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Kádár, Imre, e Hussein Daood. "Mikroelem-terhelés hatása a sóskára karbonátos csernozjom talajon". Agrokémia és Talajtan 52, n.º 1-2 (1 de agosto de 2003): 93–104.

Texto completo da fonte
Löszön képzodött vályog mechanikai összetételu karbonátos csernozjom talajon, az MTA TAKI Nagyhörcsöki Kísérleti Telepén szabadföldi kisparcellás mikroelem-terhelési kísérletet állítottunk be 1991 tavaszán. A termohely talajának szántott rétege mintegy 5 % CaCO3-ot és 3 % humuszt tartalmazott, felveheto tápelemekkel való ellátottsága: Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu kielégíto, N és K közepes, P és Zn gyenge volt. A talajvíz 15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület vízmérlege negatív, aszályra hajló. A 13 vizsgált mikroelem sóit 4-4 szinten alkalmaztuk 1991 tavaszán, a kukorica vetése elott. A 13 x 4 = 52 kezelést 2 ismétlésben állítottuk be összesen 104 parcellán split-plot elrendezésben. A terhelési szintek 0, 90, 270 és 810 kg/ha mennyiséget jelentettek elemenként AlCl3, NaAsO2, BaCl2, CdSO4, K2CrO4, CuSO4, HgCl2, (NH4)6Mo7O24, NiSO4, Pb(NO3)2, Na2SeO3, SrSO4 és ZnSO4 formájában. A 100-100-100 kg/ha N-P2O5-K2O alaptrágyázás egységesen történt az egész kísérletben ammonnitrát-, szuperfoszfát- és kálisómutrágyákkal. A növényi sorrend kukorica, sárgarépa, burgonya, borsó, cékla, spenót, búza és napraforgó volt. A 9. évben végzett sóska- kísérletünk eredményeit az alábbiakban foglaljuk össze: A 13 vizsgált elembol csak az arzén, kadmium és szelén bizonyult toxikusnak a sóskára 1999-ben. Ebben a kielégíto csapadék-ellátottságú évben a kontrollparcellákon 40 t/ha föld feletti zöld (ill. 2,8 t/ha légszáraz) tömeg képzodött 7-8 % légszárazanyag-tartalommal. Maximális As-terhelésnél a zöld hajtás hozama 28 %-kal, a maximális Cd-terhelésnél 52 %-kal csökkent. A 9 évvel ezelott adott 90 kg/ha Se-terhelés 35 %-os depressziót okozott, a 270 és 810 kg/ha terhelésnél pedig a növényzet ki sem kelt.- A kontrollhoz viszonyítva erosen szennyezett talajon a Ba, Cu és Zn 2-3, az Pb és Sr 4-5-, a Ni és Cr átlagosan 7-, a Mo 39-, a Cd 102-szeresére, a Se közel 6-ezerszeresére dúsult a növényi hajtásban. A Hg- 0,5, az As-koncent-ráció 3,6 mg/kg értéket ért el a légszáraz anyagban. A Hg-, As-, Cd-, Pb-, Mo- és Se-kezelésekben (a nagyobb terhelésnél) a termék humán fogyasztásra, ill. takarmányozásra alkalmatlanná vált.- A talaj/növény transzfer koefficiens az egyes elemek esetében az alábbinak adódott a maximális terhelésnél (kivétel a Se): Se: 15,6, Sr: 0,42, Mo: 0,28, Ba: 0,15, Zn: 0,10, Cd: 0,07, Ni: 0,03, Cu: 0,02, As és Cr: 0,01, Pb: 0,006 és Hg: 0,002. A sóska a spenóthoz viszonyítva mérsékelt elemfelhalmozódást jelzett.- A sóska hajtása gazdag ásványi anyagokban, esszenciális elemekben, de szegény nitrátban. A K 4,80 %, N 2,40 %, Ca 1,55 %, P 0,94 %, Mg 0,80 %, S 0,26 %, Fe 265 mg/kg, Mn 113 mg/kg, Na 49 mg/kg, NO3-N 31 mg/kg, Co 0,2 mg/kg átlagos koncentrációt mutatott a légszáraz anyagban.- A 2,8 t/ha légszáraz föld feletti termésben 134 kg K, 67 kg N, 43 kg Ca, 26 kg P, 22 kg Mg, 8 kg S, 742 g Fe, 316 g Mn, 137 g Na és 0,06 g Co épült be. A 10 t/ha zöld föld feletti hajtás fajlagos elemigénye hasonló körülmények között 17 kg N, 15 kg P2O5, 40 kg K2O, 15 kg CaO, 9 kg MgO és 2 kg S mennyiséget jelenthet. Adataink iránymutatóul szolgálhatnak a szaktanácsadás számára.- A fitoremediáció csak az enyhén szennyezett talajok tisztítására lehet alkalmas, amennyiben megfelelo hiperakkumulátor növényfajjal rendelkezünk és a termesztési technika is rendelkezésre áll. Hasonló viszonyok között a sóska termése egy évszázad alatt állíthatná helyre a Se-mentes, 800 év alatt a Mo-mentes, 5-6 ezer év alatt a Cd-mentes vagy 45 ezer esztendo alatt a Cr-mentes (szennyezetlen, eredeti állapotú) talajt a 90 kg/ha terhelés esetén.- Az oxálsav koncentrációja 3-16 mg/g között ingadozott a sóska hajtásának szárazanyagában. Emelkedett átlagos értékeket 10 mg/g felett a Cd-, Pb- és Sr-kezelésekben, míg alacsony tartalmakat az As-, Cu- és Zn-kezelésekben mértünk.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kádár, Imre. "Mikroelem-terhelés hatása az őszi árpára karbonátos csernozjom talajon". Agrokémia és Talajtan 52, n.º 1-2 (1 de agosto de 2003): 105–20.

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Löszön képzodött vályog mechanikai összetételu karbonátos csernozjom talajon, az MTA TAKI Nagyhörcsöki Kísérleti Telepén szabadföldi kisparcellás mikroelem-terhelési kísérletet állítottunk be 1991 tavaszán. A termohely talajának szántott rétege mintegy 5 % CaCO3-ot és 3 % humuszt tartalmazott, kielégíto volt Ca-, Mg-, Mn- és Cu-ellátottsága; közepes N- és K-, ill. gyenge P- és Zn-ellátottsága. A talajvíz 15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület vízmérlege negatív, aszályra hajló. A 13 vizsgált mikroelem sóit 4-4 szinten alkalmaztuk 1991 tavaszán, a kukorica vetése elott. A 13 ´ 4 = 52 kezelést 2 ismétlésben állítottuk be, összesen 104 parcellán split-plot elrendezésben. A terhelési szintek 0, 90, 270, ill. 810 kg/ha mennyiséget jelentettek elemenként AlCl3, NaAsO2, BaCl2, CdSO4, K2CrO4, CuSO4, HgCl2, (NH4)6Mo7O24, NiSO4, Pb(NO3)2, Na2SeO3, SrSO4, ill. ZnSO4 formájában. A 100-100-100 kg/ha N-P2O5-K2O alaptrágyázás egységesen történt az egész kísérletben ammonnitrát-, szuperfoszfát- és kálisómutrágyákkal. A növényi sorrend kukorica, sárgarépa, burgonya, borsó, cékla, spenót, búza, napraforgó és sóska volt. A kísérlet 10. évében oszi árpával végzett vizsgálatok eredményeit az alábbiakban foglaljuk össze: - A 13 vizsgált elembol az As, Cd és Se bizonyult toxikusnak az oszi árpára. Az aszályos évben szennyezetlen talajon 5,0-5,5 t/ha szemterméseket kaptunk, mely a maximális Cd-terheléssel 3,0 t/ha, a maximális As-terheléssel 2,1 t/ha mennyiségre csökkent. A 10 évvel korábban adott 270, ill. 810 kg/ha Se-terhelés az árpa és a gyomok teljes pusztulását okozta. - Extrém dúsulást a növényi szervekben a szelén és molibdén mutatott. A termett növényi anyag azonban fogyasztásra, ill. takarmányozásra alkalmatlanná vált az As-, Cd-, Mo-, Se- és Zn-kezelések parcelláiban is. - Szennyezett talajon a maximális elemfelvétel betakarításkor (föld feletti biomassza) 1 kg körüli Mo- és Se-, 200-400 g Ba-, Sr- és Zn-; 56 g Cu-; 10-20 g As-, Cd-, Cr- és Ni-; valamint 2 g Pb-mennyiséget jelentett ha-onként. Az erosen szennyezett talajok tisztítására, fitoremediációra az oszi árpa nem alkalmas. - A szalmában/talajban mért összes koncentráció hányadosaként ismert transzfer koefficiens az alábbinak adódott az egyes elemekre: Se: 5,9; Mo: 0,8; Sr: 0,2; Ba és Zn: 0,1; Cu, As és Cd: 0,02; Cr: 0,09; Ni: 0,005; Pb: 0,001. - Az 1 t szem + a hozzá tartozó melléktermés elemtartalma szennyezetlen talajon 20 kg N-, 27 kg K- (32 kg K2O), 5 kg Ca- (7 kg CaO), 5 kg P- (11 kg P2O5), 4 kg Mg- (7 kg MgO), 5 kg S-, 100 g Fe- és Mn-, kereken 400 g Na-, 56 g Al-, 25 g Sr- és Ba-, 14 g Zn-, 8 g B-, 5 g Cu- és 1-2 g Mo- és Se-készletet jelzett. - Szennyezetlen talajon 0,1 mg/kg méréshatár alatt maradt az NH4-acetát + EDTA-oldható As-, Cd-, Mo-, Se-, Hg- és Cr-készlet a szántott rétegben. A 10 évvel korábban adott 810 kg/ha (270 mg/kg) kezelésekben a Cd, Cu, Pb 40- 46 %-a; a Sr és Zn 31-32 %-a; a Ba, Ni, As 14-19 %-a; a Mo, Se, Hg 2-5 %-a, valamint a Cr 0,6 %-a volt kimutatható e módszerrel. - Az NH4-acetát + EDTA módszer szerint becsült talajbani oldhatóság és a növényi felvétel között nem volt összefüggés az egyes mikroelemek közötti viszony tekintetében.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Campbell, Andrew, Hong-yuan Luo, Katherine Benson, Lance Davis, Patrick G. Gallagher, Martin H. Steinberg, Peter Fraser, Bernard G. Forget e David H. K. Chui. "Severe Impairment of γ-Globin Gene Silencing in an Asymptomatic Adult Patient Homozygous for the Codon 8 (–AA) Frame-Shift β0-Thalassemia Mutation". Blood 120, n.º 21 (16 de novembro de 2012): 1022.

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Abstract Abstract 1022 Beta-thalassemia is caused by β-globin gene mutations that result in either markedly decreased (β+) or absent (β0) β-globin chain production. Patients who are either homozygous or compound heterozygous for β-thalassemia mutations are severely anemic and require chronic RBC transfusions. Concomitant inheritance of an α -thalassemia mutation or increased HbF (α 2γ2) expression can ameliorate the disease severity. Surprisingly, many patients homozygous for the codon 8 (–AA) β0-thalassemia mutation are mildly anemic with over 95% HbF [Altay & Gürgey, Ann NY Acad Sci 612:81, 1990]. We now report one such patient, a 20-year old man of Iraqi ancestry who was found to have splenomegaly but was otherwise well. His hemoglobin was 12.4 g/dL, MCV 77 fL, reticulocyte count 3.2%. Hemoglobin analysis by HPLC revealed HbF 98%, HbA2 2%. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) of his β-globin gene cluster confirmed that he did not have a large deletion as found in some patients with hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), nor γ-globin gene quadruplication. In addition, he was heterozygous for the α 2 IVSI donor splice site 5 bp deletion (–GTGAG), the α Hph thalassemia mutation. To determine the genetic basis for his persistently high HbF expression, his γ-globin gene promoters were sequenced and no HPFH point mutation was found. We next assessed the status of his 3 major HbF quantitative trait loci (QTL). He was homozygous for SNP rs7482144 C>T minor allele (Xmn I polymorphism) at 158 bp 5' to the Gγ-globin gene on chr 11p15; homozygous for rs9399137 minor allele in the HBSIL-MYB intergenic polymorphism (HMIP) on chr 6q23, homozygous for the 3-bp deletion which is in linkage disequilibrium with rs9399137 minor allele [Farrell et al, Blood 117:4935, 2011]; and heterozygous for rs766432 minor allele in the 2nd intron of BCL11A on chr 2p16. Thus he had alleles associated with elevated HbF in all 3 QTL. No mutation was found in his KLF1 genes. Within HS2 in his β LCR is the motif (TA)9 (CA)2 (TA)2 CG (TA)10 which is found in Senegal β-globin haplotype 3 [Öner et al, Blood 79:813, 1992]. The Corfu deletion removes part of the δ-globin gene and ∼6 kb upstream flanking sequence, encompassing the 2-kb region reported to be necessary for γ-globin gene silencing [Sankaran et al, NEJM 365:807, 2011], and is often in LD with the IVSI-5 G>A severe β+-thalassemia mutation. Corfu heterozygotes have slightly increased HbF, but Corfu homozygotes have HbF ∼95%. We sequenced 6.5 kb upstream of δ-globin gene in our patient, and found homozygosity throughout and only 2 nucleotide differences from the GRCh37/hg19 assembly sequence: C>T (rs3759074) at 2,065 bp, and T>G (rs7948416) at 718 bp upstream of δ globin gene transcription start site. No deletion was found. At the repressor protein BP1 binding site 530 bp upstream of the β-globin gene, our patient had the common reference sequence, (AC)2 (AT)7 T7. Among 13 subjects heterozygous for codon 8 (–AA) β0-thalassemia mutation, their Hb was 11.6 ± 1.8 g/dL, HbF 2.8 ± 2.6% [Öner et al, Hemoglobin 14:1, 1990]. We studied two unrelated codon 8 (–AA) heterozygotes. One was a 37-year old woman with Hb 9.8, HbA 88%, HbF 5.7%. She was homozygous for the Xmn I polymorphism, and heterozygous for the HbF QTL on chr 6q23 and 2p16. The other was a 24-year old woman with Hb 11.2, HbA 90%, HbF 7.5%. She was homozygous for the Xmn I polymorphism, and heterozygous for the HbF QTL on chr 2p16. These results support the hypothesis that determinant(s) in cis to the β-globin gene cluster, including the Xmn I QTL and related functional motif(s), in concert with HMIP and BCL11A QTL can sustain high-level γ-globin gene transcription in adults. Robust γ-mRNA accumulation and HbF expression occur only when β-mRNA is markedly decreased due to nonsense mediated decay in the codon 8 (–AA) homozygote, as has been shown in patients homozygous for the Corfu deletion [Chakalova et al, Blood 105:2154, 2005] and in experimental model system [Russell, Eur J Haematol 79:516, 2007]. Our findings could have implications for the therapeutic design to induce HbF expression in β-hemoglobinopathies. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kádár, Imre. "Use of alfalfa for the phytoremediation of soil contaminated with microelements". Agrokémia és Talajtan 63, n.º 2 (1 de dezembro de 2014): 295–313.

