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Høst, Jeppe. "Kvote og fisk på det frie marked". Kulturstudier 5, n.º 2 (1 de novembro de 2014): 99.

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Et af de centrale redskaber i forvaltningen af dansk fiskeri har siden 1970erne været fiskekvoter. Kvoterne satte en øvre grænse for, hvor store mængder fisk Danmark måtte udtage af sine farvande, og blev dermed det centrale bindeled mellem naturressourcen, fiskere og forvaltning. Disse kvoter blev forvaltet som et fælles gode, indtil de fra omkring 2001 blev opdelt, privatiseret og tildelt de individuelle fartøjsejere. Denne artikel undersøger først kvotesystemets historiske oprindelse, som findes i et spænd mellem havbiologi, mellemstatsligt samarbejde og fiskernes fangstpraksisser. Herefter fokuserer jeg i artiklen på konsekvenserne af privatiseringen af fiskeressourcerne og gennem empirisk materiale udfoldes en række eksempler, der viser, hvordan markedet, forvaltningen og de forskellige fangstpraksisser sameksisterer med fiskekvoten som det centrale omdrejningspunkt. Et grundlæggende spørgsmål bliver for kvoteejerne – og for artiklen – at finde grundlaget for kvoternes værdi samt at forstå, hvordan kvoter som handelsvare knytter fisken som naturressource sammen med både marked og fiskere.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hildebrandt, Steen. "Bæredygtighed – århundredets største udfordring og mulighed". Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien 33, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 2018): 5–18.

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En kollega og jeg mødtes tilfældigt en efterårsdag for nogle år siden på havnen i Skagen. Tæt ved os lå et kæmpestort fartøj, en forvokset fiskekutter, som var så stor som en fabrik. Og det var en sejlende fabrik, der kunne fange så mange fisk i døgnet, at man kun kan have ondt af fiskene. Handelen med fiskekvoter har gjort nogle EU-fiskere til mangemillionærer - uden at de har gjort nogen særlig indsats – ud over at være til stede på det rigtige tidspunkt. Alt sammen i den såkaldt frie konkurrences hellige navn. Vi taler om kvotekonger og om storfiskerklubber, der angiveligt støtter regeringspartiet Venstres fiskeriordfører og statsministeren med nogle af deres millioner, og i foråret 2017 var kvotekongerne og deres kvotekoncentration ligefrem ved at koste den ansvarlige minister jobbet. ”Storfiskersag har sendt minister i stormvejr”, hed en overskrift. En anden lød: ”Kvotekonge pumpede formue i venstreordførers firma”. Vi vekslede nogle ord om disse fiskefartøjer, der har skabt en ny virkelighed for både fisk og fiskere verden over. Global overfiskning er en realitet.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Beyer, Lis Ramberg. "Åbne Sider - Engelskkursus for fiskere". Sprogforum. Tidsskrift for sprog- og kulturpædagogik 21, n.º 60 (1 de maio de 2015): 7.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ellefsen, Hans, e Jens Christian Svabo Justinussen. "Kampene om fisken". Økonomi & Politik 93, n.º 4 (15 de dezembro de 2020): 49–60.

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Økonomi og politik i Færøerne er ofte på den ene eller anden måde forbundet med fisk. I denne artikel giver vi først et overblik over færøsk fiskeri, hvorefter vi analyserer tre nyere og store konflikter om færøsk fiskeri. Det drejer sig om 1) konflikten mellem fiskerne og biologerne om, hvor mange bundfisk der skal fiskes hvert år i havet omkring Færøerne; 2) konflikten mellem Færøerne og EU om, hvor stor den færøske makrelkvote skulle være; og 3) konflikten om selve ejerskabet af fiskeressourcerne: om de er alles (folkets) ejendom, eller om de er redernes ejendom, og især hvordan rettigheder til at fiske skal udloddes. Vi konkluderer, at disse konflikter grundlæggende handler om ejerskab af ressourcen, og hvordan man skal forvalte dette ejerskab. Selvom konflikterne foreløbigt er ”løst” i dag, er de ikke endeligt løst og ulmer fremdeles i færøsk fiskeripolitik.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Viskum Lytken Larsen, Christina. "Afhængighed af pengespil i Grønland – et sociologisk perspektiv på misbrug og afhængighed i et samfund under hastig forandring". Dansk Sociologi 25, n.º 4 (4 de dezembro de 2014): 55–74.

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Formålet med herværende artikel er at undersøge sammenhængen mellem den samfundsmæssige udvikling og sociale problemer i Grønland eksemplificeret ved afhængighed af pengespil. Der tages udgangspunkt i en sociologisk forståelse af begrebet sociale patologier og social transition. Afhængighed af pengespil sættes ligeledes i relation til misbrug af alkohol og hash. Data er indsamlet i byer og bygder i hele Grønland som led i det internationale forskningsprojekt Inuit Health in Transition og bestod dels af en klinisk undersøgelse, samt interview og et selvudfyldt skema. I alt 2.454 personer deltog i interviewundersøgelsen (63%) og heraf udfyldte 2.189 personer det selvudfyldte spørgeskema (56%). Analysen af afhængighed af pengespil i relation til social transition viser, at afhængighed af pengespil forekommer i et mindre omfang blandt fangere og fiskere i bygderne samt de veluddannede professionelle i byerne sammenlignet med de øvrige sociale grupper i samfundet. Blandt problemspillere er både alkohol- og hashmisbrug udbredt. Den lavere forekomst af problemspil blandt fangere/fiskere i bygder samt blandt professionelle i byer kan være et tegn på, at social integration i den dominerende livsstil, der hvor man bor, har betydning for afhængigheden af pengespil. Sammenfaldet mellem misbrug viser desuden, at det ikke giver mening at betragte spilleafhængigheden som et isoleret problem. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen: Pathological Gambling Among Greenland Inuit – A Sociological Approach to Addictive Behavior in a Society Undergoing Rapid Transition The aim of this paper is to analyze the social problems in Greenland in relation to the rapid transition which characterizes the Greenlandic society by using a sociological perspective on social pathologies and social transition. Pathological gambling is used as an example of the high prevalence of social problems that proposes a current challenge in modern Greenland. The association between pathological gambling, use of alcohol and marijuana is also analyzed. Data was collected in towns and villages across Greenland as a part of the international study Inuit Health in Transition. A total of 2454 persons were interviewed and 2189 of these also filled out a self-administered questionnaire. The study shows that the prevalence of pathological gambling is lower among hunters and fishermen in villages and professionals in towns than in other social groups. In addition the prevalence of harmful use of alcohol and marijuana among pathological gamblers was relatively high. A significant association between pathological gambling and social groups defined by their involvement in the ongoing social transition suggests that people caught between tradition and modern ways of life are especially vulnerable. Furthermore, the association between pathological gambling and other addictive behaviors underlines the importance of a comprehensive approach in understanding these phenomena. Keywords: gambling, inuit, Greenland, social pathology, addictive behavior.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Nielsen, Henning. "Hans Majestæts Haderslevske Amtsfiskeri". Sønderjydske Årbøger 133, n.º 1 (21 de dezembro de 2023): 9–58.

