Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Croissance de la Chine"
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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Croissance de la Chine"
Boyreau-Debray, Geneviève. "Politique économique locale et inflation en Chine". Revue économique 51, n.º 3 (1 de maio de 2000): 713–24.
Texto completo da fonteDémurger, Sylvie. "Ouverture et croissance industrielle des villes chinoises." Revue économique 47, n.º 3 (1 de maio de 1996): 841–50.
Texto completo da fonteMeyer, Claude. "La Chine, centre du monde". Études Tome 412, n.º 4 (30 de março de 2010): 439–50.
Texto completo da fonteDémurger, Sylvie. "Infrastructures, éducation et croissance régionale en Chine". Revue d'économie du développement 7, n.º 1 (1999): 71–93.
Texto completo da fonteLardy, Nicholas. "Chine : les vices cachés de la croissance". Alternatives Internationales N° 57, n.º 12 (1 de dezembro de 2012): 30.
Texto completo da fonteHochraich, Diana. "Les déséquilibres de la croissance en Chine". Economie et statistique 279, n.º 1 (1994): 159–71.
Texto completo da fonteCHATELLIER, Vincent, Jean-Marc CHAUMET e Thierry POUCH. "La pandémie de Covid-19, l’économie agricole internationale et les filières animales : le cas de la Chine, des États-Unis et de l’UE". INRAE Productions Animales 35, n.º 1 (17 de maio de 2022): 1–20.
Texto completo da fonteHusain, Ishrat, e Yan Wang. "Investissement direct étranger en Chine et croissance économique". Revue d'économie du développement 4, n.º 1 (1996): 117–43.
Texto completo da fonteDémurger, Sylvie. "Différences régionales de la croissance industrielle en Chine". Revue d'économie du développement 4, n.º 1 (1996): 145–68.
Texto completo da fontePin, Jean-Louis. "Ouverture et croissance interne en Chine depuis 1978". Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest 19, n.º 2 (1988): 47–75.
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Croissance de la Chine"
Simayi, Zibibula Zibibula. "La croissance urbaine de Korla, Xinjiang-Chine". Toulouse 2, 2003.
Texto completo da fonteThis thesis is a study divided into four parts. The first part is dedicated to the autonomous region Oui͏̈gour, Xinjiang, the situation of which it presents geo-economic and the transport system. The second part studies the demographic evolution and the urbanization, urban system of the city of Korla, prerequisite necessary for the third part which analyzes the urban economy and the alterations of this town. Finally, the last part proposes an analysis of the spatial economic planning of the territory of Korla. It is about, understanding and analysing the geographic dimensions of the economy of this city. Thus this subject analyzes, around these four research main axis, the place of the city of Korla in the urban economy of Xinjiang
Xu, Zelai. "Urbanisation et Croissance des Villes en Chine". Phd thesis, Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteNotre étude suggère que la Chine a connu un retard de l'urbanisation dû aux stratégies d'industrialisation particulières (biais de l'industrie lourde avant les réformes et industrialisation rurale après les réformes) et au caractère incomplet des marchés des facteurs de production (le travail et la terre, entre autres) ; les villes ne sont pas assez grandes pour exploiter les économies d'agglomération. Avec l'approfondissement des réformes économiques, la Chine doit poursuivre cette transformation structurelle rurale/urbaine car le développement de l'économie urbaine va constituer l'un des moteurs de la croissance économique du pays. Les politiques destinées à promouvoir l'urbanisation doivent consister à améliorer les institutions sur les marchés des facteurs de production, et à relâcher les restrictions sur la taille des villes.
Karkanis, Dimitrios. "Mutations économiques et démographiques en Chine : croissance ou développement ?" Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2016.
