Rozprawy doktorskie na temat „Shear Modulus”
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Harrison, S. Kate. "Comparison of Shear Modulus Test Methods". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2006.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe average shear moduli results showed significant differences between the three test methods. For both material types, the shear moduli results determined from the two standard test methods (ASTM D 198 three-point bending and torsion), both of which are presently assumed to be equivalent, were significantly different.
Most average E:G ratios from the two material types and three test methods showed differences from the E:G ratio of 16:1 commonly assumed for structural wooden members. The average moduli of elasticity results for both material types were not significantly different. Therefore, the lack of significant difference between moduli of elasticity terms indicates that differences between E:G ratios are due to the shear modulus terms.
This research has shown differences in shear moduli results of the three test types (ASTM D 198 torsion, ASTM D 198 three-point bending, and the FPBT). Differences in the average E:G ratios per material and test type were also observed.
Master of Science
Yung, See Yuen. "Determination of shear wave velocity and anisotropic shear modulus of an unsaturated soil /". View abstract or full-text, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródłaПроценко, Олена Борисівна, Елена Борисовна Проценко, Olena Borysivna Protsenko, Вікторія Володимирівна Ємельяненко, Виктория Владимировна Емельяненко i Viktoriia Volodymyrivna Yemelianenko. "The analysis of the elastic properties of armchair and zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes". Thesis, Sumy State University, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaOlsen, Peter A. "Shear modulus degradation of liquefying sand : quantification and modeling /". Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaOlsen, Peter A. "Shear Modulus Degradation of Liquefying Sand: Quantification and Modeling". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaKinney, Landon Scott. "Pore Pressure Generation and Shear Modulus Degradation during Laminar Shear Box Testing with Prefabricated Vertical Drains". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaAkhi, Taohida Parvin. "Experimental investigation of effective modulus of elasticity and shear modulus of brick masonry wall under lateral load". ISIS Canada Research Network, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaLo, Kai Fung. "Small-strain shear modulus and damping ratio determination by bender element /". View abstract or full-text, 2005.
Pełny tekst źródłaRara, Angela Dominique Sarmiento. "Rolling Shear Strength and Modulus for Various Southeastern US Wood Species using the Two-Plate Shear Test". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2021.
Pełny tekst źródłaMaster of Science
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) is an engineered wood panel product, similar to plywood, constructed with solid-sawn or structural composite lumber in alternating perpendicular layers. The additions included in the incoming 2021 International Building Code (IBC) has placed an importance in expanding the research related to the mechanical and material properties of CLT. Also, with the increasing demand for softwood lumber and CLT panel production, the demand for the domestic softwood lumber could place a burden and surpass the domestic softwood supply. Rolling shear is a failure type that occurs when the wood fibers in the cross-layers roll over each other because of the shearing forces acting upon a CLT panel. This study used the two-plate shear test to measure the rolling shear properties of various southeastern US wood species: southern pine, yellow-poplar, and soft maple. A secondary study was conducted, using the same two-plate shear test, to measure the rolling shear properties of re-manufactured southern pine for CLT cross-layer application. The soft maple had the greatest average rolling shear strength at 5.93 N/mm2 and southern pine had the lowest average rolling shear strength at 2.51 N/mm2. Using a single factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), the rolling shear strength values from soft maple were significantly greater than yellow-poplar, which was significantly greater than the southern pine. For the rolling shear modulus, the southern pine and soft maple were of equal statistically significant difference, and both were greater statistically significant different compared to the yellow-poplar. The most common failure found from testing was rolling shear.
Tai, Jui-He. "Effect of Void Fraction on Transverse Shear Modulus of Advanced Unidirectional Composites". Scholar Commons, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaBryant, James William Jr. "Prediction of Linear Viscoelastic Response of the Loss Shear Modulus of Polymer-Modified Binders". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaMaster of Science
Han, Zhong. "Modelling Stiffness and Shear Strength of Compacted Subgrade Soils". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaCopeland, David B. "Measurement of the complex shear modulus and its frequency dependence for viscoelastic materials". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.
Pełny tekst źródłaO'Connor, Bernard. "High strain deformation and ultimate failure of HIPS and ABS polymers". Thesis, Cranfield University, 1997.
