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Jonsson, Markus. "Processes on Integer Partitions and Their Limit Shapes". Doctoral thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Utbildningsvetenskap och Matematik, 2017.

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This thesis deals with processes on integer partitions and their limit shapes, with focus on deterministic and stochastic variants on one such process called Bulgarian solitaire. The main scientific contributions are the following. Paper I: Bulgarian solitaire is a dynamical system on integer partitions of n which converges to a unique fixed point if n=1+2+...+k is a triangular number. There are few results about the structure of the game tree, but when k tends to infinity the game tree itself converges to a structure that we are able to analyze. Its level sizes turns out to be a bisection of the Fibonacci numbers. The leaves in this tree structure are enumerated using Fibonacci numbers as well. We also demonstrate to which extent these results apply to the case when k is finite. Paper II: Bulgarian solitaire is played on n cards divided into several piles; a move consists of picking one card from each pile to form a new pile. In a recent generalization, σ-Bulgarian solitaire, the number of cards you pick from a pile is some function σ of the pile size, such that you pick σ(h) < h cards from a pile of size h. Here we consider a special class of such functions. Let us call σ well-behaved if σ(1) = 1 and if both σ(h) and h − σ(h) are non-decreasing functions of h. Well-behaved σ-Bulgarian solitaire has a geometric interpretation in terms of layers at certain levels being picked in each move. It also satisfies that if a stable configuration of n cards exists it is unique. Moreover, if piles are sorted in order of decreasing size then a configuration is convex if and only if it is a stable configuration of some well-behaved σ-Bulgarian solitaire. If sorted configurations are represented by Young diagrams and scaled down to have unit height and unit area, the stable configurations corresponding to an infinite sequence of well-behaved functions (σ1, σ2, ...) may tend to a limit shape Φ. We show that every convex Φ with certain properties can arise as the limit shape of some sequence of well-behaved σn. For the special case when σn(h) = ceil(qnh) for 0 < qn ≤ 1 (where ceil is the ceiling function rounding upward to the nearest integer), these limit shapes are triangular (in case qn2n → 0), or exponential (in case qn2n → ∞), or interpolating between these shapes (in case qn2n → C > 0). Paper III: We introduce pn-random qn-proportion Bulgarian solitaire (0 < pn,qn ≤ 1), played on n cards distributed in piles. In each pile, a number of cards equal to the proportion qn of the pile size rounded upward to the nearest integer are candidates to be picked. Each candidate card is picked with probability pn, independently of other candidate cards. This generalizes Popov's random Bulgarian solitaire, in which there is a single candidate card in each pile. Popov showed that a triangular limit shape is obtained for a fixed p as n tends to infinity. Here we let both pn and qn vary with n. We show that under the conditions qn2pnn/log n → ∞ and pnqn → 0 as n → ∞, the pn-random qn-proportion Bulgarian solitaire has an exponential limit shape. Paper IV: We consider two types of discrete-time Markov chains where the state space is a graded poset and the transitions are taken along the covering relations in the poset. The first type of Markov chain goes only in one direction, either up or down in the poset (an up chain or down chain). The second type toggles between two adjacent rank levels (an up-and-down chain). We introduce two compatibility concepts between the up-directed transition probabilities (an up rule) and the down-directed (a down rule), and we relate these to compatibility between up-and-down chains. This framework is used to prove a conjecture about a limit shape for a process on Young's lattice. Finally, we settle the questions whether the reverse of an up chain is a down chain for some down rule and whether there exists an up or down chain at all if the rank function is not bounded.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ahmed, Bako. "Limit Shapes for qVolume Tilings of a Large Hexagon". Thesis, KTH, Matematik (Avd.), 2020.

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Lozenges are polygons constructed by gluing two equilateral triangles along an edge. We can fit lozenge pieces together to form larger polygons and given an appropriate polygon we can tile it with lozenges. Lozenge tilings of the semi-regular hexagon with sides A,B,C can be viewed as the 2D picture of a stack of cubes in a A x B x C box. In this project we investigate the typical shape of a tiling as the sides A,B,C of the box grow uniformly to infinity and we consider two cases: The uniform case where all tilings occur with equal probability and the q^Volume case where the probability of a tiling is proportional to the volume taken up by the corresponding stack of cubes. To investigate lozenge tilings we transform it into a question on families of non-intersecting paths on a corresponding graph representing the hexagon. Using the Lindström–Gessel–Viennot theorem we can define the probability of a non-intersecting path crossing a particular point in the hexagon both for the uniform and the $q$-Volume case. In each case this probability function is connected to either the Hahn or the $q$-Hahn orthogonal polynomials. The orthogonal polynomials depend on the sides of the hexagon and so we consider the asymptotic behaviour of the polynomials as the sides grow to infinity using a result due to Kuijlaars and Van Assche. This determines the density of non-intersecting paths through every point in the hexagon, which we calculate, and a ``Arctic curve" result which shows that the six corners of the hexagon are (with probability one) tiled with just one type of lozenge.
"Lozenger" är polygoner konstruerade genom att limma två liksidiga trianglar längs en kant. Vi kan montera lozengstycken ihop för att bilda större polygoner och med en lämplig polygon kan vi lozengplatta den. Lozengplattor av den semi-liksidiga hexagonen med sidorna A, B, C kan ses som 2D-bilden av en stapel kuber i en A x B x C-box. I det här projektet undersöker vi den typiska formen på en platta när sidorna A, B, C på rutan växer till oändlighet och vi tar an två fall: Det likformiga fallet där alla plattor sker med samma sannolikhet och q ^ Volymfallet då sannolikheten för en platta är proportionell mot volymen som tas upp av motsvarande kubstapel. För att undersöka plattor förvandlar vi det till en fråga om samlingar av icke-korsande vägar på en motsvarande graf som representerar hexagonen. Med hjälp av satsen Lindström – Gessel – Viennot kan vi definiera sannolikheten för att en icke-korsande väg går genom en viss punkt i hexagonen både för det enhetliga och $ q $ -volymfallet. I båda fallen är dessa sannolikhetsfunktioner relaterade till Hahn eller $ q $ -Hahn ortogonala polynomer. Dessa ortogonala polynom beror på hexagonens sidor så vi betraktar polynomens asymptotiska beteende när sidorna växer till oändlighet genom ett resultat från Kuijlaars och Van Assche. Detta bestämmer densiteten för de icke-korsande vägarna genom varje punkt i det hexagon vi beräknar. Detta bestämmer också också en '' arktisk kurva '' som visar att hexagonens sex hörn är (med sannolikhet ett) plattade med bara en typ av lozeng.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Potka, Samu. "Limit shapes of standard Young tableaux and sorting networks via the Edelman-Greene correspondence". Licentiate thesis, KTH, Matematik (Avd.), 2018.

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This thesis consists of the following two articles. New properties of the Edelman–Greene bijection. Edelman and Greene constructed a correspondence between reduced words of the reverse permutation and standard Young tableaux. We prove that for any reduced word the shape of the region of the insertion tableau containing the smallest possible entries evolves exactly as the upper-left component of the permutation’s (Rothe) diagram. Properties of the Edelman–Greene bijection restricted to 132-avoiding and 2143-avoiding permutations are presented. We also consider the Edelman-Greene bijection applied to non-reduced words. On random shifted standard Young tableaux and 132-avoiding sorting networks. We study shifted standard Young tableaux (SYT). The limiting surface of uniformly random shifted SYT of staircase shape is determined, with the integers in the SYT as heights. This implies via properties of the Edelman–Greene bijection results about random 132-avoiding sorting networks, including limit shapes for trajectories and intermediate permutations. Moreover, the expected number of adjacencies in SYT is considered. It is shown that on average each row and each column of a shifted SYT of staircase shape contains precisely one adjacency.