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Löszön képződött vályog mechanikai összetételű karbonátos csernozjom talajon, az MTA ATK Talajtani és Agrokémiai Intézet Nagyhörcsöki Kísérleti Telepén szabadföldi kisparcellás mikroelem-terhelési kísérletet állítottunk be 1991 tavaszán. A termőhely talajának szántott rétege mintegy 5% CaCO3-ot és 3% humuszt tartalmazott, oldható tápelemekkel való ellátottsága az alábbi volt: Ca és Mn igen jó, Mg és Cu kielégítő, N és K közepes, P és Zn gyenge. A talajvíz 15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület vízmérlege negatív, aszályra hajló.A 13 vizsgált mikroelem sóit 4-4 szinten alkalmaztuk 1991 tavaszán, a kukorica vetése előtt. A 13×4 = 52 kezelést 2 ismétlésben állítottuk be összesen 104 parcellán splitplot elrendezésben. A kísérlet terhelési szintjei 0, 90, 270, illetve 810 kg·ha−1 mennyiséget jelentettek elemenként AlCl3, As2O3/NaAsO2, BaCl2, CdSO4, K2CrO4, CuSO4, HgCl2, (NH4)6Mo7O24, NiSO4, Pb(NO3)2, Na2SeO3, SrSO4 és ZnSO4 formájában.A kísérlet 14–18. éveiben lucernát termesztettünk. A lucerna telepítése előtt 2003 őszén 400 kg P2O5·ha−1 és 800 kg K2O·ha−1 adaggal feltöltő trágyázást végeztünk szuperfoszfát és kálisó formájában.A kísérleti eredmények alapján levonható főbb tanulságok a következők:Extrém aszályos év 2004 és 2008 között nem volt. Részben ezért, valamint a talaj kielégítő tápanyagkészlete miatt a lucerna képes volt öt éven át fennmaradni és kielégítő termést adni. Általában évente 4-4 kaszálásra került sor május és szeptember eleje között. A legnagyobb szénahozamokat az 1. kaszálás adta. A kontrolltalajon az öt év alatt 62,5 t·ha−1 széna termett. A 90 kg·ha−1 Se-terhelésnél kereken 10 t·ha−1 többlet jelentkezett míg az extrém Se-túlsúlyos talajon 8 t·ha−1 terméscsökkenést kaptunk. A változások statisztikailag igazolhatók voltak.A széna elemösszetétele szennyezett talajon drasztikusan változott a kontrollhoz képest. Az egyes évek és a kaszálások átlagában a Cu és Zn mintegy a kétszeresére, a Sr a háromszorosára dúsult. Az As, Ba, Cd, Cr és Ni elemek koncentrációi minimum egy, míg a Mo és Se elemek koncentrációi 2–3 nagyságrenddel emelkedtek. A nagyságrendbeli akkumuláció takarmányozásra alkalmatlan szénát eredményezett.A 19 kaszálással, illetve az öt év alatt szennyezetlen talajon a lucerna 2 t·ha−1 nitrogént épített be a föld feletti termésébe, mely döntően a levegőből származott. Az öt év alatt felvett Ca átlagosan 1546, K 1232, P 200, Mg 200, S 189 és Na 22 kg·ha−1 mennyiséget tett ki. A Fe-felvétel mintegy 7, az Al, Mn és B elemeké 3 kg·ha−1 volt, míg a felvett Co 2–3 g·ha−1 volt.A szennyezett talajon a maximális elemhozamok öt év alatt az alábbiak voltak (hara vetítve): Mo 29 kg, Sr 20 kg, Se 19 kg, Ba és Zn 2-2 kg; Cu 600 g, Ni és Cd 200 g, Cr 150 g, As 130 g, Pb 16 g.Megállapítható összefoglalóan, hogy a lucerna a Mo, Sr és Se elemekkel mérsékelten szennyezett talajok tisztítására,/remediációjára alkalmas lehet hazai viszonyaink között. Előnyt jelenthet a növény nagy föld feletti biomasszája, valamint a mélyen lenyúló gyökérzete. A Se és a Mo ugyanis szelenát/molibdenát, valamint a Cr kromátion formájában az altalajt szennyezheti. A termett széna azonban takarmányozási célokra nem használható.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

El-Nahal, Fady. "Coherent 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16QAM) Optical Communication Systems". Photonics Letters of Poland 10, n.º 2 (30 de junho de 2018): 57.

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Coherent optical fiber communications for data rates of 100Gbit/s and beyond have recently been studied extensively primarily because high sensitivity of coherent receivers could extend the transmission distance. Spectrally efficient modulation techniques such as M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) can be employed for coherent optical links. The integration of multi-level modulation formats based on coherent technologies with wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) systems is key to meet the aggregate bandwidth demand. This paper reviews coherent 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) systems to scale the network capacity and maximum reach of current optical communication systems to accommodate traffic growth. Full Text: PDF ReferencesK. Kikuchi, "Fundamentals of Coherent Optical Fiber Communications", J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 157-179, 2016. CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, D.-S. Ly-Gagnon, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Coherent Demodulation of 40-Gbit/s Polarization-Multiplexed QPSK Signals with16-GHz Spacing after 200-km Transmission", Proc. OFc, Paper PDP29, (2005). DirectLink K. Kikuchi, "Coherent Optical Communication Technology", Proc. OFC, Paper Th4F.4, (2015). CrossRef J. M. Kahn and K.-P. Ho, "Spectral efficiency limits and modulation/detection techniques for DWDM systems", IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 259–272, (2004). CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Coherent demodulation of optical multilevel phase-shift-keying signals using homodyne detection and digital signal processing", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1131–1133, (2006). CrossRef Y. Mori, C. Zhang, K. Igarashi, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Unrepeated 200-km transmission of 40-Gbit/s 16-QAM signals using digital coherent receiver", Opt. Exp., vol. 17, no. 32, pp. 1435–1441, (2009). CrossRef H. Nakashima, Et al., "Digital Nonlinear Compensation Technologies in Coherent Optical Communication Systems", Proc. OFC, Paper W1G.5, (2017). CrossRef S. J. Savory, "Digital filters for coherent optical receivers", Opt. Exp., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 804–817, (2008). CrossRef D. S. Millar, T. Koike-Akino, S. Ö. Arık, K. Kojima, K. Parsons, T. Yoshida, and T. Sugihara, "High-dimensional modulation for coherent optical communications systems", Opt. Express, vol. 22, no. 7, pp 8798-8812, (2014). CrossRef R. Griffin and A. Carter, "Optical differential quadrature phase-shift key (oDQPSK) for high capacity optical transmission", Proc. OFC, Paper WX6, (2002). DirectLink K. Kikuchi, "Digital coherent optical communication systems: fundamentals and future prospects", IEICE Electron. Exp., vol. 8, no. 20, pp. 1642–1662, (2011). CrossRef F. Derr, "Optical QPSK transmission system with novel digital receiver concept", Electron Lett., vol. 27, no. 23, pp. 2177–2179, (1991). CrossRef R. No’e, "Phase noise tolerant synchronous QPSK receiver concept with digital I&Q baseband processing", Proc. OECC, Paper 16C2-5, (2004). DirectLink D.-S. Ly-Gagnon, S. Tsukamoto, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Coherent detection of optical quadrature phase-shift keying signals with carrier phase estimation", J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 12–21, (2006). CrossRef M. Taylor, "Coherent detection method using DSP for demodulation of signal and subsequent equalization of propagation impairments", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 674–676, (2004). CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Unrepeated transmission of 20-Gb/s optical quadrature phase-shift-keying signal over 200-km standard single-mode fiber based on digital processing of homodyne-detected signal for Group-velocity dispersion compensation", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 1016–1018, (2006). CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, Y. Ishikawa, and K. Kikuchi, "Optical Homodyne Receiver Comprising Phase and Polarization Diversities with Digital Signal Processing", Proc. ECOC, Paper Mo4.2.1, (2006). CrossRef K. Kikuchi and S. Tsukamoto, "Evaluation of Sensitivity of the Digital Coherent Receiver", J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 20, no. 13, pp. 1817–1822, (2008). CrossRef S. Ishimura and K. Kikuchi, "Multi-dimensional Permutation Modulation Aiming at Both High Spectral Efficiency and High Power Efficiency", Proc. OFC/NFOEC, Paper M3A.2, (2014). CrossRef F. I. El-Nahal and A. H. M. Husein, "Radio over fiber access network architecture employing RSOA with downstream OQPSK and upstream re-modulated OOK data", (Optik) Int. J. Light Electron Opt., vol. 123, no. 14, pp: 1301-1303, (2012). CrossRef T. Koike-Akino, D. S. Millar, K. Kojima, and K. Parsons, "Eight-Dimensional Modulation for Coherent Optical Communications", Proc. ECOC, Paper Tu.3.C.3, (2013). DirectLink B. Sklar, Digital communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice-Hall, (2001).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Garibaldi, A., D. Bertetti, P. Pensa e M. L. Gullino. "First Report of Gray Mold Caused by Botrytis cinerea on Stevia rebaudiana in Italy". Plant Disease 93, n.º 3 (março de 2009): 318.

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Stevia rebaudiana (sweetleaf) is a perennial shrub belonging to the Asteraceae family and is widely grown for its sweet leaves. With its extracts having as much as 300 times the sweetness of sugar, this species is used in many countries for the production of sugar substitutes. However, in Italy, as well as in other countries, this species cannot be grown for the use of its leaf extracts. This plant is grown in a few nurseries in the Albenga Region (northern Italy) as potted plants. In February of 2008, 3-month-old plants grown in plastic pots (14-cm diameter) under glasshouse on heated benches started showing symptoms of a previously unknown blight. The temperature in the glasshouse ranged between 16 and 20°C and plants were watered by sprinkle irrigation. Leaves, starting from the basal ones, showed small, brown spots that spread across the entire leaf surface. Subsequently, the crown and stem were infected, and the pathogen developed abundant, soft, gray mycelium on leaves and stems and in the middle of the heads of S. rebaudiana. Flowers were not present when the symptoms appeared. Severely infected leaves dried out and became necrotic. The disease was observed in one nursery in which 5% of the plants were affected. The margins of the lesions were excised from leaves, immersed in a solution containing 1% sodium hypochlorite, and then cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. A fungus produced abundant mycelium when incubated under constant fluorescent light at 22 ± 1°C after 10 days. The conidia were smooth, hyaline, ovoid, measuring 15.5 to 8.3 × 11.1 to 7.3 (average 11.6 × 8.6) μm, and were similar to those described for Botrytis cinerea. Conidiophores were slender and branched with enlarged apical cells bearing conidia on short sterigmata. The identity of the fungus was also confirmed by the production of numerous, small, black sclerotia on PDA plates incubated for 20 days at 8 ± 1°C. Sclerotia were dark and irregular with a diameter ranging from 1 to 2 mm. These morphological characters identified the fungus as B. cinerea (2). The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA was amplified using primers ITS4/ITS6 and sequenced. BLAST analysis (1) of the 780-bp segment showed a 100% homology with the sequence of Botryotinia fuckeliana (perfect stage of B. cinerea). The nucleotide sequence has been assigned GenBank Accession No. FJ486270. Pathogenicity tests were performed by spraying leaves of six healthy 6-month-old potted S. rebaudiana plants with a 105 conidia/ml suspension. Six plants sprayed with water only served as controls. Plants were covered with plastic bags for 3 days after inoculation to maintain high relative humidity and were placed in a growth chamber at 20 ± 1°C. The first foliar lesions developed on leaves 4 days after inoculation, whereas control plants remained healthy. B. cinerea was consistently reisolated from these lesions. The pathogenicity test was completed twice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of B. cinerea on S. rebaudiana in Italy. The disease has been reported in Ukraine (3) and more recently in Japan (4). The economic importance of this disease is at the moment limited. References: (1) S. F. Altschul et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389, 1997. (2) H. L. Barnett and B. B. Hunter. Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi. Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, MN, 1972. (3) J. Takeuch and H. Horie. Annu. Rep. Kanto-Tosan Plant Prot. Soc. 53:87, 2006. (4) V. F. Zubenko et al. Zash. Rast. 18, 1991.
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Afonin, Nikolay N., e Vera A. Logachova. "Reactive Interdiffusion of Components in a Non-Stoichiometric Two‑Layer System of Polycrystalline Titanium and Cobalt Oxides". Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases 22, n.º 4 (26 de novembro de 2020): 430–37.

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We demonstrated the possibility of using the mathematical form of Darken's theory, applied to the description of the Kirkendall effect in binary systems, to the description of reactive interdiffusion in non-stoichiometric polycrystalline film oxide systems with limited solubility. The aim of the study was the simulation of reactive interdiffusion under vacuum annealing of a thin film system consisting of two non-stoichiometric polycrystalline titanium and cobalt oxides. The nonstoichiometric nature of the system assumes the presence of mobile components, free interstitial cobalt and titanium cations in it. Phase formation occurs as a result of reactive interdiffusion and trapping of mobile components of the systemon inter-grain traps. The proposed mechanism describes the formation of complex oxide phases distributed over the depth of the system.A complex empirical research technique was used, involving Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray phase analysis and modelling methods. The values of the characteristic parameters of the process were determined by numerical analysis of the experimentally obtained distributions of the concentrations of the components within the developed model. During vacuum annealing of a thin film two-layer system of non-stoichiometric TiO2–x–Co1–уO oxides in temperature range T = 773 – 1073 К, the values of the individual diffusion coefficients of cobalt DCo = 5.1·10–8·exp(–1.0 eV/(kT) cm2/s and titaniumDTi = 1.38·10–13·exp(–0.31 eV/(kT) cm2/s were determined.It was shown that for T = 1073 K, the phase formation of CoTiO3 with a rhombohedral structure occurs. The extension of the phase formation region of complex cobalt and titanium oxides increases with an increase in the vacuum annealing temperature and at 1073 K it is comparable with the total thickness of the film system.The model allows predicting the distribution of the concentrations of the components over the depth of multilayer nonstoichiometric systems in which reactive interdiffusion is possible. References1. Chebotin V. N. Fizicheskaya khimiya tverdogo tela[Physical chemistry of a solid state]. Moscow: KhimiyaPubl.; 1982. 320 p. (in Russ.)2. Tretyakov Yu. D. Tverdofaznye reaktsii [Solidphase reactions]. Moscow: Khimiya Publ.; 1978. 360 p.(in Russ.)3. Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. Interdiffusion andphase formation in the Fe–TiO2 thin-film system.Semiconductors. 2017;51(10): 1300–1305. DOI: Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. Cobalt modificationof thin rutile films magnetron-sputtered in vacuumtechnical. Technical Physics, 2018;63(4): 605–611. DOI: Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. 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Pich Mitjana, Josep, e David Martínez Fiol. "Manuel Brabo Portillo. Policía, espía y pistolero (1876-1919)". Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, n.º 8 (20 de junho de 2019): 387.

