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Bilecen, Tuncay. "Hakan Gunday (2021). Zamir". Göç Dergisi 9, nr 1 (28.02.2022): 175–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.33182/gd.v9i1.805.

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Hakan Günday’ın Zamir adını taşıyan romanı, yeni bir bin yıla (2000) girmeye hazırlanan bir dünyada geçiyor. Kitapta her ne kadar o yıllarda şahit olmadığımız olaylar yer alsa da bu kurgusal dünyanın günümüze dair pek çok göndermesi bulunuyor.
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Bostock, Stephen. "Bostock Replies to Zamir". Society & Animals 16, nr 2 (2008): 185–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/156853008x291453.

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ÖZDEMİR, Hakan. "NAZAL ÜNLÜ VE ZAMİR N'Sİ ÜZERİNE". Journal of Social Sciences 2, nr 4 (1.01.2015): 130. http://dx.doi.org/10.16990/sobider.84.

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Wijayanti, Ani, Prahesti Tirta Safitri i Aji Raditya. "ANALISIS PEMAHAMAN KONSEP LIMIT DITINJAU DARI GAYA BELAJAR INTERPERSONAL". Prima: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 2, nr 2 (28.07.2018): 157. http://dx.doi.org/10.31000/prima.v2i2.714.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam memahami konsep limit yang ditinjau dari gaya belajar interpersonal pada siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Az-Zamir. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Az-Zamir. Objek penelitian adalah kemampuan pemahaman konsep limit dan gaya belajar interpersonal pada siswa. Setting penelitian mengambil tempat XI IPA SMA AZ-Zamir. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data yaitu dengan melakukan obeservasi, angket, tes soal, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gaya belajar interpersonal pada siswa berada dalam kategori tinggi dan sedang. Dalam kategori ini siswa tersebut memiliki tingkat gaya belajar interpersonal yang berbeda. Penelitian mengambil 6 sampel yang akan diuji yaitu 3 siswa dengan tingkat gaya belajar interpersonal tinggi yaitu AD, AN, IS dan 3 siswa dengan tingkat gaya belajar interpersonal sedanga yaitu SA, PRS dan TLV. Tidak semua siswa degan tingkat gaya belajar interpesonal tinggi mampu memahami konsep limit.Kata Kunci: Pemahaman Konsep limit dan gaya belajar interpersonal
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ÖZDEN, Muharrem. "ZAMİR KULLANIMI BAKIMINDAN BATI TRAKYA TÜRK AĞIZLARI". International Journal of Language Academy 6, nr 24 (1.01.2018): 160–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.18033/ijla.3967.

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hadley, john. "Ethics and the Beast- By Tzachi Zamir". Philosophical Books 49, nr 3 (lipiec 2008): 279–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0149.2008.467_16.x.

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Lindley, Dwight. "Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost by Tzachi Zamir". Religion & Literature 51, nr 1 (2019): 209–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/rel.2019.0018.

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McGregor, Rafe. "Tzachi Zamir, "Just Literature: Philosophical Criticism and Justice."". Philosophy in Review 40, nr 4 (16.12.2020): 179–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1074039ar.

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BAŞDAŞ, Cahit. "TÜRKÇEDE ÜÇÜNCÜ ŞAHIS İYELİK EKİ VE ZAMİR NSİ". Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 9, Number: 30 (1.01.2014): 147. http://dx.doi.org/10.9761/jasss2586.

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Moshenska, Joe. "Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost, by Tzachi Zamir". Mind 128, nr 511 (3.10.2018): 927–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mind/fzy049.

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Erdim, Enes. "Arap Dilinde Zamir Üzerine Yapılan Atıfla İlgili Tartışmalar". Amasya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, nr 11 (27.12.2018): 45–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.18498/amauifd.503784.

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PATRIDGE, STEPHANIE. "Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Dramaby zamir, tzachi". Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66, nr 2 (marzec 2008): 208–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6245.2008.00301_6.x.

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Lübbe-Wolff, Gertrude. "Eyal Zamir/Doron Teichman, Behavioral Law and Economics, 2018". Rechtsphilosophie 6, nr 3 (2020): 291–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/2364-1355-2020-3-291.

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PATRIDGE, STEPHANIE. "Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Dramaby zamir, tzachi". Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66, nr 2 (marzec 2008): 208–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-594x.2008.00301_6.x.

