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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Domination adulte"


Vandendriessche, Claire, e Gaëlle Larrieu. "Vers l’émancipation des enfants et adolescent·es trans et intersexes". Mouvements 115, n.º 3 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 99–109.

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Les parcours des personnes trans et des personnes intersexes sont façonnés par de multiples rapports de pouvoir. Lorsqu’elles sont mineur·es, les rapports d’âge et la domination adulte occupent une place centrale. Au travers de cet article, nous décrivons la façon dont s’exerce la domination des adultes et proposons des pistes pour tendre vers l’émancipation des enfants et adolescent·es trans et intersexes.
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Cabarat, Mo. "Transitions de genre durant la jeunesse : controverses nord-américaines". Mouvements 115, n.º 3 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 110–17.

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Cet article propose une lecture de controverses contemporaines concernant les jeunes trans en Amérique du Nord (États-Unis et Canada) au prisme de travaux théoriques sur la domination adulte. La question de l’âge est particulièrement saillante dans les controverses relatives à l’accompagnement des enfants, adolescent·es et jeunes adultes dans une transition de genre. Après une présentation de controverses récentes, l’article examine l’instrumentalisation de l’âge dans les arguments contre l’affirmation du genre des jeunes trans et leur accès à des démarches de transition, et la manière dont cette posture perpétue une infériorisation et une vulnérabilisation de cette partie de la population. Puis, l’article considère dans quelle mesure l’approche préconisant l’affirmation du genre des jeunes peut être considérée comme remettant en cause la domination adulte.
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Hiffler-Wittkowsky, Kolia. "Les familles queer contre la domination adulte ?" Mouvements 115, n.º 3 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 90–98.

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On conçoit aisément que les familles queer s’émancipent de la norme hétéroparentale. Mais envisagées en tant que familles, ces configurations ne sont-elles pas, autant que les agencements parentaux traditionnels, le lieu d’une domination adulte ? Cet article cherche à montrer que si les constellations familiales queer sont « des familles comme les autres », elles ne se distinguent en définitive pas des familles hétéroparentales : en effet, dans les unes comme dans les autres, le désir des parents est premier, et la queerness des parents n’entame pas substantiellement les rapports de domination qui s’exercent au sein de la structure familiale.
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Dunezat, Xavier. "De quel rapport social la domination adulte est-elle la marque : vers l’hypothèse d’un minorat exploité ?" Mouvements 115, n.º 3 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 38–47.

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Nous interrogeons, dans cet article, la domination adulte au prisme des orientations théoriques de la sociologie des rapports sociaux de sexe-classe-race d’inspiration féministe matérialiste. Nous soulignons d’abord que, au sein des travaux sur l’âgisme, la domination adulte et l’oppression des enfants sont sous-traitées, ce qui nous conduit – dans le sillage des travaux plaidant pour une prise en compte du minorat – à axer la focale sur le statut de mineur·e afin de discuter les arguments qui font de l’âge un rapport social d’une autre nature que les autres.
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Debest, Charlotte. "Yves Bonnardel :La domination adulte. L’oppression des mineurs". Nouvelles Questions Féministes 35, n.º 1 (2016): 176.

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Vautour, Charline. "Pratiques sociales liées à l’écrit d’une adulte : entre domination et autonomisation". Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 23, n.º 1 (2021): 9.

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Amsellem-Mainguy, Yaëlle, e Isabelle Lacroix. "La domination des mineur·es dans les prisons françaises : entre protection, infantilisation et abandon des institutions". Mouvements 115, n.º 3 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 50–59.

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S’appuyant sur des observations et entretiens menés auprès de 108 jeunes âgé·es de 14 à 24 ans détenu·es dans sept prisons françaises entre 2021 et 2022, cet article interroge le passage à la vie adulte des jeunes dans un contexte carcéral et les enjeux que cela pose. Il met en lumière combien l’âge s’inscrit dans des rapports de domination adulte et structure les parcours judiciaires des jeunes. Il montre comment, malgré des textes vantant l’importance de la (ré)insertion de celles et ceux qui ont eu affaire à la justice, les conditions d’emprisonnement fragilisent les jeunes lors de leur passage à la majorité.
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Piterbraut-Merx, Tal. "Classe d’enfants : politiser l’appropriation temporelle et l’oubli dans la domination adulte-enfant". Mouvements 115, n.º 3 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 14–25.

