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Hughes, D. K. "Shear modulus Gs". Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 20, nr 1 (31.03.1987): 63–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.5459/bnzsee.20.1.63-65.

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A study group of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering has recently completed recommendations for the seismic design of storage tanks in a form suitable for use as a code. A knowledge of site response is an integral part of seismic analysis, unfortunately providing guidelines on assigning relevant soil parameters (shear modulus and damping in particular) cannot easily be resolved in a code format. However, as shear modulus (Gs) is referred to directly in the recommendations, it was decided to provide this technical note to enable some guidelines for its assessment to be given. It is an involved problem which requires a great deal of judgment on the designer's behalf if a realistic value of Gs is to be attained. Most available data on Gs has been developed for either sands or saturated clays although there has been a limited amount of work done on gravelly soils. Because most soils have curvilinear stress-strain relationships, it will be appreciated that the shear modulus is not constant but is usually expressed as the secant modulus determined for a specific value of shear strain.
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Xiang, X. D., i J. W. Brill. "Shear modulus of TaS3". Physical Review B 36, nr 5 (15.08.1987): 2969–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.36.2969.

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Arficho, Tigistu Abu, i Argaw Asha Ashango. "Experimental Study of Awash Soil under Static and Cyclic Shear Loading". Advances in Civil Engineering 2023 (27.03.2023): 1–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2023/5878290.

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The dynamic soil properties (shear modulus and damping ratio) are of great importance for the analysis and design of geotechnical structures subjected to dynamic loads such as earthquake. Cyclic simple shear tests were conducted to study the variation of shear modulus and damping ratio with a different number of factors for strain amplitudes of 0.01%, 0.1%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% and for a frequency of 1 Hz at an axial stress of 150 kPa, 275 kPa, and 400 kPa. The result shows that the damping ratio decreases with an increase in confining pressure at different cyclic shear strains. The shear modulus increases with an increase in the void ratio at different cyclic shear strains. The damping ratio increases with a decrease in soil plasticity. The obtained values of shear modules were in the ranges of 0.292 MPa to 15.998 MPa and the damping ratio values from 0.146% to 30.851%. In concluding the major influencing factors that affect the dynamic properties of soils are confining pressure, void ratio, shear strain amplitude, and soil plasticity.
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Goldstein, R. V., V. A. Gorodtsov i D. S. Lisovenko. "Shear modulus of cubic crystals". Letters on Materials 2, nr 1 (2012): 21–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.22226/2410-3535-2012-1-21-24.

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Cavalli, A., D. Cibecchini, G. Goli i M. Togni. "Shear modulus of old timber". iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 10, nr 2 (30.04.2017): 446–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.3832/ifor1787-009.

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Granato, A. V. "The Shear Modulus of Liquids". Le Journal de Physique IV 06, nr C8 (grudzień 1996): C8–1—C8–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jp4:1996801.

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Zubarev, A. Yu, A. Yu Musikhin, M. T. Lopez-Lopez, L. Yu Iskakova i S. V. Bulytcheva. "Shear modulus of isotropic ferrogels". Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 477 (maj 2019): 136–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.01.015.

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Wu, Guofang, Yong Zhong i Haiqing Ren. "Effects of Grain Pattern on the Rolling Shear Properties of Wood in Cross-Laminated Timber". Forests 12, nr 6 (25.05.2021): 668. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f12060668.

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Rolling shear modulus and strength are the key factors affecting the mechanical performance of some wood products such as cross-laminated timber (CLT). As reported, rolling shear property strongly depends on the sawing pattern such as the aspect ratio and grain direction (grain mode). However, the mechanism behind this phenomenon has not yet been clarified. In this work, the rolling shear modulus and strength of spruce-pine-fir (SPF) with different grain modes and aspect ratios were experimentally investigated. In addition, a theoretical investigation was carried out to reveal the mechanism behind this phenomenon. The results exhibited that the rolling shear moduli of 0° and 90° grain-mode wood were the same. This value can be called the pure rolling shear modulus. Rolling shear modulus of wood with angles other than 0° and 90° can be calculated from the pure rolling shear modulus and grain angle. Therefore, this modulus can be called the apparent rolling shear modulus. Thus, using 0° and 90° grain-mode specimens to determine the pure rolling shear modulus and strength of wood is recommended.
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Leonowicz, Marcin, Joanna Kozłowska i Łukasz Wierzbicki. "Rheological Fluids for Energy Absorbing Systems". Applied Mechanics and Materials 440 (październik 2013): 13–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.440.13.

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Two types of non-Newtonian fluids, magneto rheological (MRF) and shear thickening (STF) fluids, respectively were chosen as candidates for energy dissipation study in smart body armour. A series of magneto rheological fluids was synthesized on a basis of synthetic oil and carbonyl iron. The shear modules for the MRF containing 75 wt% of carbonyl iron, obtained in a magnetic field of 230 kA/m were as follows: complex shear modulus G* - 1.2 MPa, storage modulus G-1.2 MPa and loss modulus G 0.35 MPa. The studies revealed also that the silica fumed, dispersed in polypropylene glycol or polyethylene oxide, demonstrates shear thickening properties. The best combination of the properties (high viscosity, obtained at high shear rate) represents the material composed of the silica fumed (SF) and PEO300. Change of the volume fraction of the SF and variation of the molecular weight of the oligomer enables tailoring of the STF properties. Ballistic tests revealed that the structures containing PE bags with MRF (in magnetic field) or STF can enhance the protective performance of body armours providing their flexibility.
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Shimizu, Miki, i Yu Ito. "Change in Shear Elastic Modulus of Thigh Muscle by Changing Muscle Length Using Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography in Beagle Dogs". Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 32, nr 06 (26.06.2019): 454–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0039-1692449.