Pełny tekst źródłaHe, Yi. "Effect of Additives on Crystallization of a Mixture of Fully Hydrogenated Canola Oil and Canola Oil". The Ohio State University, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaSaeki, Junya. "Muscle stiffness of posterior lower leg in runners with a history of medial tibial stress syndrome". Kyoto University, 2018.
Pełny tekst źródłaRouholamin, Milad. "Shear Behaviour and Design of Roll-Formed Aluminium Lipped Channel Sections With and Without Web Openings". Thesis, Griffith University, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaThesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Eng & Built Env
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
Full Text
Dunlap, Myles Derrick. "Experimental Measurement of the Utricle's Dynamic Response and the Mechanoelectrical Characterization of a Micron-Sized DIB". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaPh. D.
Larsson, David. "Accuracy Assessment of Shear Wave Elastography for Arterial Applications by Mechanical Testing". Thesis, KTH, Hållfasthetslära (Avd.), 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaSelk, Rawley Jack. "Quick Shear Testing of Aggregate Base Materials Stabilized with Geogrid". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2017.
Pełny tekst źródłaCurd, Jason M. "Unsaturated Soil Parameters From Field Stiffness Measurements". UKnowledge, 2013.
Pełny tekst źródłaApaza, Marco Aurelio Flores. "Determinação do Gmáx através do método de análise espectral de ondas superficiais". Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaThis dissertation presents the spectral-analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) method as a tool for obtaining the variations in the modulus shear (Gmax) with depth in the field of very small strains (below 0,001%). The SASW method is a nondestructive in situ seismic method, based on the generation and measurement of Rayleigh wave and on its dispersive characteristic nature. Throughout the implementation of an impact on the soil surface and the detection of the wave at various points by two receptors a dispersion curve is constructed (phase velocity versus wave-length). This dispersion curve is then inverted. Inversion is an analytical process for reconstructing the shear wave velocity profile from the experimental field. The shear modulus of each layer is readily obtained from the shear wave velocity profile. The theoretical content of the dissertation presents dynamic properties of the soils and is described in the equations that dominate the propagation of elastic waves, both in homogeneous media and in stratified media. The methodology developed to obtain the dispersion curves through the implementation of SASW test is defined, and results from tests carried out at the University Campus in São Paulo are presented and compared with values obtained from correlations based on SPT tests. These comparisons indicate that the SASW method is a good alternative to determine the profile of stiffness (Gmax) of the soil, agreeing with the level of deformation involved in the tests. Studies on the methods sensitivity are developed to verify the influence on the changing of the parameters given (natural unit weight, Poisson coefficient and thickness of layers) in reduction of data (inversion) on the final profile of VS. The conclusion is that the Poisson coefficient is the parameter with greater influence.
Lombardo, Nick, i e56481@ems rmit edu au. "Properties of Composites Containing Spherical Inclusions Surrounded by an Inhomogeneous Interphase Region". RMIT University. Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaAl-Darwash, Mustafa, i Emanuel Nuss. "Mechanical characterization of DuraPulp by means of micromechanical modelling". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för byggteknik (BY), 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaSödra DuraPulp är en relativt ny eco-komposit, tillverkat av naturliga trä fibrer och polylactic syra som kommer från majsstärkelser. I dagsläget finns det få användningsområden för DuraPulp, huvudsakligen används det inom design. För att expandera användningsområdet behövs det mer kunskaper angående de mekaniska egenskaperna för materialet. Studien handlar om att karakterisera de mekaniska egenskaperna för DuraPulp på ett analytiskt sätt i form av mikro-mekanisk modellering och evaluering med hjälp av Matlab. De huvudsakliga mekaniska egenskaperna för PLA kunde hämtas från flera vetenskapliga källor, men de motsvarande mekaniska egenskaperna för fibrer kunde inte alla valideras. Delvis antogs dem i rimliga gränser och deras inverkan validerades med hjälp av en parameter studie.Figurer och tabeller användes för att presentera och jämföra in- och ut-plan E-Moduler, skjuvmoduler och tvärkontraktionstalen av DuraPulp. De beräknade in-plan E-modulerna för DuraPulp jämfördes med motsvarande E-moduler från en tidigare studie där DuraPulp genomgick dragtest. Resultatet visade att analytiska och experimentella värden överensstämmer bra med varandra.
