Livros sobre o tema "Insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins"
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S, Drop Stenvert L., e Hintz Raymond L, eds. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins: Proceedings of a workshop on insulin-like growth factor binding proteins, Vancouver BC, Canada, June 17-19, 1989. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1989.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte1945-, LeRoith Derek, Zumkeller Walter e Baxter R. C, eds. Insulin-like growth factors. Georgetown, Tex:, Landes Bioscience, 2003.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte1945-, LeRoith Derek, Zumkeller Walter e Baxter R. C, eds. Insulin-like growth factors. Georgetown, Tex: Landes Bioscience/, 2003.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteColloque médecine et recherche (8th : 2008 Paris, France). IGFs: Local repair and survival factors throughout life span. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteJr, Roberts Charles T., e Rosenfeld Ron G, eds. The IGF system: Molecular biology, physiology, and clinical applications. Totowa, N.J: Humana Press, 1999.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte1945-, LeRoith Derek, ed. Insulin-like growth factors: Molecular and cellular aspects. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLeyck, Dieken Markus, Federwisch Matthias, De Meyts Pierre e Wollmer Axel 1935-, eds. Insulin & related proteins: Structure to function and pharmacology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteWestwood, Melissa. Biochemical characterisation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1. Manchester: University of Manchester, 1994.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteWhite, Darren Andrew. An analytical study of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in human serum. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1995.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteSue, Houston M., Holly Jeffrey M. P e Feldman Eva L, eds. IGF and nutrition in health and disease. Totowa, N.J: Humana Press, 2005.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLawlor, Margaret Ann. The role of the insulin-like growth factor-II/mannose-6-phosphate receptor in embryonic development. Dublin: University College Dublin, 1998.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte1945-, LeRoith Derek, Raizada Mohan K e International Symposium on Insulin, IGFs, and their Receptors (4th : 1993 : Woods Hole, Mass.), eds. Current directions in insulin-like growth factor research. New York: Plenum, 1993.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteE, Müller E., ed. IGFs in the nervous system. Berlin: Springer, 1998.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteKazue, Takano, Hizuka Naomi e Takahashi Shinʼichirō 1959-, eds. Molecular mechanisms to regulate the activities of insulin-like growth factors: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Insulin-like Growth Factors, at Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 21-24 October 1997. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1998.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteK, Raizada Mohan, e LeRoith Derek 1945-, eds. The Role of insulin-like growth factors in the nervous system. New York, N.Y: New York Academy of Sciences, 1993.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteZvi, Laron, Parks John S e Ares-Serono Symposia, eds. Lessons from Laron syndrome (LS) 1966-1992: A model of GH and IGF-1 action and interaction : Ares-Serono Symposium, Lisbon, May 25-26, 1992. Basel: Karger, 1993.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLe, Dai-Trang ELizabeth. The role of insulin, insulin-like growth factors I and II, insulin- like growth factor binding protein 3, and their receptors in the regulation of human fetal growth. [New Haven, Conn: s.n.], 1993.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteC, Baxter R., Gluckman Peter D e Rosenfeld Ron G, eds. The insulin-like growth factors and their regulatory proteins: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Insulin-Like Growth Factors, Sydney, 6-10 February 1994. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1994.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteInternational Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology of Insulin and IGFs (3rd 1990 Gainesville, Fla.). Molecular biology and physiology of insulin and insulin-like growth factors. New York: Plenum Press, 1991.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMichell, Nicholas Paul. An exploration of insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins in colonic cancer. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1998.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLi, Xin. Growth factor-like activity and oncogene regulation of parathyroid hormone-related protein. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1993.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteStenvert L.S. Drop (Editor) e Raymond L. Hintz (Editor), eds. Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (International Congress). Elsevier, 1990.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte(Editor), Matthias Federwisch, Markus Leyck Dieken (Editor) e Pierre De Meyts (Editor), eds. Insulin and Related Proteins -- Structure to Function and. Springer, 2002.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteRoberts, Charles T., e Ron G. Rosenfeld. IGF System: Molecular Biology, Physiology, and Clinical Applications. Humana Press, 1999.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte(Editor), Ron G. Rosenfeld, e Charles T. Roberts (Editor), eds. The Igf System: Molecular Biology, Physiology, and Clinical Applications (Contemporary Endocrinology). Humana Press, 1999.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte(Editor), Derek LeRoith, Walter Zumkeller (Editor) e Robert C. Baxter (Editor), eds. Insulin-like Growth Factor Receptor Signalling (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit). Springer, 2003.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMullins, Tracy M. Assessment of factors regulating growth hormone binding in pigs. 1991.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteFeldman, Eva L., M. Sue Houston e Jeffrey M. P. Holly. IGF and Nutrition in Health and Disease. Humana, 2010.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteFeldman, Eva L., M. Sue Houston e Jeffrey M. P. Holly. IGF and Nutrition in Health and Disease. Humana Press, 2004.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLeRoith, Derek. Insulin-Like Growth Factors and Cancer: From Basic Biology to Therapeutics. Springer, 2013.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLeRoith, Derek, e Mohan K. Raizada. Current Directions in Insulin-Like Growth Factor Research. Springer London, Limited, 2012.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLee, Chul-Young. Expression of porcine messenger ribonucleic acids encoding proteins of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in multiple tissues during fetal and postnatal development and in mammary glands during pregnancy: Relationships to serum levels of IGFs and IGF-binding proteins and roles for IGFs and estrogen in mammary development. 1992.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLiu, Jeh-Ping. Mouse mutants carrying a targeted disruption of the gene encoding the type-1 insulin-like growth factor receptor. [New York], 1993.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteIGF and Nutrition in Health and Disease (Nutrition and Health). Humana Press, 2004.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLeRoith, Derek. Insulin-like Growth Factors and Cancer: From Basic Biology to Therapeutics. Springer, 2011.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteHoeflich, Andreas, John Pintar e Briony Forbes, eds. Current Perspectives on Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein (IGFBP) Research. Frontiers Media SA, 2019.
Texto completo da fonteMüller, Eugenio E. IGFs in the Nervous System. Springer London, Limited, 2012.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteGrewal, Anoop. Molecular studies of the insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in development and tumorigenesis. 1997.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteHigdon, Jane V. Effects of acute heavy resistance exercise on serum insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 levels in older men and women. 1996.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteBaxter, R. C., e Peter D. Gluckman. The Insulin-Like Growth Factors and Their Regulatory Proteins: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Insulin-Like Growth Factors, Sydn (International Congress Series). Elsevier Science Pub Co, 1994.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCurrent Directions in Insulin-Like Growth Factor Research (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology). Springer, 1994.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteErclik, Mary S. Signaling mechanisms of parathyroid hormone regulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5 in osteoblasts. 2006.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteSun, John. The effects of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 on pre- and postnatal cardiac morphology and function. 2007.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte(Editor), Derek LeRoith, e Mohan K. Raizada (Editor), eds. Molecular Biology and Physiology of Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factors (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology). Springer, 1991.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLim, Donald Se Fong. Regulation of production of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like proteins by cultured bovine anterior pituitary cells. 1986.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCummings, Jeffrey L., e Jagan A. Pillai. Neurodegenerative Diseases. Oxford University Press, 2016.
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