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Santos, Rosemary Conceição, João Camilo Santos i José Aparecido Santos. "Psychology of Literature and Literature in Psychology". Temas em Psicologia 26, nr 2 (2018): 781–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.9788/tp2018.2-09en.

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Moghaddam, Fathali M. "From ‘Psychology in Literature’ to ‘Psychology is Literature’". Theory & Psychology 14, nr 4 (sierpień 2004): 505–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959354304044922.

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Aras, Goksen. "Personality and Individual Differences: Literature in Psychology- Psychology in Literature". Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 185 (maj 2015): 250–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.03.452.

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ARZUMANYAN, ARMENUHI, i NAIRA HAKOBYAN. "INTERDISCIPLINARY LINKS: LITERATURE AND PSYCHOLOGY". Main Issues Of Pedagogy And Psychology 15, nr 3 (19.12.2017): 57–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.24234/miopap.v15i3.193.

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Nowadays teaching methodology which undergoes reformations is various and multi- faceted. Teachers should be able to choose the right method of teaching due to the subject-matters and materials. It is important to pay attention on inter-disciplinary relations which help to make the lesson more substantial, productive and learner-oriented. The ties between Literature and Psychology should be applied while studying fiction, where succession of events is more than dramatic and there exist a range of moments and special expressions of emotional state.
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Stodel, Emma J. "Literature Reviews in Sport Psychology". Sport Psychologist 21, nr 2 (czerwiec 2007): 265–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/tsp.21.2.265.

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Lancaster, F. W., K. Konopasek i Tina Owens. "The literature of educational psychology and the literature used by writers in educational psychology". Contemporary Educational Psychology 10, nr 4 (październik 1985): 314–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0361-476x(85)90029-3.

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Wulandari, Anisa Nur, i Yuni Nurhamida. "Factors Causing Aggression Behavior Viewed from Psychology: A Literature Study". International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews 5, nr 7 (lipiec 2024): 2071–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.55248/gengpi.5.0724.1802.

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Lee, Christina, i Neville Owen. "Behavioural Sport Psychology". Behaviour Change 3, nr 2 (czerwiec 1986): 79–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0813483900009207.

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The strong media and public interest in sport psychology has had the unfortunate effect of publicising its sensational aspects, rather than its scientific and professional substance. The articles in this issue of Behaviour Change show that sport psychology does have strong connections with the mainstream of scientific and professional psychology, and that sporting settings provide a substantial and stimulating focus for a behavioural approach. Sport psychology's subject matter has overlaps with clinical psychology and with behavioural health care, there is a large and growing research literature, and issues of accountability and quality control have received considerable attention.
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EMRE, İsmet. "Psychology Sources Of New Turkish Literature". Journal of Turkish Studies Volume 4 Issue 1-1, nr 4 (2009): 319–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/turkishstudies.547.

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Fagan, Thomas K. "The Evolving Literature of School Psychology". School Psychology Review 15, nr 3 (1.09.1986): 430–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02796015.1986.12085245.

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Ayesha Dar. "ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LITERATURE AND PSYCHOLOGY". International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences 4, nr 8 (6.10.2022): 284–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.51594/ijarss.v4i8.382.

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This research paper analyzes the relationship between Literature and Psychology and how they are connected with each other in order to portray the characters more beautifully. Psychology plays a very important role in the literature whether we talk about the one who writes the story or the one who reads it. It makes a strong connection between a writer and a reader. The author is not just influenced by society, he influences society. This study explores the significant role psychology plays in literature, the relationship between these two subjects, and how psychology helps an author to write a piece of literature that is more interesting to read. It also focuses on the different features and elements which the writer chooses to make the story more captivating. The study has been conducted by researching different journals, e-books, books, and websites. Undoubtedly, psychology helps the writers to present the characters successfully, expressing their feelings, moods, emotions, and especially their thoughts and how the different events affect the mental lives of the characters. Some examples are given from different novels for reference that how the characters are portrayed and how deep the author depicts his/ her characters. Keywords: Realism, Stream of Consciousness, Fiction, Psychology, Interior Monologue, Characterization, Literature, Modernism.
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Reppold, Caroline Tozzi, Léia Gonçalves Gurgel i Cecilia Cesa Schiavon. "Research in Positive Psychology: a Systematic Literature Review". Psico-USF 20, nr 2 (sierpień 2015): 275–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1413-82712015200208.

