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Artykuły w czasopismach na temat "Racism without race"


Buckner, Elizabeth, Punita Lumb, Zahra Jafarova, Phoebe Kang, Adriana Marroquin i You Zhang. "Diversity without Race". Journal of International Students 11, S1 (21.05.2021): 32–49.

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This article examines how a sample of 62 higher education institutions in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom discuss international students in their official institutionalization strategies, focusing on how ideas of race and diversity are addressed. We find that institutional strategies connect international students to an abstract notion of diversity, using visual images to portray campus environments as inclusive of racial, ethnic and religious diversity. Yet, strategy documents rarely discuss race, racialization, or racism explicitly, despite the fact that most international students in all three countries are non-white. Moreover, racial injustice is externalized as a global issue and racial diversity is instrumentalized as a source of improving institutional reputation or diversity metrics. We argue that a first step to creating more inclusive and anti-racist campuses is to acknowledge international students’ racial identities and experiences with racism in official discourses and strategies.
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Engerman, Stanley. "Slavery without Racism, Racism without Slavery". Journal of Global Slavery 5, nr 3 (22.10.2020): 322–56.

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Abstract This article surveys several problems related to the links between slavery and racism, and the frequency of both racism without slavery and slavery without racism. Slavery clearly existed prior to the emergence of racism, scientific or otherwis, and unlike in recent centuries, the enslaved were not always peoples of different color. The linking of race and slavery, with race as the defining characteristic of the enslaved, came mainly after the settlement of the Americas with the transatlantic slave trade from Africa. Indeed, the debate continues on whether racism led to slavery (as argued for colonial America) or whether slavery gave rise to a coherent racism to justify enslavement of others. Racism may be used to justify the harsh treatment of others, or it may simply reflect mainly a belief that some differences among groups exist and race provides the interpretation of why such differences exist. Presumably then, awareness of perceived or argued for racial differences could exist without the imposition of differential treatments, despite the role racial beliefs might play in social organization.
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Burhoff, Hanna Maria. "School Without Racism? How White Teachers in Germany Practice Anti-Racialism". Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography 11, nr 3 (28.11.2021): 3–20.

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This qualitative study investigates how white teachers at a German Catholic comprehensive school conceptualize issues of “race” and racism in the context of being a “School without Racism – School with Courage” (SOR-SMC). By collecting signatures and exhibiting yearly projects, more than 3,300 schools in Germany brand their school to be “without racism”. I found the branding of my researched school to be a form of “anti-racialism” that opposed “race” and racism as concepts but did not tackle any underlying racist structures (Goldberg 2009, 10). The teachers I interviewed took the SOR-SMC branding for granted and assumed that the school was racism-free. They thereby engaged in silent racism and reproduced racist connotations and structures without challenging them (Trepagnier 2001). Being anti -racist is not accomplished by declaring a school as racism-free. Instead, white teachers need to understand that anti-racism involves a deeper engagement with the structures that keep “racial” inequality in place (Goldberg 2009, 10).
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Pérez, Raúl. "Racism without Hatred? Racist Humor and the Myth of “Colorblindness”". Sociological Perspectives 60, nr 5 (2.08.2017): 956–74.

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Critical Race scholars contend that the current period of “race relations” is dominated by a “color-blind” racial ideology. Scholars maintain that although individuals continue to hold conventional racial views, today people tend to minimize overt racial discourse and direct racial language in public to avoid the stigma of racism. This essay identifies racist humor as a discourse that challenges such constraints on public racist discourse, often derided as “political correctness,” in ways that reinforce everyday and systemic forms of racism in an ostensibly color-blind society. While humor research generally highlights the “positive” aspects of social humor and celebrates the possibilities of humor to challenge and subvert dominant racial meanings, the “negative” aspects of racist humor are often overlooked, downplayed, or are viewed as extreme and fringe incidents that occur at the periphery of mainstream society. Moreover, race scholars have largely ignored the role of humor as a “serious” site for the reproduction and circulation of racism in society. I contend that in a post-civil-rights and color-blind society, where overt racist discourse became disavowed in public, racist humor allows interlocutors to foster social relations by partaking in the “forbidden fruit” of racist discourse. In this article, I highlight the (re)circulation of racist jokes across three social contexts (in mass market joke books, on the Internet, and in the criminal justice system), to illustrate that racist humor exists not in a bygone past or at the margins of society but is widely practiced and circulated today across various social contexts and institutions in an ostensibly color-blind society.
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Marks, J. "Making Race Without Racism?" Science 337, nr 6099 (6.09.2012): 1174–75.

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Hervik, Peter. "Race, ”race”, racialisering, racisme og nyracisme". Dansk Sociologi 26, nr 1 (17.02.2015): 29–50.

