Teses / dissertações sobre o tema "250103 Colloid and Surface Chemistry"
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Freitas, Alexandre Mussumeci. "Role of acid-base interactions in colloid adhesion and stability of aqueous thin films /". Digital version accessible at:, 1998. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/main.
Texto completo da fonteFeldötö, Zsombor. "Structures of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers and Preasorbed Mucin : The Influence of Counterions". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Yt- och korrosionsvetenskap, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-13182.
Texto completo da fonteQC20100705
Seppänen, Rauni. "On the Internal Sizing Mechanisms of Paper with AKD and ASA Related to Surface Chemistry, Wettability and Friction". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Kemi, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4537.
Texto completo da fontePapper och kartong hydrofoberas (limmas) för att kontrollera spridning och absorption avvattenbaserade tryckfärger och hindra kantinträngning av vattenbaserade vätskor ivätskekartong. Alkylketendimer (AKD) och alkylbärnstensyra anhydrid (ASA) är syntetiskahydrofoberingsmedel som allmänt används under neutrala eller något alkaliska förhållandenvid papperstillverkning.Arbetets övergripande målsättning var att förbättra förståelse för mäldhydrofobering avpapper och kartong med AKD och ASA genom att upprätta ett samband mellanhydrofoberingsmekanism på ena sida och ytkemi hos hydrofoberat papper och dessvätningsförmåga och friktion på den andra sidan. Grundläggande studier parallellt med mertillämpade undersökningar på laboratorie- och pilotpapper har utförts. En betydande strävanhar använts för att studera spridning av AKD. Huvudinstrumentet för att karakterisera kemisksammansättning av ytan av pilotpapper hydrofoberade med AKD och ASA var röntgenfotoelektron spektroskopi (XPS). Genom att kombinera det med sekundär jonmasspektrometri (ToF-SIMS) har lateral fördelning och kemiskt tillstånd av AKD och ASAvid en yta av papper kunnat bestämmas. Kombinerat med mätningar av kontaktvinkel medvätskor med olika ytspänning och andra metoder för att analysera halten avhydrofoberinsgmedel i papper har gjort det möjligt att erhålla djupare kunskap omhydrofoberingsmekanismer av AKD och ASA.Resultaten indikerar en klar koppling mellan omfördelning av AKD på ytan av pilotpapperoch torkningsprofil vid papperstillverkning. Emellertid, spridningen var inte fullständig, vilketvar fallet även på modellytor. Fortsatt spridning av AKD visades ske som ytdiffusion i formav ett autofobiskt monoskikt (precursor film). Spridningshastigheten ökade linjärt medtemperatur och visade omvänd proportionalitet med avseende på AKD:s smältpunkt. Dennamonoskiktspridning är relativt långsam, diffusionshastighet är i storleksordningen 10-11 m2/s.Hydrolyserat AKD (keton) hindrade inte AKD:s spridning utan spred även den. Dessutomspred AKD på ytan av kristallina kalciumkarbonat. I laboratoriepapper är extraktivämnennärvarande på ytor av CTMP fiber och tycktes ha förbättrat AKD:s spridning när fibrerna varunder vatten.ivTrots något lägre retention täckte ASA ytan av icke-fyllda och PCC-fyllda papper tillsignifikant högre grad än AKD. ASA-papperen visade dock något lägre motstånd mot vatten.Detta var hänvisat till bildning av hydrolyserade ASA-produkter. De uppnådda resultatenbekräftar den föreslagna hydrofoberingsmekanismen för ASA, där hydrolyserat ASA spelaren avgörande roll. Hydrofoberingsgraden av papper lagrade inlindade i aluminiumfolie vid23 °C och 50 RH var nästan oändrad över den förlängda lagringstiden. Som motsatsgenomgick papperen som exponerats mot omgivande atmosfärsförhållanden genomgick enminskning av hydrofoberingsgraden, troligen på grund av hydrolys och migrering. Minskningav hydrofoberingsgraden var större för icke-fyllda papper av AKD än av ASA. PCC:skatalytiska effekt bidrog till hydrolys av AKD i PCC-fyllda papper.Som förväntat reducerade användning av hydrofoberingsmedel reducerade ytenergin avpapper. Ju högre hydrofoberingsgrad desto lägre var ytenergin och därmed desto högremotstånd mot vätning. Detta sågs särskilt i kontaktvinklar med etylenglykol som har lägreytspänning än vatten.AKD minskade signifikant friktionen mellan icke-fyllda papper, medan ASA inte hadeinverkan. Denna skillnad hänfördes till skillnad i ytsammansättning. Minskning av friktion förAKD-hydrofoberade papperen påbörjades vid en sådan yttäckning av AKD som är normaltför papper tillverkat för låg vattenabsorption. Som förväntat ökade PCC-fyllmedel friktionenmellan papperen.
QC 20100817
Lundberg, Pontus. "Designing Polymers for Biological Interfaces - From Antifouling to Drug Delivery". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Ytbehandlingsteknik, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-26413.
