Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "Greta Thunberg"

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Velin, Anna. "Greta Thunbergs olika ansikten : En kvalitativ textanalys om representationen av Greta Thunberg". Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik, konst och samhälle, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-87093.

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Studien fick en förståelse över hur Greta Thunberg har blivit representerad i de utvalda svenska nyhetstidningarna (Dagens Nyheter & Aftonbladet), vilka karaktärsdrag som tillskrivits henne och vilka värderingar som använts om henne. Frågeställningarna har varit; Hur ser representationen av Greta Thunberg ut i svenska nyhetstidningar? Vilka värderingar finns det i texten? Vilka karaktärsdrag används om Greta Thunberg? Texterna har analyserats genom representationsteorin av Stuart Hall och gestaltningfunktioner av Vladimir Propp och metoden som användes var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studien fann att Greta Thunberg har blivit representerad både på ett positivt och negativt sätt, hon stereotypiseras och tillskrivs en hel del karaktärsdrag genom värderingar utöver de tre som studien har valt att fokusera på.
The aim of the study is to get an understanding of how Greta Thunberg was represented in the Swedish newspapers (Dagens Nyheter & Aftonbladet), what characteristic features that was given to her and the values used about her. The framing of questions is: How is the representation of Greta Thunberg in Swedish newspapers? What values can be seen in the text? What characteristic features are given to Greta Thunberg? The  representation theory of Stuart Hall  and Vlademir Propp's design features was used and qualitative content analysis for helping discover these things. The Study found that Greta Thunberg has been represented in both a positive and a negative way in the chosen written media. She is stereotyped and has been given more characteristic features than this study has chosen to focus on.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Åhlander, Christoffer, e Amanda Åkerström. "Infallsvinkel Greta Thunberg : En komparativ studie i hur Greta Thunberg gestaltas i svensk- och amerikansk dagspress". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medier och journalistik (MJ), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-98535.

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The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how the Swedish- and American daily press portrayed the young activist Greta Thunberg in their news coverage between the period of August 2019 and October 2019. Our research questions purposely intend to define how Greta Thunberg gets depicted, and to which extent the daily press insinuate her to be the face the climate movement through personation. By defining these aspects, we can therefor highlight and compare any similarities and differences presented. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, we used a framing analysis to a selection of 66 news articles in total. These were divided by two different newspapers from each country; 21 articles from Dagens Nyheter, 24 articles from Svenska Dagbladet, 11 articles from The New York Times and 10 articles from The Washington Post. Each article was coded and categorized using a coding scheme until no more patterns or themes could be detected. Our study shows that both the Swedish- and the American daily press portrayed Greta Thunberg as a leading figure and the face of the new global climate movement. Both countries also portrayed those in power as the main cause of the problem and Thunberg and her advocacy as the resolution.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Antonio, Raffael. "Politiken är ett skämt : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om mediekonsumenters syn på politiska memes och Greta Thunberg". Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för konst, kommunikation och lärande, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-79960.

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Author: Raffael Antonio Title: The politics are a joke - a qualitative interview analysis about the view of media consuments on memes and Greta Thunberg.   The purpose of this study is to look closely at the media consumers and their views on political memes and how other consumers and producers on social media are producing Greta Thunberg as a political figure by the help of memes.    The analysis has been done by qualitative semi-structured interviews with people as regular social media consumers. This was made by an interview guide with semi-structured questions about political memes, politics on social media and how Greta Thunberg is produced by meme creators according to the consumers.    The results have shown that there are two groups when it comes to Greta Thunberg on social media; the ones who are disliking her and the ones who stand up for her. These groups are based on opinions, political views and different generations which are also seen among the meme creators and what type of memes they made. Those who are disliking Thunberg, do it for different main reasons, such as age, origin of family and political beliefs.    Memes also matter in this study because of its format in picture and text, which give consumers an idea of the meme creator and its beliefs. Results also show that the behaviour of memes reflect society on different levels, political beliefs as an primary example.
Skriven av: Raffael Antonio Titel: Politiken är ett skämt – en kvalitativ intervjustudie om mediekonsumenters syn på politiska memes och Greta Thunberg   Syftet med denna studie är att titta närmare på mediekonsumenterna och deras syn på politiska memes och hur andra konsumenter och producenter på sociala medier producerar Greta Thunberg som en politisk figur med hjälp av memes.   Analysen har gjorts genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med människor som vanliga sociala mediekonsumenter. Detta gjordes av en intervjuguide med semistrukturerade frågor om politiska memes, politik på sociala medier och hur Greta Thunberg produceras av memeskapare enligt konsumenterna.   Resultaten har visat att det finns två grupper när det gäller Greta Thunberg om sociala media; de som ogillar henne och de som står upp för henne. Dessa grupper är baserade om åsikter, politiska åsikter och olika generationer som också ses bland memen skapare och vilken typ av memes de gjorde. De som ogillar Thunberg, gör det för olika huvudskäl, till exempel ålder, familjens ursprung och politiska övertygelser.   Memes spelar också roll i denna studie på grund av dess format i bild och text, som ger konsumenterna en idé om meme-skaparen och dess övertygelser. Resultaten visar också att mönstren som visas i memes, återspeglar samhället på olika nivåer, politiska övertygelser som ett primärt exempel.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bröms, Emelie. "Greta Thunberg, intersektionalitet och ett föränderligt ethos : Att kombinera retorik och genusvetenskap kring frågor om trovärdighet och makt". Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-42676.

