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Artigos de revistas sobre o assunto "813.5 s 3-8, 1991"


Kádár, Imre, e Hussein Daood. "Mikroelem-terhelés hatása a sóskára karbonátos csernozjom talajon". Agrokémia és Talajtan 52, n.º 1-2 (1 de agosto de 2003): 93–104.

Texto completo da fonte
Löszön képzodött vályog mechanikai összetételu karbonátos csernozjom talajon, az MTA TAKI Nagyhörcsöki Kísérleti Telepén szabadföldi kisparcellás mikroelem-terhelési kísérletet állítottunk be 1991 tavaszán. A termohely talajának szántott rétege mintegy 5 % CaCO3-ot és 3 % humuszt tartalmazott, felveheto tápelemekkel való ellátottsága: Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu kielégíto, N és K közepes, P és Zn gyenge volt. A talajvíz 15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület vízmérlege negatív, aszályra hajló. A 13 vizsgált mikroelem sóit 4-4 szinten alkalmaztuk 1991 tavaszán, a kukorica vetése elott. A 13 x 4 = 52 kezelést 2 ismétlésben állítottuk be összesen 104 parcellán split-plot elrendezésben. A terhelési szintek 0, 90, 270 és 810 kg/ha mennyiséget jelentettek elemenként AlCl3, NaAsO2, BaCl2, CdSO4, K2CrO4, CuSO4, HgCl2, (NH4)6Mo7O24, NiSO4, Pb(NO3)2, Na2SeO3, SrSO4 és ZnSO4 formájában. A 100-100-100 kg/ha N-P2O5-K2O alaptrágyázás egységesen történt az egész kísérletben ammonnitrát-, szuperfoszfát- és kálisómutrágyákkal. A növényi sorrend kukorica, sárgarépa, burgonya, borsó, cékla, spenót, búza és napraforgó volt. A 9. évben végzett sóska- kísérletünk eredményeit az alábbiakban foglaljuk össze: A 13 vizsgált elembol csak az arzén, kadmium és szelén bizonyult toxikusnak a sóskára 1999-ben. Ebben a kielégíto csapadék-ellátottságú évben a kontrollparcellákon 40 t/ha föld feletti zöld (ill. 2,8 t/ha légszáraz) tömeg képzodött 7-8 % légszárazanyag-tartalommal. Maximális As-terhelésnél a zöld hajtás hozama 28 %-kal, a maximális Cd-terhelésnél 52 %-kal csökkent. A 9 évvel ezelott adott 90 kg/ha Se-terhelés 35 %-os depressziót okozott, a 270 és 810 kg/ha terhelésnél pedig a növényzet ki sem kelt.- A kontrollhoz viszonyítva erosen szennyezett talajon a Ba, Cu és Zn 2-3, az Pb és Sr 4-5-, a Ni és Cr átlagosan 7-, a Mo 39-, a Cd 102-szeresére, a Se közel 6-ezerszeresére dúsult a növényi hajtásban. A Hg- 0,5, az As-koncent-ráció 3,6 mg/kg értéket ért el a légszáraz anyagban. A Hg-, As-, Cd-, Pb-, Mo- és Se-kezelésekben (a nagyobb terhelésnél) a termék humán fogyasztásra, ill. takarmányozásra alkalmatlanná vált.- A talaj/növény transzfer koefficiens az egyes elemek esetében az alábbinak adódott a maximális terhelésnél (kivétel a Se): Se: 15,6, Sr: 0,42, Mo: 0,28, Ba: 0,15, Zn: 0,10, Cd: 0,07, Ni: 0,03, Cu: 0,02, As és Cr: 0,01, Pb: 0,006 és Hg: 0,002. A sóska a spenóthoz viszonyítva mérsékelt elemfelhalmozódást jelzett.- A sóska hajtása gazdag ásványi anyagokban, esszenciális elemekben, de szegény nitrátban. A K 4,80 %, N 2,40 %, Ca 1,55 %, P 0,94 %, Mg 0,80 %, S 0,26 %, Fe 265 mg/kg, Mn 113 mg/kg, Na 49 mg/kg, NO3-N 31 mg/kg, Co 0,2 mg/kg átlagos koncentrációt mutatott a légszáraz anyagban.- A 2,8 t/ha légszáraz föld feletti termésben 134 kg K, 67 kg N, 43 kg Ca, 26 kg P, 22 kg Mg, 8 kg S, 742 g Fe, 316 g Mn, 137 g Na és 0,06 g Co épült be. A 10 t/ha zöld föld feletti hajtás fajlagos elemigénye hasonló körülmények között 17 kg N, 15 kg P2O5, 40 kg K2O, 15 kg CaO, 9 kg MgO és 2 kg S mennyiséget jelenthet. Adataink iránymutatóul szolgálhatnak a szaktanácsadás számára.- A fitoremediáció csak az enyhén szennyezett talajok tisztítására lehet alkalmas, amennyiben megfelelo hiperakkumulátor növényfajjal rendelkezünk és a termesztési technika is rendelkezésre áll. Hasonló viszonyok között a sóska termése egy évszázad alatt állíthatná helyre a Se-mentes, 800 év alatt a Mo-mentes, 5-6 ezer év alatt a Cd-mentes vagy 45 ezer esztendo alatt a Cr-mentes (szennyezetlen, eredeti állapotú) talajt a 90 kg/ha terhelés esetén.- Az oxálsav koncentrációja 3-16 mg/g között ingadozott a sóska hajtásának szárazanyagában. Emelkedett átlagos értékeket 10 mg/g felett a Cd-, Pb- és Sr-kezelésekben, míg alacsony tartalmakat az As-, Cu- és Zn-kezelésekben mértünk.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kádár, Imre. "Mikroelem-terhelés hatása az őszi árpára karbonátos csernozjom talajon". Agrokémia és Talajtan 52, n.º 1-2 (1 de agosto de 2003): 105–20.

