Literatura científica selecionada sobre o tema "Conception de la politique"
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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Conception de la politique"
Rexe, Deanna. "Tuition Policy Instruments in Canada Public Policy Choices for What Problems". Canadian Political Science Review 15, n.º 1 (1 de abril de 2022): 74–101.
Texto completo da fonteFaye, Emmanuel. "Mythologie politique et George-Kreis à Vienne". Les cercles viennois de l'entre-deux-guerres 94 (2022): 39–54.
Texto completo da fonteDupras, André. "La politique institutionnelle en matière de sexualité : la nécessaire transformation du paradigme sexologique". Santé mentale au Québec 20, n.º 1 (11 de setembro de 2007): 57–76.
Texto completo da fonteCôté-Boudreau, Frédéric. "Le libéralisme politique et le pluralisme des conceptions du juste. Jusqu’où peut aller la tolérance politique ?1". Les ateliers de l'éthique 8, n.º 2 (17 de janeiro de 2014): 4–27.
Texto completo da fonteEISENSTADT, S. N. "La sociologie politique et les expériences de modernisation des sociétés". Sociologie et sociétés 2, n.º 1 (30 de setembro de 2002): 25–42.
Texto completo da fonteNormand, Romuald. "L’école efficace ou l’horizon du monde comme laboratoire". Dossier thématique 32, n.º 1 (31 de agosto de 2006): 53–70.
Texto completo da fonteConstantin, Christian. "Comprendre la sécurité énergétique en Chine". Articles thématiques 25, n.º 2-3 (13 de junho de 2007): 15–45.
Texto completo da fonteCook, William Robert Amilan, Jonathan Luke, Antonella Valeo e Khaled Barkaoui. "Institutional Language Policy and ESL Teachers’ L2 Writing Assessment Practices". Canadian Modern Language Review 77, n.º 2 (maio de 2021): 93–109.
Texto completo da fonteCorten, André. "« Le peuple de Dieu » au Brésil : du religieux au politique". II. Le christianisme « sous observation », n.º 26 (3 de novembro de 2015): 65–76.
Texto completo da fonteNootens, Geneviève. "La nature de la complémentarité entre le raisonnable et le rationnel chez Rawls". Articles 24, n.º 1 (7 de agosto de 2007): 25–41.
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Conception de la politique"
Nour, Dagmo. "Les politiques culturelles au Canada, entre une conception "anthropo-politique" et une conception économiste : le cas de la télédiffusion". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.
Texto completo da fonteFakouhi, Nasser. "La conception de la politique dans le mazdéisme sassanide". Paris 8, 1994.
Texto completo da fonteThe aim of this thesis is to present and to analyse the political concept in the sassanian era relying on religious texts and through an anthropological approach. We try to shape a political system made of several elements : 1e : god as source of politics ; 2e : world as place, time and means of politics ; 3e : man as the maker of politics ; 4e : religion as politics itself ; 5e : resurrectiion as aim of politics. These elements constitute a divine whole and have to face a devilish whole. The evolution of the idea of god is analysed in 3 steps : polytheist, henotheist and dualist. The evolution of the world is a political struggle against the devil in to which must participate every being. The main protagonist of this fight is the man. The essence of political concept should be found out in the purification process namely in the elimination of "state of mixture" between god's creation and devil's anti-creation. The final result of purification is the achievement of a political ideal : resurrection. The purification touches its very top by the ordeal of melted metal which symbolizes the sacred union of human political power(metal) and the divin power(fire). Moreover, the destruction of the archetype of evil king is the sign of the end of develish whole as well as all the other features of "state of mixture". And this renders the political system useless. In another part we have analysed the manicheism and the mazdakism both as 2 "theoretical" alternatives to the political system and a sort of acceleration and radicalization of the mazdian concepts in 2 steps, a passive and an active one. In the last part of this work, we have analysed the relations between mazdeism, bouddhism, judaism, christianism and especially islam with which a new ideological synthesis will be generated
Chafaie, Erchadi Choleh. "La conception de l'empire en Iran aux XVI-XVII-XVIII siècles". Aix-Marseille 3, 1987.
Texto completo da fonteThe political history of iran at the beginning of the 16th century is marked by the constitution of a monarchical state regrouping the small kingdams of the iranian plateau. Ismail ist sat on the throne, taking the title of shah. Examining the constitutive elements of the concept of empire (the place and the authority of the sovereign, the central, regional and local administration, the relations between the central government and the tributary states, the situation of the different socio-ethnic groups, the hegemonial tendency. . . ) the first part of this thesis demonstrates that the accession of the safavides to power could be considerated as the reconstitution of an empire on the iranien plateau. The second part, which deals with the 18th century, has for object the fall of the empire and the multiplication of the power centers in iran. In spite of the short lived "afshar empire" linked with the territorial conquests of nadir and the survival of some constitutive elements of the empire's conception, the political system of iran in the 18th century no longer merits the imperial qualification
Paradis-Deschênes, Éloi. "Vulnérabilité, silence et agentivité : une conception butlerienne de la résistance politique". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteNaboulsi, Wafaa. "La conception politico-philosophique shiite imamite du pouvoir". Nice, 1986.
