Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "Folkloristé"

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Roques, Évelyne. "Paul Delarue, instituteur, folkloriste et militant laïque". Paris, EHESS, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EHES0388.

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Saisir l'oeuvre de Paul Delarue, l'auteur du catalogue des contes populaires français, c'est envisager le processus qui a conduit à légitimer la tradition orale dans la composition des contes. L'itinéraire de Paul Delarue articule trois domaines: l'éducation qui passe par son métier d'instituteur engagé dans le syndicalisme enseignant et l'éducation populaire, la botanique et l'étude du conte. Nous en montrons l'interaction dans le formation du folkloriste comme dans la signification d'une oeuvre où "conte", "enfance", "école" et "éducation populaire" sont intimement liés. Travailleur infatigable, il affine sa connaissance du conte oral, de sa collecte et de sa transcription dans le patient traitement des manuscrits d'Achille Milien qui forment la base du Conte populaire français commencé en 1946 et poursuivi à ce jour. Mais, c'est au travers de l'édition de deux recueils pour enfants, L'Amour des trois oranges et Incarnat blanc et or et dans l'étude des sources orales du Petit Chaperon rouge de Charles Perrault que se dévoile la portée théorique de cette oeuvre qui constitue une rupture épistémologique dans l'étude du conte: désormais il s'agira de considérer l'ensemble des versions d'un conte, orales ou littéraires, de les comparar entre elles, d'en apprécier les variations afin de parvenir à une connaissance intime du conte plutôt que d'en rechercher de chimériques origines ou de lui infliger des interprétations fantaisistes
Comprehending Paul Delarue's work, the author of the French folktale catalogue, means considering the process that led to justify oral tradition in composition of tales. His carreer is based on three areas: education, through his work as teacher committed teacher trade unionism and public education, botany and the study of tales. His training as a folklorist comes from interaction of these three topics as well as in his work whenre "story", "childhood", "school" and "popular education" are closely linked. As tireless worker, he refined his knowledge of oral tale, from its collection to its transcription by his careful processing of Achille Milien's manuscripts. These documents forming the basis of popular French tale began in 1946 and has continued up to now. But it is while publishing two children books, L'Amour des trois oranges and Incarnat blanc et or and while studying oral sources of the Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault, that the theoretical range of this work was revealed. It constitutes an epistemological break in tale study: since this publication the methodology has been consisting of considering all versions of a tale, oral or literary, to compare them and to underline changes. This allows achieving a deep knowledge of the story rather than seeking chimerical origins or imposing fanciful interpretations
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ishii, Yoko. "Kunio Yanagita, the life and times of a Japanese folklorist". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape17/PQDD_0006/MQ34894.pdf.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Villalba, Arasa Laura. "Adelaida Ferré i Gomis, folklorista. Edició, catalogació i estudi del seu corpus rondallístic". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/293910.

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En aquesta tesi, inscrita en una doble línia de recerca: estudis de literatura oral popular i estudis de gènere i/o feministes, s'analitza la figura de la folklorista Adelaida Ferré i Gomis (Barcelona 1881 – Barcelona 1955), de manera especial com a rondallista. El treball s’estructura en dues parts: d’una banda es presenta la biografia de la folklorista, el seu context familiar, trajectòria professional i el seu treball com a conreadora del folklore a través de l’anàlisi de diversos materials, de fonts orals fonamentals i a través de la correspondència que va mantindre amb el seu mestre Rossend Serra i Pagès. En aquesta primera part també s’exposa la situació de les dones catalanes de final del segle XIX i principi del XX, el marc general —durant els primers trenta anys del segle XX— en què es va produir la seua incorporció al folklore i quines van ser les aportacions que hi van fer en aquest període. A més, s’estudia el paper que Rossend Serra i Pagès va tindre en la formació de les joves folkloristes i gràcies al qual va iniciar-se i consolidar-se el treball d’aquestes dones a aquesta disciplina. La segona part de l’estudi se centra en la transcripció, edició, catalogació i anàlisi d’un corpus de 96 rondalles eminentment inèdites. Aquests relats es presenten classificats en tres apartats diferents: (1) Rondalles catalogades a l’índex tipològic internacional [ATU]; (2) Rondalles catalogades al web RondCat (i no a ATU), i (3) Versions no catalogades. Amb aquesta tesi es posa de manifest la faena de les folkloristes catalanes de principi de segle XX, es reivindica la figura i el treball —poc o gens conegut— d’Adelaida Ferré i Gomis com a folklorista, i s’enriqueix el panorama de la rondallística catalana amb la incorporació de noves versions de tipus ja existents i de tipus nous.
En esta tesis, inscrita en una doble línea de investigación: estudios de literatura oral popular y estudios de género y/o feministas, se estudia la figura de la folclorista Adelaida Ferré i Gomis (Barcelona 1881 – Barcelona 1955), de manera especial como recolectora de cuentos populares. El trabajo se estructura en dos partes: por un lado se presenta la biografía de la folclorista, su contexto familiar, su trayectoria profesional y su trabajo como cultivadora del folclore a través del análisis de distintos materiales, de fuentes orales fundamentales y a través de la correspondencia que mantuvo con su maestro Rossend Serra i Pagès. En esta primera parte también se expone la situación de las mujeres catalanas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, el contexto general —durante los primeros treinta años del siglo XX— en que se produjo su incorporación al folclore y cuáles fueron las aportaciones que hicieron en este período. Además se estudia el papel que tuvo Rossend Serra i Pagès en la formación de jóvenes folcloristas y gracias al cual se inició y se afianzó el trabajo de estas mujeres en esta disciplina. La segunda parte del estudio se centra en la transcripción, edición, catalogación y análisis de un corpus de 96 cuentos populares en gran parte inéditos. Estos relatos se presentan clasificados en tres apartados distintos: (1) Narraciones catalogadas en el índice tipológico internacional [ATU]; (2) Narraciones catalogadas en la página web RondCat (i no en ATU), y (3) Versiones no catalogadas. Con esta tesis se pone de manifiesto el trabajo de las folkloristas catalanas de principios del siglo XX, se reivindica la figura y el trabajo —poco o nada conocido— de Adelaida Ferré i Gomis como folclorista, y se enriquece el panorama catalán de los cuentos de tradición folclórica con la incorporación de nuevas versiones de tipos ya existentes y de nuevos tipos.
This dissertation, set within a twofold research line: popular oral literature studies and gender and/or feminist studies, analyzes the importance of the folklorist Adelaida Ferré i Gomis (Barcelona 1881 - Barcelona 1955), especially as a folktales collector. The work is structured into two parts: the first one presents the folklorist's biography, her family background, her career and her work as a folkloric scholar through the analysis of various materials, fundamental oral sources and her correspondence with her teacher Rossend Serra i Pagès. It also sets out the situation of Catalan women between late 19th and early 20th centuries, the general context -during the first thirty years of the 20th century- in which they joined the study of folklore, and which were their contributions to the discipline in this period. Moreover, it studies the role played by Rossend Serra i Pagès in teaching young female folklorists, thanks to which they could commence and consolidate their work in this discipline. The second part of this study focuses on the transcription, edition, cataloguing and analysis of a corpus of ninety-six mostly unpublished folktales. These tales are classified into three groups: (1) Folktales catalogued in the ATU international classification system; (2) Folktales catalogued in the web RondCat (and not in ATU), and (3) Folktales not catalogued. This doctoral thesis highlights the work of Catalan female folklorists at the beginning of the 20th century, calls deserved attention to Adelaida Ferré i Gomis's almost unknown contribution to the folkloric research, and enriches the Catalan folktales corpus with the addition of both new versions of already existing types and new types.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Starnes, Kathryn. "Fairy tales, textbooks and social science : a folklorist reading of international relations introductory textbooks". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/fairy-tales-textbooks-and-social-science-a-folklorist-reading-of-international-relations-introductory-textbooks(4fc0195b-97db-4e48-9cc7-deb4b3c24e2f).html.

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This thesis explores the research question: to what extent does the idea of 'social science' persist in constructing IR textbooks in our contemporary context? In light of the considerable changes in the discipline's canon catalysed by the Third Debate, it is surprising that there has been no sustained engagement with a large body of textbooks in over a decade. The thesis uses a folklorist approach to review contemporary undergraduate IR textbooks by exploring their family resemblances to Donkeyskin and Bluebeard stories. The thesis finds that many contemporary textbooks resemble Donkeyskin stories, both because they employ a problem/choice structure that works to curtail how IR is defined and because they rely on a number of assumptions about what it means to write a textbook and study IR. However, the thesis also finds that there is a limited but notable body of textbooks that resembles Bluebeard stories in terms of how 'forbidden' assumptions about how IR is defined and what it means to write a textbook are confronted. These two readings of textbooks are complemented by a third aspect of the folklorist approach, a reading of framing gestures. While many textbook authors employ framing gestures that cast authors as curators of the field of IR, reinforcing strict boundaries for participation in the negotiation of the IR canon, there are notable exceptions that cast textbook authors as creators. The effect is to demonstrate and open up for participation the process of negotiating the boundaries of what gets to 'count' as IR.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Oliva, Ramal Albert. "Eusebi Ribas Vallespinosa, prevere i folklorista. contribució a la història del folklore català (1874-1959)". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/671352.