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Studiet af racisme og racialisering i Danmark er komplekst og behæftet med stærke moralske og politiske interesser og følelser. Ofte omtales racisme og race uden reference til den foreliggende litteratur og betydningsfulde historiske erfaringer og uden inddragelse af de oplevelser, som især synlige minoriteter og danske statsborgere med ikke-vestlig oprindelse har med racistisk tænkning. I denne artikel fører jeg centrale aspekter ved racisme ind i en nutidig faglig diskussion. Jeg stiller en række vigtige spørgsmål og leverer robuste redskaber til at undersøge, hvornår en begivenhed, en trend eller rutine udgør racisme i en akademisk funderet analyse. I artiklen argumenterer jeg for, at analysen i hvert enkelt tilfælde må hvile på en analyse af den specifikke handling. Artiklen er skrevet på baggrund af min forskning i Danmark i de sidste to årtier og diskuterer begreberne race, ”race”, racialisering, racisme og nyracisme. Den fremlægger desuden litteratur og historiske erfaringer, som jeg mener bør inddrages i en sund, kritisk dialog om racisme i Danmark baseret på et sociologisk og antropologisk fundament. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Peter Hervik: Race, ”Race”, Racialization, Racism and Neo-Racism The study of racism and racialization in Denmark is a complex affair encumbered with strong moral and political interests. Often the concepts of racism and race are used without reference to the relevant academic literature or significant historical experiences. Much of the writing does not include the experiences of visible minorities and Danish citizens with a non-Western origin. In this article, I deal with a number of important issues of racism and provide enduring tools for investigating whether an incident, a trend or routine constitutes racism in a research based analysis. One of the arguments of this article is that each case in question must be analyzed as a specific historical act. The article is based on two decades of research in Denmark and employs this research to discuss the concepts of race, ”race”, racialization, racism and neo-racism. It also presents literary and historical experiences that, in my opinion, must be included for a healthy, critical dialogue about racism in Denmark based on a sociological and anthropological foundation. Keywords: racialisation, neoracism, racism, neonationalism, cultural war, incompatibility.
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Garner, S. "Ireland: From Racism without "Race" to Racism without Racists". Radical History Review 2009, nr 104 (1.04.2009): 41–56.

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Dirlik, Arif. "Race Talk, Race, and Contemporary Racism". PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 123, nr 5 (październik 2008): 1363–79.

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How do we talk about racism, which we must, given its pervasiveness, without erasing significant changes that distinguish the present from the past and, even more important, without contributing to further racialization of the language of social and cultural analysis—and, by implication, to racist discourses? Much has changed over the last half century in the consciousness of racism and in efforts to overcome it. It is obscurantist to overlook these changes and speak of racism today as if it were the racism of earlier times. On the other hand, recent decades have witnessed the globalization of racism, the racialization of social categories, and the proliferation of race talk, which contributes to the reification of race. This article seeks to evaluate the ways in which race talk finds expression in discourses of political economy, labor migration, biogenetics, and neoliberal attacks on the idea of the social, as well as in putatively antiracist arguments in cultural and postcolonial studies that nevertheless contribute to the pervasiveness of race talk. It suggests that contemporary issues of race are best grasped within a condition of global modernity and sees in the restoration of the social a precondition for overcoming political and cultural racialization.
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Velayutham, Selvaraj. "Races without Racism?: everyday race relations in Singapore". Identities 24, nr 4 (25.06.2016): 455–73.

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Wetzel, Melissa Mosley, Annie Daly, Kira LeeKeenan i Natalie Sue Svrcek. "Coaching Using Racial Literacy in Preservice Teacher Education". Journal of Literacy Research 53, nr 4 (28.10.2021): 539–62.

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Drawing on a theoretical framework that centers race, racism, and anti-racism, this study explores a coaching conference in preservice literacy teacher education. In classrooms, teachers often encounter disruptions in the community; however, those disruptions are often seen as problems to be solved and are addressed without interrogating race discourses. This study builds on previous research that has explored how teachers engage in developing understandings about race in relation to their practice using discursive tools of racial literacy. We ask, How do three White teachers draw on race discourses that are racist and anti-racist within the context of one coaching event, a post-conference? Using critical discourse analysis, we describe and interpret how race discourses were drawn upon and disrupted in the conference. We conclude with a discussion of the racial literacy practices that have promise in this coaching context and in other professional settings.
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Rozprawy doktorskie na temat "Racism without race"


Degawa, Masami. "Racism without race?, the case of Japan's invisible group". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.

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Edgecombe, Ronald William Bramwell. "Running the race without racism ministering to the French migrating to the lower mainland of B.C. /". Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1987.

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Mbe, Elepi Ernest. "Le mouvement identitaire en République fédérale d'Allemagne (2012-2019)". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2024.

