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Wils, Lode. "Edward Amter". WT. Tijdschrift over de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse beweging 57, n.º 3 (1 de janeiro de 1998): 157–61.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Navrbjerg, Steen E. "Mellem medindflydelse og medbestemmelse — nye samarbejdsformer i amter og kommuner". Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 7, n.º 3 (1 de setembro de 2005): 12.

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Gennem de seneste 20 år har den offentlige sektor gennemgået en decentralisering på mange områder. Ledere og medarbejdere møder til stadighed nye udfordringer, og eksisterende ledelses- og samarbejdsformer må til stadighed evalueres og tilpasses de nye tider. I 1996 indgik de centrale parter i amter og kommuner en rammeaftale om MED-medbestemmelse og medindflydelse. Formålet med aftalen var at skabe en ramme, så de lokale parter kunne revurdere og eventuelt forny samarbejdssystemet-herunder om arbejdsmiljøsystemet og samarbejdssystemet kunne og skulle integreres. Artiklen diskuterer på baggrund af en empirisk undersøgelse indledningsvis de barrierer, der var for etableringen af et nyt samarbejdssystem. Dernæst diskuteres forholdet mellem medbestemmelse og ledelsesret. Der rykkes i disse år ved ledelsesretten, særligt når ledere erfarer, at medarbejdersidens involvering kvalificerer deres beslutninger. Afslutningsvis diskuteres de lokale ledelsers ambivalente holdninger til organisationsrepræsentanternes rolle i samarbejdssystemet, og det påpeges at ikke blot en holdningsændring hos ledelser, men også en strukturændring på medarbejderside kan være vejen frem for samarbejdssystemerne i fremtidens større enheder i amter og kommuner.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

El Brahimi, Mohammed, Bouchta El Fellah, Mohamed Mastere, Brahim Benzougagh, Mohamed El Basri e Najia Fartas. "Quantification of Soil Sensitivity to Water Erosion by the RUSLE Model in the Oued Amter Watershed, Northwestern Morocco". Iraqi Geological Journal 55, n.º 2C (30 de setembro de 2022): 41–55.

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The present study aims to estimate the soil losses in the watershed of Oued Amter extends the length of the internal Rifain domain, located in the region of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Houceima, Chefchaouen province in north-western Morocco. The spatialization of the empirical model was based on the integration of five factors in the Geographic Information System, namely, rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, vegetation cover, topography and anti-erosion practices, and whose superposition allowed the elaboration of the quantitative map of soil losses at the watershed scale. The Oued Amter watershed covers an area of 300 km2 ; it is elongated with an altitude ranging from 0 m to 2100 m from north to south and a slope that varies from 0 to 58.58%. The rainfall study of the climatic stations located near the watershed has shown the irregularity of rainfall in time and space. The erosivity factor R presented values ranging from 1637.09 to 1937.61, with an average of 1787.35 h. an (Millijoule. Millimeters/hectare. Hour. Year). The erodibility factor K presents values from 0.139 to 0.140 and it showed that the soils little evolved and the Vertisols are the most vulnerable to erosion.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Redaktionen. "Ledelse og samarbejde under strukturreformen". Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 8, n.º 4 (1 de dezembro de 2006): 5.

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Ledelse og samarbejde under strukturreformen D en 1. januar 2007 er en magisk dato for alle de politikere og ansatte i den offentlige sektor, der i de sidste år har været travlt optaget af Projekt Strukturreform. Urene tæller ned, og når et nyt arbejdsår be gynder efter nytår, vil det for manges ved kommende være på nye arbejdspladser, med nye chefer og nye kolleger. Forud er gået en intensiv og til tider konfliktfyldt indsats for at få alle brikker til at falde på plads i de nye kommuner og regioner. Medarbejdere og ledere på de offentlige arbejdspladser har spillet hver deres roller i det komplicerede spil, og det er spillet og relationen mellem spillerne, der er tema for dette nummer af Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv. Men lad os først kaste et blik tilbage på re formens første spæde kim, der begyndte at spire for nu 4 år siden. Hvorfor en strukturreform? Hvorfor netop på dette tidspunkt? Og hvilken rolle var de ansatte i de offentlige systemer oprindeligt tiltænkt i processen? I efteråret 2002 blev Strukturkommissionen nedsat med det formål at vurdere, om den eksisterende (amts)kommunale struktur var tidssvarende og levede op til befolkningens krav, både til serviceniveauet og til den de mokratiske indflydelse. Eller som det hed i betænkningen, så skulle kommissionen i vur deringen af fordele og ulemper ved forskellige indretninger af den offentlige sektor bla. vurdere og afveje en række faktorer i forhold til hinanden: Effektivitet og bæredygtighed, demokratisk kontrol, borgerinddragelse og dialogen mellem borgere og poli tikere, kvalitet i opgaveløsningen, nærhed til borgerne, borgernes retssikkerhed og valg muligheder, klarhed i ansvarsfordelingen, og sammenhæng mellem kompetence og økonomisk ansvar (Kommissorium for Strukturkommissionen 2002). I januar 2004 kom kommissionens betænkning, og oplægget førte i juni 2004 til en aftale mellem regeringen og Dansk Fol keparti om en grundlæggende omstrukturering af det kommunale Danmarkskort: 273 kommuner sammenlægges til 98, og 14 amter omlægges til 5 regioner. Det kan diskuteres, om det er Danmarkshistoriens største omstrukturering. Også kommu nalreformen i 1970, hvor 1386 kom muner blev sammenlagt til 277 kommu ner1 og 25 amter til 14, var en betydelig omlægning, om end den af en central embedsmand beskrives mere som en modernisering og tilpasning end en revolution (Strøm 2000). Tilsvarende kan man spørge, hvilken karakter den nye kommunalreform har: Er den udtryk for et ønske fra neden, fra aktører i kommuner og amter-borgere, politikere og medarbejdere-om nye betingelser for at få og levere de ønskede serviceydelser? Eller er det et større, til dels ideologisk, projekt med det formål at styrke markedsgørelsen
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jackson, Richard E. "Chlorinated Solvents and the Historical Record: A Response to Amter and Ross". Environmental Forensics 4, n.º 1 (março de 2003): 3–9.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Daugaard, Poul. "Centralbibliotekarernes vandrebogSpredte træk af de danske folkebibliotekers historie1919-24". Bibliotekshistorie 2, n.º 1 (10 de junho de 1988): 83–119.

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Det var på landsudstillingen i Århus 1909, at overbibliotekar H. O. Lange holdt sit i bibliotekskredse berømte foredrag om Bibliotekssagen udenfor København} Han hævdede heri, at biblioteksvæsenet i Danmark burde være et organisk sammenhængende hele, og han sagde bl.a.: »Bibliotekssagen trænger til Organisation, og dette vil sige, at der maa skabes en Række aktive Centra, hver med sit Opland, i fast organiseret Samarbejde med de lokale Folkebogsamlinger til den ene og med de videnskabelige Biblioteker til den anden Side. Det vil være baade naturligt og formaalstjenligt at holde sig til en i det daglige Liv saa velkendt administrativ Inddeling som Amterne, saa at hvert af vore 18 Amter faar sit offentlige Centralbibliotek.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sørensen, Ole Henning. "Forskningsnote Nye former for medindfl ydelse i private virksomheder — ramme- og lokalaftaler om sikkerheds- og samarbejdsorganisationen". Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 7, n.º 4 (1 de dezembro de 2005): 93.