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RESUMEN:El objetivo del artículo es aproximarnos a la controvertida biografía del comisario Manuel Brabo Portillo. El trabajo está basado en fuentes primarias y secundarias. El método utilizado es empírico. En el imaginario del mundo sindicalista revolucionario, Brabo Portillo era el policía más odiado, la reencarnación de la cara más turbia del Estado. Fue, así mismo, un espía alemán relacionado con el hundimiento de barcos españoles, el asesinato del empresario e ingeniero Barret y el primer jefe de los terroristas vinculados a la patronal barcelonesa. La conflictividad que afectó a España en el período de la Primera Guerra Mundial es fundamental para entender los orígenes del terrorismo vinculado al pistolerismo, que marcó la historia político social española del primer tercio del siglo XX.PALABRAS CLAVE: Brabo Portillo, pistolerismo, espionaje, sindicalismo, Primera Guerra Mundial.ABSTRACT:The objective of the article is an approach to the controversial biography of Police Chief Manuel Brabo Portillo. The work is based on primary and secondary sources. The method used is empirical. In the imagery of the revolutionary syndicalist world, Brabo Portillo was the most hated policeman, the reincarnation of the murkiest face of the state. He was also a German spy connected with the sinking of Spanish ships, the murder of businessman and engineer Josep Barret and the first head of the terrorists linked to Barcelona employers. 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Jihan Irbah Nadiah e Dian Filianti. "Hubungan Kualitas Audit, Komite Audit, dan Dewan Pengawas Syariah terhadap Kinerja Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia". Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 9, n.º 5 (30 de setembro de 2022): 731–46.

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas audit, komite audit, dan Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) terhadap kinerja Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia pada tahun 2015-2020 yang diproksikan dengan ROA, baik secara parsial dan simultan. Melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis regresi data panel, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial, kualitas audit yang dihasilkan KAP Big 4 berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja bank umum syariah. Pada variabel komite audit, ukuran komite audit tidak mempengaruhi kinerja bank umum syariah, sedangkan kompetensi dan frekuensi komite audit berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kinerja bank umum syariah. Pada variabel DPS, ukuran dan frekuensi rapat DPS berpengaruh negatif signfikan terhadap kinerja bank umum syariah, sedangkan kompetensi DPS berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja bank umum syariah. Secara simultan, kualitas audit, komite audit, serta DPS berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja bank umum syariah. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi manajemen perusahaan, sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas peran pengawasan dalam penerapan tata kelola perusahaan agar dapat mewujudkan kinerja perusahaan menjadi lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Kualitas audit, Komite audit, Dewan Pengawas Syariah, Kinerja Bank. ABSTRACT This study aims is to find out the relationship between audit quality, audit committee, and Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) on the performance of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia in 2015-2020 as proxied by ROA, both partially and simultaneously. Through a quantitative approach with panel data regression analysis techniques, the results of the study show that partially, the audit quality produced by KAP Big 4 has a significant positive effect on the performance of Islamic commercial banks. In the audit committee variable, the size of the audit committee does not affect the performance of Islamic commercial banks, while the competence and frequency of the audit committee have a significant negative effect on the performance of Islamic commercial banks. In the DPS variable, the size and frequency of DPS meetings have a significant negative effect on the performance of Islamic commercial banks, while DPS competence has a significant positive effect on the performance of Islamic commercial banks. Simultaneously, audit quality, audit committee, and DPS have a significant positive effect on the performance of Islamic commercial banks. This research is expected to be useful for company management, as a consideration for increasing the effectiveness of the supervisory role in the implementation of corporate governance in order to realize better company performance. Keywords: Audit Quality, Audit committee, Shariah Supervisory Board, Banks performance. 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Regulations require teachers to meet the teaching burden of at minimum 24 hours / week and maximum 40 hours /week. However, in fact, for minimal hour's teaching, still many teachers who have not been able to fulfill it. The fulfillment of minimum obligations is a requirement for teachers to obtain Professional Teacher Allowances (TPG). Various ways have been attempted by interested parties, but the issue of teacher teaching hours is still problems. The fulfillment effort merely in terms of quantity, has not led to quality. For what teachers are forced to fulfill the obligation of teaching hours, e.g. by looking at other schools, being in the duties of the main school still indicates the achievement of the students' inadequate learning outcomes? Naturally if the fulfillment of obligations is not only in terms of quantity, but also quality. This means that the need to find an alternative fulfillment of teaching hours is functioning as a driver to improve the quality of teachers, so that a positive impact on improving student learning outcomes. With regard to the latter description that this paper is presented, that is to say, alternative thinking about the provisions of teaching hours teachers. References Agung, I. (2013). Penerapan sistem neuro associative conditioning (NAC) pada guru sebagai upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 19(2), 297-304. doi: Agung, I. (2014). Kajian pengaruh kompetensi kepribadian dan sosial terhadap kinerja guru. Jurnal Ilmiah VISI, 9(2), 83-92. doi: Agung, I. (2014). Panduan penelitian tindakan kelas bagi guru. Jakarta: Zikrul Bestari. Agung, I. (2017). Guru yang kompeten dan profesional: Orasi ilmiah profesor riset. Jakarta: Balitbang-Kemendikbud. Agung, I. (2018). Pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan (PKB) guru. Jakarta: Bee Media (akan beredar). Barge. S. (2010). Principles of problem and project based learning: The aalborg PBL model. USA: Aalborg University. Dalt, R. L. (2010). New era of management (era baru manajemen). Jakarta: Penerbit Salemba Empat. De Graaf, E., & Kolmos, A. (2003). Characteristics of problem-based learning. The International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(5), 657 - 662. Ditjen GTK. (2015). Hasil UKG guru tahun 2015. Jakarta: Kemendikbud. Ditjen GTK. (2016). Program guru pembelajar. Jakarta: Kemendikbud. Ditjen GTK. (2017). Data hasil pre-test dan post-test pelatihan guru pembelajar. Jakarta: Kemendikbud. Ditjen Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan. (2015). Kajian tunjangan profesi guru. Diakses melalui Fiol, C. M. & Marjorie, A.L. (1985). Organizational learning. The Academy of Management Review, 10(4), 803-813. Hmelo-Silver, C.E. (2004). Problem based learning: What and how do student learn. Educational Psychology Review, 16(3), 235-266. doi: Lambros, A. (2004). Problem-based learning in middle and high school classrooms. CA: Corwin Press. Leithwood, K., Leonard L., & Sharratt, L. (1998). Conditions fostering organizational learning in schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 34(2), 243-276. doi: Mangkunegara, A.A.A. P. (2010). Evaluasi kinerja SDM. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Marquardt, M.J. (1996). Building the learning organization. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pedler, M. (1998). A concise guide to the learning organization. London: Publisher Lemos & Crane. Puslitjak. (2013). Hasil penelitian jam mengajar guru. Jakarta: Balitbang-Kemendikbud. Robins, S.P., & Judge, T.A. (1997). Organization behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill. Rhem, J. (1998). Problem-based learning: An introduction. The National Teaching Learning Forum, 8(1), 1-7. Senge, P.M. (1990). The fifth discipline the art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Doubleday. Simatupang, B.M. (1995). ISO Seri 14000 dalam fokus organisasi belajar, manajemen & usahawanIndonesia. Organisasi Belajar (Learning Organization), 11(XXIV). Watkin, K. E.& Marsic, V.J. (1993). Sculpting the learning organization: Lessons in the art and science of systemic change. San Fransisco: Institue of Science Education.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

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Chlorine toxicity to Penicillium digitatum and Geotrichum citri-aurantii, causes of green mold and sour rot of citrus, respectively, was quantified. In 3% wt/vol NaHCO3 containing 200 µg free chlorine per ml at pH 8.3, 95% of P. digitatum spores died (LT95) by 180 s at 5°C, while only 32 s were required at 24°C. The LT95 of G. citri-aurantii arthrospores was 108 and 31 s at 5 and 24°C, respectively. Mortality slowed 2- to 4-fold for each unit of increase from pH 7 to 10. The LT95 of P. digitatum spores in 200 µg free chlorine per ml at 24°C at pH 7, 8, 9, and 10 was 13.2, 19.1, 29.4, and 88.4 s, respectively. The LT95 of G. citri-aurantii at pH 7, 8, 9, and 10 was 3.0, 12.6, 56.6, and 114 s, respectively. Models were prepared describing mortality. Brief immersion in 200 µg free chlorine per ml reduced viable spores of P. digitatum and G. citri-aurantii from 106 to 103 spores per lemon, and naturally occurring yeast and molds from 106 to 104 CFU. In fruit wound-inoculated and immersed 24 h later in water, 4,000 µg free chlorine per ml, or 3% wt/vol NaHCO3, green mold occurrence after storage was 98.5, 68.3 and 7.5%, respectively.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Castro, Beatriz Guerreiro Ruiz, Cristiano de Pádua Souza, Carlos Eduardo Mattos da Cunha Andrade, Marcelo de Andrade Vieira, Diocésio Alves Pinto de Andrade e Ricardo dos Reis. "Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors: Epidemiological, Clinical and Prognostic Factors". Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / RBGO Gynecology and Obstetrics 41, n.º 07 (julho de 2019): 440–48.

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Objective To describe a series of cases of ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors (SLCTs). Methods Retrospective review of 12 cases of SLCT treated at the Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, Barretos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, between October 2009 and August 2017. Results The median age of the patients was 31 years old (15–71 years old). A total of 9 patients (75.0%) presented symptoms: 8 (66.7%) presented with abdominal pain, 5 (41.7%) presented with abdominal enlargement, 2 (16.7%) presented with virilizing signs, 2 (16.7%) presented with abnormal uterine bleeding, 1 (8.3%) presented with dyspareunia, and 1 (8.3%) presented with weight loss. The median preoperative lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was 504.5 U/L (138–569 U/L), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was 2.0 ng/ml (1.1–11.3 ng/ml), human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) was 0.6 mUI/ml (0.0–2.3 mUI/ml), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was 0.9 ng/ml (0.7–3.4 ng/ml), and cancer antigen 125 (CA-125) was 26.0 U/ml (19.1–147.0 U/ml). All of the tumors were unilateral and surgically treated. Lymphadenectomy was performed in 3 (25.0%) patients, but none of the three patients submitted to lymphadenectomy presented lymph node involvement. In the anatomopathological exam, 1 (8.3%) tumor was well-differentiated, 8 (66.7%) were moderately differentiated, and 3 (25.0%) were poorly differentiated. A total of 5 (55.6%) tumors were solid-cystic, 2 (22.2%) were purely cystic, 1 (11.1%) was cystic with vegetations, and 1 (11.1%) was purely solid, but for 3 patients this information was not available. The median lesion size was 14.2 cm (3.2–23.5 cm). All of the tumors were at stage IA of the 2014 classification of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). A total of 2 (16.7%) patients received adjuvant treatment; 1 of them underwent 3 cycles of paclitaxel and carboplatin every 21 days, and the other underwent 4 cycles of ifosfamide, cisplatin and etoposide every 21 days. None of all of the patients had recurrence, and one death related to complications after surgical staging occurred. Conclusion Abdominal pain was the most frequent presentation. There was no ultrasonographic pattern. All of the SLCTs were at stage IA, and most of them were moderately differentiated. Relapses did not occur, but one death related to the surgical staging occurred.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Валиев, Всеволод Сергеевич, Денис Евгеньевич Шамаев, Рустам Равилевич Хасанов e Виталий Викторович Маланин. "ПОДВИЖНОСТЬ ТЯЖЕЛЫХ МЕТАЛЛОВ В ДОННЫХ ОТЛОЖЕНИЯХ И ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ ЕЕ ИЗМЕНЧИВОСТИ". Российский журнал прикладной экологии, n.º 2 (6 de julho de 2022): 61–67.

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Blaschette, Armand, Martina Näveke e Peter G. Jones. "Polysulfonylamine, XXI [1]. Bis(dimesylamino)sulfan und Bis(dimesylamino)disulfan: Darstellung, Eigenschaften und Festkörperstrukturen". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 46, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1991): 5–14.

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High yield syntheses of the new diaminosulfanes (CH3SO2)2NSN (SO2CH3)2 (1) and (CH3SO2 )2 NSSN (SO2CH3)2 (2) are reported. 1 is obtained by the action of elemental sulfur on (CH3S O2)2NCl and by metathesis of (CH3SO2)2N Ag with SCl2, 2 by the analogous metathesis with S2Cl2. 2 is converted to 1 by partial desulfurization with (C6H5)3 P. 1 and 2 are active transfer reagents of the S2⊕ or S5⊕ group, respectively. Thus, the reaction o f 1 or 2 with n -butanol gives the alkoxysulfanes C4H9OSnOC4H9 (n = 1, 2), and their reaction with [(CH3)3Si]2NH leads to the silylated diaminosulfanes [(CH3)3Si]2NSnN[Si(CH3)3]2 (n = 1, 2). The crystal structures of the title com pounds were determined at - 9 5 °C. The most important features of the structure of 1 are the near planarity of the three bonds around the nitrogen atoms (sum of bond angles 356.9 ), the distances N - SII 169.7 and N -SVI 171.5 pm , and the N - SII -N bond angle o f 105.3° (mean values for two independent molecules). In 2, both nitrogen atoms have a planar geometry (sum of bond angles 360.0°; distance from the plane of their bonded atoms ≤ 2 pm). All N - S bond lengths are approximately equal (mean values: N - SII 170.4, N - SVI 170.7 pm). The S - S bond length is 202.1 pm. The torsion angle N - S - S - N of -8 5 ° lies in the usual range for disulfides X - S - S - Y . For comparison, the known structure of CH3 - N (SO2CH3)2 was redetermined at - 9 5 °C.
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Hull, L. A., C. M. Felland e D. J. Biddinger. "Apple, Concentrate Acaricide Evaluation Experiment, 1991". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 17, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1992): 22–23.

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Abstract Treatments were applied to single-tree plots in a randomized block design consisting of 3 replicates of 'Yorking' and 2 replicates of 'Golden Delicious'. The trees were planted to a spacing of 20 × 20 ft and were 18-yr-old. Experimental sprays were applied with a Myers Mity Mist sprayer calibrated to deliver 100 GPA at 2 mph, with the exception of HHE-3736 70 WG and Savey 50 WP which were applied with a handgun from a truck-mounted John Bean sprayer equipped with a 35 gal/min pump at 4.2 gallons of spray/tree. Pre-bloom sprays were applied at the half-inch green stage of tree development (8 Apr) for Sun 6 E Oil and the Apollo treatments and at pink (17 Apr) for AC-801757 20 EC. Post-bloom sprays were applied based on the following thresholds of motile mites/leaf: 5-10 for AC-801757 following Sun 6 E Oil, 5 for Kelthane 50 WP, and 3-5 for HHE-3736 70 WG and Savey 50 WP. Kelthane sprays were delayed due to extraneous circumstances. General sprays of fungicides (Benlate, Captan, Nova, and Thiram) were made at 1-2 week intervals throughout the experiment. Insecticides (Guthion and Lannate) were applied at 1-2 week intervals beginning with petal-fall in early May. Effectiveness of the treatments against mites was evaluated by counts at approximately weekly intervals during the season on samples of 25 leaves/tree, 125 leaves/treatment. The predator, S. punctum was observed by making 3 minute counts of adults and larvae around the periphery of the trees. Russet ratings are based on 30 Golden Delicious apples/replicate, 60/treatment. Fruits were rated as 0 (no russet), 1 (raised lenticels), 2 (1-10% russeted surface), 3 (11-25% russeted surface), 4 (26-50% russeted surface), or 5 (>51% russeted surface). Possible ranges are 0-30 (none to raised lenticels), 31-60 (raised lenticels to 1-10% russeted surface), 61-90 (1-10% to 11-25% russeted surface), 91-120 (11-25% to 26-50% russeted surface), and 121-150 (26-50% to >51% russeted surface)
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Zakwan Asrari e Taosige Wau. "Macroeconomics, sharia, and economic inequality in The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): An empirical study". Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 10, n.º 3 (31 de maio de 2023): 203–19.

