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Urbaniak, Monika. "Lex coronavirus. Włoskie prawo w walce z pandemią". Studia Prawa Publicznego, nr 1(29) (15.03.2020): 9–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/spp.2020.1.29.1.

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An epidemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has been existed in Europe and worldwide for several weeks now. On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared it a global pandemic. At the time of writing, Europe, in particular Italy, is the largest outbreak of coronavirus. Italy is attempting to tackle the virus with increasingly drastic legal measures. On 31 January 2020, its Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency related to the sanitary risk of coronavirus infection. Italy has started the fight against the virus using two legal instruments: the first is the Council of Ministers’ declaration of a six-month state of emergency on 31 January 2020, and the second is a decree-law (decreto legge) issued by the Prime Minister temporarily restricting the freedom of movement throughout the state. In exceptional cases, the Italian Government has the right to issue normative legal acts. Recent legislative acts issued in Italy have undoubtedly limited the fundamental rights granted by the Constitution of 1947. These limited rights include the right of movement, but also freedom of assembly, the right to work, freedom of economic activity and freedom of conscience and religion. As a result of the legal solutions introduced, fundamental human rights are subject to justifiable restrictions in order to protect the constitutionally guaranteed right of the community to health care. In situations of epidemiological threats, protecting the lives and health of citizens is essential. Any restrictions on rights and freedoms are intended to protect these goods. However extensive these restrictions may be, in a democratic state this must be introduced under strict control and for a specified period of time linked to the duration of an epidemic.
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Mazzoglio, Peter John, Fariba Mozaffarian i Alberto Alma. "Description of Calling, Courtship and Mating Behaviour of Six Species of the Genus Zyginidia (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae)". Insects 14, nr 7 (4.07.2023): 606. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/insects14070606.

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The vibrational communication and mating behaviour of the graminicolous leafhoppers Zyginidia pullula, Z. ribauti, Z. scutellaris, Z. serpentina, Z. sohrab, and Z. biroi were investigated to explain why the first five species hybridize. Z. biroi was used as a control species. All species behaved in the same way and no significant statistical differences were detected with regard to male calls, while female calls and the male courtship song differed in Z. biroi, thus showing that a specific pre-mating isolation mechanism was used by the latter species and the first five ones lacked such a mechanism. In addition, Z. sohrab is missing in Italy, while the other species live allopatrically in Italy, with the only exceptions being Z. serpentina and Z. biroi, which live in Sicily and are often found in sympatry, and Z. scutellaris and Z. biroi, which live in Sardinia. All these species can be distinguished by means of male genital appendages; however, Z. biroi is longer and has a different body colour. The existence of natural hybrids of Z. pullula, Z. ribauti, and Z. scutellaris in the Italian peninsula and their hybridization in the laboratory with Z. serpentina and Z. sohrab require the investigation of possible post-mating reproductive barriers before re-considering their systematic validity.
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Candelise, L., i A. Bersano. "Stroke Units in Italy". Neurological Sciences 27, S3 (czerwiec 2006): s223—s224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10072-006-0621-z.

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Kowalczyk, Daria. "Kontakty Pietra Bemba z Polakami". Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria 17 (12.10.2018): 17–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.24917/20811853.17.2.

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The article presents the relationship between one of the main representatives of Italianhumanism – Pietro Bembo – with Poles. The most important aspect was his friendship withKlemens Janicki who studied in Padua in 1538–1540. His works are a testimony of contactshe had established when in Italy. Bembo was mentioned in Janicki’s works (Variae Elegiae IX,Epigrammata LII). Another element connecting the Italian with Poles were congratulatoryletters on his cardinal appointment. The newly-appointed cardinal was congratulated by kingSigismund the Old via enigmatic figures of Jan Wincenty Dulcis de Lasco and Piotr Kmita.A trace of Bembo’s contact with Poles is also the formal correspondence of his while being thesecretary of Pope Leo X.
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Santamaria, Leonida. "Postgraduate training in Italy". Lancet 336, nr 8710 (sierpień 1990): 314–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0140-6736(90)91851-z.

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Loskutov, Igor, Ignazio Camarda i Antonello Brunu. "Following Vavilov’s expeditions, Sardinia (Italy)". Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 66, nr 3 (19.02.2019): 569–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10722-019-00747-z.