Texto completo da fonteIckespecifika interaktioner vid gränsytan, mellan ett syntetiskt material och en vattenbaserad biologisk miljö, kan leda till irreversibel adsorption av proteiner. Detta kan i sin tur leda till oönskade följdeffekter, såsom beväxning på båtskrov eller trigga en immunologisk reaktion. För att motverka dessa effekter har forskare utvecklat så kallade smygmaterial. Denna avhandling behandlar design av nätverk, nanopartiklar och ytor innehållande poly(etylenglykol) (PEG), som är känt för sina smygegenskaper och för att vara icke-toxiskt. Initialt behandlar avhandlingen PEG-baserade nätverk, hydrogeler, syntetiserade med fotoinitierad tiol-enekemi, för användning som beväxningsavvisande beläggningar för marina applikationer. Genom att variera olika parametrar, såsom längden på PEG-kedjan, härdningskemin, tvärbindaren samt den hydrolytiska stabiliteten, byggdes ett bibliotek av hydrogelbeläggningar upp. Hydrogelbeläggningarna karaktäriserades sedan med avseende på härdningseffektivitet, termiska och mekaniska egenskaper, samt hydrolytisk stabilitet. Vidare studerades beläggningarnas avvisande förmåga mot proteiner, bakterier samt kiselalger. Slutligen studerades ytbeläggningarna i ett fyra månader långt fälttest. Av testerna framgick att längre PEG-kedjor gav beläggningar med bättre avvisande förmåga. Dessutom framgick att valet av tvärbindare, härdningskemi samt hydrolytisk stabilitet var av betydelse för beläggningarnas effektivitet. Denna avhandling behandlar vidare design av amfifila linjära dendritiska hybridmaterial, med PEG som den hydrofila delen. Genom att använda icke-toxiska 2,2-bis(metylol)propionsyrabaserade dendroner, med en klickfunktionalitet i kärnan (alkyne eller allyl) och perifera hydroxylgrupper, som makroinitiatorer för ringöppningspolymerisation av ε-kaprolakton byggdes ett bibliotek av material upp. För att göra materialen amfifila, kopplades klickfunktionella PEG-kedjor (azid eller tiol) till kärnan med koppar(I)-katalyserad azid-alkyn cykloadditionskemi alternativt tiol-enekemi. Storleken på dendronerna varierades från generation 0-4, dessutom varierades längden på både poly(ε-kaprolakton)- och PEG-kedjorna. Materialen designades så att inverkan av dendrongenerationen kunde studeras. Slutligen användes dessa hybridmaterial för att framställa miceller samt isoporösa filmer. Micellernas kritiska micellbildningskoncentration, storlek samt förmåga att laddas med läkemedel visade sig vara mycket beroende av dendrongenerationen. Dendrongenerationen visade sig vidare även ha stor inverkan i hybridmaterialens förmåga att självorganisera sig till en isoporös struktur och material av tredje generationen gav de mest välordnade filmerna.
QC 20101125
Öhman, Maria. "Development of ATR-FTIR Kretschmann Spectroscopy for In situ Studies of Metal / Polymer Interfaces : and its Intergration with EIS for Exposure to Corrosive Conditions". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Korrosionslära, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-26996.
Texto completo da fonteQC 20101222
Alexander, Shovsky. "Polyelectrolyte complexes of bottle brush copolymers : Solution and adsorption properties". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Yt- och korrosionsvetenskap, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-33666.
Texto completo da fonteQC 20110516
Stiernstedt, Johanna. "Interactions of cellulose and model surfaces". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-619.
Texto completo da fonteTheander, Katarina. "Studies of surfactant behaviour and model surfaces relevant to flotation deinking". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Stockholm : Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH ; Ytkemiska institutet (YKI), 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-602.
Texto completo da fontePettersson, Torbjörn. "Lubrication and Surface Properties of Adsorbed Layers of Polyelectrolytes and Proteins". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Ytkemi, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4663.
Texto completo da fonteQC 20100903
Rentzhog, Maria. "Water-based Flexographic Printing on Polymer-coated Board". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Chemical Science Engineering, KTH, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-603.
Texto completo da fonteVoltaire, Joakim. "Ink Film Splitting Acoustics in Offset Printing". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-3869.
Texto completo da fonteDavis, Christina Clarkson. "Aqueous Silica in the Environment: Effects on Iron Hydroxide Surface Chemistry and Implications for Natural and Engineered Systems". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33948.
Texto completo da fonte
A second phase of research was aimed at identifying the practical implications of silica sorption to iron hydroxide in natural and engineered systems. Two types of surfaces were prepared by exposing pre-formed Fe(OH)3 to aqueous silica (0-200 mg/L as SiO2) for periods of 1.5 hours or 50 days. The concentration of pre-formed iron passing through a 0.45 micron pore size filter at pH 6.0-9.5 increased as the solids aged in the presence of silica. Consistent with formation of small, stable colloids, "soluble" iron concentrations exceeded 0.2 mg/L only at zeta potentials < -15 mV. When arsenate was added to iron hydroxide particles equilibrated with silica for 1.5 hours, percentage arsenate removals were high. In contrast, arsenate removals decreased markedly as pH and silica concentrations increased if silica was pre-equilibrated with the iron for 50 days. Trends in percentage removal of humic substances were similar. Competition for sorption sites was the main cause of hindered anionic contaminant removal. However, interference with hydrolysis and precipitation are expected to be important under some circumstances, particularly during water treatment.
Master of Science
García, García Sandra. "Generation, stability and migration of montmorillonite colloids in aqueous systems". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Kemiteknik, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-11847.
Texto completo da fonteMira, Isabel. "Interactions between surfactants and starch : from starch granules to amylose solutions". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Chemical Science and Engieering, KTH : Ytkemiska institutet, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4123.
Texto completo da fonteDahlberg, Carina. "Drugs and polymers in dissolving solid dispersions : NMR imaging and spectroscopy". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Skolan för teknikvetenskap, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-11783.
Texto completo da fonteKong, Moreno Maynard J. "Principles of colloid and surface chemistry. Paul C. Hiemenz y Raj Rajagopalan. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 3th edición. Nueva York, 1997. 650 págs". Revista de Química, 2013. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/101337.
Texto completo da fonteUlrich, Christian. "Electric Fields for Surface Design and Chemical Analysis". Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tillämpad Fysik, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-12485.
Texto completo da fonteMcCardy, Nicole R. "Prediction of Surfactant Mildness for Rinse-off Formulations Using Preclinical Assays". University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1468512440.
