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Mackinnon, Jeremy E. "Speaking the unspeakable : war trauma in six contemporary novels". Title page, contents and abstract only, 2001.
Pełny tekst źródłaMills, Criss Bentley. "War game". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988.
Pełny tekst źródłaSchnarr, Christopher E. "Moments between the surface : photography and fiction". Virtual Press, 1995.
Pełny tekst źródłaDepartment of Architecture
Schlegel, Daniel Drew. "All Begins to Bloom: Stories". PDXScholar, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaBurch, Kaitlyn. "Dance Lessons". PDXScholar, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaHodgson, Shane Ralph Colin. "The psychological sequelae of involvement in combat: a preliminary investigation". Thesis, Rhodes University, 1992.
Pełny tekst źródłaStatham, Anne. "Science fiction : a symbiosis of text and reader". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1989.
Pełny tekst źródłaCourtney, Mackenzie. "Snowing in Kansas". PDXScholar, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaVolz, Jessica A. "Vision, fiction and depiction : the forms and functions of visuality in the novels of Jane Austen, Ann Radcliffe, Maria Edgeworth and Fanny Burney". Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaRoberts, Mervyn Edwin III. "United States Psychological Operations in Support of Counterinsurgency: Vietnam, 1960 to 1965". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaSmith, Burston Helen K. "Heartlines : a novel and, A study of the cultural context of adoption between 1950 and 1980 with particular, but not exclusive, reference to the Australian birth mother and her relinquished child : an accompanying essay". Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaRoberts, Mervyn Edwin III. "Let the Dogs Bark: The Psychological War in Vietnam, 1960-1968". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaMoody, Janice Lynn, i Ron Robinson. "Operation Iraqi freedom and mental health of Vietnam veterans". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaCalvert, William Emory. "Vietnam veteran levels of combat : perceived and actual violence". Virtual Press, 1985.
Pełny tekst źródłaCrawford, Jim D. "“Inside Story”". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaCrisp, William A. "Postcombat Military Job Satisfaction Among Vietnam Helicopter Aviators". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaCobden, Lynsey Shaw. "Neuropsychiatry and the management of aerial warfare : the Royal Air Force Neuropsychiatric Division in the Second World War". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaShamberg, Neil S. "Shell shock in the origins of British psychiatry". Virtual Press, 1997.
Pełny tekst źródłaDepartment of History
Ryan, Dorothy. "A study of Vietnam combat veteran's perception toward depression: Ten years after the war". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1985.
Pełny tekst źródłaMcFarlane, Anna M. "A gestalt approach to the science fiction novels of William Gibson". Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaDedman, Stephen. "Techronomicon (novel) ; and The weapon shop : the relationship between American science fiction and the US military (dissertation)". University of Western Australia. School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaLorber, Jesse. "Remembering Danzig and Reclaiming Gdańsk". Scholarship @ Claremont, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaCrisp, William A. "Combat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Effect of Intelligence on Symptomatology". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaMcKinney, Kelli. "The Luxury of Tears: A Secondary Survivor's Story". Thesis, University of North Texas, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaLang, Andrew F. ""Victory is Our Only Road to Peace": Texas, Wartime Morale, and Confederate Nationalism, 1860-1865". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaFisher, Bari S. "Development, diagnosis and treatment of post traumatic stress disorder and the Vietnam veteran population". PDXScholar, 1986.
