociales et humaines et plus particulièrement par la sociologie économique. Je considérerai dans ce travail un cas de mobilité internationale de cadres africains à partir de l'exemple des professionnels bissau-guinéens de la santé et des réseaux transnationaux de développement qu'ils installent. La formation d'une diaspora bissau-guinéenne de professionnels qualifiés a en effet donné lieu à la création de réseaux tant d'intégration dans le pays d'accueil que transnationaux qui ont vite voulu participer au développement du pays d'origine. Toutefois, les programmes mises en œuvre au sein de ces réseaux n'ont pas atteint leurs objectifs. D'une part, en raison de l'instabilité politique, sociale et institutionnelle que connait le pays d'origine. De l'autre, en raison de déterminants socioculturels dont le capital social et les habitus culturels des membres des réseaux. La Guinée-Bissau est par conséquent l'un des pays africains ayant le moins bénéficié d'opportunités telles que la mise en place de programmes visant à stopper la fuite des cerveaux africains. A l'exception du Mozambique, le pays a le taux le plus élevé d'émigration de médecins vers les pays riches de l'Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economique. L'émigration dans le service national de la santé est, aujourd'hui, estimée à 150%. Notre enquête témoigne du fait que la plupart des médecins bissau-guinéens installés au Portugal expriment néanmoins une forte volonté de coopérer au développement du secteur de la santé de leur pays d'origine si leur était possible de conserver leurs cartes professionnelles du pays hôte. La fuite grandissante des cerveaux bissau-guinéens et en particulier des médecins, creuse le déficit. Le besoin de formation locale est estimé à 51 spécialistes au minimum dans les cinq prochaines années. Ces faits démontrent la nécessité pour l'Etat bissau-guinéen de mettre en place des mécanismes de reconnaissance et de liaison institutionnelle avec les réseaux qualifiés de la diaspora bissau-guinéenne et en particulier avec ceux constitué par les professionnels de la santé - ce qui permettrait leur participation à des projets de développement et en particulier à ceux concernant le domaine de la santé.
Instituto Português de Apoio Ao Desenvolvimento; CEDEAO-ECOWAS; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; SOCIUS
Bayo, Soumahila. "Microcrédit et genre dans un contexte de pauvreté en haute Guinée". Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU20126/document.
Texto completo da fonteThe purpose of this dissertation is the understanding of the mechanisms of the development of microfinance in relation to gender issues in Upper Guinea, in the republic of Guinea. Indeed, the examination of social relations in Upper Guinea suggests gender disparities to the detriment of women. They are disproportionately affected by many socio-economic, cultural, and political inequalities: they have little or no involvement at all in the decision-making process; they have very low levels of education and training in comparison to men; they have no control over productive and economic resources (trees, fruit trees, mines, fishing, among others). This situation results in the devaluation of their social status, significant domestic workload, and above all, women’s generalized impoverishment. Confronted with this reality, some women adhere to the logic of borrowing, which is based on micro-credits in order to start, strengthen or diversify income generating activities in the trade, crafts and agriculture sectors. For the purpose of further exploring that issue, this dissertation attempts to analyze the effects of microfinance on women’s life in this region of Guinea.Using a methodological approach, which is primarily qualitative, the examination of field realities shows that microfinance is not a miracle solution to fight poverty among women and gender inequalities. It may just as well produce opposite effects resulting in the worsening of their economic and social situation (over-indebtedness, poverty, migration, exclusion, divorce, prostitution, exposure to HIV/AIDS)
Diop, Amadou Moustapha. "Société manjak et migration /". [S.l.] : A. M. Diop, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb370213642.
Texto completo da fonteBibliogr. p. 192-201. Glossaire.
Diallo, Mamadou Aliou. "Les étudiants Africains en France : le cas des étudiants guinéens dans les universités de la région parisienne". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021PA080052.
Texto completo da fonteAfrican students in France. The case of Guinean students in universities of Paris region Benefiting by the selective quantitative democratization set up by Campus France, Guinean students leave their country to continue their studies in France with the hope of getting an international degree/diploma that could lead to national or international employment.I am attemping to study the presence of students in various French universities, the administrative procedures they follow to come to France, their motivations, their socio-professional category and the level of study of their parents, the financing of their trip and studies, the conditions of their life and studies and also their intentions to return after their studies have been completed here in France.French politicians, in the context of the state, fixe the criteria for immigration of African students to the territory ; it is a way to control immigration. Therefore it represents a doctrine thought by the state, the only legally constituted actor to monopolise the issue of immigration. In the length of time, depending on the contexts, politicians focused on the construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of the models of reception of those students in order to improve direct immigration to French territory.Students seek to achieve their goals, adapt to the university system and validate their semester by abiding by the legal texts of the State.The duality of the objectives, those of the state and those of the students, is an asset for the academic migration in France. It reminds us of the relation of interdependence between the different actors involved in this process
MacArthur, Shona. "Bubbles guide migrating smolts around hydropower plants". Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-160490.
Texto completo da fonteAbreu, Alexandre José Germano de. "Migration and development in contemporary Guinea-Bissau : a political economy approach". Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2012. http://eprints.soas.ac.uk/14243/.
Texto completo da fonteVan, Toor Mariëlle Liduine [Verfasser]. "A HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO WATERBIRD MIGRATION / Mariëlle Liduine Van Toor". Konstanz : Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1171131909/34.
Texto completo da fonteMenhoudj, Karim. "Contributions méthodologiques à la réingénierie des systèmes d'information : technique de migration guidée par les données". Lyon, INSA, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ISAL0001.