Texto completo da fonte
Löszön képzodött vályog mechanikai összetételu karbonátos csernozjom talajon, az MTA TAKI Nagyhörcsöki Kísérleti Telepén szabadföldi kisparcellás mikroelem-terhelési kísérletet állítottunk be 1991 tavaszán. A termohely talajának szántott rétege mintegy 5 % CaCO3-ot és 3 % humuszt tartalmazott, kielégíto volt Ca-, Mg-, Mn- és Cu-ellátottsága; közepes N- és K-, ill. gyenge P- és Zn-ellátottsága. A talajvíz 15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület vízmérlege negatív, aszályra hajló. A 13 vizsgált mikroelem sóit 4-4 szinten alkalmaztuk 1991 tavaszán, a kukorica vetése elott. A 13 ´ 4 = 52 kezelést 2 ismétlésben állítottuk be, összesen 104 parcellán split-plot elrendezésben. A terhelési szintek 0, 90, 270, ill. 810 kg/ha mennyiséget jelentettek elemenként AlCl3, NaAsO2, BaCl2, CdSO4, K2CrO4, CuSO4, HgCl2, (NH4)6Mo7O24, NiSO4, Pb(NO3)2, Na2SeO3, SrSO4, ill. ZnSO4 formájában. A 100-100-100 kg/ha N-P2O5-K2O alaptrágyázás egységesen történt az egész kísérletben ammonnitrát-, szuperfoszfát- és kálisómutrágyákkal. A növényi sorrend kukorica, sárgarépa, burgonya, borsó, cékla, spenót, búza, napraforgó és sóska volt. A kísérlet 10. évében oszi árpával végzett vizsgálatok eredményeit az alábbiakban foglaljuk össze: - A 13 vizsgált elembol az As, Cd és Se bizonyult toxikusnak az oszi árpára. Az aszályos évben szennyezetlen talajon 5,0-5,5 t/ha szemterméseket kaptunk, mely a maximális Cd-terheléssel 3,0 t/ha, a maximális As-terheléssel 2,1 t/ha mennyiségre csökkent. A 10 évvel korábban adott 270, ill. 810 kg/ha Se-terhelés az árpa és a gyomok teljes pusztulását okozta. - Extrém dúsulást a növényi szervekben a szelén és molibdén mutatott. A termett növényi anyag azonban fogyasztásra, ill. takarmányozásra alkalmatlanná vált az As-, Cd-, Mo-, Se- és Zn-kezelések parcelláiban is. - Szennyezett talajon a maximális elemfelvétel betakarításkor (föld feletti biomassza) 1 kg körüli Mo- és Se-, 200-400 g Ba-, Sr- és Zn-; 56 g Cu-; 10-20 g As-, Cd-, Cr- és Ni-; valamint 2 g Pb-mennyiséget jelentett ha-onként. Az erosen szennyezett talajok tisztítására, fitoremediációra az oszi árpa nem alkalmas. - A szalmában/talajban mért összes koncentráció hányadosaként ismert transzfer koefficiens az alábbinak adódott az egyes elemekre: Se: 5,9; Mo: 0,8; Sr: 0,2; Ba és Zn: 0,1; Cu, As és Cd: 0,02; Cr: 0,09; Ni: 0,005; Pb: 0,001. - Az 1 t szem + a hozzá tartozó melléktermés elemtartalma szennyezetlen talajon 20 kg N-, 27 kg K- (32 kg K2O), 5 kg Ca- (7 kg CaO), 5 kg P- (11 kg P2O5), 4 kg Mg- (7 kg MgO), 5 kg S-, 100 g Fe- és Mn-, kereken 400 g Na-, 56 g Al-, 25 g Sr- és Ba-, 14 g Zn-, 8 g B-, 5 g Cu- és 1-2 g Mo- és Se-készletet jelzett. - Szennyezetlen talajon 0,1 mg/kg méréshatár alatt maradt az NH4-acetát + EDTA-oldható As-, Cd-, Mo-, Se-, Hg- és Cr-készlet a szántott rétegben. A 10 évvel korábban adott 810 kg/ha (270 mg/kg) kezelésekben a Cd, Cu, Pb 40- 46 %-a; a Sr és Zn 31-32 %-a; a Ba, Ni, As 14-19 %-a; a Mo, Se, Hg 2-5 %-a, valamint a Cr 0,6 %-a volt kimutatható e módszerrel. - Az NH4-acetát + EDTA módszer szerint becsült talajbani oldhatóság és a növényi felvétel között nem volt összefüggés az egyes mikroelemek közötti viszony tekintetében.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Campbell, Andrew, Hong-yuan Luo, Katherine Benson, Lance Davis, Patrick G. Gallagher, Martin H. Steinberg, Peter Fraser, Bernard G. Forget e David H. K. Chui. "Severe Impairment of γ-Globin Gene Silencing in an Asymptomatic Adult Patient Homozygous for the Codon 8 (–AA) Frame-Shift β0-Thalassemia Mutation". Blood 120, n.º 21 (16 de novembro de 2012): 1022.

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Abstract Abstract 1022 Beta-thalassemia is caused by β-globin gene mutations that result in either markedly decreased (β+) or absent (β0) β-globin chain production. Patients who are either homozygous or compound heterozygous for β-thalassemia mutations are severely anemic and require chronic RBC transfusions. Concomitant inheritance of an α -thalassemia mutation or increased HbF (α 2γ2) expression can ameliorate the disease severity. Surprisingly, many patients homozygous for the codon 8 (–AA) β0-thalassemia mutation are mildly anemic with over 95% HbF [Altay & Gürgey, Ann NY Acad Sci 612:81, 1990]. We now report one such patient, a 20-year old man of Iraqi ancestry who was found to have splenomegaly but was otherwise well. His hemoglobin was 12.4 g/dL, MCV 77 fL, reticulocyte count 3.2%. Hemoglobin analysis by HPLC revealed HbF 98%, HbA2 2%. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) of his β-globin gene cluster confirmed that he did not have a large deletion as found in some patients with hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), nor γ-globin gene quadruplication. In addition, he was heterozygous for the α 2 IVSI donor splice site 5 bp deletion (–GTGAG), the α Hph thalassemia mutation. To determine the genetic basis for his persistently high HbF expression, his γ-globin gene promoters were sequenced and no HPFH point mutation was found. We next assessed the status of his 3 major HbF quantitative trait loci (QTL). He was homozygous for SNP rs7482144 C>T minor allele (Xmn I polymorphism) at 158 bp 5' to the Gγ-globin gene on chr 11p15; homozygous for rs9399137 minor allele in the HBSIL-MYB intergenic polymorphism (HMIP) on chr 6q23, homozygous for the 3-bp deletion which is in linkage disequilibrium with rs9399137 minor allele [Farrell et al, Blood 117:4935, 2011]; and heterozygous for rs766432 minor allele in the 2nd intron of BCL11A on chr 2p16. Thus he had alleles associated with elevated HbF in all 3 QTL. No mutation was found in his KLF1 genes. Within HS2 in his β LCR is the motif (TA)9 (CA)2 (TA)2 CG (TA)10 which is found in Senegal β-globin haplotype 3 [Öner et al, Blood 79:813, 1992]. The Corfu deletion removes part of the δ-globin gene and ∼6 kb upstream flanking sequence, encompassing the 2-kb region reported to be necessary for γ-globin gene silencing [Sankaran et al, NEJM 365:807, 2011], and is often in LD with the IVSI-5 G>A severe β+-thalassemia mutation. Corfu heterozygotes have slightly increased HbF, but Corfu homozygotes have HbF ∼95%. We sequenced 6.5 kb upstream of δ-globin gene in our patient, and found homozygosity throughout and only 2 nucleotide differences from the GRCh37/hg19 assembly sequence: C>T (rs3759074) at 2,065 bp, and T>G (rs7948416) at 718 bp upstream of δ globin gene transcription start site. No deletion was found. At the repressor protein BP1 binding site 530 bp upstream of the β-globin gene, our patient had the common reference sequence, (AC)2 (AT)7 T7. Among 13 subjects heterozygous for codon 8 (–AA) β0-thalassemia mutation, their Hb was 11.6 ± 1.8 g/dL, HbF 2.8 ± 2.6% [Öner et al, Hemoglobin 14:1, 1990]. We studied two unrelated codon 8 (–AA) heterozygotes. One was a 37-year old woman with Hb 9.8, HbA 88%, HbF 5.7%. She was homozygous for the Xmn I polymorphism, and heterozygous for the HbF QTL on chr 6q23 and 2p16. The other was a 24-year old woman with Hb 11.2, HbA 90%, HbF 7.5%. She was homozygous for the Xmn I polymorphism, and heterozygous for the HbF QTL on chr 2p16. These results support the hypothesis that determinant(s) in cis to the β-globin gene cluster, including the Xmn I QTL and related functional motif(s), in concert with HMIP and BCL11A QTL can sustain high-level γ-globin gene transcription in adults. Robust γ-mRNA accumulation and HbF expression occur only when β-mRNA is markedly decreased due to nonsense mediated decay in the codon 8 (–AA) homozygote, as has been shown in patients homozygous for the Corfu deletion [Chakalova et al, Blood 105:2154, 2005] and in experimental model system [Russell, Eur J Haematol 79:516, 2007]. Our findings could have implications for the therapeutic design to induce HbF expression in β-hemoglobinopathies. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Kádár, Imre. "Use of alfalfa for the phytoremediation of soil contaminated with microelements". Agrokémia és Talajtan 63, n.º 2 (1 de dezembro de 2014): 295–313.

