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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "John A. Gray (Firm)"


Chertenko, Ekaterina A. "Ontological ekphrasis Elena Shvarts’ poem “Memory of the Fresco of Fra Beato Angelico ‘Baptism’ at the Sight of the Head of John the Baptist in Rome”". Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates 10, n.º 1 (26 de abril de 2024): 84–99.

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Scientific interest in the problem of ekphrasis and the peculiarities of ekphrastic description has increased over the past decades. The article analyzes the ekphrastic poetics of E. Shvarts’ poem “Memory of Fra Beato Angelico’s fresco ‘Baptism’ at the sight of the head of John the Baptist in Rome”. The aim of this article is to identify the intermedial correlation of the verbal level with the visual level, revealing the ontological ekphrasis in this poem. The author of the article examined how the three levels of the image in the poem correlate in their ratio: artistic text, frescoes’ visual images, and symbolism (cultural codes). Ontological ekphrasis helps the poet find new ways to reveal traditional Christian themes. Visual images of the early Renaissance fresco acquire an ontological status in the text (dove, “rose,” gray color, water, fog, coal [fire], flower, river, blood, wine, relics [the head of John the Baptist], Lapis Niger, dawn). Through symbols and cultural codes, these images reveal the metaphysics of Baptism from a historical, cultural, and modern perspective, leaving the reader with options for interpretation. In the spirit of the early Renaissance artist himself, Shvarts ontologically recodes the medieval symbolism of Baptism, immersing it into thereality, perceiving Christian history as a struggle of life and death, culminating in the eschatological hope of the Second Coming of Christ. Fra Angelico turned out to be in tune with Shvarts precisely as an artist of the early Renaissance, in the painter’s movement of medieval mysticism to Renaissance ontologism and humanism.
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Beckson, Karl, e G. A. Cevasco. "John Gray". Yearbook of English Studies 17 (1987): 339.

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Lewis, Peter M. "John Gray obituary". Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media 4, n.º 1, 2 3 (17 de outubro de 2007): 141–44.,2,3.141_7.

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PGMcG. "William John Gray". Psychiatric Bulletin 10, n.º 5 (1 de maio de 1986): 125.

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PGMCG. "William John Gray". Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 10, n.º 5 (maio de 1986): 125.

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Warwick, R., J. Field, C. Heip e T. Stebbing. "In Memoriam John Stuart Gray". Marine Ecology Progress Series 354 (7 de fevereiro de 2008): 1.

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Dilworth, Mark. "John Gray: Additions to Bibliography". Innes Review 37, n.º 1 (junho de 1986): 48.

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McIntyre, Neil. "Sir John Gray (1816–75)". Journal of Medical Biography 16, n.º 4 (novembro de 2008): 204.

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Franco, Paul. "Hayek on Liberty. John Gray". Ethics 96, n.º 3 (abril de 1986): 651.

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Bowen, W. H. "Dr. John A. Gray III". Journal of Dental Research 94, n.º 3 (24 de dezembro de 2014): 393–94.

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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "John A. Gray (Firm)"


Małek, Monika. "Liberalizm etyczny J. S. Milla : współczesne nawiązania i kontynuacje (analiza poglądów Johna Graya i Petera Singera)". Doctoral thesis, Katowice : Uniwersytet Śląski, 2007.

