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Lockwood O'Donovan, Joan. "John Paul II's Theology of Law: An Evangelical Appreciation". Roczniki Teologiczne 66, n.º 3 (31 de janeiro de 2020): 5–16.

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Teologia prawa według Jana Pawła II. Uznanie ze strony ewangelickiej Wychodząc z „ewangelickiej” perspektywy teologii reformacji angielskiej artykuł ten odnosi się z uznaniem do teologii prawa zawartej w encyklice Veritatis splendor, w jej implikacjach dla zrozumienia prawa publicznego. Podkreśla zwłaszcza trzy aspekty encykliki: (1) ujęcie prawa jako wewnętrznego wymiaru dynamicznego objawienia się Boga w Jezusie Chrystusie jako Prawdy i Dobra, który zobowiązuje ludzi jako sprawców działania moralnego oraz jest podstawą ich wolności; (2) ukazanie tendencji obecnych we współczesnej filozofii i teologii moralnej, które oderwały prawo i wolność stworzonej i upadłej wspólnoty ludzkiej od historii ich odnowy i udoskonalenia, czemu świadectwo daje Pismo Święte; (3) ukazanie Kościoła jako wspólnoty wiary i uczniów, której Chrystus powierzył objawienie jedności Bożej obietnicy i prawa oraz przekazał Ducha Prawdy i Świętości. Uwydatniając te aspekty, artykuł zwraca również uwagę na słabo rozwinięte zagadnienie prawa jako objawienia Bożego wyroku potępiającego grzesznych ludzi jako sprawców, tak na wewnętrznym forum sumienia, jak i na społecznym forum prawa publicznego. Wskazuje także na pokrewną kwestię Kościoła, który daje świadectwo o zmartwychwstałym Chrystusie przezwyciężającym potępienie płynące z prawa.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Machado, Maria das Dores Campos, Cecília Loreto Mariz e Brenda Carranza. "Genealogia do sionismo evangélico no Brasil". Religião & Sociedade 42, n.º 2 (agosto de 2022): 225–48.

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Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o desenvolvimento no meio evangélico brasileiro de discursos sionistas cristãos. A genealogia traçada privilegia os livros escritos em defesa do estado de Israel por lideranças nacionais de diferentes denominações e aponta fatores históricos e políticos que favoreceram essas publicações no século XX. Argumenta-se que, embora ganhe uma maior projeção nas eleições de 2018, o sionismo cristão e a teologia dispensacionalista que deram sustentação à maior parte das publicações sobre o tema, já faziam parte da cosmovisão evangélica brasileira tanto de igrejas históricas quanto das pentecostais. Examina-se ainda o impacto das peregrinações à Terra Santa, da teologia do domínio e do movimento Nova Reforma Apostólica no ativismo sionista cristão a partir da virada d século.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Putrawan, Bobby Kurnia, Edi Sugianto e Yan Kristianus Kadang. "Refleksi Pada Relasi Antara Teologi dan Filsafat Dalam Perspektif Teologi Injili". Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat 4, n.º 2 (31 de julho de 2020): 222.

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The pros and cons of philosophy and theology have a reputation in the history of Chris-tianity. The importance of understanding philosophy and its importance can be explained correctly. Re-flections on the relationship between philosophy and theology will help Christians sharpen and develop their theology, especially evangelical theology. Therefore, philosophy and theology need to be har-moniously correlated in knowing God through His truth, by always thinking of God and advancing God's word through the perspective of evangelical theology. Philosophy and theology are mutually reinforcing and sharpening. Meanwhile, the relationships offered are mutually constructive in their task as a means of knowing God and also to build insight into the evangelical Christian world. Relasi pro dan kontra mengenai filsafat dan teologi telah tergores di dalam sejarah ke-kristenan. Pentingnya memahami filsafat dan teologi sangatlah penting, sehingga dapat merelasikan ke-duanya secara tepat. Refleksi terhadap relasi antara filsafat dan teologi akan membantu orang Kristen untuk menajamkan dan mengembangkan teologinya, khusus teologi injili. Oleh sebab itu, filsafat dan teologi perlu direlasikan secara harmonis di dalam mengenal Allah melalui kebenaran-Nya, dengan senantiasa bersikap takut akan Allah dan menghargai firman Allah melalui perspektif teologi injili. Keilmuan filsafat dan teologi saling menguatkan dan menajamkan. Adapun relasi yang dimaksud ialah keduanya digunakan saling membangun dalam tugasnya sebagai sarana pengenalan akan Allah serta sebagai kerangka untuk membangun wawasan dunia Kristen yang injili.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mojau, Julianus. "Analisis kritis konstruktif praksis teologi publik Gereja Masehi Injili Halmahera di era otonomi daerah". KURIOS 7, n.º 2 (31 de outubro de 2021): 315.

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This paper highlights the praxis of public theology that resulted from the decisions of the Synod of the Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera (GMIH Synod) in the context of the era of regional autonomy during the 2002-2017 ministry period. By using qualitative research methods through library research, this analysis examines theological discourse and living church praxis as stated in the decisions of the GMIH Synod. Starting from the analysis of the social function of the Church emphasized by Ricardo F. Nanuru and the praxis of inter-religious advocate public theology by Felix Wilfred, this study found that: (a) GMIH ecclesiastical documents have seeded the praxis of interreligious public theology in the form of a series of pastoral recommendations and information on the Church's social services; (b this interreligious public theology advocacy practice needs to have an adequate theological basis and a measurable translation into the practice of living in the GMIH church. This theologically measured programmatic integration helps GMIH demonstrate its ecclesiastical identity as a social-humanist-ecological body of Christ that has an impact on Halmahera's public sphere in the era of regional autonomy which is being overshadowed by the neo-liberal economy and the extractive and exploitive mining economy. AbstrakTulisan ini menyoroti praxis teologi publik hasil keputusan-keputusan persidangan Sinode Gereja Masehi Injili di Halmahera (Sinode GMIH) dalam konteks otonomi daerah selama periode pelayanan 2002-2017. Dengan meng-gunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui jenis penelitian kepustakaan, analisis ini mengkaji wacana teologis dan praxis hidup seperti tertuang dalam keputusan-keputusan Sidang Sinode GMIH. Bertolak dari analisis fungsi sosial Gereja yang ditekankan oleh Ricardo F. Nanuru dan praxis teologi publik advo-katif intereligius Felix Wilfred kajian ini menghasilkan: (a) dokumen-dokumen gerejawi GMIH telah membenihkan praxis teologi publik intereligius dalam bentuk serangkaian anjuran pastoral dan informasi pelayanan sosial Gereja; (b) praxis advokasi teologi publik interreligious ini perlu mendapat pendasaran teo-logis yang memadai dan penerjemahannya yang terukur dalam praktik hidup menggereja GMIH. Pengintegrasian programatis terukur secara teologis ini membantu GMIH meragakan identitas eklesialnya sebagai tubuh sosial-huma-nis-ekologis Kristus yang berdampak dalam ruang publik Halmahera di era otonomi daerah yang sedang dibayang-bayangi oleh ekonomi neo-liberal dan ekonomi pertambangan ekstraktif dan eksploitatif.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jalong, Angku. "PENINGKATAN KEROHANIAN PELAJAR SEKOLAH TEOLOGI: STUDI FORMAT SPIRITUAL DI MALAYSIA EVANGELICAL SEMINARY BELAGA". Excelsis Deo: Jurnal Teologi, Misiologi, dan Pendidikan 4, n.º 2 (5 de janeiro de 2021): 41–58.

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Abstract: Spirituality is highly emphasized for someone who wants to dive into the field of theological schools, especially in Malaysia Evangelical Seminary Belaga highlights the three main pillars for the existing Theology schools, which is to want those schools to be identical to the three pillars that are standard. such as; High academic, high discipline and high spirituality. The question that arises in the following question: How important is the Spiritual Development of Theological Students? How is the Bible's Guide to Improving Spirituality? What is the spirituality of a Condition to Meet the Degree Standards of Theology School Students? The answer is (1) Learning strategies to increase spirituality in METS Belaga schools will definitely continue to be realized with the involvement and cooperation of the center and METS itself with full submission to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. (2) The guide to improving the quality of spirituality based on the Bible is that teachers should give comprehensive attention so that students can assess and track the extent of their spiritual development. (3) By giving systematic instruction to the students alone they can understand this life which must change constantly in this life for the glory of His name. Abstrak: Kerohanian sangat ditekankan bagi seseorang yang mahu menerjunkan diri dalam bidang sekolah teologi, khususnya di Malaysia Evangelical Seminary Belaga mengetengahkan tiga pilar utama untuk sekolah-sekolah Teologia sedia ada, iaitu mahu sekolah-sekolah tersebut identik dengan tiga pilar yang menjadi piawan(standard) seperti; Academis yang tinggi, disiplin yang tinggi dan kerohanian yang tinggi. Persoalan yang muncul dalam pertanyaan berikut: Bagaimanakah pentingnya Membangun Spiritual Pelajar Teologi? Bagaimanakah panduan Meningkat Mutu Kerohanian berdasarkan Alkitab? Bagaimanakah kerohanian satu Syarat untuk Memenuhi Standar Gelar Pelajar Sekolah Teologi? Jawaban adalah (1) Strategi learning untuk meningkatkan kerohanian di sekolah METS Belaga pasti akan terus terealisasi dengan penglibatan dan kerjasama pihak pusat dan METS itu sendiri dengan penuh penyerahan kepada pimpinan Roh Kudus. (2) Panduan meningkat mutu kerohanian berdasarkan Alkitab adalah para guru harus memberi perhatian yang menyeluruh agar para pelajar dapat menilai dan mengesan sejauh mana keadaan perkembangan kerohanian mereka. (3) Dengan memberi pengajaran yang sistematis kepada para pelajar saja mereka dapat mengerti kehidupan ini yang harus berubah terus menerus dalam hidup ini bagi kemuliaan nama-Nya.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Morée, Peter. "Zachovat kontinuitu evangelické teologie – za jakou cenu? Příběh Komenského evangelické bohoslovecké fakulty v letech tzv. normalizace". Slovo a smysl 17, n.º 35 (5 de fevereiro de 2021): 95–104.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Schleicher, Marianne, Vigdis Aune e Hans Raun Iversen. "En alternativ ph.d.-afhandlings udfordring af den praktiske teologi". Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 79, n.º 4 (10 de dezembro de 2016): 278–90.