Texto completo da fonteLegacy information systems are increasingly acknowledged as major problems for most large corporations. On one side, we can hardly maintain them and on the other side they are technologically out-of-date. Sa, should we continue to maintain them until the end of their life cycle or do we need to redevelop new systems? The best approach for this problem is the reengineering of information systems, which could be an intermediate solution between continued maintenance and new development. The goal of this thesis is to propose a method of information system reengineering. More precisely, it concerns the migration of a system based on COBOL files towards a relational platform. Our method is composed of three principal steps: (1) the assessment of the legacy system for the choice of a reengineering strategy, (2) the reverse engineering of the legacy system to recover its logical and/or conceptual views and (3) the achievement of the migration. In the first step, the assessment is based on metrics and is led on three different but complementary axes which characterize the application program from three points of view: the technical quality, the evolution ability and the user’s satisfaction. The recommendations derived from this process will be taken into account in the following steps. In the second step, a data reverse engineering method is presented with the goal of examining the COBOL files to recover their conceptual view according to the Entity-Relationship model. In the final step, a data driven migration method is described. It is based on the use of gateways and achieved according to a predefined order in the migration of the components from the source towards the target
Faiteli, Alfred Eliesa. "Migration and fertility in Papua New Guinea : stories from a Massim Island". Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.439500.
Texto completo da fonteJanequine, Olivia Gonçalves. "Estrangeiros no meio : o processo de estabelecimento dos sirio-libaneses na Guine Portuguesa, 1910-1926". [s.n.], 2009. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/279139.
Texto completo da fonteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto d Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T05:13:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Janequine_OliviaGoncalves_M.pdf: 1792032 bytes, checksum: a0352588a2e20b318ac19dafae0d3973 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009
Resumo: Na passagem do século XIX para o XX, no contexto de sua grande migração, alguns milhares de sírio-libaneses foram para a África Ocidental e ali se estabeleceram. Em toda a região, tornaram-se intermediários no circuito comercial, então em plena ascenção, que fazia chegar as matérias-primas da região à indústria européia e os bens de consumo produzidos na Europa àquele que era um novo mercado. Concomitantemente à expansão do comércio externo na região, deu-se a intensificação da presença militar e administrativa dos Estados imperiais europeus ali e no resto do continente africano. Com o contexto global e regional sempre em perspectiva, esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação sobre o processo de estabelecimento de migrantes sírio-libaneses na Guiné Portuguesa (atual Guiné-Bissau), concentrando-se nos anos correspondentes ao primeiro período republicano em Portugal, entre 1910 e 1926. O tema é abordado através da análise de documentos produzidos no contexto da administração colonial portuguesa no território, material que nos permitiu construir uma interpretação sobre este processo em que a ambigüidade da condição de estrangeiro é o elemento central.
Abstract: Between the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, in the context of their great migration, a few thousand Syrian-Lebanese travelled to and settled in West Africa. All over the region they became middlemen in a then growing trade circuit that carried local produce to the European industry and European manufactures to that new market. Concomitant to the expansion of external trade in the region was the intensification of imperial European states' military and administrative presence there and in the rest of the African continent. With the global and regional contexts constantly in the horizon, this dissertation presents a survey of the settlement process of Syrian-Lebanese migrants in Portuguese Guinea (present Guinea- Bissau), focusing the years of the first Portuguese republican period, between 1910 and 1926. The theme is approached through the analysis of written documents produced in the context of the Portuguese colonial administration in the territory. The material allows of an interpretation of the process in which the ambiguity of the condition of stranger plays a central role.
Cultura e Poder
Mestre em Antropologia Social
Grollemund, Rebecca. "Comparaison de différentes méthodes de classification : application aux langues bantu du nord-ouest". Thesis, Lyon 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LYO20055.
Texto completo da fonteThis dissertation is presenting a linguistic classification based on phylogenetic methods borrowed from biology. The sample of languages considered here belongs to the Bantu family, a linguistic sub branch of Niger-Congo languages spoken in Africa. Numerous publications have shown a complexity and the diversity of Bantu languages. Our study focus on the North-West region which includes the following countries: Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo. This new classification is based on the comparison of lexical items. We have organized a database including 100 words from the basic vocabulary for 207 languages. Several tree representations were obtained by using Neighbor-Joining (Saitou and Nei, 1987) and Neighbor-Net (Bryant and Moulton, 2004) algorithms.This study allows us to get a better understanding of the linguistic proximity of these languages. It also provides a historical scenario for Bantu migrations
Buckley, Winston Hamlett ;Case Edward John ;Spencer M. P. "An integration, long range planning, and migration guide for the stock point logistics integrated communications project". Thesis, Monterey, California: U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/21924.
Texto completo da fonteBun, Krufinta. "Impact of Migration and Spatial Patterns on Filariasis Infections in Dreikikir District, East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea". Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1307557929.
Texto completo da fonteGünther, Marga. "Adoleszenz und Migration : Adoleszenzverläufe weiblicher und männlicher Bildungsmigranten aus Westafrika". Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=017112996&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Texto completo da fontePatterson, Katherine-Anne V. Wadley Reed L. "Patterns of local mobility in an Iban community of West Kalimantan, Indonesia". Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri--Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10355/5748.
Texto completo da fonteNguyen, Trong Hieu. "Modèles mathématiques de la dynamique des populations en environnement déterministe et stochastique". Thesis, Paris 6, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA066432/document.