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ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the level of income inequality in member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OC). The research period used was from 2012 to 2021, using the System Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) analysis tool. The variables used consist of the Gini ratio (proxy of income inequality), economic growth, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), inflation, the average length of schooling (human capital proxy), and corruption perception index (sharia proxy). The results showed that sharia, human, and inflation variables had a negative effect, while economic growth and FDI had a positive and significant effect on income inequality in OIC countries. These results show that in addition to economic factors and human capital, sharia elements cannot be released in overcoming income inequality in OIC countries. Sharia is a driving factor in a more even distribution of income. Keywords: Income Inequality, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), System Generalized Method of Moment (GMM), Sharia ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat ketimpangan pendapatan di negara anggota Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Periode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dari tahun 2012 sampai dengan tahun 2021, dengan menggunakan alat analisis System Generalized Method of Moment (GMM). Variabel yang digunakan terdiri dari rasio gini (proksi ketimpangan pendapatan), pertumbuhan ekonomi, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), inflasi, rata-rata lama sekolah (proksi human capital), dan indeks persepsi korupsi (proksi syariah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel syariah, human, dan inflasi berpengaruh negatif, sedangkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan FDI berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan di negara-negara OIC. 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[PdCl2(PPh3)2] reacts with Se(SiMe3)2 to form a mixture of multinuclear Pd complexes, [Pd3Se2(SeSiMe3)2(PPh3)4] (1), [Pd5Se5(PPh3)5] (2) and [Pd8Se8(PPh3)8] (3). 1 can be used as starting material for the synthesis of further Pd clusters. Reactions of 1 with [CpCrCl2(THF)], [PdCl2(PPh3)2] and [NiCl2(PPh3)2] lead to the formation of [Pd6Se4Cl4(PPh3)6] (4), [Pd8Se8Cl(PPh3)8]+[CpCrCl3]- (5), [Pd5Se4Cl2(PPh3)6] (6) and [Pd7Se6(SeH)Cl(PPh3)7] (7). The complexes [Pd6Se4(SeH)2Cl2(PPh3)6] and [Pd6Se4(SeH)4(PPh3)6] have structures similar to 4, and are formed by reaction of [PdCl2(NBD)] or [PdCl(COD)]2(BF4)2 with PPh3 and Se(SiMe3)2.Reaction of [(C3H5)PdCl]2 with [NiCl2(PPh3)2] and S(SiMe3)2 leads to the formation of the heterometal cluster [Pd4NiS4Cl2(PPh3)6] (8).The molecular structures of 2-8 show quite clearly that these compounds may be considered as intermediates on the route towards multinuclear Pd complexes.
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Using the experimental data obtained intheprocesso fchange inthetime of the degree of increase in gas pressure, as well as the performance of the centrifugal supercharger of the gas pumping unit, . Digitization of graphs of change of degree of increase of pressure of gas, and also productivity of the centrifugal supercharger of gas-pumping unitis made with the help of software Graph2Digit. The digitization wasper formed with a sampling period of 0.3 s. The number of values forth edegree of increase of gaspressure, as well as the performance of the centrifugal pump gas pumping unitis 581 each. The experimental data are divide dinto ranges (1 - 811 sec - 818 sec; 2 - 818 sec - 825 sec; 3 - 811 sec - 831 sec; 4 - 825 sec - 831 sec; 5 - 827 pp. - 832 pp .; 6 - 829 pp. - 831 pp.). In the course of the study, the mathematical expectation for each of the intervals, as well as the spectral density equation for the degree of gas pressure increase and the spectral density equation for the performance of the centrifugal supercharger of the gaspumping unit, were determined at appropriate intervals. Using there lation between the spectral densitiesand the fact function of the Matlab software product, which factorizes fractional-rational expression, the gear function saredetermine date achinter valand the stability stocks are determine dusing the Nyquist criterion. The plot of the stability reserve of the centrifugal supercharger of the gas pumping unit as an object of control from the mathematical expectation, which is obtained on the basis of the spectral density ratios, is made. This dependency is approximated by the CurveExpert Professional software to select the optimalma them at icalmodel. From the set of results, the one with the high estcorrelation coefficient and the small eststandard error isselected.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hull, L. A., D. J. Biddinger e C. M. Felland. "Apple, Airblast Insect Experiment, 1991". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 17, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1992): 17–21.

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Abstract Experimental sprays were applied to 3 tree plots in a randomized block design consisting of 3 replicates of'Yorking' and 2 replicates of'Golden Delicious' with a buffer row between blocks. These trees were planted to a spacing of 20 × 30 ft and were 16-yrs-old. Experimental sprays were applied with a Friend Airmaster '309' at 50 gpa per alternate side spray (100 GPA-both sides) driven at 2.3 mph. Rates for treatments are listed as amounts/acre/both sides spray. The Diazinon/Insegar treatment received complete sprays for all covers and the RH-5992 treatments received complete sprays on 22 May and 15 Jul. A routine schedule of fungicides (Benlate, Dikar, Nova, and Dithane M-45) was maintained throughout the experiment. For a complete schedule of all treatments, see the first table. Effectiveness on the aphid complex was evaluated by counting aphid-infested leaves/10 top terminals, and aphids/most infested leaf. Effect of sprays on WALH was evaluated by counting nymphs/25 injured leaves/tree. Effectiveness of test chemicals on ERM was evaluated by counting mites several times during the season on samples of 25 random leaves/tree, 100 leaves/treatment. Effect of sprays on the predator S. punctum was evaluated by 3-min counts of adults and larvae around the periphery of test trees. STLM were evaluated by a 5- min count of mines around the periphery of trees at the end of each of the three generations before peak emergence of the next generation adults. TABM were also evaluated with a similar 5-min count of shelters on 11 Jul during the first generation when most larvae were late fourth and fifth instars. Effectiveness of chemicals on fruit feeders was assessed by scoring for injury all drops between 3 Jul and 1 Sep and two picked samples on 21 Aug (35 apples/replicate) and 24 Sep (100 apples/replicate). All lepidopteran larvae from one replicate of each treatment that were found at the time of scoring were placed singly on an artificial lima diet normally used for rearing TABM. These larvae were then reared to adults in sealed 22 ml plastic cups at 25°C and 16:8 LD. Adults were identified to species and parasites noted to give an indication of the proportion of species attacking the apples at various times of the season. Pest pressure was extremely high throughout the season. Fruits were rated as 0 (no russet), 1 (raised lenticels), 2 (1-10% russeted surface), 3 (11-25% russeted surface), 4 (26-50% russeted surface), or 5 (>51% russeted surface). Possible ranges are 0-30 (none to raised lenticels), 31-60 (raised lenticels to 1-10% russeted surface), 61-90 (1-10% to 11-25% russeted surface), 91-120 (11-25% to 26-50% russeted surface), and 121-150 (26-50% to >51% russeted surface).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Schmidt, V. "Diehl, Joerg M.; Arbinger, Roland: Einführung in die Inferenzstatistik. Verlag Dietmar Klotz GmbH, Eschborn b. Frankfurt/Main 1990, 817 + XVI S., ISBN 3–88074–237–5". Biometrical Journal 33, n.º 6 (1991): 770–71.

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Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Greiner, J., e C. Motch. "A Large Amplitude Flaring dMe Star in the 1978 October 6B γ-ray Burst Error Box". International Astronomical Union Colloquium 151 (1995): 91–94.

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During a search for flaring optical counterparts to γ-ray burst sources (GRBs) on archival patrol plates, an optical outburst image was found in the 3200 arcmin2 error box of the GRB which occurred on 1978 October 6 (GB 781006B = GBS 0008+13; Greiner et al. 1991) and was named S 10933 according to the convention of new Sonneberg variables. This outburst image appears on three simultaneously exposed plates taken on 1966 August 14/15 from 23.33 to 0.13 UT. The brightness estimates yielded mpg = 13m.3 ± 0m.1 and mv = 13m.8 ± 0m.2 with a high negative colour index of C = −0m.5 ± 0m.3.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Senoo, Satoshi, Tetsuji Iida, Kou Shouda, Yukiharu Sato, Beate Nicolaus, Peter Böger e Ko Wakabayashi. "Enzyme-Modified Phytotoxic Structure of Thiadiazolidine Compounds". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 51, n.º 7-8 (1 de agosto de 1996): 518–26.

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Abstract A simple model thiadiazolidine, 5-(4-methoxycarbonylmethylthio-phenylimino)-3,4-tetra-methylene-1,3,4-thiadiazolidin-2-one, was synthesized and its structural modification investigated using glutathione S-transferase (GST) and an esterase preparation isolated from Echinochloa utilis. The objective is a better understanding of the metabolic activation of peroxidizing thiadiazolidine compounds. The model thiadiazolidine with an ester group (thiadiazolidine ester) was isomerized by GST to a more phytotoxic triazolidine structure (triazolidine ester). Both the thiadiazolidine and the more active triazolidine ester were hydrolyzed by Echinochloa esterase to less active free acid compounds. 5-(4-carboxymethylthiophenylimino)-3,4-tetramethylene-1,3,4-thiadiazolidin-2-one (thiadiazolidine acid) and 4-(4-carboxy-methylthiophenyl)-1,2-tetramethylene-1,2,4-triazolidin-3-one-5-thione (triazolidine acid), respectively. The thiadiazolidine acid, however, was only slightly converted into the triazolidine acid in the presence of GST. It is concluded that the thiadiazolidine ester was isomerized in Echinochloa to give the triazolidine acid through the triazolidine ester. Since the triazolidine ester exhibited the highest phytotoxic peroxidizing activity GST is considered as an activating enzyme for phytotoxicity and esterase as a detoxifying enzyme to reduce phytotoxic activity. Accordingly, phytotoxic thiadiazolidine-ester type herbicides may be produced by an interplay of isomerizing GST and esterase activity contributing to herbicide selectivity among plant species.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Özcan, M., C. Koolman, A. Aladag e M. Dündar. "Effects of Different Surface Conditioning Methods on the Bond Strength of Composite Resin to Amalgam". Operative Dentistry 36, n.º 3 (1 de maio de 2011): 318–25.

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SUMMARY Repairing amalgam restorations with composite resins using surface conditioning methods is a conservative treatment approach. This study investigated the effects of different conditioning methods that could be used for repair of amalgam fractures. Amalgam (N=96) was condensed into cavities within autopolymerizing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and the exposed surface of each specimen (diameter, 6 mm; thickness, 2 mm) was ground finished. The specimens were randomly divided into nine experimental groups (n=12 per group), depending on the conditioning method used. The control group had natural central incisors with amalgam (n=12). The combination of the following conditioning methods was tested: silicacoating (Sc), sandblasting (Sb), metal primers, coupling agents, fiber (Fb) application, and opaquers (O). Five types of silanes, metal primers, or adhesives (Visiobond [V], Porcelain Photobond [PP], Alloy Primer [AP], Unibond sealer [Us], ESPE-Sil [ES]), and four opaquers, namely, Clearfil St Opaquer (CstO), Sinfony (S), Miris (M), and an experimental Opaquer (EO-Cavex), were used. The groups were as follows: group 1, Sc+ES+S+V; group 2, Sc+ES+CstO+V; group 3, Sc+ES+M+V; group 4, Sc+ES+EO+V; group 5, Sb+AP+S; group 6, Sb+AP+PP+CstO; group 7, Sc+ES+S+Fb+V+Fb; group 8-control, SC+ES+V; and group 9, Etch+Sc+ES+S+Us. One repair composite was used for all groups (Clearfil Photo Bond Posterior, Kuraray, Tokyo, Japan). Shear bond strengths (SBSs) (MPa ± SD) were evaluated after 5 weeks of water storage (analysis of variance [ANOVA], Tukey honestly significant differences [HSD], α=0.05). Group 1 exhibited significantly higher values (35.5 ± 4.1) than were seen in group 4 (19.4 ± 8.9), group 6 (19.1 ± 7.8), and group 8 (20.1 ± 4.1) (p<0.05). Group 9 exhibited significantly lower values (8.3 ± 3.4) than were noted in groups 1 to 3 (35.5 ± 4.1; 27 ± 12.5; 24.4 ± 5.1, respectively) (p<0.05). Group 7 (16.4 ± 5.9) showed significantly lower values than were observed in group 1 (35.5 ± 4.1) (p<0.05). Surface conditioning techniques affected the bond strengths of composite adhesion to amalgam. Experimental opaquer exhibited lower values. Leaving a small border of enamel around the restoration decreased the bond strength.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mesquita, L. G., F. Perecin, P. R. Adona, C. L. V. Leal, L. C. Smith e F. V. Meirelles. "163 DEVELOPMENT OUTCOME AND MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE POTENTIAL IN BOVINE PARTHENOTES SUBMITTED TO MITOCHONDRIAL SUPPLEMENTATION AND DEPLETION AT THE 1-CELL STAGE". Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22, n.º 1 (2010): 240.

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Apart from supplying ATP for cellular function by establishing a proton gradient across the inner membrane (Ψmm), mitochondria also play a central role in death pathways of most cells in the organism. Since mitochondria undergo major transformations during early embryogenesis, we hypothesize that the amount of these organelles at the 1-cell stage is correlated to development. Herein we evaluated the impact of mitochondrial supplementation and depletion on embryonic development and Ψmm. Immature oocytes were collected from ovaries of slaughtered cows and submitted to in vitro maturation for 26 h and parthenogenetically activated by 5 min exposure to 5 μM ionomycin followed by 3 h culture in 2 mM 6-DMAP (control, C). In order to deplete mitochondria (depletion, D), zygotes were centrifuged (15 min 10,000g in HEPES-SOF with cytochalasin B) and the mitochondria, at the mitochondria-enriched cytoplast fraction (MECF), were partially removed by micro-manipulation. Mitochondria supplementation was performed by introducing the MECF from the depleted zygote into another zygote (supplemented, S). Centrifugation and cytoplasm removal effects (7.1% of volume) were tested using 2 other control groups: centrifuged zygotes (centrifuged control, CC) and aspirated zygotes (aspirated control, AC). Embryos were submitted to Mitotracker CMXRos (500 ηM) staining to measure Ψmm levels. Zygotes were cultured in SOF medium for 3, 72, and 168 h in 5% O2, 5% CO2, and 90% N2. Blastocysts were fixed and stained with Hoechst 33342 to count nuclei. At 72 h, development to the 8-cell stage was reduced in CC (41.6%), D (37.0%), and S (33.2%) groups when compared to C (52.5%) and AC (49.3%) control groups (P < 0.05, chi-square). Similar findings were observed at 168 h where the CC (31.9%), D (21.0%), and S (19.1%) group showed reduced development to the blastocyst stage when compared to the C (40.5%) and AC (41.8) control groups (P > 0.05, chi-square). Moreover, nuclear number was significantly reduced in the D (101.6 ± 12.4) and S (102.2 ± 7.8) groups when compared to the C (137.9 ± 6.7) and CC (126.6 ± 7.4) controls. The AC group (112.2 ± 7.8) is similar to CC, D, and S. These results indicate a sensitivity of embryos to changes (i.e. supplementation and depletion) in the number of mitochondria present at the 1-cell stage on further development to the 8-cell and blastocyst stages. With the exception of Ψmm of AC blastocysts at 168 (62.8 ± 6.8, P < 0.05; the Tuckey test), all other controls and treated blastocysts showed similar Ψmm levels (100.0 ± 6.2; 84.1 ± 8.3; 85.9 ± 6.6; 97.1 ± 19.1, respectively for C, CC, D, and S groups). Although, these results indicate that the Ψmm is not affected by the removal or addition of mitochondria. A reduction in cytoplasm volume (only the AC group) seems to adversely affect the ability of mitochondria to sustain normal Φmm levels at the blastocyst stage without affecting development or nuclear number. Together, supplementation and depletion of MECF are detrimental to development through mechanisms independent of mitochondrial Ψmm. Financial support: FAPESP-Brazil.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Williamson, B. J., H. Downes e M. F. Thirlwall. "The relationship between crustal magmatic underplating and granite genesis: an example from the Velay granite complex, Massif Central, France". Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 83, n.º 1-2 (1992): 235–45.