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Tenna Mose Rhiger has written a PhD dissertation in which she has developed a new approach to the celebration of service in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark with the aim of furthering the intimate presence of pastors during service. The purpose of this extended review of Rhiger’s dissertation is first to share the enthusiasm of the assessment committee for the project as well as its perspectives for Practical Theology and the celebration of service in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. Secondly, the authors behind the review wish to advance some critical reflections on the formal requirements forsimilar experimental research projects in the future since this dissertation– as the pioneer work that it is – is likely to set the standards for “product dissertations” in the future.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rantesalu, Marsi Bombongan. "Penderitaan dari Sudut Pandang Teologi Injili". Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity Entity Humanity (JIREH) 2, n.º 2 (23 de dezembro de 2020): 126–35.

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Discussions on theology of suffering are very often discussed lately with the co-19 pandemic. There are a variety of different views that emerge to address the problem of suffering and disaster. This study aims to find out one view of suffering, that is, from the evangelicals. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using the literature as a source of data. From the results of the study the authors found that the evangelical view of suffering is that they consider suffering and disaster to be the will and sovereignty of God. In the suffering experienced by His people, God still shows His care. Evangelical groups also often associate disaster and suffering with eschatology. Pembahasan mengenai teologi penderitaan sangat sering dibicarakan diakhir-akhir ini secara khusus dengan adanya pandemi covid-19. Ada berbagai pandangan berbeda yang muncul menyikapi masalah penderitaan dan bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu salah satu pandangan mengenai penderitaan yaitu dari kaum Injili. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan literatur sebagai sumber datanya. Dari hasil penelitian penulis menemukan bahwa pandangan kaum injili mengenai penderitaan adalah mereka menganggap penderitaan dan bencana merupakan kehendak dan kedaulatan Allah. Di dalam penderitaan yang dialami umat-Nya, Allah tetap menunjukkan pemeliharaan-Nya. Kelompok Injili juga sering mengaitkan bencana dan penderitaan dengan akhir saman.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Saj, Marek. "Prawna strona ślubu czystości". Prawo Kanoniczne 52, n.º 3-4 (10 de dezembro de 2009): 117–35.

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Il legislatore ecclesiastico nel Codice di Diritto Canonico offre le norme riguardanti la vita secondo i consigli evangelici di castità, di povertà e di obbedienza in istituti religiosi. Sono indicazioni molto generici, perchè norme più dettagliate devono essere messe nella legge propria di ogni istituto. La castità viene sempre nominata come prima tra i consigli. Essa ha non solo un solido fondamento teologico e un significato religioso, ma anche una propria base giuridica. Nel codice di diritto troviamo delle prescrizioni che tendono a proteggere le persone consacrate a Dio tramite il voto di castità. Tra queste norme ci sono canoni che suggeriscono di trattare con prudenza le persone, la cui familiarità potrebbe mettere a pericolo il loro obbligo della perfetta continenza oppure suscitare lo scandalo dei fedeli. Ci sono anche altri canoni che invitano ad astenersi da ciò che è sconveniente al proprio stato e ad evitare ciò che, pur non essendo indecoroso, è alieno dal loro stato. Inoltre, ci sono canoni sull’adeguato approccio ai mezzi di comunicazione sociale. A proteggere la vita in castità è anche l’istituzione di clausura e l’abito religioso. Per prevenire le possibili trasgressioni contro questo consiglio il legislatore ha stabilito pure le sanzioni penali, non escludendo perfino la dimissione di una persona consacrata dall’istituto religioso. Le suddette norme del codice rivelano, dunque, non solo l’aspetto teologico, ma soprattutto quello giuridico del consiglio evangelico di castità.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jatmiko, Yudi. "Maksud Yesus dalam Peristiwa Baptisan: Sebuah Tanggapan Teologis terhadap Marcus J. Borg". DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani 6, n.º 1 (30 de outubro de 2021): 220–37.

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Abstract. Jesus’ baptism does not only refer to His divine role, but moreover to His divine identity. This is a theological declaration that He is God. However, Marcus J. Borg asserted that Jesus’ baptism was Jesus’ deep spiritual awareness toward spiritual world and the presence of God’s Spirit in His life. This does not indicate His divinity at all. Based on these two contradictory views, a problem remains to be solved: Is Borg’s assumption correct? What is actually Jesus’ true intention in His baptism? This was the focus of the research. This writing exerted to describe particularly Borg’s view on Jesus’ baptism, analyzed and responded to his view according to evangelical perspective. Despite the fact that Borg’s view on Jesus’ baptism has widely garnered support from modern theological readers, his theology is still far from orthodox theology because it was too socio-anthropological based analysis and ignored the Bible as God’s revelation.Abstrak. Baptisan Tuhan Yesus bukan hanya merujuk kepada fungsi jabatan-Nya, tapi lebih daripada itu, yaitu kepada identitas ilahi-Nya. Ini merupakan sebuah deklarasi teologis bahwa Ia adalah Allah. Tetapi Marcus J. Borg menyatakan bahwa baptisan Yesus sebagai sebuah kesadaran spiritual Yesus yang mendalam akan dunia roh dan kehadiran Roh Allah dalam hidup-Nya. Hal ini sama sekali tidak mengindikasikan keilahian-Nya. Mengaitkan kedua pandangan yang bertolakbelakang ini, muncul permasalahan: benarkah asumsi Borg di atas? Apakah sebenarnya yang menjadi intensi Yesus dalam peristiwa baptisan tersebut? Inilah yang menjadi fokus penelitian penulis. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk memaparkan secara khusus pandangan Borg dalam peristiwa baptisan Yesus dan menganalisis serta menanggapi pandangannya menurut perspektif injili. Terlepas dari pandangan Borg yang digemari di kalangan pembaca teologi modern tentang baptisan Yesus, pemikirannya masih jauh dari teologi ortodoks oleh karena terlalu berpijak pada analisis secara sosio-antropologis dan mengabaikan Alkitab sebagai wahyu dari Allah.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Calvani, Carlos Eduardo B. "Desafios para o ensino da teologia latino-americana em nossos dias". Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 65, n.º 258 (30 de abril de 2019): 335.

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O tema central de uma Semana de Atualização Teológica em um Seminário Evangélico no ano de 2002 perguntava pelas atuais perspectivas do ensino de teologia latino-americana em seminários evangélicos. O presente texto tenta responder a essa preocupação, avaliando como se dão o desenvolvimento dessa disciplina, a suposta “crise da Teologia da Libertação” e as possibilidades de renovação para a mesma em diversos âmbitos, com destaque para o mundo ecumênico; apresentando, outrossim, pistas e conselhos pastorais para jovens seminaristas. O autor defende que a Teologia da Libertação não se extinguiu, mas se ramificou, amadureceu e ainda tem muito a oferecer para as novas gerações de teólogos/as brasileiros/as.Abstract: Abstract: The central theme of a Week of Theological Updating in a 2002 Evangelical Seminar examined the perspectives for the teaching of Latin American theology in evangelical seminars. The present text attempts to respond to this concern, by critically examining the development of this discipline, the so-called “crisis of the Theology of Liberation” and the possibilities for its renovation in various ambits, and, in particular, in the ecumenical world. Moreover, the work presents some pastoral suggestions and advice for young seminarists. The author argues that, rather than coming to an end, the Theology of Liberation simply matured and branched out and still has much to offer to the new generations of Brazilian theologists.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Põder, Christine Svinth-Værge, e Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg Kristensen. "Retfærdiggørelse som troens indhold og teologiens norm". Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 86, n.º 2 (18 de setembro de 2023): 132–57.

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Among the Confessions of the Danish Evangelical-Lutheran Church, the Augsburg Confession plays a special role as the one which, together with Luther’s Little Catechism, expresses the Lutheran identity of the Danish Evangelical-Lutheran Church. Among the Augsburg Confession’s articles, article number four has traditionally been considered the center of the entire confession and thus seen as an expression of the basic content of faith and hence also as the norm of theology. If one looks at the later, modern and contemporary Lutheran discussions of article four more closely, they concern above all discussions about how the connection between the content of faith and the norm of faith should be understood. In this contribution, we affirm the importance, depth and contemporary relevance of this discussion and propose an open interpretation that does not reduce Lutheran theology to a matter of either content or norm, but rather asks about the context of content and the limits and possibilities the methods of theology.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kofod-Svendsen, Flemming. "Carl Olof Rosenius’ teologi med særligt henblik på hans kirkesyn". Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 79, n.º 1 (10 de fevereiro de 2016): 22–40.

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Carl Olof Rosenius, son of a vicar, grew up in Northern Sweden, where his family was active in a revival movement inspired by Lutheran theology. Early in life he decided to become a clergyman, but due to sickness and bad financial circumstances he never managed to complete his theological studies. He became a lay preacher and a very influential editor of the edifying magazine Pietisten [The Pietist]. Through this he became the spiritual leader of the emerging revival movement known as new evangelism. His theology was strongly influenced by Luther’s understanding of law and gospel. He had a particular spiritual gift to minister the gospel to awakened and seeking persons so they might come to live an evangelical Christian life. He wanted to promote a revival movement within the Swedish Church and rejected all separatism and the idea of forming a free church, just as he was against lay people’s celebration of Holy Communion. He rejected the incipient Baptist Movement and broke with Evangelical Alliance. Some of his disciples chose to form free churches.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ambarita, Heri Victor, e Fernando Tambunan. "Kejujuran Berteologi Kontekstualisasi: Teologi Lokal Gereja Kristen Injili Indonesia dalam Religi Orang Rimba". ILLUMINATE: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani 5, n.º 1 (30 de junho de 2022): 107–19.