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<p>Positive Psychology focuses on human virtues and strengths, in opposition to traditional Psychology, which, until the end of 90´s, considered mainly issues regarding healing and damage repair. The aim of this study is to present the profile of Brazilian studies in Positive Psychology through a systematic literature review. It was found that studies in Positive Psychology in Brazil are still in their inception and gradually gaining recognition. However, despite a growing interest in this field of study, the Brazilian literature on this theme is still lacking in breadth and depth, especially regarding clinical interventions following the framework of Positive Psychology.</p>
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Ahmadi, Anas. "Indonesian Short Story Perspective Environmental Psychology: Alternative Research of Psychology Literature". Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature 6, nr 1 (30.06.2019): 33–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.18034/ajhal.v6i1.347.

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In this study, Indonesian short story is explained from the environmental psychology perspective. The core of environmental psychology is human interaction with the environment, from the side of restoration or degradation. This research uses data source from Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2015 [2016]. From this environmental psychology perspective, it is found that Indonesian short stories shows environmental conditions from the unhealthy side, for example the short story of “Anak ini Mau Mengencingi Jakarta?” by Ahmad Tohari. As for the environmental restoration side, it appears in the short story of “Liang Liu” by Utari. Short story of “Batu Lumut Kapas” by Gus TF Sakai tells about the environment and natural stone.
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Ingram, Allan, Christopher Fox, Donald C. Mell, Theodore E. D. Braun, Lucia M. Palmer, Felicity Nussbaum i Laura Brown. "Psychology and Literature in the Eighteenth Century". Modern Language Review 85, nr 2 (kwiecień 1990): 414. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3731830.

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Gross, Gloria Sybil, i Christopher Fox. "Psychology and Literature in the Eighteenth Century." Eighteenth-Century Studies 22, nr 2 (1988): 248. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2738875.

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Ahmadi, Anas. "Study of Criminal Psychology in Indonesian Literature". International Journal of Criminology and Sociology 9 (1.12.2020): 1285——1291. http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.147.

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Bents, Hinrich. "Psychology of male infertility — a literature survey". International Journal of Andrology 8, nr 4 (sierpień 1985): 325–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2605.1985.tb00845.x.

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West, D. W. "Lev Vygotsky's Psychology of Art and Literature". Changing English 6, nr 1 (marzec 1999): 47–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1358684990060105.

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Elliott, Timothy R., i Richard M. Shewchuk. "Sponsored research in the counseling psychology literature". Counselling Psychology Quarterly 12, nr 4 (grudzień 1999): 431–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09515079908254110.

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Kanaan, George K. "Psychology and Financial Decisions: A Literature Assessment". Managerial Finance 19, nr 5 (maj 1993): 1–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eb013720.

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Grant, Lyle. "Psychology and Literature: A Survey of Courses". Teaching of Psychology 14, nr 2 (kwiecień 1987): 86–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1207/s15328023top1402_4.

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A survey of interdisciplinary courses in psychology and literature was taken. College and university catalogs from the United States and Canada were scanned to locate both psychology courses that used literary materials and literature courses in which psychological concepts and theories were taught. Instructors of 135 selected courses were mailed a letter requesting additional information about their courses and syllabi. The survey indicated that most of the courses were taught in literature departments. Psychoanalysis was found to be the dominant theoretical orientation, though a few other perspectives were represented. The syllabi were used to compile a reading list of psychological fiction for teaching and for general interest.
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Regout, Ghislaine T. M. "Music and (narrative) psychology: A literature review". Psychotherapy Section Review 1, nr 65 (2020): 60–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.53841/bpspsr.2020.1.65.60.

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Previous research has shown that music can have a positive influence on mood, and memory, and a positive effect on learning and shaping of identity, as well as the treatment of mood disorders, and dementia, has also been found. Consequently music may be of use during therapy. This review explores these effects and discusses possible implementation of music in various forms of psychotherapy. Consequences for these findings, and possible future research, is discussed.
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Marín, Barbara V. "Community psychology in Cuba: A literature review". Journal of Community Psychology 13, nr 2 (kwiecień 1985): 138–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1520-6629(198504)13:2<138::aid-jcop2290130206>3.0.co;2-w.

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Hanson, David J. "Core Literature of the Two Social Psychologies". Psychological Reports 63, nr 1 (sierpień 1988): 225–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/pr0.1988.63.1.225.

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A comparison is made of the literature cited in common by a sample of sociologically oriented social psychology textbooks and that cited in common by a sample of psychologically oriented social psychology textbooks. Results suggest that, as reflected in these textbooks, sociological social psychology exhibits less agreement upon a core literature, with such literature tending to be older, more provincial, and limited to books.
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Ningdyah, Anrilia E. M., Edward Helmes, Claire Thompson, Garry Kidd i Kenneth Mark Greenwood. "Training Models in Professional Psychology Education (A Literature Review)". ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal 31, nr 4 (25.07.2016): 149–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.24123/aipj.v31i4.574.