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En nysgerrighed over for stednavnet ”Slusen”, som betegner indsøen Mindets udløb i Lillebælt ved Hejlsminde, fik forfatteren til at undersøge navnets oprindelse og baggrund. Studier af arkivmateriale viste, at ikke blot Hejlsminde, men også Bankel sø og Slivsø blev inddæmmet i slutningen af 1500-tallet og forsynet med tidevandssluser, som skulle omdanne de oprindeligt saltvandede åbne fjorde til ferskvandssøer, med henblik på opdræt og fiskeri af ferskvandsfisk. Fiskeriet administreredes af amtsforvaltningen i Haderslev og indgik sammen med fiskeriet fra en mængde større og mindre søer i ”Hans Majestæts Haderslevske Amtsfiskeri”. Artiklen fokuserer på de tre indsøer, som udgjorde et dominerende element i fiskeriet.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Brattland, Camilla. "Monstertorsk, vitenskap og politikk i Storfjord. Produksjon av fiskerkunnskap i forvaltningen". Samisk senters skriftserie, n.º 18 (8 de outubro de 2012): 35.

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<p>Title: Monster cod, science and politics in Storfjord. Management production of fishers&rsquo; knowledge<br />This article asks in which cases fishers&rsquo; knowledge is accepted as credible knowledge with the power to influence management decisions. During the &laquo;Storfjord Controversy&raquo; which was a conflict between capture fisheries and cod farming in Storfjord in northern Norway, fishers&rsquo; knowledge on cod spawning grounds became one of the central issues. This knowledge was produced through collection and transformation of interviews with fishers into polygons and tables in a public, online marine resource map database. Marine scientists verified the existence and importance of the spawning grounds in conflict with the cod farms, which strengthened the credibility of fishers&rsquo; knowledge. When deformed &laquo;monster cod&raquo; started appearing in the fishers&rsquo; nets, fishers&rsquo; knowledge was however not as dependent on scientific approval in order to influence political and management decision-making. The article argues that fishers&rsquo; knowledge is seen as more credible and thereby has greater power in contexts where it is seen as supportive of the environment against environmental threats.</p><p>Denne artikkelen sp&oslash;r i hvilke tilfeller fiskerkunnskap blir ansett som troverdig og f&aring;r makt til &aring; p&aring;virke forvaltningen. I l&oslash;pet av den s&aring;kalte "Storfjord-saken" ble fiskeres kunnskap om gytefelter for torsk i tilknytning til torskeoppdrett et sentralt tema. Fiskerkunnskap om gytefelter ble vitenskapelig verifisert av Havforskningsinstituttet og fiskernes utsagn om Storfjord som en viktig gytefjord for kysttorsk ble dermed oppfattet som troverdig og forvaltningsrelevant. Imidlertid ble fiskernes p&aring;stander om negative innvirkninger av torskeoppdrett p&aring; villfisk ogs&aring; oppfattet som troverdige uten den samme vitenskapelige verifiseringen. Dette skjedde blant annet p&aring; grunnlag av medieoppslag om &laquo;monstertorsk&raquo; som gjorde torskeoppdrett til en politisk kontroversiell milj&oslash;trussel, og allierte fiskerne med den truede kysttorsken. Artikkelen argumenterer for at fiskerkunnskap ikke i seg selv er forvaltningsrelevant, men er avhengig av vitenskapelig produksjon og verifisering for &aring; ha p&aring;virkning p&aring; forvaltningen. Om fiskeres p&aring;stander spiller p&aring; lag med r&aring;dende milj&oslash;politikk, som i monstertorsk-saken, er sjansen imidlertid st&oslash;rre for at fiskerkunnskapen kan bli godtatt som troverdig og p&aring;virke politiske beslutninger uten &aring; g&aring; veien om vitenskapen.</p>
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Engelskjøn, Ragnhild. "Lars Bergs erotiske romaner". Nordlit 7, n.º 1 (1 de agosto de 2003): 231.

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Lars Berg skriver om nordnorsk kystmiljø, om fiskere, lærere og andre slitere, men det som gjør forfatterskapet originalt og spennende, er at han setter kjærlighetsliv og seksualitet så sentralt i sine litterære skikkelsers liv.Den seksuelle fokuseringen i debutboken Men det var det ingen som visste (1934) og Du er den første kvinne (1935) gjorde at bøkene ble mye lest. Men det er svært galt å tro at Berg la vekt på å være moderne eller sjokkerende. Han skrev med et trykk som viser at det ligger ham på hjertet å få formidlet dette stoffet, og han distanserer seg fra dem som ropte "Freud" og "perversitet", ved å uttale at han bare hadde skrevet om ting han selv har hørt om og sett i bygdemiljøene.I debutboka følger vi Tor Sollid fra han er smågutt til han er midt i 20-årene. Fra 7-årsalderen utvikler han et komplisert forhold tilkvinner som gjør at han som voksen bare vil omgås dem på en åndelig måte. Dette gjelder selv i ekteskapet. Han etablerer altså en seksuell avholdenhetsfilosofi. I bok nummer to følger vi Einar Utnes fra gutt til voksen. Han blir tidlig seksuelt vakt, og tilbringer siden mye tid i seng med forskjellige kvinner. Han er en "nordnorsk Casanova", skrev flere kritikere. For begge mennene fører livsførselen til store problemer både i privatlivet og i arbeidslivet, men det ser ut til at problemene løser seg til slutt. De finner endelig fram til hva slags kvinne som passer for dem, og kommer seg tilsynelatende videre.Lars Berg ble tildelt "gullmedalje for fremragende litterær ytelse i 1934", og han fikk stipend fra forfatterforeningen samme år. Men de to første bøkene ga ham også tilnavnet "rikspornograf", og i Nord-Norge ble bøkene kalt "svinbøker". De var kanskje langt dristigere for sin tid, enn det Agnar Mykles var, 20 år etter.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ferguson-Cradler, Gregory. "Norges fiskeri- og kysthistorie Bind IV: Havet, fisken og oljen, 1970–2014". Scandinavian Economic History Review 64, n.º 1 (2 de janeiro de 2016): 77–78.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lie, Einar. "Christensen, Pål (red.): Norges fiskeri- og kysthistorie. Bind IV: Havet, fisken og oljen 1970–2014". Historisk tidsskrift 94, n.º 02 (18 de junho de 2015): 308–12.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fikri, Fikri, Dyta Septiyatik, La Ode Andri e Mudhiah Umamah. "Da’wah values in the opening ceremony video of the World Cup Qatar 2022 (A John Fiske’s semiotic analysis)". Islamic Communication Journal 8, n.º 1 (30 de junho de 2023): 115–32.