QC 20180926

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kuchumov, Nikolai. "Formes limites pour le modèle de dimères dans des domaines non simplement connexes". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Cette thèse se compose de trois parties, le but de la première partie est d'étudier les pavages aléatoires de dominos d'un domaine non simplement connexe avec une fonction de hauteur définie sur l'espace de revêtement universel du domaine. Nous établissons un principe de grandes déviations pour la fonction de hauteur dans deux régimes asymptotiques. Le premier régime couvre tous les pavages de dominos du domaine. Une loi des grands nombres pour le changement de hauteur dans ce régime est également obtenue. Le second régime couvre les pavages de dominos avec un changement de hauteur asymptotique donné. La deuxième partie de la thèse est une extension de la première partie. Nous prouvons l'existence d'une forme limite pour le modèle de dimères sur des graphes bipartis périodiques planaires avec un domaine fondamental arbitraire et des poids périodiques arbitraires. La troisième partie est consacrée au calcul de la courbe arctique du diamant aztèque avec trous dans deux régimes. Le premier régime, appelé cas non contraint, correspond à la mesure uniforme sur l'ensemble des pavages par dominos. Le second régime, appelé cas contraint, pose une condition sur le changement de hauteur des dominos
This thesis consists of three parts, the goal of the first part is to study random domino tilings of a multiply-connected domain with a height function defined on the universal covering space of the domain. We establish a large deviation principle for the height function in two asymptotic regimes. The first regime covers all domino tilings of the domain. A law of large numbers for height change in this regime will also be derived. The second regime covers domino tilings with a given asymptotic height change.The second part of thesis is an extension of the first part. We prove the existence of a limit shape for the dimer model on planar periodic bipartite graphs with an arbitrary fundamental domain and arbitrary periodic weights.The third part is devoted to computation of the arctic curve of the multiply-connected Aztec diamond in two regimes. The first regime, called an unconstrained case, corresponds to the uniform measure on a set of domino tilings. The second regime, constrained case, puts a condition on the height change of domino tilings
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Svoboda, Radek. "Návrh a posouzení ocelové konstrukce". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017.

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Topic of the master’s thesis is design and assessment of steel construction of the industrial building used to glass sand treatment. The building has the top view dimensions 12,0 x 12,0 m and roof ridge height 15,6 m. Disposition if the individual elements was designed according to conditions of the technology and production process. The thesis focus on creating of computational model and assessment to ultimate and serviceability limit states of individual elements. Further thesis contains of design and optimisation of some joints.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Podškubka, Patrik. "Zavěšená lávka pro pěší". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016.

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The aim of this master’s thesis is a design of the footbridge that transfers separately pedestrian and bicycle traffic over the expressway and the local creek. Chosen footbridge, which were one of two possible designs, consists of a monolithic bridge deck suspended on the V-shaped pylon. Thesis contains a static calculation of the structure modeled in ANSYS software. Design and assessment are according to the current European standards
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Prasad, Rachit. "Time Spectral Adjoint Based Design for Flutter and Limit Cycle Oscillation Suppression". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2020.

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When designing aircraft wings shapes, it is important to ensure that the flight envelope does not overlap with regions of flutter or Limit Cycle Oscillation (LCO). A quick assessment of these dynamic aeroelastic for various design candidates is key to successful design. Flutter based design requires the sensitivity of flutter parameters to be known with the respect of design parameters. Traditionally, frequency domain based methods have been used to predict flutter characteristics and its sensitivity. However, this approach is only applicable for linear or linearized models and cannot be applied to systems undergoing LCO or other nonlinear effects. Though the time accurate approach can be implemented to overcome this problem, it is computationally expensive. Also, the unsteady adjoint formulation for sensitivity analysis, requires the state and adjoint variables to be stored at every time step, which prohibitively increases the memory requirement. In this work, these problems have been overcome by implementing a time spectral method based approach to compute flutter onset, LCOs and their design sensitivities in a computationally efficient manner. The time spectral based formulation approximates the solution as a discrete Fourier series and directly solves for the periodic steady state, leading to a steady formulation. This can lead to the time spectral approach to be faster than the time accurate approach. More importantly, the steady formulation of the time spectral method also eliminates the memory issues faced by the unsteady adjoint formulation. The time spectral based flutter/LCO prediction method was used to predict flutter and LCO characteristics of the AGARD 445.6 wing and pitch/plunge airfoil section with NACA 64A010 airfoil. Furthermore, the adjoint based sensitivity analysis was used to carry out aerodynamic shape optimization, with an objective of maximizing the flutter velocity with and without constraints on the drag coefficient. The resulting designs show significant increase in the flutter velocity and the corresponding LCO velocity profile. The resulting airfoils display a greater sensitivity to the transonic shock which in turn leads to greater aerodynamic damping and hence leading to an increase in flutter velocity.
Doctor of Philosophy
When designing aircrafts, dynamic aeroelastic effects such as flutter onset and Limit Cycle Oscillations need to considered. At low enough flight speeds, any vibrations arising in the aircraft structure are damped out by the airflow. However, beyond a certain flight speed, instead of damping out the vibrations, the airflow accentuates these vibrations. This is known as flutter and it can lead to catastrophic structural failure. Hence, during the aircraft design phase, it must be ensured that the aircraft would not experience flutter during the flight conditions. One of the contribution of this work has been to come up with a fast and accurate method to predict flutter using computational modelling. Depending on the scenario, it is also possible that during flutter, the vibrations in the structure increase to a certain amplitude before leveling off due to interaction of non-linear physics. This condition is known as limit cycle oscillation. While they can arise due to different kinds of non-linearities, in this work the focus has been on aerodynamic non-linearities arising from shocks in transonic flight conditions. While limit cycle oscillations are undesirable as they can cause structural fatigue, they can also save the aircraft from imminent structural fracture and hence it is important to accurately predict them as well. The main advantage of the method developed in this work is that the same method can be used to predict both the flutter onset condition and limit cycle oscillations. This is a novel development as most of the traditional approaches in dynamic aeroelasticity cannot predict both the effects. The developed flutter/LCO prediction method has then been used in design with the goal of achieving superior flutter characteristics. In this study, the shape of the baseline airfoil is changed with the goal of increasing the flutter velocity. This enables the designed system to fly faster without addition of weight. Since the design has been carried out using gradient based optimization approach, an efficient way to compute the gradient needs to be used. Traditional approaches to compute the gradient, such as Finite Difference Method, have computational cost proportional to the number of design variables. This becomes a problem for shape design optimization, where a large number of design variables are required. This has been overcome by developing an adjoint based sensitivity analysis method. The main advantage of the adjoint based sensitivity analysis is that it its computational cost is independent of the number of design variables, and hence a large number of design variables can be accommodated. The developed flutter/LCO prediction and adjoint based sensitivity analysis framework was used to carry out shape design for a pitch/plunge airfoil section. The objective of the design process was to maximize the flutter onset velocity with and without constraints on drag. The resulting optimized airfoils showed significant increase in the flutter velocity.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lawrence, Adam. "Investigating the limits of how expectation can shape affective judgement". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2017.

