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Weis, Monique. Philippe de Marnix et le Saint Empire (1566-1578): Les connexions allemandes d'un porte-parole de la révolte des Pays-Bas. Bruxelles: Société royale d'histoire du protestantisme belge, 2004.

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Bousmanne, Bernard. "Item a Guillaume Wyelant aussi enlumineur": Willem Vrelant : un aspect de l'enluminure dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux sous le mécénat des ducs de Bourgogne Philippe le Bon et Charles le Téméraire. Bruxelles: Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, 1997.

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Ingle, Nina R. A key to the bats of the Philippine Islands. [Chicago, Ill.]: Field Museum of Natural History, 1992.

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R, Reyes Gracianus. The moon and Bai Insiang: And other stories. Quezon City [Philippines]: New Day Publishers, 1989.

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Sicat, Gerardo P. Labor issues of Philippine development during Bals Ople's times. [Philippines: University of the Philippines, School of Economics, 2004.

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Wrigglesworth, Hazel J. Good character and bad character: The Manobo storytelling audience as society's jurors. Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines, 1993.

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Eubanks, Sharon Y. Continuing bad acts. Washington, D.C: American Public Health Association, 2012.

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Ambras, Schlosssammlung, red. Splash!: Das Bad der Philippine Welser : eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien im Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck, 30. März bis 30. Juni 2012. Wien: Schloss Ambras, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2012.

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Hoyt, Edwin Palmer. The men of Gambier Bay: [the amazing true story of the Battle of Leyte Gulf]. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2002.

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Gregorini, Massimo. Paesaggi d'autore in Toscana: Aria|acqua|terra : Baj, Buren, Estoppey, Fabro, Fuchs, Gori, Guasti, haring, Inoue, Karavan, Kounellis, Marangoni, Martini, Mattiacci, Mitoraj, Morris, Nagasawa, Nunzio, Paladino, Paolini, Parmiggiani, Philippe, Saint Phalle. Sonfist, Spoerri, Staccioli, Trafeli, Tufan, Varotsos, Venturi, Zorio. Firenze - Italy: Aska, 2018.

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Behrent, Michael. Corporate Citizenship und strategische Unternehmenskommunikation in der Praxis. München [u.a.]: Hampp, 2003.

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Philippe, II. Correspondance de Philippe Ii Sur les Affaires des Pays-Bas. HardPress, 2020.

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Gachard i Commission Royale d'Histoire. Correspondance de Philippe Ii Sur les Affaires des Pays-Bas... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Gachard i Commission Royale d'Histoire. Correspondance de Philippe Ii Sur les Affaires des Pays-Bas... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2019.

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Histoire de la Révolution des Pays-Bas Sous Philippe II. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Juste, Théodore. Histoire de la Révolution des Pays-Bas Sous Philippe II, Tome II. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Pays-Bas Sous Charles-quint: Vie de Marie de Hongrie, Tirée des Papiers d'état. Introduction a l'histoire des Pays-Bas Sous Philippe Ii... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Namèche, Alexandre Joseph. Le Règne de Philippe II. et la lutte religieuse dans les Pays Bas au XVIe siècle. British Library, Historical Print Editions, 2012.

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Namèche, Alexandre Joseph. Le Règne de Philippe II. et la lutte religieuse dans les Pays Bas au XVIe siècle. British Library, Historical Print Editions, 2012.

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Lectures d'une œuvre Philippe Jaccottet: Cinq recueils, l'Effraie, l'Ignorant, Leçons, Chants d'en bas, A la lumière d'hiver. Nantes: Editions du Temps, 2003.

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Gossart, Ernest Édouard 1837-1919. Espagnols et Flamands Au 16e Siécle: La Domination Espagnole Dans les Pays-Bas à la Fin du Règne de Philippe II. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Gossart, Ernest Édouard. Espagnols et Flamands Au Xvie Siècle: La Domination Espagnole Dans les Pays Bas À la Fin du Règne de Philippe II. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Anonyma. Relations Politiques Des Pay-bas Et De L'angleterre, Sous Le Règne De Philippe Ii, Publ. Par Le Baron Kervyn De Lettenhove .... Nabu Press, 2012.