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Sadlik, Magdalena. ""Zobaczyć niebo opiewane przez poetów całej ziemi, zobaczyć Włochy" - północna Italia w relacjach Stanisława i Władysława Bełzów". Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria 17 (12.10.2018): 94–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.24917/20811853.17.8.

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“To see Heaven praised by poets of the whole world, to see Italy” –Northern Italy, as described by Stanisław and Władysław BełzaAbstractItalian voyages of the 19th and 20th centuries have already been described many times. Thatis why this paper has been devoted to those accounts which so far have not been particularlypopular with literary historians, but are still worth mentioning: Z Wenecyi do Neapolu.Wrażenia z podróży by Władysław Bełza and Za Apeninami, Na lagunach, Obrazy i obrazkiWenecyi by Stanisław Bełza. The paper consists of two parts: the first one presents Veniceas seen by the above mentioned authors, while the second one, entitled Z Polski do ziemiwłoskiej, z ziemi włoskiej do Polski follows the Polish traces on foreign land. Voyages of theBełza brothers, just like romantic voyages had two routes: the first one led through theEuropean cultural heritage, while the other one followed the track of national memorabilia.Keywords: cultural heritage, travel, memories, patriotism
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D’Antraccoli, Marco, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Fabio Conti, Gabriele Galasso, Francesco Roma-Marzio i Fabrizio Bartolucci. "Floristic Richness in a Mediterranean Hotspot: A Journey across Italy". Plants 13, nr 1 (19.12.2023): 12. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/plants13010012.

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Species richness is a fundamental property of biodiversity patterns and is properly expressed by the species–area relationship (SAR), namely the increase in the number of species with the area. Here, we studied and explored the species–area relationship with respect to vascular plant species in Italy and compared vascular plant richness among Italian administrative regions. Concerning the entire vascular flora (native and alien), the best-performing formula is the Arrhenius’ Power function: S = c Az. The constants of this function are c = 241.2 and z = 0.281. The best-performing formula concerning just native (c = 245.2 and z = 0.263) and alien (c = 10.1 and z = 0.404) richness is the Power function as well. The floristically richest Italian regions considering the entire flora are Liguria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Trentino-Alto Adige, which are also the regions that are richest in alien flora unfortunately. Regions of particular naturalistic interest are Abruzzo, Valle d’Aosta, and Molise, because only these three regions exhibit native floristic richness that is higher than expected, and this is coupled with an alien floristic richness that is lower than expected. On the contrary, four regions (Lombardia, Veneto, Toscana, and Emilia-Romagna) show potentially severe conservation problems due to biological invasions since they experience native floristic richness that is lower than expected, with an alien floristic richness that is higher than expected. This study offers for the first time the ‘c’ and ‘z’ constants specifically calibrated at the national level for Italian vascular flora. The availability of such constants allows the calculation of the number of expected species for a given area to be investigated, providing a robust starting hypothesis for floristic studies.
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Campolmi, Irene, Andrea Angheben, Filomena Bruna Aliani, Michele Spinicci, Alessandro Bartoloni i Lorenzo Zammarchi. "Chagas disease in Italy: updated estimates". Internal and Emergency Medicine 15, nr 7 (9.06.2020): 1339–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11739-020-02387-z.

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Forti, Giorgio, Angela Agostiano, Roberto Barbato, Roberto Bassi, Enrico Brugnoli, Giovanni Finazzi, Flavio M. Garlaschi i in. "Photosynthesis research in Italy: a review". Photosynthesis Research 88, nr 3 (czerwiec 2006): 211–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11120-006-9054-z.

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Traina, Francesco. "Medical Malpractice: The Experience in Italy". Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 467, nr 2 (5.11.2008): 434–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11999-008-0582-z.

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LASTRUCCI, LORENZO, NICOLA M. G. ARDENGHI i ALESSANDRO ALESSANDRINI. "Emerging from the flow of time: lectotypification of the name Zannichellia peltata Bertol. (Potamogetonaceae) and its taxonomic history". Phytotaxa 406, nr 1 (13.06.2019): 81. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.406.1.6.