Pełny tekst źródłaBelt, Leslie Marie, i Leslie Paul Schellbach. "Perceptions of mental health services among marines". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaNacandumbo, Maria Manuela. "Estudo dos efeitos psicológicos decorrentes de eventos traumáticos em jovens: o impacto da guerra em Angola". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaMade available in DSpace on 2017-10-19T12:01:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Manuela Nacandumbo.pdf: 5789089 bytes, checksum: e126dca96ac1a9ef55d0ac006e0b8451 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-27
The present research aimed to understand the psychological effects on young people, resulting from traumatic events of the war in Angola. The following questions were researched: what were the traumatic experiences of war that the youth experienced, and how the war events affected and impacted their lives today. With respect to the research method, a qualitative study was done. For the survey data collection, two instruments were used: a self-completed questionnaire and drawings about the experience of war. The participants were high school students of the Santa Maria Goretti Missionary School in N'dalatando, capital of the Province of Kwanza Norte, Angola. 99 students, of both sexes, agenda between 16 and 26, participated in the study. The data were entered and analyzed in SPHINX software, aided by Excel and Word Cloud. The data were analyzed in the light of the specialized literature and organized into categories. The research was submitted and authorized by the Research and Ethics Committee, under the number of Opinion 2,071,586 and CAAE: 67127917.0.0000.5482. The results revealed that the participants, in their majority, the children, went through experiences of personal suffering, of their families, friends and even strangers. They saw people killed, mutilated, mistreated, psychologically and physically tortured, attacked and destroyed. There have also been several deprivations, such as hunger, thirst, lack of shelter and basic health care. They have pointed to various consequences of psychological and physical trauma, underdevelopment, in all dimensions of life, and marked moments of difficult overcoming and forgetfulness that impact their lives today. They expressed feelings of loss, irritability, sadness, fear, guilt, revolt, indifference, resentment, grief, disgust, abandonment, loneliness, repentance, hurt, hatred, anguish and pain
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender os efeitos psicológicos em jovens, decorrentes de eventos traumáticos da guerra em Angola. Foram pesquisadas as seguintes questões: quais foram as experiências traumáticas de guerra que os jovens vivenciaram, e como os eventos de guerra afetaram e afetam a vida destes hoje. Em relação ao método de pesquisa, foi feito um estudo qualitativo. Para o levantamento dos dados da pesquisa, foram utilizados dois instrumentos: um questionário autopreenchido e desenhos sobre a vivência da guerra. Os participantes foram alunos do ensino médio da Escola Missionária Santa Maria Goretti em N’dalatando, capital da Província do Kwanza Norte, Angola. Participaram do estudo 99 alunos, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 16 e 26 anos. Os dados foram inseridos e analisados no software SPHINX, auxiliado pelo Excel e Nuvem de Palavras. Os dados foram analisados à luz da literatura especializada e organizados em categorias. A pesquisa foi submetida e autorizada pelo Comitê de Pesquisa e Ética, sob o Número do Parecer 2.071.586 e CAAE: 67127917.0.0000.5482. Os resultados revelaram que os participantes, na sua a maioria, enquanto crianças, passaram por experiências de sofrimento pessoal, das suas famílias, amigos e até de desconhecidos. Viram pessoas mortas, mutiladas, maltratadas, torturadas psicológica e fisicamente, ataques e destruições. Passaram também diversas privações, tais como: fome, sede, falta de abrigo e de cuidados básicos de saúde. Apontaram diversas consequências de trauma psicológico e físico, o subdesenvolvimento, em todas as dimensões da vida e, momentos marcantes de difícil superação e esquecimento que impactam a sua vida hoje. Expressaram sentimentos de perda, irritabilidade, tristeza, medo, culpa, revolta, indiferença, ressentimento, aflição, desgosto, abandono, solidão, arrependimento, mágoa, ódio, angústia e dor
Eldridge, Claire. "The mobilisation and transmission of memories within the Pied-Noir and Harki communities, 1962-2007". Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaAl-Aulaqi, Nader. "Arab-Muslim views, images and stereotypes in United States". CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaBoshoff, Alida. "Die impak van die grensoorlog (SWA/Angola) op die lewens van soldate, aan die hand van vertellings uit die oorlog". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is asswned that events during the border war (SWAI Angola) had an influencelimpact on the lives of soldiers who took part in it. Some experiences have become embedded in their memories and are reflected in yams about such episodes and anecdotes that constitute a wealth of oral art. From a cultural history point of view, these therefore deserve to be recorded and conserved. The study interprets the narratives against the background of the border war and determines the relationship between these stories and the influence of the war on the lives of soldiers. Examples of war hwnour are grouped into stories about personal hygiene, misunderstandings, boyish pranks, practical jokes and other humorous incidents. As in any war, soldiers were confronted with unpleasant experiences such as bad news from home, the death of comrades and the enemy, adventures with wild animals and the loss of pets. Tales about soldiers' experiences during contact with the enemy allow one to gain insight into the functioning of the human mind. These stories are grouped into heroic deeds, narrow escapes and feelings experienced in contact with the enemy. As far as is known, no legends had their origin in the border war, but stories about quite a few legendary characters are told. Stories about helicopter pilots and trackers might eventually develop into legends, because of the fearlessness and skill of these people. Myths are stories originating in folkbelief, in which God or the gods play an important role. However, stories from the border war about chaplains and religion are not myths, but tales about personal experience with a religious inclination. It is clear from the narratives that religion played an important role in the lives of soldiers and that they had a child-like trust in a Supreme Being. Leaders, trackers and helicopter pilots were identified as important people in soldiers' battle for survival. They also had a need of female company and the presence of women. Pets played a significant role in allowing them to express their emotions. Each soldier experienced confrontation with death and the enemy in his own unique manner. In spite of hardships, many tales of a humorous nature were told. This can be regarded as a way of dealing and coping with unpleasant experiences.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veronderstelling is dat gebeure gedurende die grensoorlog (SW AI Angola) In invloed/impak op die soldate wat daaraan deelgeneem het, se lewens gehad het. Sekere ervarings is in hulle geheue vasgele en kom in die vorm van belewenisvertellings en staaltjies na Yore, wat In ryke skat van volkswoordkuns bied. Dit verdien daarom om vanuit In kultuurhistoriese oogpunt opgeteken en bewaar te word. Die studie vertolk die vertellings teen die agtergrond van die grensoorlog en bepaal die verband tussen die vertellings en die invloed van die oorlog op die lewens van soldate. Voorbeelde van oorlogshumor word gegroepeer in verhale wat handel oor persoonlike higiene, misverstande, kwajongstreke, poetse en ander humoristiese insidente. Soos in enige oorlog, is soldate gekonfronteer met onaangename wedervarings soos slegte nuus van die huis af, die dood van makkers en die vyand, wedervarings met wilde diere en die verlies van troeteldiere. Vertellings oor soldate se ervarings tydens kontak met die vyand verleen insig in die werking van die menslike gees en is gegroepeer in heldedade, noue ontkomings en gevoelens wat ervaar is in kontak met die vyand. Sover bekend bestaan daar nie legendes uit die grensoorlog nie, maar daar is van In hele paar legendariese karakters vertel. Vanwee hulle onverskrokkenheid en vemuf kan verhale oor helikoptervlieeniers en spoorsnyers met verloop van tyd legendes word. Mites is verhale wat uit die volksgeloof spruit en waarin God of gode Inbelangrike rol speel. Verhale uit die grensoorlog wat handel oor kapelane en godsdiens, is egter nie mites nie maar belewenisvertellings met In godsdienstige strekking. Uit die vertellings blyk dit dat godsdiens In belangrike rol in die lewens van soldate gespeel het en dat daar In kinderlike vertroue in In Hoer Hand was. Leiersfigure, spoorsnyers en helikoptervlieeniers is geidentifiseer as belangrike persone in soldate se oorlewingstryd. Daar was ook In behoefte aan vroulike geselskap en teenwoordigheid. Troeteldiere het In belangrike rol gespeel om uiting te gee aan emosies. Soldate het konfrontasie met die dood en die vyand elkeen op sy eie unieke manier beleef. Ten spyte van ontberings, is daar heelwat verhale met In humoristiese strekking vertel en dit kan beskou word as In manier om onaangename ervarings te hanteer en te verwerk.
Chappell, Shelley Bess. "Werewolves, wings, and other weird transformations fantastic metamorphosis in children's and young adult fantasy literature /". Doctoral thesis, Australia : Macquarie University, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaBibliography: p. 239-289.
Introduction -- Fantastic metamorphosis as childhood 'otherness' -- The metamorphic growth of wings : deviant development and adolescent hybridity -- Tenors of maturation: developing powers and changing identities -- Changing representations of werewolves: ideologies of racial and ethnic otherness -- The desire for transcendence: jouissance in selkie narratives -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Appendix: "The great Silkie of Sule Skerry": three versions.
My central thesis is that fantastic motifs work on a metaphorical level to encapsulate and express ideologies that have frequently been naturalised as 'truths'. I develop a theory of motif metaphors in order to examine the ideologies generated by the fantastic motif of metamorphosis in a range of contemporary children's and young adult fantasy texts. Although fantastic metamorphosis is an exceptionally prevalent and powerful motif in children's and young adult fantasy literature, symbolising important ideas about change and otherness in relation to childhood, adolescence, and maturation, and conveying important ideologies about the world in which we live, it has been little analysed in children's literature criticism. The detailed analyses of particular metamorphosis motif metaphors in this study expand and refine our academic understanding of the metamorphosis figure and consequently provide insight into the underlying principles and particular forms of a variety of significant ideologies.
