Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "Computer terminals"
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Fang, Chong he. "A high performance colour graphics display system". Title page, contents and summary only, 1987. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09SM/09smf2115.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteBird, Paul. "Elementary students' comprehension of computer presented text". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/29187.
Texto completo da fonteEducation, Faculty of
Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of
Sigut, Julius. "Road-rail intermodal terminals : modelling of operating performance". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1995. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/36239/1/...%2036239_Sigut_1995.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteLindberg, Therese. "Discrete Event Simulation of Bus Terminals". Licentiate thesis, Linköpings universitet, Kommunikations- och transportsystem, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-156646.
Texto completo da fonteHolt, Russell J. "The disk storage system of the High Level Software Engineering Workstation (HLSEW)". Thesis, Kansas State University, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/9851.
Texto completo da fonteRabiner, Wendi Beth. "Network driven motion estimation for wireless video terminals". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/43334.
Texto completo da fonteIncludes bibliographical references (p. 101-102).
by Wendi Beth Rabiner.
Gollakota, Shyamnath (Shyamnath Venkata Satyasrisai). "ZigZag decoding : combating hidden terminals in wireless networks". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/44376.
Texto completo da fonteIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 59-62).
This thesis presents ZigZag, an 802.11 receiver that combats hidden terminals. ZigZag exploits 802.11 retransmissions which, in the case of hidden terminals, cause successive collisions. Due to asynchrony, these collisions have different interference-free stretches at their start, which ZigZag uses to bootstrap its decoding. ZigZag makes no changes to the 802.11 MAC and introduces no overhead when there are no collisions. But, when senders collide, ZigZag attains the same throughput as if the colliding packets were a priori scheduled in separate time slots. We build a prototype of ZigZag in GNU Radio. In a testbed of 14 USRP nodes, ZigZag reduces the average packet loss rate at hidden terminals from 82.3% to about 0.7%.
by Shyamnath Gollakota
Dowler, Elizabeth Safety Science Faculty of Science UNSW. "Effects of neutral posture on muscle tension, pain and performance for computer users". Awarded by:University of New South Wales, 1998. http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/37113.
Texto completo da fonteNoll, Noland LeRoy 1958. "GRAPHICS TERMINAL EMULATION ON THE PC". Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/276550.
Texto completo da fonteMay, Richard A. "Toward directly mediated interaction in computer supported environments /". Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/10684.
Texto completo da fonteRådström, Sofia. "HCI Design Patterns for In-Store Touch Screen Terminals". Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-54958.
Texto completo da fonteInteractive media in public environments, such as touch screen kiosks, is a strongly growing toolfor offering service, information, advertising and entertainment. In order to achieve goodusability when designing the graphical user interface for a customer terminal, it is important tobe aware of the very specific requirements involved with such application. This master thesiscontributes to a framework for the interaction design of touch screen terminals in stores.
The purpose of the thesis was to discover usability problems and solutions to usability problemsin existing touch screen terminal interfaces. Moreover the work aimed at revealing what designpatterns can be used or created in order to meet the observed problems. Usability problems stemfrom underlying use qualities. These can be seen as forces in design patterns. It was found thatthe patterns would be more useful if structured into a pattern catalogue, containing both highand low-level patterns.
The study was preformed at Instoremedia, a company that, among other things, develops instore touch screen terminals. The product in focus was an interactive product cataloguedeveloped for Telia. The application was partly studied in situ. The study consisted of five steps:analytical evaluation, stakeholder interview, contextual inquiry, user analysis and design patterndevelopment. The study revealed problems, solutions, needs, goals etc, related to the use of theterminal. The final result is a proposed human computer interaction (HCI) design patterncatalogue for in-store touch screen terminals, which helps prevent the observed problems. Itconsists mostly of already known patterns. Three new patterns have been created. The aim isthat the pattern catalogue should be a helpful tool when making designs-decisions for new touchscreen terminals in the future.
Interaktiv media i publika miljöer, såsom pekskärmsterminaler, är på stark uppgång när detgäller att erbjuda service, information, marknadsföring och underhållning. För att uppnå höganvändbarhet i en kundterminals grafiska gränssnitt är det viktigt att vara medveten om despecifika krav som ställs på en sådan applikation. Detta examensarbete bidrar till ett ramverk fördesignen av pekskärmsterminaler i butiker.
Syftet med examensarbetet var att hitta användbarhetsproblem och lösningar till potentiellaanvändbarhetsproblem i existerande gränssnitt för pekskärmsterminaler. Vidare syftade arbetettill att ta reda på vilka designmönster som kan användas eller skapas för att möta de observeradeproblemen. Användbarhetsproblem bottnar i underliggande användarbehov. Dessa kan ses somkrafter i designmönster. Det visade sig att designmönster är mer användbara om de ordnas i enmönsterkatalog, som innehåller både hög- och lågnivå mönster.
