Warmansyah, Jhoni, Afriyane Ismandela, Dinda Fatma Nabila, Retno Wulandari, Widia Putri Wahyu, Khairunnisa, Anis putri, Elis Komalasari, Meliana Sari i Restu Yuningsih. "Smartphone Addiction, Executive Function, and Mother-Child Relationships in Early Childhood Emotion Dysregulation". JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 17, nr 2 (30.11.2023): 241–66.
Early childhood emotional dysregulation is critical in recognizing and preventing psychological well-being disorders, laying the groundwork for developing healthy emotional behaviors early on. This study aims to determine the direct influence of smartphone addiction, executive function, and the mother-child relationship on emotional dysregulation in early childhood in West Sumatra. This research method is a quantitative survey. The data collection technique in this research uses a questionnaire design on 309 parents who were selected using a simple random sampling method. This data processing tool uses the SmartPLS software. The results of the study indicate that smartphone addiction has a significant impact on emotional dysregulation in early childhood, executive function has a positive and significant effect on emotional dysregulation in early childhood, and the mother-child relationship has a positive and significant influence on emotional dysregulation in early childhood. The findings of this research can offer valuable insights into improving the understanding of the factors that influence emotional dysregulation in early childhood and intervention strategies to address the issues that arise as a result.
Keywords: smartphone addiction, executive function, mother-child relationship, emotional dysregulation, early childhood
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