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Gibson, Bill. The DBSA macromodel. Halfway House, South Africa: Development Bank of Southern Africa, 1997.

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Grange, A. B. La. DBSA in the southern African development framework. Sandton, Republic of South Africa: Development Bank of Southern Africa, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Grub-dban sakya-sri-dznya-na'i gsun 'bum. Kathmandu: Khenpo shedup tenzin and lama thinley namgyal, 1998.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Collected works sun 'bum of tenth pan-chen chos-kyi-dban-phyug. Delhi: Tashi lhunpo monastery, 1998.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Lamas of zans-dkar: A collection of manuscript material about the lives of kun-dga'-chos-legs, bla-ma karma, and grub-dban nag-dban-tshe-rin. Gemur, distt. lahul: Tobden tsering, 1985.

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Van der Kooy, R. J. W., ed. An Introduction to economic development in Southern Africa and the role of DBSA. Sandton, Republic of South Africa: Development Bank of Southern Africa, 1985.

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Kirsten, Marié. DBSA infrastructure barometer, 2008: Economic and social infrastructure in South Africa : scenarios for the future. Editado por Development Bank of Southern Africa. [Halfway House, Midrand, South Africa]: Development Bank of Southern Africa, 2008.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Initiation texts (dban dpe) of the bhutanese tradition of the 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa. Rewalsar, distt. mandi, h.p: Zigar drukpa kargyud institute, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. The collected works (gsun 'bum) of nin-rdzon khri-pa dkon-mchog-don-grub-chos-dban. Bir, h.p: Bir tibetan society, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. The autobiography and collected writings of the bhutanese gter-ston yongs-'dzin nag-dban-grags-pa. Thimphu: National library of bhutan, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Mkhas btsun bzan po'i bdag nid mtshuns med chos kyi rje nag dban rgyal mtshan gyi rba rlabs mnon par g'yo ba: The biography of se'u-la byams-mgon nag-dban-rgyal-mtshan (1647-1732). Thimphu, bhutan: National library of bhutan, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa initiation texts (dban dpe): A collection of texts explaining the initiations used in the 'brug-pa dkar-brgyud-pa tradition. Darjeeling: Chopal lama, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. The collected works (gsun 'bum) of h.h. the eighth rgyal-dban 'brug-chen of the northern 'brug-pa, kun-gzigs-chos-kyi-snan-ba (1768-1822). Rewalsar, distt. mandi, h.p: Zigar brukpa kargyud institute, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Collected writings of zil-gnon-dban-rgyal-rdo-rje: A collection of texts by an exponent of the rnin-ma-pa tradition from the sino-nepalese borderland. Darjeeling: Konchhog lhadripa, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Grub thob chen po'i thigs thig gi skor: The collected revelations revealed in a vision of than-ston-rgyal-po to 'jam-dbyans mkhyen-brtse'i-dban-po. Thimphu, bhutan: National library of bhutan, 1985.

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APWeb/WAIM 2007 International Workshops (2007 Huang Shan, China). Advances in web and network technologies, and information management: APWeb/WAIM 2007 International Workshops: DBMAN 2007, WebETrends 2007, PAIS 2007 and ASWAN 2007, Huang Shan, China, June 16-18, 2007 : proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2007.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Rgyal dban dpal yul ba'i gdan rabs no mtshar 'chi med yons 'du'i ljon pa'i phren ba: A history of the dpal-yul complex of monasteries and their spiritual traditions. Bylakuppe, dist. mysore, karnataka: Nyingmapa monastery, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Bka' brgyad gsan ba yongs rdzogs kyi sgrub skor: A collection of texts from the famed revelations of gu-ru chos-kyi-dban-phyug as used in the great sgrub-chen in dpal-yul and affiliates. Byllakuppe: Pema norbu rinpoche, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Mdo khams pa bstan pa'i ni ma'i gsan yig sku thog drug pa: Record of teachings received of the sixth khams-sprul nag-dban-mi-pham-bstan-pa'i-ni-ma-rnam-dag-chos-kyi-rgya-mtsho-phrin-las-rnam-par-rgyal-ba'i sde. Palampur: Khampa gar sungrab nyamso gyunphel parkhang, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Rje btsun bla ma rgyal dban sar rdza pa chen po bkra sis rgyal mtshan dpal bzan po'i rtogs brjod nun gsal du gleng ba no mtshar dpag bsam ljon pa'i dga' tshal: Brief biography of the new bon (bon gsar) master, sar rdza bkra-sis-rgyal-mtshan. Dehra dun, u.p: Trinley jamtsho, 1985.

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Center, Buddhist Digital Resource. Phyag chen nes don rgya mtshoʼi bsdus don rtsa tshig khyer bder bkod pa nes don sgo ʼbyed: The entrance to the ultimate meaning, a work that expresses in verse the essential points of mahamudra mediation as presented in the ocean of ultimate meaning (phyag chen nes don rgya mtsho), written by the ninth karmapa, dban-phyug-rdo-rje. Mirik, dist. darjeeling, w.b: Bokar ngedon choekhor ling monastery, 1993.

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Rgyal dban tshans dbyans rgya mtsho'i mgur glu. Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2014.

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Nag dban blo gros grags pa'i gsun 'bum. Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khan, 2012.