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Cette thèse porte sur une formation politique allemande dénommée Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland (mouvement identitaire en Allemagne), aussi connue sous le nom d'IBD. L'IBD est un groupuscule fondé en octobre 2012, mais qui s'est véritablement fait connaître en Allemagne durant l'été 2016, grâce à une action spectaculaire menée à Berlin, à la Porte de Brandebourg, un lieu emblématique de la ville. Ses fondateurs se sont inspirés de Génération identitaire, ce groupuscule français se réclamant de la Nouvelle Droite, fondé lui aussi en 2012, et dissout en 2021 par le gouvernement français. L'IBD rassemble des jeunes Allemand.e.s, lesquel.le.s se présentent comme une jeunesse sans arrière plan migratoire déterminée à se battre pour la préservation de l'identité ethnoculturelle des peuples européens. Ses membres rejettent, entre autres, l'islam et ce qu'ils appellent immigration massive, sont très actifs sur internet et les réseaux sociaux, mais aussi dans la rue. Ils tentent par divers moyens de diffuser leurs idées dans la société allemande et d'amener la population autochtone à se rallier à leur cause. Cette étude, qui s'appuie sur des sources et une méthodologie variées, tente d'apporter des éléments de réponse à trois questions centrales, celles de savoir si l'IBD est une organisation raciste, s'il s'agit d'un groupuscule xénophobe et si ce groupuscule représente une menace pour la cohabitation, sur le sol allemand et plus largement européen, entre les populations européennes « de souche » et les populations issues de l'immigration extra-européenne. L'étude analyse le groupuscule sous différents angles. Elle porte la focale sur sa genèse, son évolution dans le temps, ses acteurs et ses réseaux. Elle expose par ailleurs son idéologie, sa manière de communiquer, ses stratégies discursives et son pouvoir de nuisance. Enfin, un dernier volet du travail fait la part belle aux stratégies mises en oeuvre en République fédérale d'Allemagne pour le combattre
This thesis deals with a german political group called Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland (Identitarian movement Germany), also known as IBD. It is a very small group founded in October 2012, but which really made a name for itself in Germany in the summer of 2016, thanks to a spectacular action carried out in Berlin, at the Brandenburg Gate, an emblematic place in the city. Its founders were inspired by Génération identitaire, a French group claiming to be part of the New Right, also founded in 2012 and dissolved in 2021 by the French government. The IBD gathers young Germans together who present themselves as young people without migration background and who are determined to fight for the preservation of the ethno-cultural identity of the European peoples. Its members reject, among other things, Islam and what the call mass immigration and are very active on the internet and social networks, as well as on the streets. They use a variety of means to spread their ideas in German society and to rally the native population around their goal. This study draws on various sources and methodologies and attempts to provide answers to three central questions : Is the IBD a racist organisation ? Is it a xenophobic group ? Does the group represent a threat to the coexistence, in Germany and more widely in Europe, between native Europeans and people from non-European countries ? In this thesis the group is analysed from different angles. The focus is on its genesis, its development over the time, its players and its networks. The ideology of the group, its communication style, its discursive strategies and its power to cause harm are also outlined. A final section deals with the strategies implemented in the Federal Republic of Germany to fight the group
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Harrison, Jullian. "PUSHED WITHOUT DIRECTION: Privileged Problems and the Configuration of Class and Race. How Latent Class Differences, Supported Through Racial Inequities, Maintain the Achievement Gap for Upper Class Black Students". VCU Scholars Compass, 2016.

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Scholars for decades have studied the achievement gap and attempted to explain it in regards to race and class. Throughout the existing literature regarding the achievement gap between black and white students, however, there is a dearth of research exploring why the gap exists for upper-class black students; this population is largely ignored. This research seeks to explain why an achievement gap exists between white and black students who come from households of similar incomes. Ten students (five white and five black gradates) of a private, non-parochial school in Washington DC are interviewed about high school and post-high school experiences. Using cultural capital and labeling theory frameworks, this study follows the work of Billings (2011), Pattillo-McCoy (2000), Lacy (2007), and Khan (2011) in their focus on black students, cultural capital, and embodied privilege, and builds on that of Lensmire (2012), Dixon-Roman 2014, Orr (2003) Adams (2010) and Tyson et al. (2005). Results uncover the uniquely complex configuration of class and race. Latent issues as a result of race can arise, and the research illustrates how they affect the achievement ideology and attainment of both black and white students. This study’s findings suggest that two mechanisms shape the achievement gap: academic support and social interactions and interpretations, with the former rooted largely in class differences and the latter rooted in racial differences. This study aims to improve our understanding of the distinct role race and class play in influencing educational and professional outcomes from upper-class backgrounds.
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Książki na temat "Racism without race"


Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. Racism without racists: Color-blind racism and racial inequality in contemporary America. Wyd. 3. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010.

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Ginzberg, Effie. Power without responsibility: The press we don't deserve : a qualitative content study. Toronto: Urban Alliance on Race Relations, 1987.

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Ginzberg, Effie. Power without responsibility: The press we don't deserve : a qualitative content study. Toronto: Urban Alliance on Race Relations, 1985.

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Dower, John W. War without mercy: Race and power in the Pacific war. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986.

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1954-, Allen James, red. Without sanctuary: Lynching photography in America. Santa Fe, N.M: Twin Palms, 2000.

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James, Allen, red. Without sanctuary: Lynching photography in America. [Santa Fe, New Mexico]: Twin Palms, 2000.

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1947-, Reed Adolph L., red. Without justice for all: The new liberalism and our retreat from racial equality. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 1999.

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Garza, Hedda. Without regard to race: The integration of the U.S. military after World War II. New York: Franklin Watts, 1995.

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Cooper, Mary H. Racial quotas: Can there be affirmative action without special preferences? Washington, D.C: Congressional Quarterly, 1991.

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Shorten, Lynda. Without Reserve: Stories from Urban Natives. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1991.