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Intense debate on training models used in professional psychology education, including discussion on the specific training models most appropriate for educating future psychologists is far from finished. The authors reviewed articles discussing training models including results of empirical studies in professional psychology programs, which were published in several psychology journals databases (1949 to 2014). The authors have identified (a) the scientist-practitioner; (b) the practitioner model and its derivatives; (c) the clinical-scientist; and (d) the competency-based models. This article also outlines the historical development of each model and a consideration of the main principles espoused by each training model. It seems that discussion on the concept of training models and empirical studies on how these models are used in professional psychology programs outside the context of Western countries, is rare. Thus, this review could serve as a theoretical foundation for the implementation of a study aimed at filling the gap in the discussion of professional psychology program curricula, including the training models used, especially in other contexts than the Western.
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Huang, Yuchen. "A Literature Review of Huaping Girls’ High School in Educational Psychology". International Journal of Education and Humanities 4, nr 3 (27.09.2022): 160–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.54097/ijeh.v4i3.1799.

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It begins by comparing the role of mainstream psychology and critical psychology in pedagogy, where educational psychologists are often combined with neurological disciplines in the development of educational research under the influence of mainstream psychology, while critical psychology maintains a critical perspective in research to challenge existing thinking. Based on the case of Huaping in a girls' high school, the literature from 1990 to 2021 is cited for a literature review in three areas: community psychology, discursive psychology, feminist psychology.
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Pennebaker, James W., i Molly E. Ireland. "Using literature to understand authors". Future of Scientific Studies in Literature 1, nr 1 (23.05.2011): 34–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ssol.1.1.04pen.

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Through computerized text analysis, the psychology of literature is on the threshold of becoming a dominant force in psychology and the social sciences. The ways people use words in their writing and in everyday life reflect people’s social and psychological states. Whereas most text analysis research has focused on the content of people’s writings, the current paper demonstrates that almost-invisible function words can be psychologically relevant as well. Through the analysis of pronouns, prepositions, and other function words used in literature, several studies demonstrate how authors’ emotional states, aging processes, theories of mind, and the nature of their romantic and collaborative relationships are revealed through their words. The function word approach provides a glimpse of the rapidly expanding methods available to psychologists interested in tracking the social and psychological worlds of authors. With the upcoming release of data sets such as Google Books, the analysis of literature will likely serve as a foundational method used in the fields of psychology, linguistics, history, and other areas of the behavioral and social sciences.
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Emir, Badegül Can. "Literature and Psychology in the Context of the Interaction of Social Sciences". Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 19, nr 4 (grudzień 2016): 49–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.5782/2223-2621.2016.19.4.49.

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There is a two-way relationship between literature and psychology coming together on the same intersection at the point of essential people and human behavior. As it is possible to approach literature and to evaluate literary works with the resources of psychology, and of literary sciences, so it is also possible to consider literary works based on psychology and to discover psychological facts in literature. Thus, both psychologists and writers have taken into consideration the relationship between literature and psychology. Studies of the science of psychology directed to literature, literary works and writers that was introduced by Freud continued with other outstanding theorists of psychology such as Adler, Jung, Lacan, From, Reich and Klein. Likewise, writers and literary theorists such as N.Holland, Lev Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Virginia Woolf contributed to the psychology of literature. This paper is an effort to analyze the relationship between literature and psychology considering the wide field which the science of psychology opens for literature.
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Moch. Anas Bachtiar i M. Isa Anshori. "Productivity and Psychology Well". Jurnal Mutiara Ilmu Akuntansi 2, nr 3 (20.06.2024): 50–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.55606/jumia.v2i3.3118.

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Increasing employee work productivity is a major concern for companies. Its decline can be fatal to the company's profits and survival. Therefore, this literature study was made to understand the concept of psychological well-being and how its application can increase employee work productivity. This research uses the literature review method or literature review. This method is systematic, specific, and consistent in conducting in-depth identification of various sources of information. This literature study resulted in findings that the dimensions of psychology and employee productivity have a close relationship and influence each other. A good psychological dimension can increase motivation, focus, creativity, teamwork, and employee job satisfaction, which ultimately has an impact on increasing productivity. Conversely, a bad psychological dimension can reduce all these factors and result in decreased productivity.
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Professor Dr. Rubina Shahnaz,. "The Relationship Between Literature And Psychology: An Overview". Dareecha-e-Tahqeeq 4, nr 3 (30.10.2023): 36–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.58760/dareechaetahqeeq.v4i3.134.