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The generation of predictions shapes our experience of the world around us. By making inferences about what is likely to happen within a given scenario, we can conserve cognitive resources and enhance our prospects of survival. Predictive coding accounts of perception indicate that this is achieved by minimally processing information that is consistent with our expectations, and prioritising the processing of unexpected or meaningful information. Predictions are also beneficial in situations where accurate perception is difficult, and clues like contextual information allow expectations to ‘fill in the blanks’ when sensory information is noisy or ambiguous. This comes at a cost, however, and a reliance upon expectations can lead to perceptual biases, and in certain cases misperceptions. According to Assimilation Contrast Theory (ACT) and the Affective Expectation Model (AEM), when we attempt to judge affectively ambiguous stimuli, our judgements are biased by expectations in a similar manner. If stimuli are within an acceptable range of an existing expectation, minor discrepancies will be ignored and judgements of those stimuli will fall in line with expectations (assimilation). Alternatively, if the affective discrepancy between expectation and stimulus is so large that it is acknowledged, the extent of that discrepancy will be exaggerated instead (contrast). This thesis aimed to investigate the boundaries and time-course of these effects. A series of behavioural experiments were conducted to investigate: (i) whether predictive cues promoted a state of affective readiness, where judgements across a range of stimuli were biased based upon the assumption that they were broadly part of a positive or negative category (chapters 3 and 4); (ii) whether affective biases (assimilation effects) persisted over time (chapters 5 and 6); and (iii) whether the boundaries of affective and perceptual assimilation effects remained consistent over time (chapter 6 and 7). Psychophysical measures of affective bias indicated that predictive cues influenced participants to judge the same stimuli differently, according to whether they expected those stimuli to be positive or negative. Furthermore, after expectations were learned, judgements of the same stimuli continued to be biased toward expectations after a period of one week. When stimuli from affectively or perceptually distinct categories were manipulated slowly over time, to the point where they became identical, judgements of those stimuli continued to be influenced by the expectation that they should remain distinct. These findings indicate that the boundaries of perceptual and affective assimilation effects may not be static, and if deviations from expectation are small enough to go generally unnoticed, people may update their internal representations of items over time, and the boundaries of acceptance which surround those representations.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Diermeier, Johannes [Verfasser]. "Analysis of martensitic microstructures in shape-memory-alloys: A low volume-fraction limit / Johannes Diermeier". Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2016.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Martins, Leandro Filipe Correia. "Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Cabo Espichel". Master's thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura, 2017.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ye, Caiwei. "The effects of price limits on AB-shares on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges". Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2016.

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The study examines the effects of price limits on return, volatility and liquidity by testing three hypotheses: delayed price discovery hypothesis, volatility spillover hypothesis and trading interference hypothesis (Kim and Rhee, 1997, JF). The delayed price discovery hypothesis states that if the price continues to move in the same direction in the subsequent period after a price-limit-hit, the existence of limits delays price discovery. The volatility spillover hypothesis argues that the stock will have a higher volatility after a price-limit-hit. The trading interference hypothesis asserts that a share that hits the price limits on day t will experience more trading on day t+1. The rationale behind price limits is to provide investors with a cooling-off period to counter noise trading and alleviate market panic. If price limits work, all three hypotheses should be rejected. Firms on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges can simultaneously issue two types of shares: A and B-shares. A-shares were initially traded only by domestic Chinese citizens, but opened to Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFIIs) from July 2003 onwards. B shares were initially traded only by foreign investors but then by local Chinese citizens from June 2001. A and B-shares are subject to the same price limits but exhibit different risk and return characteristics. This study explores the effects of price limits on AB-shares using daily data (intraday data) over the period 2004-2012 (2010-2012). For the first time, this study estimates a GARCH model that explicitly incorporates truncation in the distribution of returns that is induced by price limits. The truncated-GARCH model provides a better fit than a conventional model. Based on the study of daily data, the delayed price discovery and volatility spillover hypotheses are not rejected on either exchange. Similar results have been found in the study of intraday data that price limits are not effective in controlling volatility and counter noise trading. Regarding the trading interference hypothesis, price limits interfere with market liquidity but the level of interference depends on the choice liquidity measures.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hills, Tyler Willes. "An Equivalence of Shape and Deck Groups; Further Classification of Sharkovskii Groups". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2019.

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In part one we show that for a compact, metric, locally path-connected topological space X, the shape group of X - as defined in Foundations of Shape Theory by Mardesic and Segal - is isomorphic to the inverse limit of discrete homotopy groups introduced by Conrad Plaut and Valera Berestovskii. We begin by providing the reader preliminary definitions of the fundamental group of a topological space, inverse systems and inverse limits, the Shape Category, discrete homotopy groups, and culminate by providing an isomorphism of the shape and deck groups for peano continua. In part two we develop work and provide further classification of Sharkovskii topological groups, which we call Sharkovskii Groups. We culminate in proving the fact that a locally compact Sharkovskii group must either be the real numbers if it is not compact, or a torsion-free solenoid if it is compact.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Parrinello, Emanuele. "Fundamental Limits of Shared-Cache Networks". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2021.

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Dans le contexte des réseaux de diffusion de contenu, les avantages puissants de la combinaison du cache et de la multidiffusion codée ont été démontrés pour les réseaux où chaque utilisateur est équipé de son propre cache isolé. Cette thèse vise à fournir les principes fondamentaux des réseaux à cache partagé où la communication avec les utilisateurs est assistée par un petit ensemble de caches, chacun d'entre eux servant un nombre arbitraire d'utilisateurs. Notre modèle de cache partagé, non seulement capture les réseaux cellulaires sans fil hétérogènes où les petites stations de base assistées par cache coexistent avec une macro station de base, mais il peut également représenter un modèle pour les réseaux où les utilisateurs demandent plusieurs fichiers. Nous verrons également comment ce problème des demandes de fichiers multiples se pose dans le contexte de calcul distribué codé, où nous appliquerons les mêmes idées et techniques que celles utilisées pour les réseaux avec cache. De plus, il est bien connu que la limitation du nombre de caches à une valeur beaucoup plus petite que le nombre d'utilisateurs peut être inévitable dans des scénarios pratiques où la taille des fichiers est finie et limitée. C'est pourquoi nous pensons que l'étude des réseaux de caches partagés est d'une importance critique pour le développement des techniques de mise en cache codée
In the context of communication networks, the emergence of predictable content has brought to the fore the use of caching as a fundamental ingredient for handling the exponential growth in data volumes. This thesis aims at providing the fundamental limits of shared-cache networks where the communication to users is aided by a small set of caches. Our shared-cache model, not only captures heterogeneous wireless cellular networks, but it can also represent a model for users requesting multiple files simultaneously, and it can be used as a simple yet effective way to deal with the so-called subpacketization bottleneck of coded caching. Furthermore, we will also see how our techniques developed for caching networks can find application in the context of heterogeneous coded distributed computing
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

PERRONE, Roberto. "Il «buon costume» come limite ai diritti: prospettive e problematiche". Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2013.

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This doctoral thesis concerns the concept of «good mores» as a limitation to constitutional rights. The goal of this research is to devise a definition of this concept that a secularized and pluralist society can accept. In the first part of the thesis I have examined the «good mores» within Italian legal system. I have singled out the legal sources that refer to «good mores», or to similar notions, and I have studied how these concepts live in the jurisprudence and in doctrinal opinions. In the second part of the thesis I have analyzed the «good mores» in a transnational context, and I took into account this clause in the European dimension and, in a comparative perspective, in a foreign legal system, namely that of U.S.A. In the last part of the work I attempted a definition of the «good mores». Since this concept has a content that belongs to the sphere of ethics and values, I held that the source of shared values in a liberal-democratic society might be its Constitution, and, within a pluralist Constitution, there might be an overlapping consensus on the value of human dignity. Therefore, I examined the possibility to link the «good mores» to human dignity, and I explored the consequences of that interpretive solution with regard to fundamental rights of the individual. .
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gilani, Syed Hassan. "Road Sign Recognition based onInvariant Features using SupportVector Machine". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Datateknik, 2007.

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Since last two decades researches have been working on developing systems that can assistsdrivers in the best way possible and make driving safe. Computer vision has played a crucialpart in design of these systems. With the introduction of vision techniques variousautonomous and robust real-time traffic automation systems have been designed such asTraffic monitoring, Traffic related parameter estimation and intelligent vehicles. Among theseautomatic detection and recognition of road signs has became an interesting research topic.The system can assist drivers about signs they don’t recognize before passing them.Aim of this research project is to present an Intelligent Road Sign Recognition System basedon state-of-the-art technique, the Support Vector Machine. The project is an extension to thework done at ITS research Platform at Dalarna University [25]. Focus of this research work ison the recognition of road signs under analysis. When classifying an image its location, sizeand orientation in the image plane are its irrelevant features and one way to get rid of thisambiguity is to extract those features which are invariant under the above mentionedtransformation. These invariant features are then used in Support Vector Machine forclassification. Support Vector Machine is a supervised learning machine that solves problemin higher dimension with the help of Kernel functions and is best know for classificationproblems.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Farzampour, Alireza. "Evaluating Shear links for Use in Seismic Structural Fuses". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2019.

