Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "History, 1884"

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Jarl, Johan. "Broderskap eller auktoritet? : Godtemplarlogen 109 Kalmar och demokratin 1882-1884". Thesis, University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hik:diva-1597.

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Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka Godtemplarlogen 109 Kalmars roll i demokratiseringsprocessen. För att genomföra detta har en huvudfrågeställning formulerats: Kan den verksamhet som Godtemplarlogen 109 bedrev mellan 1882-84 sägas ha varit bidragande till demokratiseringsprocessen vid denna tid? För att operationalisera denna har tre specifika frågeställningar formulerats: 1. Kan en demokratisk ideologi beläggas i logen? 2. Har logen fungerat som en läroplats för politisk kompetens för sina medlemmar? 3. Har logen varit politiskt neutral? Dessa har valts med utgångspunkt från Lauri Karvonens teorier om frivilliga organisationers roll i demokratisering. Logen gav sannolikt sina medlemmar viktiga erfarenheter av politisk kompetens som alldeles säkert hade stor betydelse i andra former av organisering. Logen var dock inte själv drivande i demokratiseringsprocessen, utan tog starkt ställning för en konservativ samhällssyn. Något ideologiskt ställningstagande för demokrati fanns inte, logen präglades snarare av stor ojämlikhet.

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Meislin, Andrea Popowich 1960. "Charles Frederick Ulrich in New York, 1882 to 1884". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291430.

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Charles Frederick Ulrich (1858-1908) is best-known today for his paintings of figures at work, exhibited in New York between 1882 and 1884. By portraying both males and females at their work tables, Ulrich was showing middle-class individuals occupied with tasks informed by both knowledge and culture. This thesis describes these works as a way of exploring the artist's New York career, especially in regards to such current issues as immigration, labor, and social awareness. Charles F. Ulrich left no diaries, journals, or sketches to aid in the investigation of his artwork and life. While no verbal clues exist, this study reveals how Ulrich's work is filled with visual signs that invite interpretation. Not surprisingly, since he was raised in a household of German immigrant parents and spent several years of artistic training in Munich, Ulrich's pictures manifest, above all else, the strength of his German heritage.
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Sarpola, S. (Soile). "Johan Rännäri:”Kansan kurjuutta parantamassa hengenviljelyksen ja kasvatusopin voimalla” 1854–1884". Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2016. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:oulu-201612013153.

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Tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli selvittää kansanvalistaja ja sanomalehtimies Johan Rännäriä vuosien 1854–1884 yhteiskunnallista taustaa vasten. Ajanjaksolle tyypillisiä olivat keisari Aleksanteri II: n mukanaan tuomat muutokset Suomessa, lehdistön politisoituminen ja fennomaanisen liikkeen jakautuminen. Suomessa tapahtui sekä kansallinen että kansalaisyhteiskunnan herääminen ja yhteiskunnallinen murros alkoi. Tutkimustehtävinä olivat miten yhteiskunnallinen ja taloudellinen muutos muokkasivat tehtävää, jota Rännäri koki tekevänsä, mitkä teemat nousivat esiin Rännärin tuotannosta, miten sensuuri vaikutti ja mitkä asiat innostivat kypsään ikään ehtineen miehen lähtemään Amerikkaan. Näkökulma tutkimuksessani on temaattinen. Pyrkimyksenäni on nostaa esiin Rännärin ideologia ja sen muutokset. Tästä syystä päädyin kronologisiin alalukuihin. Tarkoituksenani oli saada selville mahdollisimman totuudenmukainen kuva Rännärin kirjoittelusta kytkemällä se oman aikansa tapahtumataustaa vasten. Kvantitatiivista metodia en käyttänyt, koska se ei olisi vaikuttanut tutkimustuloksiin. Johan Rännäri oli renkimies ja itseoppinut kansankirjoittaja, joka omaksui fennomaanisen liikkeen omaksi aatetaustakseen. Hän koki tehtäväkseen toimia sivistyksen valona kansalle. Rännäri aloitti julkisen kirjallisen toimintansa arkkiveisuista sotilasuransa alussa ja tuli niistä tunnetuksi. Merkityksellisintä aineistoa yhteiskunnallisten kysymysten kannalta olivat Rännärin sanomalehtikirjoitukset. Sanomalehtiurallaan hän eteni maalaiskirjeiden lähettäjästä palkatuksi toimittajaksi. Tärkeimmiksi asioiksi Johan Rännäri nosti suomen kielen aseman parantamisen, kunnallishallitusten asettamisen ja suomenkielisten kansakoulujen perustamisen. Hän otti voimakkaasti kantaa ja esitti omia ratkaisuehdotuksiaan, mutta oli monessa asiassa liiaksi edellä aikaansa. Vallitsevia epäkohtia hän arvosteli häikäilemättä ja ojensi niin säätyläisiä kuin tavallista kansaa. Häntä pidettiin kiihkoilijana ja varoiteltiin liiasta ylpeydestä. Sensuurin hampaisiin Rännäri ei kuitenkaan joutunut, koska oli kaikessa uudistusmielisyydessään aina uskollinen ihailemalleen keisarille. Yhteiskunnallisesti Rännäri oli aktiivinen paitsi kynänkäyttäjänä myös toiminnan miehenä. Hän oli perustamassa asuinpaikkakunnilleen uudentyyppisiä yhdistyksiä ja toimi työhuoneen johtajana sekä opettajana. Rännäri hyödynsi sääty-yhteiskunnan murtumisen ja toimi perinteisesti säätyläisille kuuluneissa tehtävissä. Paitsi suomenmielisten ohjelma Johan Rännärin kaikkeen toimintaan vaikutti myös kristillinen maailmankuva. Kypsällä iällä hän kääntyi lestadiolaiseksi ja lopetti julkisen kirjallisen toiminnan joksikin aikaa. Ilmeisesti juuri lestadiolaisista yhteyksistä johtuen hän lähti huonosta terveydestään huolimatta toimittajaksi Yhdysvaltoihin, missä alkoi uudella innolla kirjoitella sanomalehteen ja kannustaa amerikansuomalaisia koulupuuhaan. Kuolema keskeytti uudet hankkeet.
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Fitzpatrick, Matthew P. School of History UNSW. "Burgertum ohne Raum :German liberalism and imperialism, 1848-1884, 1918-1943". Awarded by:University of New South Wales. School of History, 2005. http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/23083.

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This thesis situates the emergence of German imperialist theory and praxis during the nineteenth century within the context of the ascendancy of German liberalism. It also contends that imperialism was an integral part of a liberal sense of German national identity. It is divided into an introduction, four parts and a set of conclusions. The introduction is a methodological and theoretical orientation. It offers an historiographical overview and places the thesis within the broader historiographical context. It also discusses the utility of post-colonial theory and various theories of nationalism and nation-building. Part One examines the emergence of expansionism within liberal circles prior to and during the period of 1848/ 49. It examines the consolidation of expansionist theory and political practice, particularly as exemplified in the Frankfurt National Assembly and the works of Friedrich List. Part Two examines the persistence of imperialist theorising and praxis in the post-revolutionary era. It scrutinises the role of liberal associations, civil society, the press and the private sector in maintaining expansionist energies up until the 1884 decision to establish state-protected colonies. Part Three focuses on the cultural transmission of imperialist values through the sciences, media and fiction. In examines in particular the role of geographical journals and societies and of the periodical Die Gartenlaube. Part Four discusses the post World War I era, and examines liberal attempts to revive German imperialism, within the context of a refusal to accept the Versailles settlement. It also delineates points of convergence and divergence between Nazi and liberal imperialisms. This is followed by a summation of the evidence and arguments, in which it is concluded that the liberal narration of German national identity was predicated both on the objectification of colonised lands and attempts to emulate and ultimately rival British imperial power.
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Downing, Phoebe C. "Fabians and 'Fabianism' : a cultural history, 1884-1914". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:425127c1-94c1-4d20-ba58-fdd457c1f6b8.