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Zannichellia peltata Bertoloni (1854: 10) was described in the 10th volume of Flora Italica. This is one of the two species of Zannichellia Linnaeus (1753: 969) that he recorded from Italy (the other being Z. palustris Linnaeus [1753: 969]). Antonio Bertoloni (1775−1868) described the species based on a Gasparrini collection from the vicinity of Rosarno (Reggio Calabria) in southern Italy: “Habui ex fossis, et aquis quietis Calabriae prope Rosarno a Gasparrinio”.
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Khalaim, A. I. "New tersilochines from the collection of Natural History Museum, London (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Tersilochinae)". Zoosystematica Rossica 14, nr 2 (27.01.2006): 269–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.31610/zsr/2005.14.2.269.

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Palpator sicilicus gen. et sp. n. from Italy and P. turpilucricupidus sp. n. from Tunisia, Tersilochus abyssinicus sp. n. and T. rusticulus sp. n. from Ethiopia, Zealochus gauldi sp. n. and Z. postfurcalis sp. n. from New Zealand are described. New data on the distribution of Z. supergranulatus Khalaim are presented. Keys to species of Palpator gen. n. and Zealochus Khalaim are given.
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Rancati, Elisa, i Alessandro D’Agata. "Metaverse in Tourism and Hospitality: Empirical Evidence on Generation Z from Italy". European Scientific Journal, ESJ 18, nr 34 (30.11.2022): 122. http://dx.doi.org/10.19044/esj.2022.v18n34p122.

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The paper has been conducted to analyze the change taking place in tourism marketing due to the metaverse innovation through tastes and needs of today's new generations of tourists, especially generation Z, that will be the future customers of the next decades. The goal of this study has been to analyze the opportunities concerning the metaverse and its immersive technology, through a survey conducted on a sample of generation Z people and understand which are the practical implications that can guide tourism companies and territorial governments' decisions during the nearest future, to satisfy new market demand and optimize their communication in the metaverse.
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Nagashima, M., i T. Armbruster. "Ardennite, tiragalloite and medaite: structural control of (As5+,V5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedra in silicates". Mineralogical Magazine 74, nr 1 (luty 2010): 55–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/minmag.2010.074.1.55.

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AbstractSeveral silicate-minerals, such as ardennite – Mn2+4MgAl5[Si5(As5+,V5+)O22](OH)6, Z = 2, tiragalloite – Mn2+4[Si3As5+O12(OH)], Z = 4 and medaite – Mn2+6[Si5(V5+,As5+)O18(OH)], Z = 4 possess (V5+,As5+,P5+)O4 tetrahedra. Using electron-microprobe analysis (EMPA) and single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods, the crystal chemistry of ardennite from Salam-Château, Belgium and the Vernetto mine, Italy, tiragalloite from the Gambatesa mine, Italy, and medaite from the Molinello mine, Italy and the Fianel mine, Switzerland, were studied. Structure refinements converged to R1 values of 2.10–5.67%. According to chemical analysis, the Σ(As+V+P) content increases with decreasing Si content. Thus, Si replaces pentavalent cations in tetrahedral coordination. The (As5+,V5+,P5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedra are categorized by their connections to SiO4 tetrahedra. The (As5+,V5+,P5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedron of ardennite is isolated, and those of tiragalloite and medaite terminate a tetrahedral chain. The <T–O> of the isolated (As5+,V5+,P5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedron shows a positive correlation with the mean ionic radius. For (As5+,V5+,P5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedra with one T–O–T link, <T–O> and mean ionic radius are also correlated. In addition, the longest bridging T–O bond occurs between (As,V,P,Si)O4 and the adjacent SiO4 tetrahedron. The bridging O atom is over-bonded to satisfy the charge requirement of Σ(As+V+Si).
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Olivieri, A., F. Giorgino, C. Maffeis i M. Bagnasco. "Salt reduction and iodine intake in Italy". Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 45, nr 4 (22.11.2021): 883–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40618-021-01708-z.

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Parisi, Giorgio, Maria Pia Abbracchio, Gennaro Ciliberto, Massimo Tagliavini, Karin Metzlaff i Alan Schulman. "Italy: scientists petition against biodynamic farming law". Nature 595, nr 7867 (13.07.2021): 352. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01886-z.

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Santoro, Eugenio, i Vito Pansadoro. "Robotic surgery in Italy national survey (2011)". Updates in Surgery 65, nr 1 (8.12.2012): 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13304-012-0190-z.