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Współczesne dyskusje na temat zagadnienia relacji pomiędzy indywidualną jednostką a wspólnotą, do której ona należy nie przyniosły ostatecznych rozwiązań. Spór pomiędzy liberałami i komunitarianami nie zaowocował porażką jednej strony a zwycięstwem drugiej. Przyniósł on jednak przynajmniej dwa pozytywne rezultaty. Pierwszym z nich była konstruktywna dyskusja powodująca, iż każda ze stron rozważając argumenty oponentów niejako zmuszona była do modyfikacji uprzednio zajętych stanowisk. Komunitarianie przyjęli do wiadomości, iż wolność indywidualna powinna być wartością niepodważalną we współczesnych społeczeństwach. Wielu spośród reprezentantów liberałów natomiast zaczęło doceniać wartości wspólnotowe. Niektórzy badacze wskazują, iż modyfikacja stanowisk przeciwników sporu doprowadziła do powstania fenomenu „liberalizmu komunitarnego”, na gruncie którego opozycja pomiędzy jednostką a społeczeństwem przestała pełnić rolę kryterium, według którego można zasadniczo odróżnić stanowisko liberalne od innych. Można z tego wyprowadzić wniosek, iż zakładana początkowo sprzeczność między interesami jednostki a wspólnoty jest niczym innym, jak fałszywym dylematem. Praktyczną stroną tego rezultatu sporu jest udowodnienie, iż można prowadzić dyskusje w prawdziwie millowskim duchu: bez przyjmowania dogmatycznych założeń, rozważając merytorycznie argumenty przeciwnika i jednocześnie dojść do konstruktywnych wniosków. Drugim rezultatem sporu jest przyznanie przez jego uczestników, choćby niewprost, iż jest to spór nierozwiązywalny. Jest to pozytywny efekt, ponieważ wskazuje on na bogactwo życia społecznego, którego nie można całkowicie ująć w logiczny, zamknięty i zupełny schemat. Sprowadzanie życia społecznego do z góry określonych schematów zawsze w konsekwencji prowadzi do dogmatyzmu, który z reguły jest przeciwnikiem tego, co nowe i odmienne. Liberalizm etyczny Milla nie czyni z wolności indywidualnej nienaruszalnego dogmatu, ale wskazuje na to, iż wolność ta jest wartością, ponieważ daje jednostce możliwość decydowania w mniejszym lub większym stopniu o kształcie własnego życia. Jednocześnie bierze on pod uwagę, jak działania danej jednostki wpływają na wolność innych, także pod kątem funkcjonowania całej społeczności, do której jednostka należy. Duża część koncepcji filozoficznych J.S.Milla cieszy się współcześnie niesłabnącym zainteresowaniem. Z reguły odnosimy się do idei Milla dlatego, iż należy do klasyków myśli filozoficzno-etycznej lub dlatego, że przemawia do nas aktualność wątków przez niego podnoszonych, możliwe też, że z obydwu powodów naraz. Mimo, iż część rozwiązań proponowanych przez Milla już się dziś zdezaktualizowała (np. z dziedziny ekonomii, czy logiki), jednak ta część rozważań, która dotyczy etyki lub filozofii politycznej brzmi bardzo współcześnie i zauważalna jest jej ponadczasowość. Kwestie, które etyczny liberalizm Milla podnosi – takie jak idea i zakres wolności indywidualnej, zasady stanowiące ostateczną instancję dla kryterium oceny etycznej, status etyki jako praktycznej dyscypliny wchodzącej w skład sztuki życia – nie są podatne na dewaluację, ponieważ dotyczą odpowiedzi na odwieczne pytanie: jak żyć moralnie? Zaletą koncepcji Milla jest to, iż kładzie nacisk na praktyczną stronę etyki. Ten aspekt jest prawdopodobnie powodem, iż do rozwiązań millowskich odwołują się autorzy, których ambicją jest nie tyle metaetyczna analiza, co próba podania przepisu na moralne życie. Paradygmatyczność koncepcji Milla powoduje jednocześnie, iż odnoszą się do niego myśliciele prezentujący bardzo różne i niekoniecznie zgodne z sobą poglądy. Tak jak Mill próbował w swoich czasach rzucić wyzwanie utartym schematom i wytyczyć nowe kierunki, tak i współcześnie wielu autorów stara się sprostać intelektualnym wyzwaniom naszych czasów. Niektórzy z nich, jak J.Gray lub P.Singer korzystają w mniejszym lub większym zakresie z osiągnięć Milla – czasem choćby tylko w celu ich krytyki – aby tym bardziej nadać wagi swoim, nierzadko oryginalnym propozycjom. Brakuje teraz umysłów mających ambitny plan zarazem zrozumieć naturę człowieka, jak i dać ludzkości coś lepszego, niż miała do tej pory. Rzadkością jest holistyczne, a przy tym niedogmatyczne podejście do rozwiązywania problemów, które dotyczą całej ludzkości, a zarazem poszczególnej jednostki. Na pewno Mill był takim myślicielem i w dużym stopniu jest nim Peter Singer oraz John Gray, choć są między nimi spore różnice poglądowe. Swoim stylem życia i twórczością Mill dał świadectwo tego, iż rola filozofa nie polega tylko na intelektualnej aktywności umysłowej, ale też na praktycznym działaniu, a przede wszystkim na wyznaczaniu celów i kierunków działania reszcie społeczeństwa. Filozof powinien starać się być artystą, w millowskim rozumieniu tego słowa, z reformatorskim zacięciem i bez obaw przed tym, co nowe. Jednocześnie nie może zapomnieć, że najważniejszy jest pojedynczy człowiek – jego wolność, szczęście, poczucie spełnienia życiowego i możliwość rozwoju. Zarówno dla Graya, jak i Singera etyka jest dyscypliną praktyczną odpowiadającą części sztuki życia, o której pisał Mill. I chociaż ten pierwszy negatywnie ocenia kondycję i naturę ludzką, a drugi zakładając możliwość pozytywnych zmian patrzy na ludzi z większym optymizmem, każdy z nich określa, co powinno składać się na dobre życie, patrząc z punktu widzenia etyki. Wielką zasługą Milla jest to, że budował swój system etyczny mając na uwadze dobro wszystkich ludzi, zarazem nie zapominając o dobru pojedynczego człowieka – jego szczęściu, wolności, możliwości samorealizacji. Możliwość wzięcia pod uwagę dobra wszystkich istot czujących zaskutkowała tym, że późniejsi autorzy w swoich propozycjach uwzględnili nie tylko ludzi, ale też i zwierzęta. W tym sensie możemy mówić o etycznym postępie, jak go rozumie Singer. Postępem w jego rozumieniu można też nazwać próbę zrozumienia i racjonalnego wykorzystywania biologicznie uwarunkowanego altruizmu u człowieka – może to być praktyczną próbą wykroczenia poza opozycję między jednostką a społeczeństwem. Zagadnienie wolności indywidualnej, mimo nierozstrzygalności sporów, których jest ona przedmiotem, wciąż nie traci na aktualności i można zaryzykować twierdzenie, że nigdy nie straci, gdyż jest u swych podstaw związane z istotą człowieczeństwa. Rozważania Milla, jak i jego współczesnych krytyków i komentatorów wskazują na istotną prawidłowość, o której łatwo zapomnieć, jeśli nie przyglądamy się uważnie życiu dookoła nas: etyczne życie nie polega na bezkrytycznym stosowaniu się do zasad obowiązującej moralności, tylko na nieustannej pracy nad samym sobą, swoim charakterem, nawykami i braniu pod uwagę tego, że inni chcą być w tym samym stopniu szczęśliwi, jak my sami.
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Mark, Fredrik. "Meningsskiljaktigheter om upplysningen inom modern ateism : En kvalitativ komparativ analys av John Gray och Christopher Hitchens". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Religionsvetenskap, 2020.