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Advances in structural systems that resist extreme loading such as earthquake forces are important in their ability to reduce damages, improve performance, increase resilience, and improve the reliability of structures. Buckling resistant shear panels can be used to form new structural systems, which have been shown in preliminary analysis to have improved hysteretic behavior including increased stiffness and energy dissipating ability. Both of these characteristics lead to reduced drifts during earthquakes, which in turn leads to a reduction of drift related structural and nonstructural damage. Shear links are being used for seismic energy dissipation in some structures. A promising type of fuse implemented in structures for seismic energy dissipation, and seismic load resistance consists of a steel plate with cutouts leaving various shaped shear links. During a severe earthquake, inelastic deformation and damage would be concentrated in the shear links that are part of replaceable structural fuses, while the other elements of the building remain in the elastic state. In this study, by identifying the issues associated with general fuses previously used in structures, the behavior of the links is investigated and procedures to improve the behavior of the links are explained. In this study, a promising type of hysteretic damper used for seismic energy dissipation of a steel plate with cutouts leaving butterfly-shaped links subjected to shear deformations. These links have been proposed more recently to better align bending capacity with the shape of the moment diagram by using a linearly varying width between larger ends and a smaller middle section. Butterfly-shaped links have been shown in previous tests to be capable of substantial ductility and energy dissipation, but can also be prone to lateral torsional buckling. The mathematical investigations are conducted to predict, explain and analyze the butterfly-shaped shear links behavior for use in seismic structural fuses. The ductile and brittle limit states identified based on the previous studies, are mathematically explained and prediction equations are proposed accordingly. Design methodologies are subsequently conceptualized for structural shear links to address shear yielding, flexural yielding and buckling limit states for a typical link subjected to shear loading to promote ductile deformation modes. The buckling resistant design of the links is described with the aid of differential equations governing the links� buckling behavior. The differential equations solution procedures are developed for a useful range of link geometries and the statistical analysis is conducted to propose an equation for critical buckling moment. Computational studies on the fuses are conducted with finite element analysis software. The computational modeling methodology is initially verified with laboratory tests. Two parametric computational studies were completed on butterfly-shaped links to study the effect of varying geometries on the shear yielding and flexural yielding limit states as well as the buckling behavior of the different butterfly-shaped link geometries. It is shown that the proposed critical moment for brittle limit state has 98% accuracy, while the prediction equations for ductile limit states have more than 97% accuracy as well. Strategies for controlling lateral torsional buckling in butterfly links are recommended and are validated through comparison with finite element models. The backbone behavior of the seismic butterfly-shaped link is formulized and compared with computational models. In the second parametric study, the geometrical properties effects on a set of output parameters are investigated for a 112 computational models considering initial imperfection, and it is indicated that the narrower mid-width would reach to their limit states in lower displacement as compared to wider mid-width ones. The work culminates in a system-level validation of the proposed structural fuses with the design and analysis of shear link structural fuses for application in three buildings with different seismic force resisting systems. Six options for shear link geometry are designed for each building application using the design methodologies and predictive equations developed in this work and as guided by the results of the parametric studies. Subsequently, the results obtained for each group is compared to the conventional systems. The effect of implementation of the seismic links in multi-story structures is investigated by analyzing two prototype structures, with butterfly-shaped links and simple conventional beam. The results of the nonlinear response history analysis are summarized for 44 ground motions under Maximum Considered Event (MCE) and Design Basic Earthquake (DBE) ground motion hazard levels. It is shown that implementation of the butterfly-shaped links will lead to higher dissipated energy compared to conventional Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF) systems. It is concluded that implementation of the seismic shear links significantly improves the energy dissipation capability of the systems compared to conventional systems, while the stiffness and strength are close in these two systems.
Ph. D.
Structural fuses are replaceable elements of a structure that are designed to yield and protect the surrounding members from damages, and then be accessible and replaceable after a major event. Several studies have indicated that steel plates with cutouts would have advantages for use in structural fuses. Having cutouts in a steel plate would make different shapes inside of the plate, which are called structural links. To have the same yielding condition all over the links, it is tried to better align the capacity of the links with the shape of the demand diagram caused by loading, which would be leading to the efficient implementation of the steel. In general, links are implemented to substantially increase the energy dissipation capacity of a structure and significantly reduce the energy dissipation demand on the framing members of a structure. For these purposes, various shapes have been proposed in this research study. The main feature of a replaceable link system is that the inelasticity is concentrated at the steel link while the beams and columns remain almost elastic. This study investigated the general behavior of the fuses, the applicability of them for space-constrained applications, the flexure, shear and buckling limit states affecting the behavior of the links. The computational analysis methodologies to model the links are explained and confirmed with the behavior of the different experiment tests as well as the proposed brittle limit state prediction equations. Subsequently, the two parametric studies are done to investigate the effect of geometrical properties on the links output results and establish prediction equations. The results from the analytical and computational studies for the seismic links are incorporated for seismic investigation of multi-story buildings. The results of seismic analysis of the two buildings are summarized for 44 ground motions.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Götz, Sebastian Reinhold [Verfasser], Tobias [Gutachter] Brixner, Bert [Gutachter] Hecht e Björn [Gutachter] Trauzettel. "Nonlinear spectroscopy at the diffraction limit: probing ultrafast dynamics with shaped few-cycle laser pulses / Sebastian Reinhold Götz ; Gutachter: Tobias Brixner, Bert Hecht, Björn Trauzettel". Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2019.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gunnarsson, Tomas, e Alfred Lindén. "The Swedish Gambling Monopoly : Impacts from Internet competition on Svenska Spel’s prices and advertising expenses". Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Economics, 2008.

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With the fast progress of the Internet the Swedish gambling monopoly is no longer able to control the market. Gambling companies licensed in foreign countries can compete with Svenska Spel via the Internet offering lower prices. The authors investigated whether the competition has lead Svenska Spel to lower their prices. Focus has been put on the years 2000-2006 and on Svenska Spel’s sports betting section Oddset since competition here is high. To help analysing Svenska Spel’s pricing behaviour the dynamic limit pricing model of optimal pricing when faced with entry was used.

The effect on Svenska Spel´s advertising expenditures following the competition was also investigated. For this part A dynamic model of advertising and market shares was used.

The analysis indicates that when the number of firms on the market increased, prices decreased and Svenska Spel’s advertising expenses increased.

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Wagner, Victoria Elisabeth [Verfasser], e Manfred [Akademischer Betreuer] Lindner. "Pulse Shape Analysis for the GERDA Experiment to Set a New Limit on the Half-life of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of Ge-76 / Victoria Elisabeth Wagner ; Betreuer: Manfred Lindner". Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2017.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Tortellier, Nathalie. "Etude comparée entre les sociétés fermées à risque limité de droits français et hongkongais : contribution à la réflexion sur la simplification du droit français des sociétés". Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016.

