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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Environmental ethics"


Udoudom, Mfonobong David, Okpe Okpe, Timothy Adie e Samuel Akpan Bassey. "Environmental Ethics". Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences 2, n.º 2 (10 de maio de 2019): 48–55.

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Environmental ethics is an area that investigates the question of which ethical norms are appropriate for governing human interactions with the natural environment. Considered a branch of applied or practical ethics, environmental ethics has only existed as a subject since the late 1970s. However, concern about environmental problems is growing, and many philosophers claimed that the mainstream of ethics' only focus on humans' relationships with other humans leaving behind clear theoretical framework for ethically evaluating the relationship among humans and the nonhuman natural world. In response to this position, they recommended that a new field of inquiry was needed to investigate this matter directly. This paper looks into the thrust of environmental ethics.
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Buchholz, Rogene A., e Sandra B. Rosenthal. "Business Ethics/Environmental Ethics". Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 7 (1996): 35–47.

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Batavia, Chelsea, Jeremy T. Bruskotter e Michael Paul Nelson. "Pathways from Environmental Ethics to Pro-Environmental Behaviours? Insights from Psychology". Environmental Values 29, n.º 3 (1 de junho de 2020): 317–37.

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Though largely a theoretical endeavour, environmental ethics also has a practical agenda to help humans achieve environmental sustainability. Environmental ethicists have extensively debated the grounds, contents and implications of our moral obligations to nonhuman nature, offering up different notions of an 'environmental ethic' with the presumption that, if humans adopt such an environmental ethic, they will then engage in less environmentally damaging behaviours. We assess this presumption, drawing on psychological research to discuss whether or under what conditions an environmental ethic might engender pro-environmental behaviour. We focus discussion on three lines of scholarship in the environmental ethics literature, on 1) intrinsic value, 2) care ethics, and 3) the land ethic. We conclude by commenting generally on both the limits and transformative potential of an environmental ethic in its larger sociocultural context.
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Rolston, Holmes. "Environmental Ethics". Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 13 (1993): 163–86.

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Kwiatkowska, Teresa. "Environmental Ethics". Dialogue and Universalism 20, n.º 11 (2010): 5–8.

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Henning, Brian G. "Environmental Ethics". International Philosophical Quarterly 44, n.º 4 (2004): 583–84.

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Silva, Catherine Young. "Environmental Ethics". Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 9, n.º 2 (1991): 38–39.

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Rolston,, Holmes. "Environmental Ethics". Environmental Ethics 16, n.º 2 (1994): 219–24.

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Lucas, Peter. "Environmental Ethics". Environmental Ethics 24, n.º 4 (2002): 353–69.

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Derrigh, Frank W. "Environmental Ethics". Environmental Ethics 27, n.º 1 (2005): 105–8.

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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Environmental ethics"


Leard, Jason. "Ethics Naturally: An Environmental Ethic Based on Naturalness". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2004.

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In this thesis I attempt to base an environmental ethic on a quality called naturalness. I examine it in terms of quantification, namely, as to whether it can quantified? I then apply the concept to specific areas such as restoration and conservation to create an environmental ethic and to show how such an ethic would be beneficial in general, and especially to policy issues concerning the environment. The thesis consists of three chapters: (1) the definition of nature and natural by way of a historical approach; (2) the place of humans in this scheme; and (3) the place of value and the discussion concerning quantification.
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Nelson, Michael Paul. "The land ethic : a theory of environmental ethics defended". Thesis, Lancaster University, 1997.

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Kronlid, David. "Ecofeminism and Environmental Ethics". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Theology, 2003.

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This study focuses on ecofeminist ethical theory. A first aim is to clarify ecofeminist views on five central issues in the field of environmental ethics. These issues are: (1) Views of nature, (2) social constructivism and nature, (3) values of nature, (4) ethical contextualism, and (5) ethical pluralism. A second aim is to compare ecofeminist standpoints with certain standpoints within nonfeminist environmental ethical theory. A third aim is to critically discuss some of the main standpoints in ecofeminism. The analysis focuses on the works of Karen Warren, Sallie McFague, Chris Cuomo, and Carolyn Merchant. Other important sources are the environmental philosophers and ethicists J. Baird Callicott, Paul Taylor, Irene Klaver, Bryan G. Norton, Christopher Stone, Eugene Hargrove, Holmes Rolston III, Per Ariansen, Don E. Marietta, and Bruno Latour.