Texto completo da fonteHerting, Gunilla. "Bioaccessibility of Stainless Steels : Importance of Bulk and Surface Features". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Korrosionslära, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4773.
Texto completo da fonteQC 20100810
Halthur, Tobias. "Multilayer Structures for Biomaterial Applications : Biomacromolecule-based Coatings". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Chemistry, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-551.
Texto completo da fonteThe cellular response to a biomaterial, such as a dental implant, is mainly governed by the surface properties, and can thus be altered by the introduction of a surface coating. In this thesis the buildup of a biomacromolecule-based coating formed by layerby-layer (LbL) deposition of the charged polypeptides poly(L-lysine) (PLL) and poly(L-glutamic acid) (PGA) has been studied. In an attempt to make these coatings bioactive and useful for bone-anchored implants, an amelogenin protein mixture (EMD), has been immobilized in these thin polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) films. Multilayers were also built by LbL deposition of the natural biomacromolecules collagen (Col) and hyaluronic acid (HA). Multilayer films of these two extra-cellular biomacromolecules should be of interest for use as a scaffold for tissue engineering.
The buildup of the multilayer films has been followed in situ, using ellipsometry, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D), and dual polarization interferometry (DPI). The studied PLL/PGA multilayers were found to be highly hydrated, and to exhibit a two-regime buildup behavior, with an initial “slow-growing” regime, and a second “fast-growing” regime with a linear growth in film thickness and more than linear growth in mass. A net diffusion of polypeptides into the film during the buildup led to an increase in density of the films for each layer adsorbed. A change in density was also observed in the Col/HA film, where HA penetrated and diffused into the porous fibrous Col network.
The formed PLL/PGA films were further found to be rather stable during drying, and post-buildup changes in temperature and pH, not losing any mass as long as the temperature was not raised too rapidly. The film thickness responded to changes in the ambient media and collapsed reversibly when dried. A swelling/de-swelling behavior of the film was also observed for changes in the temperature and pH.
The EMD protein adsorbed to silica surfaces as nanospheres, and could by itself form multilayers. The adsorption of EMD onto PLL/PGA multilayer films increased at lower pH (5.0), and EMD could be immobilized in several layers by alternate deposition of EMD and PGA.
Petru, Niga. "Self Assembly at the Liquid Air Interface". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Yt- och korrosionsvetenskap, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-12865.
Texto completo da fonteQC20100629
Liljeblad, Jonathan F. D. "Biomimetic Membranes: : Molecular Structure and Stability Studies by Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy". Licentiate thesis, KTH, Surface and Corrosion Science, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-24465.
Texto completo da fonteIn the research presented in this licentiate thesis the surface specific technique Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy, VSFS, combined with the Langmuir trough has been utilized to investigate Langmuir monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposited mono- and bilayers of phospholipids. Their molecular structure, stability, and hydration were probed to gain additional understanding of important properties aiming at facilitating the use of such layers as model systems for biological membranes.
VSFS was applied to in situ studies of the degradation of Langmuir monolayers of 1,2-diacyl-phosphocholines with identical C-18 chains having various degrees of unsaturation. The time-dependent change of the monolayer area at constant surface pressure as well as the sum frequency intensity of the vinyl-CH stretch at the C=C double bonds were measured to monitor the degradation. It was shown that a rapid degradation of the monolayers of unsaturated phospholipids occurred when exposed to the laboratory air compared to the fully saturated lipid, and that the degradation could be inhibited by purging the ambient air with nitrogen. The degradation was attributed to oxidation mediated by reactive species in the air.
The molecular structure and order of Langmuir monolayers of 1,2-distearoyl-phosphocholine (18:0 PC) and their hydrating water were investigated at different surface pressures using VSFS. The spectroscopic data indicated a well ordered monolayer at all surface pressures with a more intense signal at higher pressures attributed to the subsequent increase of the number density and more ordered lipid molecules due to the tighter packing. Water molecules hydrating the headgroups or being in contact with the hydrophobic parts were observed and distinguished by their vibrational frequencies, and found to have different average orientations.
Additionally, monolayers of 18:0 PC, its fully deuterated analogue, and 1,2-distearoyl-phosphoserine (18:0 PS) were Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposited on CaF2 substrates and VSFS was used to investigate the structure and order of the films as well as the hydrating water. The CH-region, water region, and lower wavenumber region containing phosphate, ester, carboxylic acid, and amine signals were probed to obtain a complete picture of the molecule. The data indicates that all deposited monolayers formed a well ordered and stable film and the average orientation of the aliphatic chains was determined using the antisymmetric methyl stretch.
I forskningen som presenteras i denna licentiatavhandling har den ytspecifika vibrationssumfrekvensspektroskopin, VSFS, använts tillsammans med Langmuirtråget för att studera Langmuir-monolager och Langmuir-Blod-gett (LB) deponerade monolager och bilager av fosfolipider. För att utvidga förståelsen av egenskaper som är viktiga för att underlätta användandet av dem som modellsystem för biologiska membran undersöktes såväl deras molekylära struktur som stabilitet och hydratisering.
VSFS användes för att genomföra in situ-studier av nedbrytningen av Langmuir-monolager av 1,2-diacyl-fosfokoliner med identiska 18 kolatomer långa sidokedjor med varierande antal omättade kol-kol-bindningar. För att övervaka nedbrytningen mättes såväl den tidsberoende förändringen av monolagernas area vid konstant yttryck som sumfrekevensintensiteten från dubbelbindningarnas CH-vibration. När monolagerna bestående av omättade fosfolipider utsattes för laboratorieluften bröts de ner hastigt jämfört med det helt mättade monolagret. Denna nedbrytning som sannolikt orsakades av reaktiva ämnen i luften kunde inhiberas fullständigt genom att ersätta den omgivande luften med kvävgas.