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Objectives This study investigated the relationship between the change in the shear elastic modulus and the change in muscle length using ultrasound shear wave elastography. Study Design Four thigh muscles, cranial part of the sartorius, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles, of 21 pelvic limbs in 12 clinically healthy Beagle dogs were used. The muscle length was estimated using a radiograph and the flexed and extended positions of the coxofemoral and stifle joints, respectively. The shear elastic modulus (kPa) was measured in two joint positions using ultrasound shear wave elastography. Shear elastic modulus was expressed as median of 10 consecutive measurements. The percentage change of elastic modulus was calculated from the shear elastic modulus in elongated condition and pre-elongated condition of muscle. Results The elastic modulus of all muscles increased when the muscle was elongated. The shear elastic modulus for both joint positions and the percentage change of the shear elastic modulus (%) in cranial part of the sartorius were highest in all muscles. Intra-observer correlation coefficient (1.2) was 0.75 to 0.96 and intra-observer correlation coefficients (2.2) was 0.46 to 0.96. Conclusion This study revealed that the shear elastic modulus of muscle was changed by the change in muscle length and increased when the muscle was elongated. Ultrasound shear wave elastography can be used to assess the elastic properties of canine muscle.
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Kennedy, J. G., D. R. Carter i W. E. Caler. "Long Bone Torsion: II. A Combined Experimental and Computational Method for Determining an Effective Shear Modulus". Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 107, nr 2 (1.05.1985): 189–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.3138540.

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A technique is established which allows an effective torsional shear modulus to be determined for long bones, while remaining nondestructive to whole bone specimens. Strain gages are bonded to the diaphysis of the bone. Strains are then recorded under pure torsional loads. Theoretical stress predictions are combined with experimental strain recordings to arrive at a modulus value. Shear modulus calculations for four canine radii are reported using theoretical stress predictions from circular, elliptical and finite element models of the transverse bone geometry. The effective shear modulus, obtained from an average of the shear moduli determined at strain gage locations, serves to average the heterogeneous shear modulus distribution over the cross section. The shear modulus obtained is that associated with the “circumferential” direction in transverse planes.
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Ng, C. W. W., i J. Xu. "Effects of current suction ratio and recent suction history on small-strain behaviour of an unsaturated soil". Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49, nr 2 (luty 2012): 226–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/t11-097.

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Although the small-strain shear modulus of saturated soils is known to be significantly affected by stress history, consisting of the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) and recent stress history, the effects of suction history on the small-strain shear modulus of unsaturated soils have rarely been reported. In this study, the effects of suction history, which refers to current suction ratio (CSR) and recent suction history, on both the very-small-strain shear modulus (G0) and shear modulus reduction curve of an unsaturated soil, are investigated by carrying out constant net mean stress compression triaxial tests with bender elements and local strain measurements. In addition, the effect of suction magnitude on G0 and the shear modulus reduction curve is also investigated. At a given suction, G0, elastic threshold strain (εe), and the rate of shear modulus reduction all increase with CSR. On the other hand, the effect of recent suction history on G0 is not significant. The effect of direction of recent suction path (θ) on the shear modulus reduction curve is not distinct. However, the magnitude of recent suction path (l) affects the shear modulus reduction curve significantly when θ = –90°.
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Sasaki, Kazushige, Sho Toyama i Naokata Ishii. "Length-force characteristics of in vivo human muscle reflected by supersonic shear imaging". Journal of Applied Physiology 117, nr 2 (15.07.2014): 153–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.01058.2013.

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Recently, an ultrasound-based elastography technique has been used to measure stiffness (shear modulus) of an active human muscle along the axis of contraction. Using this technique, we explored 1) whether muscle shear modulus, like muscle force, is length dependent; and 2) whether the length dependence of muscle shear modulus is consistent between electrically elicited and voluntary contractions. From nine healthy participants, ankle joint torque and shear modulus of the tibialis anterior muscle were measured at five different ankle joint angles during tetanic contractions and during maximal voluntary contractions. Fascicle length, pennation angle, and tendon moment arm length of the tetanized tibialis anterior calculated from ultrasound images were used to reveal the length-dependent changes in muscle force and shear modulus. Over the range of joint angles examined, both force and shear modulus of the tetanized muscle increased with increasing fascicle length. Regression analysis of normalized data revealed a significant linear relationship between force and shear modulus ( R2 = 0.52, n = 45, P < 0.001). Although the length dependence of shear modulus was consistent, irrespective of contraction mode, the slope of length-shear modulus relationship was steeper during maximal voluntary contractions than during tetanic contractions. These results provide novel evidence that length-force relationship, one of the most fundamental characteristics of muscle, can be inferred from in vivo imaging of shear modulus in the tibialis anterior muscle. Furthermore, the estimation of length-force relationship may be applicable to voluntary contractions in which neural and mechanical interactions of multiple muscles are involved.
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Yasuda, Nario, i Norihisa Matsumoto. "Dynamic deformation characteristics of sands and rockfill materials". Canadian Geotechnical Journal 30, nr 5 (1.10.1993): 747–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/t93-067.

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Cyclic torsional simple shear (CTSS) tests and cyclic triaxial (CTX) tests were carried out to investigate the dynamic deformation characteristics of sands and rockfill materials. It was found that the shear modulus and damping ratio can be expressed as a function of shear strain, void ratio, and confining stress. Also the shear modulus in CTSS tests is larger than in CTX tests because of the influence of the intermediate principal stress. When the shear strain is increased, the shear modulus (G) and damping ratio (h) of the rockfill materials were altered at smaller strains than in sands. Key words : sands, rockfill materials, torsional simple shear, shear modulus, damping ratio.
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Liu, Xin, i Jun Yang. "Shear wave velocity and shear modulus of silty sand". Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 2, nr 24 (2016): 907–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.3208/jgssp.hkg-07.