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Institut for Produktion og Ledelse på DTU har for arbejdsmiljørådet gennemført en undersøgelse af organisationers og virksomheders erfaringer med brug af ramme- og lokal aftaler om sikkerhedsorganisationen. Dette er delvist det private arbejdsmarkeds pendant til det offentliges MED aftaler som blev beskrevet i artiklen Mellem medindflydelse og medbestemmelse-nye samarbejdsformer i amter og kommuner i sidste nummer af Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv (7. årg. nr. 3). U ndersøgelsen har afdækket organisationernes forventninger og ønsker til de lokal aftaler, der er indgået på basis af rammeaftalerne, samt hvad deres hidtidige erfaringer er med udbredelsen af lokalaftaler. Des uden er der gennemført en undersøgelse af virksomhe dernes erfaringer med brug af lokalaftaler til organisering af arbejdsmiljøarbejdet. Undersøgelsen er baseret på interview med repræsentanter for ledelse og med arbejdere. Det er yderligere undersøgt hvil ke vanskeligheder der kan medføre at for søg på at blive enige om en lokalaftale, ikke fører til et resultat.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bartnik, Czesław. "Nauka Leona Wielkiego o prymacie biskupa Rzymu". Vox Patrum 46 (15 de julho de 2004): 311–22.

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Leon I. der Grosse, der Papst in den Jahren 440-461, entwickelte die Lehre des rómischen Zentrums iiber Vorherrschaft zum hóchsten Grad nicht nur im Gesichtspunkt der Geschichte, der Verwaitung und Jurisdiktion, aber vor aiiem der Theoiogie. Laut dieser Theoiogie kommt die Vorherrschaft aus der Bibel - von Christus - hervor. Christus, der Herr der Geschichte bereitete auch den historischen Boden fur die Vorherrschaft vor und fur die ganze Kirche in der Form des Imperium Romanum, der Stadt Rom und auch des Amts des Casars. Die Vorherrschaft ist daher die MachtfiiHe, sie biidet die Hauptstrommung der okonomie Gottes auf der Erde. Durch den Apostohschen Stuhl durchfliesst die Hauptstrommung der Erlosung der Wek. Er ist das Fundamentum und QueHe aker anderen Amter und Gnaden: per Petrum Apostohs et universae Ecclesiae und ist endiich der Schttissel der Einheit der Kiche und Menschheit, und dadurch Garant der ewigen Dauer des Christentums. Die Kirchen, vom Petrus abgefaken, gehen zugrunde.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Winter, Søren. "Kurt Klaudi Klausen (red.), Erfaringer med Internationalisering i Amter og Kommuner, Gylling: Odense Universitetsforlag, 1996, 204 s., kr. 200,00." Politica 29, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1997): 93.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Le Roux, Thomas. "Benjamin Ross et Steven Amter The polluters: The making of our chemically altered environment Oxford, Oxford University Press,2010,VIII-223p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 66, n.º 1 (março de 2011): 318–20.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Benet Salway, R. "Review. Die Ordnung der Amter: Pratorianerprafektur und Vikariat in der Regionalverwaltung des Romischen Reiches von Konstantin bis zur Valentinianischen Dynastie. J Migl". Classical Review 47, n.º 2 (1 de fevereiro de 1997): 369–70.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Gassert, Philipp, Heinz Boberach, Rolf Thommes e Hermann Weiss. "Amter, Abkurzungen und Aktionen des NS-Staates. Handbuch fur die Benutzung von Quellen der nationalsozialistischen Zeit. Amtsbezeichnungen, Range, Verwaltungsgliederungen, Abkurzungen und nichtmilitarische Tarnbezeichnungen". German Studies Review 22, n.º 2 (maio de 1999): 313.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Dybkjær, Karen, e Stefan Piasecki. "A new Neogene biostratigraphy for Denmark". Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Bulletin 15 (10 de julho de 2008): 29–32.

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In Denmark most of the water used in private households, in the industry and for irrigation in agriculture comes from subsurface aquifers. Some of the most important aquifers in Jyl land, western Denmark, are sand layers deposited from 23 to 15 Ma ago, in the Early Neogene (Early to Middle Miocene). About 23 Ma ago, in the Early Miocene, the coastline ran NW–SE across present-day Jylland (Rasmussen 2004). Global climatic variations led to major sea-level changes (Zachos et al. 2001), which in combination with increased sediment transport from the north (the present Norway) resulted in deposition of several huge, fluvio-deltaic sand systems intercalated with marine clay (e.g. Rasmussen 1961; Rasmussen 2004; Rasmussen & Dybkjær 2005). The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the regional Environment Centres (the former counties (amter)) in Jylland are working in close cooperation to study the Early Neogene succession; the main purposes are: (1) to find new aquifers, (2) to map the extent of known aquifers and clarify their mutual relationships, in order to evaluate the size of the water resources and optimise production, and (3) to protect the aquifers from pollution due to leaching from the surface. In order to map the complex sedimentary succession, it has been necessary to combine several geological disciplines, including seismic interpretation, sedimentology, correlation of geophysical logs, and biostratigraphy (e.g. Dybkjær 2004; Ras mussen 2004; Rasmussen et al. 2004; Piasecki 2005; Rasmussen & Dybkjær 2005; Dybkjær & Rasmussen 2007). This article shows some results of a detailed dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy, which is based on an extensive database (Fig. 1). We present here for the first time a dinoflagellate cyst zonation for the complete Neogene succession in the Danish area.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Jørgensen, Flemming, e Peter B. E. Sandersen. "Mapping of buried tunnel valleys in Denmark: new perspectives for the interpretation of the Quaternary succession". Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Bulletin 15 (10 de julho de 2008): 33–36.