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This study aims to identify the three levels of semiotics based on John Fiske's semiotic theory and to explain da'wah values in the opening video of the Qatar 2022 World Cup. This study uses a descriptive method with an interpretive qualitative research data approach. The data were collected by watching the video and taking screenshots. The data were categorized and analyzed based on John Fiske's semiotic theory. The results show that there are da'wah values including faith, sharia, and morals. In addition, the three levels of signs conveyed by John Fiske are reflected in the costumes of actors, singers who cover their genitals (reality level), angels, lighting, music, sounds (representative level), love for animals or other living things, mutual respect between religions, races. culture, hospitality, and Arab nationalism (ideology level). As the opening ceremony of the World Cup is a moment where all eyes will be on, that was a great opportunity to deliver the ideology and broadcast the da'wah values. Therefore, the da'wah values can be shared massively compared to when da'wah is delivered orally. This study contributes to the development of a culture-based da'wah model, which is in accordance with the principles of a friendly and universal Islam. ***Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tiga level semiotika berdasarkan teori semiotika John Fiske dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai dakwah dalam video pembukaan Piala Dunia Qatar 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan data penelitian kualitatif interpretatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menonton video dan mengambil screenshot. Data dikategorikan dan dianalisis berdasarkan teori semiotika John Fiske. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nilai-nilai dakwah yang meliputi akidah, syariah dan akhlak. Selain itu, tiga level tanda yang disampaikan John Fiske tercermin dari kostum aktor, penyanyi yang menutup aurat (level realitas), angle kamera, tata cahaya, musik, suara (level representasi), kasih sayang kepada hewan atau makhluk hidup lainnya, saling menghormati antar agama, ras, budaya, keramahtamahan, dan nasionalisme Arab (level ideologi). Karena, upacara pembukaan Piala Dunia merupakan momen di mana semua mata akan tertuju, maka hal tersebut merupakan kesempatan yang baik untuk menyampaikan ideologi dan menyebarkan nilai-nilai dakwah. Dengan demikian, nilai-nilai dakwah dapat disebarkan secara masif dibandingkan dengan dakwah yang disampaikan secara lisan. Kajian ini berkontribusi bagi pengembangan model dakwah berbasis kebudayaan, yang sesuai dengan prinsip Islam yang ramah dan universal.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jonsson, Nina, e Bror Jonsson. "Hulelevende fisker". Naturen 137, n.º 02 (2 de maio de 2013): 77–80.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Pamungkas, Daniel Gelegar, e Ahmad Zamzamy. "Representasi Politik Uang Dalam Film Lansia Lan Sopo:". Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting 3, n.º 4 (28 de setembro de 2023): 1523–36.

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Lansia Lan Sopo' is a film that addresses the theme of anti-corruption with the issue of political money in the implementation of village head elections. 'Lansia Lan Sopo' is directed by Alfian Alfarisi and has a duration of 15 minutes and 09 seconds. This research aims to understand how the representation of political money in the film 'Lansia Lan Sopo' is depicted in the context of two rival campaign teams during the village head election. The research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and employs John Fiske's semiotic analysis method to dissect the codes and deeper meanings in the film. The results of the research reveal various depictions of political money in the film 'Lansia Lan Sopo.' Additionally, there is also a depiction of how political money is a product of capitalist ideology. This is demonstrated through John Fiske's semiotics with three levels: the level of reality depicting the actions of political money, the level of representation showing supporting elements in each scene, and the level of ideology to understand the concepts and meanings in the film 'Lansia Lan Sopo.' Keywords: Political Money, John Fiske Semiotics, Lansia Lan Sopo
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Biber, Pascal, Jörg Hupfeld e Laurenz L. Meier. "Personal values and relational models". European Journal of Personality 22, n.º 7 (novembro de 2008): 609–28.

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In this study, the comprehensive value research by Schwartz (e.g. 1992) was linked to Fiske's relational models theory (RMT, e.g. Fiske, 1991). A sample of 297 people answered the personal values questionnaire (PVQ), the modes of relationship questionnaire (MORQ) and the relationship profile scale (RPS) in a web‐based online survey. As hypothesized, the set of 10 values correlated in a systematic manner—according to the circular structure of personal value systems—with both trait‐like construal of and motivational investment in the relational models communal sharing (CS), authority ranking (AR) and market pricing (MP). Further research concerning a person–environment value congruency approach to predict well‐being is suggested combining the two research traditions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rizki, Wahyu Pratama, e Aulia Rahmawati. "Analisis Semiotika John Fiske Mengenai Aging Masculinity pada Film Sejuta Sayang Untuknya". Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting 3, n.º 4 (16 de março de 2023): 1411–28.

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The aging process always happens to men or women regardless of sex or gender. One of the things that is always attached and related to gender is masculinity. The definition of masculinity is a culturally influenced social thought and practice about how to shape male traits. The hegemony of masculinity that is dominated by young men causes masculinity in older men to be considered demasculinized or the loss of masculinity. The depiction of aging masculinity in Indonesian film media has recently dared to break the stigma of masculinity dominated by young men. One of the Indonesian films, Sejuta Sayang Untuknya, directed by Herwin Novianto, tells about family issues regarding the struggle of an elderly single father in raising and caring for his only daughter amid economic difficulties. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with John Fiske's semiotic analysis method to convey codes and deep meanings in the movie. The researcher's goal is to represent how aging masculinity in the movie Sejuta Sayang Untuknya, especially in the character of Aktor Sagala as a single father. The results of this study found that there are 6 scenes related to twilight masculinity analyzed using John Fiske's three stages of semiotics including the level of reality, level of representation, and level of ideology. Keywords: Representation, Aging Masculinity, John Fiske Semiotics, Film.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rachman, Nur Afni. "John Fiske's Semiotic Analysis of Moral Education in “Budi Pekerti” Film". Journal of Language, Communication, and Tourism 2, n.º 1 (30 de dezembro de 2023): 18–28.

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This study used qualitative research with John Fiske's semiotic approach. This research aimed to reveal the reality, representation, and ideology regarding moral education in the film by Wregas Bhanuteja entitled “Budi Pekerti”. The film had a high artistic aesthetic and was full of meaning. Film is an audio-visual media that combines both elements, namely narrative and cinematic. This study employed the semiotic method by John Fiske as the research method. The signs shown in this film pointed to moral education which was currently a crisis in Indonesia. Reality, representation, and ideology regarding moral education were conveyed through conversations, choice of color tones, settings, soundtracks, and scenes. The results of the study showed that the film depicted current reality especially regarding the moral values in the society in Indonesia context. This also showed how current development of information and technology has strong correlation with people’s behavior especially related to moral values.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chr. Sidenius, Niels. "Ole Hyldtoft, Københavns industrialisering 1840-1914, Herning: Systime, 1984, 524 s., 280,00 kr.; Jørgen Burchardt, Provinsindustri, Faaborg: Faaborg Byhistoriske Arkiv/Faaborg Kunsthistoriske Museer, 1984, 112 s., 119,00 kr.; Holger Munchaus Petersen, Pl". Politica 17, n.º 3 (1 de janeiro de 1985): 437.

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Ole Hyldtoft, Københavns industrialisering 1840-1914, Herning: Systime, 1984, 524 s., 280,00 kr.; Jørgen Burchardt, Provinsindustri, Faaborg: Faaborg Byhistoriske Arkiv/Faaborg Kunsthistoriske Museer, 1984, 112 s., 119,00 kr.; Holger Munchaus Petersen, Planmæssig ankomst. Danske dampskibe indtil 1870, l, Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, 1983, 168 s., 148,00 kr.; Holger Munchaus Petersen, Lokalt initiativ. Danske dampskibe indtil 1870, U, Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, 1985, 180 s., 148,00 kr.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Schinke, Robert J., Randy C. Battochio, Nicole G. Dubuc, Shawn Swords, Gord Apolloni e Gershon Tenenbaum. "Understanding the Adaptation Strategies of Canadian Olympic Athletes Using Archival Data". Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 2, n.º 4 (dezembro de 2008): 337–56.

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Athletes employ a variety of adaptation strategies when adjusting to competitive environments. Fiske (2004) identified five core motives that facilitate human adaptation: (a) understanding, (b) controlling, (c) self-enhancement, (d) belonging, and (e) trusting. Recent qualitative analyses (Schinke, Gauthier, Dubuc, & Crowder, 2007) revealed that these motives correspond to particular adaptation strategies that professional athletes employ in stressful settings. The present study uses analysis of archival data (i.e., journalistic accounts) to explore the adaptation efforts of Canadian Olympic athletes (N = 103) as they prepared for and participated in summer (n = 35) and winter (n = 68) games. Contextual experts with extensive Olympic experience were enlisted to clarify the archival record. Findings revealed that the Olympic athletes used strategies corresponding to each of Fiske’s five motives, as well as numerous specific substrategies. Use of substrategies was consistent across athletes, regardless of Olympic experience, gender, or season (e.g., winter or summer games). Discussion explores the implications of adaptation strategies for Olympic athletes and their supporting staff.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Setiawan, Harry, Abdul Aziz e Debby Kurniadi. "IDEOLOGI PATRIARKI DALAM FILM (SEMIOTIKA JOHN FISKE PADA INTERAKSI AYAH DAN ANAK DALAM FILM CHEF)". ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia 6, n.º 02 (28 de agosto de 2020): 251–62.