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Löszön képződött vályog mechanikai összetételű karbonátos csernozjom talajon, az MTA ATK Talajtani és Agrokémiai Intézet Nagyhörcsöki Kísérleti Telepén szabadföldi kisparcellás mikroelem-terhelési kísérletet állítottunk be 1991 tavaszán. A termőhely talajának szántott rétege mintegy 5% CaCO3-ot és 3% humuszt tartalmazott, oldható tápelemekkel való ellátottsága az alábbi volt: Ca és Mn igen jó, Mg és Cu kielégítő, N és K közepes, P és Zn gyenge. A talajvíz 15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület vízmérlege negatív, aszályra hajló.A 13 vizsgált mikroelem sóit 4-4 szinten alkalmaztuk 1991 tavaszán, a kukorica vetése előtt. A 13×4 = 52 kezelést 2 ismétlésben állítottuk be összesen 104 parcellán splitplot elrendezésben. A kísérlet terhelési szintjei 0, 90, 270, illetve 810 kg·ha−1 mennyiséget jelentettek elemenként AlCl3, As2O3/NaAsO2, BaCl2, CdSO4, K2CrO4, CuSO4, HgCl2, (NH4)6Mo7O24, NiSO4, Pb(NO3)2, Na2SeO3, SrSO4 és ZnSO4 formájában.A kísérlet 14–18. éveiben lucernát termesztettünk. A lucerna telepítése előtt 2003 őszén 400 kg P2O5·ha−1 és 800 kg K2O·ha−1 adaggal feltöltő trágyázást végeztünk szuperfoszfát és kálisó formájában.A kísérleti eredmények alapján levonható főbb tanulságok a következők:Extrém aszályos év 2004 és 2008 között nem volt. Részben ezért, valamint a talaj kielégítő tápanyagkészlete miatt a lucerna képes volt öt éven át fennmaradni és kielégítő termést adni. Általában évente 4-4 kaszálásra került sor május és szeptember eleje között. A legnagyobb szénahozamokat az 1. kaszálás adta. A kontrolltalajon az öt év alatt 62,5 t·ha−1 széna termett. A 90 kg·ha−1 Se-terhelésnél kereken 10 t·ha−1 többlet jelentkezett míg az extrém Se-túlsúlyos talajon 8 t·ha−1 terméscsökkenést kaptunk. A változások statisztikailag igazolhatók voltak.A széna elemösszetétele szennyezett talajon drasztikusan változott a kontrollhoz képest. Az egyes évek és a kaszálások átlagában a Cu és Zn mintegy a kétszeresére, a Sr a háromszorosára dúsult. Az As, Ba, Cd, Cr és Ni elemek koncentrációi minimum egy, míg a Mo és Se elemek koncentrációi 2–3 nagyságrenddel emelkedtek. A nagyságrendbeli akkumuláció takarmányozásra alkalmatlan szénát eredményezett.A 19 kaszálással, illetve az öt év alatt szennyezetlen talajon a lucerna 2 t·ha−1 nitrogént épített be a föld feletti termésébe, mely döntően a levegőből származott. Az öt év alatt felvett Ca átlagosan 1546, K 1232, P 200, Mg 200, S 189 és Na 22 kg·ha−1 mennyiséget tett ki. A Fe-felvétel mintegy 7, az Al, Mn és B elemeké 3 kg·ha−1 volt, míg a felvett Co 2–3 g·ha−1 volt.A szennyezett talajon a maximális elemhozamok öt év alatt az alábbiak voltak (hara vetítve): Mo 29 kg, Sr 20 kg, Se 19 kg, Ba és Zn 2-2 kg; Cu 600 g, Ni és Cd 200 g, Cr 150 g, As 130 g, Pb 16 g.Megállapítható összefoglalóan, hogy a lucerna a Mo, Sr és Se elemekkel mérsékelten szennyezett talajok tisztítására,/remediációjára alkalmas lehet hazai viszonyaink között. Előnyt jelenthet a növény nagy föld feletti biomasszája, valamint a mélyen lenyúló gyökérzete. A Se és a Mo ugyanis szelenát/molibdenát, valamint a Cr kromátion formájában az altalajt szennyezheti. A termett széna azonban takarmányozási célokra nem használható.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

El-Nahal, Fady. "Coherent 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16QAM) Optical Communication Systems". Photonics Letters of Poland 10, n.º 2 (30 de junho de 2018): 57.

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Coherent optical fiber communications for data rates of 100Gbit/s and beyond have recently been studied extensively primarily because high sensitivity of coherent receivers could extend the transmission distance. Spectrally efficient modulation techniques such as M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) can be employed for coherent optical links. The integration of multi-level modulation formats based on coherent technologies with wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) systems is key to meet the aggregate bandwidth demand. This paper reviews coherent 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) systems to scale the network capacity and maximum reach of current optical communication systems to accommodate traffic growth. Full Text: PDF ReferencesK. Kikuchi, "Fundamentals of Coherent Optical Fiber Communications", J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 157-179, 2016. CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, D.-S. Ly-Gagnon, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Coherent Demodulation of 40-Gbit/s Polarization-Multiplexed QPSK Signals with16-GHz Spacing after 200-km Transmission", Proc. OFc, Paper PDP29, (2005). DirectLink K. Kikuchi, "Coherent Optical Communication Technology", Proc. OFC, Paper Th4F.4, (2015). CrossRef J. M. Kahn and K.-P. Ho, "Spectral efficiency limits and modulation/detection techniques for DWDM systems", IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 259–272, (2004). CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Coherent demodulation of optical multilevel phase-shift-keying signals using homodyne detection and digital signal processing", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1131–1133, (2006). CrossRef Y. Mori, C. Zhang, K. Igarashi, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Unrepeated 200-km transmission of 40-Gbit/s 16-QAM signals using digital coherent receiver", Opt. Exp., vol. 17, no. 32, pp. 1435–1441, (2009). CrossRef H. Nakashima, Et al., "Digital Nonlinear Compensation Technologies in Coherent Optical Communication Systems", Proc. OFC, Paper W1G.5, (2017). CrossRef S. J. Savory, "Digital filters for coherent optical receivers", Opt. Exp., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 804–817, (2008). CrossRef D. S. Millar, T. Koike-Akino, S. Ö. Arık, K. Kojima, K. Parsons, T. Yoshida, and T. Sugihara, "High-dimensional modulation for coherent optical communications systems", Opt. Express, vol. 22, no. 7, pp 8798-8812, (2014). CrossRef R. Griffin and A. Carter, "Optical differential quadrature phase-shift key (oDQPSK) for high capacity optical transmission", Proc. OFC, Paper WX6, (2002). DirectLink K. Kikuchi, "Digital coherent optical communication systems: fundamentals and future prospects", IEICE Electron. Exp., vol. 8, no. 20, pp. 1642–1662, (2011). CrossRef F. Derr, "Optical QPSK transmission system with novel digital receiver concept", Electron Lett., vol. 27, no. 23, pp. 2177–2179, (1991). CrossRef R. No’e, "Phase noise tolerant synchronous QPSK receiver concept with digital I&Q baseband processing", Proc. OECC, Paper 16C2-5, (2004). DirectLink D.-S. Ly-Gagnon, S. Tsukamoto, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Coherent detection of optical quadrature phase-shift keying signals with carrier phase estimation", J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 12–21, (2006). CrossRef M. Taylor, "Coherent detection method using DSP for demodulation of signal and subsequent equalization of propagation impairments", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 674–676, (2004). CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, "Unrepeated transmission of 20-Gb/s optical quadrature phase-shift-keying signal over 200-km standard single-mode fiber based on digital processing of homodyne-detected signal for Group-velocity dispersion compensation", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 1016–1018, (2006). CrossRef S. Tsukamoto, Y. Ishikawa, and K. Kikuchi, "Optical Homodyne Receiver Comprising Phase and Polarization Diversities with Digital Signal Processing", Proc. ECOC, Paper Mo4.2.1, (2006). CrossRef K. Kikuchi and S. Tsukamoto, "Evaluation of Sensitivity of the Digital Coherent Receiver", J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 20, no. 13, pp. 1817–1822, (2008). CrossRef S. Ishimura and K. Kikuchi, "Multi-dimensional Permutation Modulation Aiming at Both High Spectral Efficiency and High Power Efficiency", Proc. OFC/NFOEC, Paper M3A.2, (2014). CrossRef F. I. El-Nahal and A. H. M. Husein, "Radio over fiber access network architecture employing RSOA with downstream OQPSK and upstream re-modulated OOK data", (Optik) Int. J. Light Electron Opt., vol. 123, no. 14, pp: 1301-1303, (2012). CrossRef T. Koike-Akino, D. S. Millar, K. Kojima, and K. Parsons, "Eight-Dimensional Modulation for Coherent Optical Communications", Proc. ECOC, Paper Tu.3.C.3, (2013). DirectLink B. Sklar, Digital communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice-Hall, (2001).
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.

Garibaldi, A., D. Bertetti, P. Pensa e M. L. Gullino. "First Report of Gray Mold Caused by Botrytis cinerea on Stevia rebaudiana in Italy". Plant Disease 93, n.º 3 (março de 2009): 318.

