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Fadhlurrohman, Mochammad Iqbal, Eko Priyo Purnomo i Ajree Ducol Malawani. "Analysis Of Sustainable Health Development In Indonesia (Sustainable Development Goal's)". Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia 19, nr 2 (29.07.2020): 133–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/jkli.19.2.133-143.

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Latar Belakang: Pengembangan kesehatan berkelanjutan adalah proses untuk memberikan hak atas kehidupan yang sehat yang harus diperoleh oleh masyarakat yang berguna untuk memperoleh kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat dalam menjalankan kehidupan yang sehat. Konsep pendekatan dalam upaya menangani kesehatan populasi mengalami banyak perubahan sejalan dengan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kita tentang bagaimana masyarakat hidup dan menghormati bahwa kesehatan adalah "Sumber Daya Manusia" yang bernilai sangat besar. Dan tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk melihat bagaimana faktor yang mempangaruhi dalam melakukan pembangunan kesehatan berkelanjutan.Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif yaitu melihat hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan selanjutnya dikembangkan kembali. Teknik pengumpulan data studi literatur ini dari beberapa buku, surat kabar, jurnal, catatan, undang-undang dan media informasi lainnya yang relevan dengan masalah yang diteliti dan observasi, termasuk observasi langsung baik pada subjek yang diteliti maupun wawancara.Hasil: Pemerintah belum mampu menangani masalah yang akan dihadapi terkait kesehatan karena dalam penanganan pemerintah yang masih kurang dikarena banyak kekurangan seperti alat kesehatan dan juga peraturan/regulasi terkait pembangunan kesehatan berkelanjutan yang belum dapat dikatakan efisien pada pertumbuhan kesehatan atau pembangunan kesehatan yang merupakan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan atauSubtanable Development Goal’s(SDG’s).Kesimpulan: Peran dari pemerintah dari tahun ke tahun belum dapat bisa melihat adanya kemajuan dalam mengatasi masalah yang harus diantisipasi sebelum masalah terjadi baik dalam kematian ibu, kekurangan gizi untuk anak-anak dan wanita hamil, dan lain-lain. Yang dimana diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan dari kesehatan. ABSTRACT Title: Analysis of Sustainable Health Development in Indonesia (Sustainable Development Goal's).Background: Sustainable health development is a process to provide the right to a healthy life that must be obtained by the community that is useful for obtaining welfare for the community in running a healthy life. The concept of approach in the effort to handle the health of the population underwent many changes in line with our understanding and knowledge of how a society lives and respects that health is a "Human Capital" of enormous value. Method: The research method used is a descriptive study that is looking at the results of previous studies and further developed again. This literature study data collection technique from several books, newspapers, journals, notes, laws and other information media that are relevant to the problem under study and observation, including direct observation both on the subject under study and interview. Results: The government has not been able to handle the problems that will be faced related to health because in managing the government which is still lacking due to many deficiencies such as medical devices and also regulations/regulations related to sustainable health development that cannot be said to be efficient in health growth or health development which is a goal of sustainable development or Sustainable Development Goal's (SDG's).Conclusion: The role of government from year to year has not been able to see any progress in overcoming problems that must be anticipated before problems occur both in maternal deaths, malnutrition for children and pregnant women, and others. Which is expected to provide solutions to problems from health.
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Qizi, Yuldasheva Nargiza Doston. "Development Strategy – Towards Sustainable Development". American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations 03, nr 02 (28.02.2021): 33–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/tajmei/volume03issue02-04.

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The article examines five priorities of the country development. These include improving the construction of the state and society, ensuring the rule of law and reforming the judicial system, further developing and liberalizing the economy, developing the social sphere, ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance. is to conduct foreign policy in a mutually beneficial and practical spirit.
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NÁTR, Lubomír. "Non sustainable development. Sustainable or non-sustainable development?" Kvasny Prumysl 52, nr 11-12 (1.11.2006): 359–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.18832/kp2006031.

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Vyas, Pallavi C. "Industrialization And Sustainable Development". Indian Journal of Applied Research 1, nr 11 (1.10.2011): 44–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.15373/2249555x/aug2012/15.

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Chattaraj, Santosh Kumar. "Education for Sustainable Development". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-1 (31.12.2017): 131–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd5889.

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Jeníček, V. "Sustainable development – indicators". Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 59, No. 2 (12.03.2013): 74–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.17221/11/2012-agricecon.