The result of this study is that there are no main differences between ecofeminism and nonfeminist environmental ethics regarding the main standpoints on the five issues. Rather, the significant differences are found within these main standpoints. In addition, one important characteristic of ecofeminist ethics is its "double nature," that is, the fact that it is rooted in feminism and environmentalism. The double nature of ecofeminism results in a foundation out of which ecofeminism as an environmental philosophy has a unique potential to handle some of the theoretical tensions that environmental ethics creates.

From the perspective that environmental problems consist of complex clusters of natureculture- discourse and that environmental ethical theory ought to be action guiding, it is argued that ecofeminist ethical theory has an advantage compared to nonfeminist environmental ethics. This standpoint is explained by the fact that ecofeminism holds a variety of views of nature, kinds of social constructivism and contextualism, and conceptions of values and of the self, and from the presumption that this variety reflects the reality of environmental problems. However, in order for ecofeminist ethical theory to fulfill its promise as an acceptable environmental ethical theory, its theoretical standpoints ought to be explicated and further clarified.

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James, Simon Paul. "Heidegger and environmental ethics". Thesis, Durham University, 2001.

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This thesis presents an environmental ethic based on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Chapter One uses Heidegger's conception of 'dwelling' as the basis for a satisfying account of the 'otherness' or alterity of nature. Chapter Two draws upon Heidegger's writings on 'the dif-ference', Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy and the metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead to develop a 'dialectical' conception of holism which can accommodate both the account of alterity presented in Chapter One and an account of the intrinsic value of individual beings. Chapter Three frames this conception of environmental holism in terms of ethics. It is argued that Heidegger's ideal of 'releasement' can be thought of as an essential 'function' of humans, the exercise of which promotes human flourishing. Extending this Aristotelian line of reasoning, it is shown how one can draw upon Heidegger's philosophy to articulate a form of environmental virtue ethic. Chapter Four investigates the charge that Heidegger's later thought is quietistic, a general allegation which is analysed into four interrelated specific charges: 1) the accusation that Heidegger is advocating a passive withdrawal from the world; 2) Adorno's charge in Negative Dialectics that Heidegger's philosophy is inimical to critical thought; 3) the objection that Heidegger is unable to deal adequately with either interhuman relations or the relations between humans and nonhuman animals; and 4) the charge that Heidegger's later writings cannot be brought to bear upon practical environmental issues. In answer to this last objection, case studies are presented of two environmental issues: 1) the environmental impact of tourism; and 2) the practice of environmental restoration.
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Palmer, Clare. "Environmental ethics and process thinking /". Oxford : Clarendon press, 1998.

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Torres, Christopher. "What is Ethics without Justice? Reframing Environmental Ethics for Social Justice". Thesis, University of Oregon, 2016.

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The field of environmental ethics has been in discussion and debate the past 40 years over how to best expand the circle of moral consideration away from a privileged human perspective to encompass the rest of the non-human world in order to change minds and social practices to address environmental degradation and destruction. One of the main methods is devoted to arguing for the intrinsic value of non-human lives and places as the means to do this. I argue that this method of environmental ethics because it, at best, is a lazy framework for moral deliberation that ignores the entangled sociopolitical and environmental complexity of a situation by reducing the answer to a single set of predetermined values and interests which (re)produces and reinforces social and environmental injustice. An environmental pragmatist approach geared towards addressing environmental injustice is a better way of addressing both environmental degradation and social inequalities.
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Wall, Don Hargrove Eugene C. "Earth tones how environmental journalism and environmental ethics influence environmental citizenship /". [Denton, Tex.] : University of North Texas, 2007.

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Wall, Don. "Earth Tones: How Environmental Journalism and Environmental Ethics Influence Environmental Citizenship". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2007.