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Aquesta tesi doctoral reivindica la figura de mossèn Eusebi Ribas Vallespinosa com a folklorista. La primera part del treball es basa en la influència que ha desenvolupat l’Església institucional de Catalunya en la societat contemporània en els diversos períodes històrics que han transcorregut entre la segona meitat del segle XIX i la primera del XX, com són la Renaixença, la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930), la Segona República (1931-1938), la Guerra Civil (1936-1939) i la primera etapa de la dictadura de Franco (1939-1951). En concret, es fixa quina ha estat la contribució de la clerecia a la història del folklore català en el període esmentat i s’analitza la participació eclesiàstica en alguns projectes i iniciatives de recerca folklòrica, com l’Obra del Cançoner Popular. En aquest context, apareix la figura d’Eusebi Ribas Vallespinosa, prevere de Valls. La segona part de la tesi, doncs, es centra a estudiar la tasca de mossèn Ribas com a folklorista, que es vertebra en tres àmbits d’actuació: cançons populars, jocs tradicionals i articles costumistes en la premsa local i comarcal. Per a fer-ho, es parteix de dos eixos de treball que es centren en dues de les obres més destacades de la producció de l’autor en el terreny de la literatura oral popular i el folklore: l’aplec de jocs tradicionals vallencs de 1951 i el recull de cinc-centes trenta cançons que tramet a l’Obra del Cançoner l’any 1932. En el primer cas es fa una contextualització, edició, estudi i classificació dels jocs de l’aplec manuscrit que el clergue presenta als Jocs Florals de les Festes Decennals de la Mare de Déu de la Candela de Valls. En el cas del cançoner, es contextualitza el document, s’analitzen les característiques de les informants i es proposa una classificació i un comentari de les cançons.
Esta tesis doctoral reivindica la figura del padre Eusebi Ribas Vallespinosa como folklorista. La primera parte del trabajo se basa en la influencia que ha desarrollado la Iglesia institucional de Catalunya en la sociedad contemporánea en los diversos períodos históricos que han transcurrido entre la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y la primera del XX, como son la Renaixença, la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930), la Segunda República (1931-1938), la Guerra Civil (1936-1939) y la primera etapa de la dictadura de Franco (1939 a 1951). En concreto, se fija cuál ha sido la contribución de la clerecía en la historia del folklore catalán en el período mencionado y se analiza la participación eclesiástica en algunos proyectos e iniciativas de investigación folklórica, como la Obra del Cançoner Popular. En este contexto, aparece la figura de Eusebi Ribas Vallespinosa, presbítero de Valls. La segunda parte de la tesis, pues, se centra en estudiar la tarea de mosén Ribas como folklorista, que se vertebra en tres ámbitos de actuación: canciones populares, juegos tradicionales y artículos costumbristas en la prensa local y comarcal. Para hacerlo, se parte de dos ejes de trabajo que se centran en dos de las obras más destacadas de la producción del autor en el terreno de la literatura oral popular y el folklore: el acopio de juegos tradicionales vallenses de 1951 y la recopilación de quinientas treinta canciones que envía a la Obra del Cançoner el 1932. En el primer caso se hace una contextualización, edición, estudio y clasificación de los juegos del manuscrito que el clérigo presenta en los Jocs Florals de las Fiestas Decenales de la Virgen de la Candela de Valls. En el caso del cancionero, se contextualiza el documento, se analizan las características de las informantes y se propone una clasificación y un comentario de las canciones.
This doctoral thesis vindicates the figure of the priest Eusebi Ribas Vallespinosa as a folklorist. The first part of the work is based on the influence that the institutional Church of Catalonia developed in the contemporary society during the different historical periods comprised between the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth, such as the Renaixença period, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930), the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1938), the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and the first years of the Franco dictatorship (1939-1951). It specifically determines the contribution of the clergy to the history of Catalan folklore during that period and analyzes the ecclesiastical engagement in projects and initiatives of research in the folklore field, such as Obra del Cançoner Popular. In that given context, we encounter the figure of Eusebi Ribas Vallespinosa, presbyter of the city of Valls. The second part of the thesis is then focused on the study of the work of Father Ribas as a folklorist, structured in three areas of action: folk songs, traditional games and tradition-related articles found in local and regional press. To achieve that, two core fields of work are established, each focused on one of the most outstanding works of the author's production in the field of popular oral literature and folklore: on one side, the collection of traditional games from Valls dating back to 1951; on the other side, the collection of five hundred and thirty songs that he sent to Obra del Cançoner in 1932. The first case contains a contextualization, edition, study and classification of the games contained in the manuscript that the priest presented at the Floral Games held during the Decennial Celebrations in honor of Our Lady Verge de la Candela in Valls. In the second case, the songbook, the document is contextualized, the characteristics of the informants are analyzed and a classification and commentary on the songs is proposed.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Schram, Kristinn Helgi Magnusson. "Borealism : folkloristic perspectives on transnational performances and the exoticism of the North". Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/5976.

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This thesis examines the exotic performances and representations of Icelanders and 'the North' (borealism) in both contemporary mediums and daily life focusing on their practice within intricate power-relations and transnational folkloric encounters. It sets forth theory in understanding the dynamics, agency and ironies involved with performing one's identity and folklore and a corresponding methodology of fieldwork and audio-visual documentation. It looks at the representation of the North through the produced and widespread images of Icelanders. It sheds light on the dynamics behind these representations and the coalescence of personal experience; everyday cultural expression; modes of commodification; and folkloric contexts from which many of these images emerge. The primary case study is an ethnography of Icelandic expatriates in Europe and North America that explores the roles of identity and folk culture in transcultural performances. In approaching the questions of differentiation and the folklore of dislocation everyday practices such as oral narrative and food traditions are studied as an arena of the negotiation and performance of identity. Interlinking theoretical and methodological concerns the thesis brings to bear how expressive culture and performance may corrode the strategies of boundary making and marginalisation re-enforced by exotic imagery by tactical re-appropriation. Finally the thesis explores the concept of ironic, as opposed to 'authentic', identities.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Van, de Water Wesley Colin. "The Bat and the Spider: A Folkloristic Analysis of Comic Book Narratives". DigitalCommons@USU, 2016. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/4870.

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This thesis examines and argues that superhero narratives, beginning with their comic book origins in the early twentieth century, exhibit many of the qualities found in folklore. Furthermore, these narratives not only demonstrate a folkloric evolution across multi-media formats, including printed work, television, and film, but that they fit within classic hero narrative structures posited by various folklore theorists. The hero theories presented by Lord Raglan, Vladimir Propp, and Joseph Campbell, along with traditional folklore patterns of dynamism and conservatism discussed by Barre Toelken, Alan Dundes, and others, support the assertion that folklore can, and does, exist and propagate in the mass media popular culture sphere. What follows is an academic analysis of core folklore elements, as well as a presentation of how these core qualities can be found in superhero narratives, and how the discipline of folklore may benefit from a study of these narratives.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ortabasi, Melek. "Japanese cultural history as literary landscape : scholarship, authorship and language in Yanagita Kunio's native ethnology /". Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/6692.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mangin, Alexandre. "宮本常一 : un ethnographe folkloriste, infatigable marcheur à la recherche de l'identité japonaiseMiyamoto Tsunéichi". Lyon 3, 2008. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/out/theses/2008_out_mangin_a.pdf.

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Ce travail entend présenter la vie et l'oeuvre du folkloriste Miyamoto Tsunéichi qui permit à la minzokugaku, fondée par Yanagita Kunio d'entrer dans la modernité en insistant particulièrement sur le travail de terrain. En étudiant son parcours et sa formation, nous montrons comment s'est constitiié académiquement cette science nouvelle. Cette analyse épistémologique est suivie d'une présentation des thèmes majeurs de l'oeuvre miyamotienne qui ont pour point commun de s'interroger sur ce que sont les Japonais, et plus particulièrement les classes populaires, notamment rurales. L'auteur essaie de montrer, notamment par le recours à l'Histoire tout autant que par des observations d'ordre sociologique et des recherches sur le "patrimoine", comment la ruralité a nourri l'identité et la culture des Japonais, et observe le déclin de la vie à la campagne du fait de l'exode rural. Parmi les buts de cette discipline, l'aspect moral n'aura pas su enrayer un processus qui semble aujourd'hui encore irréversible. En revanche, l'aspect descriptif illustré par la richesse de l'oeuvre de Miyamoto nous fournit aujourd'hui une base de données sans précédent sur les cultures populaires du Japon
This work intends to introduce the life and work of folklorist Miyamoto Tsuneichi thanks to whom the new science created by Yanagita Kunio (i. E. Minzokugaku) could enter modernity, especially insisting on fieldwork. Studying his path and his formative years, I will show how that science was academically constituted. This epistemological analysis is followed by an introduction to the major themes in miyamotian work, whose common point is to interrogate about what the Japanese are, especially the lower classes, first of all the rural ones. This author tries to show, particularly by using History as well as making sociological observations and doing researches about "patrimony", how rurality nourrished the identity and cultures of the Japanese, and he observes the decline of life in rural areas due to rural exodus. Among the aims of this discipline, the moral side could not stop a process that seems irreversible even today. However, the desciptive side, illustrated by the huge amount of books written by Miyamoto gives us today an unprecedented database about the folk cultures in Japan
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mercado, Guerra Javier. "Religiosidad y folklorismo en dos festividades patronales de los Andes : Potosí (Bolivia) y Ayquina (Chile)". Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2012. http://www.repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/116014.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Latry, Guy. "Félix Arnaudin, un folkloriste gascon à travers sa correspondance : suivie de l'édition de la correspondance générale de F. Arnaudin". Montpellier 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000MON30065.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Thomas, Jeannie B. "Honoring the Farm: Identity and Meaning in Personal Narratives". DigitalCommons@USU, 1987. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/7379.

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This thesis employs the literary folklorist methodology to explore personal narratives. Personal narratives told by Elizabeth (Beth) Wyatt Winn were analyzed. It was discovered that these narratives provide an eyewitness account of history, reveal world views, and encapsulate experiences into values and personal meanings. The depth of meaning found in Elizabeth (Beth) Wyatt Winn's personal narratives illustrates the importance of personal narratives in historical research and historical re-creation and simulation. Appendices include several oral interviews containing personal narratives.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Maixner, Miroslav. "Ambivalence identity: kulturní tradice jako téma v současném českém a slovenském umění". Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění, 2020. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-432632.