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Tunnel valleys eroded by subglacial meltwater underneath the Late Weichselian ice sheet are a common feature in the Danish landscape (Ussing 1907; Smed 1998). They occur as undulating elongate depressions with hollows and thresholds and without continuously descending floors. The valleys rise tens of metres before terminating in large outwash fans, primarily along the Main Stationary Line in Jylland, but also along younger ice-margin lines formed shortly after the Last Glacial Maximum. The meltwater was driven by hydrostatic pressure gradients below the glacier towards its margin leading to subglacial erosional features, partly in the form of valleys. The term ‘tunnel valley’ was first used by Madsen (1921), who referred to tunnel-like structures below glaciers that were expected to have carried the meltwater. Worldwide, this term is used for subglacially eroded valleys; however, other terms such as ‘tunnel channel’ and ‘incision’ are also widely used for such valleys. There is general consensus that subglacial meltwater is the primary causative agent that has eroded the tunnel valleys (O’Cofaigh 1996; Huuse & Lykke-Andersen 2000; Jørgensen & Sandersen 2006). The subglacial origin is indicated by: (1) abrupt terminations at former ice margins and the association with the large outwash plains, (2) irregular longitudinal profiles, (3) the occurrence of small channels and eskers in the valleys, and (4) the non-meandering and non-dendritic appearance of the relatively straight-segmented valleys. The exact mode of meltwater erosion remains, however, poorly understood. Val- leys are present not only in the landscape; they are also found buried in the subsurface. In Denmark, buried valleys have oc ca sionally been described on the basis of borehole data and early geoelectrical methods (e.g. Sorgenfrei & Berthelsen 1954; Lykke-Andersen 1973; Binzer & Stock marr 1994). Based on the large amount of newly collected hydrogeophysical data in Denmark, it has recently become possible to define such valleys as tunnel valleys and to acknowledge their wide distribution in the subsurface (Sandersen & Jørgensen 2003; Jørgensen et al. 2005; Jør- gensen & Sandersen 2006). Analysis of these data has re vealed dense networks of tunnel valleys and has significantly improved our understanding of their distribution, geometry and sedimentary infill. In the following, we review this work and identify new perspectives for the interpretation of the Quaternary succession in Denmark. The work was initiated in 1998 by the former Danish counties (amter), and is currently continued by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland and the ‘miljøcentre’ (environment centres). As part of this project, the buried valleys are continuously being mapped as new data are collected.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ouyang, Mingding, e Shisheng Lv. "Research on the application of amber modeling and matching art in contemporary amber design in Han Dynasty". BCP Social Sciences & Humanities 18 (30 de junho de 2022): 571–77.

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By studying the characteristics of amber art in Han Dynasty, this paper focuses on the matching features of Shengxing ornament, animal sculpture and necklace in Han Dynasty amber art. Secondly, it collects the main styles of contemporary amber design, analyzes the contemporary amber aesthetics, and finds out the similarities between Han Dynasty amber art and contemporary amber art, and finally designs a set of programs that can adapt to the modern amber market, Summed up the Han Dynasty amber art in the application of modern amber design rules, so that the Han Dynasty amber art can be in contemporary amber design vitality. This paper will be analyzed at the following levels: the first chapter analyzes the current amber design market; the second chapter analyzes the social background and artistic characteristics of Han Dynasty amber art; the third chapter analyzes the feasibility and fusion point of Han Dynasty amber art in contemporary amber design on the basis of studying the characteristics of Han Dynasty amber art and contemporary amber design.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kumar, Avinash, Zuozhi Wang, Shengquan Ni e Chen Li. "Amber". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13, n.º 5 (janeiro de 2020): 740–53.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Snedeker, George. "Amber". Critical Sociology 37, n.º 4 (julho de 2011): 464.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Labandeira, Conrad C. "Amber". Paleontological Society Papers 20 (outubro de 2014): 163–216.

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The amber fossil record provides a distinctive, 320-million-year-old taphonomic mode documenting gymnosperm, and later, angiosperm, resin-producing taxa. Resins and their subfossil (copal) and fossilized (amber) equivalents are categorized into five classes of terpenoid, phenols, and other compounds, attributed to extant family-level taxa. Copious resin accumulations commencing during the early Cretaceous are explained by two hypotheses: 1) abundant resin production as a byproduct of plant secondary metabolism, and 2) induced and constitutive host defenses for warding off insect pest and pathogen attack through profuse resin production. Forestry research and fossil wood-boring damage support a causal relationship between resin production and pest attack. Five stages characterize taphonomic conversion of resin to amber: 1) Resin flows initially caused by biotic or abiotic plant-host trauma, then resin flowage results from sap pressure, resin viscosity, solar radiation, and fluctuating temperature; 2) entrapment of live and dead organisms, resulting in 3) entombment of organisms; then 4) movement of resin clumps to 5) a deposition site. This fivefold diagenetic process of amberization results in resin→copal→amber transformation from internal biological and chemical processes and external geological forces. Four phases characterize the amber record: a late Paleozoic Phase 1 begins resin production by cordaites and medullosans. A pre-mid-Cretaceous Mesozoic Phase 2 provides increased but still sparse accumulations of gymnosperm amber. Phase 3 begins in the mid-early Cretaceous with prolific amber accumulation likely caused by biotic effects of an associated fauna of sawflies, beetles, and pathogens. Resiniferous angiosperms emerge sporadically during the late Cretaceous, but promote Phase 4 through their Cenozoic expansion. Throughout Phases 3 and 4, the amber record of trophic interactions involves parasites, parasitoids, and perhaps transmission of diseases, such as malaria. Other recorded interactions are herbivory, predation, pollination, phoresy, and mimicry. In addition to litter, amber also captures microhabitats of wood and bark, large sporocarps, dung, carrion, phytotelmata, and resin substrates. These microhabitats are differentially represented; the primary taphonomic bias is size, and then the sedentary vs. wandering life habits of organisms. Organismic abundance from lekking, ant-refuse heaps, and pest outbreaks additionally contribute to bias. Various techniques are used to image and analyze amber, allowing assessment of: 1) ancient proteins; 2) phylogenetic reconstruction; 3) macroevolutionary patterns; and 4) paleobiogeographic distributions. Three major benefits result from study of amber fossil material, in contrast to three different benefits of compression-impression fossils.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Grimaldi, David A. "Amber". Current Biology 29, n.º 18 (setembro de 2019): R861—R862.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Redaktionen. "Indledning". Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 6, n.º 1 (1 de março de 2004): 5.

