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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Start-up – Dans la presse"


Arrighi, Laurence, i Émilie Urbain. "« Wake up Québec » : du recours aux communautés francophones minoritaires dans le discours visant l’émancipation nationale du Québec". Francophonies d'Amérique, nr 42-43 (26.11.2018): 105–24.

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Basée sur un corpus médiatique constitué à partir des mots cléslouisianisation,acadianisation(et leurs dérivés verbaux selouisianiser,s’acadianiser), cette contribution propose une analyse critique des discours qui vise à mettre en lumière une certaine instrumentalisation des langues et des locuteurs de certaines communautés francophones d’Amérique du Nord. Le recours aux communautés acadiennes et louisianaises par une certaine frange de la presse et quelques blogueurs militants québécois montre, en effet, que ces communautés servent un propos qui les dépasse largement. Considérées comme politiquement défaillantes, culturellement assimilées et linguistiquement obsolescentes, ces collectivités sont brandies comme des contre-exemples afin de porter, à différents moments de l’histoire québécoise ou à l’occasion de débats linguistico-politiques particuliers, la cause de l’autonomie politique du Québec puisque, faute d’avoir accédé à son indépendance, c’est le sort commun aux Louisianais et aux Acadiens qui attendrait la population québécoise.
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McAndrew, Malia. "Bringing beauty to the factory floor: beauty culture in America’s industrial workplaces during World War II". Entreprises et histoire 111, nr 2 (6.09.2023): 78–91.

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Cet article examine l’importance de la culture de la beauté sur le lieu de travail dans les usines américaines durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en se focalisant sur la promotion de la culture de la beauté effectuée par les employeurs engagés dans la production de guerre. La presse interne et les archives d’entreprises attestent la popularité des concours de pin-up, des défilés de mode et des ateliers de beauté au sein des usines. Ces sources mettent en lumière comment les entreprises ont veillé à susciter un sentiment d’appartenance et de communauté parmi la main-d’œuvre féminine nouvellement engagée par le biais de la culture de la beauté. En introduisant les rituels de beauté au sein des usines, les employeurs espéraient cultiver la camaraderie et les liens entre les ouvriers, qui, pensaient-ils, allégeraient le fardeau psychologique du travail industriel en période de guerre mondiale.
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Bonnet, Valérie. "Compte rendu des matches de football dans la presse généraliste." Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 10, nr 2 (19.12.2021): 184–97.

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FR. S’appuyant sur les outils des sciences du texte, cet article s’attache à décrire la textualisation de la compétition sportive dans la presse. Pour ce faire, le corpus servant de base à la description des caractéristiques du compte rendu est extrait de la presse généraliste nationale, considérée comme une forme médiane sur les plans formels et thématiques. A été sélectionnée une compétition d’un empan sociétal suffisamment important pour être traitée dans la PQR, et dont les relations intergroupes permettent de faire jouer les logiques d’opposition structurales caractéristiques des discours sur le spectacle sportif, i.e. les parcours européens des clubs français de football. Sont analysées les 10 saisons de 7 clubs français (de 1955 à 2018), ayant atteint la finale, choix permettant de traiter de la feuilletonnisation complète de la compétition. Cette approche syntagmatique est doublée d’un traitement paradigmatique (thématiques et poétique des comptes rendus). Le corpus, travaillant les permanences, est abordé sous les angles rhétoriques (mécanismes et formes du discours épidictique, contenus topiques), argumentatifs (justification et jeux sur les valeurs) permettant de construire une macro-narration (logiques de feuilletonnisation et rappels mémoriels). La presse ne constituant pas tant un moyen de découvrir les matches, qui sont retransmis par les médias audiovisuels, qu’un lieu d’accès à leur analyse, il est montré que cette configuration donne une fonctionnalité autre au compte rendu : rééquilibrer les chances des adversaires afin de susciter l’envie de voir les rencontres à venir. En effet, le dispositif de couverture des campagnes footballistiques semble davantage être une textualisation de celles-ci qu’une textualisation du/des journée(s) du calendrier sportif. Il s’agit de mettre en place une tension narrative permettant au ressort émotionnel de jouer, comme de justifier, au regard du principe de pertinence médiatique, la narration du match. *** EN. Resorting to the tools of textual sciences, the article aims at describing the textualization of sports competition in the press. The text corpus from which we establish the characteristics of the sports accounts was extracted from national mainstream press, considered as middle ground in terms of forms and themes featured. Selected narratives deal with one championship with sufficient societal importance to be covered by the regional daily press, and whose inter-group relations bring to light the structural oppositional dynamics characteristic of discourses on the sporting show, i.e. the careers of French clubs on the European soccer scene. In order to observe the serialization of the championship, the reports of 10 seasons played by 7 French clubs who reached the finals between 1955 and 2018 were analyzed. This syntagmatic approach is coupled with a paradigmatic analysis, taking into consideration the themes and poetics of the sporting reports. The corpus, building on permanencies, was approached from the angles of rhetoric (mechanisms and forms of the epideictic discourse, topical contents) and of argumentation (justification and play on values), allowing the construction of a macro-narrative (logics of serialization and memorial reminders). Since the sports events are broadcast by audiovisual media, the press is not consulted as a means to follow the scores. Rather, it gives game analysis details. Such a configuration gives another functionality to the reports, by rebalancing the chances of the opponents in order to spur desire of supporters to watch the forthcoming matches. The coverage of soccer tournaments seems indeed to be more a textualization of the latter than a textualization of the day(s) of the sports event. The goal is rather to set up a narrative tension which plays as much on the emotional cord as it justifies, with regard to the principle of media relevance, the account of the game. *** PT. Com base nas ferramentas das ciências textuais, este artigo tenta descrever a textualização da competição esportiva na imprensa. Para tal, o corpus que serve de base à descrição das características da reportagem é retirado da imprensa nacional em geral, considerada como mediana a nível formal e temático. Foi seleccionada uma competição com âmbito societário suficientemente grande para ser tratada no PQR, e cujas relações intergrupais permitem pôr em prática a lógica de oposição estrutural característica do discurso sobre o entretenimento desportivo, ou seja, os percursos europeus de clubes franceses de futebol. São analisadas as 10 temporadas de 7 clubes franceses (de 1955 a 2018), tendo chegado à final, permitindo tratar da serialização completa da competição. Esta abordagem sintagmática está associada a um tratamento paradigmático (temático e poético das reportagens). O corpus, ao trabalhar as permanências, é abordado desde ângulos retóricos (mecanismos e formas do discurso epidítico, conteúdo tópico), argumentativos (justificativas e jogos de valores) permitindo a construção de uma macro-narração (lógica da serialização e de lembretes de memória). A imprensa não constituindo tanto um meio de descoberta dos jogos, que são veiculados pelos meios audiovisuais, como um local de acesso às suas análises, mostra-se que esta configuração confere uma funcionalidade diferente à reportagem: reequilibrar as possibilidades dos adversários, a fim de despertar o desejo de ver os próximos encontros. Na verdade, a cobertura das campanhas de futebol parece mais uma textualização delas do que uma textualização do(s) dia(s) do calendário esportivo. Trata-se de estabelecer uma tensão narrativa que permita que as competências emocionais joguem, bem como justifiquem, no que diz respeito ao princípio da relevância mediática, a narração do jogo. ***
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Simard-Houde, Mélodie. "Être reporter sans le titre ? Les reconfigurations poétiques de la chronique à l’heure de l’invention de l’enquête (1870-1890)". Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 6, nr 1 (15.06.2017): 172–87.