Den molekylära strukturen och ordningen hos Langmuir-monolager av 1,2-distearoyl-fosfokolin (18:0 PC) och deras hydratiseringsvatten undersöktes vid olika yttryck med VSFS. Den spektroskopiska datan visar att monolagerna är välordnade vid alla yttryck samt att sumfrekvenssignalens styrka ökar med ökande yttryck på grund av såväl det större antalet molekyler per ytenhet som den högre ordningen då molekylerna packas tätare. Vattenmolekyler som hydratiserar huvudgrupperna eller är i kontakt med hydrofoba delar och har olika medelorientering observerades och kunde identifieras genom sina vibrationsfrekvenser.
Vidare deponerades monolager av 18:0 PC, dess fullt deuterade analog och 1,2-distearoyl-fofsfoserin (18:0 PS) på substrat av CaF2 och VSFS användes för att undersöka filmernas struktur och ordning såväl som hydratiseringsvattnet. CH- och vattenregionerna samt lågvågtalsområdet som innehåller fosfat-, ester-, karboxylsyra- och aminsignaler undersöktes för att få en fullständig bild av den molekylära strukturen. Data visar att alla deponerade monolager bildade en välordnad och stabil film och kolvätekedjornas medelorientering bestämdes med hjälp av signalen från den antisymmetriska metylvibrationen.
QC 20100924
Tyrode, Eric. "Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy Studies at the Air-Liquid Interface". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Chemistry, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-440.
Texto completo da fonteIn this thesis the structure and hydration of small organic and amphipilic compounds adsorbed at the air-liquid interface, have been studied using the nonlinear optical technique Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy (VSFS). The second order nature of the sum frequency process makes this technique particularly surface sensitive and very suitable for interfacial studies, as molecules at the surface can be distinguished even in the presence of a vast excess of the same molecules in the bulk. Particular emphasis was given to the surface water structure and how it is affected by the presence of small model compounds such as acetic acid and formic acid, and also non-ionic surfactants with sugar based and ethylene oxide based polar headgroups. Understanding the structure of water at these interfaces is of considerable fundamental importance, and here VSFS provided unique information. Upon addition of tiny amounts of these surface active compounds, the ordered surface structure of water was found to be significantly perturbed, as revealed by the changes observed in the characteristic spectroscopic signature of the dangling OH bond of water molecules, which vibrate free in air and are present in the top monolayer. Dramatic differences between the different compounds were also observed in the bonded OH region, providing a valuable insight into the hydration of polar groups at interfaces. Additionally, by employing different polarization combinations of the laser beams involved in the sum frequency process, information about the different water species present at the surface and their average orientation were extracted. In particular an unusual state of water was found with a preferred orientation in a non-donor configuration in close proximity to the hydrophobic region formed by the hydrocarbon tails of the surfactant molecules.
The conformation and orientation of the different adsorbates were also characterized, targeting their specific vibrational frequencies. Noteworthy is the orientation of the fluorocarbon chain of ammonium perfluorononanoate (APFN), which in contrast to the hydrocarbon chains of the other surfactant molecules studied, remained constant over a wide range of surface densities. This behaviour was also observed for the anionic headgroup of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). Other interesting findings were the formation of a cyclic dimer bilayer at the surface of concentrated aqueous solutions of acetic acid and the water structuring effect induced by poly(ethylene-oxide) headgroups, in spite of being themselves disordered at the air-liquid interface.
Wallqvist, Viveca. "Interactions between non-polar surfaces in water: Fokus on talc, pitch and surface roughness effects". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Ytkemi, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-10283.
Texto completo da fonteMålet med detta avhandlingsarbete var att öka förståelsen för interaktioner mellan talkmineral och ytor, vätskor och kemikalier relevanta för industriella applikationer, såsom papper och massa. Talk används i pappers- och massaindustrin som fyllmedel, för kontroll av hartsrika (lipofila extraktivämnen) avsättningar och som bestrykningspigment. En djupare förståelse för talkinteraktioner kommer att vara användbart för att optimera dess användning. Långväga attraktiva interaktioner mellan talk och hydrofoba modellpartiklar, såväl som mellan talk och hartspartiklar, har uppmätts med hjälp av atomkraftsmikroskopi (AFM) genom att fästa kolloidala partiklar på kraftsensorn. Två metoder för att framställa partiklar gjorda av harts har utvecklats för att möjliggöra dessa studier. Hydrofoba, nanostrukturerade modellytor med ytenergier liknande de för talk har också tillverkats och deras växelverkan med hydrofoba modellpartiklar har jämförts med dem mellan talk och hydrofoba modellpartiklar. Studierna visar att talkmineral växelverkar med hydrofoba modellpartiklar, såväl som med harts, genom långväga attraktiva krafter som är betydligt starkare än den förväntade van der Waals kraften. Möjliga orsaker till de uppmätta växelverkanskrafterna diskuteras och slutsatsen blir att huvudorsaken är en attraktiv kapillärkraft som uppkommer genom att en gas-/ångkapillär bildas mellan ytorna. Kraftmätningar gjorda med hydrofoba nanostrukturerade modellytor visar att en storskalig vågighet inte nämnvärt påverkar storleken av kapillärattraktionen, men stora lokala variationer existerar. Det demonstreras att en stor variation i adhesionskraft motsvaras av en liten variation i lokal kontaktvinkel för kapillärerna på ytorna. Ytornas topografi påverkar kapillärattraktionen genom att påverka den lokala kontaktvinkeln samt genom att trefaskontaktlinjen inte kan röra sig fritt över ytan. Effekten är tydligt beroende av huruvida ytojämnheterna existerar i form av nedsänkningar eller upphöjningar. Instängd luft påverkar också pressade talktabletters uppsugningsförmåga av vatten. Vätnings- och dispergeringsmedels inverkan på växelverkan mellan talk och hydrofoba partiklar har undersökts. Resultaten visar att ett vanligt dispergeringsmedel för talk, polyakrylsyra, inte påverkar kapillärattraktionen. I själva verket tyder data på att polyakrylsyra inte adsorberas på talks basalplan. Utifrån dessa resultat dras slutsatsen att polyakrylsyra stabiliserar talkdispersioner genom att adsorbera på talkkanterna. Ett vanligt vätmedel (nonjonisk triblock sampolymer Pluronic PE6400) tar å andra sidan bort långväga kapillärattraktion. Detta antyder att egenskapen att ersätta luft på talkytan är av stor betydelse för effektiva vätmedel. Hamakerkonstanten för talk har uppskattats genom att utnyttja optiska data från ellipsometrimätningar. Det demonstreras att ett nanokristallint talkmineral kapat i olika riktningar uppvisar mycket små skillnader i Hamakerkonstant mellan de olika kristallografiska orienteringarna, medan ett mikrokristallint prov uppvisar ett betydligt högre värde. De beräknade Hamakerkonstanterna diskuteras för olika materialkombinationer relevanta för pappersindustrin, såsom cellulosa och kalciumkarbonat.
