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Wagner, Robert G., e Michael W. Rogozynski. "Controlling Sprout Clumps of Bigleaf Maple with Herbicides and Manual Cutting". Western Journal of Applied Forestry 9, n.º 4 (1 de outubro de 1994): 118–24.

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Abstract Bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) clumps were controlled using the herbicides glyphosate, imazapyr, metsulfuron methyl, triclopyr amine, triclopyr ester, and 2,4-DP + 2,4-D; by basal spray, thinline, foliage spray, and on cut surfaces; during early foliar, late foliar, and dormant periods on five sites across western Oregon and Washington. Three timings of manual cutting alone also were compared. Imazapyr foliage sprays, triclopyr ester thinline, dormant 3% triclopyr ester basal spray, late-foliar 2, 4-DP + 2,4-D basal spray, and manual cutting with triclopyr amine cut-surface application provided the best control among the treatments tested over the 3 yr of study. Imazapyr foliage sprays provided the best long-term control by killing most treated clumps. Triclopyr ester thinline treatments provided the most consistent and effective results among the basal applications. Stump applications of triclopyr amine were more effective than manual cutting alone or manual cutting with glyphosate cut-surface application. West. J. Appl. For. 9(4):118-124.
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Goddard, Matthew J. R., John B. Willis e Shawn D. Askew. "Application Placement and Relative Humidity Affects Smooth Crabgrass and Tall Fescue Response to Mesotrione". Weed Science 58, n.º 1 (março de 2010): 67–72.

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Much research has been conducted on mesotrione activity on crops and weeds, but information is lacking in regards to the relative contribution of soil and foliar absorption of mesotrione. Three experiments conducted at Virginia Tech's Glade Road Research Facility in Blacksburg, VA, evaluated the effects of 50 and 90% relative humidity (RH) on the activity of mesotrione applied to foliage, soil, and soil plus foliage. Tall fescue injury ranged from 0 to 21% and was significant in 6 of 20 comparisons. Three of these injury events were caused by soil plus foliar applications, which were always more injurious than foliar only applications, which were more injurious than soil-only applications. Both application placement and RH significantly influenced smooth crabgrass responses to mesotrione. Smooth crabgrass phytotoxicity was lowest when mesotrione was applied only to foliage and highest when mesotrione was applied to soil and foliage. Increasing RH from 50 to 90% caused a 4- to 18-fold increase in plant phytotoxicity when mesotrione was applied only to foliage. By dissecting the plant canopy, it was noted at 14 d after treatment, when averaged over RH, that white leaves comprise 16% of leaves when only foliage was treated and 55 and 62% when applied to soil plus foliage and soil only, respectively. Furthermore, white tissue was found predominately in the two youngest leaves when mesotrione was applied to soil or both soil and foliage, but in older leaves when applied only to foliage. Data indicate mesotrione entering plants through soil travels quickly to growing points and has an equal or greater effect on plant phytotoxicity than foliar-absorbed mesotrione. In addition, foliar-absorbed mesotrione appears to increase in plants significantly with increasing RH, but does not move rapidly to growing points.
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Swietlik, Dariusz. "Foliar and Soil Zn Applications Increase Yield of Grapefruit Trees". HortScience 30, n.º 4 (julho de 1995): 773E—773.

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The effects of soil and foliar Zn applications on growth, yield, and fruit quality of `Rio Red' grapefruit were studied in the field for 4 years. Two annual foliar sprays applied in winter (W), spring (S), or W+S were compared to a single application of 10 or 30 g of Zn/tree applied to the soil around the tree as ZnDTPA or ZnEDTA chelate. In the first 2 years, when control trees displayed severe Zn deficiency symptoms affecting 60% to 70% of the tree foliage, the W and W+S sprays resulted in significant yield increases. Similar yield increases were obtained after a single soil application of 30 g Zn as ZnEDTA. The effects of other soil treatments were statistically insignificant. Foliar Zn deficiency symptoms were much more severe in winter than summer months irrespective of treatment. As the trees aged, however, the severity of symptoms decreased in all treatments. Corrective foliar or soil Zn applications were found to increase grapefruit yield when 15% or more of the canopy foliage showed Zn deficiency symptoms in January, ≈2 months before anthesis.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Wood, Bruce W., Charles C. Reilly e Andrew P. Nyczepir. "Mouse-ear of Pecan: A Nickel Deficiency". HortScience 39, n.º 6 (outubro de 2004): 1238–42.

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Mouse-ear (ME) is a potentially severe anomalous growth disorder affecting pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] trees. It is especially severe in second generation sites throughout much of the Gulf Coast Coastal Plain of the southeastern U.S., but can also occur in potted nursery trees. Orchard and greenhouse studies on trees treated with either Cu or Ni indicated that foliar applied Ni corrects ME. ME symptoms were prevented, in both orchard and greenhouse trees, by a single mid-October foliar spray of Ni (nickel sulfate), whereas nontreated control trees exhibited severe ME. Similarly, post budbreak spring spray applications of Ni to foliage of shoots of orchard trees exhibiting severe ME prevented ME symptoms on subsequent growth, but did not correct morphological distortions of foliage developed before Ni treatment. Foliar application of Cu in mid-October to greenhouse seedling trees increased ME severity the following spring. Post budbreak application of Ni to these Cu treated MEed seedling trees prevented ME symptoms in post Ni application growth, but did not alter morphology of foliage exhibiting ME before Ni treatment. Thus, high leaf Cu concentrations appear to be capable of disrupting Ni dependent physiological processes. Foliar application of Ni to ME prone trees in mid-October or soon after budbreak, is an effective means of preventing or minimizing ME. These studies indicate that ME in pecan is due to a Ni deficiency at budbreak. It also supports the role of Ni as an essential plant nutrient element.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Baird, James H., John W. Wilcut, Glenn R. Wehtje, Ray Dickens e Sam Sharpe. "Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of Sulfometuron in Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) and Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum)". Weed Science 37, n.º 1 (janeiro de 1989): 42–46.

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Sulfometuron, when applied as a foliar and/or soil application, prevented regrowth of bahiagrass. Sulfometuron application did not reduce regrowth of centipedegrass regardless of method of application. Sulfometuron was absorbed by the roots and foliage of centipedegrass and bahiagrass. Symplasmic translocation of the herbicide was evident in both species. Translocation of foliar-applied sulfometuron increased from approximately 1% at 48 h after application to 23% at 72 h in bahiagrass. Metabolism of sulfometuron was greater in centipedegrass (69% of foliar-applied, 10% of root-applied) at 72 h after application than in bahiagrass (30% of foliar-applied and 4% of root-applied). Tolerance of centipedegrass to sulfometuron appeared to be related to a high degree of herbicide metabolism in this species.
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Flessner, Michael L., Glenn R. Wehtje e J. Scott McElroy. "Methiozolin Absorption and Translocation in Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua)". Weed Science 61, n.º 2 (junho de 2013): 201–8.

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Annual bluegrass is a problematic turfgrass weed. Methiozolin is a new, currently unregistered herbicide that selectively controls annual bluegrass in desirable turfgrasses. Studies were conducted to evaluate and compare annual bluegrass control from PRE-applied methiozolin as influenced by rate and soil type and from POST-applied methiozolin as influenced by rate, soil type, annual bluegrass growth stage, and treatment placement. Studies were also conducted to evaluate foliar and root absorption and subsequent translocation of methiozolin by annual bluegrass using radio-tracer techniques. PRE-applied methiozolin controlled annual bluegrass > 99%. POST-applied methiozolin resulted in < 80% control regardless of foliar versus root exposure. POST applications are more effective at higher rates and smaller growth stages. Foliar-plus-soil methiozolin application trended to result in the best control, compared to foliar-only and soil-only applications. Absorption and translocation data indicate that methiozolin is absorbed by both leaves and roots and moderately translocates upward in the plant toward the leaf tip with little to no basipetal translocation. Because control is limited from a single methiozolin application (as observed in POST experiments), successful field application of methiozolin requires multiple and timely applications directed toward the roots and/or foliage of annual bluegrass.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Nelson, L. E., M. G. Shelton e G. L. Switzer. "The influence of nitrogen applications on the resorption of foliar nutrients in sweetgum". Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25, n.º 2 (1 de fevereiro de 1995): 298–306.