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Dans les premières décennies de la Troisième République, alors que la presse française commence à s’ouvrir à un nouveau modèle médiatique dans lequel la dépêche, le reportage, l’information et l’actualité occupent une place grandissante, qu’advient-il des genres journalistiques installés et reconnus ? Cet submission propose de répondre à cette question en examinant le cas de la chronique mondaine, dans les postures, les poétiques et les pratiques d’écriture de trois chroniqueurs de la presse parisienne : Émile Blavet et sa rubrique « La Vie parisienne », publiée au Figaro sous le pseudonyme Parisis ; « L’hiver en Russie », la chronique d’un voyage à Saint-Pétersbourg par Léon Duchemin, pour le compte du Figaro, et, enfin, des chroniques de voyage en Italie et en Afrique du Nord de Guy de Maupassant, dans les années 1880. Ces trois auteurs ont connu des fortunes littéraires bien inégales. Cependant, sous la plume de chacun d’entre eux, les caractéristiques poétiques traditionnelles de la chronique et la tâche du chroniqueur se trouvent modulées d’une manière singulière par l’essor du journalisme d’enquête et du reportage. Pour Blavet, l’hybridation se traduit, dans le paratexte des chroniques réunies en volume, par une posture de chroniqueur documenté ; chez Duchemin, elle donne lieu à une adaptation exotique de la chronique mondaine, tandis que chez Maupassant, elle est liée à l’écriture d’une expérience sensorielle. Que ce soit en insistant sur son acuité, en déplaçant son champ d’expérience de Paris vers une capitale culturelle étrangère, ou encore en transformant radicalement sa silhouette pour en faire celle d’un voyageur aventurier, chacun de ces chroniqueurs peut s’apparenter, à divers degrés, à un protoreporter. Leurs chroniques donnent ainsi à voir, en décalage avec les codes habituels, des interférences génériques qui témoignent de la mutation en cours et participent du processus de l’invention du reportage. In the initial decades of the Third Republic, when the French press was opening up to a new media model in which wire stories, reportage, information, and news are increasingly important, what happened to the well-installed and recognized journalistic genres? This submission aims to answer this question by examining the case of the high-society column, through the postures, poetics, and writing practices of three Parisian columnists: Émile Blavet and his column “La Vie parisienne,” published in Le Figaro under the pseudonym Parisis; “L’hiver en Russie,” the narrative of a journey to Saint Petersburg by Léon Duchemin, columnist for Le Figaro; and, finally, Guy de Maupassant’s travel chronicles in Italy and North Africa during the 1880s. The three authors experience disproportionate literary success; however, in each of their writings, the traditional poetic elements of the Parisian column and the function of the columnist are modulated in a singular way through the growth of investigative journalism and reportage. In Blavet’s work, hybridization translates into the posture of a documented columnist, as expressed in the paratext of the collected columns, while in Duchemin’s writing, the travel chronicle produces an exotic adaptation of the high-society column. Finally, in Maupassant’s work, it is linked to the writing of a sensory experience. Whether by emphasizing acuity, moving fields of experience from Paris to a foreign cultural capital, or radically transforming one’s image into that of an adventurous traveler, each of these columnists can be compared to, in varying degrees, a protoreporter. Although at odds with standardized norms, their columns reveal a generic interference that reflects the changing course of the media system, one that contributes to the process of invention vis-à-vis reportage. Nas primeiras décadas da Terceira República, quando a imprensa francesa começa a se abrir a um novo modelo midiático no qual o despacho, a reportagem, a informação e a atualidade ocupam um lugar cada vez maior, o que acontece com os gêneros jornalísticos já bem estabelecidos e reconhecidos? Este artigo procura responder a essa questão examinando o caso das crônicas mundanas, no âmbito das posturas, poéticas e práticas de escrita três cronistas da imprensa parisiense: Émile Blavet e sua rubrica “La Vie parisienne”, publicada no Figaro sob o pseudônimo de Parisis ; “L’hiver en Russie”, crônica de uma viagem a São Petersburgo por Léon Duchemin, colunista do Figaro; e, finalmente, as crônicas de viagem à Itália e à África do Norte de Guy de Maupassant nos anos 1880. Os três autores têm percursos literários bem distintos. Contudo, em seus escritos, tanto a tradicional característica poética da crônica quanto o papel do cronista são modulados de maneira singular pela ascensão do jornalismo de enquete e da reportagem. Para Blavet, a hibridação se traduz, no paratexto das crônicas reunidas em volume, em uma postura de cronista documentado; em Duchemin, ela dá lugar a uma adaptação exótica da crônica mundana, enquanto em Maupassant ela está ligada à escrita de uma experiência sensorial. Seja ao sublinhar sua acuidade, ao deslocar seu campo de experiência de Paris para uma capital cultural estrangeira, ou ainda ao transformar radicalmente sua silhueta na de um viajante aventureiro, cada um desses cronistas pode se assemelhar, em diversos níveis, a um proto-repórter. Suas crônicas revelam, em descompasso com os códigos habituais, interferências genéricas que testemunham uma mudança em curso e participam do processo de invenção da reportagem.
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Dupuy, Camille. "Définir l’activité journalistique. Le travail juridique d’évaluation de l’« exercice de la profession »". Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 2, nr 2 (15.12.2013): 20–33.

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Le journaliste professionnel est défini en France par une loi de 1935 dont les dispositions sont inscrites dans le Code du travail. Il est notamment caractérisé par rapport à « l’exercice de [sa] profession » dont le contenu n’est pas précisé. Depuis 1936, une commission paritaire (CCIJP) est chargée de délivrer une carte d’identité de journaliste professionnel (carte de presse). En cas de refus, le demandeur peut s’adresser à une commission d’appel (CSCIJP) puis à la juridiction administrative. Ces acteurs opérationnalisent la définition du journaliste professionnel en évaluant à partir de cas concrets en quoi consiste l’activité journalistique. À partir d’une analyse qualitative du « travail juridique » de ces acteurs en charge de délivrer la carte de presse (entretiens, observations, décisions des instances et jurisprudence du Conseil d’État), on montre qu’ils ne peuvent se fonder uniquement sur une application concrète de la loi. Leur évaluation de la nature de l’activité doit être justifiée. Les arguments (dans les discours et dans les décisions) ont été classés « à la main » selon un « arbre de classification » qui fait apparaître plusieurs regroupements qui se rattachent au même principe d’évaluation. Ces argumentaires renvoient à plusieurs principes qui reposent sur des rhétoriques à la fois technique (ce que dit la loi) mais aussi professionnelle (ce qu’est un journaliste), déontologique (ce que doit être un journaliste) ou économique (protéger le journaliste). L’activité journalistique est circonscrite par les décisions rendues par rapport aux activités connexes non journalistiques. Les activités techniques, promotionnelles ou de divertissement en sont exclues. L’interprétation du droit par les acteurs aux trois niveaux de décisions concourt à interroger les fonctions sociales du droit et à montrer comment les acteurs construisent et délimitent les contours de la profession et ainsi l’identité du journaliste professionnel. A professional journalist is defined in France by a 1935 law set down in the Labour Code. He or she is characterized in particular with relation to “the exercise of his or her profession”, whose content is not specified. Since 1936, a joint committee (CCIJP) has been in charge of issuing professional journalists IDs (press cards). If denied, an applicant may petition an appeal committee (CSCIJP), then the administrative courts. These agents operationalize the definition of a professional journalist by evaluating concrete cases to determine the make-up of journalistic activity. Through a qualitative analysis of the “legal work” of these agents in charge of issuing press cards (interviews, observations and legal decisions of the State Council), we show that they are unable to apply the law in a clear-cut manner. Their assessment of the nature of the activity must be justified. The arguments (in speeches and decisions) have been classified by hand according to a classification tree which displays several groupings related by their similar evaluation parameters. The arguments refer to several principles that are based on rhetoric which is not only technical (what is the law), but also professional (what a journalist is), ethical (what a journalist has to be), and economic (to protect the journalist). Journalistic activity is circumscribed by decisions made in relation to affiliated non-journalistic activities. Technical, promotional or entertainment-related activities are excluded. The interpretation of the law by the agents at all three levels leads to a questioning of the the social functions of law and demonstrates how agents construct and define the contours of the profession, and thus the identity of the professional journalist. O jornalista profissional é definido na França por uma lei de 1935 cujas disposições estão incluídos no Código do Trabalho. Caracteriza-se, em particular pela relação ao «exercício da sua profissão», cujo conteúdo não é especificado. Desde 1936 , uma comissão mista (CCIJP) é responsável pela emissão da carteira de identidade do profissional (carteira de imprensa). Em caso de recusa, o requerente pode recorerr a uma comissão recursal (CSCIJP) e à jurisdição administrativa. Esses atores operacionalizam a definição de um jornalista profissional ao avaliarem casos específicos sobre o que consiste a atividade jornalística. A partir de uma análise qualitativa de «trabalho jurídico» desses atores responsáveis pela emissão da carteira profissional (entrevistas, observações, análise das decisões e da jurisprudência do Conselho de Estado), o artigo mostra que tais atores não podem depender exclusivamente da aplicação concreta da lei. Sua avaliação sobre a natureza da atividade deve ser justificada. Os argumentos (presentes nos discursos e nasdecisões) foram classificados “manualmente” a partir de uma «árvore de classificação», o que mostra vários grupos ligados por meio do mesmo princípio de avaliação. Esses argumentos fazem referência a vários princípios estão baseados em retóricas, algumas vezes de natureza técnica (a lei), mas também profissional (o jornalista), ética (o que deveria ser um jornalista) ou econômica (proteger o jornalista). A atividade jornalística está circunscrita por decisões restituídas a partir das relações que o jornalismo estabelece com atividades conexas não-jornalísticas. As atividades técnicas, promocionais ou de entretenimento são excluídas. A interpretação da lei por atores nos três níveis decisórios contribui para questionar as funções sociais do direito e mostrar como os atores constroem e delimitam os contornos da profissão e, portanto, a identidade do jornalista profissional.
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Carré, Frank. "Les start-up du nucléaire connaissent leurs classiques". Revue Générale Nucléaire, nr 5 (2022): 36–39.

