Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "An kang jiu chang"

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Huang, Juyan. "Kang zhan shi qi Guangdong jing ji sun shi yan jiu /". [Guangzhou] : Guangdong ren min chu ban she, 2005. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/chi0801/2007351650.html.

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Revision of the auther's thesis (Ph. D.--Zhongshan da xue, 2000).
"Guangdong you xiu zhe xue she hui ke xue zhu zuo chu ban ji jin zi zhu xiang mu; Guangdong Sheng zhe xue she hui ke xue 'jiu wu' gui hua zhong dian yan jiu ke ti." 880-05 Includes bibliographical references (p. 334-354).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chang, Moon-Kang [Verfasser]. "Martin Luthers Freiheitsverständnis für das heutige Christentum: Wahrheit - Freiheit - Ekklesia / Moon-Kang Chang". Aachen : Shaker, 2010. http://d-nb.info/1081885734/34.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Guo, Lixin. "Chang Jiang zhong you di qu chu qi she hui fu za hua yan jiu : 4300B.C.-2000B.C. /". Shanghai : Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2005. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/chi0701/2007350047.html.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Qian, Yang Peijuan. "Zhen jiu zhi liao fu xie xing chang yi ji zong he zheng de qu xue gui lü /". click here to view the abstract and table of contents, 2006. http://net3.hkbu.edu.hk/~libres/cgi-bin/thesisab.pl?pdf=b1998618xa.pdf.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cheng, Xiaoke. "Shang shi gong si ying yu zhi liang fen xi yu ping jia yan jiu ji yu Zhongguo zi ben shi chang huan jing de yan jiu gou jia yu jing yan zheng ju /". Dalian Shi : Dongbei cai jing da xue chu ban she, 2006.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Zhang, Shifei. "Shanghai ai zheng zi zhu zu zhi yan jiu zu yuan can yu, she hui zhi chi he she hui xue xi de zeng quan xiao guo /". online access from Digital dissertation consortium, 2001. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/er/db/ddcdiss.pl?3025931.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Park, Grace Haekyung. "The exotics of representation in twentieth-century Korean American literature". Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2008. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1483474281&sid=1&Fmt=2&clientId=1564&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cheng, Siu-ling Flona. "A study of variant readings of Chinese characters labeled as mispronounced in the Yueyin zhengdu zihui "Yue yin zheng du zi hui" suo zai ri chang cuo du zi yi du yan jiu /". Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2008. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B40733968.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lee, So-kam. "A comparison of Cantonese Transcriptions in Guangzhouhua zhengyin zidian and Changyongzi guangzhouhua duyinbiao "Guangzhou hua zheng yin zi dian" yu "Chang yong zi Guangzhou hua du yin biao" Yue yu zhu yin bi jiao yan jiu /". Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2008. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B40736982.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Liu, Yuk-ling. "A comparative study of the phonetic transcriptions in Changyongzi Guangzhouhua duyinbiao and Yueyin zhengdu zihui "Chang yong zi Guangzhou hua du yin biao" yu "Yue yin zheng du zi hui" zhu yin bi jiao yan jiu /". Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2009. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B42926233.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lau, Lawrence Yue Kwong. "Da sheng fo xue "you an" guan de li lun chong jian : cong "wei shi suo xian" kan wang xin xi you xiang wei shi xue dui "wu ming" de li jie /". View abstract or full-text, 2005. http://library.ust.hk/cgi/db/thesis.pl?HUMA%202005%20LAU.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Helldal, Michael, e Sofia Tenne. "Positiva miljöeffekter i kölvattnet av Lean produktion : Kan en integrering av miljöaspekter och Lean produktion bidra till att nå synergieffekter och minska risken för suboptimering?" Thesis, Linköping University, Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-17649.

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Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört vid Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling vid Linköpings universitet på uppdrag av konsultbolaget Sustainia AB. Lean produktion, ofta benämnt Lean, har det senaste decenniet blivit en allt mer attraktiv produktionsfilosofi för att minska kostnader och öka kundnöjdhet genom förbättrad leveransservice och effektivare flöde. Ett flertal författare har påpekat att införandet av Lean direkt kan förbättra ett företags miljöprestanda, främst till följd av det minskade slöseri som Lean avser ge upphov till. Vidare finns studier som visar att vissa möjligheter till förbättringar och kostnadsbesparingar riskerar att gå oupptäckta om verksamheten ses ur ett strikt Lean-perspektiv. Med ett miljösynsätt finns dock chans att dessa blir upptäckta. Detta indikerar att såväl kostnads- som miljömässiga fördelar kan nås genom en integration av arbetet med Lean och miljöaspekter.