Studien utfördes på Instoremedia, ett företag som bland annat utvecklar pekskärmsterminalerför butiker. I fokus stod en interaktiv produktkatalog utvecklad för Telia. Applikationenstuderades delvis in situ. Studien bestod av fem steg: analytisk utvärdering, intressentintervju,kontextuell undersökning, användaranalys och designmönsterutveckling. Studien avslöjadeproblem, lösningar, behov, mål etc., relaterade till användandet av terminalen. Det slutgiltigaresultatet är en föreslagen designmönsterkatalog för pekskärmsterminaler i butiker, somerbjuder lösningar till de observerade problemen. Katalogen består till största delen av redankända mönster. Tre nya designmönster har utvecklats. Målet är att mönsterkatalogen ska kunnaanvändas som ett redskap under framtida design.
Hadjiyiannis, George Ioannou. "A low power, low bandwidth protocol for remote wireless terminals". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/39374.
Texto completo da fonteIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 74-75).
by George Ioannou Hadjiyiannis.
Strauss, Johann. "Development of the MINITEL peripheral port adaptor (MPPA)". Thesis, Cape Technikon, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1160.
Texto completo da fonteThis thesis describes how an adaptor board was developed to enable serial devices, such as modems and serial printers operating on RS-232 signals, to be used in conjunction with the MINITEL terminal. Furthermore it enables parallel Centronix interfaces to be Used in conjunction with the MINITEL terminal. The revolutionary 87C751 microprocessor was fully researched, and implemented in the project. Two marketable products emerged during the course of the project: • 1. The 8031-processor solution 2. The 87C751-processor solution
Roza, Fernanda Albieri Marchi Lopes. "A influencia da altura da tela do computador na ocorrencia da dor cervical". [s.n.], 2007. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/311993.
Texto completo da fonteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T11:10:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roza_FernandaAlbieriMarchiLopes_M.pdf: 2315417 bytes, checksum: 5134e985d650d5e2597bd5c8cddcedb7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
Resumo: A literatura nacional e principalmente internacional consultada, apresenta muitos desacordos sobre a altura mais apropriada da tela do computador, em relação à altura dos olhos do operador, visando propiciar ao usuário, melhores condições de trabalho. Alguns autores, associações e organizações vinculadas à ergonomia sugerem que o topo da tela do computador deva estar na linha dos olhos do indivíduo ou levemente para baixo. Através do presente estudo pretende-se propor um novo posicionamento da tela do computador, visando um melhor posicionamento para a coluna cervical, de modo que sua curvatura fique a mais fisiológica possível; e analisar sua influência na sintomatologia da região cervical. O método utilizado constou de três etapas: (1) aplicação de um questionário sobre sintomas, utilizando uma escala analógica visual (1 a 10), na qual o indivíduo assinalou o seu nível de dor; em três regiões do corpo que mais o incomodava ao utilizar o computador; (2) a medição para determinar a altura dos seus olhos em relação à parte central da tela e (3) aplicação do mesmo questionário, após um período de 90 dias de observação, para que se pudesse avaliar a eficácia da intervenção em relação à dor, quanto à sua localização e à sua intensidade. O estudo foi realizado nos setores administrativos de duas empresas. O ¿grupo intervenção¿ (empresa A) com um total de 24 sujeitos (15 mulheres e 9 homens), e média de idade de 30.2(DP=9.4); recebeu a orientação e a intervenção ergonômica (alteração da altura da tela do computador). O ¿grupo controle¿ (empresa B), com um total de 20 sujeitos (7 mulheres e 13 homens), e média de idade de 31.6(DP=7.1); recebeu a orientação ergonômica do posto de trabalho, sem alterar a altura da tela. A intervenção permaneceu em vigor durante um período aproximado de três meses em que o indivíduo desenvolveu o seu trabalho habitual normal. No final do período, os dados do questionário e da escala analógica visual antes e depois da intervenção foram registrados através do programa computacional SAS (Statistical Analysis System). Os resultados mostram que houve queda significativa na média da medida da dor das dez áreas analisadas (cervical, ombros, dorsal, cotovelos, antebraço, lombar, punhos/mãos/dedos, quadris e coxas, joelhos e tornozelos/pés), sendo semelhantes estatisticamente nas duas empresas. A região cervical apresentou valores médios maiores (sem significância estatística) do declínio da medida da dor na empresa A; mas com diferença estatisticamente significante entre homens e mulheres (p<0.05).Por outro lado,observou-se que não há associações do nível de dor com as faixas etárias e o uso do computador por dia. Os resultados corroboram para demonstrar os benefícios da intervenção ergonômica em postos de trabalhos informatizados, principalmente na minimização dos desconfortos músculo esqueléticos e num ambiente mais confortável e adequado para o trabalho
Abstract: Considering both national and international researched literature, one can notice several disagreements about the most appropriate height of the computer screen in relation to operator eyes' level, being here the target to provide better working conditions to the user. Some authors, associations and organizations suggest that the top of the computer screen should be at the line of the person¿s eyes, or slightly down.This study proposes a new position of the computer screen so that the curvature of the cervical spines is the most physiological as possible. F Furthermore, it, intends to analyze the influence of the symptoms of the cervical region. The method applied consisted of tree phases:(1) a survey on the symptoms, using a vision analogical scale (1 to10) in which the person mentioned his pain level in three regions of his body where computer disturbed him the most while using it;(2) the measurement to determine the level of the eyes related to the central spot of the screen;(3) the application of the same survey, after 90 days of observation, so to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention in relation to the pain, as well as its location and intensity. The study was done in the administrative sectors of two enterprises. The ¿intervention group¿(Company A) with a total of 24 persons (15 women and 9 men) whose age average of 30.2(SD=9.4)received the guidance and ergonomic intervention by changing the level of the computer screen. The ¿control group¿(Company B) with a total of 20 persons(13 women and 7 men )whose age average of 31.6(SD=9.4)received the guidance of ergonomics for their workstation, without changing the level of the screen. The intervention remained under effect for approximately three months during which the persons did their usual and normal work. At the end of the period both the survey data and the usual analogical scale were recorded by a computer software called SAS (Statistical Analysis System), before and after the intervention. The results showed that there was significant reduction in the average measurement of the pain of the ten analyzed areas ( cervical, shoulder, dorsal,elbow,forearm,back,wrists,hands, fingers, hips and thighs, knees and ankles, feet)being statistically similar for both companies. The cervical region results showed higher average values (no statistical significance) of reduction in the extent of pain in Company A , but with statistically significant differences between men and women(p>0.05).On the other hand, it was observed that there is no association between the pain level and the different ages of the users and the daily use of computer. The results confirm the benefits of ergonomic intervention at computer work, mainly to minimize the muscle and skeletal discomforts in a more comfortable and appropriate environment for the job
Mestre em Saude Coletiva
Gili, Carla, e Estefanía Soler. "Comparison and Evaluation of Different Types of Vehicles to Transport Containers within an Intermodal Terminal". Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Avdelningen för programvarusystem, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-2926.
