Rozprawy doktorskie na temat „Wave based models”
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Pełny tekst źródłaTreiber, Martin Paul. "Characterization of cement-based multiphase materials using ultrasonic wave attenuation". Thesis, Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaCommittee Chair: Jacobs, Laurence J.; Committee Member: Kim, Jin-Yeon; Committee Member: Qu, Jianmin. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
Pirkl, Ryan J. "Measurement-based investigations of radio wave propagation: an exposé on building corner diffraction". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaCastro, Simon Joseph. "T-wave morphology and atrio-ventricular conduction : insights from novel image-based models of the whole heart". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaChan, Ne Xun. "One- and Three-dimensional P- and S-wave Velocity Models of Central and Southern Sweden Based on SNSN Data". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Geofysik, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaJain, Jayesh R. "Homogenization Based Damage Models for Monotonic and Cyclic Loading in 3D Composite Materials". The Ohio State University, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaSidelel, Mihret Getye. "Simulation-Based Stochastic Blockage Model for Millimeter-wave Communication". Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaDen växande efterfrågan på höga nedladdningshastigheter i trådlösa kommunikationssystem, i kombination med en brist på tillgängliga frekvensband i nuvarande mikrovågsband, har medfört att millimetervågsbandet ses som ett attraktivt alternativ för 5G och andra framtida trådlösa kommunikationssystem. Även om det är troligt att millimetervågsbandet kommer att vara en del av lösningen för att uppfylla efterfrågeökningen har det en del negativa egenskaper som måste beaktas och tas hänsyn till. Känslighet för blockering är en sådan typisk nackdel som avsevärt försämrar radiokanalen i ett millimetervågssystem. Både från näringslivets sida och inom den akademiska världen har det forskats inom detta område. Den har bestått av karakterisering och framtagning av modeller som beskriver kommunikationssystem på dessa frekvensband med avseende på blockering. Emellertid har de flesta föreslagna modellerna har misslyckats fånga upp de temporala korrelation av de blokeringar och de dynamiken av kanalens miljö.Den här avhandlingen har som mål att utveckla en enkel stokastisk blockeringsmodell för millimetervågsbandet för att ta itu med just dessa frågor. Modellen använder två tillstånd (ON och OFF tillstånd) för att representera Line of Sight (LoS) respektive Non-Line of Sight (NLoS) utbredning. Simuleringar av kanalen har gjorts för att analysera de tidsmässiga egenskaperna och sannolikheten för utbredning via direktvåg respektive skuggning. Det visas att den föreslagna skuggningsmodellen kan beskriva det dynamiska beteendet och sannolikheten för att länken är blockerad. Den konstateras också vara adekvat för att modellera och karakterisera kommunikationssystem för millimetervågsbandet med avseende på blockering. Modellens noggrannhet har utvärderats och den anses vara tillfredsställande genom att resultaten validerats mot ett riktmärke som är baserat på verkligt data. Det är möjligt att karakterisera millimetervågskommunikation på systemnivå genom att använda denna modell. Detta verk förser således forskare med en enkel simuleringsbaserad blockeringsmodell som främjar studier och framtagning av kommunikationssystem på millimetervågsbandet.
Nappi, Angela. "Development and Application of a Discontinuous Galerkin-based Wave Prediction Model". The Ohio State University, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaJones, Christina Michele. "Applications and challenges in mass spectrometry-based untargeted metabolomics". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaGang, Liu. "VERIFICATION OF SHEAR WAVE VELOCITY BASED LIQUEFACTION CRITERIA USING CENTRIFUGE MODEL". Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaLee, Kyoung-Jin. "Efficient ray tracing algorithms based on wavefront construction and model based interpolation method". Texas A&M University, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaMukherjee, Swagato. "Parabolic Wave Equation based Model for Propagation through Complex and Random Environments". The Ohio State University, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaWolmarans, Hendrik Petrus. "Cochlear implant speech processing, based on the cochlear travelling wave". Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaLi, Wei. "Numerical Modelling and Statistical Analysis of Ocean Wave Energy Converters and Wave Climates". Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Elektricitetslära, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaWeymouth, Gabriel David. "Physics and learning based computational models for breaking bow waves based on new boundary immersion approaches". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaIncludes bibliographical references (p. 215-219).