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Części książek na temat "Racism without race"


Elseewi, Tarik Ahmed. "Zombies, Muslims, and Politics: Racism Without Race in Contemporary America". W The Myth of Colorblindness, 195–213. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Fiorelli, Julie A. "Against “a Place Without History”: Contemporary Racism and Utopian Dynamism in Mat Johnson’s Pym". W Race and Utopian Desire in American Literature and Society, 221–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Helakorpi, Jenni, Gunilla Holm i Xiaoxu Liu. "Education of Pupils with Migrant Backgrounds: A Systemic Failure in the Finnish System?" W Finland’s Famous Education System, 319–33. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractThis chapter discusses the structural issues and mechanisms behind the lower academic performance and poorer health of the pupils categorised as “pupils with migrant background” compared to other pupils in Finnish schools. In PISA 2018 migrant pupils were almost three years behind other pupils in literacy and pupils with a migrant background about two years behind. Finland has the largest gap in the OECD between migrant and migrant background students and non-migrant students in literacy. Not only do migrant students and students with migrant background perform more poorly, but they are also bullied more in school. We base our analysis on critical race and whiteness theories and also lean on theoretical constructs from intersectionality research. We have treated the findings of inequalities between pupils with and without a migrant background as symptoms of a systemic failure not of failing students, families or teachers. In order to understand the failure of educating pupils with migrant background well, an analysis of structural racism and an intersectional analysis of race, racialisation, whiteness, gender and social class in Finnish school and society are needed.
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Hochman, Adam. "Racial classification without race: Edwards' fallacy". W Remapping Race in a Global Context, 74–91. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Trott, Emma. "A Change of Heart: Animality, Power, and Black Posthuman Enhancement in Malorie Blackman’s Pig-Heart Boy". W Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature, 217–38. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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AbstractAs cardiac xenotransplantation moves from labs into hospitals, this chapter asks what Malorie Blackman’s young adult novel Pig-Heart Boy reveals about power, race, and identity in relation to the experimental therapy. Common heart metaphors are analyzed to ask how the xenograft shapes the teenage protagonist’s developing selfhood, challenges species boundaries, and conceptualizes a move to the posthuman. While a greater appreciation of biological correspondences between creatures has the potential to challenge anthropocentrism, this can be disrupted by power imbalance, producing not empathy but the development of bioresources. Pig-Heart Boy’s protagonist is a Black British boy who understands that power is inherent to ethical debates about xenotransplantation, and he draws parallels between racism and speciesism. While the novel’s opportunities to fully critique shared power structures are not taken, this chapter suggests that this Black child’s agency in choosing to be the first to receive cutting-edge treatment reimagines histories of abusive experiments on Black bodies and positively speculates on a society without structural health inequities. Acknowledging the complexities in Black posthumanism, this chapter argues that Pig-Heart Boy shows the potential for Black enhancement within posthumanist futures.
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Sommer, Marianne. "13. The Reaffirmation of the Polygenist ‘Tree’". W The Diagrammatics of ‘Race’, 177–90. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2024.

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This did not mean the end of diagrams for ‘racial distancing’ and ‘racial hierarchies’, however. The influential British anthropologist, Arthur Keith, for example, in exchange with colleagues like Earnest Hooton and Reginald Ruggles Gates, suggested in the middle of the twentieth century that the branches leading to the modern human ‘races’ extended millions of years back in time and stocked them with different (postulated) fossil genera, without the assumption of gene transfer between the lines. Such diagrams were only topped by views that phylogenetically aligned modern human groups with different nonhuman primate lines. Chapter 13 engages with some of the scientific and political issues associated with this trend, also drawing attention to the ways in which, in circulation, diagrams could change their meanings.
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"Anti-White Racism without Races:". W Race on Display in 20th- and 21st Century France, 120–53. Liverpool University Press, 2016.

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Knox, Katelyn E. "Anti-White Racism without Races". W Race on Display in 20th- and 21st Century France, 120–53. Liverpool University Press, 2016.

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Gent, Whitney, i Melanie Loehwing. "Police Brutality Without Race". W Rupturing Rhetoric, 221–38. University Press of Mississippi, 2024.

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This chapter examines The Public, a 2019 film by Emilio Estevez, as a case study in the rhetorical shortcomings of postracial narratives. Although Estevez intended the film as a tribute to public libraries and their role in fostering inclusion and community, the narrative ultimately fails to address the racial inequities central to its subject matter. It highlights The Public's silence on race, which reflects a broader trend of postracial rhetoric that suppresses explicit discussions of racism. The chapter explores how this omission is tied to the film's reliance on an enthymematic structure, where key premises about race are left unstated. It notes how Estevez's approach undermines the film's potential to advocate for antiracist action, as it preaches to those already aware of racial disparities while failing to persuade those who most need to understand them.
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"Doing without race: racism, discrimination and realistic measurement". W Realism and Racism, 145–63. Routledge, 2002.

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Streszczenia konferencji na temat "Racism without race"


Verma, Ajay Kumar, i Parveen Kumar Saini. "Analysis of Vibration Model to Study the Effect of Defect Sizes and Load on Stiffness, Contact Deformation, and Contact Force Variation in Deep Groove Ball Bearing". W 2024 8th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences & 2024 8th International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing, 79–86. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2024.

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In this paper, the vibration model has been suggested to study the local defects in the deep groove ball-bearing system. MATLAB is used to solve the equations governing the bearing system to simulate its vibration signals. The vibration model of the deep groove ball bearing system is constructed and takes into account the masses of the housing, balls, races, and shaft in addition to the damping at the ball-race interface and different-sized race defects. The effect of different defect sizes on the measured load distribution has been analyzed and discussed. The contact deformation and load distribution for a fault-free bearing system as well as for faults with βball=50 and 400 circumferential extents are measured and displayed for interpretation. Due to de-stressing and losing all or some of its ability to support a load, the load that a ball placed inside the defect zone previously carried has been split between the balls outside of the defect region. This implies that balls lose all or part of their load-bearing capacity when they are positioned in the defect zone, increasing the static loading on the raceway sections without any defects. Moreover, it is seen that the radial clearance, applied load, and defect shape all significantly affect the load redistribution that follows the loss of load-bearing capacity.
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Kempf, Arlo. "Implicit Race Bias Work in Education Is a Nonstarter Without Addressing Systemic Racism". W 2021 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington DC: AERA, 2021.