By examining several principal metamorphosis motif metaphors I investigate how a number of specific cultural beliefs are constructed and represented in contemporary children's and young adult fantasy literature. I particularly focus upon metamorphosis as a metaphor for childhood otherness; adolescent hybridity and deviant development; maturation as a process of self-change and physical empowerment; racial and ethnic difference and otherness; and desire and jouissance. I apply a range of pertinent cultural theories to explore these motif metaphors fully, drawing on the interpretive frameworks most appropriate to the concepts under consideration. I thus employ general psychoanalytic theories of embodiment, development, language, subjectivity, projection, and abjection; poststructuralist, social constructionist, and sociological theories; and wide-ranging literary theories, philosophical theories, gender and feminist theories, race and ethnicity theories, developmental theories, and theories of fantasy and animality. The use of such theories allows for incisive explorations of the explicit and implicit ideologies metaphorically conveyed by the motif of metamorphosis in different fantasy texts.
In this study, I present a number of specific analyses that enhance our knowledge of the motif of fantastic metamorphosis and of significant cultural ideologies. In doing so, I provide a model for a new and precise approach to the analysis of fantasy literature.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
[12], 294 p
Tsukayama, John K. "By any means necessary : an interpretive phenomenological analysis study of post 9/11 American abusive violence in Iraq". Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaMackinnon, Jeremy E. "Speaking the unspeakable : war trauma in six contemporary novels / Jeremy E. Mackinnon". Thesis, 2001.
Pełny tekst źródła258 leaves ; 30 cm.
Presents readings of six novels which depict something of the nature of war trauma. Collectively, the novels suggest that the attempt to narrativise war trauma is inherently problematic. Traces the disjunctions between narrative and war trauma which ensure that war trauma remains an elusive and private phenomonen; the gulf between private experience and public discourse haunts each of the novels.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of English, 2001
Smitton, J. Alan. "Sons’ narratives of growing up with a World War II combat veteran father". Thesis, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaGulyas, Aaron John. "Mysterious Saucer Sighted! End of World Imminent? American Flying Saucer Belief and Resistance to the Cold War Order 1947-1970". Thesis, 2003.
Pełny tekst źródłaJacobs, Elana S. "Exposure to manifestations of political instability: impact on white South African children". Thesis, 1991.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe Impact of political violence on the psychological well-being of civilian populations has received much attention. both locally and internationally. In South Africa, the effects on black children of having witnessed or experienced violence has been extensively researched; however. the impact on white children, albeit that the majority of them are removed from the immediacy of the violence, has not been investigated.(Abbreviation abstract)
Andrew Chakane 2018
Francis, David J. "When War Ends: Building Peace in Divided Communities". 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaGeorgoulas-Sherry, Vasiliki. "The Impact of Resilience and Grit on Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Following Exposure to Combat-Like Environments". Thesis, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaGordon, Vicki. "The experience of being a hidden child survivor of the holocaust". 2002.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe intent of this study was to explore the experience of these hidden children using Giorgi’s empirical phenomenological methodology and to gain a richer understanding of the nature of this experience. Phenomenological analyses of the recorded and transcribed interviews of 11 child survivors were conducted and organized into meaning units which subsequently yielded situated structures from which the general structures evolved.
These analyses revealed that the defining moment of being hidden for these children was the suppression of their identities as Jews. By being hidden, they had to deny the essence of their core selves, including their names, family details and connections to others in an effort to conceal their Jewishness. Other structures to emerge as part of hiding were the pervading fear which enveloped their entire experience in hiding and the sense of suspended normality during this period, which sometimes extended over a period of years. A "cut-offness" and personality constriction seemed to be present throughout the descriptions of these children and appears to have developed as a method of coping with the trauma of their childhood. Overlaying all of this were general insecurities about the capriciousness of the war and the contextual specifics of their actual hiding places to which each child had to adjust. Connections/relationships to another person seemed to be highly significant in the dynamics of the everyday during the experience of hiding and often shaped some of the psychological and emotional experiences of hiddenness.