Texto completo da fonteChervyakov, Anatoly. "Simulation-based evaluation of berth allocation policies of container terminals". Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för programvaruteknik och datavetenskap, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-1523.
Texto completo da fonteLi, Mingkun, e 李明琨. "Efficient algorithms for designing yard storage templates for export containers". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2010. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B45963332.
Texto completo da fonteLee, Man-ying Nicole, e 李文英. "An AIS-based vehicle control framework in port container terminals". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2008. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B41508361.
Texto completo da fonteMurnick, Jonathan G. (Jonathan George) 1972. "Coordination between presynaptic and postsynaptic properties measured at single terminals in hippocampal cultures". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/87455.
Texto completo da fonteVita.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 68-71).
I examined the spatial scale at which pre-synaptic activity interacts with synaptic strength and developmental events in the post-synaptic cell. I performed this work in primary hippocampal cultures of postnatal Sprague-Dawley rats after 8-10 days in vitro. I measured electrophysiologically the functional addition of GluR2 and NR2A subunits to AMPA and NMDA receptors, respectively, as well as the absolute strength of AMPA- and NMDA-mediated currents. I examined both spontaneous quantal events and local responses using glutamate iontophoresis at putative single-synaptic sites. I monitored pre-synaptic strength via vesicle staining with FM dyes. I found an inverse correlation between pre-synaptic and post-synaptic strength at individual synapses: Intensity of presynaptic FM-staining was inversely correlated with AMPA current magnitude measured by local iontophoretic stimulation. I also found a negative correlation at individual puncta between FM-staining intensity and decay time of iontophoretically-evoked NMDA decay current. Presumably, this correlation reflects a higher proportion of NR2A subunits at presynaptically more active synapses. I propose that homeostatic feedback mechanisms may operate at a subecellular level to maintain excitatory synaptic input at a single synapse or within a dendritic branch. In order to stimulate individual synaptic sites, I used a novel iontophoresis system, presented here. The system incorporates a 0.1 [mu]m electrode tip for local stimulation, combined with fast capacitance compensation to achieve high-speed application from a high-resistance tip.
(cont.) Ejection of fluorescent dye from the electrode shows that transmitter can be limited to the width of a single synapse and to a time scale similar to an endogenous event. The speed and localization of transmitter is confirmed by iontophoretically stimulating single labeled synapses in cultured hippocampal neurons held under voltage clamp. The amount of transmitter ejected is linear and reproducible over a physiologically relevant range, making this technique useful for examining receptor kinetics and receptor insertion/removal. The system should be capable of delivering any charged neurotransmitter.
by Jonathan G. Murnick.
Feldman, Jon 1975. "The Directed Steiner Network problem is tractable for a constant number of terminals". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/86450.
Texto completo da fonteScott, Andrew James. "The impact of touch screen technologies on the product interface". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1998.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteKnox, Stephen T. "An investigation of resolution and addressability requirements for digital display systems used in word-processing and computer-aided-drafting applications". PDXScholar, 1986. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/3697.
Texto completo da fonteLee, Hyun Jean. "The screen as boundary object". Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28226.
Texto completo da fonteCommittee Chair: Mazalek, Ali; Committee Member: Bolter, Jay David; Committee Member: Do, Ellen Yi-Luen; Committee Member: Nitsche, Michael; Committee Member: Winegarden, Claudia R.
D'Angelo, John J. "A Study of the Relationship Between the Use of Color for Text in Computer Screen Design and the Age of the Computer User". Thesis, University of North Texas, 1991. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc663711/.
Texto completo da fonteAl-Mohandes, Ibrahim. "Energy-Efficient Turbo Decoder for 3G Wireless Terminals". Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10012/838.
