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Saxby, Stephen John. "Regulation of the market in digital information". Thesis, University of Southampton, 1996.

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This Thesis examines the current public policy and regulatory options likely to influence the future development of the information market. The context is the successful delivery, by digital technology, of the Internet - the precursor to a future broadband network, more popularly known as the `information superhighway'. This advance, which feeds on convergence of the information and communication technologies, will enable text, sound and image to be manipulated, exploited and communicated in digital format across a number of delivery platforms. It has introduced a new phase of intensive policy analysis among administrations intended to lead to the development of national or regional information infrastructure plans, designed ultimately to produce a global framework. A central focus of policy examined by the Thesis is what form the regulatory environment should take to encourage synergy between the public and private sectors in respect of their contributions to the plan. Throughout the work the approaches of the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States are compared. The core of the Thesis is four papers, located in Chapters 1-4, which have either been published or accepted for publication in 1995/96. The first three will appear in the International Journal of Law and Information Technology (Oxford University Press) and the fourth in the 1995 International Yearbook of Law, Computers & Technology (Carfax). Chapter 1, `A Jurisprudence for Information Technology Law' considers the legal response to `digitization' and what the future holds. Chapter 2, `Public Sector Policy and the Information Superhighway' develops one of the themes from Chapter 1 and considers the public policy dilemmas posed by the information superhighway. Chapter 3, `Public Information Access Policy in the Digital Network Environment assesses the arguments for reform of EU access policy, its implications for the UK and the contribution it will make to the information market. Chapter 4, `A UK National Information Policy for the Electronic Age' reviews the progress of the UK in developing an integrated information policy for the information society. Chapter 5 contains a Conclusion. The author believes the Thesis to be the first sustained public policy analysis of the subject since the digital network first began to enter the public domain in 1993.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lefrere, Vincent. "Market of personal data and regulation". Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020.

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Les algorithmes de traitement des contenus utilisés dans l'industrie de l'Internet sont indispensables au fonctionnement de nombreux services. Ils servent à filtrer des contenus, ordonner des réponses à une recherche, sélectionner les informations pertinentes, faire des recommandations. Ils sont devenus nécessaires à l'analyse des grandes masses de données issues des objets connectés et du e-commerce. Ces outils sont également générateurs d'innovations dans un secteur économique stratégique et très concurrentiel. La littérature en droit et en économie montrent des résultats ambivalents. D'un côté elle montre que les algorithmes soulèvent des questions (d'abus) de position dominante, de collusion et de discriminations. Chen and al. (2017) étudient la plateforme UBER et ils montrent qu'il existe un monopole algorithmique concernant l'entreprise Uber, où le prix varie selon des règles propres à l'algorithme et non selon une logique de marché où l'offre et la demande déterminent un prix d'équilibre. Dans le cas d'un oligopole cette fois, Mehra (2016), ou encore Ezrachi et Stucke (2015) ont montré des problèmes de collusion (via un parallélisme des prix) dû à la présence de robots vendeurs (robots-sellers) qui se coordonnent selon une logique haussière. Enfin, sur un plus grand nombre d'entreprises, Mikians et al. 2013 ; Hannak et al. 2014 montrent l'existence de nombreuses discriminations par les prix. Datta et al. (2015) ; Lambrecht et Tucker, (2016) observent des discriminations en ligne en fonction du genre impactant le niveau de salaire. D'un autre côté, la littérature montre que les algorithmes peuvent améliorer les choix pris par les individus notamment dans les décisions de justice. Les idées préconçues de juges américains envers les individus afro-américains induisent une décision judiciaire biaisée et l'implémentation dans ce domaine d'algorithmes à démontré une réduction du crime de 24,8% (Kleinberg and al, 2016). Pour le moment, une littérature naissante en économie et en droit tente d'identifier ce type de comportements de la part des algorithmes, mais finalement, elle ne fait que relever un problème transverse d'asymétrie d'information entre les consommateurs - mais aussi le régulateur - et les firmes, quant aux règles de fonctionnement de leur algorithme. Ces règles sont-elles compatibles avec les règles de la concurrence et l'obligation de protéger la vie privée des consommateurs, fournisseurs privilégiés de données personnelles ? Comment inciter les entreprises à être plus transparentes et loyales, étant donné qu'un algorithme est la ressource stratégique des firmes et source d'innovations et de pouvoir de marché ? Comment éviter les dangers d'un mécanisme de sélection adverse (où les entreprises les plus respectueuses des données personnelles se trouveraient hors marché) et de hasard moral (du fait d'un coût de surveillance des autorités de régulation trop élevé) ? La thèse devra travailler sur l'ensemble de ces points
Content processing algorithms used in the Internet industry are essential to the functioning of many services. They serve to filter content, order responses to a search, select relevant information, make recommendations. They have become necessary for the analysis of the large masses of data from connected objects and e-commerce. These tools are also generators of innovation in service in a strategic and highly competitive economic sector. The literature on law and economics shows ambivalent results related to economics impact of algorithms. On the one hand, this literature shows that the algorithms raise questions (abuse) of dominance, collusion and discrimination. Chen et al. (2017) study the UBER platform and show that there is an algorithmic monopoly on Uber, where the price varies according to algorithm-specific rules and not according to a market logic in which supply and demand determine equilibrium price. In the case of oligopoly, Mehra (2016), Ezrachi and Stucke (2015) have shown the existence of collusion (via price parallelism) due to the presence of robo-sellers who coordinate prices according to an upward trend. Finally, Mikians et al. (2013); Hannak et al. (2014) show the existence of numerous form of price discrimination in different sectors. Datta et al. (2015) ; Lambrecht and Tucker, (2016) observe gender-based discrimination on the level of wages. On the other hand, the literature shows that algorithms can improve choices made by individuals, particularly in court decisions. While, the preconceived ideas of American judges towards African-American individuals induce a biased judicial decision, the implementation of ​​algorithms has demonstrated a crime reduction of 24.8% (Kleinberg et al, 2016). A preliminary literature in economics and law attempts to assess the algorithm behaviors with the aim to identify the cause of information asymmetry in the market and thus between consumers - Regulator - and the firms. We aim to identify the implications for regulation of economics of privacy and the extent of obligation to protect the privacy of consumers? How can companies be more transparent and fair, given that an algorithm is the strategic resource of firms and a source of innovation and market power? How to avoid the dangers of an adverse selection mechanism (where the most respectful of personal data would be out of market) and moral hazard (due to too high regulatory oversight costs)? The thesis will work on all these points
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Richter, Wolf R. "'Better' regulation through social entrepreneurship? : innovative and market-based approaches to address the digital challenge to copyright regulation". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2010.