Texto completo da fonteIn this thesis, we consider mathematical population dynamics models in deterministic and stochastic environments. For deterministic environments, we study three models: an intraguild model with the effects of spatial heterogeneous environment and fast migration of individuals; a fishery model with Marine Protected Area where fishing is prohibited and an area where the fish population is harvested; a predator-prey model which has one prey and two predators with Beddington-DeAngelis functional responses. For stochastic environments, we study SIRS epidemic model and predator-prey models under telegraph noise. We try to present the dynamical behavior of these models and show out the existence or vanishing of species in the models
McMahon, Tadgh, e mcmaht@email cs nsw gov au. "A realist review of evidence to guide targeted approaches to HIV/AIDS prevention among immigrants living in high-income countries". Flinders University. Medical School, Discipline of Public Health, 2010. http://catalogue.flinders.edu.au./local/adt/public/adt-SFU20100707.104732.
Texto completo da fonteNordin, Jonathan. "Highway To Hell: Can a bubble barrier guide descending salmonid kelt to safety?" Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-174689.
Texto completo da fonteMongbet, Abêt. "Mobilités, dynamiques frontalières et intégration sous-régionale en zone CEMAC : le cas des commerçants de Kyé-Ossi". Thesis, Poitiers, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019POIT5004.
Texto completo da fonteFree movement of people in the CEMAC zone has been a long process in the Central Africa subregion for the last five decades. The member States of that organization are still negotiating, then facing endless agreements about free movement. Its lack of effectiveness hinders sub-regional citizens like Cameroonians to migrate within the sub-region, especially to Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. These countries are very reluctant to open their borders to CEMAC nationals, because of their higher socio-economic situation they are protecting. That obstacle induces actors to develop their own mobility strategies. In fact, rejection at the border causes Cameroonian migrants to settle in Kyé-Ossi, a Cameroonian town that borders those two countries. Over time, that settlement gradually led to spatial expansion enhanced by the demographic growth resulting mainly from internal migrations; this phenomenon poked up by trade expands and enlivens border cooperation in that region. With a stagnant integration process, we thus witness a frontier transformation through anthropization by migrants and territorialization of state, actions which further increase human movements to that border. So from Kyé-Ossi will be formed the new migratory and mobility lives. Due to the family and network dynamics created around the border, Kyé-Ossi thereby becomes a new turning point for different international mobilities: short and long journeys towards Gabon or Equatorial Guinea, network for immigration, long-term transit zone for a subsequent immigration in both countries, network of passing and actors system of trade for other Cameroonians inside these countries. Then the three border fronts tamed or inhabited by Cameroonians, living places where they undergo differentiation in their citizenship as Cameroonians and nationals of the CEMAC sub-region. The methodology adopted to carry out this research includes a corpus based on fieldwork conducted since 2014. Data-gathering integrates direct observations in ethnographic context, sample survey and interviews with various target informants. Has been added to the previous methods exploitation of written materials such as literary, administrative and media documents, as well as satellite images. The collected data allows us to question and appreciate the links among mobility - socio-spatial dynamics in a multi-frontier context – sub-regional integration. This aims to verify the hypothesis of border openness to international mobility due to land continuity resulting from the border and migratory dynamics
Casaca, Figueira Carla Sofia. "Languages at war in Lusophone Africa : external language spread policies in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau at the turn of the 21st century". Thesis, City, University of London, 2010. http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/17563/.
Texto completo da fonteSerra, i. Castella Xavier. "Els camins de l’or a l’Àfrica Antiga. Una comparativa de la mineria artesanal de l´actual Golf de Guinea amb la mineria de l´Antic Egipte". Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/461186.
Texto completo da fonteIn Ancient Egypt, gold represented, from the beginning, the metal with which the Pharaohs were venerated. Because of this great quantity of this element would be required to satisfy the ostentation and power of these Kings. We know by textual, papirologic and archeologic sources that gold was exploited starting at the Predynsatic period. In this study, we are interested in delving deeper in the Periods of New Kingdom (1539-1077 B.C.), and, in the Ptolemaic (332-30 B.C.). The first one for being the period during which the largest quantity of gold was exploited for jewelry production, sculpting and the production of “sacred materials”. The second one because it represents an approximation to our own era, and most of all because it somehow gets us closer to the sources of West Africa. Authors from different schools provide us with data about gold extraction, which differ from one anoteher according to the German schools of Quiring (1948) or Klemm (2001). Given such a big offset with the data we propose a hypothesis: gold should have been brought by commercial routes from places far away from the Egyptian world. We propose the Trans-Saharan routes as a possibility to reform the hypothesis of gold commerce between West Africa and Ancient Egypt. The modern West African orpailleurs (gold panners) gather, clean and select gold with pallets in a similar way to how it was done in ancient times by miners from Eastern Desert and Nubia, places where the largest quantities of gold have been extracted during these periods. This is supposedly a technique that gives us a series of signs from extrapolation that led us to construct this hypothesis. The gold routes would have probably started in the autonomous province of Bambouk and would have arrived in Egypt. The possibility of connecting routes being travelled on foot, traversing the desert, is doubtful but may still be considered. This study includes a section on modern migrations. These would have followed patterns forged in these ancient routes. The gold routes are some that force West African migrants to travel toward modern Lebanon to cross the Mediterranean Sea so as to arrive in Europe.
Masset, Benjamin, e Ismail Sekkat. "Implementation of Customer Relationship Management in the Cloud : The example of SMEs through a multiple case study analysis". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för ekonomi och teknik (SET), 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-15913.