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Upplysningen var en period av radikala förändringar. Religion, vetenskap och politik influerades under denna period av de vetenskapliga framgångar som gjordes under 1600-talets vetenskapliga revolution tack vare bland annat Galileo och Kopernikus. Trots att upplysningens påverkan inte begränsades till enbart vetenskap och filosofi utan även religion finns det en etablerad definition av upplysningen som icke-religiös. Christopher Hitchens och John Gray är båda ateister men har markanta meningsskiljaktigheter när det kommer till upplysningen och deras tankar om periodens främsta representanter. Hitchens tillskriver upplysningen ideal som förnuft, framgång och en ärlig intellektuell strävan medan Gray menar att upplysningen var en era av blind hängivelse till förnuft och vetenskap som ersatte den monoteistiska guden. Han menar även att upplysningens tendens att intellektualisera och legitimera rasism genom att inkorporera den i vetenskap har lett till moderna rasistiska ideologier. Även om dessa perspektiv skiljer sig i hur de beskriver upplysningen och deras främsta tänkare är Grays analys mer historisk och även fri från en form av ytlig romantisering som Hitchens gör sig skyldig till. En granskning av utdrag ur verk från Voltaire, Baruch Spinoza och David Hume gör det svårt att känna samma vördnad för dem som Hitchens gör och legitimerar Grays beskrivning av eran som fylld av rasism, kolonialism och intellektuellt förtryck av allt som inte var europeiskt.
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Noonan, Jo Howarth. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: An Analysis of a Potential Meme". unrestricted, 2007.