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Most governments are already trying, or should do so in the near future, to start the way towards sustainable development. The reason why the way is so difficult is the fact that the quantitative measures of it – the suitable indicators to show the measure of the development in the desirable direction – are missing. The information is of irreplaceable importance in the process of transition towards sustainability. All institutions as well as individuals need information, whether their decisions and behaviour is contributing to sustainability or not, and this information has to motivate them, at the same time, to the change of behaviour.
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Даниленко, Нина. "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT — SUSTAINABLE RESEARCH". Известия Иркутской Государственной Экономической Академии 25, nr 2 (2015): 298–302. http://dx.doi.org/10.17150/1993-3541.2015.25(2).298-302.

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Blowers, Andrew, Jan Boersema i Adrian Martin. "Is sustainable development sustainable?" Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 9, nr 1 (marzec 2012): 1–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1943815x.2012.666045.

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Aras, Güler, i David Crowther. "Making sustainable development sustainable". Management Decision 47, nr 6 (19.06.2009): 975–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00251740910966686.

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Kaimowitz, David. "Is Sustainable Development Sustainable?" Journal of Forestry 104, nr 4 (1.06.2006): 169. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jof/104.4.169.

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Hikmət qızı Ələkbərli, Aynur. "Sustainable development strategy. Sustainable development in Azerbaijan". NATURE AND SCIENCE 24, nr 9 (18.09.2022): 25–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.36719/2707-1146/24/25-33.

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Əhali artdıqca təbii ehtiyatlara tələbat da artır. Bununla belə, təbii sərvətlər tükənməz deyil və yaxın gələcəkdə onların bəzilərinin tamamilə tükənməsi ehtimalı var. İnsanlar təbii sərvətlərin ömrü boyu tükənə biləcəyini dərk etmir və yalnız tükəndikdən sonra böyük problemlərlə üzləşirlər. Dünya əhalisinin daim artan tələbatı təbii ehtiyatların tükənməsi, iqtisadi böhranlar, ekoloji gərginlik, siyasi və sosial problemlər ilə nəticələnə bilər. Bunun qarşısını almaq üçün hər bir ölkə öz inkişaf strategiyasını müəyyən etməli və gələcək nəsillər üçün ehtiyatların qorunması yollarını araşdırmalıdır. Mütəxəssislər mövcud vəziyyətdən çıxış yolunu davamlı inkişafın təmin edilməsində görürlər. Davamlı inkişaf modeli balanslaşdırılmış, davamlı və dinamik inkişaf modelidir. Bu model gələcək nəsillərin ehtiyaclarının tam ödənilməsinə təhlükə yaratmayan inkişaf hesab olunur. Buraya iki əsas anlayış daxildir: ehtiyaclar anlayışı, xüsusən də birinci dərəcəli prioritetlərin predmeti olan yoxsul əhalinin mövcudluğu üçün zəruri olan ehtiyaclar və cəmiyyətin təşkili və texnologiyaların vəziyyəti ilə şərtlənən, ətraf mühitin cari və gələcək ehtiyacları ödəmək qabiliyyətinə qoyulan məhdudiyyətlər anlayışı. Açar sözlər: davamlı inkişaf konsepsiyası,davamlı inkişaf modeli, sosial inkişaf, iqtisadi inkişaf, ekoloji inkişaf, davamlı insan inkişafı Aynur Hikmat Alakbarli Sustainable development strategy. Sustainable development in Azerbaijan Abstract As the population increases, so does the demand for natural resources. However, natural resources are not inexhaustible, and in the near future some of them are likely to run out completely. people do not realize that natural resources can be exhausted during their lifetime, and only after they are exhausted, they face big problems. The ever-increasing demand of the world's population can result in the depletion of natural resources, economic crises, environmental tensions, and political and social problems. In order to prevent this from happening, each country should determine its own development strategy and explore ways to preserve resources for future generations. Experts see the way out of the current situation in ensuring sustainable development. The sustainable development model is a balanced, sustainable and dynamic development model. This model is considered a development that does not jeopardize the full satisfaction of the needs of future generations. It includes two main concepts: the concept of needs, especially the needs necessary for the existence of the poor population, which should be the subject of first-order priorities and the concept of limits placed on the ability of the environment to meet current and future needs, conditioned by the organization of society and the state of technologies. Keywords: sustainable development concept, sustainable development model, social development, economic development, ecological development, sustainable human development
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Sharma, Indu. "Sustainable Development in Indian Perspective". Journal of National Development 31, nr 2 (1.12.2018): 166–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.29070/31/58296.

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Cheteni, Priviledge. "Sustainable development: biofuels in agriculture". Environmental Economics 8, nr 2 (10.07.2017): 83–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ee.08(2).2017.09.

