Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Mechanial behavior"

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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Mechanial behavior"


Wang, Haitao, Wenxiang Hua, Zhengyan Wang e Yanlei Yang. "ICOPE-15-C066 Local mechanical behavior and damage mechanism for high temperature rotor considering steady and transient operation". Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE) 2015.12 (2015): _ICOPE—15——_ICOPE—15—.

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Green, P. A., M. J. McHenry e A. Rico-Guevara. "Mechanoethology: The Physical Mechanisms of Behavior". Integrative and Comparative Biology 61, n.º 2 (14 de junho de 2021): 613–23.

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Abstract Research that integrates animal behavior theory with mechanics—including biomechanics, physiology, and functional morphology—can reveal how organisms accomplish tasks crucial to their fitness. Despite the insights that can be gained from this interdisciplinary approach, biomechanics commonly neglects a behavioral context and behavioral research generally does not consider mechanics. Here, we aim to encourage the study of “mechanoethology,” an area of investigation intended to encompass integrative studies of mechanics and behavior. Using examples from the literature, including papers in this issue, we show how these fields can influence each other in three ways: (1) the energy required to execute behaviors is driven by the kinematics of movement, and mechanistic studies of movement can benefit from consideration of its behavioral context; (2) mechanics sets physical limits on what behaviors organisms execute, while behavior influences ecological and evolutionary limits on mechanical systems; and (3) sensory behavior is underlain by the mechanics of sensory structures, and sensory systems guide whole-organism movement. These core concepts offer a foundation for mechanoethology research. However, future studies focused on merging behavior and mechanics may reveal other ways by which these fields are linked, leading to further insights in integrative organismal biology.
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Huang, Haibo, Cihai Dai, Hao Shen, Mingwei Gu, Yangjun Wang, Jizhu Liu, Liguo Chen e Lining Sun. "Recent Advances on the Model, Measurement Technique, and Application of Single Cell Mechanics". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, n.º 17 (28 de agosto de 2020): 6248.

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Since the cell was discovered by humans, it has been an important research subject for researchers. The mechanical response of cells to external stimuli and the biomechanical response inside cells are of great significance for maintaining the life activities of cells. These biomechanical behaviors have wide applications in the fields of disease research and micromanipulation. In order to study the mechanical behavior of single cells, various cell mechanics models have been proposed. In addition, the measurement technologies of single cells have been greatly developed. These models, combined with experimental techniques, can effectively explain the biomechanical behavior and reaction mechanism of cells. In this review, we first introduce the basic concept and biomechanical background of cells, then summarize the research progress of internal force models and experimental techniques in the field of cell mechanics and discuss the latest mechanical models and experimental methods. We summarize the application directions of cell mechanics and put forward the future perspectives of a cell mechanics model.
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Bueno, S., e C. Baudín. "Comportamiento mecánico de materiales cerámicos estructurales". Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 46, n.º 3 (30 de junho de 2007): 103–18.

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García Santos, Alfonso. "Comportamiento mecánico de yeso reforzado con polímeros sintéticos". Informes de la Construcción 40, n.º 397 (30 de outubro de 1988): 67–89.

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Appoothiadigal, M. "Mechanical Behaviour of AZ31 Mg/Ti Composites". International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology 03, n.º 12 (15 de dezembro de 2016): 4855–57.

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Liu, Guo Ning, Hua Dong Zhao, Qian Qian Guo e Sheng Gang Ma. "A Simple Model for Mechanical Behavior of PET Thin Film Deposited with Pure Aluminum on Both Surfaces and the Experimental Study". Advanced Materials Research 602-604 (dezembro de 2012): 1488–91.