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Les projets portés par les quelque 70 start-up nucléaires dans le monde s’inscrivent dans le prolongement de filières de réacteurs dont les premières réalisations, expérimentales ou prototypes, remontent aux années 1950 et 1960.
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Labarthe, Gilles. "Des journalistes d’investigation face au « 5e pouvoir ». Collaboration, négociation et conflit avec des sources officielles en Suisse romande". Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 7, nr 2 (16.12.2018): 108–25.

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FR. Cette contribution présente les premiers résultats d’une recherche empirique qualitative de type inductive et à visée exploratoire, inspirée d’une approche socio-ethnographique. Elle est basée sur une série d’entretiens semi-directifs menés en 2014-2016 avec des journalistes d’investigation travaillant ou ayant travaillé en Suisse dans les médias locaux, et mobilise la notion de « 5e pouvoir » afin de mieux distinguer les trois principaux modes (collaboratif, de négociation, conflictuel) caractérisant les relations entre journalistes et sources officielles. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre en quoi le mode conflictuel peut être lié directement ou indirectement à des usages des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) par des fonctionnaires d’administrations, limitant de fait le « 4e pouvoir » traditionnellement attribué aux médias. Le focus est mis sur les dimensions économiques de ces stratégies, dans un contexte de crise accentuée des modèles d’affaires frappant en particulier la presse locale en Suisse romande depuis une quinzaine d’années. L’étude dresse une typologie de dix principales contraintes systématiquement identifiées par les journalistes, affectant leurs moyens d’investiguer voire, leur réputation et identité professionnelle. Elle conclut sur une « nécessaire réticence » des praticiens à définir en quoi consiste précisément le journalisme d’investigation, quelles sont ses limites et ses savoir-faire, comme moyen de conserver des avantages tactiques dans les rapports aux sources. *** EN. This paper examines the initial results of an exploratory socio-ethnographic inductive and qualitative empirical study. It is based on semi-structured interviews held in 2014 – 2016 with investigative reporters working (or who had worked) in local media and draws upon the notion of the Fifth Estate to help distinguish the three main modes (collaboration, negotiation, conflict) that characterize the relationship between journalists and official sources. The goal is to better understand how the conflictual mode may be linked directly or indirectly to the information and communication technology (ICT) employed by officials and how it may limit the powers of the Fourth Estate—the media. The study focusses on the economic dimensions of these strategies within the context of the of the business model crisis local media in Swiss Romandie has faced over the last fifteen years. The study compiles a typology of ten major constraints systematically brought up by journalists that affect their ability to investigate, and consequently their professional identity and reputation. It concludes with a “necessary reluctance” on the part of the journalists to define investigative journalism precisely—its limits and know-how—so as to conserve a tactical advantage in their relationship with their sources. *** PT. Esta contribuição apresenta os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa empírica qualitativa, indutiva e exploratória, inspirada em uma abordagem sociodemográfica. Ela é baseada em uma série de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas entre 2014 e 2016 com jornalistas de investigativos que atuam ou tinham atuado na em mídias locais na Suíça. A pesquisa mobiliza a noção de “5o poder” para melhor distinguir os três principais modos (colaborativo, de negociação, conflituoso) que caracterizam as relações entre jornalistas e fontes oficiais. O objetivo é melhor compreender de que forma o modo conflituoso pode estar direta ou indiretamente ligado ao uso das tecnologias de informação e de comunicação (TICs) pelos funcionários da administração, limitando, assim, o “4o poder” tradicionalmente atribuído à mídia. Centra-se nas dimensões econômicas des- sas estratégias em um contexto de crise acentuada dos modelos de negócios e que afetam particularmente a imprensa local na Suíça romanche nos últimos 15 anos. O estudo constrói uma tipologia de dez constrangimentos principais sistematicamente identificados pelos jornalistas, e que afetam os meios de investigação, ou até mesmo sua reputação e identidade profissional. Ele conclui apontando uma “reticência necessária” por parte dos jornalistas em definir de forma precisa o jornalismo investigativo, seus limites e formas de fazer. Essa reticência é uma estratégia para preservar as vantagens táticas dos jornalistas nas relações com as fontes
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Devaux, Jean-Baptiste. "Par la finance, au nom des start-up". Genèses 132, nr 3 (12.09.2023): 47–70.

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Cet article porte sur la genèse et l’institutionnalisation des « start-up » comme publics des politiques scientifiques et industrielles en France. En s’immergeant dans les années 1990 au sein du ministère de la Recherche et de l’Industrie, l’article montre que l’institutionnalisation de cette catégorie procède de l’investissement d’acteurs de second rang, issus des champs administratif et financier. Il met au jour les mécanismes par lesquels se cristallisent des affinités électives entre des agents de l’État peu en vue et des acteurs du capital-investissement. Tous contribuent à la réforme de l’État technologique, renforçant le pouvoir des acteurs du capital-risque dans l’infléchissement de l’économie nationale.
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ZEBOX Caraïbes. "L’innovation et l’accélération des start-up dans les outre-mer, véritable levier de développement économique et social". Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Août 2023, nr 3 (4.08.2023): 87–91.

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En dépit d’obstacles spécifiques, le développement de l’écosystème start-up dans les outre-mer apparaît dynamique et prometteur, si bien qu’il est permis d’y voir un véritable levier de création de richesses pour ces territoires. Dans la continuité des actions menées par les pouvoirs publics et le monde associatif, les grands groupes ont un rôle à jouer pour accompagner les entrepreneurs locaux dans leurs projets, et participer à la structuration d’un environnement favorable à l’innovation. ZEBOX, le réseau international d’incubateurs de start-up du Groupe CMA CGM, un acteur mondial des solutions de transport et de la logistique, comprend depuis 2022 des locaux en Guadeloupe, accueillant actuellement une dizaine de start-up dans divers domaines stratégiques. Dans une démarche complémentaire, le Phare, incubateur social de la Fondation CMA CGM, a également étendu son action aux Antilles.
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Le Gros, Gaïc. "Déploiement des réacteurs innovants : que veulent les start-up ?" Revue Générale Nucléaire, nr 4 (2023): 28–31.

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En octobre 2023, les start-up ont salué l’initiative gouvernementale de l’appel à projets « Réacteurs innovants » tout en demandant des axes d’amélioration dans le cadre d’une transformation rapide de l’écosystème nucléaire.
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Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Start-up – Dans la presse"


Bazenet, Flavien. "De l'intention d'entreprendre des porteurs de projets numériques : l'influence des représentations véhiculées par les médias". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2022.

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Cette thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion s'intéresse à la question de l'influence des récits médiatiques sur l'intention d'entreprendre des porteurs de projets digitaux. Trois questionnements ont été retenus qui ont chacun fait l'objet d'un terrain d'étude spécifique donnant lieu à trois articles de recherche. Le premier article propose un examen critique du discours médiatique produit par la presse sur les start-ups. En prolongement de ce premier essai, le deuxième article examine la question de l'adhésion des porteurs de projets digitaux à ces représentations. Enfin, le troisième article vise, dans une démarche exploratoire, à compléter l'analyse des deux travaux précédents en revisitant la question de « l'intention entrepreneuriale ». La démarche de recherche a amené à construire et à traiter, selon les articles, des corpus de données quantitatives ou qualitatives pour tenter de trouver les explications les plus plausibles aux phénomènes observés. L'ensemble des discussions permet de formuler une proposition. L'entrepreneuriat numérique peut être envisagé, non pas comme un prolongement de l'entrepreneuriat classique, mais comme un nouveau paradigme fondé sur une série de principes originaux, de procédures atypiques et de pratiques inédites, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives de recherche
This doctoral dissertation focuses on the question of the influence of media narratives on the entrepreneurial intentions of digital project owners. Three questions have been selected, each of which has been the subject of a specific field of study, resulting in three research articles.The first article proposes a critical examination of the media discourse produced by the press on start-ups. As an extension of this first essay, the second article examines the question of the adherence of digital project owners to these representations. Finally, the third article aims, in an exploratory approach, to complete the analysis of the two previous works by revisiting the question of "entrepreneurial intention". The research approach led to the construction and processing, depending on the article, of quantitative or qualitative data to try to find the most plausible explanations for the observed phenomena. All the discussions allow us to formulate a proposal. Digital entrepreneurship can be considered, not as an extension of classical entrepreneurship, but as a new paradigm based on a series of original principles, atypical procedures and new practices, thus opening new research perspectives
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Fraccola, Raymond. "Evolution de la culture organisationnelle dans les start-up innovantes". Lille 3, 2005.