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Resorption of foliar nutrients during senescence is one of the principal ways by which plants enhance nutrient efficiency, particularly of N and P. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) changes in foliar characteristics attributable to N applications and (ii) resorption of nutrients during foliar senescence. Rates of 0, 100, 200, and 400 kg N/ha were applied to a 9-year-old sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua L.) plantation in 1981, and resorption was determined the following three growing seasons. Preceding senescence, concentrations of foliar N were doubled, P concentrations declined, and K, Ca, and Mg concentrations were relatively unaffected by N application. Losses from foliage (resorption and (or) leaching) of N, P, K, and Mg, but not Ca, were positively related to the quantity present in the presenescent foliage. Resorption of foliar N, P, K, Ca, and Mg averaged 62, 50, 48, −19, and 12%, respectively; values significantly differed among years for all nutrients. Relative resorption was unaffected by N application rates for all nutrients except K. Results indicate that resorption is an important mechanism for nutrient conservation and efficiency, and under the conditions evaluated in this study, it was influenced more by environmental conditions (i.e., weather) than by nutrient levels.
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Stewart, Zachary P., Ellen T. Paparozzi, Charles S. Wortmann, Prakash Kumar Jha e Charles A. Shapiro. "Foliar Micronutrient Application for High-Yield Maize". Agronomy 10, n.º 12 (11 de dezembro de 2020): 1946.

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Nebraska soils are generally micronutrient sufficient. However, critical levels for current yields have not been validated. From 2013 to 2015, 26 on-farm paired comparison strip-trials were conducted across Nebraska to test the effect of foliar-applied micronutrients on maize (Zea mays L.) yield and foliar nutrient concentrations. Treatments were applied from V6 to V14 at sites with 10.9 to 16.4 Mg ha−1 yield. Soils ranged from silty clays to fine sands. Soil micronutrient availability and tissue concentrations were all above critical levels for deficiency. Significant grain yield increases were few. Micronutrient concentrations for leaf growth that occurred after foliar applications were increased 4 to 9 mg Zn kg−1 at 5 of 17 sites with application of 87 to 119 g Zn ha−1, 12 to 16 mg kg−1 Mn at 2 of 17 sites with application of 87 to 89 g Mn ha−1, and an average of 8.1 mg kg−1 Fe across 10 sites showing signs of Fe deficiency with application of 123 g foliar Fe ha−1. Foliar B concentration was not affected by B application. Increases in nutrient concentrations were not related to grain yield responses except for Mn (r = 0.54). The mean, significant grain yield response to 123 g foliar Fe ha−1 was 0.4 Mg ha−1 for the 10 sites with Fe deficiency symptoms. On average, maize yield response to foliar Fe application can be profitable if Fe deficiency symptoms are observed. Response to other foliar micronutrient applications is not likely to be profitable without solid evidence of a nutrient deficiency.
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Miller, Timothy W., e Carl R. Libbey. "Application of Paraquat Can Injure Field-grown Narcissus". HortTechnology 20, n.º 1 (fevereiro de 2010): 220–23.

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Mid-summer, foliar-applied paraquat is often used to control weeds and desiccate foliage of field-grown narcissus (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) prior to bed reshaping in the autumn. Paraquat-treated narcissus plants sometimes display chlorotic foliage the subsequent growing season. A trial was conducted to determine if paraquat causes that injury and if so, under what conditions paraquat may be safely applied to narcissus. Narcissus (‘Flower Carpet’ hybrid) was treated with two rates of paraquat at three summer application timings and was then evaluated for damage to new foliar growth the following spring. Flower number and flower stem length was also measured and bulb yield was determined. Narcissus foliage displayed 50% to 77% chlorosis in February after half-green foliage was treated with paraquat at 0.47 or 0.78 lb/acre, respectively, the previous summer. Foliage was still 13% to 63% chlorotic, respectively, at flowering. Paraquat at both rates applied to half-green foliage also reduced flower number and flower stem length in one of two iterations, as well as reducing average bulb weight 18% to 33%. If applied when leaves were 75% dry, foliar damage and reduction in average bulb weight was limited to the 0.78 lb/acre rate, while flower number and stem length were not affected at either rate. When desiccating late-season narcissus foliage and weeds with paraquat, therefore, growers are advised to delay application until narcissus foliage is about 75% dry and most of the flower stems have fallen, and to use a maximum of 0.47 lb/acre.
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Karamanos, R. E., Q. Pomarenski, T. B. Goh e N. A Flore. "The effect of foliar copper application on grain yield and quality of wheat". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 84, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2004): 47–56.

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Available Cu concentrations in prairie soils (DTPA-extractable Cu) are extremely variable, thus resulting in areas within fields that are Cu deficient. These areas are difficult to characterize by a soil test based on a composite field sample; thus, when they are identified in the growing season, foliar Cu application possibly represents the only method of correcting them. A project, carried out over a period of 8 yr that consisted of four experiments and a total of 22 trials, was designed to ascertain whether foliar Cu applications indeed provide a satisfactory means of correcting Cu deficiency. Experiments included comparison of foliar applications at Feekes growth stages 6 (first node of stem visible at base of shoot) and 6 plus 10 (sheath of last leaf completely grown out) to soil broadcast and incorporation of 4 to 5.5 kg Cu ha-1 as copper sulphate (CuSO4·5H2O) or seed placement of 2 kg Cu ha-1 in three forms (two oxysulphates and one sulphate); foliar application of a variety of products representing different chemistries (chelate, lignin sulphonate, humic acid, oxychloride and citric acid) on a number of wheat cultivars at Feekes growth stage 10 or one cultivar at Feekes growth stages 2 (beginning of tillering), 6, 10 and 2 plus 10. Foliar applications appear to provide a solution to Cu deficiency that is identified during the growing season. However, foliar applications were not always as effective as broadcast and incorporation of at least 4 kg Cu ha-1 in the form of CuSO4·5H2O, which still remains the preferred method to correct a Cu deficiency. Foliar application at Feekes growth stage 2 was ineffective, whereas a single foliar application at Feekes growth stage 10 was not as satisfactory as a single one at Feekes growth stage 6. Thus, the latter stage appears to be preferable; however, maximum grain yield in some cases was obtained by the combination of two foliar Cu applications, one each at Feekes growth stages 6 and 10. Responses of wheat to foliar Cu application were obtained on soils that contained DTPA-extractable Cu concentration of less than 0.4 mg kg-1. Foliar Cu applications did not have an appreciable effect on grain quality parameters, such as hectolitre weight, moisture or protein content. Key words: DTPA-extractable, Feekes growth stage, deficient, marginal, plant tissue
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Aslani, Maryam, e Mohammad Kazem Souri. "Growth and Quality of Green Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under Foliar Application of Organic-Chelate Fertilizers". Open Agriculture 3, n.º 1 (1 de maio de 2018): 146–54.

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Abstract Organic-based chelate fertilizers can effectively improve nutrient uptake and use efficiency of plants. In the present study, foliar applications of three organic-chelate fertilizers on green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants were compared to soil application of a mix chemical fertilizer (NPK) under greenhouse conditions. The treatments were foliar application (six sprays at 0.2% concentration) of Biomin, Humifolin, DelfonPlus, a mixture of micro and macronutrients, soil application of chemical fertilizer (NPK 0.5 soil), and no fertilizer control. Foliar applications of organic-chelate fertilizers improved plant height, leaf area, shoot dry weight, leaf N and K concentration, pod number and pod yield compared to control plants. Pod soluble solids, vitamin C and total protein contents were significantly increased by foliar application of organic-chelate fertilizers. Soil applied NPK also improved green bean productivity compared to no fertilizer control. For most plant growth traits, there was no significant difference among the three organic-chelates. Foliar application of the macro- micro- nutrient mixture was not able to enhance the same growth, yield and pod quality traits like organic-chelates. Therefore, application of nutrient elements in form of organic-chelate and particularly by foliar application can guarantee better green bean plant performance.
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Ohki, K., F. C. Boswell, M. B. Parker, L. M. Shuman e D. O. Wilson. "Foliar manganese application to soybeans". Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 18, n.º 3 (março de 1987): 243–53.

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Reickenberg, Regina L., e Marvin P. Pritts. "Dynamics of Nutrient Uptake from Foliar Fertilizers in Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)". Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 121, n.º 1 (janeiro de 1996): 158–63.

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The dynamics of nutrient uptake from foliar applied 15N-urea and Rb (a K analog) were quantified in red raspberries. Both N and Rb in an aqueous solution were absorbed rapidly into the leaf and transported throughout the plant. In the greenhouse, about half of the urea and a third of the Rb were absorbed within 32 hours of application. The addition of a surfactant to the foliar solution reduced uptake, while solution pH, time of application and leaf age had little effect. The lower leaf surface exhibited a faster rate of absorption than the upper surface, but the difference was not large. In the field, some foliar N appeared to have been washed off leaves and taken up by the root system; however, none of the foliar applications affected plant growth. We conclude that significant uptake of foliar applied N and K occurs in raspberry, but the absolute amount delivered through a single foliar application is small. The percentage of total plant nutrient supplied through a foliar application is reduced to < 5% over time as the plant grows, so multiple applications would be required to maintain levels significantly higher than would exist through root uptake alone.
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Beavers, Adrianne, Marina Koether, Thomas McElroy e Sigurdur Greipsson. "Effects of Exogenous Application of Plant Growth Regulators (SNP and GA3) on Phytoextraction by Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) Grown in Lead (Pb) Contaminated Soil". Sustainability 13, n.º 19 (30 de setembro de 2021): 10866.