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ABSTRACTThe Velay granite pluton (Massif Central, France) is the youngest (304 ± 5 Ma) and largest (∼6,900 km2) of the major Massif Central monzogranites/granodiorites and was formed nearly 50 Ma after the cessation of Hercynian continental collision (Pin & Duthou 1990). It is a highly heterogeneous pluton consisting of I-type, high-Sr granites (Sr = 500-900 ppm) with low (+35 to +41) and high (-3 to -5), at its centre, grading into S-type and mixed I-S-type heterogeneous granites of more normal Sr content (100–420 ppm) and higher (+40 to +210) and lower (-3·8 to -7.3) at its margins.The metasedimentary lower crust of the Massif Central was underplated/intruded by mafic mantle-derived magmas between 360 Ma and 300 Ma. From 300-280 Ma (Downes et al. 1991) underplating led to partial melting and granulite facies metamorphism of the underplated material (represented by felsic and mafic meta-igneous lower crustal xenoliths, = –11 to +112, = +2·2 to 8·2, Downes et al 1990). The partial melts assimilated mainly schist but also felsic gneiss and older granite country rock material ( = +100 to +300, = - 5 to -9) to produce the heterogeneous granites. Plagioclase and biotite were accumulated at the base of the intrusion which was intruded to high levels to form the high-Sr granites.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Мингазов, Шамиль Рафхатович. "БУЛГАРСКИЕ РЫЦАРИ ЛАНГОБАРДСКОГО КОРОЛЕВСТВА". Археология Евразийских степей, n.º 6 (20 de dezembro de 2020): 132–56.

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Настоящая работа является первым общим описанием на русском языке двух некрополей Кампокиаро (Кампобассо, Италия) – Виченне и Морионе, датируемых последней третью VII в. – началом VIII в. Культурное содержание некрополей показывает прочные связи с населением центральноазиатского происхождения. Важнейшим признаком некрополей являются захоронения с конем, соответствующие евразийскому кочевому погребальному обряду. Автор поддержал выводы европейских исследователей о том, что с большой долей вероятности некрополи оставлены булгарами дукса–гаштальда Алзеко, зафиксированными Павлом Диаконом в VIII в. на территориях Бояно, Сепино и Изернии. Аналогии некрополей Кампокиаро с погребениями Аварского каганата показывают присутствие в аварском обществе булгар со схожим погребальным обрядом. Из тысяч погребений с конем, оставленных аварским населением, булгарам могла принадлежать большая часть. Авары и булгары составляли основу и правящую верхушку каганата. Народ Алзеко являлся той частью булгар, которая в 631 г. боролась за каганский престол, что указывает на высокое положение булгар и их большое количество. После поражения эта группа булгар мигрировала последовательно в Баварию, Карантанию и Италию. Несколько десятков лет проживания в венедской, а затем в лангобардской и романской среде привели к гетерогенности погребального инвентаря, но не изменили сам обряд. Булгары лангобардского королевства составляли новый военный слой, который представлял из себя профессиональную кавалерию, получивший землю. Эта конная дружина является ранним примером европейского феодального воинского и социального сословия, которое станет называться рыцарством. Библиографические ссылки Акимова М.С. Материалы к антропологии ранних болгар // Генинг В.Ф., Халиков А.Х. Ранние болгары на Волге (Больше–Тарханский могильник). М.: Наука, 1964. С. 177–191. Амброз А.К. Кинжалы VI – VIII вв, с двумя выступами на ножнах // СА. 1986. № 4. С. 53–73. 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Rohwerder, Michael. "Kelvin Probe Techniques in Corrosion Science: An Overview of the Latest Developments". ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2022-02, n.º 13 (9 de outubro de 2022): 777.

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Over the last years, Kelvin probe techniques have found a more and more widespread application in corrosion science. While the pioneering applications by Stratmann et al were focused on investigating corrosion underneath ultra-thin electrolyte layers to cathodic delamination of organic coatings [1, 2], over the last 15 years the Kelvin probe method was shown to be applicable for new applications such as mapping hydrogen activities, measuring hydrogen permeation [3] and even measuring oxygen reduction at buried interfaces [4] or on surfaces just covered by a monolayer of water [5]. In this contribution examples about the latest developments of its application in corrosion science will be presented, from coating delamination to hydrogen in materials. [1] M. Stratmann, H. Streckel, Corros. Sci., 30 (1990), pp. 681-696 [2] M. Stratmann, H. Streckel, R. Feser, Corros. Sci., 32 (1991), pp. 467-470 [3] S. Evers, M. Rohwerder, Electrochemistry Communications 24 (2012) 85 [4] D. Vijayshankar, T.H. Tran, A. Bashir, S. Evers. M. Rohwerder, Electrochimica Acta 189 (2016) 111-117 [5] X.K. Zhong, M. Schulz, C.H. Wu, M. Rabe, A. Erbe, M. Rohwerder, Chemelectrochem 8(4) (2021) 712-718
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Hull, L. A., D. J. Biddinger e C. M. Felland. "Apple, Dilute Insecticide Experiment, 1991". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 17, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1992): 13–16.

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Abstract Experimental sprays were applied to run-off to single-tree plots in a randomized block design consisting of 2 replicates of'Golden Delicious' and 2 replicates of'Yorking'. Treated single trees were separated by others not sprayed with insecticides. The trees were planted to a spacing of 20 × 35 ft and were 35-yrs-old. Sprays were applied with a John Bean sprayer, 35 gpm pump, equipped with a spray mast carrying 7 spray guns arranged to wet to run-off the uniformly trimmed trees. Approximately 6.0 gallons of spray were applied per replicate tree (ca 400 GPA). Refer to the first table for application dates. Applications for Exp. Comp. 1 and 2 were timed for CM control based on pheromone trap catches and a degree day based computer predictive model. The first two treatments of Exp. Comp. 1 and 2 received Guthion applications at petal-fall (15 May) and 4th cover (9 Jul) to lessen OFM damage that might mask CM damage. The last two treatments of Exp. Comp. 1 and 2 were optimally timed single applications for peak egg deposition of each CM generation. Effectiveness on the aphid complex was evaluated by counting aphid-infested leaves/10 top terminals, and aphis/most infested leaf. Effect of sprays on WALH was evaluated by counting nymphs/25 injured leaves/tree. Effectiveness of test chemicals on ERM was evaluated by counting mites several times during the season on samples of 25 random leaves/tree, 100 leaves/treatment. Effect of sprays on the predator S. punctum was evaluated by 3-min counts of adults and larvae around the periphery of test trees. STLM was evaluated by a 5-min count of mines around the periphery of trees at the end of each of the three generations before peak emergence of the next generation adults. TABM were also evaluated with a similar 5-min count of rolled leaf shelters on 11 Jul during the first generation when most larvae were late fourth and fifth instars. Effectiveness of chemicals on fruit feeders was assessed by scoring for injury all dropped apples from 1 Jul to 28 Aug and picked samples of 25 fruit/tree on 9 Aug and 35 fruit/tree on 20 Aug. A final harvest pick evaluation of 120 fruit/tree was made on 18 Sep. All internal lepidopteran larvae from one replicate of each treatment at each drop and pick evaluation date were placed singly on an artificial lima diet normally used for rearing TABM. These larvae were then reared to adults in sealed 22 ml plastic cups at 25°C and 16:8 LD. Adult lepidoptera were identified to species and parasites were noted to give an indication of the proportion of species attacking apples at various times of the season. Lepidoptera pest pressure was extremely high throughout the season. Fruits were rated as 0 (no russet), 1 (raised lenticels), 2 (1-10% russeted surface), 3 (11-25% russeted surface), 4 (26-50% russeted surface), or 5 (&gt;51% russeted surface). Possible ranges are 0-30 (none to raised lenticels), 31-60 (raised lenticels to 1-10% russeted surface), 61-90 (1-10% to 11-25% russeted surface), 91-120 (11-25% to 26-50% russeted surface), and 121-150 (26-50% to &gt;51% russeted surface).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Shingarova, M., E. Alexeeva, T. Dvoryakovskaya, K. Savostyanov, A. Pushkov, E. Chistyakova, K. Isaeva et al. "FRI0464 GENOTYPING AND PHENOTYPING PATTERNS IN PATIENTS WITH CAPS IN RUSSIAN FEDERATION". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79, Suppl 1 (junho de 2020): 829.2–830.

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Background:Cryopyrine-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) are a group of rare congenital auto-inflammatory diseases (AID) that include diseases such as familial cold auto-inflammatory syndrome (FCAS), Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), and CINCA/NOMID syndrome. At present, there are limited data on demographic and clinical features of children with CAPS in Russia.Objectives:To reveal demographic, genotype and phenotype characteristics in CAPS patients at the National Medical Research Center of Children`s health, Moscow, Russia.Methods:Retrospective study included 12 patients (7 females, 58.3%) with CAPS confirmed by next generation sequencing (NGS). Median age of disease onset was 5.7 (interquartile range (IQR) 0.5:12.8) years. Characteristics of disease onset as well as dynamics of disease activity during long-term treatment were evaluated.Results:At the onset, systemic features were as follows: fever in 11 (91.6%) patients, rash in 8 (66.7%), hepatosplenomegaly in 7 (58.3%) patients, and lymphadenopathy in 6 (50%). Active arthritis in the onset of the disease was in 9/12 patients (75%), presented by polyarthritis in 7/9 (77.8%), and oligoarthritis in 2/9 (22.2%). Two patients (16.7%) had cataract, one (8.3%) had bilateral uveitis, and one (8.3%) had optic atrophy. Sensorineural hearing loss was observed only in 3/12 (25%). Hydrocephalus was detected in 3/12 (25%). Delayed mental and psycho-speech development was observed in 6/12 (50%) patients. In 3/12 (25%), the development of MAS was recorded.All patients had nucleotide variants inNLRP3gene. According to NGS results and clinical characteristics, 8/12 (66.7%) patients were diagnosed with MWS and 4/12 (33.3%) had CINCA/NOMID syndrome. In children with MWS, heterozygous variantc.2113C>AinNLRP3gene was the most common (5/8 (62.5%) patients). One of 8 (12.5%) patients with novel heterozygous variantc.2861C>Twas detected; also one child (12.5%) have heterozygous variantc.598G>Aand one (12.5%) – heterozygous variantc.943A>G. Four patients with CINCA/NOMID syndrome also had heterozygous variants inNLRP3gene:c.598G>A,c.2173C>A,c.1991T>Candc.796C>T.Prior to genetic testing, 12/12 (100%) patients received NSAIDs; 6/12 (50%) were treated with oral glucocorticoids (GC), 3/12 (25%) – with intravenous GC, 2/12 (22.2%) – with methotrexate. Biologics treatment included: 5/12 (41.7%) CAN, 4/12 (33.3%) tocilizumab, and 1/12 (8.3%) etanercept. After genetic testing, 7/12 (58.3%) patients were successfully switched to CAN. Only 1/12 (8.3%) child with MWS developed secondary inefficiency on CAN treatment.Conclusion:Systemic manifestations were detected in 91.6% of children, while active arthritis was observed in 75% of patients, which can cause difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of CAPS. The effectiveness of canakinumab therapy was estimated in 91.6% of patients. The most frequent variant of theNLRP3gene in MWS wasc.2113C>A. In patients with CINCA/NOMID syndrome all nucleotide variants were individual.Disclosure of Interests:Meyri Shingarova: None declared, Ekaterina Alexeeva Grant/research support from: Roche, Pfizer, Centocor, Novartis, Speakers bureau: Roche, Novartis, Pfizer., Tatyana Dvoryakovskaya: None declared, Kirill Savostyanov: None declared, Aleksander Pushkov: None declared, Evgeniya Chistyakova: None declared, Ksenia Isaeva: None declared, Aleksandra Chomakhidze: None declared, Olga Lomakina: None declared, Rina Denisova: None declared, Anna Mamutova: None declared, Anna Fetisova: None declared, Marina Gautier: None declared, Dariya Vankova: None declared, Elizaveta Krekhova: None declared, Ivan Kriulin: None declared, Natalia Zhurkova: None declared, Rustam Tepaev: None declared, Alina Alshevskaya: None declared, Andrey Moskalev: None declared
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Horsley, G. H. R. "The Mysteries of Artemis Ephesia in Pisidia: a New Inscribed Relief". Anatolian Studies 42 (dezembro de 1992): 119–50.

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Of the roughly 160 inscriptions currently held in the Archaeological Museum at Burdur, only a fraction has been published hitherto. The following articles have published monuments from the Museum:1. G. E. Bean, “Sculptured and inscribed stones at Burdur”, Belleten 18 (1954) 469–88 (Turkish version: 489–510); inscribed stones: nos. 3–5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17–22 (SEG 14.797–809), of which nos. 8, 13, 19–22 seem no longer to be located in the Museum or the adjacent garden (it should be mentioned that Bean wrote before the Museum was formally established).2. Id., “Notes and inscriptions from Pisidia, I”, AS 9 (1959) 67–117; inscriptions from Burdur: nos. 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4–9, 21, 87 (SEG 19.734–42, 753, 819), of which nos. 4 (at the Lycée in 1959) and 6 (at Aşkış in 1959) have not been located.3. Id., “Notes and inscriptions from Pisidia, II”, AS 10 (I960) 43–82, no. 135 (SEG 19.802). A photograph of this monument is included in the present article as Pl. XXXII (b); see further, pp. 126, 127, 131–32 below.4. S. Mitchell, “Requisitioned transport in the Roman Empire: a new inscription from Pisidia”, JRS 66 (1976) 106–31 (AE [1976] 653; SEG 26.1392); redated to early under Tiberius by E. A. Judge, “The regional kanon for requisitioned transport”, in G. H. R. Horsley, New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity, I. A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri published in 1976 (North Ryde, 1981) 36–45 no. 9 (SEG 31.1286); the date accepted with further refinement by Mitchell in Chiron 16 (1986) 25–27 (SEG 36.1208).
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Soderstrom, E. L., J. Smilanick, R. Denis-Arrue, D. J. Henson e D. G. Brandl. "Vapor Phase Hydrogen Peroxide for Control of Indianmeal Moth in Packaged Almonds, 1991". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 17, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1992): 371.