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Porat, A. "Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina, Law, Economics, and Morality". Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 3, nr 1 (1.08.2011): 91–106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jrls/3.1.91.

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Spaulding, Peter. "Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost by Tzachi Zamir (review)". Christianity & Literature 71, nr 1 (marzec 2022): 144–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/chy.2022.0013.

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Eisele, Tauana G., Leonel Vinicius Constantino, Renata M. Giacomin, Douglas M. Zeffa, Carlos HJ Suzuki i Leandro SA Gonçalves. "Genotyping and phenotyping of grape tomato hybrids aiming at possible genitors for breeding program". Horticultura Brasileira 40, nr 4 (grudzień 2022): 352–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0102-0536-20220401.

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ABSTRACT Grape and cherry mini tomatoes have been conquering Brazilian consumers due to their sweet taste, practicality of consumption, and versatility in culinary use. Therefore, the present work aimed to characterize ten grape tomato hybrids based on genetic diversity and physical and biochemical traits to provide information for the development of new genotypes focused on the appearance and enrichment of nutritional factors. The evaluated hybrids were Aiko, BRSIG, BRS Zamir, Carolina, Dolcetto, Dulce, Guaraci, Santa West, SCI-023 and Sweet Heaven. The experiment was conducted in 2019 in a greenhouse at the State University of Londrina, using a completely randomized design with four replications and six plants in each replication. The plants were grown following the practices recommended for cultivating tomatoes. The physical and biochemical characterization data were subjected to analysis of variance by the F test (p<0.05) and Scott & Knott means cluster test (p<0.05), and the molecular characterization data were subjected to analysis of principal coordinates (PCoA) and Bayesian clustering. Aiko presented the highest fruit mass and size as opposed to that observed on SCI-023, while BRSIG was the firmest fruit with the largest pericarp thickness. SCI-023, Dolcetto, and Sweet Heaven had higher sugar content. The soluble solids content ranged from 6.04 to 9.66 °Brix among the genotypes. Hybrids SCI-023, BRSIG, Sweet Heaven, BRS Zamir, and Dulce had the highest antioxidant activity levels. In the phenotypic characterization two groups were formed. The genotypic characterization showed seven groups in which high genetic similarity was verified among BRS Zamir, SCI-023, and Guaraci, as well as between Carolina and Dulce. The greatest dissimilarity was observed between Sweet Heaven and BRSIG. Both characterizations were useful to evaluate the aptitude of these genotypes as outstanding genitors for breeding programs for the Brazilian market.
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Porzsolt, Péter. "Amit tudni lehet az egészségműveltségről". Gazdaság és Társadalom 16, nr 1 (6.11.2023): 95–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.21637/gt.2023.1.06.

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Okan, O., Bauer, U., Levin-Zamir, D., Pinheiro, P., & Sørensen, K. (Eds.) (2019). International Handbook Of Health Literacy. Research, practice and policy across the lifespan. E-book. Policy Press, University of Bristol. ISBN 978-1-4473-4453-7. (Nemzetközi Health Literacy Kézikönyv. Kutatás, gyakorlat és politika az élettartamon át. Angol nyelven.)
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Montal, Florencia. "Does Consent Engender Compliance? Insights from Empirical Research on International Tribunals". AJIL Unbound 115 (2021): 160–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/aju.2021.12.

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Zachary Mollengarden and Noam Zamir base their conclusion that the Monetary Gold principle should be abandoned on both legal considerations and policy implications. These two elements, however, do not receive equal attention in the article. This essay unpacks the authors’ dismissal of the idea that, by subjecting jurisdiction to consent, the principle makes compliance with awards from the ICJ more likely. Based on the notion that judicial decisions should be understood as embedded within wider political bargains, I contend that while consent might be indicative of states’ willingness to abide by a judicial decision, what ultimately matters for changing state policy towards compliance is the set of incentives that states face in the context of these wider political bargains. Thus, the essay argues, in line with Mollengarden and Zamir, that abandoning the Monetary Gold principle need not make the Court less effective. However, it will not necessarily make it more impactful either. Beyond Monetary Gold and in relation to its role in world politics more broadly, the Court's impact rests, ultimately, on how political actors––including the ICJ itself––mobilize rulings strategically.
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Kornhaber, David. "Acts: Theater, Philosophy, and the Performing Self by Tzachi Zamir". Theatre Journal 67, nr 2 (2015): 362–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/tj.2015.0033.

