Artigos de revistas sobre o tema "Foliar application"
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Wagner, Robert G., e Michael W. Rogozynski. "Controlling Sprout Clumps of Bigleaf Maple with Herbicides and Manual Cutting". Western Journal of Applied Forestry 9, n.º 4 (1 de outubro de 1994): 118–24.
Texto completo da fonteGoddard, Matthew J. R., John B. Willis e Shawn D. Askew. "Application Placement and Relative Humidity Affects Smooth Crabgrass and Tall Fescue Response to Mesotrione". Weed Science 58, n.º 1 (março de 2010): 67–72.
Texto completo da fonteSwietlik, Dariusz. "Foliar and Soil Zn Applications Increase Yield of Grapefruit Trees". HortScience 30, n.º 4 (julho de 1995): 773E—773.
Texto completo da fonteWood, Bruce W., Charles C. Reilly e Andrew P. Nyczepir. "Mouse-ear of Pecan: A Nickel Deficiency". HortScience 39, n.º 6 (outubro de 2004): 1238–42.
Texto completo da fonteBaird, James H., John W. Wilcut, Glenn R. Wehtje, Ray Dickens e Sam Sharpe. "Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of Sulfometuron in Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) and Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum)". Weed Science 37, n.º 1 (janeiro de 1989): 42–46.
Texto completo da fonteFlessner, Michael L., Glenn R. Wehtje e J. Scott McElroy. "Methiozolin Absorption and Translocation in Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua)". Weed Science 61, n.º 2 (junho de 2013): 201–8.
Texto completo da fonteNelson, L. E., M. G. Shelton e G. L. Switzer. "The influence of nitrogen applications on the resorption of foliar nutrients in sweetgum". Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25, n.º 2 (1 de fevereiro de 1995): 298–306.
Texto completo da fonteStewart, Zachary P., Ellen T. Paparozzi, Charles S. Wortmann, Prakash Kumar Jha e Charles A. Shapiro. "Foliar Micronutrient Application for High-Yield Maize". Agronomy 10, n.º 12 (11 de dezembro de 2020): 1946.
Texto completo da fonteMiller, Timothy W., e Carl R. Libbey. "Application of Paraquat Can Injure Field-grown Narcissus". HortTechnology 20, n.º 1 (fevereiro de 2010): 220–23.
Texto completo da fonteKaramanos, R. E., Q. Pomarenski, T. B. Goh e N. A Flore. "The effect of foliar copper application on grain yield and quality of wheat". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 84, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2004): 47–56.
Texto completo da fonteAslani, Maryam, e Mohammad Kazem Souri. "Growth and Quality of Green Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under Foliar Application of Organic-Chelate Fertilizers". Open Agriculture 3, n.º 1 (1 de maio de 2018): 146–54.
Texto completo da fonteOhki, K., F. C. Boswell, M. B. Parker, L. M. Shuman e D. O. Wilson. "Foliar manganese application to soybeans". Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 18, n.º 3 (março de 1987): 243–53.
Texto completo da fonteReickenberg, Regina L., e Marvin P. Pritts. "Dynamics of Nutrient Uptake from Foliar Fertilizers in Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)". Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 121, n.º 1 (janeiro de 1996): 158–63.
Texto completo da fonteBeavers, Adrianne, Marina Koether, Thomas McElroy e Sigurdur Greipsson. "Effects of Exogenous Application of Plant Growth Regulators (SNP and GA3) on Phytoextraction by Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) Grown in Lead (Pb) Contaminated Soil". Sustainability 13, n.º 19 (30 de setembro de 2021): 10866.
Texto completo da fonteKALANTAR AHMADI, Seyed Ahmad, Ali EBADI, Jahanfar DANESHIAN, Soodabeh JAHANBAKHSH, Seyed Ataollah SIADAT e Hourieh TAVAKOLI. "Effects of Irrigation Deficit and Application of Some Growth Regulators on Defense Mechanisms of Canola". Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 43, n.º 1 (23 de maio de 2015): 124–30.
Texto completo da fonteVitullo, Justin M., e Clifford S. Sadof. "Efficacy of Soil and Foliar-applied Azadirachtin in Combination with and in Comparison to Soil-applied Imidacloprid and Foliar-applied Carbaryl Against Japanese Beetles on Roses". HortTechnology 17, n.º 3 (janeiro de 2007): 316–21.
Texto completo da fonteJobidon, Robert. "Potential use of bialaphos, a microbially produced phytotoxin, to control red raspberry in forest plantations and its effect on black spruce". Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21, n.º 4 (1 de abril de 1991): 489–97.
Texto completo da fonteZaman, MM, MAH Chowdhury e Tanzin Chowdhury. "Response of stevia to foliar application of prilled urea". Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University 13, n.º 1 (14 de julho de 2016): 39–46.