A ship moving on the free surface produces energetic breaking bow waves which generate spray and air entrainment. Present experimental, analytic, and numerical studies of this problem are costly, inaccurate and not robust. This thesis presents new cost-effective and accurate computational tools for the design and analysis of such ocean systems through a combination of physics-based and learning-based models. Methods which immerse physical boundaries on Cartesian background grids can model complex topologies and are well suited to study breaking bow waves. However, current methods such as Volume of Fluid and Immersed Boundary methods have numerical and modeling limitations. This thesis advances the state of the art in Cartesian-grid methods through development of a new conservative Volume-of-fluid algorithm and the Boundary Data Immersion Method, a new approach to the formulation and implementation of immersed bodies. The new methods are simple, robust and shown to out perform existing approaches for a wide range of canonical test problems relevant to ship wave flows. The new approach is used to study breaking bow waves through 2D+T and 3D simulations. The 2D+T computations compare well with experiments and breaking bow wave metrics are shown to be highly sensitive to the ship geometry. 2D+T breaking bow wave predictions are compared quantitatively to 3D computations and shown to be accurate only for certain flow features and very slender high speed vessels. Finally the thesis formalizes the study and development of physics-based learning models (PBLM) for complex engineering systems. A new generalized PBLM architecture is developed based on combining fast simple physics-based models with available high-fidelity data.
(cont.) Models are developed and trained to accurately predict the wave field and breaking bow waves of a ship orders of magnitude faster than standard methods. Built on the new boundary immersion approaches, these computational tools are sufficiently cost-effective and robust for use in practical design and analysis.
by Gabriel David Weymouth.
Li, Yifei. "Nonlinear diffusion in mathematical biology". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaAvetisov, Stepan. "Herschel-Quincke filters for passive vibration mitigation". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Le Mans, 2024.
Pełny tekst źródłaVibration and structure borne noise are generally undesirable phenomena for both the reliability and comfort issues. Many approaches to vibration control have been studied over the years, using various geometrical designs, damping materials, or active control strategies. In addition, lightening mechanical structures is a major challenge in terms of energy consumption, particularly for transport applications. In these combined contexts, the aim of this thesis is to develop new vibration control concepts by adapting the principle of Herschel-Quincke (HQ) filters, traditionally applied to plane acoustic waves in tubes, to the realm of elastic waves in beams and plates. In acoustics, HQ filters exploit the principle of a phase shift between two parallel tubes of varying lengths created from a primary tube, resulting in destructive interference and hence zero transmission at certain frequencies. The attractiveness of HQ filters lies in their capacity to provide multiple transmission loss peaks, presenting a viable alternative to traditional resonance-based approaches. This study extends this principle to bending waves by partitioning a thin beam into two segments of equal length but different thicknesses. The resulting disparity in bending stiffness induces the requisite phase difference, leading to wave filtering. This approach positions HQ filters as a promising solution for vibration and noise control applications without increasing the mass of the considered structure. First, the HQ principle for structural dynamics is theoretically analysed through wave based models considering non dispersive longitudinal or torsional waves and bending waves in beams. An experimental study also demonstrates the practical interest of this filtering technique. Then, the principle is extended to plates structures, leading to annular filters that may surround a vibration source and so isolate it from the rest of the plate. Third, some more sophisticated designs based on serial, parallel or periodic arrangements of structural HQ devices are proposed and analyzed to assess how they can optimize vibration filtering performance
Prego, Borges Jose Luis. "Lamb: a simulation tool for air-coupled lamb wave based ultrasonic NDE systems". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaSin embargo la compleja naturaleza de las vibraciones mecánicas encontradas en acústica, hacen que el análisis y el estudio de esta área del conocimiento sea un tema muy complejo. De allí que la posibilidad de contar con una herramienta de simulación de software que permita la evaluación y prueba de diferentes configuraciones de excitación y recepción acústica utilizando la flexibilidad de un modelo de computadora sea de una gran utilidad y ayuda.
El objetivo de la presente tesis es proveer al área de los END con un software de simulación gratuito: The LAMB Matlab® toolbox basado en el modelo del software libre de la GNU.
El software es capaz de simular el comportamiento de sistemas de END basados en ondas de Lamb acopladas por aire en láminas isótropas simples utilizando transductores tipo array.
El programa se basa en un arreglo tipo C-scan de un sistema de END y está compuesto por tres bloques principales: 1) Excitación, 2) Propagación y 3) Recepción.
La verificación individual del funcionamiento de dichos módulos se presenta a lo largo de la tesis mediante una serie de comparaciones entre simulaciones y datos experimentales provenientes de diferentes pruebas. Por otro lado, la validación del programa completo se llevo a cabo por medio de experimentos en láminas de cobre y aluminio; utilizando un sistema real de END por ondas de Lamb acopladas en aire mediante arrays cóncavos.
