Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Four à chaux"
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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Four à chaux"
Meloche, Christophe. "Reconstitution et mise en chauffe d’un four à chaux". Archeopages, n.º 46 (12 de dezembro de 2018): 96–103.
Texto completo da fonteThomas, Claude. "Cassis (Bouches-du-Rhône). Four à chaux de la Marcouline". Archéologie médiévale, n.º 39 (1 de dezembro de 2009): 331–32.
Texto completo da fonteHedley, Ian, e J. J. Wagner. "Étude archéomagnétique du four à chaux de Goux-lès-Dole (Jura)". Archéologie médiévale 18, n.º 1 (1988): 285–86.
Texto completo da fonteDemierre, Brigitte. "Les fours à chaux en Grèce". Journal of Roman Archaeology 15 (2002): 282–96.
Texto completo da fonteMangin, Michel, Ary Bruand e Ian Hedley. "Un four à chaux du haut Moyen Âge à Goux-lès-Dole (Jura)". Archéologie médiévale 18, n.º 1 (1988): 273–84.
Texto completo da fonteFlambard Héricher, Anne-Marie. "Un four à chaux de la fin du Moyen Âge au Molay-Littry (Calvados )". Archéologie médiévale 24, n.º 1 (1994): 367–77.
Texto completo da fonteLucena, Ana Vanessa. "Ekphrasis : au lieu de décrire ce qu’ils voyaient, ils réalisèrent ce qui était décrit". Voix Plurielles 11, n.º 1 (30 de abril de 2014): 46–56.
Texto completo da fonteVaschalde, Christophe, Guillaume Duperron e Aline Doniga. "Le four à chaux FR 1430 de Saint-Martin-le-Bas (Gruissan, Aude) : éclairage interdisciplinaire sur la chaufournerie en pays narbonnais aux xie-xiii". Archéologie médiévale, n.º 49 (20 de dezembro de 2019): 53–86.
Texto completo da fonteRatnakar, P., S. Aspalli Nagaveni, K. Reddy Balakoti, Karan Smita, SV Satish e T. Aravind. "Quantitative Evaluation of Apical Extrusion of Debris and Irrigants using Four Rotary Instrumentation Systems: An in vitro Study". Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 14, n.º 6 (2013): 1065–69.
Texto completo da fonteSantos, João Miguel, Carolina M. Coelho, Diana B. Sequeira, Joana A. Marques, Joana F. Pereira, Vitor Sousa, Paulo J. Palma e Ana C. Santos. "Subcutaneous Implantation Assessment of New Calcium-Silicate Based Sealer for Warm Obturation". Biomedicines 9, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2021): 24.
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Four à chaux"
Kerdouss, Fouzi. "Simulation tridimensionnelle d'un four à calcination des boues de la chaux". Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2001.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteKerdouss, Fouzi. "Simulation tridimensionnelle d'un four à calcination des boues de la chaux". Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2001.
Texto completo da fonteBouesso, Bénit. "Replacing fossil fuels with biosourced fuels in limekilns : investigation of the thermal behavior and environmental impact". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteThis work investigates the feasibility of using biocarbon as an alternative limekiln fuel to substitute coal in the Soda Ash process. Biocarbons were produced from solid refuse fuel (BC) and wood (WBC). Anthracite was selected as the reference fossil fuel to be replaced, and biocoke from coconut shell was also considered for comparison. Samples were characterized in terms of chemical composition, physical and thermal properties. Fuel thermal stability and combustion performance were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis. Emissions assessment was performed in pyrolysis and combustion from lab-scale to pilot-scale, so that extreme limekiln conditions were reproduced. The results showed that devolatilization increased biocarbon thermal stability, making its behavior close to that of anthracite. Biocoke and biocarbons showed lower ignition temperatures but a higher burning index compared to anthracite, which was shown as the most stable fuel. CO2 emissions from WBC were higher than those of BC samples. Amongst the volatile organic compounds released, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were identified and quantified. Even if biocarbon produced PAH with less rings (<5) in pyrolysis and combustion, its emissions were higher compared to anthracite. To mitigate biocarbon reactivity, a 50/50 biocarbon/anthracite co-combustion was proposed, thus offering the advantages of higher ignition temperature and lower emissions
Perron, Jean. "Modélisation mathématique simplifiée d'un four de métal chaud /". Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1987.