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The dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of a new presence of references to traditional folk culture in contemporary Czech and Slovak art. Emphasis is placed on the period from the year 2000 to the present. The core of the work consists of chapters devoted to artists who in this period significantly thematized various aspects of traditional folk culture, either as a partial element of specific projects or in the form of continuous interest in the field. The essence of this part is to show the breadth and heterogeneity of the examined manifestations across the media spectrum. The main purpose of the work is to analyze and place the researched phenomena in a relevant context within the theory and history of art. The reason is their different nature from thematically similar manifestations in the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition, when compared with current trends abroad, a number of connections are shown, such as links to environmental issues, criticism of the state of society and, above all, to new issues related to personal and collective identification. Therefore, I base the analysis of these phenomena on a hybrid interdisciplinary basis using theoretical approaches to identity in the social sciences and humanities. I do so in the introductory theoretical chapters, but the main focus is on the final analytical synthesis. To a large extent, it also builds on data obtained from interviews with artists, the transcripts of which the reader will find in the appendix. Finally, the documentation of curatorial projects and exhibitions realized as a practical part of the dissertation project is attached.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Koppe, Klaus. "Walravens, Hartmut (Hrsg.): Walther Heissig (1913–2005). Mongolist, Zentralasienwissenschaftler, Literaturwissenschaftler und Folklorist. Leben und Werk. Würdigungen, Dokumente, Forschungsberichte und Rundfunkprogramme auf Audio-CD. Wiesbaden (Rezension)". De Gruyter, 2018. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A31860.

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Rezension zu Walravens, Hartmut (Hrsg.): Walther Heissig (1913–2005). Mongolist, Zentralasienwissenschaftler, Literaturwissenschaftler und Folklorist. Leben und Werk. Würdigungen, Dokumente, Forschungsberichte und Rundfunkprogramme auf Audio-CD. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012. 460 S.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Redbo, Linnea. "Djuren i husen : Om spår av rituell praktik i profana byggnader". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Arkeologi, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-446533.

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The ritual practice of concealing animal bones and other objects in buildings has a long continuity, and occurs in both prehistoric as well as in late modern buildings. There is however a discrepancy between the prehistoric material and the later archaeological material, where there are a lot of signs of ritual concealments in Iron Age houses but a lack of archaeological sources from historical buildings. There are no written sources that mentions the custom of concealing objects in buildings during prehistoric times. However, folkloristic sources tell us of a practice during historical times, much like the prehistoric building concealments. This study aims to make use of different sources to gain a better understanding of the custom during multiple time periods. This could help to fill in the knowledge gaps concerning the practice of building concealments in both prehistoric times as well as in later historical times. The analysis is based on three case studies of Swedish archaeological investigations; two concerns primarily Iron Age material and the third one concerns Early Modern and Pre-industrial material. All three are delimited by the fact that concealed animal remains, as well as other objects, have been recovered. Swedish folkloristic sources are used to make analogies to the different archaeological contexts found in the case studies. The main concern of this study is not on the symbolism of the action, but rather on the actual practice and the ritualization that underlies the archaeological material. This means that contextual aspects such as spatial contexts, the treatments of the objects or choice of species are important to take into account, and could also be interpreted as distinguishing aspects in the ritualization. This study shows how the use of multiple sources can help create new knowledge and give different perspectives on the ritual practice of building concealments in both prehistoric and historical times. It also illustrates similarities of the practice between different time periods, and how we can relate the Iron Age custom to the concealments made during much later times.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

de, Millo Cole. "Gaze not upon the * : Paganism and history use within digital games". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper (KV), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-100115.

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This bachelor thesis goal is to explore how paganism has expressed itself within the world of digitalgames through three different examples. It builds onto already existing research around videogames and history use as well as my own term paper that touched upon this subject. This thesis willbe done using academic literature concerning digital games, history use and paganism from Russiaas well as Japan.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Levin, Christoffer. "Från ett ord till en värld : Alver i klassrummet: etymologi, folktro och fiktion". Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för humaniora, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-24520.

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Detta arbete ämnar undersöka möjliga didaktiska användningsområden av fantasygenren utifrån ett relaterat fantasyelement: alver. Ett flertal tidsperioder undersöks därför för att sätta detta övernaturliga väsen i kontext: de fornnordiska, anglosaxiska, medelengelska, tidigt moderna skotska, viktorianska och moderna perioderna. För dessa perioder undersöks vidare disparata textkällor och narrativ i både folktro och skönlitteratur för att uppmärksamma olika representationer av alver genom tiderna. Genomgångar av akademisk forskning och kritiska läsningar av skönlitteratur utförs. Resultatet visar på skillnader både mellan och inom tidsåldrarna i både narrativ, teman och karakteristika; alver tycks vara ett ambivalent väsen som associeras med vithet, ljushet, godhet och skönhet, men som samtidigt kan vara ytterst farliga och kan skada människor om moraliska transgressioner sker från de senare. Deras roll tycks förändras beroende på vilket behov som finns i människornas samhälle; ibland står de som antagonister och ibland som välvilliga belönare. Detta arbete finner att eftersom alver har en lång och varierad tradition och existerar i skilda sfärer finns det goda möjligheter att arbeta utifrån kritiska didaktiska perspektiv med detta ämne i gymnasieskolan inom ett flertal ämnen och även ämnesöverskridande.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Samuelsson, Victoria. "What Manner of Man is This? The Depiction of Vampire Folklore in Dracula and Fangland". Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Engelska institutionen, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-77495.

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The vampire figure is very much a part of the literary landscape of today, and has been so for the last 200 years. The vampire has not always appeared as it does today, as the rich, urbane gentleman, but has its origins in old folklore legends. The idea that the vampire figure has changed over the course of history is not new, but instead of discussing the phenomena influencing, and changing, the vampire motif, this essay will try to shed light on the aspects of the folklore vampire that are still part of the vampire of today. By applying the theory of folklorism (folklore not in its original context, but rather the imitation of popular themes by another social class, or the creation of folklore for purposes outside the established tradition), presented by Hans Moser and Hermann Bausinger among others, this essay attempts to prove that the modern vampire is in fact a folklorism of the old folklore legends. The essay examines the more recent incarnation of the vampire, the literary vampire who emerged during the 18th and 19th century, with the intent to prove that, while it is different from its origin, it has several features in common with its ancestry as well. To show this, examples from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897), and the more recent novel Fangland (2007) by John Marks have been chosen to serve as basis for the analysis. Both novels clearly show instances where folklore has been brought into the narrative as a way to define and depict the vampire.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Miotto, Barbara <1968&gt. "L'étude du folklore à la fin du XIX siècle: la correspondence entre Giuseppe Pitre et les folkloristes français: Cola Pesce et Jean des Mervilles: analyse de deux contes". Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/325.

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L'Europa conosce durante il 19° secolo un interesse sempre più forte nei confronti delle tradizioni popolari. In questo periodo viene coniata la parola di origine inglese folk-lore, che pian piano diventa termine universalmente accettato per definire l'assieme di racconti, miti, leggende, tradizioni, usi e costumi del popolo. La Francia e l'Italia sono pienamente inserite in questo scenario, grazie all'opera di pazienti raccoglitori, catalogatori e studiosi che riescono, soprattutto negli ultimi 20-30 anni del secolo e nei primi anni del '900, a preservare e tramandare un patrimonio di letteratura orale e di usanze tramandato nei secoli, ma già a quel tempo in via di sparizione. Questi raccoglitori e studiosi non restano isolati nella loro zona di interesse prevalente o nel loro specifico ambito di studi, ma dialogano, fondano Società folcloriche e riviste dedicate, corrispondono tra loro ed in qualche caso hanno dei contrasti sul metodo usato nella raccolta e nella divulgazione. Figure fondamentali sono in questo periodo il siciliano Giuseppe Pitrè, fondatore e direttore dell'Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari ed il bretone Paul Sèbillot, anch'egli fondatore e direttore di una importante rivista, la Revue des traditions populaires. La loro relazione epistolare, di profonda amicizia, dura più di trent'anni. Le 45 lettere di Sébillot, più una di Pitrè, finora inedite, sono state trascritte, presentate, e collocate nell'ambito del lavoro svolto dai due folcloristi e della nascita e crescita delle riviste da essi fondate. Pitrè corrispose anche con altri studiosi francesi, in particolare con il linguista Henri Gaidoz, fondatore e direttore di un'altra rivista di folklore, Malusine. L'analisi delle lettere scritte da Gaidoz a Pitrè ed il suo confronto con le lettere di Sébillot ha permesso di chiarire molti aspetti dei rapporti conflittuali nel movimento folklorico francese degli. anni 1880-1890. E' stato inoltre possibile comprendere meglio il diverso approccio dei diversi studiosi nei confronti della raccolta delle tradizioni popolari. Sébillot fu amante della sua terra bretone, in qualche caso al punto da "abbellire" il materiale raccolto, grandissimo catalogatore e ordinatore anche se non sempre capace di analisi in profondità, in grado comunque di dare un carattere universale alla sua ricerca e raccolta, di sfruttare i suoi legami per confrontare, elencare, raggnippare, tradizioni di tutta Europa. Pitrè si mosse raramente dalla sua Sicilia, il suo centro di interesse rimase sempre nell'isola, per sviscerare fino in fondo l'immenso patrimonio popolare dato dalle differenti culture che si avvicendarono nei secoli. Egli riuscì nel suo intento, completando in quarant'anni di attività un lavoro monumentale non solo di elencazione, ma anche di analisi, commento, studio della lingua e del dialetto. Fu presente ed attivo nella vita culturale italiana ed europea, con la sua corrispondenza, i suoi articoli, il suo lavoro infaticabile all'Archivio che rese la rivista punto d'incontro degli studiosi di tutta Europa. L'analisi comparata di due racconti, Cola Pesce, riportato da Pitrè in Studi di leggende popolari in Sicilia, e Jean des Merveilles, contenuto nei Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne di Sébillot, ha permesso di confrontare direttamente l'opera dei due studiosi. Le chiavi di lettura scelte sono state soprattutto moderne, ma non mancano i riferimenti al lavoro di raccolta e analisi fatto direttamente dai due folcloristi. Au début du XIXe siècle l'Europe connaît un intérêt toujours croissant pour les traditions populaires. En ce temps-là on crée le mot d'origine anglaise folk-lore, qui devient un terme universellement accepté pour définir l'ensemble des contes, des mythes, des légendes et des coutumes du peuple. La France et l'Italie sont bien insérées dans ce contexte, grâce à l'oeuvre des collecteurs, et des savants qui réussissent, surtout vers la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXe à préserver un patrimoine de littérature orale transmis pendant les siècles, mais qui était déjà, en ce temps-là, en voie de disparition. Ces collecteurs, ces savants ne restent pas isolés dans leur zone d'intérêt prévalant ou dans leur domaine d'études, mais il communiquent entre eux, ils fondent des sociétés folkloriques et des revues spécialisées, ils correspondent entre eux et dans quelques cas ils ont des contrastes sur la méthode employée dans le recueil et dans la divulgation. En ce moment-là, les personnages principaux sont le sicilien Giuseppe Pitré, fondateur de et directeur de l'Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, et le breton Paul Sébillot, fondateur et directeur d'une importante revue, la Revue des traditions populaires. Leur relation épistolaire, de profonde amitié, dure plus de trente ans. Les 45 lettres de Sébillot, plus une de Pitré, jusqu'à ce moment-là inédites, ont été transcrites, présentées et placées dans le domaine de l'activité exercée par les deux folkloristes et celui de la naissance, du développement des revues fondées par eux-mêmes. Pitré écrivit beaucoup de lettres aussi à d'autres savants français, en particulier au linguiste Henri Gaidoz, fondateur et directeur d'une autre revue de folklore, Mélusine. L'analyse des lettres écrites par Gaidoz à Pitré et les comparaisons avec les lettres de Sébillot ont permis d'éclaircir beaucoup d'aspects qui concernent les rapports conflictuels à l'intérieur du mouvement folclorique français pendant les années 1880-1890. Il a été aussi possible de comprendre les différentes méthodes des deux savants face au recueil des traditions populaires. Sébillot aimait beaucoup sa terre, à tel point qu'il a cherché à rendre plus "beau" le matériel recueilli. Il a été un grand collecteur même s'il ne fut pas toujours capable d'analyser en profondeur, il donna de toute façon un caractère universel à sa recherche et il exploita ses liens pour faire des comparaisons et collecter les traditions de l'Europe entière. Pitré alla très rarement hors de sa Sicile et le noeud de ses intérêt fut toujours l'île, pour épuiser, pour étudier à fond le grand patrimoine populaire donné par les différentes cultures qui se succédèrent au cours des siècles. Il réussit dans son but, en complétant pendant quarante ans de son activité un travail monumental d'énumération, mais aussi d'analyse, de commentaire, d'étude de la langue et du dialecte. . Il participa activement à la vie culturelle italienne et européenne, avec sa correspondance, ses articles, son travail infatigable sur VArchivio, qui rendit la revue un point de rencontre des savants de l'Europe entière. ' L'analyse comparée des deux contes Cola Pesce, rapporté par Pitré in Studi di leggende popolari in Sicilia, et Jean des Merveilles, contenu dans les Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne de Sébillot, a permis de faire des comparaisons entre les oeuvres des deux savants.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Carnevali, Flavia Guia. "\'A mineira ruidosa\' - Cultura popular e brasilidade na obra de Alexina de Magalhães Pinto (1870-1921)". Universidade de São Paulo, 2009. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8138/tde-08022010-123212/.

