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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Contexte ITS"


DYE, Guillaume. "Ǫuelques questions sur les contextes du Coran". Archimède. Archéologie et histoire ancienne 10 (novembro de 2023): 22–33.

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Résumé : Cet article étudie la manière dont il convient de penser l’articulation entre le texte coranique et son contexte supposé. En examinant trois types de tensions entre le Coran et le contexte de La Mecque et de Médine, qui concernent des aspects géographico-sociaux, religieux (l’arrière-plan chrétien) et socio-culturels (la capacité à utiliser l’écrit (literacy) et l’oralité), l’article montre que, tout en conservant l’idée que le mouvement de Muḥammad a pris naissance en Arabie occidentale, on doit abandonner l’idée du Coran comme miroir de la prédication de Muḥammad et reconnaître que le corpus coranique a en fait plusieurs contextes. Abstract Title: Some Issues about the Contexts of the Qurʾān This article explores how to think about the articulation between the Qurʾanic text and its supposed context. By examining three types of tensions between the Qurʾān and the context of Mecca and Medina, which pertain to geographical-social, religious (the Christian background) and socio-cultural (literacy and orality) aspects, the article shows that, while we should keep the idea that Muḥammad’s movement originated in Western Arabia, we should give up the idea of the Qur’ān as a mirror of Muḥammad’s preaching and acknowledge that the Qurʾanic corpus displays in fact multiple contexts.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

BOISLIVEAU, Anne-Sylvie, Mathilde BOUDIER e Eric VALLET. "Le Coran en contexte(s) omeyyade(s) : introduction". Archimède. Archéologie et histoire ancienne 10 (novembro de 2023): 1–21.

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Résumé : Le contexte historique de la genèse du Coran constitue une question centrale dans les recherches islamologiques sur le texte fondateur de l’islam, d’autant plus vive qu’il n’existe pas de consensus sur une reconstruction scientifique de ce contexte. Placer le Coran « en contexte(s) » apparaît donc comme un terrain propice au dialogue entre islamologie et histoire. Cette introduction revient d’abord sur les enjeux propres à l’histoire première du Coran, c’est-à-dire à sa composition et à sa canonisation, avant d’évoquer comment ces enjeux s’articulent au contexte omeyyade. L’idée initiale d’un colloque organisé en juin 2021, qui consistait à appréhender l’histoire du Coran dans le contexte de la Syrie-Palestine à l’époque omeyyade (661-750), a finalement ouvert à la possibilité d’un regard multi-situé sur les développements omeyyades autour du Coran, à travers la confrontation des sources dans leur diversité et l’élargissement à un horizon impérial. Abstract: Title: The Qurʾān in Umayyad Context(s): Introduction The historical context of the genesis of the Qurʾān is a central issue within the field of Islamic Studies dealing with the founding text of Islam – even more so that no consensus on an academic reconstruction of this context has been reached. To set the Qurʾān « within its context(s) » appear therefore as an adequate ground for dialogue between History and the study of the religion of Islam. This introduction first describes what is at stake within the early history of the Qurʾān, i.e. its composition and canonisation, and then evokes how these issues relate to the Umayyad context. The initial idea of the conference that took place in June 2021, which was to address this topic within the limited framework of Syria-Palestine during the Umayyad period (661-750), eventually led to the possibility of a multi-situated view on the Umayyad developments regarding the Qurʾān, through confronting the sources in their diversity, in a wider, imperial horizon.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

CHEBLI, Soumya. "Contexte : Réflexion Epistémologique Renouvelée". ALTRALANG Journal 1, n.º 02 (31 de dezembro de 2019): 71–92.

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ABSTRACT: Starting from the acceptation, which considers the context as homogeneous environment close to the linguistic sign and of the same nature, to that which apprehends it like environment distant and heterogeneous by its composition, the sciences of the language are faced with epistemological mutations. Faced with the proliferation of definitions and theories, our reflection focuses, essentially, on the epistemological mutations that the concept context has experienced through the different theories that consider it as the core of their theses. Through this article, we will try to highlight the evolution of this concept. Thus from the immanent approach, now classical or by some linguists, to textual and discursive approaches in perpetual mutations and in full proliferation, what could be today the most exhaustive conception on which specialists could agree? RÉSUMÉ: Partant de l’acception qui considère le contexte comme environnement homogène proche du signe linguistique et de même nature, à celle qui l'appréhende comme environnement lointain et hétérogène de par sa composition, les sciences du langage se retrouvent face à des mutations épistémologiques. Devant le foisonnement de définitions et de théories, notre réflexion porte, essentiellement, sur les mutations épistémologiques qu’a connues le concept contexte à travers les différentes théories qui le considèrent comme noyau de leurs thèses. A travers cet article, nous tenterons de mettre en évidence l’évolution qu’a connue ce concept. Ainsi de l'approche immanente, désormais classique ou révolue selon certains linguistes, aux approches textuelles et discursives en perpétuelles mutations et en pleine prolifération, quel peut être aujourd'hui, la conception la plus exhaustive sur laquelle pourraient s'entendre les spécialistes ?
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Baziomo, Raoul. "1 Sam 20 et son contexte". Vetus Testamentum 63, n.º 2 (2013): 177–92.