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Environmental ethics and environmental journalism are influencing the developing philosophy of environmental citizenship. This philosophy involves the ideas that people are part of the environment, that the future depends on a healthy environment, and that action on behalf of the environment is necessary. It applies to individuals, communities, large and small companies and corporations, governments, and a coalition of nations. Environmental philosophers and environmental journalists can work together, in a symbiotic way, to foster discussions among citizens and policy makers about ideas as well as events, and thus, influence attitudes and policies, and continue to influence environmental citizenship. Environmental citizenship as an extension of democracy offers the best chance for undoing the manmade problems which are degrading the quality of life on Earth. A healthier environment is the will of the people. An informed, voting public will succeed in creating a healthier environment. Pioneering work by philosophers and journalists, especially over the last forty-five years has brought the dialogue about environmental problems to an unprecedented level and continues to offer encouragement to the mindful evolution of mankind. These ecological discussions of rights and responsibilities, intrinsic and economic values, pragmatism and utilitarianism, culture and spirit, are increasingly being applied to a developing idea of sustainability, and are, thus, helping to expand ideas about what it means to be a citizen in a democracy.
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Fishel, Jason Lee. "An evaluation of environmental pragmatism : applications to environmental ethics /". Online access for everyone, 2008.

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Burns, Michael Edmund Reid. "Co-evolutionary relationships between environmental ethics and environmental assessment". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002.

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Thesis (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation traces the development of environmental assessment and environmental ethics as these disciplines have evolved independently in response to the global environmental crisis. The aim is to determine the extent to which they can promote the integration of the dissociated objective and subjective spheres of human valuation of the environment. This is a necessary condition, it is argued, for arresting the pathology in the human-environment relationship. The study concludes that both disciplines were initially trapped in narrow, monistic approaches, which rendered them largely ineffective. However, their evolutionary advancement, and a common grounding in a radical conceptualization of sustainable development, greatly enhances their usefulness in environmental decisionmaking.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verhandeling ondersoek die evolusionêre ontwikkeling van omgewingsimpakbepaling en die filosofie van omgewingsetika, na die ontstaan van die twee disiplines in reaksie tot die globale omgewingskrisis. Die studiedoelwit is om te bepaal tot watter mate hulle die integrasie van die gedissosieerde objektiewe en die subjektiewe sfere van menslikeomgewingswaardering kan bevorder. Daar word geredeneer dat sodanige integrasie noodsaaklik is om die patologie in die verhouding tussen die mens en sy omgewing te stuit. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking is dat beide disiplines, tydens hulle aanvangsstadia, vasgeval was in 'n monistiese benadering wat hul doeltreffendheid belemmer het. Die onlangse ontwikkeling van omgewingsimpakbepaling en omgewingsetika, sowel as 'n gemeenskaplike uitgangspunt binne 'n radikale vertolking van volhoubare ontwikkeling, versterk grootliks hulle bruikbaarheid vir omgewingsbesluitneming.
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Livros sobre o assunto "Environmental ethics"


1950-, Elliot Robert, ed. Environmental ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

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Smith, Kimberly K. Exploring Environmental Ethics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Chemhuru, Munamato, ed. African Environmental Ethics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Kealey, Daniel A. Revisioning environmental ethics. Albany, N.Y: State University of New York Press, 1990.

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1962-, Cafaro Philip, e Sandler Ronald D, eds. Environmental virtue ethics. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2004.

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Max, Oelschlaeger, ed. Postmodern environmental ethics. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995.

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Dwivedi, O. P. Environmental ethics: Our Dharma to the environment. New Delhi: Sanchar Pub. House, 1994.

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Teaching Ethics: Environmental Ethics. Centre for Business and Public Sector Ethics International Press, 1995.

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Thomas, Rosamund M. Environmental Ethics (Teaching Ethics). The Stationery Office Books (Agencies), 1996.

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Environmental Ethics (Teaching Ethics). The Stationery Office Books (Agencies), 1996.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Environmental ethics"


Iannone, A. Pablo. "Ethics, the Environment, Environmental Ethics". In Practical Environmental Ethics, 1–40. Title: Practical environmental ethics / A. Pablo Iannone. Description: New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, 2016. |: Routledge, 2017.

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Millstein, Roberta L. "Environmental Ethics". In The Philosophy of Biology, 723–43. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.

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Das Gupta, Ananda. "Environmental Ethics". In Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility, 979–82. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Keulartz, Jozef, e Michiel Korthals. "Environmental Ethics". In Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 713–22. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2019.

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Keulartz, Jozef, e Michiel Korthals. "Environmental Ethics". In Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 1–10. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.

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Keulartz, Jozef, e Michiel Korthals. "Environmental Ethics". In Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 573–81. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Višak, Tatjana. "Environmental Ethics". In An Integrated Approach to Environmental Management, 337–61. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015.