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Biofuels are socially and politically accepted as a form of sustainable energy in numerous countries. However, cases of environmental degradation and land grabs have highlighted the negative effects to their adoption. Smallholder farmers are vital in the development of a biofuel industry. The study sought to assess the implications in the adoption of biofuel crops by smallholder farmers. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 129 smallholder farmers who were sampled from the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. A binary probit model was used to investigate the determinants of smallholder farmers adopting biofuel crops. The empirical results showed that the variables, such as membership in association, occupation and incentives were statistically significant in influencing farmers’ decision to adopt biofuel crops. Furthermore, it was discovered that the studied areas have a potential to grow biofuel crops.
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Ziyayev, F., Xolbekov A i Avalova G. "Uzbekistan's Cooperation On Sustainable Development". American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 03, nr 05 (31.05.2021): 432–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/volume03issue05-76.

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"From the first days of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a well-thought-out foreign policy has been consistently implemented," Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. "In his time, the centuries-old history, culture, traditions and values of our people, noble aspirations and interests are embodied [1].
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Kumar, T. Bhagya. "Sustainable Development Through Women Entrepreneurship". Global Journal For Research Analysis 3, nr 8 (15.06.2012): 1–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.15373/22778160/august2014/201.

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Chaudhary, Amrita. "Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation". International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 13, nr 4 (5.04.2024): 60–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.21275/sr24331074135.

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Kerkin, Darien. "Sustainable Development". Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 9 (1998): 771–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/iabsproc1998972.

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Stewart, Dale F. "Sustainable Development". Forestry Chronicle 65, nr 1 (1.02.1989): 7–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.5558/tfc65007-1.

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Viederman, Stephen. "Sustainable Development". Current History 92, nr 573 (1.04.1993): 180–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/curh.1993.92.573.180.

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Winter-Nelson, Alex, Charles Perrings, Patrick FitzGerald, Anne McLennan, Barry Munslow, Valentine Udoh James i Aguibou Yansane. "Sustainable Development". African Studies Review 41, nr 1 (kwiecień 1998): 141. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/524685.

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Carroll, C. Ronald. "Sustainable Development". Journal of Environmental Quality 26, nr 3 (maj 1997): 918–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.2134/jeq1997.00472425002600030048x.

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Davidson, Julie L. "Sustainable Development". Environmental Ethics 22, nr 1 (2000): 25–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/enviroethics200022147.

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Bourgeois, Warren. "Sustainable Development". Environmental Ethics 36, nr 3 (2014): 259–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/enviroethics201436329.

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Christensen, Per, Mikkel Thrane, Tine Herreborg Jørgensen i Martin Lehmann. "Sustainable development". International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 10, nr 1 (9.01.2009): 4–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14676370910925217.

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Sachs, J. D. "Sustainable Development". Science 304, nr 5671 (30.04.2004): 649. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.304.5671.649.

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Chakravarty, Sukhatmoy. "Sustainable Development". European Journal of Development Research 3, nr 1 (czerwiec 1991): 67–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09578819108426541.

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Reid, Walter V. C. "Sustainable Development". Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 31, nr 4 (maj 1989): 7–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00139157.1989.9929948.

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C. Brennan, Michelle, i Alison J. Cotgrave. "Sustainable development". Structural Survey 32, nr 4 (5.08.2014): 315–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ss-02-2014-0010.

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Purpose – Despite the surge of interest in construction sustainability and the many Government initiatives encouraging reform in the UK construction industry (CI), the prevalence of sustainable development (SD) in the industry is still largely lagging behind that of other industries. Given the amount of focus and activity identified nationally in this area, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons why this is not being translated into action and to seek counsel from industry professionals as to how they believe change can be achieved with a particular focus on how they believe higher education institutions (HEIs) can contribute. Design/methodology/approach – An explorative, qualitative study using three focus groups was of construction professionals. Findings – Despite a lack of action, many in industry support sustainability and actively attempt to engage in sustainable practices but a number of barriers preclude successful implementation. Government initiatives are having a positive impact, with participants believing that both Government and HEIs are imperative in driving the sustainability agenda forward. Research limitations/implications – Whilst limited in scale, this paper highlights the current state of the CI in relation to SD and evidences that progress is being made albeit slowly. The findings may help both Government and HEIs alongside industry in achieving how this can be overcome. Originality/value – Previous research in this area has generally adopted a quantitative approach. Adopting a qualitative approach provides a more in depth view as to why the status quo remains with regards to SD in the CI.
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Morton, Brian. "Sustainable Development". Marine Pollution Bulletin 40, nr 7 (lipiec 2000): 563–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0025-326x(00)00003-5.

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Robinson, Peter. "Sustainable Development". New Economy 9, nr 3 (wrzesień 2002): 125–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1468-0041.00256.

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Porritt, Jonathan. "Sustainable Development". New Economy 10, nr 1 (marzec 2003): 28–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1468-0041.00285.

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Hall, Megan. "Sustainable Development". Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 23, nr 3 (lipiec 2006): 163–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/026537880602300305.