Texto completo da fonte
O objetivo dessa investigação foi analisar de que maneira a cultura popular coletada sob a forma de cantos, contos, provérbios e brincadeiras infantis foi tratada pela folclorista e professora mineira Alexina de Magalhães Pinto (1870-1921), considerada pioneira na aplicação das diversas formas da cultura oral à pedagogia. A intenção ao estudar a folclorista Alexina e suas obras na área do folclore foi verificar de que maneira ela colocava-se como intermediária em relação às práticas populares e a partir daí analisar o discurso que a intelectual construiu sobre essas práticas e vivências. Ao analisar os modos como Alexina manejou a cultura popular, seja corrigindo a fala do povo, ou a métrica das canções, valorizando os aspectos morais dos provérbios, criando e recriando contos populares, edulcorando seus finais, enfim, fazendo uso desse material para educar física, moral e intelectualmente as crianças, percebe-se como essas práticas estavam em consonância com a missão civilizadora que a elite letrada atribuiu para si entre o final do século XIX até as duas primeiras décadas do XX. Desse modo, a produção bibliográfica da folclorista e a historiografia sobre o tema, ajudam a revelar e/ou (re) construir os conflitos, tensões e projetos dessa conjuntura histórica marcada pela preocupação com a construção de uma identidade nacional brasileira.
Against the background of the period of the late nineteenth century until the first two decades of the twentieth century and thematic construction of Brazilian national identity, this study aimed at examining how the popular culture collected in the form of songs, stories , proverbs and child´s play was treated by folk and professor of mineira Alexina Magalhães Pinto (1870-1921), considered a pioneer in the application of oral literature and other forms of popular culture on teaching. The intention to study the folklore and the works Alexina left in the field of folklore was seen, how the folk posed herself as intermediary in relation to popular practice, and from this point analyze the speech that she builds about these practices and these experiences. In examining how the folk Alexina handled popular culture, \"correcting\" the speech of the people, or the metric of the songs, highlighting the moral aspects of proverbs, creating and recreating popular stories, sweetened its end, so making use of this material to educate physically, morally and intellectually children, we can notice how these \"practices\" used by her were according to a civilizing mission that the literate elite of the time attributed to themselves.Thus, production of folk literature and history about her, helps to reveal and / or (re) build the conflicts, tensions and projects that historical juncture marked by concern with the construction of a Brazilian national identity.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Andersson, Marcus. "Mäster Tinglöf och djävulens urmakare : En studie i Tinglöf-mytens uppkomst och utveckling från åren 1751-2021". Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och kulturvetenskap (from 2013), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-84065.

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Johan Tinglöf var en urmakare och smed som levde i 1700-talets Ekshärad. Han har lämnat efter sig många myter och berättelser där det sägs att han ska ha varit i förband med djävulen som gav honom trollkunnighet. Efter tvist med kyrkan skall Tinglöf lagt en förbannelse över Ekshärads tornur, som han tidigare konstruerat, då han inte fick sin betalning i tid. Denna uppsats är en undersökning i Tinglöf-mytens ursprung, utveckling och samhälleliga funktion för bygden, Ekshärad. Syftet är att förstå förhållandet mellan myt och bygd, samt myt och man. Därutöver kartlägga Tinglöf-mytens olika utvecklingsstadier från då den skapades till vår samtida version.       Källmaterial varier från dels arkivmaterial, dels skönlitterärara eller liknande verk som omnämner Johan Tinglöf. Däribland död- och begravningsböcker, sockenstämmoprotokoll samt ISOF uppteckningar för undersökning av 1700–1800-talen. Artiklar samt böcker för undersökning av Tinglöf-mytens utveckling under 1900–2000-talen.      En kvalitativ metod valdes ut som lämpligast tillvägagångssätt för att besvara följande tre undersökningsfrågeställningar; - Hur uppstod myten kring Johan Tinglöf? - Hur har Tinglöf-myten utvecklats över tid? - Vilken funktion har Tinglöf-myten haft i relation till Ekshärad som bygd? Detta genom att analysera Tinglöf-mytens olika beståndsdelar och därav tydliggöra olika nyckelingredienser som förekommer i nästan varje version av den. Därefter granskades det utvalda källmaterialet för att finna omnämningar av Johan Tinglöf samt hans myt.      Roland Barthes modell för mytbildning samt Ulrika Wolf-Knuts dramaturgiska modeller fördjävulssägner är den grund det teoretiska beaktandet tar avstamp från. Utöver Barthes och Wolf-Knuts återfinns forskningen kring historiedidaktiken i uppsatsen, detta då dess forskningsområde berör historisk tillämpning och användning, vilket återbärettande av myter sannerligen faller inom kategorin för.       Från detta har samtliga frågeställningar besvarats med en tydlig bild av hur Tinglöf-myten uppstod utifrån Barthes mytbildningsmodell. Hur Tinglöf-myten utvecklades över tid, med tre tydliga sagoskildrare som på respektive vis lägger grundstomme för mytens utvecklingsstadier. Samt vilken samhällelig funktion Tinglöf-myten haft i Ekshärad över tid, från dess skapelse, till vår samtid.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kuße, Holger. "Новае слова ў беларусістыцы. Матэрыялы V Міжнароднага кангрэса беларусістаў". De Gruyter, 2014. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A71373.

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Dem 15. Internationalen Slavistentag im August 2013 ging im Mai 2010 der 5. Internationale Weißrussisten-Kongress voraus, dessen Beiträge 2012 in drei Bänden in der Minsker Reihe „Беларусіка-Albaruthenica“ erschienen sind und zusammen mit einschlägigen Publikationen zum Slavistentag wie zum Beispiel dem unlängst von Gerd Hentschel herausgegebenen Beiträgen zu „Variation und Stabilität in Kontaktvarietäten. Beobachtungen zu gemischten Formen der Rede in Weißrussland, der Ukraine und Schlesien“ (Studia Slavica Oldenburgensia 21) einen guten Überblick über die aktuelle Weißrussistik geben. Der erste Band ist der Literaturwissenschaft und Folkloristik gewidmet («Літаратуразнаўства і фалькларыстыка», І. Э. Багдановіч (рэд.)), der zweite Band enthält Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft («Мовазнаўства», С. М. Запрудскі, Г. А. Цыхун (рэд.)), im dritten werden historische Themen und kulturologische Fragestellungen behandelt («Гісторыя і культуралогія», А.А. Суша (рэд.)).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Perrin, Emmanuelle. "Folklore et ethnographie de l'Egypte contemporaine : le "Dictionnaire des coutumes, des traditions et des expressions égyptiennes" ("Qâmûs al-'âdât wa-l-taqâlîd wa-l-ta'âbîr al-misriyya") de Ahmad Amîn". Paris, INALCO, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004INAL0015.

