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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "Architecture and energy conservation South Australia"


Hutchinson, R. "Kupe – A Dove in Search of an Olive Tree". Energy Exploration & Exploitation 13, n.º 2-3 (maio de 1995): 109–21.

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The address covers the New Zealand energy market, the likely role of Kupe South in this market and looks at options beyond Kupe South. These include exploration. conservation and importation. A comparison between the New Zealand gas scene and that in Australia is made. Does this present some Trans-Tasman opportunities? Are there any lessons to be learnt? Will our environmental goals prevent us from optimising our greenhouse emissions? How can we best proceed?
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Edwards, Sally, e Behnam Talebi. "New deep crustal seismic data acquisition program for NWQ's frontier petroleum basins". APPEA Journal 59, n.º 2 (2019): 869.

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The Georgina and South Nicholson basins and the Isa Superbasin of North West Queensland (NWQ), represent frontier basins earmarked for examination of resource potential under the Strategic Resources Exploration Program. Little exploration has occurred for petroleum resources in these basins although a proven petroleum system exists in both the Isa Superbasin and the Georgina Basin with demonstrated flow at sub-commercial rates. To increase knowledge of the petroleum system, define the extent of the South Nicholson Basin and examine basin architecture, Geoscience Australia acquired deep (to 20-s listening time) seismic data across the South Nicholson Basin and northern Isa Superbasin area in 2017. However, this survey focused on broader structural architecture definition across the Proterozoic Isa Superbasin and South Nicholson and McArthur basins. Little is understood of the petroleum system in the southern Isa Superbasin, or even if this structure is part of the Isa Superbasin, where Proterozoic gas is inferred from mineral boreholes and oil stained Cambrian-aged carbonates exist. To increase understanding of this southern region, the Queensland Government acquired a new NWQ SEEBASE® (depth to basement) model in 2018, and will be undertaking a 2D deep seismic survey within the Camooweal region to better understand the structural architecture, sediment thicknesses and seismic characteristic of packages of this southern area. The seismic survey is centred on the Georgina Basin and will tie into the South Nicholson survey – extending knowledge further south across major structures featured in the SEEBASE® model.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

H. Kelly, Andrew. "Amenity enhancement and biodiversity conservation in Australian suburbia". International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 6, n.º 1/2 (8 de abril de 2014): 91–105.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to critically explore the historical background and current approach of the most common statutory instrument to maintain green landscapes in private residential gardens in cities and townships in suburban New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Design/methodology/approach – The narrative presents a transdisciplinary study. While its emphasis is on law and town planning, it also encompasses local government and legal history while touching upon environmental management and ecological science. This panoply of areas reflects the sheer complexity of the topic. While the presentation is initially descriptive, it moves on to a critique of the NSW Government's recent statutory approach. Findings – The paper demands that further attention must be paid to improving the design and architecture of statutory plans and underlying policies to not only improve urban biodiversity but also retain, as far as practicable, the visual beauty of the suburban landscape. This means reliance on local government to devise their own acceptable approaches. Flexibility rather than rigidity is warranted. Originality/value – The amount of scholarly material on this topic is relatively rare. The majority of information relies on excellent on-ground research and experience on the part of local experts, namely council employees and consultants. Academic and practical material must be drawn together to improve biodiversity conservation at both the local and regional spheres.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ermakova, S. S., О. B. Vasylenko e Al Echcheikh El Alaoui. "ENERGY SAVING AS A PRIORITY DIRECTION OF STATE POLICY IN UKRAINE AND IN THE WORLD: PROBLEMS OF USING SOLAR ENERGY IN ARCHITECTURE". Bulletin of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, n.º 83 (4 de junho de 2021): 9–19.

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There are aspects of scientific research in the analysis of scientific research in the formation of systems of lighting in architecture: energy conservation, shaping in the internal and external space of architecture, integration, technology, aesthetics and innovation. Buildings and cities were designed and oriented according to specific natural and climatic conditions. When designing public and residential buildings, the main focus was on the orientation of their courtyards relative to the sides of the horizon. According to such compositional techniques, the architectural volumes were designed from the south side of the courtyard, orienting and opening them to the north side. This provided both protection from direct solar radiation and the ability to capture cool northerly winds. A similar approach took place then throughout the entire period of medieval architecture in the Arab countries, where the common areas are oriented to the north. Among the totality of studies of insolation problem and sun protection in architecture, a number of areas stand out: aesthetic, analytical, theoretical, experimental, instrumental, biological and hygienic. For the first time in domestic and foreign science in the 80s of the XX century, the problem of improving the quality of modern architecture is determined by natural and artificial lighting in the main categories (expressiveness, comfort, efficiency). Health-improving and sanitizing effects were of great practical importance in the design of modern buildings. Natural and climatic factors have an important impact on the main categories of architecture quality. The main place is occupied by solar radiation and insolation. The term "insolation" means the total solar irradiation and not only direct, but also reflected and scattered over a certain calculated area, which takes into account the combination of light, ultraviolet and thermal effects of the Sun.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

McMillan, M. N., C. Huveneers, J. M. Semmens e B. M. Gillanders. "Partial female migration and cool-water migration pathways in an overfished shark". ICES Journal of Marine Science 76, n.º 4 (5 de dezembro de 2018): 1083–93.