Texto completo da fonteThe process of economic growth in China during the last decades, mainly driven by the dynamics of the export sector, is accompanied by a simultaneous and rapid population growth. This growth contributes, in turn, to the creation of a vast amount of potential consumers, as well of a large human resources reservoir, at a national level. Being part of the group of countries well known as “emerging”, the case of China is of special interest, in order to examine if and how economic growth can result in a simultaneous development process, the latter concept being closely related to the improvement of human life.This PhD thesis is structured mainly in three parts. The first part concerns the analysis of economic and demographic changes in China over the last decades, especially since the rise to the country’s leadership of Deng Xiaoping in the year 1978. The analysis carried out first distinguishes the processes of economic globalization and liberalization, at the same time with the evaluation of population trends related to the demographic transition process. Later in the same part, an analysis of institutional changes becomes available, associated with the national policies applied in this highly evolving economic and demographic context. During the second part, the construction of a “diagnosis base” concerning selected risks and opportunities, related to the challenges on China’s development in the current period, allows us to formulate the key assumptions of this research. Finally, the third part comes exactly to evaluate our identified key assumptions, while attempting to define the proposed distinction between the concepts of growth and development. Apart from the construction and the evaluation of our key assumptions, the corollary epistemological posture of this thesis is to examine, through a disciplinary openness, the phenomenon of the co-evolution between economic and demographic variables in the Chinese case. The questions raised about the concept of development require, in fact, a bi-disciplinary approach, both from an economic and demographic view
Liu, Chenxiang. "Transformation du système financier et croissance en Chine". Thesis, Paris 10, 2009.
Texto completo da fonteThe Chinese economy is growing steadily and rapidly since the reform and opening 1978. However, a failing banking system because of many non-performing loans granted to state-owned enterprises and the underdevelopment of capital markets hinder the healthy economic development. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the financing of the economy and improving performance in the financial sectors. To this end, our thesis is structured around six chapters. In the first, we discuss the different components of growth. It is rather driven by exports and investment, consumption remains relatively low. The second chapter is devoted to the recapitalization of large state-owned commercial banks, the consolidation of city commercial banks and the restructuring of rural credit cooperatives. The third chapter will discuss split-share structure reform in the primary stock market. Our analysis will be punctuated by empirical analysis of PER (price earning ratio) on the secondary market. The fourth chapter will discuss the recent development of the bond market and the imminent need of expansion. The penultimate chapter will present the financing of SME—the major driving force of growth and the important role of credit guarantee institutions. The final chapter will strive to analyze the creation of a well-functioning and sustainable rural financial system, which would address the diverse needs of “new socialist countryside” construction
Bian, Heng. "La croissance économique et l'investissement des entreprises en Chine". Paris 9, 1994.
Texto completo da fonteThe main part of the thesis is to describe the Chinese economic growth, to study the shift of system and institutions. In the first part, we study the evolution of system from the soviet model to the Chinese model which with the characteristic of the leading role of the budgetary policy in the income distribution and in the investment allocation. Then, we study the impact of reform at the economic system ; these reforms have followed the decentralized model, concerning many economic fields. The evolution of Chinese economic system then is inserted two important phenomenon : the rural industry and the zes. The evolution concerns, off course, the behaviors of organization. We take up particularly the behaviors of three enterprises subject to investment, because of the importance of this grandeur in Chinese economy
Démurger, Sylvie. "Ouverture et croissance : le cas de la République populaire de Chine". Paris 1, 1997.
Texto completo da fonteAt the end of the 70s the people's republic of China launched a reform and opening up process which led it to develop its external relationships and induced large benefits, among which a dramatic economic growth. This thesis focuses on the mechanisms which can explain the link between the chinese open-door policy and its impressively high economic growth. In order to give the analytical framework necessary to understand the enjeux and the mechanisms of the shift of china towards a market economy, it first examines the characteristics of the chinese growth in a long term perspective and proposes a panorama of the changes which occurred since the end of the 70s. It then presents a theoretical framework of the relationship between openness and growth which enables to examine the channels and the modalities through which international trade, either in goods or in technologies, may play a leading role in the growth process of an economy. It also develops a model of endogenous growth which highlights a dynamics between foreign investment and economic growth and which is used in the empirical analysis conducted in the last part of the thesis. The latter gives an explanation of the economic growth of chinese provinces based on one hand, on the dynamics between foreign investment and growth and, on the other hand, on a dynamics due to the geographical propagation of growth itself. The study of growth at a provincial level enables to identify the inflow of foreign capital, through the channel for technology transfer, as a main driving element in the chinese growth process. This analysis is finally completed with an evaluation of the interdependence of growth between chinese provinces and, within provinces, between cities. This last step allows to describe growth propagation phenomena and thus to give a complementary view of the chinese growth process
Lladser, Antinéa. "Système financier et croissance endogène : une application à l'économie chinoise". Paris 10, 2000.
Texto completo da fonteCao, Hui. "Nouvelles tendances de l'urbanisation au Sichuan et à Chongqing : agglomérations urbaines et périmètres administratifs des villes". Paris 7, 2014.