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Dnul rtsa'i 'dzad spyod pa'i khe dban srun skyon lag deb. Lha-sa: 中国邮政储蓄银行西藏自治区分行, 2014.

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Ye-ses-dban-phyug. Dge-bses Ye-ses-dban-phyug gi gsun bum bzugs so. Mtsho-snon Zin-chen Zin-hwa dpe khan gis bkram, 1999.

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Rje btsun Dban-phyud-rdo-rjei dbu mai chops skor las. Rumtek, Sikkim: Karma Shri Nalanda Institute, 2009.

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Rje btsun lam rim pa Ngag-dban-phun-tshogs kyi gsun'bum. Krung-goʾi Bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2012.

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Bod lugs gso rig mkhas dban Karma-chos-'phel mchog gi mdzad rnam. Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2013.

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Dba 2.2: Simple Ancient and Medieval Wargaming Rules Including Dbsa and Dba 1. 0. [publisher not identified], 2012.

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Hor ba drun rams pa smra dban bstan dzin blo gros rgya mtshoi gsun bum. Chengdu: Si-khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2011.

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Dban mda' ni ma'i rtsom yig phyogs bsgrigs: Snan dbyans kyis bslans pa'i 'brog glu. Lanzhou: Kan-suʾu mi rigs dpe skrun khan, 2011.

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(Editor), Kevin C. Chang, Wei Wang (Editor), Lei Chen (Editor), Clarence A. Ellis (Editor), Ching-Hsien Hsu (Editor), Ah Chung Tsoi (Editor), Haixun Wang (Editor), Xuemin Lin (Editor), Yun Yang (Editor) e Jeffrey Xu (Editor), eds. Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management: APWeb/WAIM 2007 International Workshops: DBMAN 2007, WebETrends 2007, PAIS 2007 and ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Springer, 2007.

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Rdo-rje-rgyal-mtshan. Legs bsad ljon dban dan dka gnad gsal mei grel pa gzon chun rnon po dan: Tshad mai gnad bsdus lun rigs tshom bu. Bod-ljons mi dmans dpe skrun khan, 1999.

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Chang, Kevin C., Wang Wei, Lei Chen, Ching-Hsien Hsu e Clarence A. Ellis. Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management : APWeb/WAIM 2007 International Workshops: DBMAN 2007, WebETrends 2007, PAIS 2007 and ASWAN 2007, Huang Shan, China, June 16-18, 2007, Proceedings. Springer London, Limited, 2007.

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Sman btsun mo tshe rin mched lna'i sgrub gtor la brten nas phywa g'yan 'gugs pa'i cho ga bsam 'phel dban gi rgyal po skal ldan 'gro ba'i ri skon. S.l: Bod gzun ses rig par khan, 1987.

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Rgyal dban Brug-pa Dkar-brgyud phrin las sin rtai sde mchog gi rnam thar dad pa rgya mtshoi gru rdzins dan dad pai rgya mtsho phyur byed ces bya ba bzusg so. Plouray, France: Pha-ran-si Dpal Brug-paʼi Chos-tshogs nas chos sbyin du spel, 2010.

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Bod kyi dus rabs rim byun gi rtsom rig brtsams chos gces bsdus: Slob gso pu'u dan krun dbyan nor srid kyis rgyab skyor byas pa'i mtho rim las rigs slob grwa'i ched las 'dzugs skrun rnam grans bslab gzi. Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2013.

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Don-grub-rdo-rje. Gnas lna rig pai dban phyug Gyan-sprul Don-grub-rdo-rjei gsun rtsom gces bsgrigs legs bsad nor bui than ma zes bya ba bzugs so (Mgo-log sa khul gyi gna rtsom dpe tshogs nas). Rgyud tshon, Mtsho-snon Zin-chen Zin-hwa dpe khan, 2000.

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Phrin-las-rnam-rgyal. Bod rgyal khab dan mi rigs kyi ched dgra bor dnos su gdon bstan te no rgol mthar skyel mdzad mkhan mtshan snan ... Tshe-dban-rab-brtan, 1897-1966, nam ... snin bsdus (Nag rgyun lo rgyus deb phren). Bod kyi dpe mdzod khan, 1997.

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Gans-ljons rig pai dpa boi khyu mchog: Bod nan Rgya-dmar gyis gdug rtsub srid byus og Bod kyi rig gzun srun skyob gnan mkhan gyi min don mtshuns pai mkhas dban dam pa rnams kyi mdzad rnam snin bsdus. Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra, H.P: Bagdro, 2009.

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Ran dban: 1995 phyi zla 3 tshes 15-17 bar Dha-sar A-myes-rma-chen Bod kyi rig gzun zib jug khan nas Bod kyi rtsom pa poi rgyal yons tshogs chen dan po ... pai ljags rtsom (Snan rtsom deb phren). A-myes-rma-chen Bod kyi rig gzun zib jug khan, 1996.

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Mi rigs mthun sgril slob gsoi go bde'i klog deb: Krun dbyan dril bsgrags pu'u dril bsgrags slob gso cus, slob gso pu'u bsam blo chab srid las don si, rgyal khab mi rigs don gcod u yon lhan khan gi srid jus khrims srol si. Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khan, 2010.

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