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Cette étude résulte d'une observation : le droit hongkongais des sociétés, appartenant à l'ordre juridique de la Common Law, semble produire de manière pragmatique des règles qui encouragent et facilitent le commerce. L'image du droit français des sociétés est frappante de rigidité, de lourdeur, de dirigisme et d'interventionnisme étatiques. Par rapport à cette image, celle du droit hongkongais surprend par sa souplesse voire sa simplicité, son intelligibilité, son effectivité et son efficacité. Nous avons identifié des règles et des mécanismes de la société fermée à risque limité hongkongaise, la Company, qui nous semblent constituer des éléments majeurs de son succès. Nous en avons compris les fondements, le fonctionnement et la portée afin de nous permettre de comparer ces règles et mécanismes à ceux de la SARL et de la SAS et d'y insuffler un vent de souplesse, de simplicité et de liberté encadrée. Les thèmes choisis relèvent de la rapidité et de la sécurité de l'immatriculation et de la dissolution, de la liberté statutaire et de son accompagnement par des modèles de statuts-type, de la liberté des associés de construire leur société conformément à leur volonté (qu'il s'agisse de la géographie du capital social et de l'encadrement du fonctionnement de l'organe de gestion) et du support juridique apporté à l'organe de gestion favorisant la bonne gouvernance des SARL et des SAS et le contrôle des associés. Cette étude compare les SARL et la SAS avec la Company dans le but de permettre au droit français des sociétés de développer une société outil adaptée aux acteurs économiques contemporains et au service de l'efficacité économique recherchée par les pouvoirs publics
Observing Hong Kong private companies with liability limited by shares (hereafter "Company") evolving in the Common Law system was a rewarding experience: efficiency and simplicity and safety are the main features of Companies that come to mind. Looking at French SARL and SAS gives quite a different picture: laws and orders are overabundant, legal and administrative requirements constitute a burden on directors, members and directors cannot really benefit from a flexible environment as State interventionism is deeply rooted in the French legal culture. We identified various mechanisms and regulations belonging to the Company that contributed to its international success. We studied these mechanisms and regulations and understood their founding principles and significance. Then we compared them to those of the SARL and SAS in order to inspire flexibility, simplicity and supervised freedom to these two corporate bodies. The study compared the following features: the rapidity and the safety of incorporation as well as of deregistration; the freedom of the members to use model articles of association as well as adapting the suggested model; the freedom of the members to define their membership using classes of shares as well as the management of the Company's business; company secretary and certified public accountant providing corporate governance support to directors as well as information to members for their controlling role. This comparative study aims at putting forward recommendations to develop French companies as a tool for contemporary economic players and to promote company law's economic efficiency
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Janisch, Filip. "Nosná ŽB konstrukce bytového domu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2014.

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The project deals with the lower part of the construction of a residential building. The parking spaces are situated in three underground floors. The five floors occur in the over-ground part of the building. The building is based on the secant walls of Milan around the perimeter. Internal walls and columns are supported with micropiles. In this project are designed base plate, external walls and stairs. Static system and the calculation of the internal forces was carried out in Scia Engineer 2012 Student version.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kika, Aleš. "Polyfunkční dům". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.

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The project deals the part of the structure of multifunctional building . It is a multi-storey building. In this project are designed slab, basement wall, continous footing, column and footing . Static system and the calculations of the internal forces was conducted in a student version of Scia Engineer 2012.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Osyková, Martina. "Skladovací hala". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016.

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The master thesis ´´Storage hall” deals with designing of selected elements prefabrikated skeleton hall. Discussed elements are truss, beam, girder, column and prefabricate footing. Within above mentioned elements was carried out static analysis, design of reinforcement and reinforcement drawings. Analysis of internal forces for columns and prefabricate footing was carried out with usage of the program Scia Engineer, 3D model of the whole object was created. Analysis of internal forces for the rest of elements was carried out with help of manual calculation. Those elements were designed with consideration of ultimate limit state. Serviceability limit state assessment was carried out within the truss.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ducháč, Josef. "Návrh a posouzení vybraných prvků patrového objektu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2014.

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The Master´s thesis is focused on the assessment basic parts of the story building. All construction is made from reinforced concrete. The columns, flat plate slabs, flanges and stairways are between the design constructions. The thesis includes working-out of static calculation, drawing shape, reinforcement drawing of all design constructions and results from computer sofware.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hečková, Beata. "Návrh a posouzení ŽB skeletu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.

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This diploma thesis deal with of the design of selected parts of a monolithic reinforced concrete building. Static solution includes an assessment of slab in local supports, calculation of columns, beam, stair and footing. The building will be used as an multifunctional building. In this thesis was developed a static calculation, reinforcement drawings and shape drawings.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Texereau, Jacques. "Optimisation des silos en beton arme". Poitiers, 1987.

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Apres une partie de calcul d'une section en beton arme en flexion composee aux etats ultimes et de service, avec etude de cas concrets par elements finis, developpement d'un outil cao sur micro-ordinateur pour optimiser les cellules circulaires et hexagonales (application a l'etude d'une capacite de 6000 tonnes a saint-varent dans les deux-sevres)
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bayuadri, Cosmas. "Stability of sodium sulfate dicarbonate (~2Na₂CO₃• Na₂SO₄) crystals". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006.

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Research on salts species formed by evaporation of aqueous solution of Na2 in the early 1930s. The thermodynamic, crystallographic and many other physical and chemical properties of most of the species formed from this solution has been known for decades. However, there was no complete information or reliable data to confirm the existence of a unique double salt that is rich in sodium carbonate, up until five years ago when a research identified the double salt (~2Na ₂ CO ₃ • Na ₂ SO ₄) from the ternary system Na₂CO ₃Na₂SO ₄ H₂O. Crystallization of this double salt so called sodium sulfate dicarbonate (~2Na ₂ CO ₃ • Na ₂ SO ₄) is known to be a primary contributor to fouling heat transfer equipment in spent-liquor concentrators used in the pulp and paper industry. Therefore, understanding the conditions leading to formation of this double salt is crucial to the elimination or reduction of an industrial scaling problem. In this work, double salts were generated in a batch crystallizer at close to industrial process conditions. X-ray diffraction, calorimetry, and microscopic observation were used to investigate the stability of the salts to in-process aging, isolation and storage, and exposure to high temperature. The results show that care must be taken during sampling on evaporative crystallization. Two apparent crystal habits were detected in the formation of sodium sulfate dicarbonate; the favored habit may be determined by calcium ion impurities in the system. The results also verify that sodium sulfate dicarbonate exists as a unique phase in this system and that remains stable at process conditions of 115-200℃
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Erlebach, Jakub. "Polyfunkční dům". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2019.

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The diploma thesis concerns static project of chosen parts of load-bearing structure four-storey multifunctional building. It´s frame structural systém locally supported colomns. The thesis suggests floor slab above ground floor including punching, colomn, foundation pad, basement wall, loaded soil and strip foundation. Every element was judged by load-bearing capacity, designed reinforcement and made drawings of reinforcement. Calculation of internal forces is made by finite element method of the program dlubal RFEM.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bezručová, Kristína. "Lávka pro pěší přes lagunu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018.

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The aim of this thesis is the design and analysis of pedestrian bridge across the lagoon. Three variants were designed. The variant of structure, which combines stress ribbon with steel arches, was chosen for analysis. There is a chapter in this thesis which deals with an ideal shape of arches for different types of loads. The calculation of load effects was made in software Ansys 17.0, considering scnstruction stages. Ultimate limit state and state limit state are evaluated. For evaluation of concrete cross sections was used MS Excel. Steel cross sections were evaluated in software Ansys 17.0. d Dynamic behaviour of construction was assessed. The mode shapes and natural frequencies were calculated. The harmonic excitation response was studied. The loss of stability was checked. The design and assessment are according to the european standards.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Velešík, Marek. "Obloukový most přes údolí". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2020.

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The main focus of this master thesis is the design and assessments of the bridge structure consist of a stress ribbon supported by a steel arch. Three preliminary studies of pedestrian bridges above the valley were created and the one with semi-through deck supported by arch through cables was chosen to detail processing. This thesis includes a chapter, which deals with finding the ideal shape of arch. The computational beam model for the analysis of the structure was created in software Ansys Mechanical including the construction stages. The correctness of the computational model was verified by the secondary model created in the software Midas Civil. For evaluation of the structure in crosswise direction was created slab model in software Midas Civil. The structure was evaluated considering the ultimate serviceability state and ultimate limit state according to currently valid standards. The thesis also includes dynamic analysis.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Schrámek, Martin. "Příprava realizace montované haly s administrativou v Praci". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2019.