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Divine, Donna Robinson. "Lebanon's Quest: The Road to Statehood 1926-1939: Meir Zamir". Digest of Middle East Studies 11, nr 1 (kwiecień 2002): 71–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1949-3606.2002.tb00444.x.

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Khalil, As'ad Abu. "Rewriting Lebanese History: The Formation of Modern Lebanon. . Meir Zamir." Journal of Palestine Studies 18, nr 3 (kwiecień 1989): 155–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/jps.1989.18.3.00p0119b.

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Nouschi, André. "Meir Zamir, The Formation of Modem Lebanon, Londres, Croom Helm, 1985." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 45, nr 1 (luty 1990): 225–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0395264900066154.

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Shehadeh, Raja. "Law without Justice: Public Law in Israel. . Itzhak Zamir, Allen Zysblat." Journal of Palestine Studies 27, nr 2 (styczeń 1998): 102–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/jps.1998.27.2.00p0041n.

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İNANÇ, Yunus. "Some Words Thought to be of Arabic Origin in Karaman and Konya Dialects (Adjective, Adverb and Pronouns)". ATEBE, nr 10 (31.12.2023): 39–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.51575/atebe.1321616.

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Milletler kültürel, ekonomik, siyasi ve askeri alanlarda birbirleri ile ilişki içerisindedir. Milletlerin dillerinin bu ilişkiden bağımsız olması ve etkiye kapalı olması düşünülemez. Diller arası etkileşim, kelime ve söz alışverişi dilin doğal yapısının bir gereğidir. Dolayısıyla diller birbirleriyle kelime alışverişi içinde olmuşlardır. Türkçe de tarih boyunca diğer dillerden kelime almış, onlara kelime vermiştir. Türkçenin kelime alışverişi yaptığı dillerin başında Arapça gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada Karaman ve Konya yöresi ağızlarında kullanılan ve Arapça ile irtibatlı olduğu düşünülen bazı kelimeler üzerinde durulmuştur. Kelimelerin seçilmesi ve derlenmesi sürecinde öncelikle literatür taraması yapılmış ve söz konusu yörelerin ağızları üzerinde yapılan çalışmaların sözlük kısımları detaylıca irdelenmiştir. Literatür taramasıyla derlenen kelimeler bazen yapılandırılmış görüşme bazen de yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yöntemiyle ilk ağızlardan teyit edilmiştir. Bu sayede kelimelerin kullanımları ile ilgili örnek cümleler kayda geçirilmiş ve kullanıldıkları yörelere işaret edilmiştir. Derleme sürecinde tespit edilen kelimeler tür bakımından isim, fiil, sıfat, zarf ve zamir şeklinde tasnif edilmiştir. Tamamının makalenin hacmini aşacağı görüldüğünden bunların ayrı çalışmalarda ele alınması gerekmiştir. Bu bakımdan bu çalışmada Karaman ve Konya yöresi ağızlarında kullanılan ve Arapça kökenli olduğu düşünülen sıfat, zarf ve zamir türündeki kelimeler ele alınmış, isim ve fiillerin başka çalışmalarda irdelenmesi planlanmıştır. Kelimeler başta Derleme Sözlüğü’nde (Türkiye Türkçesi Ağızları Sözlüğü) yer alan bilgilerle karşılaştırılmış, kimi kelimelerin Derleme Sözlüğü’nde yer almadığı görülmüş ve bu kelimelerin sözlüğe eklenmesi teklif edilmiştir. Çalışmada Derleme Sözlüğü’nde bulunan 22, Derleme Sözlüğü’nde bulunmayan 15 kelime olmak üzere toplamda 37 kelime ele alınmıştır.
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SOYDAN, Serpil. "Klasik ve Klasik Öncesi Dönem Çağatay Türkçesi Eserlerinde Şahıs ve İşaret Zamir". Journal of Turkish Studies 12, Volume 12 Issue 34 (1.01.2017): 339–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/turkishstudies.12572.