Texto completo da fonteLin, Ke. "Perceptions and Social Implications of Non-native Accents in Russia". The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1593736866398429.
Texto completo da fonteNoordhuis-Fairfax, Sarina. "Field | Guide: John Berger and the diagrammatic exploration of place". Phd thesis, Canberra, ACT : The Australian National University, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/154278.
Texto completo da fonteBarry, Mamadou Gando. "La migration pour études : l’expérience de retour des diplômés guinéens dans leur pays d’origine après une formation au Canada". Thèse, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/6230.
Texto completo da fonteThe present study deals with the phenomenon of migration for educational purposes. Based on a qualitative approach, it specifically looks at the experience of Guinean graduates, educated in Canada, both those that have returned home and those that chose to stay in the host country. Using discursive materials gathered through individual interviews carried out in both Guinea and Canada, the sample includes 31 graduates. The thrust of the study is threefold. It seeks, first, to identify the main motivations for Guinean graduates in their decision to “return home” or stay in the host country at the end of their studies. The second aim is to enquire about the future of the graduates, particularly their social, family and professional integration or re-integration back home or in Canada. Finally, the study examines the future prospects of the sampled graduates: their satisfaction or lack thereof with their current situations, their retrospective view about the experience of migration for studies, the prospects of eventual return back home for those who stayed in the host country, as well as the linkages they have maintained with their home country. In the case of those who returned home, the study shows that “employment and promotion prospects” had played a central motivating role in their decision to return. Family considerations constituted the main motivation for some, while others cited their “resolve to serve the home country”, as the main incentive for their return. If family reintegration was easy for most of them, re-adaptation to certain social practices “they had forgotten” seems to have been less smooth. On the professional front, it appears that their Canadian training had a positive impact on their careers, as the reputation of Canadian certificates seems quite valuable in Guinea. Also, the professional networks established during their stay in Canada seem to be useful to many. For those who remained in Canada, the possibility of finding a decent job seems to be the main incentive for staying. They often cite the opportunity that Canada offers for a “better future” for their kids as one reason for their decision to stay, which they consider as a worthy “sacrifice”. Another important motivation is the Canadian immigration policy, which encourages graduates to remain in the country. But while they often cite employment opportunities in Canada to justify their decision to stay, they do not, in most cases, get an appropriate employment in line with their qualifications. Thus, they generally end up taking up “petty jobs”. Many blame “discrimination” and their poor or non-existent “English” for this situation, given Canada’s bilingualism. Finally, however, the majority of them still do not exclude “returning home” one day, and they have not severed links with the home country. In fact, most of them strive to raise their kids in a way that would not detach them from Guinean cultures and customs.
Baldé, Victor Arsénio. "A importância dos fluxos migratórios na melhoria das condições de vida da população da Guiné-Bissau". Master's thesis, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/15554.
Texto completo da fonteA reflexão e a tomada de decisão de emigrar como forma de melhorar as condições de vida de determinados indivíduos, ou grupos de indivíduos, e respectivas famílias revelam como as influências sociais modificam o suposto comportamento de maximização dos indivíduos, levando a previsões distintas das que são apontadas pelos modelos económicos convencionais. O carácter selectivo da emigração confirma que as determinantes da emigração não radicam apenas na pobreza ou nas diferenças absolutas de saiários entre países. Devido à existência de diferentes culturas e a contextos sociais e políticos específicos, as migrações afectam desigualmente grupos com situação económica semelhante. Tendo. estas considerações como base, este estudo observa os movimentos de certos povos, etnias e estratos sociais da Guiné-Bissau em resposta à pobreza e à falta de alternativas reinantes neste país, particularmente no período compreendido entre 1980 e2000. Serão estudadas as especificidades económicas, sociais e culturais da Guiné-Bissau, as condições que levaram a intensos fluxos de emigração, e o impacto (positivo ou negativo) dos emigrantes junto das famílias, empresas e governo da sociedade de origem, com ênfase na melhoria das condições de vida da população deste país.
The evaluation and decision-making leading to emigration as a means of improving the life standard of individuais, or groups of individuais, and their farnilies reveal how social influences shape the expected maximizing behaviour of individuais, conducing to distinct forecasts than those established by mainstrearn econornic models. The selective character of migration con:firms that its determinants are not only based in poverty and in wage differences between countries. Given the role of distinct cultures and specific social and politica! environments, migrations affect unequally groups displaying identical economic standards. Taking in mind these considerations, this study is concemed with the migrations invoi,ving certain individuais, ethnic groups and social strata from Guinea-Bissau, responding to poverty and lack of altematives in the country, particularly in the period between 1980 and 2000. The study deals with the economic, social and cultural specificities of Guinea-Bissau, the conditions that explained large emigration flows, and the impact (positive or negative) of emigration in families, firms and government of the country, particularly conceming the improving of life standards.
Sousa, Teresa Carvalho Rego de. "Suspensos entre mundos: expressão identitária no processo migratório de dois homens guineenses". Master's thesis, 2016. http://repositorio.ispa.pt/handle/10400.12/5238.