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De Leo, Diego, Monica Vichi, Kairi Kolves i Maurizio Pompili. "Late life suicide in Italy, 1980–2015". Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 32, nr 3 (2.12.2019): 465–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40520-019-01431-z.

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Di Martino, Barbara, Federica Di Profio, Elisabetta Di Felice, Chiara Ceci, Maria Gabriella Pistilli i Fulvio Marsilio. "Molecular detection of bovine kobuviruses in Italy". Archives of Virology 157, nr 12 (11.08.2012): 2393–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00705-012-1439-z.

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Aina, Carmen. "Parental background and university dropout in Italy". Higher Education 65, nr 4 (21.07.2012): 437–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10734-012-9554-z.

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VINÇON, GILLES, i JEAN-PAUL G. REDING. "Zwicknia gattolliati, a new species of stonefly from Italy (Plecoptera: Capniidae)". Zootaxa 4486, nr 1 (26.09.2018): 57. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4486.1.3.

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A new species of Zwicknia Murányi, Z. gattolliati, from northern Italy and from the Italian Abruzzo Region is described and illustrated on the basis of the morphology of male and female adults and previous molecular and drumming studies.
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Maria Silvia Avi, Prof, i Dr Baldassa Giulia. "Going concern, COVID and bankruptcy prediction: in Italy identified valid forecast ratios of bankruptcy prediction". International Journal of Business & Management Studies 03, nr 08 (13.08.2022): 45–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.56734/ijbms.v3n8a7.

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In this paper, a theoretical and operational analysis was carried out on the issue of going concern. First of all, from a theoretical point of view, the subject of going concern has been examined in-depth to explain how the Covid-19 health emergency has impacted the companies' ability to carry out their activities shortly. It also achieves this aim by implementing operational research having as its object forty companies belonging to three macro-sectors: industrial, financial services and non-financial services, whose stocks make up the Italian stock exchange index Ftse Mib (Financial Times Stock Exchange Milan. The FTSE MIB is the benchmark stock index in Italy. It consists of a basket of 40 stocks on the Euronext Milan and Euronext MIV Milan markets identified by capitalisation, trading volume and sector). The theoretical and operational analysis of the concept of going concern was carried out considering, also, the bankruptcy alert indices identified by the Italian National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts. These indicators were introduced by Italian legislation with the entry into force of the new Code of Corporate Crisis to identify possible economic and financial instability situations before the state of crisis. The research, as mentioned above, was carried out using the alert indices recognised by the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts. This research emerged that these indices are actually predictive of a company crisis. It also completed the study illustrated in this paper by comparing the results of the bankruptcy's predictive alert indices and Altman's Z-score. It reached the trends identified by the alert indices with the results obtained from Altman's Z-score, and from this comparison, it can see that the final results are similar. The comparison between the alert ratios illustrated by the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts and the results of Altman's Z-score allows us to affirm two observations: undoubtedly, the alert ratios are characterised by a high predictive validity regarding the bankruptcy of companies and, in addition, that these ratios lead to similar results to those that can obtain by applying Altman's Z-score. In this paper, a theoretical and operational analysis was carried out on the issue of going concern. First of all, from a theoretical point of view, the subject of going concern has been examined in-depth to explain how the Covid-19 health emergency has impacted the companies' ability to carry out their activities shortly. It also achieves this aim by implementing operational research having as its object forty companies belonging to three macro-sectors: industrial, financial services and non-financial services, whose stocks make up the Italian stock exchange index Ftse Mib (Financial Times Stock Exchange Milan. The FTSE MIB is the benchmark stock index in Italy. It consists of a basket of 40 stocks on the Euronext Milan and Euronext MIV Milan markets identified by capitalization, trading volume and sector). The theoretical and operational analysis of the concept of going concern was carried out considering, also, the bankruptcy alert indices identified by the Italian National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts. These indicators were introduced by Italian legislation with the entry into force of the new Code of Corporate Crisis to identify possible economic and financial instability situations before the state of crisis. The research, as mentioned above, was carried out using the alert indices recognized by the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts. This research emerged that these indices are actually predictive of a company crisis. It also completed the study illustrated in this paper by comparing the results of the bankruptcy's predictive alert indices and Altman's Z-score. It reached the trends identified by the alert indices with the results obtained from Altman's Z-score, and from this comparison, it can see that the final results are similar.
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Śniedziewska, Magdalena. "Najkrótszy przewodnik po moim ojcu. Z Martą Herling rozmawia Magdalena Śniedziewska". Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka, nr 38 (15.10.2020): 269–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/pspsl.2020.38.12.