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Abstract This paper addresses the issue of the assumed conflicting setting of 1 Sam 20 in the narrative flow of 1 Sam 18-20. It formulates the hypothesis that careful examination of the way the characters of Jonathan and Michal appear in the plot and are portrayed to act suggests a perspective according to which 1 Sam 20 turns out to perform a narrative function relevant to its immediate context.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Shi, Jie. "To Die with the Buddha: The Brick Pagoda and Its Role in the Xuezhuang Tomb in Early Medieval China". T’oung Pao 100, n.º 4-5 (10 de abril de 2014): 363–403.

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The important late fifth- or early sixth-century brick tomb at Xuezhuang in Dengxian (Henan) features a brick form at the rear wall, which remained mysterious until it has recently been shown to represent a Buddhist pagoda. This discovery sheds light on the purpose of the burial chamber, featuring the novel combination of vaulted ceiling, colonnade, and pagoda, as simulating an Indian-derived Buddhist temple (caitya). To reinforce this Buddhist context, the burial chamber simultaneously imitates the structure of a Buddhist votive stele (zaoxiangbei 造像碑), in which various Buddhist images, including the Buddha and bodhisattvas, apsaras, worshippers, and guardians, are carefully organized. The Xuezhuang tomb thus merges Buddhist structures with the traditional Chinese funerary structure, representing an entirely new manner in which funerary art and Buddhist art interacted with one another in early medieval China. While in earlier times Buddhist elements were subject to the unilaterally dominant funerary context, in the fifth to sixth centuries, as the importance of a specifically Buddhist context increased, the tomb occupant, whose coffin lay right before the pagoda, became an integral part of a simulated Buddhist structure as a worshipper symbolically poised to worship the pagoda or attend the “dead” Buddha in the concealed Buddhist “temple” that was the tomb. La tombe importante, datant de la fin du ve siècle ou du début du vie, découverte à Xuezhang (Dengxian, Henan) comporte une forme en briques sur son mur postérieur dont on n’a montré que récemment qu’il s’agissait d’une pagode bouddhiste. Cette découverte éclaire l’objet de la chambre funéraire: la combinaison d’un plafond en voûte, d’une colonnade et d’une pagode évoque un temple bouddhiste de style indien (caitya). Renforçant encore ce contexte religieux, la chambre funéraire imite en même temps la structure d’une stèle votive bouddhiste (zaoxiangbei 造像碑), dans laquelle les images du Bouddha, des bodhisattvas, des apsaras, des adorateurs et des gardiens sont soigneusement disposées. La tombe de Xuezhang combine de la sorte des structures bouddhistes et une structure funéraire chinoise traditionnelle; elle représente une manière entièrement nouvelle dans la Chine du début du Moyen Âge, dans laquelle interagissent l’art funéraire et l’art bouddhique. Alors qu’auparavant les éléments bouddhistes étaient subordonnés à un contexte exclusivement funéraire, aux ve-vie siècles le contexte spécifiquement bouddhique a gagné en importance; en conséquence, l’occupant de la tombe, dont le cercueil était placé directement devant la pagode, est devenu partie intégrante d’une structure bouddhique simulée en tant qu’adorateur placé symboliquement pour faire ses dévotions à la pagode, ou alors être au service du Bouddha “mort” dans le temple bouddhique caché qu’était devenue la tombe.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Puget, Janine. "L’incidence sur la psychanalyse du contexte social en Argentine". Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 9, n.º 1 (1987): 77–85.

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The effect of the social context on psychoanalysis in Argentina. The study of the social context due to state of terrorism during the Argentine military dictatorship between 1976-1983 is used to understand the mental representation of social context and its influence on the psychoanalytical setting. This state of “social catastrophe” is characterized along its social violence axis by tracking down some observational items : silence and silencing, the information-disinformation axis referred to ignorance, madness and false expectations, the creation of bastions and myths as well as a state of constant threat and torture. An extreme significant was the “desaparecido”. A trial is made to detect the repercussion of this items on group treatment using two group’ sessions.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hotta, Miho. "The development of social psychology in japan and its political context/[le développement de la psychologie sociale au japon et son contexte politique]". Sociétés contemporaines 13, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1993): 113–19.