Texto completo da fonteDecker, Jennie Jo. "Display spatial luminance nonuniformities: effects on operator performance and perception". Diss., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/54510.
Texto completo da fontePh. D.
Brown, Martin Reid. "Hardware Ergonomic Considerations in Middle School Classroom Computer and Video Display Terminal Installations". Thesis, University of North Texas, 1992. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc332559/.
Texto completo da fonteAguilera, Camilo. "Retention and productivity in industrial search and scan tasks". To access this resource online via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ UTEP, 2009. http://0-proquest.umi.com.lib.utep.edu/login?COPT=REJTPTU0YmImSU5UPTAmVkVSPTI=&clientId=2515.
Texto completo da fonteLatham, Charles V. (Charles Vernon). "The Effect of Color in Computer Assisted Instruction on Vocabulary Retention Rates and Computer Attitudes of Selected Upward Bound Students". Thesis, University of North Texas, 1990. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc331796/.
Texto completo da fonteEstepa, Adriana Paola Castillo 1989. "Saúde visual no trabalho e a síndrome da visão do computador em professores universitários". [s.n.], 2014. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/312509.
Texto completo da fonteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T00:33:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Estepa_AdrianaPaolaCastillo_M.pdf: 4613304 bytes, checksum: 19e87ad38d3723336006e6b5ea012417 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Resumo: Introdução: Os computadores são parte da vida moderna e seu uso deles massificado; diariamente as pessoas passam várias horas diante de uma tela pelas diversas facilidades no trabalho, no lazer, na conectividade, entre outros. Ao mesmo tempo também trazem riscos à saúde de seus usuários, sendo descritos problemas psicológicos, problemas musculoesqueléticos e problemas visuais; estes últimos apresentam uma alta prevalência (50%-70%) e os sintomas visuais e oculares, que trazem incômodos para realização de atividades com o computador, reduzem a produtividade dos trabalhadores e diminuem a qualidade de vida dos usuários de computadores. Estes efeitos à saúde visual têm sido pouco estudados pela comunidade científica. Objetivos: Levantar a frequência de casos da Síndrome da Visão do Computador em professores universitários e identificar os fatores de risco associados à presença da CVS. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo de tipo transversal observacional e participam professores de uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo; foram aplicados dois questionários, um versando sobre aspectos do trabalho e do uso de computadores e outro, sobre sintomas oculares e visuais. Além disso, foram realizados exames visuais. A coleta de dados foi feita entre os meses de Fevereiro a Dezembro de 2013 no campus da universidade. Critérios de Inclusão: Professores da universidade. Critérios de Exclusão: Professores que não usem o computador. Resultados: Em uma amostra de 53 professores a Síndrome da Visão do Computador foi encontrada em 30 professores, 19 deles classificados com a forma leve da Síndrome, 10 com a moderada e 1 com a severa; os sintomas que mais incomodaram os professores foram fadiga (30 participantes), ressecamento ocular (20 participantes), irritação ocular (17 participantes). Foram encontrados problemas binoculares em 27 dos 53 professores e diminuição na produção lacrimal em 12/53. Conclusões: Os professores universitários são uma população com uma alta prevalência da Síndrome da Visão do computador, na amostra apresentou-se a síndrome em mais da metade dos participantes 30/23(56%), concordando assim com as prevalências da Síndrome encontradas nos estudos internacionais. Três variáveis foram associadas significativamente ao aparecimento da CVS nos professores universitários, a idade que minimiza as chances de ter CVS (OR: 0,91 IC: 0,83/0,97 P-value: 0,015), as horas de uso diárias no computador que aumentam as chances de apresentar CVS (OR: 1,26 IC: 1,05/1,57 P-value: 0,021), e os problemas vergenciais como insuficiência ou excesso de convergência ou divergência, os quais estão associados positivamente com o aparecimento da síndrome (OR: 3,24 IC: 1,06/10,49 P-value: 0,042). Palavras chave: Síndrome da Visão do Computador, astenopia, videoterminais, ergonomia, saúde do trabalhador
Abstract: Computers are part of modern life, their use sprayed and people spend several hours using them as they bring several facilities in work, leisure, connectivity, among others. Computers also brought risks to the health of its users, psychological problems, musculoskeletal problems and visual problems, although the latter with a high prevalence (50% -70%) and with visual and ocular symptoms that diminish the quality of life of users, bother working with the computer and reduce worker productivity, has been little studied by the scientific community. Objectives: The study aims to estimate the cases frequency of the Computer Vision Syndrome in teachers and to identify risk factors associated with the presence of CVS. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional-observational study with teachers of a public university which two questionnaires and a visual test is performed to find and evaluate the possible symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome of as well as their associated factors. The survey is conducted between the months of February to December 2013 at the University campus. Inclusion Criteria: Teachers and researchers at university. Exclusion Criteria: Teachers and researches that do not use the computer. Results: In a sample of 53 teachers of Computer Vision Syndrome was found in 30 teachers, 19 were classified as mild form of the syndrome, 10 with moderate and 1 with severe, the symptoms that bother the teachers were fatigue (30 participants), ocular dryness (20 participants), eye irritation (17 participants). Binocular problems were found in 27 of the 53 teachers and decrease in tear production in 12/53. Conclusions: The teachers are a population with a high prevalence of the Computer Vision Syndrome, the sample presented the syndrome in more than half of the participants 30/23 (56%), thus agreeing with the prevalence of the syndrome found in international studies. Three variables were significantly associated with 5 % with the onset of CVS on university teachers , the age that minimizes the chances of having CVS (OR: 0.91 IC: 0.83/0.97 P-value: 0.015), hours daily use of the computer that increase the chances of presenting CVS (OR: 1.26 IC: 1.05/1.57 P-value: 0.021), and vergenciais problems like deficiency or excess of convergence or divergence, which are positively associated with the onset of the syndrome (OR: 3.24 IC: 1.06/10.49 P-value: 0.042). Keywords: Computer Vision Syndrome, asthenopia, video display terminals, ergonomics, occupational health
Mestra em Saúde Coletiva
Wall, Thomas Aubrey. "A federated simulation approach to modeling port and roadway operations". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/33928.