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Chen, Yao-Chung, i Hsiu-Yen Hung. "Evolution of Shear Modulus and Fabric During Shear Deformation". Soils and Foundations 31, nr 4 (grudzień 1991): 148–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.3208/sandf1972.31.4_148.

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Benjamin, Udota S., Tamunobereton-ari I., Horsfall I. Opiriyabo i Mogaba P. "COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF STATIC SHEAR MODULUS AND DYNAMIC SHEAR MODULUS DETERMINED BY GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION". Earth Science Malaysia 6, nr 1 (2022): 01–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.26480/esmy.01.2022.01.10.

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Due to the occurrence of earth tremors which leads to the vibrations of foundations and perhaps failure of buildings and roads, it is therefore important to understand and have knowledge of the geomechanical soil properties for foundation design, assessment of risks and suggestion of mitigation plans in engineering structures and road construction. A total of 3 boreholes were drilled with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) performed and Downhole Seismic Test (DST) carried out in the boreholes located within Assa to investigate the Geomechanical soil properties in the area. For the geophysical survey, the downhole seismic test was carried out to determine the P-wave and S-wave. The results were processed using the generalized reciprocal method (GRM) with the Seisimager program. The results of soil dynamic modulus (shear, young and bulk modulus) and Poisson ratio recorded from DST conducted in BH1, BH2 and BH3 ranges from 7300 KPa to 72390 KPa, 0.31 to 0.41 for the Poisson ratio. Meanwhile, soil static modulus and Poisson’s ratio recorded from SPT conducted in BH1, BH2 and BH3 ranges from 2520 to 44687.0 KPa, 0.20 to 0.55 for the Poisson ratio respectively. The results of this study have shown that there is a wide variation between geomechanical properties derived from geotechnical investigations (static properties) and geophysical investigations (dynamic properties). Based on depth trend analysis, the dynamic and static soil elastic properties all increases with depth. Generally, the dynamic soil properties were significantly higher than the static elastic properties. At shallow depths (<12.0 m), the difference between static and dynamic soil modulus was relatively small, but increased with increasing depth. Meanwhile, the difference between static and dynamic Poisson ratio was high at shallow depth and it decreased with increased depths where they almost overlap. Correlation between the derived static and dynamic properties all revealed positive correlation trends. The strength of the correlation was highest for young modulus (r=0.87) which was closely followed by the shear modulus (r=0.63). Meanwhile, Poisson ratio (r=0.40) and bulk modulus (r=0.23) revealed weak positive correlation trends. The regression models generated from this study were used to derive static elastic properties and compared with the static properties obtained from geotechnical investigation thereby deriving the equations Dynamic Shear Modulus = (1.4207 x Static Shear Modulus) + 5022, Dynamic Young Modulus = (2.0241 x static young modulus) + 5054.8, Dynamic Bulk Modulus = (1.7852 x static bulk modulus) + 15458, Dynamic Poisson’s ratio = (0.1812 x Static Poisson’s ratio) + 0.3154. The results showed fairly good match between static (geotechnical) shear modulus and static (from regression model) shear modulus, static (geotechnical) young modulus and static (from regression model) young modulus. There was no good match obtained for bulk modulus and Poisson ratio generally, except at shallow depth (< 12 m depth) where Poisson ratio revealed a good match.
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Cramer, Steven, David Kretschmann, Roderic Lakes i Troy Schmidt. "Earlywood and latewood elastic properties in loblolly pine". Holzforschung 59, nr 5 (1.09.2005): 531–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/hf.2005.088.

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Abstract The elastic properties of earlywood and latewood and their variability were measured in 388 specimens from six loblolly pine trees in a commercial plantation. Properties measured included longitudinal modulus of elasticity, shear modulus, specific gravity, microfibril angle and presence of compression wood. Novel testing procedures were developed to measure properties from specimens of 1 mm×1 mm×30 mm from earlywood or latewood. The elastic properties varied substantially circumferentially around a given ring and this variation was nearly as large as the variation across rings. The elastic properties varied by ring and height, but while the modulus of elasticity increased with height, the shear modulus decreased with height. A strong correlation was found between modulus of elasticity and shear modulus, but only at low heights and inner rings. Specific gravity and microfibril angle were the strongest predictors of elastic properties and explained 75% of the variation in modulus of elasticity for latewood. Despite being the best predictors in this study, these parameters accounted for less than half of the variability of earlywood modulus of elasticity, earlywood shear modulus and latewood shear modulus.
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Stamenovic, D., i J. C. Smith. "Surface forces in lungs. III. Alveolar surface tension and elastic properties of lung parenchyma". Journal of Applied Physiology 60, nr 4 (1.04.1986): 1358–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/jappl.1986.60.4.1358.

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The bulk modulus and the shear modulus describe the capacity of material to resist a change in volume and a change of shape, respectively. The values of these elastic coefficients for air-filled lung parenchyma suggest that there is a qualitative difference between the mechanisms by which the parenchyma resists expansion and shear deformation; the bulk modulus changes roughly exponentially with the transpulmonary pressure, whereas the shear modulus is nearly a constant fraction of the transpulmonary pressure for a wide range of volumes. The bulk modulus is approximately 6.5 times as large as the shear modulus. In recent microstructural modeling of lung parenchyma, these mechanisms have been pictured as being similar to the mechanisms by which an open cell liquid foam resists deformations. In this paper, we report values for the bulk moduli and the shear moduli of normal air-filled rabbit lungs and of air-filled lungs in which alveolar surface tension is maintained constant at 16 dyn/cm. Elevating surface tension above normal physiological values causes the bulk modulus to decrease and the shear modulus to increase. Furthermore, the bulk modulus is found to be sensitive to a dependence of surface tension on surface area, but the shear modulus is not. These results agree qualitatively with the predictions of the model, but there are quantitative differences between the data and the model.
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Sezer, Alper, Eyyub Karakan i Nazar Tanrinian. "Shear modulus and damping ratio of a nonplastic silt at large shear strains". E3S Web of Conferences 92 (2019): 08007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199208007.