Texto completo da fonteDarhbar, Abdelkébir. "Islam et démocratie dans la conception de la monarchie marocaine". Paris 5, 1998.
Texto completo da fonteBarrois, Pierre-Paul. "La nature catallactique de la firme : de la conception néo-industrielle à une conception autrichienne du gouvernement des hommes dans l'entreprise". Aix-Marseille 3, 2005.
Texto completo da fonteThe study of the firm, and more generally speaking the interpersonal coordination, has known some significant progress, specially since the developments of neo-institutional or contractual perspectives through those two main branches: the theory of transaction cost and the agency theory. The critical analysis of those approaches led us, at first, to reject the strict firm/market's dichotomy. Thus, the firm appears like a nexus of contracts. It lead us to enlarge their anthropological vision prompted by Hobbes and Machiavelli for restricting instrumental and totalitarian limits. Then, it shows the necessity to go far away the neoclassical paradigm in order to apprehend in a more astute way human behaviours and their modality of coordination. Therefore, we set the possibility to built an Austrian theory of the firm. Moreover, it is established that Austrian school disposed a range of key concepts quite adapted to a firm's conceptualisation. Supported on the catallaxy notion for his harmonisation proprieties, the firm presents itself like an open club, a cognitive entity and a polyarchical community of individual entrepreneurs
Manah, Ali. "La conception de l' État chez Proudhon". Besançon, 2005.
Texto completo da fonteThe State as social organization is the question which faced and faces from always the human society. It seems that the State was accepted as an optimistic idea ; especially when It became constitutional. It was it still more when It could build limits and borders between the individuals, then between the societies. Moreover, it appears that the administrative establishment is not only one means of service; but also a source of authority in the hands of those who control it The limits and the borders which were made by the State, became an individual and collective prison. Proudhon drew our attention against miseries of the State, and the idea according to which the State expressed the victory of freedom. By criticizing the State, Proudhon wants to criticize all the forms of the exploitation of the man by the man and the government of the man on the man. Trough his rebellious spirit, Proudhon will denounce the social heritage which ensured the longevity of the State and its attributes. He strives to destroy and wipe out the origin of all miseries created by capitalist thief, maintained and protected by the State. According to Proudhon, how can one create an Order without despotism and a Freedom without chaos? Which is the nature of his social revolution ?
Martin, Christian. "La conception architecturale entre volonté politique et faisabilité technique : Le positionnement de l'intervention ergonomique". Paris, CNAM, 1998.
Texto completo da fonteOtt, Laurent. "Crise de la Famille ou de la conception de la Famille". Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002.
Texto completo da fonteLivros sobre o assunto "Conception de la politique"
Fakouhi, Nasser. La conception de la politique dans le mazdeisme sassanide. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1994.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteObama, Barack. L'audace d'espérer: Une nouvelle conception de la politique américaine. Paris: Presses de la Cité, 2007.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteBlanchi, Raphaële. Contribution méthodologique à la conception d'une politique publique en matière de prévention des risques naturels: Application au plan de prévention des risques naturels. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 2001.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteScott, Danford G., Tauke Beth, State University of New York at Buffalo. Center for Inclusive Design & Environmental Access, New York (N.Y.). Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Design and Construction, American Institute of Architects. New York Chapter e New York (N.Y.). Office of the Mayor, eds. Universal design New York. [New York, N.Y.]: City of New York Office of the Mayor, 2001.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteR, Levine Danise, State University of New York at Buffalo. Center for Inclusive Design & Environmental Access, New York (N.Y.). Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Design and Construction e New York (N.Y.). Office of the Mayor, eds. Universal design New York. Buffalo, N.Y: IDeA Publications, Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access [IDEA], University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, 2003.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteIII, Université de Paris, ed. La pensée et la politique militaire françaises sous la quatrième république: De la guerre totale à la guerre révolutionnaire : conception et emploi de l'arme psychologique. Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1993.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteLenay, Olivier. Régulation, planification en organisation du système hospitalier: La place des outils de gestion dans la conception des politiques publiques. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 2001.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteO'Neal, Brian. Réorganiser le gouvernement: Nouvelles conceptions de la réforme de la fonction publique. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1994.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCanada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Small lot housing : City of Charlottetown, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island : [case study] =: Construction sur lots de petite dimension : ville de Charlottetown, Charlottetown, Ile-du-Prince Édouard : [étude de cas]. Ottawa, Ont: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation = Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 1998.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMichel, Melot, ed. Architecture et lecture: Les bibliothèques municipales françaises, 1945-2002. [Paris]: Picard, 2008.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCapítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Conception de la politique"
Newmeyer, Frederick J. "La Linguistic Society of America et ses effets sur la pratique de la linguistique aux États-Unis". In La linguistique et ses formes historiques d’organisation et de production, 147–59. Paris: Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences du langage, 2022.