Texto completo da fonteDORDAS, C., G. E. APOSTOLIDES e O. GOUNDRA. "Boron application affects seed yield and seed quality of sugar beets". Journal of Agricultural Science 145, n.º 4 (13 de fevereiro de 2007): 377–84.
Texto completo da fonteGUPTA, UMESH C. "MANGANESE NUTRITION OF CEREALS AND FORAGES GROWN IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND". Canadian Journal of Soil Science 66, n.º 1 (1 de fevereiro de 1986): 59–65.
Texto completo da fonteGULMEZOGLU, Nurdilek, e Ezgi İZCI. "Ionic responses of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants under salinity stress and humic acid applications". Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 48, n.º 3 (29 de agosto de 2020): 1317–31.
Texto completo da fonteGannon, Travis W., e Fred H. Yelverton. "Application Placement Equipment for Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) Suppression along Roadsides". Weed Technology 25, n.º 1 (março de 2011): 77–83.
Texto completo da fonteOjeda-Barrios, D. L., O. A. Hernández-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Téllez, A. Núñez-Barrio e E. Perea-Portillo. "FOLIAR APPLICATION OF ZINC CHELATES ON PECAN". Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura XV, n.º 2 (agosto de 2009): 205–10.
Texto completo da fonteBockus, W. W., R. L. Bowden, M. M. Claassen, W. B. Gordon, W. F. Heer e J. P. Shroyer. "Time of application and winter wheat genotype affect production of large seed after fungicide application". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 77, n.º 4 (1 de outubro de 1997): 567–72.
Texto completo da fonteRawluk, C. D. L., G. J. Racz e C. A. Grant. "Uptake of foliar or soil application of 15N-labelled urea solution at anthesis and its affect on wheat grain yield and protein". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 80, n.º 2 (1 de abril de 2000): 331–34.
Texto completo da fonteOates, Jayme M., Gary J. Keever e J. Raymond Kessler. "BA Application Frequency and Concentration Effects on Two Indian Hawthorn Cultivars". Journal of Environmental Horticulture 23, n.º 1 (1 de março de 2005): 37–41.
Texto completo da fonteDucsay, L., O. Ložek, M. Marček, M. Varényiová, P. Hozlár e T. Lošák. "Possibility of selenium biofortification of winter wheat grain". Plant, Soil and Environment 62, No. 8 (12 de agosto de 2016): 379–83.
Texto completo da fonteWehtje, Glenn, Charles H. Gilliam, Michael E. Miller e James E. Altland. "Foliar vs. Root Sensitivity of Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) to Isoxaben". Weed Technology 20, n.º 2 (junho de 2006): 326–33.
Texto completo da fonteBAHADARI, SHAFIQULLAH, Y. V. SINGH, SHAH MAHMOOD BARAY, Y. S. SHIVAY, R. PARSAD e SAYED AHMAD SAYEDI. "Effect of foliar application of nitrogen and varieties on productivity and profitability of mungbean (Vigna radiata) in Afghanistan". Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90, n.º 3 (22 de junho de 2020): 524–27.
Texto completo da fonteGörlach, Bruno Maximilian, Jon Niklas Henningsen, Jens Torsten Mackens e Karl Hermann Mühling. "Evaluation of Maize Growth Following Early Season Foliar P Supply of Various Fertilizer Formulations and in Relation to Nutritional Status". Agronomy 11, n.º 4 (9 de abril de 2021): 727.
Texto completo da fonteRahman, Ataur, MM Rahman, MM Hasan, Farida Begum e MAZ Sarker. "Effects of foliar application of potassium orthophosphate on grain yield and kernel quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) under terminal heat stress". Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research 39, n.º 1 (22 de agosto de 2014): 67–77.
Texto completo da fonteKilliny, Nabil, Faraj Hijaz, Pedro Gonzalez-Blanco, Shelley E. Jones, Myrtho O. Pierre e Christopher I. Vincent. "Effect of Adjuvants on Oxytetracycline Uptake upon Foliar Application in Citrus". Antibiotics 9, n.º 10 (6 de outubro de 2020): 677.
Texto completo da fonteSorensen, K. A., e K. A. Kidd. "Foliar Pest Control, 1987:". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 14, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1989): 125.
Texto completo da fonteGUPTA, UMESH C., K. A. WINTER e K. B. McRAE. "SELENIUM ENRICHMENT OF CROPS THROUGH FOLIAR APPLICATIONS". Canadian Journal of Soil Science 68, n.º 3 (1 de agosto de 1988): 519–26.
Texto completo da fontePerica, Slavko, Patrick H. Brown, Joseph H. Connell, Agnes M. S. Nyomora, Christos Dordas, Hening Hu e James Stangoulis. "Foliar Boron Application Improves Flower Fertility and Fruit Set of Olive". HortScience 36, n.º 4 (julho de 2001): 714–16.