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After the initial excitement about the Internet as a space outside of governmental control has evaporated and courts in several states have applied national laws to ‘Cyberspace’, there is now a consensus among scholars that regulators have in principle the authority and capacity to regulate the Internet. Nevertheless, the application of the established tools of regulation - legislation and adjudication - to the current challenges to copyright regulation posed by the Internet has proven to be ineffective and produced undesirable side effects. Although market self-regulation has been suggested as a more efficacious approach to regulating the Internet and has proven effective in content regulation and Internet governance, the market has so far been unsuccessful in providing an effective and efficient remedy to the challenges to copyright regulation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine a novel approach to regulation and analyse its benefits and limitations. The novel approach defies the conceptualisation as co- and self-regulation, but introduces the solution from outside the regulated environment through entrepreneurship and innovation, and relies on the forces of the market to become effective. In this thesis, I analyse the regulatory systems implemented by two private organisations, Noank Media and Creative Commons, in China’s reportedly ineffective copyright law environment and find that their market-based and innovative approach to regulation can be understood as a form of social entrepreneurship. Social enterprises have been claimed to deliver social goods more effectively and efficiently than governmental intervention, because they are said to rely on local knowledge, to be driven by the demand of the stakeholders, and to be focused on social value creation. Based on quantitative and qualitative fieldwork with Noank Media’s and Creative Common’s stakeholders in China I analyse to what extent these two enterprises managed to successfully leverage the assets of social entrepreneurship. I conclude that while the novel approach has demonstrated the potential to produce more effective and more efficient regulation, it does not automatically result in Better Regulation. Further efforts are required to ensure participation, transparency, and public accountability, and to avoid regulatory fragmentation.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Čupová, Martina. "Economy Implications of Regulation". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2017.