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Genom att studera Greta Thunbergs resa från riksdagshuset i Stockholm till FN:s generalförsamling i New York fyller denna uppsats två syften. Dels att studera vilka intersektioner som bidrar till Thunbergs inledande ethos, hur ethos sedan förändras över tid och vilka retoriska strategier som skapar förändringen. Dels att föra samman två ämnen och teorier, genusvetenskapens intersektionalitet och retorikens ethos, vilket hittills varit en relativt outforskad kombination. Undersökningens ramverk och material är dokumentärfilmen Greta och utifrån denna genomförs analysen, vars resultat visar att Thunbergs ethos blir allt starkare ju längre tiden går. Med hjälp av retoriska strategier som exempelvis tystnad, omfattande förberedelser, hänvisning till auktoriteter och sociala medier tar sig Thunberg in på de mer ”traditionella” retoriska arenorna. Här förändras också hennes argumentation, som blir alltmer klassisk i retorisk agitatorisk mening. Slutsatserna visar att även om Thunberg i retorisk mening lyckas framställa sig själv och sitt ethos på ett trovärdigt sätt, är hon fortsatt bunden av större strukturer och de intersektioner som redan inledningsvis bidrog till att forma hennes förutsättningar och handelsutrymme.
By studying Greta Thunberg's journey from the parliament building in Stockholm to the UN General Assembly in New York, this essay has two purposes. Firstly, to study which intersections contribute to Thunberg's initial ethos, how her ethos changes over time, and which rhetorical strategies contribute to the change. Secondly, to combine two research areas and theories: the intersectionality of gender studies and the ethos of rhetoric. A relatively unexplored combination up to this point. The framework and material of the analysis is the documentary Greta and the main result show that Thunberg's ethos becomes stronger over the period studied. The rhetorical strategies identified are silence, extensive preparation, reference to authorities and social media, and these make it possible for Thunberg to enter more "traditional" rhetorical arenas. At this point, her argumentation changes and becomes more traditionally masculine, in a rhetorical sense. To conclude, although Thunberg may succeed rhetorically, in presenting herself and her ethos in a credible way, she is still bound by larger structures and the intersections that initially contributed to shaping her intersectional conditions.


Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fransén, Agnes. "Svensk dagspress framställning av Greta Thunberg och den globala klimatstrejken. : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av gestaltningar i dagspressen". Thesis, Växjö universitet, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskap, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-87953.

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The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish daily press Dagens Nyheter andSvenska Dagbladet during the period August 2018 until April 2019 portrays the youngactivist Greta Thunberg and the social movement and hashtag #Fridaysforfuture in theirarticles. The analysis has been executed through a qualitative content analysis and framing theory.The results of the study is that both news papers portays Greta Thunberg based on twothemes; age and functional limitation. When it comes to the social movements the newspapers portrays it based on two themes; age and incentives. The conclusion of this studyis that Greta Thunberg is portrayed through two perspectives based on the fact that she isa child. One perspective is that she is an independent child who refuses to go to schooland listen to other adult people. The second perspective involves a normative child whois ruled by their parents. The analysis results of the study also show that the #Fridaysforfuture movement is mainlyproduced on the basis that the movement consists of children and young people. Theparticipants of the movement are thus portrayed on the basis that they are children andyoung people.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Aronsson, Tilda. "Politisk aktivism i skolan? : En diskursanalys av Greta Thunbergs skolstrejk för klimatet". Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och kulturvetenskap (from 2013), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-74632.

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A few weeks before the Swedish election in September 2018, a young girl named Greta Thunberg decidedto leave school every Friday and instead sit outside the Swedish parliament in Stockholm to raise awarenessabout the climate. This “school strike for climate” has since then developed to be a world-wide phenomenonand on the 15th of March more than 1.4 million youngsters participated in more than 100 countries.However, these actions have been subject of lots of debate in media; Greta being both cherished andcriticized. Framed within the questions about what motivates the political participation and in what way theschool takes a stand, this thesis aims to analyze “school strike for climate” in relation to the role of bothknowledge and fostering in the Swedish school. Through theories of street-level bureaucracy and politicalparticipation, accompanied by Carol Bacchis discourse perspective what´s the problem represented to be the studyexamines 32 Swedish newspaper articles. The result is a variety of problem representations, getting legitimized through law or moral, but also through a representation which hold both school and the pupils responsible for result in school. One of thedevelopments in the discourse is that during time and enlarging of the political activism, the youngster’sactions more and more is characterized as political participation than of an individual choice. This alsomeans that schools have to take a stand up on an organizational level, where many principals refer to schoolattendance and the law. When political activism is legislated through the curriculum it seems to be adidactical choice by the teachers, whom within their free space as professional street-level bureaucrats mayhave varying opportunities to use the theme within their teaching. Over all, the discourse focus more uponthe climate than democratic ideals, which suggests an unused potential of “school strike for climate” incivic´s education.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Dahinden, Urs. "Framing – Zur Rolle von Deutungsmustern in Medien: Ist Greta Thunberg eine Heldin oder ein Opfer? Eine Frage des Framings". Landkreis Nordsachsen, 2019. https://slub.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A35847.

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Ist die 16-jährige schwedische Schülerin Greta Thunberg eine Heldin, weil sie (ohne ein politisches Amt oder eine Führungsfunktion in einem Umweltverband) die «Schulstreiks für das Klima» und die daraus entstandene nternationale Bewegung „Fridays for Future“ (FFF) initiiert hat? Oder ist sie ein bedauernswertes Opfer, ein Kind ohne Kindheit, das von ihren Eltern wie eine Marionette gesteuert und für politische Zwecke instrumentalisiert wird? Die Deutung und Interpretation der verwendeten Deutungsmuster werden als Frames (Rahmen) bezeichnet, der Prozess, in dem diese Deutungsmuster erstellt und verbreitet werden als Framing (Rahmung). Der Beitrag diskutiert am Beispiel von Greta Thunberg welches Framing bei diesem Thema möglich ist.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hakala, Fanni Pirita. "The Greta Effect on Global Environmental Governance : Testing the Applicability of Frame Theory". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-43634.

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Humanity currently faces an existential crisis: anthropogenic climate change. In order to guarantee our survival on a stable planet, immediate mitigation and adaption strategies must be implemented. However, institutions are failing to live up to the task and a concrete action plan is currently non-existent, as climate governance struggles with fragmentation, commitment, and challenges posed by neoliberalism. Since the top-down approach is insufficient, extra-institutional actors are arising as leaders for the environmental agenda.  This study narrows down on Greta Thunberg and assesses her capacity in leading the climate movement. The applicability of frame theory (Benford and Snow, 2000) will be tested to understand the mobilisation potential of Greta’s discourse. The main focus of this examination is to analyse how Greta has used diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational collective action frames in order to place the limelight on the seriousness of climate change and correspondingly how this has led to civil society mobilisation. Through a discourse analysis of her speeches, it was discovered that the framing perspective plays a role in meaning construction for the movement.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hävren, Linnea. ""It's like cruel to get famous by not going to school, protesting." : En komparativ gestaltningsanalys mellan Fox news och CNN:s gestaltning av Greta Thunberg". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medier och journalistik (MJ), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-96490.

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The purpose of this study was to examine how Greta Thunberg, as a phenomenon, is portrayed in the news media Fox News as well as CNN and also how other actors are appearing in the news frames. The study was done by doing a qualitative content analysis in the form of a news framing analysis by focusing on frequent themes; frames by which she is portrayed. Furthermore I compared CNN with Fox News in relation to Greta Thunberg and how they portray her objectively. The examined articles were those of which they were published during the week when Greta Thunberg was named TIME’s ‘Person of the Year’. The frames, as a result, were that Greta Thunberg is framed as ‘A Hero’, ‘Someone to be questioned as Person of the Year’ and ‘A threat towards Donald Trump. The frequent actors apart from Greta Thunberg who appeared were Donald Trump as well as TIME’s Magazine. The results also found that Fox News and CNN takes different stands when it comes to Greta Thunberg.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ström, Julia, e Ella Daneshmand-Mehr. "Den skolstrejkande flickansom blev världsberömdklimataktivist : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur Greta Thunberg gestaltats i svensk dags och kvällspress". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medier och journalistik (MJ), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-100137.

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Since Greta Thunberg started her environmental school strike in August 2018 she has become a world famous activist and has been portrayed in news media everywhere. The aim of this bachelor study has been to examine how Greta Thunberg has been portrayed in the Swedish news media through examining two daily press newspapers and two evening press newspapers. This resulted in analyzing articles in Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. By using a qualitative and a quantitative content analysis we investigated three different events connected to Greta Thunberg through published articles. During 2018 the event that started her journey, which is the school strike, was selected as one of these happenings. During 2019 we chose her UN- speech in New York, and for the last event her speech at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos was chosen. By choosing these specific events we could build a perception of what the media's portrayal of Greta Thunberg has been like during these three years. Therefore this study also aimed to answer the following research questions: - How has Greta Thunberg been portrayed in the daily press and the evening press? - Has the portrayal of Greta Thunberg changed over time? In this study we used the Framing Theory and also the protest paradigms as guidelines and we also applied von Zabern & Tulloch (2020) and Bergmann & Ossewaardes (2020) different frames. This study then led to an identification of a new framing of Greta Thunberg which we named “Speaking without speaking”, mostly consisting of what politicians and celebrities are saying about Greta Thunberg in the press. We also found that by examining these specific events that Greta Thunberg has been portrayed in different ways. Therefore we could also conclude that the framings and portrayals of Greta Thunberg changed throughout time. This means that she went from being portrayed as a young girl skipping school for the climate, to a world famous environmental activist and finally becoming a trustworthy leader. Therefore our study shows that Greta Thunberg was being undermined due to her young age in the ibeginning, but as her status grew the media changed their portrayal of her into the role model that she has become today.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Murray, Sofia. "Framing a Climate Crisis : A descriptive framing analysis of how Greta Thunberg inspired the masses to take to the streets". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-402643.

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During the twenty-first century attention towards climate change and its consequences has increased significantly and somehow it reached its peak when young activist Greta Thunberg started what has become one of the largest movements for the climate in 2018. Her school strike has created debate and given rise to demonstrations and collective actions around the globe. The purpose of this study is therefore to bring clarity to the framing processes which has contributed to this development. Consequently, this analysis has been conducted through a descriptive framing analysis with a focus on what frames Greta Thunberg has used to describe climate change, including a description of her goal with the strikes and a discussion of features associated with mass mobilisation. Building on the theoretical framework from social movement researchers Robert D. Benford and David A. Snow the results have revealed three main frames; a crisis frame, a parental frame and a hierarchical frame as well as features within Thunberg’s message has been discovered which ad insights to Benford and Snow’s discussion of what can create resonant frames. By describing how Thunberg has framed her cause this study concludes that the coherence between her actions, behaviour as well as who she is in relation to her frames has contributed to a message that emphasises collective and/or self-efficacy which encourages people to follow her lead.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sjöstrand, Julia, e Annie Frick. "Opinionsbildning i sociala och traditionella medier : En kvalitativ studie av unga vuxnas uppfattningar 2019". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för lärande, humaniora och samhälle, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-40479.

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Syfte och frågeställningar: Uppsatsens syfte är att med utgångspunkt i hur en av dagens opinionsbildare kommer till uttryck i olika medieformat bidra till ökade kunskaper om hur unga vuxna uppfattar opinionsbildningsprocesser i dagens medielandskap. Utifrån syftet formulerades en huvudfråga och tre följande forskningsfrågor: “På vilka sätt beskriver unga vuxna att en av dagens opinionsbildares mediala uppmärksamhet haft för betydelse för synen på miljöfrågor i allmänhet och klimathotet i synnerhet?”, “På vilket sätt upplever unga vuxna nyhetspridningen och sociala mediers villkor?”, “På vilket sätt beskriver unga vuxna betydelsen av en av dagens opinionsbildare och dess roll?” samt “På vilka sätt beskriver unga vuxna betydelsen av opinionsbildning i sociala medier jämfört med opinionsbildning i traditionella medier?”. Metod och material: I uppsatsen har vi använt ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av tidigare forskning om klimatfrågor, opinionsbildning samt internetanvändning. Ramverket utgörs av Agenda-setting Theory och tvåstegshypotesen. Uppsatsens metod baseras på kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer, innefattande tre grupper med tre deltagare i vardera. Huvudresultat: Studiens resultat visar att de unga vuxna upplever att Greta Thunbergs uppmärksamhet i media kommit att få en större effekt på den yngre generationen likaväl som allmänheten, snarare än på dem själva samt politiken. Respondenter uttrycker att hennes engagemang och aktivism i medier bidrar till en ökad kunskap om miljöfrågor för befolkningen. Vidare upplever de unga vuxna att opinionsbildningen både snabbare, lättare och i större utbredning kommer till uttryck i sociala medier, jämfört med traditionella medier.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Andersson, Elvira. "En ny röst i miljörörelsen? : En komparativ analys av Greta Thunbergs, Rachel Carsons och Margaret Thatchers implicerade auditorier". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för retorik, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-445534.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Svanström, Emelie. "Att förhandla sanning : En kulturanalytisk studie av sanningsstriderna i klimatdebatten". Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-174086.

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The essay To negotiate truth is a cultural analytical study of the boundary work that takes place in the comment sections, more specifically in relations to the climate change debate and Greta Thunberg’s climate activism. This paper deals with empirical material in the form of comments obtained from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet’s and Expressen’s comment field on Facebook. The data-gathering method used for this paper is digital ethnography. This study aims to create an understanding of how argumentation is presented in open social arenas such as Expressen and Aftonbladet's comments field. The purpose of the study has been to show how the contested claims and facts are legitimized and negotiated in the comment fields. The theoretical framework has consisted of discourse theory and Boundary objects theory. The questions to be answered in the study is: In what way is truth constructed in the debate? How are the various claims of truth legitimized? In what way are facts and science used in the legitimization of the different claims of truths? The analysis shows that truth is constructed in many different ways, partly through what i choose to call denial and distrust discourse. The analysis also showed how climate research and the climate can be seen as a boundary object and be used to stabilize the denial discourse further. The result also showed that scientific evidence can be used in a variety of ways in the legitimization of the different claims of truth. On the one hand, there is a demand for more nuanced research to be presented in the media, this creates an image that there are two sides of climate science that are of equal importance. The analysis also showed how mistrust and doubt against established media, political processes and science in general can be used in the legitimization of various statements of truth. I also claim that Greta can be seen as a boundary object in the ongoing negotiation. The use of religious metaphors also proves to be of great importance in trying to undermine the climate issue and climate research in general.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Vavilov, Elena Maria. "Lessons about activism from a Swedish high school student : A rhetorical analysis of Greta Thunberg’s public speeches on climate change". Thesis, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Högskolan i Jönköping, HLK, Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-46317.

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On the 15th of March 2019, more than 1.6 million students have protested in 125 countries against the climate change effects, as part of the Fridays for Future movement. The manifestations represented the biggest day of global climate action ever taken, according to media outlets. At the core of this movement stands Greta Thunberg, a Swedish 16-year old climate activist and a Nobel Prize nominee, whose actions and speeches serve as inspiration for both students and adults.  With a focus on environmental communication and climate activism, this research aims to find how the teenager addressed climate change topics and how she succeeded in conveying her ideas to audiences. It discusses how the rhetoric was constructed within her speeches, and which of the argumentative elements gave Greta Thunberg the ability to convince the public. The study combines frame and rhetoric analysis with a focus on the text of the speeches that Greta Thunberg delivered in three major international events. The purpose is to observe and understand the nature of Greta Thunberg’s activism by analyzing how the high school student used the linguistic tools and tactics in her public speeches, and to explore a few theories within the text: the issue framing of the climate crisis; the argumentative and discursive techniques that helped her to gain media and public attention.  The thesis concludes that the evolution of Greta Thunberg’s climate activism, from ‘no attention’ to global reputation, is based on grassroots activism, particular personality features, and efficient use of rhetoric devices combined with moral purpose argumentation.


I take the opportunity to thank my Master thesis supervisor professor Paola Sartoretto, from Stockholm University, for the valuable professional support that she offered. Additionally, I thank professor Mia Verhoeff Friman from Jönköping University, for her useful remarks and input during this 2-year Master’s Program.

Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude for all the encouragement I received in my efforts to attend this program and to address special thanks to my mother Otilia for her continuous guidance and love, for always believing in me, and for being my role model as a mother, woman, teacher, and respected professional.

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Duvéus, Emelie. ""Vi kan inte bli Greta Thunberg allihopa, men vi kan försöka" – En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares förhållningssätt och praktiska arbete med hållbar utveckling i förskolan ur ett pragmatiskt perspektiv". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle (LS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-30248.

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Syftet med denna studie har grundats i viljan att få en inblick i förskollärares förhållningssätt till och praktiska arbete med hållbar utveckling i förskolan. Det till följd av den nya läroplanen för förskolans (Skolverket 2018) reformering som lägger större vikt vid att förskolan ska förhålla sig till och handla efter de hållbara principer som synliggörs där. Detta kan i sin tur kan bidra till möjliggörandet av en hållbar utveckling. Studiens genomförande har baserats på kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra verksamma förskollärare på totalt tre förskolor i södra Sverige.Studien har analyserats utifrån John Deweys pragmatiska filosofi tillsammans med de två analytiska begreppen intelligent action och learning by doing (Hartman, Lundgren & Hartman 2004). Resultatet av studien visar att studiens deltagare upplever sig ha ungefärliga och/eller relativt goda uppfattningar om vad hållbar utveckling är och/eller kan vara. Respondenterna belyser ett medvetet handlande och vikten av ett gott förhållningssätt till hållbar utveckling som grundläggande faktorer för möjliggörandet av en hållbar värld. Vidare synliggör studien hur arbetet med hållbar utveckling i förskolan kan komma till uttryck. Utifrån respondenternas synvinkel är aktiviteter som främst är utformade efter den miljömässiga aspekten, sett till tre av respondenternas återgivande, mest prioriterad. För den fjärde deltagande förskolläraren utgör den sociala aspekten av hållbar utveckling merparten av dennes arbete. Varav den ekonomiska aspekten utifrån studiens deltagare inte är lika frekvent uttalad. Enligt förskollärarna ses reformeringen av den nya läroplanen som det främsta möjliggörandet för att hållbar utveckling ska bli en mer central och naturlig del av verksamheten. Samtliga respondenter upplever att deras brist på kunskap inom området hållbar utveckling utgör den största begränsningen i deras vardagliga arbete. Exempelvis gällande hur alla tre aspekter av hållbar utveckling kan synliggöras och/eller bilda en helhet i utformningen av aktiviteter på förskolan.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Johansson, Andreas. "”Om femtio år är det nog kört” : En kvalitativ studie om svenska mellanstadieelevers uppfattningar om klimatförändringarna". Thesis, Jönköping University, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-49237.

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Många forskare menar att klimatförändringarna är vår tids största ödesfråga. För att möta de stundande klimatproblemen läggs ett stort ansvar på skolan och den undervisningen eleverna får ta del av. Klimatundervisningen ska dels leda till att eleverna lär sig om miljöfrågor, hur klimatförändringar uppstår, både de naturligt förekommande såväl som de vi människor påverkar, dels inge tilltro till sin egen förmåga att kunna leva hållbart och ta välgrundade beslut som rör klimatet. För att lärarna ska kunna utforma en undervisning som möter elevers uppfattningar behövs det kunskap om vilka uppfattningar svenska grundskolelever kan ha. Den här studien syftar till att svara på vilka uppfattningar svenska elever har om orsaker till-, konsekvenser av- och åtgärder för att bromsa klimatförändringarna, samt vilka informationskällor de har. Metoden som har använts för datainsamling är semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med 15 svenska elever i årskurs 6. Materialet har sedan analyserats genom tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att även om eleverna har fått samma undervisning i ämnet, av samma lärare, skiljde sig deras uppfattningar om klimatförändringarna. Resultatet visar också att eleverna sätter sina egenintressen före klimatet även om de anser att handlingarna skulle vara effektiva åtgärder att bromsa klimatförändringarna. Många elever ställde sig också skeptiska till skolstrejk för klimatet, både att själva delta och nyttan med att andra skolstrejkar.
Many climate scientists believe that the climate change is the most critical issue of our time. In order to meet the future climate problems, a great responsibility is placed on school and the education the students receive. Climate education should partly lead to students learning about environmental issues, how climate change occurs, both the natural ones as well as the ones humans are responsible for, and to give confidence in their own ability to live sustainably and make well-grounded decisions regarding the climate. In order for teachers to make lessons that meet the students’ perceptions about the climate, we need to know what perceptions Swedish primary school students may have. The purpose of this study is to answer what perceptions the Swedish students have of the causes, consequences and actions to decrease the climate change, as well as to find out what sources of information they have. The method used for data collection is semi-structured focus group interviews with 15 Swedish students from 6th grade. The material has been analyzed using thematic analysis. The result from this study shows that despite the fact that the students have offered the same education, by the same teacher, their views on climate change differed. The results also show that students put their own interests ahead of the climate, even though they believe that some actions would be effective in terms of decreasing the climate change. Many students were also skeptical toward school strikes for the climate, both when it comes to participation and the efficiency themselves and the efficiency when other participate in school strikes.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Carvalho, Ariana. "Green populism : a new phenomenon". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för statsvetenskap (ST), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-97711.

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This study aims at exploring a new phenomenon labelled here as green populism. Building on modern theories of populism and green ideology, this case-study is focused on finding which elements of green populism are present, if any, in Greta Thunberg’s discourse. Using a Qualitative Content Analysis methodology and what is known as a coding process, it was possible to determine that all six subcategories of green populism, defined by this study as a) ecological crisis of cosmic proportion, b) victimisation of "the people", c) blame attribution to "the elite", d) green radicalisation, e) trust in science, and finally, f) intergenerational justice, can be identified in Greta Thunberg’s speeches. The analysis leads to the conclusion that Greta Thunberg is a populist actor which combines both populism thin-centred ideology and green ideology into a new phenomenon: green populism.

Contact: ac222sd@student.lnu.se

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Carlsson, Moa. "Ålder och klimataktivism : En jämförande studie av unga och äldres politiska attityder i klimatstrejker". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-403060.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kalla, Hanna. "A Changing Climate : How Climate is Communicated in Swedish and North American News Media". Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-160727.

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This study analyses the frames and discourses in different news media reporting on the same events in news outlets in Canada, the US, and Sweden. This was done by analysing both digital-born media and legacy media. The theoretical framework consists of theories about discourse, framing, media logics, the economic prerequisites for journalism, and environmental journalism. The aim is to find what frames, discourses, tone and what voices are being heard in the news coverage of Greta Thunberg’s climate protest, the migrant caravan, and the UN report on climate change released in 2018. Also, differences in the different media are analysed. This is done through discourse analysis by using Fairclough’s CDA and the three-dimensional model, combined with tools from critical linguistics. The analysis of the news texts found that the discourses in the coverage of the three events followed previous research on journalistic values, production and the way that climate change events were reported (or not reported) on. The study also found some themes, frames, that were producing new discourses in climate change journalism. Among these was the way that Greta Thunberg and other young voices were heard on a subject that previously has been heavily focused on politicians, scientists and NGO’s. Thunberg and the migrant caravan were also covered more extensively by the news media included than the UN report, not framing climate in the articles, even though they are about climate change events.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Simon, Isabel. ""Our house is on fire" : En framinganalys av Greta Thunbergs framställning av klimatfrågan". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-384687.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lindgren, Oskar. ""Vad ska vi göra? Rädda klimatet!" : En förklarande fallstudie av klimatstrejken i Sverige, initierad av Greta Thunberrg". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-390063.

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Klimatstrejken som genomfördes den 15 mars 2019 i Stockholm samlade över 15 000 individer. Aldrig tidigare har en proteströrelse bestående av så många unga fått så stort genomslag i Sverige. Med utgångspunkt i Social Movement Theory har denna undersökning som målsättning att förklara drivkrafterna bakom denna rörelse. Enligt denna teoribildning kan utvecklingen av en social rörelse förklaras utifrån samspelet av tre kontextuella faktorer. Dessa är: politiska möjligheter, mobiliseringsstrukturer och inramning av problemet. För att undersöka om detta gäller även för klimatstrejken i Sverige genomförs intervjuer med representanter från organisationer som varit delaktiga i mobiliseringen av rörelsen och individer som varit drivande i nätverket Fridays for Future. Dessa intervjuer kompletteras med resultat från en enkätundersökning som genomfördes under klimatstrejken 15 mars 2019 i Stockholm. Resultaten tyder på att de tre kontextuella faktorerna varit närvarande och underlättat mobiliseringen av rörelsen. Författaren drar slutsatsen att Greta Thunberg varit den politiska möjlighet som krävdes för en mobilisering och att inramningen av problemet varit avgörande för uppslutningen kring klimatstrejken.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Roederer, Fabienne. "The Greta Thunberg effect: an analysis of corporate tweets on climate change". Master's thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/108599.

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The debate on climate change has creasingly attracted attention.Although Twitter provides valuable insights into the climate change discussion and how it is reflected in companies’ communication behavior, previous research has only examined public opinion. This is the first study that analyzes corporate climate change tweets under the influence of climate activist Greta Thunberg. We register and code the volume and sentiment of tweets from German DAX30 companies and Greta Thunberg between 2016 and 2020. The findings reveala significant relation between corporate climate change tweets and Greta’s tweets. Furthermore, we identify an overall positive sentiment for corporate tweets.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fonseca, Alice Rodrigues da. "Greta Thunberg e o discurso do ativismo climático jovem: Construção e contestação de significados em torno da ação climática e cidadania ambiental". Master's thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/21936.

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As alterações climáticas constituem-se como um desafio societal que alimenta controvérsia na esfera pública. Em 2018 e 2019 o ativismo climático jovem assumiu uma posição de destaque neste debate, em particular através do protagonismo de Greta Thunberg (GT). Considerando estes acontecimentos, este trabalho visa explorar o discurso do ativismo climático jovem. Para o efeito, numa etapa (1), foi realizada uma análise de 25 discursos de GT onde se pretendeu identificar (a) os significados que estruturam a sua mensagem, (b) o modo como a jovem representa diferentes atores e (c) o tipo de cidadania ambiental subjacente ao discurso. Numa etapa (2), a análise de entrevistas (n=16) com jovens ativistas climáticos portugueses pretendeu avaliar se as perspetivas dos entrevistados acerca da ação climática e ação do cidadão coincidiam ou divergiam do tipo de cidadania ambiental subjacente ao discurso de GT. Os resultados revelam que o discurso de GT é estruturado por 7 ideias-chave que expressam uma crítica ao paradigma atual da política climática. Os cidadãos são representados como os protagonistas da mudança nesse paradigma. Em conformidade, o discurso constrói um cidadão ativo na esfera pública que atua para impulsionar soluções sistémicas para a crise climática, um tipo de cidadania ambiental refletido nas entrevistas. Ao identificar os aspetos distintivos do discurso de GT e elucidar a perspetiva dos jovens ativistas relativamente à ação climática, à mudança social e à ação do cidadão, este estudo de natureza interdisciplinar contribui para uma melhor compreensão da agência exercida pelos jovens no quadro da política climática.
Climate change is a societal challenge that fuels controversy in the public sphere. In 2018 and 2019 youth climate activism took a prominent position in this debate, in particular through the protagonism achieved by Greta Thunberg (GT). Considering these events, this study aims to explore the discourse of youth climate activism. To this end, as step (1), an analysis of 25 GT’s speeches was carried out, which aimed to identify (a) the meanings that structure the young activist’s message, (b) the way she represents different actors, and (c) the type of environmental citizenship underlying her discourse. As a step (2), interviews carried out with Portuguese youth climate activists were analysed in order to assess whether the interviewees' perspectives on climate action and citizen action coincided with or diverged from the type of environmental citizenship underlying GT’s discourse. The results reveal that GT’s discourses are structured by 7 key ideas that express a critique of the current paradigm of climate policy. Citizens are represented as the protagonists of change in this paradigm. Accordingly, the discourse builds an image of a citizen active in the public sphere, that works to promote systemic answers to the climate crisis, a type of environmental citizenship that is also reflected in the interviews. By identifying the defining aspects of GT’s discourse and elucidating youth activists' perspective on climate action, social change, and citizen action, this interdisciplinary study contributes towards a better understanding of the agency exercised by young people in the global climate action arena.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. It is a challenge not only for those who have to try to stem it with specific technologies, policies and actions. Climate change is also the biggest communication challenge human kind has ever faced. How can we effectively communicate this event and which catastrophic consequences could it have on the whole humanity and on the entire life on Earth? This doctoral research traces the evolution of the concept of climate change and its diffusion and relationship with political communication and its effects on mass communication. The environment of digital communication and post-truth, are the perimeter of formation of a theme that, until now, has been treated almost exclusively as emergency and catastrophe. How to develop a communicational and narrative path that is an obstacle to falsification and that makes the event to be perceived as an opportunity for social development? The complexity of the theme requires planning, strategy and an accurate use of multiple communication platforms and different channels. The only use of communication on emergencies is limited, and it generates a cognitive slowdown that causes loss of valuable time that should be used to act.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hansson, Mikael. "Klimatkämpen Greta : En kvalitativ textanalys om Greta Thunbergs medborgarengagemang". Thesis, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-41393.

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Aim: With particular regard to the traditional media and political participation in Sweden, Iintend to map how and in what way Greta Thunberg protests and the political engagement she expresses. Questions: • How is Greta Thunberg’s protesting framed and how can it be understood based on theprotest paradigm? • How can you understand Greta Thunberg´s political participation on the basis of ideasabout Civic Engagement? Method and material: This report is a qualitative study based on a textual analysis. For collectingthe empirical material, I have chosen to use texts from Swedish news articles. I used 27articles from 2 newspapers which is Aftonbladet and Expressen. Main results: The study shows that media puts greater focus on Greta Thunberg as a personinstead of the factual content and political agenda she stands for. This contributes to GretaThunberg being marginalized and delegitimized, since she is considered a symbol thatchallenges the political power structure. Greta Thunberg feels responsible for the climateissue and it is her duty to be able to contribute to a democratic society by getting involved.Greta Thunberg considers her participation in the media that she feels a moral obligation toengage with the climate.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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