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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Limekiln"


Camargos, Tomás Pessoa, Andréa Oliveira da Costa e Esly Costa Junior. "Energy and exergy diagnostics of an industrial annular shaft limekiln working with producer gas as renewable biofuel". Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, n.º 00 (2024): 11.

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Quicklime, a globally significant commodity used in various industrial applications, is produced in limekilns requiring substantial energy, traditionally, from fossil fuels. However, due to escalating emission constraints and depletion of fossil fuel deposits, the quicklime industry explores alternative fuels, like biomass. The literature lacks feasibility diagnostic studies on limekilns using alternative biomass fuels. Thus, this article aims to conduct energy and exergy diagnostics on an industrial limekiln using producer gas derived from eucalyptus wood as renewable biofuel. Employing industrial data and thermodynamics principles, the equipment was characterized, and results were compared with literature findings for similar limekilns using fossil fuels. The Specific Energy Consumption (??????) for the producer gas-operated limekiln was 4.8 GJ/tquicklime, with energy (??????) and exergy (??????) efficiencies of 54.6% and 42.2%. Overall energy (?????????????????????) and exergy (?????????????????????) efficiencies were 42.0% and 23.6%, respectively, lower than literature values. ???????????????????? was 7.6 GJ/tquicklime, higher than literature results. Identified enhancements for both renewable and fossil fuel-powered limekilns involve recovering energy and exergy, including heat recovery from exhaust gases, minimizing thermal losses, and optimizing operational variables. These findings offer valuable insights for researchers exploring renewable biofuel adoption, like producer gas derived from eucalyptus wood, as alternatives to conventional fossil fuels in limekilns.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Albuquerque, Francisco Nataniel Batista de. "Calcário, Caieira e Cal: Análise da Paisagem no Alto Coreaú (Ceará)". Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 13, n.º 07 (16 de dezembro de 2020): 3135.

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Durante séculos, a cal foi um produto essencial em muitos aspectos da vida e do trabalho, especialmente nas áreas de ocorrência de calcário, fato comprovado por ruínas e representações artísticas de fornos de cal nas(das) paisagens de diferentes lugares do mundo. Essas paisagens e suas representações, configuram-se, na Geografia, um importante objeto de estudo, tendo o conceito de paisagem como principal recurso teórico-meteodológico. Diante desse contexto, o presente artigo tem como finalidade analisar as paisagens condicionantes e resultantes da atividade da produção da cal na região do Alto Coreaú, porção noroeste do Estado do Ceará, e, principalmente, utilizá-la como campo empírico para discussão dos principais aspectos que estruturam o referido conceito. A análise partirá da tríade de elementos da paisagem: calcário, caieira e cal identificando a relação entre sociedade e natureza e suas dimensões espaciais e temporais a partir da apropriação da rocha calcária como recurso natural, tanto do ponto de vista econômico como cultural. Entre os resultados podemos constatar a forte ligação entre os sistemas naturais e sociais em diferentes escalas de unidade de paisagem (depressão, campos calcários e afloramentos) e temporais (variação anual das chuvas à décadas de trasnsformações econômicas, ambentais e culturais), constitundo diferentes circuitos econômicos (cal e cimento) marcados pela decadência da produção da cal tanto do ponto de vista econômico, quanto cultural e o surgimento de novos elementos na paisagem regional, as fábricas de confecção de roupas. Calcário, caieira e cal: análise da paisagem no Alto Coreaú (Ceará) A B S T R A C T For centuries, quicklime was an essential product in many aspects of life and work, especially in areas where limestone occurs, a fact proven by ruins and artistic representations of limekilns in landscapes from different places in the world. These landscapes and their representations, configured, in Geography, an important object of study, having the concept of landscape as the main theoretical-meteorological resource. Given this context, the present article has the means to analyze the conditioning and resulting landscapes of the quicklime production activity in the Alto Coreaú region, Northwest part of the State of Ceará. An analysis based on the triad of elements of the landscape: limestone, caieira (limekiln) and quicklime identifying a relationship between society and nature and their spatial and temporary differences from the appropriation of limestone as a natural resource, both from an economic and cultural point of view. Among the results, we can see the decline in the quicklime production activity in Alto Coreaú with the high number of deactivated and destroyed limekiln resulting from economic, labor and environmental transformations that the region and the sector are going through, breaking with the representation of the landscape by the limestone-limekiln-quicklime triad, but leaving very significant cultural marks in the landscape that can be valued as geoheritage in an integrating interface between nature, economy and culture. Keywords: landscape, natural resource, limestone, limekiln, quicklime.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Macphee, James, Mathieu Sellier, Mark Jermy e Edilberto Tadulan. "Combustion modelling of a rotary limekiln". Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal 10, n.º 5/6 (2010): 384.

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Galli, Paolo, Edoardo Peronace e Paolo Messina. "Archaeoseismic Evidence of Surface Faulting in 1703 Norcia Earthquake (Central Italian Apennines, Mw 6.9)". Geosciences 12, n.º 1 (28 de dezembro de 2021): 14.

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We present the first evidence of surface rupture along the causative fault of the 14 January 1703 earthquake (Mw 6.9, Italian central Apennines). This event was sourced by the ~30 km-long, Norcia fault system, responsible for another catastrophic event in Roman times, besides several destructive earthquakes in the last millennium. A dozen paleoseismological excavations have already investigated the surface ruptures occurred during the Holocene along the Cascia-Mt Alvagnano segments, as well as along secondary splays close to the Medieval Norcia Walls. Remarkably, the master fault bounding the Norcia-Campi basins have never be proved to rupture at the surface. An antique limekiln that was improvidently set across the main fault scarp provides the amazing evidence of an abrupt offset in the 1703 earthquake, which likely occurred during a liming process of carbonate stones. Obviously, the limekiln became useless, and was progressively buried by slope debris. The amount of the offset and the kinematics indicators surveyed in the site allow the strengthening of our knowledge on the seismogenic potential of the Norcia fault system, on its geomorphic rule, and on its impact on the human activities.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Nelson, Lyle L., Emily F. Smith, Eben B. Hodgin, James L. Crowley, Mark D. Schmitz e Francis A. Macdonald. "Geochronological constraints on Neoproterozoic rifting and onset of the Marinoan glaciation from the Kingston Peak Formation in Death Valley, California (USA)". Geology 48, n.º 11 (13 de julho de 2020): 1083–87.

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Abstract Death Valley (California, USA) hosts iconic Cryogenian snowball Earth deposits, but the lack of direct geochronological constraints has permitted a variety of correlations and age models. Here, we report two precise zircon U-Pb isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry dates for the Kingston Peak Formation: a volcanic eruptive age of 705.44 ± 0.28 Ma from the synglacial Limekiln Spring Member, and a maximum depositional age of 651.69 ± 0.64 Ma from the nonglacial Thorndike submember, which is below the Wildrose diamictite. These dates confirm that the Limekiln Spring and Surprise Members were deposited during the Sturtian glaciation, while the Wildrose submember is a Marinoan glacial deposit, and the overlying Sentinel Peak Member of the Noonday Formation is a Marinoan cap carbonate. Additionally, the age from the Thorndike submember supersedes existing radioisotopic ages from the Datangpo Formation in South China as the youngest constraint on the onset of the Marinoan glaciation, demonstrating that the Cryogenian nonglacial interlude lasted for at least 9 m.y. and the Marinoan glaciation was <17 m.y. long. Cryogenian glaciation in western Laurentia occurred against the backdrop of ∼85 m.y. of episodic rift-related subsidence and magmatism within laterally discontinuous, fault-bound basins.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Alexander, Derek. "Excavation of a small limekiln at North Medrox, Mollinsburn, North Lanarkshire". Glasgow Archaeological Journal 20, n.º 1 (janeiro de 1996): 77–82.

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Summary Excavation of a limekiln at North Medrox, near Mollinsburn, in North Lanarkshire was carried out in advance of the construction of the Loch Lomond Water Supply 1420mm Main from Balmore to Glenhove. The excavation revealed a stone-built, vertical draw-kiln; structural details included a splayed buttressed vent, a brick-built draw-hole, a kiln-bowl base of bedrock, and heavily vitrified sandstone wall faces. The kiln is dated by documentary evidence to the first half of the 19th century and was possibly in use earlier.
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Di, Min Yan, Yong Yao e Tao Xin. "Application of PROFIBUS-DP Bus Technology to the Technical Reform of Limekiln Electrical Control System". Applied Mechanics and Materials 94-96 (setembro de 2011): 929–32.

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It is described in detail how to develop the intelligent instrument system through connecting bus-bridge of PROFIBUS with single-chip microcomputer system of users, changing the traditional PLC-control into the data-bus control in limekiln electrical control system. This paper focuses on the development of hardware of the accompanies-station of PROFIBUS-DP, the model for user, and software design. About 400,000 dollars per each were saved and the ease of operation and the robust of control have been also improved dramatically after novel development.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

REG, PHILOMENA JACKSON e IAN BECKEY. "Tin-glazed earthenware kiln waste from the Limekiln Lane Potteries, Bristol". Post-Medieval Archaeology 25, n.º 1 (janeiro de 1991): 89–114.

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Parkhi, Amod, Selen Cremaschi e Zhihua Jiang. "Techno-Economic Analysis of CO2 Capture from Pulp and Paper Mill Limekiln". IFAC-PapersOnLine 55, n.º 7 (2022): 284–91.