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The subject of the diploma thesis is a preparation of a prefabricated hall with administration in Prace. The production hall will be used to produce glass fiber reinforced concrete. Next part and extension is an administrative part. The text part of the thesis contains a technical report on the building technological project, time and financial plan of the building - object, coordinating situation of the building with broader relations of the transport routes, study of the realization of the main technological stages of the building object, item budget of the main building object, time schedule of the main building, sets of the main technological stages, detection protocols for individual months, limits, balance of resources and personnel, plan of selected material sources, technical report of construction site equipment, technological regulation of precast reinforced concrete frame, technological regulation of precast concrete frame coverings Kingspan panels, Control and test plan of precast concrete frame, covering of precast concrete frame panels Kingspan and ceiling panels of the Spiroll administration, alternative suggestion of the exchange ceiling construction administration and comparison, noise study and thermal technology.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mandík, Kryštof. "Smluvní autonomie při konstrukci druhů akcií a její limity". Master's thesis, 2020.

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Contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and its limits Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the topic Contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and its limits. Giving today's trend of providing increasingly wider freedom to private persons to negotiate their rights and obligations differently from the law, this topic is still actual, whereas even opinions concerning individual partial issues are evolving. In addition, the topic is also actual with respect to already valid, yet ineffective, amendment to the Business Corporation act, which concerns shares and classes of shares as well. The goal of this diploma thesis is to explain the issue of classes of shares and the limits to contracting autonomy of founders, respectively shareholders in their construction. Although several legal publications about the most of partial issues have been written, many issues are answered inconsistently, therefore there is uncertainty among recipients of legal norms concerning what they can, and they cannot negotiate. Thesis is divided into three main parts (chapters) and several subchapters. System was chosen in a way the author of this thesis considers appropriate, so the described issues are explained continuously. The first part of this thesis focuses on the concept of the share. Its...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lin, Hui-Tsung, e 林輝宗. "Effects of Blank Geometry on Forming Limit of V-Shaped Cup Drawing". Thesis, 2009.

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The V-shaped cup drawing is a sheet metal forming method which draws a blank into V-shaped seamless container. This shaped cup which is very common in the filter housing of an auto transmission which is usually deep drawned. The drawability of a blank decides the required steps of V-shaped cup drawing in the product development since two or more drawing processes will be needed when the required drawing depth is not able to be achieved in one single drawing process due to the insufficient forming limit of the sheet metal. In this study, a cold rolled steel JFS A2001 JSC270E with 0.6 mm thickness is used for the study of both finite element method (FEM) and practical experiments. The computational software, Dynaform, is applied to analyze how the blank geometry affects the cup drawing depth and quality. Also, the real tooling and die are made and implemented on a multi-testing machine to compare the difference between the results of analysis and experiment and verify the reliability of the FEA software analysis for the tooling and die design of V-shaped cup drawing process in the future. The result of this study demonstrates that the blank geometry has significant effect on the drawing depth of V-shaped cup. Both results from practical experiment and computer simulation obtain the same blank geometry which has a proper forming limit. Both results are also well matched in the trends of thickness distribution and crack locations for the drawned part.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Vižďák, Jozef. "Smluvní autonomie při konstrukci druhů akcií a její limity". Master's thesis, 2020.

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The theme of this diploma thesis is "Contracting autonomy in construction of types of shares and its limits". It aimed to analyse the domestic legal regulation. Its effort was to set limits in the construction of types of shares. This was achieved especially through grammatical, logical, systematical and teleological interpretation of legal regulation, with help of law doctrine, and on the smaller scale by comparisons with foreign legal systems. It succeeded in analysing key provisions and setting limits that cannot be crossed when constructing types of shares. The aim of the diploma thesis was therefore fulfilled. It is stated that certain disputes arising from different interpretations of the same provision will be eliminated by amendment of legal regulation of business corporations which will in consequence strengthen legal certainty of participants of these legal relationships. The first chapter deals with concept and definition of share, as a part of registered capital of corporation, as a set of shareholder rights and obligations, and as a security. The second chapter handles the historical genesis of kinds of shares that could be constructed under the old legislation. Subsequently, it describes types of shares that are explicitly regulated by current legal regulation, namely ordinary shares,...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Švejda, Jiří. "Smluvní autonomie při konstrukci druhů akcií a její limity". Master's thesis, 2019.

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The theme of this diploma thesis is " Contracting autonomy in construction of types of shares and its limits". Its aim was to analyse the domestic legal regulation and to clarify the limits in the construction of types of shares. To achieve this aim, the author tried to interpret the limits of the key provisions of the Business Corporation Act with the support of professional literature and comparisons with foreign legal systems, especially with the United Kingdom. The aim of the thesis was fulfilled. The key provisions were analysed, and the limits were set. The author of the thesis concluded that the current legislation would merit an amendment to achieve legal certainty and to eliminate the non-compliance of the practical and theoretical level. At the time of elaboration of this work, it was submitted an amendment to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic as a Parliamentary Press No. 207, which should solve most of the problems. The first chapter deals with the concept and definition of the share, in particular as a part of the share capital, as a set of shareholder rights and obligations of the shareholder and as a security. The second chapter reflects the historical genesis of the kinds of shares in the Czech Republic and deals with the different types of shares in the...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kristanová, Lenka. "Smluvní autonomie při konstrukci druhů akcií a její limity". Master's thesis, 2016.

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The theme of this diploma thesis is "Contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and its limits". Its aim is to answer the question to what extent is the contracting autonomy of shareholders limited, when it comes to construction of classes of shares. The answer is being found by means of a negative analysis that lists both statutory and case-law based limits that restrict that autonomy. It also presents legal consequences, from which suffer those classes of special shares that collide with the statutory provisions and the constructions of rights that are questionable or vague. This diploma thesis comprises of two chapters. Whereas the first one deals with the contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and its limits in Czech law, the second one do likewise in German law. The first chapter is divided into two sections. The first part describes a security and shares in general trying to bring out those of their specifics that are subject of further discussion of limits of the contracting autonomy in construction of classes of shares and particular classes of shares. The second section of the first chapter has two subsections. The first one addresses statutory and case-law based limits, which restrict the contracting autonomy of shareholders in construction of special...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Götz, Sebastian Reinhold. "Nonlinear spectroscopy at the diffraction limit: probing ultrafast dynamics with shaped few-cycle laser pulses". Doctoral thesis, 2019.