Raftery, John. "'Nothing new to medical science' : the construction of war neurosis and the life course outcomes of WW2 veterans / John Raftery". 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłax, 417 leaves : ill. (some col.), [1] col. map ; 30 cm.
Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library.
Documents and evaluates the experiences and life outcomes of a sample of WW2 veterans against a background of ideas about the neuroses of war, thereby examining the history of medical ideas about the psychological casualties of war, and the history of the lives of participants of war. The medical framework and social context that underpin the construction of war experience is critically examined in this thesis.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Public Health, 2000
Raftery, John. "'Nothing new to medical science' : the construction of war neurosis and the life course outcomes of WW2 veterans / John Raftery". Thesis, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłax, 417 leaves : ill. (some col.), [1] col. map ; 30 cm.
Documents and evaluates the experiences and life outcomes of a sample of WW2 veterans against a background of ideas about the neuroses of war, thereby examining the history of medical ideas about the psychological casualties of war, and the history of the lives of participants of war. The medical framework and social context that underpin the construction of war experience is critically examined in this thesis.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Public Health, 2000
McGinn, Therese J. "The Effects of Conflict on Fertility Desires and Behavior in Rwanda". Thesis, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaEpstein, Andrea. "Divided only by the 17th parallel : a study of similarities between American and Vietnamese soldiers in selected works". Diss., 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaEnglish Literature
M.A. (English Literature)
Al-Hammadi, Abdullah M. A. "Biological factors in chronic posttraumatic stress disorder". 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaThesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2008
Al-Hammadi, Abdullah M. A. "Biological factors in chronic posttraumatic stress disorder". Thesis, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaThesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2008
Sideris, Catherine Tina. "Violation and healing of the spirit : psycho-social responses to war of Mozambican women refugees". Thesis, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaFor over a decade, from the late 1970's to October 1992, a war raged in Mozambique that resulted in what has been described as, one of the "most terrible genocides in the history of Africa". Over 4 million people were displaced during this war. Conservative estimates put the number of Mozambicans who sought refuge in South Africa at 250 000. This study examines the trauma created by the war, and its psycho-social outcomes, from the perspective of women refugees who came to settle in villages in the Nkomazi region of Mpumalanga province, in South Africa. Posttraumatic stress disorder, the concept which dominates research in the field of trauma studies, was based on research with male war veterans in western industrial societies. Recently a body of work has emerged which questions the validity of applying posttraumatic stress disorder to contexts of massive social conflict, and its utility in cross cultural contexts. This body of work suggests that an understanding of extreme trauma and its outcomes requires careful consideration of the social and cultural dimensions of trauma. The inclusion of a cultural formulation in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder, DSM-IV, reinforces a growing acknowledgement amongst mental health researchers of the influence of culture on mental health and disorder. The gaps in research on African women survivors of war and the lack of standardised assessment tools, makes this an exploratory study which uses qualitative research methods. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 30 Mozambican women refugees to explore their experiences and definitions of trauma, the psycho-social outcomes of the trauma, and coping and survival in the aftermath of the war. The magnitude of the trauma evident in the research findings called for a conceptual definition which reflects multiple risks and the interdependence of social and individual trauma. Thematic analysis and qualitative coding of the interview data revealed clinically well defined posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and locally specific discourses of suffering framed by cultural beliefs, social practices and historical experiences. Their testimony and observations in the field, revealed that the survivors demonstrated a capacity to survive and reconstruct their lives. Their coping strategies and survival tactics were fundamentally shaped by socio-historical experiences and the limits and possibilities contained in the recovery environment. The results of this study suggest an approach to examining the complex relationship between trauma and its consequences, which abstracts neither trauma nor its victims from cultural and social-historical contexts.
Shantall, Hester Maria. "A heuristic study of the meaning of suffering among holocaust survivors". Thesis, 1996.
Pełny tekst źródłaPsychology
D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
Camacho, Keith L. "Cultures of commemoration the politics of war, memory and history in the Mariana Islands /". Thesis, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaCoxon, Robert Andrew. "Battlefield trauma (exposure, psychiatric diagnosis and outcomes)". 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaThesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008