Texto completo da fonteAtualmente observamos um maior impacto das mobilidades humanas sobre as estruturas sociais e nas formas de atuação em contexto clínico, surgindo desta forma uma maior necessidade de estudar as questões dirigidas à população migrante. Sobre o pano-de-fundo do processo migratório, nasce um conflito sobre a conciliação entre dois mundos, sobre um cá e um lá que exigem um reajuste na vivência do sujeito-migrante. Este reajuste é muitas vezes sentido como um momento turbulento para a integridade do sujeito, que se repercute nas relações de alteridade e com o meio cultural. Assim, este processo migratório é também uma transformação identitária. Deste modo, procurou estudar-se como, à luz da perspetiva psicanalítica, é que estas vicissitudes do contexto migratório agem no sujeito, este sempre em constante transformação. Para ser passível o estudo sobre a identidade e a migração, procurou entrevistar-se dois participantes migrantes do sexo masculino, oriundos da Guiné-Bissau. O primeiro entrevistado, João de 59 anos, e o segundo, Cristóvão, de 49 anos. O método empregue foi a Entrevista Narrativa de Associação Livre, enquadrando-se numa metodologia qualitativa, mais especificamente, de estudo-de-caso, que tem por base o principio psicanalítico da associação livre. Deste modo, ficaram salientes nos resultados as questões sobre a conciliação e integração destes dois universos culturais na identidade, os objetos transgeracionais e imagos parentais, em cada sujeito.
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, we notice a greater impact of human mobilities on social structures and on the forms of action in the clinical context, arising in a major need to study the issues adressed to the migrant population. On the background of the migratory process, a conflict arises about the conciliation between two worlds, about a here and a there that requires a readjustment in the experience of the migrant subject. This readjustment is often felt as a turbulent moment in the integrity of the subject, which is reflected in the relations of Otherness and with the cultural milieu. Thus, this migration process is also an identity transformation. In this way, it was tried to study how the vicissitudes of the migratory context act in the subject, who's always in constant transformation, in the light of an ethnopsychoanalitic perspective. In order to be eligible for the study on identity and migration, two male migrant participants from Guinea-Bissau were interviewed. The first participant, João, 59 years old, and the second, Cristóvão, 49 years old. The method used here was the Free Association Narrative Interviewm based on a qualitative methodology, specifically, a case-study based on the psychoanalytic principle of free association. In this way, the questions about the conciliation and integration of these two cultural universes in the identity, transgenerational objects and parental imagos, in each subject, were salient in the results.
Litau, Jennifer. "Macro and micro links of internal migration in Papua New Guinea : case studies of migration to rural and peri urban Morobe and Eastern Highlands". Phd thesis, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/150882.
Texto completo da fonteRoyer, Marc Edward. "ASIC technology migrations a design guide for first pass success /". 2002. http://etd.utk.edu/2002/RoyerMarc.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteTitle from title page screen (viewed on Sept. 06, 2002). Thesis advisor: Don Bouldin. Document formatted into pages (vii, 78 p. : ill.). Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 43-44).
Lin, Bo-Jiang, e 林栢江. "Electric Field-induced Lipid Raft Polarization Guide Fibroblast Directional Migration". Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/16001872841993951199.
Texto completo da fonte國立臺灣大學
Galvanotaxis is a phenomenon in which microorganisms migrate in response with the electric current. Most studies indicate that the redistribution of plasma membrane proteins guides cell directional motility. The previous study showed that α2β1 integrin polarizes with AC and DC electric fields. This study shows when fibroblasts are stimulated by an electric field, lipid rafts polarize and the polarization coincides with asymmetrically-distributing α2β1 integrins. Disruption of lipid rafts inhibits EF-induced directional migration. The caveolin-1 knockdown inhibits cell directional motility and RhoA polarization. The results indicate that lipid raft is a mechanosensor to EF stimulation and lipid raft polarization lead to integrin and caveolin-dependent directional migration.
Hoffmann, Joe. "Three-Dimensional Biomimetic Patterning to Guide Cellular Migration and Organization". Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1911/71659.
Texto completo da fonteGodinho, Susana Cristina Miguel. "Novos possíveis. Estratégias identitárias de mulheres oriundas da Guiné-Bissau em Portugal". Master's thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/658.
Texto completo da fonteThe increase on the number of women in the total of foreigners in Portugal turns urgent the convergent analysis of two theory domains: gender and ethnicity. The migration phenomena constitutes a privileged space for the analysis of identity (re)construction processes once it generates social and cultural changes in migrants. The main goal is to contribute for the understanding of the female component of the immigration phenomena in Portugal, especially concerning women form Guinea Bissau. It was also an aim to understand in which way the migration route (ethnic and social origin, migration decision making process and hosting in Portugal), the female social integration (residential strategies, scholar routes and professional trajectories), the conjugally and family structures (spouse choice, conjugally situations, family types and descendents), the sociability (social networks, orientation of sociability and presentation and participation in public and private spaces) and the elements of cultural identity (linguistic territories and religious identity) intersect each other and contribute to the identity (re)construction, considering the structural conditions and the individual action, both in the origin and hosting society, which interfere in the strategic power of those women.
Sokpor, Godwin. "Cortical patterning and neuronal migration are under the guide of BAF complex functionality". Thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/21.11130/00-1735-0000-0005-136E-B.
Texto completo da fonteTsao, Shun-Hao, e 曹舜皓. "Lipid Raft and Caveolin Polarization Guide Fibroblast Directional Migration in Electric Fields via Src". Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/95382621294161989233.
Texto completo da fonte國立臺灣大學
Galvanotaxis is a phenomenon where cell migration directed by electric fields (EFs). Previous studies revealed that the redistribution of lipid raft guides cell directional motility by regulating integrin or caveolin-1, and cells has opposite directionality between AC and DC. This study indicates that lipid raft can be polarized under in 50Hz of alternative current, and the redistribution of lipid raft can be different in different migration phenotype cells. Lipid raft and caveolin-1 polarization can guide cell directional migration in EF by redistribute Src polarization. PI3K also involved in the pathway by affecting Src polarization. These results clarified how lipid raft polarization change cell migration in EF in two aspects: the position lipid rafts distribute in different situations, and the downstream pathways.