Texto completo da fonteMeasuring and comparing urban population in different countries, including China, have been a well-known problem because the national statistical agencies of different countries may use different definitions of "urban populations. " In this thesis, we use the e-Geopolis urban population statistics to uncover new trends of urbanization in Sichuan and Chongqing, two shengji divisions situated in the southwestern part of China, between 2000 and 2010. Our analysis shows that the urban population statistics estimated by e-Geopolis are very different from those reported by the National Bureau of Statistics, the official statistical agency of China. This comparison suggests that the official statistics can be misleading and can portrait an inaccurate picture of the actual extent of urbanization in China. For example, based on the e-Geopolis urban population statistics for Chongqing Zhixiashi and Sichuan Sheng, we find that the primacy index at shengji is higher. This situation can be explained by the concentration of capital in a labor-intensive economy where economies of agglomerations can reduce the costs of production. However, we cannot see the same patterns when we use the official urban population statistics provided by the National Bureau of Statistics. We view our results as the first step of using e-Geopolis to understand the urbanization patterns of China. When the complete set of e-Geopolis urban population statistics of China is available, it should be very useful for researchers and policy makers to better measure China's urbanization and also compare the urbanization experiences of China and other countries in the world
Schaffar, Alexandra. "Croissance et hiérarchie urbaines dans les pays émergents". Phd thesis, Université de la Réunion, 2009.
Texto completo da fonteLuo, Xubei. "Impact des investissements en infrastructure sur la croissance régionale : le cas des provinces chinoises". Clermont-Ferrand 1, 2003.
Texto completo da fonteThis Ph. D. Thesis concentrates on the study of the impacts of infrastructure investments on regional growth, in the case of the Chinese provinces. It focused on regional economy, enriching the theory of geographic economy. The objectives are to demonstrate the important role of geographic economic position in regional growth and to evaluate the efficiency of the infrastructure investment location policies on rebalanced development. This thesis includes three parts : the first part describes the unbalanced economic development of China after the reform of 1978 and examines the theoretical models. The second part centers on the empirical studies of the importance of infrastructure development level on transportation costs and the effects of market demand on regional development. The third part focuses on the empirical analyses of regional growth, convergence clubs and interregional interactions
Livros sobre o assunto "Croissance de la Chine"
Gentelle, Pierre. Chine: L'irrésistible urbanisation. Paris: Documentation française, 1992.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteBésanger, Serge. Chine, splendeurs et misères de la croissance. Paris: Alban éditions, 2008.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteDémurger, Sylvie. Ouverture et croissance industrielle en Chine: Étude empirique sur un échantillon de villes. Paris: Organisation de cooperation et de développement économiques, 1995.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteBois-Laurent, Marie-Aude. Capital humain et croissance: Conditions et modalités d'émergence des marchés du travail en Chine. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 1997.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteIzraëlewicz, Erik. Quand la Chine change le monde. Paris: Grasset, 2005.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteXu, Zelai. Urbanisation et croissance des villes en Chine: Thèse pour le doctorat en sciences économiques présentée et soutenue publiquement le 20 mars 2008. Paris: Edilivre-Aparis, 2008.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteJohnson, Jinny. Oak tree. London: Franklin Watts, 2009.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCordero, Adrián Hernández, Carlos Vergara Constela, Aritz Tutor Antón e Eduard Sala Barceló. Neoliberal(urban)ismo: Transformaciones socioterritoriales y luchas populares en Chile, España y México. Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre la Ciudad, 2019.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteSoton-Xélos, Brigitte. Indochine, Chine, Chine. Monaco: Rocher, 1989.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteBillaudot, Bernard. Croissance et crise: Vers une nouvelle croissance. Paris: La Découverte, 1985.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCapítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Croissance de la Chine"
Haiyan, Wang, e Zhou Yuan. "Chine : défis de l’enseignement supérieur dans une économie en forte croissance". In L’université en transition, 161–88. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.
Texto completo da fonteGooch, Jan W. "Chine". In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 139. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.
Texto completo da fonteDumont, Gérard-François. "Ramses 2024". In Ramses 2024, 160–65. Dunod, 2023.
Texto completo da fonte"Urbanisation, croissance et cohésion sociale". In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Chine, 69–120. OECD, 2013.
Texto completo da fonte"Réformer les finances publiques pour mieux servir la croissance". In Études économiques de l'OCDE : Chine, 201–32. OECD, 2006.