La influencia negativa en el desempeño general de dicho sistema de END real basado en este tipo de transductores se comprobó efectivamente mediante el simulador desarrollado. Esto se debió fundamentalmente al efecto de directividad de los sensores individuales en los transductores y a la simetría cóncava de los arrays.
Para emular este comportamiento la tesis presenta un modelo geométrico bidimensional simple de un filtro espacial, junto a las simulaciones de un nuevo tipo de array plano propuesto.
El programa desarrollado comprobó así mismo la naturaleza coherente de los campos acústicos emitidos en aire por las láminas sujetas a vibraciones de Lamb. Esto se realizó mediante la implementación de un conformador de haz simple de suma y demora; constituyéndose así la etapa inicial de procesamiento de señal del bloque de recepción del programa.
El objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue contribuir con un modelo operativo de simulación y prueba de nuevos diseños de arrays e implementación de estrategias de procesado de señal útiles en sistemas de END basados en ondas de Lamb acopladas por aire.
Finalmente, si bien el objetivo de la calibración del programa no se pudo conseguir; si se logró efectivamente un notable grado de similitud con un sistema de END real.
Air-coupled ultrasonic Lamb waves represent an important advance in Non- Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT & NDE) techniques of plate materials and structures. Examples of these advances are the characterization and quality assessment of laminate materials in manufacturing processes, the location of damaged parts in aircrafts and structure monitoring in the aerospace industry.
However the rich and complex nature of mechanical vibrations encountered in acoustics make the subject of analysis and study of these systems a very complex task. Therefore a simulation tool that permits the evaluation and testing of different configuration scenarios using the flexibility of a computer model is an invaluable aid and advantage.
The objective of this thesis is to provide the field of NDT with free open source software i.e. the LAMB Matlabrtoolbox. The toolbox is capable of simulating the behaviour of Lamb wave based NDE systems for single ideal isotropic laminates using air-coupled ultrasonic arrays. The programme usesa pitch-catch type of a Cscan NDE arrangement and is composed of three integrated sections each individually modelling a feature in the system: 1) Excitation, 2) Propagation, and 3) Reception.
For assessment of the individual modules of the toolbox the thesis presents comparisons between each section simulations and the data obtained from different acoustic experiments. The validation of the complete simulator was carried out by evaluation tests on the copper and aluminium plates by use of a real hardware prototype of a Lamb wave based NDE system with aircoupled concave arrays.
The negative impact on the performance of the real air-coupled NDE systembased on concave arrays was effectively confirmed by the programme. This was produced by the inherent directivity of the individual sensors as well as their concave arrangement. To emulate this behaviour the thesis introduces a simple two-dimensional geometric model for the inclusion of the spatial filtering effect of the sensors plus a group of simulations for a new proposed air-coupled plane array transducer.
The software also verified the spatial coherent nature of the Lamb wave fields emitted by a plate in air. This was demonstrated by the implementation of a delay and sum beamformer to constitute an initial signal processing stage in the reception section.
Cheah, Chin Hong Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering UNSW. "Kinematic wave modelling of surface runoff quantity and quality for small urban catchments in Sydney". Awarded By:University of New South Wales. Civil & Environmental Engineering, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaTan, Jun Liang. "Development of a pitch based wake optimisation control strategy to improve total farm power production". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaMargalef, rovira Marc. "Design of mm-wave Reflection-Type Phase Shifters with Oscillation-Based Test capabilities". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis work focuses on the design of on-silicon mm-wave Reflection-Type Phase Shifters (RTPS) with Oscillation-Based Test (OBT) capabilities. For more consistency, a single technology was considered, the STM 55-nm BiCMOS. First, the theory and practical implementations of 3-dB couplers is discussed. Particular attention is brought to the Coupled Slow-wave CoPlanar Waveguide (CS-CPW) topology, due to its good performance. Using this topology, the measurements of two 3-dB couplers are reported: (i) a 120-GHz, and (ii) a 185-GHz coupler.Next, the existing topologies of integrated varactors are discussed. Measurement results are reported for an Inversion-mode MOS (I-MOS) varactor from 1 up to 325 GHz. Additionally, the Common-Source MOS (CS-MOS) varactor architecture is proposed and measurement results from 1 to 145 GHz for this architecture are reported.Then, the theory of RTPS is presented and CS-CPW-based couplers together with Accumulation-mode MOS (A-MOS), I-MOS and CS-MOS varactors are used for the design of four RTPS. The measurement and simulation results of these RTPS, with central frequencies ranging from 60 to 200 GHz, are presented.Subsequently, the theory and measurement results of the OBT on an integrated 60-GHz RTPS are discussed.Finally, a mm-wave TRL calibration compaction technique is described using machine-learning tools
Willemse, Chandre Monique. "Nanocomposite-graphene based platform for heavy metal detection". Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaHusson, Romain. "Development and validation of a global observation-based swell model using wave mode operating Synthetic Aperture Radar". Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaChang, Tsu-Sheng. "A study of seismic response of rotating machines subjected to multi-component base excitation". Thesis, This resource online, 1992.