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The interview is devoted to Gustaw Herling-Grudziński. The writer’s daughter, Marta, talks about her father, particularly focusing on the Italian contexts of his biography and writings. Also discussed is the problem of the writer’s attitude towards the Italian language and the reception of his works in Italy. Another important topic is Naples as a fascinating source of writing inspirations and, at the same time, the city where Herling-Grudziński happened to live and die.
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Nir, Roman. "The Activities of the Polish Catholic Caritas in Great Britain, Italy and Denmark 1956–1962". Studia Polonijne 41 (27.11.2020): 197–236. http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/sp2041-11.

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Działalność polskiego Caritas katolickiego w Wielkiej Brytanii, Włoszech i Danii w latach 1956–1962 W 1945 r. ks. Rafał Gogoliński-Elston nawiązał kontakt z arcybiskupem krakowskim księciem Adamem Stefanem Sapiehą i krajową konferencją NCWC w celu niesienia pomocy przez NCWC Polakom w kraju za pośrednictwem Caritas w Polsce. W latach 1946–1948 z magazynów NCWC w Wielkiej Brytanii wysłano do Polski lekarstwa, odzież, żywność o wartości 80 000 dolarów. Do Polski wysłano sześć ciężarówek z darami dla Caritasu, domy dziecka otrzymały koce, pościel, sprzęt kuchenny, artykuły piśmiennicze i biurowe, takie jak papier, ołówki, tusz i maszyny do pisania.W latach 1950–1951 dostarczono do Polski 80 pudeł z lekarstwami i sprzętem medycznym o wartości ponad 10 000 dolarów. W 1952 r. ks. R. Gogoliński-Elston założył w Wielkiej Brytanii polski oddział Caritas. W latach 1952–1957 oddział ten wysłał do Polski 4000 paczek żywnościowych CARE za sumę 40 000 dolarów, 6000 paczek żywnościowych z Departamentu Rolnictwa USA na kwotę 30 000 dolarów. W latach 1950–1960 polska Caritas wsparła paczkami świątecznymi polskich księży, którzy znaleźli się w trudnych warunkach finansowych. Każdego roku w okresie Bożego Narodzenia wysyłano ponad 100 paczek o łącznej wartości ponad 4000 dolarów. Caritas pomagała dzieciom i młodzieży w polskich szkołach katolickich w Wielkiej Brytanii, udzielając także stypendiów uczniom. Sfinansowała 106 obozów letnich dla 2650 dzieci. W listopadzie 1956 r. ks. Gogoliński-Elston założył oddziały polskiej Caritas w Danii i Szwecji. Dania otrzymała środki finansowe na dwie szkoły dla dzieci polskich, 3 ośrodki polonijne, 6 mobilnych bibliotek polskich, na teatr młodzieżowy, a także na działalność polskiego księdza (łącznie 4780 dolarów). Szwecja otrzymała pieniądze na dofinansowanie jedenastu polskich szkół sobotnich, sześciu obwoźnych bibliotek z polskimi książkami, jednego klubu młodzieżowego (łącznie 3890 dolarów).
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Starowicz, Aleksandra. ""Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski". Staropolskie przekłady dramaturgii włoskiej". Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria 17 (12.10.2018): 235–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.24917/20811853.17.20.

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From Italy to Poland. Old Polish translations of Italian dramaAbstractThe text discusses the most important problems raised in Jadwiga Miszalska’s book The Songof the Tragic Playthings Teaches us Virtue: Translations from Italian as a Source for PolishSerious Drama till the end of the 18th Century (Kraków, 2013). The author drew attention tothe place that the translation from Italian takes in the Polish culture and literature and notedthe fact, that choice of texts for translation, the way of reading, the changes to which thetranslators of the Italian dramaturgy decided have become a source of knowledge about thehistory of literature, literary trends and reading (and scenic) expectations of the time.Keywords: literary translation, Italian drama, Polish translations
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Lundqvist, Lars, i Donald E. Johnston. "Description of Zercon lindrothi sp.n. and a redescription of Z. colligans Berlese, 1920 (Acari, Mesostigmata: Zerconidae)". Insect Systematics & Evolution 16, nr 4 (1985): 345–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/187631285x00315.