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Résumé [Le développement de la psychologie sociale au Japon et son contexte politique] : Le développement de la psychologie sociale au Japon est influencé par divers changements sociaux et, plus particulièrement, lié aux évolutions de la situation politique. La popularité initiale des études sur le comportement collectif et sur les facteurs ethniques font directement écho aux orientations politiques du gouvernement japonais de l'époque. Les réformes sociales, imposées par le gouvernement américain à la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, à la suite de la défaite du Japon, se manifestent aussi par la forte influence américaine sur la psychologie sociale japonaise contemporaine. L 'auteur explore en outre les problèmes liés aux développements ultérieurs de la psychologie sociale japonaise.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

BA, Ibrahima. "Le contexte, un levier essentiel dans une perspective d’analyse du discours". ALTRALANG Journal 3, n.º 02 (25 de novembro de 2021): 63–77.

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ABSTRACT: Linguistics is in an evolving phase where the semiotic thresholds and the partitioning of research fields tend to give way to the diversity of signs and interdisciplinary perspectives. Indeed the levels of analysis have multiplied and incline more and more to dissect the mechanisms of meaning construction that revolve around production, reception and interpretation. However, we cannot arrive to meaning without specifying as a preliminary the context of production. The context, because of its polysemic character, is the object of discussion. Is it a concept belonging to logico-grammatical or hermeneutics? This question deserves to be analyzed because on it are based all the theoretical approaches, better the connections between texts and speeches as well as the connections between social sciences and humanities. We will not miss to linger ourselves on the different variations in the meaning of context depending on a linguistic approach to another and its centrality in discourse analysis. RÉSUMÉ : La linguistique est dans une phase d’évolution où les seuils sémiotiques et le cloisonnement des domaines de recherche ont tendance à laisser la place à la diversité des signes et des perspectives d’interdisciplinarité. En effet, les niveaux d’analyse se sont multipliés et tendent de plus en plus à décortiquer les mécanismes de construction du sens qui tournent autour de la production, de la réception et de l’interprétation. Toutefois, on ne peut arriver au sens sans au préalable déterminer le contexte de production. Le contexte fait l’objet de débats de par son caractère polysémique. Est-il un concept relevant de la logico-grammaticale ou de l’herméneutique ? Cette question mérite d’être analysée, car c’est ce sur quoi reposent toutes les approches théoriques, les connexions entre les textes et les discours ainsi que les connexions entre les sciences sociales et les sciences humaines. Nous ne manquerons pas de nous attarder sur les différentes variations de sens du contexte selon qu’on se situe d’une approche linguistique à une autre et sa centralité en analyse du discours.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Congar, Richard. "La consolidation de l’Europe bleue : nouveau contexte international et nouveaux enjeux". Études internationales 18, n.º 1 (12 de abril de 2005): 21–69.

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Each of the member states of the European Economic Community (EEC) has extended, through a common agreement, its own fishing grounds to 200 miles, thus leading to the creation, since 1977, of the Community waters whose exploitation would be subjected to the common fisheries policy of the EEC. The widespread extension of fishing grounds throughout Europe together with the state of overfishing in the North-East Atlantic have led the EEC to elaborate a policy in order to protect the interests of its member states, to make their fishing vessels competitive, and to ensure the stability of the fishing industry. This paper looks into the implementation of the fisheries policy of the EEC, internally — namely access s rights to Community waters, the coordination of markets and producers, aid to modernize the vessels - as well as regarding foreign countries with whom agreements are sought in order to maintain historic fishing rights - specially in the North Atlantic - or in order to develop new fishing grounds - specially along the West African coast and in the Indian Ocean - a quarter of the EEC catch is made outside Community waters. France is deeply committed to the orientations of the EEC fisheries policy due to the importance of its fleet of trawlers fishing outside French waters and to the potential catch in the exclusive economic zone of its departments and territories overseas. The compromise signed by member states in 1983 is an important step towards the establishment of a true « Europe Fisheries ».
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bouchard, Mawy. "Utilité et diversité du «romanzo»: Giraldi Cinzio et le contexte français". Renaissance and Reformation 39, n.º 2 (1 de janeiro de 2003): 65–75.

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Great epic theories of the Renaissance, mainly inspired by Aristotelian poetics, do not deal with the most widely spread narrative practice of the sixteenth century. The first theoretician of the novel (“romanzo”), Giraldi Cinzio, whose “pre-aristotelian” conception might seem a little backward, establishes a break between ancient and modern narrative. The two traditions are based on different notions of the text: on the one hand, as an object of contemplation with its own internal logic; on the other hand, as an instrument of edification dedicated to the pleasure of and usefulness to as wide and “diverse” a readership as possible. The Giraldian model is more often observed in France, contrary to what the Pléiade accustomed its readers to believe.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Contexte ITS"


Grosset, Juliette. "Collective intelligence strategies for efficient autonomous industrial vehicles". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2024.

