Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Migration de mode de vie"
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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Migration de mode de vie"
Amit, Vered, e Anne-Hélène Kerbiriou. "De la migration de style de vie au mode de vie mobile". Anthropologie et Sociétés 44, n.º 2 (2020): 185.
Texto completo da fonteZhang, Qian. "Mongolie intérieure. Désertification, migration et transformation des modes de vie". Hommes & migrations, n.º 1284 (1 de março de 2010): 42–55.
Texto completo da fonteRice, Scott A., e John P. Verboncoeur. "Migration of Multipactor Trajectories via Higher-Order Mode Perturbation". IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 45, n.º 7 (julho de 2017): 1739–45.
Texto completo da fonteBagchi, Amrit, Bapi Sarker, Jialiang Zhang, Marcus Foston e Amit Pathak. "Fast yet force-effective mode of supracellular collective cell migration due to extracellular force transmission". PLOS Computational Biology 21, n.º 1 (9 de janeiro de 2025): e1012664.
Texto completo da fonteKim, Seul-Ki, So Dam Jang, Hyunho Kim, Seok Chung, Jong Kook Park e Hyo-Jeong Kuh. "Phenotypic Heterogeneity and Plasticity of Cancer Cell Migration in a Pancreatic Tumor Three-Dimensional Culture Model". Cancers 12, n.º 5 (21 de maio de 2020): 1305.
Texto completo da fonteZhao, Lijiao, Qiuting Shu, Hui Sun, Yunlong Ma, Dandan Kang, Yating Zhao, Jing Lu, Pei Gong, Fan Yang e Fang Wan. "1′H-Indole-3′-Carbonyl-Thiazole-4-Carboxylic Acid Methyl Ester Blocked Human Glioma Cell Invasion via Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor’s Regulation of Cytoskeletal Contraction". BioMed Research International 2020 (5 de outubro de 2020): 1–14.
Texto completo da fonteVérollet, Christel, Shanti Souriant, Emilie Bonnaud, Paul Jolicoeur, Brigitte Raynaud-Messina, Cassandre Kinnaer, Isabelle Fourquaux et al. "HIV-1 reprograms the migration of macrophages". Blood 125, n.º 10 (5 de março de 2015): 1611–22.
Texto completo da fonteDekel, Avishai, Nir Mandelker, Frederic Bournaud, Daniel Ceverino, Yicheng Guo e Joel Primack. "Clump survival and migration in VDI galaxies: an analytical model versus simulations and observations". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, n.º 1 (14 de janeiro de 2022): 316–40.
Texto completo da fonteFilippi, Marie-Dominique. "Neutrophil transendothelial migration: updates and new perspectives". Blood 133, n.º 20 (16 de maio de 2019): 2149–58.
Texto completo da fonteAmereh, Meitham, Henning Struchtrup e Ben Nadler. "Mathematical Modeling of Spherical Shell-Type Pattern of Tumor Invasion". Symmetry 15, n.º 2 (19 de janeiro de 2023): 283.
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Migration de mode de vie"
Chen, Qiujie. "Echapper à la modernité : la migration des modes de vie et la culture de la jeunesse à lhassa". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteLhasa is the provincial capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region in China. Following the rapid expansion of the tourism economy after 2006, many university graduates and young white-collar workers from urban China temporarily migrated to the city to operate kezhan—small-scale hostels. This thesis examines this phenomenon through the theoretical framework of lifestyle migration, highlighting the unique motivations behind these migrations. By exploring the history of this community in Lhasa and the individual experiences of lifestyle migrants, the thesis argues that lifestyle migration to Lhasa is a response to the 'project of the self.' It offers a fresh perspective on how these young individuals navigate identity, class, gender, and self in the extraordinary city of Lhasa, amidst the crises of modernity
Montorio, Lucie. "Impact des changements environnementaux sur l’histoire de vie, la démographie et la dynamique de population chez les salmonidés". Thesis, Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2017.