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Site response analyses and solution of dynamic soil-structure interaction problems need determination of variation of shear modulus and damping ratio with shear strain. Since many studies in literature concern evaluation of behavior of sands and silty sands, a series of cyclic triaxial tests were performed to determine the variation of shear modulus and damping ratio of a nonplastic silt with shear strain. Stress controlled cyclic triaxial tests on silt specimens of initial relative densities ranging among 30%, 50% and 70% were performed. Tests were carried out on identical samples under different CSR levels, and the confining pressure was selected as 100 kPa. Variation of shear modulus and damping ratio of silts with cyclic stress ratio amplitude, relative density and number of cycles were investigated. It was understood that soil relative density and cyclic stress ratio amplitude has a significant influence on shear modulus and damping ratio of silts. It was also observed that, as the cyclic stress ratio amplitude is increased, greater shear modulus and lower damping ratio values were obtained.
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Pereira, Edimir A., Edimir M. Brandão, Soraia V. Borges i Maria C. A. Maia. "Influence of concentration on the steady and oscillatory shear behavior of umbu pulp". Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 12, nr 1 (luty 2008): 87–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s1415-43662008000100013.

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In this experimental work the rheological behavior of umbu pulp has been studied by shear flow (pseudoplasticity, apparent viscosity) and in oscillatory mode (dynamic modules) in the linear domain of viscoelasticity. The studies were carried out with the use of a controlled stress Rheometer Haake RS 100, at different soluble solid concentrations (10, 15, 20 and 25 °Brix), measured at 30 °C. Tests in steady shear were conducted over a shear rate range of 0.1 - 300 s-1 and oscillatory measurements over a frequency range of 0.01 - 100 Hz. The results indicated that umbu pulp behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid, with pseudoplastic characteristics and yield stress appearance and exhibits tixotropic properties. Rheograms were fitted to the Herschel-Bulkey model. From the dynamic test the umbu pulp showed storage modulus (G') values that were always higher than loss modulus (G"), indicating weak gel-like behavior. Storage and loss modulus increased with increase in the concentration.
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Lu, Xue Song, i Wei Xiang. "Experimental Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Ionic Soil Stabilizer Reinforcing Red Clay". Advanced Materials Research 374-377 (październik 2011): 1391–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.374-377.1391.

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Based on the red clay of Wuhan reinforced by Ionic Soil Stabilizer, the red clay soil is treated by different matches of ISS at first, then is tested in the Atterberg limits test and dynamic triaxia test. The results show that the plastic index decreases, and the red clay were greatly improved under the dynamic condition, the maximum dynamic shear modulus ratio acquired an incensement of 27.72% on average after mixing the ISS into the red clay. In addition, It was concluded that the confining pressure influenced the dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio to a certain extent. Given the same strain conditions, with the incensement of confining pressure increases, the dynamic shear modulus increased and the damping ratio decreased. Moreover, when plotting the dynamic shear modulus versus the dynamic shear strain, the similar curve can be formed for both the natural soil and the modified one, the dynamic shear modulus monotonously decreased with the incensement of the dynamic shear strain. However, the value of dynamic shear modulus differed in the same shear strain between the natural soil and the soil modified by ISS.
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Javanbakhti, Ahmad, Larry Lines i David Gray. "Empirical modeling of the saturated shear modulus in oil sands". GEOPHYSICS 84, nr 3 (1.05.2019): MR129—MR137. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/geo2018-0309.1.

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Seismic reservoir characterization and monitoring require the knowledge of seismic wave velocities and their dependencies on reservoir properties and production-induced changes. In heavy-oil saturated rocks at cold temperatures, due to the nonzero shear rigidity of the fluid, the saturated shear modulus is higher than the dry shear modulus and, consequently, the observed P- and S-wave velocities are higher than Gassmann’s predicted velocities. Appropriate modeling of the saturated shear modulus can greatly enhance the accuracy of quantitative interpretation of spatial fluid saturation and temperature distribution within a reservoir undergoing thermal production. Using a well-log data set of an Athabasca heavy-oil play and measured oil viscosities from core samples, we estimate fluid viscosity, shear modulus, and the American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity logs by training a neural network (NNT) with available well logs. We also estimate the dry shear modulus of heavy-oil saturated rocks using an NNT approach after modeling the pressure variations within the reservoir. Our empirical model uses the apparent shear modulus of the oil, its saturation, porosity, and dry shear modulus to estimate the saturated shear modulus of the rock. We calibrate the model to ultrasonic lab measurements. Available literature data support the validity of the model and show the improved performance compared to the Ciz and Shapiro model. The range of applicability of the model is defined mathematically, and the behavior of the model with respect to the input parameters is examined through sensitivity analyses.
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Li, Wei Zhou. "Numerical Study on the Bearing Capacity of Composite Foundation with Pile-Soil Shear Modulus". Applied Mechanics and Materials 405-408 (wrzesień 2013): 57–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.405-408.57.