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An experimental setup for probing ultrafast dynamics at the diffraction limit was developed, characterized and demonstrated in the scope of the thesis, aiming for optical investigations while simultaneously approaching the physical limits on the length and timescale. An overview of this experimental setup was given in Chapter 2, as well as the considerations that led to the selection of the individual components. Broadband laser pulses with a length of 9.3 fs, close to the transform limit of 7.6 fs, were focused in a NA = 1.4 immersion oil objective, to the diffraction limit of below 300 nm (FWHM). The spatial focus shape was characterized with off-resonance gold nanorod scatterers scanned through the focal volume. For further insights into the functionality and limitations of the pulse shaper, its calibration procedure was reviewed. The deviations between designed and experimental pulse shapes were attributed to pulse-shaper artifacts, including voltage-dependent inter-layer as well as intra-layer LCD-pixel crosstalk, Fabry-Pérot-type reflections in the LCD layers, and space-time coupling. A pixel-dependent correction was experimentally carried out, which can be seen as an extension of the initial calibration to all possible voltage combinations of the two LCD layers. The capabilities of the experimental setup were demonstrated in two types of experiments, targeting the nonlinearity of gold (Chapter 3) as well as two-dimensional spectroscopy at micro-structured surfaces (Chapter 4). Investigating thin films, an upper bound for the absolute value for the imaginary part of the nonlinear refractive index of gold could be set to |n′′ 2 (Au)| < 0.6·10−16 m2/W, together with |n′ 2 (Au)| < 1.2·10−16 m2/W as an upper bound for the absolute value of the real part. Finite-difference time-domain simulations on y-shaped gold nanostructures indicated that a phase change of ∆Φ ≥ 0.07 rad between two plasmonic modes would induce a sufficient change in the spatial contrast of emission to the far-field to be visible in the experiment. As the latter could not be observed, this value of ∆Φ was determined as the upper bound for the experimentally induced phase change. An upper bound of 52 GW/cm2 was found for the damage threshold. In Chapter 4, a novel method for nonlinear spectroscopy on surfaces was presented. Termed coherent two-dimensional fluorescence micro-spectroscopy, it is capable of exploring ultrafast dynamics in nanostructures and molecular systems at the diffraction limit. Two-dimensional spectra of spatially isolated hotspots in structured thin films of fluorinated zinc phthalocyanine (F16ZnPc) dye were taken with a 27-step phase-cycling scheme. Observed artifacts in the 2D maps were identified as a consequence from deviations between the desired and the experimental pulse shapes. The optimization procedures described in Chapter 2 successfully suppressed the deviations to a level where the separation from the nonlinear sample response was feasible. The experimental setup and methods developed and presented in the scope of this thesis demonstrate its flexibility and capability to study microscopic systems on surfaces. The systems exemplarily shown are consisting of metal-organic dyes and metallic nanostructures, represent samples currently under research in the growing fields of organic semiconductors and plasmonics
Ein experimenteller Aufbau zur Untersuchung von ultraschnellen Dynamiken am Beugungslimit wurde in dieser Arbeit entwickelt, charakterisiert und demonstriert. Sie hatte zum Ziel, im Rahmen von optischen Beobachtungen gleichzeitig an die physikalischen Grenzen von Längen- und Zeitskalen zu gehen Es wurde ein Überblick über den verwendeten experimentellen Aufbau gegeben, zusammen mit den Überlegungen, die zur Auswahl der einzelnen Komponenten geführt haben. Für die Pulslänge der spektral breitbandigen Laserpulse wurde auf 9.3 fs gemessen, was nahe an der transformlimitierten Dauer von 7.6 fs liegt. Im beugungslimitierten Fokus eines Immersionsölobjektivs mit einer numerischen Apertur von 1.4 konnte das Licht räumlich auf eine Halbwertsbreite von unter 300 nm komprimiert werden. Der Fokus des Mikroskopobjektivs wurde mit Hilfe der Streuung von nicht resonanten Nanopartikeln aus Gold ausgemessen, indem diese räumlich durch den Fokus gerastert wurden. Zur weiteren Untersuchung des Funktionsumfangs und der Grenzen des benutzten Pulsformers wurde dessen Eichprozedur geprüft. Die Abweichungen zwischen gewünschten und tatsächlich angelegten Pulsformen wurden auf Artefakte des Pulsformers zurückgeführt. Diese Artefakte beinhalten eine spannungsabhängige Beeinflussung der LCD-Pixel sowohl zwischen benachbarten Pixeln einer Schicht als auch zwischen Pixeln unterschiedlicher Schichten. Eine pixelabhängige Korrektur wurde implementiert, die eine Erweiterung der ursprünglichen Kalibrierung auf alle möglichen Spannungskombinationen der LCD-Pixel darstellt. Die Möglichkeiten experimentellen Aufbaus wurden mit zwei Arten von Experimenten demonstriert: Messungen zur Bestimmung des nichtlinearen Brechungsindexes von Gold (Kapitel 3) sowie zweidimensionale Spektroskopie an mikrostrukturierten Oberflächen (Kapitel 4). Für den nichtlinearen Brechungsindexes von Gold konnte an Dünnschichten eine obere Grenze von |n′′ 2 (Au)| < 0.6·10−16 m2/W für den Betrag des Imaginärteils und |n′ 2 (Au)| < 1.2·10−16 m2/W für den Betrag des Realteils festgesetzt werden. Simulationen mit der Finite-Differenzen-Methode an Y-förmige Nanostrukturen aus Gold zeigten, dass eine Phasenänderung von ∆Φ ≥ 0.07 rad zwischen zwei plasmonischen Moden ausreichend für eine experimentell sichtbare Kontraständerung der Fernfeldabstrahlung wäre. Da letztere nicht beobachtet werden konnte, wurde dieser Wert für ∆Φ als obere Grenze für die experimentell eingeführte Phasenänderung festgesetzt. Für die Zerstörschwelle wurde eine obere Grenze von 52 GW/cm2 gefunden. In Kapitel 4, wurde eine neue Methode für nichtlineare Spektroskopie an Oberflächen vorgestellt. Sie trägt den Namen ”Kohärente zweidimensionale Fluoreszenz-Mikrospektroskopie“ und eignet sich zur Untersuchung ultraschneller Dynamiken in Nanostrukturen und molekularen Systemen am Beugungslimit. Es wurden 2D-Spektren von räumlich isolierten Hotspots einer strukturierten Zink-Phthalocyanin (F16ZnPc) Dünnschicht mit 27-fachem Phasecycling aufgenommen. Als Grund für Artefakte in den 2D-Karten wurden Abweichungen zwischen den gewünschten und experimentellen Pulsformen identifiziert. Durch die in Kapitel 2 vorgestellten Optimierungen konnten die Abweichungen allerdings so stark reduziert werden, dass deren Trennung von der nichtlinearen Antwort der Probe möglich wurde. Die Flexibilität und der Funktionsumfang zur Analyse mikroskopischer Systeme der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten experimentellen Aufbauten und Methoden wurde demonstriert. Repräsentativ für die wachsenden Forschungsfelder der organischen Halbleiter und der Plasmonik wurden exemplarisch Systeme bestehend aus metall-organischen Farbstoffen und metallischen Nanostrukturen untersucht
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Karabut, Petra. "Smluvní autonomie při konstrukci druhů akcií a její limity". Master's thesis, 2018.

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This thesis deals with the currently effective legislation on types of shares, which is still relatively new in the Czech Republic as the recodification took place approximately four years ago. The main act that is a subject to the examination of this thesis is the Act no. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (The Business Corporation Act), which provides the main regulation of shares. The aim of this thesis is to find out limits that restrict the contracting autonomy, which was widely broadened with the recodification of the Czech private law, in the process of creating different types of shares. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. First chapter introduces the shares as a type of securities or book-entry securities along with the main characteristics of a share. It also defines an important term for this thesis - the type of share - and the basic types of shares recognized explicitly by the Business Corporation Act. The second chapter concerns with the construction of the types of shares and its limits. It describes the contracting autonomy - one of the main principles of the private law - and different limits of this liberty. These include basic principles of the private law, commercial law principles and company law principles, the provisions of the Civil Code and...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Huang, Cheng-Chao, e 黃承照. "Fracture Prediction and Preform Shape Design in Powder Forging Applications with A New Forming-Limit Criterion". Thesis, 2002.

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This research is concerned with the applications of powder forging (P/F) technology to the analysis of forming problems associated with porous materials. The primary purpose of the present work is to investigate the forging limit of sintered compacts by developing a new workability criterion to exactly consider the effects of void evolution in the process. The most important concept is the connection of experiments and finite element simulations to examine fracture mechanisms of sintered materials. The new fracture criterion for porous media is developed with the strain energy density on the maximum principal axis, which is defined as the maximum principal strain energy density (MPSED). Fracture occurs in materials once the accumulated MPSED meets the critical value. Voids degrade the forming limit of sintered materials. The crack initiation depends on the normal direction of the maximum principal stress. Material properties of porous compacts are measured by both the simple tension and compression test. Finite element models are verified with experiments under different loading conditions. The fracture prediction in P/F practices is presented. Special emphasis is given to the shape design of sintered preforms in achieving the goal to prevent failure in workpieces during forming stages.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

HSIAO, KAI-WEN, e 蕭凱彣. "To Find out The Limit Angle of The Crescent Shape Wedge by Using Five-axis Machine". Thesis, 2018.