Texto completo da fonteThis thesis investigates the influence of the tactic diversity on population dynamics in two partially migratory salmonids: Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar and brown trout, Salmo trutta. These two species have high ecological and economic values but the role of migrant and resident individuals on population dynamics and resilience to environmental changes is currently largely unknown. I undertook a multidisciplinary approach combining demographic, genetic, and modeling tools to address these issues in populations from France. I found that tactic determination is partly plastic as juveniles can respond to environmental variations by migrating. In addition, this thesis showed that tactics diversity in partially migratory populations enables a better use of favorable environmental conditions and buffer the effects of unfavorable conditions on their dynamics.These two processes might promote a higher resilience of partially migratory populations to environmental change, including anthropogenic effects, than in solely migratory or resident populations. Nonetheless, given the different strategies in Atlantic salmon and brown trout, my results suggested that brown trout should have better abilities to response to environmental changes and a higher level of resilience than Atlantic salmon
Eloidin, Sylvia. "Mutations de l'alimentation des jeunes migrants, originaires des Antilles Françaises, étudiants en France métropolitaine". Thesis, Tours, 2009.
Texto completo da fonteEvery year many young West Indians migrate to metropolitan France to study, often because their study courses are not available in the West Indies. The migration from their native Island to this new territory represents for them a true uprooting on various levels such as geographic, climatic, social, family and cultural, lifestyle and pace of life. Food is an important part of these changes. This study explores in a privileged way, from the collection of these West Indian students’ paths, their food before and after the migration, in their sociocultural context, in order to observe the changes. Also we identify the migration influences, particularly post migratory eating practices, detected by these students on their health, and the needs of food information. This study is about a qualitative survey conducted by semi-structured interviews to obtain a better understanding of these students’ eating behaviors. It underlines the importance of considering the social and cultural dimensions of food to avoid standardised preventive advice and to optimize food education
Baccaïni, Brigitte. "Mobilité, distances de migration et cycles de vie". Paris 1, 1991.
Texto completo da fonteNguyen, Dominique. "Mode de vie des vietnamiens dans le Finistère". Brest, 2001.
Texto completo da fonteGonzález, Mula Almudena. "Mode de vie d'Agrobacterium tumefaciens dans la tumeur". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Texto completo da fonteAgrobacterium tumefaciens is the causal agent of the plant disease called crowngall, and it’s able to infect more than 90 families of dicotyledonous plants. It is an α-Proteobacterium and belongs to the Rhizobiaceae family. A. tumefaciens is a complex of different species grouped in 10 genomovars (G1 to G8, and G13). A. tumefaciens C58 belongs to the G8 group. Its genome consists in 4 replicons: 1 chromosome circular, 1 chromosome linear and 2 dispensable plasmids: pAt (for A. tumefaciens) and pTi (for Tumor inducing), which is required for virulence. To explore new aspects of the A. tumefaciens lifestyle, and in particular the interaction between the bacteria and its plant host, two different approaches have been used to identify, characterize and analyze genes that could play a role in the adaptation of the bacteria to tumor lifestyle. An evolution experiment by serial passages of three different strains of thepathogen on the host plant Solanum lycopersicum has been carried out to clarify the evolutionary dynamics of the genome during the course of infection. In parallel, a study of different transcriptomes (in planta and in vitro) was performed and studied to elucidate bacterial candidate genes involved in the interaction of the bacteria with the plant and various compounds produced in the tumor. This work attempts to give a more general view of the process of adaptation of the bacteria to the ecological niche that is the tumor
Fattouh, Nour. "Caractérisation du mode de vie intracellulaire des endosymbiotes Wolbachia". Thesis, Montpellier, 2018.
Texto completo da fonteThe intracellular bacteria Wolbachia have developed a wide range of symbiotic interactions, from being opportunistic reproductive parasites to mutualists with terrestrial arthropods and filarial nematode species, making them the most common endosymbionts on earth. The discovery that they interfere with arboviruses development and transmission by mosquito vectors and that filarial diseases can be cured by targeting Wolbachia, have created a strong interest in deciphering the mechanisms underlying their intracellular lifestyle. However, being obligate intracellular endosymbionts, Wolbachia remain genetically intractable. They grow slowly in insect cell cultures, for which markers are limited. Despite these obstacles, and to limit cell line-specific phenotypes, I chose to infect 2 Drosophila melanogaster cell lines presenting different sets of expressed genes, with a unique Wolbachia strain, naturally hosted by Drosophila melanogaster. Using these 2 cell lines that are differently permissive to the infection, I explored the interaction of Wolbachia with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Through fluorescence time-lapse confocal and electron microscopy observations, I provide strong evidence that this organelle is the source of membrane for Wolbachia, and possibly a source of nutrients. However, gene expression analyses and immunofluorescence approaches demonstrate that Wolbachia do not induce ER stress nor an increased ERAD- induced proteolysis, suggesting; unlike previously reported, that Wolbachia salvage amino acids by other subversion mechanisms. Additionally, I pioneered biolistic bombardement of Wolbachia-infected cells and the validation of this transformation technique has paved the way towards optimization of transformant selection steps and ultimately to the genetic engineering of Wolbachia
Martineau, Aurélien. "Les immigrés au seuil du grand âge : analyse des parcours de vieillissement et de fin de vie dans les territoires de vie des migrants". Thesis, Angers, 2018.