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Soil lead (Pb) contamination is a major environmental and public health risk. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), a second-generation biofuel crop, is potentially useful for the long-term phytoremediation and phytoextraction of Pb contaminated soils. We evaluated the efficacy of a coordinated foliar application of plant growth regulators and soil fungicide and a chelator in order to optimize phytoextraction. Plants were grown in soil culture under controlled conditions. First, three exogenous nitric oxide (NO) donors were evaluated at multiple concentrations: (1) S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP); (2) sodium nitroprusside (SNP); and (3) S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). Second, the effect of SNP (0.5 μM) was examined further with the model chelate EDTA and the soil fungicide propicanazole. Third, a combined foliar application of SNP and gibberellic acid (GA3) was examined with EDTA and propicanazole. The soil application of propiconazole (a broad-spectrum fungicides) reduced AMF colonization and allowed greater Pb phytoextraction. The foliar application of SNP resulted in similar concentrations of Pb (roots and foliage) to plants that were challenged with chelates and soil fungicides. The combined foliar application of SNP and GA3 resulted in significantly greater average Pb concentration (243 mg kg−1) in plant foliage in comparison to control plants (182 mg kg−1) and plants treated with GA3 alone (202 mg kg−1). The combined foliar application of SNP and GA3 resulted in the greatest phytoextraction efficiency and could therefore potentially improve phytoextraction by switchgrass grown in Pb contaminated soils.
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KALANTAR AHMADI, Seyed Ahmad, Ali EBADI, Jahanfar DANESHIAN, Soodabeh JAHANBAKHSH, Seyed Ataollah SIADAT e Hourieh TAVAKOLI. "Effects of Irrigation Deficit and Application of Some Growth Regulators on Defense Mechanisms of Canola". Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 43, n.º 1 (23 de maio de 2015): 124–30.

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A split-plot experiment arranged in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications was carried out in Safiabad Agricultural Research Center of Dezful in order to investigate the effects of foliar applications of ascorbic acid (AsA), salicylic acid (SA) and methanol (Me), under deficit irrigation conditions, in canola; there were 3 levels of irrigation as the main factor (irrigation after 70 mm evaporation from the pan as control, cessation of irrigation at the flowering stage and cessation of irrigation at the appearance of siliques) and 10 levels of foliar applications as sub-factor (100, 200 and 300 mg.l-1AsA; 100, 200 and 300 µM SA; 10, 20 and 30% (w/v) methanol; and foliar application of distilled water as control). Foliar applications were made during both budding and initiation of flowering stages. Results indicated that antioxidant enzymes showed different responses to deficit irrigation and foliar application treatments. Maximum catalase (CAT) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities were observed under cessation of irrigation at flowering stage and foliar application of 300 µM SA, while ascorbate peroxidase (APX) reached its maximum activity under the same irrigation conditions and foliar application of 300 mg.l-1AsA. SA had more influence to increase in CAT and PPO activity under cessation of irrigation at flowering stage. The relative water content (RWC) was also decreased due to the drought stress caused by the cessation of irrigation. Foliar application of SA (100 μM) and Me (10% w/v) had more influence to maintain RWC compared to ascorbic acid under irrigation cessation at flowering stage.
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Vitullo, Justin M., e Clifford S. Sadof. "Efficacy of Soil and Foliar-applied Azadirachtin in Combination with and in Comparison to Soil-applied Imidacloprid and Foliar-applied Carbaryl Against Japanese Beetles on Roses". HortTechnology 17, n.º 3 (janeiro de 2007): 316–21.

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This study evaluated azadirachtin and imidacloprid for their ability to reduce injury by Japanese beetles [Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)] on floribunda-type roses (Rosa sp. ‘Acadia Sunrise’), either applied to foliage or as a soil drench. Roses were arranged in field plots and exposed to resident adult beetle populations. Insecticides were evaluated in field and laboratory trials. Laboratory assays of leaves collected from plants 14 days after soil applications of azadirachtin were less preferred by adult beetles than those collected from untreated controls. Plants in field trials that received soil treatments of either imidacloprid or azadirachtin had defoliation levels that were <8% throughout the entire season, whereas untreated control plants were 20% defoliated. Addition of foliar sprays to soil applied insecticides provided no added protection to foliage. Rose blooms were more difficult to protect with both foliar and soil-applied insecticides. Bloom injury of untreated controls varied between 20% and 30%, while plants receiving soil applications of azadirachtin varied between 0.2% and 18%. Soil applications of imidacloprid provided somewhat better protection of blooms with injury ranging between 0.2% and 8%. Foliar applications of azadirachtin gave no added protection to blooms of plants treated with imidacloprid. Adding carbaryl foliar treatments every 2 weeks improved control to <2% injury, a level that was comparable to weekly application of carbaryl. The potential for using soil-applied azadirachtin to reduce the need for foliar applications of carbaryl in rose gardens is discussed.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jobidon, Robert. "Potential use of bialaphos, a microbially produced phytotoxin, to control red raspberry in forest plantations and its effect on black spruce". Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21, n.º 4 (1 de abril de 1991): 489–97.

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Bialaphos foliar sprays were tested in eastern Quebec for control of red raspberry (Rubusidaeus L.), and the tolerance of planted black spruce (Piceamariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) seedlings was determined. Approximately 3 weeks after bialaphos was applied in July, August, or September, virtually all raspberry plants were killed. Efficiency of the June application, however, was much reduced. Spruce current-year foliage was more affected than older foliage. Foliar injury was more pronounced for bialaphos applications in June and July than for applications in August. First-year spruce survival was not affected by the treatments. Second-year evaluations revealed a significant quadratic relation of (i) month of application × bialaphos rate on raspberry density and (ii) bialaphos rate on raspberry height growth. Reduction in raspberry density and height growth was greater with the 2.0 and 2.5 kg active ingredient per hectare rates applied in August. As part of the evaluation of treatment efficiency, photosynthetically active radiation reaching spruce seedlings was measured using a portable integrating radiometer. Raspberry density and height growth were both negatively correlated with photosynthetically active radiation reaching spruce seedlings. A significant quadratic relation was found between bialaphos rate and 2nd-year spruce survival, which reached 95%, regardless of month and rate of application. A significant quadratic relation was found between spruce diameter growth increment and bialaphos rate. Except for calcium, 2nd-year spruce foliar mineral content was not affected by the treatments. Bialaphos treatments in August, with rates ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 kg active ingredient per hectare, had only slight or no adverse effects on spruce survival, foliar injury, and growth increment. Selective control of red raspberry in young black spruce plantations is a function of bialaphos rate and month of application.
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Zaman, MM, MAH Chowdhury e Tanzin Chowdhury. "Response of stevia to foliar application of prilled urea". Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University 13, n.º 1 (14 de julho de 2016): 39–46.

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Urea can be supplied to plants through the foliage, facilitating optimal N management, which minimizes N losses to the environment. The efficiency of N assimilation through foliage depends upon several factors including N levels and varieties or genotypes. No information is available on the effect of the foliar application of urea on stevia (Stevia rebaudiana, Bertoni). The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of prilled urea applied in different concentrations on the growth, yield components, leaf biomass yield, N content and its uptake by stevia. Seven levels of urea viz. 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3g 2L-1 were sprayed 10 days after planting (DAP) in acid and non-calcareous soils at an interval of one week up to 60 DAP. Foliar urea application significantly increased plant height, branch and leaf number, leaf area, fresh and dry leaf weight, leaf N content and uptake by stevia. Most of the parameters were increased with the advancement of growth period from 30 to 60 DAP. The foliar spray of 2.0g urea solution was found to be most effective for enhancing the growth, leaf yield and yield attributes of stevia. The yield increase was 478% in acid soil and 485% in non-calcareous soil over control. Further increase in the concentrations of urea spray (2.5 and 3.0g) was not found to be useful as it declined the leaf yield by 135% in acid and 175% in non-calcareous soil probably due to its toxicity. N content in stevia leaves was significantly increased with the increased levels of urea up to 3.0g in both soils. Conversely, the trend of N uptake did not follow the trend of N contents of stevia leaves. N uptake as expected increased as foliar application of urea increased up to 2.0g and then decreased with further addition. The results suggest that farmers can be advised to apply prilled urea as foliar spray @ 1g L-1 for higher leaf biomass yield and N uptake by stevia either in acid or non-calcareous soils under the agro-climatic conditions of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 13(1): 39-46, June 2015
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DORDAS, C., G. E. APOSTOLIDES e O. GOUNDRA. "Boron application affects seed yield and seed quality of sugar beets". Journal of Agricultural Science 145, n.º 4 (13 de fevereiro de 2007): 377–84.