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Thesis (M.A.)--Georgia State University, 2007.
Title from file title page. Jaye Atkinson, committee chair; David Cheshier, Marian Meyers, committee members, Electronic text (105 p.) : digital, PDF file. Description based on contents viewed Dec. 6, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (p. 87-102).
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Walzer, Jordan D. "Chasing the Gray Ghost Blazer's Independent Union Scouts and the Shenandoah Valley guerilla war of 1864 /". Quantico, VA : Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008.

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Parey, Armelle. "Représentations de l'ère victorienne dans le roman des iles britanniques (1969-1995) : "The french lieutenant's woman" de John Fowles, "The last testament of Oscar Wilde" de Peter Ackroyd, "Nice work" de David Lodge, "Possession" de A.S. Byatt, "Clare" de John Mackenna, "Poor things" d'Alasdair Gray". Caen, 2000.

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Cette these examine les representations de l'ere victorienne proposees par le roman des iles britanniques du dernier tiers du xxeme siecle. Les romans sont etudies en regard de la double specificite de l'ere victorienne : son ecriture et son image. Une double re-ecriture est a l'oeuvre dans ces romans qui participent d'un contexte litteraire postmoderne. D'une part, ils se positionnent par rapport au projet realiste qu'ils revelent comme une illusion : par le biais d'un jeu autour de documents dits factuels et/ou l'emploi de personnages "reels" ("the last testament 0f oscar wilde" de peter ackroyd, "clare" de john mackenna et "poor things" d'alasdair gray) ; par la presence d'intertextes victoriens apparents dans le mode narratif, l'intrigue et les conclusions qui lui sont apportees ("thefrench lieutenants woman" de john fowles, "possession" d'a. S. Byatt et "nice work" de david lodge). D'autre part, ils proposent une re-evaluation de l'ere victorienne qui s'appuie sur une perception de l'histoire selon laquelle celle-ci est une construction elaboree a partir de textes. L'etude de l'heroine victorienne vue par le xxeme siecle montre que celle-ci est une representation detournee deses comparses litteraires du siecle precedent. La presence de personnages atypiques remet en question les stereotypes sur la sexualite des victoriens. Tandis que certains romans offrent une representation interne du passe, d'autres affichent la distance temporelle et presentent ce faisant une approche critique du xxeme siecle et du postmodernisme.
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Alcorn-Oppedahl, Allison A. (Allison Ann). "Mail Order Music: the Hinners Organ Company in the Dakotas, 1879-1936". Thesis, University of North Texas, 1997.