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AbstractZercon colligans Berlese sensu Scllnick, 1944 is described as a new species, Zercon lindrothi sp.n. A redescription of Zercon colligans Berlese, 1920, based on the holotype and material collected at the type locality in Firenze, Italy, is provided.
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Pata, Francesco, i Gianluca Pellino. "ItSURG: a challenge for surgical research in Italy". Updates in Surgery 69, nr 4 (12.04.2017): 551–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13304-017-0434-z.

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Atella, Vincenzo, Jay Coggins i Federico Perali. "Aversion to inequality in Italy and its determinants". Journal of Economic Inequality 2, nr 2 (styczeń 2005): 117–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10888-005-4386-z.

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Tiezzi, Silvia. "An empirical analysis of tobacco addiction in Italy". European Journal of Health Economics 6, nr 3 (wrzesień 2005): 233–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10198-005-0296-z.

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Bellini, Cristina, Marta Mariotti-Lippi, Miria Mori Secci, Biancamaria Aranguren i Paola Perazzi. "Plant gathering and cultivation in prehistoric Tuscany (Italy)". Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 17, S1 (17.10.2008): 103–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00334-008-0189-z.

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Santoni, Michele, i Francesco Zucchini. "Legislative output and the Constitutional Court in Italy". Constitutional Political Economy 17, nr 3 (15.09.2006): 165–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10602-006-9003-z.

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Muršak, Janko. "Bogataj in Del Gobbo (ur.) (2015). Lifelong learning devices for sustainable local development. Gorizia, Comitato regionale dell‘Enfap del Friuli Venezia Giulia". Andragoška spoznanja 21, nr 4 (30.12.2015): 101–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.4312/as.21.4.101-103.

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V okviru programa čezmejnega sodelovanja, ki ga sofinancira Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj, je izšla monografija o čezmejnem delovanju študijskih krožkov ob slovensko- -italijanski meji z naslovom Lifelong learning devices for sustainable development ter s podnaslovom The study circles experience in the cross border area Italy-Slovenia.
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Żmidziński, Jakub. "„Wędrowiec-dantofil” w rodzinnej Italii. Stanisław Vincenz a włoska tradycja artystyczna". Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka, nr 38 (15.10.2020): 77–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/pspsl.2020.38.4.

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The article is the first attempt at a holistic view of Stanisław Vincenz’s relationship with Italian culture. Since his youth, Vincenz would visit the Italian Peninsula travelling to Venice and, already as an emigrant after World War II, made a few visits to Naples and Tuscany. These journeys resulted in numerous comments included in his essays on Dante Alighieri, as separate overview Z perspektywy podróży (From a traveller’s perspective) and List z Neapolu. Dialog z Czesławem Miłoszem (A letter from Naples. A dialogue with Czesław Miłosz). Italian journeys, interest in Dante and Italian culture (architecture, painting, folk rituals) brought numerous Italian motifs in the tetralogy Na wysokiej połoninie (On a high mountain pasture). The key element is included in volume II, Zwada (Conflict), which describes a group of loggers cutting down trees in a primeval Carpathian forest. In this part, a young Italian dies and is buried after a Hutsul funeral ritual which is not understood by the foreigners. The analysis of the abovementioned motifs shows how important Italian culture was to Vincenz, also in a very personal sense, given the Vincenz family’s distant Venetian roots. One may even claim that for the writer, Italy was almost a family land. Personifying the European spirit, Italy was his “broader” homeland.
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Maria Arcari, Anna, i Daniele Grechi. "Predicting the Risk of Insolvency in Small Enterprises: Critical Analysis of the Predictive Model Associated with the New Italian Code of Business Crisis". International Journal of Business and Management 16, nr 7 (8.06.2021): 41. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v16n7p41.