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Gossart, Ernest Édouard 1837-1919. Espagnols et Flamands Au 16e Siécle: La Domination Espagnole Dans les Pays-Bas à la Fin du Règne de Philippe II. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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La Guerre, Le Prince Et Ses Sujets: Les Finances Des Pays-bas Bourguignons Sous les regnes de Marie de Bourgogne et de Philippe le Beau,. Brepols Pub, 2019.

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Relations Politiques Des Pays-Bas Et De L'angleterre, Sous Le Règne De Philippe II, Vol. 8: Gouvernement De Requesens; Seconde Partie; Le Conseil ... 1575-1er Novembre 1576). Forgotten Books, 2018.

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II, Philip. Correspondance de Philippe II, sur les Affaires des Pays-Bas, Vol. 5: Publiée d'Après les Originaux Conservés dans les Archives Royales de Simancas; ... Et d'un Rapport À M. Le Min (French Edition). Forgotten Books, 2017.

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), II, i Felipe (españa. Correspondance de Philippe Ii Sur les Affaires des Pays-Bas : Publ. d'après les Originaux Conservés Dans les Archives Royales de Simancas: Précedée d'une Notice Historique et Descriptive de Ce Célèbre dép Ot ... ... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas, et du Comté de Bourgogne... Depuis le Régne de Philippe le Bon... Jusqu'a la Mort de l'empereur Charles Vi. Pcraportées Par Ordre Chronologieque, Par M. D. **** S. D. H. **; Volume 5. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Vegiano, De. Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas, et du Comté de Bourgogne... Depuis le Régne de Philippe le Bon... Jusqu'a la Mort de l'empereur Charles Vi. Pcraportées Par Ordre Chronologieque, Par M. D. **** S. D. H. **; Volume 5. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Vegiano, De. Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas, et du Comté de Bourgogne... Depuis le Régne de Philippe le Bon... Jusqu'a la Mort de l'empereur Charles Vi. Pcraportées Par Ordre Chronologieque, Par M. D. **** S. D. H. **; Volume 5. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Vegiano, De. Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas, et du Comté de Bourgogne... Depuis le Régne de Philippe le Bon... Jusqu'a la Mort de l'empereur Charles Vi. Pcraportées Par Ordre Chronologieque, Par M. D. **** S. D. H. **: 1555-1614. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Vegiano, De. Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas, et du Comté de Bourgogne... Depuis le Régne de Philippe le Bon... Jusqu'a la Mort de l'empereur Charles Vi. Pcraportées Par Ordre Chronologieque, Par M. D. **** S. D. H. **: 1555-1614. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas, et du Comté de Bourgogne... Depuis le Régne de Philippe le Bon... Jusqu'a la Mort de l'empereur Charles Vi. Pcraportées Par Ordre Chronologieque, Par M. D. **** S. D. H. **: 1555-1614. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Delewarde, Michel. Histoire Generale du Hainau: Contenant les Choses les Plus Remarquables Arrivées Dans les Pais-Bas, Depuis le Regne de Thomas de de Savoye, l'an 1246. Jusqu'à la Mort de Philippe de Brabant, l'an 1430, Volume 4... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Abraham, Markus, Jan Christoph Bublitz, Julia Geneuss, Paul Krell i Kilian Wegner, red. Verletzte im Strafrecht. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/9783845296197.