Hao, Gang. "Laboratory study of shear wave velocity and very small stain modulus of Macao marine clay under anisotropic stress condition". Thesis, University of Macau, 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaAssaf, Ihab Adeeb. "Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using an external carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite of low elastic modulus". Thesis, University of Salford, 2007.
Pełny tekst źródłaZitko, Jarrett. "Effects of Random Cross-Sectioned Distributions, Fiber Misalignment and Interphases in Three-Dimensional Composite Models on Transverse Shear Modulus". Scholar Commons, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaReubush, Stacey Diane. "Effects of Storage on the Linear Viscoelastic Response of Polymer-Modified Asphalt at Intermediate to High Temperatures". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1999.
Pełny tekst źródłaMaster of Science
Duraisamy, Youventharan. "Strength And Stiffness Improvement Of Bio-Cemented Sydney Sand". Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2016.
Pełny tekst źródłaOh, Won Taek. "Simple Techniques for the Implementation of the Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils into Engineering Practice". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaRichardson, Anthony James. "Determination of nanogram mass and measurement of polymer solution free volume using thickness-shear mode (tsm) quartz resonators". [Tampa, Fla] : University of South Florida, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaKu, Taeseo. "Geostatic stress state evaluation by directional shear wave velocities, with application towards geocharacterization at Aiken, SC". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaŠtěpanovský, Vlastimil. "Problematika stárnutí asfaltových pojiv a směsí". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaBöhmer, Anna Elisabeth [Verfasser], i H. von [Akademischer Betreuer] Löhneysen. "Competing Phases in Iron-Based Superconductors Studied by High-Resolution Thermal-Expansion and Shear-Modulus Measurements / Anna Elisabeth Böhmer. Betreuer: H. v. Löhneysen". Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaMalysz, Rodrigo. "Desenvolvimento de um equipamento triaxial de grande porte para avaliação de agregados utilizados como camada de pavimentos". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2009.
Pełny tekst źródłaUnbound aggregates layers play an important role in the performance of thinly surfaced or unsurfaced pavements. In order to assess the strength-strain characteristics of soils and aggregates used in those layers, triaxial tests must be carried out on cylindrical specimens with diameter not smaller than 5 times the particle maximum size and height twice the diameter. Since Brazil National Roads Department allows using 2” aggregates in granular bases, specimens for triaxial tests should be at least 25 cm in diameter and 50 cm in height. All over the world there are only a few equipments for testing such specimens; and up to 2008 none of them in Brazil. Aiming at overcoming this deficiency and enhance the knowledge on the mechanical behavior of coarse aggregates, the objectives of research reported in this thesis were to develop a triaxial equipment capable of applying static, monotonic and repeated loadings on large specimens (25 cm x 50 cm) and perform and analyze the first tests. The design and assemblage of the equipment are describe, detailing its main components and the instrumentation, that included two load cells, three displacement transducers and two pressure transmitters. The first tests were carried out on specimens made of dense crushed aggregates, formerly used in APT test sections. Tests were also carried out on specimens with 10.0 cm diameter and 20.0 cm height, in order to compare their results to those of tests carried out in larger specimens tested in the new triaxial equipment. Resilient modulus tests were carried out according to the Brazilian standard, but some modifications were introduced to follow international patterns. Triaxial monotonic and repeated loading permanent deformation tests were carried out both in multiple stages and unique stage of stresses. The results were interpreted were calculated taking into account several theories and models, strength and strain parameters being obtained. A mechanistic analysis using parameters obtained in tests allowed analyzing the behavior of the studied aggregates making part of pavement layers. It is concluded the new triaxial equipment for large specimens fulfills the requirements that motivated its design and construction, making possible to obtain parameters for characterizing the behavior of coarse aggregates and estimating pavements performance regarding permanent deformation and shear failure of granular layers.
Su, Yuhan. "Does Larinoides cornutus major ampullate silk have shape memory property?" University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2021.
Pełny tekst źródłaFOTI, Sebastiano. "Multistation Methods for Geotechnical Characterization using Surface Waves". Doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Torino, 2000.
Pełny tekst źródłaAbdul-Salam, Bahira. "Behaviour of shear critical frp reinforced concrete one-way slabs". Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014.
Pełny tekst źródłaSmallwood, Cameron David. "Frequency Response and Recovery of Muscles and Effects of Wrapping the Lower Leg on Surface Velocity Measurements". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2019.