QC 20100813
Bastardo, Zambrano Luis Alejandro. "Self assembly of surfactants and polyelectrolytes in solution and at interfaces". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Ytkemi, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-425.
Texto completo da fonteQC 20100901
Kivisäkk, Ulf. "Influence of hydrogen on corrosion and stress induced cracking of stainless steel". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Korrosionslära, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-12436.
Texto completo da fonteQC20100618
Matsson, Maria. "Adsorption of polyhydroxyl based surfactants". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Chemistry, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-421.
Texto completo da fonteAdsorption on solid surfaces from solution is a fundamental property of a surfactant. It might even be the most important aspect of surfactant behavior, since it influences many applications, such as cleaning, detergency, dispersion, separation, flotation, and lubrication. Consequently, fundamental investigations of surfactant adsorption are relevant to many areas.
The main aim of this thesis has been to elucidate the adsorption properties, primarily on the solid/water interface, of a particular class of polyhydroxyl based surfactants: the alkyl glucosides. By the use of ellipsometry, the equilibrium and kinetic aspects of adsorption on titanium dioxide with respect to structural effects has been studied. Furthermore, the effects of small amounts of cationic surfactant additives on the adsorption on silica have been investigated. The results have been compared with similar studies for other nonionic surfactants.
We have found that the surfactant structure has a strong effect on the adsorption properties. An increase in the surfactant chain length increases the cooperativity of the system. An increase in the head group polymerization decreases the cooperativity and the plateau adsorbed amount at equilibrium. The effect of surfactant structure on the adsorption kinetics depends on the concentration relative to the cmc, while the there is a decrease in the rate of desorption with increasing hydrophobic chain length independent of the concentration. The adsorption/desorption process is concluded to be diffusion driven, as suggested by the model used. When comparing these results with studies on ethylene oxide based surfactants, we conclude that the two types of surfactants exhibit similar trends on surfaces onto which they adsorb.
Adsorption from binary surfactant solutions is even more interesting than adsorption from single surfactant solutions, since it brings us one step closer to the systems used in applications. In addition, adsorption from a mixture can be very different from adsorption from any of the single surfactants in the mixture. Alkyl glucosides alone do not adsorb on silica, but addition of small amounts of a cationic surfactant to the alkyl glucoside solution allows for adsorption on silica. A comparison between the adsorption and bulk properties has shown that mixed micellization explains most, but not all, effects of the coadsorption properties. Changing the pH in the mixed systems reveals that a surfactant with a pH-dependent charge and the ability to adapt its charge to the environment, e.g. a surface, enhances the adsorbed amount over a wider range of pH values than a purely cationic surfactant.
It is well known that alkyl glucosides and ethylene oxides adsorb differently on different types of hydrophilic surfaces. As a consequence, replacing ethylene oxides with alkyl glucosides might not be all straight-forward; however, we have shown that the effect of the surface can be eliminated by the use of a cosurfactant.
Moore, Lee James. "Spectroscopy and dynamics of colloidal particles and systems at interfaces". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2012. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:80b11157-18d9-4262-9432-c7fe82e24213.
Texto completo da fonteIruthayaraj, Joseph. "Poly (ethylene oxide) based bottle-brush polymers and their interaction with the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate : solution and interfacial properties /". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Kemi, Chemistry, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4680.
Texto completo da fonteNaderi, Ali. "Polyelectrolytes : Bottle-Brush Architectures and Association with Surfactants". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Kemi, Chemistry, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4683.
Texto completo da fonteMidander, Klara. "Metal Particles – Hazard or Risk? Elaboration and Implementation of a Research Strategy from a Surface and Corrosion Perspective". Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-11695.
Texto completo da fonteLundin, Maria. "Adsorption of biopolymers and their layer-by-layer assemblies on hydrophilic surfaces". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Yt- och korrosionsvetenskap, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-11058.