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La recherche porte sur la start-up innovante, la place des créateurs et des acteurs qui y travaillent, la culture organisationnelle spécifique et l'évolution organisationnelle qui y est associée. Dans un premier temps la problématique porte sur la mesure du climat de travail. On fait ensuite l'hypothèse d'une progression rapide du contrôle et de la gestion. On cherche à déterminer les conséquences des modes de relations sur la qualité au travail au regard de l'évolution de ce type d'entreprises. Les méthodes font appel au modèle d'organisation traité par le questionnaire mis en place et validé par le groupe de recherche FOCUS. On note d'autre part les conséquences négatives de l'évolution du mode de management et des orientations sur les salariés ou les groupes de salariés dès lors que l'acceptation originelle liée à un management affectif s'estompe. Enfin on retiendra le rôle déterminant du créateur à travers les effets de distanciation sur son entreprise tant sur l'évolution d'un modèle d'organisation centré sur l'innovation que sur l'implication des salariés et les relations au travail
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Dubocage, Emmanuelle. "Le capital-risque : un mode de financement dans un contexte d'incertitude". Paris 13, 2003.

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La spécificité du capital-risque, mode de financement de l'innovation radicale, est fondée selon nous sur l'ampleur de l'incertitude à laquelle capital-risqueurs et dirigeants de start-up font face : ils ne peuvent le plus souvent pas faire appel aux outils du risque, aux probabilités objectives pour la traiter. La littérature consacrée au capital-risque, qui dans la majorité des cas adopte les cadres analytiques des théories de l'agence et de l'information, n'analyse pas la question du traitement de l'incertitude par les acteurs du capital-risque. Les travaux empiriques et économétriques montrent que l'incertitude sur la qualité de la jeune entreprise innovante est partagée par les deux parties de la relation de financement. Autrement dit, elle n'est pas principalement de nature stratégique, n'est pas liée à l'opportunisme des acteurs économiques. Le cadre analytique du traitement de l'incertitude que nous proposons est basé sur la conjugaison de trois approches théoriques qui restituent la pluralité des dimensions de l'évaluation de la qualité de la start-up par le capital-risqueur. Il est pris en tension entre trois pôles. L'évaluation de la jeune entreprise innovante revêt tout d'abord un caractère objectif et ce sont les options réelles qui s'avèrent être l'outil analytique le plus adapté. Mais vouloir se maintenir exclusivement dans l'objectivité dans le cadre de l'incertitude radicale est un leurre. La dimension subjective est éclairée théoriquement par le traitement de l'incertitude radicale par le jugement, proposé par Knight. Enfin, l'évaluation du capital-risqueur non compétent est mimétique, intersubjective. Modéliser l'interaction entre le mode d'évaluation du capital-risqueur compétent et celui du non compétent révèle les effets néfastes de l'intersubjectivité : à l'échelle du marché du capital-risque, le prix de la start-up peut dévier fortement de sa valeur légitime et affecter l'activité du capital-risque dans son ensemble
Comparing Venture Capital with credit or market financing leads us to underline the specificity of this mode of financing: the high level of uncertainty about the future of venture-backed firms, which are high tech start-up. The venture capitalist and the manager cannot manage this uncertainty with risk theoretical tools that is probability. It is assumed in this thesis that subjective conflicts between venture capital and entrepreneurs are not the root cause of transaction difficulties. The set of hypotheses put forward by the agency theory orientates the analysis of the relationship between venture capitalist and entrepreneurs in a direction which does not allow the following issue to be taken into account: the key difficulty of the transaction is raised by the uncertainty about the future of venture-backed firms. Then, the aim of this thesis is to construct an analytical framework, which analyse the uncertainty treatment of venture capitalist. The evaluation of venture-backed firms is a real option-based one. But, it has a subjective and inter-subjective dimension too. Analysing the subjective one's requires to use knightian judgment and the latter is linked with the mimetism issue prevailing in financial market. When the venture capitalist is skilled, he is able to interpret the quality benchmarks of the start-up but when he is not, his evaluation is based on mimetism. As far as the venture capital market is concerned, a model underlines the interaction impact between these two kinds of valuation: the predominance of non skilled venture capitalists produces a general overvaluation of venture-backed firms. The role of the inter-subjective nature of the evaluation by anonymous investors is analysed econometrically
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Iselin, Frédéric. "Proposition de valeur et positionnement de prix : la place de la valeur client dans le pricing d'offres innovantes : le cas des start-up technologiques". Paris, CNAM, 2009.

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This research is focused on the following question: how do French high-tech start-ups integrate the concept of value for customers? After an exploration of the academic literature, we present an empirical approach, based on our professional background as entrepreneur. This chapter offers a quantitative approach towards primary data: 1 196 managers of high-tech start-ups, with 280 qualified answers. This approach is based on a research model, 6 hypotheses, variables allowing the design of a questionnaire, and a coding system. We finally propose 5 main findings. First, an eleven step process, allowing a start-up manager to position its price. Second, a typology of the value propositions, including 9 possibilities. Third, we established a general weakness of the 58 % of the French high-tech startups value propositions, without correlation between start-ups maturity and value proposition’s improvement. Fourth finding: the poor level of value creation: only 26 % of our panel creates more value than the competition. Our fifth and last main finding will address some macro-economic considerations, using syllogism: the majority of the French high-tech start-ups have an unattractive value proposition; the correlation between value proposition and companies’ performances has been established by the literature: is the value propositions’ weakness could contribute to explain the poor growth of French SME’s, as well as the poor average profitability of French VC’s?
Cette thèse est centrée sur la question de recherche suivante : comment les start-up technologiques françaises intègrent-elles le concept de création de valeur pour leurs clients ? Après une exploration de la littérature académique, nous proposons une démarche empirique partant de notre expérience d’entrepreneur. Nous utilisons une approche quantitative par sources primaires (1 196 dirigeants de start-up, 280 réponses qualifiées). Cette approche repose sur un modèle de recherche, six hypothèses, des variables permettant de construire un questionnaire, et un système de codage. Nous proposons cinq apports de la recherche : un processus en onze étapes permettant aux managers de start-up technologique de positionner leur prix ; une typologie des propositions de valeur, qui distingue neuf situations ; la démonstration de la faiblesse de l’attractivité des propositions de valeur de 58 % des start-up technologiques françaises, (sachant que nous n’avons pas constaté de corrélation entre la maturité de notre échantillon et une amélioration de cette attractivité) ; la démonstration selon laquelle l’exploitation du potentiel de création de valeur conféré par l’innovation technologique n’est pas optimisée par 74 % des start-up françaises ; enfin, notre dernier constat repose sur des considérations macro-économiques, en procédant par syllogisme : la majorité des start-up technologiques ont une proposition de valeur non convaincante ; le lien entre création de valeur et performances a été fait par la littérature. Cela peut-il contribuer à expliquer, d’une part l’atonie de la croissance des PME françaises, et d’autre part, les faibles performances des capital–risqueurs français ?Après une exploration de la littérature académique, nous proposons une démarche empirique partant de notre expérience d’entrepreneur. Nous utilisons une approche quantitative par sources primaires (1 196 dirigeants de start-up, 280 réponses qualifiées). Cette approche repose sur un modèle de recherche, six hypothèses, des variables permettant de construire un questionnaire, et un système de codage. Nous proposons cinq apports de la recherche : un processus en onze étapes permettant aux managers de start-up technologique de positionner leur prix ; une typologie des propositions de valeur, qui distingue neuf situations ; la démonstration de la faiblesse de l’attractivité des propositions de valeur de 58 % des start-up technologiques françaises, (sachant que nous n’avons pas constaté de corrélation entre la maturité de notre échantillon et une amélioration de cette attractivité) ; la démonstration selon laquelle l’exploitation du potentiel de création de valeur conféré par l’innovation technologique n’est pas optimisée par 74 % des start-up françaises ; enfin, notre dernier constat repose sur des considérations macro-économiques, en procédant par syllogisme : la majorité des start-up technologiques ont une proposition de valeur non convaincante ; le lien entre création de valeur et performances a été fait par la littérature. Cela peut-il contribuer à expliquer, d’une part l’atonie de la croissance des PME françaises, et d’autre part, les faibles performances des capital–risqueurs français ?
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Nassim, Marc A. "Création de valeur dans les fusions-acquisitions : application aux firmes internet". Aix-Marseille 3, 2006.

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Cette thèse concerne l’étude des variations de valeurs des firmes internet, qui dans la dernière décennie ont été marqués par la bulle internet qui s’est poursuivi jusqu’en 2000. Il nous a fallu d’abord adopter et justifier ce que l’on peut appeler par ‘firme internet’, ceci aussi pour valider l’enquête que nous avons mise en place pour identifier les facteurs les plus importants contribuant à expliquer les rapprochements. Nous nous sommes surtout intéressés aux marchés des fusions-acquisitions dont ces firmes ont été l’objet. Ceci nous a amené à nous intéresser à la création de valeur tant pour les actionnaires des firmes acquéreuses que pour acheteurs que des firmes cibles. Ceci nous a conduits à chercher des validations empiriques de plusieurs hypothèses liées à la problématique de création de valeur. On met en évidence des critères divers, géographiques, structure de capital, etc. Qui permettent de comprendre dans quelles situations les augmentations de valeur résultent ou non des fusions ou des acquisitions. Nous sommes ensuite conduits à proposer une typologie des opérations créatrices de valeur. Nous avons bâti un important protocole permettant de relier les événements d’annonce de fusions et d’acquisition aux éventuelles appréciations boursières. On conclue sur l’importance d’une prise en compte de ces facteurs pour les investisseurs intéressés par les stratégies d’acquisitions ou de fusions de firmes internet
This thesis is related to the study of value creation for shareholders in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) involving Internet firms. Value creation is measured using an empirical method based on event study. We have focused in our study on four major markets, namely the United States, Great Britain, Germany and France. M&A transactions are studied from different points of view, such as the nature of the transaction, the financing method, the period during which the transaction occurred and the geography of the transaction. We found that, on a global basis, M&A transactions involving Internet firms did not destroy value for the shareholders
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Nseké, Missé Georges. "Une approche relationnelle de la genèse organisationnelle dans les entreprises de la « nouvelle économie » : Le cas des start-up françaises de biotechnologie". Paris 9, 2008.