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Le "Dictionnaire des coutumes, des traditions et des expressions égyptiennes", publié en 1953 par l'homme de lettres Ahmad Amin (1886-1954), apparaît comme l'un des premiers textes qui procédèrent à l'enregistrement et à la description du folklore égyptien, qui se trouve ainsi défini comme un sujet digne de connaissance et de mémoire. Cet ouvrage, en langue arabe, contribue en effet à la formalisation du folklore en consignant des croyances, des pratiques et des savoir-faire relevant de traditions orales non codifiées. Souvent utilisé comme source ethnographique pour l'histoire de l'Egypte contemporaine, il n'avait jamais fait l'objet d'une présentation d'ensemble. A partir de l'indexation des articles par thèmes, l'analyse de ce dictionnaire montre dans quelles perspectives le domaine des traditions ou du folklore se constitue en un objet d'étude, comment s'y construit la notion de tradition et quel contenu lui est donné. Ahmad Amin voit tout d'abord dans les traditions l'expression de l'identité des Egyptiens. L'affirmation du caractère national des mœurs et des coutumes qu'il décrit, ainsi que le motif historique qu'il donne à leur collecte, justifient l'intérêt porté à celles-ci. En consignant de~ traditions sur le point de disparaître, son dictionnaire témoigne de la volonté de préserver le souvenir du mode de vie du passé, constitutif de la mémoire et de l'identité collectives, et de l'intégrer à l'histoire de l'Egypte. Les traditions sont enfin abordées d'un point de vue critique, dans une perspective de normalisation culturelle, ce qui participe également à la définition - ou à l'invention - du folklore égyptien
The "Dictionary of Egyptian Customs, Traditions and Phrases", published in 1953 by the scholar Ahmad Amin (1886-1954), is considered as one of the first texts recording and describing the Egyptian folklore, therefore defined as a subject worth being studied and recorded. This work, written in Arabic, contributes to formalizing this folklore, its beliefs, practices and know-how coming from oral, uncodified traditions. Often used as an ethnographical source for Egypt contemporary history, it has never been presented in its whole form. From an indexation of the articles by themes, the analysis of this dictionary shows us how traditions and folklore become a subject of study, how the notion of tradition can be constructed and what it consists of. According to Ahmad Amin, traditions first express the Egyptian identity. The interest focused on these traditions is then justified by the national dimension of the habits and customs he describes, as well as their historical interest. By recording traditions about to vanish, this dictionary keeps up the memory of ancient way of lives, part of collective memory and identity, and integrates them into Egyptian history. Traditions are also considered with a critical point of view, in terms of cultural normalisation, which as well participates in the definition - or the invention- of the Egyptian folklore
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Meyran, Régis. "Races, cultures et folklore : contribution à une histoire de l'anthropologie en France, 1928-1945". Paris, EHESS, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005EHES0189.

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Un nombre important de folkloristes et de régionalistes ont participé à l'élaboration de la Révolution nationale sous le régime de Vichy. Cet engagement ne s'explique ni par leurs opinions politiques, ni par leur opportunisme, mais plutôt parce qu'ils partageaient une communauté d'idées avec les hommes politiques, hauts fonctionnaires ou écrivains qui naviguèrent dans la sphère vichyste. L'étude des réseaux et des trajectoires individuelles permet de cerner un groupe défendant des croyances communes, selon lesquelles la culture d'une région est déterminée, comme la race de ses habitants, par le paysage et le climat. Ainsi des folkloristes ont-ils inventé une "culture naturelle" qui se rapproche plus de l'anthropolgie raciale de l'Ecole d'anthropologe ou de l'Institut Carrel, que de l'ethnologie initiée par Marcel Mauss. Leurs travaux, teintés de xénophobie voire de racisme, gardent cependant un actualité, car ils tentaient de dépasser l'opposition entre nature et culture
Many folklorists and regionalists helped to shape the national revolution under the Vichy regime. This contribution was neither motivated by political views nor by opportunism, but rather by shared ideas, to which scientists and some politicians, higher officials and writers of the Vichy period appealed. In studying the formation of networks, analysing individual trajectories, this thesis establishes the existence of a group unified by similar beliefs, consistent with the idea that the culture of any region is determined, like the race of its inhabitants, by the landscape and the climate. These folklorists invented the theory of "natural culture", which draws them closer to the racial anthropologists of the Ecole d'Anthropologie or the Carrel's institute, than to the social anthropology introduced by Marcel Mauss. Their works, through impregnated with xenophobia or even racism, still have an influence because they were trying to surpass the opposition between nature and culture
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Holmström, Ingela. "Seder och sägner av Leonard Rääf : en studie i bröllop och dop". Thesis, University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-619.

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Mitt syfte är att studera Leonard Rääfs nedskrivna sägner och kyrkliga kommentarer. Med detta arbete vill jag visa att många av sägner och seder har en kyrklig anknytning. Till hjälp har jag ställt några frågor som jag ska försöka att besvara:

* Vad säger sägnerna om frierier, fästning och bröllop?

* Hur förhåller sig kyrkan till sägnerna angående frierier, fästning och bröllop?

* Vad säger sägnerna om dop?

* Hur förhåller sig kyrkan till sägnerna angående dopet?

Tack vare Leonard Rääfs framsynthet att bevara de gamla sägnerna till eftervälden kan man få en inblick i den gamla svenska kulturen. Det är viktigt att veta sin historia för att få förståelse för sin egen tid. Många seder och bruk, men också många sägner lever kvar i dag, vissa av dem har förändrats till en modern och förändrad form. Skrocken om ringen finns kvar t ex genom att man trär upp en ring på ett hårstrå för att utröna när man ska gifta sig. Dessutom får man inte sätta någon annans vigselring på sitt finger för då blir det olycka. Sägnen förr i tiden upprätthöll en ordning i samhället. Genom sägnerna kunde folket komma ihåg regler för dop och bröllop.

Kyrkan har försökt att påverka folks vardag, detta har ibland lett till motsättningar och strider. En del av de folkliga sederna har kyrkan förbjudit t ex kakaltaret. Ibland har folkets riter förts in i kyrkan exempelvis ringen. Kyrkans heliga ritualer gjordes mystiska, vilket ledde till att sägnerna kom att få en magisk aura.

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bailey, Ebony Lynne. "Re(Making) the Folk: The Folk in Early African American Folklore Studies and Postbellum, Pre-Harlem Literature". The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1594919307993345.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Eriksson, Joakim. "Trädkult : en studie i Thede Palms efterföljd". Thesis, University of Gävle, Ämnesavdelningen för religionsvetenskap, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-3989.

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Arbetets syfte är att göra en aktualiserad framställning av ämnet trädkult. En viktig del av syftet har också varit att göra en mera heltäckande materialgenomgång än tidigare studier. Framställningen kommer huvudsakligen att beröra den fornskandinaviska religionen men utblickar kommer att bli nödvändiga för att komplettera materialet. Således kommer även kontinentalgermanska och samiska områden att beröras, kontinentalgermanskt område något utförligare, samiskt område i form av ett exempel. Visserligen kommer arbetet i mycket att ha karaktären av en betraktelse. Som sådan blir den resonerande såtillvida att då någon källa har redovisats och/eller den i respektive fall eventuelle forskaren har fått lägga dit sina aspekter kommer jag att i vissa fall ha små reflektioner att tillägga. Trots detta vill jag ändå som tillägg sätta en traditionell frågeställning eftersom inget uppsatsarbete borde undvika att söka besvara åtminstone någon eller några frågor. De frågor den här uppsatsen kommer att söka besvara blir:

  • Kan en koppling mellan myt och rit påvisas?
  • Finns det möjlighet att påvisa ett mikro-, makrokosmiskt förhållande?
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Набок, Марина Миколаївна, Марина Николаевна Набок, Maryna Mykolaivna Nabok e Каяпинар Гьокальп. "Архетипна основа поняття "рід" в українській та турецькій усній народній творчості". Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2021. https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/84531.

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Національна свідомість відображає своєрідний генетичний код, в основі якого стародавні уявлення про людину і світ. Особливу увагу ми звертаємо на первні колективного підсвідомого, як важливого чинника світопізнання і світорозуміння нації, поняття «Рід», пізнання яких важливе передусім для збереження національної природи людини, народу, становлення і розвитку міжкультурного спілкування загалом. Саме «у процесі міжкультурного взаємообміну виявляємо своєрідність світосприйняття і світорозуміння кожного окремого народу».
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Floirat, Anetta. "Le Roi Roger de Karol Szymanowski, chef-d’œuvre de diversité unifiée". Thesis, Paris 4, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA040090.

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Le Roi Roger, chef-d’oeuvre du compositeur polonais Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937), constitue une œuvre-clé pour le développement de son auteur. Situé dans la Sicile médiévale, théâtre de la confrontation de nombreuses civilisations (notamment grecque, byzantine, arabe et normande), l’opéra se veut mosaïque de cultures (interculturalité) et des sources artistiquement variées (pluridisciplinarité). Allant des Bacchantes d’Euripide jusqu’à la philosophie nietzschéenne et de la musique folklorique des Tatras au drame wagnérien, ce kaléidoscope de sources est articulé par quelques idées fondamentales. L’étude proposée considère l’opéra, selon les termes mêmes du compositeur, dans l’opposition binaire, entre d’« immenses contrastes et richesses » et de « mondes […] unis » par le biais de procédés d’intégration devant faire accéder cette mosaïque au statut d’Œuvre. La présente étude est une série d’éclairages, seul moyen de considérer l’opéra si complexe en entier. Confrontant les projets et le résultat, elle s’organise au rythme des oppositions, approchant différents domaines dans leur épaisseur (étude des sources variées) et leur rôle dans l’œuvre achevée
King Roger, a masterpiece of the Polish composer Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) is a key-work to the development of his author. Taking place in the medieval Sicily, setting for the confrontation of many civilisations (in particular Greek, Byzantine, Arabic and Norman), the opera presents itself as a mosaic of cultures (interculturality) and of varied artistic sources (pluridisciplinarity). Extending from the Bacchae of Euripides to nietzschean philosophy and from the music of the Tatra Mountains to the wagnerian drama, this kaleidoscope of sources is articulated by a few fundamental ideas. The present study considers the opera, according to the words of the composer himself, in the binary opposition between « great contrasts and riches » and the « united worlds » by means of particular methods of integration which rise this mosaic to the status of a Work of Art.The present study gives a series of insights into the opera, the only way of considering a work of such complexity in its entirety. Confronting the projects and the result, it is organized by the rhythm of the oppositions in presence, approaching different arts by their multiple layers (through the study of varied sources) and their part in the final work
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Seay, Nancy Parker. "Elderly African American Clergywomen as Community and Educational Resources". Connect to full text in OhioLINK ETD Center, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=toledo1262958506.