Texto completo da fontePayumo, Elizabeth. "A comparison of the effects of reading from a VDU and from paper as measured in terms of reading speed and comprehension". Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 1992. https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/1691.
Texto completo da fonteWhattananarong, Krisana. "A Cross-Culture Study of Color Preferences on a Computer Screen Between Thai and American Students". Thesis, University of North Texas, 1991. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc332612/.
Texto completo da fonteMoscovic, Sandra A. "Development of time and workload methodologies for Micro Saint models of visual display and control systems". Diss., Virginia Tech, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/40443.
Texto completo da fonteArnaut, Lynn Y. "An evaluation of display/control gain in the context of control-display interface optimization". Diss., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/49978.
Texto completo da fontePh. D.
Lee, Jennifer Ann. "Evaluating ITS Investments in Public Transportation: A Proposed Framework and Plan for the OmniLink Route Deviation Service". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/34416.
Texto completo da fonteMaster of Science
Lacaze, Denise Helena de Castro. ""Efeitos de um programa de exercícios no desconforto músculoesquelético dos segmentos corporais de operadores de telemarketing"". Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/5/5160/tde-16082006-153109/.
Texto completo da fonteThe objective of this survey is to assess the telemarketing operators discomfort and mental and physical fatigue at the airway company call center before and after applying an exercise program. The objective of this survey is to assess the telemarketing operators discomfort and mental and physical fatigue at the airway company call center before and after applying an exercise program. The body map of Corlett and Bishop with a visual analogic scale and the Chalder fatigue questionnaire was applied to 84 telemarketing operators from the experimental and control groups. The experimental group has attended a 10 minutes exercise daily session and the control group a 10 minutes daily rest break. The exercise showed that is more effective than a rest break to prevent discomfort development and is important to repetitive strain injuries prevention because discomfort is one of the main predictors of this group of diseases
Fourie, Sarie Marissa. "3D measurement of cervical and thoracic postural dynamism in sitting : a pilot study". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/85712.
Texto completo da fonteENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to improve the measurement of postural dynamism in the sitting position using a three-dimensional (3D) motion analysis system. The primary objective was to describe pilot data for postural dynamism of the cervical and thoracic spines while working at a desktop computer. The secondary objective was to refine the process of posture measurement and analysis by decreasing data processing time. Certain factors in 3D motion analysis can lead to an increase in gaps in data collected during trial capture, which in turn will lead to a longer time of data processing. In the first phase of this study, a number of such factors were identified and altered. A series of pilot studies was performed to test the improvement of data processing time when altering these factors. In the first two pilot studies, camera and tripod positionings were explored and refined, workstation layout and anatomical landmark marker placement were investigated, and optimal capture frequency was established. In both these pilot studies, outcomes were established by means of trial and error by experimenting with a variety of different options for the different outcomes. In the third pilot study, computer software which provides computer tasks for the participant during primary trial capture was tested. Two independent computer users performed all the activities as per software, after which they were required to give oral feedback and suggestions on improvement in terms of user friendliness. The objective of the fourth and final pilot study was to include all of the outcomes from the preceeding pilot studies and attempt a trial run of the actual data collection process. A study participant with no affiliation to the research project was used and a complete trial run was performed after which the measurement process was deemed feasible. In the primary study, 18 student volunteers completed a sequence of computer tasks, including keyboard, mouse and reading activities. Prior to data capture, full range of motion of the thoracic and cervical spines were measured in three dimensions for every participant. Data capture took place for the full duration of performance of all computer activities. Outcome parameters for postural dynamism included true range of motion (degrees), proportional range of motion (percentage) and motion frequency (movement per minute) in all three planes of motion of the cervical and thoracic spines. Typing tasks were associated with biggest movement ranges and motion frequencies. Mouse activity was associated with the most stationary posture, exhibiting the least frequent movement as well as the smallest ranges of motion. The results from this study allow us to better understand the dynamic nature of posture, as well as postural dynamism associated with different computer tasks. This study provides a baseline for future research of 3D motion analysis of the sitting posture. It also marks the need for further research regarding ergonomics, use and potential alternatives in the computer workstation and input devices.