Texto completo da fonteIn France, getting old as an immigrant became a condition shared by a growing number of people. In 2015, about 1.5million of immigrants are 60years old or more. In France, the constant increase in the number of elderly immigrants represents a social and political issue, a fact confirmed by the recent works of the national assembly as well as by the development of scientific research. Nonetheless, the diversity of studies dealing with different territories inhabited by elderly immigrants remains limited. Consequently, this thesis (structured around several scientific articles) aims at proposing a representation of the “migrating elderly”, articulating a territorial and gerontological approach. Two different territories were taken into consideration: Angers andCholet (Maine-et-Loire), and Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis).This selection provided the opportunity to analyse the aging conditions of migrating population which evolve according to different spatial contexts. In this study, we considered territorial data, medico-social accounts, as well as the work of associations and political interventions to elderly immigrants.In addition, biographical facts and stories from as ample of elderly migrants in Maine-et-Loire were analysed to highlight the political and social issues that structure the aging conditions of immigrants.The result of this work proves that it is still essentia lto take into account the heterogeneity of these populations. It also underlines the importance of understanding their needs in terms of their own life journeys (and the end of it) which is inextricable of the territory they occupy
Fouchault, Christine. "Analyse postmoderne de La vie mode d'emploi de Georges Perec". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.
Texto completo da fonteFrota-Sigaud, Márcia. "La favela : la production d'un mode de vie à Rio". Paris 5, 1996.
Texto completo da fonteLivros sobre o assunto "Migration de mode de vie"
Létourneau, Claude. Mode de vie éducatif. Sainte-Foy, Québec: La Liberté, 1986.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMaurice, Culot, Pirlot Anne-Marie e Fondation pour l'architecture (Brussels, Belgium), eds. La cuisine mode de vie. Bruxelles: AAM éditions, 2006.
Encontre o texto completo da fontePerec, Georges. La vie, mode d'emploi: Romans. [Paris]: Hachette, 1990.
Encontre o texto completo da fontePerec, Georges. La vie, mode d'emploi: Romans. [Paris]: Hachette, 1997.
Encontre o texto completo da fontePéotti, Francine. L' indignation comme mode de vie. Montréal: vlb, 2002.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMermoud, Jean-Claude. Mode de vie et culture Caldoches. Noumea, Nouvelle-Calédonie: Les Nickels de l'initiative, 1999.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte1957-, Chatain Jean-Noël, ed. À la vie, à la mode. Neuilly-sur-Seine: M. Lafon poche, 2012.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte1957-, Chatain Jean-Noël, ed. À la vie, à la mode. Neuilly-sur-Seine: M. Lafon, 2009.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteDesbrosses, Philippe. Terres d'avenir: Pour un mode vie durable. Monaco: Alphée-Jean-Paul Bertrand, 2007.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCapítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Migration de mode de vie"
Schrover, Marlou. "Migration Histories". In IMISCOE Research Series, 25–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Texto completo da fonteSchwarz, Gottfried. "Perec, Georges: La vie mode d'emploi". In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Texto completo da fonteMusette, Mohamed Saib, e Mohamed Maamar. "Capturing Irregular Migrations Through a Macro-sociological Lens: The Harga Process in Twelve Steps from North Africa to Europe". In Migrations in the Mediterranean, 251–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Texto completo da fonteBijak, Jakub. "Uncertainty and Complexity: Towards Model-Based Demography". In Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography, 13–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteHorie, Norio, e Olesya V. Veredyuk. "GATS Mode 4 in Russia’s migration policy". In Russian Trade Policy, 264–82. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. | Series: Routledge studies in the European economy: Routledge, 2019.
Texto completo da fonteBijak, Jakub. "Bayesian Model Selection and Forecast Averaging". In Forecasting International Migration in Europe: A Bayesian View, 91–116. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010.
Texto completo da fonteDrake, St Clair, e Horace R. Cayton. "Chapitre 22. Le mode de vie de la classe moyenne". In Black Metropolis, editado por Anne Raulin e Danièle Joly, 597–638. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2024.