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Prinja, Raman, i Ian Howarth. "O-Star Winds: Is Rotation Important?" Symposium - International Astronomical Union 116 (1986): 93–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0074180900148697.

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The inclusion of rotation as an ingredient in radiation pressure driven stellar wind models is a nontrivial undertaking. Those bold enough to attempt an investigation of its likely importance include Castor (1979), Abbott (1980), and Marlborough & Zamir (1984), whose work shows that the critical point is expected to move away from the stellar surface with increasing rotation. Observationally, the surface mass flux is predicted to be insensitive to rotation, but the wind acceleration is expected to be less than in a nonrotating star and the terminal velocity smaller.
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Ali, Abdu Seid. "Zamir Iqbal and Abbas Mirakhor. Ethical Dimensions of Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice". Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics 6, nr 1 (15.02.2019): 113–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.26414/a060.

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ÖLKER, Gökhan, i Perihan ÖLKER. "Çağataycadaki Zamir+Edat Bağlantısında İlgi Durum Eki +nI: Du’â-yı Habîb-nâme Örneği". Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi 6, nr 4 (30.12.2022): 181–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.34083/akaded.1198113.

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Klasik dönem sonrası Çağatay Türkçesinde meslek risaleleri yazma geleneğinin olduğu görülmektedir. Bakırcılık, demircilik, dokumacılık, kasaplık, çiftçilik gibi zanaatlerin yer aldığı bu risalelerin bulunduğu mecmualarda dualar da önemli bir görünüm arzetmektedir. Çağatayca bir risale mecmuası içinde yer alan Duâ-yı Habîbnâme, Doğu Türklüğünde koruyucu dua yazma ve taşıma geleneğini yansıtmaktadır. Gerek Klasik Türk edebiyatı bünyesinde gerekse halk edebiyatı kapsamında değerlendirilebilecek, her duruma göre, dua mecmuaları ve duanameler görülmektedir. Bilhassa meslek risaleleri ile bu duaların aynı mecmua içinde yer alması ahilik kültürünün de yansımasıdır. Zanaat erbabı koruyucu, bereket verici, işini kolaylaştırıcı olduğuna inandığı dualarla mesleğini icra etmektedir. Metinde geçen térek (kavak) ağacı da Türk mitolojisinin, İslami dönemdeki yansımasıdır. Eski Türkçe döneminde +nI ilgi durum eki ile zamir+edat bağlantısının sağlandığı bilinmektedir. Ancak elimizdeki, Çağatay Türkçesinin klasik sonrası dönemine ait, metinde de aynı şekil görülmekte, başka Çağatayca metinlerle de örnekler tespit edilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada metinde geçen klasik sonrası Çağatay Türkçesine dair unsurlar ele alınacak, Türkçedeki ilgi durum eki +nI üzerinde durulacak ve lehçeleşme aşamasında Eski Türkçe döneminde olduğu gibi bir kullanımın (anı üçün, meni üçün, seni birle vb…) örneklerle nasıl devam ettiği ve taşındığı değerlendirilecektir.
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Jurakulovich, Ziyadullaev Makhmudjon. "NEW CONSTITUTION LEGAL BASIS OF SOCIAL PROTECTION: PENSION PROVISION CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE". American Journal of Applied Science and Technology 03, nr 05 (1.05.2023): 41–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/ajast/volume03issue05-09.

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This article examines the results of a number of reforms carried out by the Republic of Uzbekistan from the moment of independence to the present day to protect human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, especially important steps taken in recent years towards the creation of a state that glorifies human value, and these reforms show that in Zamir they are becoming important it is the interests of a person, respect for human values, attitude towards a person. declared. It also highlights some of the problems that existed in the field of social security until the coming years, and information about the reforms carried out after 2017 to solve these problems.
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Bashi, Vilna I. "Dark Voices: W. E. B. Du Bois and American Thought, 1888-1903.Shamoon Zamir". American Journal of Sociology 102, nr 1 (lipiec 1996): 267–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/230920.

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Adler, Dan. "Book Note: Law, Psychology, And Morality: The Role Of Loss Aversion, by Eyal Zamir". Osgoode Hall Law Journal 53, nr 3 (1.01.2016): 1139–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.60082/2817-5069.3061.

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Forges, Françoise. "INTERVIEW WITH JEAN-FRANÇOIS MERTENS (1946–2012)". Macroeconomic Dynamics 18, nr 8 (12.06.2013): 1832–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1365100513000114.