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Stevia rebaudiana (sweetleaf) is a perennial shrub belonging to the Asteraceae family and is widely grown for its sweet leaves. With its extracts having as much as 300 times the sweetness of sugar, this species is used in many countries for the production of sugar substitutes. However, in Italy, as well as in other countries, this species cannot be grown for the use of its leaf extracts. This plant is grown in a few nurseries in the Albenga Region (northern Italy) as potted plants. In February of 2008, 3-month-old plants grown in plastic pots (14-cm diameter) under glasshouse on heated benches started showing symptoms of a previously unknown blight. The temperature in the glasshouse ranged between 16 and 20°C and plants were watered by sprinkle irrigation. Leaves, starting from the basal ones, showed small, brown spots that spread across the entire leaf surface. Subsequently, the crown and stem were infected, and the pathogen developed abundant, soft, gray mycelium on leaves and stems and in the middle of the heads of S. rebaudiana. Flowers were not present when the symptoms appeared. Severely infected leaves dried out and became necrotic. The disease was observed in one nursery in which 5% of the plants were affected. The margins of the lesions were excised from leaves, immersed in a solution containing 1% sodium hypochlorite, and then cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. A fungus produced abundant mycelium when incubated under constant fluorescent light at 22 ± 1°C after 10 days. The conidia were smooth, hyaline, ovoid, measuring 15.5 to 8.3 × 11.1 to 7.3 (average 11.6 × 8.6) μm, and were similar to those described for Botrytis cinerea. Conidiophores were slender and branched with enlarged apical cells bearing conidia on short sterigmata. The identity of the fungus was also confirmed by the production of numerous, small, black sclerotia on PDA plates incubated for 20 days at 8 ± 1°C. Sclerotia were dark and irregular with a diameter ranging from 1 to 2 mm. These morphological characters identified the fungus as B. cinerea (2). The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA was amplified using primers ITS4/ITS6 and sequenced. BLAST analysis (1) of the 780-bp segment showed a 100% homology with the sequence of Botryotinia fuckeliana (perfect stage of B. cinerea). The nucleotide sequence has been assigned GenBank Accession No. FJ486270. Pathogenicity tests were performed by spraying leaves of six healthy 6-month-old potted S. rebaudiana plants with a 105 conidia/ml suspension. Six plants sprayed with water only served as controls. Plants were covered with plastic bags for 3 days after inoculation to maintain high relative humidity and were placed in a growth chamber at 20 ± 1°C. The first foliar lesions developed on leaves 4 days after inoculation, whereas control plants remained healthy. B. cinerea was consistently reisolated from these lesions. The pathogenicity test was completed twice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of B. cinerea on S. rebaudiana in Italy. The disease has been reported in Ukraine (3) and more recently in Japan (4). The economic importance of this disease is at the moment limited. References: (1) S. F. Altschul et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389, 1997. (2) H. L. Barnett and B. B. Hunter. Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi. Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, MN, 1972. (3) J. Takeuch and H. Horie. Annu. Rep. Kanto-Tosan Plant Prot. Soc. 53:87, 2006. (4) V. F. Zubenko et al. Zash. Rast. 18, 1991.
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Afonin, Nikolay N., e Vera A. Logachova. "Reactive Interdiffusion of Components in a Non-Stoichiometric Two‑Layer System of Polycrystalline Titanium and Cobalt Oxides". Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases 22, n.º 4 (26 de novembro de 2020): 430–37.

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We demonstrated the possibility of using the mathematical form of Darken's theory, applied to the description of the Kirkendall effect in binary systems, to the description of reactive interdiffusion in non-stoichiometric polycrystalline film oxide systems with limited solubility. The aim of the study was the simulation of reactive interdiffusion under vacuum annealing of a thin film system consisting of two non-stoichiometric polycrystalline titanium and cobalt oxides. The nonstoichiometric nature of the system assumes the presence of mobile components, free interstitial cobalt and titanium cations in it. Phase formation occurs as a result of reactive interdiffusion and trapping of mobile components of the systemon inter-grain traps. The proposed mechanism describes the formation of complex oxide phases distributed over the depth of the system.A complex empirical research technique was used, involving Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray phase analysis and modelling methods. The values of the characteristic parameters of the process were determined by numerical analysis of the experimentally obtained distributions of the concentrations of the components within the developed model. During vacuum annealing of a thin film two-layer system of non-stoichiometric TiO2–x–Co1–уO oxides in temperature range T = 773 – 1073 К, the values of the individual diffusion coefficients of cobalt DCo = 5.1·10–8·exp(–1.0 eV/(kT) cm2/s and titaniumDTi = 1.38·10–13·exp(–0.31 eV/(kT) cm2/s were determined.It was shown that for T = 1073 K, the phase formation of CoTiO3 with a rhombohedral structure occurs. The extension of the phase formation region of complex cobalt and titanium oxides increases with an increase in the vacuum annealing temperature and at 1073 K it is comparable with the total thickness of the film system.The model allows predicting the distribution of the concentrations of the components over the depth of multilayer nonstoichiometric systems in which reactive interdiffusion is possible. References1. Chebotin V. N. Fizicheskaya khimiya tverdogo tela[Physical chemistry of a solid state]. Moscow: KhimiyaPubl.; 1982. 320 p. (in Russ.)2. Tretyakov Yu. D. Tverdofaznye reaktsii [Solidphase reactions]. Moscow: Khimiya Publ.; 1978. 360 p.(in Russ.)3. Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. Interdiffusion andphase formation in the Fe–TiO2 thin-film system.Semiconductors. 2017;51(10): 1300–1305. DOI: Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. Cobalt modificationof thin rutile films magnetron-sputtered in vacuumtechnical. Technical Physics, 2018;63(4): 605–611. DOI: Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. 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Pich Mitjana, Josep, e David Martínez Fiol. "Manuel Brabo Portillo. Policía, espía y pistolero (1876-1919)". Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, n.º 8 (20 de junho de 2019): 387.

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RESUMEN:El objetivo del artículo es aproximarnos a la controvertida biografía del comisario Manuel Brabo Portillo. El trabajo está basado en fuentes primarias y secundarias. El método utilizado es empírico. En el imaginario del mundo sindicalista revolucionario, Brabo Portillo era el policía más odiado, la reencarnación de la cara más turbia del Estado. Fue, así mismo, un espía alemán relacionado con el hundimiento de barcos españoles, el asesinato del empresario e ingeniero Barret y el primer jefe de los terroristas vinculados a la patronal barcelonesa. La conflictividad que afectó a España en el período de la Primera Guerra Mundial es fundamental para entender los orígenes del terrorismo vinculado al pistolerismo, que marcó la historia político social española del primer tercio del siglo XX.PALABRAS CLAVE: Brabo Portillo, pistolerismo, espionaje, sindicalismo, Primera Guerra Mundial.ABSTRACT:The objective of the article is an approach to the controversial biography of Police Chief Manuel Brabo Portillo. The work is based on primary and secondary sources. The method used is empirical. In the imagery of the revolutionary syndicalist world, Brabo Portillo was the most hated policeman, the reincarnation of the murkiest face of the state. He was also a German spy connected with the sinking of Spanish ships, the murder of businessman and engineer Josep Barret and the first head of the terrorists linked to Barcelona employers. 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Roesky, Herbert W., Birgit Meller-Rehbein e Mathias Noltemeyer. "Notizen: Reaktionen von Me2NC(S)SN(SiMe3)2 mit Metallhalogeniden — Kristallstruktur von Me2NCS2ZrCl3 · 3 Pyridin / Reactions of Me2NC(S)SN(SiMe3)2 with Metal Halides – Crystal Structure of Me2NCS2ZrCl3 · 3 Pyridine". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 46, n.º 8 (1 de agosto de 1991): 1117–21.

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Me2NC(S)SN(SiMe3)2 (1) reacts with TeCl4 and NbCl5 to yield Me2NC(S)SNTeCl2 (4) and Me2NC(S)SNNbCl3 (5), while the dithiocarbamate complexes 6 and 7 are formed with ZrCl4 and HfCl4. The crystal structure of 6 is reported. The reaction of Me2NC(S)SN=TiCl2·3 py 2 with LiN(SiMe3)2 gives the tricyclic compound 8.
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Rückert, Maria Magdalena, e Rainer Jehl. "Rezension von: Jehl, Rainer (Hrsg.), Welf VI." Württembergisch Franken 81 (3 de julho de 2023): 258–59.