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Un nouveau mode de production se met en place à partir des avancées des sciences de la vie, de concert avec l’émergence et la concrétisation de nouvelles formes organisationnelles et partenariales basées sur l’évolution des liens entre le monde académique, l’industrie, et la finance. Ce changement est l’œuvre de la R&D, aux politiques publiques et aux activités de transfert de technologies (laboratoires universitaires vers la création de structures privées). Dès lors, au moment où les visions long terme sont difficiles à établir pour bon nombre d’organisations, la question de leur pérennité devient centrale pour les Sciences de Gestion. Le choix de notre recherche a privilégié les études portant sur les ressorts de la pérennité organisationnelle à partir d’une méthodologie qualitative. En effet, la dynamique culturelle des acteurs a servi de vecteur à la compréhension de la dynamique d’évolution de ces firmes à partir d’une méthode inductive et longitudinale sur trois années d’études. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d’expliquer la cohérence conceptuelle entre la dynamique à l’origine de la proactivité constatée au travers des activités de « reliance » culturelle et organisationnelle et la survie des entreprises de notre échantillon
A new production method, brought about by life scientific advances has been adopted with the emergence of new organizational structures and partnerships based on growing links between the academic world, industry and finance. This change has been brought about by R&D, to public policies and to technology transfer activities (academic laboratories to private structures). Thus, when a long term vision is hard to obtain for numerous organizations, the organizations’ durability becomes the main focus for managerial sciences. Our research choice favoured studies on organizational durability by way of a qualitative method. Indeed, the cultural dynamic of the actors has served as a vector in the understanding of the changing dynamic of these firms from an inductive and longitudinal method during three years. The results obtained explain the conceptual coherence between the dynamic from noted proactivity to cultural and organizational reliance activities, and the survival of the companies in our cross-section
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Génod, Laurent. "Le Japon analyse problématique du développement dans la mondialisation". Aix-Marseille 3, 2009.

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Le, Gloan Caroline. "Les politiques publiques dans la création et le financement de start-up en France : Une évaluation du Concours national d'aide à la création d'entreprises de technologies innovantes". Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Assas - Paris II, 2007.

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Cette recherche s'inscrit dans une démarche originale d'évaluation de politiques publiques en France à travers l'étude du concours national d'aide à la création d'entreprises de technologies innovantes (crédit incitatif issu de la Loi sur l'Innovation du 12 Juillet 1999).
Son efficacité est évaluée sous l'angle de la qualité de son ciblage et de l'information qu'il procure aux autres agents (notamment les investisseurs) en s'appuyant sur le concept de quality certification (ou label public).
Le travail empirique se base sur le traitement statistique d'un échantillon de 500 entreprises créées sur la période 1999-2006, sur une étude de cas portant sur 11 entreprises issues du concours ayant réalisé une forte levée de fonds sur le marché du capital risque, et sur une enquête de satisfaction auprès d'une vingtaine d'investisseurs.
Les résultats mettent en valeur l'impact positif de ce financement public en termes de ciblage, de performance des bénéficiaires, d'effet de levier financier et d'efficience systémique. Mais la viabilité des entreprises créées reste incertaine et la quality certification est insuffisante auprès des différents partenaires financiers. Dans un contexte institutionnel encore peu favorable, la pluralité et la forte décentralisation de l'intervention publique est plus largement pointée tout comme les déterminants et barrières à la croissance et au financement des Jeunes Entreprises Innovantes. Des préconisations méthodologiques, pratiques et politiques sont enfin formulées.
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Useche, Diego. "Les droits de la propriété Intellectuelle et les marchés financiers dans la stratégie des firmes du logiciel en Europe et aux Etats-Unis". Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.

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Le succès du modèle d’innovation américain pour faire émerger des firmes leaders dans plusieurs domaines a largement influencé de nombreuses transformations réglementaires concernant les Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle (DPI) et le financement par les marchés en Europe. Cette thèse vise à analyser le rôle et l’importance de ces transformations dans l’organisation et la performance des firmes du logiciel. Nous montrons que des multiples mutations réglementaires des DPI ont ouvert la voie à un certain type de brevetabilité « très restreint » du logiciel en Europe. En parallèle, les évolutions dans le domaine financier ont favorisé l’émergence des marchés financiers dont le rôle est de plus en plus déterminant dans la croissance et le développement des jeunes firmes innovantes. De plus, il semblerait que l’usage stratégique du brevet soit complémentaire avec le financement par le marché de firmes du logiciel. Nous étudions cette complémentarité à travers l’analyse de la valeur du brevet en tant que signal pour les investisseurs lors de l’introduction en bourse ainsi que son effet sur la survie des firmes du logiciel après leur cotation. Cette complémentarité expliquerait en partie le recours accru au brevet dans un secteur dans lequel il est très controversé. Elle renvoie à un processus de sélection particulier du système et à l’émergence d’acteurs gagnants et perdants
The success of the US innovation model to help start-ups emerge as global leaders has greatly influenced many regulatory changes on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and the external finance of firms in Europe. This study aims to analyze the role and importance of these changes in the organization and performance of software firms. We show that multiple regulatory mutations of IPR have paved the way for some kind of “restricted” patentability of software in Europe. In parallel, via changes in financial markets, they play an increasing role in the growth and development of young innovative companies. In addition, it seems that the strategic use of patents is complementary with software firms’ access to capital markets. We study this complementarity by analyzing the value of patents as signals for IPO markets and their impact in the likelihood of survival of newly-listed companies. We argue that this complementarity may explain the increased importance of patents in a sector where patents are highly controversial. It refers to a particular market selection process and the appearance of winning and losing actors
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Laffond, Mathieu. "Le co-design dans le développement durable : design thinking et design du projet dans l'écosystème des startups". Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2019.

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Proposer un changement de posture vis-à-vis des méthodologies du co-design utilisées dans la résolution de problèmes lors de l’accompagnement de projets de startups innovantes tel est notre objectif. Ce travail entre développement de recherches et pratiques professionnelles nous amène à regarder le design sous un autre filtre, celui des phénomènes de sens. L’approche du design de projet, alimentée d’une science telle que la sémiotique, nous conduit à l’élaboration d’une nouvelle démarche stratégique du co-design, du design thinking, pour repenser les notions d’expériences, d’usages, de compétences, d’interactions, afin d’envisager et de développer une méthodologie disruptive adaptée à l’univers des startups et de l’innovation : Voir – Percevoir – Concevoir. En imaginant cet espace de thèse comme un lieu stratégique d’évolutions et de mutations de la notion d’innovation, mais aussi de nos cultures de consommation, de recherche et de développement de demain, il est désormais important de nous plonger dans un écosystème moteur de notre époque, la startup, pour prendre la juste mesure des évolutions d’une discipline agile telle que le design de service dans un monde de plus en plus complexe. La simple utilisation d’un processus ne suffit plus. À la base de tout design, la mise en place de stratégies de signification, l’agencement et la structure d’éléments sont les éléments clés pour la transmission d’un message, d’un usage et plus largement d’une co-expérience durable
To propose a change of posture vis-à-vis the co-design methodologies used in problem solving when supporting projects of innovative startups is our goal. This work between development of research and professional practices leads us to look at design under another filter, that of phenomena of meaning. The approach of project design, fueled by a science such as semiotics, leads us to the elaboration of a new strategic approach of co-design, of design thinking, to rethink notions of experiences, uses, skills, interactions, to consider and develop a disruptive methodology adapted to the universe of startups and innovation: See - Perceive - Design. By imagining this thesis space as a strategic place for evolutions and mutations of the notion of innovation, but also of our consumption, research and development cultures of the future, it is now important to immerse ourselves in an engine ecosystem. of our time, the startup, to take the right measure of developments in an agile discipline such as service design in an increasingly complex world. The simple use of a process is not enough anymore. At the heart of any design, the implementation of strategies of meaning, the arrangement and the structure of elements are the key elements for the transmission of a message, a use and more largely a co-experience sustainable
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Książki na temat "Start-up – Dans la presse"


Diane, Rolland, red. Start-up: Relations-presse. Paris: Les Echos éd., 2000.