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A commercially available PET thin film material with pure aluminum material deposited on its two surfaces is studied in this work to investigate the relationship between the mechanical behaviors and the structure of this “composite” material with the application of the concepts for the composite mechanics. This kind of structure has excellent anti-corrosion properties and can act as the good functional barrier material. Experimental researches are further carried out here to study the mechanical performance under various loading conditions as well as the influence of loading rates over the structure’s failure behavior, and over its mechanical properties like the yielding strength and the elastic modulus.
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Petcrie, S., A. Rengsomboon, W. Samit, N. Moonrin, R. Sirichaivetkul e J. Kajornchaiyakul. "E-23 IMPLICATION OF STANDARD TENSION TEST ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINUM CASTING(Session: Mechanical Behavior)". Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing 2006 (2006): 115.

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Faria, A. M., C. H. Silva e O. Bianchi. "INFLUÊNCIA DO ÉSTER DE PENTAERITRITOL NO COMPORTAMENTO MECÂNICO DO ABS". Revista SODEBRAS 17, n.º 193 (janeiro de 2022): 137–48.

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Karumuri, Srikanth. "Mechanical Behaviour of Metal Matrix Composites - A Review". Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 12, SP7 (25 de julho de 2020): 1042–49.

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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Mechanial behavior"


Shen, Jianghua. "Mechanical behavior and deformation mechanism in light metals at different strain rates". Thesis, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2015.

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Developing light metals that have desirable mechanical properties is always the object of the endeavor of materials scientists. Magnesium (Mg), one of the lightest metals, had been used widely in military and other applications. Yet, its relatively poor formability, as well as its relatively low absolute strength, in comparison with other metals such as aluminum and steels, caused the use of Mg to be discontinued after World War II. Owing to the subsequent energy crisis of the seventies, recently, interest in Mg development has been rekindled in the materials community. The main focus of research has been quite straight-forward: increasing the strength and formability such that Mg and its alloys may replace aluminum alloys and steels to become yet another choice for structural materials. This dissertation work is mainly focused on fundamental issues related to Mg and its alloys. More specifically, it investigates the mechanical behavior of different Mg-based materials and the corresponding underlying deformation mechanisms. In this context, we examine the factors that affect the microstructure and mechanical properties of pure Mg, binary Mg-alloy (with addition of yttrium), more complex Mg-based alloys with and without the addition of lanthanum, and finally Mg-based metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with ex-situ ceramic particles. More specifically, the effects of the following factors on the mechanical properties of Mg-based materials will be investigated: addition of rare earths (yttrium and lanthanum), in-situ/ex-situ formed particles, particle size or volume fraction and materials processing, effect of thermal-mechanical treatment (severe plastic deformation and warm extrusion), and so on and so forth.

A few interesting results have been found from this dissertation work: (i) although rare earths may improve the room temperature ductility of well-annealed Mg, the addition of yttrium results in ultrafine and un-recrystallized grains in the Mg-Y alloy subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP); (ii) the reverse volume fraction effect arises as the volume fraction of nano-sized ex-situ formed reinforcements is beyond 10%; (iii) nano-particles are more effective in strengthening Mg than micro-particles when the volume fraction is below 10%; (iv) complete dynamic recovery and/or recrystallization is required to accomplish the moderate ductility in Mg, together with a strong matrix-particle bonding if it is a Mg-based composite; and (v) localized shear failure is observed in all Mg samples, recrystallized completely, which is attributed to the reduced strain hardening rate as a result of the exhaustion of twinning and/or dislocation multiplication.

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Henry, Quentin. "Apport de l’expérimentation aux petites échelles spatiales et temporelles sur l’étude du comportement mécanique des céramiques à microstructure contrôlée soumises à des sollicitations dynamiques". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENSAM, 2024.