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This thesis is a cultural history of the early Fabian Society, focusing on the decades between 1884, the Society’s inaugural year, and 1914. The canonical view is that ‘Fabianism,’ which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as the ‘doctrine and principles of the Fabian Society,’ is synonymous with State socialism and bureaucratic ‘efficiency.’ By bringing the methods of cultural history to bear on the Society’s founding members and decades, this thesis reveals that ‘Fabianism’ was in fact used as a dynamic metonymy, not a fixed doctrine, which signified a range of cultural, and even literary, meanings for British commentators in the 1890s and 1900s (Part 1). Further, by expanding the scope of traditional histories of the Fabian Society, which conventionally operate within political and economic sub-fields and focus on the Society’s ‘official’ literature, to include a close examination of the broader discursive context in which ‘Fabianism’ came into being, this thesis sets out to recover the symbolic aspects of the Fabians’ efforts to negotiate what ‘Fabianism’ meant to the English reading public. The Fabians’ conspicuous leadership in the modern education debates and the liberal fight for a ‘free stage,’ and their solidarity with the international political émigrés living in London at the turn of the twentieth century all contribute to this revised perspective on who the founding Fabians were, what they saw themselves as trying to achieve, and where the Fabian Society belonged—and was perceived to belong—in relation to British politics, culture, and society (Part 2). The original contribution of this thesis is the argument that the Fabians explicitly and implicitly evoked Matthew Arnold as a precursor in their efforts to articulate a kind of Fabian—latterly social-democratic—liberalism and a public vocation that balanced English liberties and the duty of the State to provide the ‘best’ for its citizens in education and in culture, as in politics.
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Flanagan, R. "A history of the politics of the unemployed, 1884-1939". Thesis, University of Oxford, 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.381839.

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Almeida, Luciana Andrade de. "Francisca Clotilde e a Palavra em AÃÃo (1884-1921)". Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2008. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=2789.

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FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do CearÃ
O pensamento da escritora cearense Francisca Clotilde (1862-1935) foi registrado em panfletos, almanaques, brochuras, revistas, jornais e nos livros que publicou, em mais de cinco dÃcadas dedicadas ao ensino, Ãs lutas sociais, Ãs causas polÃticas e à literatura. Este estudo recolhe e analisa o repertÃrio escrito da autora, exercitado em contos, crÃnicas, artigos, crÃtica literÃria, teatro, traduÃÃes, charadas, anÃncios. O percurso do presente trabalho encontra diÃlogo com a ambiÃncia literÃria, social e urbana da provÃncia em fins do sÃculo XIX e inÃcio do sÃculo XX, em uma Ãpoca pautada por questÃes ligadas à aboliÃÃo, ao civismo, à pedagogia, à religiosidade. Diante dessa variedade de experiÃncias e temÃticas presentes na prosa e no verso da escritora, optou-se por uma marcaÃÃo temporal que abrange o perÃodo entre 1884 a 1921, quando sua contribuiÃÃo à imprensa, objeto de estudo deste trabalho, se torna numerosa e efetiva, e passa a ser reconhecida por seus pares intelectuais.
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Harrow, Jennifer Rosemary. "The development of university settlements in England, 1884-1939". Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.287529.

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Davis, Michael Andrew Carey Anthony Gene. "In remembrance Confederate funerary monuments in Alabama and resistance to reconciliation, 1884-1923 /". Auburn, Ala, 2008. http://repo.lib.auburn.edu/EtdRoot/2008/SPRING/History/Thesis/Davis_Michael_44.pdf.

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Bauer, Donald R. "Floods to Floodwalls in Newport, Kentucky: 1884-1951". Xavier University / OhioLINK, 1988. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=xavier1274982457.

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Unangst, Matthew David. "Building the Colonial Border Imaginary: German Colonialism, Race, and Space in East Africa, 1884-1895". Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2015. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/365905.

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The dissertation explores the intellectual history of the interconnection of European and African ideas about race and space in 19th-century European imperialism. I examine German colonial geographies of East Africa, meaning not only cartography, but the new discipline of human geography, which studies the relationship between people and their environment. Germans and East Africans together produced a hybrid geography that combined precolonial conceptions of race and space and race from both Europe and Africa, and race explicitly entered German governance for the first time. By analyzing changes in how both Germans and East Africans imagined geographical relationships, I argue, we can better understand the ways in which they developed new conceptions of themselves and the world at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. The project traces the history of German racial thinking to a specific, earlier colonial context than other scholars have argued. It also brings a spatial dimension to studies of the colonial state in Africa in order to understand the ways in which spaces have become imbued with racial and ethnic meaning over the last century and a half.
Temple University--Theses
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Das, Pallavi V. "Railway expansion and its impact on forests in colonial India, 1853-1884 /". The Ohio State University, 2002. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1486402288261209.

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Carneiro, Ana. "The Research School of Chemistry of Adolphe Wurtz, Paris, 1853-1884". Thesis, University of Kent, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.304509.

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Eychenne, Bertrand. "Le Colegio Militar de Bogota (1848-1884). La mise en place d'un enseignement supérieur scientifique et technique après l'indépendance de la Colombie". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLS176.

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Lorsque la Colombie s’émancipe de la Couronne d’Espagne en 1819, elle doit consolider son indépendance et faire face à divers obstacles qui s’opposent à l’instauration d’un enseignement scientifique et technique stable. En prenant en compte ce contexte postcolonial et en se concentrant sur le Colegio Militar de Bogota, une école d’ingénieurs civils et militaires, entre 1848 et 1884, ce travail retrace le processus ayant conduit à la mise en place d’un tel enseignement et suit son évolution au cours de la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle. L’influence du pouvoir s’avère alors constante et fait ressortir des caractéristiques de l’établissement telles que l’enseignement mixte, militaire et civil, la recherche d’utilité ou l’absence de sélection. Par ailleurs l’étude du curriculum du Colegio Militar indique dans quelle mesure la vision institutionnelle influencée par les idéologies des partis transparait dans les enseignements. Elle fait apparaître également la capacité des différents acteurs à modifier à leur niveau ce curriculum et parvient à suivre son histoire dans sa continuité, malgré l’hétérogénéité de ces interventions.L’analyse des notions scientifiques et techniques transmises par ce curriculum, montre également comment, en s’adaptant au contexte, la mise en place d’une diffusion des savoirs s’accompagne d’une production scientifique. Le décentrement du regard qu´implique cette étude, nous invite à aborder la question du transfert de connaissances, en montrant comment l’étude d’une institution éducative permet d’appréhender ces mécanismes dans leur complexité. Ces circulations seront considérées à différentes échelles au niveau local en lien avec la fonction régulatrice de l’établissement dans le champ éducatif, au niveau du continent sud-américain et vers les centres de production scientifiques d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord. Enfin, ce travail permet d’apporter des éclairages sur la constitution et l’émergence en Colombie d’un groupe professionnel – les ingénieurs civils – étroitement lié à celui des enseignants de sciences. En suivant le parcours des anciens élèves du Colegio Militar, il révèle les stratégies adoptées par ce groupe social pour faire reconnaître à la fois sa profession et sa légitimité à l’exercer
As Colombia becomes emancipated from the Spanish Crown in 1819, it has to strengthen its independence and is thus faced with a number of obstacles which come in the way of a stable scientific and technical education. By taking into account this postcolonial context and by focusing on the Colegio Militar of Bogota, a school of civil and military engineering between 1848 and 1884, this study describes the process which led to the foundation of such teachings and follows its evolution during the second half of the 19th century. The influence of power proves to be constant at the time and brings out such specificities as its mixed education curriculum, military and civil, its quest for utility or the absence of a selection process. Furthermore, the study of its curriculum reveals how its institutional vision influenced by party ideology shows through the teachings. It also demonstrates the ability of the various players to alter, at their level, this curriculum and manages to establish the continuity of its history despite the heterogeneity of their actions. Similarly, the analysis of the scientific and technical notions conveyed by this curriculum illustrates how, by adapting to the context, the diffusion of knowledge comes with scientific production. The decentralization entailed by our study leads us to consider the issue of transfer of knowledge, by showing how the study of an educational institution allows to tackle these mechanisms in their complexity. These circulations will be considered on different levels, locally with the regulating function of the school in the educational field, within the South American continent and toward the main hubs of scientific production in Europe and North America. Finally, this study sheds some light on the constitution and emergence of a professional group in Colombia namely, civil engineers, which is tightly linked to that of science teachers. By following the trail of former students of the Colegio Militar, we become acquainted with the strategies they adopt to ensure that both their profession and the right to practise it is acknowledged
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Maglinger, III Woodrow Wilson. "Dark Days in the Ohio Valley: Three Western Kentucky Lynchings, 1884-1911". TopSCHOLAR®, 2004. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/242.

