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Office, National Casemix. Outcomes literature survey. Winchester: National Casemix Office, 1993.

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Pittner, Stefan. Wavelet literature survey. Wien, Austria: Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Technical University Vienna, 1993.

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Kim, Vivian, Tobin Frank J i Lawson Richard H, red. Survey of German literature. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987.

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Purnima, Jayasinha, i Industrial Technology Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka). Information Services Centre., red. Citronella: A literature survey. Colombo: Information Services Centre, Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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Purnima, Jayasinha, i Industrial Technology Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka), red. Lemongrass: A literature survey. Colombo: Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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1907, Magill Frank Northen, red. Magill's survey of American literature. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp., 1991.

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Purnima, Jayasinha, i Industrial Technology Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka). Information Services Centre., red. Murraya koenigii: A literature survey. Colombo: Information Services Centre, Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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Unni, N. P. A survey of smrti literature. Thiruvananthapuram: International School of Dravidian Linguistics, 2013.

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Prebish, Charles S. A survey of Vinaya literature. Taipei: Jade Scepter Imprint, Jin Luen Pub. House, 1994.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., red. Low thrust propulsion literature survey. [Houston, Tex.]: Research Institute for Computing and Information Systems, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1990.

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Purnima, Jayasinha, i Industrial Technology Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka). Information Services Centre., red. Withania somnifera: A literature survey. Colombo: Information Services Centre, Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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Prebish, Charles S. A survey of Vinaya literature. Taipei: Jin Luen Pub. House, 1997.

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Purnima, Jayasinha, i Industrial Technology Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka). Information Services Centre., red. Aerva lanata: A literature survey. Colombo: Information Services Centre, Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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Purnima, Jayasinha, i Industrial Technology Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka). Information Services Centre., red. Aerva lanata: A literature survey. Colombo: Information Services Centre, Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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1907-, Magill Frank Northen, red. Magill's survey of world literature. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp., 1993.

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1947-, Kellman Steven G., i Magill Frank N. 1907-1997, red. Magill's survey of world literature. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2009.

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1893-1973, Bishop Morris, i Rivers Kenneth Troy, red. A survey of French literature. Wyd. 3. Newburyport, Mass: Focus Pub./R. Pullins Co., 2005.

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Zhirong, Zhu. A Survey of Chinese Literature. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-3422-1.

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1947-, Kellman Steven G., i Magill Frank N. 1907-1997, red. Magill's survey of American literature. Pasadena, Calif: Salem Press, 2007.

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Em, Tarakan Ke. A brief survey of Malayalam literature: History of literature. [Kothamangalam]: K.M. Tharakan, 1990.

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Lorant, F. Ivan. Highway runoff water quality literature survey. [Toronto]: Research and Development Branch, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, 1992.

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Manlove, C. N. Scottish fantasy literature: A critical survey. Edinburgh: Canongate Academic, 1994.

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1888-, Storey C. A., i De Blois François, red. Persian literature: A bio-bibliographical survey. London: Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1997.

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Bisztray, George. Canadian-Hungarian literature: A preliminary survey. Ottawa: Dept. of the Secretary of State of Canada, 1988.

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Cantillo, Adriana Y. Mussel watch worldwide literature survey - 1991. Rockville, Md: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, 1991.

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M, Smith Eugene, United States. Bonneville Power Administration. Division of Fish and Wildlife. i Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Research and Development Section., red. Outplanting anadromous salmonids: A literature survey. [Portland, Or.]: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Division of Fish & Wildlife, 1985.

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World Bank. Rural Development Dept., red. Pricing irrigation water: A literature survey. Washington, DC: World Bank, Rural Development Department, 2000.

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Garratt, D. Political business cycles: A literature survey. Leicester: Public Sector Economics Research Centre, 1996.

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Bisztray, George. Canadian-Hungarian literature: A preliminary survey. [Ottawa]: Department of the Secretary of State of Canada, 1988.

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Leadbetter, Sara L. Natural antimicrobial agents: A literature survey. Leatherhead: Leatherhead Food R.A, 1991.

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editor, Wadekar Mukund Lalji, Prajapati Sweta 1969 editor i Oriental Institute (Vadodara India), red. A survey of Sanskrit stotra literature. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2013.

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Jack, Belinda Elizabeth. Francophone literatures: An introductory survey. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press, 1996.

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Baran, Joni. Payroll taxation and employment: A literature survey. Ottawa, Ont: Industry Canada, 1996.

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Khan, Nuzrat Yar. Urdu literature in Canada: A preliminary survey. Canada: Dept. of the Secretary of State of Canada, 1988.

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Arnold, Corliss Richard. Organ Literature: Historical Survey. Scarecrow Press, Incorporated, 1995.

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Arnold, Corliss Richard. Organ Literature: Historical Survey. Scarecrow Press, Incorporated, 1995.

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Prebish, Charles S. Survey of Vinaya Literature. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.

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Prebish, Charles S. Survey of Vinaya Literature. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Survey of Vinaya Literature. Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

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Survey of Vinaya Literature. Routledge, 2013.

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Survey of Chinese Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.

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Kellman, Steven G. Critical Survey of American Literature. Grey House Publishing, 2016.

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Piper longum: A literature survey. Colombo: Information Services Centre, Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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Dickinson, Joshua. Survey of non-Western Literature. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.

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Aerva lanata: A literature survey. Colombo: Information Services Centre, Industrial Technology Institute, 1999.

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Fisher, Mary. General Survey of American Literature. Barnes & Noble, Incorporated, 2012.

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Magill's Survey of American Literature. Marshall Cavendish Corp, 1994.

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Critical Survey of American Literature. Grey House Publishing, 2016.

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Kellman, Steven G. Critical Survey of American Literature. Grey House Publishing, 2016.

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Kellman, Steven G. Critical Survey of American Literature. Grey House Publishing, 2016.

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