Texto completo da fonteLiem, Winson, e 林維. "Housing for the Tanka in Cheung Chau". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1998.
Texto completo da fonte林潔賢 e Kit-yin Canace Lam. "Battling for the environment on Peng Chau". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001.
Texto completo da fonteLam, Kit-yin Canace. "Battling for the environment on Peng Chau". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2001.
Texto completo da fonteLiem, Winson. "Housing for the Tanka in Cheung Chau". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1998.
Texto completo da fonteCrenn, Bernard. "Les fours à chaux des marges armoricaines : 1775-fin des années 1950 : la grande mue d'une petite industrie". Paris, EHESS, 1998.
Texto completo da fonteLime making, mainly in limekilns supplied with coal, is a caracteristic activity on the armorican fringes in france (maine-et-loire, mayenne, western sarthe) during the 19th century. This know-how is turning to good account the local limestone quarries and often the regional coal mines. The dominant production is lime for agricultural enrichment ; it reaches its peak about 1860. To better understand the evolution on a long-lasting period, we have opted for an analysis beginning 1775 and going to 1939. The study which is inserted in a large conception of technical history, concerns the transformations of technics, sites, landscapes, enterprises, social conditions and economic strategies. The first part is dedicated to the analysis of the dissemination of a technic, the coal limeburning, during the period 1775-1839. A know-how, already made up on the banks of the angevin basse-loire, spread around and this scattered making takes proto- industrial aspects. The second part underscores trends toward mass production and concentration from the beginning of the 1840's to the end of the 1870's, insisting on the implication of some local mining societies in the lime production. The third part shows at ounce, from 1880 to 1939, the declines of some traditional production forms and the existence of resistance poles, led by families or societies. It takes into consideration the problem of reconversion of sites and people
Vaschalde, Christophe. "L’art de cuire la pierre en France méditerranéenne à la fin du Moyen Âge : Approche interdisciplinaire d’un artisanat méconnu : la chaufournerie". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.
Texto completo da fonteLime burning is a section of handmade production interfacing with construction and uses of fire. With pluridisciplinary approach, a statement of this unwell known craft was exposed. During the second Middle Age, making lime technics used in the Mediterranean north-occidental areas are plural. Natural environment makes a great influence on the used technics and also on the ways to organize this craft. Before cooking the lime, lime burners are using intricated technic process in collecting and transforming materials for kilns use. The limestone must be extracted, crushed then charged up. Several “chaînes opératoires” are involved in making the lime. This multiplicity is not only a technic one but a social translation also. If the cooking section is indeed leaded by professionals handworkers, other technic sections can be consigned by other kind of workers even sometimes for just only one section. The handworkers expertise appears to be resulting material and technic restraints, but also social ones. Lime burning hold a special position in both society and economy in the end of the Middle Age. Despite the essential use of lime production in some particular industry, lime burners – not numerous - are only holding a secondary position in the medieval society
Livros sobre o assunto "Four à chaux"
Crenn, Bernard. Les fours à chaux des marges armoricaines (1775-Fin des années 1930): La grande mue d'une petite fabrication. 1998.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteNotice sur la boulangerie mécanique à la vapeur de Québec: Pétrin mécanique et four à air chaud Tourangeau, mise du pain dans le four, sans le secours de la main, en moins d'une minute. [Québec?: s.n.], 1985.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteNotice sur la boulangerie mécanique à la vapeur de Québec: Pétrin mécanique et four à air chaud Tourangeau, mise du pain dans le four, sans le secours de la main, en moins d'une minute. [Québec?: s.n.], 1985.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteTomadjoglou, Kimberly. Alice Guy’s Great Cinematic Adventure. University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Texto completo da fonteCapítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Four à chaux"