Pełny tekst źródłaEbrahimian, Mahdi. "Structural system identification and health monitoring of buildings by the wave method based on the Timoshenko beam model". Thesis, University of Southern California, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis dissertation presents a new development of the wave method for structural health monitoring (SHM) of buildings. Robust and reliable SHM methods help save lives and reduce economic losses caused by earthquakes and other extreme events. Previously, in system identification and health monitoring, it was assumed that waves of different frequency propagate with constant velocity and the identification was based on the non-dispersive shear beam model of the structure. This study presents the first effort to consider dispersive wave propagation in system identification and health monitoring by the wave method. To consider dispersion due to bending deformation in buildings a Timoshenko beam model is used. Although buildings as a whole deform primarily in shear, bending deformation is always present to some degree especially for shear wall buildings. To identify allowable ranges of important parameters of the model parametric studies are performed. The model is further generalized to a non-uniform Timoshenko beam model which can take into account variation of properties with height and be used for higher resolution structural health monitoring. The models together with the suggested method to estimate initial values were validated on three full scale buildings. They were used to identify two full scale building from earthquake records and also to monitor the changes in a full-scale 7-story slice of shear wall building which was progressively damaged on UCSD-NEES shake table. It was shown that the model is robust for structural identification and health monitoring of a wide range of building systems and can successfully model dispersion due to bending deformation.
Seon, Guillaume. "Finite element-based failure models for carbon/epoxy tape composites". Thesis, Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaPerry, Anna K. "An investigation into the base pressure of simplified automotive squareback geometries". Thesis, Loughborough University, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaRampersadh, Gevashkar. "Sea-state interaction based dynamic model of the Liquid Robotics' Wave Glider: Modelling and control of a hybrid multi-body vessel". Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaAloi, Daniel Nicholas. "Development and verification of a mathematical model to investigate the effects of earth-surface-based multipath reflections at a differential global positioning system ground reference site". Ohio : Ohio University, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaMontgomery, Zachary S. "A Propeller Model Based on a Modern Numerical Lifting-Line Algorithm with an IterativeSemi-Free Wake Solver". DigitalCommons@USU, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaTicha, Lawrence Awa. "Development of amperometric biosensor with cyclopentadienylruthenium (II) thiolato schiff base self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on gold". Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródła5-C2H5]2 was synthesized and deposited as a selfassembled monolayer (SAM) on a gold electrode. Effective electronic communication between the Ru(II) centers and the gold electrode was established by electrostatically cycling the Shiff base-doped gold electrode in 0.1 M NaOH from -200 mV to +600 mV. The SAMmodified gold electrode (Au/SAM) exhibited quasi-reversible electrochemistry. The integrity of this electro-catalytic SAM, with respect to its ability to block and electro-catalyze certain Faradaic processes, was interrogated using Cyclic and Osteryoung Square Wave voltammetric experiments. The formal potential, E0', varied with pH to give a slope of about - 34 mV pH-1. The surface concentration, &Gamma
, of the ruthenium redox centers was found to be 1.591 x 10-11 mol cm-2. By electrostatically doping the Au/SAM/Horseradish peroxidase at an applied potential of +700 mV vs Ag/AgCl, a biosensor was produced for the amperometric analysis of hydrogen peroxide, cumene hydroperoxide and tert-butylhydroperoxide. The electrocatalytic-type biosensors displayed typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with their limits of detection of 6.45 &mu
M, 6.92 &mu
M and 7.01 &mu
M for hydrogen peroxide, cumene hydroperoxide and tert-butylhydroperoxide respectively.