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O prindeligt var det tanken, at dette nummer skulle omhandle professionsliv, herunder en indkredsning af begrebet profession og en diskussion af det forandringspres, professionerne er underlagt fra såvel politisk hold som fra brugerside. Da redaktionen endte med kun to artikler, som faldt ind under temaet, valgte vi i stedet at lade dette nummer af arbejdsliv være "temaløst". Fælles for mange af artiklerne er imidlertid, at på trods af meget forskellige indfaldsvinkler omhandler de alle rolleskift eller forandringsprocesser på arbejdsmarkedet. To af artiklerne omhandler problematikken omkring medarbejderinddragelse og tillidsrepræsentanternes rolle på virksomhedsniveau. Den ene beskriver, hvordan tillidsrepræsentanters rolle i den offentlige sektor ændres som en konsekvens af indførelsen af ny løn. Den anden viser, hvorledes medarbejderindflydelse-både direkte og via de valgte repræsentanter-får stigende betydning på innovative virksomheder. Andre to af artiklerne handler om skift mellem roller og positioner på arbejdsmarkedet. Den ene artikel omhandler de dilemmaer, som sygeplejersker står overfor, når de påtager sig en lederfunktion. Den anden handler om, hvorledes elever, der er i gang med en erhvervsuddannelse, kombinerer rollen som kollega på oplæringsvirksomheden med rollen som elev. Endelig omhandler en artikel, hvorledes professionerne er under forandring dels som følge af en stigende feminisering af en række professioner og dels som følge af brugernes krav. I artiklen "Ny Løn mellem individualisering og kollektiv aftaleret" præsenterer Jørgen Steen Madsen nogle interessante forskningsresultater om Ny Løns betydning for det danske aftalesystem. En undersøgelse af to forhandlingsrunder i to amter og seks kommuner viser umiskendelige tendenser til, at de lokale lønforhandlinger individualiseres. Organisations- eller tillidsrepræsentantens underskrift får mere eller mindre karakter af et gummistempel, idet spørgsmålet om, hvem der får tillæg, afgøres af ledelsen på grundlag af samtaler med udvalgte ansatte. Tendensen er dog ikke uden undtagelser, og ledelsesstyringen foregår typisk inden for rammerne af forhåndsaftaler, hvor det på kommune- eller institutionsniveau mellem parterne er aftalt, hvilke kriterier der skal ligge til grund for tilde-ling af lokale tillæg. Undersøgelsen viser også, at der internt i aktørgrupperne-medarbejdere, tillidsrepræsentanter og ledere-er betydelige forskelle i synet på, om de lo-kale forhandlinger skal være partsbaserede eller foregå mellem ledelsen og den enkelte ansatte. Dog er der ikke hos nogen af aktørerne nævneværdig opbakning til en total afkobling af de faglige organisationer. Blandt tillidsrepræsentanterne er der en klar tilslutning til en model, hvor enten organisations- eller tillidsrepræsentanter både forhandler forhåndsaftaler og er med til at afgøre, hvem der får individuelle tillæg. Blandt såvel lederne som de menige medarbejdere er meningerne mere delte. Peter Nielsen bygger sin artikel "Involve-ring og participation i lærende organisationer" på surveydata fra private danske virksomheder. På baggrund af en opdeling af virksomhederne efter innovationsgrad påviser han en klar tendens til, at udbredelsen af moderne former for arbejdsorganisation og anvendelse af de menneskelige ressourcer er størst i de innovative virksomheder. Ligeledes finder han-og dette er artiklens hovedpointe-at de innovative virksomhe-
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Perkovsky, E. "Two Different Cretaceous Worlds: Taimyr and Kachin Amber Trichopterofaunas". Zoodiversity 56, n.º 1 (25 de março de 2022): 51–56.

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Polycentropodidae constitute 55.6% of Taimyr amber caddisfly species with known males, and only 4.8% of caddisfly species with known males in Kachin amber. Micro-caddisflies obviously dominate in Taimyr amber (Archaeopolycentra, Polycentropodidae), Kachin amber (Palerasnitsynus, Psychomyiidae) and New Jersey amber (Hydroptilidae); both Psychomyiidae and Hydroptilidae are absent in Taimyr amber, Polycentropodidae are absent in New Jersey amber and rare in Kachin amber. The domination of Polycentropodidae was proposed as a new characteristics of Baeomorpha Realm, their rarity or absence proposed as a new characteristics of Isoptera Realm.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Grauda, Dace, Lada Bumbure, Inga Lyashenko, Alexei Katashev, Yuri Dekhtyar e Isaak Rashal. "Amber Particles as Living Plant Cell Markers in Flow Cytometry / Dzintara Daļiņas Kā Dzīvu Augu Šūnu Marķieri Plūsmas Citometrijā". Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. 69, n.º 3 (1 de agosto de 2015): 77–81.

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Abstract The unique biological properties of amber are well known. Amber particles that penetrate into the cellular matrix can potentially be used as markers of plant cell biological activity by identification of living cells in flow cytometry. However, there have been no studies on effect of amber particles on plant cells. The aim of this study was to determine effect of amber nano- and micro- (5 nm-3 μm) particles on somatic and gametic cells and to assess the possibility to use amber particles as alive plant cells markers. To reach the aim, fluorescence of cells was determined in the presence of amber particles, and amber components - spirit of amber and sodium succinate dibasic hexahydrate. Cell fluorescence was measured using a BD FACSJazz® cell sorter for several plants species (Argyranthemum frutescens, Cyclamen persicum, Hordeum vulgare and Linum usitatissimum) with and without treatment of amber. Differences between a control cell group (without amber treatment) and treated cell group with amber particles depended on plant species. The presence of amber components (alcohol soluble amber fraction and sodium succinate) in cultivation media mostly had no influence on cell fluorescence. The study showed that amber particles (size 5 nm-3 μm) can be used as living plant cell markers, as the presence of amber particles in plant cell cultivation media resulted in substantially increased plant cell fluorescence in all investigated species, and there was no detrimental effect of amber particles on plant cells.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Xing, Qiu Yu, Miao Yang, Hui Xuan Yang e En Dong Zu. "Study on the Gemological Characteristics of Amber from Myanmar and Chinese Fushun". Key Engineering Materials 544 (março de 2013): 172–77.

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This paper researches on the gemological characteristics of amber from Myanmar and Chinese Fushun by using of the basic instruments of gemology, SEM and FT-IR. The results show that the refractive index is approximately 1.54 both in Myanmar and Fushun amber, resin glossy as well as conchoidal fracture. While the hardness of Myanmar amber is much higher and it has a dark lyons blue ultraviolet fluorescence; Fushun amber is much more transparent, medium kashima ultraviolet fluorescence and coal coveres on its surface. In addition, the fracture in Myanmar amber is more obvious compared with Fushun amber.The infrared spectrums prove that Myanmar amber has the absorption peak of CO stretching vibration at 1730cm-1, while Fushun amber is at 1700cm; the absorption peak of CH3asymmetric stretching at 2950cm-1of Myanmar amber is also different from Fushun amber which is at 2960cm-1. As a result, this paper provides basic identification between Myanmar amber and Chinese Fushun amber in gemology.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bogutskiy, A., M. Mal’ska, Y. Zinko e O. Shevchuk. "Scientific-methodological principles of creation “Ukrainian amber road” and formation its geotouristic brand". Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography 1, n.º 43 (19 de outubro de 2013): 136–49.

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Analyzed of geological conditions for the formation and territorial distribution of deposits of amber in Ukraine. Elucidates archaeological finds of amber products and associated with them trade routes. Based on the analysis of geological and historical information, as well as objects and activities to promote amber topics elucidates the functioning geotouristic “Ukrainian Amber Road”. Elaborate recommendations for the creation and promotion geotouristic brand associated with national amber road. Key words: amber, deposits, amber products, geotourism, road, brand.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Ļašenko, Inga Ļ., Sergejs Gaidukovs e Jūlija Rombovska. "Manufacturing of amber particles suitable for composite fibre melt spinning". Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. 70, n.º 2 (1 de abril de 2016): 51–57.

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Abstract Polyamide fibre containing amber particles was fabricated. The amber particles were obtained by grinding technology using planetary ball-mills. Scanning electron microscopy and granulometry testing were used to characterise the structure and the size of prepared amber particles. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to analyse the chemical structure of the amber particles. The amber particles were characterised with average size up to 3 μm. The chemical composition of amber before and after the grinding remained unchanged. The amber particles were melt-extruded using polyamide 6 as the matrix. Melt spinning processing was used to fabricate polyamide-amber filaments. Pre-oriented yarns and fully drawn yarns were obtained after hotdrawing experiments. Reported experimental findings of amber composite fibre could be important for textile applications.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Wahyu Hidayat, Nazaruddin, Teuku Zulfadli. "Kajian Eksperimental Arus Listrik Dan Ketangguhan Las Smaw Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dengan Elektroda E7018". Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Unida 1, n.º 2 (27 de dezembro de 2020): 73–84.