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Founded in 1879 by John L. Hinners, the Hinners Organ Company developed a number of stock models of small mechanical-action instruments that were advertised throughout the Midwest. Operating without outside salesmen, the company was one of the first to conduct all of its affairs by mail, including the financial arrangements, selection of the basic design, and custom alterations where required. Buyers first met a company representative when he arrived by train to set up the crated instrument that had been shipped ahead of him. Tracker organs with hand-operated bellows were easily repaired by local craftsmen, and were suited to an area that, for the most part, lacked electricity. In all, the company constructed nearly three thousand pipe organs during its sixty years of operation. Rapid decline of the firm began in the decade prior to 1936 during which the company sold fewer than one hundred instruments, and closed in that year when John's son Arthur found himself without sufficient financial resources to weather the lengthy depression. The studies of the original-condition Hinners organs in the Dakotas include extensive photographs and measurements, and provide an excellent cross section of the smaller instruments produced by the company. They are loud, excellently crafted, functionally attractive, tonally typical of the early twentieth-century American Romantic organ, and utilize designs and materials typical of this era. Only recently has it been acknowledged that these Hinners organs represent a "meat and potatoes" class of instrument, as it were, an honest meal without the pretense of delicate appetizers, vintage wine, and gourmet dessert. In this way the company offered churches a serviceable and respectable musical alternative to grandeur, and was able to fulfill the needs and meet the budget of a small congregation without the expense of a custom instrument.
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Moore, Lindsay Emory. "The Laureates’ Lens: Exposing the Development of Literary History and Literary Criticism From Beneath the Dunce Cap". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015.

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In this project, I examine the impact of early literary criticism, early literary history, and the history of knowledge on the perception of the laureateship as it was formulated at specific moments in the eighteenth century. Instead of accepting the assessments of Pope and Johnson, I reconstruct the contemporary impact of laureate writings and the writing that fashioned the view of the laureates we have inherited. I use an array of primary documents (from letters and journal entries to poems and non-fiction prose) to analyze the way the laureateship as a literary identity was constructed in several key moments: the debate over hack literature in the pamphlet wars surrounding Elkanah Settle’s The Empress of Morocco (1673), the defense of Colley Cibber and his subsequent attempt to use his expertise of theater in An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber (1740), the consolidation of hack literature and state-sponsored poetry with the crowning of Colley Cibber as the King of the Dunces in Pope’s The Dunciad in Four Books (1742), the fashioning of Thomas Gray and William Mason as laureate rejecters in Mason’s Memoirs of the Life and Writings of William Whitehead (1788), Southey’s progressive work to abolish laureate task writing in his laureate odes 1813-1821, and, finally, in Wordsworth’s refusal to produce any laureate task writing during his tenure, 1843-1850. In each case, I explain how the construction of this office was central to the consolidation of literary history and to forging authorial identity in the same period. This differs from the conventional treatment of the laureates because I expose the history of the versions of literary history that have to date structured how scholars understand the laureate, and by doing so, reveal how the laureateship was used to create, legitimate and disseminate the model of literary history we still use today.
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Lucas, D. Pulane. "Disruptive Transformations in Health Care: Technological Innovation and the Acute Care General Hospital". VCU Scholars Compass, 2013.