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SUMMARYSugar beet (Beta vulgarisL.) is one of the most important sugar crops worldwide. Despite the fact that sugar beet crop has high requirements for boron (B), the effect of B applications on seed yield and on seed quality is not known. A 2-year field study was conducted to determine whether soil and foliar B applications during anthesis increase seed set, final seed yield and improve seed quality of sugar beets. Boron solutions were applied at four rates (0, 245, 490 and 735 mg/l of B) as foliar applications and at two rates (1·5 and 3 kg/ha of B) as soil applications to field plots exhibiting no vegetative symptoms of B deficiency. Foliar B application increased the concentration of B in vegetative and reproductive tissues much more than soil application. In addition, foliar B application increased the seed yield by an average of 10% in the first year and by an average of 44% in the second year. The mean seed weight was affected by B application as it was increased in both years. The proportion of larger seeds (>5·00 and 4·5–5·00 mm) increased with increasing application of B. Moreover, seed quality was affected and the proportion of abnormal seedlings was decreased with B application. However, seed vigour was not affected by B application. These data indicate that foliar B application can improve seed yield and seed quality of sugar beet grown for seed production. However, the physiological basis of this effect remains unknown.
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GUPTA, UMESH C. "MANGANESE NUTRITION OF CEREALS AND FORAGES GROWN IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND". Canadian Journal of Soil Science 66, n.º 1 (1 de fevereiro de 1986): 59–65.

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Field experiments were conducted in Prince Edward Island to determine the effects of MnSO4 H2O applied as a foliar spray and to the soil and the effects of chelated Mn applied as a foliar spray and limestone applications on Mn concentration and yields of alfalfa (Medicago sativa, L.), timothy (Phleum pratense L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.). The Mn concentration in forages and cereal grain was not affected by method of application. Soil-applied Mn at 5 and 10 kg ha−1 was generally ineffective in increasing tissue Mn concentration. The second cut of alfalfa and timothy contained more Mn than the first cut. Yields of forages and cereals were not affected by Mn applications. Manganese concentrations as low as 29–31 μg g−1 in forages and 22 μg g−1 in cereals were not related to Mn deficiency. In spite of some foliage burning at the 2 kg Mn ha−1 foliar application, no yield reductions were found on any of the crops investigated. Applications of limestone to raise soil pH to 6.6–6.9 decreased tissue Mn in forages and cereal grain. The sharpest decreases occurred in timothy and alfalfa but did not result in low enough tissue Mn to cause Mn deficiency. Key words: Tissue Mn, soil-applied Mn, foliar-applied Mn, soil pH
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GULMEZOGLU, Nurdilek, e Ezgi İZCI. "Ionic responses of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants under salinity stress and humic acid applications". Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 48, n.º 3 (29 de agosto de 2020): 1317–31.

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This study aimed to investigate the effects of different humic acid application methods (control, soil, foliar and soil + foliar) on chlorophyll content, dry matter weight of shoots and roots, concentrations of potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na), and K/Na and Ca/Na ratios of bean plants exposed to increasing salinity levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM). The effects of salt damage on shoots and roots of bean plants were significantly differed in humic acid application methods. Chlorophyll content decreased with the increase in salt doses at control and soil application of humic acid, while the decrease in chlorophyll content was lower in foliar application of humic acid. Shoot dry weight was not affected by humic acid applications, while root dry weight increased in soil + foliar application method. Soil + foliar humic acid application caused the highest shoot and root Na concentrations. Shoot Ca (2.61%) concentration in soil + foliar application was significantly higher compared to the other treatments, while the highest Ca concentration in roots (1.55%) was recorded in soil humic acid application method. The highest K concentration in roots was obtained in the control treatment (2.50%) followed by soil + foliar humic acid application (2.48%). The ratios of K/Na and Ca/Na in shoots decreased with the increase in salt application rates. The highest shoot K/Na (1456.1%) and Ca/Na (1274.1%) ratio in humic acid x salt interactions was found in soil application of humic acid without salt treatment. The root and shoot dry matter yield and K and Ca concentrations of the plants indicated that soil+foliar application method has a preventive effect for the plants against the 50 mM salt damage. The results showed that soil+foliar humic acid application in addition to the mineral fertilization required for beans can contribute to the growth and mineral nutrition of the plants under moderate salt stress (50 mM NaCl).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gannon, Travis W., e Fred H. Yelverton. "Application Placement Equipment for Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) Suppression along Roadsides". Weed Technology 25, n.º 1 (março de 2011): 77–83.

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Experiments were initiated during 2003 and 2004 to evaluate application placement equipment for plant growth regulator (PGR) applications along bahiagrass roadsides. Recently designed equipment combine low-volume application and pesticide placement technology. Application placement equipment conceal the image of a traditional spray application. Evaluated application placement equipment included a wet-blade mower (Burch Wet Blade) and rotary-wick applicator (Weedbug™) compared with a traditional broadcast spray. Wet-blade mowers are designed to mow and simultaneously apply a pesticide solution to a cut stem or leaf in a single pass, whereas rotary-wick applicators are designed to wick a solution onto foliage. Evaluated PGRs included imazapic (9, 35, or 53 g ha−1) and sulfometuron-methyl (26 g ha−1). Bahiagrass injury varied with application placement equipment and was greater with rotary-wick applications in 2003, compared with foliar broadcast applications and the wet-blade mower. Bahiagrass seedhead suppression ranged from 31 to 60% with application placement equipment in July 2003 compared with 93% for a broadcast spray. In 2004, rotary wick- or broadcast-applied PGRs provided excellent (> 90%) seedhead suppression. Although application placement equipment may have advantages to broadcast-spray applications, evaluated equipment did not enhance bahiagrass suppression along roadsides in North Carolina compared with a foliar broadcast spray. Additional research is needed to determine if this type of application may provide consistent results with other species and compounds.
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Ojeda-Barrios, D. L., O. A. Hernández-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Téllez, A. Núñez-Barrio e E. Perea-Portillo. "FOLIAR APPLICATION OF ZINC CHELATES ON PECAN". Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura XV, n.º 2 (agosto de 2009): 205–10.

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Bockus, W. W., R. L. Bowden, M. M. Claassen, W. B. Gordon, W. F. Heer e J. P. Shroyer. "Time of application and winter wheat genotype affect production of large seed after fungicide application". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 77, n.º 4 (1 de outubro de 1997): 567–72.

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Two field experiments were established to compare four times of fungicide application (flag leaf emergence, boot, fully headed, and milky ripe) for improving production of large seed. Quadratic models fit the data when large-seed (≥0.238-cm diameter) yields were regressed against time of fungicide application. The optimum time to apply foliar fungicides was between boot and fully headed. Four other field experiments were established to compare large-seed yields after fungicide application on 12 cultivars differing in susceptibility to foliar diseases. With moderate foliar disease pressure, linear models fit the data when increases in large seed due to fungicide were regressed against Kansas Cooperative Extension Service disease ratings. In conjunction with the expected price of seed wheat, these models can be used to help decide whether foliar fungicide is warranted. Key words: Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Puccinia recondita, Septoria tritici, Stagonospora nodorum, seed cleanout, tebuconazole, propiconazole, foliar disease control
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rawluk, C. D. L., G. J. Racz e C. A. Grant. "Uptake of foliar or soil application of 15N-labelled urea solution at anthesis and its affect on wheat grain yield and protein". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 80, n.º 2 (1 de abril de 2000): 331–34.

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Two growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine the effect of 15N-labelled urea solution foliar- or soil-applied at anthesis on recovery of fertilizer N in grain, grain protein and grain yield of Canadian Western Red Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Recovery of 15N-labelled urea-N in grain ranged from 4.5 to 26.7% with foliar application, and from 32.3 to 70.1% with soil application. Amending the urea solution with the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) improved recovery of soil-applied N in exp. 1 only and did not increase N recovery from foliar applications. Nitrogen recovery of foliar-applied urea was increased on average from 10.6 to 25.0% by adding nonyl phenol ethoxylates (NPE), a non-ionic surfactant, to the urea solution. Grain protein was higher when urea was applied to the soil than when applied to the foliage. Addition of N at planting increased both grain protein and yield while only protein was enhanced with fertilizer N applied at anthesis. Although wheat cultivar, soil type and growing environment differed in the two experiments, protein content consistently increased with N application at anthesis, indicating the effect of N applied at anthesis is constant across a range of conditions. Key words: Triticum aestivum L., N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide, NBPT, non ionic surfactant, wetting agent, nitrogen recovery
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Oates, Jayme M., Gary J. Keever e J. Raymond Kessler. "BA Application Frequency and Concentration Effects on Two Indian Hawthorn Cultivars". Journal of Environmental Horticulture 23, n.º 1 (1 de março de 2005): 37–41.