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die meting van posturale dinamisme in die sitposisie te verbeter deur middel van „n drie-dimensionele (3D) bewegingsanalisesisteem. Die primêre doelwit was om loodsdata te beskryf vir posturale dinamisme van die servikale en torakale werwelkolomme terwyl op „n rekenaar gewerk word. Die sekondêre doelwit was om die proses van postuurmeting en analise te verfyn deur die dataprosesseringstyd te verminder. Sekere faktore van 3D bewegingsanalise kan „n vermeerdering van gapings in ingesamelde data tot gevolg hê, wat weer kan lei na „n verlengde tydperiode van dataprosessering. In die eerste fase van hierdie studie is sulke faktore identifiseer en aangepas. „n Reeks loodsstudies is uitgevoer om die verbetering van dataprosesseringstyd te toets namate aanpassings aan hierdie faktore gemaak is. Tydens die eerste twee loodsstudies is verskillende kamera en driepoot posisionering ondersoek en verfyn, werkstasie uitleg en anatomiese baken merker plasing is ondersoek en die optimale dataversamelingsfrekwensie is vasgestel. In beide hierdie loodsstudies is die uitkomste vasgestel op grond van toets- en fouteer deur te eksperimenteer met „n verskeidenheid opsies soos van toepassing op die betrokke uitkomste. Tydens die derde loodsstudie is rekenaarsagteware getoets wat die rekenaaraktiwiteit vir die studiedeelnemers verskaf het tydens primêre data-insameling. Twee onafhanklike persone het al die aktiwiteite volgens die sagteware voltooi en het verbale terugvoer en aanbevelings gegee oor hoe om die program te verbeter. Die vierdie en finale loodsstudie het gepoog om al die uitkomste van die eerste drie loodsstudies in te sluit en „n toetsmeting te doen van die ware dataversamelingsproses. „n Onafhanklike studiedeelnemer met geen affiliasie tot die navorsingsprojek nie het „n toetslopie van die hele versamelingsproses gedoen en die metingsproses is haalbaar verklaar. Tydens die primêre studie het 18 student-vrywilligers „n reeks rekenaartake gedoen (insluitend sleutelbord en muisaktiwiteite sowel as „n leesopdrag). Voor die aanvang van dataversameling is die volle bewegingsomvange van die torakale en servikale werwelkolomme van elke deelnemer gemeet. Dataversameling is vir die volle durasie van die uitvoer van rekenaaraktiwiteite gedoen. Uitkomsparameters vir posturale dinamisme het die volgende ingesluit: Omvang van beweging (grade), proporsionele omvang van beweging (persentasie) en bewegingsfrekwensie (bewegings per minuut) in al drie bewegingsvlakke van die servikale en torakale werwelkolomme. Sleutelbord-aktiwiteite is geässosieer met die grootste bewegingsomvange en die meeste bewegingsfrekwensie. Muisaktiwiteit is geässosieer met die mees stasionêre postuur en het die heel minste gereelde beweging getoon in die algemeen. Die resultate van hierdie studie help om die dinamise natuur van postuur beter te verstaan, sowel as posturale dinamisme wat met verskillende rekenaartake verbind word. Die studie bied „n basislyn vir die toekomstige navorsings wat posturale dinamisme met verskillende rekenaartake meet. Dit merk ook die behoefte aan verdere navorsing aangaande ergonomika, gebruik en alternatiewe tot rekenaarwerkstasie en –toerusting.
Van, Vledder Nicole. "An ergonomic intervention : the effect of a chair and computer screen height adjustment on musculoskeletal pain and sitting comfort in office workers". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/96865.
Texto completo da fonteENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aims: To assess the effect of a vertical height adjustment of the chair and visual display unit (VDU) on work related upper quadrant musculoskeletal pain (WRUQMP) and sitting comfort in computer users. The upper quadrant refers to the occiput, cervical and upper thoracic spine including the clavicles and scapulae. Methods: An N=1 study was conducted using the ABC design whereby an ergonomic workstation adjustment, of VDU and chair height, was compared to the subject’s usual workstation settings. Pain and sitting comfort were measured using visual analogue scales (VAS). The subject was assessed over the four week phases as she performed her typical VDU work. The results were compiled and tabulated. Results: Both the mean and variance in pain intensity decreased after the workstation intervention. A deterioration was noted in sitting comfort. Conclusion: The vertical height adjustment of the chair and VDU may have contributed to a decrease in WRUQMP in this subject. This safe, economical workstation intervention may be a practical management option for the computer user suffering from WRUQMP. Further research into the measurement of comfort whilst sitting at a computer workstation, is recommended.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doelwitte: Om die effek te bepaal van n vertikale aanpassing van die stoel en beeldskerm van rekenaargebruikers op werksverwandte boonste kwadrant muskuloskeletale pyn en sitgemak. Die boonste kwadrant verwys na die oksiput, servikale en boonste torakale werwelkolom en sluit ook die klavikel en skapula in. Methode: Die N=1 studie is onderneem met gebruik van die ABC ontwerp in terme waarvan n ergonomiese aanpassing van stoel en beeldskerm vergelyk is met die normale gebruik van die deelnemer. Pyn en sitgemak is gemeet deur die gebruik van die Visueel analoogskaal. Die interwensies is ge-evalueer oor vierweekfases tydens normale rekenaar gebruik van die deelnemer. Die resultate is saamgestel en getabuleer. Uitkoms: Beide die gemiddelde en veranderlike pynintensiteit het verminder nadat die werkstasie aangepas is. Geen verbetering in sitgemak is opgemerk nie. Gevolgtrekking: Die vertikale hoogte-aanpassing van die stoel en beeldskerm het moontlik bygedra tot die verminderde pynvlakke in hierdie deelnemer. Hierdie veilige, ekonomiese verstelling is moontlik n praktiese beheeropsie vir rekenaargebruikers wat werksverwandte boonste kwadrant muskuloskeletale pyn verduur. Verder studie in die meet en waarneming van sitgemak tydens rekenaarwerk is nodig.