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Abstract Eggs (0-3 d old) placed in open petri dishes or peroxide penetrable bags and last instar larvae placed in plastic bags were fumigated with vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide. Half of the bags contained 5 ‘Carmel’ almond nutmeats. The bags used for fumigation were constructed of Poly/Tyvek (American Sterilizer Co.) and were 8 cm wide by 13 cm long. Fumigations were conducted in a VHP Dental Sterilizer (fumitorium) manufactured by American Sterilizer Co., Apex, NC. One hundred eggs or ten larvae were placed per container and treated with a dose of 8.9 °9.0 g of 35% liquid H2O2 injected on either cycle I (deep vacuum 32mm Hg) or cycle II (shallow vacuum ca. 400mm Hg), both cycles employed repeated injections of 40 micro s duration over the treatment period. Preliminary testing indicated that cycle I produced greater mortalities than did treatment under cycle II, therefore, cycle I was employed for the reported tests. Each treatment required 30 minutes and chamber temperature rose to 43-47°C. Controls were treated as described except water was substituted for hydrogen peroxide. Each test was replicated three times.
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Jaenicke, Lothar. "Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, 1901–1992. Herausgegeben vonL. K. James. American Chemical Society, Washington, 1993. 814 S., geb. 69.95 $/Broschur 34.95 TOGGLE. – ISBN 0-8412-2459-5/0-8412-2690-3". Angewandte Chemie 107, n.º 2 (18 de janeiro de 1995): 261.

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Sasaki, S. S., S. R. Sharar, J. M. Harlan, C. L. Rice e R. K. Winn. "Mild hemorrhagic shock does not enhance the risk of CD18 blockade to S. aureus skin inoculations". Journal of Applied Physiology 76, n.º 1 (1 de janeiro de 1994): 86–90.

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Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 60.3 recognizes the leukocyte CD18 glycoprotein and ameliorates much of the injury after hemorrhagic shock in rabbits and nonhuman primates. This MAb blocks neutrophil emigration and has been shown to increase the risk of infection after high-dose inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus into skin. Hemorrhagic shock might also cause an increased sensitivity to bacterial injections. Therefore, we examined changes in host sensitivity to subcutaneous injections of 10(5)–10(8) colony-forming units (CFU) of S. aureus just before shock. Cardiac output was lowered to 40–45% of baseline by phlebotomy for 1 h. Intravenous saline or MAb 60.3 (2 mg/kg) treatment immediately preceded resuscitation with the shed blood. Cefazolin was given intravenously for 3 days, and the animals were killed after 7 days for analysis of infectious risk by measuring the incidence and surface area of skin abscess/necrosis. Bacteria injection resulted in no infections at 10(5) or 10(6) CFU and one abscess/necrotic region at 10(7) CFU (7% incidence) in the MAb-treated group. However, injection of 10(8) CFU resulted in more abscesses/necrotic regions in the MAb- vs. saline-treated group (86 vs. 25%; P < 0.05). The average size of these lesions was also larger in the MAb-treated group (4.6 +/- 7.1 vs. 0.5 +/- 0.6 cm2; P < 0.001). These results were similar to previously published results without shock (Sharar et al., Surgery St. Louis 110:213–220, 1991). We conclude that mild hemorrhagic shock does not enhance the infectious risk of MAb 60.3 after subcutaneous S. aureus injection.
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McGrath, S. P., e F. J. Zhao. "Sulphur uptake, yield responses and the interactions between nitrogen and sulphur in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus)". Journal of Agricultural Science 126, n.º 1 (fevereiro de 1996): 53–62.

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SUMMARYField experiments were conducted to test the seed yield responses of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L., cvs Libravo or Falcon) to the addition of different rates of S fertilizer, at three N application rates, on a sandy loam at Woburn, Bedfordshire, in 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1993/94. Large increases in seed yields, ranging from 0·7 to 1·6 t/ha, or 42–267% on a relative scale, were obtained in response to the application of 40 kg S/ha with 180 and 230 kg N/ha treatments. The effects of S were highly significant in 1991/92 (P < 0·01) and 1993/94 (P < 0·001) and close to significant (P = 0·053) in 1990/91. The yield benefits were obtained mainly from the application of the first 10 kg S/ha and further yield increases were unlikely above 40 kg S/ha. Increasing N application from 180 to 230 kg/ha decreased seed yield in 1990/91 and 1993/94, when no S was applied. In contrast, seed yield was not increased by S at zero or low (50 or 100 kg/ha) N rates. The interactions between N and S on seed yield were significant (P < 0·05) in 1990/91 but not in the other two seasons. Application of S also increased seed oil content in 1993/94, when the degree of S deficiency was particularly severe. With an application of 230 kg N/ha, the crops took up 5–22 kg S/ha at maturity when no S was applied and 26–51 kg S/ha when 40 kg S/ha was applied. The utilization efficiency of the fertilizer S ranged from 50 to 73% in the three seasons. Although the concentrations of total N in plants were largely unaffected by S treatments, large amounts of NO3-N accumulated in the leaves of S-deficient plants in 1993/94. This indicates that N metabolism was disrupted by S deficiency. The concentrations of S and the N: S ratios in different tissues and the whole plant changed considerably with time. The concentration of S in leaves at early flowering was found to be the best index in predicting S deficiency in terms of seed yield, and a critical value of 3·8 mg/g was obtained. In comparison, the N: S ratio in leaves at early flowering was a much poorer predictor of S deficiency.
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Акынджи, Мелтем. "РЫБА И РЫБОЛОВСТВО У ДРЕВНИХ ТЮРКОВ (in turkish)". Археология Евразийских степей, n.º 3 (27 de julho de 2021): 285–97.

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В статье рассматривается значение слова «рыба», не только в современном турецком языке, но и в древних исторических текстах. Кроме того, раскрывается роль рыболовного хозяйства в жизни тюркских племен, а также образ рыбы в искусстве. В данном отношении слово «рыба», которая соответствует значениям города и животного объясняется в свете письменных источников. У каких тюркских племен рыболовная деятельность, основная экономика которых − животноводство, мало упоминается в письменных источниках. За этим, вероятно, стоит тот факт, что животноводство было выдвинуто на первый план с точки зрения экономики. Тем не менее, в некоторых письменных источниках упоминается несколько турецких племен, занимающихся рыболовством. В этом отношении, у каких тюркских племен существовало рыболовное хозяйство, устанавливается на основании арабских и персидских географических источников. Помимо конкретных значений слова рыба, не связанных с рыболовной деятельностью, смысловая нагрузка, приписываемая этому изображению в тюркской устной письменной традиции и искусстве, кратко истолковывается с помощью фольклора и археологических материалов. Изучение изменений, которые претерпела рыба в историческом процессе, важно с точки зрения выявления меняющихся филологических, религиозных и социальных факторов в турецком обществе, как внутренних, так и внешних. Библиографические ссылки Aitkali A. Arkeolojik ve Tarihi Açıdan Doğu Kazakistan’daki Türk Dönemi Anıtları (VI−XII yy). Akdeniz Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Tarih ABD. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2021. 292 s. Akdeniz D., Sırtlı A. Erken Dönem Mitolojisinde Afrodizyak Yiyeceklere Ait İnanışlar // Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies. 2020. 8 (4). S. 2745–2768. Artamanov M. İ. Hazar Tarihi. İstanbul: Selenge Yayınları, 2008. 670 s. Badakoğlu U. Antik Kaynaklar ve Güncel Çalışmalar Işığında Sarmatlar-İskitler. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi. Sosyal Bilimler Ent. Tarih ABD. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Bilecik, 2018. 165 s. Başer A. Osmanlı Devleti ve Gagauzlarla İlişkilerin İlk Devresine Dair Bazı Gözlemler. Gagauz Dili, Tarihi, Coğrafyası ve İnanç Sistemleri. I. Uluslararası Devleti Olmayan Türk Toplulukları Bilgi Şöleni. 2018. S. 9−22. Baştav Ş. Avrupa Hunları. Türkler Ansiklopedisi. C. I. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 2002. S. 853−886. Çoruhlu Y. Türk Mitolojisinin Ana Hatları. İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınları, 2011. 256 s. Durmuş İ. İskitler // Doğu Avrupa Türk Tarihi / Ed. O. Karatay ve S. Acar. İstanbul: Kitabevi, 2018. S. 9−54. Eliade M. Dinler Tarihine Giriş. İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınları, 2014. 455 s. Gırnati Seyahatnamesi. Haz. Fatih Sabuncu. İstanbul: Yeditepe Yayınları, 2011. 222 s. Grakov B.N. İskitler. İstanbul: Selenge Yayınları, 2020. 372 s. Herodotos. Tarih. Çev. M. Ökmen. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2017. 817 s. Ögel B. Türk Mitolojisi. C. II. Ankara: TTK Yayınları, 2014a. 778 s. Roux J. P. Türklerin ve Moğolların Eski Dini. İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınları, 2011. 381 s. Sümer F. Eski Türklerde Şehircilik. Ankara: TTK Yayınları, 2014. 113 s. Taşağıl A. Kök Tengri’nin Çocukları. İstanbul: Bilge, Kültür Sanat, 2016. 368 s. Theophanes. The Cronicle of Theophanes the Conffesor. Translation by Harry Turtledova. University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia, 1982. 204 p. Tolstov S. Oğuz Şehirleri ve Oğuzlar. Çev. E. Şeremeteva. İstanbul: Doğu Kütüphanesi, 2017. 123 s. Topsakal İ. Sibirya Tarihi. İstanbul: Ötüken Yayınları, 2017. 261 s. Üstündağ E. Mersin Balıkları. SÜMAE Yunus Araştırma Bülteni. 5 (2). Haziran 2005. S. 5–8. Бадетская Э.Д., Поляков А.В, Степанова Н.Ф. Свод памятников Афанасьевской культуры. Барнаул: Азбука, 378 с. Бятикова О.Н. Лексика рыболовства в татарском литературном языке. Дисc… канд. филолог. наук. Казань, 2003. 214 с. Киселев С.В. Древняя история Южной Сибири. М.: АН СССР, 1951. 642 с. Плетнева С.А. От кочевий к городам. Салтово-маяцкая культура // МИА. № 142. М.: Наука, 1967. 198 с. Руденко С.И. Культура населения Горного Алтая в скифское время. М.-Л.: Наука, 1953. 401 с. Руденко С.И. Культура населения Центрального Алтая в скифское время. М.-Л.: Наука, 1960. 360 с. Трубачев О.Н. Труды по этимологии. Слово-история-культура T. I. М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2002. 708 с. Хамидуллин Б. Письмо Иосифа // История татар. Т. 2. Волжская Булгария и Великая степь / Отв. ред. Ф.Ш. Хузин. Казань: РухИЛ, 2006. C. 660–669. Хузин Ф.Ш., Набиуллин Н.Г. Булгарский город Джукетау на Каме (по материалам раскопа III 1991, 1993 г.) // Археологическое изучение булгарских городов / Ред. Ф.Ш. Хузин и др. Казань: Мастер Лайн, 1999. С. 90–113. İbn Fadlan Seyahatnamesi. Çev. R. Şeşen. İstanbul: Yeditepe Yayınları, 2015. 78 s. Kalafat Y. Doğu Anadolu’da Eski Türk İnançlarının İzleri. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 1995. 196 s. Divanu Lügati’t-Türk, Kaşgarli Mahmud. Giriş-Metin-Çeviri-Notlar-Dizin (Divanu Lugati’t-Turk, Introduction-Text-Translation-Notes-Index). Haz. А. Ercilasun ve Z. Akkoyunlu. Ankara: TDK. 995 s. Karatayev O. Eski Türk Devrindeki Kırgız Etnik İsimleri // Türkler Ansiklopedi. C. II. 2002. S. 377−385. Kazakstan arheologiyası. Derekter men zertteuler. Red. Z. Samaşev. T. III. Astana, 2013. 404 s. Kuzuyev R. G. İtil-Ural Türkleri. İstanbul: Selenge Yayınları, 2013. 539 s. Minorsky V. Balgitzi “Lord of the Fishes // Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 1960. 56. 1960. S. 130−137. Ögel B. Türk Kültür Tarihine Giriş 1. Türklerde Köy ve Şehir Hayatı (Göktürklerden Osmanlılara). Ankara, 1991. 495 s. Ögel B. Türk Mitolojisi. C. I. Ankara: TTK Yayınları, 2014. 745 s.
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Forgues, Hugues Lortie, e Henry Markovits. "In Search of the Elusive Initial Model". Experimental Psychology 59, n.º 6 (1 de janeiro de 2012): 322–31.

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A key assumption of Mental Model theory ( Johnson-Laird & Byrne, 1991 , 2002 ) is that reasoners should use a minimal representation of the premises, called the initial model, in order to reduce the cognitive load involved in the processing of more than one model. However, there is no direct evidence for this postulate. In the following studies, we modified the ability of participants to process conditional (if-then) inferences in more complex ways by varying the degree of arbitrariness of the conditionals and by restricting the time allotted. Study 1 used premises with arbitrary relations with explicit negations in both terms in order to control for a possible matching strategy, with 9 s, 15 s, or unlimited processing time. Results show a significant number of initial model patterns, which increased with time. No evidence for use of a matching strategy was found. Study 2 involved arbitrary relations without negations, with 6 s or 8 s processing time. This study showed a significant increase in initial model patterns at the longer times. Study 3 used premises with familiar relations with either very limited processing times (5 s, 7 s) or an unlimited time condition. Results show very low numbers of initial model patterns in the three time conditions. Overall, these studies provide clear evidence that reasoners do use an initial model form of reasoning, and suggest that this is done mostly because of difficulty of processing more abstract content.
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Abrisqueta, Pau, Francesc Bosch, Marta Aymerich, Eva Gine, Carol Moreno, Maria Rozman, Neus Villamor, Elias Campo, Ciril Rozman e Emili Montserrat. "Changes in the Natural History, Treatment Modalities, and Survival Patterns in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) from 1980 to 2008. The Hospital Clinic of Barcelona Experience". Blood 112, n.º 11 (16 de novembro de 2008): 48.

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Abstract Whether recent advances in the understanding and treatment of CLL are changing referral patterns of patients with this disease to specialized centers and their outcome is largely unknown. We analyzed demographics, disease characteristics, treatments administered, and survival over a period of 28 years in a series of 900 patients with CLL separated in three different cohorts based on the year of referral (table). As shown in the table, one of the main differences observed over the years relies on the stage of the disease, with most patients being currently seen in early phase of the disease, reflecting an earlier diagnosis because of analyses performed for routine reasons. In contrast, no differences were observed in patients’ age over the years, in agreement with the stable incidence of CLL in different age groups (SEER). No differences were detected in the proportion of patients developing autoimmune cytopenias, Richter’s syndrome or second neoplasias (data not shown). Not unexpectedly, since 1990 most patients receive purine analogs-based therapies. Importantly, the increasing proportion of patients who remain alive in each time period not only reflects an earlier diagnosis but also improvement in clinical management. Thus, median survivals of patients &lt; 65 with Binet B or C disease are 3.9 yrs (1980–1989), 7.5 yrs (1990–1999) and not reached (2000 onwards), and the proportion of patients alive at 5 years in the same periods of time are 43%, 63% and 72% (figure). Unfortunately survival of patients &gt; 65 yrs has not improved (median survival around 5.5 years across the three groups). Also, survival of patients in early stage (Binet A) has remained basically unchanged. From this large, single-institution study it can be concluded that the outcome of patients with CLL has been steadily improving since 1980. Nevertheless, the most significant progress has been made in younger patients with advanced disease, which constitute a small proportion of subjects with CLL. Besides to improving the outcome of these patients, future efforts should be aimed at prolonging survival of all patients, irrespectively of their age, and seeking the cure for the disease. 1980–1989 1990–1999 &gt; 2000 P Number 254 388 258 Age (yrs). 67 (24–88) 66 (28–96) 67 (34–94) NS &lt; 65 yrs (%) 43 46 45 &gt; 65 yrs (%) 57 54 55 Males (%) 55 55 60 NS Binet A (%) 65 75 85 &lt;0.001 Binet B (%) 22 16 10 Binet C (%) 13 9 5 Blood lymphocyte count (per μL) 46 (37–54) 30 (24–33) 19 (16–22) &lt;0.001 Hb (g/dL) 14 (13–15) 14 (13–15) 15 (14–16) NS Platelets (per μL) 190 (181–199) 183 (177–190) 202 (194–211) 0.002 LDH increased (%) 22 12 9 &lt;0.001 ECOG &gt; 2 (%) 1.2 1.9 0 NS Treatment No treated (%) 59 37 60 &lt;0.001 No PA (%) 84 44 26 &lt;0.001 PA (%) 10 19 11 PA + other cytotoxics (%) 5 34 33 Rit.+ PA in comb. (%) 1 3 30 Alive (%) 21 37 81 Alive at 5-yrs (%) 65 (59–71) 70 (65–75) 77 (70–84) Overall median s. (yrs) 8.3 (7–10) 8.3 (8–9) &gt; 8 NS PA = Purine analogs; Rit. = Rituximab
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Bobev, S. G., A. F. Margina e J. de Gruyter. "First Report of Phoma strasseri as a Pathogen of Stachys officinalis in Bulgaria". Plant Disease 86, n.º 6 (junho de 2002): 699.