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Les défis de l’industrie 4.0 comprennent l’optimisation des flux de données et la décentralisation de la prise de décision, là où les systèmes centralisés deviennent souvent inadéquats. Les véhicules industriels autonomes (VIAs) doivent devenir plus intelligents et coopératifs, en échangeant des données pertinentes sur le trafic entre eux et avec l’infrastructure. Cette thèse vise à renforcer l’autonomie des VIAs à travers des stratégies d’intelligence collective, améliorant leur adaptabilité, prise de décision et efficacité grâce à une communication et un partage d’informations facilités. Notre méthodologie, basée sur la modélisation, la simulation et des tests scénarisés, vise à proposer des stratégies collectives spécifiques pour renforcer les différentes fonctionnalités clés des VIAs. Tout d’abord, nous avons amélioré un algorithme d’évitement d’obstacles et développé une stratégie globale basée sur la perception partagée. Nous avons adapté et proposé des messages standardisés au contexte de l’industrie4.0 et introduit un système de (ré)allocation dynamique des tâches en environnements décentralisés. Ces contributions se basant sur l’hypothèse forte de la perception coopérative, nous avons ensuite proposé une architecture pour générer des données V2X. Enfin,nous avons développé des stratégies collectives de gestion de l’énergie pour chaque VIA basé sur un modèle de décision flou, afin qu’ils puissent déterminer de manière autonome les moments optimaux de recharge et ainsi réduire leurs temps d’inactivité au sein de la flotte
The challenges of Industry 4.0 include optimizing data flows and decentralizing decision-making, where centralised systems often become inadequate. Autonomous Industrial Vehicles (AIVs) need to become smarter and more cooperative by exchanging relevant traffic data among themselves and with the infrastructure. This thesis aims to enhance the autonomy of AIVs through collective intelligence strategies, improving their adaptability, decision-making, and efficiency by facilitating communication and information sharing. Our methodology, based on modeling, simulation, and scenario testing, seeks to propose specific collective strategies to strengthen various key functionalities of AIVs. First, we improved an obstacle avoidance algorithm and developed a global strategy based on shared perception. We adapted and proposed standardized messages for the Industry 4.0 context and introduced a dynamic task (re)allocation system in decentralized environments. Based on the strong assumption of cooperative perception, we then proposed an architecture for generating V2X data. Finally, we developed collective energy management strategies for each AIV using a fuzzy decision model, allowing them to autonomously determine the optimal recharge times and thus reduce their downtime within the fleet
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Wandmacher, Tonio. "Adaptive word prediction and its application in an assistive communication system". Thesis, Tours, 2008.

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Ce travail étudie les capacités de méthodes d’adaptation pour la prédiction de mots. Le premier groupe de méthodes traite de l’adaptation aux préférences lexicales et syntaxiques de l’utilisateur d’un système de communication assistée. Au sein de ce groupe de méthodes, nous avons étudié le modèle cache, le lexique auto-adaptatif et le modèle d’utilisateur dynamique (MUD), intégrant toute saisie de l’utilisateur. Le deuxième groupe de méthodes rassemble des approches qui ont pour objectif d’exploiter le contexte sémantique. Dans ce contexte, nous avons en particulier étudié l’Analyse Sémantique Latente (LSA), un modèle vectoriel qui se base sur les propriétés distributionnelles. Dans la dernière partie nous présentons un système d’aide à la communication, dans lequel nous avons implémenté les méthodes d’adaptation. Après une description de l’interface utilisateur nous avons exposé quelques expériences réalisées avec ce système, qui est utilisé dans un centre de rééducation fonctionnelle
This thesis investigates the capacities of adaptive methods for word prediction. We present and evaluate several adaptation methods: First, we consider strategies enabling to adapt to the lexical and syntactic preferences of the user of an AAC system. Here we investigate the cache model, an auto-adaptive user lexicon and the dynamic user model (DUM), which integrates every input of the user. The second class of methods aims to adapt to the semantic context. Here we focus in particular on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), a vectorial model establishing semantic similarity from distributional properties. In the last part an assistive communication system is presented that implements the previously investigated adaptation methods. After a description of the user interface we report results from the application of this system in a rehabilitation center
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Kapazitäten adaptiver Methoden für die Wortprädiktion, einer zentralen Strategie im Kontext der unterstützenden Kommunikation (UK) für sprach- und bewegungsbehinderte Menschen. Zunächst wird eine allgemeine Einführung in die Forschungsgebiete der UK einerseits und derWortprädiktion andererseits gegeben. Dabei wird insbesondere Bezug genommen auf stochastische Sprachmodelle, welche sich für die Prädiktion als sehr geeignet erwiesen haben. Die Untersuchung adaptiver Methoden erfolgt daraufhin entlang zweier Achsen: In einem ersten Abschnitt werden die Verfahren betrachtet, welche die Adaption an die spezifische Lexik und Syntax des Benutzers eines UK-Systems erlauben. Dabei werden insbesondere das sogenannte Cache-Modell, ein selbstlernendes Benutzerlexikon sowie das dynamische Benutzermodell (dynamic user model, DUM) diskutiert. Auf der zweiten Achse werden nun Modelle untersucht, welche auf eine Adaption der Wortprädiktion an den semantischen bzw. topikalischen Kontext abzielen. Hier rückt vor allem eine Methode in den Mittelpunkt: die Latent-Semantische Analyse (LSA), ein vektorraumbasiertes Verfahren, welches semantische Ähnlichkeit durch distributionelle Eigenschaften lexikalischer Einheiten etabliert. Als schwierig erweist sich jedoch die Integration der LSA-basierten semantischen Information in das allgemeine Prädiktionsmodell, weshalb hier verschiedene Integrationsmöglichkeiten untersucht werden. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein UK-System vorgestellt, welches die erfolgreichsten der zuvor betrachteten Adaptionsverfahren implementiert. Nach einer Präsentation der verschiedenen kommunikationsfördernden Komponenten wird von der Anwendung dieses Systems berichtet, welches seit mehreren Jahren in einem Rehabilitationszentrum eingesetzt wird
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Issa, I. "Secularization of passion and resurrection in certain plays of Strindberg, Chekhov, Bond and Howard". Thesis, University of Essex, 1987.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Neves, Josélia Gomes. "Cultura escrita em contextos indígenas /". Araraquara : [s.n.], 2009.