"A Performance Guide and Recordings for Four New Works for Saxophone Based on the Syrian Refugee Experience". Doctoral diss., 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.57424.
Texto completo da fonteDissertation/Thesis
Doctoral Dissertation Music 2020
Costa, Joana Sofia dos Santos. "Breeding ecology and migration patterns of an afro-palearctic migratory insectivorous bird, the Bee-eater (Merops Apiaster)". Doctoral thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/30178.
Texto completo da fonteOs habitats essenciais para a reprodução e sobrevivência animal têm vindo a ser transformados a um ritmo crescente e ao mesmo tempo, as alterações climáticas têm vindo a alterar espacialmente e temporalmente os padrões ecológicos. Muitas espécies migradoras estão, actualmente, em declínio severo devido ao facto de ocuparem áreas conectadas entre si que muitas vezes são alteradas a diferentes velocidades. Assim, para compreender os factores que influenciam a dinâmica populacional das espécies migradoras é necessário, não só, aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a sua ecologia reprodutora e os factores que determinam o sucesso reprodutor, mas também perceber de que modo os eventos que ocorrem durante um determinado período do ciclo anual se traduzem em carry-over effects e influenciam os eventos nas épocas subsequentes. O principal objectivo desta tese foi aumentar o conhecimento sobre a ecologia reprodutora e padrões migratórios do Abelharuco (Merops apiaster), um migrador Afro-paleártico de longa distância. Mais concretamente, esta tese focou-se em aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a ecologia trófica, assim como investigar pela primeira vez os padrões migratórios do Abelharuco, a nível populacional e individual. Este trabalho também investigou pela primeira vez a relação entre a performance migratória e a produtividade de uma população desta espécie que nidifica na Península Ibéria. Finalmente investigou-se se a produtividade é influenciada pela idade e fidelidade do casal. Os primeiros dois manuscritos foram desenvolvidos devido à necessidade de aplicar esses métodos nos capítulos seguintes. Primeiro, desenvolvi funções discriminantes para determinar o sexo de Abelharucos adultos. Este trabalho foi o primeiro que utilizou biometrias de Abelharucos, nos quais o sexo foi identificado molecularmente, para produzir funções discriminantes aplicáveis ao nível da população mas também para a espécie em geral. Desenvolvi também um guia de fotografias para determinar a idade das crias de Abelharuco e apresento um protocolo que propõe visitar os ninhos em intervalos de 12 dias de modo a atingir a precisão máxima na determinação da idade das crias, minimizando a perturbação e o investimento logístico. Esta tese mostrou que a dieta do Abelharuco durante a época reprodutora varia entre colónias localizadas em habitats distintos, entre épocas e entre o que é consumido pelos adultos e fornecido às crias. Os resultados revelaram distintos padrões migratórios do Abelharuco entre três populações reprodutoras (Ibéria, Alemanha e Bulgária), indicando que os indivíduos da Bulgária migram através de uma rota este para o sul de África, enquanto as outras duas populações migram por uma rota oeste. Também demonstrou que as três populações exibem diferentes timings de migração. Ao nível individual, a partida da área de invernada e a duração da migração parecem ser os principais factores que influenciam a data de chegada à área de reprodução na Ibéria. Neste estudo, foi estabelecida uma relação positiva entre a chegada à área de reprodução e as datas de postura. Adicionalmente, a relação encontrada entre a data de postura e a produtividade variou entre anos: em 2017, o número de crias voadoras diminuiu ao longo da época reprodutora; mas tal não aconteceu em 2016, quando as datas de postura ocorreram mais cedo e a produtividade permaneceu constante ao longo da época. Finalmente, os resultados mostraram que fêmeas mais velhas (mas não machos) colocam os ovos mais cedo e têm maior produtividade do que as fêmeas que se reproduzem pela primeira vez. Adicionalmente, os casais mais velhos parecem ter a mesma probabilidade de se manter juntos durante duas épocas reprodutoras consecutivas comparado com os casais que se reproduzem pela primeira vez. A produtividade não parece ser influenciada pela manutenção do parceiro. A variação inter-anual na produtividade pode afectar as populações a longo termo através da indução de flutuações nas taxas demográficas, se a frequência de más (ou boas) condições ambientais aumentar. Deste modo, este estudo apela à monitorização a longo prazo das populações de Abelharucos, e outros migradores afro-paleárcticos, de forma a prever as respostas das populações às alterações ambientais e optimizar medidas de conservação.
Programa Doutoral em Biologia
Bolonha, Ludmila Melo da Costa. "O papel das mulheres no combate à insegurança alimentar: um estudo de caso na sociedade Felupe da Guiné-Bissau". Master's thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/8341.
