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Provder, Theodore, red. Particle Size Distribution. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bk-1987-0332.

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Provder, Theodore, red. Particle Size Distribution III. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bk-1998-0693.

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Provder, Theodore, red. Particle Size Distribution II. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1991. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bk-1991-0472.

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1939-, Provder Theodore, American Chemical Society. Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering. i American Chemical Society Meeting, red. Particle size distribution III: Assessment and characterization. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1998.

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1939-, Provder Theodore, American Chemical Society. Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering. i American Chemical Society Meeting, red. Particle size distribution: Assessment and characterization. Washington, D.C: American Chemical Society, 1987.

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1939-, Provder Theodore, American Chemical Society. Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering. i American Chemical Society Meeting, red. Particle size distribution II: Assessment and characterization. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1991.

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Etkin, Bernard. Research on an aerodynamic particle separator (the EPS). Downsview, Ont: Institute for Aerospace Studies, 1986.

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Etkin, Bernard. Research on an aerodynamic particle separator (the EPS). [S.l.]: Hemisphere Publishing Corp, 1988.

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Rosbury, Keith D. Generalized particle size distribution for use in preparing size specific particulate emission inventories. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 1986.

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Koskinen, Jukka Tapio. Use of population balances and particle size distribution analysis to study particulate processes affected by simultaneous mass and heat transfer an nonuniform flow conditions. Lappeenranta: Lappeenranta University of Technology, 1993.

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Center, Langley Research, red. Drop size distributions and related properties of fog for five locations measured from aircraft. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1994.

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S, Ray C., i United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., red. Non-isothermal calorimetric studies of the crystallization of lithium disilicate glass. Wyd. 2. [Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1996.

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Center, Lewis Research, red. Characterization of simulated small-droplet fuel sprays. [Cleveland, Ohio: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, 1986.

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Huggins, Charles W. Particle size distribution of quartz and other respirable dust particles collected at metal mines, nonmetal mines, and processing plants. Pittsburgh, Pa: U.S. Dept. Of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1986.

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P, Lodge James, Chan T. L i American Industrial Hygiene Association, red. Cascade impactor: Sampling & data analysis. Akron, OH: American Industrial Hygiene Association, 1986.

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Barnard, Keith. Standpipe to determine permeability, dissolved oxygen, and vertical particle size distribution in salmonid spawning gravels. Eureka, CA]: USDA Forest Service, 1994.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. i United States. Federal Aviation Administration., red. Droplet sizing instrumentation used for icing research: Operation, calibration, and accuracy. [Washington, D.C.?]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1989.

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Brennan, William Dennis. The effects of nozzle geometry on particle size distribution in a small two dimensional rocket motor. Monterey, Calif: Naval Postgraduate School, 1989.

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F, Ferraris Chiara, i National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.), red. Analysis of the ASTM round-robin test on particle size distribution of Portland cement: Phase 2. [Gaithersburg, MD]: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2002.

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Center, Lewis Research, red. Criteria for significance of simultaneous presence of both condensible vapors and aerosol particles on mass transfer (deposition) rates. [Cleveland, Ohio: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, 1986.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., red. Plume particle collection and sizing from static firing of solid rocket motors. [Washington, D.C: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., red. Plume particle collection and sizing from static firing of solid rocket motors. [Washington, D.C: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., red. Final technical report on NCC 2-666: Counting particles emitted by stratospheric aircraft and measuring size of particles emitted by stratospheric aircraft, report covering time period 01 May 1990 to 31 December 1992. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1994.

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Lowe, James Andrew. The impact of in-stream gravel mining on the particle size distribution of a gravel bed stream. Louisville, KY: Speed Scientific School, University of Louisville, 1999.

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Qingyuan, Han, i United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., red. Comparison of ice cloud particle sizes retrieved from satellite data derived from in situ measurements. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1997.

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Taggart, Errol L. Particle size distribution, pH and soil moisture content gradients on Inco CD tailings area in Copper Cliff, Ontario. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University, Department of Biology, 1996.

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R, Stabenau Erik, Eadie Brian J i Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, red. Particle size distribution and concentration of total suspended matter in southern Lake Michigan, January 28-February 10, 1998. Ann Arbor, Mich: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research Laboratories, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 1998.