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Every game theorist knows of Mertens and Zamir (1985)'s universal beliefs space, which gives deep foundations to Harsanyi's model of Bayesian games, and Kohlberg and Mertens (1986)'s strategic stability, which is the first stone of a complete, axiomatic theory of selection among Nash equilibria. Some French mathematicians refer to the “Mertens–Zamir operator” when using techniques that Mertens and Zamir (1971) introduced to solve a class of repeated games with incomplete information. Readers of Macroeconomic Dynamics may instead have seen Mertens and Rubinchik's 2012 article “Intergenerational Equity and the Discount Rate for Policy Analysis.”The previous examples give just a slight idea of the scope of Jean-François Mertens's contributions, which also deal with general equilibrium, stochastic games, nonatomic cooperative games, and the strategic foundations of microeconomic theory. In his 2005 MD interview, Robert Aumann says, “A [. . .] person at CORE who has had a tremendous influence on game theory [. . .] is Jean-François Mertens. Mertens has done some of the deepest work in the discipline, some of it in collaboration with Israelis like my students Kohlberg, Neyman, and Zamir; he established a Belgian school of mathematical game theory that is marked by its beauty, depth, and sophistication.” The short interview that follows will definitely not account for the variety and the relevance of Jean-François's research achievements, but is typical of the way in which he talked about his work.Jean-François asked me to interview him for MD during the spring of 2010. We discussed by e-mail the topics that would be covered and on July 6, 2010, I came to Louvain-la-Neuve with a tape recorder. After lunch, Jean-François suggested that we have coffee on a terrace near the golf course and there, he patiently answered my questions, sometimes in French, sometimes in English, for about two hours. We planned to go on for at least another round but kept postponing the project. . . . When I saw Jean-François for the last time, in February 2012, I gave him the transcript of the July 2010 interview, but he hardly commented on it. He rather told me about an ongoing research article, “A Random Partitions Approach to the Value,” to be presented (by Abraham Neyman) as a “von Neumann lecture” at the World Congress of Game Theory in Istanbul in July 2012. At the same time, he was also completing, with Anna Rubinchik, the revision of a companion paper to the MD article referred to previously (“Equilibria in an Overlapping Generations Model with Transfer Policies and Exogenous Growth,” forthcoming in Economic Theory).Even if Jean-François did not proofread the transcript that follows, I cannot keep this material for myself. I am confident that those who have known Jean-François will take the interview, even incomplete, as an opportunity to remember his enthusiasm and his patience when he was talking about research. He would often start by identifying holes in obvious or well-known solutions to basic problems, and after a few audacious but illuminating shortcuts, would describe the most surprising achievements in everyday words. I hope that the interview will give an idea of Jean-François's approach to those who did not know him.Quite naturally, because MD was the planned outlet of the interview, we started by talking about the paper on the discount rate for policy analysis, which was already mentioned in the preceding. Jean-François made a number of informal comments, which usefully complement the MD article. He also explained how this paper led him and his coauthor to undertake a thorough analysis of overlapping generations economies in continuous time. This made a perfect transition to Jean-François's views on general equilibrium theory, his own work in this area, and his early career.The next step would be Jean-François's meeting with Bob Aumann, who introduced him to game theory. Jean-François pursued Aumann and Maschler's seminal work on infinitely repeated games with incomplete information, mostly with Shmuel Zamir. He went on with the existence of a value in stochastic games, another model of infinitely long games, which was introduced by Shapley in 1953. This research was undertaken with Abraham Neyman at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Jerusalem in 1980. Soon after, Mertens and Zamir started to review and complete all available results on repeated games in order to prepare a reference book on this topic. The material kept growing. Sylvain Sorin joined the team in the nineties and a draft appeared as a 1994 CORE discussion paper. However, in 2010, the book was still unpublished. . . the interview ends up with Jean-François's feelings about the project.As shown by the list of publications at the end, many important contributions of Jean-François Mertens to game theory and microeconomics are not even mentioned in the interview. During his stay at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Jerusalem in 1980, Jean-François not only worked with Abraham Neyman on stochastic games, but also had his first discussions with Elon Kohlberg on refinements of Nash equilibria. These would be followed by many others, at CORE and Harvard, until the famous Econometrica paper appeared in 1986. For the next 15 years or so, Jean-François further developed the theory of strategic stability, by himself and with his students.During the same period, Jean-François was also making progress on a completely different problem, the extension of the Shapley value to nonatomic cooperative games. Aumann and Shapley (1974) had made the first steps by proposing a value for smooth games. Jean-François proposed a complete answer to the problem in the eighties and, as already pointed out above, kept working on related topics until the very end.Even without entering into details, a description of Jean-François's more recent contributions would be beyond the scope of this short introduction. As the interview makes clear, Jean-François became more and more interested in the foundations of microeconomic theory. A typical example is his “limit price mechanism,” which can be loosely described as a double auction with several goods or as an extension of Shapley and Shubik's strategic market games. Another example is “relative utilitarianism,” which, as Jean-François explains in the interview, plays a crucial role in the determination of an appropriate social discount rate for the evaluation of long-term economic policies. Let us listen to him.
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Ioannidis, I., i M. Buck. "Nucleotide sequence of the Klebsiella pneumoniae nifD gene and predicted amino acid sequence of the α-subunit of nitrogenase MoFe protein". Biochemical Journal 247, nr 2 (15.10.1987): 287–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1042/bj2470287.