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Abstract Knowledge about reproductive movements can be of important conservation value for over-exploited species that are vulnerable when moving between and within key reproductive habitats. Lack of knowledge persists around such movements in the overfished school shark Galeorhinus galeus in Australia. Management assumes all pregnant females migrate between adult aggregations in the Great Australian Bight, South Australia, and nursery areas around Bass Strait and Tasmania. We tracked 14 late-term pregnant females tagged in South Australia using satellite-linked pop-up archival tags to investigate extent, timing, and routes of migrations. We found partial migration, with some females (n = 7) remaining near aggregating areas throughout the pupping season, some migrating to known nursery areas (n = 3), and one migrating ∼3 000 km to New Zealand. We conclude female movements and pupping habitats are less spatially constrained than assumed and propose females use cool-water routes along the shelf break to reduce energy costs of migration. Migrating females using these routes faced greater fishing pressure than sharks in inshore areas and were not protected by inshore shark fishing closures designed to protect them. This study demonstrates the complexity of reproductive movements that can occur in wide-ranging species and highlights the value of explicit movement data.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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The continued access to land for exploration by the petroleum and mineral industries in Australia has been increasingly impeded by State and Commonwealth legislation aimed at dedicating Crown Land for single land uses.In September 1986, South Australia's Minister for Mines and Energy, Ron Payne, announced a Cabinet decision for 'a package of recommendations designed to foster multiple land-use concepts and to ensure that no land is alienated from exploration without careful consideration of the sub-surface mineral/petroleum potential, relevant economic factors and the existing and potential sub-surface rights'.In this one innovative and potentially far-reaching move, the South Australian Government has:provided a framework to reconcile conflicting interests;indicated a willingness to listen and act upon the expressed legitimate concerns of industries of vital economic importance to the State;made it necessary for the proponents of reserve areas such as National Parks to be more accountable and to provide balanced, scientific substantiation;indicated its intention to make legislative changes to allow for the adoption of multiple land-use principles; andredressed the imbalance where, in the words of the Minister, 'Legislation providing for Aboriginal land rights, the creation of national and conservation parks, and State Government heritage areas have, to varying degrees, created unforeseen consequences for the resources industry'.The first practical test of this new Government policy is the proposed declaration of the Innamincka Regional Reserve, currently a 14 000 sq km pastoral lease within some of the most productive areas of PELs 5 & 6 held jointly by Santos Ltd. and Delhi Petroleum Pty. Ltd.It is intended that this new form of reserve will allow for the protection of specific areas of environmental sensitivity and of cultural, scientific and historic value, while still allowing for the continuation of pastoral, tourist and petroleum exploration/ production activity within the major part of the reserve area.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Collins, Lindsay B., e Viviane Testa. "Quaternary development of resilient reefs on the subsiding kimberley continental margin, Northwest Australia". Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 58, spe1 (2010): 67–77.

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The Kimberley region in remote northwest Australia has poorly known reef systems of two types; coastal fringing reefs and atoll-like shelf-edge reefs. As a major geomorphic feature (from 12ºS to 18ºS) situated along a subsiding continental margin, the shelf edge reefs are in a tropical realm with warm temperatures, relatively low salinity, clear low nutrient waters lacking sediment input, and Indo-West Pacific corals of moderate diversity. Seismic architecture of the Rowley Shoals reveals that differential pre-Holocene subsidence and relative elevation of the pre-Holocene substrate have controlled lagoon sediment infill and reef morphology, forming an evolutionary series reflecting differential accommodation in three otherwise similar reef systems. The Holocene core described for North Scott Reef confirms previous seismic interpretations, and provides a rare ocean-facing reef record. It demonstrates that the Indo-Pacific reef growth phase (RG111) developed during moderate rates of sea level rise of 10 mm/year from 11 to about 7-6.5 ka BP until sea level stabilization, filling the available 27 m of pre-Holocene accommodation. Despite the medium to high hydrodynamic energy imposed by the 4m tides, swell waves and cyclones the reef-building communities represent relatively low-wave energy settings due to their southeast facing and protection afforded by the proximity of the South Reef platform. This study demonstrates the resilience of reefs on the subsiding margin whilst linking Holocene reef morphology to the relative amount of pre-Holocene subsidence.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Braccini, Matias, Eva Lai, Karina Ryan e Stephen Taylor. "Recreational Harvest of Sharks and Rays in Western Australia Is Only a Minor Component of the Total Harvest". Sustainability 13, n.º 11 (31 de maio de 2021): 6215.