Lindegård, Andersson Agneta. "Associations between working techniques, physical loads and psychosocial loads during VDU-work /". Stockholm : Arbetslivsinstitutet, förlagstjänst, 2004. http://ebib.arbetslivsinstitutet.se/ah/2004/ah2004_05.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteSaggu, Rajinder Kaur. "Effect of a chair and computer screen height adjustment on the neck and upper back musculoskeletal symptoms in an office worker". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/96971.
Texto completo da fonteENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aims: To assess the effect of a chair and computer screen height adjustment on the neck and upper back musculoskeletal symptoms in an office worker. Methods: An N=1 study was conducted using the ABC design. Ethics approval was obtained for the study and the participant provided informed written consent. The participant was assessed over three four week phases as she performed her habitual computer work. The outcome measures assessed during the three phases were the pain intensity and perceived sitting comfort. The three phases were named the baseline, intervention and wash-out phases. During the baseline phase, the outcome measures were obtained at the participant‟s habitual work station. The intervention phase involved a vertical adjustment of the chair and computer screen height. The wash-out phase allowed the participant to adjust the chair and computer screen height to their choice. A follow-up interview was conducted with the participant three months after completion of the study. The mean values and the ranges of the pain intensity and perceived comfort were obtained and compared. The data collected was captured on a Microsoft Excel 2010 spread sheet, where after the data was tabulated and presented graphically. Results: The mean pain intensity of the participant increased slightly during the intervention phase in comparison to the baseline phase, but remained stable during the wash-out phase. The mean perceived sitting comfort deteriorated initially during the intervention phase, but improved later during the intervention phase and showed greater improvement during the wash out phase. The perceived sitting comfort showed more improvement than the pain intensity during the washout phase. Both the pain intensity and perceived sitting comfort showed improvement at the three months follow up assessment, post completion of the study. Conclusion: The vertical height adjustment of the chair and the VDT did not improve the participant‟s pain intensity and perceived sitting comfort when compared to the participant‟s habitual workstation parameters. The findings do not favour the horizontal viewing angle. The findings of this study however support the use of „slightly below horizontal‟ viewing angle as being conducive to reduce the pain intensity and improve the sitting comfort of an office worker.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doelstelling: Om die effek te bepaal van die hoogte aanpassing van die stoel en rekenaarskerm op die nek en bo-rug muskuloskeletale simptome van 'n kantoorwerker. Metodes: „n N=1 studie was uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van die ABC ontwerp. Etiese goedkeuring was verkry vir die studie en die deelnemer het ingeligte skriftelike toestemming verleen. Die deelnemer was ge-evalueer oor drie vier week-lange fases terwyl sy haar gewone rekenaarwerk verrig het. Die uitkomsmetings ge-evalueer tydens die drie fases was pyn intensiteit en waargenome sitgemak. Die drie fases was genoem die basislyn, intervensie en uitwas fases. Gedurende die basislyn fase was die uitkomsmetings by die deelnemer se gewone werkstasie ingevorder. Die intervensie fase het 'n vertikale aanpassing van die stoel en rekenaarskerm behels. Die uitwas fase het die deelnemer toegelaat om haar stoel en rekenaarskerm se hoogte aan te pas volgens haar keuse. 'n Opvolg onderhoud was gevoer met die deelnemer drie maande na die voltooiing van die studie. Die resultate was vasgelê op 'n Microsoft Excel 2010 data bladsy, waarna die data getabuleer en grafies uitgebeeld is. Resultate: Die gemiddelde pyn intensiteit van die deelnermer het effens toegeneem tydens die intervensie fase in vergelyking met die basislyn fase, maar het stabiel gebly tydens die uitwas fase. Die gemiddelde waargenome sitgemak het aanvanklik verswak tydens die intervensie fase, maar het later verbeter tydens die intervensie fase en het aangehou verbeter tydens die uitwas fase. Die waargenome sitgemak het groter verbetering getoon as die pyn intensiteit tydens die uitwas fase. Beide pyn intensiteit en waargenome sitgemak het verbetering getoon by die drie maande opvolg evaluasie, na voltooiing van die studie. Gevolgtrekking. Die vertikale hoogte aanpassing van die stoel en rekenaarskerm het nie die deelnemer se pyn intensiteit en waargenome sitgemak in vergelyking met die deelnemer se gewone werkstasie parameters verbeter nie. Hierdie bevindinge is nie ten voordeel van die horisontale kykhoek nie. Nietemin, ondersteun die bevindinge van hierdie studie die gebruik van die "effens onder die horisontale" kykhoek as bevorderend om die pyn intensiteit te verminder en die sitgemak van 'n kantoorwerker te verbeter.