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Abstract Benzyladenine (BA) is a synthetic cytokinin that promotes lateral shoot development in herbaceous and woody ornamentals and may be a viable alternative to mechanical pruning in nursery production. A study was conducted to determine the effects of BA application number, interval and concentration on two Indian hawthorn [Rhaphiolepis Lindl. Cor. Poir. indica (L.) Lindl. (Crataegus indica L.)] cultivars. In spring 2002, actively growing ‘Olivia’ and ‘Eleanor Taber’ received three applications of 2500 or 5000 ppm BA at a one-, two-, or three-week interval. Data collected four weeks after initial treatment (WAT) reflected the effects of one, two, or three BA applications at each concentration. At this time new shoot counts in both cultivars and foliar injury in ‘Olivia’, but not in ‘Eleanor Taber’, increased with increasing number of applications and BA concentration. Data collected 12 WAT reflected the effects of BA application interval and concentration. At this time new shoot counts increased with decreasing application interval in ‘Olivia’, while ‘Eleanor Taber’ formed the most new shoots when BA was applied at a two-week interval. All treated plants sustained minimal to moderate injury to immature foliage. The experiment was repeated in 2003 using 1750 ppm and 3500 ppm BA on ‘Olivia’ Indian hawthorn. Applications were halted at the first sign of foliar injury resulting in plants treated at one, two, and three-week intervals receiving three, two, and two applications, respectively. New shoot counts on ‘Olivia’ treated at the three application intervals were similar, but greater than those on untreated plants. Control plants had a foliar injury rating similar to that of plants treated at a two or three-week interval, but less than that of plants treated at a one-week interval. Growth index was not affected by treatment in either year.
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Ducsay, L., O. Ložek, M. Marček, M. Varényiová, P. Hozlár e T. Lošák. "Possibility of selenium biofortification of winter wheat grain". Plant, Soil and Environment 62, No. 8 (12 de agosto de 2016): 379–83.

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The effect of foliar application of selenium (Se) fertilizers (sodium selenite and selenate) in two different Se doses (10 and 20 g/ha) on grain yield, Se content and mechanical and technological parameters of winter wheat grain was investigated in the field fertilization experiment. Foliar spray application of Se was applied at the growth stage of the 2<sup>nd</sup> node on the main stem (32 BBCH). Selenate foliar applications in dose 10 g Se per ha showed a significant increase of grain yield in comparison to control treatment without Se application. The mechanical and technological parameters of wheat grain were not significantly affected by both selenite and selenate foliar application. The average Se concentration was significantly lower in 2007/2008 (grain yield 8.72 t/ha) than 2006/2007 (yield 6.35 t/ha) growing season (0.133 versus 0.189 mg Se/kg dry matter). The grain Se absorption efficiency at foliar application of 10 and 20 g Se/ha of selenite and selenate were 1.35–1.45% and 13.24–15.14%, respectively.
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Wehtje, Glenn, Charles H. Gilliam, Michael E. Miller e James E. Altland. "Foliar vs. Root Sensitivity of Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta) to Isoxaben". Weed Technology 20, n.º 2 (junho de 2006): 326–33.

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It has been previously reported that POST-applied isoxaben can effectively control established hairy bittercress. Experiments were conducted to determine the relative importance of root vs. foliar entry of POST-applied isoxaben. At a common isoxaben rate of 0.56 kg/ha, foliar-only and foliar plus soil applications provided 10.5 and 23.3% control, respectively, as determined by fresh weight reduction. In contrast, soil-only application provided 47.0% control. Hairy bittercress foliar absorption of14C–isoxaben did not exceed 15% of the amount applied after 72 h. Therefore, the comparatively less effectiveness of foliar-only applications may be attributed primarily to limited absorption. Minimal isoxaben concentration required to inhibit root growth of hydroponically grown hairy bittercress was 0.0025 mg/L. Higher concentrations were required to produce a response in the foliage. Sorption of isoxaben by pine bark rooting substrate, typical of what is used in container nursery production, exceeded 99% of amount applied after 36 h. Even with 99% sorption, the probable concentration within the aqueous phase remains sufficient to inhibit hairy bittercress root growth. Additional studies with14C–isoxaben established that approximately 35% of the root-absorbed isoxaben was translocated into the foliage. Translocation from the roots into the foliage was reduced to 16% when the experiment was repeated during environmental conditions less favorable for vegetative growth (i.e., longer day length and higher temperature). Results indicate that the control of hairy bittercress with POST-applied isoxaben is likely the result of root absorption and root-growth inhibition. Expression of phytotoxicity within the foliage is also a component, but is dependent upon the root-absorbed isoxaben being translocated into the foliage. Extent of this translocation is dependent upon plant maturity and prevalent environmental conditions.
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BAHADARI, SHAFIQULLAH, Y. V. SINGH, SHAH MAHMOOD BARAY, Y. S. SHIVAY, R. PARSAD e SAYED AHMAD SAYEDI. "Effect of foliar application of nitrogen and varieties on productivity and profitability of mungbean (Vigna radiata) in Afghanistan". Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90, n.º 3 (22 de junho de 2020): 524–27.

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A field experiment was conducted in 2017 at ANASTU, Afghanistan to find the productivity and profitability of foliar application of nitrogen on different varieties of mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) crop. The treatments included two mungbean varieties (Mash 2008 and NM 94) and seven methods of nitrogen applications including absolute control, basal application 25 kg N/ha, one time foliar application of 2% urea at 40, 50 and 60 days after sowing (DAS), two time foliar application at 50 and 60 DAS and three time foliar application of 2% urea spray at pre flowering (40 DAS), flowering (50 DAS) and pod development (60 DAS). The results showed that the variety Mash 2008 showed significantly higher seed and stover yields, harvest index, gross and net returns, production and monetary efficiency compared to NM 94.Among the nitrogen application treatments, 3 times foliar application of 2% urea at pre flowering + flowering + pod development stages (40, 50 and 60 DAS) was most suitable treatment to get highest growth, productivity, profitability and production and monetary efficiency of mungbean. It was concluded that the 3 times foliar of 2% urea at pre flowering + flowering + pod development stages (40, 50 and 60 DAS) may be applied to the variety Mash 2008 to get highest productivity and profitability of mungbean and this combination may be recommended under the semi-arid conditions of Afghanistan.
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Görlach, Bruno Maximilian, Jon Niklas Henningsen, Jens Torsten Mackens e Karl Hermann Mühling. "Evaluation of Maize Growth Following Early Season Foliar P Supply of Various Fertilizer Formulations and in Relation to Nutritional Status". Agronomy 11, n.º 4 (9 de abril de 2021): 727.

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The efficiency of phosphorus (P) use in agriculture needs to be improved, with farmers being increasingly forced by law to reduce P soil fertilization. Thus, P foliar application might become more important in agriculture. The effect of foliar P fertilization has not been widely studied in maize, despite it being a crop with high P demand during juvenile development. Our aim was to investigate the effect of P foliar application during juvenile development on maize crop growth and yield. We conducted outdoor pot experiments to investigate the effect on P uptake, translocation, and dry matter following three applications of foliar fertilizer of various P formulations and with additional P soil fertilization between the 4th and 6th leaf stage during two growing seasons. To determine direct and possible long-term effects, plants were harvested at various developmental stages. P foliar application resulted in a significant increase in P concentration in all plant parts ten days after the last application, regardless of P form, nutritional status, or year. P concentration remained high only in those parts of the plant that were present during foliar application. Biomass effects were sporadically visible until flowering, but not at maturity. We conclude that foliar P fertilization during juvenile development does not increase yield but might nevertheless be a useful remedy for short-term P deficits.
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Rahman, Ataur, MM Rahman, MM Hasan, Farida Begum e MAZ Sarker. "Effects of foliar application of potassium orthophosphate on grain yield and kernel quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) under terminal heat stress". Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research 39, n.º 1 (22 de agosto de 2014): 67–77.