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This research paper delves into the multifaceted relationship between literature and psychology, offering a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between these two seemingly disparate disciplines. Literature, as a creative expression of the human mind, often serves as a profound mirror of psychological phenomena, illuminating the intricacies of human emotions, cognition, and behavior. Conversely, psychology provides valuable insights into the human psyche, enhancing our understanding of the characters and narratives woven into literary works. Through an interdisciplinary lens, this paper explores how literature has influenced the development of psychological theories and therapeutic practices, from Freud's psychoanalysis to the utilization of literature as a therapeutic tool in psychotherapy. Moreover, it investigates how psychological concepts, such as empathy and identity formation, are conveyed and examined in literary works. By illuminating this dynamic relationship, this research advances our comprehension of the profound impact literature and psychology have on each other, shaping our perceptions of the human experience.
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K, Nivetha, Sasirekha P, Bhuvaneshwari K i Raja M. "Psychology in Tamil Folk Songs". Indian Journal of Tamil 3, nr 3 (17.06.2022): 5–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.54392/ijot2232.

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All Tamil literature is a gift given to us by our forefathers. All literature expresses the life values of the people. In this way, folk literature, which is unwritten literature, reflects human feelings. A man expresses his subconscious thoughts and beliefs through folk literature. In folk literature that includes folk songs, folk tales, fables, proverbs, etc., man expresses his life experiences from birth to death. Folk In literature, man expresses his life records from birth to death. In lullabies, events such as a mother's love for her child and making children realise the importance of relatives are important to human life. The way agriculture is expressed in special kummi songs, the subconscious impressions of man through faith in God, the subconscious impressions of man through themangu songs, the expression of male and female relationships through themangu songs, the characteristics of grooms who collect dowry from women through marriage, and indicate social disorders This review article is intended to reveal women lamenting the loss of their mothers in the metaphorical songs that express their characteristics at the end of human life, and women who have lost their husbands are marginalised in society due to their helpless condition.
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Tomaselli, Sylvana. "Essay Review: Studying Eighteenth Century Psychology, Psychology and Literature in the Eighteenth Century". History of Science 29, nr 1 (marzec 1991): 102–4. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/007327539102900105.

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Greif, Jennifer L., i Geoffrey L. Greif. "Including fathers in school psychology literature: A review of four school psychology journals". Psychology in the Schools 41, nr 5 (2004): 575–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pits.10194.

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LOGAN, WILLIAM. "BEYOND PSYCHOLOGY". Essays in Criticism XLIII, nr 1 (1993): 84–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/eic/xliii.1.84.

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Leigh, David J. "Carl Jung’s Archetypal Psychology, Literature, and Ultimate Meaning". Ultimate Reality and Meaning 34, nr 1-2 (marzec 2011): 95–112. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/uram.34.1-2.95.

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Garcês, Soraia, Margarida Pocinho, Saul Neves Jesus i Michael Stephen Rieber. "Positive psychology and tourism: a systematic literature review". Tourism & Management Studies 14, nr 3 (31.07.2018): 41–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.18089/tms.2018.14304.

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Oshima, Hitoshi. "Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain". Center for Asia and Diaspora 5, nr 1 (28.02.2015): 94–103. http://dx.doi.org/10.15519/dcc.2015.

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Bendjelid, Abed. "FIRST RESEARCH II Anthropology, Sociology, Geography, Psychology, Literature". Insaniyat / إنسانيات, nr 29-30 (30.12.2005): 11–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/insaniyat.9385.

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Werth, James L., Karen Kopera-Frye, Dean Blevins i Brian Bossick. "Older Adult Representation in the Counseling Psychology Literature". Counseling Psychologist 31, nr 6 (listopad 2003): 789–814. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0011000003258391.

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The increasing older adult population has implications for the training and practice of counseling psychologists because of the field's avowed dedication to lifespan development. The present study examined the degree to which older adults were represented in articles in the Journal of Counseling Psychology and The Counseling Psychologist from 1991 to 2000. Several issues were examined: age-based characteristics of samples reported, changes in these characteristics over time, whether articles including multiple studies involved older participants, and degree of attention to older adults in theoretical articles. Results are discussed in context of the traditional definition of counseling psychology, what counseling psychologists have to offer older adults, and the implications for the training of counseling psychologists with expertise in older adult issues.
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Jauregui, Inmaculada. "PSYCHOLOGY AND LITERATURE: THE QUESTION OF READING OTHERWISE". International Journal of Psychoanalysis 83, nr 5 (1.10.2002): 1169–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1516/00207570260338647.