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Dans le cadre de l'allègement des structures de blindage mécanique, les céramiques se distinguent comme des matériaux de choix en raison de leur grande résistance à la compression, tout en étant plus légères que les métaux conventionnellement utilisés. Certains modèles micromécaniques suggèrent que l'augmentation apparente des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux fragiles sous des sollicitations dynamiques résulte de l'interaction entre la vitesse de chargement et la vitesse de propagation des fissures dans une structure hétérogène. Cependant, cette hypothèse n'a pas encore été confirmée par des preuves expérimentales textit{in situ}. Une approche empirique a été proposée pour vérifier cette hypothèse et montrer l’influence de la microstructure des céramiques sur la sensibilité de leur réponse mécanique à la vitesse de déformation. Cette approche expérimentale doit considérer l’ensemble des effets dynamiques, notamment ceux liés à la propagation rapide des fissures. Une stratégie expérimentale a été élaborée pour mettre en évidence les mécanismes physiques induits par une sollicitation dynamique au sein d'une microstructure contrôlée.Pour maîtriser la microstructure, des pores ont été introduits dans une matrice d’alumine avec un contrôle précis de leur quantité, taille et morphologie. Il a été observé que les propriétés mécaniques diminuent à mesure que le taux de porosité augmente. À densité constante, les pores de grande taille sont particulièrement préjudiciables vis-à-vis des propriétés mécaniques.L'augmentation de la vitesse de déformation conduit à une augmentation des propriétés mécaniques apparentes. En employant des techniques conventionnelles de laboratoire sous des régimes dynamiques, et en les combinant à une analyse des fragments, il a été possible d’identifier le début de la zone transitoire où la contrainte à rupture des céramiques poreuses commence à augmenter. La compétition entre la propagation rapide des fissures et la cinétique de chargement décrite dans les modèles micromécaniques se reflète par la diminution plus importante de la taille des fragments des céramiques poreuses. L'ajout de pores entraîne une hausse de la densité des défauts critiques, ce qui facilite l'amorçage de fissures supplémentaires sous des contraintes dynamiques.L'analyse réalisée sous source synchrotron à l'ESRF a permis de suivre avec précision la cinétique de fissuration des céramiques ainsi que la réponse de la structure sous des sollicitations dynamiques. Les résultats obtenus, notamment la vitesse de propagation des fissures et les différents chemins de fissuration, offrent des références précieuses pour valider les approches numériques de modélisation de la rupture des matériaux fragiles. La propagation rapide des fissures génère des effets d'inertie, estimés par une approche numérique directe. Les résultats soulignent l'importance d'utiliser une telle méthode pour estimer l'énergie de rupture, sans quoi les effets dynamiques risquent d’être largement surestimés, compromettant ainsi l’intégrité des structures
Ceramics stand out as materials of choice for lightening mechanical armor structures, thanks to their high compressive strength, while being lighter than conventionally used metals. Some micromechanical models suggest that the apparent increase in mechanical properties of brittle materials under dynamic loading results from the interaction between loading velocity and crack propagation velocity in a heterogeneous structure. However, no textit{in situ} experimental evidence has yet validated this hypothesis. An empirical approach has been proposed to verify this hypothesis and show the influence of ceramic microstructure on the sensitivity of their mechanical response to strain rate. This experimental approach must take account of all dynamic effects, particularly those linked to rapid crack propagation. The method envisaged for this thesis will put into perspective the effect of microstructure on the fragmentation process of ceramics at different strain rates.To control the microstructure, pores were introduced into an alumina matrix with precise control over their quantity, size and morphology. It was observed that mechanical properties decreased with increasing pore size. At constant density, large pores are particularly critical in terms of mechanical properties. An increase in strain rate leads to an increase in apparent mechanical properties. This sensitivity is even more pronounced in porous ceramics. The competition between rapid crack propagation and loading rates described in micromechanical models is reflected in the decrease in fragment size, which is more pronounced in porous ceramics. The introduction of pores leads to an increase in the density of critical defects, favoring the initiation of more cracks under dynamic loading. The analysis carried out under synchrotron source at ESRF enabled us to accurately track the fracture kinetics of the ceramics, as well as the response of the structure under dynamic loading. The results obtained, in particular the crack propagation velocity and the different fracture paths, provide valuable references for validating numerical approaches to modeling the fracture of brittle materials. This rapid crack propagation generates inertia effects, estimated by a direct numerical approach. The results underline the importance of using such a method to estimate fracture energy, otherwise dynamic effects could be greatly overestimated, compromising structural integrity
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Rasmussen, Nathan Oliver. "Compliant ortho-planar spring behavior under complex loads". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2005.