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Mazor, Joseph. "Environmental Ethics". In Global Environmental Change, 925–31. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Akinsemolu, Adenike A. "Environmental Ethics". In The Principles of Green and Sustainability Science, 197–225. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Vaz, Sofia Guedes, e Olivia Bina. "Environmental ethics". In Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, 362–74. 2a ed. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Environmental ethics"


Yılmaz, Nihan. "Approaches to Environmental Ethics". In 3rd International Congress on Engineering and Life Science. Prensip Publishing, 2023.

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Environmental ethics is the study of ethical questions raised by human relationships with the nonhuman environment. Ethical questions are those about what we ought to do, and ethical claims are prescriptive, rather than descriptive or predictive. Knowledge about ecological systems, the state of the world, human psychology, and social institutions is crucial to good ethical reasoning. For example, part of determining whether we ought to reduce our ecological footprint is having good data about ecological limits, lifestyle impacts, and what may occur if lifestyles do not change. However, to get from descriptive and predictive claims to normative or prescriptive claims other things are required—values and principles. Industrialization, urbanization and population growth in the 19th century created a significant pressure on the environment and natural resources, and since the second half of the 20th century, the impact of environmental problems began to be clearly felt. Industrialization, population growth and urbanization have been tried to be placed on the basis of these problems. Although it is possible to explain the concrete causes of environmental problems with three variables, it should be noted that people's perspective, attitudes and values towards the environment constitute the driving force of their actions towards the environment. Questioning the values, attitudes and behaviors that determine human and environmental interaction and trying to determine what is good and right behavior for the environment has led to the emergence and differentiation of environmental ethics approaches.
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Rao Chitikela, S., e William F. Ritter. "Ethics, Ethics, and Ethics to All Professionals". In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2021.

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Hoang Thu, Trang, Thuong Nguyen Thi Thanh e Hao Vy Quang. "ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS IN THE CONTEXT OF VIETNAM’S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". In International Conference on Political Theory: The International Conference on Human Resources for Sustainable Development. Bach Khoa Publishing House, 2023.

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In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, Vietnam and other countries must associate their development process with the task of protecting the natural environment. In essence, human beings and nature are a unity. Therefore, if human beings destroy nature to meet increasing needs, it also means that human beings are gradually destroying their "inorganic body". The inevitable result will be the fact that human beings pay dearly for their mistakes or exchange for the survival of humanity. From this perspective, environmental ethics plays a particularly important role in sustainable development in Vietnam nowadays because they are a set of ethical principles and standards that regulate, evaluate, control human behavior in the natural environment. Environment ethics give us proper and harmonious solutions between human beings and nature. Besides the achieved results, it can be seen that the sense of environmental ethics in our country is currently showing signs of serious deterioration. The violation of legal provisions on environmental protection by many individuals, organizations, businesses in daily life, especially in economic activities. The article focuses on analyzing and clarifying the role of environmental ethics in sustainable development in Vietnam today. The article proposes five basic solutions to improve environmental ethics, which need to be proposed and implemented synchronously in Vietnam nowadays.
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Hersh, M. A. "Environmental ethics for engineers". In IEE Colloquium on Engineering and the Environment-how it affects you! IEE, 1999.

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BOICHENKO, Nataliia. "ETHICS IN THE TIME OF GLOBAL DISASTERS". In Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”. SPOLOM, 2022.

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The situation around Ukraine can be described now as a «global disaster». Outlining the range of ethical and bioethical problems caused by military action, the security issues of our citizens come to the fore (especially vulnerable categories - children, the elderlypeople, people with special needs, pregnant women); problems caused by the inability to provide medical care (from lack of resources and medical staff to lack of ways to evacuate the wounded); environmental problems caused by the actions of the aggressor; problems arising from forced migration. Despite the ethnic, religious, socio-cultural and moral differences of different members of modern society, there is a need for a new understanding of tolerance and its limits, which can be realized through the use of ethical theories of distributive justiceandvirtue ethics. Key words: ethical theories, bioethics, virtue ethics, global disasters
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Starrett, Steven K. "Water Resources/Environmental Engineering Ethics". In World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2005. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005.