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Examine existing Contextual Theology ideas and thoughts regarding the theological honesty of the Indonesian Evangelical Christian Church in its Evangelical Mission with religion; kinship system; and the values of the nomadic life of the Orang Rimba (Suku Anak Dalam) along the interior of the Bukit Dua Belas National Park forest, Jambi province and the implementation of contextualization of Christian faith in the midst of the local Orang Rimba congregation. Methods: Qualitative research with Grounded Theory approach in compiling this article is to find the relationship between the preaching of the gospel that is preached from time to time so that it can reach the Suku Anak Dalam; how the faith and teachings of Christianity are consciously understood by them as a real manifestation of the task of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20); and the implications of the contextualization of the down-to-earth Christian faith. encourage them to be more enthusiastic in producing various local biblical theologies; relevant to the culture, belief system, pattern of social life, culture and language of neglected and isolated tribes in Indonesia such as Orang Rimba (SAD). so it was found that the Anak Dalam tribe had believed through the Indonesian Evangelical Christian Church.Keywords: Honesty, Contextualization, Theology, Evangelical AbstrakMeninjau kembali gagasan dan pemikiran Teologi Kontekstual yang ada terhadap kejujuran berteologi Gereja Kristen Injili Indonesia dalam Misi Pekabaran Injil-Nya dengan religi; sistem kekerabatan; dan nilai-nilai kehidupan orang Rimba (Suku Anak Dalam) yang nomaden di sepanjang pedalaman hutan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas, provinsi Jambi serta implementasi kontekstualisasi iman Kristen di tengah-tengah jemaat-jemaat lokal orang Rimba. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan Grounded Theory dalam menyusun artikel ini adalah guna menemukan relasi antara Pemberitaan Injil yang telah diberitakan dari masa ke masa hingga dapat menjangkau Suku Anak Dalam; bagaimana iman dan pengajaran kekristenan secara sadar dipahami oleh mereka sebagai wujud nyata dari tugas Amanat Agung (Matius 28:18-20); serta implikasi kontekstualisasi iman Kristen yang membumi. mendorong mereka supaya semakin bersemangat menghasilkan berbagai teologi lokal yang Alkitabiah; relevan dengan budaya, sistem kepercayaan, pola kehidupan sosial, budaya maupun bahasa dari suku-suku terabaikan dan terisolir di Indonesia seperti orang Rimba (SAD). sehingga ditemukan bahwa Suku Anak Dalam yang telah percaya melalui Gereja Kristen Injili Indonesia.Kata Kunci: kejujuran, kontekstualisasi, teologi, injil
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Witczyk, Henryk. "Od Biblii do teologii moralnej. Przemoc - rozwód - homoseksualizm - antyjudaizm - aborcja jako znaki zepsucia "starego stworzenia"". Verbum Vitae 1 (15 de junho de 2002): 291–99.

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Recenzja książki: Richard B. Hays, La visione morale del Nuovo Testamento. Problematiche etiche contemporanee alla luce del messaggio evangelico (Cinisello Balsamo: Edizioni San Paolo 2000). Ss. 787. ISBN 9788821542046.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Timotius, Timotius, Ofriana Sni, Johanes Lilik Susanto, Wahyu Bintoro e Setia Dewi. "Menyingkap Perbedaan Mendasar". Indonesia Journal of Religious 5, n.º 2 (29 de agosto de 2023): 109–26.

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This writing explains the frequent misunderstanding that many evangelical figures who still like to call themselves Fundamentals, are unable to distinguish between the Evangelical and Fundamentalist movements to seem to be the same as the Fundamentalistic. Evangelical movements are different from fundamentalist movements. These evangelicals have emerged since the early 20th century as a reaction to the rejection of Modern/Liberal Theology. Fundamentalism is a movement that emphasizes the preservation of the truth of doctrine and beliefs that are considered fundamental to religion. Fundamentalists believe that religious teachings should be preserved in their original form and should not undergo adaptation or reinterpretation. They tend to be skeptical of social and cultural changes that are considered contrary to their religious beliefs and principles. Fundamentalism is often identified with a rigid attitude and rejection of modernist approaches in theology and religious life. In this article, the author uses the qualitative method of literary research as a reference in describing the problems studied. The outcome of the authors would show that the Evangelical is not the same as the fundamentalist so the equation caused by the lack of understanding of the Evangelistic can be explained. Tulisan ini untuk menjelaskan akan kesalahpahaman yang sering terjadi dimana banyak tokoh Evangelikal masih suka menyebut dirinya sendiri Fundamentalis, mereka tidak bisa membedakan antara gerakan Evangelikal dan Fundamentalis sehingga seolah-olah gerakan Evangelikal sama dengan Fundamentalis. Padahal gerakan Evangelikal berbeda dengan Fundamentalis. Kaum Evangelical ini muncul sejak awal abad ke-20 sebagai reaksi penolakan terhadap Teologi Modern/Liberal. Sedangkan Fundamentalisme adalah gerakan yang menekankan pemeliharaan kebenaran doktrin dan keyakinan yang dianggap mendasar (fundamental) bagi agama. Para fundamentalis percaya bahwa ajaran-ajaran agama harus dijaga dalam bentuk aslinya dan tidak boleh mengalami penyesuaian atau reinterpretasi. Mereka cenderung bersikap skeptis terhadap perubahan sosial dan budaya yang dianggap bertentangan dengan keyakinan dan prinsip-prinsip agama mereka. Fundamentalisme sering kali diidentifikasi dengan sikap yang kaku dan penolakan terhadap pendekatan modernis dalam teologi dan kehidupan beragama. Dalam artikel ini, penulis memakai metode kualitatif yaitu penelitian literatur sebagai acuan dalam mendeskripsikan masalah yang dikaji. Hasil akhir penulis akan menunjukkan bahwa Evangelikal tidak sama dengan fundamentalis sehingga penyamaan yang disebabkan oleh kurang mengertinya tentang Evangelikal bisa dijelaskan.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Siahaan, Tangkas. "TEOLOGI MODERN RUDOLF BULTMANN; ESKATOLOGI DAN DEMITOLOGISASI". Matheteuo: Religious Studies 3, n.º 2 (15 de dezembro de 2023): 95–106.

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Rudolf Karl Bultman was a New Testament scholar who began his studies at the University of Marburg in 1916-1921. Bultmann was influenced by Existentialist philosophy. His thinking was not merely superficial but posed a serious challenge to liberalism and orthodoxy. For several centuries Christology has been built using the "above" approach or Christology from above, one example is Cur Deus Homo? Written by Anselm. Modern theologians reverse this approach with the Christology from below pattern. This pattern changes the direction of Christology from theocentric to the anthropocentric. Christology becomes Jesusology. Bultmann, as a child of the modern era, clearly understands the problems of liberalism, so he stands up to challenge his era which has gone beyond the proper limits in treating biblical texts, especially the New Testament. He is more skeptical than Barth and Brunner in his criticism of the reconstruction of the historical Jesus according to the historical pattern of modernism. The evangelical wing tends to be “hostile” to Bultmanian thought because its demythologizing program attacks the validity of the Bible. However, the author sees the points of Bultmann's contribution as well as the weaknesses of his thinking
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Vaňáč, Martin. "Výuka ekumeniky v rámci praktické teologie na pražské evangelické fakultě. Odkaz Josefa Smolíka a Pavla Filipiho". TEOLOGICKÁ REFLEXE 27, n.º 2 (1 de novembro de 2021): 172–93.

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Teaching ecumenics within practical theology at the Prague protestant faculty: The legacy of Pavel Filipi and Josef Smolík The article deals with the development of teaching about ecumenical issues at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague since its foundation in 1919 and its gradual linking with the teaching of practical theology. This connection is largely a legacy of two faculty professors of practical theology, Josef Smolík (1922–2009) and Pavel Filipi (1936–2015).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mawikere, Marde Christian Stenly. "Sola Experientia: Suatu Analisis Terhadap Teologi Schleiermacher". Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat 3, n.º 2 (31 de julho de 2019): 225.