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This thesis presents research on the feasibility of applying compliant-ortho-planar springs (COPS) to rotational applications. The primary motivation of this research is the application of COPS to a continuously variable transmission (CVT). The design space limitations, loading conditions, stresses, stress concentrations, and limitations of current design tools, such as pseudo-rigid-body models (PRBM) for COPS, are discussed. A new 3D PRBM is presented along with a discussion on the possible applications of such to a rotating COPS. Stress stiffening and lateral stability are two major phenomena occurring in a rotating COPS. Both phenomena are a direct result of the inertial loads a COPS would be subjected to in a rotational environment. The results show how stress stiffening and lateral buckling in the legs are influenced by design parameters. Conclusions and recommendations for further research are recommended.
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Minnaar, Karel. "Comparison and analysis of dynamic shear failure behavior of structural metals". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997.

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Ortiz, Ryan C. "Mechanical Behavior of Grouted Sands". UKnowledge, 2015.

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Grouting techniques have been in used for many years, but several new grout materials have surfaced in recent decades that have re-defined the boundaries of the limitations of grouting programs. Typically these applications are used for seepage control in earthen impoundments, but strength of these earthen impoundments should be considered where there is potential for movement in the grouted soil mass. This study investigated initial conditions that could affect grout application effectiveness. The initial conditions in question were soil grain size and in situ moisture content. Two grouts were used, ultrafine and acrylate, and variations in pure grout properties were studied. An apparatus was developed so that a uniform grout could penetrate the pore spaces of a soil specimen. The rate of penetration of the grout into the soil was studied. The unconfined compressive strength of the resulting grouted soil was then analyzed. In testing neat ultrafine grout, it was shown that increased water-to-cement ratios had negative effects on the stability of the grout. Increasing the water-to-cement ratio from 0.5 to 2.5 resulted in a decrease in strength by a factor of 100. An inhibitor chemical was used to increase the time for reaction in the acrylate grout. During the chemical reaction, the curing temperature and gel times were monitored. A grout mix was selected for the acrylate grout that achieved appropriate gel times. In general, this study found that the grout penetrations rates into the soil increased as the initial moisture was increased from dry conditions to a gravimetric moisture content of nine percent. In each study, increased initial moisture decreased the grouted soil strength, with decreases in strength exceeding 50 percent. Empirical relationships were realized when compared to the initial matric suction of the soil. This suggests initial matric suction may be a useful initial condition for estimating increases in soil strength upon implementation of a grouting program for both the acrylate and ultrafine grouts.
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Tonyan, Timothy Donald. "Mechanical behavior of cementitious foams". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991.

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Kearney, Cathal (Cathal John). "Mechanical behavior of ultrastructural biocomposites". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2006.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 154-163).
For numerous centuries nature has successfully developed biocomposite materials with detailed multiscale architectures to provide a material stiffness, strength and toughness. One such example is nacre, which is found in the shells of many mollusks, and consists of an inorganic phase of aragonite tablets 5-8jim in planar dimension and 0.5-1gm in thickness direction and an organic phase of biomacromolecules. High resolution microscopy imaging was employed to investigate the microscale features of seashell nacre to reveal the nucleation points within tablets, the sector boundaries and an overlap between tablets of neighboring layers of [approx.] 20 %. Aragonite, the mineral constituting the inorganic phase of nacre, is a calcium carbonate mineral that is ubiquitous in many natural systems, including both living organisms and geological structures. Resistance to yield is an important factor in the ability of aragonite to provide both strength and toughness to numerous biological materials. Conversely, plastic deformation of aragonite is a governing factor in the formation and flow of large scale geological structures. The technique of nanoindentation combined with in-situ tapping mode atomic force microscopy imaging was used to show the anisotropic nanoscale plastic behavior of single crystal aragonite for indentations into three mutually orthogonal planes.
(cont.) Force vs. indentation depth curves for nanoindentation coaxial to the orthorhombic crystal c-axis exhibited distinct load plateaus, ranging between 275-375gN for the Berkovich indenter and 400-500 [mu]N for the cono-spherical indenter, indicative of dislocation nucleation events. Atomic force microscopy imaging of residual impressions made by a cono-spherical indenter showed four pileup lobes; residual impressions made by the Berkovich indenter showed protruding slip bands in pileups occurring adjacent to only one or two of the Berkovich indenter planes. Anisotropic elastic simulations were used to capture the low load response of single crystal aragonite, with the elastic simulations for the (001) plane matching the experimental data up until the onset of plasticity. Numerical simulations based on a crystal plasticity model were used to interrogate and identify the kinematic mechanisms of plastic slip leading to the experimentally observed plastic anisotropy. In particular, in addition to the previously reported slip systems of the {100}<001> family, the family of {110}<001> slip systems is found to play a key role in the plastic response of aragonite.
by Cathal Kearney.
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Wallach, Jeremy C. (Jeremy Cole) 1975. "Mechanical behavior of truss materials". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.