Texto completo da fonteFood security in Africa has been threatened by internal and external pressure factors such as the world economic and financial crises, climate change and migration. The “cereal crisis” of 2007-2008, who led to food price inflation was another such factor which had several consequences for many populations and brought again to the international fore concerns about food insecurity in several African countries. The Joola/felupe is a society of Northern Guinea-Bissau, whose main activity is agriculture namely rice production and who is greatly affected by these pressure factors. It is through rice cultivation that the felupe ensure their food security, but rice has also a key role in the structure of society. Factors such as climate change and migration are increasingly putting pressure on this activity and the felupe have developed several strategies to overcome them. Women have assumed key roles in these strategies, their traditional roles having been changed as a result. The objective of this thesis is to understand the strategies implemented by felupe women to fight food insecurity. Women have always had an important role in agricultural performing diverse activities which ranged from cultivation to commercialization, following a very rigorous working timetable. To face the pressures on food security, women have developed several coping strategies: these include performing activities that were not traditionally assigned to them, adapting agricultural production techniques by choosing, for instance, different types of seeds and, above all, by organizing and strengthening women’s associations so that together they are better equipped to ensure the food security of their families and community.
Brzezińska, Magdalena. "W cieniu europejskiej twierdzy. Obrazy Zachodu w dyskursach mieszkańców Gwinei Bissau". Doctoral thesis, 2015. https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/1017.
Texto completo da fonteThe subject of the thesis is the analysis of discourses about the West and its ideologies of development and modernity, present among the people of Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. The image of the West occupies a central place in the collective imagination of contemporary Guineans, as I found in my fieldwork. Most often metonymically referred to as “Europe”, it plays a dominant role in the way Guineans nowadays view the world, their place within it as well as their own lives. For many, it is the ideal destination of their imagined life path as the image of Europe is strongly idealised. The aim of this thesis is to further our academic understanding of the perception of the Western world in places of the so-called Global South. A large part of literature in social sciences of the recent years underlines positive outcomes of global cultural processes for the identity, aspirations and life trajectories of people around the world. It is common today to question treating global connections in terms of “centre” and “periphery”. Researchers emphasize that the horizons of the social, collective imagination have widened. This process has been described by some as freeing the imagination. The West, however, exerts an intensive cultural influence over various places of the world. In spite of the optimistic literature about globalisation produced lately, we have to view these influences in terms of cultural domination; a symbolical power that the image of the West holds over people's imagination in various places of our planet. The power of the image of Europe in Guinean discourses is such that I propose to describe it as living in the European shadow. One of the ways in which the persistence of the “centre – periphery” division of the world demonstrates itself today is the accessibility of the world's geographical spaces for some (residents of the centre) and their inaccessibility for others (inhabitants of the peripheries). For the latter the West seems a closed, barricaded territory which Africans find extremely difficult to get inside of. This image of a place which is remote, yet oddly present in daily conversations of Guineans, which seems powerful and towers above their lives – like a fortress – summarizes the experience of these geographical spaces by Guineans and encapsulates the contradictions of post-colonial legacy and today's globalized world. Among the Western discourses which seem to have had the greatest impact on the people of Guinea-Bissau is the ideology of development combined with the idea of modernity. The impact of these ideas is complex as they shape the perception of local reality by the Guinean: categories derived from them are the basis for constructing social identities today and for the division into the “modern” and the “backward”, the world of the town and the village. To a large degree it recreates Western perception of history as progress and as a movement of people from the village to town. In Guinea-Bissau this village-town dichotomy is complemented by a third category, however, of identities related to the West (emigrants and the whites), forming a peculiar three-tier scale of modernity. On a global scale the ideology of development entails the unavoidable sense of marginalisation of Guinea-Bissau and its inhabitants. Europe, as the site of the „highest form” of progress and modernity, in a way “automatically” occupies a central place in the world-view shaped by these ideologies. It thus becomes the most desirable life destination.
Costa, Bernardino Ambrósio da. "Diáspora guineense como agente de desenvolvimento local: o papel das associações guineenses em Portugal nos projetos de cooperação e desenvolvimento na Guiné-Bissau". Master's thesis, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/12340.
Texto completo da fonteThe aim of this research is to address how Guinean associations of migrant communities in the diaspora help support both the development of the country of origin and the partners behind all associative projects assisting the communities of origin in particular, countrymen in the host country. On this basis, these associations’ future development projects are to be stressed. Migration has been a part of the founding history of Guinean society. From the earliest times, this small part of the West African coast population has demonstrated a dynamic mobility, both internally and externally. However, after independence was gained through the struggle for national liberation in the 80s/90s, the country began experiencing an intense immigration flow headed towards Europe mainly Portugal. This migration crisis worsened with the political and military conflict of 1998 and culminated in the repeated political, military, economic and social instability of recent years. Notwithstanding the country's recent fragile condition, there has been a politics-driven participatory dynamics of Guineans in search of the long-awaited development of Guinea-Bissau, be it in local association networks and civil society. Such desires have been expressed by Guinean society and have become the reason for the existence of many Guinean associative networks in the diaspora of diverse nature and aimed at supplementing the program for the development and well-being of Guineans.
Rooney, Michelle Nayahamui. "Nogat Mani: Social Safety Nets for Tufi Migrants of ATS Settlement, Moresby, Papua New Guinea". Phd thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/135777.
Texto completo da fonteMula, Sandra. "O peso crescente do fenómeno urbano e o seu impacto na Segurança Alimentar: um estudo de caso na comunidade peri-urbana de Susana, São Domingos (Guiné-Bissau)". Master's thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/2514.