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MORSE, PAIGE MARIE. "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". Chemical & Engineering News 76, nr 31 (3.08.1998): 13–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/cen-v076n031.p013.

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Pimentel, David. "Sustainable development". Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13, nr 4 (kwiecień 1998): 169–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0169-5347(98)01337-8.

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Castro, Carlos J. "Sustainable Development". Organization & Environment 17, nr 2 (czerwiec 2004): 195–225. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1086026604264910.

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Williams, Ruth. "Sustainable development". Nursing Management 23, nr 10 (27.02.2017): 13. http://dx.doi.org/10.7748/nm.23.10.13.s13.

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MITCHELL, PAUL. "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". Australian Planner 36, nr 3 (styczeń 1999): 150–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07293682.1999.9665749.

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SEN, AMARTYA, GRO HARLEM BRUNDTLAND i IAN JOHNSON. "Sustainable Development". New Perspectives Quarterly 19, nr 4 (październik 2002): 78–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-5842.2002.tb00109.x.

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Cullingworth, J. Barry. "Sustainable development". Cities 12, nr 3 (czerwiec 1995): 203–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0264-2751(95)90035-7.

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Hulpke, Herwig. "Sustainable development". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 3, nr 1 (marzec 1996): 1–2. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/bf02986802.

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Hauthal, H. G. "Sustainable Development". Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium 43, nr 1 (styczeń 1995): 50–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nadc.19950430116.

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Pütter, Hermann. "Sustainable Development". Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium 44, nr 4 (kwiecień 1996): 407. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nadc.19960440425.

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Chriscoli, Lucia. "Sustainable development". Early Years Educator 23, nr 21 (2.04.2023): 12. http://dx.doi.org/10.12968/eyed.2023.23.21.12.

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There is still a lack of education for sustainable development in England. Here Lucia discusses the importance of supporting children's sustainable development and creating a culture of shared sustainable values within their lives.
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Fri, Robert W. "Sustainable Development". Journal of Forestry 89, nr 7 (1.07.1991): 24–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jof/89.7.24.

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Sain, Zohaib Hassan, Sitti Nurtina, Moses Adeolu Agoi i Chanda Chansa Thelma. "Sustainable Development". Journal of Information Systems and Technology Research 3, nr 2 (31.05.2024): 80–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.55537/jistr.v3i2.830.

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An analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in South Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, highlights the presence of socio-economic and political obstacles. This research examines the challenges that are impeding the accomplishment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as poverty (SDG 1), health (SDG 3), education (SDG 4), and economic growth (SDG 8), utilizing data from the World Bank, IMF, WHO, and FAO. The financial facts given highlight the immediate need for significant actions. The report recommends that Developed Countries (DCs) take on a crucial role by allocating at least one per cent of their Gross National Product (GNP) towards development aid. Achieving success in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires effective governance and the execution of structural changes. The report advocates for providing development aid from developed countries to underdeveloped countries (UDCs), aiming to foster the exchange of experiences to address common difficulties. The conclusions guide South Asian governments in formulating efficacious economic strategies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. In addition, the study examines 26 papers issued by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) that investigate sustainability in Pakistani Higher Education Institutions. An analysis of this research reveals both advancements and obstacles in pursuing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Various stakeholders actively participate in the transformational process, including administrators, leaders, instructors, and students. The examination focuses on governance, communication, coordination, and campus outreach and tackles problems. Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), prioritizing logistical assistance and excellent education (SDG 4) is crucial. The study is a manual for educators, policymakers, and curriculum creators to promote Sustainable Development, assisting researchers in formulating inquiries for sustainable development objectives.
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Hill, Hamner. "SUSTAINABLE DEvELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABLE IDENTITY". Southwest Philosophy Review 17, nr 1 (2000): 189–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/swphilreview200017122.

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Schmidt, Ella. "Sustainable Community for Sustainable Development". Journal of Developing Societies 22, nr 4 (grudzień 2006): 379–400. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0169796x06072565.

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Unruh, Gregory. "Sustainable development vs. sustainable redevelopment". Thunderbird International Business Review 50, nr 1 (2007): 17–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/tie.20173.

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Ordynskaya, Marina Evgenievna. "Development of the Accounting Concept for Sustainable Enterprise Development". Revista Gestão Inovação e Tecnologias 11, nr 3 (30.06.2021): 1752–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.47059/revistageintec.v11i3.2048.

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Ordynskaya, Marina Evgenievna. "Development of the Accounting Concept for Sustainable Enterprise Development". Revista Gestão Inovação e Tecnologias 11, nr 3 (30.06.2021): 2118–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.47059/revistageintec.v11i3.2078.

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