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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Language and languages Cross-cultural studies"


Bimler, David. "From Color Naming to a Language Space: An Analysis of Data from the World Color Survey". Journal of Cognition and Culture 7, n.º 3-4 (2007): 173–99.

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AbstractThe World Color Survey was a large-scale cross-cultural experiment in which informants used the color lexicons of 110 non-written languages to label a standard set of stimuli. Here those data are explored with a novel analysis which focuses on the averaged location of boundaries within the stimulus set, revealing the system of color categories native to each language. A quantitative index of inter-language similarity was defined, comparing these average boundaries. Analyzing the similarities among color-naming patterns led to a 'language space', in which languages are grouped into clusters according to linguistic families (i.e., descent from common ancestors). This implies that each language's departures from the cross-cultural consensus about color categories are systematic (non-random). Given the non-unanimity about the color lexicon within languages, the persistence of these language families across the course of linguistic evolution is paradoxical.
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Abdulrahman, Shalaw S. "How Language Creates Bonds among Cross-Cultural Communities". Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 6, n.º 1 (20 de fevereiro de 2022): 59–63.

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The objective of this thesis is to evaluate how the use of language creates bonds among cross-cultural communities. Language is an important aspect of human relationships because it is the primary way of communication. The use of language becomes more vital and intricate in cross-cultural communities due to the fact that language reflects culture. Another objective that will be evaluated is the challenges faced when using different languages in cross-cultural communities and how these barriers impact the bond created in cross-cultural communities. The significance of language in cross-cultural communities is becoming a more prominent topic in development literature and social studies on a global scale. The operational principles and mindset of a community are developed and expressed in their methods of thinking, behaving, and engaging with the outside world through language and culture. Language has an essential role in integrating economic, political, and social changes, as well as other developing towns, which are intertwined with the cultures of these communities. The concepts of cross-cultural communities are built on the interconnections of various cultural and environmental elements. Secondary data were used to gather information for the topic of interest in this thesis and content analysis was used to examine the data gathered. The preservation of indigenous languages is vital to many people today because it protects their cultural heritage, just as language has always been a significant force in communities as a means of preserving one's own culture or controlling other people groups.
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WELLMON, CHAD. "Languages, Cultural Studies, and the Futures of Foreign Language Education". Modern Language Journal 92, n.º 2 (junho de 2008): 292–95.

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Edwards, John. "Language Families and Family Languages". Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 26, n.º 2 (15 de março de 2005): 173–86.

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Ahtif, Mustafa Hasan, e Nilotpala Gandhi. "The Role of Language in Cross Cultural Bonds". Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Social Sciences Study 3, n.º 4 (24 de setembro de 2022): 7–16.

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The goal is to look at how language helps people from different cultures get along. Language is an important part of how people interact with each other because it is the most basic way to share ideas and information. Language is a reflection of culture, so when people from more than one culture live together, how they use language is more important and complicated. The is also going to be one of the goals that is reviewed How the use of different languages creates barriers in cross-cultural communities and how these barriers affect the bonds that are made in cross-cultural communities. In the field of development, the question of what role language plays in communities with many different cultures is becoming more and more important. The world-wide study of both literature and social studies. As Cross-cultural communication brings together the seemingly unrelated fields of cultural anthropology and communication. Its goal is to bridge the gap between these two fields. Cross-cultural communication is based on being able to understand the different ways that people from different cultures interact with each other. In addition, it is supposed to come up with some recommendations that can help people from different cultures communicate better with each other. As a society's cultural practices and linguistic patterns shape the way people think, act, and communicate with the outside world, they also shape the way people think, act, and communicate with each other.
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Nagy, Naomi. "Heritage languages: a language contact approach". Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 41, n.º 10 (11 de abril de 2020): 900–902.

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Hong, Lichan, Gregorio Convertino e Ed Chi. "Language Matters In Twitter: A Large Scale Study". Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 5, n.º 1 (3 de agosto de 2021): 518–21.

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Despite the widespread adoption of Twitter internationally, little research has investigated the differences among users of different languages. In prior research, the natural tendency has been to assume that the behaviors of English users generalize to other language users. We studied 62 million tweets collected over a four-week period and found that more than 100 languages were used. Only half of the tweets were in English (51%). Other popular languages including Japanese, Portuguese, Indonesian, and Spanish together accounted for 39% of the tweets. Examining users of the top 10 languages, we discovered cross-language differences in adoption of features such as URLs, hashtags, mentions, replies, and retweets. We discuss our work’s implications for research on large-scale social systems and design of cross-cultural communication tools.
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Gholami, Saloumeh. "Endangered Iranian Languages: Language Contact and Language Islands in Iran". Iranian Studies 53, n.º 3-4 (3 de julho de 2020): 347–51.

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Linck, Jared A., Noriko Hoshino e Judith F. Kroll. "Cross-language lexical processes and inhibitory control". Mental Lexicon 3, n.º 3 (10 de dezembro de 2008): 349–74.