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Orientador: Maria Rosa Rodrigues Martins de Camargo
Banca: Maria Ivonete Barbosa Tamboril
Banca: Robson Antonio Rodrigues
Banca: Edson do Carmo Inforsato
Banca: Adir Casaro Nascimento
Resumo: O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar e documentar o processo de aquisição e apropriação da cultura escrita na T. I. Igarapé Lourdes junto às etnias Arara-Karo e Gavião-Ikolen e sua relação com a oralidade (FERREIRO; TEBEROSKY, 1999; FREIRE, 1987, CHARTIER, 1990; CERTEAU, 1998; ONG, 1998). Foi possível sistematizar a história de alfabetização e escolarização dessas sociedades indígenas, bem como compreender o modo de apropriação do objeto escrito. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir da concepção de estudo do tipo etnográfico (ANDRÉ, 1995), de 2004 a 2009, na T. I. Igarapé Lourdes, no município de Ji-Paraná, estado de Rondônia. Envolveu oito aldeias e oito escolas públicas de educação escolar indígena, sendo duas pertencentes ao povo Arara-Karo e seis ao povo Gavião-Ikolen. Os colaboradores e colaboradoras Gavião-Ikolen foram quatro lideranças, uma do sexo feminino e três do sexo masculino e doze professores indígenas - todos do sexo masculino. Da etnia Arara-Karo participaram duas lideranças - todas do sexo masculino e sete docentes, sendo três professoras e quatro professores. Os docentes são contratados pela Secretaria de Estado da Educação - SEDUC, a maioria habilitados pelo Projeto Açaí - curso de magistério indígena e atuam com exclusividade nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio dos seguintes instrumentos: observação participante nas aldeias e nas escolas, entrevistas a docentes e lideranças indígenas, bem como análise documental - cadernos de planejamento e relatório docentes, cadernos e atividades avulsas de alunos e alunas. A análise desenvolvida possibilitou compreender que os povos indígenas da T. I. Igarapé Lourdes, os Arara- Karo e Gavião-Ikolen desenvolvem cotidianamente ações de leitura e escrita. Buscam ler textos como os de gêneros jornalísticos - jornais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: Il obiettivo principale in questo studio era quello di indagare e documentare il processo di acquisizione e la proprietà di alfabetizzazione in T. I. Bayou Lourdes vicino al etnica Karo Macaw Hawk e Ikolen e il suo rapporto con l'oralità (FERREIRO; TEBEROSKY, 1999; FREIRE, 1987, CHARTIER, 1990; CERTEAU, 1998; ONG, 1998). E 'stato possibile sistematizzare la storia di alfabetizzazione e di istruzione delle popolazioni indigene, così come capire le modalità di appropriazione della scrittura dell'oggetto. Questa ricerca è stata sviluppata dalla concezione dello studio etnografico (ANDRÉ, 1995), dal 2004 al 2009, in T. I. Igarapé Lourdes, la città di Ji- Paraná, stato Rondonia. Si trattava di otto villaggi e otto scuole pubbliche in materia di istruzione indigene, e due persone appartenenti alla macaw Karo e sei persone di Hawk-Ikolen. Gli sviluppatori e contributori Hawk-Ikolen erano quattro leader, una femmina e tre maschi e dodici insegnanti indigeni - tutti maschi. Etnica Macaw Karo ha preso due leader - tutti i maschi e sette insegnanti, tre insegnanti e quattro insegnanti. Gli insegnanti sono assunti dal Dipartimento di Stato della Pubblica Istruzione - SEDUC, la maggior parte autorizzata dalla Açaí Project - Corso di insegnamento aborigena e ad agire esclusivamente nei primi anni di scuola elementare. La raccolta dei dati è avvenuta attraverso i seguenti strumenti: osservazione partecipante nei villaggi e nelle scuole, colloqui con gli insegnanti e leader indigeni e analisi documentaria - termini di pianificazione e reporting degli insegnanti, libri e attività su misura a ragazzi e ragazze. L'analisi ci ha permesso di comprendere le popolazioni indigene del T. I. Igarapé Lourdes, i Karo e Macaw Hawk-Ikolen sviluppare le attività quotidiane di lettura e scrittura... (Riassunto completo, acesso elettronico clicca qui sotto)
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Diogo, Vasco. "Comédias cinematográficas dos anos 30-40 em Portugal-textos e contextos". Master's thesis, Instituições portuguesas -- UL-Universidade de Lisboa -- -Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 1996.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Binjammaz, Tareq. "Context-aware GPS integrity monitoring for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)". Thesis, De Montfort University, 2015.