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Page, Steven M. "Investigation into the Behavior of Bolted Joints". Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2006.

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Chia, Julian Yan Hon. "A micromechanics-based continuum damage mechanics approach to the mechanical behaviour of brittle matrix composites". Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2002.

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The thesis describes the development of a new continuum damage mechanics (hereafter, CDM) model for the deformation and failure of brittle matrix composites reinforced with continuous fibres. The CDM model is valid over sizes scales large compared to the spacing of the fibres and the dimensions of the damage. The composite is allowed to sustain damage in the form of matrix micro-cracking, shear delamination, tensile delamination and fibre failure. The constitutive equations are developed by decomposing the composite compliance into terms attributable to the fibre and matrix, and modelling the competing failure modes by intersecting failure surfaces based on maximum stress theory. The fibres are treated as being weakly bonded to the matrix so that the fibres only transmit axial loads, and fail in tension. The matrix is modelled as isotropic linear elastic and is treated as transversely-isotropic after damage has initiated. The effect of multiple matrix cracking on the stiffness was determined from experimental data, while failure was modelled by a rapid decay in the load bearing capacity. Although the model is motivated largely to proportional loading, matrix unloading and damage closure has been modelled by damage elasticity. During compression, the matrix stiffness is identical to the undamaged state with the exception that the fibres are assumed not to transmit compressive loads. The model was implemented computationally through a FORTRAN subroutine interfaced with the ABAQUS/Standard finite element solver. The CDM model was validated by comparing experimental and computational results of test specimens with unidirectional and balanced 0°-90° woven fibres of a brittle matrix composite, fabricated from polyester fibres in a polyester matrix. This composite system exhibits low elastic mismatch between fibres and matrix, and has similar non-dimensionalised stress-strain response to a SiC/SiC composite proposed for the exhaust diffuser unit of the Rolls-Royce EJ200 aero-engine.
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Livros sobre o assunto "Mechanial behavior"


Yang, Sheng-Qi. Mechanical Behavior and Damage Fracture Mechanism of Deep Rocks. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022.

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1948-, François Dominique, ed. Structural components: Mechanical tests and behavioral laws. London: ISTE Ltd., 2007.

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Bai, Y. L., Q. S. Zheng e Y. G. Wei, eds. IUTAM Symposium on Mechanical Behavior and Micro-Mechanics of Nanostructured Materials. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2007.

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François, Dominique. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume II: Fracture Mechanics and Damage. 2a ed. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.

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Hosford, William F. Mechanical behavior of materials. 2a ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Huda, Zainul. Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Torrenti, Jean-Michel, Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot e Jean-Marie Reynouard, eds. Mechanical Behavior of Concrete. Hoboken, NJ USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

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Jean-Michel, Torrenti, Reynouard Jean-Marie e Pijaudier-Cabot Gilles, eds. Mechanical behavior of concrete. London, UK: ISTE, 2010.