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This thesis analyzes the implications of regulation on the transformation to a Digital Economy. A gap analysis shows that Czech Republic is significantly lagging behind in terms of connectivity, which is an essential precondition for a transformation to a digital age. The regulator promotes the entry of the new player as a solution for this situation. However, a simulation based on Herfindahl Hirschman Index does not support this view. This outcome is further supported by the results of correlation between market competitiveness and network advancement, which does not suggest any relationship. These findings are in line with empirical evidence from EU markets, which prove that a three-operator market is efficient and delivers attractive competitive services to the customers and society. The root cause of this situation lies in the current telecommunications regulation, which failed to create a sustainable digital ecosystem for the transition to a digital economy. This paper concludes, that regulatory framework needs to be redefined to address new challenges ahead. The regulatory priority should be shifted from service focus to encouraging long-term connectivity investments, differentiation, and competition.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Dubus, Antoine. "Strategic information and competition in digital markets". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.

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Cette thèse étudie les entreprises spécialisées dans la vente d'information personnelles et leurs comment leurs stratégies affectent la concurrence. Nous construisons au cours des trois chapitres des modèles théoriques représentant les interactions entre des courtiers en données spécialisés dans la collecte et dans la vente d'information, des firmes achetant des informations personnelles sur leurs clients, et les consommateurs. Nous étudions en un premier temps les stratégies des courtiers en données quant à la vente d'information pour le ciblage des consommateurs par les prix. Nous montrons que les courtiers en données ne vendent pas toute l'information dont ils disposent, et qu'une partie des consommateurs reste non identifiée. Nous étudions ensuite les stratégies des courtiers en données lorsqu’ils se font concurrence en prix et en quantité de données vendues. Nous montrons que la concurrence affecte les consommateurs de deux manières. Plus la concurrence est forte entre les courtiers, moins ils collectent d'information, mais ils font moins de rétention stratégique d'information. Enfin, nous considérons la réaction des consommateurs lorsqu’ils peuvent se cacher des courtiers en données, et nous montrons que le fait que les consommateurs ont la possibilité de se cacher va inciter le courtier à vendre plus de données consommateurs, créant ainsi une externalité de données. Ces études permettent de répondre à des questions importantes de régulation de la collecte et de la vente d'information, tout en prenant compte un potentiel rôle actif des consommateurs dans ces pratiques
My PhD focuses on how information sellers use consumer information to shape competition on product markets. The three chapters develop theoretical models where the interactions between data brokers specialized in collecting and selling information, firms competing on a product market, and consumers behaving strategically regarding the price they pay and their concern for privacy. Namely we study first the strategies of data brokers selling information to competing firms allowing them to price discriminate consumers. We show that data brokers do not sell all information about consumers but keep a share of unidentified consumers instead. We focus then on competition and mergers between data brokers, and we show that competition affects the uses of information in several directions. Competing data brokers collect less information than monopolists, but sell more consumer data. We show that consumers benefit from competition between data brokers regarding the price they pay on the product market, but the effects on their privacy are two fold. Finally we consider the reactions of consumers who can hide from data brokers and pay a homogeneous price. We show that in order to moderate consumers' willingness to hide, data brokers will identify more consumers on the product market and thus increase competition between firms. Thus the possibility to hide positively affects consumers on the price they pay, as competition is increased, but as more consumers are identified, their privacy concern increases. Overall, this study answers some key questions on the mechanisms of information collection, and uses by data brokers, how they affect competition on the product market, and how consumers react to it when they are concerned both by the price they pay and by their privacy
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lundström, Justus, Jonas Widriksson e Viktor Zaunders. "Changes in media consumption and file sharing : The impact of legislation and new digital media services". Thesis, Jönköping University, JIBS, Business Informatics, 2010.

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In this study we investigate how the attitude and behaviour concerning illegal file shar-ing have changed among the young population in Sweden. The study will analyze the impact of the IPRED law that was introduced in April 2008 and new digital media ser-vices that have emerged in the last couple of years. It is also evaluated which of these have had the most impact on the attitude and behaviour of the selected population.

The main part of our research consists of a quantitative survey handed out to a sample population among high school students (ages 16-20) in Jönköping, Sweden. This pri-mary data is later compared to secondary data from a similar study that was done on the same demographics two years prior to this research in order to measure the change in behaviour and attitude. The previous study was conducted prior to the IPRED law im-plementation by one of the authors. We also used prior research within this subject and related fields to further understand and interpret our data.