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Numerous studies have been conducted to verify whether, and under what conditions, Altman&#39;s Z-Score model can also be applied to unlisted, non-US companies. The response of numerous studies confirms the substantial validity of this algorithm. However, in Italy, the legislator, in launching the new Business Crisis Code in 2019, in adherence to an important European recommendation, did not adopt the aforementioned model but approved a different one. In order to find a justification for this choice, the present work intends to test the effectiveness of the warning indices that will be adopted in Italy by comparing them with the Altman predictive model in the Z&#39;&#39; Score version. To this end, the two models were applied to the balance sheets of 789 Italian firms that went bankrupt in the period 2016-2018 and, at the same time, to a control sample, equal in number and composition, of non-bankrupt firms. The results of this analysis produced two distinct findings. The Italian method proved to be less effective in predicting a crisis than the Z&#39;&#39; score. but more effective in determining whether a firm is truly healthy. This evidence is useful to confirm once again the effectiveness of the Z&#39;&#39; Score in a non-American context but also, and above all, to provide suggestions to the Italian legislator so that it can refine the predictive model currently in force.
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Antolini, F., i L. Grassini. "Foreign arrivals nowcasting in Italy with Google Trends data". Quality & Quantity 53, nr 5 (31.03.2018): 2385–401. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11135-018-0748-z.

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Abbritti, G., P. Apostoli, Sergio Iavicoli, N. Murgia, B. Persechino, L. Soleo i L. Ambrosi. "Needs, education and accreditation in occupational medicine in Italy". International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 78, nr 1 (8.12.2004): 75–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00420-004-0552-z.

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Toselli, Stefania, Natascia Rinaldo, Maria Giovanna Caccialupi i Emanuela Gualdi-Russo. "Psychosocial Indicators in North African Immigrant Women in Italy". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 20, nr 2 (3.03.2017): 431–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10903-017-0562-z.

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Di Bartolo, Ilaria, Giorgia Angeloni, Silvia Tofani, Marina Monini i Franco Maria Ruggeri. "Infection of farmed pigs with porcine kobuviruses in Italy". Archives of Virology 160, nr 6 (27.03.2015): 1533–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00705-015-2397-z.

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Monteleone, S., i B. Torrisi. "Geographical analysis of the academic brain drain in Italy". Scientometrics 93, nr 2 (29.02.2012): 413–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-012-0683-z.

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Baldo, Paolo, Sara Francescon i Giulia Fornasier. "Pharmacovigilance workflow in Europe and Italy and pharmacovigilance terminology". International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 40, nr 4 (sierpień 2018): 748–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11096-018-0711-z.

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Carrà, Giuseppe, Cristina Montomoli, Massimo Clerici i Carlo Lorenzo Cazzullo. "Family interventions for schizophrenia in Italy: randomized controlled trial". European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 257, nr 1 (17.08.2006): 23–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00406-006-0677-z.

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Mele, Giampiero. "A Geometrical Analysis of the Layout of Acaya, Italy". Nexus Network Journal 14, nr 2 (26.05.2012): 373–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00004-012-0110-z.

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Bosco, Bruno Paolo, Lucia P. Parisio i Matteo M. Pelagatti. "Deregulated Wholesale Electricity Prices in Italy: An Empirical Analysis". International Advances in Economic Research 13, nr 4 (26.07.2007): 415–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11294-007-9105-z.

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Jakobsze, Małgorzata. "Podręcznik tradycyjny czy e-learning? Wybór podręcznika kursowego na lektorat akademicki z języka polskiego jako obcego (na przykładzie polonistyki włoskiej)". Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza 23, nr 1 (2.08.2016): 147–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/pspsj.2016.23.1.10.

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The primary aim of the article was a reflection on the choice of a coursebook for the Polish language course at Italian universities. The first part of this paper describes the specifics of Polish studies in Italy and focuses on conditions influencing the choice, such as: the profile of the student, type of course and the educational context. The second part presents classifications of manuals used for Polish language courses in Italy. This classifications are accompanied by a list of criteria which help to select some particular groups of manuals.The secondary aim of the article, which is presented in the last part, was to introduces an e-learning platform E-LOCAL supporting a Polish language teaching as an alternative, modern and customizable coursebook.
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GARDINI, GIULIO. "Zaragozachthonius (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae), a new genus with species in Italy and the Balkan peninsula". Zootaxa 4894, nr 4 (11.12.2020): 535–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4894.4.3.