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Steady clamping of workpieces during precision machining is an decisive factor in determining the success or failure of machining. Without stable and accurate clamping of workpieces, even if the machine tool has a higher accuracy, high-precision products cannot be achieved. When gripping a thin, non-parallel workpiece (such as a trapezoidal workpiece) on a vise, using a crescent shape wedge to grip the thin workpiece in time will allow the bottom of the workpiece attached to the top of the parallel block. To achieve the purpose of precision clamping. In this study, a five-axis machine was used to make a crescent shape wedge, and then the wedge was subjected to quenching and tempering to increase the durability of the gripping edges. Finally, a clamping test was performed on the precision vise to find out the maximum slope of the trapezoidal workpiece which the crescent shape wedge can clamp. The experimental results show that the crescent shape wedge can hold a trapezoidal workpiece with a maximum inclination of 17°, and it also proves that after the wedges are quenched and tempered, their gripping edges are hardened and not easily to shield and they can indeed improve their durability.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chatterjee, Devlina. "Studies On Some Aspects Of Liquidity Of Stocks : Limit Order Executions In The Indian Stock Market". Thesis, 2010.

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We study some aspects of liquidity of stocks traded through the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. Initially we examine the multi-dimensional nature of liquidity by conducting day-wise factor analysis of eleven liquidity proxies across a cross-section of stocks, using data from two periods reflecting different market conditions. Five factors emerge consistently, interpretable as depth, spread, volume, price elasticity and relative activity. Subsequently, we study execution of limit orders in the NSE from three angles. First we consider order execution probability, using 106 stock-specific logistic models. Important predictors of order execution probability are price premium followed by volatility, relative activity, bid ask spread and order imbalance. Some differences are noted when comparing companies of different sizes and between buy and sell orders. Second, we study order execution times using survival analysis. Several diagnostic tests indicate that parametric Accelerated Failure Time models using the log-logistic distribution for the survival time S(t) are suitable for current data. 100 stock-specific models are built; results are consistent with the logistic models. Additionally depth is also found to be important. Finally we build 4 combined models across stocks for both execution probabilities as well as times. These models perform well on out of sample data, suggesting their predictive utility.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chatterjee, Devlina. "Studies On Some Aspects Of Liquidity Of Stocks : Limit Order Executions In The Indian Stock Market". Thesis, 2010.

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We study some aspects of liquidity of stocks traded through the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. Initially we examine the multi-dimensional nature of liquidity by conducting day-wise factor analysis of eleven liquidity proxies across a cross-section of stocks, using data from two periods reflecting different market conditions. Five factors emerge consistently, interpretable as depth, spread, volume, price elasticity and relative activity. Subsequently, we study execution of limit orders in the NSE from three angles. First we consider order execution probability, using 106 stock-specific logistic models. Important predictors of order execution probability are price premium followed by volatility, relative activity, bid ask spread and order imbalance. Some differences are noted when comparing companies of different sizes and between buy and sell orders. Second, we study order execution times using survival analysis. Several diagnostic tests indicate that parametric Accelerated Failure Time models using the log-logistic distribution for the survival time S(t) are suitable for current data. 100 stock-specific models are built; results are consistent with the logistic models. Additionally depth is also found to be important. Finally we build 4 combined models across stocks for both execution probabilities as well as times. These models perform well on out of sample data, suggesting their predictive utility.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fisher, Karen Raewyn Social Policy Research Centre Faculty of Arts &amp Social Sciences UNSW. "Whose values shape social policy?: policy process limits to economic rationalism: Australian coordinated care policy 1994 to 2001". 2007.

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This thesis addresses a significant gap in Australian social policy literature about the relationship between the impact of economic rationalism on social policy and interest representation during policy implementation. Michael Pusey, for instance, argues that economic rationalism displaces social values in social policy. However, other theorists, such as Robert Alford and Rod Rhodes, caution that policy often changes when it is implemented. With a foundation in Weberian social theory about participant values, the analytical framework incorporates three institutional policy implementation concepts to capture the dynamic characteristics of the policy process. These are: policy stages to describe policy change over time; structural interests of policy organisations; and policy networks within which participants act. The thesis tests this framework to explain the impact of values of economic rationality in the Australian coordinated care policy. The policy attempted to coordinate the care of people with chronic care needs, using a funds pool, case managers and care plans. The research methods are interviews with policy participants; analysis of public documents; and participant observation as an evaluator in one trial. Data about the policy process from 1994 to 2001 are analysed with a critical interpretive approach. The study reveals that central agency officials acted primarily on values of economic rationality. In contrast, health agency officials acted primarily on organisational values. The transfer of responsibility for the policy process from a central agency to the health agency after the policy statements reinforced health provider organisational interests, rather than either the rationalist interests of central agencies or the social interests of consumer groups. The policy consequently changed away from economic rationality. The policy process in the planning, implementation and revision stages was in no sense an instrumental application of the values of economic rationality apparent in the policy statements stage. Neither, however, did social values predominate in any policy stage. The study argues that insights from policy implementation research can refine the literature on economic rationalism. This research further advances policy network theory. It recognises that understanding which organisation is responsible for the policy, at various policy stages, advances our understanding of whose values shape social policy.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Barros, Ricardo Jorge Seabra. "As acções de lealdade nas sociedades anónimas: introdução e limites à sua transmissibilidade". Master's thesis, 2018.

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Dissertação de Mestrado em Direito: Especialidade em Ciências Juridico-Forenses apresentada à Faculdade de Direito
This study intends to analyze the possibility of introducing loyalty shares in public companies under the Portuguese legal system. We will consider the contributions of the authors who have dedicated themselves to the subject but looking for new solutions that fit our legal regime. Namely, through non-voting preference shares that enable a new way of rewarding the loyalty of members. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Neste estudo pretende-se uma análise à possibilidade de introduzir nas sociedades anónimas acções de lealdade à luz do ordenamento jurídico português. Vamos ter em conta os contributos dos autores que já se dedicaram ao tema, mas procurando novas soluções que se enquadrem com o nosso regime legal. Nomeadamente através das acções preferenciais sem voto que possibilitam uma “nova” forma de premiar a lealdade dos sócios...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Doseděl, František. "Nájem bytu v bytovém domě". Master's thesis, 2017.

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This thesis deals with selected institutes of legislation related to tenancy under recent Civil code No. 89/2012 Sb. With respect to a limited extend, the thesis focuses only on selected issues, such as definition of basic principles and concepts or unclear provisions. The thesis consists of 4 connected chapters, leading reader from past to present to gain historical and practical view on the matter First chapter is focused on legal history of lease of immovable since antiquity to nineties of last century. Second chapter covers basic principles and concepts of tenancy such as object of a lease (suitability of a rented space is now determined by agreement not by some official decision), parties of agreement, determination of rent (if it is not agreed in contract). This chapter also contains an explanation, why legal entity can not lease a flat for living and why a subsequent sublet is not a sublet but regular lease. Third chapter describes provisions considered unclear by professionals or laymen. These provisions contains new conception of surety, limits of making business or working in a flat without of consent of the landlord, receiving new members to the household (and of course definition of household) and sublet. This chapter also contains rules for maintaining order in a building. Provisions...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Doseděl, František. "Nájem bytu v bytovém domě". Master's thesis, 2018.

Texto completo da fonte
This thesis deals with selected institutes of legislation related to tenancy under recent Civil code No. 89/2012 Sb. With respect to a limited extend, the thesis focuses only on selected issues, such as definition of basic principles and concepts or unclear provisions. The thesis consists of 4 connected chapters, leading reader from past to present to gain historical and practical view on the matter First chapter is focused on legal history of lease of immovable since antiquity to nineties of last century. Second chapter covers basic principles and concepts of tenancy such as object of a lease (suitability of a rented space is now determined by agreement not by some official decision), parties of agreement, determination of rent (if it is not agreed in contract). This chapter also contains an explanation, why legal entity can not lease a flat for living and why a subsequent sublet is not a sublet but regular lease. Third chapter describes provisions considered unclear by professionals or laymen. These provisions contains new conception of surety, limits of making business or working in a flat without of consent of the landlord, receiving new members to the household (and of course definition of household) and sublet. This chapter also contains rules for maintaining order in a building. Provisions...
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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