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This article is an overview of the theology of Friedrich Schleiermacher, known as the Father of Modern Theology. By using qualitative research methods on various available literature that review the life and theological thinking of Schleiermacher, the author tries to reveal that the unique thinking of FriedrichSchleiermacher's theology is strongly influenced by his spiritual background, parental influence, church origin and tradition, educational patterns and the thought of his theological education and zeit geist (the spirit of the times) who were carrying the current of modern thought when Schleiermacher lived. On the one hand, Schleiermacher's theology is often considered to be liberal in the theological paradigm of reform and evangelicalism because it departs from feeling, not from the spirit of Sola Scriptura. But on the other hand, Schleiermacher's theology makes a positive contribution because it gives a place to the experience of faith (Sola Experientia) with a living God who can not only be reached with philosophia or wisdom. Artikel ini merupakan Tinjauan terhadap Teologi dari Friedrich Schleiermacher, yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Teologi Moderen.Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif terhadap berbagai literatur yang telah tersedia yang mengulas mengenai kehidupan dan pemikiran teologi dari Schleiermacher, maka penulis mencoba untuk mengungkapkan bahwa keunikan pemikiran Teologi FriedrichSchleiermacher sangat dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang kehidupan rohaninya, pengaruh orangtua, asal dan tradisi gereja, pola pendidikan dan pemikiran pendidikan teologinya serta zeit geist (semangat zaman) yang sedang membawa arus pemikiran moderen pada waktu Schleiermacher hidup. Pada satu sisi, Teologi Schleiermacher kerap dianggap liberal dalam paradigma teologi reformasi dan evangelical karena ia berangkat darifeeling, bukan dari semangat Sola Scriptura. Namun pada sisi lain, Teologi Schleiermacher memberikan kontribusi positif sebab memberikan tempat kepada pengalaman iman (Sola Experientia) dengan Allah yang hidup yang tidak hanya dapat dijangkau dengan philosophia atau wisdom.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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This paper is entitled "Implications of the Relationship between Arastamar Bengkulu College of Theology for the Development of Missionary Services for the Evangelical Christian Church in Indonesia, the City of Bengkulu Congregation." The facts show that not necessarily a graduate of the Theological College can be accepted into a church. This condition is shown by the lack of support from the Church to an Theological College and Theological College does not give graduates to a church. Despite these facts, the author sees different facts between the Arastamar Bengkulu Theological Seminary (STTAB) and the Evangelical Christian Church in Indonesia (GEKISIA) Bengkulu City. The author obtained data that there are many developments specifically in mission services since the arrival of STTAB and collaborating with GEKISIA, Bengkulu City. This development is very important for the writer to research and describe in scientific work. From the observation, it shows that the development of mission services in GEKISIA, Bengkulu City occurs because of the large use of mission personnel from STTAB graduates. Pioneering Evangelical Service Posts (PI) increased to 6 PI Posts. This development needs to be studied theoretically so that through writing it can contribute to the development of missionary services in the Church and other Christian institutions, and revitalize the relationship between Theological College and the Church.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fužinato, Silvana. "Il servizio è potere. Un fatto biblico-evangelico e teologico". Diacovensia 28, n.º 2 (2020): 189–204.

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Riflettendo sul servizio come modo di vivere il potere, è necessario ritornare alla Sacra Scrittura, specialmente al vangelo di Matteo che presenta Gesù come il Figlio dell’uomo a cui è dato ogni potere in cielo e in terra (cf. Mt 28, 16-20). Nella prima parte del nostro lavoro rifletteremo sul potere di Gesù di guarire, rivelato in modo particolare ed esplicito nelle opere del Messia (Mt 8 – 9). Il potere della vita che viene dalla croce è il tema della seconda parte, dedicata al cammino del Figlio dell’uomo verso la croce (Mt 20, 17-28). Il potere come responsabilità è il terzo aspetto fondamentale del potere di Gesù, mostrato nell’giudizio finale del Figlio dell’uomo (Mt 25, 31-46). Il potere del Figlio dell’uomo manifestato nel potere di insegnare, di perdonare i peccati, di guarire e di scacciare i demoni è il potere a servizio dell’uomo e della sua salvezza.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Yosia, Adrianus. "Merupa Wujud Evangelikalisme di Indonesia: Suatu Usulan Awal". Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 19, n.º 1 (24 de maio de 2020): 85–95.

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Artikel ini merupakan suatu usulan awal untuk mengejawantahkan bagaimana rupa “muka publik” dari gerakan injili di Indonesia. Artikel ini akan membahas siapakah kaum injili di Indonesia, ka-rakteristik teologis dari kaum injili, dan wujud usulan partisipasi gerakan injili di Indonesia. Karakteristik teologis dari kaum injili yang penulis usulkan adalah modifikasi dari Quadrilateral Bebbington, yaitu Pentagram Larsen. Sebagai dampaknya, artikel ini ingin mengusulkan dua gerakan dari merupa wujud gerakan injili di Indonesia, yaitu gerakan ke dalam dan gerakan keluar. Gerakan ke dalam ini merupakan semangat gereja untuk terus mereformasi diri, sedangkan gerakan ke luar ini merupakan semangat gereja untuk mereformasi kondisi sosial. Inilah suatu usulan awal dari merupa wujud gerakan injili di Indonesia. This article was written as a preliminary opinion to explore the "public face" of evangelicalism as a movement in Indonesia. Furthermore, this article will discuss who are the evangelicals in Indonesia, the theological characteristics from the evangelicals, and the form of evangelical's participation in Indonesia. The writer will argue that the modification from Bebbington's Quadrilateral, Larsen's Pentagram, can be theological characteristics from the evangelicals in Indonesia. As a consequence, this article will propose two ways of movements from evangelicalism in Indonesia, which are the inward and outward movements. The inward movement is the spirit of the evangelical church to reform itself, while the outward flow is the eagerness of the evangelical church to reform the social condition. Thus, these are initial observations for shaping evangelicalism in Indonesia.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Pilimon, Jahja Elia. "Track Record Sekolah Teologi : Anugerah Karya Allah Mulai dari Keterbatasan Mendidik Calon Rohaniwan sampai Penerimaan Lulusannya oleh Gereja dan Lembaga Kristen ". Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 3, n.º 2 (20 de dezembro de 2018): 199–216.

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Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) yang berdiri sejak tahun 1897 adalah lembaga pendidikan teologi berakreditasi yang bertaraf internasional. Track record untuk lulusan TEDS yang “terpakai” oleh lembaga-lembaga Kristen adalah: 85% dari lulusannya, dalam waktu setengah tahun, telah menduduki posisi pelayanan di gereja dan berbagai lembaga Kristen.1 TEDS yang mempunyai reputasi internasional ini, diinformasikan oleh Rick Kalal,2 mendapat kritikan dari para pendeta “gereja-gereja besar pemakai lulusan TEDS.” Kritikannya adalah: Para lulusan TEDS hanya bisa mengeksegesis Alkitab tetapi kurang mampu mengeksegesis budaya; tahu membaca bahasa Yunani dan Ibrani, tetapi kurang matang dalam spiritual, keterampilan keorganisasian dan penggembalaan untuk dapat menjadi pemimpin rohani yang efektif. Tindakan kritik tersebut dilanjutkan dengan “ancaman”: jika lulusan TEDS berikutnya tidak menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan, maka mereka akan mendirikan sekolah teologi sendiri, alias tidak akan menerima lagi “pasokan” rohaniwan lulusan TEDS. … Paparan selanjutnya akan menunjukkan catatan pelayanan para rohaniwan di lembaga-lembaga “pemakai,” khususnya gereja, yang kelemahan-kelemahannya selalu dikembalikan pada lembaga yang mendidiknya, yaitu sekolah teologi. Setelah itu akan ditunjukkan catatan keterbatasan-keterbatasan proses pendidikan mulai dari penyaringan peserta didik baru, proses pendidikan, magang, sampai kegiatan evaluasinya.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Favretto, Alexandre. "incremento Cristológico do Logos Protreptikós na formulação Praeparatio Evangelica no Concílio Vaticano II". Revista de Cultura Teológica 32, n.º 105 (16 de setembro de 2023): 224–41.

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O presente artigo apresenta a relevância da utilização das referências patrísticas, durante o Concílio Vaticano II, para uma concepção doutrinária positiva sobre as religiões. O que oferece, ainda, contribuições para o pensamento teológico sobre o significado das religiões. Tal feito foi possível pela ênfase cristocêntrica destinada ao tema das religiões na reflexão conciliar sobre as tradições religiosas no Decreto Ad gentes, fundamentada da concepção de Logos protreptikós de Clemente, que traz a dimensão da vasta economia do Logos que atinge a origem das religiões. Em decorrência desta abordagem cristocêntrica, o significado das religiões do mundo, em termos de preparação à promulgação do Evangelho, finda por ser entendida menos em termos de substituição das mesmas e mais como uma participação das religiões, a seu modo, no desígnio salvífica de Deus em Cristo. Isso posto, o artigo divide-se em duas partes. A primeira delas apresenta, na teologia patrística de Clemente, o caráter processual e a presença fundamental do Logos-Cristo nas religiões do mundo, atribuindo-lhes importância na história da salvação. A segunda, o uso da teologia de Clemente associada à de Eusébio de Cesaréia no Decreto Ad gentes n. 3 e a possibilidade de uma releitura do significado da formulação preparação evangélica, aplicado às religiões.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lado, Gatsper Anderius. "Implikasi Teologi Kaum Puritan bagi Kehidupan Gereja di Indonesia". HARVESTER: Jurnal Teologi dan Kepemimpinan Kristen 9, n.º 1 (30 de junho de 2024): 106–18.