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A field experiment was conducted at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) farm, Gazipur to evaluate the effect of foliar application of potassium orthophosphate on grain yield and kernel quality of wheat under the terminal heat stress imposed by late sowing for two consecutive years (2008-09 and 2009-10). Five combinations of foliar applications of potassium orthophosphate and Tilt were tested on three wheat varieties, namely Kanchan, Shatabdi, and Prodip. The result indicated that foliar application of potassium orthophosphate was effective in increasing SPAD value (Measure of leaf chlorophyll content) and leaf area of all the wheat varieties, whereas Tilt application was effective only in Kanchan. The grain size of wheat in terms of 1000-grain weight was improved and thereby contributed to grain yield. Also the foliar application of potassium orthophosphate decreased the number of immature, smaller and deformed kernel, and thus improved the kernel quality. Two foliar sprays of 0.1% potassium orthophosphate solution at 70 DAS (Days after sowing) and 80 DAS performed better results than other applications. There were varietal differences in response to foliar treatments and the variety Prodip and Shatabdi were more responsive to potassium orthophosphate compared to Kanchan. Potassium orthophosphate could be suggested to improve grain yield and kernel quality of wheat under terminal heat stress condition. DOI: Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 39(1): 67-77, March 2014
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Killiny, Nabil, Faraj Hijaz, Pedro Gonzalez-Blanco, Shelley E. Jones, Myrtho O. Pierre e Christopher I. Vincent. "Effect of Adjuvants on Oxytetracycline Uptake upon Foliar Application in Citrus". Antibiotics 9, n.º 10 (6 de outubro de 2020): 677.

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Recently in Florida, foliar treatments using products with the antibiotics oxytetracycline and streptomycin have been approved for the treatment of citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), which is caused by the putative bacterial pathogen ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’. Herein, we assessed the levels of oxytetracycline and ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ titers in citrus trees upon foliar applications with and without a variety of commercial penetrant adjuvants and upon trunk injection. The level of oxytetracycline in citrus leaves was measured using an oxytetracycline ELISA kit and ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ titer was measured using quantitative PCR. Low levels of oxytetracycline were taken up by citrus leaves after foliar sprays of oxytetracycline in water. Addition of various adjuvants to the oxytetracycline solution showed minimal effects on its uptake by citrus leaves. The level of oxytetracycline in leaves from trunk-injected trees was higher than those treated with all foliar applications. The titer of ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ in the midrib of leaves from trees receiving oxytetracycline by foliar application was not affected after four days and thirty days of application, whereas the titer was significantly reduced in oxytetracycline-injected trees thirty days after treatment. Investigation of citrus leaves using microscopy showed that they are covered by a thick lipidized cuticle. Perforation of citrus leaf cuticle with a laser significantly increased the uptake of oxytetracycline, decreasing the titer of ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ in citrus leaves upon foliar application. Taken together, our findings indicate that trunk injection is more efficient than foliar spray even after the use of adjuvants. Our conclusion could help in setting useful recommendations for the application of oxytetracycline in citrus to improve tree health, minimize the amount of applied antibiotic, reduce environmental exposure, and limit off-target effects.
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Sorensen, K. A., e K. A. Kidd. "Foliar Pest Control, 1987:". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 14, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1989): 125.

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Abstract ‘Epic’ eggplant was transplanted 9 Jul near Benson, N.C. Single row plots, 10 ft long on 42-inch centers, were replicated 3 times in a randomized complete block design. Alleys of 5 ft were used between replicates. Treatments were applied with a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer using a single hollow-cone nozzle (18 x). Application rate was 54 gal/acre delivered at 60 psi. Applications were made on 15 and 22 Jul, 6 and 13 Aug, and 10 Sep. Damage ratings were made on 27 Jul; 4, 20, and 27 Aug; 10 and 17 Sep; and 7 Oct.
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GUPTA, UMESH C., K. A. WINTER e K. B. McRAE. "SELENIUM ENRICHMENT OF CROPS THROUGH FOLIAR APPLICATIONS". Canadian Journal of Soil Science 68, n.º 3 (1 de agosto de 1988): 519–26.

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A field study was conducted, at two locations on Prince Edward Island, over a 5-yr period to determine the effects of foliar applications of sodium selenite on the Se concentration in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain and in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and timothy (Phleum pratense L.) foliage. Applications of 10–20 g Se ha−1 resulted in barley kernels and forage plant Se levels that would be adequate to prevent Se deficiency in most livestock. The highest rate of Se, at 80 g ha−1, resulted in plant Se concentrations of 706 μg kg−1 in timothy. The measured plant Se concentrations, to the same applications, varied from year to year but the responses to applied Se levels were generally in the same proportions. For similar application rates Se concentrations were lower in barley grain than in the forages. Tissue Se levels in the second cuts of alfalfa and timothy were lower than in the first cut. High levels of foliar-applied Se did not result in a carryover effect the following crop year. Annual foliar applications of Se would be required to raise the Se levels in crops into the sufficiency range for livestock feeds. Key words: Selenium content, foliar spray, cereals, forages, Podzol soils
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Perica, Slavko, Patrick H. Brown, Joseph H. Connell, Agnes M. S. Nyomora, Christos Dordas, Hening Hu e James Stangoulis. "Foliar Boron Application Improves Flower Fertility and Fruit Set of Olive". HortScience 36, n.º 4 (julho de 2001): 714–16.

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A 2-year field study was conducted to determine if foliar B applications prior to flowering increased fruit set in olive (Olea europaea L.) cv. Manzanillo. Boron solutions were applied (935 L·ha-1) at four concentrations (0, 246, 491, and 737 mg·L-1) to trees exhibiting no vegetative symptoms of B deficiency. Foliar B application increased both the percentage of perfect flowers and fruit set, but no effect on pollen germination was observed in either year. The increase in fruit set was not accompanied by a reduction in fruit size. The beneficial effects of foliar B application varied between years and were greater when fruit set was low. The results obtained here are in agreement with those observed in other tree species, in which foliar B applications made immediately prior to flowering or during the period of floral bud initiation significantly increased fruit set and yield. The physiological basis for this effect, however, remains unclear.
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Dami, Imed E., Shouxin Li, Patricia A. Bowen, Carl P. Bogdanoff, Krista C. Shellie e Jim Willwerth. "Foliar Applied Abscisic Acid Increases ‘Chardonnay’ Grapevine Bud Freezing Tolerance during Autumn Cold Acclimation". HortTechnology 25, n.º 3 (junho de 2015): 293–305.

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Economic loss due to cold weather events is a major constraint to winegrape (Vitis vinifera) production and wine-related industries where extreme and/or fluctuating winter temperatures induce injury and require remedial retraining and replanting increases production costs and lowers yield and fruit quality. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a foliar application of abscisic acid (ABA) could increase the freezing tolerance (FT) of field-grown, ‘Chardonnay’ winegrape and whether its effectiveness can be influenced by the phenological timing of the application. Mature ‘Chardonnay’ grapevines were treated with a foliar application of ABA at a concentration of 500 mg·L−1 at vine phenological stages corresponding to 50% véraison, postvéraison, and postharvest. Results from field trial sites located in four distinct winegrape production regions in the United States (Idaho and Ohio) and Canada (British Columbia and Ontario) showed that foliar application of ABA increased bud FT, primarily during autumn cold acclimation. Foliar ABA application had no consistent influence on bud FT in midwinter or during spring deacclimation, or on percent budburst in spring. Vine phenological stage at the time of ABA foliar application influenced ABA effectiveness, although results were inconsistent among locations. At most locations, applications made at véraison or postvéraison were more effective than applications made postharvest. No phytotoxic response or adverse changes in yield or berry composition were detected in response to ABA application. The consistent increase in bud FT during autumn cold acclimation observed at all trial locations in this study indicates that foliar ABA, applied at véraison or postvéraison, can reduce the risk of economic loss due to cold injury in production regions with frequent early autumn cold weather events.
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Perica, S., P. H. Brown, J. H. Connell e H. Hu. "OLIVE RESPONSE TO FOLIAR BORON APPLICATION". Acta Horticulturae, n.º 586 (outubro de 2002): 381–83.

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Two foliar applications of B at the rate of 1 kg ha−1 at 30 d and repeated at 42–45 d after seeding or a single preplant broadcast application of 2 kg B ha−1 provided excellent control of brown-heart in rutabagas (Brassica napobrassica Mill.). Similarly, two-application treatments initiated 40 d after seeding or later failed to prevent brown-heart at some locations. Root yields were slightly decreased by the two foliar sprays of B applied at five different stages of growth and by the single preplant soil application of B. Key words: Foliar treatments, boron, brown-heart, rutabaga
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Blythe, E. K., J. L. Sibley, J. M. Ruter e K. M. Tilt. "Cutting propagation of foliage crops using a foliar application of auxin". Scientia Horticulturae 103, n.º 1 (dezembro de 2004): 31–37.

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KOUTROUBAS, S. D., e C. A. DAMALAS. "Sunflower response to repeated foliar applications of Paclobutrazol". Planta Daninha 33, n.º 1 (março de 2015): 129–35.