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Vom 28. bis 30. März 2019 befasste sich das an der rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Hamburg und an der Bucerius Law School abgehaltene 7. Symposium des Jungen Strafrechts mit dem Querschnittsthema „Verletzte im Strafrecht“. Die Spanne der nun vorliegenden Tagungsbeiträge reicht von einer grundlegenden Untersuchung der strafrechtsdogmatischen Stellung des Verletzen über Fragen aus dem allgemeinen Teil des Strafrechts, etwa das Verhältnis von subjektiven Tätervorstellungen und objektivem Opferschutz bei Rücktritt und tätiger Reue betreffend, bis hin zu prozessrechtlichen Themen wie zum Beispiel der Opferbeteiligung bei Verfahren vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof, der Akteneinsicht des Verletzten sowie der Beteiligung des Verletzten bei den praktisch so bedeutsamen verfahrensbeendenden Absprachen. Zudem hat Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jan Philipp Reemtsma dem Band seinen auf dem Symposium gehaltenen Eröffnungsvortrag zum Thema „Täterstrafrecht und der Anspruch des Opfers auf Beachtung“ beigegeben. Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Oliver Harry Gerson, Dr. Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Dr. Amina Hoppe, Dr. Constantin Lauterwein, Dr. Gurgen Petrossian, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Dr. Felix Ruppert, Pauline Schmitt, Dr. Lukas Staffler, Dr. Georgia Stefanopoulou
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Forsaken lives: The harmful impact of the Philippine criminal abortion ban. New York, NY: Center for Reproductive Rights., 2010.

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Drelichman, Mauricio, i Hans-Joachim Voth. Prologue. Princeton University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.23943/princeton/9780691151496.003.0001.

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This prologue provides an overview of state debts and sovereign default in the sixteenth century, looking in particular at Philip II's defaults. The debts and defaults of Philip II suggest that there is another way for financing government borrowing: prearranged reduction in what a government owes and has to pay to creditors in bad times. Indeed, lenders agreed to forego interest or extend the maturity of loans if the king experienced a bad shock. This system exhibited remarkable stability, bringing essentially the same banking dynasties together with the monarch for over half a century, providing financing and insurance. Another remarkable feature of the debt issuance system evolved by Philip II and his financiers is the stability of the banking institutions, the main innovation of which was an effective “risk transfer” mechanism.
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Alexander, Philip. Home and Small Business Guide to Protecting Your Computer Network, Electronic Assets, and Privacy. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9798400666087.

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In the news on a daily basis are reports of lost or stolen computer data, hacker successes, identity thefts, virus and spyware problems, and network incursions of various kinds. Many people, especially nonprofessional administrators of home or small business networks, feel helpless. In this book, technical security expert Philip Alexander explains in layman's terms how to keep networks and individual computers safe from the bad guys. In presenting solutions to these problems and many others, the book is a lifeline to those who know their computer systems are vulnerable to smart thieves and hackers—not to mention tech-savvy kids or employees who are swapping music files, stealing software, or otherwise making a mockery of the word security. In his job protecting data and combating financial fraud, Philip Alexander knows well which power tools are required to keep hackers and thieves at bay. With his gift for putting technical solutions in everyday language, Alexander helps readers with home and/or small business networks protect their data, their identities, and their privacy using the latest techniques. In addition, readers will learn how to protect PDAs and smartphones, how to make hardware thefts more unlikely, how to sniff out scammers and the motives of offshore tech support personnel who ask too many questions, and how to keep personal information safer when shopping over the Internet or telephone.
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Sikka, Prem. Corporate Governance and Family-owned Companies. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198805274.003.0005.

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It is often claimed that the ownership structure and the close involvement of family members alleviates agency problems and gives them a long-term orientation compared to a corporation with dispersed shareholding and control. Through a case study relating to the demise of BHS, one of the biggest UK retailers, the chapter probes these claims. BHS was an epitome of shareholder capitalism. It was owned and controlled by Sir Philip Green and his family. The control enabled the Green family to extract large amounts of cash from BHS through dividends and complex intragroup transactions, with virtually no questions from board members, regulators or auditors. The flawed corporate governance of BHS inflicted considerable hardship on other stakeholders. The demise of BHS should encourage reflections on the claims (agency theory) that an alignment of the interests of shareholders and directors somehow leads to better governance and socially responsible management.
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Young, Louis Stanley. The Life And Heroic Deeds Of Admiral Dewey. Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2007.

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Young, Louis Stanley. Life And Heroic Deeds of Admiral Dewey. Kessinger Publishing, 2005.

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Wiseman, Rachael. Moral Philosophy. Redaktor Anthony O'Hear. Cambridge University Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781009109413.