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AbstrakFilm Chef yang beraliran drama – komedi ini dirilis pada tahun 2014 dengan menghasilkan US$45 Juta pada dua minggu penayangannya di bioskop seluruh Amerika dan masuk jajaran film box office dengan rating 7,3/10 versi IMDb. Film ini menghadirkan banyak interaksi antara ayah dan anak yang bisa menjadi acuan bagi orang tua dalam membangun interaksi terhadap anak. Interaksi karakter Carl (Ayah) dan Percy (Anak) yang menjadi subjek penelitian ini diulas dengan pendekatan semiotika John Fiske. Hasil penelitian ini tersaji pada tiga level analisis semiotika John Fiske yaitu level realitas yang digambarkan dengan interaksi karakter Carl dan Percy di ruang-ruang sempit dan padat pada area food truck “El Jefe” maupun area lain baik interior (dalam ruang) maupun exterior (luar ruang). Level representasi yang digambarkan dengan sudut pengambilan gambar (angle) dan komposisi yang membawa penonton untuk tetap terlibat dalam setiap interaksi antar karakter. Terakhir level ideologi patriarki yang menjadi temuan dalam penelitian ini bahwa ideologi patriarki yang dihadirkan dalam film ini bisa dijadikan acuan dalam membangun interaksi ayah dan anak sehingga anak tersebut tidak kehilangan sosok orang tuanya. Kata Kunci : interkasi sosial, patriarki, realitas, semiotika AbstractThis drama-comedy film, Chef, was released in 2014 with the US $ 45 million in two weeks of screenings in theaters across America and entered the ranks of box office films with a rating of 7.3/10 of the IMDb version. This film presents many interactions between father and son that can be a reference for parents in building interactions with their children. The interaction of Carl (Father) and Percy (Son) characters are the subjects of this study are reviewed by John Fiske's semiotic approach. The results of this study presented at three levels of John Fiske's semiotic analysis; the level of reality depicted by Carl and Percy's character interaction in narrow and dense spaces in the "El Jefe" food truck area and other areas both interior (inside) and exterior (outside room). The level of representation depicted by the camera angle and the composition that brings the audience to remain involved in every interaction between characters. Finally, the level of patriarchal ideology found in this study that the patriarchal ideology presented in this film can use as a reference in building the interaction of fathers and children so that the child does not lose the figure of his parents. Keywords: patriarchy, reality, semiotics, social interaction
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mork Lomell, Heidi. "Kasper Fisker: Det Kriminalpræventive Styresystem". Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab 108, n.º 2 (11 de setembro de 2021): 410–13.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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Up until now, drug use has been the main focus of the world. In Indonesia, there has been an increase in the prevalence of drug users by 0.15 percent. Using film as a medium to convey anti-drug messages is one of the many ways this can be done. This study aims to find out whether the message about the dangers of drug abuse from the film Ficusia has been conveyed properly or not. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses John Fiske's semiotic analysis which has several codes to analyze the object under study. There are three signs of television expressed by John Fiske, namely the Level of Reality, the Level of Representation and the Level of Ideology. The results of the study revealed that the animated film Ficusia is successful in becoming an anti-drug campaign media because it contains several factors and the impact of drug use. Apart from that, messages about the dangers of drug use have also been conveyed in this series.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

O’Rourke, Jamie A., e Michelle A. Graham. "Coupling VIGS with Short- and Long-Term Stress Exposure to Understand the Fiskeby III Iron Deficiency Stress Response". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, n.º 1 (30 de dezembro de 2022): 647.

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Yield loss due to abiotic stress is an increasing problem in agriculture. Soybean is a major crop for the upper Midwestern United States and calcareous soils exacerbate iron deficiency for growers, resulting in substantial yield losses. Fiskeby III is a soybean variety uniquely resistant to a variety of abiotic stresses, including iron deficiency. Previous studies identified a MATE transporter (Glyma.05G001700) associated with iron stress tolerance in Fiskeby III. To understand the function of this gene in the Fiskeby III response to iron deficiency, we coupled its silencing using virus-induced gene silencing with RNAseq analyses at two timepoints. Analyses of these data confirm a role for the MATE transporter in Fiskeby III iron stress responses. Further, they reveal that Fiskeby III induces transcriptional reprogramming within 24 h of iron deficiency stress, confirming that like other soybean varieties, Fiskeby III is able to quickly respond to stress. However, Fiskeby III utilizes novel genes and pathways in its iron deficiency response. Identifying and characterizing these genes and pathways in Fiskeby III provides novel targets for improving abiotic stress tolerance in elite soybean lines.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gulbrandsen, Lars H. "Miljømerking og bærekraftig fiskeri- og skogforvaltning". Internasjonal Politikk 63, n.º 04 (26 de julho de 2005): 395–419.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fiske, John. "Betydningsfulde øjeblikke - med modtageren i centrum". MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research 8, n.º 17 (29 de agosto de 1992): 7.

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TV2 har fra starten positioneret sig som en modtagerorienteret kanal. I modsætning til DR-TV, hvor afsenderens hensigter (opdragelse, oplysning, demokratisk debat) har været styrende for programpolitik- ken. Når afsenderhensigten bliver det overordnede i kommunikations- processen, kaldes det af mange bedreviden, formynderi eller skole- lærer TV. Den historiske forankring for sådanne programopfattelser har været diskuteret af Ib Bondebjerg i MedieKultur nr.14 og af Henrik Dahl i nr. 15. I konkurrencen med TV2 er DR-TV på vej væk fra sine rødder i bor- gerlige dannelsesidealer, forestillingen som enhedskulturen og oplys- ningstraditionen. For at give et lidt bredere perspektiv på konsekven- serne af den modtagerorientering, som også har præget diskussionen om receptionsforskningen i Danmark (se MedieKultur nr.7), bringer vi her en oversættelse af John Fiskes artikel fra "Critical Studies in Mass Communication", vol. 5: 246-251, 1988. For Fiske er modtageren det afgørende element, når en tekst skal tillægges betydning. Hermed sæt- ter han en ny ramme for diskussionen af hvad det er, der gør en tekst betydningsfuld, dvs. hvad der giver den kvalitet. John Fiske er en kontroversiel person i international medieforskning. Efter klassikeren "Reading Television" (1978), har han placeret sig, eller er blevet placeret som medieforskningens "enfant terrible", den totale populismes bannerfører, der ser sund folkelig modstand, hvor andre ser ideologisk hjernevask. Hans seneste udgivelser om popu- lærkultur, "Reading the Popular" og "Understanding Popular Culture" er blevet kaldt den største trussel i nyere tid mod et politisk forpligtet "cultural studies" (Martin Barkers anmeldelse i "Magazine of Culture Studies" nr.1, 1990). Artiklen er oversat af Mette Davidsen Nielsen.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sicher, R., J. Bunce e B. Matthews. "Differing responses to carbon dioxide enrichment by a dwarf and a normal-sized soybean cultivar may depend on sink capacity". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 90, n.º 3 (1 de maio de 2010): 257–64.

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Responses to CO2 enrichment were determined for a dwarf (MiniMax) and a normal-sized (Fiskeby) soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Plants were grown in growth chambers with ambient (36 Pa) or elevated (98 Pa) CO2 using a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design. Harvests for MiniMax and Fiskeby were increased 6 and 26 d, respectively, by CO2 enrichment. At final maturity, mean biomass for MiniMax and Fiskeby was 53 and 197 g, respectively, in the ambient CO2 treatment and these values were 48 and 199% greater, respectively, in response to CO2 enrichment. Root development was constrained in MiniMax and, unlike Fiskeby, all of the biomass attributed to CO2 enrichment was in the shoot. Cultivar differences were not detected for CO2 assimilation rates, stomatal conductance or substomatal CO2 concentrations. Foliar sucrose was 43% greater (P < 0.05) in MiniMax than in Fiskeby. Pods per plant, total seed mass per plant, seed number per plant and seed oil content were greater for Fiskeby than MiniMax. Seeds of Fiskeby were 75% greater by mass than those of MiniMax. Seed mass of Fiskeby increased about 50% in response to CO2 enrichment, whereas MiniMax was unchanged. Root growth, seed size, seeds per pod and starch accumulation rates for MiniMax were unaffected by CO2 enrichment. The above findings suggested that growth of the dwarf genotype under elevated CO2 was sink limited.Key words: Elevated CO2, atmospheric change, photosynthate partitioning, harvest index, soybean genotypes
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Battochio, Randy C., Robert J. Schinke, Danny L. Battochio, Wayne Halliwell e Gershon Tenenbaum. "The Adaptation Process of National Hockey League Players". Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 4, n.º 4 (dezembro de 2010): 282–301.

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Through adaptation studies in elite sport, researchers can delineate the strategies that amateur and professional athletes employ during career transitions (e.g., promotion, relocation). Fiske (2004) identified five core motives as catalysts to adaptation: understanding, controlling, self-enhancement, belonging, and trusting, which were recently contextualized in sport as a result of one archival study examining the second hand experiences of National Hockey League (NHL) players. The purpose of the present study was to learn about the adaptation process of NHL players based on a first hand data source (i.e., semi-structured interview). A semi-structured open-ended interview guide was utilized to learn about the experiences of four groups of NHL players (n = 11): prospects (n = 3), rookies (n = 3), veterans (n = 2), and retirees (n = 3). There is an indication that adaptation strategies and sub-strategies vary according to the player’s career stage and the challenges related to seeking and maintaining a roster spot. The findings are also consistent with Fiske’s five core motives and earlier adaptation sub-strategies, in addition to uncovering three novel sub-strategies (i.e., understanding one’s performance, distraction control, and trusting player agents). Implications and recommendations are provided for sport researchers and practitioners.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yatsenko, V. V. "АДАПТИВНА ЗДАТНІСТЬ ТА СЕЛЕКЦІЙНА ЦІННІСТЬ КОЛЕКЦІЙНИХ ЗРАЗКІВ СОЇ ОВОЧЕВОЇ". Vegetable and Melon Growing, n.º 72 (6 de janeiro de 2023): 41–52.

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Анотація. Вирощування адаптивних сортів овочевих культур є основним принципом екологічно чистого землеробства, що дозволяє знизити вплив негативних антропічних факторів на навколишнє середовище і забезпечити населення екологічно безпечною продукцією. Метою досліджень передбачалося виявити ступінь мінливості параметрів індивідуальної продуктивності та адаптивний потенціал рослин сої овочевої. Методи. Дослідження проводили в умовах навчальновиробничого відділу Уманського національного університету садівництва впродовж 2020–2022 рр., використовували колекційні сорти різного еколого-географічного походження. У дослідженні використано польовий та генетико-статистичний методи. Результати. За кількістю пагонів рослини значно варіювали (CV= 6–53 %). За показником кількості бобів на рослині істотно переважали сорт Романтика, сорти Fiskeby V–E5 і Астра – 53,00 і 44,33 шт./росл, що більше на 70,1 і 42,2 %. Варіювання даної ознаки було сильним – CV = 31 %. Кількість насінин стручку була середньоваріабельною – 13 %, а зразки розділилися на дві групи: з двонасінними стручками (Романтика st, Karikachi, ‘Fiskeby V–Е5’, Л 380–2–13) та тринасінними бобами (Fiskeby V, Веста, СибНИИСОХ 6, Sac). Оцінка за масою зелених бобів з однієї рослини виявила низьку спадковість даної ознаки h2 = 0,07), а високою масою бобів характеризувалися зразки Sac, Веста, Fiskeby V, Fiskeby V–E5. За врожайністю бобів едамаме та адаптивністю виділилися зразки Л 380–2–13, Веста, Sac, Fiskeby V, Fiskeby V–E5. Виявлено стресостійкі зразки Sac та Karikachi. Високу врожайність насіння, вищу від стандарту, отримано у зразків Л 380–2–13 (1,75 т/га), Sac (1,95 т/га), Веста (1,79 т/га), Fiskeby V (2,22 т/га), Fiskeby V–E5 (2,46 т/га), які переважали стандарт на 8,0–64,8%. Висновки. Оцінювання колекційних сортів сої овочевого напряму використання за варіабельністю морфологічних ознак та продуктивністю дозволило виділити серед інтродукованих колекційних сортів за комплексом цінних ознак для використання у селекційному процесі сорт Sac для створення нових сортів сої овочевого напряму.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Vollertsen, Nils. "Øgenavne og levevilkår blandt fiskerne i Slesvig". Sønderjydske Årbøger 97, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1985): 137–56.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hagström, Sarah. "Made in Fiskars". Budkavlen 92 (19 de maio de 2023): 50–65.

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Denna artikel tar sitt avstamp i min pro gradu-avhandling i etnologi Fiskars bruk i förvandling – lokalitet, kreativitet och kvalitet som drivkrafter i en medvetet styrd kulturarvsprocess (2012). I avhandlingen undersökte jag vad som händer på en plats, i det här fallet Fiskars bruk, när sociala och kulturella strukturer förändras som resultat av såväl konjunkturväxlingar som målmedvetna processer och beslut. I denna artikel gör jag en djupdykning i avhandlingens tematik, genom en mera ingående granskning av sambandet mellan kulturarv och varumärkesproduktion. Utgångspunkten ligger fortfarande i den förändring som har ägt rum i Fiskars bruk, med särskilt fokus på bolaget Fiskars Oyj Abp:s vision och tillvägagångssätt för att gjuta nytt liv i det deindustrialiserade bruket. Genom analys av intervjuer gjorda med utvalda informanter pekar jag på hur en plats historia och kulturarv samt invånare och nutida funktion kan bli ett medel för att säkra platsens, och därmed även ett varumärkes goda rykte och status. I artikeln presenterar jag även konkreta åtgärder som har vidtagits i förändringen av den fysiska bruksmiljön i Fiskars. Den teoretiska referensram som jag stöder mig på här berör främst kulturarv, gentrifiering, den kreativa klassen, varumärke och image.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ariffananda, Nezar, e Dimas Satrio Wijaksono. "Representasi Peran Ayah dalam Film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap (Analisis Semiotika John Fiske)". ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia 9, n.º 02 (12 de junho de 2023): 223–43.