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Advances in medical technology have altered the need for certain types of surgery to be performed in traditional inpatient hospital settings. Less invasive surgical procedures allow a growing number of medical treatments to take place on an outpatient basis. Hospitals face growing competition from ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). The competitive threats posed by ASCs are important, given that inpatient surgery has been the cornerstone of hospital services for over a century. Additional research is needed to understand how surgical volume shifts between and within acute care general hospitals (ACGHs) and ASCs. This study investigates how medical technology within the hospital industry is changing medical services delivery. The main purposes of this study are to (1) test Clayton M. Christensen’s theory of disruptive innovation in health care, and (2) examine the effects of disruptive innovation on appendectomy, cholecystectomy, and bariatric surgery (ACBS) utilization. Disruptive innovation theory contends that advanced technology combined with innovative business models—located outside of traditional product markets or delivery systems—will produce simplified, quality products and services at lower costs with broader accessibility. Consequently, new markets will emerge, and conventional industry leaders will experience a loss of market share to “non-traditional” new entrants into the marketplace. The underlying assumption of this work is that ASCs (innovative business models) have adopted laparoscopy (innovative technology) and their unification has initiated disruptive innovation within the hospital industry. The disruptive effects have spawned shifts in surgical volumes from open to laparoscopic procedures, from inpatient to ambulatory settings, and from hospitals to ASCs. The research hypothesizes that: (1) there will be larger increases in the percentage of laparoscopic ACBS performed than open ACBS procedures; (2) ambulatory ACBS will experience larger percent increases than inpatient ACBS procedures; and (3) ASCs will experience larger percent increases than ACGHs. The study tracks the utilization of open, laparoscopic, inpatient and ambulatory ACBS. The research questions that guide the inquiry are: 1. How has ACBS utilization changed over this time? 2. Do ACGHs and ASCs differ in the utilization of ACBS? 3. How do states differ in the utilization of ACBS? 4. Do study findings support disruptive innovation theory in the hospital industry? The quantitative study employs a panel design using hospital discharge data from 2004 and 2009. The unit of analysis is the facility. The sampling frame is comprised of ACGHs and ASCs in Florida and Wisconsin. The study employs exploratory and confirmatory data analysis. This work finds that disruptive innovation theory is an effective model for assessing the hospital industry. The model provides a useful framework for analyzing the interplay between ACGHs and ASCs. While study findings did not support the stated hypotheses, the impact of government interventions into the competitive marketplace supports the claims of disruptive innovation theory. Regulations that intervened in the hospital industry facilitated interactions between ASCs and ACGHs, reducing the number of ASCs performing ACBS and altering the trajectory of ACBS volume by shifting surgeries from ASCs to ACGHs.
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Wang, Wen-yu, e 王文渝. "Disenchanting Liberalism: The Political Theory of John Gray". Thesis, 2015.

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Facing the situation of modern plural societies, one of the many characters of contemporary liberalisms is to show that we can derive a liberal theory from a ‘neutral’ standpoint without appealing to any conceptions of good. Since, if our values are different with each other, and the conflicts between them are often incommensurable, then we will lack any reliable way to cope with such conflicts without a liberal neutralism. Only by a neutral liberal theory that we can hope to treat everyone fairly, and everyone’s right to liberty is thereby protected. However, this neutrality approach which excludes the conception of good has arisen many critiques. Among many critics of liberalism, John Gray, an English political philosopher, is an extraordinary one. As a famous contemporary anti-liberalist, John Gray tried to defend J. S. Mill’s doctrine of liberty in his early academic life, and later became a supporter of the more classical liberalism provided by F. A. Hayek. However, until the end of the cold war, he suddenly became a value-pluralist, and began to criticize all kinds of liberalisms including previous two which he once tried to defend. Besides, he often claims that his understanding of value pluralism is indebted most particularly to the work of Isaiah Berlin. But in fact there are many differences between them. This makes Gray cannot agree with the species of liberalism which Berlin’s work embodies, and tries to develop his own political theory of ‘Modus Vivendi’. The thesis aims to show that, first, although he is accustomed to hold a critical attitude toward liberalism, Gray never denies the value of traditional western liberal practices. What he rejects is liberal neutralism which is considered could be applied to all kinds of societies; second, his own version of value pluralism makes him reject the fashionable view that value pluralism is always consistent with liberalism. Under Gray’s view of value pluralism, the dilemma caused by conflicting values can be hoped to be coped with only by political reasoning, which is inherently and avowedly inconclusive, and which admits of compromises and provisional settlements that changeover time and which vary from place to place, rather than by any overarching theory.
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"A study of Oscar Wilde's The picture of Dorian Gray, E.M. Forster's Maurice and John Rechy's City of night in relation to the self-identity of the the "gays"". 2001.

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Wong Nga-lai.
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-112).
Abstracts in English and Chinese.
Acknowledgements --- p.i
Abstract --- p.ii-v
Homosexuality: a sin versus a choice --- p.1 -5
Chapter Chapter One --- Wilde and his sacrifices --- p.6 -38
Chapter Chapter Two --- Forster and his private novel --- p.39 -70
Chapter Chapter Three --- Rechy and his new order --- p.71-104
Still a long way to go --- p.105 -107
Selected Bibliography --- p.108-112
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Livros sobre o assunto "John A. Gray (Firm)"


John, Gray. The poems of John Gray. Greensboro, NC: ELT Press, Dept. of English, University of North Carolina, 1988.

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John, Gray. The selected prose of John Gray. Greensboro, NC: ELT Press, 1992.

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John, Gray. The selected prose of John Gray. Editado por McCormack Jerusha Hull. Greensboro, N.C: ELT Press, 1992.

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Blom, Frans Ferdinand. John Geddings Gray Expedición Memorial: Informe preliminar. San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas: Patronato Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, 1988.

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Ramage, James A. Gray Ghost: The life of Col. John Singleton Mosby. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1999.

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Moran, Gerald Paul. John Chipman Gray: The Harvard Brahmin of property law. Durham, N.C: Carolina Academic Press, 2010.

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(Firm), John Pinches. Medals by John Pinches: A catalogue of works struck by the company from 1840 to 1969. London: Heraldry Today, 1987.

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Harvey, Rachel E. J. Edwards family pottery business: Including Alton Towers. Derby: Derbyshire College of Higher Education, 1991.

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Staeger, Hans. 100 Jahre Präzisionsuhren von John Arnold bis Arnold & Frodsham, 1763-1862 =: 100 years of precision timekeepers from John Arnold to Arnold & Frodsham, 1763-1862. Filderstadt: Hans Staeger, 1997.

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Amid, Amidi, ed. The art of John Kricfalusi and Spümcø. New York: Abrams ComicArts, 2010.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "John A. Gray (Firm)"


Hilliard, David. "Gray, John". In Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History, 190–91. 2a ed. London: Routledge, 2020.

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Thompson, N. W. "Gray, John (1799–1883)". In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 5448–49. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018.

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Thompson, N. W. "Gray, John (1799–1883)". In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 1–2. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Pittock, Murray G. H. "The Poems of John Gray and Some Unpublished Poems of John Gray, ed. Ian Fletcher". In Yeats Annual No. 8, 245–49. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991.

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Roden, Frederick S. "Queer Hagiography: John Gray and André Raffalovich". In Same-Sex Desire in Victorian Religious Culture, 157–89. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Ferguson, Justin, Mark Pingle e Cameron Xu. "John Tomer’s Human Firm: How Behavioral Economics Has Helped Us Understand the Firm". In Palgrave Advances in Behavioral Economics, 101–25. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Roden, Frederick S. "Michael Field, John Gray, and Marc-Andre Raffalovich: Reinventing Romantic Friendship in Modernity". In Catholic Figures, Queer Narratives, 57–68. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.

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Zouboulakis, Michel S. "Elements of a Theory of the Firm in Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill". In Essays in Contemporary Economics, 45–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Hamburger, Robert. "“I Don’t Know How I Can Stop”". In Our Portion of Hell, 201–24. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.

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There is no end to the history of the civil rights movement in Fayette County. The people who have spoken up in this book are still engaged in their struggle. In this concluding section, some of these people offer a tentative summary of what they have been through and what they expect. Feelings vary from anger and disgust to firm and helpful commitment, but one thing is abundantly clear: the movement has changed people’s lives. A process of conflict and growth was started and there is no way to reverse a thing that has become so deeply ingrained in so many lives. Interviews from Maggie Mae Horton, Robert Horton, Magnolia Horton, Cleotis Williams, Edward Gray, Mary Sue Rivers, Elvin Jones, Square Mormon, Harpman Jameson, John McFerren, and Viola McFerren.
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Giddins, Gary. "Lions in Summer (JVC 1992)". In Weather Bird, 51–58. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2006.

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Abstract An alluring melancholy pervaded the 1992 JVC Jazz Festival, as though the music, on the battlements at high tide, wanted nothing more than to linger in the warmth of its glorious past and customarily rattled present; one last and loving look before dawn breaks on the vacant shore. JVC itself is rattled, by competing interests and a dearth of sure-fire attractions. The nine-day commemoration was nothing like a sweeping or even discerning survey of the jazz terrain, but rather a stoic meditation on departed or ailing kings, with tributes proffered by followers, jesters, and a reassuring body of untried princes, only rarely by equals. Opening with the first of two homages to Dizzy Gillespie, whose 75th year is receiving much of the recognition it deserves, JVC unfurled appreciations of gray eminences (Lionel Hampton, Illinois Jacquet, the Modern Jazz Quartet, Ray Charles) and the recently and not-so-recently departed: John Coltrane, Buck Clayton, John Carter, Clifford Brown, Thelonious Monk, and Stan Getz. Gerry Mulligan revived the 52and 53-year-old recordings of the Miles Davis Nonet; Charlie Haden reconstituted the Liberation Music Orchestra; Nina Simone compensated for her no-show of several years ago; and the return of the Brecker Brothers proved that fusion, too, has its memorialists.
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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "John A. Gray (Firm)"


Ganguly, Debasis, Shripad Bhat e Chandan Biswas. "“If you can’t beat them, join them”: A Word Transformation based Generalized Skip-gram for Embedding Compound Words". In FIRE '22: Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022.

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Kurtoğlu, Ramazan. "Financial-Economic Crisis and Hollywood’s Social Transformation Operations by Horror Movies". In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2014.

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The fastest change and transition in the human history is neoliberal capitalism’s 30 year global free market politics project which affects every part of the world with 1978 Washington Consensus. According to John Gray who is a well known academician and an intellectual of the new right-wing, neoliberalism is an apocalyptic secular religion which is based on pagan and Christian values and its ultimate goal is post-apocalyptic heaven in the real world. The best marketing expert of this heaven is, Hollywood based American cinema industry in crisis as well as in regular times. In this study, the effects of the horror movies to the subconscious under economical crises period will be analyzed.
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Mađanović, Milica, Cameron Moore e Renata Jadresin Milic. "The Role of Architectural History Research: Auckland’s NZI Building as William Gummer’s Attempt at Humanity". In The 38th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand. online: SAHANZ, 2022.

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In response to the third thematic sub-stream of the 38th Annual SAHANZ Conference, this paper will discuss the role of architectural research in the architecture of Gummer and Ford, the Auckland-based practice, often described as one of the most prolific bureaus in interwar New Zealand. The paper is a fraction of a three-staged project, “Gummer and Ford,” developed by a team of researchers from the Unitec Institute of Technology in response to an event recognised as a milestone in the New Zealand architectural calendar – the 2023 centenary of the firm’s establishment. This paper explores the design principles of William Gummer, the principal designer of the firm. From 1914 to 1935, Gummer consistently published his view that the goal of the architect was to cater to humanity’s highest instincts. He was unwavering but vague on how this is achieved; through composition, unity, contrast, proportion and scale, appropriate use of materials is all needed to produce buildings of good character. But what did he really mean by this? A close reading of three books Gummer considered invaluable to architectural students – The Essentials of Composition as Applied to Art by John Vredenburgh Van Pelt, Architectural Composition by Nathaniel Cortlandt Curtis, and The Mistress Art by Reginald Bloomfield – offers a direct insight into the influences behind his thinking about architecture and his architectural production. Directly traceable to Gummer, the three titles include clear, precise instructions on both the functional and artistic nature of architectural design. Interestingly, this paper employs a method not dissimilar to Gummer’s design method. These books taken together, along with Gummer’s own writing, a study of renderings and construction drawings, and close observation of the buildings, an architectural analysis of Gummer’s work becomes possible – it is what Gummer himself referred to as Architectural Research. This historically focused study will bring a new perspective to understanding the value and contribution of traditional architects, not only in New Zealand but other English-speaking countries.
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