Texto completo da fonteDet är välkänt att ytor spelar en viktig roll i många biologiska processer och tekniska tillämpningar. Att kunna modifiera en ytas egenskaper ger därför en möjlighet att kunna kontrollera många fenomen som sker på ytor. Ett sätt att kontrollera ytegenskaperna är genom att adsorbera en polymerfilm på ytan, till exempel genom att växelvis adsorbera olika polyelektrolyter (LbL-teknik). Denna enkla men mångsidiga teknik möjliggör att många olika material kan införlivas i filmen, vilket resulterar i en multifunktionell beläggning. På grund av dagens lagstiftning och konsumenters ökade efterfrågan på miljövänliga material beslutade vi oss för att använda biologiska polymerer (biopolymerer) i detta projekt. Fokus i den här avhandlingen har varit på adsorption av biopolymerer och deras LbL-formation på gränsytan vätska-fast fas, där adsorptionsförloppet och det adsorberade skiktet bestående av biopolymerer studerats med en mängd olika tekniker. Huvudtekniken var kvartskristallmikrovåg med energidissipations-registrering (QCM-D), som mäter massan inklusive inkorporerat vatten, samt de viskoelastiska egenskaperna hos ett adsorberat skikt. Som komplement till denna teknik användes ofta optiska metoder, till exempel ellipsometri och ”dubbel polarisationsinterferometri (DPI)”, två tekniker som endast mäter massan av de adsorberade biopolymererna. Genom denna kombination av metoder kunde massan av inkorporerat vatten i filmen och filmens densitet bestämmas. Dessutom användes ytkraftsapparaten (SFA), röntgenfotoelektronspektrometri (XPS), och fluorescens-spektroskopiteknikerna TIRF och FRET i några undersökningar för att erhålla information om skiktens struktur, kemiska sammansättning och polymerernas diffusion inom skiktet.Adsorptionsstudier av glycoproteinet mucin, som har en central roll i funktionen av slemhinnan, avslöjade att trots att mucinet har en negativ nettoladdning adsorberade det ändå på negativt laddade substrat. Det adsorberade lagret var väldigt hydratiserat och hade en låg andel mucin i direkt kontakt med ytan. Vi påvisade vikten av att noga undersöka mucinet som användes, eftersom olika renhet, till exempel i form av förekomsten av albumin gav upphov till olika adsorptionsbeteende gällande både adsorberad mängd och struktur. En stor andel av det adsorberade mucinlagret desorberade när det exponerades för den anjoniska tensiden natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS. Vi visade att ett skyddande lager av den katjoniska polysackariden chitosan kunde adsorberas på mucinet och att mucin-chitosan-komplexen inte desorberade när SDS tillsattes. Därtill studerades växelverkan mellan chitosan och SDS på gränsytan vätska-fast fas, i bulken och på luft-vattengränsytan. Komplex av chitosan-SDS bildades i samtliga miljöer och en nettoladdningsomsvängning från positiv till negativ observerades när koncentrationen av SDS ökades.Vidare kunde LbL-tekniken nyttjas för att skapa ett multilagerlikt skikt genom att alternerande adsorbera mucin och chitosan på kiseldioxidsubstrat. Denna teknik användes även med två proteiner, lysozym och β-kasein, med målet att skapa ett multilager bestående av endast proteiner. Dessa proteiner bildade komplex på gränsytan vätska-fast fas i form av ett blandat proteinlager, men uppbyggnaden var väldigt oregelbunden med en ökning i adsorberad mängd per proteindeponeringscykel som var avsevärt mindre än ett monolager.Inom området för biomaterial utgör de antibakteriella och antihäftande egenskaperna hos chitosan respektive heparin en lovande blandning för beläggningar av medicinska implantat. Baserat på detta konstruerade vi multilagerfilmer av chitosan och heparin med olika deponeringslösningar och undersökte dynamiken och filmens struktur i detalj. Chitosan-heparin-filmen var starkt hydratiserad, bestående av cirka 60-80 vikt-% vatten beroende på deponeringsbetingelserna. Den adsorberade mängden och tjockleken på filmen ökade nästan exponentiellt med antal deponeringar, vilket förklarades med chitosanets förmåga att diffundera genom filmen under uppbyggnaden. Med ett nytt angreppssätt använde vi FRET för att bevisa diffusionen av fluorescerande färgmärkt chitosan i filmen under uppbyggnaden. Diffusionskoefficienten var i princip oberoende av pH och jonstyrka under deponeringen och följaktligen av filmens struktur. Genom att använda ett pH-känsligt färgämne begravt under sju biskikt av chitosan-heparin visade vi att färgämnet i hög grad påverkades av laddningen på det yttersta lagret. Från QCM-D-data lade vi fram teorin om att en ökning av energidissipationen för ett lager inte nödvändigtvis indikerar att lagrets struktur har blivit mindre styvt.
QC 20100729
Barnes, Timothy. "Emulsion droplets of controlled deformability: electrokinetics, colloid stability and polymer adsorption". 2003. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/28912.
Texto completo da fonteJiang, Xiuqian. "Gold nanoparticles for biosensor development : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosphy in Chemistry, Institute of Fundamental Science, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand". 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10179/1376.
Texto completo da fonteDjordjevic, Ivan. "Polyoctanediol citrate/sebacate elastomers : a new class of tissue engineering materials". 2009. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/92562.
Texto completo da fonteSedeva, Iliana. "Probing the adsorption of polymer depressants on hydrophobic surfaces using the quartz crystal microbalance". 2010. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/92477.
Texto completo da fonteThesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2010
Zhou, Jingfang. "Thymine-functionalized gold nanoparticles : synthesis, surface structure and colloid stability". 2008. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/47049.
Texto completo da fonteClasohm, Lucy Y. "A surface force apparatus study of the mercury/water interface with and without self-assembled monolayers". 2005. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/45956.
Texto completo da fonteSnoswell, David Robert Evan. "The influence of surface heterogeneity and solution composition on the colloid stability of SiO2 and TiO2 dispersions". 2003. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/80906.
