Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Logiciels libres – Mesure"
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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Logiciels libres – Mesure"
Rudant, Jean-Paul, e Pierre-Louis Frison. "Télédétection radar : de l'image d'intensité initiale au choix du mode de calibration des coefficients de diffusion beta 0, sigma 0, gamma 0". Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, n.º 219-220 (10 de dezembro de 2019): 19–28.
Texto completo da fonteMichel, Julien, Manuel Grizonnet e Jordi Inglada. "L'ORFEO Toolbox : bilan des années ORFEO et perspectives". Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, n.º 208 (23 de outubro de 2014): 5–10.
Texto completo da fonteBéland, Sébastien, e Denis Cousineau. "Adieu coefficient alpha de Cronbach! J’ai trouvé plus fidèle que toi…". Revue de psychoéducation 47, n.º 2 (27 de novembro de 2018): 449–60.
Texto completo da fonteOuedraogo, Moussa, Ismaël Sylla, Zié Ouattara, Abou Junior Diaby, Soungari Jean Paul Yeo e Bamory Kamagate. "Apport de l’imagerie géophysique à l’identification des aquifères en zone de montagne : « cas des aquifères perchés de Koyampleu à Danané »". E3S Web of Conferences 504 (2024): 05001.
Texto completo da fonteFovet, Thomas, Mathilde Horn, Valériane Dujardin-Lascaux, Thierry Danel, Pierre Thomas, Guillaume Vaiva e Ali Amad. "CERT’IN© : un logiciel libre d’aide à la rédaction du certificat médical initial pour les mesures de soins psychiatriques sans consentement". La Presse Médicale 48, n.º 11 (novembro de 2019): 1329–30.
Texto completo da fonteDourma, Marra, Kperkouma Wala, Ronald Bellefontaine, Komlan Batawila, Kutzo-Atsu Guelly e Koffi Akpagana. "Comparaison de l'utilisation des ressources forestières et de la régénération entre deux types de forêts claires à Isoberlinia au Togo". BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 302, n.º 302 (1 de dezembro de 2009): 5.
Texto completo da fonteTacnet, Jean-Marc, Elodie Forestier, Eric Mermet, Corinne Curt e Frédéric Berger. "Résilience territoriale : du concept à l'analyse d'infrastructures critiques en montagne". La Houille Blanche, n.º 5-6 (outubro de 2018): 20–28.
Texto completo da fonteDiallo, S., MK Sidibe, S. Bagayoko, K. Ba, A. Guirou n guindo, A. Napo e I. Cisse. "Prevalence des affections ophtalmologiques chez les militaires à kati (Mali)." Mali Santé Publique, 31 de outubro de 2018, 37–42.
Texto completo da fonteBosc, Helene. "L’auto-archivage en France: deux exemples de politiques différentes et leurs résultats | Self-archiving in France: two examples of different policies and their results | Auto-arquivamento na França: dois exemplos de políticas diferentes e seus resultados". Liinc em Revista 1, n.º 1 (19 de setembro de 2008).
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Logiciels libres – Mesure"
Caron, Eddy. "Mesures stéréoscopiques à l’échelle de la microstructure : application aux phénomènes hors plan dans un polycristal métallique". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Centrale Lille Institut, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteUnderstanding the mechanisms of plasticity and damage in materials represents a va-luable resource for the qualitative development of industry. This knowledge makes it possible to reducecosts, improve safety and anticipate short- and long-term material behavior. Based on behavioralmodels, it becomes possible to carry out numerical simulations capable of predicting the evolutionof materials. Today, these simulations are indispensable for the dimensioning of mechanical systems,whatever their field of application. Although the dialogue between experimental results and numericalpredictions makes it possible to refine these models, there are still singular behaviors, particularly atthe local level, which these models are unable to predict. Tools for measuring kinematic fields have beendeveloped to go down to fine scales and understand the mechanisms at the very heart of the micro-structure, in particular with the development of Digital Image Correlation (DIC). This technology canmeasure fields at pixel level, but does not take into account “out-of-plane” displacements in the cameraaxis. Yet these displacements appear to play a crucial role in the manifestation of plasticity mecha-nisms. The development of a stereoscopic measurement technique including DIC is therefore necessaryfor any further exploration. This study focuses on the development of multi-instrument experimentaltools. In particular, it focuses on the development of non-contact stereoscopic deformation field measu-rement software, enabling the assessment of “out-of-plane” movements. The software, named PyCaSo,was developed and evaluated in the first part of the project. In the second part, other measurementtechniques, such as profilometry, EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) and microscopy, were used tocarry out monotonic and cyclic experimental tests on a reference steel, austenitic stainless steel 316L
Hodique, Yann. "Sûreté et optimisation par les systèmes de types en contexte ouvert et contraint". Lille 1, 2007.
Texto completo da fonteGenthon, Olivier. "Enrichissement d’un ensemble logiciel d’exploitation automatique des canaux : extension des bibliothèques de commandes et conception d’outils de diagnostics et de reconstitution de mesures". Paris 6, 2007.
Texto completo da fonteFaget, Xavier. "Application expérimentale de méthodes inverses avancées pour l'imagerie des propriétés électromagnétiques d'un matériau magnéto-diélectrique". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Texto completo da fonteThe subject of this thesis is the non-destructive characterization of complex inhomogeneous magneto-dielectric structures. Successively, the experimental developments, the modelling and the data treatments stages are addressed. A forward model that links the scattered field to the electromagnetic properties is established. This model requires some finite element computations in order to estimate the propagation of the electromagnetic wave in presence of the magneto-dielectric object which is glued on a metallic support. A multistatic bench has been designed and constructed in order to collect measured scattered fields. Several adjustments and calibration procedures have been carried out to reduce the measurement noise and biases. Next, the inverse problem has been dealt with, in order to retrieve the electromagnetic properties of the samples, from the measured scattered field. The inverse problem is mainly solved with a linear approach, with a careful selection of the hyperparameters. Once the system has been fine tuned, six studies have been realized to validate our 2D imaging system. The assessment of the measurement uncertainty, the evaluation of the spatial resolution, the characterization of various magnetics materials and the use of different supports with variable geometries have been performed. So far, all the developments were done under a 2D hypothesis. That is why, we have then focused our research on the design of a 3D innovative imaging setup. To this end, a secondary source moving close to the target has been added in order to gain information in the third direction. A numerical study has been performed to assess the expected performances of this new setup
Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Logiciels libres – Mesure"
DURAND, Philippe, Nadine POURTHIÉ, Céline TISON e Giorgio GOMBA. "Interférométrie SAR : principes et traitement". In Mesure du déplacement de surface à partir d’images de télédétection, 105–44. ISTE Group, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteRelatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Logiciels libres – Mesure"
Langlais, Pierre-Carl. Accès diamant. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Texto completo da fonte