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The lack of correct understanding and weak teachings of the church regarding holiness are actual problems throughout time. Political influences and a world that has been damaged by sin have become a challenge for believers to live a holy life. The church needs to be purified constantly. The church's weak understanding and teaching about biblical holiness will have an impact on the weak quality of Christian faith. The Puritans who emerged in the 16th century AD in England were famous for their teachings which prioritized the application of biblical teachings, holy living behavior and missionary duties. The theology of the Puritans was then believed by theologians to be the forerunner for the development of the Evangelical (Evangelical) Movement today. For this reason, Puritan theology is worthy of study and becomes a guide for improving the quality of church life today, including in Indonesia. Using literature study research methods, this article highlights the emphasis and characteristics of Puritan theology only, and does not discuss the entire Puritan theological building as a topic of discussion. This paper aims to examine matters related to Puritan theology or teachings using a literature study approach. The research results show that Puritan theology emphasizes the importance of churches in Indonesia to teach and practice Puritan theology as a benchmark for remaining firm in upholding the teachings of the Bible as a basis for conducting theology and living holy lives in a holistic manner and faithfully preaching the Gospel of Christ.AbstrakKurangnya pemahaman yang benar dan lemahnya pengajaran gereja perihal kekudusan menjadi permasalahan aktual di sepanjang masa. Pengaruh politik dan dunia yang sudah dirusak oleh dosa, menjadi tantangan bagi orang percaya untuk menjalankan perilaku hidup kudus. Gereja perlu dimurnikan senantiasa. Lemahnya pemahaman dan pengajaran gereja tentang kekudusan yang alkitabiah, akan berdampak pada lemahnya kualitas iman Kristen. Kaum Puritan yang muncul Abad ke-16 Masehi di Inggris terkenal dengan pengajaran yang mengutamakan penerapan ajaran alkitab, perilaku hidup kudus dan tugas misi.Teologi Kaum Puritan kemudian diyakini para teolog menjadi cikal bakal bagi berkembanganya Gerakan Injili (Evangelikal) pada masa kini. Untuk itu, teologi Kaum Puritan layak dipelajari dan menjadi panduan bagi peningkatan kualitas kehidupan gereja masa kini, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Studi Pustaka, artikel ini menyorot penekanan dan ciri khas teologi Kaum Puritan saja, dan tidak membahas keseluruhan bangunan teologi Kaum Puritan sebagai topik diskusi. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan teologi atau ajaran kaum Puritan dengan memakai pendekatan Studi Pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teologi Kaum Puritan menekankan pentingnya gereja-gereja di Indonesia untuk mengajarkan dan mempraktekkan teologi Kaum Puritan menjadi patokan untuk tetap teguh memegang ajaran Alkitab sebagai landasan dalam berteologi dan berperilaku hidup kudus secara holistik serta setia memberitakan Injil Kristus.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gomes, F. C. "A Teologia da História no De Perfectione Evangelica de São Boaventura de Bagnoregio". Oracula: Revista de Estudos do Cristianismo Primitivo 7, n.º 12 (30 de dezembro de 2011): 57–75.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mamahit, Ferry Y. "Sikap Ekumenikal dan Evangelikal terhadap Agama-agama Lain: Sebuah Analisis Perbandingan Historis-Teologis". DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani 5, n.º 1 (29 de setembro de 2020): 71–92.

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Abstract. Amid the revivals of world religions, the Protestant Christian bodies (mainly the ecumenical and the evangelical ones) are fragmentally divided into different attitudes toward other faiths. They propose three positions in dealing with this issue: pluralist, the inclusivist, and exclusivist. Any choice taken may result in varying levels of openness toward other faiths. The article aims to acquaint the readers with both ecumenical and ecumenical such attitudes. At the core, it will also explore the underlying theological as well as practical issues behind such attitudes. To achieve the goal, the author will use a historical-theological comparative analysis. The result of the analysis shows that various views on certain aspects (like hermeneutics, revelation, salvation, and the gospel) have contributed to the disparities of both ecumenical and evangelical attitudes toward other religions. In the end, this analysis expectedly will enable every Christian to show a proper attitude toward other religions, in-line with the characteristics of the Kingdom of God.Abstrak. Di tengah kebangkitan agama-agama dunia, berbagai tubuh Kristen Protestan (utamanya kaum ekumenikal dan evangelikal) secara fragmentatis terbagi dalam sikap-sikap yang berbeda terhadap iman-iman yang lain. Mereka mengajukan tiga posisi dalam menghadapi isu ini: pluralis, inklusif, dan eksklusif. Setiap pilihan berakibat pada tingkat keterbukaan yang berbeda kepada iman yang lain. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengakrabkan para pembaca kepada sikap-sikap ini. Pada intinya, artikel ini juga akan mengekplorasi baik isu-isu teologis maupun praktis yang secara integral di balik sikap-sikap tersebut. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, penulis akan memakai analisis perbandingan historis-teologis. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa berbagai pandangan dalam aspek-aspek tertentu (seperti hemeneutika, pewahyuan, keselamatan, dan injil) telah berkontribusi kepada disparitas sikap evangelikal dan ekumenikal terhadap agama-agaman lain. Akhirnya, analisis ini diharapkan akan memampukan setiap orang Kristen untuk bersikap yang tepat terhadap agama-agama lain, yang sejalan dengan karakteristik-karakteristik Kerajaan Allah.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sinner, Rudolf Von. "TEOLOGIA PÚBLICA NO BRASIL: UM PRIMEIRO BALANÇO". Perspectiva Teológica 44, n.º 122 (28 de maio de 2012): 11.

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À luz de desafios atuais presentes no espaço público brasileiro, a discussão sobre a presença de crucifixos em tribunais gaúchos e a atuação de políticos evangélicos no Congresso, o artigo propõe-se fazer um primeiro balanço da reflexão sobre uma teologia pública no Brasil. Assim, procura responder à pergunta “o que é teologia pública?” não de forma definitória, inequívoca, uniformizante. Antes, mostra uma variedade de origens do termo e de oportunidades, bem como de perigos contidos neste conceito. Num primeiro passo, o artigo apresenta quatro linhas de abordagem presentes na emergente discussão brasileira. Em seguida, recorrendo ao sul-africano Dirk Smit, mostra a diversidade de origens e usos do conceito em várias partes do mundo. Por fim, procura evidenciar a pertinência e o potencial de uma teologia pública no Brasil – com ousadia e humildade.ABSTRACT: In view of actual challenges present in the Brazilian public space, the discussion on the presence of crosses in courthouses in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as on the activities of evangelical Congressmen, this article ventures into a first balance of reflection on a public theology in Brazil. It seeks to respond to the question “what is public theology?” not with a clear and uniform definition. Rather, it shows a variety of origins and opportunities, as well as dangers contained in the concept. In a first step, the article presents four lines of thought present in the emerging Brazilian discussion. Then, with reference to the South African theologian Dirk Smit, it shows the diversity of origins and uses of the concept in different parts of the world. Finally, it seeks to show the pertinence and the potential of a public theology in Brazil – both with boldness and humility.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Spangenberg, I. J. J. "Paradigmaveranderinge in die Bybelwetenskappe 'n Bydrae tot die gesprek tussen die Bybelwetenskappe en Sistematiese Teologie". Religion and Theology 1, n.º 2 (1994): 144–84.

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AbstractThe impetus of this article is the response of the New Testament scholar Pieter Botha to a book entitled Bondgenoot en beeld (1991) written by the Systematic theologian Adrio König. König's reaction to Botha's discussion and critique published in one of the issues of Theologia Evangelica (1993) reveals a lack of comprehension of the issues at stake. Botha's main critique is that König does not take the Enlightenment seriously. This article commences with a short historical overview of three main paradigm switches in Biblical Studies: the Reformation, the historical-critical approach and the paradigm switch that came along with the birth of modern literary criticism. It then attempts to identify the paradigms within which Botha and König work and in the last instance discusses the main reason why they are at loggerheads. The conclusion drawn is that only theologians who work within the same paradigm can communicate meaningfully.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Prabowo, Paulus Dimas, e Hengki Wijaya. "Tren Penelitian Integrasi Teologi dan Psikologi di Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review". Danum Pambelum: Jurnal Teologi Dan Musik Gereja 3, n.º 2 (2 de janeiro de 2024): 236–52.

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Integration of theology and psychology is needed for more efficient services for the congregation. However, is this kind of integration familiar in Indonesia? This article seeks to examine the development of research on the integration of theology and psychology in Indonesia from 2003-2023. The approach used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR) with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. As a result, 17 articles were found that met the requirements for review and discussed the integration of theology and psychology. The authors come from 15 educational and service institutions, both ecumenical and evangelical. The branch of theology that is most studied is biblical theology, while the branch of psychology that is most studied is developmental psychology. The most dominant research synthesis is the integration of practical theology and developmental psychology. The amount of research on the integration of theology and psychology in Indonesia in the last two decades is still relatively low.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rønkilde, Jette Marie Bendixen. "Kroppen som troens spejl – hen imod en teologisk somatologi". Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 71, n.º 3 (26 de agosto de 2008): 188–203.

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The article has as its primary focal point the attempt to formulate the theoretical and practical framework of a theological somatology. This attempt originates in the emphasis on language and linguistic symbols in traditional Lutheran theology. The article formulates a radicalization of the interrelation between the semiotic approach to bodily actions and the performative aesthetics as found in theatre. The pivotal concepts introduced through the performative aesthetics are the anthropological understanding of the embodied mind that supersedes a traditional body/mind dualism and the interaction of co-subjects in performance, the so-called feedback-Schleife. In an attempt to relate these concepts to theological discourse, the article provides an application of these insights on the Service of Worship in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. As a result it is meaningful to discern the religious experience through the bodily actions found in liturgy.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gherri, Paolo. "Primi appunti per una storia delle origini della Teologia del Diritto (Canonico)". Ius Canonicum 50, n.º 99 (17 de julho de 2015): 221–53.

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La Teologia del Diritto sviluppatasi nella Canonistica cattolica con l’insegnamento di Mörsdorf mostra le proprie radici più profonde nel problema espressamente germanico dell’autonomia giuridica delle Chiese rispetto allo Stato. La questione venne posta da Sohm negando ogni fondamento a tale autonomia: il Kirchenrecht è di competenza esclusiva dello Stato e contraddice la natura della Chiesa. A Barmen (1934), guidata da Barth, la Chiesa evangelica si ruppe rifiutando le leggi razziali naziste per dotarsi di una regolamentazione autonoma intra-ecclesiale (ancora: Kirchenrecht) da fondare attraverso una Kirchenrechtstheologie anziché filosoficamente. Nel dopo-guerra Mörsdorf seguì tale linea per rivitalizzare il Diritto canonico (Kanonischenrecht) pre-conciliare. Ciò avvenne, tuttavia, scambiando il Kanonischenrecht col Kirchenrecht, poiché il vocabolario e la cultura tedesca erano ormai cambiati. Il Kirchenrecht di Sohm era Diritto dello Stato sulle Chiese (Diritto ecclesiastico); quello di Mörsdorf era Diritto della Chiesa su se stessa (Diritto canonico). Un solo termine per due realtà inconciliabili.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mikuszka, Gelson Luiz. "Por uma definição do discípulo missionário de Jesus. Implicações para uma paróquia missionária". Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 79, n.º 313 (20 de setembro de 2019): 293.