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur ett företags arbete med Lean respektive miljöaspekter påverkar varandra för att ta reda på om och hur väl de båda arbetssätten skulle kunna fungera tillsammans. Om det visade sig att en integration av Lean och miljö vore möjlig och fördelaktig ur affärsmässig synvinkel skulle sedermera ett förslag tas fram på hur en sådan modell skulle kunna se ut. Arbetets syfte har uppfyllts genom en kombination av litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Fyra svenska företag som arbetar enligt Lean och även har ett uttalat aktivt miljöarbete intervjuades gällande sitt sätt att arbeta med Lean och miljöfrågor samt hur de såg på en eventuell integration av de två arbetssätten.

Utifrån resultaten från litteratur- och intervjustudien kan konstateras att flera av grundtankarna inom såväl Lean som miljöarbete stöder varandra. Inom båda arbetssätten ses kontinuerliga förbättringar och eliminering av slöseri som viktiga inslag, och båda främjar en organisationskultur där personalen uppmuntras att lösa problem och förbättra företagets prestation. Vissa enskilda verktyg inom Lean riskerar emellertid att ha en negativ inverkan på företagets miljöprestanda, något som i många fall dock kan avhjälpas genom god planering.

Till ett företags miljöarbete kan Lean bidra med ett proaktivt förhållningssätt och strukturerat arbetssätt och därmed få organisationen att arbeta mer förebyggande och långsiktigt med miljöfrågor. De intervjuade företagen ansåg att Lean generellt hade en positiv inverkan på deras miljöarbete, även om de inte hade gjort någon utvärdering av hur arbetet med Lean påverkat deras miljönyckeltal. De kvantitativa data som erhölls från litteraturstudien pekade på att arbete med Lean kan leda till en direkt minskning av företagets miljöpåverkan inom flera områden. Med utgångspunkt i dessa kvantitativa och kvalitativa data anser författarna således att det finns starka och tydliga tecken som visar på att Lean kan ha en positiv inverkan på miljörelaterade nyckeltal. Ett aktivt miljöarbete kan å sin sida bidra till arbetet med Lean genom att besparingsmöjligheter, som annars skulle riskerat att förbli oupptäckta, uppdagas.

Studien visade vidare att det inte bara är möjligt att integrera arbete med Lean och miljö, utan att en sådan integration dessutom har potential att vara fördelaktigt ur såväl ett ekonomiskt som ett miljömässigt perspektiv. En integrering kan minska risken för suboptimeringar, och synergieffekter kan erhållas som innebär att större framgångar kan uppnås än vad som skulle ha varit möjligt om arbetet med Lean och miljö hade bedrivits isolerat. Med vetskapen om att en integration är möjlig och har potential att vara fördelaktig ur företagsekonomisk och miljömässig synvinkel utarbetade författarna en modell för hur Lean och miljöarbete kan bedrivas integrerat. I samråd med Sustainia AB bestämdes att denna modell skulle kallas Green Lean, vilket således åsyftar en miljöanpassad, ”grön” form av Lean.

This report is the result of a master thesis written at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University commissioned by the consultancy firm Sustainia AB.

Lean production, also known as Lean, has during the last decade increasingly become a more attractive production philosophy for decreasing costs and increasing customer satisfaction by improving customer service and obtaining more efficient production flows. Several authors have pointed out that Lean has the potential to directly improve the environmental performance of a company, mostly by decreasing waste generation. Further, there are studies showing that some possibilities for improvement and cost savings risk not being discovered if the operations are seen strictly from a Lean perspective. When an environmental perspective is included there is a chance that these improvements and cost savings are discovered. This indicates that both environmental and cost related advantages might be achieved by integrating the Lean approach with that of the environment.

The purpose of this master thesis was to investigate how the work with Lean and environmental aspects affect one another. If applying the two principles together was shown to be both possible and beneficial from a business point of view, the authors would propose how these two concepts could be integrated into a single model. A combination of literature studies and interviews were used to fulfill the purpose. Four Swedish enterprises, which work according to the Lean principles and also have an active environmental profile, were interviewed about their way of working with the two approaches, as well their views on an integration of these.

From the findings in this study the authors concluded that several of the fundamental concepts concerning Lean and environmental aspects support each other. Within both, continuous improvements and waste elimination are seen as important components, and they both support an organisational culture where the personnel are encouraged to solve problems and improve the performance of the company. Conversely the authors found that there is a risk that certain of the Lean tools risk having a negative influence on the company’s environmental performance. However, in many cases this can be avoided by proactive planning.