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Rainer Jehl (Hrsg.), Welf VI. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium zum 800. Todesjahr vom 5. bis 8. Oktober 1991 im Schwäbischen Bildungszentrum Irsee (Irseer Schriften, Bd. 3), Sigmaringen (Thorbecke) 1995, 127 S„ 9 Abb.
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Livros sobre o assunto "813.5 s 3-8, 1991"


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Jonathan, Swift. Gulliver's Travels: Into Several Remote Regions of the World. BiblioBazaar, 2007.

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Jonathan, Swift. Gulliver's Travels (Large Print Edition): Into Several Remote Regions of the World. BiblioBazaar, 2007.

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Li, Jie Jack, Chris Limberakis e Derek A. Pflum. "Reductions". In Modern Organic Synthesis in the Laboratory. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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The Barton deoxygenation (or Barton–McCombie deoxygenation) is a two-step reaction sequence for the reduction of an alcohol to an alkane. The alcohol is first converted to a methyl xanthate or thioimidazoyl carbamate. Then, the xanthate or thioimidazoyl carbamate is reduced with a tin hydride reagent under radical conditions to afford the alkane. Trialkylsilanes have also been used as the hydride source. Reviews: (a) McCombie, S. W. In Comprehensive Organic Synthesis; Trost, B. M.; Fleming, I., Eds.; Pergamon Press: Oxford, U. K., 1991; Vol. 8, Chapter 4.2: Reduction of Saturated Alcohols and Amines to Alkanes, pp. 818–824. (b) Crich, D.; Quintero, L. Chem. Rev. 1989, 89, 1413–1432. To a solution of the â-hydroxy-N-methyl-O-methylamide (0.272 g, 1.55 mol) in tetrahydrofuran (THF) (30 mL) were added carbon disulfide (6.75 mL, 112 mmol) and iodomethane (6.70 mL, 108 mmol) at 0 °C. The mixture was stirred at this temperature for 0.25 h, and then sodium hydride (60% suspension in mineral, 136.3 mg, 3.4 mmol) was added. After 20 min at 0 °C, the reaction was quenched by slow addition to 60 g of crushed ice. (Caution: hydrogen gas evolution!). The mixture was raised to room temperature and separated, and the aqueous layer was extracted with CH2Cl2 (4 × 15 mL). The combined organic extracts were dried (Na2SO4</aub>), concentrated in vacuo, and purified (SiO2, 5% EtOAc in hexanes) to afford 0.354 g (86%) of the xanthate. To a solution of the xanthate (2.95 g, 11.1 mmol) in toluene (100 mL) was added tributyltin hydride (15.2 mL, 56.6 mmol) and 2,2´-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN, 0.109 g, 0.664 mmol). The reaction mixture was then heated to reflux for 1 h. The mixture was cooled, concentrated in vacuo, and purified (SiO2, 100% hexanes to remove tin byproducts, followed by 10% EtOAc in hexanes to elute product) to afford 1.69 g (96%) of the N-methyl-O-methylamide.
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Taber, Douglass. "Stereocontrolled C-O Ring Construction: The Morimoto Synthesis of ( + )-Omaezakianol". In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Tobin J. Marks of Northwestern University observed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 263) high geometric control in the cyclization of 1 to 2 . Tristan H. Lambert of Columbia University found (Organic Lett. 2009, 11, 1381) that Bi could catalyze both the addition of the ketene silyl acetal 4 to 3, and the subsequent cyclization of the secondary alcohol so formed, to give the product ether 5 with high diastereocontrol. Glenn M. Sammis of the University of British Columbia devised (Organic Lett. 2009, 11, 2019) a radical relay cyclization of 6 to 7, again with high diastereocontrol. Eric Fillion of the University of Waterloo established (Organic Lett. 2009, 11, 1919) that conjugate addition to the Meldrum’s acid derivative 8 proceeded with high stereoselectivity, delivering the useful chiron 10. Gregory C. Fu of MIT found (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2225) that both five- and six-membered ring ethers could be formed with high enantiocontrol from alkyne alcohols such as 11. The catalyst was a chiral phosphine. Christian M. Rojas of Barnard College established (Organic Lett. 2009, 11, 1527) a route to 2-amino sugars such as 15, by Rh-mediated intramolecular nitrene addition in the presence of the trapping agent 14. J. S. Yadav of the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad devised (Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 81) a route to C-glycosides such as 18, by condensation of a glycal 16 with an isonitrile 17. Michel R. Gagné of the University of North Carolina developed (Organic Lett. 2009, 11, 879) a complementary route to C-glycosides such as 21, with control of side chain relative configuration. Note that the addition to the methacrylate 20 is likely proceeding by initial one-electron reduction, since reductive β-elimination is not observed. It is also possible to construct larger rings. Frank E. McDonald of Emory University devised a flexible route to protected tetraols such as 22, and showed (Organic Lett. 2009 , 11, 851) that it could be cyclized selectively to the septanoside 23. Kenshu Fujiwara of Hokkaido University found (Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 1236) that ring-closing metathesis of 24 delivered the eight-membered ring product 25 in near quantitative yield.
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"M 18 a3c ( L 3) e : a2n07L -D 21 , 7 M , e1a9k7i5n . s TL, Taguchi K, Duignan TP, Dhillon KS, Gordon J. Ann Surg 4. Nielsen HJ, Hammer JH, Moesgaard F, Kehlet H. Surgery 105(6):711-719, 1989. 5. B 67 ro 6 w , n19R8 , 2 . Bancewicz J, Hamid J, Tillotson G, Ward C, Irving M. Ann Surg 196(6):672-6. Fernandez LA, MacSween JM, You CK, Gorelick M. Am J Surg 1613:263-270, 1992. 7. H 57 a , m 1 id 98J4 , . Bancewicz J, Brown R, Ward C, Irving MH, Ford WL. Clin Exp Immunol 56:49-8. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. Arch Surg 122:1264-1268. 1987. 9. J M en o s ll eenr -N LS ie , ls A en ndCe , rsH en anAbJe , rg C -S hr oirse ti nasnesnenF , PHMo , klH an odk la M n . dBP, r J Ju Shul rg CO7 , 9 M :51 ad 3 s -5 en 16G , , 19M 92 o . rtensen J, 10. Fisher E, Lennard V, Siefert P Kluge A, Johannsen R. Human Immunol 3:187-194, 1980. 11. L 10 e1n5n , ar1d9V 83 , . Maassen G, Grosse-Wilde H, Wernet P, Opelz G. Transplant Proc 15(1): 1011-12. F1o9r8d7 . CD, Warnick CT, Sheets S, Quist R, Stevens LE. Transplant Proc 19( 1): 1:456-457, 13. Cox DR. Analysis of binary data, Methuen: London, 1970. 14. Murphy PJ, Connery C, Hicks GL Jr, Blumberg N. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surgery (in press). 15. A Pa rc tc hheSnu rg Deerlyl in 1g2e3r ( E 1 , 1 ) M : 1i3 ll 2e0r -1 S3D2 , 7 , W1e9r8 tz 8 . MJ, Grypma M, Droppert B and Anderson PA. 16. D 12 e 3 ll : i1n3g2e0r -1 E3P2 , 5 M , 1 il 9 le 8r8 , SD, Wertz MJ, Grypha M, Droppert B, Anderson PA. Arch Surg 17. Dawes LG, Aprahamian C, Condon RE and Malongi MA. Surgery 100:796-803, 1986. 18. Tartter PI. Br J Surg 75:789-792,1988. 19. A Lo gsarAwnagleN le , s , MAuprrpihly1J9G 92 , . Cayten CG, Stahl WM. Presented to the Surgical Infection Society, 20. Truilzi DJ, Vanek K, Ryan DH and Blumberg N. Transfusion (accepted for publication). 21. Murphy P, Heal JM and Blumberg N. Transfusion 31:212-217,1991. 22. Mezrow CK, Berstein I and Tartter PI. Transfusion 32:27-30, 1992. 23. BMuesdch3R2C8 , : 1 H 37 o2p , W 19 C9J3 , . Hoynck van Zpapendrecht MAW, Marquet RL, Jeekel J. N Engl J 24. W 19 a8y7m . ackJP, Warden GD, Miskell P, Gonce S, Alexander JW. World J Surg 11:387-391, 25. WaymackJP, Robb E, Alexander JW. Arch Surg 122:935-939, 1987." In Transfusion Immunology and Medicine, 301. CRC Press, 1995.