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Canada. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages. The use of the official language minority press by federal institutions: Follow up = L'utilisation de la presse de langue officielle minoritaire par les institutions fédérales : suivi. Ottawa, Ont: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages = Commissariat aux langues officielles, 2005.

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Warming up to the Cold War: Canada and the United States' coalition of the willing, from Hiroshima to Korea. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.

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The business start-up kit. Chicago: Dearborn Trade, 2003.

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Enterprise planning and development: Small business start-up, survival and development. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.

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Dorsey, Gary. Silicon sky: How one small start-up went over the top to beat the big boys into satellite heaven. Reading, Mass: Perseus Books, 1999.

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The engine of America: The keys to small business success from entrepreneurs who have made it! Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.

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Strauss, Steven D. Business Start-Up Kit. Kaplan Business, 2002.

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Use of the Official Language Minority Press by Federal Institutions: Follow-Up. Canadian Government Publishing, 2005.

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Steps to Small Business Start-Up: Everything You Need to Know to Turn Your Idea into a Successful Business. Wyd. 4. Dearborn Trade, 2000.

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Części książek na temat "Start-up – Dans la presse"


Gulkan, Gokçe, i Marie-Anne Dujarier. "« Travailler dans une start-up, c’est fun ! »". W Idées reçues sur le travail, 223–28. Le Cavalier Bleu, 2023.

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Daniel, Karine, Giffona Justinia Hanitravelo i Nicolas Courtade. "Chapitre 5. L’émergence de nouveaux acteurs, les start-up agricoles". W Les agriculteurs dans le mouvement de numérisation du monde, 135–57. Éducagri éditions, 2019.

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Rode, Alan K. "A Michael Curtiz Production". W Michael Curtiz. University Press of Kentucky, 2017.

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Curtiz pressed Jack Warner to support the start-up of hisproduction company while directing Life with Father, his longest production at Warner Bros. Life with Father was complicated by the contractual power of Clarence Day Jr.’s widow as well as Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse, who exercised creative control over the entire production. The back story of the movie is supplemented by a firsthand account from the actor Jimmy Lydon. After Life with Father became another box-office hit,and a mini-scandal involving one of his Hungarian assistants and his daughter Kitty was covered up by the studio, Curtiz got the go-ahead to set up his production company on the Warner lot.After selling the Canoga Ranch and moving to a smaller spread in Encino, he produced his first independent film, The Unsuspected. Curtiz sought stars—including Orson Welles, Ava Gardner, and Dana Andrews—but ended up with Claude Rains, Audrey Totter, and a newcomer, Michael North. The picture was a visual delight, but it didn’t fare well at the box office. Curtiz needed another picture with a new star in order to keep his new company running.
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Benedict, Helen. "“She Should be Punished”: The 1983-1984 New Bedford “Big Dan’s” Gang Rape". W Virgin Or Vamp, 89–146. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1992.

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Abstract One Sunday night in March 1983, in the small city of New Bedford, Massachusetts, a young woman ran, screaming, out of Big Dan’s Tavern. Wearing only a sock and a jacket, she flagged down a passing pick-up truck for help. Sobbing and shaking, she told the driver that she had been gang-raped. The story was quickly labeled the “Big Dan’s pool table rape” by the local press and became a national fixation within days. The case was disturbing not only because the woman had been attacked by at least six men in a public place, but because she had told police that a roomful of men had cheered during the rape instead of helping her. Virtually overnight, columns and letters appeared all over the country likening the Big Dan’s rape to the killing of Kitty Genovese (described in Chapter z) and chiding the accused men, society in general, and individual citizens for allowing such a brutal crime to occur.
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Meschitti, Viviana, i Dorra Jebali. "Chapitre 3. Le comportement innovant au travail : une exploration du rôle de la GRH dans des start-up tunisiennes". W Management des ressources humaines en PME, 57–73. Vuibert, 2022.

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Flécher, Marion. "Saisir la conflictualité au travail dans les start-up. Enjeux et apports d’une enquête par observation participante depuis les ressources humaines". W Enquêter sur les relations professionnelles, 239–54. ENS Éditions, 2024.

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Kennedy, David M. "Strike!" W The American People in the Great Depression, 288–321. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2003.

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Abstract Despite Roosevelt’s fulminations against business, and despite the fumbling performance of the NRA and AM, as early as 1935 the economy had begun to show at least modest signs of recovery. In the hollows of Appalachia, miners were retimbering coal shafts dank and rubbled from years of disuse. Workers oiled rusty spindles in long-shuttered textile mills from Massachusetts to the Carolinas. The clang of stamping presses and the buzz of machine tools split the stillness that had descended in 1929 over the great industrial belt between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes. Stevedores were once again winching cargoes onto the docks of Puget Sound and San Francisco Bay. Tugs taken out of mothballs nudged barge-rafts up the Mississippi from New Orleans. Along the Monongahela and the Allegheny, banked forge and foundry furnaces were coughing back to life. Haltingly, hopefully, America was going back to work.
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Nagy, Imre Gábor. "Le rôle des pȃturages communaux dans l’agriculture de Pécs à l’époque du dualisme". W Different Approaches to Economic and Social Changes: New Research Issues, Sources and Results, 67–76. Working Group of Economic and Social History Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Pécs, 2022.

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The purpose of the study. To show the role of pastoral animal husbandry in dualism in a large Hungarian city where the majority of the population lived from industry, trade, mining and transport. How did the city assembly approach the maintenance of the pasture that made up part of the land. Applied methods. We examined the archives of the Baranya County Archives of the Hungarian National Archives, the archives of the city assembly and the city council, the accounting office, the economic supervision, the city regulations and cadastral maps, documents and maps, and we reviewed the local press. Literature and statistical data were compared with the opinions of contemporaries. Outcomes. Research has convincingly demonstrated that pasturage was essential to the lifestyles of the poorer, more self-exploiting suburban residents in particular, and even in the 1910s, most cattle were driven out to Megyeri and Szigeti suburban pastures. In our period, however, the area of pastures decreased significantly due to the conversion of pastures into arable land and meadows, the expansion of the city, and the needs of the military (training ground, shooting range).
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Simen, Serge Francis, Gerol Sylvère Nganafeï i Steves Paterne Nkoulou. "Chapitre 14. Dans quelles mesures les dynamiques relationnelles des parties prenantes en cours au Sénégal influencent positivement le succès des incubateurs universitaires de start-up technologiques et leur périmètre ?" W Management des organisations africaines, diversité et développement des territoires, 318–39. EMS Editions, 2021.

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Copeland, Jack. "The German Tunny Machine". W Colossus. Oxford University Press, 2006.

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The Enigma cipher machine was slow and cumbersome to use. Sending a message was a complicated procedure requiring the participation of several operators (see photograph 24). The process started with the German plain-language, known as the ‘clear’ or the ‘plaintext’. Encrypting this produced the ‘ciphertext’. Typically, the plaintext or clear consisted of ordinary German words mixed with military abbreviations and jargon (such as WEWA for Wetter Warte, meaning ‘weather station’, and BINE, literally ‘bee’, meaning ‘very very urgent’). A cipher clerk typed the plaintext at the keyboard of an Enigma machine (see the diagram on page 17). Each time the clerk pressed a key, a letter on the lampboard would light. For example, typing HITLER might produce the letters FLKPIM. As the letters of the ciphertext appeared one by one at the lampboard, they were painstakingly noted down by an assistant. Various items of information were then added to the ciphertext, including the intended recipient’s radio call-sign, and a radio operator transmitted the complete message in Morse code. At the receiving end, the process had to be carried out in reverse. The radio operator turned the dit-dit-dahs of the Morse transmission back into letters of ciphertext and handed the result to the cipher clerk. The clerk typed the ciphertext at the keyboard of an Enigma, which had been set up identically to the sender’s machine. The letters of the plaintext lit up at the lampboard one by one and were recorded by the assistant. The Tunny system was much more sophisticated. The process of sending and receiving a message was largely automated. Encryption and decryption were entirely automatic. The transmitted ciphertext was never even seen by the German operators. At the sending end, a single operator typed plaintext at the keyboard of a teleprinter. At the receiving end, the plaintext was printed out automatically by another teleprinter. (A teleprinter is called a teletypewriter in the US.) The sender could switch his teleprinter equipment from ‘hand mode’ to ‘auto mode’. In auto mode, a pre-punched paper tape was fed into the equipment. The plaintext punched on the tape was encrypted and transmitted at high speed.
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Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Start-up – Dans la presse"