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Perkembangan teknologi di Abad ke-21 ini terutama di bidang kontruksi baja semakin berkembang sehingga tidak dapat dipisahkan dari proses pengelasan. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk mempunyai peran dalam proses rekayasa dan reparasi logam. Terutama dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh arus listrik terhadap kekuatan tarik dan ketangguhan las SMAW dengan elektroda E7018 diameter 3,2 mm. Metode penelitian ini dengan menggunakan baja paduan rendah dengan pengelasan bervariasi arus 110 Amper, 140 Amper, 160 Amper. Jenis kampuh yang digunakan adalah kampuh V dengan sudut C. Kajian penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kekuatan tarik, ketangguhan las dengan elektroda SMAW E7018. Nilai kekuatan tarik tertinggi untuk daerah las terjadi pada kelompok spesimen 110 Amper yaitu 723,1 MPa dari kelompok 140 Amper dan 160 Amper. Tegangan luluh tertinggi pada kelompok 110 Amper sebesar 621,4 MPa. Perubahan las teringgi pada kelompok 160 Amper sebesar 35.1%. Nilai reduksi penampang tertinggi pada kelompok 160 Amper 67,5%. Nilai tenaga patah untuk kelompok raw materials sebesar 84,3 Joule. Nilai Ketangguhan pada daerah las tertinggi pada kelompok 110 Amper yaitu sebesar 1,9 Joule/ , sedangakan kelompok arus 140 Amper sebesar 1,7 Joule/mm hal ini mengalami kenaikan dari raw materials dan arus 160 Amper.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Perkovsky, E. E. "Comparison of Biting Midges of the Early Eocene Cambay Amber (India) and Late Eocene European Ambers Supports the Independent Origin of European Ambers". Vestnik Zoologii 51, n.º 4 (28 de agosto de 2017): 275–84.

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Abstract Of the three genera of Ceratopogoninae dominant in Late Eocene ambers of Europe, the two known are absent in the Early Eocene Cambay amber (India): the Holarctic genus Ceratopogon and the worldwide distributed genus Culicoides, known since the Late Cretaceous. Tropical biting midge genera (Meunierohelea and Leptoconops and genera with feminized male antennae: Camptopterohelea, Eohelea, and Gedanohelea) are abundantly represented in Cambay amber. The proportion of Ceratopogonini with feminized male antennae among all Ceratopogonidae dramatically increases from north to south: from 1.4-2.4 % in unbiased collections of Bitterfeld amber (Humboldt Museum collection) and Baltic amber (the Giecewicz collection) to 7 % in Danish amber and 12.7 % in Rovno amber; their proportion in Cambay amber is 17 %. The proportion of tropical specimens among specimens Ceratopogoninae in unbiased collections is 6.4 % in Baltic amber, 5.3 % in Bitterfeld amber, 21 % in Rovno and Danish amber, and 58 % in Cambay amber. Strong differences in the proportion of tropical components among Ceratopogoninae from different European ambers are in agreement with data on Cambay amber and so are indicative of origin of the European ambers under different climatic and hence geographic environments.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Komliev, Oleksandr, Olena Remezova, Uliana Naumenko e Mariia Krynitska. "Morphogenetic types of amber traps in the Pripyat amber basin". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1348, n.º 1 (1 de maio de 2024): 012082.

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Abstract The amber industry in Ukraine requires the expansion of its mineral resource base. This requires a scientifically sound, modern methodological basis for the “amber forecasting and prospecting system”, which will allow the amber industry to develop systematically, addressing environmental, socio-economic, scientific, educational, and educational issues in a comprehensive manner. It takes into account all known theories of amber formation and uses the main scientific and methodological approaches to prospecting for various minerals. The Prypyat Amber Basin is the most important of all amber basins in Ukraine, which will provide the main increase in amber production in Ukraine. The geological, paleogeographic, geomorphosystemic, and paleogeomorphological factors of the development of its territory and the formation of alluvial amber deposits here are well studied. This makes it possible to introduce the concept of “amber-bearing formation” and “amber-bearing object”, to create a classification of types of amber placer deposits, confirmed and predicted. According to it, structurally-tectonic, geomorphological, paleogeomorphological, morpholithogenetic and combined types of traps of amber can be distinguished. The article discusses morphogenetic types of traps that belong to their combined type and are studied by geological and geomorphological methods.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Komliev, O., O. Remezova, O. Beidyk, R. Spytsyia e M. Komlieva. "The predictive and search system of amber (PSSA) and sustainable development of mining areas". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1254, n.º 1 (1 de outubro de 2023): 012130.

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Abstract A new (“amber”) branch of the economy is currently developing in Ukraine, which includes the search for, mining and processing of amber. Ukrainian amber is noted for its high quality and is one of the most competitive types of domestic coloured stones on world markets. A significant part of the territory of Ukraine is promising for the discovery of placer deposits of amber, but their industrial development is currently carried out only within the boundaries of “the Pripyat amber-bearing basin” (PAB), which covers the regions of Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, and Kyiv regions. The development of the “amber” industry of Ukraine caused problems of a production, organizational, socio-economic and environmental nature. They significantly influence the socio-economic development of amber mining areas. These are: 1) lack of a national program for the development of the “amber” industry; 2) its insufficient level compared to the real potential; 3) uncontrolled mining of amber; 4) negative impact on the ecology of the natural environment; 5) socio-economic consequences for the population of amber mining areas. “The predictive and search system for amber” (PSSA) allows solving these problems in a complex manner. The PSSA of Ukraine allows systematic research of “the amber-bearing formation” (AF) developed on its territory. PSSA uses scientific ideas about the origin of amber and the main natural factors of its formation, develops methods and a specific research algorithm. The main goal of PSSA is to identify “amber-bearing objects” (AO) in the geological body of the AF, which may contain high concentrations of amber, the so-called “traps”.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Malanchuk, Yevhenii, Viktor Moshynskyi, Valerii Korniienko e Zinovii Malanchuk. "Modeling the process of hydromechanical amber extraction". E3S Web of Conferences 60 (2018): 00005.

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The paper represents a process of hydromechanical amber extraction modeling to obtain input data and substantiate operation parameters of mining equipment to develop the improved hydromechanical technique of amber extraction. Intensification of amber mining process is possible when sandy deposit is saturated by water and air. Moreover, mechanical impact by means of vibration is added. Amber displacement within sandy deposit is considered. The deposit is characterized by environmental resistance when influence factors act on the process of amber surfacing. Amber concentration distribution over a deposit surface involving determination of floating periods of different amber fractions in terms of different operation modes as well as computer experiment concerning the amber grades and its distribution over amber-bearing deposit involved the use of computer environment Matlab. Adequate mathematical model to solve one-dimensional boundary problems for systems of parabolic and elliptic differential equations within partial first-order derivatives on one spatial variable and time has been developed. The model describes accurately the behaviour of different amber fractions within amber-bearing deposit in terms of vibration effect as well as water and air supply.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Lin, Shu-Hong, Tsung-Ying Yang, Kai-Yun Huang e Yu-Shan Chou. "A New Amber Imitation: Amber-Epoxy Composite". Journal of Gemmology 38, n.º 3 (2022): 223–24.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Qi, Wei Wei, Yu Long Pei e Mo Song. "Modeling for Driver Decision-Making Behavior during Amber Signal Time at Intersection". Advanced Engineering Forum 5 (julho de 2012): 118–22.

