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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Cellular telephone services industry – Singapore"
Shukla, Archana, e R. Srinivasan. "Six Sigma Implementation at Bharti Infotel". Asian Case Research Journal 11, n.º 02 (dezembro de 2007): 367–84.
Texto completo da fonteHong, Pham Thi Thanh, e Tran Van Hai. "Customer Satisfaction in Mobile Service Quality: Evidence from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City’s Officers". VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business 34, n.º 5E (27 de dezembro de 2018).
Texto completo da fonteTeses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Cellular telephone services industry – Singapore"
Fong, Sharon Mei Chan. "Examining re-patronising intentions formation : the intention-as-wants model". University of Western Australia. Graduate School of Management, 2008.
Texto completo da fonteOuersoontornwatana, Ajana. "Nokia's marketing stategies of mobile phones in Thailand and Hong Kong". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2002.
Texto completo da fonteSung, Che-ming. "A network approach to the study of the next generation in the mobile telephone market /". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1995.
Texto completo da fontePark, Dong Un. "Latecomer firms and pursuit of a dual frontier : the case of Korean handset manufacturers". Thesis, University of Sussex, 2016.
Texto completo da fonteVan, Heerden Johan H. "Detecting fraud in cellular telephone networks". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Texto completo da fonteENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cellular network operators globally loose between 3% and 5% of their annual revenue to telecommunications fraud. Hence it is of great importance that fraud management systems are implemented to detect, alarm, and shut down fraud within minutes, minimising revenue loss. Modern proprietary fraud management systems employ (i) classification methods, most often artificial neural networks learning from classified call data records to classify new call data records as fraudulent or legitimate, (ii) statistical methods building subscriber behaviour profiles based on the subscriber’s usage in the cellular network and detecting sudden changes in behaviour, and (iii) rules and threshold values defined by fraud analysts, utilising their knowledge of valid fraud cases and the false alarm rate as guidance. The purpose of this thesis is to establish a context for and evaluate the performance of well-known data mining techniques that may be incorporated in the fraud detection process. Firstly, a theoretical background of various well-known data mining techniques is provided and a number of seminal articles on fraud detection, which influenced this thesis, are summarised. The cellular telecommunications industry is introduced, including a brief discussion of the types of fraud experienced by South African cellular network operators. Secondly, the data collection process and the characteristics of the collected data are discussed. Different data mining techniques are applied to the collected data, demonstrating how user behaviour profiles may be built and how fraud may be predicted. An appraisal of the performances and appropriateness of the different data mining techniques is given in the context of the fraud detection process. Finally, an indication of further work is provided in the conclusion to this thesis, in the form of a number of recommendations for possible adaptations of the fraud detection methods, and improvements thereof. A combination of data mining techniques that may be used to build a comprehensive fraud detection model is also suggested.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sellulêre netwerk operateurs verloor wêreldwyd tussen 3% en 5% van hul jaarlikse inkomste as gevolg van telekommunikasie bedrog. Dit is dus van die uiterse belang dat bedrog bestuurstelsels geïmplimenteer word om bedrog op te spoor, alarms te genereer, en bedrog binne minute te staak om verlies aan inkomste tot ’n minimum te beperk. Moderne gepatenteerde bedrog bestuurstelsels maak gebruik van (i) klassifikasie metodes, mees dikwels kunsmatige neurale netwerke wat leer vanaf geklassifiseerde oproep rekords en gebruik word om nuwe oproep rekords as bedrog-draend of nie bedrog-draend te klassifiseer, (ii) statistiese metodes wat gedragsprofiele van ’n intekenaar bou, gebaseer op die intekenaar se gedrag in die sellulêre netwerk, en skielike verandering in gedrag opspoor, en (iii) reëls en drempelwaardes wat deur bedrog analiste daar gestel word, deur gebruik te maak van hulle ondervinding met geldige gevalle van bedrog en die koers waarteen vals alarms gegenereer word. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om ’n konteks te bepaal vir en die werksverrigting te evalueer van bekende data ontginningstegnieke wat in bedrog opsporingstelsels gebruik kan word. Eerstens word ’n teoretiese agtergrond vir ’n aantal bekende data ontginningstegnieke voorsien en ’n aantal gedagteryke artikels wat oor bedrog opsporing handel en wat hierdie tesis beïnvloed het, opgesom. Die sellulêre telekommunikasie industrie word bekend gestel, insluitend ’n kort bespreking oor die tipes bedrog wat deur Suid-Afrikaanse sellulˆere telekommunikasie netwerk operateurs ondervind word. Tweedens word die data versamelingsproses en die eienskappe van die versamelde data bespreek. Verskillende data ontginningstegnieke word vervolgens toegepas op die versamelde data om te demonstreer hoe gedragsprofiele van gebruikers gebou kan word en hoe bedrog voorspel kan word. Die werksverrigting en gepastheid van die verskillende data ontginningstegnieke word bespreek in die konteks van die bedrog opsporingsproses. Laastens word ’n aanduiding van verdere werk in die gevolgtrekking tot hierdie tesis verskaf, en wel in die vorm van ’n aantal aanbevelings oor moontlike aanpassings en verbeterings van die bedrog opsporingsmetodes wat beskou en toegepas is. ’n Omvattende bedrog opsporingsmodel wat gebruik maak van ’n kombinasie van data ontginningstegnieke word ook voorgestel.
Ho, Ming-Ju. "System deployment and capacity enhancing techniques for mobile radio". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1996.
Texto completo da fonteSo, Hong-pak Ryan. "A study on the segmentation of Hong Kong mobile communications market and its marketing implications /". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1995.
Texto completo da fonteKchao, Camroeum. "Direct sequence spread spectrum cellular radio". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1991.
Texto completo da fonteWong, Wing-lun Alan. "The development and competition of the mobile phone industry in Hong Kong /". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1998.
Texto completo da fonteCaffery, James Joseph Jr. "Wireless location in CDMA cellular radio systems". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1998.
Texto completo da fonteLivros sobre o assunto "Cellular telephone services industry – Singapore"
San Francisco (Calif.). Office of the Controller. Audits Division. Airport Commission: Concession audit of Singapore Airlines, Inc. San Francisco: Office of the Controller, 2001.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteUnited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Subcommittee on Communications. Rural cellular non-wireline licensing: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Communications of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, second session ... January 27, 1988. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteUnited, States Congress Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Communications. Rural cellular non-wireline licensing: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Communications of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, second session ... January 27, 1988. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteUnited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Subcommittee on Communications. Rural cellular non-wireline licensing: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Communications of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, second session ... January 27, 1988. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteJack, Quinn. Cellular2002: A study of the worldwide cellular telephone market. Phoenix, Ariz: Micrologic Research, 2002.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteMead, Kenneth M. Telecommunications: Competition in the cellular telephone service industry : statement of Kenneth M. Mead, Director, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, before the Subcommittee on Communications, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate. [Washington, D.C.]: The Office, 1992.
Encontre o texto completo da fontePoole, Ian. Cellular communications explained: From basics to 3G. Oxford, England: Newnes/Elsevier, 2006.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteFusaro, Magda. Un monde sans fil: Les promesses des mobiles à l'ère de la convergence. Sainte-Foy (Québec): Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2002.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteHanʼguk ŭi idong tʻongsin, chʻugyŏk esŏ sŏndo ŭi sidae ro. Sŏul-si: Samsŏng Kyŏngje Yŏnʼguso, 2005.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteAltorfer, Roland. Geschäftsstrategie für Privatkunden in einem konvergenten Telekommunikationsmarkt. Fribourg: Iimt-University-Press, 2007.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteCapítulos de livros sobre o assunto "Cellular telephone services industry – Singapore"
Fuke, Hidenori. "Structural Changes and Regulatory Challenges in Japanese Telecommunications". In Networking and Telecommunications, 1812–30. IGI Global, 2010.
Texto completo da fonteWest, Joel. "Institutional Constraints in the Initial Deployment of Cellular Telephone Service on Three Continents". In Information Technology Standards and Standardization, 198–221. IGI Global, 2000.
Texto completo da fonte