Stephan, Jean-Michel. "Numerical Interpretation of the Endurance Test on FATHER Mixing Zone Mock-Up". W ASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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For a better understanding of thermal fatigue in piping mixing zone, EDF, CEA and AREVA ANP have developed a mock-up named FATHER. Tests performed on the mock-up have given access to fluid temperature thermal fluctuations and external surface strains. Tests were completed by an endurance test. Examinations revealed the presence of numerous cracks at different locations. EDF R&D has performed a numerical interpretation of the test, in relation with different specimen fatigue tests (HCF tests on polished specimens, influence of surface roughness, influence of mean stress,…) and with the use of different fatigue criteria (RCC-M, Fatemi-Socie, Dang Van…). Numerical results are compared with the results of examinations. A comparison is done with results obtained by codified methodologies for nuclear plants.
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Métais, Thomas, Sarah Plessis, The-Hiep Chau i Jean-Christophe Le Roux. "Evolution of Fatigue Post-Processing Methods in the EDF Open-Access FEA Code ASTER". W ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Fatigue is identified as a significant degradation mode that affects nuclear power plants world-wide. The various international codes and standards (ASME, RCC-M, JSME, etc...) offer rules to predict its damaging effect on the locations of the various components of an NPP. These rules, which ensure conservatism and safe operation, have grown in complexity over the years because they have integrated R&D results showing aggravating effects that were not included in the original analyses (such as Environmental Assisted Fatigue [1]) but also because an economically viable design of components has required optimization and refinement of mechanical assessment methods. EDF has been developing since 1989 its own open-source FEA code baptised code ASTER that is included in the Salome Meca mechanical package. Salome Meca is open-access and can be used freely by international users. It is continuously improved with a release at a rate of one new software version per year and it integrates the most recent results obtained by the EDF R&D, in fields as broad as fracture mechanics, XFEM and fatigue. The fatigue post-processing in code ASTER offers a span of criteria (Dang Van, Stress Intensity, etc...) to pick and choose from and even offers the possibility to make up one owns fatigue criteria. It also offers the possibility to post-process fatigue according to the RCC-M rules (POST_RCCM operator). Recent developments have enabled to update the POST_RCCM operator to make it bridge the gap with modern fatigue industrial codes as well as to integrate the EAF calculations per the methodology proposed in [2]. The work is currently ongoing within EDF R&D and will give birth to a stabilized and validated version of the code by end of 2016. This paper presents the updates and the new possibilities of the POST_RCCM operator and gives an update of the work as of early 2016.
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Xie, Hai, Xuejiao Shao i Han Liu. "Fatigue Benchmark Comparison Effort Between Code_Aster and CNNC/NPIC Software: Part 1". W ASME 2019 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract Fatigue is identified as a significant degradation mode that affects nuclear power plants world-wide. Several international codes and standards (ASME, RCC-M, JSME, etc...) offer rules to predict its damaging effect on the locations of the various components of an NPP. These rules, which ensure conservatism and safe operation, have grown in complexity over the years because they have integrated R&D results showing aggravating effects that were not included in the original analyses (such as Environmental Assisted Fatigue[1][2]) but also because an economically viable design of components has required optimization and refinement of mechanical assessment methods. CNNC/NPIC has been following carefully the recent evolutions in the fatigue rules and has today finalized an in-house software enabling the evaluation of fatigue per ASME and RCC-M rules, with integration of environmental effects. On the other hand, EDF has been developing since 1989 its own in-house FEA code baptizedCode_Aster that is included in the Salome-Meca mechanical package. Salome-Meca is open-access and can be used freely by international users. Within Code_Aster, the fatigue postprocessor offers a span of criteria (Dang Van, Stress Intensity, etc...) to pick and choose from and even offers the possibility to make up owns one fatigue criteria. It also offers the possibility to post-process fatigue according to the RCC-M rules (POST_RCCM operator). It has been recently updated to perform industrial calculations integrating environmental fatigue[2][3]. Both entities have come to agree that validating a fatigue computer code is not an easy task. On the one hand, the full validation using hand calculations would be a highly tedious effort, given the technicality and the multiple choices to make along the various steps of the fatigue analysis. On the other hand, there are no experiments today which enable to directly lead a benchmark calculation to validate fatigue numerical results. In consequence, an accepted way of validating a code is to perform a benchmark analysis against another industrial fatigue code. CNNC/NPIC and EDF R&D China have therefore launched an effort to benchmark their respective codes, with the final objective of progressing together towards safe structural assessment practical methods for their power plants components.
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Finger, F., N. Mimbu, R. Ratnayake, S. Meakin, JB Bahati, TH Koli, RS Balegamire i in. "Case-area targeted interventions to rapidly contain the spread of cholera: a prospective observational study in the Democratic Republic of the Congo". W MSF Scientific Days International 2024. NYC: MSF-USA, 2024.

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INTRODUCTION The risk of cholera outbreaks spreading rapidly and extensively is substantial. Case-area targeted interventions (CATI) are based on the premise that early detection can trigger a rapid, localised response in the high-risk radius around case-households to reduce transmission sufficiently to extinguish the outbreak or reduce its spread, as opposed to relying on resource-intensive mass interventions. Current evidence supports intervention in a high-risk spatiotemporal zone of up to 200 m around case- households for 5 days after case presentation. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) started delivering CATI to people living within these high-risk rings during outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in April 2022. We present the results of a prospective observational study designed to evaluate the CATI strategy, measuring effectiveness, feasibility, timeliness, and resource requirements, and we extract operational learnings. METHODS Between April 2022 and April 2023, MSF delivered the holistic CATI package in five cholera-affected regions. The package incorporated key interventions combining household-level water, sanitation, and hygiene measures, health promotion, antibiotic chemoprophylaxis, and single-dose oral cholera vaccination (OCV). We conducted a survey in each ring roughly 3 weeks after the intervention to estimate coverage and uptake of the different components. We measured effectiveness by comparing cholera incidence in the first 30 days between rings with different delays from primary case presentation to CATI implementation, using a Bayesian regression model and adjusting for covariates such as population density, age, and access to water and sanitation. RESULTS During the study, four MSF operational sections implemented 118 CATI rings in five sites. The median number of households per ring was 70, the median OCV coverage was 85%, and the median time from presentation of the primary case to CATI implementation and to vaccination was 2 days and 3 days, respectively. These characteristics varied widely across sites and between rings. No secondary cases were observed in 81 (78%) of 104 rings included in the analysis, and we noted a (non- significant) decreasing trend in the number of secondary cases with decreasing delay to CATI implementation, e.g. 1.3 cases [95% CrI 0.01–4.9] for CATI implementation starting within 5 days from primary case presentation, and 0.5 cases [0.03–2.0] for CATI starting within 2 days. CONCLUSION Our results show that rapid implementation of CATI with vaccination is feasible in complex contexts. The number of secondary cases was low when CATI was implemented promptly. This highly targeted approach may be an effective strategy to quickly protect people most at risk and is resource- efficient if implemented early to extinguish localised outbreaks before they require mass interventions.
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Petrović, Nemanja. "„DANAS SE HRISTOS U VITLEJEMU OD DJEVE RAĐA“ ZAPAŽANjA IKONOGRAFSKIH POJEDINOSTI BOŽIĆNE HIMNE KAO ODRAZA POBOŽNOSTI KRALjA MILUTINA". W Kralj Milutin i doba Paleologa: istorija, književnost, kulturno nasleđe. Publishing House of the Eparchy of Šumadija of the Serbian Orthodox Church - "Kalenić", 2023.