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This thesis investigates three lynchings of African Americans in Progressive-Era western Kentucky. The first occurred in Owensboro. In July 1884, a masked mob at-tacked the Daviess County jail. Richard May, an African-American field hand, had been incarcerated for the alleged sexual assault of a local farmer’s daughter. During the lynch mob’s actions that claimed May’s life, the white county jailer was killed protecting his prisoner. Ironically, just two decades earlier Jailer William Lucas had fought for the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. In nearby Hawesville in September 1897, Raymond Bushrod was also arrested on suspicion of raping a white girl. Rumors swirled throughout the town about a potential mob, with the local newspaper even commenting that “the result of [the community’s outrage] will likely be the first lynching in the history of Hancock County before morn-ing.” Indeed Bushrod was hanged; however, the heinous act took place in daylight in the full view of cheering women and children. The final case, the April 1911 Livermore (McLean County) lynching, received the widest national–and even international–attention. Residents of Livermore seized William Potter, a local black man arrested for allegedly assaulting a white man, from town law enforcement officials. The lynch mob then shot Potter to death on the stage of the town opera house. Some accounts state that admission was charged for the morbid spectacle. The horrific event was harshly condemned by the national and international press, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People petitioned both Frankfort and Washington, D.C. for action. Surprisingly, heavy public pressure resulted in the eventual indictment of eighteen prominent McLean Countians believed to have partici-pated in the heinous spectacle. Not surprisingly, they were all hastily acquitted, however. Nonetheless, media attention of the disturbing tragedy helped to ensure that the days of unchecked lynch law in the American South were numbered. These stories are brought to life through eyewitness accounts in contemporary newspaper reports and court records. In addition to presenting a case study of each lynching, I examine the public sentiment, media treatment, and legal proceedings (if any) surrounding these acts of racial violence. As an overarching theme, I analyze how soci-ety itself changed during the period under review, from 1884 to 1911. While there are unique aspects to each lynching, all of these stories share common threads. Each took place in the adjacent western Kentucky Coal Field counties of Davi-ess, Hancock, and McLean. Each lynching victim stood accused of a crime that typically brought with it an automatic “death sentence” in the New South–sexual assault of a white woman in two cases, and attempted murder of a white man in the other instance. Each occurred about a decade and a half apart. While lynchings of African Americans in the Bluegrass State during the period covered by this thesis were not uncommon–historian George Wright counts some 135–many of the details make these three cases distinctive. The death of Jailer Lucas in the line of duty was a very rare occurrence. So too was the brazen communal nature of the Hawesville lynching and the legal action taken against the men of the Livermore mob. These tales also demonstrate that public attitude about extralegal “justice” was far from unanimous. While many whites undoubtedly agreed with the Owensboro Messenger’s assertion that lynching was “too good for” certain “black brutes,” there were unwavering voices of reason and civility present also. These latter voices grew progressively louder as the national anti-lynching campaign reached its crescendo in the 1920s and 1930s. Many special people have been influential in helping me to complete this project. I would like to thank the Western Kentucky University History Department, in particular Patricia Minter, Carol Crowe-Carraco, and Marion Lucas, for reading my thesis and of-fering their valuable suggestions. Any mistakes that remain are solely my responsibility. Also, the librarians at the Daviess County Public Library, Western Kentucky University, and the University of Kentucky were immensely helpful in my search for primary sources. Above all I want to dedicate this project to my father and mother, Woody and Susan Maglinger. They have taught me to live by the Golden Rule, and I would not be the man that I am today had they not shared God’s love through their beautiful examples.
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Dennis, David Brandon. "Mariners and Masculinities: Gendering Work, Leisure, and Nation in the German-Atlantic Trade, 1884-1914". The Ohio State University, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1306856204.

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Hunt, Karen. "Equivocal feminists : the Social Democratic Federation and the woman question 1884-1911". Thesis, University of Manchester, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.328459.

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Aikens, Alden Warren. "Christian perfection in central Canadian Methodism 1828-1884". Thesis, McGill University, 1989. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=75889.

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The thesis indicates how central Canadian Methodists came to terms with Christian perfection in the years 1828-1884. It demonstrates that the concept was a matter of constant and considerable concern, and that the primary force in determining how it was attended to was the influence of John Wesley. The main elements of the concept are set out--an experience possible through momentary faith and resulting in cleansing from sin and the ability to love God with pure love. Influences upon Canadian Methodism are probed and, in particular, the thought of John Wesley on the subject is investigated. Lines of influence from Wesley to Canadian Methodism are traced. The thesis sketches the importance of the concept as seen in attempts to define it, to bring it to personal experience, to urge others to seek and find it. In the concluding remarks, some of the writer's observations are reflected.
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Manderson, Kate. "Fabian socialism and the struggle for Independent Labour Representation, 1884-1900". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape11/PQDD_0003/MQ43910.pdf.

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Davis, John W. "'The Uplifting Game' : nonconformity and the working class in South Lambeth 1884-1903". Thesis, University of Sussex, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.357520.

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Oermann, Nils Ole. "Mission, church and state relations in south west Africa under German rule (1884-1915)". Thesis, University of Oxford, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.285552.

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Kates, Susan Lynn. "Critical pedagogy and educational history: rhetorical instruction at three non-traditional college 1884-1937". The Ohio State University, 1995. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1302802450.

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Kates, Susan. "Critical pedagogy and educational history : rhetorical instruction at three non-traditional colleges 1884-1937 /". The Ohio State University, 1995. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1487867541733807.

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Newby-Alexander, Cassandra. ""The world was all before them": A study of the black community in Norfolk, Virginia, 1861-1884". W&M ScholarWorks, 1992. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539623823.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the lives, accomplishments, and struggles of the black community in Norfolk, Virginia, between the years of 1861 and 1884, from the black perspective.;The integration of documents with statistics to uncover the mentalite of blacks is the focus of this study's research. The black community of this period was not always reactive, but active in determining its own fate. Even during slavery, Norfolk's blacks took an active role in their destiny through participation in the Underground Railroad.;This study suggests that blacks strove diligently to work with, and in some cases, conciliate, the white oligarchy. Unfortunately, their efforts met with resistance and defeat. Despite these difficulties, the black community pulled together to assist its members as the whites unified to subjugate them.;The results of the investigation suggest that had blacks continued to be politically active, Norfolk would have had an economically prosperous black community. Instead, the introduction of Jim Crow laws served to oppress blacks economically and produce a sense of hopelessness, socially and politically.
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Lloydlangston, Amber. ""Seminal women": Women in science in the Canadian federal Department of Agriculture, 1884 to 1921". Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/6259.