Texto completo da fonteThesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2003
Encontre o texto completo da fonteThe role of mechanical forces in the fate and function of adherent cells has been revealed to be a pivotal factor in understanding cell biology. Cells require certain physical cues to be present in their microenvironment or the cell will begin apoptosis. Mechanical signals from the environment are interpreted at the cellular level and biochemical responses are made due to the information from outside the cell, this process is known as mechanotransduction. Misinterpretation of physical cues has been indicated in many disease states, including heart disease and asthma. When a cell is bound to the ECM, proteins such as integrins are engaged at static and stable adhesion sites. These tight and static anchoring points found at the ECM exist in stark contrast to the dynamic conditions seen at intercellular junctions. Intercellular junctions, such as gap and adherens junctions, are formed between cells to act as a mechanism to relay information and exchange material. Due to the important role intercellular junctions play in processes of wound healing, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer metastasis developing more sophisticated levels of understanding of these mechanisms would provide valuable insight.
Complex biological processes, including immune cell signaling and cellular ECM adhesions, have been effectively replicated in model systems. These model systems have included the use of solid supported lipid bilayers and polymeric hydrogels that display cell adhesion molecules. Studies of cellular mechanotransduction at ECM adhesion sites has also been completed with covalently functionalized polymeric substrates of adjustable elasticity. However, developing model systems that allow the accurate reproduction of properties seen at intercellular junctions, while also allowing the investigation of cellular mechanosensitivity has proven to be a difficult task. Previous work has shown that polymer-tethered lipid bilayers (PTLBs) are a viable material to allow the replication of the dynamics and adhesion seen at intercellular junctions. Although efforts have been made to produce PTLBs with different mechanical properties, there is currently not a material with sufficient tunable elastic properties for the study of cellular mechanotransduction.
To establish a system that allows the study of stiffness effects across a biologically relevant range (~0.50 – 40 kPa) while maintaining the dynamic properties seen at cell-to-cell junctions, polymer gel-tethered bilayers (PGTBs) were developed. A fabrication strategy was established to allow the incorporation of a hydrogel support with easily tunable stiffness and a tethered lipid bilayer coating, which produced a powerful platform to study the effects of stiffness at intercellular junctions. Careful attention was given to maintain the beneficial properties of membrane diffusion, and it was shown that on different linking architectures lipid bilayers could be established and diffusion was preserved. Microscopy-based FCS and FRAP methodology were utilized to measure lipid diffusion in these systems, while confocal microscopy was used to analyze cell spreading and adhesion. Three distinct architectures to link the lipid membrane to the underlying polyacrylamide hydrogel were pursued in this work, a non-covalent biotin-streptavidin system, a covalently linked design with fibronectin, and a direct covalent linkage utilizing crosslinker chemistry. In this work, it was shown that cells were able to spread and adhere on these substrates, with cell adhesion zones visualized under plated cells that demonstrate the capability of the cell to rearrange the presented linkers, while maintaining a stable material. Also confirmed is the tunability of the polymer hydrogel across a wide range of stiffness, this was shown by quantitative changes in cell spreading area in response to polymer properties.
(9121889), Tyson C. Davis. "Controlled Transfer Of Macroscopically Organized Nanoscopically Patterned Sub–10 nm Features onto 2D Crystalline and Amorphous Materials". Thesis, 2020.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte(7010366), Edwin Jhovany Alzate Rodriguez. "POLYMERIC BONDED PHASES FOR PROTEIN EXTRACTION AND INTACT GLYCOPROTEIN ANALYSIS". Thesis, 2019.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteThe effectiveness of an analytical method is strongly affected by matrix composition, however, the presence of species other than the target analyte is usually unavoidable. An excellent technique will be able to identify and/or quantify the analyte even when its concentration is low compared with interfering molecules. Protein analysis is particularly challenging, since many proteins of clinical and scientific significance are present in complicated matrices such as plasma or cell lysates.
A common method to specifically separate a protein from a complicated matrix is solid phase extraction. In this method, a species (such as an antibody) with high specificity towards the target is immobilized onto a solid substrate (commonly beads or small particles for greater surface area). Next, the target is collected onto the surface, bound by the species. The solid substrate is rinsed of the liquid matrix, before elution of the target. Only the active species should interact with the analyte, and the surface should be otherwise inactive. However, nonspecific interactions lead to binding/adsorption of undesirable compounds. Therefore, an optimal substrate for protein extraction must be 1) easily and completely removable from the liquid phase, 2) have a high concentration of active sites for specific binding, and 3) exhibit low nonspecific binding. As part of this work, commercial magnetic particles were coated with a nonporous silica layer that tolerates the acid bath and silane coating necessary to attach a polymer layer. On the silane coating, a polymer layer was covalently bound; this layer contains epoxide active groups for immobilizing antibodies. These antibodies bind to the target molecule with high specificity, and low nonspecific binding. Obtained particles were evaluated for protein extraction, where antibodies as well as specifically engineered drug compounds were successfully bound to the particle surface.
Glycosylation influences several physiopathological processes in proteins. Glycans can act as receptors, modify protein solubility, and participate in folding conformation. Altered glycosylation is a common feature in tumorous cells. As such, many modifications in glycoproteins have been related to cancer, including increased branching of N-glycans or augmented units of sialic acid. Therefore, characterization of glycoproteins is important not only as a diagnostic tool, but also to monitor patients’ response to treatment. Furthermore, it is important in the growing field of monoclonal antibodies as drug carriers.
Among different methods used for glycosylation analysis, Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) has showed important advantages over time-consuming digestion-MS based techniques. An adequate HILIC stationary phase can be used to rapidly differentiate glycoforms present in a sample. In the second part of this work, a polymer brush based bonded phase was developed as a HILIC stationary phase. The new polymer improved the separation of a model glycoprotein compared with a commercial HILIC column, while also exhibiting enhanced stability over a previous bonded phase synthetized in our group.
Denman, John A. "The application of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) to forensic glass analysis and questioned document examination". 2007. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/40576.