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"from CD99 high expressors but membranes from CD99 low expressors required exposure of 5 minutes before the 32 kD band was apparent [50]. Unfortunately, these tests gave no information about the Xga protein because the position of the Xga band was masked by the antibody light chain which became labelled. However, a 32 kD band was seen in the Xga-immunoprecipitate from Xg(a+) but not from Xg(a-) cells [50]. It has not yet been proved that this is the CD99 protein because this band was not stained by immunoblotting Xga-immunoprecipitates with 12E7. The luciferin-enhanced luminescent proceedure to detect the avidin-biotin label is very much more sensitive than immunoblotting. Our results support the theory that Xga and CD99 may be associated in the membrane. Cloning of the XG gene will increase our understanding of this relationship. The important blood group genes have been cloned but two big problems remain, regulation on antigen expression and the function of blood group polymorphisms. Rare phenotypes should still be studied because they will contribute to unravelling the mechanisms responsible for the polymorphisms. The wealth of serological information which continues to increase includes many examples of variable expression of red cell antigens. Some antigens do not show the same variation on other cells suggesting that some modes of regulation may be limited to red cells. Association of blood group antigens with proteins of known function and identification of red cell antigens on cells other than red cells will contibute to understanding the functions of the blood group polymorphisms. REFERENCES 1. P.L. Mollison, C.P. Engelfreit and M. Contreras, Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine. Blackwell Scientfic Publications, Oxford (1993). 2. M. Lewis (Chairman) et al, Vox Sang., 61_, 158-160 (1991). 3. G.L. Daniels, J.J. Moulds (chairman) et al, Vox Sang., 65, 77-80 (1993). 4. A.C. Petty, J. Immunol. Meth., 161. 91-95 (1993). 5. J. M. Moulds, in Immunobiology of Transfusion Medicine. G. Garratty ed. Marcel Dekker. Inc., New York, (1994) pp. 273-297. 6. J.M. Moulds, M.W. Nickells, J.J. Moulds, M.C. Brown and J.P. Atkinson, J. Exp. Med., 173, 1159-1163 (1991). 7. N. Rao, D.J. Ferguson, S-F. Lee and M.J. Telen, J. Immun., 146, 3502-3507 (1991). 8. A.C. Petty, (abs) Transfusion Medicine 3 Suppl 1, 84 (1993). 9. J.M. Moulds, J.J. Moulds, M. Brown and J.P. Atkinson, Vox Sang. 62, 230-235 (1992)." In Transfusion Immunology and Medicine, 198. CRC Press, 1995.

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"IPnad lm ex e r (P Darlomuegrh1t Sev United States, an 9d6t5hea ri n ty dI1n9d6e8x , aAnldl Crop Moisture et al. 1987). On the other hand, it is indeed ra e Yield Moistur eey In 1d9e8x4 ) ( Jionsetheetedv ro er uygyhetanr. oFttooreexxiasmtipnlea , pFo ig rt uiroen1o .5 f th il e lu ssetrcao te usnttrrieesfo in r al. 1991 hat in tiinve th ly enU ew ) in the Philip ni tienddeSxtatth es atisistpgia ne he iSnstiaanngndid elsew anrcdriezaesd in h g ere. Pr epcopAu ipit la re ri ltay ­ tdhreouU gh ntitiesdofSttean te g s, retahteerp th er acnen1t0agpeerarceeanta . f T fe hcu te s d , th beyI1n9d9e5x ) . (SPI), developed by McKee et al. (1993 ation governments of these larger countries are more drough Atisdiisncculsusd io ed nionfc se li v m er aatliccihnadpitceerssfionrtm hi osnvio to r a in ngdaec st caubsltio sh meedda to dealing with water shortages and have in Part III (Monitoring and e lume actively. For n sm ianlf le ra rsc tr ouucn tu tr riees, toitriesspmoonrde , l a ik lb el eyit th re a -t n lo igqiuceasl ) . inFdo ic reas , csoemepOalriid so ap noo ( f1s9 ev 8e5raarl ly p op wualranr in mge te te ocrh o­ ­ tuhseuael ntire coun ). scale ly anroem gi aoln ie asltrpyhm en aoymbeenaaff -e cttheedysrienscueltdrfo ro u m gh ltasrgae re -dur A at n io o n th . eDrrdoiusg ti hntgsuu is shuian ll gyrfeeqau tu ir reeaomfidnr im ou ugmhtof is t its that become es ta in b li asthm ed o sp ahnedr ic p er csiirsctulfaotr io n p er piaotdtse rn osftcoontthirneueemfoonr th msotnothbsecoormeyeeasrtsa . bl T is hheedmbaugt then cwaon mo Fnrtohms, sae as p o la nns, n o in r longer. drought impacts is closely related t nitude of teristics of drought ghapveerssp er eicotu iv sei , mtphle ic astp io a n ti s a . lNcahtairoancs ­ tohnesedtuorfattihoenporfectihpei ta etv io e n nt . shTohre ta g fi e o , tih ts eitn im te ing of the should know the probability that drought may simul­ dr ve-year ( n1s9i7 ty 9 , -a 8n3d ) r ta enge io onuss ly w a it f h fe in cttah ll eiorrbsoervdee ra rs l m an aj dordcervoep lo -p procdounctiinng ­ y th eiosusge ht in northeast Brazil is a good case in point. In gencies if such an event were to occur. Likewise, it is du arrisngirn ie tsh th oefcyleaas rs, 1979 and 1980 were both drought important for governments to know the chances of a sonal rain e fa lplritnocsiipcaslernasieny ( i s .e e . a , so a significant deficiency regional drought simultaneously affecting agricultura tals were slightl n y ) . a b In ov 1e9n8o1r , m th ael, sbeuat ­ pnreoad rb uyctn iv aittiyonisnotnhew ir hocm ou tnhte ry yaarsew de e p ll e n as deandtjafcoernftooodrltdhreo ug te hmt. po Irnal 19 d 8 is 2 tr , ib tuhtei on ra in re fa slul lte to d t al isnwaegrrei cu ble tu lo ral supplies. In some inst normal, but the temporal distribution of precipitatio wnfdrroomugnhetam rb i y ti gnaattiioonnss , tr iagtneagny ces, a nation’s primary was conducive to crop development. Agricultural drought may have signif o ic ri nmgatyhebel ik to e li ihmopoodrtthfaotodaw im e p re a ct fsow llo e w re e d le ss bya dv th er ese. mTohset se ant regional impa sefvoeurre ‘d drroouugghhtt ’ yyeeaa rs r w fo oord ld w su ipdpelioers . inLtihkeewpirs in e, citphaelgorcac in u -r e re xnpcoer ti onfgdnrco ts ugohntm (1 a9t8 ic 3 ) ago ri fcu th lt e u ra plre im vi poaucststw (M en atgya -f lih ve years, with dra­ such as occurred during the ENSO event of 1a9t8 ions, aes et al. 1988). (Glantz et al. 1987, Glantz e2-3 cha D ra rco te urg is httiscs. al T so hedair ffer in terms of their spatial nificantly alter a developing cou tnatlr . y’ 1s9a9c1c ) e , ssmtaoy fo si ogd ­ e sh viofltve fr ogm ra dsueaalsloyn , a to ndser as affect ea esgoino . nIsnoefdb lar m ge ayrxism ev uem re idnrt ought from donor governments. as Brazil, China, India, the Unit ceodunS tr tiaetse , e n su si cthy". In Droughts, 43–44. Routledge, 2016.

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Trabalhos de conferências sobre o assunto "813.5 s 3-8, 1991"


Becker, P. C., A. Lidgard e D. J. DiGiovanni. "High-performance erbium-doped fiber amplifier pumped at 811 and 980 nm". In Integrated Photonics Research. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1991.

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Most work on erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) over the past few years has focussed on amplifiers pumped at 980 nm and at 1480 nm.1-3 Recently, however, there has been renewed interest for file 800-nm pump band.4 In this paper we present a comparative study of an EDFA pumped by a Ti:sapphire laser tuned to both 800 and 980 nm in order to illustrate the effects of excited-state absorption.5 The erbium-doped fiber used in the experiment has a 4-μm-diameter SiO2-Al2O3-GeO2 core with a relative index difference of 0.035 and a cutoff wavelength of ~815 nm. The erbium concentration is 200 ppm. Gain and saturation measurements were per formed on different lengths of fiber, pumped at 980 nm and at some arbitrary wavelength in the 810-nm region, the optimum wavelength having been found to increase with length. Figure 1 is a plot of normalized gain for λs = 1533 nm as a function of pump wavelength. The 3-dB bandwidth is 14 nm. The peak gain for this 12-m piece is obtained for λ p = 811 nm and was 25 dB for λ s = 1533 nm and 20 dB for λ s = 1553 nm. The maximum absorption, however, was found to be at 797 nm.
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Lefcort, Malcolm D., e E. L. S. (Ted) Skodje. "Sawmill, Wood Waste Fuelled, 100% Recuperated, 5 MW Gas Turbine Co-Generation Plant". In ASME 1998 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.

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Sawmills in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC) will soon be confronted with a collective wood waste disposal problem (bark, sawdust and shavings) of about 3 Million bone dry tonne/y at an average wet basis moisture content of about 45%. About 40 existing sawmill beehive burners presently incinerate this waste. Emissions from these beehive burners exceed current provincial particulate limits. Markets for the waste — board plants, sawdust digesters, charcoal plants, etc. — are limited. The economics of 25 to 50 MW wood-fired, steam power plants is poor. 6¢/kW.h is needed to finance a plant; the major utility offers 2¢/kW.h. This paper describes a 3 MW to 5 MW, Nuovo Pignone PGT-5 co-generation plant fuelled by the 2000°F (1093°C) exhaust from a Heuristic EnvirOcycler, a two-stage, wood waste incinerator. The exhaust meets BC’s particulate limit of 0.052 grains/dscf (120 mg/Nm3). 37 to 65 Million Btu/h (39 to 68 GJ/h) of waste heat can be recovered from the system exhausts. In this application the PGT-5’s external combustion chamber is replaced by a “recuperator”, i.e., a high temperature, gas-to-air, heat exchanger. Two variations of the basic system are examined. One features a larger than necessary EnvirOcycler to generate additional steam in the waste heat boiler. The other variation discusses heating 1,550°F (843°C) air from the recuperator up to 1,796°F (980°C) with natural gas. The extra power generated can cost as little as 1.9¢/kW.h.
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Kos, M., F. X. Hainz, I. Assmann, M. Kundi, I. Pabinger, S. Panzer, Ch Korninger, Ch Kunz e K. Lechner. "RISK FACTORS FOR AIDS AND ARC IN MULTITRANSHJSED HAEMOPHILIACS: ASSOCIATION OF A WEAK GAG P 18 IN WESTERN BLOT (WB) AND IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA?" In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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Lymphocyte subsets, platelet counts, immune globulin levels and antibody to HIV (Elisa, WB) were determined in 87 multitransfused asymptomatic haemophiliacs in 1982/83. Between 1982 and 1987 6 patients developed AIDS and 5 ARC (3 immune thrombocytopenia and 2 lymphadenopathy). AIDS or ARC developed in seropositive patients only (11/49). Patients who subsequently developed AIDS or ARC showed significantly lower numbers of T helper lymphocytes (378/mm3 versus 605/mm3; p 0.01), lower platelet counts (157x109 versus 194x109; p 0.05) and higher levels of IgG (2528 mg/dl versus 1992 mg/dl; p 0.01). AIDS or ARC occured in 4 of 7 patients(57.1%) with a low HIV antibody level ( 2000), but only in 7 of 42 (16.6%) with a high level of antibody to HIV ( 2000). A weak gag p 24 in WB was found in 4 of 11 patients (36.3%) who subsequently acquired AIDS or ARC , while none of the patients whq remained asymptomatic displayed this reactivity pattern in WB. 9 patients showed a weak gag p 18 in WB. 8 of them (88.8%) have platelet counts below 120x109 /1, 3 developed imiruine thrombocytopenia with platelet counts of less than 50xl09. Oily 6 of 40 patients (15%) without this reactivity pattern in WB have platelet counts lower than 120x109 and none below 50xl09.We conclude that a weak gag p 24 in WB has a strong positive predictive power for the development of AIDS or ARC in seropositive haemophiliacs. A weak gag p 18 in WB could possibly be associated with the occurence of immune thrombocytopenia in these patients.
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Schramm, W., L. G. Gürtler, H. Pohlmann, I. Weigel, J. Eberie e F. Deinhardt. "INCIDENCE OF HIV-1 AND HIV-2 ANTIBODIES IN HEMOPHILIACS". In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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The presence of antibodies to HIV-1 (anti-HIV-1) was tested in 167 hemophiliacs surveyed and treated at Munich hemophilia center. Increasing numbers of HIV infected patients were observed in the years 1981 to 1986 from 0% to 51,5% (86 positive patients in January 1987 of 167 followed patients). Most of the seroconver-sions occured between 1982 and 1984. The 150 clinically severe affected hemophiliacs (F-VIII-levels up to 5% and need of replacement therapy) showed positive HIV-test results in 55,3% (83 patients) and negative results in 44,7% (67 patients). 5 patients died since 1981, one because of AIDS. 17 patients were not seen since 1984, 14 of those belong to the severly affected group, 12 of them were negative. Since spring 1985 only heat or chemically treated clotting factor preparations are used for substitution. Despite this still 5 seroconversions were observed. Two may be attributed to the use of a preparation heat inactivated in dry state, this preparation is no longer used. The other 3 seroconversions possibly were caused by an occasional use of an noninactivated preparation in the beginning of the change to inactivated clotting factor preparations. 38 of the anti-HIV-1 positive sera were tested for the presence of HIV-2 antibodies also. The methods were ELISA,immunofluorescence and immunoblot. HIV-2 (LAV-2) for these tests was kindly provided by L. Montagnier. Antibodies specific for HIV-2 antigens were not detected, but crossreactions were observed between anti-HIV-1 with HIV-2 antigens particularly epitopes on HIV-2-p27.The data indicate that the use of adequately inactivated clotting factors can prevent infection of hemophilia patients by this route and that HIV-2 was not present in the clotting factor preparations used for the substitution of this group of patients. The incidence of full blown AIDS since 1981 in our group of hemophiliacs is still low (1,2%).
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McLeod, B., R. Sassetti, E. Cole e P. Scott. "LONG TERM, FREQUENT PLASMA EXCHANGE DONATION OF CRYOPRECIPITATE". In XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Schattauer GmbH, 1987.

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In plasma exchange donation (PED), several liters of fresh plasma are removed fran a donor with a pheresis instrument as a source of cryoprecipitate, and replaced with autologous cryoprecipitate-supernatant from the previous donation. Repetitive PED can produce large quantities of factor VIII from individual donors over time, with a favorable impact on donor exposure for factor VIII recipients. To clarify the implications for donor safety, we report our experience with several donors who have undergone multiple PEDs. Detailed observations are presented for one donor who has undergone PED 101 times between 5/83 and 1/87, and has provided all the factor VIII needed by his son (now age 14) with severe hemophilia A during this period. Exchange volume was gradually increased while donation frequency was gradually decreased. There were 23 exchanges of 2 L, 52 of 2.5 L, and 26 of 3 L for a total of 254 L plasma exchanged. Desmopressin (20 meg tV) was given before 45 more recent donations to augment factor VIII yield. A total of 343,274 IU factor VIII have been collected; the mean (±SD) yield from a 3 L, desmopressin- stimulated PED is 5598 ± 899 IU. The donor has remained in good health; he has noted no adverse effects fran any PED, and none have been found in laboratory monitoring. Prior to the 100th donation the following were within normal limits: CBC,platelet count, urinalysis, SMA-18, protein electrophoresis, IgG, IgA, IgM, hemolytic complement, C3, C4, fibronectin, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, thranbin time, factor VIII:C (140%), factor VIII:Ag (134%), von Willebrand factor (86%) and fibrinogen (215 mg/dL). In another family, the father has donated 40 times since 1981 and the paternal grandmother has donated 31 times since 1984 with no untoward effects detected in clinical or laboratory monitoring. They have supported two moderately affected patients now ages 7 and 9. Extensive experience with these donors suggests that repeated PED is safe, and that a highly motivated donor can sometimes provide single donor support, even for a severe hemophiliac.
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De Oliveira, Alice, e Michèle Lavagna. "Robust Control Design via Structured H-infinity for the Atmospheric Re-entry of Reusable Launchers". In ESA 12th International Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control and 9th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques. ESA, 2023.

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The controlled atmospheric re-entry associated with the precision soft-landing of Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs) on Earth is very challenging as it depends on multiple parameters [1]. Over the last decade, the cost-effectiveness of such a technology has been finally demonstrated with the successful recoveries of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 first-stage rocket first [2], then followed by other companies such as the Rocket Lab’s Electron micro-launcher [3]. This breakthrough has been made possible by the development of advanced and robust computational methods able to generate in real time the flight conditions and to command the optimal vehicle's deflections accordingly to achieve a safe pinpoint landing. Indeed, during an Earth atmospheric re-entry, the vehicle is subjected to fast system dynamics changes partly induced by external loads associated with the terrestrial environment (e.g., lift, drag, wind and gusts), but also by the actuation commands to answer the landing constraints satisfaction and the vehicle integrity preservation. All those involve uncertainties and nonlinearities, which lead to vehicle’s instability and therefore give reason why for a highly performant Guidance, Navigation and Control system implementation [4]. More particularly, one of the critical aspects is the design of a robust control strategy capable of counteracting the previously defined disturbances and uncertainties while satisfying the strict accuracy requirements associated with the pinpoint landing [5]. As demonstrated by the current state-of-the-art on control design for launchers [6-7], the classical linear control theory represents a rich heritage with a lot of applications. This choice was motivated by its relative easiness of implementation and the possibility to use gain-scheduling techniques to adapt to nonlinear systems. Nevertheless, these techniques are well-adapted to the control system design of single-input single-output systems, such as for example a reusable rocket using a Thrust Vector Control (TVC) system as the unique actuator. The implementation of multiple-input multiple-output control systems becomes then complex since every channel is addressed in a single-loop fashion. This capability is however required for the future generation of reusable rocket, using also aerodynamic steering based on fins in addition to the TVC system for enhancing control authorities. Moreover, model uncertainties are not accurately considered in the design process, developed only with nominal conditions and stability margin requirements. For all these reasons, it results in an extensive (both in terms of time and cost) Verification and Validation campaign with many iterations and Monte-Carlo analyses to assess the performance and robustness of the control system. To overcome these drawbacks, the H-infinity family of methods, introduced a few years ago [8], provides with a powerful solution for robust control design. It relies on defining the control requirements in the frequency domain in terms of weighting functions and minimising the maximum gain of the resulting weighted system from the exogenous inputs to the outputs to be controlled. Moreover, the control-plant interaction is modelled through a Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT) representing the feedback action. Finally, the structured H-infinity method [9] allows to directly impose a specific control structure – like a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID), enabling the re-use of gain-scheduling techniques – and to consider parametric uncertainties for enhanced robustness. This paper studies the synthesis of a robust control system via structured H-infinity for the RLV atmospheric re-entry problem. First, the nonlinear 6-Degree-of-Freedom (6-DoF) RLV re-entry dynamics are simplified into a linear model and then linearised along a reference trajectory to get the nominal LFT of the system, then augmented with parametric uncertainties. The model covers the atmospheric re-entry and vertical landing of a first-stage rocket equipped with a TVC system and steerable planar fins. The controllers are built at different points of the re-entry trajectory, using the structured H-infinity framework through PID-like structures. Weighting functions considering the control objectives and requirements of a realistic RLV re-entry scenario are implemented. A robust stability analysis of the obtained system is performed via classical stability margins and structured singular value. Finally, the controllers are gain-scheduled and validated via Monte-Carlo analyses, using a nonlinear 6-DoF RLV re-entry dynamics simulator equipped with successive convex optimisation guidance. The performance of the resulting guidance and control architecture is compared with the baseline developed in previous works [10], using a TVC system only and classical linear feedback control through gain-scheduled PID controllers. This study lies within the ASCenSIon (Advancing Space Access Capabilities - Reusability and Multiple Satellite Injection) project, an innovative training network funded within H2020. References: [1] L. Blackmore, “Autonomous Precision Landing of Space Rockets”, The Bridge on Frontiers of Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 46, pp. 15–20 (2016). [2] M. Wall, “Wow! SpaceX Lands Orbital Rocket Successfully in Historic First”, (2015). Retrieval Date: 20-Jan-2022. URL: [3] Rocket Lab (2017). “Rocket Lab Electron 'Its a Test' flight successfully makes it to space”. Retrieval Date: 20-Jan-2022. URL: [4] P. Simplício, A. Marcos, and S. Bennani. “Reusable Launchers: Development of a Coupled Flight Mechanics, Guidance, and Control Benchmark", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 74-89 (2020). [5] Marco Sagliano et al. “Robust Control for Reusable Rockets via Structured H-infinity Synthesis”. In: Proceedings of the 11th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems. Virtual Event, 22-25 June 2021. [6] C. Roux and I. Cruciani, “Scheduling Schemes and Control Law Robustness in Atmospheric Flight of VEGA”. In: Proceedings of the 7th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems. Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland 2-5 June 2008. [7] Erwin Mooij. Linear Quadratic Regulator Design for an Unpowered, Winged Re-entry Vehicle (Series 08 - Astrodynamics and Satellite Systems, No 3). Delft University Press, 1998. ISBN: 9040715971. [8] J. C. Doyle, K. Glover, P. P. Khargonekar, and B. A. Francis, “State-space Solutions to Standard H2 and H∞ Control Problems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 831–847, 1989. [9] P. Apkarian and D. Noll, “Nonsmooth H∞ Synthesis,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 71–86, 2006. [10] Alice De Oliveira and Michèle Lavagna. “Reusable Launchers Re-entry Controlled Dynamics Simulator”. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences. Lille, France, 27th June - 1st July 2022.
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Farahbod, A., e J. F. Cassidy. Spatial and temporal variations in seismic coda Q attenuation in the lower St. Lawrence region, southeastern Quebec. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2023.

Texto completo da fonte
We investigate seismic attenuation characteristics of the Lower St. Lawrence seismic zone in southeastern Quebec. This zone is located ~400 km downstream from Quebec City and is between the Quebec North Shore and the Lower St. Lawrence. We used earthquake recordings from 5 broadband and 5 short period seismograph stations of the Canadian National Seismic Network (CNSN) across the region. Our dataset is comprised of 847 earthquakes recorded between 1985 and 2022 with magnitudes ranging from 2.0 to 5.1, depths from 0 to 30 km and epicentral distances of 5 to 100 km. This gives a total of 446 high signal-to-noise (S/N) traces (S/N?5.0) useful for QC calculation (with a maximum ellipse parameter, a2, of 100) across the region. Coda windows were selected to start at tc = 2tS (two times the travel time of the direct S wave), and were filtered at center frequencies of 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 Hz. Our study reveals a consistent pattern. We find that the lowest overall average of Q0 (Q at 1 Hz) values are at the three stations (GSQ, ICQ and SMQ) within 100 km of a moderate earthquake of mN 5.1 in 1999 (e.g., Q0 of 81, 88 and 80, respectively). We determined temporal variations in attenuation following the 1999 earthquake. The overall average of Q0 decreased from 87 (before the mainshock) to 77 (GSQ, D=96 km), from 92 to 85 (ICQ, D=69 km) and from 88 to 82 (SMQ, D=73 km). These results are in agreement with global studies that show a decrease in Q0 following a significant earthquake, (e.g., M &amp;gt; 5) likely the result of increased fracturing and fluids in the epicentral region. An average for all the data results in a Q relationship of QC = 86f1.07 for the frequency band of 2 to 16 Hz for the entire region.
Estilos ABNT, Harvard, Vancouver, APA, etc.
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