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Cet article est composé d’extraits significatifs de la thèse de Tal Piterbraut-Merx. Ils ont été sélectionnés par des proches de l’auteur après sa mort. Ce dernier propose une lecture politique des rapports entre adultes et enfants comme des rapports structurels de domination. En abordant notamment la question du travail scolaire et de l’amnésie traumatique liée à l’expérience de l’inceste, elle 1 esquisse enfin des propositions visant à « conjurer l’oubli » par les adultes de leurs expériences enfantines, cet oubli participant lui-même à la perpétuation des rapports de pouvoir. La remémoration de l’enfance est alors conçue comme une stratégie de lutte contre ces derniers.
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Dussy, Dorothée, e Juliette Rennes. "Expériences de l’inceste et rapports d’âge". Mouvements 115, n.º 3 (11 de dezembro de 2023): 180–93.

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Anthropologue, directrice de recherche au CNRS, Dorothée Dussy a ouvert il y a vingt ans un important chantier de recherche sur les familles traversées par l’inceste. Alors que les expériences des incesteur·es et des incesté·es ont longtemps constitué un angle mort de l’anthropologie classique, laquelle s’est focalisée sur l’analyse des règles sociales interdisant les alliances matrimoniales incestueuses, ce sont ces expériences qui sont au cœur du travail de Dussy depuis la parution en 2013 de son ouvrage Le Berceau des dominations , réédité en poche en 2021. Entre ces deux dates, la politisation féministe des violences sexuelles sur mineur·es a donné un écho particulier à son travail de recherche, qui a été approprié par un vaste lectorat, au-delà du public académique. Les enquêtes menées par l’anthropologue résonnent aussi avec ce numéro de Mouvements sur le renouvellement en cours des analyses du pouvoir adulte : elles nous aident en effet à réfléchir aux dimensions sexuelles des formes de domination liées à l’écart d’âge et de statut au sein des familles 1 .
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Guillemette, Lucie. "Discours de l’adolescente dans le récit de jeunesse contemporain : l’exemple de Marie-Francine Hébert". Dossier 25, n.º 2 (28 de agosto de 2006): 280–97.

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Résumé L'auteure de l'article examine le discours de l'adolescente au sein de la trilogie romanesque que Marie-Francine Hébert destine à la jeunesse. Plus précisément, l'étude s'attarde aux pratiques discursives d'une jeune protagoniste qui tente de se dégager des discours d'autorité marqués par la domination du masculin sur le féminin. Tout au long des trois récits qui composent la série, la jeune adulte déplace les catégories traditionnelles du masculin et du féminin afin d'exprimer son devenir hors du champ patriarcal. L'analyse présentée ici montre l'émergence d'une subjectivité féminine qui matérialise « la perte de la fiction paternelle » dans le contexte d'une culture postmoderne.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Domination adulte"


Wicky, Lucie. "Les violences sexuelles subies par les hommes en France : parcours de violences et rapports d'âge". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.