Texto completo da fontePadilla, Elaine. "Expanding Space: A Possibility of a Cavernous Mode of Dwelling". In Contemporary Issues of Migration and Theology, 53–72. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2013.
Texto completo da fonteSolomon, Michele Klein. "Gats Mode 4 and the Mobility of Labour". In International Migration Law: Developing Paradigms and Key Challenges, 107–27. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2007.
Texto completo da fontePisarevskaya, Asya, e Peter Scholten. "Conclusions". In IMISCOE Research Series, 183–95. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteTrabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Migration de mode de vie"
Liu, Longbing, Wenshan Yu, Zhengzhou Rao, Jiamin Song e Luping Zhao. "Mach Number Prediction of Multi-mode Wind Tunnel Flow Field Based on Model Migration". In 2024 43rd Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 6704–8. IEEE, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteRice, S., e J. Verboncoeur. "Migration of multipactor trajectories via higher-order mode perturbations". In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). IEEE, 2016.
Texto completo da fonteRodič, Blaž, Aleš Bučar e Igor Bernik. "Modeliranje mednarodnih migrantskih tokov na Balkanu". In Values, Competencies and Changes in Organizations. University of Maribor Press, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteYang, Yusheng. "Research on the Overseas Listing of VIE Mode". In Proceedings of the 2018 4th International Conference on Social Science and Higher Education (ICSSHE 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.
Texto completo da fonteSprljan, N., e L. Cieplinski. "Extended extraction mode for coarse-grain scalability in SVC". In 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2008). IEE, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteSaito, Naoki, Naokazu Murata, Kinji Tamakawa, Ken Suzuki e Hideo Miura. "Stress-Induced and Electro-Migration of Electroplated Copper Thin Film Interconnections Used for 3D Integration". In ASME 2011 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Systems. ASMEDC, 2011.
Texto completo da fonteGohokar, V. V., e S. P. Kshirsagar. "New rate control algorithm using macroblock mode selection for hybrid video coding". In IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2006). IEE, 2006.
Texto completo da fonteIvanov, Y. V., e C. J. Bleakley. "Fast mode decision with early termination for H.264/AVC video coding". In IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2006). IEE, 2006.
Texto completo da fonteWang Fengqin, Fan Yangyu, Lan Yajing e Liu Weihua. "Fast intra mode decision algorithm in H.264/AVC using characteristics of transformed coefficients". In 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2008). IEE, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteJijun Shi, Yunhui Shi e Baocai Yin. "Fast intra prediction mode decision for H.264/AVC based on edge direction detection". In 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2008). IEE, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteRelatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Migration de mode de vie"
Cetin, Ali, e Rainer Dahlmann. Recyclates for sustainable food contact method development for the validation of migration barriers. Universidad de los Andes, dezembro de 2024.
Texto completo da fonteKaboré, Gisele. Comprendre la vie des adolescentes avant et après la migration: Enquête réalisée sur les sites d'origine auprès d'anciennes filles migrantes employées comme aide-ménagères. Population Council, 2013.
Texto completo da fonteBattams, Nathan. MISE À JOUR DE 2018 : Coup d’œil sur les familles des militaires et des vétérans au Canada. L’Institut Vanier de la famille, 2018.
Texto completo da fonteGodet, A., M. Smit, C. Guilmette e F. Fournier-Roy. La longue vie du Batholite de Decelles, Pontiac, Québec: les grenats à notre rescousse! Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteBattams, Nathan. Coup d’œil sur la diversité familiale au Canada (février 2018). L’Institut Vanier de la famille, 2018.
Texto completo da fonteSigmon, Eric. A review and preview of U.S. Foreign Policy in the Americas. Fundación Carolina, outubro de 2024.
Texto completo da fonteSamochowiec, Jakub, e Johannes Bauer. Dissemblables ensemble? La grande étude suisse sur la diversité. Gdi-verlag, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, setembro de 2024.
Texto completo da fonteOblak Črnič, Tanja, e Katja Koren Ošljak. Digital Strategies of Political Parties in the 2024 European Elections: The Case of Slovenia. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), outubro de 2024.
Texto completo da fonteSaba, Tania, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset, Josianne Marsan, Alain Klarsfeld e Kevin Carillo. COVID-19 et télétravail : un remède universel ou une solution ponctuelle. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, novembro de 2020.
Texto completo da fonte