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Paclobutrazol (PBZ), a well-known growth retardant of the triazole family, is mostly used for controlling plant size and growth, resulting in more desirable compact plants for floricultural purposes; however, limited experimental data are available for use of PBZ in field sunflower. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of repeated foliar applications of PBZ at rates of 50 + 50 g ha-1(double application) and 50 + 50 + 50 g ha-1 (triple application) on sunflower morphology and productivity. PBZ applications corresponded to growth stages of four to five, five to six, and six to eight true leaves of sunflower plants, respectively. The double foliar application of PBZ reduced sunflower plant height at maturity by 4.4% (or by 11.7 cm). The triple foliar application of PBZ reduced sunflower plant height at maturity by 14.4% (or by 49.2 cm). However, PBZ either in the double or the triple application reduced achene yield per plant by 25.6% and 22.5% and the 100-achene weight by 11.4% and 25.0%, respectively, compared with the non-treated control. Overall, the repeated foliar applications of PBZ at the rates tested in this study, apart from providing a reduction of sunflower plant height, had major adverse effects on achene yield and weight. Thus, different application schemes of PBZ or perhaps different growth regulators should be investigated to control plant height in sunflower.
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Palta, Jairo A., Ajit S. Nandwal, Sunita Kumari e Neil C. Turner. "Foliar nitrogen applications increase the seed yield and protein content in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subject to terminal drought". Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56, n.º 2 (2005): 105.

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The effect of foliar application of isotopically labelled nitrogen (15N-urea) at 4 stages during flowering and podding on the uptake and utilisation of nitrogen by chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under conditions of terminal drought was investigated in a glasshouse study. Five treatments were used to investigate the effect of timing of foliar application of urea, equivalent to 30 kg N/ha, on the uptake and utilisation of nitrogen for biomass, yield, seed protein content, and seed size: foliar application at (i) first flower, (ii) 50% flowering, (iii) 50% pod set, and (iv) the end of podding, and (v) an unsprayed control treatment. Terminal drought was induced from pod set onward, resulting in a rapid development of plant water deficits (–0.14 MPa/day) and a decrease in leaf photosynthesis irrespective of the timing of foliar urea application. Foliar applications of urea at first flower and at 50% flowering, before terminal drought was induced, increased yield and seed protein content. The increase in yield resulted from an increase in the number of pods with more than one seed rather than from increased pod number per plant or increased seed size, indicating greater seed survival under terminal drought. Also, the increase in the seed protein content resulted from increased nitrogen availability for seed filling. Foliar application of urea during flowering, before terminal drought was induced, resulted in 20% more biomass at maturity, suggesting that growth prior to the development of water shortage increased the carbon resources for sustained seed filling under conditions of terminal drought. Foliar applications of urea at 50% pod set and at the end of podding did not affect the yield or seed protein content, primarily because the uptake of nitrogen was limited by the leaf senescence that occurred with the development of terminal drought. The results indicate the potential to increase yields of chickpea by application of foliar nitrogen near flowering in environments in which terminal droughts reduce yield.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Shaoxia, Wang, Li Meng, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Fei Peiwen, Chen Yanlong, Shi Jianglan e Tian Xiaohong. "Impact of foliar and root application of phosphorus on zinc concentration of winter wheat grown in China". Crop and Pasture Science 70, n.º 6 (2019): 499.

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Foliar zinc (ZnSO4) application is an effective agronomic tool for Zn biofortification of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and hence for overcoming human Zn deficiency. It is unclear how the methods used to apply phosphorus (P) fertilisers affect the uptake and availability of Zn in wheat plants. Here, a solution-culture experiment and a 2-year field experiment were conducted to determine the influence of P applied to leaves or roots on total, soluble and insoluble Zn in winter wheat plants (cv. Xiaoyan-22) also receiving foliar Zn. Foliar Zn application, regardless of P application, significantly improved grain total Zn (primarily water-soluble) by 79.4% under both growth conditions, and reduced grain phytic acid:Zn (PA:Zn) molar ratio by 54.4% in the field. In solution culture, root-applied P did not affect plant uptake of foliar-applied Zn; however, foliar application of Zn plus P reduced the soluble fraction of Zn in wheat tissues, and thus decreased grain Zn concentration by 13.2% compared with Zn-only foliar application. Similarly, in the field, foliar-applied Zn plus P resulted in lower grain total and soluble Zn concentration and higher grain PA and PA:Zn molar ratio than foliar Zn alone. Overall, foliar Zn application is efficient in increasing grain Zn concentration and bioavailability under varied methods of P application. Although foliar-applied P slightly reduces the ability of plants to use foliar-applied Zn to increase grain Zn, foliar Zn combined with commonly applied foliar P application represents an easily adoptable practice for farmers that will help to alleviate Zn deficiency in human populations.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Marburger, David A., Jaime F. Willbur, Maria E. Weber, Jean-Michel Ané, Medhi Kabbage, Shawn P. Conley e Damon L. Smith. "Characterizing the Effect of Foliar Lipo-chitooligosaccharide Application on Sudden Death Syndrome and Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Soybean". Plant Health Progress 19, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2018): 46–53.

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Lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCOs) are signal molecules produced by plant root endosymbionts and have been identified, formulated, and marketed as growth-promoting adjuvants for soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.). Experiments were conducted under controlled environmental conditions to characterize the effects of foliar LCO applications on early symptom development of sudden death syndrome (SDS), caused by Fusarium virguliforme, and Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Treatment factors for the SDS experiment included two soybean cultivars (Sloan and CH2105R2), two inoculation levels (noninoculated control and inoculated), and two LCO applications (control and foliar LCO application), whereas two experimental soybean lines (91-38 and 91-44) and two LCO applications (water control and foliar LCO application) were used in the SSR experiment. The LCO application did not significantly influence SDS root symptom severity or early-season growth characteristics. However, on the susceptible line (P = 0.01) and with LCO application (P = 0.03), significantly larger SSR lesions developed compared with the nontreated control and resistant line. These results suggest foliar-applied LCOs have a limited effect on early root symptom development caused by F. virguliforme but increase stem symptom development caused by S. sclerotiorum.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Škarpa, P., E. Kunzová e H. Zukalová. "Foliar fertilization with molybdenum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)". Plant, Soil and Environment 59, No. 4 (21 de março de 2013): 156–61.

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The objective of the vegetation experiment established in 2008&ndash;2011 was to explore the effect of the time and dose of foliar molybdenum (Mo) application on the yield and quality of sunflower. Four treatments were established in the experiment: (1) control &ndash; not fertilised with Mo; (2) application of 125 g Mo/ha in the growing stage of 4 developed leaves (V-4); (3) application of 125 g Mo/ha at the beginning of elongation growth (R-1), and (4) split rate of Mo application of 62 g Mo/ha at stage V-4 (4 developed leaves) and 62 g Mo/ha at stage R-1 (terminal bud forms). Foliar application of molybdenum increased the biomass production of sunflower plants and its content in dry matter. A statistically significant effect of molybdenum foliar application on sunflower yields was found. Foliar application of Mo up to a dose of 125 g Mo/ha at the beginning of vegetation (stage V-4) and developmental stage R-1 increased yields of achenes. The relative increase in the oil content after foliar nutrition was not significant and ranged between 1.4% and 2.6%. Oil production increased due to increased yields and stabilised oil content. Foliar application of molybdenum had no effect on the content of oleic acid.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Wersal, Ryan M., e John D. Madsen. "Comparison of Subsurface and Foliar Herbicide Applications for Control of Parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)". Invasive Plant Science and Management 3, n.º 3 (novembro de 2010): 262–67.

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AbstractParrotfeather is an invasive, aquatic plant in the United States that is native to South America. It has impaired the use of water bodies throughout the United States and is difficult to control, despite using a variety of management techniques. Our objectives were to examine the efficacy of subsurface applications of seven herbicides labeled for aquatic use and to compare those applications to herbicides that can also be applied to emergent foliage. A replicated mesocosm study was conducted in 378-L (100-gal) tanks beginning in August 2007 and repeated during the same period in 2008. The maximum and half-maximum labeled rates of copper chelate, diquat, endothall, fluridone, triclopyr, and carfentrazone-ethyl were applied to the water column in designated mesocosms. The maximum labeled rate for foliar applications of diquat, triclopyr, and 2,4-D were used to compare treatment methods. Six weeks after treatment (WAT), copper, endothall, fluridone, and carfentrazone-ethyl did not achieve 90% control; in fact, control was less than 50% for each herbicide, and therefore, the herbicides were not considered efficacious for controlling parrotfeather. Diquat at all rates and application methods resulted in 70 to 90% biomass reduction. Triclopyr, with both the highest aqueous concentration and foliar application, resulted in an 84 and 86%, respectively, reduction in biomass at 6 WAT. The foliar application of 2,4-D was the only herbicide and application method that resulted in ≥ 90% biomass reduction of parrotfeather. In these studies, regrowth occurred in all tanks regardless of herbicide or treatment method, indicating multiple applications would be necessary to provide longer-term plant control. Future research should identify possible herbicide combinations or timing of applications to maximize treatment efficacy.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Stewart, Zachary P., Ellen T. Paparozzi, Charles S. Wortmann, Prakash Kumar Jha e Charles A. Shapiro. "Effect of Foliar Micronutrients (B, Mn, Fe, Zn) on Maize Grain Yield, Micronutrient Recovery, Uptake, and Partitioning". Plants 10, n.º 3 (11 de março de 2021): 528.