Williams, Roger L. "Letters forty-nine to eighty-eight cover four years: beginning in late 1781 with Villars’ move from Le Noyer to Grenoble to accept appointment as Medécin titulaire de l’hôpital militaire breveté du Roi, ending in late 1785 when the initial volume ofHistoire des plantes du Dauphiné; was in press. The new position brought Villars an additional 800 livres a year, as he was privileged to retain the pension of 1000 livres granted by the intendant. This recognized both his continuing work in botany and his need to pay for a second domicile in Grenoble. Even though Villars continued to give his annual series of botanical lectures, which would seem to have been a justification for additional remuneration, his relative wealth seems to have sparked jealousy within the small medical staff To make matters more uncomfortable for him, he found a disagreeable rivalry between the physicians and surgeons of the city and the Brothers of Charity who administered the hospital for the crown, led by Father Dominique Durand, a surgeon.278 One can only surmise that, under such circumstances, the continuing peaceful and congenial association with Father Chaix provided Villars with more than a valued botanical collaboration. [1781–1785]". In The Letters of Dominique Chaix, Botanist-Curé, 88–160. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.
Texto completo da fonteWilliams, Roger L. "Letters thirty-one to forty-eight were addressed to Monsieur Villars, Docteur en Médecine in Le Noyer, but sometimes in nearby St.-Bonnet. They cover the months after the publication of his prospectus in April of 1779 until his departure in late 1781 to assume a new post in Grenoble. In 1780, his stipend was doubled to 1000 livres by the intendant, no doubt in compensation for a new course in botany that villars would inaugurate in March of 1780. That he left his wife and children in Le Noyer at the end of 1781, returning for visits on holidays, may mean that he did not anticipate a lengthy tenure in Grenoble.[1779–1781]". In The Letters of Dominique Chaix, Botanist-Curé, 58–87. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.
Texto completo da fonteWilliams, Roger L. "Letters eleven to twenty-nine were addressed to Monsieur Villars, Surgeon, residing at his home in Le Noyer, but botanizing frequently as authorized, as he prepared for the publication of the prospectus of his flora. He would soon discover that the continuing patronage of the intendant, the renewal of his pension had been opposed by the religious order where he had interned in Grenoble, and that success breeds jealousies. During the summer of 1774, he made a trip into Lower Dauphiné, Provence, and Languedoc with Dr. Clappier. At Montélimar, they examined the herbaria of Dr. Pierre Garidel and the Chicoyneau family, then possessed by Dr. Jean-Joseph Menuret de Chambaud. They examined the rich collections (both herbaria and library) of Jean-François Séguier at Nîmes. At Montpellier they saw the collections of Antoine Gouan and Pierre Cusson. They were able to botanize around Avignon, Aix, Marseille, Toulon, and Hyères. The long trip accounts for the substantial hiatus in Chaix’s correspondence that summer.[1774–1779]". In The Letters of Dominique Chaix, Botanist-Curé, 28–57. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.
Texto completo da fonteWidodo, Slamet, Natalia Dallek e Gawarti Gawarti. "The Feasibility of the Module for Making Choux Substitution of Brown Rice on Community Training". In 5th Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2023), 144–48. Paris: Atlantis Press SARL, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteVan Dung, Nguyen, e Vu Thi Lan Anh. "Natural Radioactivity and Environmental Impact Assessment at Dong Pao Rare Earth Mine, Lai Chau, Vietnam". In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020), 564–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Texto completo da fontePitkin, Melanie, Jacinta Carruthers, Alexandra Doubleday, Rafie Cecilia e Ronika K. Power. "Innovative Approaches to Caring for Ancient Egyptian Mummified Human Remains at the Chau Chak Wing Museum, Sydney". In Mediterranean Collections in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, 300–316. London: Routledge, 2025.
Texto completo da fonteTuan, Nguyen Quang. "Analysis of Rock Slope Failure and Rockfall for Preliminary Hazard Assessment of the Cliff at Chau Thoi Quarry". In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 230–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Texto completo da fonteThanh Tung, Tran, Nguyen Quang Chien e Do Xuan Tinh. "Sand-Spit Evolution and Inlet Dynamics Derived from Satellite Images: A Case Study for Tien Chau Inlet, Vietnam". In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 287–93. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteLe, Hong Anh, Bao Ngoc Dinh e Dung Nguyen. "Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Web Service for Monitoring Soil Moisture and Landslide in Lai Chau Province, Viet Nam". In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 131–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteChau, Stephen B., e Paul Turner. "An Analysis of Factors that Influence the Ability of SMEs to Derive Benefit in Four Phases of Electronic Commerce". In Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities, 97–110. IGI Global, 2003.
Texto completo da fonteTrabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Four à chaux"
Tran Mai, Uoc. "LESSONS FROM PHAN CHAU TRINH'S ECONOMIC THOUGHTS FOR VIETNAM TODAY". In International Conference on Political Theory: The International Conference on Human Resources for Sustainable Development. Bach Khoa Publishing House, 2023.
Texto completo da fontePospiech, Piotr, Aleksander Marianski e Michal Kedziora. "Blockchain Decentralized Voting for Verified Users with a Focus on Anonymity". In 2nd International Conference on Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT 2021). AIRCC Publishing Corporation, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteSo, R., Chi Fai Shek, S. Lui e E. Kwok. "Partnering for EMI mitigation - a case study from the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line". In IET International Conference on Railway Engineering 2008 (ICRE 2008). IEE, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteDrabsch, B., A. Howells e L. O’Donnell. "A Colourful Past: Digitally Recoloring the Sarcophagus of Mer-Neith-it-es". In Sixteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices. Common Ground Research Networks, 2024.
Texto completo da fonte"Operational synthesis for small combat teams: exploring the scenario parameter space using agent-based models". In 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2013). Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ), Inc., 2013.
Texto completo da fonteTung, Y. W. "Decision-support tool for tunnel train-fire scenarios MTRC Lok Ma Chau (LMC) Spur line (Hong Kong)". In IET International Conference on Railway Engineering 2008 (ICRE 2008). IEE, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteNi, Peifang. "Mimicking a Complete Life-Cycle of Fiat Currency in One E-cash System". In 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic System (AIFZ 2022). Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2022.
Texto completo da fonteCochet, Christophe, e Ronald W. Yeung. "Dynamic Analysis and Configuration Design of a Two-Component Wave-Energy Absorber". In ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
Texto completo da fonteKim, Bong Gon, Dennis Wong e Yoon Seok Yang. "Private and Secure Post-quantum Verifiable Random Function with NIZK Proof and Ring-LWE Encryption in Blockchain". In 3rd International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain. Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center, 2023.
Texto completo da fonteTsui, Regine, Jonathan Hart, Wenzhu Hou e Alan Ng. "An Alternative Approach for Semi-Automatic Delineation of Rock Blocks on 3D Meshes and Engineering Application". In The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42nd Annual Seminar. AIJR Publisher, 2022.
Texto completo da fonteRelatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Four à chaux"
Ayallo, Irene. Thesis Review: Evaluating the Impact of Social Change Catalyst on Urban Community Development: A Case Study of LIN Centre for Community Development in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by Chau Doan-Bao. Unitec ePress, junho de 2018.
Texto completo da fonteAyallo, Irene. Thesis Review: Evaluating the Impact of Social Change Catalyst on Urban Community Development: A Case Study of LIN Centre for Community Development in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by Chau Doan-Bao. Unitec ePress, junho de 2018.
Texto completo da fonte2018 Lower Mekong Water Quality Monitoring Report. Vientiane, Lao PDR: Mekong River Commission Secretariat, novembro de 2021.
Texto completo da fonte