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What is moral philosophy? That is the question with which this important volume grapples. Its starting point is the famous critique made in 1958 by Elizabeth Anscombe, who argued that moral philosophy begins from a mistake: that it is fundamentally wrong about the sort of concept that the word 'moral' represents. Anscombe rejected moral philosophy as it was then (and mostly now still is) practised. She offered instead a blueprint for the task moral philosophers must embrace if they are to speak intelligibly to society about good and bad, right and wrong, duty and obligation. The chapters in this book are inspired by Anscombe's classic text. One of the most powerful voices here, among many authoritative voices, is that of Philippa Foot – Anscombe's lifelong friend – who asserts that 'any account of practical reason evacuated of an understanding of what human beings need to flourish is inadequate and must be rejected.'
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Wildest Alaska: Journeys of Great Peril in Lituya Bay. University of California Press, 2003.

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Wildest Alaska: Journeys of great peril in Lituya Bay. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

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La confession de foy des eglises reformées des Païs-Bas, représentée en deux colomnes, l'une portant la confession ancienne [by Guy de Brès]: Et l'autre, la revision qui en été faite au synode national de Dordrecht, l'an 1619. Avec le jugement du dit synode sur les 5. articles & la discipline ecclesiastique; et une préface sur l'histoire de la dite confession, ou est jointe la lettre écrite à Philippe II Roy d'Espagne. Le tout publié par ordre du Synode des Eglises Walonnes, tenu à Leyden le 14. Septemb. 1667. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street Press, 2002.

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Howell, Philip. Pub. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2025. https://doi.org/10.5040/9798765102343.

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Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things. The pub is an English institution. Yet its history has been obscured by myth and nostalgia. In this unique book, Philip Howell takes the public house as an object, or rather as a series of objects: he takes the pub apart and examines its constituent elements, from pub signs to the bar staff to the calling of “time.” ButPubalso explores the hidden features of the pub, such as corporate control, cultural acceptance and exclusion, and the role of the pub in communities.
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Smith, Tony. Democracy in the Philippines. Princeton University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.23943/princeton/9780691154923.003.0002.

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This chapter examines the dynamic of American imperialism in the Philippines since 1898 and the role played by the United States in determining the values, practices, and institutions that constitute democracy in the islands today. It first explains why the United States decided to sponsor democracy in the Philippines after defeating Spain in the Battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 1898. It then considers the political and socioeconomic dimensions of the United States' democratization of the Philippines, focusing on its introduction of the trappings of modern government such as political parties, elections, and the rise of a Filipino landed class whose wealth was based on the production of export commodities. It also discusses the negative effects of a landowning oligarchy on Philippine democracy and concludes with an assessment of the reasons why General Douglas MacArthur did not mandate land reform for the Philippines.
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Drelichman, Mauricio, i Hans-Joachim Voth. Lending to the Borrower from Hell. Princeton University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.23943/princeton/9780691151496.001.0001.

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Why do lenders time and again loan money to sovereign borrowers who promptly go bankrupt? When can this type of lending work? As the United States and many European nations struggle with mountains of debt, historical precedents can offer valuable insights. This book looks at one famous case—the debts and defaults of Philip II of Spain. Ruling over one of the largest and most powerful empires in history, King Philip defaulted four times. Yet he never lost access to capital markets and could borrow again within a year or two of each default. Exploring the shrewd reasoning of the lenders who continued to offer money, the book analyzes the lessons from this historical example. Using detailed new evidence collected from sixteenth-century archives, the book examines the incentives and returns of lenders. It provides powerful evidence that in the right situations, lenders not only survive despite defaults—they thrive. It also demonstrates that debt markets cope well, despite massive fluctuations in expenditure and revenue, when lending functions like insurance. The book unearths unique sixteenth-century loan contracts that offered highly effective risk sharing between the king and his lenders, with payment obligations reduced in bad times. A fascinating story of finance and empire, this book offers an intelligent model for keeping economies safe in times of sovereign debt crises and defaults.
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Delewarde, Michel. Histoire Generale du Hainau: Contenant les Choses les Plus Remarquables Arrivées Dans les Pais-Bas, Depuis la Mort de Philippes de Brabant, an 1430. Jusques À la Mort de Charles-quint, Arrivée l'an 1555; Volume 5. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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