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Dominique, François. Mechanical behavior of materials. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

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Hosford, William F. Mechanical behavior of materials. 2a ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Mechanial behavior"


Bento, J. "Modelling Mechanical Behaviour without Mechanics". In Development of Knowledge-Based Systems for Engineering, 37–58. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1998.

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Arnaud, Laurent, Sofiane Amziane, Vincent Nozahic e Etiennec Gourlay. "Mechanical Behavior". In Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, 153–78. Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

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Zhang, Yong. "Mechanical Behavior". In High-Entropy Materials, 77–89. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Ehrenstein, Gottfried W. "Mechanical Behavior". In Polymeric Materials, 167–228. München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2001.

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Agache, Pierre, e Daniel Varchon. "Mechanical Behavior Assessment". In Measuring the skin, 446–67. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Hartwig, Günther. "Mechanical Deformation Behavior". In Polymer Properties at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures, 139–72. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1994.

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Canevarolo, Sebastião V. "Polymer Mechanical Behavior". In Polymer Science, 237–79. München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2019.

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Canevarolo, Sebastião V. "Polymer Mechanical Behavior". In Polymer Science, 237–79. München, Germany: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2020.

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Senhoury, Mohamed Ahmedou, Bechir Bouzakher, Fathi Gharbi e Tarek Benameur. "Shear Bands Behavior in Notched Cu60Zr30Ti10 Metallic Glass". In Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, 195–203. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Xu, Feng, e Tianjian Lu. "Skin Mechanical Behaviour". In Introduction to Skin Biothermomechanics and Thermal Pain, 87–104. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Mechanial behavior"


"Chapter 6, Modeling of material behavior". In EuroSimE 2005. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanial and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, 2005. IEEE, 2005.

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"Chapter 15, Prediction on dynamic behavior". In EuroSimE 2005. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanial and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, 2005. IEEE, 2005.

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Mailen, Russell W., e Robin L. Weaver. "Viscoelastic bias in bistable mechanical metamaterials". In Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XVII, editado por Aimy Wissa, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto e Russell W. Mailen. SPIE, 2023.

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Pahari, Basanta, e William S. Oates. "Renyi entropy and fractional order mechanics for predicting complex mechanics of materials". In Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XVI, editado por Ryan L. Harne, Aimy Wissa e Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto. SPIE, 2022.

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Mailen, Russell W. "Mechanical testing of self-folded polymer origami structures". In Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XV, editado por Ryan L. Harne. SPIE, 2021.

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Ijaola, Ahmed O., Ramazan Asmatulu e Kunza Arifa. "Metal-graphene nano-composites with enhanced mechanical properties". In Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XIV, editado por Ryan L. Harne. SPIE, 2020.

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Eberhardt, Oliver, e Thomas Wallmersperger. "Analysis of the mechanical behavior of single wall carbon nanotubes by a modified molecular structural mechanics model incorporating an advanced chemical force field". In Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites XII, editado por Hani E. Naguib. SPIE, 2018.

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Wang, Y. W., F. C. Wang, X. D. Yu, C. Y. Wang e Z. Ma. "Dynamic mechanical properties and failure mechanism of 50vol%SiCp/2024Al composites". In DYMAT 2009 - 9th International Conferences on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2009.

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Popov, Valentin L., e Ken Nakano. "CONTACT MECHANICS OF CLUSTERS OF HEART CELLS: MECHANICAL ACTIVATION AND SYNCHRONIZATION OF MYOCYTES". In Physical Mesomechanics of Materials. Physical Principles of Multi-Layer Structure Forming and Mechanisms of Non-Linear Behavior. Novosibirsk State University, 2022.

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Giri, Tark R., e Russell Mailen. "Two-dimensional mechanical metamaterials with adjustable stiffness and damping". In Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XIV, editado por Ryan L. Harne. SPIE, 2020.