Peldan, Erik. "Computation of Air-Vortices Based on GPU Technology : Optimizing and Parallelizing a Model for Wake-Vortex Prediction Using OpenCL". Thesis, KTH, Numerisk analys, NA, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaDetta exjobb avhandlar förfining och numerisk beräkning av en redan existerande modell för förutsägelse av styrka och position hos så kallade wake-virvlar som uppkommer som ett resultat av lyftkraften på stora flygplan. Det långsiktiga målet med arbetet är att implementera en numerisk lösare som är tillräckligt snabb för att möjliggöra probabilistiska metoder, t ex Monte Carlo-simuleringar. Detta för att bättre kunna hantera den generella osäkerhet som råder i input-parametrar vid wake-virvelförutsägelse. Modellens differentialekvationssystem kommer redogöras för, något som inte gjorts tidigare. Modellförfiningen består i en minskning av antalet tillståndsvariabler i differentialekvationssystem. En numerisk lösare baserad på modellens inneboende matematiska egenskaper utvecklas och olika sätt att optimera beräkningarna kommer övervägas, t ex genom parallellisering. Slutligen så kommer även en studie där resultatens giltighet valideras göras genom att undersöka noggrannheten i lösningen samt känsligheten för variationer i inputparametrar.
Ettehadi, Seyedrohollah. "Model-based and machine learning techniques for nonlinear image reconstruction in diffuse optical tomography". Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaAbstract : Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is a low cost and noninvasive 3D biomedical imaging technique to reconstruct the optical properties of biological tissues. Image reconstruction in DOT is inherently a difficult problem, because the inversion process is nonlinear and ill-posed. During DOT image reconstruction, the optical properties of the medium are recovered from the boundary measurements at the surface of the medium. In this work, two approaches are proposed for non-linear DOT image reconstruction. The first approach relies on the use of iterative model-based image reconstruction, which is still under development for DOT and that can be found in the literature. A 3D forward model is developed based on the diffusion equation, which is an approximation of the radiative transfer equation. The forward model developed can simulate light propagation in complex geometries. Additionally, the forward model is developed to deal with different types of optical data such as continuous-wave (CW) and time-domain (TD) data for both intrinsic and fluorescence signals. First, a multispectral image reconstruction algorithm is developed to reconstruct the concentration of different tissue chromophores simultaneously from a set of CW measurements at different wavelengths. A second image reconstruction algorithm is developed to reconstruct the fluorescence lifetime (FLT) of different fluorescent markers from time-domain fluorescence measurements. In this algorithm, all the information contained in full temporal curves is used along with an acceleration technique to render the algorithm of practical use. Moreover, the proposed algorithm has the potential of being able to distinguish more than 3 FLTs, which is a first in fluorescence imaging. The second approach is based on machine learning techniques, in particular deep learning models. A deep generative model is proposed to reconstruct the fluorescence distribution map from CW fluorescence measurements. It is the first time that such a model is applied for fluorescence DOT image reconstruction. The performance of the proposed algorithm is validated with an optical phantom and a fluorescent marker. The proposed algorithm recovers the fluorescence distribution even from very noisy and sparse measurements, which is a big limitation in fluorescence DOT imaging.
Konkel, Frederic [Verfasser], i Bjoern [Akademischer Betreuer] Petersson. "Sound field in small fitted enclosures - A comparison between a model of random wave guides and a model based on a modal analysis aligned with installed obstacles - / Frederic Konkel. Betreuer: Bjoern Petersson". Berlin : Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaPinault, Jonas. "Study of swash motion in an embayed beach based on observations and phase-resolving wave modeling - Case of the Grande Plage of Biarritz". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2022.
Pełny tekst źródłaDue to the ever growing anthropogenic pressure at the coast and the perspectives of sea levelrise, coastal hazards such as overtoping are more threatening than ever. In this context, accurateestimations of the wave contributions to the total water level (TWL) at the shoreline, namelythe run-up, are crucial for coastal engineers and those involved in coastal zone managementand engineering design. In this work, we propose to investigate wave run-up in an urban-ized embayed beach based on observations and phase-resolving numerical modeling. First, thephase-resolving model based on the Boussinesq equations BOSZ is validated against laboratoryLiDAR measurements to provide an extensive validation and sensitivity analysis. Then, themodel is applied to the real configuration of the Grande Plage of Biarritz, a complex urbanizedembayed beach. A data-set from a 3-day field campaign carried out in 2018 including pressuremeasurements and video-derived run-up data is utilized for the model validation. These ap-plications demonstrate that the model reproduces wave transformations and subsequent swashmotions reasonably well. The validated model results and observations are then used to investi-gate the swash motions, under varying conditions of waves and tide. Results show that the tidallevel played a key-role in the swash dynamics. At low tide, the conditions were dissipative andthe swash was dominated by the infragravity motions. At high tide reflective conditions wereobserved with a domination of the short-wave frequencies. These changes are explained by thedouble-slope profile where a low sloping area is found in the intertidal zone and a steep slope onthe foreshore. The tidal modulation also influenced the dissipation of infragravity waves, whichwere found to dissipate energy substantially at low tide through breaking, while at mid andhigh tide standing wave patterns, characteristic of shoreline reflection, were observed. Underenergetic conditions the influence of the tide was minimized as the large waves tended to breakon the low sloping portion, regardless of the tide. These results highlight the complexity of theswash behavior in 3D conf