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Sharks and rays are a global conservation concern with an increasing number of species considered at risk of extinction, mostly due to overfishing. Although the recreational harvest of sharks and rays is poorly documented and generally minimal, it can be comparable to the commercial harvest. In this study, we quantified the recreational harvest of sharks and rays in Western Australia, a region with a marine coastline greater than 20,000 km. A total of 33 species/taxonomic groups were identified, with the harvest dominated by dusky and bronze whalers, blacktip reef sharks, gummy sharks, Port Jackson sharks, wobbegongs, and rays and skates. Eighty-five percent of individuals were released with an unknown status (alive or dead). We found a latitudinal gradient of species composition, with tropical and subtropical species of the genus Carcharhinus dominating in the north and temperate species from a range of families dominating in the south. Overall, our findings showed that the recreational harvest was negligible when compared with commercial landings.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Farrar, Alison, Dave Kendal, Kathryn J. H. Williams e Ben J. Zeeman. "Social and Ecological Dimensions of Urban Conservation Grasslands and Their Management through Prescribed Burning and Woody Vegetation Removal". Sustainability 12, n.º 8 (24 de abril de 2020): 3461.

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Natural grasslands are threatened globally. In south-eastern Australia, remnants of critically endangered natural grasslands are increasingly being isolated in urban areas. Urbanisation has led to reduced fire frequency and woody plant encroachment in some patches. Grasslands are currently being managed under the assumption that desirable management actions to address these threats (prescribed burning and removing woody vegetation) (1) lead to improved conservation outcomes and (2) are restricted by negative public attitudes. In this study, we tested these two assumptions in the context of native grassland conservation reserves in Melbourne, Australia. Firstly, we investigated differences in species and functional trait composition between patches that had been recently burnt, patches that were unburnt and patches subject to woody vegetation encroachment. We found that the functional traits of species converged in areas subject to woody plant encroachment and areas frequently disturbed by fire. Burning promoted native species, and patches of woody plants supressed the dominant grass, providing a wider range of habitat conditions. Secondly, we surveyed 477 residents living adjacent to these grassland conservation reserves to measure values, beliefs and attitudes and the acceptance of prescribed burning and removing woody vegetation. We found conflict in people’s attitudes to grasslands, with both strongly positive and strongly negative attitudes expressed. The majority of residents found prescribed burning an acceptable management practice (contrary to expectations) and removing trees and shrubs from grasslands to be unacceptable. Both cognitive factors (values and beliefs) and landscape features were important in influencing these opinions. This research provides some guidance for managing urban grassland reserves as a social–ecological system, showing that ecological management, community education and engagement and landscape design features can be integrated to influence social and ecological outcomes.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Carr, Lidena, Russell Korsch, Wolfgang Preiss, Sandra Menpes, Josef Holzschuh e Ross Costelloe. "Structural and stratigraphic architecture of Australia's frontier onshore sedimentary basins: the Arckaringa, Officer, Amadeus, and Georgina basins". APPEA Journal 51, n.º 2 (2011): 703.

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The Onshore Energy Security Program—funded by the Australian Government and conducted by Geoscience Australia—has acquired deep seismic reflection data in conjunction with state and territory geological surveys, across several frontier sedimentary basins to stimulate petroleum exploration in onshore Australia. Here, we present data from two seismic lines collected in SA and NT. Seismic line 08GA-OM1 crossed the Arckaringa and Officer basins in SA and the southern-most Amadeus Basin in NT. Seismic line 09GA-GA1 crossed the northeastern part of the Amadeus Basin and the complete width of the southern Georgina Basin in NT. Structural and sequence stratigraphic interpretations of the seismic lines will be presented here, followed by an assessment of the petroleum potential of the basins. Seismic line 08GA-OM1 also crosses the Neoproterozoic to Devonian eastern Officer Basin. The basin is structurally complex in this area, being dominated by south-directed thrust faults and fault-related folds—providing potential for underthrust petroleum plays. The northern margin of the basin is overthrust to the south by the Mesoproterozoic Musgrave Province. To the north, the Moorilyanna Trough of the Officer Basin is a major depocentre of up to 7,000 m deep. Both seismic lines cross parts of the eastern Amadeus Basin. Seismic line 08GA-OM1 shows that the southern margin of the basin is overthrust to the north by the Musgrave Province with the main movement during the Petermann Orogeny. In the northeast, seismic line 09GA-GA1 crosses two parts of the basin separated by the Paleoproteroozic to Mesoproterozoic Casey Inlier (part of the Arunta Region). The northern margin of the basin is imaged seismically as a southward-verging, thinned-skinned thrust belt, showing considerable structural thickening of the stratigraphic succession. Seismic line 09GA-GA1 was positioned to cross that part of the southern Georgina Basin that was considered previously to be in the oil window. Here, the basin has a complex southern margin, with Neoproterozoic stratigraphy being thrust interleaved with basement rocks of the Arunta Region. The main part of the basin, containing a Neoproterozoic to Devonian succession, is asymmetric, thinning to the north where it overlies the Paleoproterozoic Davenport Province. The well, Phillip–2, drilled adjacent to the seismic line, intersected basement at a depth of 1,489 m, and has been used to map the stratigraphic sequences across the basin.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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Teses / dissertações sobre o assunto "Architecture and energy conservation South Australia"