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Scott, C. J. Investigation of the particle size distribution of ibuprofen in both solid and suspension formswith the Galai Computerised Inspection System. Wolverhampton: University of Wolverhampton, 1994.

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I, Suh Kwang, i United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., red. Sizing of colloidal particles and protein molecules in a hanging fluid drop. [Washington, D.C.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.

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W, Emmett William, i Geological Survey (U.S.), red. Data that describe at-a-point temporal variations in the transport rate and particle-size distribution of bedload, East Fork River, Wyoming, and Fall River, Colorado. Denver, Colo: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1990.

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W, Emmett William, i Geological Survey (U.S.), red. Data that describe at-a-point temporal variations in the transport rate and particle-size distribution of bedload, East Fork River, Wyoming, and Fall River, Colorado. Denver, Colo: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1990.

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W, Emmett William, i Geological Survey (U.S.), red. Data that describe at-a-point temporal variations in the transport rate and particle-size distribution of bedload, East Fork River, Wyoming, and Fall River, Colorado. Denver, Colo: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1990.

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W, Emmett William, i Geological Survey (U.S.), red. Data that describe at-a-point temporal variations in the transport rate and particle-size distribution of bedload, East Fork River, Wyoming, and Fall River, Colorado. Denver, Colo: Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1990.

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Praptoriadi, Gatot. Particle size distributions of aerosols generated in the hydriding of uranium. Ottawa: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1992.

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Manfredi, Mark S. Computer simulation of random and non-random second-phase particle distributions for both constant and varying particle size. Monterey, Calif: Naval Postgraduate School, 1992.

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Bunte, Kristin. Sampling surface and subsurface particle-size distributions in wadable gravel- and cobble-bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics, and streambed monitoring. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2001.

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Bunte, Kristin. Sampling surface and subsurface particle-size distributions in wadable gravel- and cobble-bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics, and streambed monitoring. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2001.

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Bunte, Kristin. Sampling surface and subsurface particle-size distributions in wadable gravel- and cobble-bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics, and streambed monitoring. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2001.

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author, Queen Bryan Scott, i Hydraulics Laboratory (U.S.), red. Particle size distributions of bed sediments along the thalweg of the Mississippi River, Cairo, Illinois, to head of passes, September 1989: Report 7. Vicksburg, MS: US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulics Laboratory, 1992.

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Pak, Hasong. Optical dynamics experiment (ODEX) data report R/V Acania Expedition of 10 Oct thru 17 Nov 1982: Volume 2: particle size distributions, volume 6: scalar spectral-radiometer data. Corvallis, Or: College of Oceanography, Oregon State University, 1986.

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Scott, Queen Bryan, United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Lower Mississippi Valley Division i Hydraulics Laboratory (U.S.), red. Particle size distributions of bed sediments along the thalweg of the Mississippi River, Cairo, Illinois, to Head of Passes, September 1989: Potomology Program (P-1), report 7 / prepared by Carl F. Nordin and Bryan Scott Queen ; US Army Corps of Engineers, Lower Mississippi Valley Division. Vicksburg, MS: Hydraulics Laboratory, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 1992.

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Darley, A. D. Particle size distribution effects in chocolate processing. Bradford, 1987.

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Test No. 125: Nanomaterial Particle Size and Size Distribution of Nanomaterials. OECD, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/af5f9bda-en.

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Provder, Theodore. Particle Size Distribution: Assessment and Characterization (Acs Symposium Series). Amer Chemical Society, 1987.

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Provder, Theodore. Particle Size Distribution II: Assessment and Characterization (Acs Symposium Series). An American Chemical Society Publication, 1991.

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Provder, Theodore. Particle Size Distribution III: Assessment and Characterization (Acs Symposium Series). An American Chemical Society Publication, 1998.

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Chromium Concentration Bias in the Particle Size Distribution of Primer Overspray. Storming Media, 2000.

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Particle size distribution in the exhaust of diesel and gasoline engines. Warrendale, Pa: Society of Automotive Engineers, 2000.

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Aiha. 196-Si-94 Particle Sampling Using Cascade Impactors:. American Industrial Hygiene Association, 1994.

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Particle sampling using cascade impactors: Some practical application issues. Fairfax, Va: American Industrial Hygiene Association, 1995.

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