Pełny tekst źródłaSimanavičiūtė, Daiva. "Polistireninio putplasčio deformacijų ir šliejamojo stiprio tyrimai". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.
Pełny tekst źródłaThe present work of Master degree studies analyzes the properties of expanded polystyrene.Theoretical par of this work introduces analysis of references, general information on expanded polystyrene, manner of production and fields of application. The work analyzes production offered by three biggest manufacturers in Lithuania, reviews the requirements applicable to thermal resistance of enclosures of the building, analyses alteration of thickness of a heat insulation layer comparing the situation in Soviet Union time and nowadays. Experimental part describes the used material, their properties, compressive strength, shear strength; analyses microstructure and macrostructure of samples of different density. The work presents the results and analysis of the results by applying software of statistical analysis; formulation of conclusions.
You, Therese. "Negative energy elasticity and a model for the behavior of the residual strain in doubly cross-linked gels fabricated by shear strain". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Polymerkemi, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaDostál, Filip. "Vliv druhu a dávky polymeru na vlastnosti modifikovaných pojiv". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2020.
Pełny tekst źródłaNaji, Behnam. "Flexural Analysis and Composite Behavior of Precast Concrete Sandwich Panel". University of Dayton / OhioLINK, 2012.
Pełny tekst źródłaPapazoglou, Sebastian. "Elucidation of isotropic and anisotropic shear elasticity of in vivo soft tissue using planar magnetic resonance elastography". Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaMagnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is a noninvasive method that allows the determination of in vivo shear elasticity of soft tissues. In this thesis methods for the determination of isotropic and anisotropic shear elasticities from MRE wave data were developed and evaluated. All methods presented in this work are based on planar MRE, i.e. they are based on the measurement of a single displacement component in the image plane. This way measurement time in MRE is greatly reduced. However, this imposes specific requirements on data evaluation in order to determine significant elastic constants. On the basis of planar MRE experiments on tissue mimicking gels, human skeletal muscle and numerical simulations it is demonstrated that correct shear elasticities can be determined, taking into account a small set of experimental boundary conditions as well as the employment of complementary data evaluation strategies. This thesis is particularly focussed on the analysis of noise and image resolution on the determined elastic constants. Moreover, methods for determining anisotropic elasticity and analyzing shear wave scattering effects on MRE wave data are introduced. The investigated influences on wave amplitudes and wave lengths are compared and discussed to develop a simple measurement protocol for the evaluation of in vivo MRE data. All methods employed in this work are summarized in the appendix along with the corresponding computer code, which is available on demand.
Knighton, Jaren Tolman. "Investigation of Laboratory Test Procedures for Assessing the Structural Capacity of Geogrid-Reinforced Aggregate Base Materials". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaChamming's, Foucauld. "Elastographie quantitative des tumeurs du sein et de la réponse au traitement". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaIntroduction: Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) is a recent ultrasound technique assessing quantitatively tissue stiffness and improving breast lesions characterization. As every new imaging technique, SWE requires a pre clinical validation in order to define in which conditions it should be used and precise the applications for which the technique is validated. Materials and methods: First, in a research lab we have investigated the pathological features underlying SWE image in a breast cancer model implanted in mice, during tumor growth and under therapy. Secondly, we have studied in patients the role of manual compression in SWE for the characterization of breast lesions. Finally, in collaboration with on team from Institut Langevin Ondes et Images, we have studied the feasibility of a new parameter, the non-linear modulus, for breast lesion assessment. Results: in the research lab, we have shown correlations between stiffness as measured with SWE and pathological features of tumors, even on treatment. We have shown that fibrosis was associated with high stiffness values and necrosis with lowers. Our clinical study, showed that a minimal manual compression was required for optimal performance of SWE and that strong compression should be avoided. Finally, we demonstrated feasibility of a new parameter, derived from SWE, the non-linear modulus. Conclusion: Our work provides a better understanding of biological and technical elements of SWE. On the basis of our results, new recommendations may be made for the use of SWE in clinical practice. From our clinical findings, we developed a new quantitative parameter, which may be useful for the diagnosis of breast lesions, the non-linear modulus
Svída, David. "Snižování vibrací a akustických emisí pohonných jednotek aplikací virtuálního motoru". Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2011.