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Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Toledo, 2009.
Typescript. "Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for The Master of Education in Educational Theory and Social Foundations." "A thesis entitled"--at head of title. Bibliography: leaves 97-104.
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Sousa, José Josberto Montenegro. "Culturas tradicionais no Ceará: nas dobras de narrativas em contendas sertanejas". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2009. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/13150.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:32:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Josberto Montenegro Sousa.pdf: 965677 bytes, checksum: 1a1760474c0bd557750ce7438e9bb38d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-08
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
This work aimed to study traditional cultures of Ceará State, Brazil, with emphasis on the experiences and the way of being and living of poor backwoodsmen population. We agreed to discuss conceptions about the backwoods and backwoodsmen, disseminated by folklorits´ onset, the instance of literacy, of sciences, and public power, that reproduce equivocate apprehension about backwoodsmen s culture which its origin forwards significantly to indigenous and African cultural heritage. These affirmations are marked by persistent strategies kept as expressions of popular culture. We analyzed the dimension of their argument and point of views, giving privilege to the narratives produced about and by backwoodsmen, with the objective to evidence distinct perspectives of its statement s content
Neste estudo tratamos de culturas tradicionais no Ceará, com ênfase às experiências e modos de ser e viver de populações pobres sertanejas. Procuramos problematizar abordagens e concepções sobre o sertão e sertanejos, disseminadas por investidas de folcloristas, de instâncias do letramento, das ciências, e de poderes públicos, que reproduzem apreensões equivocadas acerca de culturas sertanejas cujas origens remetem, significativamente, a heranças culturais de povos indígenas e africanos. Estas asserções estão marcadas por persistentes estratégias de enfrentamento mantidas como expressões da chamada cultura popular. Analisamos pontos de vista e dimensões de seus argumentos, privilegiando narrativas produzidas sobre e por sertanejos, com o intuito de evidenciar distintas perspectivas quanto ao conteúdo de seus enunciados
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Agostini, Agostinho Luís. "O pampa na cidade : o imaginário social da música popular gaúcha". reponame:Repositório Institucional da UCS, 2005. https://repositorio.ucs.br/handle/11338/272.

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Estudo da Música popular Gaúcha como fenômeno característico da década de 1980. Inclui a análise do corpus da MPG mediante a seleção de trinta letras representativas. Abordagem do Tradicionalismo e Nativismo com vistas à verificação da presença do gaúcho idealizado nas letras da música popular. A realidade social é vista como uma construção imaginária em que as ações significativas dos atores sociais, como a linguagem e o discurso, caracterizam suas constituintes.
Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-19T17:32:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Agostinho Luis Agostini.pdf: 717091 bytes, checksum: 564b4604e5ee15e568cab8eb447c8380 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-19T17:32:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Agostinho Luis Agostini.pdf: 717091 bytes, checksum: 564b4604e5ee15e568cab8eb447c8380 (MD5)
Study of the Folkloristic Gaucha Music as a characteristic event in the 80 s. It includes a study of FGM s structure by selecting thirty representative lyrics. Approaching of the cultural and native traditions, searching to find the gaucho characteristics idealized in the folkloristic music s lyrics. Social reality faced as na imaginary construction in which the significative actions of the social actors, such as language and speech, characterize its components.
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Carolinski, Flavia Cristina Moino. "Aleksandr Nikoláevitch Afanássiev e o conto popular russo". Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8155/tde-12092008-170622/.

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A coletânea Contos populares russos, lançada de 1855 a 1863 em oito volumes, foi resultado do cuidadoso trabalho de Aleksandr N. Afanássiev (1826-1871), responsável pela reunião e publicação de cerca de 600 textos presentes nessa obra, que ganhou destaque por ser a primeira coletânea de contos populares russos de caráter científico, tornando-se assim um importante material de estudo, além de apresentar a poesia e o humor inerentes aos contos. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de apresentar a trajetória desse pesquisador, que se dedicou não somente ao conto mas também a outras manifestações folclóricas, assim como traçar a evolução da presença do conto popular na vida literária e científica russa, fato que proporcionou o surgimento de diversos estudos folclorísticos, e apresentar alguns traços recorrentes do conto de magia. Para tanto, as pesquisas de Vladímir Propp, que muito se dedicou à cultura popular, em especial ao conto de magia, foram de extrema importância. Esta dissertação apresenta ainda a tradução de onze contos de magia, cujo critério de seleção foi a presença das diferentes representações do personagem folclórico Baba-Iagá, e um breve estudo dos seus traços de acordo com as teorias proppianas.
The collection Russian folktales, brought out from 1855 to 1863 in eight volumes, was the result of the careful work by Aleksandr N. Afanássiev (1826-1871), responsible for the gathering and publishing of around 600 texts in this work. Afanássiev´s work was the first Russian folktales collection with a scientific approach, it became a fundamental study material, besides presenting the tales inherent poetry and humour. This dissertation has the objective to introduce Afanássiev´s path, who devoted himself not only to the tale but also to other folklorist expressions, as well as to outline the evolution of the folktale presence in the literary and scientific Russian life, making possible the appearance of many folklorist studies. Another purpose of this work is to present some recurring traits from the tales of magic. For this intention, Vladimir Propp´s works, who dedicated a lot of his time to the popular culture, and in particular, to the tales of magic, were extremely important to us. This dissertation also presents the translation into Portuguese of eleven tales of magic, in which the selection criteria was the presence of different representations of the folktale character Baba-Iagá, of which a short assessment is made of its traits, in accordance with Propp´s theories.
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Yashkina, Svetlana. "Modern Fairy Tales: The New Existence of an Old Genre : Exemplified by the Books of Alan A. Milne, Tove Jansson and Eno Raud". Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för kultur och estetik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-151238.

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The aim of this study is to draw new perspectives to the theoretic approach towards the complex nature of the modern fairy tale genre and its transformation. The study is exemplified by two books by Alan A. Milne about Winnie-the-Pooh (1926-1928), Tove Jansson’s eight books about the Moomintrolls (1945-1970) and Eno Raud’s four books about three funny creatures called “Nakstitrallid” in Estonian (1972-1982). In this thesis, I examine the disputable problem of defining the fairy tale genre in modern literature and refer to the history of the genre and storytelling tradition that have indirectly inspired all three authors in their decision to turn for fairy tale as a genre. Applying the poetical analysis, I argue that these authors contributed to the continuity of fairy tales by creating the link between folkloric heritage, novelistic literary expression and children’s imagination. This study can therefore be considered as topological, however it does not pretend to introduce the complete systematic definition of the genre as the thesis’ format does not allow such in-depth investigation. In the first chapter, ‘Archaic world stimulation in modern fairy tale’, I examine the dominating literary categories that refer to the folk fairy tale intertext: Bakhtin’s concept of ‘chronotope’ – category of time and space, system of fictional allegoric characters and category of fantastic.  In the second chapter, ‘Modern fairy tales from perspective of children’s literature’, I analyze the books of Milne, Jansson and Raud in the scope of narratological and aesthetic categories of children’s literature. The folkloric laughter intertextually reproduced by naïvism of the Moomins, the Naksitralls, and Winnie-the-Pooh’s friends, while folkloric collective hero is presented by universal harmony of a happy family and child-like protagonists. I came to the conclusion that poetics of folklore fairy tale still exists in these books through the intertextual dialogue. Modernism as literary method re-evaluates folkloric aspects such as nonlinear time, the blurred boarders between individual and cosmos, material and spirit, text and reality. Every new artistically unique fairy tale world resembles the new stage of the genre development. The more innovative is the story, the more sophisticated can be its poetics.
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Vimont, Michael. "The anthropological construction of Czech identity : academic and popular discourses of identity in 20th century Bohemia". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:bb316968-60a1-472c-bee4-b8de3af5ebbd.

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Through close textual analysis of 20th century Czech anthropological texts from the Revivalist and Socialist periods and contemporary social research conducted after the Velvet Revolution, I demonstrate certain prominent discourses of identity developed in early Bohemian anthropology and their continuities in present day popular discourses. In each period, identity is deeply intertwined with teleological theories of history with Czech populations at the apex of cultural evolutionary development. In the Revivalist period this apex was believed to be the democratic nation state, transitioning to a Marxist nation state in the Socialist period, and in the contemporary period is conceived of as a neoliberal nation state. A major function of anthropology in the Revivalist and Socialist periods was to legitimate either period’s respective teleological theory and Czech possession of relevant values as 'objective' and 'natural' fact, a general mode of discourse which continued in the contemporary period in numerous editorials in the 1990s on the advantages of capitalism. The contemporary manifestation has particularly noteworthy consequences for the Roma minority, which I argue has provided Czech discourses with an ethnic category 'anti-thetical' to their own identity, providing a 'repository' for negative Czech self-stereotypes emerging from collaboration in the Socialist period.
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Kukharenko, Svitlana P. "Abnormal Death Memorials in Ukraine: the Folkloristic Perspective". Phd thesis, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10048/1355.