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A proposta deste artigo é conceituar o discípulo missionário de Jesus, indicando algumas possíveis implicações do tema para a missionariedade paroquial. A título de subsídio para esta reflexão, de modo especial, elegemos alguns dados da teologia de José Comblin, em especial no tocante à importância dos ministérios eclesiais para com a ação evangelizadora.Abstract: The purpose of this article is to conceptualize a missionary disciple of Jesus, indicating some possible implications of this theme in sight of a missionary parish. The title of subsidy for this reflection we choose in a special way, the theological data of Jose Comblin, especially what touches on the importance of church ministries in sight of evangelical action.Keywords: Discipleship of Jesus; Parish; Mission; Ministries; Evangelization.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sarmet Moreira Smiderle, Carlos Gustavo, e Wania Amelia Belchior Mesquita. "Political Conflict and Spiritual Battle". Latin American Perspectives 43, n.º 3 (16 de março de 2016): 85–103.

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A new interpretation of Evangelical actors’ increasing participation in Brazilian political and electoral contests is that elements of Pentecostalism predispose a believer to see the world as the site of an eternal struggle between God and Satan. The belief in demons that have territorial jurisdictions, known as territorial spirits, is one aspect of this theology. The cognitive universe of this belief induces the Evangelical voter to make electoral decisions on the basis of religious premises. It teaches the voter to conceive, without much reflection, the spiritual battle and the electoral game as territorial disputes.Uma nova interpretação para a crescente participação de atores evangélicos nas disputas político-eleitorais do Brasil é que elementos pentecostais predispõem a fazer a leitura do mundo como sendo resultado da disputa desde sempre travada entre Deus e o Diabo. Importante aspecto desta teologia é a crença em demônios dotados de jurisdição territorial, referidos como espíritos territoriais. O universo cognitivo onde prospera esta crença torna o eleitor evangélico propenso a tomar decisões eleitorais a partir de premissas religiosas. Embora nem sempre de modo reflexivo, tal crença leva o fiel a conceber batalha espiritual e jogo eleitoral como disputas por territórios.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Papay, Alexander Djuang, e Yosep Belay. "Dialektika Semantik Strukturalisme, Post Strukturalisme dan Teologi Injili". DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani 9, n.º 1 (10 de julho de 2024): 169–89.

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Abstract. Meaning is correlated with actual actions, both in communication and ideology and social relations, so that the issue of meaning is now the focus of contemporary scientific study and criticism. The Christian faith, which specifically constructs a system of theology, worldview and ethics based on Biblical texts, is also faced with the challenge of interpreting the meaning of Biblical texts. From this struggle, this article discusses the issue of semantic theory from three perspectives, namely: structuralism, post-structuralism, and evangelical theology. Through this article, the author aimed to analyze semantic issues so that it is hoped that it will be able to present appropriate semantic constructions for approaches to Christian hermeneutics and theology in facing existing challenges. The method used was literature study. The results of this research showed that there are several similarities between the semantic theory of structuralism and Christian theology which is characterized by a constructive approach to meaning with several important notes. On the other hand, these two approaches are not in line with the semantic pattern of post-structuralism which is deconstructive, radical and tends to be agnostic.Abstrak. Makna terkorelasi dengan tindakan aktual, baik dalam komunikasi maupun ideologi dan relasi sosial, sehingga persoalan makna kini menjadi fokus kajian dan kritik keilmuan kontemporer. Iman Kristen yang secara khusus mengonstruksikan sistem teologi, wawasan dunia hingga etika yang berbasis pada teks-teks Alkitab, juga diperhadapkan dengan tantangan persoalan pemaknaan teks-teks Kitab Suci. Dari pergumulan tersebut, artikel ini membahas mengenai persoalan teori semantik dalam tiga perspektif yaitu: strukturalisme, post strukturalisme, dan teologi Injili. Melalui artikel ini penulis hendak mengurai persoalan semantik sehingga diharapkan mampu menghadirkan konstruksi semantik yang tepat bagi pendekatan hermeneutika dan teologi Kristen dalam menghadapi tantangan yang ada. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa kesamaan antara teori semantik strukturalisme dengan teologi Kristen yang bercirikan pendekatan makna konstruktif dengan beberapa catatan penting. Sebaliknya, kedua pendekatan tersebut tidak sejalan dengan pola semantik post strukturalisme yang dekonstruktif, radikal dan cenderung agnostik.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Saj, Marek. "Prawno-teologiczne aspekty konsekracji zakonnej". Prawo Kanoniczne 49, n.º 3-4 (20 de dezembro de 2006): 3–19.

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La professione religiosa svolge un ruolo centrale nella vita di istituti religiosi. È un elemento cosi importante di questo tipo di vita, che senza di essa non si puo nemmeno parlare di vita consacrata. La consacrazione religiosa è un fatto storico che si sviluppa fin dall’inizio della Chiesa e arriva fino ai nostri giorni. Il suo fulcro sta nell’imitazione di Gesù Cristo che è il suo fonte e modello. Per quanto ogni cristiano sia chiamato a vivere secondo i consigli evangelici, sono proprio i consacrati che attraverso la professione dei consigli evangelici - di castità, povertà e obbedienza - si consegnano totalmente a Dio. La professione religiosa dunque crea una nuova relazione tra l’uomo e Dio. Nella vita religiosa entra una persona che si impegna a vivere secondo i consigli evangelici. Questo impegno viene preso proprio nell’atto di professione, ossia di consacrazione religiosa. Tale scelta consiste in una totale offerta di sè e in un abbandono di tutto. La professione è anzittutto un atto pubblico visibile in cui il religioso fa voto di osservare i tre consigli evangelici. Attraverso tale consacrazio- ne si crea una relazione giuridica che lega l’istituto religioso e il professo. Si puo, percio, trovare nell’atto di professione religiosa elementi teologici, come l’offerta di sè a Dio, ed elementi giuridici quali gli stessi voti e l’incarnazione nell’istituto. Anche se, da un lato, questi elementi siano distinti, anzi, proprio differenti, dall’altro, essi sono intimamente connessi tra loro, fino al punto che se ne manca uno, tutta la professione rischia di essere invalida.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Conesa, Francisco. "Karl BARTH, Introduzione alla teologia evangelica, Edizioni Paoline, Milano 1990, 282 pp., 14 x 21, 7." Scripta Theologica 27, n.º 1 (26 de janeiro de 2018): 382–83.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mau, Marthen, Sulianus Susanto, Aprinia Windasari, Risky Permana Hutabarat e Septinus Hia. "Mentoring Pemimpin Rohani Sebagai Tugas Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar Ngabang". Didache: Journal of Christian Education 4, n.º 1 (13 de junho de 2023): 1.

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Students of the Arastamar Evangelical Theology College (SETIA) Ngabang as spiritual leaders must have good skills, leadership, and personality which are very much needed today for church services and in Christian educational institutions because they need mentoring by SETIA Ngabang lecturers. Some of SETIA Ngabang's theology students have not shown the maximum skills and personality to handle spiritual services even though graduate users need their energy. To produce accurate research, qualitative research methods are used with observation and interview approaches as options; as well as the sources of literature as a support in this research. Mentoring spiritual leaders at SETIA Ngabang can be done by lecturers who have special knowledge and experience in certain fields according to their expertise, because spiritual leaders are needed to have the fear of God, respect, humility, spirituality, integrity, competence, qualifications, credibility, and loyalty in spiritual ministry, both in the church and in Christian educational institutions. The theoretical implication of the research is that SETIA Ngabang lecturers and students who do not yet have skills in certain fields, competitiveness in leadership, and personality in carrying out responsibilities at SETIA Ngabang to the maximum need to be mentored to be able to show capabilities in their service. The implementation of mentoring can improve performance, commitment, motivation, awareness, and better self-reflection so that leadership ability is getting better as well.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gołembiewska, Marta. "Dzieje parafii ewangelicko-augsburskiej w Stawiszynie w latach 1777-1934 w świetle E. Kneifel, Die evangelisch-augsburgischen Gemeinden der Kalischer Diozese". Polonia Maior Orientalis 7 (2020): 13–28.

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Stawiszyn to miasto wielokulturowe, w którym żyli niegdyś katolicy, ewangelicy i Żydzi. Te trzy kultury wzajemnie się przenikały, a do dziś w miejscowości można spotkać ślady ich istnienia. O działalności parafii ewangelicko-augsburskiej w Stawiszynie przypominają zachowane obiekty kościół i cmentarz. Źródłem do próby rekonstrukcji dziejów tej gminy protestanckiej stała się publikacja wybitnego doktora teologii Eduarda Kneifla Die evangelische-augsburgischen Gemeinden der Kalischer Diozese. Niewątpliwie książka jest najbardziej przydatnym i wiarygodnym źródłem ujmującym zarys historyczny stawiszyńskiej parafii w latach 1777-1940. Stanowi także pierwszą zachowaną próbę odtworzenia historii tej społeczności. Parafia została założona 2 lutego 1777 r. Była to jedna z pierwszych gmin, powstałych na terenie kaliskiej diecezji ewangelickiej. Przez wszystkie lata istnienia prężnie działała, angażując do swoich przedsięwzięć mieszkańców. History of the evangelical-augsburg parish in Stawiszyn in the years 1777-1940 according to Die evangelisch-augsburgischen gemeinden der kalischer diozese by E. Kneifel Once Stawiszyn was a multicultural town, where the Catholics, Protestants and Jews lived together. These three cultures interpenetrated, and traces of their co-existence can still be seen today. The activity of the Evangelical-Augsburg parish in Stawiszyn is recalled by the preserved buildings, e.g. church and cemetery among others. The attempt to reconstruct the history of this Protestant community was based on the publication entitled “Die evangelische-augsburgischen Gemeinden der Kalischer Diozese” that was published by the outstanding doctor of theology Eduard Kneifel. Undoubtedly, it is the most useful and credible source capturing the historical outline of the Stawiszyn parish. It is also the first surviving attempt to reconstruct the history of this community. The parish was founded on February 2, 1777. It was one of the first communes established in the Kalisz Evangelical diocese. Throughout all the years of its existence, it was active structure, involving all residents in its enterprises.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Songjanan, Sherly, e Yornan Masinambow. "Studi Eksegesis Teologis Aplikatif mengenai Pemberitaan Injil dalam Kisah Para Rasul 13:46-48". EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi 2, n.º 1 (26 de abril de 2023): 34–44.