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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Mechanial behavior"


Gibala, Ronald, Amit K. Ghosh, David J. Srolovitz, John W. Holmes e Noboru Kikuchi. The Mechanics and Mechanical Behavior of High-Temperature Intermetallic Matrix Composites. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, junho de 2000.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lever, James, Emily Asenath-Smith, Susan Taylor e Austin Lines. Assessing the mechanisms thought to govern ice and snow friction and their interplay with substrate brittle behavior. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), dezembro de 2021.

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Sliding friction on ice and snow is characteristically low at temperatures common on Earth’s surface. This slipperiness underlies efficient sleds, winter sports, and the need for specialized tires. Friction can also play micro-mechanical role affecting ice compressive and crushing strengths. Researchers have proposed several mechanisms thought to govern ice and snow friction, but directly validating the underlying mechanics has been difficult. This may be changing, as instruments capable of micro-scale measurements and imaging are now being brought to bear on friction studies. Nevertheless, given the broad regimes of practical interest (interaction length, temperature, speed, pressure, slider properties, etc.), it may be unrealistic to expect that a single mechanism accounts for why ice and snow are slippery. Because bulk ice, and the ice grains that constitute snow, are solids near their melting point at terrestrial temperatures, most research has focused on whether a lubricating water film forms at the interface with a slider. However, ice is extremely brittle, and dry-contact abrasion and wear at the front of sliders could prevent or delay a transition to lubricated contact. Also, water is a poor lubricant, and lubricating films thick enough to separate surface asperities may not form for many systems of interest. This article aims to assess our knowledge of the mechanics underlying ice and snow friction.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Denham, H. B., J. III Cesarano, B. H. King e P. Calvert. Mechanical behavior of robocast alumina. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), dezembro de 1998.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jacobs, Taylor Roth, Meghan Jane Gibbs, Clarissa Ann Yablinsky, Franz Joseph Freibert, Sarah Christine Hernandez, Jeremy Neil Mitchell, Tarik A. Saleh et al. Defects and Mechanical Behavior of Plutonium. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), abril de 2020.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Barnett, Terry R., e H. S. Starrett. Mechanical Behavior of High Temperature Composites. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, abril de 1994.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lee, E. U., K. A. George, V. V. Agarwala, H. Sanders e G. London. Mechanical Behavior of Be-Al Alloys. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, junho de 2000.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Abramoff, B., e L. C. Klein. Mechanical Behavior of PMMA-Impregnated Silica Gels. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, fevereiro de 1989.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Carter, S., e A. Hodge. Mechanical Behavior of Grain Boundary Engineered Copper. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), agosto de 2006.

Texto completo da fonte
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Durlauf, Steven. Statistical Mechanics Approaches to Socioeconomic Behavior. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, setembro de 1996.

Texto completo da fonte
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ragalwar, Ketan, William Heard, Brett Williams, Dhanendra Kumar e Ravi Ranade. On enhancing the mechanical behavior of ultra-high performance concrete through multi-scale fiber reinforcement. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), setembro de 2021.

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Steel fibers are typically used in ultra-high performance concretes (UHPC) to impart flexural ductility and increase fracture toughness. However, the mechanical properties of the steel fibers are underutilized in UHPC, as evidenced by the fact that most of the steel fibers pull out of a UHPC matrix largely undamaged during tensile or flexural tests. This research aims to improve the bond between steel fibers and a UHPC matrix by using steel wool. The underlying mechanism for fiber-matrix bond improvement is the reinforcement of the matrix tunnel, surrounding the steel fibers, by steel wool. Single fiber pullout tests were performed to quantify the effect of steel wool content in UHPC on the fiber-matrix bond. Microscopic observations of pulled-out fibers were used to investigate the fiber-matrix interface. Compared to the control UHPC mixture with no steel wool, significant improvement in the flexural behavior was observed in the UHPC mixtures with steel wool. Thus, the addition of steel wool in steel fiber-reinforced UHPC provides multi-scale reinforcement that leads to significant improvement in fiber-matrix bond and mechanical properties of UHPC.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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