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Cette recherche porte sur les violences sexuelles subies par les hommes, conceptualisées comme des violences de genre. Elle adopte une approche biographique et porte une attention particulière aux rapports d’âge imbriqués au genre, mais aussi à la sexualité et la classe. Les analyses s’appuient sur deux enquêtes quantitatives, Virage (2015) et CSF (2006), ainsi que cinquante entretiens biographiques avec des répondants à Virage ayant déclaré des violences sexuelles.Au total, 3,1 % des hommes déclarent avoir subi des violences sexuelles au cours de la vie, presque exclusivement avant 25 ans et perpétrées par d’autres hommes, toujours plus âgés. L’approche biographique permet de souligner l’importance des mécanismes de domination au sein de l’institution familiale, en particulier dans la banalisation des violences et leur silenciation. Elle souligne que les violences constituent des facteurs de vulnérabilité dans les parcours de vie, en fonction des conditions de vie dans l’enfance, et plus tard sur la trajectoire de santé, sexuelle et dans les relations interpersonnelles. Cette recherche met également en lumière les rapports aux normes de genre, de sexualité et de conjugalité des hommes qui déclarent des violences. Ceux-ci se positionnent de manière moins inégalitaire que l’ensemble des hommes, au sein d’un espace des masculinités opposant masculinités hégémoniques égalitariste et conservatrice. L’approche biographique est répliquée pour théoriser les « parcours de violences », constitués de plusieurs trajectoires : exposition, silenciation, qualification et énonciation. Ces dernières permettent d’analyser les évolutions dynamiques des rapports de pouvoir, durant les violences et lorsqu’elles ont pris fin. Après avoir isolé six trajectoires types d’exposition, deux groupes se distinguent : les hommes ayant vécu des violences (très) jeunes et/ou cumulées, notamment au sein de la famille ou de l’entourage proche ; et ceux les ayant subies à l’adolescence ou durant la jeunesse, dans des contextes scolaires, de sociabilités masculines et d’entrées dans la sexualité. Les premiers ont un parcours de violences particulièrement difficile, qui marque les parcours de vie. Les violences laissent des traces mais ne marquent pas durablement les parcours de vie des seconds. Toutefois, tout au long de la thèse, l’analyse montre que les hommes non hétérosexuels sont plus exposés, plus silenciés, moins soutenus et plus mis en vulnérabilité tout au long du parcours de vie
This research focuses on the sexual violence suffered by men, as gender-based violence. It adopts a life course approach and a particular attention to age and gender relations, as well as to sexuality and class. The analyses are based on two quantitative surveys, Virage (2015) and CSF (2006), and fifty biographical interviews with Virage respondents who had reported sexual violence. In total, 3.1% of men report having been sexually assaulted in their lifetime, almost exclusively before the age of 25 and perpetrated by other men, always older than themselves. The life course approach highlights the importance of mechanisms of domination within the family institution, particularly in trivialising and silencing violence. It underlines the fact that violence is a factor of vulnerability in the life course, depending on living conditions in childhood, and later on the trajectory of health, sexuality and interpersonal relationships. This research also highlights the particular relations to gender, sexuality and conjugality norms of men who report violence. These men position themselves less unequally than men as a whole in the space of masculinities, highlighting an opposition between hegemonic egalitarian and conservative masculinities.The biographical approach is replicated to theorise the ‘pathways of violence’, with several trajectories: exposure, silencing, qualification and enunciation. These make it possible to analyse the dynamic changes in power relations, both during the violence and once it has ended. After isolating six typical exposure trajectories, two groups stand out: men who had experienced violence at a young age and/or at multiple times, particularly within the family or close social circle; and those who had suffered violence in adolescence or during their youth, in the context of school, male social life and sexual initiation. The former have a particularly difficult pathway of violence, which leaves its mark on their lives. For the latter, the violence leaves its mark but does not have a lasting effect on their lives. However, throughout the thesis, the analysis shows that non-heterosexual men are more exposed, more silent, less supported and more vulnerable throughout their lives
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Fortier, Stéphanie. "Agression sexuelle à l'enfance, motivations sexuelles à l'âge adulte et conduites sexuelles extradyadiques". Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018.

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Les études portant sur l’agression sexuelle à l’enfance (ASE) n’ont fait que croître au cours des dernières années. Il s’agit d’une problématique grave, dont les conséquences à court et long terme sont considérables et néfastes. D’ailleurs, davantage de conduites sexuelles extradyadiques à l’âge adulte peuvent être l’une de ces séquelles. L’objectif principal du présent projet vise à tester un modèle médiationnel, à l’aide d’analyses acheminatoires, comprenant comme variable prédictrice la sévérité de l’ASE, comme variables médiatrices les motivations sexuelles de domination et de soumission, puis comme variable prédite l’infidélité. L’effet du genre sur l’ensemble du modèle est également examiné. Les résultats démontrent que la sévérité de l’ASE prédit directement les risques d’infidélité, mais aussi indirectement via une augmentation de la motivation sexuelle de domination, et ce, tant chez les hommes que chez les femmes. La probabilité qu’il y ait des conduites infidèles passe de 18% à 31% lorsque la sévérité de l’ASE ainsi que la motivation sexuelle de domination passent de moyennes à élevées. Les résultats mettent en évidence un enjeu de pouvoir chez les victimes d’ASE qui vient teinter leur sexualité et qui se doit d’être approfondi cliniquement.
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Livros sobre o assunto "Domination adulte"


bella, ed. Fifty Shades of Grey: Man and woman find love. lees summit mo: bb, 2012.

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L, James E. Grey. Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2015.

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Issariya, Sand. Plan for World Domination: Notebooks Parenting Books Adults Holiday Gifts. Independently Published, 2019.

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Travers, Thomas J. D. Baron Baby's Evil Plan for World Domination And the Annihilation of Adults. Writersprintshop, 2006.

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Dominating Adult ADHD: Successful Techniques for Workplace, Home, and Relationships. Independently Published, 2022.

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Kendra, Lana. Erotica Fantasy Titillation: Eroctica Hard Romance, Domination, Alpha, Monster, Cuckold, BDSM, Seducing Short Stories for Adult. Amoley, 2024.

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Hudson, Camila. Horny Babysitter: Hot Erotica, Forced, Domination, Alpha, Monster, Cuckold, Adult Naughty Tough Hard Extreme Sex Story. Amoley, 2022.

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Hudson, Camila. Horny Babysitter: Hot Erotica, Forced, Domination, Alpha, Monster, Cuckold, Adult Naughty Tough Hard Extreme Sex Story. Amoley, 2022.

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Kendra, Lana. Erotica Fantasy Titillation: Eroctica Hard Romance, Domination, Alpha, Monster, Cuckold, BDSM, Seducing Short Stories for Adult. Amoley, 2024.

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Domination en Amour: Recueil d'histoires érotiques, Confessions Intimes, Romance, Secret, Fantasme, Plaisir, Sexes Entre Adultes, Amour, Rencontre D'amour. Independently Published, 2021.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Domination adulte"


Walters, Shirley. "«Professors of the Street»: Cognitive Justice in Times of ‘Crisis’". In Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives, 239–53. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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Arundati Roy (2020) states that historically pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This chapter, set in the COVID-19 pandemic, centres the importance of cognitive justice which is an essential part of the struggles for justice against domination. Cognitive justice is used as a lens to explore the case story of Cape Town Together (CTT), which was a response to COVID-19. The social movement was built, bottom up, challenging the deep racial and class divides that are a signature of Cape Town. The concept of ‘professors of the street’ emerged as part of CTT. This concept is explored by locating it within the context of the pandemic and within CTT’s learning/teaching/organising practices. It is argued that ‘professors of the street’ are a provocation to challenge the dominant knowledge hierarchies that prevail – it is a metaphor for the critical importance of grassroots, local knowledge in times of ‘crisis’. The teaching/learning /organising ethos within CTT provided fertile soil for «professors of the street» to emerge as an example of the enactment of cognitive justice within a crisis. The case story offers insights for organising for social-ecological justice in various ‘crisis’ situations.
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Bandelli, Daniela. "Abolitionist and Regulatory Arguments into Perspectives". In Sociological Debates on Gestational Surrogacy, 123–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractSurrogacy is becoming a new cause for transnational feminism and the public debate is strongly influenced by the commodification and autonomy/choice frames used in other battles of feminism (abortion and prostitution). This chapter will discuss the scarce appeal of the defence of women from commodification in an individualistic society that legitimizes self-determination at any cost and self-objectification; it will also highlight female agency in choosing to participate in surrogacy, inviting to understand these decisions in light of some characteristics of contemporary society, including the imperative to individual choice as well as the human domination over nature through technology; in light of the limitations of women’s freedom during pregnancy for others, the claim of surrogacy as a space for expression of a woman’s autonomy will be questioned; the claim of surrogacy as empowerment will also be questioned, highlighting the negative impact on the social condition of women. Finally, it will be proposed to shift the focus of the debate from adults to children, and, in particular, to their separation at birth from the one they identify as mother: this removal, even if done without wanting to harm, could be framed as a form of violence.
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Carazo, Rachel L. "Dominating Gender". In Critical Explorations of Young Adult Literature, 168–83. Routledge, 2019.

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Haruoja, Merle, Kristi Rekand e Adrian Ward. "Estonia". In The International Protection of Adults. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Estonia became an independent country in 1918 following centuries of domination—at different times—by Sweden, German-speaking Teutonic Knights, and Russia. After annexation by the Soviet Union, then occupation by Germany, Estonia was again occupied by the Soviet Union from 1944. Independence was restored by proclamation on 20 August 1991 by the Estonian Supreme Soviet, acting in agreement with the Estonian Committee (the executive organ of the Estonian Congress). That proclamation was rapidly followed by the restoration of diplomatic relations and recognition of the Republic of Estonia by many countries.
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Eisler, Riane. "Touch, Intimacy, and Sexuality in Partnership and Domination Environments". In Nurturing Our Humanity, 197–223. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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How people are touched, especially as children and in sexual and other intimate relations, affects and is in turn affected by cultural factors. This chapter explores how patterns of touch, intimacy, and sexuality differ at opposite ends of the domination-partnership continuum and why understanding this is important for moving forward. Studies show that we read other’s intentions and emotions by how we are touched and that the confluence of caring with coercion and pain is one of the most effective mechanisms for socializing people to suppress empathy and submit to domination as adults—whether through the painful binding of girls’ feet once traditional in China, or so-called Christian parenting guides that today admonish parents not to “overindulge” children and instead follow “God’s way” by forcing eight-month-old babies to sit with their hands on their trays or laps through threats and violence. Sexuality, too, is distorted in domination systems through the erotization of domination and violence, for example, by inculcating the belief that males are entitled to sex; through the mass shootings of women in the United States and Canada by men who call themselves incel (involuntarily celibate); and by the enslavement of women by Muslim fundamentalist groups like ISIS. The chapter contrasts these unhealthy interactions with healthy ones supported by partnership-oriented cultures.
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Zubretsky, Theresa M., e Karla M. Digirolamo. "The False Connection Between Adult Domestic Violence and Alcohol". In Helping Battered Women, 222–28. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1996.

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Abstract Since the 1970s, significant efforts have been made to increase the public’s understanding of domestic violence and to educate professionals and service providers about this problem. Through accounts from battered and formerly battered women, domestic violence is now understood to include a range of behaviors—physical, sexual, economic, emotional, and psychological abuse—directed toward establishing and maintaining power and control over an intimate partner. There is also an increased awareness that the societal tendency to blame domestic violence victims and excuse perpetrators is rooted in a history of cultural and legal traditions that have supported the domination and abuse of women by men in intimate relationships. Despite greater public awareness, however, myths and misconceptions about battered women’s experiences persist. Interventions based on these myths can have a devastating effect on victims and their families.
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Kennedy, David. "Notes on the Philosophy of Childhood and the Politics of Subjectivity". In The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, 12–19. Philosophy Documentation Center, 1998.

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The Western onto-theological tradition has long been preoccupied with two symbolizations of childhood. One conceives of it as an original unity of being and knowing, an exemplar of completed identity. The other conceives of childhood as deficit and danger, an exemplar of the untamed appetite and the uncontrolled will. In the economy of Plato and Aristotle’s tripartite self, the child is ontogenetically out of balance. She is incapable of bringing the three parts of the self into a right hierarchal relation based on the domination of reason. In other words, attaining adulthood means eradicating the child. Freud’s reformulation of the Platonic community of self combines the two symbolizations. His model creates an opening for shifting power relations between the elements of the self. He opens the way toward what Kristeva calls the "subject-in-process," a pluralism of relationships rather than an organization constituted by exclusions and hierarchies. After Freud, the child comes to stand for the inexpugnable demands of desire. Through dialogue with this child, the postmodern adult undergoes the dismantling of the notion of subjectivity based on domination, and moves toward the continuous reconstruction of the subject-in-process.
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Kashtan, Aaron. "“Wow. Many Hero. Much Super. Such Girl”". In Ms. Marvel's America, 191–206. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.

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After thirty years of domination by straight, white, adult and male fans, comics fandom is becoming a diverse hobby again. Thanks in part to the popularity of superhero comics on Tumblr and other female-dominated Internet fan spaces, female readers have recently emerged as a central constituency of superhero comics fandom. Marvel has sought to capitalize on this trend by producing comics that appeal to Internet-savvy female fans. Kamala Khan is notable because she self-identifies as a fan and participates in activities such as fanfic writing. This chapter explores the rhetorical strategies Ms. Marvel has used to court a largely female Internet fanbase, the subsequent backlash to these efforts, and what Ms. Marvel’s success implies about the future of superhero comics.
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Pettit, Philip. "The Control Theory of Legitimacy". In Legitimacy, 7–31. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This chapter addresses the problem of legitimacy (that of morally justifying the way a state exercises monopoly power over its adult, able-minded, more or less permanently resident members) that every state poses and looks at different grounds on which a state might be thought to be legitimate. It considers benefit-based, merit-based, and will-based theories of state legitimacy. It suggests that theories of the third type, according to which the will of the state must not be dominating, are best from a republican perspective. It then considers three will-based approaches. Of these, it argues, only the ‘control’ approach ensures that individuals are not dominated.
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Moussa, Hadiza, Alice J. Kang, Barbara M. Cooper e Natalie Kammerer. "Negotiating Biomedical Contraception". In Yearning and Refusal, 167—C7P88. Oxford University PressNew York, 2023.

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Abstract This chapter explores the microstrategies women employ to gain access to biomedical contraception despite spousal, familial, and religious opposition to its use. Social institutions in Niger privilege a pro-natal impulse. Politicians yield to the demands of vocal Islamist groups opposed to contraception, which they cast as an immoral Western intrusion. Opposition makes it difficult for women to openly use contraception without suspicion of adultery, particularly on the part of in-laws. Women make use of “women’s tricks” to circumvent the conjugal debt: illness, fake menstruation, fatigue, and, more rarely, sex strikes. They may take the pill on the sly with the assistance of relatives, friends, and itinerant pharmacists. Some prefer injectable contraception because of its greater convenience and discretion. However, none of these strategies openly confronts the power and domination of husbands.
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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Domination adulte"


Tomassoni, Rosella, Stefania Liburdi e Annalisa Marsella. "THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE HISTORY OF ROMAN RELIGION: FROM VESTALE TO MADONNA". In 10th SWS International Scientific Conferences on ART and HUMANITIES - ISCAH 2023. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2023.

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Introduction: Within the concept of women in the archaic Roman era, the present paper will attempt a believable reconstruction of the passage of the vestal woman figure, subjected to the male �potestas� of the �pontfex maximus� in which Eros was sacrificed to the Civitas due to the blackmail of equal rights, to the recovery of the woman as an object of Christian contemplation. Objective and Method: The aim of this article, through the analysis of recognized sources, is to study the axiom according to which the Roman woman was considered equal to the man in society (for roles, reputation, legal capacity, and public image), only playing the religious role of vestal, which denied her femininity.Throughout history, male domination was revealed in all fields, still in the religious field, until the advent of Christianity which re-evaluated the woman through the figure of the Madonna, attributing to her the role of mother of the creator. Topic: The figure and role of women in ancient Rome did not disregard religion. In that period, the various female personalities could be identified in the figures of: matrons, prostitutes, commoners, vestals, all of which were characterized by enslavement to the particular patriarchal figure (pater, husband or pontifex). Only the vestal priestesses would seem to be excluded from the list of figures subject to male protagonists. The woman, considered tender and soft (�mollis, �mulier�, the most fragile) was completely excluded from important roles in Roman society.The juridical position of the Roman woman is obtained in the law of the XII tables (451-450 BC): "Feminas, etsi perfectae aetatis sint, in tutela esse, exceptis virginibus Vestalibus" - "The women are all to be under protection, although they are adults, except the Vestal virgins". Vestal women could juridically act like a man only if subjected to the temple of the goddess Vesta; in a psychoanalytic analysis, therefore, the counterpart was the renunciation of femininity, which was imposed by the thirty-year chastity they had to abide by. Throughout history, male domination was revealed in all fields, still in the religious field, until the advent of Christianity which re-evaluated the woman through the figure of the Madonna, attributing to her the role of mother of the creator. Conclusion: In conclusion, with this article, we will analyse how the Roman religions (polytheistic and monotheistic) have contributed, throughout history, to subjecting women to male domination and to attributing a negative and sinful image to them, until the advent of Christianity. The psychologist feels the need to address a question: what of this primordial essence of the feminine scares the man of every age?
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

LUO, WAN-YING, e HENG-XING HE. "GENDER DIFFERENCES IN CHINESE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ USE OF DISAGREEMENT STRATEGIES". In 2021 International Conference on Education, Humanity and Language, Art. Destech Publications, Inc., 2021.

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To date, the studies on disagreement strategies in Chinese mainly focus on adults, and relevant research on senior high school students is rare. This study intends to explore gender differences in Chinese senior high school students’ use of disagreement strategies. By adopting a discourse completion task (DCT) and modified Yang’s classification of disagreement strategies (2015), we designed an open-ended questionnaire survey of 12 situations with three social factors (social distance, social status, and sex of hearer) which was distributed among 100 Chinese senior high school students. Then we analyzed all the 96 valid survey responses and did a T-test. The results show that the distribution of disagreement strategies is uneven, with Softened Disagreement Strategy (SDS, 96.96%) dominating, and that there exist significant gender differences in Chinese senior high school students’ use of Neither Softened Nor Strengthened Disagreement Strategy (NSNSDS) (p=0.0330.05). The present study contributes to the understanding of disagreement and gender differences in disagreement strategies and offers implications to communication and EFL teaching for Chinese teenagers.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

HOVORUN, Tamara, Oksana KIKINEZHDI e Nataliya SAVELYUK. "Gender transformation of views from Baby Boomers to generation Z". In "Ştiință și educație: noi abordări și perspective", conferinţă ştiinţifică internaţională, 199–208. Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024.

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The purpose of the study was to identify the common and distinct dominant (concepts) of two major generations based on egalitarian and traditional gender ideology – representatives of Вaby Вoomers (women and men born in 1946-1964) and representatives of Generation Z – students (girls and boys born in 1996-2010). The methodological basis of the first stage of the psychosocial study was built upon the ideas of psychological differences between generations, which were presented in the book «Generations» published by American scholars Neil Howe and William Strauss. The authors argue that individuals within a single generation (men and women) are united by common values, gender-role behavior, including skills, competencies, and etiquette, along with gender differentiation. We also relied on contemporary research in gender psychology, particularly regarding the influence of traditional paradigm pressure of femininity and masculinity concepts dominating throughout the lives of the Вaby Вoomer generation and its disruption by the current research in gender psychology on androgyny productivity and the interchangeability of gender roles in all spheres of private and social life. Specifically, it was the feminist ideas and gender balance that started to be assimilated by the younger generations, particularly the so-called digital Generation Z. Generation Z is characterized by the daily use of the Internet, YouTube, mobile phones, SMS, and MP3 players, which allowed to describe them as the digital generation. It is known that the nature of equitable, fair gender attitudes determines the democratic development of modern society and gender equality policy in all spheres of human existence, especially regarding women in the 21st century. We were interested in how deeply gender equality ideas have penetrated into each of the different spheres of human activity – education, upbringing, professional aspirations and career development, political and ideological views, and even fashion in the representations of the two generations – older adults and younger adults according to Erickson's age classification of developmental stages. Our pilot study revealed significant differences between the two gender mentalities – traditional for the majority of baby boomer generations, especially for women, and quite liberal, egalitarian for Generation Z, especially female students. Baby Вoomers adhere to ideals and a real assessment of any public events to a strict bipolar distribution of gender roles and consider the technological information boom the main negative factor that has defined the cognitive dissonance of youth with the traditional gender scripts of many generations of adults throughout their lives. For them, the lack of a bipolar distribution of family and social roles is unacceptable. The traditional bipolar roles of men and women are characterized by emotional and cognitive support, while the interchangeable gender life roles, especially in entrepreneurial ambitions and new views on life are considered derivatives of the influence of mass media, which propagates peculiar romantic same-sex relationships, pop culture of money, a new perception of global events. Hence, the fascination of youth with new technologies, artificial intelligence, new visions of gender and sexuality. Baby Вoomers consider the strict bipolar distribution of gender roles a revolutionary order of organizing family and social life, and the technological boom as a destructive factor that undermined the centuries-old roots of society organization, including distrust toward the experience of the older generation with their traditional gender scripts throughout life.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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