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Many recent studies demonstrate that both languages are active when bilinguals and second language (L2) learners are reading, listening, or speaking one language only. The parallel activity of the two languages has been hypothesized to create competition that must be resolved. Models of bilingual lexical access have proposed an inhibitory control mechanism to effectively limit attention to the intended language (e.g., Green, 1998). Critically, other recent research suggests that a lifetime of experience as a bilingual negotiating the competition across the two languages confers a set of benefits to cognitive control processes more generally (e.g., Bialystok, Craik, Klein, & Viswanathan, 2004). However, few studies have examined the consequences of individual differences in inhibitory control for performance on language processing tasks. The goal of the present work was to determine whether there is a relation between enhanced executive function and performance for L2 learners and bilinguals on lexical comprehension and production tasks. Data were analyzed from two studies involving a range of language processing tasks, a working memory measure, and also the Simon task, a nonlinguistic measure of inhibitory control. The results demonstrate that greater working memory resources and enhanced inhibitory control are related to a reduction in cross-language activation in a sentence context word naming task and a picture naming task, respectively. Other factors that may be related to inhibitory control are identified. The implications of these results for models of bilingual lexical comprehension and production are discussed.
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Huehnergard, John, e Robert Hetzron. "The Semitic Languages. Routledge Language Family Descriptions". Journal of the American Oriental Society 121, n.º 1 (janeiro de 2001): 148.

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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Language and languages Cross-cultural studies"


Nical, Iluminado C. "Language usage and language attitudes among education consumers : the experience of Filipinos in Australia and in three linguistic communities in the Philippines". Title page, contents and abstract only, 2000.

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Errata inserted facing t. p. Bibliography: leaves 406-457. A comparative investigation of language usage and language attitudes in relation to Filipino/Tagalog, Philippine languages other than Tagalog and English among senior high school students and their parents in two countries, the Philippines and Australia. The study provides an historical overview of the development of national language policies in Australia and in the Philippines, focussing on the way in which multiculturalism in Australia influenced language policies, and on the reasons for the adoption of the Bilingual Education Program in the Philippines.
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Otsuji, Emi. "Performing transculturation : between/within 'Japanese' and 'Australian' language, identities and culture /". Electronic version, 2008.

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University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Education.
This thesis examines the construction processes of language, culture and identities in relation to both the macro level of society and culture, as well as the micro-individual level. It argues that there is a need to understand these constructions beyond discrete notions of language, identities and culture. The thesis mobilises performativity theory to explore how exposure to a variety of practices during the life trajectory has an impact on the construction and performance of language, identities and culture. It shows how a theory of performativity can provide a comprehensive account of the complex process of, and the relationships between, hybridisation (engagement in a range of cultural practices) and monolithication (nostalgic attachments to familiar practices). The thesis also suggests that the deployment of performativity theory with a focus on individual biography as well as larger social-cultural factors may fill a gap left in some other modes of analysis such as Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Conversation Analysis (CA). Analysing data from four workplaces in Australia, the study focuses on trans-institutional talk, namely casual conversation in which people from a variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds work together. Following the suggestion (Pennycook 2003; Luke 2002) that there is a need to shift away from the understanding that a particular language is attached to a particular nation, territory and ethnicity, the thesis shows how discrete ethnic and linguistic labels such as ‘Japanese’ and ‘English’ as well as notions of ‘code-switching’ and ‘bi-lingualism’ become problematic in the attempt to grasp the complexity of contemporary transcultural workplaces. The thesis also explores the potential agency of subjects at the convergence of various discourses through iterative linguistic and cultural performances. In summary, the thesis provides deeper insight into transcultural performances to show the links between idiosyncratic individual performances and the construction of transcultural linguistic, cultural phenomena within globalisation.
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Ecke, Peter 1964. "Cross-language studies of lexical retrieval: Tip-of-the-tongue states in first and foreign languages". Diss., The University of Arizona, 1996.

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This dissertation investigates "tip-of-the-tongue" states (TOTs) in native speakers of English, Russian, and Spanish, studying foreign languages, and in fluent Spanish-English bilinguals. Study (1) explored retrospective reports of subjects' every-day experiences with TOTs. Study (2) investigated TOTs (fragmentary information, associated words, resolution type) that were recorded in structured diaries over a four-week period. Experimental study (3) examined TOTs elicited through definition and translation primes in Spanish-English bilinguals in the U.S., and speakers of Spanish in Mexico. Studies (1) and (2) found that English, Russian, and Spanish TOTs display similar characteristics, but also differences concerning reported letters, syllable numbers, and associates. Foreign language TOTs also displayed differences compared to first language TOTs (different target word types, more phonologically related associates, 24% interlingual associates, extensive reference use). Bilingual TOTs involved 22% interlingual associates and above-average resolutions through reference use. Most of the TOT targets across all groups were nouns; proper names occurred relatively infrequently. Subjects' access to gender in Russian and Spanish noun TOTs, strong syntactic constraints on word associates, and the similarity of most target-associate pairs in either meaning or form support two-stage models of lexical production: Word meaning and syntax is processed at a first stage, dissociated from a second stage at which sound structure is accessed. Study (3) elicited high TOT rates for targets from the diaries supporting the respresentativeness of the diary data. Bilinguals were found more susceptible to TOTs (32%) compared to the control group (14%). Translation proved to be a useful TOT elicitation technique reducing ambiguity compared to definition primes. A comparison of targets of different cognate status found increased recall for cognates compared to non-cognates but no reduction in TOT elicitation. Concerning TOT causation and development, it is argued that neither the incomplete activation hypothesis nor the blocking hypothesis can completely account for this data corpus. Various TOT types were suggested: incomplete activation (with or without non-blocking or facilitating associates), incomplete activation with late blocking associates, and early blocking. Whereas most TOTs appeared to be the product of incomplete target activation, some TOTs occurred as a consequence of word substitution errors.
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Matviyenko, Olena. "The role of culture in the translation of advertisements: a comparative investigation of selected texts with German as source language and South African English as target language". Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009.