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Numerical simulation model was established with FLAC3D to calculate the bearing capacity and the settlement of composite foundation with different pile-soil shear modulus. Then the rules of the effect of pile-soil shear modulus upon mixed pile composite foundation have been obtained. The results show that there is a great relationship between the pile-soil shear modulus and the bearing capacity of mixed pile composite foundation. Along with the increase of pile-soil shear modulus, the bearing capacity increase. Also, this paper suggest that the right value of pile-soil shear modulus of mixed pile composite foundation solidified by HEC or HAS consolidator dosing 12%, which can be used for the design of mixed pile composite foundation.
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Hu, Jin-Lian, i Yi-Tong Zhang. "The KES Shear Test for Fabrics". Textile Research Journal 67, nr 9 (wrzesień 1997): 654–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/004051759706700904.

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Many fabric mechanics researchers have reported that specimens being tested on the KES shear tester are not subjected to pure shear deformation; therefore, test results cannot lead directly to a determination of the fabric shear modulus and stress/strain relationship, particularly in the nonlinear range of stress-strain. Combined with finite element analysis, this paper presents an analytical solution for the distribution of shear stresses and strains in fabric specimens tested on the kes tester. A fabric is treated as an orthotropic sheet during the analysis, which leads to a closed-form solution for the shear modulus as a function of fabric tensile and shear moduli from the kes shear test. A modified shear stress-strain relationship can also be derived. From calculations for fabrics used here, the difference between modified and tested shear modulus values is about 25–30%. The study also suggests that although the shear modulus and curves obtained on the kes shear tester are significantly different from those under the pure shear state, the kes results can still reflect the nature of a fabric under shear deformation and are valid for general objective evaluations. The exact shear stress-strain relationship and actual shear modulus may be modified only when they are required for fabric complex deformation analysis.
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Nakamura, Masatoshi, Shigeru Sato, Ryosuke Kiyono, Nobushige Takahashi i Tomoichi Yoshida. "Effect of Rest Duration Between Static Stretching on Passive Stiffness of Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle In Vivo". Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 29, nr 5 (1.07.2020): 578–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jsr.2018-0376.

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Context: In clinical and sports settings, static stretching (SS) is usually performed to increase range of motion (ROM) and decrease passive muscle stiffness. Recently, the shear elastic modulus was measured by ultrasonic shear wave elastography as an index of muscle stiffness. Previous studies reported that the shear elastic modulus measured by ultrasound shear wave elastography decreased after SS, and the effects of SS on shear elastic modulus were likely affected by rest duration between sets of SS. Objective: To investigate the acute effects of SS with different rest durations on ROM and shear elastic modulus of gastrocnemius and to clarify whether the rest duration between sets of SS decreases the shear elastic modulus. Design: A randomized, repeated-measures experimental design. Setting: University laboratory. Participants: Sixteen healthy males volunteered to participate in the study (age 21.3 [0.8] y; height 171.8 [5.1] cm; weight 63.1 [4.5] kg). Main Outcome Measures: Each participant underwent 3 different rest interval durations during SS (ie, long rest duration: 90 s; normal rest duration: 30 s; and short rest duration: 10 s). This SS technique was repeated 10 times, thus lasting a total of 300 seconds with different rest durations in each protocol. The dorsiflexion ROM and shear elastic modulus were measured before and after SS. Results: Our results revealed that dorsiflexion ROM and shear elastic modulus were changed after 300-second SS; however, no effects of the rest duration between sets of SS were observed. Conclusions: In terms of decreasing the shear elastic modulus, clinicians and coaches should not focus on the rest duration when SS intervention is performed.
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Smith, John D., i Patricia E. Verrier. "The effect of shear on acoustic cloaking". Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 467, nr 2132 (2.03.2011): 2291–309. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2010.0646.

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The effect of a non-zero shear modulus on two-dimensional acoustic cloaking based on the transformation technique is investigated. Using the method of multiple scales, approximate solutions are found to the elastic equations with anisotropic density when the ratio of the shear modulus to the bulk modulus is small. These solutions indicate that a non-zero shear modulus causes the cloaking effect to become limited to a band of frequency, which becomes wider as the shear modulus is reduced. Resonances associated with shear waves are seen in the tangential component of displacement but do not affect the scattering to first order in the asymptotic expansions. No finite solutions exist for the case when the transformation shrinks the cloaked object to zero size (perfect cloaking).
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Wang, Bin, Kang Liu, Yong Wang i Quan Jiang. "Site Investigations of the Lacustrine Clay in Taihu Lake, China, Using Self-Boring Pressuremeter Test". Sensors 21, nr 18 (9.09.2021): 6026. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s21186026.

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Site investigations of the soils are considered very important for evaluation of the site conditions, as well as the design and construction for the project built in it. Taihu tunnel is thus far the longest tunnel constructed in the lake in China, with an entire length of over 10 km. However, due to the very insufficient site data obtained for the lacustrine clay in the Taihu lake area, a series of self-boring pressuremeter (SBPM) field tests was therefore carried out. Undrained shear strengths were deduced from the SBPM test, with the results showing generally higher than those obtained from the laboratory tests, which may be attributed to the disturbance to the soil mass during the sampling process. Degradation characteristics of the soil shear modulus (Gs) were mainly investigated, via a thorough comparison between different soil layers, and generally, the shear modulus would cease its decreasing trends and become stable when the shear strain reaches over 1%. Meanwhile, it was found that a linear relationship between the plasticity index and the shear modulus, and between the decay rate of the shear modulus and the plasticity index as well, could be developed. Further statistical analysis over the undrained shear strength and shear modulus distribution of the soils shows that the undrained shear strength of the soils follows a normal distribution, while the shear modulus follows a log-normal distribution. More importantly, the spatial correlation length of the shear modulus is found much smaller than that of the undrained strength.
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Ando, Koichi, i Hideo Suzuki. "Development of Bottom Shear Modulus Profiler". PROCEEDINGS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING IN THE OCEAN 7 (1991): 337–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.2208/prooe.7.337.