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The nucleotide sequence of the Klebsiella pneumoniae nifD gene is presented and together with the accompanying paper [Holland, Zilberstein, Zamir & Sussman (1987) Biochem. J. 247, 277-285] completes the sequence of the nifHDK genes encoding the nitrogenase polypeptides. The K. pneumoniae nifD gene encodes the 483-amino acid-residue nitrogenase alpha-subunit polypeptide of Mr 54156. The alpha-subunit has five strongly conserved cysteine residues at positions 63, 89, 155, 184 and 275, some occurring in a region showing both primary sequence and potential structural homology to the K. pneumoniae nitrogenase beta-subunit. A comparison with six other alpha-subunit amino acid sequences has been made, which indicates a number of potentially important domains within alpha-subunits.
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ÜSTÜNOVA, Kerime. "Eylem-Nesne İlişkileri Üzerine Sadece {-I}, {-Ø} Ekleriyle Çekimlenmiş Ad / Zamir Alan Eylemler mi G". Journal of Turkish Studies 10, Volume 10 Issue 16 (1.01.2015): 1143. http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/turkishstudies.8902.

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Skerpan-Wheeler, Elizabeth. "Ascent: Philosophy and “Paradise Lost.” Tzachi Zamir. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. x + 204 pp. $49.95." Renaissance Quarterly 72, nr 1 (2019): 412–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/rqx.2018.121.

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Dorfman, A. "Humane Consequentialism: A Critical Note on Eyal Zamir & Barak Medina, Law, Economics, and Morality (2010)". Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 3, nr 1 (1.08.2011): 54–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jrls/3.1.54.

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Drzewiecki, Gary. "Book Review: The Physics of Pulsatile Flow. By M. Zamir. 220 pp., Springer, New York, 2000". Cardiovascular Engineering 5, nr 2 (czerwiec 2005): 103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10558-005-5353-9.

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Stubbs, Paul. "Conflict and Co-Operation in the Virtual Community: eMail and the Wars of the Yugoslav Succession". Sociological Research Online 3, nr 3 (wrzesień 1998): 84–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.5153/sro.180.

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This article focuses on the use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) during the wars of the Yugoslav succession, through three case studies of particular eMail networks, discussion groups and bulletin boards: zamir; APC/Yugo/Antiwar; and the Soc/Culture/Croatia and Soc/Culture/Yugoslavia newsgroups. The text addresses the relationship between ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ communities and looks, in particular, at the role of eMail as a tool for social, political and cultural change. Despite the rhetoric of CMC as an inherently liberating and democratising medium, the suggestion is that power relations remain crucial in understanding all of the case studies. eMail may be most effective when part of a local discourse and practice of social change. The article concludes with a consideration of the link between different kinds of trust, or social capital, within the eMail world.
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Liu, Y. H., i E. L. Ritman. "Branching Pattern of Pulmonary Arterial Tree in Anesthetized Dogs". Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 108, nr 3 (1.08.1986): 289–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.3138616.