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The globalisation of economies and trade growth have made it necessary for international companies to communicate with consumers of different languages and cultures, since a major objective is to sell a standardised product to consumers with linguistic and cultural backgrounds which are different from those to which the manufacturers are accustomed. Once brought to a foreign country, the sales of a product must be promoted by way of advertising. To begin with, the method of advertising depends on the kind of product to be marketed. In addition, persuasive texts, which are characteristic of the language of advertising, not only employ particular pragmatic strategies, but are based on the values and cultural traditions of the relevant society. In different cultures different signs, symbols, names and customs will be used in different situations. In the case of the translation or localisation of advertisements, a translator must be very sensitive to the loss and gain of cultural elements. These could include objects, historical references, customs and habits that are unique to the source culture and not present in the target culture. The main focus of the research is on the culture-specific elements in advertising texts and their depiction in translation. This treatise investigates certain aspects of translation theory (such as theories of equivalence, Skopos theory and other similar theories) to form a basis for conducting this study and then adapts them to the process of translation. In addition, two main opposite techniques known as standardisation or localisation of the advertising message are discussed. The number of source texts (original) and target texts (localised) are examined closely to reveal any misrepresentations and to identify the method of translation applicable in each case.
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Andriana, D. M., e n/a. "Seeking and giving advice : a cross cultural study in Indonesian and Australian English". University of Canberra. Education, 1992.

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This study investigates behaviour in seeking and giving advice in Australian English and Indonesian. It seeks to determine the crosscultural similarities and differences in seeking and giving advice in both languages in the areas of (i) the use of language routines and strategies (ii) the influences of cultural and social aspects. Data were collected from two preliminary questionnaires and a Discourse Completion Test (DCT). The DCT was completed by Australian and Indonesian native speakers in their first language. Analysis focussed on both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Findings reveal that speakers of both languages use similar strategies in terms of politeness, directness or indirectness and Speaker-or-Hearer Oriented utterances. The realization of the language routines of advice seeking and giving in both languages is, however, different. The influence of socio-cultural features is noticeable in both languages in terms of formality, relationship of interlocutors, age and gender. The results are not always consistent with the hypotheses posed in the study. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the Study and Chapter 2 presents the theoretical background and discusses the concept of advice. In Chapter 3 the methodology of the Study is described and the hypotheses are stated. Chapter 4 presents the results of the analysis of data and Chapter 5 sets out conclusions and recommendations.
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Rainey, Kenneth Richard III. "Cross-Cultural Humor Through Comedy Films?" The Ohio State University, 2018.

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Cheng, Hiu-wan Keens, e 鄭曉韻. "The detection of deception in cross-cultural settings: the effects of training and language on lie detectionability in Hong Kong Chinese". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2004.

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Kim, Y. R. "A cross-cultural study on complaint letters : Australian and Korean". Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 1996.

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The aim of the study is to examine the cross-cultural features of Australian and Korean complaint letters. The point of view adopted is that cultural barriers generate difficulties to producing efficient and successful intercultural communication in addition to linguistic barriers. Although the concept of complaint letters is the same in the two countries, there are difficulties when Australians and Koreans attempt to communicate with the other culture. Firstly the study will explore the validating of the concepts of Korean's four-unit structure (Ki-Sung-Chen-Kyul) and the three unit structure typical of western letter writing (Introduction-Body-Conclusion), and contrast the structures. It posits that Korean complaint letters are more reader-responsible this is defined as a reader needing to infer the implicit meaning of what is the writer's request, this Australian letters showed writer responsible language, this is defined as a reader being provided enough explicit information by a writer in order to comprehend the meaning of what the writer intends to deliver. The results might relate to the claims that Korean society is characterised by features of collectivism (Triandis, 1983), avoiding confrontation with others and saving face, which can be realised in vague and emotive terms. Secondly, the indirect speech of Korean writers will be analysed through the adaptation of Kim and Wilson’s study of request categories (1994). The results imply that Koreans use hint strategies as much as they use direct request, while Australians tend to use a more direct strategy in the interest of the readers. An Australian's politer acts are expressed on the basis of the virtue of the frankness of the request first, before the announcement. Conversely the Korean language employs the same amount of hint strategy and direct strategy which might explain typical Korean cultural attributes such as Nunchi, meaning reading others mind(Kim 1975), Kibun, 'feeling' and Cheymyen 'saving face'(Sohn 1986). As a consequence Australian letters, which tend to make obvious what they are expressing, will feature ideational functions weighted toward clear, concise and direct expressions whereas Korean letters which think highly of interpersonal functions appear to be more influenced by their collective cultural values. The results of this study will suggest that intercultural miscommunication is caused by the degree of cultural variances and that to learn the target language well is not just to achieve linguistic competence but also to be a member of its culture.
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Nopote, Nomvuyiseko Minty. "Establishing explicit perspectives of personality for a sample of Xhosa-speaking South Africans". Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009.