Texto completo da fonteTELETCHEA, Fabrice. "Génétique de la domestication des poissons en aquaculture". In Génétique des domestications, 115–26. ISTE Group, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteSiroën, Jean-Marc. "Ramses 2024". In Ramses 2024, 154–59. Dunod, 2023.
Texto completo da fonte"Croissance intensive et extensive à l’époque de la Chine impériale". In Études du Centre de Développement, 25–47. Éditions OCDE, 2007.
Texto completo da fonte"La croissance verte, projet national en Chine, au Kenya et en Corée". In Coopération pour le développement 2012, 161–72. OECD, 2012.
Texto completo da fonteJ. LI, Peter. "Le bien-être des porcs en Chine". In La souffrance animale, 33–56. ISTE Group, 2023.
Texto completo da fonteTrabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Croissance de la Chine"
Parać, Roko, Lorenzo Nodari, Leo Ardon, Daniel Furelos-Blanco, Federico Cerutti e Alessandra Russo. "Learning Robust Reward Machines from Noisy Labels". In 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR-2023}, 909–19. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteRussu, Ariadna. "Développement économique de la République de Moldova: défis et solutions". In Simpozion stiintific al tinerilor cercetatori, editia 20. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Texto completo da fonteRussu, Ariadna. "Développement économique de la République de Moldova, défis et solutions". In Simpozion Ştiinţific al Tinerilor Cercetători, Ediţia a 21-a. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteGarandet, Jean-Paul. "Croissance cristalline en phase liquide : éléments théoriques". In Élaboration et caractérisation des cristaux massifs et en couches minces pour l'optique. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2003.
Texto completo da fonteRobinson, J. "Performance Prediction of Chine and Round Bilge Hull Forms". In Hydrodynamics for High Speed Craft. RINA, 1999.
Texto completo da fonteTariq, Hassan, e Adnan Maqsood. "Radar Cross Section Based Shape Optimization of Chine Forebody". In 2022 19th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST). IEEE, 2022.
Texto completo da fonteChin, Irene. "Le Corbusier’s Musée à croissance illimitée: A Limitless Diagram for Museology". In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Texto completo da fonteLandric, C. "Fracture de l’angle mandibulaire déplacé chez l’enfant : ou réduire ? Quand retirer le matériel ?" In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Texto completo da fonteLatorre, Robert. "Results of Ferguson Model-Ship Extrapolation for Hard Chine Forms". In SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference. SNAME, 1995.
Texto completo da fonteEscadeillas, G. "Caractérisation en laboratoire de la croissance d'algues sur les parements en béton". In RILEM International Conference on Microbial Impact on Building Materials. RILEM Publications SARL, 2003.
Texto completo da fonteRelatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Croissance de la Chine"
Greene, Malory, Nora Dihel, Przemyslaw Kowalski e Douglas Lippoldt. Échanges et croissance de la Chine. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), setembro de 2008.
Texto completo da fonteCournède, Boris, Jean-Marc Fournier e Peter Hoeller. Structure des finances publiques et croissance inclusive. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), dezembro de 2018.
Texto completo da fonteXun, Z. Les activités géologiques et la collaboration internationale en Chine. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1995.
Texto completo da fonteFonseca, Raquel, e Markus Poschke. L’évolution et la composition de la richesse des ménages Québécois. CIRANO, setembro de 2023.
Texto completo da fonteJohansson, Åsa, Yvan Guillemette, Fabrice Murtin, David Turner, Giuseppe Nicoletti, Christine de la Maisonneuve, Guillaume Bousquet e Francesca Spinelli. Horizon 2060 : Perspectives de croissance économique globale à long terme. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), novembro de 2012.
Texto completo da fonteDostie, Benoit, e Genevieve Dufour. Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019. CIRANO, outubro de 2024.
Texto completo da fonteH., Wenbin, e Wilkes A. Analyse des politiques dinvestissement de la Chine à létranger. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2013.
Texto completo da fonteNicault, A., É. Boucher, D. Tapsoba e Y. Bégin. Influence des variations interannuelles du climat sur la croissance radiale des épinettes noires. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteKamal-Chaoui, Lamia, e Marissa Plouin. Villes et croissance verte : Etude de cas de la région Paris/Ile-de-France. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), fevereiro de 2012.
Texto completo da fonteSingbo, Alphonse, Cokou Patrice Kpadé e Lota Tamini. Investissement dans les innovations, croissance de la productivité totale des facteurs et commerce international des PME manufacturières québécoises. CIRANO, junho de 2024.
Texto completo da fonte