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AbstrakPeran ayah di dalam sebuah keluarga merupakan sosok yang paling mendominasi karena memiliki tanggung jawab besar sebagai pemimpin keluarga. Hal tersebut merupakan kondisi sosial yang disebut budaya patriarki dimana kepemimpinan serta otoritas tertinggi dipegang dan didominasi oleh kaum laki-laki. Film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap ini dibangun berdasarkan tropes orang Batak di dalam film yang sering menjadikan peran ayah sebagai penggerak cerita sekaligus sumber konflik di dalam keluarga. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana representasi peran ayah dalam film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan paradigma kritis. Penulis memilih enam belas scene untuk diteliti dengan teknik analisis semiotika John Fiske yang terbagi menjadi tiga level yaitu, level realitas, level representasi, dan level ideologi. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa sosok ayah di representasikan sesuai dengan ciri budaya patriarki privat dan memiliki peran sebagai seorang protector (sebagai seorang pelindung dan pengontrol), decision maker (sebagai seorang pembuat keputusan), monitor and disciplinary (sebagai seorang pengawas dan memberikan pembelajaran), provider (sebagai seorang penyedia fasilitas), dan responsibility (sebagai seorang yang memenuhi kebutuhan) kepada keluarganya. Kata Kunci: film, patriarki, peran Ayah, representasi, semiotika John Fiske AbstractIn a family, the most dominating role figure is the father because he has a great responsibility as the family leader. This social condition is called patriarchal culture where the highest leadership and authority is held and dominated by men. This Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap film is based on the tropes of the Batak people which often make the father's role as the driving force of the story as well as the source of the conflict within the family. Based on this phenomenon this conducted research is to find out how the representation of the father's role in the Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap film uses qualitative methods with a critical paradigm. The researcher chooses sixteen scenes to be examined by John Fiske's semiotic analysis divided into three levels; the reality, representation, and ideology levels. The study found that the father figure is represented according to the characteristics of private patriarchal culture and has a role as a protector (to protect and control), the decision maker, to monitor, and disciplinary (as a supervisor and provides learning), provider, and as someone who fulfills needs of the family. Keywords: film, patriarchal, representation, semiotics John Fiske, the role of fathers
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Tuhepaly, Nur Alita Darawangi, e Serdini Aminda Mazaid. "ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA JOHN FISKE MENGENAI REPRESENTASI PELECEHAN SEKSUAL PADA FILM PENYALIN CAHAYA". Jurnal Pustaka Komunikasi 5, n.º 2 (30 de setembro de 2022): 233–47.

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Sexual harassment is an interesting issue in a nation that was once safe and peaceful, Indonesia. Sexual harassment seizures that get less attention, both from the authorities and the authorities or even have to choose silence when dealing with the more powerful parties often occur. This creates a negative stigma and causes sexual abuse traffickers to be afraid to complain about the crimes that occur to themselves and the absence of a deterrent effect on the perpetrator makes the perpetrators act freely because they feel themselves safe. This phenomenon was made into a Light Confiscation Film Photocopier. The purpose of the researchers in raising this discussion is to describe and represent the case of sexual harassment raised in the film Photocopier. Researchers used analytical techniques using qualitative methods and took John Fiske's semiotic examination methods to pass codes and profound importance on to films. The outcomes showed that the portrayal of sexual brutality in this film there are three phases as per John Fiske covering the degree of the real world, the degree of portrayal and the degree of philosophy inferred from the depiction of sexual violence carried out and concluded that in this film use patriarchal ideology and social class.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

TEMEL, Ahmet, e Fuat ERDUĞAN. "Identifying Social Groups and Stereotypes; Using Stereotype Content Model (Case of Ankara)". Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12, n.º 3 (26 de setembro de 2023): 1018–25.

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Conflicts initiated by issues related with identity are causing significant damage in human life and resources. Studies indicated that the contribution of stereotypes beliefs, prejudices and discriminations in either initiating and/or aggravating such conflict is enormous. In this contemporary time, where conflicts between social groups are more prevailing, study which focus on stereotypes exist among social groups have important contribution for understanding the issue in proper manner and designing meaningful intervention mechanism. Holding such ambition in mind, this study focused on identifying stereotypical beliefs attributed to various social groups among Turkey’s population. This study consists two different studies. Study 1 address identifying relevant social groups in Turkey’s population, and study 2 addressed dimensions of stereotypic beliefs between groups identified in study 1. Following the idea of Fiske el al (2002), the stereotypic traits were examined as a function of social structural variable such as status and competition. Result obtained from this study illustrate perceived groups fall into four clusters; groups perceived with high competence but low warmth and vice versa. The rest two groups construed with either low competence and warmth and/or high on both dimensions. Following that, discussion and comparison were drawn on these four clusters in line with convergence and divergence between current result and Fiske’s result.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Aryati, Putri, e Vani Dias Adiprabowo. "The Dominance of Father's Role in the Film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap". TONIL: Jurnal Kajian Sastra, Teater dan Sinema 20, n.º 2 (1 de setembro de 2023): 88–100.

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The purpose of this research is to identify the pattern of family communication in the film "Ngeri-ngeri Sedap". Film Ngeri-ngeri Sedap 2022 directed by Bene Dion tells the story of a family drama, telling the story of Pak Domu and Mak Domu who live with Sarma, their only daughter. The husband-and-wife couple wanted their three sons who had wandered for a long time to come home to attend a traditional event. But their three children refused because their relationship was not harmonious. This research was conducted with a type of qualitative research using the semiotic analysis model developed by John Fiske. The results of this study indicate that the communication in this film is quite problematic. This can be seen in the results of John Fiske's research on three levels of semiotics, namely the level of reality, the level of representation, and the level of ideology. The level of reality shows that the pattern of family communication implemented in this film has a paternalistic, namely a pattern where only one family member controls the family. In the case of this family, it is the father who controls the family.Keywords: Dominance, Fatherhood, Monopoly Communication Patterns, Film Ngeri-ngeri Sedap
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Grant, Alex. "Drop in the Ocean". Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology International 2020, n.º 2 (novembro de 2020): 16–18.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Voelcker, John. "Fisker automotive: fraught with failure [Spectral Lines]". IEEE Spectrum 50, n.º 5 (maio de 2013): 8.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Heeps, Graham, e Mitch GEE. "Second Coming". Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology International 2018, n.º 2 (janeiro de 2019): 58–64.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

O’Rourke, Jamie A., Michael J. Morrisey, Ryan Merry, Mary Jane Espina, Aaron J. Lorenz, Robert M. Stupar e Michelle A. Graham. "Mining Fiskeby III and Mandarin (Ottawa) Expression Profiles to Understand Iron Stress Tolerant Responses in Soybean". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, n.º 20 (13 de outubro de 2021): 11032.

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The soybean (Glycine max L. merr) genotype Fiskeby III is highly resistant to a multitude of abiotic stresses, including iron deficiency, incurring only mild yield loss during stress conditions. Conversely, Mandarin (Ottawa) is highly susceptible to disease and suffers severe phenotypic damage and yield loss when exposed to abiotic stresses such as iron deficiency, a major challenge to soybean production in the northern Midwestern United States. Using RNA-seq, we characterize the transcriptional response to iron deficiency in both Fiskeby III and Mandarin (Ottawa) to better understand abiotic stress tolerance. Previous work by our group identified a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 5 associated with Fiskeby III iron efficiency, indicating Fiskeby III utilizes iron deficiency stress mechanisms not previously characterized in soybean. We targeted 10 of the potential candidate genes in the Williams 82 genome sequence associated with the QTL using virus-induced gene silencing. Coupling virus-induced gene silencing with RNA-seq, we identified a single high priority candidate gene with a significant impact on iron deficiency response pathways. Characterization of the Fiskeby III responses to iron stress and the genes underlying the chromosome 5 QTL provides novel targets for improved abiotic stress tolerance in soybean.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

O’Rourke, Jamie A., Michael J. Morrisey, Ryan Merry, Mary Jane Espina, Aaron J. Lorenz, Robert M. Stupar e Michelle A. Graham. "Mining Fiskeby III and Mandarin (Ottawa) Expression Profiles to Understand Iron Stress Tolerant Responses in Soybean". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, n.º 20 (13 de outubro de 2021): 11032.

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The soybean (Glycine max L. merr) genotype Fiskeby III is highly resistant to a multitude of abiotic stresses, including iron deficiency, incurring only mild yield loss during stress conditions. Conversely, Mandarin (Ottawa) is highly susceptible to disease and suffers severe phenotypic damage and yield loss when exposed to abiotic stresses such as iron deficiency, a major challenge to soybean production in the northern Midwestern United States. Using RNA-seq, we characterize the transcriptional response to iron deficiency in both Fiskeby III and Mandarin (Ottawa) to better understand abiotic stress tolerance. Previous work by our group identified a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 5 associated with Fiskeby III iron efficiency, indicating Fiskeby III utilizes iron deficiency stress mechanisms not previously characterized in soybean. We targeted 10 of the potential candidate genes in the Williams 82 genome sequence associated with the QTL using virus-induced gene silencing. Coupling virus-induced gene silencing with RNA-seq, we identified a single high priority candidate gene with a significant impact on iron deficiency response pathways. Characterization of the Fiskeby III responses to iron stress and the genes underlying the chromosome 5 QTL provides novel targets for improved abiotic stress tolerance in soybean.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fugleberg, Ole, e Ole Hagen. "Politimannen og fiskeren. En analyse av strafferettslig bevisbedømmelse". Lov og Rett 30, n.º 09 (1 de novembro de 1991): 537–48.

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The present paper examines the novel Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote and its adaptation into Blake Edward’s movie within the framework of John Fiske’s popular culture theory. Popular culture is present in many aspects of our experience: books, music, food, travel, movies and other content that surrounds us daily. Broadly speaking, the term ‘pop- ular’ represent some of the ways of cultural modeling of consumer goods. According to John Fiske, popular culture is a culture of “subordinated” and “disempowered” who do not agree to be “submissive”. Instead, they actively oppose the social system by reinterpreting the offered goods, according to the requirements of their own needs. We interpret the novel as an expression of human experience modified into movie dis- course, so the interpretation of the novel (main text) and its adaptation into the movie (meta- text) provides meaning making, while discourse of popular culture represents production of meaning. The concluding remarks indicate that the elements of popular culture represent the socio-historical framework of the narrative, which aims to present the birth of the modern (American) woman – Holly Golightly in the megalopolis of New York City. Moreover, ele- ments of popular culture provide a framework for characterization and identity construction of characters and the city, becoming an etnosocioal testimony of the American culture in the 1940s and 1950s.
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Pah, Trivosa, e Rini Darmastuti. "ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA JOHN FISKE DALAM TAYANGAN LENTERA INDONESIA EPISODE MEMBINA POTENSI PARA PENERUS BANGSA DI KEPULAUAN SULA". Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies 6, n.º 1 (6 de agosto de 2019): 1.

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Lentera Indonesia is one of the documentary programs by television station NET TV. This program displayed the story from the people who struggled to bring positive thinking and impact to the community. This program has a lot of signs and meanings. This article will be explained about Lentera Indonesia’s program edition “Building the potential of the nation’s next generation in Sula Island, North Maluku Province” which aired on May 6th, 2018 and is located in the village of Lekokadai, Sula Island, Nort Maluku Province. This article conducted to find out the meaning of this episode. This article used a critical paradigm which is approached by John Fiske’s semiotic method, consist of reality level, representation level, and ideology level. Seen from every story that has been built from section 1 to 3, this program has been shown: 1. The struggles of a young girl named Yosa who have been fighting for education in remote areas in Indonesia, with a personality that is simple, creative, has a characteristic of leadership, and easy to blend with the people surrounding himself. 2. People besides the main character who inspires, struggles, and willingness the others in limited facilities and electricity.3. Shown the potential of this place which has been named by city of music in Indonesia. Keywods: John Fiske; semiotic; Lentera Indonesia; Sula Island. ABSTRAK Lentera Indonesia, merupakan salah satu program bergenre documenteryang dimiliki oleh stasiun televisi swasta NET.TV. Program ini menampilkan kisah perjuangan anak bangsa yang membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat, yang sarat akan tanda-tanda dan pemaknaan. Tulisan ini akan membahas tayangan Lentera Indonesia episode “Membina Potensi Para Penerus Bangsa di Kepulauan Sula, Maluku Utara”yang tayang pada 6 Mei 2018 dan berlokasi di desaLekokadai, Kepulauan Sula, Provinsi Maluku Utara. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui makna dari episode ini. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada paradigma kritis dengan mendekatan semiotika John Fikse. Kode-kode sosial yang dikemukan oleh John Fiske terbagi menjadi 3 tahapan yaitu level realitas, level representatif dan level ideologi. Dilihat dari setiap cerita yang dibangun dari segmen 1 sampai 3, tayangan ini ingin menunjukkan 1. Perjuangan seorang anak muda yang bernama Yosa dalam memperjuangkan pendidikan di daerah pelosok yang ada di Indonesia, dengan kepribadian yang sederhana, kreatif, tegas, memiliki sifat pemimpin, dan mudah berbaur dengan lingkungan sekitar. 2. Pelajaran hidup yang menginspirasi, semangat perjuangan, kebaikan hati dan kerelaan memberi yang datang dari tokoh-tokoh lain selain tokoh utama, dalam keterbatasan fasilitas serta listrik 3. Potensi anak daerah Maluku yang dijuluki sebagai city of music in Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Semiotika, John Fiske, Lentera Indonesia, Kepulauan Sula
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McKnight, Christina Söderhjelm, e Björn Håkanson. "Fisken i ögat". World Literature Today 62, n.º 4 (1988): 671.

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Bailey, Amanda, Kent Burkey, Matthew Taggart e Thomas Rufty. "Leaf Traits That Contribute to Differential Ozone Response in Ozone-Tolerant and Sensitive Soybean Genotypes". Plants 8, n.º 7 (20 de julho de 2019): 235.

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Ozone (O3) is a phytotoxic air pollutant that limits crop productivity. Breeding efforts to improve yield under elevated O3 conditions will benefit from understanding the mechanisms that contribute to O3 tolerance. In this study, leaf gas exchange and antioxidant metabolites were compared in soybean genotypes (Glycine max (L.) Merr) differing in ozone sensitivity. Mandarin (Ottawa) (O3-sensitive) and Fiskeby III (O3-tolerant) plants grown under charcoal-filtered (CF) air conditions for three weeks were exposed for five days to either CF conditions or 70 ppb O3 in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in a greenhouse. In the CF controls, stomatal conductance was approximately 36% lower for Fiskeby III relative to Mandarin (Ottawa) while the two genotypes exhibited similar levels of photosynthesis. Ozone exposure induced significant foliar injury on leaves of Mandarin (Ottawa) associated with declines in both stomatal conductance (by 77%) and photosynthesis (by 38%). In contrast, O3 exposure resulted in minimal foliar injury on leaves of Fiskeby III with only a small decline in photosynthesis (by 5%), and a further decline in stomatal conductance (by 30%). There was a general trend towards higher ascorbic acid content in leaves of Fiskeby III than in Mandarin (Ottawa) regardless of treatment. The results confirm Fiskeby III to be an O3-tolerant genotype and suggest that reduced stomatal conductance contributes to the observed O3 tolerance through limiting O3 uptake by the plant. Reduced stomatal conductance was associated with enhanced water-use efficiency, providing a potential link between O3 tolerance and drought tolerance.
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Rowse, Tim. "Reply to John Fiske's paper". Continuum 1, n.º 2 (janeiro de 1988): 67–70.

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Saraiva, Pedro. "Review of Fisker et al. (2019) Enabling Urban Alternatives". Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social 20, n.º 3 (22 de outubro de 2020): 2709.

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Jebens, Otto. "Sjøsamenes og etnisk norske fiskeres rett til sjøfiske i Finnmark". Lov og Rett 46, n.º 05 (24 de maio de 2007): 259–82.

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Sheila Nurul Fajar e Dede Lilis Chaerowati. "Kesadaran Lingkungan dalam Perubahan Iklim". Jurnal Riset Manajemen Komunikasi 1, n.º 2 (5 de janeiro de 2022): 84–93.

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Abstract. Film is one of the communication media that can be used to convey or provide information to the wider community. Along with its development, films have a considerable impact on the wider community. This happens because films have their own way of conveying information through interesting stories. One of the films that is deliberately produced to convey information is the film called "Semesta". This film shows people how environmental activities are carried out by seven great figures in seven different provinces in Indonesia. The purpose of this research itself is to see environmental awareness aspects in climate change through the environmental communication perspective in the film "Semesta". The research method used is qualitative with John Fiske's semiotic model, so the data analysis technique uses the technique from John Fiske, where the code of findings is analyzed into three levels, reality, representation and ideology. The data for the research will be collected by doing observations, documentation, literature study, and interviews about the related film. The collected data will then be analyzed by reducing the data, presenting the data and finally drawing conclusion. This research will produce knowledge about the construction of the reality level code of behavior and the dialogue of the film characters who show environmental awareness. Then at the representation level shown from the camera code and editing that supports message packaging. At the ideological level, there are elements of inherited religion and culture as well as elements of women's emancipation. And environmental communication that conforms to the code of the three levels describes an effective environmental communication message. Abstrak. Film merupakan salah satu media sarana komunikasi yang bisa digunakan untuk menyalurkan atau memberikan informasi terhadap masyarakat luas. Seiring dengan perkembangannya, film memberikan dampak yang cukup besar pada masyarakat luas, hal ini terjadi karena film mempunyai caranya sendiri dalam menyampaikan informasi melalui cerita yang menarik. Salah satu film yang sengaja diproduksi untuk menyampaikan informasi merupakan film “Semesta”. Film ini memperlihatkan mengenai bagaimana kegiatan peduli lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh tujuh sosok hebat di tujuh provinsi berbeda di Indonesia. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini sendiri adalah untuk mengetahui aspek kesadaran lingkungan dalam perubahan iklim dalam perspektif komunikasi lingkungan yang ada di film “Semesta”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kualitatif dengan model semiotika John Fiske, sehingga teknis analisis data menggunakan teknik dari John Fiske, di mana kode temuan dianalisis ke dalam tiga level, realitas, representasi dan ideologi. Pengumpulan data akan dilakukan dengan dengan melakukan observasi, dokumentasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara mengenai film terkait. Data yang terkumpul lalu akan dianalisis dengan cara mereduksi data, menyajikan data dan akhirnya menarik kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan pengetahuan mengenai konstruksi level realitas dari kode perilaku dan dialog tokoh film yang menunjukkan kesadaran lingkungan. Lalu pada level representasi diperlihatkan dari kode kamera dan editing yang mendukung pengemasan pesan. Dalam level ideologi terdapat unsur agama dan budaya waris juga unsur emansipasi wanita. Dan disimpulkan dengan ditampilkannya kode dari ketiga level tersebut tergambar suatu pesan komunikasi lingkungan mengenai kesadaran lingkungan yang efektif.
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Fiske, Lars. "Automobilfabrikken Fiske". Samtiden 123, n.º 04 (5 de janeiro de 2016): 43–50.

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Rafnsdóttir, Gudbjörg Linda, e Unnur Dís Skapt Adóttir. "Arbetsnorm, kön och kunskap inom fiskeriet". Sociologisk Forskning 34, n.º 3 (1 de julho de 1997): 46–58.

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Toft, Herdis, e Karin Esmann Knudsen. "Jeg går og slæber et fiskenet". BUKS - Tidsskrift for Børne- & Ungdomskultur 34, n.º 60 (8 de março de 2023): 3.

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Ud over de trykte tekster indeholder antologien en lang række korte tekster baseret på en række interviews med Flemming Mouritsen, foretaget i perioden 2008-12. I vores interviews med ham – vi benævner dem Samtaler – kommenterede han på sit eget liv og på sin skriftlige produktion, og således får vi både hans eget tilbageblik og hans nutidsperspektiv på det fyrre år lange forfatterskab. Vi markerer dem som samtaler ved hver gang at indlede med et spørgsmål fra os, men ellers har vi stort set udeladt vores egen medvirken i dialogen. Samtaleuddragene giver også mulighed for at indfange den mundtlighed, der er så karakteristisk for Flemming Mouritsen, og som vi har bevaret, så vidt det nu er muligt. I løbet af de vældig mange timer, som interviewene har strakt sig over, har vi fået en række fortællinger om hans opvækst i Vendsyssel og familiens flytning til Aarhus, da han var omkring tolv år, han har fortalt om universitetsmiljøet i 1970'erne og 1980'erne, om pædagogseminariets 'matriarkalske' miljø og sammenstødet mellem praktisk og teoretisk arbejde med børn og børnekultur, om arbejdet med at få has på stoffet i skriveprocessen, og han har ikke mindst fortalt om erfaringerne med feltarbejde, hvor hans iagttagelser af børnene Morten, Jakob og Tine – og af deres børn – spiller en væsentlig rolle. Gennem disse fortællinger får Flemming Mouritsen pointeret sine grundlæggende teorier, kategorier og teser om sammenhænge i en form, der afspejler det processuelle og situationsbundne i hans virke. Det er os, der som redaktører har fået det samlede materiale transskriberet, hvorefter vi har gennemskrevet det, har klippet og tilrettet samtalebidder, samt forsøgt at placere dem i forhold til tekster, de i vore øjne kan 'snakke sammen med'. Havde vi gengivet dem, som de forelå, ville de to bind snarere være blevet til tre, eftersom Flemming Mouritsen nok blev svækket fysisk i de sidste år af sit liv, men bestemt ikke blev det, hvad engagement og vedholdende fortælleglæde angår. Selv om vi gengiver samtalerne 'stykkevis og delt', kan læseren ved hjælp af indholdsfortegnelsen imidlertid vælge at læse dem som en særskilt tekst. Man kan behandle samtalebidderne som det, de er: et liv genoplevet i erindringen af Flemming Mouritsen. Ind imellem har vi oplevet, at han huskede 'forkert' hvad fx et årstal, et navn eller en lokation angår, og det ser vi som et udtryk for, at perspektivismen ikke kun betegner vores oplevelse af fænomener i andres 'virkelighed', men også i eget liv. Flemming Mouritsen var frem for alt en stor fortæller – en sand fortæller.
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