Lean can contribute to a company’s environmental work by its proactive approach, structured way of operating and long-term way of thinking. In general the interviewed companies regarded Lean as having a positive influence on their environmental work, even though none of them had carried out an evaluation on how their work with Lean affected their environmental key performance indicators. The quantitative data obtained from the literature study indicates that Lean can lead to a direct decrease of a company’s environmental impact within several areas. As a result of these qualitative and quantitative data the authors of this thesis have found clear indications showing that Lean might have a positive impact on environmental key performance indicators. An active environmental work can also contribute to the work with Lean. Potential cost saving, which might not have been discovered with the Lean perspective, can be revealed when the organisation is studied from an environmental point of view.

The study further showed that it not only is possible to integrate Lean and environmental work, but that it also has potential to be beneficial from both a business and an environmental standpoint. An integration of Lean and environmental issues can reduce the risk of sub optimisations, and synergies can be achieved, meaning that the two systems can accomplish more together than they would in isolation. With this knowledge, the authors composed a model for how Lean and environmental work can be practised and integrated. In consultation with Sustainia AB it was decided that this model should be called Green Lean, which hence refers to an environmentally favourable, “green”, version of Lean.

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Shen, Jiande. "Taiwan wai xiao shi chang fen san yan jiu". 1989. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/26084883.html.

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Huang, Hsing-hua, e 黃星樺. "Kang-i Sun Chang and Her Scholarship on “Woman” and “China”". Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/58075773415180475999.

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This thesis examined the positionality of Kang-i Sun Chang’s Chinese literature study through three aspects. Firstly, I examined Chang’s disagreement on Rey Chow’s postcolonial/feminist criticism. Instead of recognizing West/China and man/woman relationship as Orientalist or patriarchal, Chang thinks the ignorance of Chinese/women’s literature by Sinologists is due to the belatedness of canonization. Therefore, Chang sees her research as “com-plements” to the canonization. In order to rediscover formerly underestimated works, Chang tends to see writers’ suffering, not as oppression from above, but motivations from inside, which helped create canonical works. Secondly, by juxtaposing Chang with Yuan-shu Yan, Chia-ying Chao-Yeh, and Yu-kung Kao, it shows an epistemic opposition between Yan and Chao-Yeh, and an alternative position suggested by Kao and developed by Chang. Yan had tried to mod-ernize Chinese literature studies by revealing the universality within Chinese literature, while Chao-Yeh tried to conserve Chinese tradition by reclaiming its specificity. Never-theless, Kao and Chang see the specificity of Chinese literature as a resource to enrich the universality of world literature. Thirdly, I examined Chang’s appropriation of Michel Foucault. By appropriating Foucault, Chang emphasized the fluidity of power, while de-emphasized the surveil-lance and dominance. With her interpretation of Foucault, Chang pointed out that re-searchers should pay more attention to aesthetic issues in women’s writing, rather than criticizing the nonexistent male-dominance in Chinese literature. Through these examinations, a parallel between “woman” and “China” is shown. Chang tends to emphasize the “complementarity” side both in the West/China and man/woman relationship, rather than the “difference” side. Also, this parallel is corre-spondent with her own literary works and social/political commentary. The parallel and the correspondence can be mutually explanatory when reading Kang-i Sun Chang.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

CHUNG, SHAO-CHEN, e 鍾韶真. "Ming Tulong Ji Feng Yi Ge Yue Fu Pai Chang YiShu Yan Jiu". Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/d2jtf5.

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Tulong (1543-1606), once had another name Changqing, Wei-Zhen , and Chi-Shui. Who was bone in Ningbo Yinxian。He was a famous writer and drmatist. This research which range was all Tulong’s life, his friends about drama and his works " feng- yi-ge-yue-fu". This research used Geographic Information System(GIS)and pai-chang theory, to discuss Tulong’s influence about drama in late ming dynasty. The first chapter discussed all Tulong’s life, and background which about late ming dynasty. The first chapter referenced Xu Shuo Fang’s "Wan Ming Qu Jia Nian Pu" and Wang Chao Hong’s "Ming Qing Zhe Ji Qu Jia Kao" to study period, location, dating events, friends, and works……exc fourteen project. Tulong’s life had tow very important things which is “zhong ju ren guan” and “ba guan gui xiang”. These Thing divided all Tulong’s life into three parts. This chapter will draw painting to discuss.At last it will research the location which about Tulong’s drama and fridnds to discuss Tulong’s influences in drama. The second chapter is about Tulong’s script . Tulong creared three scripts which is “tan hua ji”, “cai hao ji ”and “xiu wen ji”. Three scripts was named “ feng- yi-ge-yue-fu”. This chaper introduced story what time was creared about three scripts, theme, and version. This chapter introduced plot, architecture and character image in three scripts at last. The third chapter is about “tan hua ji” pai chang artistic research. It introduced pai chang theory in the first. The theory was according to luo li rong “Qu Xue Gai Yao”. This theory is on the basis of this research. This chapter arranged character in each parts, and discussed form , characteristic, and pai chang leng re whichis according to pai chang theory. This chapter analysised character ‘s work and reset by character appearances and songs. This chapter is to discuss “tan hua ji” achievements in drama. The fourth chapter is about “cai hao ji ” pai chang art. It discussed pai chang leng re by counting character’s appearance, form and characteristic in each parts. It discussed analysised character ‘s work and reset by character appearances and songs. The fifth chapter is about “cai hao ji ” pai chang art. It discussed pai chang leng re by counting character’s appearance, form and characteristic in each parts. It discussed analysised character ‘s work and reset by character appearances and songs. Conclusion part summarizes the TuLong and location. It discussed all Tulong’s life has been to place, and friends about drama, and influences in drama. It discussed “Qu Xue Gai Yao” pai chang achienement in drama.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Tzeng, Yao-I., e 曾耀毅. "The Change of Spatial Development and Regional Society in Shen-Kang, Chang-Hua(1683-1945)". Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/67696727007147220091.