Texto completo da fonteSorel, Patricia. "La création d’une nouvelle marque éditoriale : Le Centurion (années 1950)". In De la Bonne Presse à Bayard : 150 ans d'histoire d'un groupe de presse et d'édition catholique (1873-2023), 207–20. Lyon: LARHRA, 2023.
Texto completo da fonteGay, Daniel. "Conception". In Composite Materials, 133–48. 4a ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.
Texto completo da fonteGay, Daniel. "Conception". In Composite Materials, 87–131. 4a ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.
Texto completo da fonteDavies, John K. "Conception". In The Life Story of an Infrared Telescope, 1–5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Texto completo da fonteMorris, Pam. "Conception". In Conduct Literature for Women, Part IV, 1770-1830 vol 4, 133–66. London: Routledge, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteMorris, Pam. "Conception". In Conduct Literature for Women, Part IV, 1770-1830 vol 4, 102–32. London: Routledge, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteMorris, Pam. "Conception". In Conduct Literature for Women, Part IV, 1770-1830 vol 4, 167–200. London: Routledge, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteRoth, Wolff-Michael. "Culturing «conception»". In On Meaning and Mental Representation, 99–141. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2013.
Texto completo da fonteMathur, Raj. "Assisted Conception". In Medicolegal Issues in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 301–5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Texto completo da fonteTrabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "Conception de la politique"
Blanc, Nathalie, e Jacques Lolive. "Politique des formes". In Paysages & valeurs : de la représentation à la simulation. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteHohnsbein, Axel. "Politique du merveilleux dans la presse de vulgarisation scientifique du Second Empire et de la Belle Époque". In Séminaire PéLiAS (Périodiques, Littérature, Arts, Sciences). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2023.
Texto completo da fonteCavarero, Adriana. "Corps politique". In Le Corpus : corps à corps. Fabula, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteVeg, Sebastian. "Kafka : politique de l’inachèvement". In Le début et la fin. Roman, théâtre, B.D., cinéma. Fabula, 2007.
Texto completo da fonteLeichter-Flack, Frédérique. "Babi Yar, un palimpseste politique". In Témoigner sur la Shoah en URSS. Fabula, 2015.
Texto completo da fonteGiavarini, Laurence. "Littérature, politique, réconciliation ? L’Astrée, 1607". In L’Astrée d’Honoré d'Urfé (Première partie, éd. 1612) : un roman troublé. Fabula, 2024.
Texto completo da fonteIppolito, Christophe. "Littérature comparée politique et politique de la littérature comparée en Amérique du Nord et en Europe". In Les horizons de la comparaison. Fabula, 2023.
Texto completo da fonteChatty, Stéphane. "Réconcilier conception d'interfaces et conception logicielle". In the 2012 Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.
Texto completo da fonteRelatórios de organizações sobre o assunto "Conception de la politique"
Hrynick, Tabitha. Considerations Cles: Communication des Risques et D'engagement Communitaire (CREC) pour la Vaccination Contre la Mpox dans l'Est de la RDC. Institute of Development Studies, dezembro de 2024.
Texto completo da fonteFeierl, Lukas, Maria Moser e Hannes Poier. Modular conception and construction. IEA SHC Task 55, outubro de 2020.
Texto completo da fonteEdaly, Dr. Politique de Conservation Marine. American Museum of Natural History, 2006.
Texto completo da fonteResearch Institute (IFPRI), International Food Policy. La politique nutritionnelle au Nigéria. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2019.
Texto completo da fonteDiatta, Ampa Dogui, Laura Casu, Mariame Dramé, Irina Uzhova, Judith Kaboré, Fanta Touré e Roosmarijn Verstraeten. La politique nutritionnelle au Sénégal. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteAtuobi-Yeboah, Afua, Laura Casu, Ampa Dogui Diatta, Judity Kaboré, Fanta Touré e Roosmarijn Verstraeten. La politique de nutrition au Ghana. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Texto completo da fonteMakuch, A. Conception d'un nouveau système de surveillance macrosismique. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1987.
Texto completo da fonteBrinkerhoff, Derick W., Sarah Frazer e Lisa McGregor. S'adapter pour apprendre et apprendre pour s'adapter : conseils pratiques tirés de projets de développement internationaux. RTI Press, janeiro de 2018.
Texto completo da fonteLopes, Helena. Une Conception de Moralité pour la Théorie Économique. DINÂMIA'CET-IUL, 2003.
Texto completo da fonteHrynick, Tabitha, Godefroid Muzalia e Myfanwy James. Considérations clés : Communication des risques et engagement communautaire pour la vaccination contre la mpox dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo. Institute of Development Studies, julho de 2024.
Texto completo da fonte