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As historian Marianne Ainley maintains in the introduction to Despite the Odds: Essays on Canadian Women in Science, the way in which science is practised and institutionalized has an impact upon the careers of men and women. The purpose of this thesis then is to determine the type of science, and the ways of practising it, employed within the Canadian federal Department of Agriculture. What conscious and subconscious factors influenced the scientific and methodological choices of the leaders of the Department? How did this, in turn, influence the opportunities of women to become involved in science in the years 1884 to 1921? The thesis argues that the professionalization and bureaucratization of science in the Department of Agriculture created distinct opportunities for such involvement, but it also confined them to specific jobs deemed appropriate for their sex. Because the science that was first undertaken in the Department beginning in 1884 emerged from the natural history tradition, women first contributed as unpaid "amateur" observers, collectors, and correspondents. As science professionalized and bureaucratized in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, however, the contributions of unpaid "amateurs" were no longer desired or needed. At this juncture, women were employed as paid assistants and members of the support staff As civil servants, women entered an organization that was undergoing a process of reform and bureaucratizing. As a result, women were subjected to hierarchical and lateral segregation. Women's employment in science in the federal Department of Agriculture followed this pattern. Employed to undertake technical work in seed analysis and scientific work in botany, chemistry, and librarianship in the Department, women were confined to 'women's work' in science. They performed tasks which were undervalued, underpaid, and offered little or no opportunity for advancement, and were, therefore, rejected by men. Over the almost forty year period covered in this thesis, in both peace and war, the work of women followed this pattern. Satisfying the demands generated by the professionalization and bureaucratization of science as well as the reform and bureaucratization of the federal civil service, women were a pivotal part of the scientific workforce of the Canadian federal Department of Agriculture from 1884 to 1921.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Palmer, Alison Elizabeth. "Colonial genocides : Aborigines in Queensland, 1840-1897, and Hereros in South West Africa, 1884-1906". Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1993. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.339879.

Texto completo da fonte
Studies of genocide rarely move beyond the Holocaust (1939-1945) and the Aimenian genocide (1915-1917), and few make comparative analyses ofdifferentcases. This study seeks to develop understanding of which economic, political and social conditions give rise to a specific type of genocide - colonial genocides. An in depth study is made of the genocide of Aborigines in Queensland (1840-1897) and this is systematically compared to a briefer study of the genocide of the Hereros in South West Africa (1884-1906). Of the factors compared, four are verified by both cases, albeit with certain modifications. A common argument is made that genocide is preempted where the victim group is needed as labour for the perpetrator society. Neither case supported this factor: rather, it was found that the genocide continued despite this need. Whilst these factors provided necessary conditions for genocide, they were not sufficient to explain why genocide had been pursued rather than policies of assimilation or expulsion. Hence the role of ideologies and popular perceptions in Britain and Germany, and their colonial purposes, were examined to explain their different roles in the genocides. The particular forms of ideologies and popular perceptions were found to be significant as were changing international relations within Europe. The seventh factor - that genocide might be preempted where the church or state of the perpetrator homeland intervened, was also invalidated by the case studies. The problem of defining genocide is also addressed. The thesis demonstrates that the issue of perpetrator intention to commit genocide can be measured. It draws distinctions between overt and covert perpetrator intention; genocides in which the state is an active perpetrator and those where it has a complicit, less obvious role; and between a piecemeal form of genocide occurring over a long period, and a systematic genocide in a shorter time spell. The conclusions drawn from the case studies are briefly contrasted to explanations arising from the main European cases of genocide. By underlining the differences, the thesis demonstrates that colonial genocides are a distinct type of genocide and point to a non- Eurocentric approach to understanding genocide.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Madding, Carol Ann. "Singing for Blaine and for Logan! Republican Songs as Campaign Literature in the 1884 Presidential Race". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2000. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc2710/.

Texto completo da fonte
During the presidential contest of 1884, Republicans used singing as a campaign tactic at rallies, meetings, and parades. Their songs may be divided into several categories, such as rally songs, songs of praise for the party and its candidate, "bloody shirt" songs, mudslinging songs, and issue-based songs. Songs provide a perspective on the overall tenor of the campaign, while a lack of songs on certain topics, such as temperance, reflects the party's reluctance to alienate voters by taking a strong stand on controversial issues. Although the campaign has often been called one of the dirtiest in American history, this negativity is not reflected in the majority of the songs.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Israelsen, Trevor L. ""Nothing remains stationary": Child Welfare and Health in Cincinnati's Episcopal Hospital for Children, 1884-1931". Miami University / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1467370529.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Theotokis, Georgios. "The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium, in the years between 1071 and 1108 AD". Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2010. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/1884/.

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The topic of my thesis is “The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy to Byzantium, in the years between 1071 and 1108 A.D.” As the title suggests, I am examining all the main campaigns conducted by the Normans against Byzantine provinces, in the period from the fall of Bari, the Byzantine capital of Apulia and the seat of the Byzantine governor (catepano) of Italy in 1071, to the Treaty of Devol that marked the end of Bohemond of Taranto’s Illyrian campaign in 1108. My thesis, however, aims to focus specifically on the military aspects of these confrontations, an area which for this period has been surprisingly neglected in the existing secondary literature. My intention is to give answers to a series of questions, of which only some of them are presented here: what was the Norman method of raising their armies and what was the connection of this particular system to that in Normandy and France in the same period (similarities, differences, if any)? Have the Normans been willing to adapt to the Mediterranean reality of warfare, meaning the adaptation of siege engines and the creation of a transport and fighting fleet? What was the composition of their armies, not only in numbers but also in the analogy of cavalry, infantry and supplementary units? While in the field of battle, what were the fighting tactics used by the Normans against the Byzantines and were they superior to their eastern opponents? However, as my study is in essence comparative, I will further compare the Norman and Byzantine military institutions, analyse the clash of these two different military cultures and distinguish any signs of adaptations in their practice of warfare. Also, I will attempt to set this enquiry in the light of new approaches to medieval military history visible in recent historiography by asking if any side had been familiar to the ideas of Vegetian strategy, and if so, whether we characterise any of these strategies as Vegetian?
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Landrigan, Katie Esther. "The photographic vision of John O. Bowman (1884-1977) the undisputed box-camera champion of the universe" /". Cincinnati, Ohio : University of Cincinnati, 2007. http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/view.cgi?acc%5Fnum=ucin1179276007.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rossi, Alana. "An archaeological re-investigation of the Mulka's Cave Aboriginal rock art site, near Hyden, Southwestern Australia". Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2010. https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/1884.