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Abnormal death memorials are unofficial cenotaphs and burial places located in public space. They mark the sites of sudden tragic death and, therefore, include roadside memorials an internationally spread phenomenon that is a relatively new topic in the Folkloristics scholarship. This study is the first to explicitly discuss abnormal death memorials as both material culture objects and as objects of folk beliefs in the context of Ukrainian culture. Based on fieldwork done in Ukraine between 2005 and 2009, this thesis identifies the meaning and significance of contemporary memorials in Ukraine through people's attitudes. The results of the study show that positive attitudes towards abnormal death memorials are influenced by Ukrainian folk beliefs about bad death, the afterlife, and communication with the dead. Abnormal death memorials in Ukraine appear as metaphors of Ukrainian cosmology and changing folk beliefs about the worlds of the living and dead. The practice of erecting memorials in Ukraine seem to be a modification of a century long folk tradition of marking spots of bad death.
Ukrainian Folklore
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Mische, James J. "Upper midwestern singer/composers : an ethnographic, folkloristic study /". 2005. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/70808572.html.

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Lilja, Agneta. "Föreställningen om den ideala uppteckningen : En studie av idé och praktik vid traditionssamlande arkiv - ett exempel från Uppsala 1914-1945". Doctoral thesis, 1996. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sprakochfolkminnen:diva-379.

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This dissertation deals with the work of documenting Swedish folk culture at the Institute of Dialect and Folklore Research in Uppsala. This work is analyzed as a scholarly field and from the perspective of power and resistance structures. The investigation has to do with the gathering of material from the perspective of ideas and of practice. On the ideological plane the purpose of the work of the Archive was to create true and objective historical documents concerning folk culture, factual and linguistic information taken directly from the people, representative parts that could be brought together in larger, functional units. Reality was to be investigated in all its range. In practice, on the basis of their special competence and interests, researchers by making a subjective choice decided exactly which factual areas were to be investigated. No unified investigation was therefore achieved. Instead, traditional rural culture was chosen for investigation. Certain factual and/or geographical areas were given priority while others were rejected. By means of various strategies the researchers tried to influence the collectors in the field to gather the sort of information that the Archive wished to have. What was collected, however, was also influenced by the interests and knowledge of the collectors and was therefore the result of an agreement between the researchers and the collectors. The whole enterprise was primarily conducted as a rescue operation, in which the oldest, the most threatened and the most popular cultural elements were to be collected. The old tradition was made to represent stability and continuity. What was modern, learned or literary was eliminated in favour of what was regarded as traditional and genuine. The enterprise entailed a sort of cultural criticism by the researchers of their own turbulent, contemporary world and of the working classes, which were made to represent modern and artificial culture. The material that was gathered, therefore, was not primarily a contribution to an understanding of the popular culture of the 19th century, but rather commentaries on and criticisms of culture at the moment of recording it. It therefore tells us more about the modern human being of the early 20th century that about rural life in the 19th century.

Doktorsavhandling för filosofie doktorsexamen i etnologi framlagd vid Uppsala universitet 1996.

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ŘEDINA, Patrik. "Dudáci a dudácké muziky jižních až jihozápadních Čech v 2. pol. 20. století". Master's thesis, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-253976.

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This work is a summary of performers of bagpipe music in ethnographic regions throughout South Bohemia, focusing on the second half of the 20th century to the present day. It describes the musical activities of individual bagpipers, as well as the influence of bagpipe bands in Prácheňsko, Pošumava, Doudlebsko, Blata and Kozácko. The work should not only function as a chronological history catalog of folk musicians for those interested in folk culture, but also highlight their accomplishments in maintaining South Bohemian bagpipe traditions, in both its authentic form, as well as natural development.
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"The impact of the Indo-Arabic fable tradition on the "Esope" of Marie de France: A literary, historical, and folkloristic study". Tulane University, 1998.

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The Esope, written around 1170 by Marie de France represents not only the first literary work by a French woman fabulist, but also the first collection of fables written in the vernacular in Western Europe. Scholars have paid some attention to the sources of the first forty fables of the Esope, believed to be ultimately derived from the Romulus Nilantii, but have tended to neglect those of the second half of Marie's collection, and particularly the ones drawn from Eastern fables and folklore. While acknowledging the influence of the Latin fable tradition on the Esope, in this dissertation I put forth and provide evidence for the theory that Marie de France followed a second model: the fable tradition of Indian origin which reached Europe through the Arabs Karl Warnke's valuable essay 'Die Quellen des Esope der Marie de France', published in the year 1900 in Festgabe fur Hermann Suchier, is the only scholarly attempt to unravel the sources of Marie's fables, including the non-Aesopic ones. His work is relatively comprehensive, in that it summarizes the variants of every fable and refers to analogies and parallels, but it does not offer any in-depth analysis. Moreover, since the publication of his essay, almost a century ago, several ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Indian, Jewish, and Arabic texts have come to light, thanks to the efforts of folklorists in various parts of the world. These texts and recorded tales provide new insights into the entire domain of fable-literature, including Marie's collection In this dissertation I intend to expand upon the work of Warnke. The omission of fables outside the Greco-Latin tradition from any study of the sources of Marie's work would result in an incomplete, distorted picture and the conclusions arrived at thereby would be misleading and fallacious. A thorough investigation of Marie's sources will prove that the Esope is not only indebted to Eastern literature and folklore but also occupies a significant position in the history of the dissemination of the tales to Europe
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Kearney, Guigné Anna. "Kenneth Peacock's Songs of the Newfoundland outports : the cultural politics of a Newfoundland song collection /". 2004.

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Gholson, Martha Rachel. "Folklore of Southern literature as folkloristic process : portrayals of the Cane River region in the short stories of Louisiana's Ada Jack Carver /". 2001.

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Poppová, Anna. "Faktory ovlivňující zájem o folklor u členů folklorního souboru v Praze". Master's thesis, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-344144.

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The aim of this dissertation is to answer this question: what is the reason of folklore groups in Prague to reproduce and engage in the Moravian folklore. Apart from Moravians, Prague's native-born inhabitants also participate in these ensembles; which is possible to be considered as a specific phenomenon. This occurrence demands clarification. The main question is what the factors which influence the individual's interest in folklore are. Specifically what are the mechanisms of transmission of interest in this activity and what are the reasons why individuals are constantly devoted to folklore for a long period of time. The empirical part is devoted to these research questions. It tries to address these issues by the means of interviews with 13 respondents from a Prague's folklore ensemble. The theoretical part of the dissertation presents the base for the research questions. For example, it pursues the concept of socialization, identity or the contexts and functions of folklore in the contemporary society.
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Fijałkowski, Michał. "Pieśń ludowa u Johanna Gottfrieda Herdera. Impulsy, źródła, recepcja". Doctoral thesis, 2013. https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/363.

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The interest in folk themes intertwined in the late 18th century with the search for national epics, and this is due to in 1760 issued Fragments of ancient poetry, collected in the Highlands of Scotland. Ossianism, which had gripped the European literature, has raised interest in the ancient ,simple, uncomplicated poetry of raw, "barbaric" language, of form previously opposing prevailing classical trends. Five years after the first edition of Fragments... (called also Songs of Ossian) there appears an extensive collection of old English and Scottish ballads by Thomas Percy, the monument also found "by accident". This collection makes an incredible career in Europe, especially in Germany, where the imitations of anonymous songs by poets such as Hölty or Bürger lead to the establishing of the genre of early artistic ballads, widely used by the upcoming eras of Pre-Romanticism and Romanticism. Johann Gottfried Herder, influenced by his reading of Ossian and by the studies of English on their "ancient songs”, formulates at the beginning of the 70's of 18th century in his writings demands for new literature, which he would like to see in Germany. On the background of the rich reception Ossian in his country Herder prepares his publishing of a collection of European folk songs, which happens in the years 1778-1779. Of a huge interest are the circumstances in which in a few years his view of the matter of folk songs changed, as a large influence on the final shape of the set were the expectations of critics and readers. In my work I examine in particular the set of Volkslieder by Herder against both English inspirational sources (Ossian, Percy) , both in terms of content and form of the set, I look at the sources, from which Herder drew often very innovatively folk songs of different nations available to him, also reading the accompanying later opus vitae of Herder, Ideas for the Philosophy of History of Humanity, in which he formulates the often stereotypical perception of most European nations, basing on the literature and ancient poetry of these nations available to him.The final stage of my work is to show the vast, but currently undervalued, reception of the Herder’s work, both in his native Germany and in the Slavic countries, in which Herder’s collection of folk songs served as the impetus for the creation of national literatures: I take a closer look at the phenomenon of the Czech National Revival , in particular at two literary forgeries, The Manuscript of Dvůr Králové and The Manuscript of Zelená Hora, also at the deeds of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, who in the Southern Slavic countries collected and published folk songs, both heroic and lyrical. Due to the small response, which attracted Herder’s deeds as the publisher of folk poetry in Poland (was due to the political situation), Herder’s reception in the Polish literature is mentioned on the examples of folkloristic gatherers’ activities of the Romanticism era.
Zainteresowanie tematyką ludową splata się pod koniec XVIII wieku z poszukiwaniem eposów narodowych, a to za sprawą wydanych w 1760 Pieśni Osjana. Osjanizm, który ogarnął europejską literaturę, rozbudził zainteresowanie dawną, prostą, nieskomplikowaną poezją o surowym, "barbarzyńskim" języku, formie, która sprzeciwiała się panującym dotychczas klasycystycznym trendom. Pięć lat po pierwszym wydaniu Osjana pojawia się obszerny zbiór starych ballad angielskich i szkockich Thomasa Percy'ego, również zabytku odnalezionego "przez przypadek". Zbiór robi niesamowitą karierę w Europie, a przede wszystkim w Niemczech, gdzie naśladowanie jego anonimowych pieśni przez poetów takich jak Hölty czy Bürger prowadzi do powstania najwcześniejszych ballad artystycznych, gatunku recypowanego przez nadchodzący pre- i romantyzm. Johann Gottfried Herder, pod wpływem lektury Osjana jak i badań Anglików nad ich "dawnościami", na początku lat 70-tych XVIII wieku formułuje w swoich pismach postulaty dotyczące nowej literatury, jaką chciałby widzieć w Niemczech. Na tle bogatej recepcji "Osjana" w swoim kraju Herder przygotowuje wydanie zbioru europejskich pieśni ludowych, do czego dochodzi w latach 1778-1779. Interesujące są okoliczności, w jakich w ciągu kilku lat zmienia się jego spojrzenie na sprawę wydawania pieśni ludowych, jak duży wpływ na ostateczny kształt zbioru mają krytycy i oczekiwania czytelników. W swojej pracy poddaję analizie przede wszystkim zbiór Volkslieder Herdera zarówno na płaszczyźnie inspiracji utworami angielskimi (Osjan, Percy), zarówno jeśli chodzi o treść jak i formę zbioru, przyglądam się szczegółowo źródłom, z jakich częstokroć bardzo nowatorsko czerpał Herder dostępne mu pieśni ludowe różnych narodów, ponadto lekturą towarzyszącą analizie jest wydane później opis vitae Herdera, Myśli o filozofii dziejów, w której formułuje często stereotypowe postrzeganie większości narodów europejskich, czyniąc to na bazie dostępnej mu literatury i dawnej poezji tych narodów. Ostatnim etapem pracy jest pokazanie rozległej, choć obecnie niedocenianej, recepcji zbioru Herderowskiego, zarówno w rodzimych Niemczech, jak i w krajach słowiańskich, w których zbiór pieśni ludowych Herdera posłużył za impuls do powstania literatur narodowych: bliżej przyglądam się Czeskiemu Odrodzeniu Narodowemu, w szczególności dwóm mistyfikacjom literackim na miarę Pieśni Osjana, czyli Rękopisom królodworskiemu i zielonogórskiemu, a także działalności Vuka Stepanovicia Karadžića, który na terenie krajów południowosłowiańskich zbierał i wydawał pieśni ludowe, zarówno bohaterskie jak i liryczne. Ze względu na niewielki oddźwięk, jaki wzbudziła działalność Herdera jako wydawcy pieśni ludowych w Polsce (spowodowane było to sytuacją polityczną), recepcja Herdera w literaturze polskiej wzmiankowana jest przy użyciu działalności zbierackiej odwołującej się do czasów romantyzmu.
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Řeháková, Kateřina. "Dětské folklórní soubory v Praze". Master's thesis, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-310763.