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Grigg, Kaine, i Lenore Manderson. "The Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES): Measuring Racism in Australia". W International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology Congress. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2016.

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No existing scale has been designed for, and validated in, the Australian context which can objectively evaluate the levels of general racist attitudes in Australian individuals or groups. Existing Australian measures of racist attitudes focus on single groups or have not been validated across the lifespan. Without suitable instruments, racism reduction programs implemented in Australia cannot be appropriately evaluated and so cannot be judged to be making a meaningful difference to the attitudes of the participants. To address the need for a general measure of racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious acceptance, an Australian scale was developed and validated for use with children, adolescents, and adults. The Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES) is a 34-item self-report instrument measuring explicit racist attitudes, consisting of three interdependent subscales (Accepting Attitudes – 12 items; Racist Attitudes – 8 items; Ethnocentric Attitudes – 4 items) and a 10-item measure of social desirability. The current chapter summarises the mixed methods approach to the development and evaluation of the novel scale, and reports on the reliability and validity data for children, adolescents, and adults from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds around Australia. The results of examinations of psychometric properties, including latent structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and predictive validity, are discussed. Utilised analytical techniques include qualitative thematic analysis of interviews and focus groups, unidimensional and multidimensional Rasch (Item Response Theory) analyses, and various Classical Test Theory analyses.
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Dervin, Fred. "Rants Against Multiculturalism Caught on Camera in Britain: Racism Without Races?" W Debating Multiculturalism 2. Dialogue Society, 2012.

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Heydari, Ali, Pardeep Shahi, Vahideh Radmard, Bahareh Eslami, Uschas Chowdhury, Akiilessh Sivakumar, Akshay Lakshminarayana i in. "Experimental Study of Transient Hydraulic Characteristics for Liquid Cooled Data Center Deployment". W ASME 2022 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract Increasing demands for cloud-based computing and storage, Internet-of-Things, and machine learning-based applications have necessitated the utilization of more efficient cooling technologies. Direct-to-chip liquid cooling using cold plates has proven to be one of the most efficient methods to dissipate the high heat fluxes of modern high-power CPUs and GPUs. While the published literature has well-documented research on the thermal aspects of direct liquid cooling, a detailed account of transient hydraulic investigation is still missing. In this experiment, a total of four 52U racks with four high-power TTV-servers (Thermal Test Vehicles) in each rack were designed and deployed. Each server consists of eight GPU TTVs and six NV switch heaters. Each of the two racks has a different vendor rack manifold and cooling loop modules (CLM). A 450 kW coolant distribution unit (CDU) is used to supply 25% propylene glycol coolant to these racks. Each rack has its own rack-level flow control valve to maintain the same flow rate. The present study provides an in-depth analysis of hydraulic transients when rack-level flow control valves are used with and without flow control. The operating conditions of the CDU are varied for different parameters, such as a constant flow rate, constant differential pressure, and constant pump speed. Furthermore, hydraulic transient is examined when the cooling loop modules are decommissioned from the rack one by one. The effect of this step-by-step decommissioning is assessed on the CDU operation and other racks. The pressure drop-based control strategy has been developed to maintain the same flow rate in the remaining servers in the rack when some cooling loop modules are decommissioned.
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Takaki, Yu, Katsuhiko Taniguchi, Junichi Kishimoto, Akihisa Iwasaki, Yoshitsugu Nekomoto, Tohru Kuga i Masashi Kameyama. "Seismic Design of Free Standing Racks in Japanese Nuclear Power Plants". W ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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The free standing racks are spent fuel storage racks with self-sustained structure without fixation to the pit floor or pit walls. If a free standing rack receives a force to move it due to an earthquake, the force acting on each member of the rack is reduced in compared to the floor-anchored racks owing to sliding of the free standing rack. Now it is planned to exchange the existing floor-anchored racks with the free standing racks to secure higher seismic resistance. In previous studies, efforts were made to establish a behavior analysis model that allows for evaluation of sliding and rocking behaviors of free standing racks and to make out a seismic design method based on an evaluation technique to evaluate, in a conservative manner, vibration test results of full-scale free standing racks. The free standing racks which consist of connected eight racks are designed with this seismic design method. It was confirmed that the free standing racks have enough seismic resistance by performing evaluation using the basic seismic motion and making an analysis on beyond the design event.
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Wagner, Matthew J., Nelson H. Forster, Kenneth W. Van Treuren i David T. Gerardi. "Vapor Phase Lubrication for Expendable Gas Turbine Engines". W ASME 1999 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999.