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The integrity of positioning systems has become an increasingly important requirement for location-based Intelligent Transports Systems (ITS). The navigation systems, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), used in ITS cannot provide the high quality positioning information required by most services, due to the various type of errors from GPS sensor, such as signal outage, and atmospheric effects, all of which are difficult to measure, or from the map matching process. Consequently, an error in the positioning information or map matching process may lead to inaccurate determination of a vehicle’s location. Thus, the integrity is require when measuring both vehicle’s positioning and other related information such as speed, to locate the vehicle in the correct road segment, and avoid errors. The integrity algorithm for the navigation system should include a guarantee that the systems do not produce misleading or faulty information; as this may lead to a significant error arising in the ITS services. Hence, to achieve the integrity requirement a navigation system should have a robust mechanism, to notify the user of any potential errors in the navigation information. The main aim of this research is to develop a robust and reliable mechanism to support the positioning requirement of ITS services. This can be achieved by developing a high integrity GPS monitoring algorithm with the consideration of speed, based on the concept of context-awareness which can be applied with real time ITS services to adapt changes in the integrity status of the navigation system. Context-aware architecture is designed to collect contextual information about the vehicle, including location, speed and heading, reasoning about its integrity and reactions based on the information acquired. In this research, three phases of integrity checks are developed. These are, (i) positioning integrity, (ii) speed integrity, and (iii) map matching integrity. Each phase uses different techniques to examine the consistency of the GPS information. A receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithm is used to measure the quality of the GPS positioning data. GPS Doppler information is used to check the integrity of vehicle’s speed, adding a new layer of integrity and improving the performance of the map matching process. The final phase in the integrity algorithm is intended to verify the integrity of the map matching process. In this phase, fuzzy logic is also used to measure the integrity level, which guarantees the validity and integrity of the map matching results. This algorithm is implemented successfully, examined using real field data. In addition, a true reference vehicle is used to determine the reliability and validity of the output. The results show that the new integrity algorithm has the capability to support a various types of location-based ITS services.
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Gedela, Naga Venkata Praveen babu. "MEASUREMENT AND ITS HISTORICAL CONTEXT". Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2008.

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Åhman, Elisabeth, e Fredrik Lundberg. "The effect of firm characteristics on disclosures: A Swedish context". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2015.

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The aim of this thesis is to examine the quality of the disclosure IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, paragraphs 122 and 125 in the annual reports of Swedish publicly listed firms. These paragraphs state that firms are required to disclose judgments made by management in preparing financial statements that may have significant impact on the recognized carrying amount. These paragraphs should also include information about major sources of estimation uncertainty. A quantitative research approach is used and the sample consists of 1,519 annual reports over a 7-year period. We construct a disclosure index to assess the quality of the disclosures in Critical judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty (IAS 1:122 and 1:125) note and categorize the annual reports into four index groups. Additionally, the number of headlines in the note are counted and sorted into three other groups, creating a headline index. Lastly, we multiply the disclosure index with the headline index to get a score, which then enable us to distinguish and rank the quality of disclosure between firms. Further, we count the number of words in each individual disclosure in each annual report. This additional quantitative data enable regression analyses, further ensuring objectivity in assessing the disclosure quality. Agency theory and political cost theory are used as base for determining which firm characteristics may affect disclosure quality. We examine the firm characteristics firm visibility, ownership concentration and leverage to investigate any relationship with disclosure quality. We use the ordinary least squares (OLS) regression method to analyse this data. The analysis shows that firm visibility and leverage have positive relationships with disclosure quality. This supports the political cost theory and suggests that firms that are more visible have stronger incentives to attain a high disclosure quality. Our findings also support debt-associated agency problems and are also in line with prior studies that found a positive relationship between disclosure quality and the degree of leverage, which indicates that disclosures reduces the information gap.
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Braida, Antonella. "Henry Francis Cary's The Vision, its literary context, and its influence". Thesis, University of Oxford, 1997.