Lonne-Rahm, Sol-Britt. "Etiological and clinical aspects of skin sensitivity /". Stockholm, 2003. http://diss.kib.ki.se/2003/91-7349-746-0.
Texto completo da fonteDruin, Allison. "Building an alternative to the traditional computer terminal". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/14966.
Texto completo da fonteMcLean, Linda. "Neuromuscular electrophysiology and the computer terminal operator, the benefit of microbreaks". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape11/PQDD_0004/NQ38351.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteDing, Hao. "FOUR TERMINAL JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR MODEL FOR COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN". Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2007. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/3129.
Texto completo da fontePh.D.
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Alvarsson, Fredrik. "An interactive computer terminal about particle physics and the Atlas Experiment". Thesis, KTH, Fysik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-189057.
Texto completo da fonteWahlström, Jens. "Physical load, psychosocial and individual factors in visual display unit work /". Stockholm : Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2003. http://ebib.arbetslivsinstitutet.se/ah/2003/ah2003_10.pdf.
Texto completo da fonteFaxö, Elias. "Trusted terminal-based systems". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för systemteknik, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-69589.
Texto completo da fonteWilliams, Stanley Eugene. "Methods for storing, generating, and displaying characters to a graphics computer terminal". Virtual Press, 1987. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/483079.
Texto completo da fonteLiukkonen, E. (Esa). "Radiologisten kuvien katselussa käytettävien näyttöjen laatu:näyttöjen laitekanta, suorituskyky ja laadunvalvonta sekä kuvankatseluolosuhteet radiologisissa yksiköissä ja terveyskeskuksissa". Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2010. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789514262180.
Texto completo da fonteTiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vuoden 2007 aikana radiologisten yksiköiden ja terveyskeskusten radiologisten kuvien katseluun tarkoitettujen näyttöjen laatu, kuvankatseluolosuhteet ja laadunvalvontakäytännöt sekä käyttäjien kokemuksia röntgenkuvien katselusta näytöiltä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli antaa toimenpide-ehdotuksia kuvankatselun ja kuvankatseluolosuhteiden kehittämiseksi terveydenhuollossa. Aineisto muodostui otoksesta viiden yliopistollisen sairaalan radiologisista yksiköistä ja Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan erityisvastuualueen terveyskeskuksista. Näyttöjen laitekanta, laadunvalvontakäytännöt ja lääkäreiden kokemuksia näyttötyöskentelystä selvitettiin kyselyllä. Mittausten ja havainnoinnin avulla saatiin tietoa näyttöjen suorituskyvystä ja kuvankatselutilojen valaistusolosuhteista. Radiologisten yksiköiden näytöt olivat teknisesti pääosin radiologisista kuvista tehtävään diagnostiikkaan soveltuvia. Terveyskeskuksissa käytettiin näyttöjä, jotka eivät soveltuneet diagnostiikkaan. Molemmissa ryhmissä poistuvaan katodisadeputkitekniikkaan perustuvia näyttöjä oli vielä käytössä, eikä yksikään mitatuista näytöistä saavuttanut hyväksyttävyyskriteereitä kaikkien suorituskyvyn mittaustulosten osalta. Suurimmassa osassa radiologisten yksiköiden työpisteissä huoneen valaistus oli suositusten mukainen, kun taas terveyskeskuksissa huoneiden valaistus oli liian voimakas radiologisten kuvien katseluun käytetyillä näytöillä. Vastaanottotarkastus oli tehty vain pienelle osalle näytöistä ja säännöllistä laadunvalvontaa tehtiin näytöille vähän. Laadunvalvojat kokivat resurssit riittämättömiksi näyttöjen laadunvalvontaan. Terveyskeskuslääkärit eivät itse tunnistaneet näytön huonoa suorituskykyä. Radiologit ja terveyskeskuslääkärit tekivät laadunvalvontaa käyttämilleen näytöille hyvin vähän. Tutkimuksen kohteena olleissa radiologisissa yksiköissä ja terveyskeskuksissa röntgenkuvien katseluun tarkoitettujen näyttöjen laatu, valaistusolosuhteet ja laadunvalvonta eivät vastanneet suosituksia. Katodisädeputkinäytöt ja kalibroimattomat nestekidenäytöt tulisi vaihtaa uusiin tai kalibroida. Valaistusta ja näyttöjen sijoittelua tulisi muuttaa heijastusten vähentämiseksi. Lisäksi lääkärillä tulisi olla mahdollisuus muuttaa valaistusta helposti. Näyttöjen laadunvalvontaan tulisi saada enemmän resursseja, laadunvalvontakäytännöt tulisi yhtenäistää ja käyttäjille sekä laadunvalvojille tulisi antaa lisää koulutusta näyttöjen laadunvalvontaan. Säännöllinen näyttöjen laadunvalvonta tulisi ulottaa kaikkiin terveydenhuollon organisaatioihin. Terveyskeskuslääkäreille tulisi antaa koulutusta kuvankatseluohjelmien käyttöön