Texto completo da fonteThis work intended to be a reflection on the relationship and contribution of urbanization to assure food security, highlighting the strategies used to counter food insecurity. Rice as base of alimentation of Felupe is also synonymous of wealth, paradoxically of this situation, farmers are both producers and consumers of their own production but also consumers of imported food. Climate changes and the declining of production and hard work maintaining the bolanhas, makes it essential to find alternatives that allow reduction of food insecurity. Finding solutions in urban areas is seen as an alternative and an attempt to subsistence. Creating social organizations, people form simple support groups and it is this ability to create these networks of solidarity that prevents the worsening of their living conditions. In this urban context it is intended to ascertain that this environment offers means that enables people to ensure their food security. Despite the dynamics of urban population and the implications it has on food security, itself presents as a critical issue, since the rapid population growth in the city has not been accompanied by means that safeguard the nourishment that they need. There is need for a correlation between production and consumption, and this does not happen in urban spaces.
Anderson, Laura. "The Immigrant Experience, Child Feeding and Care: An Examination of the Determinants of Children's Health and Nutrition in Newcomer Families". Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1807/65633.
Texto completo da fonteBaldé, Saico Djibril. "Do Bandim (Bissau) ao Rossio (Lisboa): O impacto das remessas dos emigrantes nas sociedades guineenses". Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/20585.
Texto completo da fonteGuinea-Bissau, despite the small size of its territory, has a very important migratory movement, as it happens throughout West Africa, where it is inserted, a region where more than 80% of population movements occur within the region itself. These flows involve people, knowledge and money, particularly emigrant remittances. Although research on migration is abundant, little has been studied on how it affects African societies. This thesis aims to address this problem by focusing on remittances from Guinean immigrants. The intention is to understand whether remittances have a positive effect, contributing to the development of communities or, on the contrary, can lead to their disruption and even collapse. To answer this question, the initiative arose to carry out a comparative study of different communities in different geographical contexts. Ethnic diversity, geographical representativeness and a well-known history of emigration were the criteria that determined the choice of the studied communities, which fell on the Sonaco Sector, Gabú region, East of the country. The population of this region is mostly Muslim, consisting essentially of fulas, with some minorities, especially mandingas. In the North, the choice fell on the community of Tame, a small regulate located west of Canchungo, Cacheu region, where the majority of the population is ethnic Manjaca. The sectors of Buba and Quebo form the study space in the South. Commercial agents in Bandim and Rossio, along with Guinean migrants in Portugal, complete the object of the study.
Ceitil, José Júlio Mocho. "Sair da Guiné Bissau à boleia do futebol: a migração de jovens guineenses para Portugal e a sua inserção no país de acolhimento (1998-2015)". Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/15523.
Texto completo da fonteThe significant migration to Portugal of young soccer players from Guinea Bissau between 1998 and 2015, with a view to be football professionals, is the case study of this dissertation. Qualitative research is done through semi-direct-recorded interviews, discourse analysis, bibliographic research, literature review and unsystematic participant observation, and will be organized around two hypotheses: 1 - The individual agency is the main reason for the migration of young footballers. 2 - The existence of a certain paternalism about these, especially the black ones, by agents and sports entrepreneurs, leaders of clubs, journalists and, in general, by the Portuguese society, leads to a treatment of minority and disrespect, being able to admit that there is a racist view underlying this subalternization. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of action frames the analysis of how the built-in structures of "habitus" in agents relate to the objective structures of the social field, in this case the football microcosm where they operate. The field of analysis begins by focusing on Guinea Bissau, as it is currently the country of origin of the vast majority of migrants and continues in Portugal, the destination country of almost all of them. The question of the migration of footballers in colonial times is briefly reflected in the State of the Art and more elaborated in the chapter dedicated to Mozambique. In addition to identify the causes of the departure of Guinea Bissau from these young people, it is intended to signal the greatest difficulties experienced when they decided to leave, map the insertion in the Portuguese football labor market, analyze the difficulties encountered in the society of the host country and at the same time, assessing practices of racism in Portugal.
(6620087), Emily K. Mettler. "Spatial Ecology of Inter- and Post-nesting Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea". Thesis, 2019.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteEffective conservation strategies for sea turtles require knowledge of animal movements and protection of biologically important habitats and life history stages. For breeding adult sea turtles, understanding both their inshore and pelagic spatial patterns is imperative to the successful protection of the species and the accurate identification of their vulnerabilities. This study provides insight into the inter-nesting, post-nesting, and foraging movements of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) that nest on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, by using satellite telemetry to track green turtles (n=12) during two nesting seasons (2017-18, 2018-19), and as they migrated to foraging grounds after the nesting season. These tracks were fit with a switching state space model to characterize movements, and then analyzed in relation to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Dive depth data was also used to determine utilization patterns within the water column. The 12 tagged turtles migrated for an average of 1064 km to two distinct foraging grounds, with 10 migrating west for an average of 1115 km to the coastal waters of Ghana, and 2 migrating south for an average of 1563 km to the coastal waters of Angola. Migrating turtles used both direct, pelagic migration strategies, and biphasal, coastal strategies, which included intermittent foraging throughout migrations. Dive depths varied depending on behavior, with an average of 19.3 m during inter-nesting, 12.6 m during migration and 8.5 m during foraging. Knowledge of inter-nesting habitat use, migration patterns, and foraging ground locations will be critical for the development of marine conservation management plans in the Gulf of Guinea and aide in sea turtle conservation efforts throughout the area. Additionally, spatial and dive depth data can inform zonal fishing regulators and provide information needed for modifications to fishing practices and gear that is most likely to reduce sea turtle bycatch. These data will provide a more complete understanding of marine areas critical to sea turtle conservation and aide in sustainable economic development in the Gulf of Guinea.
Gbadamosi, Hakeem B. "Geological Modeling of Dahomey and Liberian Basins". 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2009-05-264.
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