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Tomada como uma resposta à questão da brasilidade, a antropofagia é, no entanto, algo além. Configura-se como um pensamento oriundo de problemas de proveniências múltiplas tendo, por isso, significados múltiplos. Por um lado, é produto das rupturas propostas pelas vanguardas artísticas europeias; por outro, deve sua existência à situação brasileira de então, quer no terreno das teorias sobre o Brasil, quer no campo socioeconômico. Sua origem, entretanto, não restringe seu potencial especulativo. Tanto assim que ela é passível de ser vista não apenas como uma filosofia da cultura ou uma estética – o que atesta sua filiação às áreas de pensamento supracitadas -, mas também como uma teoria que tem matizes ontológicas. Dito isso, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo elucidar as condições de possibilidade do surgimento da antropofagia e, com isso, expor seu potencial criativo. A nossa tese é a de que a antropofagia é formulado de modo a estar entre a filosofia da cultura e a ontologia, sendo necessária a incursão em ambas para que se possa compreendê-lo de maneira mais profunda. Ademais, buscamos defender a ideia de que a antropofagia é um pensamento original brasileiro na dupla acepção da expressão: original por dever sua origem ao Brasil, dando ênfase na origem do pensamento; e original por ser uma contribuição, tal e qual a contribuição milionária dos erros já anunciada por Oswald de Andrade no Manifesto da Poesia Pau-Brasil de 1924.
Usually thought of as an answer to what it means to be a Brazilian, the modernist notion of anthropophagy is something that goes beyond this simplistic point of view. We claim here that anthropophagy is a philosophy that originates from multiple sources having, because of that, multiple meanings. In one hand, it is one of the many byproducts of European avant-garde; on the other, we could say it also owns its existence to the Brazilian context of the time of its creation, namely 1928. Because of that, we also claim that anthropophagy is not only a philosophy of culture nor is it only aesthetics or a way of making art: even though it is also those two things, it is not restricted to them, being also a theory with ontological nuances. With that in mind, the present work has one clear objective: to clarify the conditions which were necessary for such a way of thinking to emerge. By doing that, we believe, we will also be exploring the creativity inherent to that philosophy. Our thesis is that anthropophagy is a hybrid thought that lies between ontology and philosophy of culture. One must understand both aspects of this thought in order to understand anthropophagy itself. We also seek to defend the idea that the anthropophagic thought of Oswald de Andrade is an original Brazilian philosophy. Original here means two different things: first, being indebted to Brazilian context in order to exist because it was created to answer what the Brazil of then was all about, so its origin in Brazilian because it originates from Brazil; secondly original because it is also singular and, because of that, unique.
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Livros sobre o assunto "Contexte ITS"


Otte, Marcel, Sonia Shidrang e Damien Flas. L'Aurignacien de la grotte Yafteh et son contexte (fouilles 2005-2008): The Aurignacian of Yafteh cave and its context (2005-2008 excavations). Liege: Universite de Liege, 2012.

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1963-, Morash Chris, ed. Creativity and its contexts. Dublin: Lilliput Press, 1995.

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Visvizi, Anna, e Marek Bodziany, eds. Artificial Intelligence and Its Contexts. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Agazzi, Evandro. Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Carneiro, Davide, Paulo Novais e José Neves. Conflict Resolution and its Context. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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J, Mackie C., ed. Oral performance and its context. Leiden: Brill, 2004.

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Edward, Timms, e Robertson Ritchie, eds. Psychoanalysis in its cultural context. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1992.

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Omar, Asmah Haji. Malay in its sociocultural context. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education, 1987.

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Wilson, Keithia. Assertion and its social context. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1993.

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1937-, Logsdon John M., e George Washington University. Space Policy Institute., eds. Apollo in its historical context. Washington, DC: Space Policy Institute, Center for International Science and Technology Policy, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, 1990.

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Capítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Contexte ITS"


Hadjiafxendi, Kyriaki, e Polina Mackay. "Introduction: Authorship and its Contexts". In Authorship in Context, 1–12. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.

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Farrell, Michael. "Poisoning and Its Contexts". In Criminology of Poisoning Contexts, 1–18. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Carneiro, Davide, Paulo Novais e José Neves. "Context and Its Importance". In Conflict Resolution and its Context, 97–117. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Lindskoug, Patrik. "Property and Its Limits". In Nordic Law in European Context, 135–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Agazzi, Evandro. "Historical and Philosophical Background". In Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts, 1–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Agazzi, Evandro. "Science and Metaphysics". In Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts, 437–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Agazzi, Evandro. "The Characterisation of Objectivity". In Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts, 51–116. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Agazzi, Evandro. "First Corollaries in the Philosophy of Science". In Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts, 117–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Agazzi, Evandro. "The Ontological Commitment of Science". In Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts, 149–241. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Agazzi, Evandro. "Scientific Realism". In Scientific Objectivity and Its Contexts, 243–312. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Contexte ITS"


Mehani, Olivier, Roksana Boreli e Thierry Ernst. "Context-adaptive vehicular network optimization". In 2009 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). IEEE, 2009.