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For several years, a leaf spot disease has been observed on Betony, Stachys officinalis (synonym Betonica officinalis), in an experimental field in Kazanlak, Bulgaria. The round to somewhat angular spots (6 to 8 mm diameter) are dark brown with a pale center and have a chlorotic halo. A Phoma species isolated from the lesions formed regular to irregular, light brown colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA). The isolate was studied as described by de Gruyter and Noordeloos (2). After 7 days, the growth rate was 43 mm on oatmeal agar and 33 mm on malt agar; the colonies were olivaceous gray-to-glauceous gray with a regular outline and with finely floccose, white-to-olivaceous gray aerial mycelium. Pycnidia, produced after 2 weeks, were ostiolate, globose to subglobose, 120 to 280 μm in diameter, citrine or honey, and later olivaceous to olivaceous black. The conidiogenous cells were globose to bottle shaped, 2 to 6 × 3 to 5 μm. The conidia were hyaline and unicellular, 5 to 7.5 × 2.5 to 4.2 μm, cylindrical to ellipsoidal with several small, scattered guttules. Chlamydospores were absent. According to these in vitro characters and after comparing the isolate with several Phoma isolates present in the culture collection of the Dutch Plant Protection Service, Wageningen, the Netherlands, the fungus has been identified as Phoma strasseri Moesz. The pathogenicity of the isolate was confirmed by artificial leaf inoculation of potted S. officinalis plants with a spore suspension (8 × 106 spores per ml) kept in a moist chamber for 48 h at a mean average temperature of 16°C. Leaf spots observed 4 to 5 days after inoculation were similar to those observed in the field. P. strasseri was subsequently reisolated from the spots. P. strasseri (synonym Phoma mentae Strasser) has been recorded as the cause of rhizome and stem rot on mint, Mentha spp., in Europe, Japan, and North America (3). In addition, this fungus has been found in New Zealand (strain identified at the Dutch Plant Protection Service, unpublished data). To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. strasseri on S. officinalis in Bulgaria. P. strasseri may produce septate conidia and, therefore, can be classified in Phoma section Phyllostictoides Zherbele ex Boerema (1). P. strasseri clearly differs from other Phoma species described on Lamiaceae: Phoma leonuri Letendre (Phoma section Plenodomus (Preuss) Boerema et al., pycnidia scleroplectenchymatous, conidia aseptate, 3.5 to 5.5 × 1.5 to 2.5 μm), Phoma dorenboschii Noordel. & de Gruyter (Phoma Sacc. section Phoma, conidia aseptate, 3 to 5.5 × 2 to 2.5 μm, producing dendritic crystals in vitro), and Phoma valerianae Henn. (Phoma Sacc. section Phoma, conidia aseptate, 2.5 to 4 × 1.5 to 2 μm). Occasionally P. strasseri has been isolated from other Lamiaceae, namely Monarda didyma (Dutch Plant Protection Service, unpublished data). There is also a report from Valeriana sp. (3). References: (1) G. H. Boerema. Mycotaxon 64:321, 1998. (2) J. de Gruyter and M. E. Noordeloos. Persoonia 15(1):71, 1992. (3) C. E. Horner. Plant Dis. Rep. 55:814, 1971.
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Haubold, Gottfried. "G. Rheinheimer, Mikrobiologie der Gewässer (5., überarb. u. erweiterte Auflage). 294 S., 110 Abb., 8 Tab. Stuttgart – Jena 1991. Gustav Fischer Verlag. DM 78,–. ISBN: 3-334-00400-7". Journal of Basic Microbiology 32, n.º 4 (1992): 278.

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Patil, Vijay M., Vanita Noronha, Amit Joshi, Saurabh Zanwar, Anant Ramaswamy, Supreeta Arya, Abhishek Mahajan, Atanu Bhattacharjee e Kumar Prabhash. "Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase mutation in neoadjuvant chemotherapy in head and neck cancers: Myth or reality?" South Asian Journal of Cancer 05, n.º 04 (outubro de 2016): 182–85.

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Abstract Purpose: The docetaxel, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and cisplatin (TPF) regimen in India is associated with high percentages of Grade 3-4 toxicity. This analysis was planned to evaluate the incidence of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) mutation in patients with severe gastrointestinal toxicity, to assess whether the mutation could be predicted by a set of clinical criteria and whether it has any impact on postneoadjuvant chemotherapy response. Methods: All consecutive patients who received TPF regimen in head and neck cancers between January 2015 and April 2015 were selected. Patients who had predefined set of toxicities in Cycle 1 were selected for DPD mutation testing. Depending on the results, C2 doses were modified. Postcompletion of two cycles, patients underwent radiological response assessment. Descriptive statistics has been performed. The normally distributed continuous variables were compared by unpaired Student′s t-test, whereas variables which were not normally distributed by Wilcoxon sum rank test. For noncontinuous variables, comparison was performed by Fisher′s exact test. Results: Out of 34 patients, who received TPF, 12 were selected for DPD testing, and 11 (32.4%, 95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 19.1-49.3%) had DPD mutation. The predictive accuracy of the criteria for the tested DPD mutations was 81.3% (95% CI: 62.1-100%). Of the 11 DPD mutation positive patients, except for one patient, all others received the second cycle of TPF. The dose adjustments done in 5-FU were 50% dose reduction in 9 patients and no dose reduction in one patient. The response rate in DPD mutated patients was 27.3% (3/11) and that in DPD nonmutated/nontested was 39.1% (9/23) (P = 0.70). Conclusion: In this small study, it seems that the incidence of DPD mutation is more common in Indian then it′s in the Caucasian population. Clinical toxicity criteria can accurately predict for DPD mutation. Postdose adjustments of 5-FU from C2 onward, TPF can safely be delivered in the majority of patients with DPD heterozygous mutations without decrement in efficacy.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kreuz, Klaus, John Gaudin, Jürg Stingelin e Edith Ebert. "Metabolism of the Aryloxyphenoxypropanoate Herbicide, CGA 184927, in Wheat, Barley and Maize: Differential Effects of the Safener, CGA 185072". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 46, n.º 9-10 (1 de outubro de 1991): 901–5.

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Abstract The influence of the safener, CGA 185072 (5-chloro-8-quinolinoxy-acetic acid-1-methylhexyl-ester), on the metabolism of the aryloxyphenoxypropanoate herbicide, CGA 184927 (2-propynyl-R-2-[4-(5-chloro-3-fluoro-2-pyridinyloxy)-phenoxy]-propionate), was studied in excised leaves of wheat, barley, and maize. In wheat and barley, CGA 184927 readily under­went ester hydrolysis followed by hydroxylation at the pyridinyl moiety as well as ether cleav­age between the pyridinyl and the phenyl ring. Ether cleavage constituted the minor pathway in both species. All metabolites were subject to glycosyl conjugation. Tetcyclacis strongly in­hibited pyridinyl-ring hydroxylation in wheat. Metabolism by hydroxylation and ether cleav­age was more rapid in wheat than in barley, and was found to be accelerated in the presence of the safener CGA 185072 in both wheat and, to a lesser degree, in barley. Moreover, the safener increased the capacity for O-glycoside formation in wheat as suggested from studies using the ,4C-labelled pyridinyl-ring hydroxylated metabolite as a precursor. In maize, which is highly susceptible to CGA 184927, rapid ester hydrolysis of CGA 184927 and partial conversion of the corresponding carboxylic acid to glycosyl ester conjugate(s) occurred. However, no further transformation of the herbicide was found in maize, both in the absence or presence of CGA 185072. It is concluded that the ability of CGA 185072 to protect wheat from injury by the herbicide, CGA 184927, and to confer partial protection to barley, is related to the ability of the safener to stimulate herbicide metabolism in these crop species.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Pahor, Dušica. "Prispevek Slovenije na področju medicinskih raziskav". Acta Medico-Biotechnica 2, n.º 01 (20 de setembro de 2021): 7–9.

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Prispevek Slovenije k raziskavam v medicini po svetu do sedaj še ni bil raziskan. Samo ugibanja, da slovenski zdravniki pomembno prispevajo k raziskavam v svetovni medicini, niso dovolj. Kaj je realnost? Kakšen je resničen prispevek? Z analizo objavljenih slovenskih člankov v mednarodno priznanih revijah od leta 1991 do 2009, zajetih v bazi podatkov Inštituta za znanstvene informacije (ISI) v marcu 2009, smo želeli prikazati delež Slovenije na področju medicinskih raziskav v svetu po njeni neodvisnosti v zadnjih 18 letih. V analizo smo vključili vseh 41 različnih področij, ki jih ISI vodi v kategoriji »medicina«. ISI zajema 2.114 revij z dejavniki vpliva, v katerih so objavljali avtorji s slovenskih institucij. Slovenija z 2. milijonoma prebivalcev predstavlja le 0,03 % celotnega svetovnega prebivalstva. Tako bi pričakovali podoben slovenski prispevek tudi na področju raziskav. V času od osamosvojitve leta 1991 do leta 2009 je bilo po svetu objavljenih 7.333.462 člankov v 2.114 mednarodno priznanih revijah na 41 medicinskih področjih; od tega je bilo 6.520 člankov iz Slovenije. Številko člankov iz Slovenije predstavlja 0,09 % vseh svetovnih objav. Podatki so pokazali, da nekatera področja v svetovnem merilu pomembno izstopajo. Na naše presenečenje je imela vodilno vlogo pri tem medicinska informatika (0,48 %), sledijo sodna medicina (0,26 %), andrologija (0,22 %), fiziologija (0,198 %), urgentna medicina (0,16 %), porodništvo in ginekologija (0,15 %), anatomija (0,14 %) in onkologija (0,14 %). Na zadnjem mestu je tropska medicina (0,009 %), sledita ji geriatrija (0,016 %) in gastroenterologija (0,029 %). V času samostojnosti so Slovenci objavili 6.529 medicinskih člankov. Na prvem mestu je področje onkologije s 662 članki (10,2 %), sledita klinična nevrologija s 445 članki (6,8 %) in kirurgija s 400 članki (6,1 %). Na zadnjem mestu je ponovno tropska medicina s 3 članki. Zanimalo nas je, v katerih revijah so bile objave najpogostejše in koliko je bilo teh objav po posameznih revijah. Pri pregledu vseh 2.114 v analizo zajetih revij smo ugotovili, da sta le dve reviji objavili več kot 100 člankov (183 in 177 člankov). Obe izhajata v nemškem jeziku, ena zajema področje splošne medicine in druga področje fiziologije. V petih revijah, te so s področja nevrologije, hematologije, porodništva in ginekologije, onkologije in splošne medicine, je bilo v obravnavanem obdobju objavljenih več kot 50 člankov (68, 66, 60, 55 in 52 člankov). Tri revije so izhajale v angleškem, po ena pa v nemškem in hrvaškem jeziku. Več kot desetina vseh slovenskih prispevkov (656 člankov od 6.529 ali 10,06 % ) je bila objavljena v revijah s faktorjem vpliva, večjim od 5. Raziskave v medicini niso zanimive le za raziskovalce, ampak tudi za vlado, posebej Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo ter Ministrstvo za zdravje. Prispevek Slovenije v svetovnem merilu, vrednoten s številom objavljenih člankov v različnih medicinskih revijah, je bil različen − od 0,009 % pri tropski medicini do 0,48 % na področju medicinske informatike. Zavedamo se, da naš pregled ne zajema celotnega prispevka Slovenije na področju medicinskih publikacij, saj zajema samo ISI podatkovno bazo, vendar pa nam omogoča realno oceno glede objavljenih člankov v citiranih revijah, kakor tudi primerjavo v zastopanosti med posameznimi medicinskimi področji. Ker ISI podatkovna baza zajema večino prispevkov, lahko zaključimo, da gre za prikaz dejanskega stanja. V bodoče bo potrebna natančna analiza po posameznih medicinskih področijh. Ugotoviti moramo, kaj je pomembno za nadaljnji razvoj in kakšna je bila dinamika v preteklih letih ter ali obstaja povezava med številom publikacij in raziskovalnimi projekti, tako državnimi kot evropskimi. Odgovori na vsa ta vprašanja so pomembni za nadaljnji razvoj medicinskih raziskav na vseh področjih. Za kvalitetne raziskave na področju medicine morajo biti izpolnjeni določeni pogoji; ti so zlasti biostatistična in finančna podpora, primernost raziskave in metodologije ter zgodnje vključevanje študentov v raziskovalno delo. Vloga vlade in ustreznih ministrstev pri oblikovanju uspešne raziskovalne politike je izrednega pomena. Pomembnejšo vlogo pri oceni dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na raziskave, morajo prevzeti razširjeni strokovni kolegiji za posamezna področja pri Ministrstvu za zdravje. Šele natančna analiza vseh dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na medicinske raziskave, je osnova za ustrezno ukrepanje in izboljšanje stanja. V zaključku ugotavljamo, da je prispevek Slovenije na področju medicinskih raziskav po naši oceni objavljenih člankov ustrezen. Kljub temu so potrebne natančne analize, zlasti na področjih z manj objavami. Le tako lahko ugotovimo dejavnike, ki negativno vplivajo na raziskovalno dejavnost ter skušamo stanje izboljšati. Dušica PahorOdgovorna urednica
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kádár, Imre. "Analysis of interactions between potassium, boron and strontium in alfalfa". Agrokémia és Talajtan 61, n.º 1 (1 de junho de 2012): 133–50.