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Timing of micronutrient demand and acquisition by maize (Zea mays L.) is nutrient specific and associated with key vegetative and reproductive growth stages. The objective of this study was to determine the fate of foliar-applied B, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Fe/Zn together, evaluate the effect of foliar micronutrients applied at multiple rates and growth stages on maize grain yield, and determine their apparent nutrient recovery efficiency (ANR). Five Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experiments were conducted in 2014 and 2015 at five locations across Nebraska. Total dry matter was collected at 5–6 stages, and separated into leaves, stalk, and reproductive tissue as appropriate to determine micronutrient uptake, partitioning, and translocation. Foliar B, Mn, Zn, and Fe/Zn had no effect on grain yield for most application time by rate levels, though, at the foliar Mn site, there was a 19% yield increase due to a V18 application of 0.73 kg Mn ha−1 which corresponded with reduced Mn uptake in maize grown in control plots. At the foliar Zn site, there was 4.5% decrease in yield due to a split foliar application of 0.84 kg Zn ha−1 total, applied at V11 and V15 stage, which increased leaf Zn concentrations greater than the established toxic level. Only the Fe site had consistent grain yield response and was the only experiment that had visual signs of micronutrient deficiency. Regardless of application time from V6 to R2, there was a 13.5–14.6% increase in grain yield due to 0.22 kg Fe ha−1 foliar application. Most micronutrients had limited or no translocation, however, early season applications of B, prior to V10, had significant mobilization to reproductive tissues at or after VT. Foliar Mn, Zn, and B application had ANR LSmeans of 9.5, 16.9, and 2.5%, respectively, whereas the Fe/Zn mix had negative ANR LSmeans of −9.1% Fe and −1.3% Zn which indicate suppression. These data highlight the importance of confirming a micronutrient deficiency prior to foliar application, guide specific growth stages to target with specific micronutrients, track the fate of foliar-applied micronutrients, and describe the variable effect of foliar-applied micronutrients on grain yield.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

González-Terán, Gustavo E., Fernando C. Gómez-Merino e Libia I. Trejo-Téllez. "EFFECTS OF SILICON AND CALCIUM APPLICATION ON GROWTH, YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY PARAMETERS OF CUCUMBER ESTABLISHED IN A SODIC SOIL". Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 19, n.º 3 (29 de junho de 2020): 149–58.

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Soil salinity is a growing problem that affects crop quality. Cucumber is a vegetable eaten fresh, with great worldwide demand, making its chemical and physical characteristics important. In the present work, the effects of foliar application of silicon (Si: 0 and 2 mM), calcium (Ca: 0 and 2 mM), and the combination of both (Si + Ca: 0 + 0 mM, 2 + 0 mM, 0 + 2 mM and 2 + 2 mM) on dry matter of leaves and stems, yield and fruit quality of cucumbers grown in a sodic soil were studied. Treatments did not affect dry biomass, yield and product size. The obtained results show that applying foliar Ca increases total soluble solids in comparison to the control. Foliar Si application significantly increased fruit firmness in the end towards the peduncle. Moreover, foliar Ca application increased the fruit hue angle (intense green), while foliar Si application increased chroma (dark green), both significantly regarding the control. The individual applications of Si and Ca were proven to differentially improve the fruit quality parameters of cucumber in sodic soil conditions.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Andreasen, Christian, Kasper Lund Høgh e Signe Marie Jensen. "The Effect of Foliar and Soil Application of Flufenacet and Prosulfocarb on Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) Control". Agriculture 10, n.º 11 (17 de novembro de 2020): 552.

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Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) can be a troublesome weed that may causes high yield losses to several crops. Ryegrass resistance to the typically used acetolactate synthase (ALS) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibiting herbicides complicates the control. As an alternative, we evaluated and compared the effects of two soil-acting herbicides, flufenacet and prosulfocarb, on susceptible L. multiflorum. The herbicides were applied in two doses in three different methods of applications: (1) soil and foliar application (2) foliar application, and (3) soil application only. Two greenhouse experiments separated in time showed that both herbicides reduced root and foliar biomass significantly as compared to the nontreated plants. In experiment 1, both herbicides resulted in lower efficacy when they only were applied to the leaves compared to the nontreated plants. Especially the foliar effect of flufenacet was small. The highest dose of prosulfocarb (4200 g ai ha−1) reduced the fresh foliar weight by 61% in experiment 1 and by 95% in experiment 2. The lowest dose of prosulfocarb (2100 g ai ha−1) reduced the weights by 73% (experiment 1) and 98% (experiment 2), respectively. For both herbicides the soil and foliar application applied postemergence were effective in reducing growth of L. multiflorum significantly in both experiments. Foliar application showed inconsistent results, showing that soil absorption plays an important role on herbicide efficacy even when the herbicides are applied postemergence. Postemergence application of prosulfocarb and flufenacet were effective to reduce L. multiflorum growth having apparently good root and leaf absorption.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Corriveau, Jennifer, Linda Gaudreau, Jean Caron, Sylvie Jenni e André Gosselin. "Testing irrigation, day/night foliar spraying, foliar calcium and growth inhibitor as possible cultural practices to reduce tipburn in lettuce". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92, n.º 5 (setembro de 2012): 889–99.

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Corriveau, J., Gaudreau, L., Caron, J., Jenni, S. and Gosselin, A. 2012. Testing irrigation, day/night foliar spraying, foliar calcium and growth inhibitor possible as cultural practices to reduce tipburn in lettuce. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 889–899. Most of the lettuce produced in Quebec, Canada, is grown in organic soils in the area south of Montreal. Regularly, producers experience tipburn damage to their crop, a physiological disorder associated with Ca deficiency along the margins of young actively growing leaves. Therefore, active research is ongoing to reduce damage associated with this disorder. Two greenhouse trials on Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. ‘Sunbelt’) were conducted to measure the effect of day and night foliar water spraying, irrigation, foliar application of prohexadione calcium (a growth inhibitor) and foliar application of Ca on lettuce growth and incidence of tipburn. None of the treatments had a significant effect on biomass, dry weight, leaf number or leaf area in lettuce. However, the results show that frequent foliar applications of Ca as low as 90 mg L−1 Ca2+ resulted in a significant decreases in the number of leaves and percent leaf area with tipburn, and significant increases in Ca content in young leaves. Foliar water spraying, irrigation and foliar application of prohexadione calcium resulted in no significant differences in tipburn in greenhouse experiments. As greenhouse and field conditions may differ importantly, Ca application should be tested further at the field scale.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Souza, Maria W. de L., Salvador B. Torres, Francisco de A. de Oliveira, Isabelly C. da S. Marques, Kleane T. O. Pereira e Ítala T. Guimarães. "Saline-water irrigation and plant growth regulator application on zucchini fruit yield and quality". Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 24, n.º 10 (outubro de 2020): 679–84.

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ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a plant growth regulator (PGR; Stimulate®) on the yield and quality of zucchini fruits from plants of the cultivar Caserta-Italiana grown under different salinity levels of the irrigation water (SLIW). A randomized block design was used, in a 2 × 6 factorial arrangement consisted of two SLIW (0.5 and 5.0 dS m-1) and six PGR application modes: imbibition of seeds for 8 h in distilled water (PGR-T1; Control); imbibition of seeds for 8 h in PGR at 10 mL L-1 (PGR-T2); imbibition of seeds for 8 h in PGR at 10 mL L-1 plus foliar application at 10 mL L-1 at the flowering stage (PGR-T3); imbibition of seeds for 8 h in PGR at 10 mL L-1 plus two foliar applications at the flowering stage and at 20 and 30 days after sowing (PGR-T4); foliar application at 10 mL L-1 at the flowering stage (PGR-T5); and two foliar applications at 10 mL L-1 at 20 and 30 days after sowing (PGR-T6). The SLIW affected differently the variables of the zucchini crops evaluated. The PGR application to plants under no salt stress (0.5 dS m-1) increased the solid soluble concentration and biomass accumulation of zucchini fruits. The PGR application as seed treatment and foliar application at the flowering stage increased the fruit yield of zucchini plants irrigated with saline water.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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