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Vapor Phase Lubrication (VPL) is an emerging technology that is currently targeted for application in limited life, expendable engines. It has the potential to cut 90% of the cost and weight of the lubrication system, when compared to a conventional liquid lubricated system. VPL is effective at much higher temperatures than conventional liquid lubrication (600°C vs. 200°C), so considerably less cooling for the bearing is required, to the extent that the bearing materials often dictate the maximum upper temperature for its use. The hot #8 bearing and the cold #1 bearing of the T63 engine were used to evaluate the applicability of this technology to the expendable engine environment. The #8 bearing was a custom made hybrid with T15 steel races, silicon nitride balls, and a carbon-carbon composite cage; it was run for 10.7 hours at a race temperature of 450°C at full power, without incident. Prior to engine tests, a bearing rig test of the #8 bearing demonstrated an 18.6-hour life at a race temperature of 500°C at engine full power speed of 50,000 rpm. Cold bearing performance was tested with the standard #1 bearing, which consisted of 52100 steel races and bails, and a bronze cage; it was run for 7.5 hours at a race temperature of 34°C at flight idle power, without incident. A self-contained lubricant misting system, running off compressor bleed air, provided lubricant at flow rates of 7–25 ml/hr, depending on engine operating conditions. These tests have demonstrated for the first time, that a single self-contained VPL system can provide adequate lubrication to both the hot and cold bearings for the required life of an expendable cruise missile engine.
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Wang, Jing, Brian Archambault, Yiban Xu i Rusi P. Taleyarkhan. "Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Resonant Acoustic Chambers: For Novel, High-Efficiency Nuclear Particle Detectors". W 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Acoustic-structural-electromagnetic coupled models have been successfully set up for Resonant Acoustic Chambers (RACs) which have important applications in radiation detection, sonoluminescence and sonofusion; the goal being to simulate transient acoustically driven metastable states and structural responses so that the designs of RACs can be optimized for advanced applications. The simulation predictions have been benchmarked with experimental data in two designs of RACs, Open Chamber System (OCS) and Closed Chamber System (CCS). A framework was developed for benchmarking and validating the predicted resonant frequency and oscillatory pressure mapping profiles with and without scattering centers. Experiments were conducted with and without external neutron-induced cavitation bubble clusters. Comparison of measurements versus experimental data demonstrated the applicability of the modeling-cum-simulation framework. Studies have provided insights into the significant and complex influences of fluid-structure-electromagnetic coupling and on the influence of scattering center inclusions on the system’s acoustic responses. The framework appears reasonable for design of advanced, high-powered RACs; however, significant technical challenges remain for capturing the overall system performance upon evolution and transport of transient bubble clusters.
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Iyengar, Madhusudan, Roger Schmidt, Arun Sharma, Gerard McVicker, Saurabh Shrivastava, Sri Sri-Jayantha, Yasuo Amemiya, Hien Dang, Timothy Chainer i Bahgat Sammakia. "Thermal Characterization of Non-Raised Floor Air Cooled Data Centers Using Numerical Modeling". W ASME 2005 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems collocated with the ASME 2005 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Data center equipment almost always represents a high expenditure capital investment to the customer, and is often operated without any down time. Data com equipment is typically designed to operate at a rack air inlet temperature of between 10 and 35°C, and a violation of this specification can diminish electronic device reliability and even lead to failure in the field. Thus, it is of paramount importance, from a reliability perspective, to sufficiently understand these systems. A representative non-raised floor data center system was numerically modeled and the data generated from a parametric study was analyzed. The model constitutes a half symmetry section of a 40 rack data center that is arranged in a cold aisle-hot aisle fashion. The effect of several input variables, namely, rack heat load, rack flow rate, rack temperature rise, diffuser flow rate, diffuser location, diffuser height, diffuser pitch, ceiling height, hot exhaust air return vent location, and non-uniformity in rack heat load, was studied. Temperature data was collected at several locations at the inlet to the racks. Statistical analysis was carried out to describe trends in the data.
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Emmons, Shawn, Chris Boggs i Mehdi Ahmadian. "Parametric Modeling of a Highly-Adjustable Race Damper". W ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2006.

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As sanctioning bodies impose more restrictions on the number of days race teams are allowed to test, the successful use of component models and simulation becomes the division between a winning team, and all the rest. One of the main components race teams use to adjust the handling characteristics of their racecar is the damper. Damper adjustments allow the team to control body attitude, maximize the grip of the tires and fine-tune the car for driver feel. During track testing, teams make multiple damper adjustments based on the dampers they have characterized on their dynamometers back at the shop. To help expedite this process, a damper model is developed so a large range of adjustments can be quickly characterized without having to rebuild the damper and then run each adjustment on the dynamometer. This paper considers modeling of a highly-adjustable race damper made by Penske Racing Shocks for the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series. In addition to flow through piston bleed orifices, and valves in the piston, as considered in previous models, this model also considers flows through a head valve. With the completed model, a parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of varying different damper parameters. The results of this study will show the effects various parameters have on the damper's output force. The final model will not only allow race teams to see the results of a damper adjustment, but will also aid in damper design and give an improved damper model for vehicle simulation.
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Raporty organizacyjne na temat "Racism without race"


Tipton, Kelley, Brian F. Leas, Emilia Flores, Christopher Jepson, Jaya Aysola, Jordana Cohen, Michael Harhay i in. Impact of Healthcare Algorithms on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and Healthcare. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), grudzień 2023.