Ben, Souf Mohamed Amine. "Approche stochastique à base de modes d'ondes : théorie et applications en moyennes et hautes fréquences". Thesis, Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe prediction of dynamic behavior of structures is an important task in the design step of any mechanical product. There are many factors affecting the choice of the used methods. For a dynamic system, the frequency band under study is one of the important parameters since for each frequency range exists its appropriate approach which can be quickly inapplicable in other domains. For example, the high frequency methods are very limited in the lower part of the spectrum. Similarly, the so-called low-frequency methods become numerically inefficient if it goes up in frequency range. The mid-frequencies then represent the high-frequencies for global and low frequencies for local methods. Knowing that uncertainties play an important role on the vibro-acoustics behavior in mid-frequencies, the presented work is a contribution to the research approach, with inexpensive computing time, allowing the extension of a local method, called ’the wave finite element method’, in this frequency band. These contributions consist in taking into account uncertainties in the studied system to evaluate the dispersion of all parameters (spectral, diffusion, dynamics, etc.) and their effects on the global response (kinematic and energetic) of the structure. The presented work can be divided into two main parts. The first one involves the development of an explicit and direct formulation describing the dispersion of different parameters; this part is based on the first-order perturbation method. The second part is a generalization of the first one; indeed, using the chaos polynomial projection of all random variables allows a more general assessment of the effects of uncertainties on the dynamics of periodic structure in mid-frequency range
Tilhac, Cyrille. "Développement d’architectures de filtres à base de résonateurs à ondes acoustiques de volume et contribution à l’intégration dans une technologie avancée silicium industrielle pour des applications radio-fréquences". Limoges, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaFor reasons of cost, consumption, and volume, the complete integration of communication systems seems a subject carrying for the micro-electronic industry. That is why, new resonators with bulk acoustic waves (BAW) are developed. One of the advantages of these resonators is the possibility of integrating them in a complete system on silicon substrate for filtering applications. On the other band, there are variations in the manufacturing process which make that the thicknesses of the deposited materials fluctuate slightly. That directly impacts the resonance frequency of the resonators and it is necessary to compensate these variations if one wishes to carry out an integrated system. The thesis work subject deals with the study and the realization of new filters architectures allowing the use of tuneable BAW resonators
Chinsomboon, Garrett. "New model for the 5-20 cm wavelength opacity of ammonia pressure-broadened by methane under jovian conditions based on laboratory measurements". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaGueuder, Maxime. "Quatre essais sur les inégalités et l'instabilité macroéconomique". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis PhD dissertation focuses on wealth and wage inequality, and the macro-economy. In a first chapter, I write and run a small macro agent-based model (M-ABM) in which I study the resultant distribution of wealth among households. I show that this model generates fat- tailed distributions of wealth in the household sector, as empirically observed in advanced economies. In a second chapter, I extend this model to study the macroeconomics of interpersonal and institutional discriminations against racial minorities. When discrimination is at work, racial disparities in income and wealth arise. The effect of the abolition of institutional discrimination is path-dependant: the more the economy is organized when this institutional change occurs, the more time it takes to get back to the counter-factual situation where no institutional discrimination was set up in the first place. In a third chapter, I study the evolution of the difference of median log-annual earnings between Blacks and Whites in the US between 1960 and 2015, focusing on the 2008 crisis. I control for selection arising from racial differentials in institutionalised population, and find that the unconditional racial wage gap attains a maximum in 2012. Controlling for age and education, I obtain the same result. Using unconditional quantile regressions, I show that the unexplained part of the unconditional racial wage gap has not increased during the crisis. Finally, in an afterword, I use metadata from RePEC to show that the share of economics papers published in the 13 of the 30 "top" journals containing "crisis" in their titles and/or abstracts has significantly increased in 2008
Ebersohn, Suzette. "Die benutting van veerkrag deur middel-adolessente in ’n hersaamgestelde gesin". Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaThesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011.