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Cross-cultural assessment in South Africa has become more prominent since the first democratic elections held in April 1994, as stronger demands for the cultural appropriateness of psychological tests have been made. The use of psychometric testing, including personality assessment in the workplace, is now strictly controlled by legislation, among others the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Labour Relations Act (66 of 1995), and the Employment Equity Act (55 of 1998), and the Health Professions Act (56 of 1974). The present study forms part of the development process of the South African Personality Inventory (SAPI), which seeks to explore the indigenous personality structure of all the 11 official language groups found in South Africa and to then develop a personality inventory based on this. The present study aimed to explore and describe the personality facets and clusters that were found among a sample of 95 Xhosa-speaking South Africans. An exploratory descriptive research method was used and participants were selected by means of non-probability purposive sampling. Data were gathered by administering a biographical questionnaire and a tape-recorded 10- item interview questionnaire. Content analysis was used to analyse and reduce the data obtained from interviews into personality descriptors. Of the 1872 personality-descriptive words obtained from the interview questions, 164 facets of different personality characteristics were finally configured as a consequence of a data-reduction process. These facets were further categorised into a total of 37 personality sub-clusters and nine personality clusters which were labelled as Extraversion, Soft-heartedness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Intellect, Openness, Integrity, Relationship Harmony and Facilitating. These clusters and their sub-clusters resonate well with significant aspects and values of the Xhosa culture (e.g., Ubuntu). There also seems to be a moderate correspondence between the clusters and sub-clusters identified in the Xhosa-speaking sample and factors of the Five-Factor Model, especially with respect to the six clusters of Extraversion, Soft-heartedness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Intellect, and Openness. Nonetheless, differences in the composition of the clusters/facets were found, some of which are due to the more unique facets and sub-facets of personality identified in the Xhosa-speaking sample. The limitations of the study are identified and suggestions are made for further research.
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Ho, Mei Fung Linda. "A cross-cultural analysis of the organization of English and Chinese texts". HKBU Institutional Repository, 1996.

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Livros sobre o assunto "Language and languages Cross-cultural studies"


Dobrovolʹskiĭ, D. O. Figurative language: Cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005.

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Kees, De Bot, Ginsberg Ralph B e Kramsch Claire J, eds. Foreign language research in cross-cultural perspective. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co., 1991.

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Meristo, Marek. Mental representation and languages access: Evidence from deaf children with different language backgrounds. Göteborg: Dept. of Psychology, Göteborg University, 2007.

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Regional Workshop on Cross-Border Languages (1996 Okahandja, Namibia). Cross-border languages: Reports and studies : Regional Workshop on Cross-Border Languages. Windhoek, Namibia: Gamsberg Macmillan, 1998.

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Vila, F. Xavier, e Vanessa Bretxa. Language policy in higher education: The case of medium-sized languages. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2014.

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McInerney, D. M., Kevin Kien Hoa Chung e Kevin Chi Pun Yuen. Understanding developmental disorders of auditory processing, language and literacy: Across languages international perspectives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2014.

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Cultural studies in foreign language education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1989.

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Zarobe, Leyre Ruiz de, e Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe. Speech acts and politeness across languages and cultures. Bern: Peter Lang, 2012.

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People's Linguistic Survey of India, ed. Indian sign language(s). New Delhi: Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2014.

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Fomin, Maxim. Ireland and Armenia: Studies in language, history and narrative. Washington, D.C: Institute for the Study of Man, 2012.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Language and languages Cross-cultural studies"


Street, Brian. "Cross-cultural perspectives on literacy". In Studies in Written Language and Literacy, 95. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1994.

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Eistenstein Ebsworth, Miriam, Jean W. Bodman e Mary Carpenter. "Cross-cultural realization of greetings in American English". In Studies on Language Acquisition, 89–108. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006.

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Chaudhuri, Rosinka. "The Rustle of Language". In Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures, 15–23. New Delhi: Springer India, 2014.

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Pudelko, Markus, Helene Tenzer e Anne-Wil Harzing. "Cross-cultural management and language studies within international business research". In The Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Management, 85–94. London: Routledge, 2015.

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Petrova, Svetlana, e Michael Solf. "Rhetorical relations and verb placement in the early Germanic languages: A cross-linguistic study". In Studies in Language Companion Series, 329–51. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2008.

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Bányai, Ferenc. "The Experience of God in the Mystical Language of Meister Eckhart". In Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures, 63–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Mannhaupt, Gerd, Heiner Jansen e Harald Marx. "Cultural Influences on Literacy Development". In Cross-Language Studies of Learning to Read and Spell, 161–73. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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Dasgupta, Amitabha. "Controversy Over the Availability of Frege’s Sense in Indian Philosophy of Language: The Case of J.L. Shaw and the Nyāya". In Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures, 27–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Paloutzian, Raymond F., Zuhâl Agilkaya-Sahin, Kay C. Bruce, Marianne Nilsen Kvande, Klara Malinakova, Luciana Fernandes Marques, Ahmad S. Musa et al. "The Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS): Cross-Cultural Assessment Across 5 Continents, 10 Languages, and 300 Studies". In Assessing Spirituality in a Diverse World, 413–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Mughan, Terry. "Introduction: language and languages". In The Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Management, 79–84. London: Routledge, 2015.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Language and languages Cross-cultural studies"


Rosati, Domenic. "Learning to Pronounce as Measuring Cross-Lingual Joint Orthography-Phonology Complexity". In 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAPP 2022). Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2022.

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Machine learning models allow us to compare languages by showing how hard a task in each language might be to learn and perform well on. Following this line of investigation, we explore what makes a language “hard to pronounce” by modelling the task of grapheme-to-phoneme (g2p) transliteration. By training a character-level transformer model on this task across 22 languages and measuring the model’s proficiency against its grapheme and phoneme inventories, we show that certain characteristics emerge that separate easier and harder languages with respect to learning to pronounce. Namely the complexity of a language's pronunciation from its orthography is due to the expressive or simplicity of its grapheme-tophoneme mapping. Further discussion illustrates how future studies should consider relative data sparsity per language to design fairer cross-lingual comparison tasks.
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Ma, Danni. "CULTIVATION OF CULTURAL SELF-CONFIDENCE IN COLLEGE FOREIGN LANGUAGES COURSE". In Chinese Studies in the 21st Century. Buryat State University Publishing Department, 2022.

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Cultivating students with "Chinese wisdom and international vision" has become the primary task for College Foreign Language courses in Chinese universities. This paper analyzes the causes of Chinese cultural aphasia in foreign language education, explores strategies of integrating excellent traditional Chinese culture into foreign language teaching, including switching teaching philosophy, reorganizing teaching materials, optimizing teaching methods and improving evaluation mechanism.
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Zhang, Lin. "Research on the Cross-cultural Communication Strategy of Li Ziqi’s Short Videos". In 2020 International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies (ICLCCS 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Dmitryuk, Natalia. "The Russian Word In The Cross-Cultural Context: Associative Studies Of Language Consciousness". In International Scientific and Practical Conference «MAN. SOCIETY. COMMUNICATION». European Publisher, 2021.

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Yan, Pei. "The Expression of Cross-cultural Values in American Animated Films from the Perspective of Communication". In 2nd International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies (ICLCCS 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Piao, Yidan. "Study on the Spread of Chinese Short Video in South Korea Against the Background of Cross-cultural Communication". In 2nd International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies (ICLCCS 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Xiao, Tingting. "A Comparative Study on the Differences of Chinese and American Business Etiquette Between China and America from Cross-Cultural Aspect". In 2nd International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies (ICLCCS 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Zhao, Wen. "Analysis of Strategies for Cross-Cultural Narration in BBC Chinese Theme Documentaries — A Case Study of Du Fu, China’s Greatest Poet". In 2020 International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies (ICLCCS 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Spisyak, Pavel, e Natalia A. Bondarenko. "The Interactive Technology of Creative Workshops in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language as a Tool for Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness of Students". In 2020 International Conference on Language, Communication and Culture Studies (ICLCCS 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Romero, Pilar. "Cultural Routes as Innovative Pedagogic Tool in Foreign Languages Teaching: Camino de Santiago (Pilgrims’ Way of Santiago) as an Object of Study and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language". In Spain: Comparative Studies oт History and Culture. Novosibirsk State University, 2021.

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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Language and languages Cross-cultural studies"


Zhao, Qing, e Lili Zhou. Culture, sex, and their combined impact on self-report empathy—Meta-analyses. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, abril de 2022.

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Condition being studied: The current meta-analysis covers empirical investigations of self-report empathy (evaluated using the EQ and the IRI scales) based on different populations. Studies with general populations and physical/mental clinical populations were included. Both cross-cultural and non-cross-cultural studies (studies based on a single cultural background) were considered. Eligibility criteria: We restricted our current meta-analysis to studies that satisfied all of the following criteria: (1) studies evaluated participants’ self-report empathy using the EQ or the IRI; (2) studies reported the EQ and IRI version (i.e., scale item number and language); (3) studies reported the EQ and IRI total or subscale scores (e.g., mean and SD) based on the overall sample or both sex groups separately. (4) studies reported participants’ cultural backgrounds (e.g., country of origin, nationality, ethnicity, and language).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Owens, Janine, G. Hussein Rassool, Josh Bernstein, Sara Latif e Basil H. Aboul-Enein. Interventions using the Qur'an to protect and promote mental health: A systematic scoping review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, julho de 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The aim of the study is to to identify interventions using the Qur'an to support mental health in Muslims. The question is How do interventions use the Qur'an to reduce psychological distress and promote mental health and wellbeing in Muslims? Eligibility criteria: Inclusion criteria: Evidence up to 31/03/22; Intervention studies; RCTs, quasi-experimental, longitudinal, cross-sectional and qualitative studies in English, French, or Arabic; Adults ≥18 years, Pregnant females attaining marriageable age ≥14; Studies focusing on the Qur’an, hadith and/or surah as a primary mental health intervention or Studies focusing on the Qur’an, hadith and/or surah as an additional form of therapy for mental health interventions. Exclusion criteria: Commentaries, narratives, editorial communications, opinion pieces, conference papers, government reports, guidance documents, book reviews, theses and dissertations, systematic, scoping, rapid and literature reviews, case studies; evidence in languages other than English, French or Arabic; Other types of studies focusing on children or adolescents; Studies excluding interventions using the Qur’an, hadith or surah or failing to differentiate between these areas and other interventions; Studies mentioning Qur’an, hadith or surah as an afterthought in the discussion.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mai Phuong, Nguyen, Hanna North, Duong Minh Tuan e Nguyen Manh Cuong. Assessment of women’s benefits and constraints in participating in agroforestry exemplar landscapes. World Agroforestry, 2021.

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Participating in the exemplar landscapes of the Developing and Promoting Market-Based Agroforestry and Forest Rehabilitation Options for Northwest Vietnam project has had positive impacts on ethnic women, such as increasing their networks and decision-making and public speaking skills. However, the rate of female farmers accessing and using project extension material or participating in project nurseries and applying agroforestry techniques was limited. This requires understanding of the real needs and interests grounded in the socio-cultural contexts of the ethnic groups living in the Northern Mountain Region in Viet Nam, who have unique social and cultural norms and values. The case studies show that agricultural activities are highly gendered: men and women play specific roles and have different, particular constraints and interests. Women are highly constrained by gender norms, access to resources, decision-making power and a prevailing positive-feedback loop of time poverty, especially in the Hmong community. A holistic, timesaving approach to addressing women’s daily activities could reduce the effects of time poverty and increase project participation. As women were highly willing to share project information, the project’s impacts would be more successful with increased participation by women through utilizing informal channels of communication and knowledge dissemination. Extension material designed for ethnic women should have less text and more visuals. Access to information is a critical constraint that perpetuates the norm that men are decision-makers, thereby, enhancing their perceived ownership, whereas women have limited access to information and so leave final decisions to men, especially in Hmong families. Older Hmong women have a Vietnamese (Kinh) language barrier, which further prevents them from accessing the project’s material. Further research into an adaptive framework that can be applied in a variety of contexts is recommended. This framework should prioritize time-saving activities for women and include material highlighting key considerations to maintain accountability among the project’s support staff.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

McEntee, Alice, Sonia Hines, Joshua Trigg, Kate Fairweather, Ashleigh Guillaumier, Jane Fischer, Billie Bonevski, James A. Smith, Carlene Wilson e Jacqueline Bowden. Tobacco cessation in CALD communities. The Sax Institute, junho de 2022.

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Background Australia is a multi-cultural society with increasing rates of people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. On average, CALD groups have higher rates of tobacco use, lower participation in cancer screening programs, and poorer health outcomes than the general Australian population. Lower cancer screening and smoking cessation rates are due to differing cultural norms, health-related attitudes, and beliefs, and language barriers. Interventions can help address these potential barriers and increase tobacco cessation and cancer screening rates among CALD groups. Cancer Council NSW (CCNSW) aims to reduce the impact of cancer and improve cancer outcomes for priority populations including CALD communities. In line with this objective, CCNSW commissioned this rapid review of interventions implemented in Australia and comparable countries. Review questions This review aimed to address the following specific questions: Question 1 (Q1): What smoking cessation interventions have been proven effective in reducing or preventing smoking among culturally and linguistically diverse communities? Question 2 (Q2): What screening interventions have proven effective in increasing participation in population cancer screening programs among culturally and linguistically diverse populations? This review focused on Chinese-, Vietnamese- and Arabic-speaking people as they are the largest CALD groups in Australia and have high rates of tobacco use and poor screening adherence in NSW. Summary of methods An extensive search of peer-reviewed and grey literature published between January 2013-March 2022 identified 19 eligible studies for inclusion in the Q1 review and 49 studies for the Q2 review. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Levels of Evidence and Joanna Briggs Institute’s (JBI) Critical Appraisal Tools were used to assess the robustness and quality of the included studies, respectively. Key findings Findings are reported by components of an intervention overall and for each CALD group. By understanding the effectiveness of individual components, results will demonstrate key building blocks of an effective intervention. Question 1: What smoking cessation interventions have been proven effective in reducing or preventing smoking among culturally and linguistically diverse communities? Thirteen of the 19 studies were Level IV (L4) evidence, four were Level III (L3), one was Level II (L2), none were L1 (highest level of evidence) and one study’s evidence level was unable to be determined. The quality of included studies varied. Fifteen tobacco cessation intervention components were included, with most interventions involving at least three components (range 2-6). Written information (14 studies), and education sessions (10 studies) were the most common components included in an intervention. Eight of the 15 intervention components explored had promising evidence for use with Chinese-speaking participants (written information, education sessions, visual information, counselling, involving a family member or friend, nicotine replacement therapy, branded merchandise, and mobile messaging). Another two components (media campaign and telephone follow-up) had evidence aggregated across CALD groups (i.e., results for Chinese-speaking participants were combined with other CALD group(s)). No intervention component was deemed of sufficient evidence for use with Vietnamese-speaking participants and four intervention components had aggregated evidence (written information, education sessions, counselling, nicotine replacement therapy). Counselling was the only intervention component to have promising evidence for use with Arabic-speaking participants and one had mixed evidence (written information). Question 2: What screening interventions have proven effective in increasing participation in population cancer screening programs among culturally and linguistically diverse populations? Two of the 49 studies were Level I (L1) evidence, 13 L2, seven L3, 25 L4 and two studies’ level of evidence was unable to be determined. Eighteen intervention components were assessed with most interventions involving 3-4 components (range 1-6). Education sessions (32 studies), written information (23 studies) and patient navigation (10 studies) were the most common components. Seven of the 18 cancer screening intervention components had promising evidence to support their use with Vietnamese-speaking participants (education sessions, written information, patient navigation, visual information, peer/community health worker, counselling, and peer experience). The component, opportunity to be screened (e.g. mailed or handed a bowel screening test), had aggregated evidence regarding its use with Vietnamese-speaking participants. Seven intervention components (education session, written information, visual information, peer/community health worker, opportunity to be screened, counselling, and branded merchandise) also had promising evidence to support their use with Chinese-speaking participants whilst two components had mixed (patient navigation) or aggregated (media campaign) evidence. One intervention component for use with Arabic-speaking participants had promising evidence to support its use (opportunity to be screened) and eight intervention components had mixed or aggregated support (education sessions, written information, patient navigation, visual information, peer/community health worker, peer experience, media campaign, and anatomical models). Gaps in the evidence There were four noteworthy gaps in the evidence: 1. No systematic review was captured for Q1, and only two studies were randomised controlled trials. Much of the evidence is therefore based on lower level study designs, with risk of bias. 2. Many studies provided inadequate detail regarding their intervention design which impacts both the quality appraisal and how mixed finding results can be interpreted. 3. Several intervention components were found to have supportive evidence available only at the aggregate level. Further research is warranted to determine the interventions effectiveness with the individual CALD participant group only. 4. The evidence regarding the effectiveness of certain intervention components were either unknown (no studies) or insufficient (only one study) across CALD groups. This was the predominately the case for Arabic-speaking participants for both Q1 and Q2, and for Vietnamese-speaking participants for Q1. Further research is therefore warranted. Applicability Most of the intervention components included in this review are applicable for use in the Australian context, and NSW specifically. However, intervention components assessed as having insufficient, mixed, or no evidence require further research. Cancer screening and tobacco cessation interventions targeting Chinese-speaking participants were more common and therefore showed more evidence of effectiveness for the intervention components explored. There was support for cancer screening intervention components targeting Vietnamese-speaking participants but not for tobacco cessation interventions. There were few interventions implemented for Arabic-speaking participants that addressed tobacco cessation and screening adherence. Much of the evidence for Vietnamese and Arabic-speaking participants was further limited by studies co-recruiting multiple CALD groups and reporting aggregate results. Conclusion There is sound evidence for use of a range of intervention components to address tobacco cessation and cancer screening adherence among Chinese-speaking populations, and cancer screening adherence among Vietnamese-speaking populations. Evidence is lacking regarding the effectiveness of tobacco cessation interventions with Vietnamese- and Arabic-speaking participants, and cancer screening interventions for Arabic-speaking participants. More research is required to determine whether components considered effective for use in one CALD group are applicable to other CALD populations.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yilmaz, Ihsan, Raja M. Ali Saleem, Mahmoud Pargoo, Syaza Shukri, Idznursham Ismail e Kainat Shakil. Religious Populism, Cyberspace and Digital Authoritarianism in Asia: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey. European Center for Populism Studies, janeiro de 2022.

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Turkey, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia span one of the longest continuously inhabited regions of the world. Centuries of cultural infusion have ensured these societies are highly heterogeneous. As plural polities, they are ripe for the kind of freedoms that liberal democracy can guarantee. However, despite having multi-party electoral systems, these countries have recently moved toward populist authoritarianism. Populism —once considered a distinctively Latin American problem that only seldom reared its head in other parts of the world— has now found a home in almost every corner of the planet. Moreover, it has latched on to religion, which, as history reminds us, has an unparalleled power to mobilize crowds. This report explores the unique nexus between faith and populism in our era and offers an insight into how cyberspace and offline politics have become highly intertwined to create a hyper-reality in which socio-political events are taking place. The report focuses, in particular, on the role of religious populism in digital space as a catalyst for undemocratic politics in the five Asian countries we have selected as our case studies. The focus on the West Asian and South Asian cases is an opportunity to examine authoritarian religious populists in power, whereas the East Asian countries showcase powerful authoritarian religious populist forces outside parliament. This report compares internet governance in each of these countries under three categories: obstacles to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights. These are the digital toolkits that authorities use to govern digital space. Our case selection and research focus have allowed us to undertake a comparative analysis of different types of online restrictions in these countries that constrain space foropposition and democratic voices while simultaneously making room for authoritarian religious populist narratives to arise and flourish. The report finds that surveillance, censorship, disinformation campaigns, internet shutdowns, and cyber-attacks—along with targeted arrests and violence spreading from digital space—are common features of digital authoritarianism. In each case, it is also found that religious populist forces co-opt political actors in their control of cyberspace. The situational analysis from five countries indicates that religion’s role in digital authoritarianism is quite evident, adding to the layer of nationalism. Most of the leaders in power use religious justifications for curbs on the internet. Religious leaders support these laws as a means to restrict “moral ills” such as blasphemy, pornography, and the like. This evident “religious populism” seems to be a major driver of policy changes that are limiting civil liberties in the name of “the people.” In the end, the reasons for restricting digital space are not purely religious but draw on religious themes with populist language in a mixed and hybrid fashion. Some common themes found in all the case studies shed light on the role of digital space in shaping politics and society offline and vice versa. The key findings of our survey are as follows: The future of (especially) fragile democracies is highly intertwined with digital space. There is an undeniable nexus between faith and populism which offers an insight into how cyberspace and politics offline have become highly intertwined. Religion and politics have merged in these five countries to shape cyber governance. The cyber governance policies of populist rulers mirror their undemocratic, repressive, populist, and authoritarian policies offline. As a result, populist authoritarianism in the non-digital world has increasingly come to colonize cyberspace, and events online are more and more playing a role in shaping politics offline. “Morality” is a common theme used to justify the need for increasingly draconian digital laws and the active monopolization of cyberspace by government actors. Islamist and Hindutva trolls feel an unprecedented sense of cyber empowerment, hurling abuse without physically seeing the consequences or experiencing the emotional and psychological damage inflicted on their victims.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yilmaz, Ihsan, Raja M. Ali Saleem, Mahmoud Pargoo, Syaza Shukri, Idznursham Ismail e Kainat Shakil. Religious Populism, Cyberspace and Digital Authoritarianism in Asia: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Turkey. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), janeiro de 2022.

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Turkey, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia span one of the longest continuously inhabited regions of the world. Centuries of cultural infusion have ensured these societies are highly heterogeneous. As plural polities, they are ripe for the kind of freedoms that liberal democracy can guarantee. However, despite having multi-party electoral systems, these countries have recently moved toward populist authoritarianism. Populism —once considered a distinctively Latin American problem that only seldom reared its head in other parts of the world— has now found a home in almost every corner of the planet. Moreover, it has latched on to religion, which, as history reminds us, has an unparalleled power to mobilize crowds. This report explores the unique nexus between faith and populism in our era and offers an insight into how cyberspace and offline politics have become highly intertwined to create a hyper-reality in which socio-political events are taking place. The report focuses, in particular, on the role of religious populism in digital space as a catalyst for undemocratic politics in the five Asian countries we have selected as our case studies. The focus on the West Asian and South Asian cases is an opportunity to examine authoritarian religious populists in power, whereas the East Asian countries showcase powerful authoritarian religious populist forces outside parliament. This report compares internet governance in each of these countries under three categories: obstacles to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights. These are the digital toolkits that authorities use to govern digital space. Our case selection and research focus have allowed us to undertake a comparative analysis of different types of online restrictions in these countries that constrain space foropposition and democratic voices while simultaneously making room for authoritarian religious populist narratives to arise and flourish. The report finds that surveillance, censorship, disinformation campaigns, internet shutdowns, and cyber-attacks—along with targeted arrests and violence spreading from digital space—are common features of digital authoritarianism. In each case, it is also found that religious populist forces co-opt political actors in their control of cyberspace. The situational analysis from five countries indicates that religion’s role in digital authoritarianism is quite evident, adding to the layer of nationalism. Most of the leaders in power use religious justifications for curbs on the internet. Religious leaders support these laws as a means to restrict “moral ills” such as blasphemy, pornography, and the like. This evident “religious populism” seems to be a major driver of policy changes that are limiting civil liberties in the name of “the people.” In the end, the reasons for restricting digital space are not purely religious but draw on religious themes with populist language in a mixed and hybrid fashion. Some common themes found in all the case studies shed light on the role of digital space in shaping politics and society offline and vice versa. The key findings of our survey are as follows: The future of (especially) fragile democracies is highly intertwined with digital space. There is an undeniable nexus between faith and populism which offers an insight into how cyberspace and politics offline have become highly intertwined. Religion and politics have merged in these five countries to shape cyber governance. The cyber governance policies of populist rulers mirror their undemocratic, repressive, populist, and authoritarian policies offline. As a result, populist authoritarianism in the non-digital world has increasingly come to colonize cyberspace, and events online are more and more playing a role in shaping politics offline. “Morality” is a common theme used to justify the need for increasingly draconian digital laws and the active monopolization of cyberspace by government actors. Islamist and Hindutva trolls feel an unprecedented sense of cyber empowerment, hurling abuse without physically seeing the consequences or experiencing the emotional and psychological damage inflicted on their victims.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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