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Lo Presti, D. C. F., M. Jamiolkowski, O. Pallara, A. Cavallaro i S. Pedroni. "Shear modulus and damping of soils". Géotechnique 47, nr 3 (czerwiec 1997): 603–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/geot.1997.47.3.603.

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Squires, A. M., A. R. Tajbakhsh i E. M. Terentjev. "Dynamic Shear Modulus of Isotropic Elastomers". Macromolecules 37, nr 4 (luty 2004): 1652–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ma035060e.

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Srokosz, Piotr, Ireneusz Dyka i Marcin Bujko. "Interpretation of shear modulus degradation tests". Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica 40, nr 2 (21.09.2018): 125–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/sgem-2018-0015.

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AbstractThe problem is a continuation of the research conducted at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Institute of Building Engineering. It concerns the development of methods for the interpretation of the shear modulus measurements based on the tests conducted on a torsional shear (TS) apparatus. The issue has significant importance in determining the deformation parameters, essential to perform numerical simulations of the interaction between a geotechnical structure and the subsoil. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the various methods of interpretation of research results based on direct and reverse analysis, as well as automated classification of the first cycle of the relationship between the shear stress and the shear strain components obtained from the TS test. The methodology for verification of the presented interpretative methods consists in carrying out a series of laboratory tests on non-cohesive and cohesive samples of different granulation and state parameters. The course of the research includes the following steps: elaboration of the granulometric composition of several samples of soil, determination of soil index properties and execution of TS tests. Various methods of interpretation of obtained results were taken into account, in addition to conducting a comparative analysis. The study used a non-standard interpretation approach consisting of analysing one-fourth of the hysteresis loop of the first load–unload cycle of the tested samples. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis that it is possible to estimate the degradation value of the shear modulus based on a part of the TS test results carried out under quasi-monotonic load conditions. The proposed methods of interpreting test results have confirmed their high usefulness, which is devoid of the uncertainty associated with standardised resonant column/TS testing.
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Rubin, J. B., i R. B. Schwarz. "Shear modulus of coevaporatedNi1−xZrxthin films". Physical Review B 50, nr 2 (1.07.1994): 795–804. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.50.795.

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Pamukcu, S. "Shear Modulus of Soft Marine Clays". Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 111, nr 4 (1.11.1989): 265–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.3257094.

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Instabilities occur frequently in ocean-bottom sediments where the deposition is faster than the consolidation of the material. Cyclic loading of waves contribute to the existing pore pressures within the sediment reducing the effective stresses. The sediment can lose strength and stability and flow in gullies of depth up to 30 m, on slopes less than 0.5 deg. One theory and some related experiments indicate that, depending on the depositional conditions and state of stress, the failure mechanism for such soft saturated marine clays may not necessarily require large straining of the material. Laboratory determination of low-strain shear behavior or shear modulus of soft marine clays can be complicated if high-frequency dynamic testing methods are utilized. Cyclic loading can promote fast degradation of moduli for these soils even at low strain amplitudes. A monotonic torsional shear device, namely a triaxial vane device, was equipped with a computer-aided data acquisition system to detect low-strain shear deformations under quasi-static loading conditions. The average range of electronically measured strain range was 10−4 to 1 percent, which was compatible with that of a high-frequency, low-strain dynamic testing method, namely, resonant column. Comparison of the dynamic and static moduli reduction curves of artificially prepared soft kaolinite specimens demonstrated the cyclic degradation effects on such clays. The relatively continuous, high-resolution low-strain static data indicated further gain in understanding of low-strain nonlinearity and yielding behavior of soft marine clays.
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Stamenovic´, D. "The Shear Modulus of Foamlike Structures". Journal of Applied Mechanics 58, nr 1 (1.03.1991): 288–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.2897167.

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Hess, Siegfried, Martin Kröger i William G. Hoover. "Shear modulus of fluids and solids". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 239, nr 4 (maj 1997): 449–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0378-4371(97)00045-9.

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Su, Jung-Jung, Matthias J. Graf i Alexander V. Balatsky. "Shear Modulus in Viscoelastic Solid 4He". Journal of Low Temperature Physics 162, nr 5-6 (15.12.2010): 433–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10909-010-0322-0.

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Fujii, Yoshihisa, Zhaohui Yang, Andrew Clough i Ophelia K. C. Tsui. "Shear Modulus of a Polymer Brush". Macromolecules 43, nr 9 (11.05.2010): 4310–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ma100045m.

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Jiang, Chengming, Wenqiang Lu i Jinhui Song. "Shear Modulus Property Characterization of Nanorods". Nano Letters 13, nr 1 (4.12.2012): 111–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/nl3036542.

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Preston, Dean L., i Duane C. Wallace. "A model of the shear modulus". Solid State Communications 81, nr 3 (styczeń 1992): 277–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-1098(92)90514-a.

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Nilsson, S., i P. Muhrbeck. "Elastic shear modulus of biphasic gels". Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 30, nr 7 (czerwiec 1992): 681–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/polb.1992.090300704.

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Tepper, Robert S., Barry Wiggs, Susan J. Gunst i Peter D. Paré. "Comparison of the shear modulus of mature and immature rabbit lungs". Journal of Applied Physiology 87, nr 2 (1.08.1999): 711–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/jappl.1999.87.2.711.