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Objectives. To examine the evidence on whether and how healthcare algorithms (including algorithm-informed decision tools) exacerbate, perpetuate, or reduce racial and ethnic disparities in access to healthcare, quality of care, and health outcomes, and examine strategies that mitigate racial and ethnic bias in the development and use of algorithms. Data sources. We searched published and grey literature for relevant studies published between January 2011 and February 2023. Based on expert guidance, we determined that earlier articles are unlikely to reflect current algorithms. We also hand-searched reference lists of relevant studies and reviewed suggestions from experts and stakeholders. Review methods. Searches identified 11,500 unique records. Using predefined criteria and dual review, we screened and selected studies to assess one or both Key Questions (KQs): (1) the effect of algorithms on racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare outcomes and (2) the effect of strategies or approaches to mitigate racial and ethnic bias in the development, validation, dissemination, and implementation of algorithms. Outcomes of interest included access to healthcare, quality of care, and health outcomes. We assessed studies’ methodologic risk of bias (ROB) using the ROBINS-I tool and piloted an appraisal supplement to assess racial and ethnic equity-related ROB. We completed a narrative synthesis and cataloged study characteristics and outcome data. We also examined four Contextual Questions (CQs) designed to explore the context and capture insights on practical aspects of potential algorithmic bias. CQ 1 examines the problem’s scope within healthcare. CQ 2 describes recently emerging standards and guidance on how racial and ethnic bias can be prevented or mitigated during algorithm development and deployment. CQ 3 explores stakeholder awareness and perspectives about the interaction of algorithms and racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare. We addressed these CQs through supplemental literature reviews and conversations with experts and key stakeholders. For CQ 4, we conducted an in-depth analysis of a sample of six algorithms that have not been widely evaluated before in the published literature to better understand how their design and implementation might contribute to disparities. Results. Fifty-eight studies met inclusion criteria, of which three were included for both KQs. One study was a randomized controlled trial, and all others used cohort, pre-post, or modeling approaches. The studies included numerous types of clinical assessments: need for intensive care or high-risk care management; measurement of kidney or lung function; suitability for kidney or lung transplant; risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, lung cancer, prostate cancer, postpartum depression, or opioid misuse; and warfarin dosing. We found evidence suggesting that algorithms may: (a) reduce disparities (i.e., revised Kidney Allocation System, prostate cancer screening tools); (b) perpetuate or exacerbate disparities (e.g., estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] for kidney function measurement, cardiovascular disease risk assessments); and/or (c) have no effect on racial or ethnic disparities. Algorithms for which mitigation strategies were identified are included in KQ 2. We identified six types of strategies often used to mitigate the potential of algorithms to contribute to disparities: removing an input variable; replacing a variable; adding one or more variables; changing or diversifying the racial and ethnic composition of the patient population used to train or validate a model; creating separate algorithms or thresholds for different populations; and modifying the statistical or analytic techniques used by an algorithm. Most mitigation efforts improved proximal outcomes (e.g., algorithmic calibration) for targeted populations, but it is more challenging to infer or extrapolate effects on longer term outcomes, such as racial and ethnic disparities. The scope of racial and ethnic bias related to algorithms and their application is difficult to quantify, but it clearly extends across the spectrum of medicine. Regulatory, professional, and corporate stakeholders are undertaking numerous efforts to develop standards for algorithms, often emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability, and representativeness. Conclusions. Algorithms have been shown to potentially perpetuate, exacerbate, and sometimes reduce racial and ethnic disparities. Disparities were reduced when race and ethnicity were incorporated into an algorithm to intentionally tackle known racial and ethnic disparities in resource allocation (e.g., kidney transplant allocation) or disparities in care (e.g., prostate cancer screening that historically led to Black men receiving more low-yield biopsies). It is important to note that in such cases the rationale for using race and ethnicity was clearly delineated and did not conflate race and ethnicity with ancestry and/or genetic predisposition. However, when algorithms include race and ethnicity without clear rationale, they may perpetuate the incorrect notion that race is a biologic construct and contribute to disparities. Finally, some algorithms may reduce or perpetuate disparities without containing race and ethnicity as an input. Several modeling studies showed that applying algorithms out of context of original development (e.g., illness severity scores used for crisis standards of care) could perpetuate or exacerbate disparities. On the other hand, algorithms may also reduce disparities by standardizing care and reducing opportunities for implicit bias (e.g., Lung Allocation Score for lung transplantation). Several mitigation strategies have been shown to potentially reduce the contribution of algorithms to racial and ethnic disparities. Results of mitigation efforts are highly context specific, relating to unique combinations of algorithm, clinical condition, population, setting, and outcomes. Important future steps include increasing transparency in algorithm development and implementation, increasing diversity of research and leadership teams, engaging diverse patient and community groups in the development to implementation lifecycle, promoting stakeholder awareness (including patients) of potential algorithmic risk, and investing in further research to assess the real-world effect of algorithms on racial and ethnic disparities before widespread implementation.
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van Oosten, Sanne. The Importance of In-group Favoritism in Explaining Voting for PRRPs: A Study of Minority and Majority Groups in France, Germany and the Netherlands. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), styczeń 2025.