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Istone, William K., John M. Collier e Jay A. Kaplan. "X-ray Fluorescence as a Problem-Solving Tool in the Paper Industry". Advances in X-ray Analysis 34 (1990): 313–18.

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AbstractWavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WDXRF) is used for many types of routine analysis in the paper industry. Examples of routine elemental analysis include analysis of pigments in papers and coatings, analysis of fuels, and analysis of paper-mill waste. In the central analytical laboratory, however, WDXRF is frequently called upon in unique problem-solving situations. In some cases, these problem-solving applications later develop into routine methods.In this paper, three examples of WDXRF being used as a problem-solving technique are discussed. These situations are: the determination of the cause of ring formation in lime-kilns, failure analysis of ceramic limekiln linings, and the determination of pigment distributions in alkaline papers.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Limekiln"


Boatwright, Mark A. "Chacoan cultural dynamics in the Limekiln Canyon locality of northwest New Mexico". Virtual Press, 2002.

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Despite the recent resurgence of interest in the Chaco system, it continues to be readily apparent that the implications of the tiered-hierarchical organization of the Chaco system cannot be indiscriminately applied to the Chacoan interaction sphere. In the Limekiln Canyon locality of the Mt. Taylor District a plausible explanation for settlement and use of the landscape during the Pueblo period has been that population organization and cultural affinity were that of a late-surviving population of Archaic-like peoples who apparently only become completely absorbed into the far-reaching exchange network of the Chaco system after abandonment of the locality. This assumption is tested informally against two hypotheses that challenge such commonly accepted explanations as resource depletion for abandonment and reorganization within the Chaco region. The result is a narrative of the culture history of the locality that demonstrates the benefit of using an eclectic theoretical approach combining elements of culture history, cultural evolution and postprocessual theory.
Department of Anthropology
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Bouesso, Bénit. "Replacing fossil fuels with biosourced fuels in limekilns : investigation of the thermal behavior and environmental impact". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2024.

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Ce travail examine la faisabilité de l'utilisation du biocarbone comme combustible alternatif dans les fours à chaux pour remplacer le charbon fossile dans le procédé Soda Ash. Les biocarbones ont été produits à partir de combustible solide de récupération (BC) et de bois (WBC). L'anthracite a été sélectionné comme combustible fossile de référence à remplacer et le biocoke issu de la coque de noix de coco a également été analysé pour comparaison. Les échantillons ont été caractérisés en termes de composition chimique et de propriétés physiques et thermiques. La stabilité thermique des combustibles et les performances de combustion ont été évaluées par analyse thermogravimétrique. L'évaluation des émissions a été réalisée en pyrolyse et en combustion, de l'échelle laboratoire à l'échelle pilote, de manière à reproduire les conditions extrêmes du four à chaux. Les résultats ont montré que la dévolatilisation a augmenté la stabilité thermique du biocarbone, rendant son comportement proche de celui de l'anthracite. Le biocoke et les biocarbones ont montré des températures d'ignition plus basses, mais un taux de combustion plus élevé par rapport à l'anthracite, le combustible le plus stable. Les émissions en CO2 des échantillons WBC ont été plus élevées que celles de BC. En ce qui concerne les composés organiques volatils, les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) ont été identifiés et quantifiés. Même si le biocarbone produit des HAP avec moins de cycles (<5) lors de la pyrolyse/combustion, ses émissions ont été plus élevées que celles de l'anthracite. Pour atténuer la réactivité du biocarbone, une co-combustion de 50/50 biocarbone/anthracite a été proposée, offrant ainsi les avantages d'une température d'ignition plus élevée et d'émissions plus faibles
This work investigates the feasibility of using biocarbon as an alternative limekiln fuel to substitute coal in the Soda Ash process. Biocarbons were produced from solid refuse fuel (BC) and wood (WBC). Anthracite was selected as the reference fossil fuel to be replaced, and biocoke from coconut shell was also considered for comparison. Samples were characterized in terms of chemical composition, physical and thermal properties. Fuel thermal stability and combustion performance were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis. Emissions assessment was performed in pyrolysis and combustion from lab-scale to pilot-scale, so that extreme limekiln conditions were reproduced. The results showed that devolatilization increased biocarbon thermal stability, making its behavior close to that of anthracite. Biocoke and biocarbons showed lower ignition temperatures but a higher burning index compared to anthracite, which was shown as the most stable fuel. CO2 emissions from WBC were higher than those of BC samples. Amongst the volatile organic compounds released, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were identified and quantified. Even if biocarbon produced PAH with less rings (<5) in pyrolysis and combustion, its emissions were higher compared to anthracite. To mitigate biocarbon reactivity, a 50/50 biocarbon/anthracite co-combustion was proposed, thus offering the advantages of higher ignition temperature and lower emissions
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Djokotoe, Diana. "Burning emulsified sulfur to stabilize sodium compounds in a lime kiln". Thesis, 2004.