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Jauregui, Inmaculada. "Psychology and literature: The question of reading otherwise". International Journal of Psychoanalysis 83, nr 5 (październik 2002): 1169–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1516/842e-00l2-prjx-e26r.

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马, 淑琴. "The Literature Analysis of Community Psychology in China". Advances in Psychology 05, nr 09 (2015): 522–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2015.59067.

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Goldie, Peter. "Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain". British Journal of Aesthetics 45, nr 4 (1.10.2005): 443–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/aesthj/ayi055.

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Leonard, Skipton. "Editor’s column: Developing a literature for consulting psychology." Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 46, nr 1 (1994): 95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0092611.

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Bányai, Fanni, Mark D. Griffiths, Orsolya Király i Zsolt Demetrovics. "The Psychology of Esports: A Systematic Literature Review". Journal of Gambling Studies 35, nr 2 (5.03.2018): 351–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10899-018-9763-1.

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Lai, Yi-Ling, i Stephen Palmer. "Psychology in executive coaching: an integrated literature review". Journal of Work-Applied Management 11, nr 2 (2.09.2019): 143–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jwam-06-2019-0017.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify essential psychological-informed executive coaching approaches that enhance the organisational learning and development process and outcomes through integrating existing research evidence. Since coaching has been widely used in leadership development related areas and previous studies confirmed that this generates positive effects on individual-level learning in the organisational setting. The identified frameworks and influential factors outlined in this paper can serve as explicit guidelines for the organisation and management team when setting selection and evaluation benchmarks for employing executive coaches. Design/methodology/approach An integrated review approach was applied to narratively synthesise 234 (k=234) identified peer-review articles between 1995 and 2018. This review followed a rigorous protocol that the authors consulted ten (n=10) experts in the field. Both qualitative and quantitative psychological-focused research evidence was included in this study. Findings First, certain psychological approaches, such as cognitive behavioural, solution-focused, GROW and strength-based approaches, were highlighted in current research evidence. Second, the essential factors and skills, for instance, building trust, transparency and rapport, and facilitating learning were identified. Third, the main organisational learning and development outcome evaluation methods were outlined in this review, such as the self-efficacy scale, organisational commitment, workplace psychological well-being, 360-degree feedback and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Research limitations/implications It is always challenging to integrate research evidence on coaching because of the diversity of theoretical disciplines upon which coaching interventions draw. Therefore, it is difficult to generate a meta-analytic review which can generate statistical results. This review also reveals room for improvement in the quality of existing coaching evidence in accordance with the criteria for evidence-based management or practice (Briner et al., 2009), such as research methodology and evaluation design. Moreover, there is a lack of evidence on this reflective process which helps professional coaches to ensure the quality of their practice and organisational support. Practical implications This review offers a new perspective on the role psychology plays in the organisational learning and development practices. The identified coaching approaches, influential interpersonal skills and outcome evaluation methods can serve as practical guidelines when applying external coaching to facilitate a better organisational learning and development process and outcome. Originality/value This is the first literature review to focus on contemporary psychological-informed coaching evidence (between 1995 and 2018) in the workplace setting. Despite the rapid growth in demand for professional coaching practitioners (International Coach Federation, 2016), there is a lack of research-informed evidence to overcome the challenges faced by organisations when employing external coaches, such as what selection criteria or evaluation benchmarks to use. This review takes a practical perspective to identify essential body of knowledge and behavioural indicators required for an executive coach to facilitate an effective learning and development outcome.
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Silver, Ann-Louise S. "William James and Gertrude Stein: Psychology Affecting Literature". Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis 24, nr 2 (czerwiec 1996): 321–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1521/jaap.1.1996.24.2.321.

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Eiser, Christine, i Lynn S. Walker. "Cognate Literature Guide Series: Publishing Child Health Psychology". Health Psychology Update 1, nr 26 (grudzień 1996): 3–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.53841/bpshpu.1996.1.26.3.

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Slade, Pauline, i Beth Alder. "Cognate Literature Guide Series: Publishing Women’s Health Psychology". Health Psychology Update 1, nr 29 (wrzesień 1997): 3–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.53841/bpshpu.1997.1.29.3.

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Sangam, S. L. "Obsolescence of literature in the field of psychology". Scientometrics 44, nr 1 (styczeń 1999): 33–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/bf02458476.

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Style APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO itp.
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