Pełny tekst źródłaKaya, Mustafa. "A Study On The Stress-strain Behavior Of Railroad Ballast Materials By Use Of Parallel Gradation Technique". Phd thesis, METU, 2004.
Pełny tekst źródławhereas that of only 35 kPa is used to characterize the accumulated plastic strain. The angle of internal friction, f, and the apparent cohesion, c, may be conservatively taken to be 42o and 35 kPa for all materials. The elastic moduli values for all materials may be predicted within an adequate estimate for the engineering purposes by using the power law parameters, K and n, determined for L-9.5 (D50 = 12.7 mm), the coarsest gradation tested for limestone. K with a reference pressure, pr = 1 kPa and n values for L-9.5, respectively, are 4365 and 0.636 for initial
8511 and 0.419 for secant
25704 and 0.430 for unloading-reloading elastic moduli. The unloading-reloading moduli increased, as the number of cycles increased. An increase in unloading-reloading modulus at N = 20 obtained was roughly 15% for scaled-down limestone
10% for the basalt
and 5% for the steel-slag. The plastic strain after first cycle, &
1, and the plastic strain coefficient, C can be represented as a function of mean particle size for each material type. For the limestone, basalt and steel-slag prototype size, D50 = 45 mm, &
1 values of 0.59, 0.43 and 0.75 and C values of 0.54, 1.42 and 0.74 are predicted, respectively.
Muhmood, Luckman. "Investigations of thermophysical properties of slags with focus on slag-metal interface". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Materialens processvetenskap, 2010.
Pełny tekst źródłaQC 20101130
Anderson, Fredrik. "Rheological changes at the air-liquid interface and examining different kind of magnetic needles". Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Avdelningen för kemiteknik, 2015.
Pełny tekst źródłaHuvudmålet med detta arbete var att lära sig hur instrumentet ytskiktsreometern (ISR400) fungerade och undersöka hur de reologiska egenskaperna, elasticitetsmodulen G' och viskositetsmodulen G'', kommer att förändras när det sker en förändring för yttrycket vid gränsskiktet mellan luft och vätska. Det sekundära målet var att undersöka vilken typ av magnetiska nålar som är bäst att använda för respektive gränsskiktssystem. Av att använda den tyngre nålen med massan 70.6 mg och längden 50 mm kunde man dra slutsatsen att den är bäst att använda för system där de viskösa och elastiska komponenterna är signifikant stora, där nålens tröghet inte är dominant. Den fungerade även att mäta med i ett fosfolipidsystem. I experimentet med 12-hydroxy-stearinsyra (HSA) som utfördes på en subfas av NaCl, syntes en klar förbättring efter att byta från en tyngre nål (massa 41.5 mg; längd 51 mm) till en lättare (massa 6.94 mg; längd 34.7 mm). Värdena för dynamiska modulen stämde därför bättre överens med referenslitteraturen. Det utspridda lagret av klass II hydrophobins (HFBII) kunde komprimeras upp till yttrycket 46 mNm-1. Värdena för G' och G'' förkastades därför att monolagret förvandlades till en väldigt viskösliknande vätska, och den oscillerande nålen, efter kompressionen, satt fast i denna tröga vätska och rörde sig väldigt hackigt och oregelbundet under tiden ett frekvenssvep utfördes. Då en jämförelse av olika typer av nålar genomfördes med kiseldioxidpartiklar (10 % (viktsprocent) Bindzil CC30 med pH 3.5), för att se om det är någon skillnad i känslighet för nålarna vid gränssnittet, som bestod av en ren 10 mM NaCl-lösning eller en 10 mM NaCl-lösning med tillsatt BCC30. Skillnaderna var försumbara gällande ytspänningen, men det var en klar skillnad mellan den tunga nålen och den lätta nålen vid oscillering vid höga frekvenser (>≈6 rad/s). I och med detta arbete så har förståelsen för hur ISR400 fungerar förbättrats mycket sedan starten. Flera frågeställningar har behandlats och resultaten ger en bra grund för fortsatta studier inom de många områden som utrustningen kan användas till. Trots projektets tidsbegränsning, och det faktum att instrumentet var nytt och oprövat på platsen där detta arbete utfördes, så prioriterades fokusområden så att goda resultat kunde uppnås inom rimliga mål.