Sheppard, Barbara Dorothea. "Assessing the environmental performance of building developments : the Green Building Tool". Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 2000.

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Bibliography: p. 119-122. Aims to show how the GB Tool (Green BuildingTool) can be used to access the environmental performance of residential building developments, with a focus on South Australia. Describes the history of, and rationale for, the GB Tool; and its practical implementation. Identifies some theoretical short comings of the GB Tool, as well as some practical difficulties with using it.
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Bothma, Johan. "Landscape and architectural devices for energy-efficient South Africa suburban residential design". Pretoria : [s.n.], 2004.

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Williamson, T. J. "Concept(s) of the energy-efficient house in the temperate regions of Australia : a critical review /". Title page, contents and abstract only, 1997.

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Kumirai, Tichaona. "Energy efficiency interventions for residential buildings in Bloemfontein using passive energy techniques". Thesis, Bloemfontein : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2010.

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Thesis (M. Tech. (Mech. Eng.)) -- Central University of Technology, Free state, 2010
The purpose of this research is to minimize the use of active systems in providing thermal comfort in single-family detached, middle to high income residential buildings in Bloemfontein. The typical case study house was selected according to the criteria as reviewed by Mathews et al., (1999). Measurements were taken for seven days (18 – 24 May 2009). The measurements were carried out in the winter period for Bloemfontein, South Africa. Ecolog TH1, humidity and temperature data logger was used in doing the measurements. These measurements included indoor temperatures and indoor relative humidity. Temperature swings of 8.43 ºC and thermal lag of 1 hour were observed. For the period of seven days (168 hours), the house was thermally comfortable for 84 hours. Thermal analysis for the base case house was done using Ecotect™ (building analysis software) and the simulated results were compared with the measured results. A mean bias error (MBE) of between 10.3% ≤≤11.5% was obtained on the initial calibration. The final calibration of the model yielded error between0.364% ≤≤0.365%. The final calibration model which presented a small error was adopted as the base case. Passive strategies were incorporated to the Ecotect™ model (final calibrated model) singly and in combination; then both thermal and space load simulations were obtained and compared to simulations from the original situation (base case) for assessing improvements in terms of thermal comfort and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) energy consumption. Annual HVAC electricity savings of up to 55.2 % were obtained from incorporating passive strategies in combination. Incorporating passive strategies resulted in small improvements in thermal comfort.
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Pettey, Ryan Patrick. "Hartbeespoortdam butterfly conservancy an ecological splurge /". Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2004.

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Williamson, Terry J. "Concept(s) of the energy-efficient house in the temperate regions of Australia : a critical review / Terence John Williamson". 1997.

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Computer disk in pocket attached to back cover.
Bibliography: leaves 159-170.
System requirements for accompanying computer disk: Macintosh or IBM compatible computer. Other requirements: Microsoft Excel V 5.0 or later.
ix, 228 leaves : ill., map ; 30 cm + 1 computer disk (3.5")
Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library.
In addressing the identification of the scope of energy-efficient goals within the broader design problem, the conceptions of the energy-efficient dwelling are examined, along with how published advice for the design of energy-efficient houses is derived from these conceptions, and the adequacy of this published advice as a basis for good design decisions.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Architecture, 1997
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Livros sobre o assunto "Architecture and energy conservation South Australia"


House and Garden at Glenmore: Landscape. Seasons. Memory. Home. Murdoch Books Pty Limited, 2016.

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Emissions, Beyond Zero. Energy- Freedom Home: How to Wipe Out Electricity and Gas Bills in Nine Steps. Scribe Publications, 2016.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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