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Abstract: The purpose of this article is to understand the preaching of the gospel through an applicable exegetical study of Acts 13:46-48 which can then be relevant for every believer today from an Evangelical perspective. The method used in this article uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, specifically examining the text of Acts 13:46-48 through related books and articles. The result of the research is that the outreach of the Gospel must be to all people. The preaching of the Gospel results in people experiencing repentance, gaining salvation which is the purpose of the preaching of the Gospel. Based on this explanation, it is hoped that it can make a meaningful contribution to every believer today in carrying out the task of preaching the gospel.Abstraksi: Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk memahami pemberitaan Injil melalui studi eksegetikal yang aplikatif terhadap Kisah Para Rasul 13:46-48 yang kemudian dapat direlevansikan bagi setiap orang percaya masa kini dari perspektif Evangelikal. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur khususnya mengkaji teks Kitab Kisah Para Rasul 13:46-48 melalui buku-buku dan artikel yang terkait. Hasil penelusuran yang didapati adalah bahwa jangkauan Pemberitaan Injil harus kepada semua orang. Pemberitaan Injil berakibat pada orang-orang mengalami pertobatan, memeroleh keselamatan yang menjadi tujuan pemberitaan Injil itu. Berdasarkan penjabaran tersebut diharapkankan dapat memberikan sumbangsih yang berarti setiap orang percaya masa kini dalam melakukan tugas pemberitaan Injil
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

KRIVIENĖ, IRENA. "KNYGA APIE TEOLOGĄ IR POETĄ KRISTIJONĄ DONELAITĮ". Knygotyra 65 (1 de janeiro de 2015): 352–57.

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Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka Universiteto g. 3, LT-01122 Vilnius, Lietuva El. paštas:, Ulrich. Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714–1780): Zwischen Theologie und Poesie. Munchen: GRIN VERLAG GMBH, 2014. 230 p. ISBN 978-3-656-64678-5.Gausų 300-ųjų Kristijono Donelaičio gimimo metinių jubiliejinių renginių ir publikacijų sąrašą papildė 2014 metais Vokietijos GRIN leidyklos išleista Ulricho Schoenborno knyga Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714–1780): tarp teologijos ir poezijos (vok. Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714–1780): Zwischen Theologie und Poesie). Kaip knygos pratarmėje rašo autorius, imtis leidinio, skirto didžiajam lietuvių literatūros klasikui, jį paskatino 2013 m. rudenį Lietuvių kultūros instituto surengta konferencija „Prūsų ir lietuvių poetas Donelaitis / Donalitius ir jo epocha“. Vokietijos mieste Lampertheime-Hüttenfelde vykusioje konferencijoje skaitytame pranešime U. Schoenbornas apžvelgė K. Donelaičio kūrybą XVIII a. religiniame ir teologiniame kontekste, evangelikų liuteronų kunigo poeto sąsajas su Karaliaučiaus teologine aplinka bei jos įtaką jo kūrybai. Pranešime glaustai pristatytas temas autorius išplėtojo apžvelgiamoje knygoje. [...]
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Telhalia, Telhalia. "Teologi Kontekstual Pelaksanaan Jalan Hadat Perkawinan Dayak Ngaju di Gereja Kalimantan Evangelis (GKE)". Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama 6, n.º 2 (1 de setembro de 2016): 230–52.

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The encounter between Christianity and Dayak culture since its inception has created a controversy. The main problem is the difficult to separate between religion and culture. The customs indeed have a close relationship with the religious structure of the Dayak people. Their live and mind follow the customs, traditions, and the provisions that have been inherited from their ancestors. Apparently, the Gereja Kalimantan Evangelis (GKE)/The Kalimantan Evangelical Church face this problem in dealing with the practice of marriage in the Ngaju Dayak culture. Some groups regard the cultural practice as a sin against the teachings of Christianity, while others consider that it is acceptable in the Christian faith. This article finds that contextual theology allows GKE accommodate Dayak customary practice in the context of the theology of Christianity. Wedding custom of Dayak people of Ngaju has rooted from their tradition but the meaning behind the process refers to the Christian values. [Pertemuan antara Kristen dan Dayak budaya sejak awal telah menciptakan kontroversi. Masalah utama adalah sulitnya memisahkan antara agama dan budaya. Kebiasaan memang memiliki hubungan dekat dengan struktur keagamaan masyarakat Dayak. Mereka hidup dan pikiran mengikuti adat istiadat, tradisi, dan ketentuan yang telah diwarisi dari nenek moyang mereka. Rupanya, Gereja Kalimantan Evangelis (GKE) menghadapi masalah ini dalam menangani praktik pernikahan dalam budaya Dayak Ngaju. Beberapa kelompok menganggap praktik budaya sebagai dosa terhadap ajaran Kristen, sementara yang lain menganggap bahwa hal itu dapat diterima dalam iman Kristen. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa teologi kontekstual memungkinkan GKE mengakomodasi praktik adat Dayak dalam konteks teologi Kristen. Kebiasaan pernikahan orang Dayak Ngaju telah berakar dari tradisi mereka tetapi makna di balik proses mengacu pada nilai-nilai Kristen
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Adiatma, Daniel Lindung, e Eldad Mesakh Pramono. "Konsep Mesianik dan Apologetik Matius melalui Perumpamaan Mesianik Menurut Matius 21:33-43". HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen 4, n.º 1 (31 de dezembro de 2022): 80–90.

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Studi tentang perumpamaan dalam Injil Sinoptik merupakan proses yang rumit. Matius 21:33-44 telah menyatakan suatu perumpamaan yang berpotensi membiaskan pemahaman para pembacanya. Tidak adanya penjelasan penulis terhadap makna perumpamaan menjadikan para pembacanya memahami perumpamaan tersebut secara berbeda, tergantung pada sudut pandang pembaca. Perumpamaan tersebut juga telah menimbulkan perdebatan pada kalangan sarjana Perjanjian Baru. Bahkan para sarjana injili pun tidak menemukan kesepakatan terkait pemaknaan perumpamaan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan suatu rumusan makna teologis yang komprehensif dari perumpamaan yang telah dicatatkan dalam Matius 21:33-44. Tulisan ini memaparkan tiga analisis yang relevan dalam memahami perumpamaan tentang penggarap kebun anggur. Analisis latar belakang sejarah, analisis materi dan analisis teologi merupakan pendekatan yang relevan dalam menjembatani pemahaman antara penerima ajaran perumpamaan mula-mula dengan orang kristen abad pertama. Perumpamaan tentang penggarap kebun anggur tidak dapat ditafsirkan secara alegoris melainkan dengan mempertimbangkan konteks pengkompilasian materi. Selain memberikan makna kristologis yang kuat, perumpamaan ini merupakan argumentasi apologetis Matius untuk mengoreksi kesalahan orang Yahudi menolak Yesus serta meyakinkan pembacanya bahwa Yesus adalah Mesias yang telah dijanjikan oleh Allah dalam Perjanjian Lama.The study of parables in the Synoptic Gospels is a complex process. Matthew 21:33-44 has stated a parable that has the potential to distort the understanding of its readers. The absence of the author's explanation of the meaning of the parable makes the readers understand the parable differently, depending on the reader's point of view. The parable has also generated debate among New Testament scholars. Even evangelical scholars have found no agreement on the meaning of the parable. The purpose of this study is to find a comprehensive theological meaning formulation of the parable that has been recorded in Matthew 21:33-44. This paper presents three analyzes that are relevant in understanding the parable of the vineyard cultivators. Historical background analysis, material analysis and theological analysis are relevant approaches in bridging understanding between the early recipients of parable teachings and the first century Christians. The parable of the cultivators of the vineyard cannot be interpreted allegorically but in light of the context in which the material is compiled. Apart from providing a strong Christological meaning, this parable is Matthew's apologetic argument to correct the mistake of the Jews in rejecting Jesus and to convince his readers that Jesus is the Messiah that God has promised in the Old Testament.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Żywica, Zdzisław. "Il cammino di Giuseppe verso la giustizia evangelica nell’ottica di Mt 1,18-25". Forum Teologiczne, n.º 22 (13 de outubro de 2021): 207–22.