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Maximal airway narrowing during bronchoconstriction is greater in immature than in mature rabbits. At a given transpulmonary pressure (Pl), the lung parenchyma surrounding the airway resists local deformation and provides a load that opposes airway smooth muscle shortening. We hypothesized that the force required to produce lung parenchymal deformation, quantified by the shear modulus, is lower in immature rabbit lungs. The shear modulus and the bulk modulus were measured in isolated mature ( n = 8; 6 mo) and immature ( n = 9; 3 wk) rabbit lungs at Pl of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 cmH2O. The bulk modulus increased with increasing Pl for mature and immature lungs; however, there was no significant difference between the groups. The shear modulus was lower for the immature than the mature lungs ( P < 0.025), progressively increasing with increasing Pl( P < 0.001) for both groups, and there was no difference between the slopes for shear modulus vs. Pl for the mature and the immature lungs. The mean value of the shear modulus for mature and immature rabbit lungs at Pl = 6 cmH2O was 4.5 vs. 3.8 cmH2O. We conclude that the shear modulus is less in immature than mature rabbit lungs. This small maturational difference in the shear modulus probably does not account for the greater airway narrowing in the immature lung, unless its effect is coupled with a relatively thicker and more compliant airway wall in the immature animal.
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Soból, Emil, Katarzyna Gabryś, Karina Zabłocka, Raimondas Šadzevičius, Rytis Skominas i Wojciech Sas. "Laboratory Studies of Small Strain Stiffness and Modulus Degradation of Warsaw Mineral Cohesive Soils". Minerals 10, nr 12 (15.12.2020): 1127. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/min10121127.

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The shear modulus and normalized shear modulus degradation curve are the fundamental parameters describing soil behavior. Thus, this article is focused on the stiffness characteristic of 15 different Warsaw cohesive soli represented by the parameters mentioned above. In this research, standard resonant column tests were performed in a wide shear strain range, from a small one, where soil behaves like an elastic medium, to a medium one, where soil has an unrecoverable deformation. Collected data allows the authors to create empirical models describing stiffness characteristics with high reliability. The maximum shear modulus calculated by the proposed equation for Warsaw cohesive soil had a relative error of about 6.8%. The formula for normalized shear modulus estimated G/GMAX with 2.2% relative error. Combined empirical models for GMAX, and G/GMAX allow the evaluation of Warsaw cohesive soil’s shear modulus value in a wide shear deformation range, with a very low value of the relative error of 6.7%.
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Ličen, Urška, i Žiga Kozinc. "Using Shear-Wave Elastography to Assess Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage: A Review". Sensors 22, nr 19 (6.10.2022): 7574. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s22197574.

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Shear-wave elastography is a method that is increasingly used to assess muscle stiffness in clinical practice and human health research. Recently, shear-wave elastography has been suggested and used to assess exercise-induced muscle damage. This review aimed to summarize the current knowledge of the utility of shear-wave elastography for assessment of muscle damage. In general, the literature supports the shear-wave elastography as a promising method for assessment of muscle damage. Increases in shear modulus are reported immediately and up to several days after eccentric exercise, while studies using shear-wave elastography during and after endurance events are showing mixed results. Moreover, it seems that shear modulus increases are related to the decline in voluntary strength loss. We recommend that shear modulus is measured at multiple muscles within a muscle group and preferably at longer muscle lengths. While further studies are needed to confirm this, the disruption of calcium homeostasis seems to be the primary candidate for the underlying mechanism explaining the increases in shear modulus observed after eccentric exercise. It remains to be investigated how well the changes in shear modulus correlate with directly assessed amount of muscle damage (biopsy).
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Yang, Liguo, Shengjun Shao i Zhi Wang. "Experimental Study on the Dynamic Modulus and Damping Ratio of Compacted Loess under Circular Dynamic Stress Paths". Advances in Civil Engineering 2021 (14.10.2021): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2021/9574548.

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Dynamic loads such as earthquakes and traffic will simultaneously generate vertical dynamic stress and horizontal shear stress in the foundation soil. When the vertical dynamic stress amplitude is twice the horizontal shear dynamic stress amplitude, and the phase difference between them is 90°, a circular dynamic stress path is formed in the τ z θ d ∼ σ zd − σ θ d / 2 stress coordinate system. To simulate the stress state of soil in the area of the circular dynamic stress path caused by bidirectional dynamic stress coupling, a series of tests of compacted loess under the action of a circular dynamic stress path were carried out using a hollow cylindrical torsion shear apparatus. The effects of the mean principal stress, dry density, and deviatoric stress ratio (the ratio of deviator stress to average principal stress) on the dynamic modulus and damping ratio of compacted loess were mainly studied. The test results show that, under the action of the circular dynamic stress path, the larger the mean principal stress is, the larger the dynamic compression modulus and dynamic shear modulus are. The dynamic compression modulus increases obviously with increasing dry density, but the dynamic shear modulus increases only slightly. When the deviator stress ratio increases from 0 to 0.4, the dynamic compression modulus and dynamic shear modulus increase to a certain extent. In addition, the greater the dry density and deviatoric stress ratio are, the greater the initial dynamic compression modulus and initial dynamic shear modulus of the compacted loess. The dynamic compression damping ratio of compacted loess increases with increasing mean principal stress, but the dynamic shear damping ratio decreases with increasing mean principal stress. Dry density basically has no effect on the dynamic compression damping ratio and dynamic shear damping ratio of compacted loess. When the dynamic strain exceeds 1%, the greater the deviatoric stress ratio is, the smaller the dynamic compression damping ratio and the dynamic shear damping ratio are. The research results can provide reference for the study of dynamic modulus and damping ratio of loess under special stress paths.
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Teachavorasinskun, Supot, Pipat Thongchim i Panitan Lukkunaprasit. "Shear modulus and damping of soft Bangkok clays". Canadian Geotechnical Journal 39, nr 5 (1.10.2002): 1201–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/t02-048.