Texto completo da fonteDami, Imed E., Shouxin Li, Patricia A. Bowen, Carl P. Bogdanoff, Krista C. Shellie e Jim Willwerth. "Foliar Applied Abscisic Acid Increases ‘Chardonnay’ Grapevine Bud Freezing Tolerance during Autumn Cold Acclimation". HortTechnology 25, n.º 3 (junho de 2015): 293–305.
Texto completo da fontePerica, S., P. H. Brown, J. H. Connell e H. Hu. "OLIVE RESPONSE TO FOLIAR BORON APPLICATION". Acta Horticulturae, n.º 586 (outubro de 2002): 381–83.
Texto completo da fonteCUTCLIFFE, J. A., e UMESH C. GUPTA. "EFFECTS OF FOLIAR SPRAYS OF BORON APPLIED AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF GROWTH ON INCIDENCE OF BROWN-HEART IN RUTABAGAS". Canadian Journal of Soil Science 67, n.º 3 (1 de agosto de 1987): 705–8.
Texto completo da fonteBlythe, E. K., J. L. Sibley, J. M. Ruter e K. M. Tilt. "Cutting propagation of foliage crops using a foliar application of auxin". Scientia Horticulturae 103, n.º 1 (dezembro de 2004): 31–37.
Texto completo da fonteKOUTROUBAS, S. D., e C. A. DAMALAS. "Sunflower response to repeated foliar applications of Paclobutrazol". Planta Daninha 33, n.º 1 (março de 2015): 129–35.
Texto completo da fontePalta, Jairo A., Ajit S. Nandwal, Sunita Kumari e Neil C. Turner. "Foliar nitrogen applications increase the seed yield and protein content in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subject to terminal drought". Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, n.º 2 (2005): 105.
Texto completo da fonteShaoxia, Wang, Li Meng, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Fei Peiwen, Chen Yanlong, Shi Jianglan e Tian Xiaohong. "Impact of foliar and root application of phosphorus on zinc concentration of winter wheat grown in China". Crop and Pasture Science 70, n.º 6 (2019): 499.
Texto completo da fonteMarburger, David A., Jaime F. Willbur, Maria E. Weber, Jean-Michel Ané, Medhi Kabbage, Shawn P. Conley e Damon L. Smith. "Characterizing the Effect of Foliar Lipo-chitooligosaccharide Application on Sudden Death Syndrome and Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Soybean". Plant Health Progress 19, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2018): 46–53.
Texto completo da fonteŠkarpa, P., E. Kunzová e H. Zukalová. "Foliar fertilization with molybdenum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)". Plant, Soil and Environment 59, No. 4 (21 de março de 2013): 156–61.
Texto completo da fonteWersal, Ryan M., e John D. Madsen. "Comparison of Subsurface and Foliar Herbicide Applications for Control of Parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)". Invasive Plant Science and Management 3, n.º 3 (novembro de 2010): 262–67.
Texto completo da fonteStewart, Zachary P., Ellen T. Paparozzi, Charles S. Wortmann, Prakash Kumar Jha e Charles A. Shapiro. "Effect of Foliar Micronutrients (B, Mn, Fe, Zn) on Maize Grain Yield, Micronutrient Recovery, Uptake, and Partitioning". Plants 10, n.º 3 (11 de março de 2021): 528.
Texto completo da fonteGonzález-Terán, Gustavo E., Fernando C. Gómez-Merino e Libia I. Trejo-Téllez. "EFFECTS OF SILICON AND CALCIUM APPLICATION ON GROWTH, YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY PARAMETERS OF CUCUMBER ESTABLISHED IN A SODIC SOIL". Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 19, n.º 3 (29 de junho de 2020): 149–58.
Texto completo da fonteAndreasen, Christian, Kasper Lund Høgh e Signe Marie Jensen. "The Effect of Foliar and Soil Application of Flufenacet and Prosulfocarb on Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) Control". Agriculture 10, n.º 11 (17 de novembro de 2020): 552.
Texto completo da fonteCorriveau, Jennifer, Linda Gaudreau, Jean Caron, Sylvie Jenni e André Gosselin. "Testing irrigation, day/night foliar spraying, foliar calcium and growth inhibitor as possible cultural practices to reduce tipburn in lettuce". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92, n.º 5 (setembro de 2012): 889–99.
Texto completo da fonteSouza, Maria W. de L., Salvador B. Torres, Francisco de A. de Oliveira, Isabelly C. da S. Marques, Kleane T. O. Pereira e Ítala T. Guimarães. "Saline-water irrigation and plant growth regulator application on zucchini fruit yield and quality". Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 24, n.º 10 (outubro de 2020): 679–84.
Texto completo da fonte