What we have discovered through our research is that there has been a decrease in ille-gal file sharing, especially when considering music, however this decrease is much more an effect of the adopting of new media services then it can be attributed to the IPRED law. Furthermore, the attitudes towards file sharing have remained unchanged and a large number of young adults do not feel that file sharing should be illegal.

It is also concluded that good legal alternatives to file sharing have a large market po-tential if these services can fulfil consumers demand on availability and price. Addition-ally we have found that good legal alternatives are important if the public is to refrain from returning to their old file sharing habits once the initial scare from new legislation has worn off.

Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Piletta, Massaro Andrea. "Competition Law Between Old Goals and New Challenges. New tools for a ‘multi-value’ approach vis-à-vis: Digitalisation, Inequalities, and Climate Changes". Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2022.

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The research question that moves the present work is whether and how competition law shall play a role in making our society more ‘sustainable’, intending this term in a broad meaning, and therefore linked to social, economic and environmental sustainability. The question raises from the awareness of the problems that are affecting our society, also if we refer at its democratic foundations. In particular, we considered that issues such as increasing income inequalities, raising market concentration rates and the even faster climate changes are topics that cannot be outside the academic analysis of the various policies. Therefore, if we try to answer at the question if competition law shall play a role in this context, the analysis should start from the very foundations of this discipline. At this purpose, in our research, we scrutinised how the most representative competition law regimes in the world - i.e., the US antitrust law and the EU competition law systems – developed during their history. This analysis is conducted by reading through legislative sources, policy statements, judicial decisions and scholar works. What emerges is that competition law shall not only be focused on mere economic and econometric objectives, such economic efficiency, but it was intended more as a structural instrument, created for preventing the concentration of an excessive degree of economic power on the same subject or on a bounce of entities. Therefore, after having affirmed this structuralist aim of competition law, it is possible to understand how every other objective shall be considered as a by-product of a healthy competitive process, and not as an end of competition law in itself. This is particularly clear in the European context, as competition law ought not to be intended as a separate or lone subject, but as a field of law well rooted into the EU and its Member States’ constitutional traditions. After having established that competition law shall play a role in the transition towards a more sustainable society, the focus moves on how this task shall be performed. For this purpose, the present research scrutinised the issues we mentioned before, by making a comparative analysis between the EU and the U.S. competition law and antitrust models and, inside the EU environment, among the various solutions adopted in the Member States. This analysis first needed to be carried out by means of an empirical assessment of the issue at stake, especially from an economic standpoint. Then, the legal tools needed in order to reach the desired outcomes were scrutinised, first by making reference to the solutions already adopted by enforcers and Courts on the basis of the existing rules, and, subsequently, new tools are analysed and proposed. In particular, the research establishes a connection between income inequalities and the increasing rates of market concentration. The latter dynamic was deemed particularly intense in the digital market context, which are characterised by market dynamics which escape from the common understanding of competition, as they lead the market to tip in favour of a firm, usually the first mover. In a nutshell, they are characterised by a sort of winner takes all structure. This field represents the core of this research, as it is where excessive market concentration shows most its detrimental effects and the need to a structuralist approach to competition law appears much needed. Therefore, this work aims to provide its contribution to the very active academic debate on this field. However, this research does not want to be limited to the digital market problem but is directed at casting lights on the need for a multi-value approach to competition law at 360 degrees, which can turn into a multi-tool enforcement to better tailor the application of competition rules to all the analysed issues, which are however interrelated thanks to the broad concept of ‘sustainability’ outlined above, in line with the Brundtland Report on sustainability issued in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development. What emerges is that competition law ought to play a role in the transition towards a more sustainable economy and society. This depends on policy choices, and this work is aimed – in the realm of the current scholar debate on this topic – at providing its constructive contribution. However, what is important to affirm is that policy choices directed at establishing the multi-value and multi-tool competition law described above are not only based on progressive or hipster academic ideas, but they are deeply rooted into our societies’ constitutional traditions, and, in the end, in a healthy conception of the liberal economy itself.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bazylev, Y. S. "Economic consequences of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies in the context of global financial market development". Master's thesis, Sumy State University, 2019.

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У роботі досліджено історію створення криптовалюти та технології блокчейн, передумови виникнення та існування, як єдиної системи, так і порізно. Був проведений аналіз впливу криптовалюти і технологій блокчейн, на фінансову систему, виявлені основні індикатори, які підтверджують цей вплив. Проведений аналіз заборони цифрової валюти та законодавчу підтримку у розрізі країн світу, виявлені основні причини та наслідки. Проаналізовано блокчейн, як технологію майбутнього, для сфер, як фінансових, так і поза фінансових. Висвітлені світові тенденції, щодо впровадження блокчейну в світові організації, їх сильні та слабкі сторони, можливості та загрози. Були надані основні рекомендації, як сучасним розробникам криптовалют, так і майбутнім, за для уникнення проблем.
The master’s thesis focuses on the history of digital currency and blockchain technology, the prerequisites for the emergence and existence of a system separately and as a whole. Analyzed of the impact of cryptorcurrency and blockchain technologies on the financial system was conducted, and the main indicators were found to confirm this influence. Emphasized approaches of the digital currency ban and legislative support in the context of the world identified the main causes and consequences. Blockchain is analyzed as a technology of the future, for areas both financial and non-financial. Global trends in blockchain implementation in world organizations, their strengths, and weaknesses, opportunities and threats are highlighted. Basic recommendations were given, to modern cryptocurrency developers and future ones, to further avoiding problems.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

CONGIU, RAFFAELE. "Essays on Regulation and Competition in the Digital Markets". Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2022.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Allouard, Hugo. "Three essays in digital economics : privacy, regulation & labor markets". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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Cette thèse étudie les implications économiques et comportementales de la numérisation. Le chapitre 1 étudie la sensibilité à la vie privée des consommateurs sur le marché des applications mobiles en tenant compte du gain en qualité résultant de l'utilisation des données utilisateurs. Les résultats indiquent que ne pas tenir compte des bénéfices du consommateur à partager ses informations personnelles conduit à une sous-estimation de la sensibilité à la vie privée. De plus, je montre que la sensibilité à la collecte de données augmente avec le temps, mais avec une hétérogénéité persistante entre les pays. Le chapitre 2 étudie les implications de la non-discrimination des politiques de collecte de données entre les marchés qui est en vigueur sur le marché des applications mobiles. En estimant un modèle structurel de demande et d'offre et en simulant des scénarios contrefactuels, je démontre qu'une régulation imposant la discrimination de la collecte de données entre les pays augmenterait le surplus du consommateur et la vie privée en Europe, mais aurait des effets contraires aux États-Unis. Le chapitre 3 étudie l'impact de l'essor des plateformes de livraison de repas à la demande sur la criminalité, en exploitant les disparités temporelles et géographiques de leur introduction en France. Notre approche en différence de différences étagées révèle que l'arrivée d'une plateforme de livraison dans une zone d'emploi entraîne une forte réduction des crimes liés à la drogue. Ces résultats indiquent que la "gig economy" favorise les opportunités d'emploi pour les travailleurs peu qualifiés, les jeunes et les groupes minoritaires, facilitant leur engagement dans des activités économiques légales
Certainly! Here is the revised paragraph with corrected grammar:This thesis studies the economic and behavioral implications of digitization. Chapter 1 investigates the privacy sensitivity of consumers in the mobile app market, accounting for the quality enhancement resulting from the use of user data. The findings indicate that not accounting for the consumer benefit of sharing personal information leads to an underestimation of privacy sensitivity. As a result, the sensitivity to data collection is higher than commonly reported in the literature. Furthermore, I show that privacy sensitivity increases over time, but with persistent heterogeneity across countries. Chapter 2 examines the implications of non-discrimination in data collection policies across markets, which is prevalent in the mobile app industry. By estimating a structural model of demand and supply and simulating counterfactual scenarios, I demonstrate that a regulation enforcing discrimination in data collection across countries would increase consumer surplus and privacy in Europe, but with opposite effects in the US. Chapter 3 investigates the impact of the boom in on-demand food delivery platforms on crime, leveraging the temporal and geographic disparities in their introduction in France. Our staggered difference-in-differences approach reveals that the arrival of a delivery platform in an employment area leads to a significant reduction in drug-related crimes. These results indicate that the gig economy fosters employment opportunities for low-skilled workers, youth, and minority groups, facilitating their engagement in lawful economic activities
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Borgstam, Wilhelm, e Dimitri Koido. "Digital advertising on a regulated market : A multiple-case study in the Swedish alcohol industry". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2021.

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In regulated markets companies must comply with various rules, standards, and approval protocols to avoid expensive lack-of-compliance costs. Such regulations often limit the ability of companies to advertise and thereby reach out to consumers. This paper uses a qualitative multiple case-study approach to explore, from an industry perspective, how three different companies (a whisky producer, a microbrewery, and an alcohol importer) use digital advertising to raise brand awareness on the Swedish alcohol market. The firms are relatively similar in their approaches, unanimously preferring the use of social media advertising and conducting all activities through the lens of the regulations. However, the degree to which the firms are willing to take risks and find innovative solutions to the unique problems inherent to the regulated market in question differs. Although the study is context-specific, previous research has suggested that features and market practices in one regulated market can influence another. This thesis contributes to the literature on the broader topic of advertising on regulated markets, where research is primarily written from a public health perspective.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Thebaudin, Guillaume. "Regulation of Digital Platforms : Essays in Industrial Organization". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2023.

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Cette thèse traite de problématiques liées au pouvoir de marché des plateformes numériques. Elle vise à améliorer la compréhension de leurs décisions de gouvernance et leurs effets sur les marchés numériques.Le premier chapitre explore de manière théorique l'effet de l'interopérabilité sur la concurrence entre deux plateformes financées par la publicité, lorsque les utilisateurs peuvent faire du multi-hébergement. Les plateformes décident d'être interopérables si la valeur d'une deuxième impression auprès du même utilisateur est suffisamment faible pour les annonceurs. Ce niveau d'interopérabilité d'équilibre diffère toutefois de celui qui maximise le bien-être social. Par ailleurs, imposer l'interopérabilité entre une plateforme dominante et une plus petite n'est pas toujours souhaitable du point de vue du bien-être social.Le deuxième chapitre présente une étude empirique sur la capacité des plateformes hybrides à traiter de manière plus favorable leurs propres produits par rapport à ceux des vendeurs indépendants, en utilisant des données issues de la plateforme Amazon. Il apparait qu'Amazon conditionne la visibilité des offres de vendeur tiers dans la « boite d'achat » à leur compétitivité par rapport aux offres disponibles sur d'autres plateformes concurrentes. En revanche, cela ne s'applique pas aux produits vendus directement par Amazon. De plus, en l'absence de recommandations de vendeurs, les recommandations de produits similaires sont plus efficaces, et dans ces situations, Amazon a tendance à orienter les consommateurs vers les produits qu'elle vend elle-même. Ces constats illustrent la manière dont les plateformes peuvent subtilement favoriser leurs propres produits.Le dernier chapitre étudie, par le biais d'un modèle théorique, les incitations des plateformes hybrides à investir dans la performance d'outils de détection de produits dangereux et illégaux. Elles le font à condition que cela favorise l'entrée de nouveaux vendeurs. Les plateformes plus intégrées verticalement ont donc moins d'incitations à investir car cela réduit la demande pour leurs propres produits. En outre, les plateformes qui procèdent à ce type de détection facturent des frais de commission plus élevés aux vendeurs. Cette complémentarité stratégique peut conduire à une relation négative entre le degré d'intégration verticale d'une plateforme et son niveau de taux de commission.Ces trois chapitres mettent en évidence la nature complexe des marchés numériques et la nécessité d'une régulation soigneusement calibrée
This thesis addresses issues related to market power in digital markets. It aims at improving the understanding of digital platforms' governance decisions and their resulting market outcomes.The first chapter theoretically explores the effect of interoperability on competition between two ad-financed platforms, allowing for endogenous multi-homing of consumers. Interoperability emerges in equilibrium if the value of multi-homers relative to single-homers is sufficiently low for advertisers. This equilibrium level of interoperability is however misaligned with social welfare maximization. In markets dominated by one platform, mandating interoperability between the asymmetric platforms is not always socially optimal.The second chapter empirically investigates the issue of self-preferencing on hybrid platforms, using web-scraped data from the Amazon marketplace. It appears that Amazon makes the visibility of offers of third-party suppliers in the "buybox" dependent on prices on competing marketplaces. Amazon's own offers are however visible regardless of their competitiveness. Furthermore, the absence of seller recommendations makes recommendations to related products more effective and Amazon tends to steer consumers in these situations more often to products it sells itself. Overall, this illustrates how self-preferencing can appear in subtle forms.The last chapter theoretically examines the incentives of hybrid platforms to invest in screening tools to detect and delist illegal third-party products. Whereas platforms engage in screening to the extent that it accommodates entry, more vertically integrated platforms tend to screen less due to the business-stealing effect it induces. Additionally, platforms conducting screening charge higher commission fees to sellers. This strategic complementarity can lead to a negative relationship between platforms' degree of vertical integration and the level of commission fees.These three chapters highlight the complex nature of digital markets and the need for regulatory intervention to be carefully calibrated
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mouton, Jeanne. "Trois essais en économie du droit". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.

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Cette thèse se compose de trois essais qui s'inscrivent dans le cadre général du droit et de l'économie de la concurrence. Chaque essai répond à une question de recherche sous différents angles de l'économie du contentieux en étudiant les comportements unilatéraux d'un acteur dominant causant un dommage concurrentiel. Ce travail doctoral traite de la compensation, de la prévention et de la réparation de ce dommage et combine des méthodes issues de l'analyse des données, de l'économétrie et de la théorie des jeux. Le premier essai étudie les déterminants d'une action privée réussie à la suite d'un abus de position dominante. Le deuxième essai étudie les dispositions interdisant l'orientation des consommateurs (anti-steering clauses) sur les marchés numériques dans le cadre d'un règlement spécifique au secteur numérique. Le troisième essai part d'une décision d'engagement de la Commission européenne imposant des mesures correctives à une plateforme numérique pour étudier l'efficacité et l'auditabilité des mesures correctives imposées à un algorithme de classement. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse vise à démontrer les avantages et les obstacles de l'action privée, du Règlement Digital Market Acts et de l'imposition de remèdes en complément de l'application publique traditionnelle du droit de la concurrence aux comportements unilatéraux, en particulier sur les marchés numériques
This dissertation consists of three essays that fall under the broad banner of competition law and economics. Each essay answers a research question under different angles of economics of litigation studying unilateral conducts from a dominant player causing competitive damage. The three chapters deal with the compensation, prevention and remediation of that damage and combines methods from data analysis, econometrics, and game theory. The first essay studies the determinants of a successful private enforcement action following abuse of dominance position. The second essay studies anti-steering clauses in digital markets under the framework of a digital sector specific regulation. The third essay starts from a commitment decision from the EU Commission imposing remedies on a digital platform to study the effectiveness and auditability of remedies imposed on a ranking algorithm. Overall, this dissertation aims to demonstrate the benefits as well as the hurdles of private enforcement, the Digital Markets Act, and imposing remedies in complementing the traditional competition law public enforcement of unilateral conducts, specifically in digital markets
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Malekian, Hajar. "La libre circulation et la protection des données à caractère personnel sur Internet". Thesis, Paris 2, 2017.

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La protection des données à caractère personnel (DCP) constitue un droit fondamental autonome au sein de l’Union européenne (article 8 de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne). En outre, la libre circulation de ces données et des services de la société de l’information, notamment des plateformes en ligne, est primordiale pour le développement de l’économie numérique dans le cadre du marché unique numérique européen. C’est dans ce contexte qu’un point d’équilibre entre la libre circulation et la protection des DCP fait l’objet du cadre juridique européen et français en matière de protection des DCP. Ainsi, dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés en particulier aux enjeux liés à la mise en balance de ces deux intérêts. Ces enjeux suscitent une attention particulière notamment à l’ère des plateformes en ligne, du Big Data et de l’exploitation en masse des données à travers des algorithmes sophistiqués dotés de plus en plus d’autonomie et d’intelligence
Free flow of data and personal data protection on the Internet Protection of personal data is an autonomous fundamental right within the European Union (Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union). Moreover, free flow of personal data and free movement of information society services in particular online platforms is essential for the development of digital single market in European Union. The balance between free movement of data and personal data protection is subject of the European legal framework. However, the main challenge still remains to strike the right balance between effective personal data protection and free flow of this data and information society services. This balance is not an easy task especially in the age of online platforms, Big Data and processing algorithms like Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lee, Cheng-yi, e 李承毅. "Significant Market Power in the Age of Digital Convergence—Competition and Regulation in the EU Electronic Communications Law". Thesis, 2013.

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Market definition is one of the principal issues in identification of SMP undertakings. Competition authorities must delineate the exact scope where anti-competitive behaviour may have effect. Competition law will serve to correct the market failure. The market share of each market participant would be relatively smaller when a market is defined larger, and hence the effect of their anti-competitive behaviour would be less evident. The market share of each market participant would become relatively significant, nevertheless, when a market is defined narrower, and hence the effect of the anti-competitive behaviour would be exaggerated. In the age of digital convergence, competition authorities, when defining markets, must take into account market conditions and market developments. In particular, they must consider the appropriateness of these market definitions and the appropriate delineation of the boundaries between products or geographical areas. Fair Trade Commission and National Communications Commission need more consistent and coherent market analysis procedures.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Teixeira, Camilla de Sá. "The e-commerce regulation in the European Union : are there enough tools for the correct functioning of the single digital market?" Master's thesis, 2020.

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The main objective of the present work is to analyze the functioning of Ecommerce within the European Union. In this regard, in order to carry out a solid and reasoned study, we will use as a basis for our analysis the main Directives and Regulations applicable to electronic commerce, as well as the co-related decisions established by the Court of Justice of the European Union and other cases used as a matter to exemplify possible disputes that may occur within the electronic commerce atmosphere. Therefore, first the work will give an overall perspective about the importance of E-commerce, most particularly the European Union, highlighting the exceptional moment the world is facing and, consequently, the increasing importance of electronic commerce as a mechanism to help public safety. In the second part, we will make a historical drawing of the main legal instruments adopted by the European Union, namely the directives on E-commerce, Consumer Rights and Alternative Dispute resolution, as well as Regulations about General data Protection and Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes. Each chapter will be accompanied by a case discussed in court or used as an example by some institution in order to understand the application of the laws, making the subject less abstract. Last but not least important, the third part will be the conclusion of the work and where we are going to answer if current state of the legal framework applied to Ecommerce within the European Union is sufficient for its correct functioning or whether new rules shall be adopted.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chen, Chia-Ying, e 陳嘉瑩. "The Study of the Publishing Regulations of Mainland China ─ ForTaiwan’s Digital Publishing Industry to Enter the Publish Market ofMainland China". Thesis, 2011.

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ABSTRACT As the vigorous development of the Internet and …etc, the informational communication mechanics, and the message are transmissed in diversity ways. The Internet in Taiwan is getting widely used and the digital era gradually replaces the traditional information types. The information is faster and more convenient through the characteristics of the Internet data transmission convenience and without the national boundary. Taiwan government emphasizes the growing development of science and technology industry; under the situation that continuously developing the union of the tech and the industry, high tech skills and the development of the information products, the Taiwan traditional publishers and the information industry would have to face is the digital publisher how to build a new stage. While allowing the old strict regulations opened, even the allowing mainland tourists to visit Taiwan, it reveals that the Taiwan government’s regulations that allow the communication with the mainland economic and trading market. Obviously the market within the mainland has been the largest trading stage in Taiwan. With the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, the government intends to promote the cross-strait economic and the trading relations and the internationalization of the Taiwan economic and trading. It would a trend to digital publish with the district boundary. The traditional publisher industry may not independently develop the digitizing publication and have to combine with the information tech industry, the Internet industry, the publisher and…etc; formerly by no means the related industry. The issue, the combination of the digitizing and the tradition, no matter the property, the skill and others is worthily concerned. After the Mainland China allows to open its market, it becomes the potential market. With the geography, special history background and at similar cultural district, the Mainland China becomes Taiwan’s largest exporting market. Taiwan has the advantages of language and the culture. Although Taiwan intends to cooperate with the related industry of the Mainland China publishers, the regulations of the publishers and the standards of the publisher areas are extremely minute and complicated and the restrictions on foreign-funded enterprises are multitudinous. The special politic background causes that the Taiwanese businessman faces the legal risk in the investment process. This research study analyzes that the Mainland China restrains the related controlling of the publisher industry and the related legal regulations of the publisher industry in order to understand the legal standard and the policy of the Mainland China publication area and to decrease risks which Taiwan related industry invest in the Mainland China. As the Mainland China is under the socialism economic system; some parts are still in the restrict controlling situation, Taiwanese businessman intends to invest in the Mainland China market that shall especially understand the regulations, the right of management and the permition …etc to reduce the risk. As under the special background of cross-strait, there is difference between the management of the publisher industry and the regulation environment. It is an issue to study that Taiwan digital publisher industry how to across these obstacles of the policy and different regulations in order to smoothly obtain the small place of the trading market in the Mainland China.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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