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The geometry of the pulmonary arterial tree of six adult dogs was measured by a high-speed, volume-scanning, X-ray tomographic technique. After the dogs were anesthetized a catheter was advanced to the right ventricular outlfow tract and 2 mL/kg Renovist contrast agent injected rapidly. During the subsequent pulmonary arterial phase of the angiogram the dogs were scanned. Three-dimensional geometry of the pulmonary arterial tree was measured in terms of vessel segment cross-sectional area, branching angles and interbranch segment lengths along axial pathways. The effect of lung inflation and phase of the cardiac cycle on geometry was shown to be most marked on vessel cross-sectional area. The geometric branching patterns in all dogs were similar. The observed, in-vivo branching pattern behaved somewhat like the branching pattern predicted from optimized models proposed by Murray [4, 5], Zamir [10, 11] and Uylings [7].
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Spencer, Thomas J. "Adult ADHD: Diversion and Misuse of Medications". CNS Spectrums 13, S15 (październik 2008): 9–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1092852900003266.

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In discussions of diversion and misuse of medications in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the word “misuse” is intentionally used. Abuse of a medication refers to excessive use of a drug to achieve a “high,” which may result in addiction to the medication and which causes dysfunction in a patient's life. However, misuse refers to usage of a medication without a prescription or for reasons other than that which it was prescribed. Diversion refers to the diverting of legally prescribed medication into illegal use by other than the patient. Sahakian and Morein-Zamir recently discussed the use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by individuals with a variety of disorders as well as off-label and non-prescription use by the general public. In addition to inappropriate use of medications, patients with ADHD often turn to other substances that are detrimental to their health, such as nicotine.
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Akande, Dapo. "Introduction to the Symposium on Zachary Mollengarden & Noam Zamir “The Monetary Gold Principle: Back to Basics”". AJIL Unbound 115 (2021): 140–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/aju.2021.17.

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d'Argent, Pierre. "The Monetary Gold Principle: A Matter of Submissions". AJIL Unbound 115 (2021): 149–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/aju.2021.13.

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In “The Monetary Gold Principle: Back to Basics,” Zachary Mollengarden and Noam Zamir claim that the well-known principle runs against fundamental ICJ statutory provisions. It would “depart” from Article 36(1), “undermine” Article 62, “import factors external” to Article 59 and “obscure . . . rather than illuminate . . . the relevant rules of law” contrary to Article 38(1). Additionally, the policy considerations upon which the principle is allegedly based—compliance, due process, and legitimacy—would support its abolition, rather than its perpetuation. I argue that the authors’ claims are unpersuasive in relation to Article 36(1) of the ICJ Statute (consent of the parties to adjudication) since they fail to distinguish between having jurisdiction in a case and exercising jurisdiction to decide a claim. The authors also overestimate the role of Article 62 in securing third-party interests, since only intervention as a party, rather than a non-party, is sufficient to overcome the Monetary Gold limitation.
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Conitzer, Vincent, i Dmytro Korzhyk. "Commitment to Correlated Strategies". Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25, nr 1 (4.08.2011): 632–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v25i1.7875.

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The standard approach to computing an optimal mixed strategy to commit to is based on solving a set of linear programs, one for each of the follower's pure strategies. We show that these linear programs can be naturally merged into a single linear program; that this linear program can be interpreted as a formulation for the optimal correlated strategy to commit to, giving an easy proof of a result by von Stengel and Zamir that the leader's utility is at least the utility she gets in any correlated equilibrium of the simultaneous-move game; and that this linear program can be extended to compute optimal correlated strategies to commit to in games of three or more players. (Unlike in two-player games, in games of three or more players, the notions of optimal mixed and correlated strategies to commit to are truly distinct.) We give examples, and provide experimental results that indicate that for 50x50 games, this approach is usually significantly faster than the multiple-LPs approach.
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Wonnell, Christopher T. "DEONTOLOGY, THRESHOLDS, AND EFFICIENCY". Legal Theory 17, nr 4 (25.11.2011): 301–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1352325211000176.