Texto completo da fonte(5929496), Jae Jin Bang. "Tailoring Nanoscopic and Macroscopic Noncovalent Chemical Patterns on Layered Materials at Sub-10 nm Scales". Thesis, 2018.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteThe unprecedented properties of 2D materials such as graphene and MoS2 have been researched extensively [1,2] for a range of applications including nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices [3–6]. Their unique physical and electronic properties promise them as the next generation materials for electrodes and other functional units in nanostructured devices. However, successful incorporation of 2D materials into devices entails development of high resolution patterning techniques that are applicable to 2D materials. Patterning at the sub-10 nm scale is particularly of great interest as the next technology nodes require patterning of (semi)conductors and insulators at 7 nm and 5 nm scales for nanoelectronics. It will also benefit organic photovoltaic cells as phase segregation of p/n-type semiconducting polymers on 2D electrodes at length scales smaller than the typical exciton diffusion length (10 nm)
is expected to improve the charge separation efficiency [7].
Characterizing locally modulated properties of non-ovalently functionalized 2D materials requires high-resolution imaging techniques capable of extracting measurements of various physical/chemical properties. One such method is scanning probe microscopy (SPM) [18–21]. In Chapter 1, we present a brief review of SPM modalities, some of which are used to characterize interfacial properties, such as conductivity and local contact potential differences that can be modulated by amphiphilic assemblies [17, 22]. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of main techniques that we use to determine topography. All imaging in this work were performed in attractive AC mode [23,24] in order to minimize disruption to the self-assembly of the amphiphiles by the scanning tip.
One challenge of using SAMs for locally modulated functionalization is that the proximity to the nonpolar interface can modify the behavior of the functionalities present on the surface in conjunction with the steric hindrance of 2D molecular assemblies. For instance, ionizable functional groups, one of the strongest local modulators of surface chemistry, undergo substantial pKa shifts (in some cases, > 5 units) at nonpolar interfaces, limiting their ability to ionize. In order to apply molecular assembly to create 2D chemical patterns, we needed to design alternative structures that can avoid such penalties against the intrinsic properties of functionalities present in the assemblies. Among amphiphiles, we observed that the chiral centers of phospholipids have the potential of elevating the terminal functional group in the head from the surface for improved accessibility. We refer to this type of assembly as a ’sitting’ phase. Chapter 2 describes sitting phase assembly of phospholipids; the projection of the terminal functionality allows it to maintain solution phase-like behavior while the dual alkyl tails provide additional stabilizing interactions with the substrates. Given the diversity of phospholipid architecture [25], the sitting phase assembly suggests the possibility of greatly diversifying the orthogonality of the chemical patterns, allowing highly precise control over surface functionalities.
While a variety of methods including drop-casting [26–28] and microcontact printing [29] have been used previously by others for noncovalent assembly of materials on the surface, they mostly address patterning scale in the sub-μm range. Here, we utilize Langmuir-Schaefer(LS) transfer, which has been historically used to transfer standing phase multilayers [30], and lying-down domains of PCDA at < 100 nm scales in the interest of molecular electronics [14, 31–33], as our sample preparation technique. LS transfer is remarkable in that the transferred molecules relinquish their pre-existing interactions in the standing phase at air-water interface to undergo ∼ 90◦ rotation and assemble into the striped phase on a substrate. This introduces the possibility of modulating local transfer rate across the substrate by manipulating local environment of the molecules. Thus, LS transfer has the potential to offer spatial control over the noncovalent chemical functionalization of the 2D substrate, essential in device applications.
In Chapter 3 and 4, We make comparative studies of various experimental factors such as surface pressure, temperature and molecular interactions that affect the efficiency of LS conversion. Considering the energetics of the transfer process, we predicted that the rate of transfer from the air-water interface to the substrate should be the highest from the regions around defects, which would be the energetically
least stable regions of the Langmuir film [34, 35]. In Langmuir films, two phases of lipid assemblies—liquid expanded (LE) and liquid condensed (LC)—often coexist at the low surface pressures (< 10 mN/m) used for sample preparation. Hence, we hypothesized that the microscale structural heterogeneity of Langmuir films could be translated into microscale patterns in the transferred film on HOPG. We compare the transfer rates between LE and LC phases and investigate the impacts of physical conditions during LS transfer such as temperature, packing density, dipping rate and contact time to conclude that local destabilization of Langmuir films leads to increased transfer efficiency. (Chapter 3)
As in the case of lipid membranes that reorganize routinely based on the structure of the constituent molecules [36–38], the structure of Langmuir films is strongly dependent on the molecular structures of the constituent molecules [39–43]. Accordingly, we expected the molecular structures/interactions to provide additional control over the LS transfer process. In Chapter 4, we compare domain morphologies and the average coverages between three single chain amphiphiles and two phospholipids, each
of which contain hydrogen bonding motifs of varying strengths. We show that by influencing the adsorption and diffusion rates, molecular architecture indeed influences LS conversion efficiency and subsequent assembly on the substrate. The presence of strong lateral interactions limits transfer and diffusion, forming vacancies in the transferred films with smaller domain sizes while weaker intermolecular interactions enabled high transfer efficiencies.
Gellner, Magdalena. "Plasmonisch aktive Kern/Schale-Nanopartikel für die oberflächenverstärkte Raman-Spektroskopie". Doctoral thesis, 2012. https://repositorium.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de/handle/urn:nbn:de:gbv:700-2012030810053.
Texto completo da fonte(5929808), Rachel E. Jacobson. "HILIC-MS analysis of protein glycosylation using nonporous silica". Thesis, 2019.
Encontre o texto completo da fonte(6630413), Aashutosh Mistry. "Mesoscale Interactions in Porous Electrodes". Thesis, 2019.
Encontre o texto completo da fonteHe, Mingzhao. "The influence of adsorbed polymer on clay and copper mineral particles' interactions". 2009. http://arrow.unisa.edu.au:8081/1959.8/69122.
Texto completo da fonte