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The voting behavior of racial and ethnic minorities is a topic that attracts much speculation, with some claiming that racial and ethnic minorities do vote for Populist Radical Right Parties (PRRPs) and some claiming they do not. In the European Union, where saving data on individual’s race and ethnicity is prohibited, it is very difficult to contribute to these conversations with real facts. Do ethnic minorities and majorities tend to vote for PRRP and what explains their (lack of) support? Thanks to a novel yet costly sampling method, I surveyed racial/ethnic minority and majority voters in France, Germany and the Netherlands and asked them about their propensity to vote for Rassemblement National (RN) in France, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Germany, and Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) in the Netherlands. I compare racial/ethnic minority groups, including Muslims, with majority groups and test the mechanisms that might predict their support for PRRPs. My findings indicate Muslims are among the least likely to vote for PRRPs, though the difference with voters without a migration background is only significant in the Netherlands. When testing what explains the propensity to vote for PRRPs, I find that indicators of in-group favoritism usually explain support to larger extent than out-group hate. Though anti-immigration attitudes predict PRRP voting in all three countries, in-group favoritism explanations explain PRRP voting to a slightly stronger extent. In France and Germany, the ethnocentrism scale predicts voting for RN/AfD more than immigration attitudes do. In the Netherlands, feeling accepted as belonging in the Netherlands explains voting for the PVV the most. Amongst Muslim French, German and Dutch voters, in-group favoritism, or the lack thereof, explains voting for PRRPs as well. French Muslims who feel more attached to France are more likely to vote for RN. German Muslims who do not believe in religious freedom for Muslims are more likely to vote for AfD. This also applies to Dutch Muslims, though immigration attitudes also predict voting for the PVV: the more a Dutch Muslim is against immigration, the more likely they are to vote PVV. Generally, this study makes a case for expanding the standard predictors of PRRP voting towards more indicators of in-group favoritism for the majority in-group, while for Muslims PRRP voting is more driven by policy attitudes. Feeling close or distant towards ethnic in- or out-groups does not predict PRRP voting in any of the cases. These findings contribute to our understanding of PRRP voting in Europe. Keywords: Populism, Muslims, race, ethnicity, voting behavior, France, Germany, Netherlands, RN, AfD, PVV.
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Dubcovsky, Jorge, Tzion Fahima i Ann Blechl. Molecular characterization and deployment of the high-temperature adult plant stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 from wheat. United States Department of Agriculture, listopad 2013.

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Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici is one of the most destructive fungal diseases of wheat. Virulent races that appeared within the last decade caused drastic cuts in yields. The incorporation of genetic resistance against this pathogen is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to this problem. However, race specific seedling resistance genes provide only a temporary solution because fungal populations rapidly evolve to overcome this type of resistance. In contrast, high temperature adult plant (HTAP) resistance genes provide a broad spectrum resistance that is partial and more durable. The cloning of the first wheat HTAP stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 (Science 2009, 323:1357), funded by our previous (2007-2010) BARD grant, provided us for the first time with an entry point for understanding the mechanism of broad spectrum resistance. Two paralogous copies of this gene are tightly linked at the Yr36 locus (WKS1 and WKS2). The main objectives of the current study were to characterize the Yr36 (WKS) resistance mechanism and to identify and characterize alternative WKSgenes in wheat and wild relatives. We report here that the protein coded by Yr36, designated WKS1, that has a novel architecture with a functional kinase and a lipid binding START domain, is localized to chloroplast. Our results suggest that the presence of the START domain may affect the kinase activity. We have found that the WKS1 was over-expressed on leaf necrosis in wheat transgenic plants. When the isolated WKS1.1 splice variant transcript was transformed into susceptible wheat it conferred resistance to stripe rust, but the truncated variant WKS1.2 did not confer resistance. WKS1.1 and WKS1.2 showed different lipid binding profiling. WKS1.1 enters the chloroplast membrane, while WKS1.2 is only attached outside of the chloroplast membrane. The ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity of the recombinant protein of TmtAPXwas found to be reduced by WKS1.1 protein in vitro. The WKS1.1 mature protein in the chloroplast is able to phosphorylate TmtAPXprotein in vivo. WKS1.1 induced cell death by suppressing APX activity and reducing the ability of the cell to detoxify reactive oxygen. The decrease of APX activity reduces the ability of the plant to detoxify the reactive H2O2 and is the possible mechanism underlying the accelerated cell death observed in the transgenic plants overexpressing WKS1.1 and in the regions surrounding a stripe rust infection in the wheat plants carrying the natural WKS1.1 gene. WKS2 is a nonfunctional paralog of WKS1 in wild emmer wheat, probably due to a retrotransposon insertion close to the alternative splicing site. In some other wild relatives of wheat, such as Aegilops comosa, there is only one copy of this gene, highly similar to WKS2, which is lucking the retrotransposon insertion. WKS2 gene present in wheat and WKS2-Ae from A. showed a different pattern of alternative splice variants, regardless of the presence of the retrotransposon insertion. Susceptible Bobwhite transformed with WKS2-Ae (without retrotansposon insertion in intron10), which derived from Aegilops comosaconferred resistance to stripe rust in wheat. The expression of WKS2-Ae in transgenic plants is up-regulated by temperature and pathogen infection. Combination of WKS1 and WKS2-Ae shows improved stripe rust resistance in WKS1×WKS2-Ae F1 hybrid plants. The obtained results show that WKS1 protein is accelerating programmed cell death observed in the regions surrounding a stripe rust infection in the wheat plants carrying the natural or transgenic WKS1 gene. Furthermore, characterization of the epistatic interactions of Yr36 and Yr18 demonstrated that these two genes have additive effects and can therefore be combined to increase partial resistance to this devastating pathogen of wheat. These achievements may have a broad impact on wheat breeding efforts attempting to protect wheat yields against one of the most devastating wheat pathogen.
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