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This article explores four topics raised by Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina's treatment of constrained deontology. First, it examines whether mathematical threshold functions are the proper way to think about limits on deontology, given the discontinuities of our moral judgments and the desired phenomenology of rule-following. Second, it asks whether constrained deontology is appropriate for public as well as private decision-making, taking issue with the book's conclusion that deontological options are inapplicable to public decision-making, whereas deontological constraints are applicable. Third, it examines the issue of the relationship between deontology and efficiency, asking whether deontological constraints should yield in situations where everyone would expect to benefit from their suspension, either ex ante or ex post. Finally, the article concludes that constrained deontology is susceptible to political abuse because of the many degrees of freedom involved in identifying constrained actions and the point at which those constraints yield to consequentialist benefits.
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Park, Hyosun, Yongsik Jo, Seokun Kang, Taehwan Kim i M. James Jee. "Deeper, Sharper, Faster: Application of Efficient Transformer to Galaxy Image Restoration". Astrophysical Journal 972, nr 1 (23.08.2024): 45. http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ad5954.

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Abstract The Transformer architecture has revolutionized the field of deep learning over the past several years in diverse areas, including natural language processing, code generation, image recognition, and time-series forecasting. We propose to apply Zamir et al.'s efficient transformer to perform deconvolution and denoising to enhance astronomical images. We conducted experiments using pairs of high-quality images and their degraded versions, and our deep learning model demonstrates exceptional restoration of photometric, structural, and morphological information. When compared with the ground-truth James Webb Space Telescope images, the enhanced versions of our Hubble Space Telescope–quality images reduce the scatter of isophotal photometry, Sérsic index, and half-light radius by factors of 4.4, 3.6, and 4.7, respectively, with Pearson correlation coefficients approaching unity. The performance is observed to degrade when input images exhibit correlated noise, point-like sources, and artifacts. We anticipate that this deep learning model will prove valuable for a number of scientific applications, including precision photometry, morphological analysis, and shear calibration.
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Oliver, Dawn. "The Implementation of Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom: Principles and Problems". Israel Law Review 29, nr 4 (1995): 551–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021223700014795.

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First, I want to express my gratitude and sense of honour in being invited to deliver the Lionel Cohen lecture for 1995. The relationship between the Israeli and the British legal systems is a close and mutually beneficial one, and we in Britain in particular owe large debts to the legal community in Israel. This is especially the case in my field, public law, where distinguished academics have enriched our academic literature, notably Justice Zamir, whose work on the declaratory judgment has been so influential. Israeli courts, too, have made major contributions to the development of the common law generally and judicial review very notably.In this lecture I want to discuss the process of constitutional reform in the United Kingdom, and to explore some of the difficulties that lie in the way of reform. Some quite radical reforms to our system of government — the introduction of executive agencies in the British civil service, for instance—have been introduced without resort to legislation. There has been a spate of reform to local government and the National Health Service.
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Laraki, Rida, i Jérôme Renault. "Acyclic Gambling Games". Mathematics of Operations Research 45, nr 4 (listopad 2020): 1237–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/moor.2019.1030.

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We consider two-player, zero-sum stochastic games in which each player controls the player’s own state variable living in a compact metric space. The terminology comes from gambling problems in which the state of a player represents its wealth in a casino. Under standard assumptions (e.g., continuous running payoff and nonexpansive transitions), we consider for each discount factor the value vλ of the λ-discounted stochastic game and investigate its limit when λ goes to zero. We show that, under a new acyclicity condition, the limit exists and is characterized as the unique solution of a system of functional equations: the limit is the unique continuous excessive and depressive function such that each player, if the player’s opponent does not move, can reach the zone when the current payoff is at least as good as the limit value without degrading the limit value. The approach generalizes and provides a new viewpoint on the Mertens–Zamir system coming from the study of zero-sum repeated games with lack of information on both sides. A counterexample shows that under a slightly weaker notion of acyclicity, convergence of (vλ) may fail.
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Islahi, AbdulAzim. "Hennie Van Greuning and Zamir Iqbal Risk Analysis for Islamic Banks The World Bank, Washington, D.C. 2008, 309+xxiii pp." Journal of King Abdulaziz University-Islamic Economics 22, nr 1 (2009): 197–204. http://dx.doi.org/10.4197/islec.22-1.5.

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Fulton, Thomas. "Tzachi Zamir Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2007 ISBN: 978-0-691-12563-3". Renaissance Quarterly 61, nr 1 (2008): 301–2. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/ren.2008.0077.

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