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Weyerhaeuser's Paper Mill in Albany, Oregon has been experiencing frequent ring formation in the #3 rotary lime kiln. Rings form when lime mud (CaCO₃) or product lime (CaO) particles adheres to the walls of the lime kiln and become resistant to the abrasive action of the sliding motion of product lime particles (Notidis, 1994). Ring formation has resulted in frequent shut downs to remove (blast) the rings and caused a significant loss of productivity and revenue to the company. A careful analysis of the production process in the mill revealed that concentration of sodium was high and that of sulfur low in the lime mud. The high sodium was due to the low sulfur input to the kiln resulting in high sodium to sulfur ratio. The use of natural gas as a fuel source in the kiln partly causes low sulfur levels in the mud. This study examines the effects of burning emulsified sulfur in the #3 rotary lime kiln to reduce sodium enrichment in the solids, and examine its effect on kiln operation and SO₂ emissions from the #3 rotary lime kiln. A four day trial of burning emulsified sulfur to reduce sodium concentration in the #3 rotary lime kiln was planned. Tote bins of 70% solution of emulsified sulfur was fed into the #3 rotary lime kiln. The sulfur feed was controlled to ensure an excess of sulfur by observing the SO₂ concentration in the kiln stack and maintaining a concentration above 100 ppm corrected to 10% oxygen. The results show that while burning emulsified sulfur had no significant effect on kiln operation, it resulted in a high reduction of sodium in the dust caught in the electrostatic precipitator and an increase SO₂ emission from the stack. The reduction of sodium in the dust was 50%, which is an enrichment factor of 2. Although lime can effectively remove SO₂, the removal efficiency decreased from 96.0% to 73.0% when emulsified sulfur was burned in the #3 rotary lime kiln. The results of this trial are promising, since it demonstrates that burning emulsified sulfur significantly lowers the sodium enrichment in the kiln. The reduced levels of sodium can potentially lead to a reduction in ring formation in the #3 rotary lime kiln in the Albany Paper Mill.
Graduation date: 2004
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Livros sobre o assunto "Limekiln"


Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group., ed. The ruins of Craibstone Limekilns, Deskford. [Edinburgh?]: Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group, 1996.

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Spanier, Joseph. Kivshene sid be-Erets-Yiśraʼel: Yom ʻiyun le-zikhro shel Shemuʼel Avitsur. [Tel Aviv]: Muzeʼon Erets-Yiśraʼel, 2001.

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P, Nekhlebaev I͡U. Ėkonomii͡a topliva pri proizvodstve izvesti. Moskva: "Metallurgii͡a", 1987.

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L, Toney Michael, Pacific Environmental Services e United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards., eds. Manual testing and continuous emissions monitoring, kiln no. 2 scrubber inlet and outlet and kiln no. 3 baghouse inlet and stack, Austin White Lime Company, Austin, Texas: Final report. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 2000.

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United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards., ed. Lime kiln source characterization final report: Redland Stone Products, San Antonio, Texas. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 2000.

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United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards., ed. Lime kiln source characterization final report: Huron Lime Company, Huron, Ohio. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 2000.

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United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards., ed. Lime kiln source characterization final report: Austin White Lime Company, Austin, Texas. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 2000.

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Franklin, Meadows, Stewart Emil W, United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Emissions, Monitoring, and Analysis Division., Pacific Environmental Services e Emissions Measurement Center (U.S.), eds. Manual testing and continuous emissions monitoring, vertical lime kiln baghouse inlet and outlet, Chemical Lime Company, Marble Falls, Texas. Research Triangle Park, N.C: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division, 2000.

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L, Toney Michael, United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards., Pacific Environmental Services e Emissions Measurement Center (U.S.), eds. Manual testing and continuous emissions monitoring, vertical lime kiln baghouse inlet and outlet, Chemical Lime Company, Marble Falls, Texas: Final report. Research Triangle Park, N.C: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division, 2000.

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United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. e Pacific Environmental Services, eds. Manual testing and continuous emissions monitoring, rotary lime kiln scrubber inlet and stack: Redland Stone Products Company, San Antonio, Texas : final report. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 2000.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Limekiln"


"Thrown into Limekilns: The Reuse of Statuary and Architecture in Galilee from Late Antiquity onwards". In Spaces in Late Antiquity, 206–27. Routledge, 2016.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Limekiln"


Shengxiang, Deng, e Xie Qingsong. "A Study of a Fuzzy Controller on Flue Gas Temperature of Limekiln". In 2010 International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application (ISDEA). IEEE, 2010.

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