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TITLE: Children's Folkloric Groups in Prague ABSTRACT: This thesis focuses on children's folkloric groups in Prague. In my thesis I chart individual children's folkloric groups in Prague and identify ethnographic regions of the Czech Republic covered by these groups. Another aim of my thesis is to collect information concerning organization of these folkloric groups. I describe various motivations of their leaders and founders. Using interview method, I determine why they put efforts in folkloric groups, describe their opinions on what such groups can bring to children and difficulties they encounter. Finally, my aim is to determine children's motivation to take active part in folkloric groups and folklore itself. In my thesis I use research methods - qualitative and quantitative research. KEY WORDS: folklore, folklorism, children's folkloric group, motivation
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Teixeira, Maria Isabel da Cunha. "A cultura popular vianense na política folclorista do estado novo". Master's thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/30436.

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Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
A Cultura Popular Vianense na política folclorista do Estado Novo, é o tema do presente trabalho que tem como objetivo a pesquisa, estudo e análise da cultura popular vianense, durante o regime do Estado Novo. Nele, pretendese observar, analisando a construção histórica da identidade cultural popular de Viana do Castelo e a política folclorista fomentada pelo regime do Estado Novo que a moldou, promoveu, incentivou e dotou de novos recursos, como meio de firmação e boa imagem de Portugal. Viana do Castelo era e é uma cidade, uma região, marcada por uma cultura popular rica em tradições únicas e exclusivas – o canto, a dança, o traje. Viana do Castelo usufruiu de meios privilegiados de ação, divulgação, modernização e institucionalização das formas de representar a sua identidade cultural ou foi o Estado Novo que se serviu da cultura popular vianense como propaganda de divulgação do “seu” Portugal?
The Vianense popular culture in the folkloristic politics of the Estado Novo is the subject of the current work which has as objective the research, study and analysis of the Vianense popular culture, during the Estado Novo regime. It is pretended to observe, by analysing the historical construction of the popular cultural identity of Viana do Castelo and the folkloristic politics enhanced by the Estado novo regime which shaped, promoted, incentivised and dotted it with new resources, as the means to enhance and portray a good image of Portugal. Viana do Castelo was and is a city, a region, marked by a rich popular culture with unique and exclusive traditions – songs, dances, and costumes. Viana do Castelo uses its privileged means of action, dissemination, modernization and institutionalization of its forms to represent its cultural identity or was the Estado Novo who used the Vianense popular culture as propaganda to disseminate “its” Portugal?
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Fišerová, Hana. "Jaroslav Špillar (1869-1917) a český výtvarný folklorismus na přelomu 19. a 20. století". Master's thesis, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-308240.

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The aim of this thesis is to make a clear reflection of folklorism in the Czech Art Nouveau painting at the turn of 19th and 20th century. This era is characterized by the effort of artists to follow the development in western art as well as to find their own Czech way to the modern art. The establishment of new societies of art and the impact of art critics - leading personalities of cultural life - is another feature of this period. The last quarter of 19th century is the time connected with the national revival era, when the folk culture is seen as pure and original. The culmination of so called "ethnographic movement" is the Czech-Slavonic Ethnographical Exhibition which took place in Prague in 1895. This event was the main reason for the fact that many artist suddenly started to feel sympathies for the folk topics even though in the past they were interested in different themes. In the middle of these two tendencies: desire to follow the western development and the attempt to find an inspiration in folk culture, grew the work of so called "regional painters". This thesis aims to characterize this phenomenon and to exemplify it on the basis of artwork of selected regional artists. Main part of this thesis is dedicated to the life and work of Jaroslav Špillar who was the significant figure of...
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Dvoekonko, Michaela. "Fenomén "čepení na míru" na současném Slovensku. Rekontextualizace a komodifikace folklorní tradice". Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-374147.

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At present, we notice an increased interest in folklore traditions and effort to put them to various spheres of everyday life. These 'revitalizing' efforts can be seen, for example, in the wedding ceremonies. The goal of this thesis is to analyze this tendency in modern weddings in Slovakia, with an emphasis on the highlight of the wedding - putting off head wreath and bonnet wedding ceremony. Nowadays it's common to commission a folk ensemble for these events. Even though the phenomena of bonnet wedding ceremony is considered to be a modern tradition that is based on certain historical bonds this revitalization process causes some semantic shifts, change of its functions that results in its different form. The focus of this thesis is aimed towards these changes - for example, the change of the function of traditional folk clothing, decontextual shift from the ritual to theatralization, the influence of shifts for participants and others involved, the commodification and the commercialization of the ceremony. The thesis also analyzes the relations between the folklore and folklorism, 'authentical' and stylized folklore and the general idea of the tradition as well as its contemporary social and cultural function. Keywords Bonnet wedding ceremony, wedding, ritual, folk ensemble, scenic folklore,...
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Moravčíková, Dominika. "Mýtus národa a autenticita folklóru ve slovenské folklórní talentové TV show Zem spieva (2017)". Master's thesis, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-404432.

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This master's diploma thesis discusses the mechanisms by which the Slovak public television talent show Zem spieva (2017) creates the concept of folklore perfor- mance as a means of building and expressing national identity. This thesis also discusses the mechanisms by which the show creates a platform for negotiating the criteria of high standard folklore performance which should present a consistent reconstruction of tradition. These two effects of the show Zem spieva are in this thesis perceived as conceptually conflicting: on the one hand, there are essentialist ideas about the genetic predisposition of members of the Slovak nation for folklore performance; on the other hand, there are doctrines focused on the reconstruction of the tradition on the folklore stage. These doctrines are followed by an expert jury composed of prominent members of the folklore community. This thesis argues that the concept of performing folklore on stage perceived as an intellectual problem of the reconstruction of tradition is in the show subversive and therefore gradually replaced by emotionally and patriotically defined criteria of high quality folklore performance. This preferred measure preserves cultural cohesion in terms of sa- tisfying the needs of the mass audience. Following the conflict of the mentioned...
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Rananga, Ntshengedzeni Collins. "Professionalising storytelling in African languages with special reference to Venda". Thesis, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/1329.

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Unlike in the days of yore where storytelling was primarily known for its entertainment value, storytelling should be harnessed to make people's livelihood. Chapter 1 serves as prologue wherein the background of the study, problem statement, statement of aims, research methodology, research questions, hypotheses, definition of terms and organization of the study are presented. Storytelling began with the aim of transmitting the culture of people from one generation to another. There are different theories to account for the origin of stories. The identified problem is that storytelling is dying because it has not yet been professionalised in African languages. For storytelling to become viable in South Africa, storytellers have to be economically empowered. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed in this study. Various questions have been prepared for use when interviewing the respondents. As a point of departure, the research hypotheses were laid down. Various concepts used in the study have been defined in order to clarify any misconceptions. For a study to follow a predetermined plan, it has to be organised in its initial stage. For that reason what has been discussed in each chapter has been summarised in the first chapter. Chapter 2 presents views of scholars, researchers and authors in general on how storytelling could be professionalised. The factors which retard the professionalisation of storytelling were also provided. The furnished views are classified according to their similarity. In Chapter 3, the methodology used in the gathering of research data is outlined. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used, but the qualitative method more extensively because this is an explorative study. Data was collected through interviewing, questionnaires, documents and observation methods. Two sampling methods were used to select the respondents: the snowball sampling method and the judgmental or purposeful sampling design. The setting of the study was determined by the accessibility and the willingness of the respondents to use the site. Once the data was collected, it was analysed and interpreted. Chapter 4 focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the research data collected through interviews, questionnaires and systematic observations. During data analysis, similar themes from different respondents were combined in order to interpret the main findings. All such themes are discussed under major categories. In this chapter, themes were identified in relation to how storytelling might be professionalised. The fifth chapter outlines the main findings arrived at during the analysis and the interpretation of the data. To make this study more pragmatic, the findings are accompanied by suggested recommendations. The final chapter provides a general conclusion to the entire study. The success of professionalised storytelling and storytellers, the implications in terms of teaching and professionalisation, the implications for further study and the limitations of the study are also dealt with in this chapter.
African Languages
D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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