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The shear modulus and damping ratio of undisturbed Bangkok clay samples were measured using a cyclic triaxial apparatus. Although abundant literature on this topic exists, selection of the most suitable empirical correlation for a seismic analysis cannot be done unless site specific data are obtained. The apparatus used in this research can measure the stress–strain relationships from strain levels of about 0.01%. The equivalent shear modulus measured at these strains was about 80% of the value obtained from the shear wave velocity measurements. The degradation curves of the equivalent shear modulus fell into the ranges reported in the literature, for clay having similar plasticity. The damping ratios varied from about 4–5% at small strains (0.01%) to about 25–30% at large strains (10%). The effects of load frequency and cyclic stress history on the shear modulus and damping ratio were also investigated. An increase in load frequency from 0.1 to 1.0 Hz had no influence on the shear modulus characteristic, but it did result in a slight decrease in the damping ratio. The effects of the small amplitude cyclic stress history on the subsequently measured shear modulus and damping ratio were almost negligible when the changes in void ratio were taken into account.Key words: soft clay, shear modulus, damping ratio, cyclic triaxial test, cyclic stress history.
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Yuan, Jia Jing, Wen Zhuang Lu, Dun Wen Zuo i Feng Xu. "Contact Stress Analysis of NCD Coating on Cemented Carbide". Key Engineering Materials 431-432 (marzec 2010): 98–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.431-432.98.

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The contact stress of cemented carbide with NCD coating in elastic contact was analyzed using ANSYS. Factors such as elastic modulus and thickness of NCD film and elastic modulus of interlayer which affect the shear stress distribution of NCD film on cemented carbide substrate were investigated. The results show that the maximum shear stress point moves towards the interface with the increase of film elastic modulus. Film thickness has a significant effect on shear stress distribution of NCD film. High shear stress develops in the film layer with the increase of film thickness. Interlayer with low elastic modulus will cause shear stress concentration in NCD film.
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Jin, Qian, Yong Gang Xu, Yang Di i Hao Fan. "Influence of the Particle Size on the Rheology of Magnetorheological Elastomer". Materials Science Forum 809-810 (grudzień 2014): 757–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.809-810.757.

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In this paper, the correlation between the particle size and rheological properties of MRE was discussed through both experimental results and theoretical analysis. It shows that the particle size can significantly influence the magnetorheological effect by changing the initial shear modulus and the saturated magnetic-induced shear modulus . With an increase in the particle size, the initial shear modulus gets lower, and the saturated magnetic-induced shear modulus increases to the maximum and then decreases. The larger the particle size is, the longer the distance between neighbor particles along the magnetic field is. Based on the relationship between the particle size and shear modulus, there exists an optimum size for added particles. Moreover, the performance of MRE can be improved by optimizing the particle size based on those rules.
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Edincliler, Ayse, Ali Firat Cabalar, Abdulkadir Cevik i Haluk Isik. "New Formulations for Dynamic Behavior of Sand-Waste Tire Mixtures in a Small Range of Strain Amplitudes". Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 62, nr 1 (15.06.2017): 92–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.3311/ppci.8698.

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This paper describes the results of a series of cyclic triaxial tests on sand - waste tire mixtures, and applications of genetic programming (GP) and stepwise regression (SR) for the prediction of damping ratio and shear modulus of the mixtures tested. In the tests, shear modulus, and damping ratio of the geomaterials were measured for a strain range of 0.0001% up to 0.04%. The input variables in the developed GP and SR models are the waste tire content (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%), waste tire type (tire crumbs or tire buffings), strain, and confining pressures (40 kPa, 100 kPa, and 200 kPa), and outputs are shear modulus and damping ratio. Test results show that the shear modulus and the damping ratio of the mixtures are strongly influenced by the waste tire inclusions. The performance of the proposed GP models (R2 = 0.95 for shear modulus, and R2 = 0.94 for damping ratio) are observed to be more accurate than that of the SR models (R2 = 0.87 for shear modulus, and R2 = 0.91 for damping ratio).
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SELYAEV, V. P., L. I. KUPRIYASHKINA, E. L. KECHUTKINA, N. N. KISELEV i O. V. LIYASKIN. "Mechanical Characteristics of Vacuum Thermal Insulation Panels: Deformation Diagrams, Strength, Deformation Modules". Stroitel'nye Materialy 785, nr 10 (2020): 44–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.31659/0585-430x-2020-785-10-44-51.

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The results of studying the mechanical properties of vacuum insulation panels are presented. The compressive strength and deformation modules (elastic and secant) under compression and shear are determined. The dependence of the mechanical characteristics of vacuum insulation panels (VIP) on the type and quantitative ratio of fillers is shown. It is established that the diagram of deformation of the VIP under compression can be described by an analytical function. Experimental studies of the properties of VIP have established that the deformation diagram of VIP has the form characteristic for materials that self-strengthen during loading with a compressive load and is adequately described by the function of G. V. Bulfinger. A method is proposed for determining the coefficients α and β that makes it possible to verify the approximating function using experimental data. Polynomial models describing the dependence of the elastic modulus, strength, and thermal conductivity coefficient on the composition and quantitative ratio of fiber and powder fillers are developed. It is established that the numerical values of the strain modulus depend on the type, amount of powder filler, and their ratio to the fibrous filler. The values of strain and strength models increase with increasing content and size of filler particles. A method for determining the shear modulus for VIP has been developed. It has been experimentally established that the value of the shear modulus for VIP depends on both the filler composition and the characteristics of the panel film shell. Keywords: vacuum insulation panel, diatomite, silica fume, thermal conductivity, strength, compression, shear, modulus of deformation.
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