Texto completo da fonte
Mulka's Cave is a profusely decorated hollow boulder at The Humps, a large granite dome near Hyden, a small town 350 km southeast of Perth. The importance of the artwork has been recognised for 50 years. Test excavations in the cave in 1988 yielded 210 mainly quartz artefacts assignable to the Australian Small Tool phase and a radiocarbon date of 420 ± 50 BP from just below the lowest artefact found. The artwork was recorded in detail in 2004. The recorder considered the radiocarbon date to be 'anomalously young' because most of the artwork is in poor condition, suggesting that it was made 3000-2000 years ago. Other dated rock art sites in Southwestern Australia came into use 4000-3000 BP. The excavators argued that the site was fairly insignificant, while the rock art researcher thought the profusion of motifs (452) made it a site of some significance, particularly in Southwestern Australia. The main aim of this study was to investigate these conflicting claims by re-investigating how Mulka's Cave had been used by Aboriginal people in the archaeological past. This research became possible because local tourist organisations obtained federal funding to install an elevated walkway outside the cave in 2006. Under Section 18 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act (1972) 12 of the 34 postholes required were excavated and artefacts were collected from all the ground surfaces to be impacted. Subsequently, under Section 16 of the AHA, four, small, 0.5 x 0.5 m, testpits were excavated around the site: outside the cave entrance, on The Humps and in the Camping Area; a sheltered spot where the Traditional Owners had camped as children, with their grandparents. Organic material was scarce, so analysis focused on the numbers and types of stone artefacts recovered. The artefacts excavated in 1988 were also re-analysed. Five radiocarbon dates were obtained, which suggested that people began visiting the Camping Area (and using ochre) about 6500 BP, making Mulka's Cave one of the oldest radiometrically dated rock art sites in southern Western Australia. The artefact data from Mulka's Cave were compared to those from these sites. The low artefact discard rate and high proportion of retouched/formal tools found at Mulka's Cave may indicate that the site was used differently from the other sites, but the data are problematic. Most (70%) of the handstencils in Mulka's Cave can be attributed to adolescents, possibly boys, which may also suggest that the site had ceremonial significance; perhaps as a focus for male initiation rituals. The artefact data do not support this hypothesis, however. There is no evidence of spatial patterning in artefact type or frequency across the site, which would be expected if the cave had had a ritual function. Instead, the Camping Area, Walkway Area and Mulka's Cave itself seem to have been used similarly. It was concluded that, given the scarcity of free-standing potable water in the surrounding region and the presence at The Humps of two capacious gnammas (rockholes), that people probably visited the site when the gnammas were full. A wide variety of plant and animal foods would also have been available before the country was cleared for agriculture. When at Mulka's Cave, they may well have added to the corpus of rock art and carried out other ceremonial business, but there is no archaeological evidence for the latter. It was also concluded that much more research needs to be undertaken in this neglected part of the semi-arid zone before the significance of Mulka's Cave can be properly assessed and its place in the archaeological record of Southwestern Australia determined.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Galusha, Anna Hunt. ""A journey to the land of Eden": a survey of Virginia land use from 1584 to 1884". Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/51902.

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The attitudes of Virginia explorers and colonists toward the land and its resources and how these attitudes informed their treatment of them was investigated. The effect of the expectation that Virginia was a newly discovered Garden of Eden on plant cultivation was explored, in terms of agriculture and domestic utilitarian and pleasure gardens. It was determined that the expectation of an Eden in Virginia resulted in the exploitation of Virginia's resources and the creation of formal gardens as a symbol of control over the land. Garden designs and plants used during specific periods in Virginia history were described. In Part II of this thesis, this information was used to determine historical gardens for Airfield Conference Center in Sussex County, Virginia.
Master of Science
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cubas, Ramacciotti Ricardo Daniel. "The politics of religion and the rise of Social Catholicism in Peru (1884-1935)". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2011. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.609740.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Noyes, John Kenneth. "Space and spatiality in the colonial discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915". Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/22490.

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Bibliography : pages 312-319.
The present study sets out to accomplish two things: first, to demonstrate that space and spatiality is the domain in which discourse partakes of the colonial project, and second, to isolate a number of textual strategies employed in the discursive production of colonial space. The first aim requires a lengthy theoretical discussion which occupies the first part of the study. Here I develop the thesis that spatiality as a philosophical preoccupation has never been divorced from the questions of sigmfication and subjectivity, and that the production of significant and subjective space is always a production of social space. In support of this thesis, it is shown that vision and writing are the two functions in which subjective space becomes meaningful, and that in both cases it becomes meaningful only as social space. It is thus in the context of looking and writing that the production of colonial space may be examined as a social space within which meaning and subjectivity are possible. The second aim requires an analytical study of a number of colorual texts, which I undertake in part II of the study. For simplicity, I have confined myself to the colonial discourse of German South West Africa in the period 1884-1915. The central thesis developed here is that discourse develops strategies for enclosing spaces by demarkating borders, privileging certain passages between spaces and blocking others. This organization of space is presented as the ordering of a chaotic multiplicity and, as such, as a process of civilization. The contradiction between the blocking and privileging of passages results in what I call a "ritual of crossing": an implicit set of rules prescribmg the conditions of possibility for crossing the borders it establishes. As a result, in its production of space, the colonial text assumes a mythical function which allows it to transcend the very spaces it produces. It is here that I attempt to situate colonial discourse's claims to uruversal truth. In conclusion, the detailed analysis of the production of space in colonial discourse may be understood as a strategic intervention. It attempts to use the texts of colonisation to counter colonization's claims to universal truth and a civilizing mission.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cortez, Ana Sara Ribeiro Parente. "Cabras, Caboclos, Negros e Mulatos: a famÃlia escrava no Cariri cearense (1850 - 1884)". Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2008. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=2833.

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FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do CearÃ
A famÃlia era uma das principais prÃticas de sociabilidade engendradas pelos escravos do Cariri. AtravÃs de sua experiÃncia, os cativos formaram diversos arranjos familiares, que excediam a noÃÃo tradicionalmente ideal de matrimÃnio e nÃcleo familiar. Em meio a essa multiplicidade, constituiu-se uma famÃlia mista, na qual os laÃos de parentesco dos escravos ultrapassaram os limites de sua condiÃÃo social e alcanÃaram os livres e libertos que trabalhavam e conviviam a seu lado. O processo de combinaÃÃo entre condiÃÃes sociais diferentes desencadeou a mistura de distintos tons percebidos nas peles da populaÃÃo livre e cativa, tanto que, ao chegar na segunda metade do sÃculo XIX, a famÃlia escrava era mestiÃa, caracterizada pela enorme quantidade de Cabras, Caboclos, Negros e Mulatos.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Stonehouse, Aidan. "Peripheral identities in an African State : a history of ethnicity in the Kingdom of Buganda since 1884". Thesis, University of Leeds, 2012. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/12751/.

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This thesis examines how the expansion of the Ugandan Kingdom of Buganda in the late nineteenth century stimulated complex and contrasting processes of assimilation and ethnic attachment. Re-orienting Buganda's history away from its frequently studied political and cultural heartlands, it analyses how incorporation within the kingdom's extended colonial boundaries shaped the experiences and identities of communities on the kingdom's peripheries. This work engages with and builds upon new themes in Buganda's long historiographical tradition which have begun to critically address the importance of history from beyond the centre. Through extensive archival research as well as the use of oral histories, the thesis draws upon peripheral histories to provide fresh perspectives on the colonial Ganda state. By considering Buganda through its relationship to newly incorporated peoples, this thesis develops understandings of the relationship between the kingdom and British authorities, as well as of the often cited Ganda ability to incorporate strangers. This research further contributes to the significant literature surrounding identity in Africa arguing that the relatively autonomous position of Buganda within Uganda's colonial framework provides a distinctive setting in which to reassess notions of "invention" and agency in the development of twentieth-century African ethnicities. Focusing on several regions brought into the kingdom at the outset of British imperial intervention, this thesis argues that variations in Buganda's responses to the populations of these territories encouraged disparities in the readiness of individuals and communities to accept participation in the Ganda ethnic sphere. Where assimilative processes were imposed in a coherent or oppressive manner they actively challenged continuity in "tradition" and identity and were less effective in facilitating ethnic adaptation.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Magnello, Eileen. "Karl Pearson : evolutionary biology and the emergence of a modern theory of statistics (1884-1936)". Thesis, University of Oxford, 1994. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:e3fe747f-3879-42f6-80b0-f50016460dc2.