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Zaragozachthonius siculus n. gen. n. sp. is described from Sicily and Z. karamanianus (Hadži, 1937) (n. comb.), originally described from Macedonia, is newly recorded from central-southern Italy and Sicily. Relationships of the genus Zaragozachthonius among the other Chthonius-related genera sensu Zaragoza (2017), are discussed and a diagnostic key is proposed.
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Čolović, Radoje, i Nataša Čolović. "Dr Stevan Z. Ivanić". Glasnik javnog zdravlja 98, nr 2 (2024): 177–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/serbjph2402177c.

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Dr Stevan Ivanić (1884-1948) studied medicine in Prague, Graz and Vienna, where he graduated in 1910. He had taken part in the Balkan War and World War I. Between the two wars, he was one of the most important physicians working in the field of hygiene, preventive medicine and epidemiology, continuing his professional development in leading institutions abroad. He was a eugenics supporter. He performed many important duties, among others, he was the first Head of the Department for Hygiene and Bacteriology at the Ministry of National Health, Head of the Standing Bacteriological Station in Belgrade (1922), supervised the construction of the modern building of the Central Institute of Hygiene becoming the Head of the Institute in 1926. He also established the journal "Gazette of the Central Institute of Hygiene" and served as its editor for years, as well as the journals "Gazette of the Ministry of National Health", and "Health". He was the author of about 200 publications, books, textbooks and papers in scientific journals, in daily and periodical publications, he served as the editor and wrote forewords for several books and collections. He had been a private docent at the Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade from 1933. In politics, he started off as left-wing but eventually evolved to the right, becoming one of the ideologues of Ljotić's "Zbor". He served as the "Commissioner for Social Policy and Health" in the "Commissioner's Administration" and played a significant role in preventing the introduction of epidemics in Serbia. In fear of the coming Red Army and Partisans, at the end of 1944 he fled to Italy, evaded repatriation, and was then transferred to a camp in Germany where he died. He was sentenced to death in absentia by the new authorities. In 2001, the Faculty of Medicine rehabilitated him along with others who were executed, convicted, or ousted from the faculty for the reasons of "moral and political inadequacy".
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Torretta, Elisa, Olivia Dondina, Claudio Delfoco, Luca Riboldi, Valerio Orioli, Luca Lapini i Alberto Meriggi. "First assessment of habitat suitability and connectivity for the golden jackal in north-eastern Italy". Mammalian Biology 100, nr 6 (6.10.2020): 631–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s42991-020-00069-z.

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AbstractCompared with the rapid expansion across Europe, the golden jackal colonization of Italy is still limited and slow. No study focused on the habitat selection or landscape connectivity for this species was performed in Italy; thus, the potential distribution and dispersal patterns in the country remain unknown. Our objectives were to evaluate the suitability of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (north-eastern Italy) for the golden jackal, as well as to identify the ecological corridors connecting the areas currently occupied by the species. Corridors modelling allowed us both to hypothesize the dispersal dynamics occurring in the study region and to identify possible obstacles to future range expansion. We surveyed golden jackal presence in two study areas, covering an area of 500 km2, from March 2017 to February 2018. Using collected data, we modelled the species home-range scale habitat suitability based on an ensemble modelling approach. Subsequently, a habitat suitability prediction at a finer scale was used to estimate landscape resistance, starting from which, we modelled dispersal corridors among areas currently occupied by the species using a factorial least cost path and a cumulative resistant kernel approach. Our results indicated a moderate potential for large parts of the study region to support the occurrence of golden jackal family groups, whose presence seems to be mainly driven by the presence of wide areas covered by broadleaved forests and shrublands and by the absence of wide intensive agricultural areas. The predicted connectivity networks showed that three main permeable corridors are likely to connect golden jackal occurrence areas within the study region, while all the other corridors are characterized by a very low path density. Both the habitat selection and connectivity analyses showed a strong negative impact of the intensive cultivated plain on species stable presence and movement providing critical information for the conservation of the golden jackal in Italy.
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Schintu, M., P. Meloni, A. Kudo i A. Contu. "Trace metals in sediments from Olbia Bay, Italy". Marine Pollution Bulletin 22, nr 7 (lipiec 1991): 360–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0025-326x(91)90072-z.

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Contoli, Longino, i Giovanni Amori. "First record of a live Crocidura (Mammalia, Insectivora) from Pantelleria Island, Italy". Acta Theriologica 31 (8.10.1986): 343–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.4098/at.arch.86-31.

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