Educational Psychology
Camus, Olivier. "Modélisation des propriétés magnétiques de matériaux ferrite et de composites à base de ferrite absorbant le rayonnement électromagnétique". Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaBraun, Loïc. "Composants à ondes élastiques de surface pour le filtrage à gabarits maîtrisés aux fréquences radios pour applications spatiales et professionnelles". Thesis, Besançon, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis thesis deals with the development of surface acoustic wave devices (SAW) for filtering applications in the VHF and UHF bands. Several filter structures are studied. The first ones are longitudinally coupled resonator filters (LCRF) manufactured on Quartz with a relative pass-band narrower than 0,1 % centered at about 1 GHz. These filters have been fabricated and characterized, yielding less than 5 dB insertion loss with rejection levels in excess of 20 dB as predicted by our P-matrix model. One of these filters has been mounted in an oscillator to validate its characteristics.To improve the design of such filters, we have developed a model accounting for transverse mode contributions on their spectral function. Comparisons between theory and experiment emphasizes the accuracy of the developed model. We also have investigated impedance element and slanted transducers (fan-shaped) filter structures to produce filters with relative pass-band ranging from 1 to 15 % in the 100 − 300 MHz frequency range. For each type of filters, we have developed a model to predict their electrical response. A balanced-bridge filter configuration with a 2 % relative pass-band and four fan-shaped filters with pass-band larger than 10 % have been fabricated and characterized. Finally, we have studied two approaches for the development of SAW devices operating at frequencies in the vicinity of 3 GHz. The first approach exploits Diamond-based substrates, providing phase velocity higher than 5 km.s−1. The second one uses a nano-imprint lithography process to reduce the pitch of electrode gratings
Demin, Ivan. "Modélisations mathématiques de l’hématopoïèse et des maladies sanguines". Thesis, Lyon 1, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis PhD thesis is devoted to mathematical modelling of haematopoiesis and blood diseases. We investigate several models, which deal with different and complementary aspects of haematopoiesis.The first part of the thesis concerns a multi-scale model of erythropoiesis where intracellular regulatory networks, which determine cell choice between self-renewal, differentiation and apoptosis, are coupled with dynamics of cell populations. Using experimental data on anemia in mice, we evaluate the roles of different feedback mechanisms in response to stress situations. At the next stage of modelling, spatial cell distribution in the bone marrow is taken into account, the question which has not been studied before. We describe normal haematopoiesis with a system of reaction-diffusion-convection equations and prove existence of a stationary cell distribution. We then introduce malignant cells into the model. For some parameter values the disease free solution becomes unstable and another one, which corresponds to leukaemia, appears. This leads to the formation of tumour which spreads in the bone marrow as a travelling wave. The speed of its propagation is studied analytically and numerically. Bone marrow cells exchange different signals that regulate cell behaviour. We study, next, an integro-differential equation which describes cell communication and prove the existence of travelling wave solutions using topological degree and the Leray-Schauder method. Individual based approach is used to study distribution of different cell types in the bone marrow. Finally, we investigate a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics model of leukaemia treatment with AraC drug. AraC acts as chemotherapy, inducing apoptosis of all proliferating cells, normal and malignant. Pharmacokinetics provides the evolution of intracellular AraC. This, in turn, determines cell population dynamics and, consequently, efficacy of treatment with different protocols
PILLAI, Vinoshene. "Intravital two photon clcium imaging of glioblastoma mouse models". Doctoral thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2021.
Pełny tekst źródłaBarone, Anthony J. "State Level Earned Income Tax Credit’s Effects on Race and Age: An Effective Poverty Reduction Policy". Scholarship @ Claremont, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaKovaltchouk, Thibaut. "Contributions à la co-optimisation contrôle-dimensionnement sur cycle de vie sous contrainte réseau des houlogénérateurs directs". Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe work of this PhD thesis deals with the minimization of the per-kWh cost of direct-drive wave energy converter, crucial to the economic feasibility of this technology. Despite the simplicity of such a chain (that should provide a better reliability compared to indirect chain), the conversion principle uses an oscillating system (a heaving buoy for example) that induces significant power fluctuations on the production. Without precautions, such fluctuations can lead to: a low global efficiency, an accelerated aging of the fragile electrical components and a failure to respect power quality constraints. To solve these issues, we firstly study the optimization of the direct drive wave energy converter control in order to increase the global energy efficiency (from wave to grid), considering conversion losses and the limit s from the sizing of an electrical chain (maximum force and power). The results point out the effect of the prediction horizon or the mechanical energy into the objective function. Production profiles allow the study of the flicker constraint (due to grid voltage fluctuations) linked notably to the grid characteristics at the connection point. Other models have also been developed to quantify the aging of the most fragile and highly stressed components, namely the energy storage system used for power smoothing (with super capacitors or electrochemical batteries Li-ion) and power semiconductors.Finally, these aging models are used to optimize key design parameters using life-cycle analysis. Moreover, the sizing of the storage system is co-optimized with the smoothing management