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Fresco-composition, painted above the entrance of the katholikon of Žiča monastery, represents a unique scene within Serbian monumental painting from the beginning of the second decade of 14th century. This carefully thought-up picture illustrates a Christmas' Hymn which ascribes to the authorship of John of Damaskus. However, verses written on the arc, above the composition, are associated with poems of Anatoly of Constatinopole’s poetic content. Decora- tion of the entrance consists of clearly expressed theme of the portal, therefore it can be said that frescoes obviously indicate activities that could have been happening inside this space, to be precise in front of the temple’s entrance. It is important to analyze mention verses written on the arc, which belong to the poem that’s sung on the first day of the celebration of Christmas, when, it is believed, monarch himself attended. In the upper part of the composition, we can see The Mother of God on the throne with Child, surrounded by Angels, Shepherds and the Magi with their gifts. They are joined with a fragment of historic content, which additionally completes the complexity of the painting. In the lower part of the fresco-composition, there are visible two ceremonial proseccions moving towards each other. On the left side, beneath the Magi, we can see a group of cantors, monks, priesthood led by archbishop Sava III. On the right, beneath the Shephards, there is Court Retinue led by King Milutin. All participants of this saint cortege are painted wearing rich vestments with apparent attributes that define them. There are clear indications of taking over and transmitting Constantionopoli- tan models within the painting subject of gate entrance as the emphasized place as part of the ruling adventus. It is obvious that it is about iconography shaped by forceful influence of liturgy, theological literature of Incarnation, specifically the influence of hymnography in shaping different artistic models that had been growing in the Empire of Palaiologos and the land of king Milutin.
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Métais, Thomas, Sarah Plessis i Julien Miralles. "Validation of the New Post-RCCM Option From Code_Aster Through Benchmark Comparisons With Other Industrial Codes". W ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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Fatigue is identified as a significant degradation mode that affects nuclear power plants world-wide. The various international codes and standards (ASME, RCC-M, JSME, etc...) offer rules to predict its damaging effect on the locations of the various components of an NPP. These rules, which ensure conservatism and safe operation, have grown in complexity over the years because they have integrated R&D results showing aggravating effects (such as PWR environment degradation) that were not explicitly included in the original analyses (such as Environmental Assisted Fatigue [1] [2]) but also because an economically viable design of components has required optimization and refinement of mechanical assessment methods. EDF has been developing since 1989 its own in-house FEA code baptised code_aster that is included in the Salome-Meca mechanical package. Salome-Meca is open-access and can be used freely by international users. It is continuously improved with a release at a rate of one new software version per year and it integrates the most recent results obtained by the EDF R&D, in fields as broad as fracture mechanics, XFEM and fatigue. The fatigue post-processing in code_aster offers a span of criteria (Dang Van, Stress Intensity, etc...) to pick and choose from and even offers the possibility to make up owns one fatigue criteria. It also offers the possibility to post-process fatigue according to the RCC-M rules: this is implemented in code_aster through the so-called POST_RCCM operator. Recent developments have enabled EDF to update the POST_RCCM operator in order to bridge the gap with modern fatigue industrial codes. The update effort has included in particular the development of a new option to evaluate fatigue for nozzles according to the RCC-M Annex ZE-200 as well as the clarification of the methodologies used for combining time points and transients. In addition, POST_RCCM includes the possibility to perform calculations with integration of environmental effects, with significant freedom to design one’s own corrections. The option is even left open to integrate a correction per the methodology proposed in [2]. The overall work scope and progress as of early 2016 was reported in [3] and is now in its validation phase. The validation of a fatigue computer code is not an easy task as the full validation using hand calculations would be a highly tedious effort, given the technicality and the multiple choices to make along the various steps of the fatigue analysis. As a result, an accepted way of validating the results obtained with a given code is to perform a benchmark analysis against another industrial fatigue code. This strategy was adopted for the validation of the new POST_RCCM functionalities and this paper presents the work performed and the results obtained.
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Hairi, Nur Atika, i Norhafizah Ahmad. "Pengaruh dan Impak Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) Terhadap Isu Palestin di Malaysia". W Conference on Pusat Pengajian Umum dan Kokurikulum 2020/1. Penerbit UTHM, 2020.

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The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) is an Islamic organisation legally established in 1972. From 1971 until now, ABIM is very concern to international issues, especially the Israeli-Palestinian issue. This article discusses the influence and impact of ABIM in fighting for the liberation of Palestine (1971-2020). ABIM has always called on those responsible for Palestinian independence and the freedom of its people from the grip of Israel. Although various peace negotiations have been held between Israel and Palestine internationally, concrete solutions have not been reached. The objective to be achieved is to analyze ABIM’s involvement in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The methodology used is primary source research in the National Archives of Malaysia and the ABIM Archive. Apart from that, an interview with the President of ABIM, Mr. Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz was also held. The results of the study found that ABIM is consistent and active in fighting for this issue. This proves that the voice of NGOs can influence and impact decisions at the national and international levels such as the United Nations (UN). The volume of voice that is always displayed by ABIM is able to give awareness to the leaders and the people of Malaysia that this issue is not just a religious issue but this issue is a universal issue involving humanitarian values. ABIM has held press conferences, sent memorandum, held demonstrations, peaceful rallies, boycotts of American-Israeli goods and set up a Palestinian Aid Fund to raise the issue. ABIM's official paper, 'Risalah' also played a role in disseminating current Palestinian issues by publishing articles from original sources on the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and developments in Palestine, especially in the 1970s. This is because resources at the time were very limited and Western media published biased and untrue news.
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Clauss, Gu¨nther F., Hans W. Gerber i Carsten Hippe. "ASTRA: An Automatic Spading Tool for the Remote Application at Abyssal Depths". W ASME 2003 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2003.

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The future approach of the European marine research programme focuses on the establishment of multi-disciplinary networks including existing systems, and the development of new technologies for efficient installation and near real time communication. Within this framework the European Community funds the networks ORION (Ocean Research by Integrated Observation Networks - GEOSTAR 3) and ESONET 2 (European Seafloor Observatory NETwork) with several European partner institutions involved in marine research. Key technologies for deep-sea research have been developed in the frame of the GEOSTAR project (GEophysical and Oceanographic STation for Abyssal Research - Deep-Sea Mission). The concept comprises: • the deep-sea benthic observatory for geophysical and oceanographic purposes with its unique Data Acquisition and Control System (DACS), • the innovative underwater communication system as near real time interface, and • the deployment and recovery vehicle MODUS (MObile Docker for Underwater Sciences) for precise operations with heavy payloads. The know-how and existing equipment establishes a good basis for extensions and further developments to be used for network projects. ASTRA — an Automated Spading Tool for Remote Applications at abyssal depths — is one of these new concepts. This tool — integrated into the GEOSTAR-Bottom Station (BS) (also called node) and deployed by MODUS — will bury an Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) into the sub-sea soil. The OBS will be laterally displaced to the node and connected by an umbilical. At the end of a long-term mission the node will be recovered by MODUS and the OBS is pulled out of the ground hanging underneath the node. Both components, node and OBS, will be recovered by the surface research vessel. Equipment and procedures developed within the GEOSTAR project have been focused on providing a long-term stationing on the ocean floor to perform scientific measurements. The ASTRA concept takes a next step and aims for the interaction with its environment. Based on the proven and reliable combination of the deep sea shuttle MODUS for heavy load transportation and the payload Bottom Station as the carrier of equipment the new module ASTRA will extend the spectrum of scientific operating possibilities in the deep sea adding engineering services. An iterative process with an integrated design application of a 3D-CAD-system, FEM structural analysis and Multibody Simulation (MBS) characterizes the development phase of ASTRA. Using virtual mock-up critical aspects of handling and operation can be identified, and in consequence more easily avoided. Simulation results are validated by experimental investigations. Operations with the ASTRA prototype and the complete network-system will be performed in the Tyrrhenian Sea in late summer 2003.
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Raporty organizacyjne na temat "Start-up – Dans la presse"


ANDRADE, RAUL RIBEIRO, Edla Vitória Santos Pereira, Igor Hudson Albuquerque e. Aguiar, Olavo Barbosa de Oliveira Neto, FABIANO TIMBÓ BARBOSA, OÃO GUSTAVO ROCHA PEIXOTO SANTOS i CÉLIO FERNANDO SOUSA. Effectiveness of Early Tracheostomy compared with Late Tracheostomy Or Prolonged Orotracheal Intubation in Traumatic Brain Injury: Protocol of Umbrella Review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, sierpień 2022.

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Review question / Objective: What is the effectiveness of Early Tracheostomy compared with Late Tracheostomy Or Prolonged Orotracheal Intubation in Traumatic Brain Injury? Eligibility criteria: The inclusion criteria are (P) studies with patients above 18 years old, male or female, who had a severe traumatic brain injury and who need advanced airway support; (I) patient undergoing early tracheostomy (less than 10 days of orotraqueal intubation); (C) patient undergoing late tracheostomy (after 10 days of orotraqueal intubation) or undergoing prolonged intubation; (O) With data about mortality, time on ICU stay, on Hospital stay and time free of mechanical ventilation, complications related a health care services (pneumonia, septicemia, candidemia, Pressure ulcers, thromboembolic events and time using antibiotics), Quality of life (scores about neurological functions); e (S) Systematic reviews. No language restrictions. The exclusion criteria are data about mortality without data about time and follow up (In Hospital or after discharge?). We will contact the authors of studies without data enough to make a decision or without full text available, If we do not have answers we will exclude the study.
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McInerney, Michael, Matthew Brenner, Sean Morefield, Robert Weber i John Carlyle. Acoustic nondestructive testing and measurement of tension for steel reinforcing members. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), październik 2021.

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Many concrete structures contain internal post-tensioned steel structural members that are subject to fracturing and corrosion. The major problem with conventional tension measurement techniques is that they use indirect and non-quantitative methods to determine whether there has been a loss of tension. This work developed an acoustics-based technology and method for making quantitative tension measurements of an embedded, tensioned steel member. The theory and model were verified in the laboratory using a variety of steel rods as test specimens. Field tests of the method were conducted at three Corps of Engineers dams. Measurements of the longitudinal and shear velocity were done on rods up to 50 ft long. Not all rods of this length were able to be measured and the quality and consistency of the signal varied. There were fewer problems measuring the longitudinal velocity than shear velocity. While the tension predictions worked in the laboratory tests, the tension could not be accurately calculated for any of the field sites because researchers could not obtain the longitudinal or shear velocities in an unstressed state, or precise measurements of the longitudinal and shear velocities due to the unknown precise length of the rods in the tensioned state.
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