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"Table of contents". In 2017 15th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). IEEE, 2017.

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Gaultier, Baptiste, Rayene Ben Rayana e Jean-Marie Bonnin. "Context Management systems applied to mobility". In 2009 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). IEEE, 2009.

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Chih-Pei Yang, Yi-Fan Chung e Chung-Ta King. "Destination-aware non-GPS positioning using predictive contexts". In 2012 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). IEEE, 2012.

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Frango Silveira, Ismar, Carlos Fernando Araujo Jr., Luiz Henrique Amaral, Ivan Carlos Alcântara de Oliveira, Juliano Schimiguel e Manuel Fernández-Paradela Ledón. "Granularity of Learning Objects". In InSITE 2005: Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2005.

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Traditional methods for developing digital learning content usually produce very large, monolithic content that barely can be reused even in similar contexts, despite of the quality they can have. Nonetheless, digital learning content can be described as a set of highly reusable, low-coupled learning objects that can be put together in order to build adaptive, learner-focused content Nowadays, in spite of all technological evolution, it cannot be affirmed that content development in computer-aided teaching/learning process had evolved the same way. This is, indeed, the most expensive, time-consuming undertaking among all tasks demanded by computer-based course building. One of the reasons for this is that digital learning content reuse, even nowadays, is frequently done through copy-and-paste mechanisms that transpose digital learning contents from a context to another. A vary of explanations can be arisen to justify this fact: first, digital learning content is often modeled in an ad hoc manner, in order that all content is very specific, going about some determined knowledge domain. Besides, such development often utilizes tools and techniques - like HTML - that aren’t concerned about separating content from presentation. A possible solution for this is to develop digital learning contents in function of the set of potential learning objects they can be made of. Thus, there will be analyzed a set of frequently used learning objects in order to classify them on types and discuss some possibilities for diminish their coupling to other learning objects, thus leading to finer granular contents, augmenting their potential for reusability.
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Kassab, Mohamed, Jean-Marie Bonnin e Abdelfettah Belghith. "General strategies for context re-establishment in IEEE 802.11 networks". In 2008 8th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). IEEE, 2008.

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Rabby, Mohammad, e Kaliappa Ravindran. "Situational context for replica voting based data collection in hostile environments". In 2011 11th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). IEEE, 2011.

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Srikanth, R., e A. G. Ramakrishnan. "MR image coding using content-based mesh and context". In Seventh International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2003. Proceedings. IEEE, 2003.

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"Table of contents". In 2016 ITU Kaleidoscope: ICTs for a Sustainable World (ITU WT). IEEE, 2016.

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Somda, Flavien H., Olivier Lafond, Laurent Le Coq e Mohammed Himdi. "RCS measuring procedure and distribution for automotives in the context of ITS". In 2009 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST). IEEE, 2009.

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Relatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Contexte ITS"



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The article reflects the results of the research of the information component of the concept “the reputation of the regional (executive) power” on the basis of the normative approach. The interrelation between the evaluation indicators of the regional executive power activity efficiency and the power reputation content is shown, based on the mass questionnaire survey of the population of 6 regions of the Central Federal District (sample of 1,500 people). The conclusion about rather low potential of influence of existing at the moment normative system of evaluation of efficiency of regional executive authorities on the process of formation of its reputation among the population is made.
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McCauley, R. Wilhelm Reich's Character analysis in its historical context. Portland State University Library, janeiro de 2000.

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Pollitt, Christopher. Public Management Reform: Reliable Knowledge and International Experience. Inter-American Development Bank, dezembro de 2003.

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This paper addresses some fundamental questions concerning the nature of knowledge about public management reform, and particularly its transferability between countries and contexts. It's main point will be that knowledge of what works and what does not tends to be heavily context-dependent.
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Mumford, Michael D., e William W. Haythorn. Leadership in the Organization Context: A Conceptual Approach and Its Applications. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, fevereiro de 1986.

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Cheung, Yin-Wong, Menzie Chinn e Eiji Fujii. The Chinese Economies in Global Context: The Integration Process and Its Determinants. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, outubro de 2003.

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Calomiris, Charles, e Harry Mamaysky. How News and Its Context Drive Risk and Returns Around the World. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, março de 2018.

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Dippel, Christian, Robert Gold e Stephan Heblich. Globalization and Its (Dis-)Content: Trade Shocks and Voting Behavior. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, dezembro de 2015.

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Ellis, Asher. Indonesia’s local content requirements will not fix its manufacturing sector malaise. East Asia Forum, dezembro de 2024.

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Tetlow, Gemma, e David Phillips. Policies for an independent Scotland? Putting the Independence White Paper in its fiscal context. Institute for Fiscal Studies, junho de 2014.

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Wong, Jiemin. Mechanism of Transcriptional Regulation by Androgen Receptor and its Coactivators in the Context of Chromatin. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, julho de 2002.

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