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This thesis examines the development of modern statistical theory and its emergence as a highly specialised mathematical discipline at the end of the nineteenth century. The statistical work of the mathematician and statistician Karl Pearson (1857-1936), who almost singularly created the modern theory of statistics, is the focus of the thesis. The impact of the statistical and experimental work of the Darwinian zoologist W.F.R. Weldon (1860-1906), on the emergence and construction of Pearsonian statistical innovation, is central to the arguments developed in this thesis. Contributions to the Pearsonian corpus from such statisticians as Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845-1926), Francis Galton (1822-1911), and George Udny Yule (1871- 1951) are also addressed. The scope of the thesis does not involve a detailed account of every technical contribution that Pearson made to statistics. Instead, it provides a unifying assessment of Pearson's most seminal and innovative contributions to modern statistical theory devised in the Biometric School, at University College London, from 1892 to 1903. An assessment of Pearson's statistical contributions also entails a comprehensive examination of the two separate methodologies he developed in the Drapers' Biometric Laboratory (from 1903 to 1933) and in the Galton Eugenics Laboratory (from 1907 to 1933). This thesis arises, in part, from a desire to reassess the state of the historiography of Pearsonian statistics over the course of the last half century. Some of the earliest work on Pearson came from his former students who emphasised his achievements as a statistician usually from the perspective of the state of the discipline in their tune. The conventional view has presumed that Pearson's relationship with Galton and thus to Gallon's work on simple correlation, simple regression, inheritance and eugenics provided the impetus to Pearson's own statistical work. This approach, which focuses on a part of Pearson's statistical work, has provided minimal insight into the complexity of the totality of Pearsonian statistics. Another approach, derived from the sociology of knowledge in the 1970s, espoused this conventional view and linked Pearson's statistical work to eugenics by placing his work in a wider context of social and political ideologies. This has usually entailed frequent recourse to Pearson's social and political views vis-a-vis his popular writings on eugenics. This approach, whilst indicating the political and social dimensions of science, has produced a rather mono-causal or uni-dimensional view of history. The crucial question of the relation between his technical contributions and his ideology in the construction of his statistical methods has not yet been adequately considered. This thesis argues that the impetus to Pearson's earliest statistical work was given by his efforts to tackle the problems of asymmetrical biological distributions (arising from Weldon's dimorphic distribution of the female shore crab in the Bay of Naples). Furthermore, it argues that the fundamental developments and construction of Pearsonian statistics arose from the Darwinian biological concepts at the centre of Weldon's statistical and experimental work on marine organisms in Naples and in Plymouth. Charles Darwin's recognition that species comprised different sets of 'statistical' populations (rather than consisting of 'types' or 'essences') led to a reconceptualisation of statistical populations by Pearson and Weldon which, in turn, led to their attempts to find a statistical resolution of the pre-Darwinian Aristotelian essentialistic concept of species. Pearson's statistical developments thus involved a greater consideration of speciation and of Darwin's theory of natural selection than hitherto considered. This has, therefore, entailed a reconstruction of the totality of Pearsonian statistics to identify the mathematical and biological developments that underpinned his work and to determine other sources of influence in this development. Pearson's writings are voluminous: as principal author he published more than 540 papers and books of which 361 are statistical. The other publications include 67 literary and historical writings, 49 eugenics publications, 36 pure mathematics and physics papers and 27 reports on university matters. He also published at least 111 letters, notes and book reviews. His collected papers and letters at University College London consist of 235 boxes of family papers, scientific manuscripts and 14,000 letters. One of the most extensive sets of letters in the collection are those of W.F.R. Weldon and his wife, Florence Joy Weldon, which consists of nearly 1,000 pieces of correspondence. No published work on Pearson to date has properly utilised the correspondence between Pearson and the Weldons. Particular emphasis has been given to this collection as these letters indicate (in tandem with Pearson's Gresham lectures and the seminal statistical published papers) that Pearson's earliest statistical work started in 1892 (rather than 1895-1896) and that Weldon's influence and work during these years was decisive in the development and advancement of Pearsonian statistics. The approach adopted in this thesis is essentially that of an intellectual biography which is thematic and is broadly chronological. This approach has been adopted to make greater use of primary sources in an attempt to provide a more historically sensitive interpretation of Pearson's work than has been used previously. It has thus been possible to examine these three (as yet unexamined) key Pearsonian developments: (1) his earliest statistical work (from 1892 to 1895), (2) his joint biometrical projects with Weldon (from 1898-1906) and a shift in the focus of research in the Drapers' Biometric Laboratory following Weldon's death in 1906 and (3) the later work in the twentieth century when he established the two laboratories which were underpinned by two separate methodologies. The arguments, which follow a chronological progression, have been built around Darwin's ideas of biological variation, 'statistical' populations, his theory of natural selection and Galton's law of ancestral inheritance. The first two chapters provide background material to the arguments developed in the thesis. Weldon's use of correlation (for the identification of species) in 1889 is examined in Chaper III. It is argued, that Pearson's analysis of Weldon's dimorphic distribution led to their work on speciation which led on to Pearson's earliest innovative statistical work. Weldon's most productive research with Pearson, discussed in Chapter IV, came to fruition when he showed empirical evidence of natural selection by detecting disturbances (or deviations) in the distribution from normality as a consequence of differential mortality rates. This research enabled Pearson to further develop his theory of frequency distributions. The central part of the thesis broadens out to examine further issues not adequately examined. Galton's statistical approach to heredity is addressed in Chapter V, and it is shown that Galton adumbrated Pearson's work on multiple correlation and multiple regression with his law of ancestral heredity. This work, in conjunction with Weldon's work on natural selection, led to Pearson's introduction of the use of determinantal matrix algebra into statistical theory in 1896: this (much neglected) development was pivotal in the professionalisation of the emerging discipline of mathematical statistics. Pearson's work on goodness of fit testing provided the machinery for reconstructing his most comprehensive statistical work which spanned four decades and encompassed his entire working life as a statistician. Thus, a greater part of Pearsonian statistics has been examined than in previous studies.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Smith, Crystal E. "“Ye Sons of Mars”: British Representations of the Sudan Campaign in Print Culture, 1884-1899". DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2017. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1823.

Texto completo da fonte
From 1884 to 1885 the British were first engaged with the Mahdist forces of Sudan in an effort to first rescue the inhabitants of Khartuom, and later to rescue the rescuer Charles “Chinese” Gordon. The affair played out both in Parliament and the newspapers as journalists became the cheerleaders for Empire. My thesis focuses on Britain’s 1884-1890 Sudan Campaign through print culture using political debates, journalism, literature, memoirs, and art. I show how the activism of the press and the romanticism of the larger media reinforced ideas about imperialism and the British role within the Empire at large.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ackerer, Frank. "Rôle et pouvoir des éditorialistes dans la presse du milieu de l'ère Meiji (1884-1894). Fukuzawa Yukichi, Kuga Katsunan, Tokutomi Sohô". Phd thesis, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales- INALCO PARIS - LANGUES O', 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00935704.

Texto completo da fonte
Dans le Japon du milieu des années 1880, la mise en place prochaine d'un régime parlementaire suscite de nombreux espoirs, notamment celui d'obtenir la révision des traités inégaux de 1858. Dans le foisonnement des débats, les éditorialistes de la presse d'opinion sont en première ligne. Cette thèse vise à évaluer précisément leur influence politique entre 1884 et 1894. La première partie du travail a consisté à caractériser l'argumentation de trois figures de la presse d'opinion. Une analyse des textes a mis en évidence la préférence de Fukuzawa pour les arguments pragmatiques et les métaphores, le goût de Kuga pour la polémique et les démonstrations rigoureuses et la tendance de Sohô à privilégier les arguments idéologiques. Quant à l'" opinion publique ", fiction du droit constitutionnel légitimant la parole du journaliste chez Fukuzawa et Kuga, elle est pour Sohô celle d'un groupe non défini que le journaliste doit guider. A partir de ces conclusions, un éditorial-type a été défini pour chacun des trois éditorialistes. La deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'étude de trois crises diplomatiques survenues en 1886, 1889 et 1891. La confrontation des arguments de la presse d'opinion avec une chronologie fine de l'activité gouvernementale a montré que les éditorialistes imposent des changements de cap significatifs. Il convient donc de procéder à une réévaluation de leur influence. Dans le Japon du milieu de l'ère Meiji, le pouvoir est disputé, partagé, et la décision émerge souvent de débats triangulaires impliquant le gouvernement, les éditorialistes et l' " opinion publique ".
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Almeida, Luciana Andrade de. "Francisca Clotilde e a palavra em ação (1884-1921)". www.teses.ufc.br, 2008. http://www.repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/2911.

Texto completo da fonte
ALMEIDA, Luciana Andrade de. Francisca Clotilde e a palavra em ação (1884-1921). 2008. 262 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de História, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social, Fortaleza-CE, 2008.
Submitted by Raul Oliveira (raulcmo@hotmail.com) on 2012-06-27T15:41:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_Dis_LAAlmeida.pdf: 16283120 bytes, checksum: 1bc7a33df86c85cbf01b40203f27188e (MD5)
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O pensamento da escritora cearense Francisca Clotilde (1862-1935) foi registrado em panfletos, almanaques, brochuras, revistas, jornais e nos livros que publicou, em mais de cinco décadas dedicadas ao ensino, às lutas sociais, às causas políticas e à literatura. Este estudo recolhe e analisa o repertório escrito da autora, exercitado em contos, crônicas, artigos, crítica literária, teatro, traduções, charadas, anúncios. O percurso do presente trabalho encontra diálogo com a ambiência literária, social e urbana da província em fins do século XIX e início do século XX, em uma época pautada por questões ligadas à abolição, ao civismo, à pedagogia, à religiosidade. Diante dessa variedade de experiências e temáticas presentes na prosa e no verso da escritora, optou-se por uma marcação temporal que abrange o período entre 1884 a 1921, quando sua contribuição à imprensa, objeto de estudo deste trabalho, se torna numerosa e efetiva, e passa a ser reconhecida por seus pares intelectuais.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mohammed, D. J. "The contribution of Sayed Ali al-Mirghani, of the Khatmiyya, to the political evolution of the Sudan, 1884-1968". Thesis, University of Exeter, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.234560.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Stucke, Walter Joseph. "The Direct and Indirect Contributions of Western Missionaries to Korean Nationalism during the Late Choson and Early Japanese Annexation Periods 1884-1920". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2011. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/1338.

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This thesis sets out to demonstrate the role of Western missionaries and Korean Christians, especially Protestants, on Korean nationalism. The first significant introduction of Protestantism into Korea came in 1884. Within just over thirty years, the Protestant Church in Korea expanded and many of the nationalist leaders took active roles in the Korean nationalist movement against Japanese imperialism. This thesis consults both Western and Korean primary sources including period newspapers. Some of the Korean primary sources were translated from Korean into English and others were originally written in English by Koreans. Also consulted are many valuable secondary sources which help further shed light on the subject at hand and give credence to the thesis. Chapters 2-4 show the direct contributions of Western missionaries to Korean nationalism and Chapters 5-7 show the indirect contributions of Western missionaries by the direct involvement of Korean Christians in their fight for independence against the old Korean order and Japan.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yu, Miao 1974. "Space, vision and identity : imagining and inventing Shanghai in the courtesan illustrations of Dianshizhai Pictorial (1884-1898)". Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=99399.

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This thesis investigates various representational modes and strategies in the Shanghai courtesan illustrations in Dianshizhai Pictorial. The aim of the study is to examine how Shanghai's early modern identity was imaged, imagined and contested through the courtesan figure. I argue that by establishing a new urban iconography, Dianshizhai Pictorial transformed the Shanghai courtesan from a traditional archetypical meiren to a universal image of the urban beauty. On the one hand, the modern city, previously an alien concept, was made familiar and acceptable through the image of the Shanghai courtesan. On the other hand, the ambivalence of the courtesan's new image mirrored a mixed feeling of fear, anxiety and disdain towards the emerging metropolis. The courtesan illustrations, hence, served as an important domain where different public understandings of the city were negotiated and expressed in pictorial terms.
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Jones, H. S. "Public service and private interests : The intellectual debate on the problem of syndicats de fonctionnaires in France, 1884-1914". Thesis, University of Oxford, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.384705.

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Haga, Kai Yin Allison. "An overlooked dimension of the Korean War: The role of Christianity and American missionaries in the rise of Korean nationalism, anti -colonialism, and eventual civil war, 1884-1953". W&M ScholarWorks, 2007. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539623326.

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This dissertation reveals how religious factors affected the development of the Korean War. Much prior research has analyzed the causes and nature of the Korean War, in part because of the war's impact upon later events, from the Cold War to the present day geopolitical standoff. Though the war has been much-studied, religious factors have rarely been included in these analyses. This de-emphasis of religion may be a justifiable simplification in general war historiographies, but not in the specific case of Korea. This current study uncovers the unique role of religion in Korean-American relations and in Korean culture and politics, prior-to-and-during the time of the Korean War.;The Korean War ushered in a time of intimate collaboration between state and non-state actors, unparalleled in American diplomatic and military history. Because American missionaries had been working among Koreans for many years, they possessed the language skills, human connections, and geographical knowledge that the US military lacked. From the early days within the Pusan Perimeter through the late period at P'anmunjo˘m, American missionaries were highly visible on the frontline, at the negotiation table, and in the POW camps. They were also important to the battle of propaganda. their letters and reports aroused sympathy in America for the Korea people.;In addition to the contributions of American Missionaries, the effect of Korean Christians was an equally important factor to the shaping of the conflict. Churches were rather influential within Korean society; clergymen were active in Korean politics; and many of the top politicians were Christians. Christianity was a major obstacle to Communist control of the North and subversive activities in the South. With the assistance of foreign funding, churches were transformed by the ravages of war into an important source of charitable assistance for millions of impoverished refugees. Although this study looks at religious factors in general, the discussion focuses primarily on Protestant churches and Protestant missionaries. These Protestant churches, of all religious institutions in Korea; exerted an influence far disproportionate to their per capita membership. Similarly, these Protestant missionaries, of all religious actors, had significant influence upon the American military and upon the American public. In particular, the majority of missionaries who stayed behind and worked effectively with the Korean government and US military were from the American Presbyterian missions. They took the initiative on relief efforts and set the standard for others to follow.;This dissertation makes an important contribution to religious history as well. In the process of assessing the impact of Christianity upon the Korean War, this dissertation begins by examining Christianity's development within Korea, primarily from the arrival of American missionaries in the late Choso˘n period. Christianity is found to have had a strong impact upon Korea's social development, internal politics, and foreign-relations. The Christian community was an important part of the independence movement against Japanese control. When one considers that South Korea has emerged today as one of the most Christianized of nations, that every elected Korean president has been a Christian, and that Korea now sends out more missionaries than any nation besides America, then the historical value of such a study of into Christianity's origins becomes clear.
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Hisslinger, Katrin. "125 Jahre Bibliothek in Lichtenstein / Sachsen". Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2010. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-33062.

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Die Lichtensteiner Stadtbibliothek veranstaltete anlässlich des 125. Jahrestages der Gründung eine Festwoche, die vom 26. November bis zum 6. Dezember stattfand. 2007 konnte die Bibliothek moderne Räume beziehen, die eine wesentliche Verbesserung für Nutzer und Mitarbeiter mit sich brachten. In der Festwoche wurde durch viele öffentlichkeitswirksame Aktionen auf die Bibliothek und ihr Jubiläum aufmerksam gemacht.
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Rosa, Marcus Vinicius de Freitas 1980. "Além da invisibilidade : história social do racismo em Porto Alegre durante a pós-abolição (1884-1918)". [s.n.], 2014. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/281205.

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Orientador: Maria Clementina Pereira Cunha
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T23:39:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosa_MarcusViniciusdeFreitas_D.pdf: 5070512 bytes, checksum: e935e0fb3533d8f3e90f0333aa40984c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Resumo: Esta tese aborda as relações estabelecidas entre negros e brancos em Porto Alegre entre 1884 e 1918. Os momentos finais da escravidão no Rio Grande do Sul, mais particularmente a conjuntura emancipacionista da primeira metade da década de 1880 constitui o ponto de partida. Este período foi marcado pela preocupação acerca do destino dos libertos, pelo debate acerca da concessão de direitos civis àqueles que, até então, eram não-cidadãos, pela incidência de diversas medidas de controle social sobre os trabalhadores e pela busca de soluções para a suposta "ausência de mão de obra" gerada pelo cada vez mais elevado número de alforrias, problemas que deveriam ser resolvidos através da importação de trabalhadores europeus. Pelas três décadas posteriores à Lei Áurea, este estudo se volta para uma das principais e inevitáveis consequências da política de imigração em um país marcado pela escravidão: a proximidade e a coexistência entre trabalhadores com variados tons epidérmicos e diversas origens étnicas e raciais. Buscou-se identificar os significados atribuídos à raça ¿ implícitos ou explícitos, fosse por meio da cor, da nacionalidade ou de certas "qualidades" e "origens" distintivas, e até mesmo através de certos silêncios ¿ envolvidos nessas relações, tendo como palco a capital do Rio Grande do Sul. Ainda que se tenha prestado atenção às interações entre sujeitos provenientes dos mais diversos círculos sociais, bem como às políticas civilizatórias, modernizantes e seus desdobramentos sociais, este estudo buscou identificar as condições de trabalho, de moradia e de lazer que tornavam possíveis e condicionavam a proximidade, a coexistência e as interações entre trabalhadores pobres. Neste sentido, pretendeu-se escrever uma história social do racismo entre as classes subalternas
Abstract: This thesis addresses the relationships established between blacks and whites from 1884 to 1918. Its starting point is the final moments of slavery in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, especially the emancipation environment of the first half of the 1880s. This period was characterized by concerns about the freedmen¿s future, by the debate on the concession of civil rights to those that were non-citizens up until that moment, by the incidence of several social control mechanisms among workers, and by the search for solutions for the supposed "lack of manpower" generated by the increasing number of manumissions, a problem that would likely be solved by importing European workers. Going through the three decades following Lei Áurea [Golden Law], this study focuses on one of the main, inevitable consequences of immigration policies in a country marked by slavery: the proximity and coexistence among workers with varied epidermal tones and several ethnic and racial origins. It tried to identify the implicit or explicit meanings attributed to race¿whether through color, nationality, certain distinguished "qualities" or origins", or even certain silences¿involved in these relationships, having the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, as the main stage. Even though we paid attention to the interactions between subjects from the most diverse social circles, as well as to civilizing, modernizing policies and their social consequences, this study aimed at identifying labor, housing and leisure conditions that enabled and conditioned the proximity, coexistence and interactions between poor workers. Thus, we intended to write a social history of racism among lower classes
Historia Social
Doutor em História
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Evans, Rosa Mae McClellan. "Judicial Prosecution of Prisoners For LDS Plural Marriage: Prison Sentences, 1884-1895". Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 1986. http://patriot.lib.byu.edu/u?/MTAF,34213.

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Tavares, Iris Mariano. "Entre a sacramentalização católica e outros arranjos parentais: a vida familiar dos escravizados do Crato-CE (1871-1884)". Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba, 2013. http://tede.biblioteca.ufpb.br:8080/handle/tede/5989.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:23:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2115701 bytes, checksum: cc08db300b190b9d4c69c685836ee55a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-10
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
This dissertation is linked to the online research Regional History, the Post-Graduate in History of the Federal University of Paraíba, with a major in History and Historical Culture. Is engaged in the family life of enslaved the city of Crato, Ceará south. The time frame chosen starts in 1871, the year of enactment of Law 2040 of September 28 - also known as the Rio Branco Law or Law of the Free Womb - and ends in 1884, the year it was declared abolished slavery in the province of Ceará. The spread of unions sacramentadas the religious norm and consensus among the enslaved population, the stability of family arrangements that were able to provide, and the social relations established in the act of baptism of their children, are also observed. Sources that support the research are mainly, inventories - with lists of registration of enslaved and autos sharing, attached to them -, and seats baptism of naive cratenses. The dissertation is theoretical and methodological social history of slavery, developed mainly from the 1980s and whose assumptions highlight the historical subjects - the enslaved.
A presente dissertação está vinculada à linha de pesquisa em História Regional, do Programa de Pós- -Graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, com área de concentração em História e Cultura Histórica. Tem por objeto a vida familiar dos escravizados da cidade do Crato, ao sul do Ceará. O recorte temporal escolhido inicia em 1871, ano da promulgação da Lei 2.040, de 28 de setembro também conhecida como Lei Rio Branco ou Lei do Ventre Livre , e termina em 1884, ano em que foi declarada abolida a escravidão na província cearense. A disseminação das uniões sacramentadas pela norma religiosa e das consensuais, entre a população escravizada; a estabilidade dos arranjos familiares que foram capazes de constituir; e as relações sociais que estabeleceram no ato do batismo de seus filhos, são igualmente observadas. As fontes que subsidiam a pesquisa são, mormente, inventários com listas de matrícula dos escravizados e autos de partilha, a eles anexados ; e assentos de batismo dos ingênuos cratenses. A dissertação tem como aporte teórico e metodológico a história social da escravidão, desenvolvida, principalmente, a partir da década de 1980 e cujos pressupostos destacam os sujeitos históricos os escravizados.
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Page, Alexander Robert. "Resurrecting the democracy : the Democratic party during the Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1884". Thesis, University of Sussex, 2017. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/70466/.

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This thesis places the Democratic party at the centre of the Reconstruction narrative and investigates the transformation of the antebellum Democracy into its postbellum form. In doing so, it addresses the relative scarcity of scholarship on the postwar Democrats, and provides an original contribution to knowledge by (a) explaining how the party survived the Civil War and (b) providing a comprehensive analysis of an extended process of internal conflict over the Democracy's future. This research concludes that while the Civil War caused a crisis in partisanship that lasted until the mid-1870s, it was Democrats' underlying devotion to their party, and flexibility over party principle that allowed the Democracy to survive and reestablish itself as a strong national party. Rather than extensively investigating state-level or grassroots politics, this thesis focuses on the party's national leadership. It finds that public memories of the party's wartime course constituted the most significant barrier to rebuilding the Democratic national coalition. Following an overview of the fractures exposed by civil war, the extent of these splits is assessed through an investigation of sectional reconciliation during Presidential and Radical Reconstruction. The analysis then shifts to explore competing visions of the party's future during the late 1860s and early 1870s when public confidence in the Democracy hit its lowest point. While the early years of Reconstruction opened the party to the possibility of disintegration, by the mid-1870s Democrats had begun to adopt a stronger national party organisation. Through a coherent national strategy that turned national politics away from issues of race and loyalty and towards those of economic development and political reform, while simultaneously appealing to the party's history, national Democratic leaders restored public confidence in the Democracy, silenced advocates of the creation of a new national party, and propelled the party back to power in 1884.
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