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Safitri, D., M. Zahari, S. Nuraini, Sujarwo e A. Marini. "Managing environmental ethics in the context of pro-environmental behaviour". In PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCE OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING 2021 (SIMASE 2021): Post Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities in Environment, Science, and Engineering Research. AIP Publishing, 2023.

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The problems of the ethical paradigm changing in the extreme conditions of human existence (global climate change and the coronavirus pandemic) are considered. The question of the revision for the category “nonexistence” status is raised; the necessity to move from an activity-aggressive approach in relation to nature to adaptive approach including the attitude to environmental and other disasters (including epidemics and pandemics) as objective forms of self-regulation resulted via the balance of population and natural resources are under discussion.
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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Environmental ethics"


Choi, Jin-Wook, ed. Ethics Management in the Public Sector. Asian Productivity Organization, junho de 2023.

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Ethics management is evolving beyond the traditional scope as the public and private sectors move toward an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) focus. In the P-Insights report “Ethics Management in the Public Sector,” Dr. Jin-Wook Choi reviews ethical principles and values, examines two recent corruption scandals, and suggests how organizations could improve ethics to maintain public trust.
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Easterly, C. E. Toward more uniform environmental ethics: Science can help policymaking for electromagnetic field exposures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), dezembro de 1994.

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Morkun, Volodymyr, Sergey Semerikov, Svitlana Hryshchenko, Snizhana Zelinska e Serhii Zelinskyi. Environmental Competence of the Future Mining Engineer in the Process of the Training. Medwell Publishing, 2017.

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A holistic solution to the problem of formation of ecological competence of the future engineer requires the definition of its content, structure, place in the system of professional competences, levels of forming and criteria of measurement the rationale for the select on and development of a technique of use of information, communication and learning technologies that promote formation of ecological competence. The study is of interest to environmental competence of future mining engineer as personal education, characterized by acquired in the process of professional preparation professionally oriented environmental knowledge (cognitive criterion), learned the ways of securing environmentally safe mining works (praxiological criterion) in the interests of sustainable development (axiological criterion) and is formed by the qualities of socially responsible environmental behavior (social-behavioral criterion) and consists of the following components: understanding and perception of ethical norms of behaviour towards other people and towards nature (the principles of bioethics); ecological literacy; possession of basic information on the ecology necessary for usage in professional activity the ability to use scientific laws and methods in evaluating the environment to participate in environmental works to cany out ecological analysis of activities in the area industrial activities to develop action plans for the reduction of the anthropogenic impact on the environment; ability to ensure environmentally balanced activities, possession of methods of rational and integrated development georesource potential of the subsoil.
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Heil, Michael L. Ethics in an Acquisition Environment: C-17 Case Study. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, abril de 1994.

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Connors, Caitlin, Laura Malan, Murel Esposito, Claire Madden, Nefeli Trikka, Mel Cohen, Faun Rothery et al. UK Public’s Interests, Needs and Concerns Around Food. Food Standards Agency, junho de 2022.

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This qualitative and quantitative research explored UK consumer views and priorities in relation to our responsibilities around food hygiene and safety, but also around wider interests the public see critical in shaping their food choices and lives including: health and nutrition environment and ethics price quality and convenience consumer versus business power potential food futures The top priorities for consumers, and where they would like action taken on their behalf, are around ensuring: hygiene and safety standards are maintained or strengthened equitable access to safe, healthy, affordable food easy informed decision making trustworthy food information In the context of the UK, they would like to ensure farmers and UK agriculture are protected and that locally produced food is accessible. In the wider context of the system, consumers would like action on animal welfare and waste (food and packaging), and in the long term a steer towards fair, ethical and sustainable food systems.
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Heaney, Robert P. Ethnic and Environmental Influence on Vitamin D Requirement in Military Personnel. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, outubro de 2005.

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Heaney, Robert P. Ethnic and Environmental Influence on Vitamin D Requirement in Military Personnel. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, outubro de 2004.

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Heaney, Robert P. Ethnic and Environmental Influence on Vitamin D Requirement in Military Personnel. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, outubro de 2002.

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Heaney, Robert P. Ethnic and Environmental Influence on Vitamin D Requirement in Military Personnel. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, outubro de 2003.

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Heaney, Robert P. Ethnic and Environmental Influences on Vitamin D Requirement in Military Personnel. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, outubro de 2006.

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