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The first thing that this article want to expound is early development of Shen-Kang(伸港). This place was belonged to the Assock who were aboriginal. After day, the Assock sold their land to the Han(漢人) because of that far from home, lack of money, no cultivate ability and so forth. When the Han came into this place, they improved the soil and built the canal to irrigation. The land reclamation by the Han that were left names like “ Te-I ”(德頤) and “ Hsin-Pu ”(新埔) . At the Ching Dynasty(清朝) period, it was called “Te-I-Hsin-Pu eighty villages ”(德頤新埔十八庄) by Japanese who investigated this place.   At the Japanese colonial age, we could know that much land was exploited to be farmland by the maps which were drawn by 1904 and 1927. In addition, People were increasing with times. The villages kept expanding from Ching Dynasty.   Finally, the Regional Society of Shen-Kang was became by conflict with around place. Moreover the inhabitant of Shen-Kang became a community with religion activities. Under the modern society and administrarive divisions, it makes this community to be restructure. Keywords:Shen-Kang、Regional Society、restructure、Hsin-Pu eighty villages
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

CHUN, CHEN YU, e 陳昱君. "Exotic perspectives, new horizons - The Literary and Cultural Studies of American Sinologist, Kang-I Sun Chang". Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/44a7w6.

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Tai, Chun-lin, e 戴君霖. "Competitive Analysis on the Financial TV Programs in the Cable Industry : Cases of "Lao Xie Kan Shi Jie" and "Gu Shi Xian Chang"". Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/kypdas.

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As the economy progresses, the audience in Taiwan requests much information related to the financial management and stock market investment. Professional financial TV stations emerge. This initial research aims to have researches on the competitive relations between two financial TV programs in the Taiwan cable TV market. The USTV is the first financial TV station with the solid experiences, whiles the ETTVS has changed its position and enters the financial TV industry. This study selects the USTV’s 〝Gu Shi Xian Chang〞 and the latest ETTVS’s 〝Lao Xie Kan Shi Jie〞 as the research objects with the emphasis to compare their competitive relations. The purposes of this research are as follows: (1) to compare the differences between the titles of each program with the observation method which follows the principle and structure of content analysis; (2) to analyze these two programs with SWOT framework; (3) to analyze these two programs with the Competitive-Dynamics approach; (4) to use the average daily rating indexes (AGB Nielsen) and the interviews with two executives of these two financial TV programs to describe the relations between title texts and competitive strategies. The research shows that: (1) The two TV programs are conspicucously different in the form, content, and style. The supply of financial informations and the analysis of the experts are free arranged in 〝Gu Shi Xian Chang.〞 The experts always remain neutral, fair, and objective to analyze the situation and the investing strategy in the stock market. However, the supply of financial informations and the interview with the notables are separated clearly in 〝Lao Xie Kan Shi Jie.〞 The host interprets the trendsw with his particular style and a macro view. (2) With regard to the competition between the two TV pragrams, each one lords it over a district. Both of them have the different target audiences, positions, strengths, weakness, oppurtunities, and threats. (3) Mentioning the dynamic competition, 〝Gu Shi Xian Chang〞 has been aware of the existence and threats of 〝Lao Xie Kan Shi Jie.〞 It wouldn’t like to change now because of its good performance. But it will adjust itself if a strong competitor shows up. 〝Lao Xie Kan Shi Jie〞 never takes 〝Gu Shi Xian Chang〞 as its competitor. But there are indeed some financial programs like 〝Gu Shi Xian Chang〞 in the ETTVS. And they truly would love to produce this kind of program to achieve the high TV rates as 〝Gu Shi Xian Chang〞 did. The suggestion is that: Trying to research the financial TV program industry or to investigate the relations between the audiences and the financial TV programs with the audience view will be very interesting and worthful.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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