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Nello studio presentato della pericope Mt 1,18-25 l’Autore cerca delle risposte alle domande che seguono. L’Evangelista non vuole forse dire in essa che Giuseppe che esegue l’ordine del Signore pronunciato dall’angelo (1,24-25) si lascia già guidare dalla giustizia evangelica, chiamata in seguito da Gesù «giustizia superiore» (5,20)? Se è così, non lo indica forse qui come tipo ideale di Israelita biblico giusto che vive la volontà di Dio per coloro che sarebbero voluti divenire discepoli del Messia e Figlio di Dio, che desiderano vivere una «giustizia superiore» nella Chiesa da Lui edificata (16,18)? E quindi Matteo non vuole con ciò dire che il processo di metanoia, che Giuseppe visse nell’incontro con il Verbo di Dio, è l’anticipazione del cammino di metanoia della Buona Novella predicata da Gesù ai suoi discepoli (4,17), e tramite gli stessi, a tutti i popoli fino alla fine del mondo (28,16-20)? Lo studio esegetico-teologico condotto consente di constatare che l’Evangelista Matteo in tale evento mostra effettivamente Giuseppe che visse la sua metanoia personale, sotto l’influenza della Parola del Signore udita e, grazie ad essa, divenne il tipo ideale di uomo di giustizia evangelica per coloro che nel futuro, sotto l’influenza del Vangelo della «giustizia superiore» predicato da Gesù, avrebbero desiderato divenire discepoli di Emmanuele e Salvatore nella Chiesa da Lui edificata.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sugiarto, Jimmy, Rinaldi Frans Gaol e Samuel Grashellio Litaay. "Imago Dei sebagai Suatu Relasi: Analisis tentang Dampak Dosa terhadap Gambar dan Rupa Allah". HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen 3, n.º 2 (30 de junho de 2022): 138–47.

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Teori mengenai kerusakaan total (Total Depravity) telah menjadi perdebatan menarik di antara para sarjana injili. Tidak ada teori yang cukup memuaskan tentang deskripsi kerusakan gambar dan rupa Allah dalam diri manusia karena dosa. Para sarjana teologi sistematik telah mendeskripsikan beberapa pandangan mereka tentang gambar dan rupa Allah. Sebaliknya, beberapa sarjana tidak meneliti tetang hubungan gambar dan rupa Allah dengan dosa manusia. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana menyatukan teori imago Dei dengan dosa yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis literatur. Penelitian ini juga mengkaji hasil pustaka yang telah dihasilkan oleh para ahli teologi sistematik dan antropologi Kristen. Melalui pengamatan terhadap teori para ahli dan memberikan sintesis terhadap teori imago Dei dengan keberdosaan manusia. Mengacu pada pandangan relasional, ditemukan bahwa merusakan hubungan antara Allah dan manusia. Kerusakan hubungan ini menyebabkan rusaknya aspek atributif, spiritual dan fungsional. Pemulihan gambar dan rupa Allah dalam teologi Kristen harus dipahami sebagai pemulihan hubungan, bukan sekedar pemulihan atribut Allah dalam diri manusia.The theory of total depravity has been an interesting debate among evangelical scholars. There is no satisfactory theory about the description of the corruption of imago Dei in man due to sin. Scholars of systematic theology have described some of their views on imago Dei. On the other hand, some scholars do not examine the relationship of imago Dei to human sin. This study describes how to unite the theory of imago Dei with sins committed by humans. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature analysis approach. This study also examines the literature that has been produced by systematic theologians and Christian anthropologists. Through observing the theories of experts and providing a synthesis of the theory of imago Dei with human sinfulness. Referring to the relational view, it is found that it destroys the relationship between God and humans. Damage to this relationship causes damage to the attributive, spiritual and functional aspects. Restoration of the imago Dei in Christian theology must be understood as a restoration of relationships, not just the restoration of God's attributes in humans.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Matiello, Suzana Terezinha. "Educare alla vita buona del vangelo negli ambiti della vita sociale. La scuola: laboratorio di cultura e di umanitá". Caminhos de Diálogo 7, n.º 10 (31 de agosto de 2019): 6.

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Nella prima parte del lavoro troveranno spazio alcune riflessioni suggerite dallo studio del documento della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana Educare alla vita buona del vangelo. Nella seconda parte si osserverà come la Regola d’oro costituisca una valida opportunità educativa per una civiltà della fraternità e del rispetto reciproco. Si noterà anche secondo il docomento della Commissione Teologica Internazionale, alla ricerca di un’ética universale: nuovo sguardo sulla legge naturale, come uomini di diverse culture e religioni “hanno progressivamente elaborato e sviluppato tradizioni di sapienza nelle quali esprimono e trasmettono la loro visione del mondo, come pure la loro percezione riflessa del posto che l’essere umano occupa nella società e nel cosmo”, Infine nella terza parte verrà riportata un’esperienza di lavoro a livello scolastico condotta con spirito evangelico cercando di mettere in pratica proprio la regola d’oro - la scuola, vero laboratorio di cultura e di umanità.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Diniz, Frei Gonçalo Pereira. "Teologia Moral Fundamental A questão da permanência, universalidade e aplicabilidade dos preceitos morais da Sagrada Escritura". Via Spiritus: Revista de História da Espiritualidade e do Sentimento Religioso, n.º 30 (2023): 149–58.

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In this article we focus on the delicate issue of the interpretation and concrete application of the moral exhortations and regulations present in Sacred Scripture. The Bible, in its moral dimension, requires special exegetical and hermeneutical care. Through biblical exegesis, texts are interpreted in the literary, cultural and religious context of the time and place in which they were written. Through hermeneutics, in turn, we seek to discover and discern what the biblical text teaches us today, what light and guidance it brings to readers/believers in the face of their current problems.When one intends to make a “moral use” of the Bible, care and discretion must be exercised. There is a moral evolution from the Old Testament to the New Testament according to a divine pedagogy. Adultery, for example, was condemned in the Old Testament with the penalty of stoning. Jesus continues to condemn adultery from a moral point of view, but the cruel punishment provided for in the Torah (“Law”) becomes unacceptable in the light of the Christian spirit. Mercy overcomes legal judgment (John 8:1-11). The more concrete biblical moral norms are, the more carefully they must be interpreted and applied. In this regard, it is very useful to keep in mind the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, dated April 15, 1993: “The interpretation of the Bible in the Church”. This document presents two fundamental interpretation criteria: the updating criterion and the inculturation criterion. This way, fundamentalism is avoided and the evangelical spirit is preserved. And here we come to the core message: it is essential to read and interpret the Bible with a Christian perspective. Jesus Christ is the key to reading all of Holy Scripture.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lemos, Daniel Dantas. ""Quem falou em inferno?”: Uma análise do discurso sobre a heresia de Rob Bell". REFLEXUS - Revista Semestral de Teologia e Ciências das Religiões 9, n.º 13 (16 de novembro de 2015): 111.

Texto completo da fonte
Este artigo se propõe a realizar uma análise do discurso acerca de hereges e rebeldes no ambiente do protestantismo evangélico brasileiro, a partir da repercussão da obra do pastor norte-americano Rob Bell no Brasil. Para tanto, selecionou como corpus de pesquisa uma entrevista concedida por Bell à revista Veja e sua repercussão junto ablogueiros evangélicos quando do lançamento de sua obra “O amor vence”, em 2012. Concluímos que quando Rob Bell decide expor ideias sobre o inferno que não se baseiam nem na autoridade da Igreja, nem em sua teologia ou tradição, adota um sentido sobre a questão que não se qualifica como legítimo ou literal. Por consequência a instituição deve lhe identificar como herege e desqualificá-lo junto ao seu potencial público leitor. Dessa maneira, buscamos entender os mecanismos de exclusão embutidos na classificação como hereges. Buscamos, também, compreender como funcionam esses mecanismos, através da análise de um caso concreto e atual. This paper proposes to conduct a discourse analysis about heretics and rebels in the Brazilian Evangelical Protestantism environment from the impact of Rob Bell's books in Brazil. To do so, we selected the corpus of research an interview by Bell to Veja magazine and its impact along the evangelical bloggers on the launch of his book "Love Wins" in 2012. We concluded that when Rob Bell decided to expose ideas about hell not based either in the Church's authority, or in their theology or tradition, he adopted a meaning on the issue that does not qualify as legitimate or literal. Consequently the institution must identify him as a heretic and disqualify you from your potential audience reader. In this way, we seek to understand the mechanisms of exclusion embedded in the standings as heretics. We seek to understand how to work these mechanisms, through the analysis of a concrete and current case.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Saj, Marek. "Warunki ważności profesji zakonnej". Prawo Kanoniczne 50, n.º 1-2 (15 de junho de 2007): 53–75.

Texto completo da fonte
La professione religiosa, cioè il voto dei tre consigli evangelici: castità, povertà e obbedienza, è uno degli elementi essenziali della vita religiosa, a tal punto che senza di essa non si può parlare di vita religiosa. Oltre ad avere una grande rilevanza teologica, essa è un atto giuridico, costituito da vari elementi. Può, dunque, succedere che uno di essi non sarà adempiuto o sarà mancato, per cui i voti potranno essere considerati dubbi oppure invalidi. Il diritto universale della Chiesa definisce perciò le condizioni che garantiscono la validità degli atti emessi. Il Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1983 offre elementi che, al momento dell’emissione dei voti sia temporali che perpetui, sono richiesti per la loro validità. Il presente saggio considera le questioni relative alle condizioni richieste dalla Chiesa per una valida e lecita professione religiosa, nonchè le questioni concernenti la sua convalidazione, la scadenza del tempo per il quale fu emessa oppure l’eventuale dispensa da essa.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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<p><em>This research aims at finding out the role of interaction in job satisfaction (Z) and its influence on exogenous variables: the organizational culture (X1) and competence (X2) for endogenous variables: employee performance (Y) of the Theological College Evangelical Protestant Church in Banjarmasin.</em></p><p><em>This study is an explanatory research with quantitative approach. Primary data have been collected using questionnaires. Research respondents used saturated sample with 31 employees of STT GKE. Data analysis technique to find out the role of interaction on the influence of exogenous variables X1 &amp; X2 on endogenous variables (Y) used Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis technique with Smart PLS 3.0. software.</em></p><p><em>The result of this research concludes that there is an influence of organizational culture (X1) on employee performance (Y) and there is job satisfaction (Z) interaction on the competence of the employee performance (Y). Another finding is that there is no influence of competence variable (X2) on employee performance (Y) and there is no job satisfaction (Z) interaction on organizational culture (X1) influence towards employee performance (Y).</em><em></em></p>
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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