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Mészlepedékes csernozjom vályogtalajon, az MTA TAKI Nagyhörcsök Kísérleti Telepén (Mezőföldön) vizsgáltuk a kálium, bór és stroncium elemek közötti kölcsönhatásokat 1991 és 1994 között lucernában. A lucerna telepítése előtt 400 kg P2O5·ha-1 alaptrágyát adtunk szuperfoszfát formájában. A K-szinteket megismételt 0, 1000 és 2000 K2O-, a B-szinteket megismételt 0, 20, 40 és 60 kg·ha-1 B-, a Sr-szinteket 67 kg·ha-1 Sr-adaggal állítottuk be. Műtrágyaként 60%-os kálisót, 11%-os bóraxot és 33%-os SrCl2×6H2O sót alkalmaztunk. Főparcellánként 3 K-kezelés, alparcellánként 4 B-kezelés, al-alparcellánként 2 Sr-kezelés szolgált: 24 kezelés×3 ismétlés = 72 parcellával osztott parcellás elrendezésben. A kísérlet beállításakor 1987 őszén a szántott réteg 5% CaCO3-ot, 3% humuszt, 20% agyagot tartalmazott. A pH(H2O) 7,8; a pH(KCl) 7,3; az AL-K2O 180–200, az AL-P2O5 100–120, a KCl-oldható Mg 110–150, a KCl+EDTA-oldható Mn 60–80, a Cu és Zn 1–2, valamint a B 0,7 mg·kg-1 értékkel volt jellemezhető. A termőhely kielégítő K-, Ca- és Mg-; közepes N- és P-; valamint gyenge Zn- és Cu-ellátottságú. A talajvíz szintje 13–15 m mélyen található, a terület aszályérzékeny. Az átlagos középhőmérséklet 11 °C, az éves csapadékösszeg 400–600 mm közötti egyenetlen eloszlással. A főbb megállapítások, levonható tanulságok: – Ezen a káliummal és bórral egyaránt kielégítően ellátott karbonátos vályogtalajon trágyahatások a termésben nem jelentkeztek. Az extrémen nagy, ismételt 2000 kg·ha-1 K2O-, illetve 60 kg·ha-1 B-adagok sem okoztak terméscsökkenést. A talaj AL-K2O tartalma a kontrollon mért 191 mg·kg-1-ról 515 mg·kg-1-ra, a forróvíz oldható B-tartalma 0,7 mg·kg-1-ról 5,1 mg·kg-1-ra nőtt a maximális adagokkal. – A lucerna B-tartalma 30–50 mg·kg-1-ról ugyanitt 50–120 mg·kg-1-ra nőtt. A Ktrágyázással emelkedett a széna K-, valamint visszaesett Na-, Mg-, Ca- és Cu-koncentrációja. A széna Cu-tartalmát a B-trágyázás is igazolhatóan mérsékelte, növelve a lucerna látens Cu-hiányát, 3 mg·kg-1 körüli Cu-tartalmat eredményezve a szénában. – A 2. éves lucerna volt a leggazdagabb a N, K, Ca, Mg, S és P makroelemekben és a legnagyobb szénatermést adta. Ebből adódóan a maximális elemfelvételt mutatta 319 kg N, 176 kg K (211 kg K2O), 184 kg Ca, 31 kg S, 28 kg Mg és 22 kg P (50 kg P2O5) hektáronkénti mennyiséggel. – A 4 év alatt 26,4 t·ha-1 széna termett, melybe 756 kg N, 654 kg K2O és 158 kg P2O5 épült be. A lucernatermesztés gyorsan elszegényítheti a talajt, főként káliumban. Mészben szegény talajokat kalciumban is, mivel a Ca-felvétel hasonló mértékű lehet. A felvett nitrogén nagyobb része viszont a levegőből származik. A visszamaradó, nitrogénben gazdag gyökérmaradványok a talaj N-szolgáltatását növelik, a következő növény N-trágyaszükségletét mérséklik. – Az 1 t széna képződéséhez szükséges átlagos fajlagos elemigény 1991 és 1994 között ezen a talajon 20–40 kg N, 18–22 kg K és Ca, 3–4 kg Mg és S, 2–3 kg P (5– 7 kg P2O5) volt. Adataink iránymutatóul szolgálhatnak a tervezett termés K-, Ca-, Mg-, P- és S-igényének számításakor. A fajlagos mikroelem-tartalmak szórása az alábbinak adódott: 400–500 g Na, 80–120 g Fe és Sr, 40–60 g Mn, 20–50 g Al és B, 12–16 g Zn, 8–10 g Ba, 5–20 g Cu és 0,3–1,4 g Ni. A fajlagos Zn és Cu mutatók tükrözik a termőhely gyenge ellátottságát, optimum alattiak.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kádár, Imre, e Tamás Németh. "Mikroelem-szennyezők kimosódásának vizsgálata szabadföldi terheléses tartamkísérletben". Agrokémia és Talajtan 52, n.º 3-4 (1 de novembro de 2003): 315–30.

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Az MTA Talajtani és Agrokémiai Kutatóintézet Nagyhörcsöki Kísérleti Telepén löszön képzodött vályog mechanikai összetételu karbonátos csernozjom talajon 1991 tavaszán beállított szabadföldi kisparcellás mikroelem-terhelési kísérlet kontroll- és a 810 kg ha terhelésu parcellák talaját a kísérlet 3., 6. és 10. évében mintáztuk meg 30 cm-es rétegenként 60, 90 és 290 cm-es mélységig, 5-5 fúrólyuk anyagából képezve átlagmintákat. A mintákban meghatároztuk az NH4-acetát + EDTA-oldható elemtartalmakat Lakanen és Erviö (1971) módszerével, valamint esetenként a cc. HNO3 + cc. H2O2 kioldással becsült “összes” elemkészleteket is. Fobb eredményeink az alábbiakban foglalhatók össze: - A cc. HNO3 + cc. H2O2 feltárással becsült “összes” Ca-, Mg-, Sr-, As- és Se-mennyiség nott a mintavétel mélységével, míg a K, Al, Fe, Mn, P, S, Ba, Zn, Cr, Pb, Co és B elemek koncentrációja csökkent. A Hg-, Cd-, ill. Mo-tartalom a 0,1 mg/kg méréshatár alatt maradt. - Az NH4-acetát + EDTA kioldással kapott elemkészlet eltéro szelvénybeni eloszlást mutatott az “összes” mennyiséghez viszonyítva. Változott az akkumuláció dinamikája, lefutása, esetenként az iránya is. Így pl. az oldható Fe- és S-készlet a mélységgel nem csökkent, hanem nott. - A mikroelemekkel terhelt talajon érdemi vertikális elmozdulást nem mutattak az As, Hg, Cu, Ni, Pb, Ba és Sr elemek. A 30 cm alatti réteg nem szennyezodött a kísérlet 10. éve után. Ezen elemek mozgása gátolt a talaj-növény rendszerben, akkumulációjuk a föld feletti növényi szervekben általában 5-10 mg/kg szárazanyag koncentráció alatt maradt. Ennél nagyobb dúsulást a Ba és Sr elemek jeleztek. Összességében ez a hét elem nem minosül veszélyes szennyezonek e termohelyen a talajra, növényre vagy a talajvízre. Fitotoxicitást az extrémebb As-terhelés indukált egyes növényfajoknál. - Adataink szerint mérsékelt kilúgzás állhat fenn a cink és kadmium esetén, amennyiben szennyezett talajon a 30-60 cm-es rétegben a kontrollhoz viszonyítva már nagyságrendi dúsulás figyelheto meg. Akkumulációjuk a növény föld feletti szerveiben mérsékelt volt, de a kadmium esetében ez fogyasztásra alkalmatlan termést eredményezett. A cink e termohelyen nem minosül veszélyes szennyezonek a talajra, növényre vagy a talajvízre. A kadmium erosen veszélyes tényezo humántoxikológiai szempontból és az extrémebb Cd-szennyezés fitotoxikusnak is bizonyult. - A Cr, Se és Mo (kromát, szelenát, molibdenát anionformák) rendkívüli mobilitást mutattak a karbonátos talajban és részben a talaj-növény rendszerben. A 10. év végén a Mo-lemosódás elérte a 160 cm-t, míg a Cr lemosódása meghaladta a 290 cm-t, a mintavétel maximális mélységét. A króm a föld feletti növényi szervekben alig kimutathatóan dúsult, gyors kimosódásával foként a talajvizeket veszélyeztetheti. A szelén hiperakkumulációt jelzett a föld feletti részekben sok ezerszeres dúsulással és kifejezett fitotoxicitással. A molibdén szintén 2-3-nagyságrendi akkumulációval tunt ki, mérgezo termést eredményezve. Kísérleti körülményeink között mindhárom elem veszélyes szennyezonek minosül, a jól szellozött karbonátos talajban az anionformák mobilisak maradnak. - Az egyes elemek e módszerrel kapott talajbani oldhatósága és a növényi felvétele között nem volt kimutatható összefüggés, ezért a talajvizsgálati eredményeket növénykísérletekben elemenként szükséges kalibrálni.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Alvaro Garcia Guerra, A., e G. M. Brogliatti. "84 COMPUTER-ASSISTED SPERM ANALYSIS OF FROZEN SPERM MOTILITY AFTER REPEATED EXPOSURES TO ROOM TEMPERATURE". Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22, n.º 1 (2010): 200.

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The key factorin long-term cryopreservation is the very low temperature of liquid nitrogen. Several studies suggest temperatures should be maintained at -130°C or less to avoid cell damage. Damage due to initial exposure may not be overt; however, after repeated exposures a reduction in postthaw viability may become evident (Barth A 1991 Proc. 10th Annu. Conv. Am. ET Assoc, 20-26). The CASA system provides an opportunity to assess multiple motility characteristics on a semen sample objectively and with high repeatability. An experiment was designed to evaluate the effect that repeated exposure of frozen semen in 0.5-mL straws during 15 s to room temperature produces on motility characteristics assessed by CASA system. Groups were formed according to the number of exposures per straw; groups were as follows: 0, 3, 5, and 10 times of exposure during 15 s. Thirty-two ejaculates from different bulls (15 Angus, 3 Hereford, 8 Brangus, 3 others) were diluted using a chemically semi-defined media (Andromed, Minitub, Germany) and frozen in an automatic freezer (Digicool, IMV, Paillette Crista, France). Four frozen straws per bull were used, one for each group. Straws were exposed to a room temperature (15°C ± 1.28) and then placed back into liquid nitrogen. Semen thawing was conduced in a water bath at 37°C during 1 min. Motility characteristics were evaluated by the IVOS Sperm Analyzer (Hamilton Thorne Research). Two chambers of 20 μm depth and 5 fields per chamber were analyzed (30 frames/0.5 s for each field). Seven motility parameters were evaluated: % of motile sperm; % of progressive sperm; VAP (path velocity, μms-1); VCL (track speed, μm/s); ALH (lateral amplitude, μm); BCF (beat frequency, Hz); and LIN (linearity, %). The Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare variables among groups, and results are shown in Table 1. The average temperature inside the straw after 15 s of exposure was of -122.6°C. No difference (P > 0.05) was found among the groups for any of the 7 motility parameters. In conclusion, sperm motility seems not to be affected if straws are exposed up to 10 times during 15 s to room temperature. More research should be done to test higher room temperatures and pregnancy rates after AI. Table 1.CASA parameters of frozen sperm after different numbers of exposures at 15°C
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Kudo, L. H., C. T. Hawk e J. A. Schafer. "Sodium and water transport in cortical collecting duct of Dahl salt-resistant rat". American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 267, n.º 4 (1 de outubro de 1994): F583—F591.

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Studies were conducted to determine whether the cortical collecting duct (CCD) of the Dahl salt-resistant rat (inbred Rapp strain; R/Jr) exhibits the same responses to deoxycorticosterone (DOC; 2.5 mg as a depot injection in vivo, 3-8 days before experimentation) and arginine vasopressin (AVP, 220 pM in vitro) as the Sprague-Dawley (SD) [L. Chen, S.K. Williams, and J.A. Schafer. Am. J. Physiol. 259 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol. 28): F147-F156, 1990] and Dahl salt-sensitive (inbred Rapp strain, S/Jr) [C.T. Hawk and J.A. Schafer. Am. J. Physiol. 260 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol. 29): F471-F478, 1991] CCD. Qualitatively, the R/Jr CCD responded as in the other two strains: AVP elevated the osmotic water permeability (Pf, micron/s) from 0 to approximately 1,200; either AVP or DOC, when used alone, increased the lumen-to-bath 22Na+ flux (Jl-->b, from the control range of 20-25 to approximately 40 and hyperpolarized the transepithelial voltage. AVP and DOC effects were synergistic, elevating Jl-->b to 90 +/- 5 (mean +/- SE) with both hormones, but this value was significantly lower than observed previously in both the SD and the S/Jr CCD, 125 +/- 6 and 140 +/- 6, respectively. However, bath-to-lumen fluxes (Jb--l) were also significantly lower than observed in the SD and S/Jr CCD. Because net fluxes (Jnet) in these experiments can be determined only as nonpaired differences between unidirectional fluxes, it is uncertain whether Jnet values in the R/Jr CCD are significantly lower than in the SD or S/Jr CCD.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Mikhailyuk, Ekaterina A., Tatyana V. Prokopova e Dmitry A. Zhukalin. "Электрофизические измерения твердых растворов InxAl1-xAs". Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases 21, n.º 1 (6 de março de 2019): 93–98.

Texto completo da fonte
Методом вольт-фарадных характеристик исследованы тонкие (~ 1 мкм) преднамеренно нелегированные слои InxAl1-xAs, выращенные методом MBE на полуизолирующей подложке InP. Показано, что исследованные при комнатной температуре слои InxAl1-xAs имеют n – тип проводимости. При экспериментальном исследовании температурных зависимостей дифференциальной проводимости обнаружен центр локализации заряда, эффективное значение энергии которого находится в запрещенной зоне твердого раствора InxAl1-xAs (, Eg = 1.5 эВ) и составляет ~ 0.49 эВ до верха зоны проводимости твердого раствора. БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ Авторы выражают искреннюю благодарность всему коллективу Новосибирского Института физики полупроводников СО РАН, лично Гилинскому Александру Михайловичу за предоставленные образцы и Воронежскому государственному университету инженерных технологий за плодотворное обсуждение полученных экспериментальных результатов. ЛИТЕРАТУРА Yamashita Y., Endoh A., Shinohara K., Hikosaka K., Matsui T, Hiyamizu S., Mimura T. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2002, vol. 23, iss. 10, p. 573. Chang E.-Y., Kuo C.-I., Hsu H.-T., Chiang C.-Y., Miyamoto Y. Applied Physics Express, 2013, vol. 6, iss. 3, p. 34001. del Alamo A. Nature, 2011, vol. 479, pp. 317-323. Stillman W. J., Shur. M. S. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2007, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 209-221. Adachi S. Properties of Semiconductor Alloys: Group-IV, III–V and II–VI Semiconductors. Wiley, 2009, p. 422. Denton A. R., Ashcroft N. W. Rev. A., 1991, vol. 43, iss. 6, pp. 3161-3164. Vurgaftman , Meyer J. R., Ram-Mohan L. R. J. Appl. Phys., 2001, vol. 89, iss. 11, pp. 5815-5875. Sze S. M. Physicsof Semiconductor Devices. Wiley, 1969, 2nd Ed. 1981, 868 p. Casey H. C., Cho A. Y., Lang D. V., Nicollian E. H., Foy P. W. Appl. Phys., 1979, vol. 50, iss. 5, pp. 3484-3491. Forrest S. R., Kim O. K. Appl. Phys., 1982, vol. 53, iss. 8, pp. 5738.
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