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The current traffic lights are composed of red, amber, and green, and it is controversial that the drivers’ behavior choices and the content of the relevant laws & regulations during the amber timing. From the current situation with the signal intersection, the amber light time and the red clearance aren’t differentiate, usually the amber light time acts as red clearance. It will not improve the traffic operating efficiency of the intersection, but bring more traffic conflicts, if the role of the amber light time returns to academic research, which the amber is a warning signal. The paper analyzes the process that the drivers choose stopping by slowing down or passing by maintaining the speed during amber time from the vehicle dynamic characteristics. And then, the generalized amber interval dilemma is defined to establish the mixed-strategy game theory model, which reveals the utility of the driver and signal manager in the amber interval, and the algorithm of Nash Equilibrium point is also research focus. According to Nash Equilibrium, the optimal solution of the game theory model is (acceleration, amber setting) or (deceleration, amber canceling).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Cudny, Waldemar, Joanna Paprzycka, Andrzej Stasiak e Bogdan Włodarczyk. "The contribution of amber to heritage tourism development". Geographia Polonica 96, n.º 3 (13 de novembro de 2023): 339–60.

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This article explores the relationship between amber and heritage tourism, utilizing Poland as an illustrative context. Amber, a form of fossilized resin, holds significant importance across a multitude of fields, such as science, culture, and economy, having been used as a material by artists, craftsmen, and jewelers for centuries. Today, amber draws visitors to locations where it is found and to institutions that display amber collections, such as museums and galleries. Furthermore, it is an essential component of various events, including exhibitions,fairs, and amber fishing competitions. Amber also forms the foundation of many tourist routes, such as the renowned Amber Route. Owing to its deep ties with cultural heritage, amber is considered a central attraction within amber-based heritage tourism. This paper examines the current contribution of amber to the development of heritage tourism. The authors conducted a literature analysis, online source queries, evaluations ofinstitutions (e.g., museums), and personal observations to address the topic. The article is divided into eight sections, each highlighting different aspects of the investigated subject, ultimately suggesting an adaptation of Timothy and Boyd’s (2003) model to illustrate the development of amber-based heritage tourism.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Olmi, Massimo, Benjamin Eggs, Leonardo Capradossi, Thomas van de Kamp, Evgeny E. Perkovsky, Adalgisa Guglielmino e Dmitry V. Vasilenko. "A new species of Bocchus from upper Eocene Rovno amber (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)". Journal of Hymenoptera Research 92 (31 de agosto de 2022): 257–72.

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A new fossil species of Dryinidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from upper Eocene Rovno amber (Ukraine) is described: Bocchus rexsp. nov. It is compared with two other species of Bocchus known from European amber: B. primaevus Martins & Melo from Baltic amber and B. schmalhauseni Perkovsky, Olmi, Vasilenko, Capradossi & Guglielmino from Rovno amber. A new key to the Cretaceous and Paleogene species of Bocchus is presented. The Dryininae are the most common representatives in all the amber dryinid faunas since the mid-Cretaceous. The Rovno amber fauna is an exception; possible explanations for the abundance of Bocchus species within this amber are presented.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Shi, Zhaotong, Chenxing Xin e Yamei Wang. "Spectral Characteristics of Unique Species of Burmese Amber". Minerals 13, n.º 2 (19 de janeiro de 2023): 151.

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Special species of Burmese amber are highly valued within the gemological market due to their fancy optical characteristics. However, some ordinary amber species are misidentified as precious species, which has disrupted consumers’ purchasing behavior and the market order. In this study, seven Burmese amber species (golden, golden-blue, blood-tea, black-tea, green-tea, brownish-red, and ‘chameleon’ amber) were collected and investigated. By using conventional gemological tests, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), three-dimensional (3D) fluorescence, and photoluminescence (PL) spectrometers, detailed analyses were performed on unique species. The FTIR spectra identified that there are three groups of peaks that can distinguish Burmese amber from any other origin. Additionally, the ‘Chameleon’ amber exhibited special patterns in the third group, which might be due to its internal aromatic hydrocarbons structures that are different from any other species. The 3D fluorescence spectra displayed that all seven species presented similar fluorescence behavior—the 334 or 347 nm emission wavelength could be optimally excited by 240 or 294 nm excitation wavelength in the ultraviolet region and the 380 ± 10 nm or 400 ± 10 nm excitation wavelength optimally excited the 430 nm emission wavelength in the violet region. In the red region, green-tea amber, black-tea amber, and brownish-red amber presented totally different fluorescence behavior, which could be regarded as a reference feature for differentiation. Obvious pink fluorescence on the surface of the tea amber was efficiently found under PL spectra, and we firstly suggest this test could be used as an effective way to distinguish black-tea amber from green-tea amber and some ordinary species (such as blood-tea amber). Both the PL and 3D fluorescence measurements demonstrated the different luminescence behavior of tea amber in the red region, which might be related to the type and content of red fluorescent substances in the tea amber.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Czebreszuk, Janusz, e Agnė Čivilytė. "PROFESSOR MARIJA GIMBUTAS’ ADVENTURE WITH PREHISTORIC AMBER AND THE RESULTS FOR US". Lietuvos archeologija Lietuvos archeologija T. 47 (31 de dezembro de 2021): 235–48.

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This article is dedicated to Gimbutas’ approach to prehistoric amber and the results of her hypothesis for 21st-century archaeology. Amber is one of the constant threads in her research but hypotheses about amber have yet to be summarized. It is our aim to discuss the assessment of Gimbutas’ studies of amber in a non-exhaustive format, which can help to understand the focal points of her research, especially the chronological changes of amber utilisation from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age. We w will discuss Gimbutas’ proposals in respect to the amber routes and interpret her ideas from the perspective of recent research. We will also discuss the question of the possible utilisation of amber from western Ukraine’s Klesov deposit, which is very similar to succinite. This article focuses especially on the question of how we can understand the meaning of amber in the Bronze Age and suggests the idea that amber had a symbolic rather than economic value in the local Eastern Baltic societies. Keywords: prehistoric amber, intercultural exchange, succinite, aDNA, symbolic value.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Malanchuk, Zynovii, Valerii Korniienko, Yevhenii Malanchuk e Viktor Moshynskyi. "Analyzing vibration effect on amber buoying up velocity". E3S Web of Conferences 123 (2019): 01018.

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Industrial use of hydromechanical method and equipment made it possible to represent quantitative assessment of parameters for efficient amber extraction from amber-bearing deposits. Mined-out deposits with non-commercial reserves, being technogenic ones, may become potential source of amber mining; however, it should involve technological development. Due to imperfection of available methods, losses of the mineral in pillars and mine dumps excess 50%. Taking into consideration positive vibration effect in the process of amber extraction from sandy deposits, special structure of vibration classifier has been designed making it possible to extract maximally even fine-size amber with the least technological losses. The studies have helped determine that the use of the vibration classifier to extract amber makes it possible to mine up to 95% of the mineral; in this context, both medium density and vibration effect amber-bearing sand dilution. Maximum velocity of amber buoying up achieves depending upon changes in water and air consumption for certain amber-bearing rock masses. Laboratory tests and full-scale experiments have determined that velocity values of amber buying up to the surface are 0.1 m/s – 0.21 m/s. The research has proved possibility of efficient use of integrated effect on rock mass of enhancing density of amber-bearing medium, vibration, and air flows in the form of bubbles. In this context, closed cycle on the liquid phase of the effect is implemented making it possible to substantiate the developed method for amber extraction.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Garza, D., M. M. Medhora e D. L. Hartl. "Drosophila nonsense suppressors: functional analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila tissue culture cells and Drosophila melanogaster." Genetics 126, n.º 3 (1 de novembro de 1990): 625–37.

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Abstract Amber (UAG) and opal (UGA) nonsense suppressors were constructed by oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis of two Drosophila melanogaster leucine-tRNA genes and tested in yeast, Drosophila tissue culture cells and transformed flies. Suppression of a variety of amber and opal alleles occurs in yeast. In Drosophila tissue culture cells, the mutant tRNAs suppress hsp70:Adh (alcohol dehydrogenase) amber and opal alleles as well as an hsp70:beta-gal (beta-galactosidase) amber allele. The mutant tRNAs were also introduced into the Drosophila genome by P element-mediated transformation. No measurable suppression was seen in histochemical assays for Adhn4 (amber), AdhnB (opal), or an amber allele of beta-galactosidase. Low levels of suppression (approximately 0.1-0.5% of wild type) were detected using an hsp70:cat (chloramphenicol acetyltransferase) amber mutation. Dominant male sterility was consistently associated with the presence of the amber suppressors.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Komliev, A. "THE AMBER BRANCH OF UKRAINE: THE ISSUE OF DEVELOPING THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM". Visnyk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Military-Special Sciences, n.º 1 (43) (2020): 50–56.

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In recent years, one of the brands of Ukraine has been amber. This is important for our country, because in the world thefashion for amber jewelry is preserved for centuries. Amber is constantly studied, all its new natural properties, consumerqualities are opened. Amber and products of its processing are now widely used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, perfumery,machine building, chemical, furniture, food improvement, food industry and agriculture. Worldwide the demand for amber raw materials is rising and so are the prices. Today, the industry is rapidly developing in Ukraine ("amber"), which includes theexploration, extraction and processing of amber. The development of the "amber" industry in Ukraine has caused a wholecomplex of interconnected problems. They (as well as the industry as a whole) are now the object of national security of thecountry. The only integrated national development program is one of them.The legislative basis for the development of the amber sphere is generally present in Ukraine, yet the matter of normativelegalhas not been finalized yet. The main issue in the development of the amber sphere in Ukraine is the limitation of the basis ofraw materials. In spite of the great demand and potentially great stock, Ukraine is not ready to access the world marketsascertain significant income in foreign currency. The broadening of the raw material base in the amber sphere is currentlyongoing in Ukraine by extraction in the already known sources and the opening of new ones. The second way is the strategic onewhich will determine the development of the amber sphere for the years to come. Its basis should be formed by the forecastsearching system of amber, the systematic methodology and comprehensive methods of research.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Szwedo, Jacek, e Elżbieta Sontag. "The flies (Diptera) say that amber from the Gulf of Gdańsk, Bitterfeld and Rovno is the same Baltic amber". Polish Journal of Entomology / Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 82, n.º 4 (1 de dezembro de 2013): 379–88.

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ABSTRACT Amber and its inclusions have been studied for over 200 years. Particular reverence was accorded the amber from the deposits around the Gulf of Gdańsk. As knowledge of amber increased, the problem of distinguishing amber from the various deposits along the Baltic Sea coast, but also in Germany, Belarus and Ukraine arose. Here we discuss the species composition of biting midges (Ceratopogonidae) from amber derived from different deposits, and discuss the use of regional names for Baltic amber yielding inclusions from the same taphocoenosis but of different geographical origin.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Sontag, Elżbieta, e Ryszard Szadziewski. "Biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Eocene Baltic amber from the Rovno region (Ukraine)". Polish Journal of Entomology / Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 80, n.º 4 (1 de dezembro de 2011): 779–800.

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Biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Eocene Baltic amber from the Rovno region (Ukraine) The paper presents the results of an examination of 714 biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) preserved in Baltic amber from the Rovno deposits in Ukraine. A new species - Leptoconops rovnensis sp. n. - is described and illustrated. 29 of the fossil species reported here have already been described from other deposits of Baltic amber: 26 of these were also found in amber from the Gulf of Gdańsk and 18 in amber from Bitterfeld (Saxony). The most common genera of biting midges in Ukrainian amber are also found in amber from Bitterfeld and the Gulf of Gdańsk, and with very much the same frequencies. The results indicate that the faunas of Ceratopogonidae enclosed in amber from Rovno, Bitterfeld and the Baltic are very similar, showing that they inhabited similar palaeoenvironments in the same palaeogeographic region.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

PERKOVSKY, EVGENY E., e MASSIMO OLMI. "Discovery of the first pincer wasp (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) from Rovno amber". Zootaxa 4457, n.º 2 (8 de agosto de 2018): 296.

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Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) are recorded for the first time from Rovno amber (Ukraine), following the discovery of one female of Dryinus janzeni Olmi. Holotypes of D. balticus (Olmi) and D. bruesi (Olmi) previously assigned to the Baltic amber, were actually collected on the coast of Denmark, so that they have to be recorded as specimens in Scandinavian (Danish) amber. As a result, true records of Dryinus species of group 3 (Olmi 1993) in Baltic amber are three: D. janzeni, D. bruesi, because of a second specimen found in true Baltic amber, and D. velteni Olmi. Dryinidae are the 33th hymenopteran family known from Rovno amber. Three species, D. janzeni, D. bruesi and D. balticus are known from understudied Rovno and Scandinavian amber originated from the warmer south coast of the Subparathetys. Dryinus janzeni is the 115th hymenopteran species known from Rovno amber and the first Dryinus record from Ukraine.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Chang, Su-Chin, Yuling Li e Daran Zheng. "Dating Amber: Review and Perspective". Minerals 13, n.º 7 (15 de julho de 2023): 948.

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Amber is a fossilized tree resin that ranges in age from the Carboniferous to the Cenozoic. It occurs globally from the Arctic to Antarctica. As the resin petrifies and turns into amber, it can enclose and preserve other materials. Amber with inclusions can help reconstruct past biodiversity and ecosystems. Some amber contains fossils representing the oldest and most detailed records of critical evolutionary traits or markers. Inclusions can even capture behavioral indicators previously only observed in extant organisms. Evidence of insect pollination of flowering plants and dragonfly mating behavior appears in amber, as does the morphological specialization of insects, indicating sociality and social parasitism. Dating amber deposits can help calibrate evolutionary events and inform reconstructions of past ecosystems. While the direct dating of amber remains impossible, age constraints on most amber deposits are based on correlations or relative dating, methods that come with significant uncertainties. This study discusses two cases using 40Ar/39Ar and U–Pb geochronologic methods to constrain the ages of amber deposits in China and the paleo-ecosystems they record. This paper also summarizes how radio-isotopic dating and other techniques combined with the analysis of inclusions in amber can help elucidate biogeography and the dynamic relationship between life and the physical environment.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Johnson, G. A. L., e D. L. Schofield. "The F. A. Paneth Collection of East Prussian Amber". Geological Curator 5, n.º 6 (agosto de 1991): 219–24.

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The collection of East Prussian amber made by the late Professor F. A. Paneth has been placed in the collections of the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham and is on permanent display. A brief account of Professor Paneth's interest in amber is given together with notes on the occurrence of amber in East Prussia and some of the properties of the mineral. Lists of specimens of East Prussian amber and amber artefacts in the collection and lists of books and papers on East Prussian amber deposited in the University Library at Durham form appendices to the paper.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Nohra, Youssef, Dany Azar, Raymond Gèze, Sibelle Maksoud, Antoine El-Samrani e Vincent Perrichot. "New Jurassic amber outcrops from Lebanon". Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews 6, n.º 1-2 (2013): 27–51.

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Amber predating the Lower Cretaceous is extremely rare. During the past two decades, records of discoveries of amber sites have increased considerably worldwide. We report herein the discovery of ten new outcrops of amber from the Late Jurassic in Lebanon, in addition to other nine outcrops described by Azar et al. (2010). Some of these outcrops gave large centimetric sized amber pieces. Each of these new amber outcrops is described, and its infrared spectrum is given. Though the Jurassic amber yielded to date no more than some fungal inclusions, this discovery is significant and promising especially in the reconstruction of the paleoenvironment.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.


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ABSTRACT Marine organisms are uncommonly preserved in amber. Recently, they were reported to be associated with Burmese amber. However, most of specimens from previous reports were preserved on the amber surface or within the sediment surrounding the amber. Based on X-ray tomography and thin-section optical microscopy of Burmese amber, we report here the first genuine and unambiguous evidence of inclusion of crinoid ossicles preserved in the fossil resin. Preservation of this exclusively marine group in amber gives insights into the paleoenvironment of the crinoid-amber association and provides additional evidence to support previous observations of shallow-water stalked crinoids from the mid-Cretaceous, when many stalked crinoids started to shift offshore due to increased predation pressure during the Mesozoic Marine Revolution. Crinoid remains, represented by disarticulated stem and arm ossicles assignable to Isocrinus cf. legeri (Repelin), point to a mid-Cretaceous age for the Burmese amber and support some previous hypotheses suggesting a close proximity between the resin-producing trees and seawater.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

LEGALOV, ANDREI A., VITALIY Y. NAZARENKO e EVGENY E. PERKOVSKY. "A new species of the genus Dorytomus Germar, 1817 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Rovno amber". Zootaxa 5006, n.º 1 (29 de julho de 2021): 95–100.

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A new species, Dorytomus mikhailovi sp. n., from late Eocene Rovno amber is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to D. groehni Bukejs et Legalov, 2019 from Baltic amber but differs in the shorter rostrum, dorsum covered with denser decumbent hairs and erect to semierect scale-like setae, and smaller body sizes. It is distinguished from D. bukejsi Legalov, 2020 from Baltic amber by the densely punctate pronotum, longer rostrum and wide elytral interstriae. The new species differs from D. vlaskini Legalov et al., 2019 from Rovno amber by the elytral interstriae covered with decumbent hairs and erect to semierect scale-like setae, shorter rostrum and coarsely punctuate pronotum. It is the first named curculionid beetle from the Olevsk amber locality, and the eleventh amber species reported from the Zhitomyr region. The presence of seven species of Dorytomus suggests a rather high diversity of Salicaceae in the late Eocene amber forests of Europe. It corresponds well with other principal Holarctic species in European amber biotas.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Luo, Yuening, Siqi Zhou, Reiko Takeda, Kazuma Okazaki, Marie Sekita e Kazuichi Sakamoto. "Protective Effect of Amber Extract on Human Dopaminergic Cells against 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Neurotoxicity". Molecules 27, n.º 6 (10 de março de 2022): 1817.

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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disease, after Alzheimer’s disease. In our previous study, we found that amber—a fossilized plant resin—can protect cells from apoptosis by decreasing the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we focused on the effect of amber on 6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell apoptosis in the human neuroblastoma cell line SHSY5Y (one model for PD). Initially, we determined the protective effect of amber on the PD model. We found that amber extract has a protective effect against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell apoptosis. The decrease in ROS, cleaved caspase-3, pERK, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) protein levels confirmed that amber extract decreases apoptosis via the ROS-mediated ERK signaling pathway. Furthermore, we determined the effects of amber extract on autophagy. The results showed that amber extract increased the levels of LC3II and Beclin-1, suggesting that amber extract can protect neuronal cells against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell apoptosis by promoting autophagy.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Bai, Feng, Huifang Liang e Hongting Qu. "Structural Evolution of Burmese Amber during Petrifaction Based on a Comparison of the Spectral Characteristics of Amber, Copal, and Rosin". Journal of Spectroscopy 2019 (7 de julho de 2019): 1–11.

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This paper presents a spectroscopic analysis and solubility study of rosin, copal, and Burmese amber samples to reveal the structural changes that occur during amber formation. The infrared spectra indicate that during the long geological process of amber formation, small resin molecules first crosslinked and slowly oxidized, eventually forming a stable organic polymer mixture. An analysis of Raman peak areas demonstrated that among the tested samples, the degree of polymerization is highest in Burmese amber and lowest in rosin. Ultraviolet-visible spectra indicate the presence of unsaturated bonds (e.g., carbonyl groups) or conjugated systems in Burmese amber, copal, and rosin. The evaluation of amber, rosin, and copal solubility in six solvents (ethanol, acetone, 1,4-dioxane, ethylacetate, N,N-dimethylamide, and dichloromethane) demonstrated that solubility decreases in the following order: rosin > copal > Burmese amber. Together, the results suggest that the structure of Burmese amber includes large organic molecules containing six-membered rings along with CH2, CH3, C=O, C=C, C–O, and C–C groups.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Rippa, Alessandro, e Yi Yang. "The Amber Road: Cross-Border Trade and the Regulation of the Burmite Market in Tengchong, Yunnan". TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia 5, n.º 2 (15 de junho de 2017): 243–67.

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AbstractThis paper investigates the new and hitherto unstudied boom in cross-border Burmese amber (Burmite) trade between Myanmar and Tengchong, Yunnan province. Based on interviews with amber dealers and local officials, it describes how since 2012–13 the amber trade has become increasingly lucrative for Chinese and Myanmar traders, and has attracted a large number of people to Tengchong, which, within Yunnan, virtually monopolises the trade. After a brief historical introduction, the paper analyses the conditions that, in both countries, have made the Burmite trade boom possible. It further describes the current composition of the amber market in both Myanmar and China, before analysing recent attempts to monitor and regulate the amber trade through the institution of the Tengchong Amber Association by the city's main amber traders in collaboration with local authorities.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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