Newspaper article: how to cite in Harvard style?

Crie uma referência precisa em Harvard

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General rules

For referencing a newspaper article in a list of references according to the rules of the Harvard citation style, use the following template:

Author(s), (year). Article title. Newspaper title. Date of issue. p(p). page(s).

See this article for the principles of indicating authors' names in the Harvard referencing system.

Note several aspects:

  • The range of pages is given with the preceding abbreviation 'p. / pp.', in contrast to a journal article, where no text precedes the page range.
  • Neither the volume number nor the issue number is given according to the Harvard style: a newspaper article is identified by the date of issue (compare with the approach of Chicago Style – notes and bibliography – 17th ed.).
  • The day and month are given in the 'Date of issue' element.

For a newspaper issue which can be downloaded online, add appropriate online source parameters to the reference:

Author(s), (year). Article title. Newspaper title [online]. Date of issue. p(p). page(s). [Viewed date viewed]. Available from: URL

Examples in a list of references

Crowley, M., Krauss, C. and Kramer, A. E., (2020). Trump hungry for good news via an oil truce. The New York Times. 3 April. pp. A1, A17.

Pouliot, R. and Pillai, M. G. G., (1980). Who to watch in Afghan crisis. The Financial Post [online]. 19 January. p. 79. [Viewed 12 January 2021]. Available from:

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