Corman, Maya. "Approche psychologique des personnes atteintes d'hémopathies et inscrites dans un processus de greffe de cellules souches hématopoiétiques (CSH) : identification des facteurs socio-psychologiques impliqués dans l’état de santé mentale et physique aux différents stades du processus et développement d’un programme d’intervention adapté". Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaHematopoietic stem cells allograft, or bone marrow transplantation, is one of the treatments proposed to stop the course of hematopoietic malignancies such as acute leukemia. This procedure consists of replacing the cells in the diseased blood with healthy cells from a compatible donor to maximize the chances of success. Although injecting the graft appears to be a relatively simple procedure, it is nonetheless part of a whole process that begins well before the procedure and has consequences in the months and even years following the allograft. Thus, the patient's care pathway can be divided into three stages: the pre-transplant, hospitalization in a protected sector, and the post-transplant period with the return home. At these different stages, an alteration in quality of life, the presence of symptoms of psychological distress and even a state of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be observed. However, these psychological consequences may differ from one individual to another, suggesting that certain factors, other than medical ones, could influence both the physical and psychological consequences of the allograft. It is in this perspective and based on the Transactional Integrative and Multidimensional Model of Bruchon-Schweitzer and Boujut (2014) and the Complete State Health Approach of Keyes and Lopez (2002) that four studies were conducted in this thesis work in health psychology. The objective was to highlight the different protective and deleterious psychological factors at the different stages of allograft on the mental and physical health of patients, focusing on factors little explored to date and from the third wave of cognitive and behavioural therapies such as acceptance and commitment therapy. After validating a French version of the AFQ scale (article 1), the first study found that the level of happiness before the transplant contributes to a better quality of life before the procedure (article 2). The second highlighted the prospective effect of anxious preoccupations during hospitalization on the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder and the positive effect of fighting spirit on the level of resilience and happiness five months post-transplant (article 3). The third one revealed that the more people tended to be in experiential avoidance, the more likely they were to develop symptoms of PTSD, while patients with high non-judgmental scores (a facet of mindfulness) were less likely to develop such symptomatology (article 4). Finally, the fourth study shows that the experience of positive life changes in patients' lives after transplantation is far from systematic. Rather, patients show a decline in their psychological health that is related to a low level of acceptance (article 5). All of these results led us to reflect and propose an intervention adapted to the needs of patients (i.e. a digital platform) based on effective interventions in psycho-oncology and web-based therapies. In this perspective, a first device (i.e. DESP task) aimed at remedying the attentional biases involved in anxiety and depression has been developed and tested (article 6). The DESP has been the subject of a declaration of invention (declaration of invention n°0487-UCADESPTASK). Proposing a continuity of care and trying to overcome the obstacles inherent to the specificities of the allograft course is essential to improve the care of patients and accompany them during this pathway
"Technical analysis based on Elliott wave principle for FX trade". 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaThesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000.
Includes bibliographical references (leaf 34).
Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1
Chapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.2
Chapter 2. --- Methodology --- p.4
Chapter 2.1 --- Approach --- p.5
Chapter 2.2 --- Model Automation Tools --- p.7
Chapter 2.2.1 --- Data --- p.7
Chapter 2.2.2 --- Trend Identification by Regression --- p.8
Chapter 2.2.3 --- Programming variables --- p.13
Chapter 2.2.4 --- Execution --- p.13
Chapter 3. --- Literature Review --- p.16
Chapter 4. --- Trading Models --- p.19
Chapter 4.1 --- 2Premises --- p.19
Chapter 4.2 --- Trading rules --- p.20
Chapter 4.4 --- The Test --- p.23
Chapter 4.5 --- Some Arbitrary Inputs and Limitations --- p.24
Chapter 4.6 --- Preliminary Testing and the Grand Trend --- p.25
Chapter 5. --- RESULT & ANALYSIS --- p.26
Chapter 5.1 --- Deals made along Trends Identified --- p.27
Chapter 5.2 --- Pseudo Trends Identified during Corrections of Trends --- p.30
Chapter 5.3 --- Deals made during Corrections of Trends --- p.30
Chapter 6. --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.33
Chapter 6.1 --- Further Studies Recommended --- p.33
Bibliography --- p.34
Chapter a. --- Table1 --- p.35
Chapter b. --- Table2 --- p.36
Rathod, Vivek T. "Ultrasonic Guided Wave Based Models, Devices and Methods for Integrated Structural Health Monitoring". Thesis, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródła